wizardysseus · 10 months
once i used the ♠️ emoji in a qt edit caption just because. well in point of fact i don't remember why. i think i just wanted to use a slightly unusual, royal-looking emoji. and anyway @owlbats was like "i have to inform you that you did a homestuck. not only that, but you did it wrong"
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bonesbuckleup · 5 months
You landed on No Diggity by Blackstreet et al 🙌 Favorite lyrics are the whole damn song tbh. I refuse to choose.
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whipbogard · 4 months
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“I’m here…”
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vinelark · 9 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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calystarose · 2 months
Just the music, Woman In Red by San Fermin. thanks to @owlbats for the rec!
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[At a Halloween party (possibly taking place at Dimitri's club), the Cooper gang are all wearing disguises]
Penelope: An elegant fairy enchantress from the candlewick kingdom… who has become tragically wedged in a pumpkin somehow. [gestures towards Bentley] And her dashing companion…!
Bentley: [softly, looking down at the floor] Owlbat.
Penelope: Speak up!
Bentley: [loudly, looking up] Owlbat!
Dimitri: Ah, travails d'amour, eh, Owlbat?
Penelope: And what are you supposed to be, Dimitri?
Dimitri: Oh, is it not obvious?
Sly: The crepe-paper conquistador?!
Dimitri: A guy who lost a bet.
Source: Lackadaisy
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sleuth-hounds · 11 months
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An elegant fairy enchantress from the Candlewick kingdom, and her dashing companion, Owlbat!
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zaukiel · 1 year
i got tagged by @dettlefff !!! this little fishbowl maker is adorable
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link to picrew!!!
i tag @professorfriendship @pegglefan69 @owlbats
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
by WhiteMorningCat 小托马斯韦恩正在考虑如何教育自己叛逆期的兄弟。 Words: 4040, Chapters: 1/1, Language: 中文-普通话 國語 Fandoms: DCU (Comics) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Thomas Wayne Jr. | Owlman, Bruce Wayne Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Thomas Wayne Jr. | Owlman, Bruce Wayne/Thomas Wayne Jr. | Owlman, 枭蝙, Owlbat - Relationship via https://ift.tt/3D0jPza
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pigeonfancier · 1 year
@owlbats replied to your post “The point when the small dog hops on her hind legs...”:
​she's just a little girl in her heart, ft. my father's big-ass yaoi hands
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(Her nails need to be trimmed like yesterday, so I'll get doing that tonight! I always forget they GROW SO QUICKLY.)
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wizardysseus · 10 months
MY fave numbers which are 3, 7, 16, and 88
spotify wrapped 2023
3. "the river," daisy jones and the six
featured on: rook & wing (oc ship playlist)
7. "no promises," san fermin
featured on: throw out my line, i'll pull you in (mix for my augen trust rogue and his ex-girlfriend/boss/sometimes dance partner, @kareenvorbarra)
16. "cosmic love," florence + the machine
featured on: rook & wing, again.
88. "tam lin," the forgetmenauts
featured on: tam lin october, autumn is happy for deep people, wolf fairy tale (wip mix)
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widogasm · 5 years
@owlbats replied to your post “favorite fanart calebs grimy, messy long-haired calebs heavily scarred...”
I'm just saying, a lot of people's art of lvl 10 Caleb looks a lot like phobs-adjacent Sauron art, so do w/ that what u will
i love a sleep-deprived corpse that’s also a pretty boy dark lord
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whipbogard · 2 years
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Bruce used Friendly, it's super effective!
Since DC doesn't want to let me have them hugging and reconciling, I decided to take matters into my own hand 😤 Probably sometime after Lincoln recovered from that talon attack at the tower aka the sunset tower date
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lostsometime · 5 years
17, 35, 98 foooor Talia!
17. What is your character’s favorite season?
35. Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Her lowest stats are both Strength and Intelligence, which are both 10.  She’s pretty well-balanced.  But she’s teeny and a dancer, so even though she’s fit, it’s pure Dexterity.  And I mean, she’s a theater kid.  She’s not dumb, but she wasn’t exactly taking science classes at Bard School.
98. What advice would your character give to a younger version of themselves?
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ladytrollfishes · 5 years
Opia for TazHerlyn? :O
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Herlyn Frigus | 10 sweeps, 21 years | Some Dive Bar Somewhere | 1144 words
The bar’s the sort of dive you find at the deep end of the swimming pool. The floor’s got a layer of grime and stickiness a broom wouldn’t pick up, and by the looks of the bartender, dead eyed and bored, they don’t give a single crap. The minute you step in, the whole bar’s looking at your strange old mug, and you flash a challenge of a grin.
You’re not above a good old bar fight, assert your worth but Gia slips in front of you and leans on the bar to address the bartender. 
“Barnum,” she says, “Got a place for my friend and I?” 
As soon as she does, you see him actually give you a second glance, then smiles a smile you’d classify as oily. 
Gia’s not the sort you’d peg as a regular for a place like this. She stands out in the grime with her three piece suit and fancy hat- but at her appearance the rest of the bar shuffles back into their drinks and their conversations and you’re down one bar room brawl. 
Barnum jerks their head towards a couple of empty barstools. “You bringin’ any business around tonight?” they ask and Gia shakes her head. 
“Just looking for a drink,” she says. “My regular please.” 
Well it explains how she knows this place, if she’s done business here. Barnum turns an eye towards you- you’re dressed much more in the style of the bar, in a ratty old band tee and a denim jacket with some mysterious stains on it. You think it adds character, to which Gia definitely agrees. 
You return the bartender’s once over readily. If they’re eyeing you for looking out of place next to her, you could same about their association with her. 
“And your friend?” 
“Whiskey, neat,” you say casually, slipping your thumbs into your jean pockets. The bartender turns behind the bar and starts setting up your drinks as you take your seat. Your section at the bar is a little sticky, but hey- your jacket’s stained anyway. You plop your elbow on the table and spread out like a weird spider as you watch Gia take out a handkerchief and brush some crumbs off the stool before sitting down. 
You roll your eyes. 
“What, are you too good for those crumbs now?” you joke. “Kicking them off the seat like that.” Gia doesn’t dignify that with a response, just a dirty look. You chuckle as your drink lands in front of you. You make a face- it’s way more sweet than how you usually like your whiskey, but alcohol is alcohol and you take another swig. 
Gia’s regular is apparently rum and coke. More rum than coke, and a few shavings of ice. She plays with the glass in her hand, instead of taking a drink. She leans against the bar, turning her body towards you. When she looks at you, there’s no joke in her eyes, just the solid steel grey. You turn back to your glass. 
“So how have you been?” she asks. 
“S’fine,” you say, and take another gulp. It’s not good enough whiskey to savor- the burn of alcohol is more drugstore than brewery. You can already feel the tell tale buzz at the edge of your awareness.”
“You’re going through that whiskey pretty fast,” she notes. 
“You haven’t touched yours,” you reply. 
“Ver,” she says, exasperated. “You’re driving me crazy. You’ve been picking fights every two seconds, you’re angry all the time and you won’t look me in the fucking eye. What’s wrong?” 
You look her in the fucking eye. 
You hang out with more hemoanons than the average person, you think. Staring into baby greys doesn’t feel like looking into a kid’s eyes anymore. Look closely enough and you can spot the thin line of her contact around her iris. No, Gia’s grown as you are, and her baby greys just ask you what you really know about her. 
You’re hemofaking too- you got contacts in maroon, not grey, and librarian glasses to match but for some reason it feels like Gia sees right past them. Looks right past them, into something deeper. 
You settle both your elbows back on the table, your drink in hand and your eyes on the scars in the soft varnish of the bar.
“Last I checked, Gia,” you say, taking another sip of whiskey, “we weren’t actually quads.” 
Her silence is wounded, and you blink at her startled. She’s got her lips pressed together into a thin line- an impressive feat for her, her lips were pretty pillowy- and she’s staring at you intensely, like she’s actually upset. 
“-aw shit, Gia,” you say hastily. “I mean I like you, but this has just been for fun yeah?” 
You flinch when she draws back an arm, but she doesn’t try and break your nose- only socks you in the shoulder just hard enough to bruise. 
“Asshole,” she says. “You don’t have to be quads to worry about someone. And your quads aren’t here.”
It’s easier to look her in the face when she’s pissed, (doesn’t hurt that the fangs come out gleaming too) and you rub your shoulder ruefully. 
“Guess so,” you say. “But seriously, I’m fine.”
Gia makes a noise of disbelief. “I think I know you well enough by now to know when shit’s different. You’re different now.” She pauses, hesitates long enough to bite her lip so you fill in her sentence for her.
“Since I got kidnapped by a pirate,” you say with a snort. “You can say it, you know. It’s like, ridiculous, right?”
You can’t quite believe it actually happened, to tell the truth. It feels slightly like it happened to someone else, with how ridiculous it all is. But Gia’s not finding it funny- she’s frustrated, her lips pressing together again. This time, she’s the one that looks away, pinching the bridge of her nose as you sit there, grinning. 
“C’mon,” you say, only a slight whine. “It’s really no big deal.” 
When she looks back up at you again, her lips are still pursed, her face solemn, but her eyes has something in it that’s not hate or even annoyance it’s- 
“Don’t you fucking pity me,” you snap, good mood suddenly gone. “Don’t you dare.”
Gia’s eyes flash with a sudden fury. 
“Then don’t be so pathetic,” she snaps right back, fangs bared. 
A drop of heat slides down straight to your stomach as you sneer at her. “Oh yeah?” you growl, leaning forward. You got yourself braced up against the footrest of the stool and push yourself up so that you’re just hovering over her. And you take care to drag your gaze down, lingering on her lips, before you meet her eyes again. “Am I really so pathetic now?” 
Gia doesn’t give an inch. Her breath is on your face, her nose barely brushing yours. 
For one silent moment, she stares straight at you with those steel gray eyes. 
Then she reaches for you, just as you crash your lips onto hers. 
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cumaeansibyl · 6 years
owlbats replied to your post “what I want now is a horror movie where house-flippers buy a haunted...”
are you watching The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix? Because that is... /not/ this story, but the couple is in fact trying to flip a haunted house, and there is in fact black mold, and this post came across my dash while I was midway through the last episode, which was enough to make me go ??? with recognition
no, in fact! I adore Jackson but there’s been... one good Jackson adaptation, like, ever, so I distrust this. (it sounds like it’s fine, but I’m not sure it sounds like her.)
though there’s an adaptation of We Have Always Lived in the Castle coming soon that looks promising, maybe.
one of these days I do need to get around to watching Jan de Bont’s attempt at Hill House but I’ll need to check that the neighbors aren’t home because there will be so much screaming
(Charles wants to know why no one’s ever adapted The Sundial. He’s read The Sundial, so I don’t even know why he’s asking.)
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