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mackfabray · 8 months ago
Need To Know | Self-Para
who: Mack Fabray when: June 24th what: Mack decides to go looking for information on their birth father warnings: brief mention of death
Mack wasn’t sure what they were expecting to find when they decided to go looking for information on their birth father. Sure, they’d been curious over the years, the vague memories of the man and their mother’s general taste in men, meant that they had an idea of what he was like, but they couldn’t say they knew him, and they weren’t sure they wanted to. However, it was hard to ignore that by being back in this part of Pennsylvania they were presented with a possibility of finding him and getting important medical history. If only for Xander’s sake. He was a healthy kid, but knowing a complete family medical history would be beneficial for Ned and Emily when it came to caring for him. So, they went searching.
In their search, they learned a number of things relatively easily. He was from Bearcreek, he’d been married, and he was now deceased. Which, so much for getting medical history from him. However, he did have children. One of whom happened to be older than Mack. Meaning that Mack was confirmed to be an affair child, but worse than that, the man had managed to keep such hidden from his wife, presumably until the day he died.
Something about knowing he was dead hurt. They hadn’t gone looking for any other reason than to get medical history, but knowing they wouldn’t ever be able to see him, to ask other questions, it hurt. They could never ask if he’d gotten the call when their mother lost custody. Could never ask why the pair had split in the first place. Yes, it was an affair, but it had lasted for years before suddenly it was over and Mack would never get those answers. Because the one person who might be willing to tell them was dead.
The ensuing breakdown over this knowledge lasted far longer than Mack would have liked to admit. But, eventually, they calmed down enough to return to their research. They needed to find at least one of his other children, one of their siblings. Because they needed that medical history and… Well, maybe meeting a sibling wouldn’t be the end of the world. It could be, but they had to try, for Xander.
Quinn Fabray. She’d been easy enough to locate online and after a bunch of debating, writing and re-writing of their message, they finally hit send. It wasn’t the best message and they weren’t sure she’d even answer, but they could at least say that they tried.
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gongyussy · 2 months ago
good thing from jp twitter this week is queen of old man yaoi michiru sonoo discovering the term old man yaoi
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update: somehow it got impossibly more wholesome
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quick translation: おかえり: welcome home あ 終わった 終わった: ahhh, it's over! it's done! コーヒー? お茶?: coffee? tea? コ~ヒ~ ありがと: coffee, thank you~ ネクタイレア★★ ネクタイ取るレア★★★★: seeing him with a tie on, rarity level ★★, seeing him take a tie off, rarity level ★★★★ にあうな~: it suits him~
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also please do follow: AraigumaSha: sensei's twitter account marureviere: maru, who does such valuable work highlighting bl manga for an international audience
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kitstark · 4 months ago
me and you, and you and me, Just us, and a bottle of mead ⇌ kitana
WHO: Kit Stark & Santana Lopez @psusantana
WHERE: Santana's House
WHEN: Friday, September 27th
WHY: Kit takes Santana her mead and gets invited in for a drink.
NOTES: sorta unfinished
Kit Stark
Kit stared at the bag in their passenger seat. The one that contained not only the bottles of mead they told Santana they'd bring, but also a box of chocolates. Chocolates that Kit themself wasn't particularly fond of, but Santana was. They'd tossed them in their grocery order without even thinking. And sure, they could probably find someone else who liked them, but that would be effort they didn't feel like using. So, they'd put it in the bag with the mead and were simply going to hope she didn't notice until they'd made their escape. Wasn't likely, mind you, but they could hope. There was also a letter folded and taped to one of the bottles. Kit had found it in their pocket after therapy, having not come back to the front until well after. It was an exchange between Guardian and Katie, from what Kit could gather, that ended in the approval for getting the shark plush restored, as long as the integrity of its current state was maintained. Katie having been fronting probably explained more about Kit's mental status lately than anything else, because the whole system felt her, but Kit more than anyone else. They'd need to ask how their therapist had gotten her to front, eventually.
With a sigh, they grabbed the bag and climbed out of their car, having been sat in Santana's driveway for maybe a little longer than they should have, and made their way up to her door. They knocked, rocking back on their heels, free hand finding the length of rope closest to the hem of their shirt and running their fingers along it.
santana lopez.
With most of her day having been less hectic than usual, Santana had left the office early and come home to just relax, which was why she was in a crop top and shorts. Once Kit had offered to come over with the mead, she considered changing into something more appropriate but then again, they had seen her in much less so why should she? She knew she was hot and so did everyone else, so she figured Kit wouldn't mind it. She'd been scrolling through social media to pass the time until she heard the knock at the door, and she tossed her phone aside as she hopped up and walked over to peel the door open. Of course they'd show up with a bag full, which was probably both a good and bad thing, but she didn't care either way. "Hey." She stated, deciding not to size them up or glance over their appearance and commenting on it. She was trying to be better about who she judged and called out for one thing or another, and with Kit's current state, Santana wanted to stop giving them hell. A little, anyways.
Widening the door, she motioned for them to come in. "I know you're dumping them off because you have too much, but you're not leaving here without at least keeping me company for one drink." She decided, and she wasn't taking no for an answer, as usual.
Kit Stark
Kit smiled slightly when Santana opened the door. She was dressed comfortable, not that they could blame her. They were personally wearing a slightly oversized shirt and a pair of shorts, just something that would cover the rope they wore under their clothes. They'd used shibari for years as a way to manage anxiety that they ignored they had. So when they'd had the urge to scream, they'd elected to try that again. It had worked, but it had taken infinitely longer to get right because of the deliveries. Had not been their best idea, but they'd managed it.
When she opened the door and motioned for them to come in they simply nodded and did just that. They weren't sure why they didn't argue, but they knew she probably wouldn't take no for an answer. Or maybe they just didn't care that it was probably a bad idea. Whatever the reasoning was, they simply moved into her home, immediately heading towards the kitchen.
santana lopez.
Santana shut the door once they came inside, and while semi-holding her ex hostage for a drink wasn't the worst idea she'd ever had, she was sure that it wasn't very smart either. In fact, it was probably pretty fucking dumb of her to do such a thing, yet she was sure that she had a habit of being dumb around people she felt things for. She wasn't even entirely sure what she felt for Kit these days, but she did know that she wasn't mad about spending time with them. Heading fro the kitchen behind them, she hummed. "Are you Kit right now? Or..you know, who's fronting this time?" She asked curiously, mostly so she knew how to approach whoever she'd have the pleasure (or displeasure) of dealing with for the time being.
Kit Stark
"Kit. Though I think Guardian is lurking." Kit explained as they reached the kitchen, setting the bag on the counter and pulling out a bottle. They'd kept the individual bottles for themself, so just had the larger bottles to give to people. This wasn't the bottle with the note, they'd leave that for her to find. "I grabbed a couple of the more elaborate meads for you, that you either have had and liked or that fit a similar profile. That way I know you're getting the most out of it." Everyone else was bound to just get whatever Kit tossed in a bag for them, but they'd spent time selecting ones that Santana would appreciate, because they knew her taste.
santana lopez.
Raising a brow at that answer, Santana shrugged. "Does that mean something's wrong if Guardian is lurking?" Not that she wasn't opposed to Guardian coming out to play at all, but she'd rather know just how lightly she needed to tread here so she didn't do anything to force Guardian to the front. Watching them pull out a bottle, she was about to ask if she would like this one or not until they took care of explaining it, and she had to duck her head a little to hide the fact that she was blushing now. Although they were on better terms now, she still found herself smitten over the idea of Kit still doing even the little things for her. "You didn't have to do that, Kit." She whined, pulling herself back together before glancing up at them again. "But thank you. I appreciate that. And as much as I would love for you to actually drink this with me, do you want some water? Tea? Soda?"
Kit Stark
"Not necessarily? But given how earlier today went…" Kit shrugged. They still weren't sure what had set off their need to scream, so it could really go any direction. Not that they thought that was why Guardian was lurking, but still. They smirked at the way she ducked her head, how she whined that they didn't need to do that. "Yes I did. You'd have whined at me if I'd given you something you didn't like." They pointed out. "And you're welcome. As for me drinking, while the concern is appreciated, one drink won't kill me." They set the bottle on the counter and went about grabbing glasses for them. "A few of them are better chilled, but they're labeled, the rest are fine, or even better, at room temp."
santana lopez.
"Is everything okay?" Santana questioned, though she wasn't sure that was even an appropriate response. "Sorry, you don't have to..answer that." She quickly corrected, deciding she didn't want to upset them or come off as if she were pushing them to talk about whatever was going on if they didn't want to. When they clarified that she would have whined if they hadn't gone out of their way to pick out ones she liked, she shrugged nonchalantly. "You're not wrong, so thank you for making sure not to disappoint me." She teased. Kit still knowing their way around her kitchen would have made her smile if she hadn't instead started thinking about how she'd once longed to see them back in her space like this. "Yeah, one drink it is." She stated as she started to look through the box, wanting to find the ones that were labeled as needing to be chilled, when she spotted a note, and the chocolates. "Hey Kit, what are these?" She asked as she held them both up.
Kit Stark
"Uh, don't know. The whole wanting to scream thing is still confusing as to where the feelings came from, but presumably there is some kind of reasoning I'm just not privy to." Kit shrugged. They still weren't sure they'd ever figure out that whole thing. Some alters fed into them emotionally more than others. It could just as easily been remnants of whatever happened between Katie and Guardian in therapy for all Kit knew, or something up with Paras. "As if I don't know better." They stuck out their tongue at her teasing. They were in the middle of pouring the drinks when Santana spoke. They bit their lip at seeing what she held up. "The note is from Guardian, and sort of from Katie. The chocolates… dunno, was going through my groceries and I'd bought them." They shrugged, quickly turning back to the task at hand, knowing all too well a faint pink had taken to their cheeks and was quickly making its way up to the tips of their ears.
santana lopez.
Nodding, Santana figured she should drop her line of questioning there since Kit wasn't even sure where the urge to scream came from. As long as they got it out of their system, hopefully anyways, she wasn't going to keep prying. Not about that, anyways. She jokingly rolled her eyes as they stuck their tongue out at her, and she was slowly accepting that them returning to their old banter was just…a habit now. Eyeing the note first, she put it aside again before honing in on the chocolate. "So you were getting your own groceries and somehow, my favorite brand of chocolate just jumped out at you and you had to get them?" Santana asked. "One could say that you doing this meant that you were thinking about me, enough to buy these anyways, and then we knew you'd have to get them to me somehow, so did you just want another excuse to see me?"
Kit Stark
"You act like this was some elaborate plan, but no, it wasn't. And I don't particularly know when I grabbed them, or even if it was me who grabbed them. I disconnect a lot when I'm shopping, which is why I usually order them for delivery but sometimes you just end up in a store anyway." They shrugged. Not that she was wrong about them thinking about her, because they were. In sometimes frustrating amounts, but they weren't necessarily going to admit that to her, at least not sober. There was just some power they didn't need to hand her or she'd become unruly which would, admittedly, only fuel things further for them. "So no, I did not actively plan any of this." They knew the red was only growing brighter on their skin, but they were trying not to focus on that.
santana lopez.
Santana was barely even listening to Kit's explanation as she grabbed the bottle they'd taken out and poured them both a glass. She didn't care how they spun it, what mattered was that they'd been thinking about her enough to purchase the damn chocolate. She never fed into the details much anyways, so her mind only wanted to focus on that part. Letting them speak up again, she noticed the red tint to their flesh and sighed. "I was kidding, Kit." She whined as she held a glass out to them. "But thank you. I've been meaning to go and get some myself and just never have the time, so this is great." She hummed, grabbed in her own glass and taking a sip of it. "But for the record, you can and should think about me all the time."
Kit Stark
Kit rolled their eyes as she whined at them, taking the glass she held out. "Uh huh, sure." They knew she probably hadn't been listening too closely, if at all, she was a brat like that. Which made the reassurance feel like teasing. Not that Kit minded. "You need to take more time for yourself. The little things." They pointed out as they took a sip from their glass, all too aware she probably wouldn't. Kit had been responsible for those things when they'd been dating. The little treats, the reminders to take a little time. They missed that most. Having someone to spoil. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
santana lopez.
Santana drank some more mead from her glass as she tried not to be too much of a brat, though it wasn't exactly something she could control around Kit. She knew how to get things out of them by being a brat, and she liked using it to her advantage sometimes. She did listen to them repeat advice they'd tried to hammer into her more than once, which never stuck, but at least Kit used to go out of their way to try and make it stick anyways. It had been little things like that, simple things to help her be better, that she'd been desperate to have back. "Between work, teaching, and now spending time with my daughter, me time is very limited. Actually, it's almost nonexistent." Santana confessed before she drank some more. "And yes, I would like that. I always like when you're thinking about me."
Kit Stark
"So you inserted me into it?" Kit asked, raising an eyebrow. Were they surprised? No, not at all. Did it make her ridiculous? Yes, yes it did. They shook their head with a click of their tongue and a sip of their drink. "You like when anyone thinks about you." They pointed out, even if they knew that Santana knew, that the way they thought about her was probably different to how most did. There was no denying that.
santana lopez.
"Sorta?" Santana responded, though she wasn't entirely sure it was planned or anything. She'd simply just asked for the mead and hadn't intentionally planned on having them come over tonight, and she hadn't planned on forcing them to stay for a drink either — she sort of just decided that when they arrived. Grinning as another truth was pointed out, she nodded in agreement. "Well yes, I do like being the main thought in someone's brain, but especially yours." She teased, chugging down some more of the mead before she sat the glass back down. "And maybe, just maybe, I miss spending time with you."
Kit Stark
Kit hummed a bit. They didn't think she'd necessarily planned this, but it couldn't entirely be ignored that it was a certain kind of choice on her part. They rolled their eyes. "Of course you do." Though they couldn't help but smile when she said she missed them. "I miss spending time with you too, no maybe about it."
santana lopez.
Santana rolled her own eyes when Kit did it, and while she could have been more of a brat, she decided against it…for now. Luckily that changed once they clearly liked her confessing that she'd missed them. "I know you have a lot going on in your head right now, but if the rest of you agrees with it, we should start spending more time together." She suggested, and while part of her wanted to kick her for suggesting such, it wasn't like she didn't want it. "I promise I won't always be a brat, but then again, you always did like it so maybe I will be one."
Kit Stark
Kit chuckled, leaning against the counter as she spoke. "I don't think there should be much objection to spending time with you, maybe to you being a brat, but not to spending time with you." Not that her being a brat would ever be a deterrence. Kit did like her when she was being bratty. Liked her all the time, really, but especially when she was being a brat.
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andyholliday · 6 months ago
haven't seen you since who knows when || andy & morgan
WHO: Andy Pierce & Morgan Weson @morgan-weston
WHERE: bar in Helena, MO
WHEN: Sometime in 2019, after 7pm
WHY: A normal day at work leads to a meet up in a bar that neither Andy nor Morgan saw coming
OTHER: this is being posted incomplete due to a lot of information now being outdated. Also, to keep character related continuity, she/her pronouns are used exclusively for Andy.
Andy had wondered if the man who she'd helped that afternoon was the same Morgan Weston she'd once called her best friend. And a quick glance at a chart dating back to his childhood was all the confirmation she'd needed. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her clearly trying to place her in his memories. He'd never been the brightest and she'd realized after coming back that a lot of people thought Neal Dixon had murdered his daughter when he'd murdered his wife, so she'd started going by Drea at work, just to maybe distance herself further from her past in this down. So it was no surprise he couldn't connect the baby faced nurse with the pin straight black hair to the curly haired girl he'd known. So, she'd set the bait, told him to meet her at the bar, that she'd be there after seven if he wanted to know why she was familiar. Then, she'd texted her plan to the bartender, said for him to text her when Morgan had come in.
Once she'd gotten the text, she made her way inside. She made her way up behind him, mouth right by his ear and whispered. "Your mama give you a kiss on the cheek when she dropped you off tonight, Morgie?" She then pressed a kiss to his cheek, pulling away, doing her best to suppress her laughter.
A hit to the head had sent Morgan off to urgent care in the middle of a show that he’d spent ages training for. But after having seen Paul Judson and how well he had done with his horse, Morgan already knew that he could wave goodbye to the first prize at the annual Big Timber rodeo show, and so it didn’t even really matter if he was injured and missed out on winning anything. It had really helped that the nurse was gorgeous though. There was something about her that seemed oddly familiar, but Morgan really couldn’t put his finger on what it was. But after she’d slapped a bandaid on his forehead to stop the little amount of bleeding, and had made sure he hadn’t gotten a concussion, he'd been told to meet her at the bar after seven o’clock.
Morgan had quickly gone home to freshen up, not wanting to smell any more of horse than he already did, and had shown up a few minutes before seven. Was this girl somebody that he’d made out with once in high school? Was she a friend of his grandparents? She had the upper hand here, because she knew. He’d glanced around for a while, trying to see if he could spot her, but she was nowhere in sight. Instead, Morgan made his way to the bar and ordered the usual, from the bartender that he’d gone to high school with. He’d only just managed to take a sip of the liquid gold, when he felt a body right behind him, and a pair of lips next to his ear, shooting shivers right down his spine. That teasing tone, the embarrassing flashback, the nickname; it could only be- “ANDY?!” Morgan immediately turned to look at who it was, and then it hit him! It was like his brain suddenly clicked, and he could see those soft child features behind the sharp grown-up ones. “Is that really you?! I can’t believe that’s you!” He instantly moved to wrap his arms around her, pulling her in for a big embrace, the way he hadn’t done in what, twelve years?! “Tell me it’s really you, Andy!”
Andy grinned as recognition hit him. His excitement was palpable, it always had been. She let herself be wrapped in his arms, returning the gesture. "Do you let other people call you Morgie now!?" She feigned offense as she buried herself against him. It was so familiar yet not at all. So much had clearly changed for them both since they'd last seen each other. Pulling back she looked at him, squinting at his head, double checking that the bandage still looked good. It hadn't been too long, so she didn't expect it to need changing, but when it came to Morgan one never could be sure. "I'd say it's been a long time, but I did technically see you a few hours ago."
The feeling of Andy's petite body was familiar, yet completely new. He hadn't hugged her since he'd left for LA when he was 14 years old. They lost contact, shit hit the fan, and when Morgan returned to Montana, everyone was saying one thing or another. Rumors spread like wildfire in Helena, and he never quite knew what to believe, but he knew that there was a small hope inside of him that he'd see her someday. And here she was! The only person who would ever call him Morgie. He laughed hard and shook his head. "I haven't heard that nickname in twelve damn years!" He proclaimed happily - he'd missed it. "I must've hit my head much harder than we thought - how the hell did I not recognize you, you look like yourself!" She did. Sure, her hair was different, she was taller, and her shoulders were broader. She was all grown-up. But she was still Andy. How she recognized him wasn't a surprise - she was always much better at remembering things than Morgan was. Even if the dark five o'clock shadow made him seem slightly more adult, he was still like a kid. "How the hell have you been? You're a nurse now, huh? Are ya back here, in Montana, permanently?"
Andy grinned as he said that he hadn't heard the nickname in over twelve years. Which meant that it was still something sacred between them. There was something nice in that knowledge, a comfort she didn't know that she'd needed. "You ain't ever been the sharpest crayon in the box, Morgie, but you're cute, so it's alright." He'd always been a little on the slower side, but in a way that was forever endearing. "Barely anyone around here recognizes me, and it's how I think I prefer it." She pressed another kiss to his cheek before moving to take a seat next to him, mouthing 'thanks' to the bartender as a glass of coke was sat down in front of her. She didn't drink too often, but she liked the atmosphere of the bar. "I've been good, real good. I mean, it was rough there for a few years, but that's what happens when what happened to me happens, but I'm good now. And yeah, nursing just kinda called to me, so I followed it and as for Montana, yeah. It's always been home, y'know? Seattle was great, but then the twins went off to Cali for college and I just wanted to come home." Andy loved her siblings, still talked to her dad on a weekly basis, usually more often than that, she was a daddy's girl at heart, but some part of her knew Seattle would never be home. It was where her family was centered, but it wasn't home.
"Nah, I've always been the prettiest colored crayon, the kind that everyone fought over to use," Morgan teased back, the stupid grin never leaving his face. Andy was his best friend throughout his entire childhood. She was there when he rode his first tractor alone, she'd been there for his first facial hair - even if it was just that only one poking out for a whole year - and she'd been the one he told every secret of his to. The other kids used to tease them, saying they'd be dating and getting married when they got older, but it never went that far, even if Morgan did have a crush on her back then. But as a 12-year old boy, it was cooler to revolt at girl cooties, than admit anything like that. Seeing her lean in and feeling her lips on his cheek for a second time had the boy beaming with happiness, he couldn't control it. She was right there in front of him! He sat down next to her, and started listening to her story, a hand coming up to rest under his chin. Throughout all of those years, he'd mostly been in Montana, with a few years in LA, but it hadn't been the same without Andy. "Ya gotta tell me 'bout your family. Twins? Seattle? How are they treatin' you? You know you're always welcome back at the ranch, with granny and granddad, right?" Morgan placed a hand over Andy's, squeezing it lightly in an attempt to tell her that she, out of everyone else, could come and go as she pleased in that house. "Whereabouts do ya live now? Are ya close?" He had so many questions, and he wanted to know it all - he wasn't about to let her slip through his fingers one more time.
Andy chuckled, she'd missed him. Morgan had been everything to her growing up. The one friend Neal hadn't entirely been against her having, because he was a good, hardworking boy who came from a good family. Though he had been part of the reason Neal went off the rails, not that she'd ever tell the man that, he didn't need to know because Neal's instability wasn't his burden and she worried he might. Morgan had been her best friend, sweet and cute, and many people, especially the older kids and a few of the older folks at church were convinced they'd grow up and get married. It hadn't ever bothered her, she kind of liked the idea, but that had been before the trauma and life being life. But she'd be hard pressed to say she wasn't feeling a certain way with him now back in her life. "One question at a time, one at a time." She chuckled, shaking her head. "I'm close, yes, have a place between here and the hospital, not too far in either direction, and yes, I know, but... I don't know if I'm ready for that reveal just yet. I go by Drea at work for a reason." Andy shrugged a little. "Yeah, when Neal fled from here he headed west, out into Washington. Eventually, when it was time to start school and he thought he'd wasted enough time, we settled in Seattle so he could enroll me in school. Then I met the twins. Kennedy and Sam. They realized something was wrong, told their dad, the authorities were told and next thing I know I was waking up in the hospital and was told Neal had been arrested and dad had been granted emergency custody. I was essentially taken in like a stray dog, but I couldn't have been happier. I don't know how familiar you are with pop musicians, but Whitney Pierce? That's my mom now. Which, wild thing to adjust to, I will tell you that much."
Morgan couldn't help himself. His mind was racing and his mouth could barely catch up. Throughout all of those years, he'd built up a whole book of questions, needing to get them answered, in order to sleep peacefully at night. Now, he maybe probably could! Letting his head fall and hit his arm, he laughed at Andy telling him to slow down and only ask one question at a time. He knew he needed to chill a little bit, so instead, he raised his head again, and just listened. Morgan was normally a quiet kid - unless it was around Andy. He felt comfortable with her, and she was really the only person that he allowed himself to just ramble on with. As he was quiet, he got to really take her face in. She had the same chestnut-colored eyes that he so vividly remembered, because they'd somehow printed themselves onto the small part of his brain that memorized things. But her lips were rounder, fuller. Her cheeks were more defined. Her hair was straight - he'd been so used to it being curly. He wondered if she straightened it every day, to make sure she was seen as 'Drea' and not Andrea or Andy. The way she spoke, the way she was sat straight up, the way she carried herself; she'd certainly matured and grown into a truly gorgeous person. "Whitney Pierce? You probably don't remember, but my mom is obsessed with her!" Morgan finally spoke up, and chuckled. "That's- wow." Rarely was the cowboy speechless. He was good at not just saying the first thing to come into mind, but rather think and give as good an answer as he could. But this time around, he was tongue-tied. "Are you okay?" Was all he could think to ask, giving her hand another squeeze after remembering he still had a hold on it.
Andy's head tilted when he mentioned that his mom was obsessed with Whitney. She'd honestly forgotten that. There had been a lot of things it semed she'd lost to time and trauma. She was told she might never get all of it back and she'd had to accept that. But she laughed when he did, because it seemed like the right response. "I'm..." That was a tough question. More days than not, Andy was fine. She dealt with the occassional nightmare, was still triggered by certain sounds and sights, but she was fine. But fine and okay were not entirely the same. "I'm better than I was. I still deal with a lot, they say I probably won't not deal with certain things. But I'm being treated for what can be treated. I have a loving and supportive family. I text the twins daily, talk to dad on the phone at least once a week, if not more. Hear from mom less, same with my younger siblings, but we're still close. On paper, most would probably say I'm great."
When Morgan came back to Montana at the age of 17, he'd searched every place he could, all to find Andy. He'd asked around, been told so many different things, and was left even more confused than ever. But mostly, he'd been worried. Some nights, he didn't even sleep, because of how worried he was about her. Worried if she'd been in pain, if she was suffering, if she was simply just breathing. It was so good to finally have an answer, and to know that she was right there, in front of him. She'd kissed his cheek, he'd hugged her, he was feeling her soft hand underneath his calloused one - she was here! But Morgan quickly found himself changing out the worry about Andy's whereabouts, and her physical health, to her mental troubles and whatever kind of trauma had left scars on her soul. He furrowed his eyebrows, the concern visible on his face as he listened. He didn't know what to say. Instead, he just stood up from his barstool and moved in to embrace the girl once again. His arms wrapped around her so easily, and he buried his face in her hair. "There are no words to describe how happy I am to know that you're here." He muttered, squeezing gently, and not really wanting to let go. He suddenly felt incredibly overprotective of the girl. After a moment, Morgan finally let go of the girl and stepped back, only to put his hands on her cheeks and look directly into those chestnut eyes of hers. They lingered, probably for a moment longer than he should've, before he spoke up. "You don't know how much you mean to me."
Andy didn't know what to say at the concern in his face or the way he stood and wrapped her in his arms. So she said nothing, burying herself against him, arms wrapping around him in return. It reminded her of hugs from her dad or Sam or Ken. The kind of hugs that just consumed you. Reminded you that you were safe and loved. His words only reiterated that. The way he then held her cheeks had her blushing, the prolonged eye contact deepening her. "I've missed you, Morgie." Was what she finally managed in a voice softer than her typical demeanor these days.
As Morgan was standing there, it was like a whole slideshow of memories flashed through his brain, from them running around playing catch, to investigating bugs and climbing trees, and to them walking the hallways at school making fun of the teachers. Treehouse dates and stargazing on Morgan's dad's pick-up truck in the summer. They were all things that made their friendship so innocent, but so full. They had shared so many things together. And Andy telling Morgan that she'd missed him was enough to get his little heart skipping a few beats. She sounded so soft, so sincere, and the slight red nuance on her cheeks proved to him that none this could have been easy. "I've missed you too, Andy." Morgan told her back, his body staying in that position for probably too long, and his eyes not wanting to tear themselves away. Clearing his throat from the emotional build-up, Morgan pulled away and sat back down. "What've you got planned for the rest of the week? We need to catch up. Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow?"
The memories of Morgan were the ones that kept her from feeling too lonely on her worst nights. Even with her siblings and parents that actually cared, it was the memories of time spent with him that did the most good for her. They say you never forget your first, but he'd never gotten the chance to truly be that. But sometimes she considered him that anyway, just not to anyone's face. The way he looked at her, held her face, it was almost too much to take. Thankfully he managed to collect himself and sit back down. "Given I am freshly single and mostly just play video games if I'm not at work, I think I can swing dinner tomorrow night."
Morgan's eyebrows raised as the newly revealed information about Andy rang into his ears. 'Freshly single?' A part of him couldn't comprehend that. She was a catch, and anyone would be lucky to go out with her! Knowing her though, it was most likely a deliberate choice. "What happened? Who was it? D'ya need me to beat 'em up for ya?" Morgan instantly felt protective, hoping that it had been a peaceful break-up, and not the type that had caused any heartbreak. "Do you remember the O'Driscoll's, up by East Road? Well, they obviously still have their diner here, but they also started a new restaurant out in Big Timber. Some fancy Italian food, nothin' like Olive Garden. Could you eat some pasta tomorrow?" Morgan smiled, already getting excited by the thought of them sitting down and eating. He was getting ahead of himself again, in his brain. He needed to pick up a new shirt, polish his boots, trim whatever stragglers of facial hair on his cheek that had grown since the last time. Maybe he should get her flowers? Did she like flowers? Morgan didn't know, but he was all for figuring it out!
Andy couldn't help but roll her eyes as Morgan immediately jumped to questioning about her relationship. "Down boy, it's fine. Just wasn't working out so we ended it." There was no hard feelings between them, she still talked to them regularly, there just wasn't enough other feelings to justify a relationship. They were better as friends, maybe with benefits, but not dating, but they'd given it a shot anyway, just to see. "Do they really? And I can always go for pasta."
A quiet 'ahh' came out of Morgan's mouth as he nodded understandingly. He'd attempted several relationships with people back in high school, and once they all went to college, he started just focusing on trying to break into the rodeo scene. There'd been a few one-night stands, and hook-ups, whenever he travelled around for shows, but nothing that ever truly caught on. "I know ya can," Morgan chuckled and took a sip of his beer. That had really been one of the main reasons why Morgan had even learnt how to make his granny's famous chicken alfredo with angel hair. "How 'bout 7pm?"
Andy chuckled at his comment. Pasta was probably her favorite food of all time. Didn't matter what kind, sauce, no sauce she liked it all. Which, looking back, she was pretty sure she'd eaten pasta almost exclusively for the first year or so of being adopted. It was her comfort food, she was pretty sure her therapist called it. It made sense. "I could do seven, for sure. Gives me enough time to get off work and clean up." Maybe she'd even break out a dress, it'd been ages since she wore one, but it might be nice. At minimum, she'd wear her good jeans, maybe a pair of heels. He was too damn tall these days.
Smiling, Morgan was incredibly pleased with himself. It was probably too much to feel that way, given the fact that Andy seemed just as pleased about this whole situation. A big part of him hoped that this meant that maybe she'd be interested in seeing if there could be more to their friendship, because there was a feeling within Morgan that wanted to explore that. It was all based on his happiness in reuniting with her after all these years, and how attracted he was to her. "Clean up?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Please, I'm sure you wake up, roll out of bed, and have this instantaneous beauty to you." Was he a little too much? Perhaps. But she'd been gone for so long, and he wasn't about to lose her again, or waste any time for that matter! "Or d'ya mean clean up at home?" Morgan wiggled his eyebrows with a cheeky smirk on his face, hoping she'd pick up what he put down. Yes, he was flirting, but there was a reason; undeniable attraction and chemistry for Andy.
Andy rolled her eyes. "Mornings maybe but after a shift? Absolutely not. It took me a good half hour to get fixed up after work today, and it was an easy day." Andy hadn't ever been one to care too much about beauty and the like, but she did enjoy looking nice. Enjoyed getting dolled up every now and again for a date or a hang out. It made her feel human. Something that was rather important these days. Her eyebrow raised as he continued, rolling her eyes with a sigh at the way his eyebrows wiggled. "You think you can take me on one measly date and get in my bed? Boy, who do you think you are? I know your grandaddy taught you not to count your chickens 'fore they hatch."
"Well, if it helps, then I've always thought you looked gorgeous," Morgan admitted, a slight blush creeping up on his lips as he revealed the truth. "I mean, the years that I saw you! I obviously can't speak for your teen-stage in life, but I can only imagine you still looking great," he chuckled and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He couldn't believe that he was there, flirting with the person who was his best friend for his most formative years! Laughing at her comment, he nodded. "You ain't wrong 'bout that!" That accent came out thick and clear, when he was around her, it just happened organically. "Don't worry, I'm not expecting anythin' but dinner, Andy!" He reassured her, and gave her a look of honesty, with that signature smile on his face. "Promise."
Andy blushed slightly at his words, looking away for a quick moment. She was used to compliments, don't get her wrong, but they could still be hard to take at times. Neal had certainly never been one to allow her those moments and while her dad did his best to train that back out of her, it hadn't exactly been successful. And, besides, Morgan was different. He'd been her best friend. He knew things about her no one else did, or likely ever would. "I had a nose and a lip piercing, wore a lot of black and a lot of leather, it was... a choice." She chuckled, shaking her head. He was so cute, he always had been, and while he was certainly also handsome, it wasn't his looks she'd ever liked best about him, though they did not hurt. She squinted at him playfully when he promised. "I was just teasin' ya, Morgie. I know you ain't the type."
In a lot of ways, Morgan wished he could’ve been around Andy when they were both in high school. There was so much he’d missed out on, a lot of firsts that he wished he could’ve been in on. He also wished he could’ve been around, when all of the stuff with Neal had taken place. Not that he was a hero in any kind of way, and had the power to swoop in and “save her”, but to at least support and be there for her, when she was going through such tough times. But at the end of the day, he was happy that they’d reunited. “That sounds hot!” Morgan grinned, and crossed his arms over his chest, listening to her. He could just picture it. It was probably what she needed to do at the time, after everything that had happened. Besides, he truly meant it. The piercings, the leather? It almost sounded too good to be true. “Good! We can’t have anyone out here doubting my granddad’s abilities of teaching his kids and grandkids about being a gentleman!”
"It was, or so I'm told." She'd definitely had people flirt with her because of that look. And she'd kept it up for a while into college but when she considered going for nursing she took out the piercings and let her wardrobe lighten and become more comfortable and her. She chuckled, shaking her head. "No, we certainly can't."
"I wanna see pictures!" Morgan demanded with a grin. It was so easy to fall back into the teasing and easy-going routine he'd once had with Andy. Almost as if the last time they'd hung out had been yesterday, as two 14-year-olds. He sat there for a little while, just looking at her, taking her in. He was determined not to lose her again. "It's so good to have you back, Andy."
She rolled her eyes with a laugh at his demand. Knowing he meant well. "You have to be a good boy to get those pictures." Or know how to find her on social media, though she didn't use it much and she couldn't entirely remember when she'd last posted something, but it had probably been when that look was still her primary attire. "It's good to be back." And it was, even if she still didn't know how to process some things, having him back would be good.
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quixoticprince · 2 months ago
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Remember how Miss Pauling said she'd spent her whole life to help the administrator....
She didn't even know what she was helping with, but she wanted to be by her side, until she learned how deeply personal and self destructive the whole thing was... and in the end there never was going to be a 'place' set for her :^(
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I'm so sorry Flo 😭
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mournfulroses · 4 months ago
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Joanna Glenn, from her novel titled "All My Mothers," originally published in 2021
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toastyyjams · 4 months ago
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akito birthday with friends :) [i am so sorry kohane my queen i couldnt fit u in anywhere😭😭🙏]
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egophiliac · 6 months ago
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last chance to guess what the new round of birthday outfits will be!
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swampybogg · 5 months ago
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deadpoolsmom · 7 months ago
as far as one piece antagonists go Crocodile truly gets absolutely scooby-doo’d at unmatched levels
He immediately falls for a phone scam and from basically little garden to rainbase he doesn’t even know the strawhats are alive (and clowning towards him at incredible speed). As soon as he does, they’re in his house tearing at his walls and bringing marines into his villain lair.
He uses a literal floor trap door over a gator pit to catch them, gets phone scammed again, full scooby-doo chase scenes after Chopper through the streets while still missing him, and suddenly his prisoners have escaped his impossible cage, and his giant bananagators are dead. and Nico Robin saw it all happen.
He then spends rest of the arc complaining about those meddling kids and their dog “strawhat pirates and their weird pet” and at no point does he even know how many strawhats there are.
Like yeah he keeps having plans on top of plans to stop everything Vivi can do but also she keeps coming up with a new thing to do (Tom and Jerry ass dynamic).
Part of it is that he’s underestimating them and keeps grandstanding villain monologuing but also teens keep killing hundreds of his grand line bounty hunters and he straight up does not know what is happening.
Cause he IS trying to kill them he’s sending top assassins after them and ripping out luffy’s organs, the whole time he’s yelling HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?? DIE. as whack-a-mole Luffy keeps inventing new ways to hit him.
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crystallized-cheese · 2 months ago
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so like imagine Undertale characters but they're all crafts supplies Part Two Electric Boogaloo (Sans and Papyrus) (Toriel and Asgore) (Frisk and Flowey) (Napstablook and Mettaton)
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jupiterlandings · 1 year ago
“How is 12 year old Annabeth head of the Athena cabin??”
1. Demi gods have the life expectancy of a lemming.
2. Gifted kids often burn out by age 16 & I doubt any of the Athena teens have the energy or desire to argue with their little sister who willingly takes care of all the family paperwork.
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zivazivc · 1 year ago
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I feel like I have some of the most random headcanons. but I am lowkey obsessed with the fact that John Dory is so much older than Branch that he potentially could have dated their friends'/peers' parents, and/or anything else funny and possibly entertaining that the large age difference entails lmaokskssbcdsbcjdh
edit: part two
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kitstark · 6 months ago
sipping cold coffee on the phone with damaged goods ⇌ kitana
WHO: Kit Stark & Santana Lopez @psusantana
WHERE: Their individual homes
WHEN: Thursday, August 29th
WHY: Kit takes Eva's advice and calls Santana, what follows is the start of the long road to reconciliation and understanding.
WARNINGS: brief mentions of childhood (implied sexual) assault
Kit wasn't sure this was smart. But they also didn't really know what else to do. The only thing they had a strong enough grasp on lately was their feelings for Santana. And that wasn't exactly the best thing. And Eva suggesting they drunk call her… well, they weren't drunk, but anyone would be hard pressed to say they were sober. So, they did the stupid thing. They hit call. They weren't sure what they were going to say if she actually picked up, but they figured they'd figure it out. Besides, what was the chance she'd actually pick up anyway?
After one hell of a busy day, Santana had come home and decided to indulge in some much needed rest and relaxation. Well, the relaxation part anyways. She didn't know where her sister was but after ordering dinner and scarfing it down, she had just poured herself another glass of wine when she heard her phone ringing. Expecting it to be literally anyone else, she furrowed her brows when she read a name she hadn't been expecting. And before she could talk herself out of it, she decided to answer it. "Is this a booty call?" She asked.
Well fuck. "I thought we already agreed I wasn't supposed to do that?" The retort came easy because it was the only thing they knew they could say. They didn't know why they'd bothered to call, but it certainly wasn't for that. They weren't in any place to do that, much less with her. This was certainly going to be one of those nights where they were winging it all the way. Didn't even need to hope for the best, really. Could even hope for the worst, probably. "Not that I would even if we hadn't."
Santana bit back a smile as Kit confirmed that this wasn't a booty call, meaning that they had meant it when they agreed not to do that. At least they were on the same page, mostly anyways. Taking another sip of her wine, she was a little more confused when Kit went on to clarify that they really weren't trying to cross the line. "Good to know, but..what is this then?" She questioned. "For once, this isn't me being a bitch, I'm just surprised that you called me."
Kit sighed. Why were they calling? Because Eva had said to? Because some part of them wondered if she'd agree to actually punch them and follow through with it? "I don't know. Just… felt like I should or needed to or…. something." Maybe it was the same reason they'd once called her while things were still good. Because talking to her just made things make sense sometimes. "This was stupid." They muttered, more to themself than to her. August 30, 2024
"You felt like you should or needed to?" Santana repeated, and if she hadn't already been insanely confused before, she sure was now. They hadn't exactly been on bad terms right now, but were they at the talking on the phone as…friends stage? She didn't really think so, but they were here now. "Are you okay? Or is tonight like a bad night or something?" She still had no understanding of whatever was going on with them, but it felt like a fair place to start.
"I-" Was tonight a bad night? At first thought, it wasn't. Not any worse than usual anyway. But, it still wasn't great. And thinking about her and everything as of late certainly hadn't helped the way they felt. "Maybe? I guess I just feel more disconnected from myself than usual." Which was saying a lot, given their state of existence. "Talking with you used to mitigate that. Guess some part of me figured as stupid an idea as it was that it couldn't hurt. Worst you could do was hang up or decide you'd rather hit me." They shrugged a little, unsure why they'd actually said all that, even if it was true.
Without knowing exactly what the issue was, Santana didn't know how she was supposed to understand any of this enough to be of any real help, yet she still sighed when Kit tried to explain themselves anyways. This wasn't how she expected things to be between them when she'd heard they were back on campus, but she could tell they were struggling, and she wasn't going to kick them while they were down. Not entirely anyways. "I could hit you if you were here." She pointed out. "But since you're not, why don't you tell me about this Jill bitch?"
Kit bit their tongue when she mentioned hitting them if they were there, deciding it was best not to comment on that. They wanted to. Void certainly wanted them to. But they wouldn't. "Dr. Jill Murphy-Stevens, was Jill Montgomery when I met her but that's mostly irrelevant. We were neighbors while I was at Carnegie Mellon and she and her roommate were at U of Pitt. Six foot one on a bad day. Sassy as all hell and knew what she wanted and how to get it. And what she wanted, was to be treated like a princess. Taken care of and spoiled. She didn't have the bite of later partners, didn't have as much spunk and defiance in the bedroom, but that's a more recently acquired taste anyway." Not wholly because of Santana, but they imagined now that it would be something of a requirement in later partners, because of Santana. "Without getting into her specific kinks or what she's doing with herself now, there's not much more to say. She was my first serious partner, who I realized I liked service with. She set that foundation for me. That the few other serious partners and in some days the simply sexual partners I've had since have simply built on." They'd only had one or two other relationships besides Jill and Santana, because of how they lived life in NYC, but their sexual partners were numerous enough.
Santana didn’t know what to expect by giving Kit something to talk about that wasn’t their relationship or whatever was going on with them, but clearly opening the floor for more Jill talk was..progress. She refilled her wine glass as she let them ramble, sipping on it more and more as she somehow managed not to get jealous as she listened. Normally she probably would have, but the woman was married and Kit wasn’t hers anymore, so she didn’t mind it. Once they finished, she hummed dramatically. “She sounds lovely, really. Glad you two stayed friends after you broke up. However, that ask you responded to still wasn’t about her, so are you ready to just admit that it was about me?”
Kit sighed. "Of course it was about you. You're special and I fucked it all up but I'm not stupid enough to not know what I lost. Or think that I'll ever actually get over you." Well, in time they might, but, "it's hard enough getting over a relationship as one person, much less two." The words were out of their mouth without even thinking, but they just prayed they'd been quiet enough that she didn't hear anything more than mumbling. Because that was not the conversation this should be, even if it was constantly eating them alive, her not knowing. Everyone else it was so easy to keep that from, but she'd been their safe space and they wanted so desperately for her to know and understand that none of it had been on purpose, that it had nothing to do with her, even if that didn't fix anything between them.
Pausing at Kit's revelation, Santana was sure that she'd misheard them. They had gone around in circles trying to insinuate that it wasn't exactly about her, just to come clean now and even say something she hadn't been expected. And then they added onto that, and although she'd wished she hadn't quite heard what they'd said, she did. Gulping the wine in her glass down, she had to take a minute or two to process what Kit had said before she was stretching out on her couch. "Well, at least we can agree that I'm a fucking limited edition." She teased, deciding that maybe a little joking would calm both of their nerves a little bit. "As for the other stuff…I answered your phone call, didn't I?"
"And I'm a stubborn pain in the ass on a good day, what's new?" They played into the teasing, because it was comfortable, it was something they knew, and it was the truth. "Sure, but… Did you hear it? And are you willing to hear that out right now? I can't force you and I'd be lying if I said I hate that you don't know, but it's not the kind of thing I want you to agree to listen to just because it's eating me alive. I know you don't owe me shit and yes you answered my call but that doesn't mean you have to hear me out."
Santana smiled at Kit played right into her teasing, which at least seemed to help just a tad bit, which was better than nothing at this point. But what she hadn't expected was for them to try to open that door tonight. Maybe she should have foreseen such when she hadn't flat out ignored their comment, but it wasn't like she could run from it forever either. "Kit, it's okay." She stated, inhaling and then exhaling a small breath. "I did hear you, and although I have no idea what I'm about to hear, we can do this now." Would she ever truly be ready to make sense of what went wrong with them? Probably not. Yet it was killing Kit so she figured now was as good of a time as any. "I'm ready."
Kit sighed, sitting up in bed, moving to prop themself up against their headboard, grabbing one of their stuffed sharks, resting their head on it. "The reason I seemed like a different person at the end is because, I was. Sort of. I'm what they call a system. It's a disassociative disorder thing." They knew they needed to do this slowly. Go bit by bit. Let her decide if she was ready for more of it, because they didn't want to overwhelm her, or themself.
Listening intently as Kit slowly started to explain what had happened, Santana couldn't help but feel somewhat sorry for them. It did answer her own question as to why they'd switched up on her in the end, and she was relieved to know that it wasn't her own fault at least. "Dissociative disorder? Is that like..the same as multiple personality disorder? Or close to it, I guess?"
"It's the same family of disorders, yes. Multiple Personality Disorder is now more commonly referred to as DID, which is Dissociative Identity Disorder. Most people with dissociative disorders typically get an OSDD diagnosis, which is Other Specified Dissociative Disorder, due to there being extremely strict guidelines for being diagnosed with DID that most don't fit fully into." Kit explained, glad that she seemed to be willing to continue, at least for now.
Santana nodded along as she listened, trying to piece all of this new information together now. Her knowledge of the disorder was limited, and she couldn't even recall anyone she'd ever met that had it, so she was at quite a loss for how to even deal with this sort of thing going forward. "So you fully fit into the DID guidelines?" She asked. "Or do you not fit the guidelines but you still sort of fall under the category anyways?"
"Given Void's nature, as well as a few of my other alters, I was diagnosed with DID. Had Void not been primarily who was fronting at the time of diagnosis, I imagine I wouldn't have been, since the biggest key difference between DID and OSDD 1b, is blackouts. Memory loss. I have total memory loss anytime Void fronts on its own and all or some when others front, except for Guardian." Kit wasn't sure any of this would make sense to her, but they couldn't entirely stop now. They were just trying to answer her questions the best they could.
As soon as Kit started to name their dissociative identities and symptoms, Santana was sure that her head was spinning now as she tried to keep up with them. She could at least make sense of why Kit had stopped being Kit and why she'd felt like she was dating a different person sometimes. "Okay, whoa, wait — is Void..is that who I was dating when shit got bad?" Did she really want an answer to that? Probably not, but she'd been wanting answers since their break up so this was her chance to get them.
"That is a simple question with a complicated answer. Void is who you broke up with, the one who didn't like being touched, who pulled away and panicked every time something tried to go anywhere. But, I was still there, at times, when I couldn't remember things you'd told me or places we'd been, things we did. Guardian started taking over then too, because they could sort of remember and them fronting, either fully or with me, kept me safe. It wasn't until I couldn't front at all, that my life actually imploded. When people couldn't deny that I wasn't me." Kit rubbed the fin of their plushie between their fingers, not at all surprised to find Hel pressing her snoot against their leg, indicating that they were approaching an anxiety attack if they weren't careful. They gave her head scritches, trying to reassure her they were okay. Even if they weren't sure of that.
Sighing as she took everything in, Santana had more questions now, but she didn't want to bombard them since she was sure that this was already a lot for them. Hell, it was a lot for her just hearing all of this now, so she couldn't imagine what living with it was like for Kit. "I don't want to overwhelm you, but how many of them are there? Do they all have names, did I like..witness them all before we broke up?" She started rambling before shaking her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sure this is a lot for you, and I'm not trying to be pushy or force you to explain everything in one night, I'm just..trying to understand."
"I like that you're trying to understand." Was the first thing Kit said, the softest of smiles on their face. They knew she didn't have to, but they appreciated that she was. It helped them feel better about this. "As far as how many, myself included there's either six or seven of us that are fully formed enough that the rest of the system is aware of us, and us them. We aren't sure on that number because one swears he split, but we can't prove that, because that supposed other alter hasn't show himself. We aren't sure he's not just lying, he's a dick like that. As for how many you've met, just the three of us. Kit, Guardian, and Void. Guardian's the bite-y, kind of possessive one." Kit explained, moving so Hel could lay her head in their lap. "Paras didn't return to headspace until after I was getting help, same with the one who says he split, and the last one, I pray you never have to meet her, because it will mean something very bad has happened. Not that I want you to meet the dick, either, but you could take his ass any day."
Santana was thankful that Kit seemed to be okay with her wanting to understand, but she still didn't want to push them too much. Honestly, this was too much for her to even be dealing with after a long ass day and two, or three, glasses of wine, yet they had opened this door and she wasn't gonna run out of it now. Running was her usual plan of action yet considering how long they'd avoided this talk, she had to deal with it. "So I can handle all of them except for this one? And what do you mean something bad has happened? Something like what, Kit?" She asked, trying to hide the slight panic in her tone. "You can't just say that and not tell me what that means or what signs to possibly look for if this one is..fronting?"
"It's not that you couldn't handle her, but I don't know if she'd respond well to you. We don't really know who she'd respond to. Maybe our brother, Charles, but we can't be certain." Kit took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Her name is Katie. Physically, she stopped aging at ten. Mentally, best guess is five or six. Around when Guardian first formed. She's our core. Who the worst of the trauma actually happened to. I got the tail end of it. We've only had her front once in all this, when Jeremiah, or the Rat or whatever his fucking name is, first tried fronting. Void attacked him Katie found out that Void had those memories, which she gave to me but apparently I couldn't handle them so Void got them, and… she kicked all of us out of the front, kept us out, therapist says it was hours before she calmed down enough for anyone to make it back to the front. I was out for three days after. Katie doesn't understand what we are, I don't think so, anyway. But if she fronts it means that the body has been trigged so badly that even she is lashing out."
Whatever Santana was imagining this other identity to be, the way her jaw dropped as she listened to Kit's explanation proved that she had been so far off base here. Sure, all of this was insanely foreign to her anyways, but this thing sounded like it was practically a kid who didn't know how to handle their emotions and threw somewhat of a tantrum when they had been triggered. "And now I see why you don't want me to meet Katie. Anything kid-adjacent is not my forte and I'd probably just go full Diabla on it, so yeah, let's not ever have me meet that one." She sighed. "This is…a hell of a lot to take in. I knew you looked like hell for a reason, but I didn't know you were practically living in hell. Why didn't you tell me any of this before?"
Kit chuckled a little. "Yeah, no one should meet Katie, for the sake of us as a person. and I pray Paras can be kept back as well. They're not as young and are far more easily dealt with, but they're still little at the end of the day and we don't need to scare them, more than they scare themself by trying to front during horror movies." Paras was entirely too curious for their own good, but now that they knew how to schedule time for Paras to front it was easier. But anytime dinosaurs were mentioned things got hairy. "I was completely unaware of any of this. I knew I had blackouts, that I had weird memory loss, but I chalked it up to bad habits and stupid decisions. Anything to keep myself in denial about reality, I guess. Void's job was to keep me functional as a human being, it didn't know how to explain to you what was happening, so it didn't. It had more important things to focus on, like keeping the body alive and minimizing damage to things like our career. And it tried its best with you, but it just wasn't able to give you what you needed and it didn't know if it could tell you and how that might come back to harm me and the rest of the system."
"But you can't control them, right?" Santana hummed. "Or you can't control when a different one is trying to front?" That could sort of explain what happened with them and why things hadn't made much sense back then, since she'd assume that if Kit had the option to front and could push the rest of the back then they would have fought to save their relationship, or even their friendship at least. The plus side right now was that she knew the truth about what had gone wrong with them, and she was relieved to know that it wasn't her…for once, anyways. "Right, but..you're Kit now, aren't you? Does this mean Void gave you those memories back, or did it just tell you what happened back then?" Santana didn't know if freely talking about their past was going to trigger anything, or anyone she should say, but she was trying to be calm about it anyways. "And other than Void, how does anyone know who's fronting? How do you even know at the time? Are you just kinda present, but then also having some sort of out of body experience type thing?" August 31, 2024
"Correct. But we know what triggers most of us. At least enough that we can try and keep that from happening. Guardian is the best at this. At keeping others at bay, or fronting with them to minimize damage." Kit hummed a little. "I won't ever have those memories, I have to rely on what Void and Guardian have told me. I know we fucked up with you. Whether I had control or not, we fucked up. I fucked up. And I want to be able to apologize for that, in a more direct way, but you would have to be willing to walk me through the end. Not now, mind you, but eventually, if you so feel up to it." Kit knew it was asking a lot, but they did want her side of things. "We don't always know at the time, actually. When you came by, I was co-fronting with Void, primarily letting it take the lead. Until it started acting up, then I pushed it back. But, yes, if we are aware of what's happening but not fronting, it's watching yourself say and do things and not being able to do anything at all about it. There's ways to force others from the front, but it can be very hard. And sometimes, you just leave the front of headspace on purpose because everything is too much and someone else should handle all that. Not nearly as relaxing as it sounds, mind you, but useful."
The more Santana took the information in, the more she was sure that she'd need Kit to spend days walking her through all of it, through what a detailed moment was like when a different one was fronting, but she knew now wasn't the time. She was feeling a handful of emotions now that she had an idea of what had been at fault for things playing out like they did, and she was only getting more and more curious as Kit continued clarifying things, but she didn't need to keep throwing all of these questions at them in one night. "I'm sorry." She muttered. Even if Kit had been going through the worst kind of hell with all of this, apologizing was still hard for Santana, still leaving a bitter taste in her mouth the few times she'd ever managed to get the words out. "One day, I'll walk you through the end, but…I don't know, maybe we should just take all this a little slower, or only cover so much in a day? I don't want to keep blurting out a hundred questions and send you spiraling, or trigger one of the others, but there is just so much here that needs to be unpacked." She whined.
"Thank you, but I promise you have done nothing to warrant being sorry." Kit knew those words were hard for her, they didn't wish to simply dismiss them, but they also didn't think she needed to be. She had done what she deemed was right for the time, with the information she had. Kit could not fault her for that. "It doesn't have to be now, or anytime soon, or even ever. You're allowed to protect yourself just as much as I am. You're allowed to tell me to stop. You're allowed to say it's too much for you. I thank you for even hearing me out this far." They smiled softly. "I know how to end things I'm not ready for. I've got Hel on standby. Knowing you want to understand has helped more than I know how to express. You were always such a safe space and I never told you that enough. But you've certainly reinforced that tonight." They hummed a little. "Do you want to be done for tonight or is there something else you feel you need?"
Santana sighed as Kit reassured her that she didn't need to be sorry. While she knew that everything she'd done then had been a reaction to Kit, or Void, pushing her away, she still felt slightly awful that she hadn't been able to stick around to get this side of the story back then. Nodding along as Kit gave her a vocal appreciation just for taking this all in and giving them a chance to start diving into this, she felt butterflies forming in the pit of her stomach when they mentioned her being a safe space for them. "This is all gonna take sometime to fully digest, but I'm open to trying to understand as much of this as possible, just in small doses." She admitted. "But yeah, I think we should pause here for tonight, just to let us both breathe and adjust to even some of it being out there in the open now."
"I'm still trying to digest it some days, so you're not alone in that." There we days Kit still struggled with their identity, with being a system. With everything that had been discovered to be wrong or different with them since. There were so many things that no one could tell which came first. But the general consensus was that being a system certainly hadn't made this things any better. "I think you're right. Do you want to stay on for a little bit, tell me about how you're feeling about this or even just what you've been up to? I just want to know you're okay." It was after care, really. Wanting to know she was okay. Wanting to help her through it. Didn't matter if this wasn't sex, it was something heavy and a lot and that was taxing. Kit wanted to make sure she was safe before they hung up.
This was way too much to be trying to digest in one night, but hearing that Kit was still trying to get a handle on all of it too was…reassuring? Maybe that wasn't the right way to look at it since Kit had been battling this for a while now and they were still struggling, but Santana didn't feel as bad being so damn clueless about it all now. Even the explanations were going to take a full day or two to sink in, so she'd try to make more sense of it tomorrow. She found herself smiling as the self care side of Kit kicked in again, which she felt like she hadn't experienced in far too long so it was nice to have that again, even if it were just for tonight. "Thank you for asking, but I'm not okay. I mean, I wasn't entirely okay before this conversation, but finding out all of this and learning that you didn't push me away because of something I did is only adding to the mess of emotions I'm already dealing with. And I'm not blaming you right now, I'm just…I have so much shit I need to sort out too."
Kit nodded as she spoke. "You wanna talk some of it out? Or is there anything I can do right now, in this moment, to make it easier? I might not be able to fix it or make it better for long, but I gotta know you're not gonna get off this call and break down. Even if we don't talk about any of that, even if all we do is talk about meaningless shit for a while." They didn't like that they'd added to her stress, even if she wasn't blaming them for it. They wanted to do something to alleviate some of it. Even if only for the moment. "And don't be a brat and try and argue that I don't need to. You're not going to convince me of that."
Santana had been struggling for weeks now with her own shit, and keeping it in the family, or families, had only been adding to her spiraling. And Kit was being genuinely concerned, that much she knew, and she could only roll her eyes playfully when they called out the brat thing. "You don't need to, just so we're clear." She whined, sitting up on her couch now. "You also can't fix it because that's my job to do, I'm just..afraid of fucking it up or making things worse." She admitted with a shaky breath. "Only the families involved know this, but..I have a kid. A daughter. And before a few weeks ago, I hadn't seen her or her father since I gave birth and handed her over to him and his mom, but now they're right here and she wants to get to know me, but I'm not fit to be a mom. That's why I gave her up in the first place, and I've already managed to fuck it up once so I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"Yes I do, hush." They tilted their head a little, listening as she explained the situation. Santana having a child was shocking but not her giving it up. "That is certainly a lot to be dealing with. But, you do know you don't have to be her mom to be in her life, right? You aren't being asked to be her mom, I imagine. But… how did you fuck it up? Walk me through that."
Santana was probably expecting some sort of judgment in response yet Kit hadn’t done any of that, which somehow settled her nerves a little bit. “Puck invited me to his birthday cookout, and I thought I could handle seeing her again for the first time — but I don’t know, I also thought that maybe he kept my identity a secret and she didn’t know I was her mom. But the way that kid looked at me when she saw me just…I panicked and I left without saying a word to her. Apparently now she thinks there’s something wrong with her since I can’t even be around her, and Puck chewed me out before demanding that I apologize to her in person. But I can’t promise that I won’t just run away again.”
Kit listened quietly, but wasn't all too surprised they felt themself gently pushed to the side. Guardian was good with kids, had formed exclusively to protect Katie. They knew a decent amount about a lot of things, actually. "You went in blind. That's not wholly on you. And while I can't say I fault him for being upset with you, he also plays a hand in that." Guardian reassured. "Now, would it be easier in a setting where you could have support? Where the ground is far more equal? Where it's not you being forced into a place where fleeing is your only option?"
Listening to Kit, Santana was sure that this was hands down the best advice she'd gotten thus far. Puck's advice hadn't been that bad either, but it was also from the perspective of a protective dad so it had only added to her negative feelings about herself. "Oddly enough, I don't blame him. I chose to show up knowing she'd be there. And I've been sending her gifts every single year for her birthday and Christmas so of course she'd want to know shit about me. And I'm not afraid of anything else, so why does a 15 year old scare the shit out of me?" She asked, though she knew why facing the consequences of her actions scared her. "I offered, or more so demanded, that I take him and the kid shopping for school supplies, mostly so I can't just run away since I'm going to pick them up, but actually forcing myself to drive there is the hurdle I need to jump over first."
Guardian hummed a little as Santana spoke. Simply taking in the information being presented to them. Letting her talk it out. "What if I drive you? Or you can have someone else do it. But, what if you remove the ability to run completely and you can't make up an excuse as to why you didn't show, because someone else is holding you accountable?"
"You know I hate the accountability thing." Santana groaned. "But I don't know, maybe I do need someone else to be there to hold me accountable. To make sure I don't break my kid's heart more than I already have." She hummed. "But Kit, you don't have to do it. I can make Mari do it."
"Yes, how dare a brat face the consequences of her actions." They teased. "But it can be good for you, especially in this case. As for not having to do it, you ask Mari, and if she can't or won't, then you tell us and we'll do it. Least we can do."
Santana smirked at that. "This is a different kind of consequence though. Having me as a mom can ruin a kid, or turn her into a mini Diabla, which no one needs." She pointed out. "And thank you, but you don't have to take care of me, you know? I can force Mari to drive me. You don't really owe me anything, Kit..or Guardian, right?"
"You don't have to be a mother to her to be in her life. Unless you're looking to get back with Puck, then that's a completely separate set of scenarios. She can know you gave birth to her, she can even want you in her life, but that does not mean you have to be her mother, nor do I think it would be as disastrous and you're thinking it will be, especially not with her in her teen years already. Nurture plays a bigger part in life than a lot of people want to give it credit for." Which explained so much of the system's surface level issues, but that was entirely besides the point. Though was certainly one that came up in therapy often enough. "Maybe we don't, but that's what we do for people we care about, and you are still one of those people. Are you going to be good and not then force her to take you home if you have second thoughts? Not to discredit any willpower she may have, but she does still live with you, does she not?" Guardian smirked, chuckling a little. "It's a pleasure to meet you, officially, which feels odd to say, knowing our past, but… It is."
Santana shrugged as she took in their advice. "I was never with Puck like that, we just met and fucked around for a few days before I went back home and found out I was pregnant. And I don't know what the kid wants, that's what scares me. Even if I don't want to be a mom, what if that's what she wants in one capacity or another? Besides, I'm not 16 now. I'm an adult, I have a successful career and now I have a part time teaching gig. Clearly I've come a long way since my days of being a menace, so what if she expects me to be ready now?" The "what ifs" were exactly what had been eating at her lately, even if she didn't want to admit it. And as much as she loved her sister, she was aware that Mari would peel out of there if she sensed Santana being too scared. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, and you're not wrong. I can't rely on my sister to hold me accountable, so…you can drive me."
Guardian listened quietly. "Breathe, San. You are not obligated to be anything more to her than you are capable of. You gave her up to give her a life you knew you couldn't give her yourself. As much as failing to live up to her expectations may hurt her, though I doubt she expects such from you, if we're being honest, you aren't obligated to fulfill that role in her life. And no one can force you to do so, either." Guardian knew this was a complex case and maybe the girl wanted for a motherly figure, but that didn't mean she'd go looking for it in the person who already long since admitted she wasn't such. "Good. When?"
Taking in the offered advice, Santana sighed. "Do you always tend to be right?" She whined, and now she was curious as to who was fronting any time she tried arguing with Kit, even over the dumbest shit. "We just said one day this weekend, but maybe Sunday? That way, if it all goes to shit, I'll drink the rest of the day away and then sleep in all day Monday." She decided. It wasn't the best plan, and certainly not the way to handle her problems, but it was her usual way of drowning her sorrows. "Thank you. Before you say it, I know I don't have to thank you, and I know you think that it's the least you could do for me after everything, but this really means a lot."
Guardian chuckled. "I'm a knowledge and logic based being." They didn't know everything, but they knew a lot and they especially knew how to apply logic to situations where emotions were high. They weren't right all the time, but they were most of the time. "A questionable choice, but we're free either way. You get up with Puck and let us know for sure." Guardian wanted to comment on how unhealthy such actions were, but they knew it would fall in deaf ears and Kit often wasn't much better, so they didn't have room to talk. "You're welcome, San. And I'm not Kit, I don't argue for the sake of it. Even if I also believe such."
"Does that mean that you know a lot?" Santana questioned curiously. Should she be asking questions and getting to know one of the other identities? She wasn't entirely sure, but they all knew her so it was only fair, in her opinion. And when Guardian pointed out a way that they weren't like Kit, her curiosity got the better of her. "Noted. But being that you're not Kit, and I know Void was the one who broke us up, what exactly was your role in all of this? Besides the after care stuff, right?"
"I do. We were a bit of a professional student for a reason. I also tended to do a lot of research about all sorts of things when I could get away with it. I fronted heavily when it was just Katie and I, and it was a lot of us reading above our age, because it seems I don't age traditionally. The more I know, the older I feel." Guardian explained, more than happy to answer her questions. "Kit mentioned the biting, wasn't always me, but… when they lingered longer. The name only we could call you, that was me. The possession, that was me, more than it was ever Kit. And, aftercare depended on which of us was fronting, though I was often present either way. It started more as curiosity, as it always has, but the longer I watched, the more I wanted to know. I'd met the previous partners, but you were different, especially for Kit and I wanted to know why."
"Good to know." Santana nodded, and she would keep that in mind should she need to ask Guardian anything that wasn't about their relationship or whatever. When they clarified which parts of the relationship were them, or mostly them anyways, she furrowed her brows as she tried to think back on certain memories. "But why was I different? And were you that possessive over the other partners, or was it just me? Oh, and the biting? You're definitely not getting any complaints from me about that. In fact, I kind of preferred it, after a while. But was that a just for me thing too?"
"I cannot say why you were different, that is a question only Kit can answer. But, you are the only one I was ever with, intimately." Guardian had always watched. Had fronted when they could or needed to, but never in intimate moments. Not until Santana. Guardian wasn't sure what made this woman different for Kit, but that difference was felt for the whole system, or at least the three of them that were more often fronting. It was also why Void had still tried so hard and felt so bad. And it was why Guardian and Kit would be taking a really long time alone, before trying again.
Santana didn't know why she suddenly felt a warmth come over her when Guardian admitted that she was the only partner they had been with intimately. Did they know they were stroking her ego? Maybe, but maybe not. Kit would never live this down though, that she was sure of. "Okay, but why were you only intimate with me? I mean let's be real, I'm hot and amazing in bed, I know that very well, but what about Jill or one of the others? And wait, when I came by, Kit said they wouldn't be hooking up with anyone else so like..is that because of all of you?"
"I never saw a reason to in the past. Whatever made you different for Kit made you far more interesting to me and, in time, I found myself desiring such. So, I did." Guardian shrugged. Santana was a puzzle that Guardian had wanted to figure out. And all that had done was get them wrapped up in something that now ached to think about, because it was gone. "You are part of that, yes. However, we can't guarantee Void won't slip to the front during those times, now that it is more active again and the poor dear doesn't need more of a reason to hate itself than it already does."
"Can Kit hear all of this or whatever? I need to know so they won't be surprised when I'm bragging about it later." Santana taunted, though she would honestly be mentioning it again, and again, so Kit better have been ready for it. "But it's good to know that you desired me too. Also won't be letting you live that down either, just so we're clear. But uh…have any of you tried unpacking why Void apparently doesn't like the whole intimacy thing?" She asked before shaking her head. "Actually, don't answer that. That might make me revert back to being a bitch to all of you, so maybe it's best if I don't know."
"They are more than aware and I imagine are rolling their eyes." Guardian chuckled, the eye roll not entirely voluntary. Kit did have some control, after all. "Void holds the memories of the body being assaulted as child. And I know you told me not to tell you, but I'd rather we get that out of the way now, as it is no laughing matter and if it is something you'd be unkind about, it's best we know now." Their voice was steeled as they spoke, hand curling into Hel's fur for a few moments. Guardian didn't think she would, but it was a precaution that felt necessary, because this was not so far along that they couldn't back out safely now. It would suck, sure, but better to know than allow themselves to get close to her, just find that pain mocked or otherwise turned against them.
Santana's eyes widened as the mention of an assault, and she hopped up from her couch to go and refill her wine glass. "All of you should know me well enough to know that I'd never laugh about something like that, nor would I ever be an asshole about it later. But are you sure you wanna tell me about this? Right now?" She asked, filling the glass to the brim before she was starting to gulp it down.
"I had to make sure. It's a hard topic for the system, but I refuse to allow Void to be mocked for how it is." Guardian took a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly. "This is not my story to tell, nor do I imagine it will ever do so, but it is why it does not enjoy physical touch, much less intimacy. And it'd be best if you were careful regarding such from here on out, even if it wasn't meant in a cruel or unkind way."
"That didn't really tell me much." Santana pointed out. "But I guess I'm just…confused. How did the intimacy happen before, but then it all just kind of stopped? Did I do something wrong? Or I don't know, did I somehow trigger some sort of bad memories without knowing that I did?" Again, she probably didn't need to be asking questions she was afraid to hear the answer for, but it wasn't like she could just put it off now.
"It was never happening with Void. Kit and myself, yes. Either separately or while we were co-fronting, but never with Void around. You had nothing to do with Void coming to the front. But it did get stuck there. It wasn't able to switch out. At least not consistently. The body was unwell and the mind followed. Just, in our case, Void is who keeps us going. It is the autopilot, the last line of defense." Guardian knew they were getting back into deep territory, but they would continue because they had to.
Santana sighed as she processed the information, and while she didn't take any of it as her being at fault for Void fronting and getting stuck there, she still felt like she was guilty of something. "Why didn't Void just talk to me? Even if it didn't tell me about the assault, why not just tell me that something was up and it couldn't be intimate with me anymore instead of letting me think that there was clearly something wrong with me?" She huffed, and while she wasn't mad, she was feeling all sorts of emotions now, even if they weren't directly aimed at Guardian or Kit.
"Last I checked, Void doesn't dislike anyone but itself and The Rat." Guardian didn't care to call Jeremiah by his name. Until he could prove what he swears is true they simply did not care. And perhaps wouldn't even care then. He was a danger to the system and that's all Guardian cared about. "Void's job when it first formed was survival. Survival included concealment. No one was to know Void wasn't Kit. Because Kit couldn't know what was going on. That same mentality is the one it held in all of this. And we acknowledge that Void did things under Kit's name that hurt you. It's why we all want to fix that, though our methods are all very different. And Voids are bound to be the least productive." Guardian sighed, head falling back against the headboard with a quiet thunk.
Santana raised a brow at The Rat comment but decided not to press them on it right now. Maybe later, or never, but not right now. She listened as Guardian explained why Void had done what it had done, and she was at least grateful that all of the other identities seemed to feel guilty for Void hurting her, which kinda helped ease some of her anger and resentment towards them. "Okay, this is…a lot, but I guess it's a good start to trying to get me to forgive you." She hummed. "But I think this has been more than enough for one night, so maybe we should just pause here."
"I agree. I certainly didn't mean to get back on this subject." Guardian was tired. The whole body was. These types of things always took it out of them. But, at least it was night and once they were sure they could get off the call safely, they'd likely be quick to medicate and sleep. "And, thanks again, for hearing us out, and while Void may wish for you to punch us in the face, and I'm still not sure it can be ruled out as something that may still happen, thanks for not doing so that day. I also hear you thought I looked good at the party."
"It's okay. This is a lot, for all of you and for me, so it's just gonna take some time to cover everything. And if I'm ever asking too many questions, you can always tell me to shut the fuck up." Santana offered, and while she wasn't sure Guardian would do such a thing, she figured that maybe Void would. Smirking at the bit about the punching thing, which still wasn't entirely off the table, she was sure that she would ask who was fronting before she did it if it came to that. "You're welcome. Whoever chose to dress you that day made you look pitiful, so I couldn't bring myself to do it then. We'll see how I feel next time I see you though. And uh…you picked out that outfit for that stupid party? But I didn't say you looked good, I said you looked better than you did when I stopped by. There's a difference." She lied.
"We know how to stop things that go too far. Don't you worry about that." Guardian chuckled slightly. "That was Void. It likes its Sanrio and comfy clothes and it was certainly feeling sorry for itself, though that's not anything new when it comes to you." Guardian squinted as she spoke. "I was fronting for the party, and the only reason we went. Kit had some say in what we wore, because they're more into the astrology thing than I am, but yes. And sure, just like that ask answer was about Jill."
"You can't tell me not to worry about it. Now that I kinda know what's going on, I'm gonna worry about you. All of you." Santana pointed out. She didn't know why Void was still feeling sorry all this time later, but maybe her listening and being open to moving forward with them would help. "I guess you have some pretty decent taste then. As for Jill, that doesn't work anymore. It's one thing for Kit to have been attracted to me, but now that I know that even you couldn't resist wanting me, my ego is as big as fucking Jupiter. So thank you!"
"Much as we worry about you, but we do know how to end things that are too much. Even if that means safe wording. Might be the weirdest time to use it, but we'd figure out a way to end the topic effectively." Knowing Santana would be worried for them made Guardian feel some such way, as most things involving Santana still did. But they pushed it down. This wasn't the time to think about that. "I am, if nothing else, a well dressed shark." Guardian smirked. "Doesn't mean I don't know you well enough to know when you're lying about finding me hot. Might work for simple minded fools who can't read between lines, but not me."
"You guys have a safe word for that?" Santana hummed. At Guardian's remark, she tried not to smirk in response. "Okay well dressed shark, you need to give Void some pointers. Looking like a disheveled mess is not a cute look." She hummed. "And so what? Even if I did find you hot that night, I was also drinking and hiding from you, so it doesn't matter anyways. And besides, weren't you flirting with other women or something anyways?"
"No, but you happen to know our safe word for other things, so it's not entirely outside the realm of things we could use." Guardian pointed out. "Void cannot keep a single age for long and tends to slide more child like if left in front long enough outside a crisis. There's no point giving fashion advice to a dysphoric child, whose dysphoria is quite literally about being a shapeless and, technically, bodyless mass. We're lucky it seems to have found something other than oversized hoodies to wear." Void didn't have good days anymore. Didn't have days where it wanted to dress up, but Santana didn't need to know it even had those days before. "Oh, it more than matters. And no, I wasn't. I primarily stuck to playing videos with Sam and anyone else who wandered by and wanted to play. No point flirting, didn't need to have people take it the wrong way."
Santana nodded. "Right, so if it comes to that, you'll just use our safe word? Got it, I'll make sure to keep that in mind." It was smart, at least with her since she'd recognize the safe word and know to stop her interrogation, so it was a pretty good plan. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and Guardian gave another rundown of Void, and while she would have understood the oversized hoodie attire, she figured them wearing something other than that was…better? More suitable in LA heat? Something like that. She'd let that slide…for now. When they admitted that they weren't flirting with any other women, she shrugged. "Oh? Well, that's…totally boring. But even if you were flirting with other women, I wouldn't care because you can do that. You should do that, just when you're all in a better place and ready for it, you know?"
"Yeah, can't imagine old Italian families should come up naturally in the conversations we need to have." Guardian still didn't know why Kit chose Medici as their safe word, but it was effective and something that was ultimately easily accessible to anyone who may need it. Guardian's head tilted as she spoke. They weren't sure what her angle was here, but it didn't entirely matter, they were sure. "Should we find the need or the want to do so, I imagine we will. But I don't see it being anytime soon."
Santana hadn't questioned the Medici when Kit had suggested it be their safe word because it was just fitting for them, and even if she'd nagged them about their long ass rant about art before, she did love how passionate they were about it and just went with it. Guardian implying the same thing that Kit, or Void, had done before only made her shrug, deciding she wouldn't press them on why they weren't planning on doing anything with any other women. "Got it. Anyways, we should get some sleep since it's late."
"Agreed, even if I think Hel has perhaps beat us to it." Guardian wasn't sure if Santana could hear the dog quietly snoring away in their lap, but they weren't going to complain. It was calming and while she wouldn't like being woken up, she'd get over herself knowing they were going to bed soon. "Don't forget to let us know about when we're taking you."
"I can't blame the little watch dog for needing to get some sleep after this long ass phone conversation." Santana teased. "But don't worry, I'll tell you once I talk to Puck and get everything situated. And thank you again. I know I don't have to and you feel like you owe me, but this means a lot."
Guardian chuckled at her teasing. "Neither can I." It certainly hadn't been planned, but Guardian couldn't say that it was a regretted conversation. Didn't happen the way they expected it to, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. "We care and it's clearly something you need to do for you, so you're welcome."
Santana was slightly annoyed that she couldn't bring herself to still be mad at Kit after this one phone call, but it was probably a good thing. Not that she'd admit it any time soon. "I'm glad you all still care about me." She found herself admitting instead, and she was already mentally scolding herself for it. "Make sure you get enough sleep." She quickly tried to recover with. September 3, 2024
Guardian raised an eyebrow at her words, but said nothing, knowing that while there were times and places to tease, this certainly wasn't one of them, maybe later, though. "We will try. You do the same." They smiled softly. "Have a good night, San."
Santana smiled softly. "Tell Kit not to dream about me." She teased. "Good night, Guardian."
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s3znl-gr3znl · 3 months ago
Armored Core: you're a cog in the death machine of capitalism and freedom lies in the hands of those strong enough jam the gears and break the apparatus. you should def use the Baby Flayer 9000 to achieve that goal btw
Gundam: war is fucked man, so much senselss death and killing all in the name of lofty ideals. anyway we'll be rolling out the orphan thresher as soon as next quarter
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