kinsey3furry300 · 29 days
Okay so hear me out...
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BONUS CURSED CONTENT! Laios and Hunter have the same wolf Fursona:
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EDIT: Following feedback, I’m changing the Willow/Chilchuck panel from “A parent in a child’s body who is just done with everyone’s shit” to “Carrying the team, Done with everyone’s shit.” I don’t want anything I produce to be hurtful or upsetting to anyone, so even though I don’t feel it’s as impactful, and least it’s not infantilising. This will probably achieve little to nothing now the meme has breached containment but it’s the least I can do. Thank you all for feedback.
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theerurishipper · 1 month
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First <- Part 15 <- Part 16 -> Part 17
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sheerakk · 1 month
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On their way to drive off the nearest cliff.
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batboys’ Rebellious Phases:
Jason: crime lord villain era
Tim: blew up all the League bases
Damian: casual murder & joining cults
Dick: mullet
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
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Two birds of a different feather 🪶
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magicalbunbun · 5 months
Yn relationship with others
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And with jason:
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Sorry not sorry
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Court of Owls! Danny Phantom
A couple of possible scenarios:
- Danny helped found Gotham, but had to leave due to his ghostly duties or whatever. He comes back and boom, membership to an exclusive murder cult moon lighting as Gotham’s fucked up zombie version of the Illuminati. Bonus points if Danny was also somehow involved with the literal Illuminati. He’s so confused but there’s like a bunch undead ducklings following him.
- Danny somehow got adopted by a member and accidentally initiated a hostile takeover. He has no idea what’s going on but the Owls give him the creeps. Bonus points if Dani figures it out and infiltrates the Talons or something.
- the above but Danny 100% knows what’s happening and the hostile takeover was intentional.
- bonus points for both of the above if Danny just says “hoot hoot” to piss people off lol
- Danny goes evil. Enough said.
- Danny isn’t evil, but he’s bored and he might as well join a secret society for the shits and giggles. Bonus points if he makes friends with Bernard and Tim and just conspiracy the shit out of the Court of Owls. He provides Benard and Tim with some really specific and accurate details and Tim’s like “what to do if my best friend is a part of an evil secret society?” And the answer is either join him or help him take it down from the inside.
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thebirdsandthebats · 2 years
I like to think that Tim has unnerving eyes. People joke that he doesn’t blink because he is always looking very intently at everything around him. If you meet him, you’ll feel like he is staring straight into your soul with the way he just takes in your entire being with a look up and down. It’s a good thing that they wear masks at night because he has very recognizable eyes. There are gothamite memes about Tim Drake Wayne either being able to see your future and tell you your death date just by looking at you, or about there being nothing behind those eyes.
He knows about them and purposefully doesn’t debunk them. He fuels them by barely blinking the next time he attends an event. it’s very funny
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space-dreams-world · 9 months
The Bells toll for 4 Waynes:
Older Brother! Danny.
It was a regular day in the Wayne manor, and all the Batboys are home. They are in a room with the wayne family portrait before one of them notices something off with the painting. Even, Bruce can't figure out whose the person with his parents. It's only when Alfred sees the painting that he swears.
- Danny is the first born Wayne. He was born weak and sickly and lasted until he was nine, where he dies (by most likely the court of Owls).
- Danny knows his parents mean well, but he knows that their trying for another child since he's not fairing too well. He gives them his blessing for his future sibling.
- Alfred actually finds Danny when he dies, a vows to protect the future wayne heir. When Alfred looks at Bruce he sometimes sees Danny when he was healthy.
- Danny somehow speedruns the rebirth process that despite being born a Fenton, he still a wayne. He still becomes Phantom and goes, "A la tour de become Batman, but Ghost Zone edition"
- Danny is a diplomat for the GZ, not a king. He demolishes the system and rebuilds a new system where they can self govern. (The crown,the key, and the ring are kept with Clockwork and housed in a several-DNA locked container.
- Hears about the rankness of actual Gotham and its ghosts, so decides to go to Gotham to help Gotham spirit.
- Danny is actual there to deal with Gotham ghost, due to conflicting influences (bats, owls, rogues) leaves Gotham very weak and corruptible. (Spoilers, Danny has force Gotham into her core to heal herself, but stuff happens... Danny has to kill Gotham as the court of owls and the rogue are too influential on Gotham.)
- Danny actually shows up at a gala as cannonically aged Daniel Wayne.
- Danny works as a freelance mechanic or freelance mortician in Gotham.
- The Bats assume the Court is behind Danny's resurrection but, Danny eyes burn green so maybe the LoA is involved.
*Edit*: Danny, in order to heal Gotham, has to house her core as the ecto in city would take too long, and who knows what happened into those pits with Ra's involved (or Danny ferries Lady Gotham to the ghost zone to heal and he takes her place). Danny, for the time being, becomes the city spirit taking on the shadowed tar-like appearance with bits of owl and bat features with curses included and gains a lot of knowledge about his city and its people. This is a lot for Danny as he is essentially a supercharged ghost hybrid. The supernatural in Gotham are worried as Danny has the ability to essentially remove them and their curses on Gotham, but at the same time, because he houses Lady Gotham, people have the chance fight him for more power. The bats don't want to trust Danny and especially after he stakes their city spirit (they think he'll report the Bad guys, but cities are self-governing...)
[ I don't know if I want Danny to meet the Waynes again in the GZ before or after meeting Bruce, and Danny does meet Ra's at some point before meeting Bruce and co.]
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gffa · 1 year
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THIS IS SO CUTE, Tim is fixing Damian's collar as Damian is lobbing the most tame insult pretty much ever, that there's a comfort level between the both of them, that Damian is letting Tim touch him and his joke is light-hearted, and it's so very brotherly between them now and I love that Bruce has three of his kids tucked close, even if they have to go to the dumb gala and they're all crowded in together like a bunch of weirdo bats (because they are, using facial rec for a party SO HE DOESN'T HAVE TO REMEMBER THEIR NAMES, like no I'm on Bruce's side, actually that's pretty smart, even if it's still weird) and it's AN ADORABLE MOMENT.
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giotanner · 2 months
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(part 2) Talon Dick Grayson and Batman, first confrontation after being helped by the Bat-Family and freed by Jason Todd from the Court of Owls. Bruce has been on his trail for months, but the “Gray Son of Gotham” knows how to stay off the radar.
Talon is tired of running, tired of his hypersensitive senses, and tired of not feeling the adrenaline rush of a battle-though the fight is won, the enemy is gone.
So he burns his own instincts and makes himself found. Batman is not long in coming-
-after all, he must have the Dark Knight's approval if he is to find a purpose as a vigilante in Gotham
{SUPPORT the entire video on tiktok}
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annakacoyett · 13 days
Gotham has its own set of nursery rhymes and holiday verses. Instead of 'I've got deadly nightshade', its 'I see Poison Ivy'. Around Christmas, Crime Alley kids would go around singing carols, but instead of 'Santa Claus is coming to town', its 'Red Hood's gonna chop off your balls'. Gotham kids don't really know the exact words to 'Ringa Ringa Rose', but they can sing 'Shady Shady Batsy' in their sleep.
Everyone knows the Court of Owls nursery rhyme. Children hold hands and chant 'Hey Riddle, Riddle' in the playground. Mothers and fathers lull their children to sleep with renditions of 'Hush Little Baby' and 'Rock-a-bye' that don't sound quite right. 'Mary had a little lamb' is something that is decidedly an outsider thing, because here its 'Harley has WHACK-a-WHAM!'. Theres no Old MacDonald, because the song is called 'Scaredy Scarecrow'.
Even the rhymes that share the same name and tune with ones from the outside is pretty disturbing, for non-Gothamites. Jack and Jill never had anything about chemical spillage, Humpty Dumpty sounds a little more cracked than usual, and the words to Eenie Meanie sounds like a diary entry made by an obsessive pedophilic stalker. 'Down By The Bay' is basically a step-by-step on what to do if you're getting kidnapped, and there was never a London Bridge- the road to Arkham Aslyum is called Arkie's Bridge for a reason. 'Wheels On The Bus' is less about wheels and more about tirejacking. Itsy Bitsy Spider isn't about a spider- but a vaguely alligator-human hybrid mutant that lives in the sewers.
Anywho I wanna read about Gotham nursery rhymes, because with the shit that goes down there, the songs are CREEPY AS HELL.
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the-booty-crusader · 11 months
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A Tim!
Although he may have had a run-in with the Court of Owls…
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momachan · 6 months
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"Look, Suze-- May I call you Suze? Nobody enjoys a good vendetta more than I do... but at some point you need to put the past in the past. You need a new perspective. One that tells you it's time to let go. -Never. Not for a second. As long as I still breathe, my only thought will be breaking your neck and licking the blood and bile that oozes from your lifeless body. I won't stop. Ever. -I respect your decision."
Red Hood (2011-2015) Vol. 2: The Starfire. "Last Regrets. I Had A Few."
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lorena12me · 1 year
My little contribution to Bernard's AU as part of the court of owls!
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Even if I was a thousand years late for the Coo! Bernard AU but in my defense they are an acquired taste lol I had to slowly get exposed to the idea of Bernard as part of the court of owls but damn I love it now!
Ok, so for this Au, Bernard and Tim are a couple, Tim hasn't told Bernard that he's Robin but he knows (due to court of owls surveillance stuff), but instead of Bernard wanting to hurt Tim or turn him into a Talon and that, what Bernard wants most is to see Tim shine.
He wants to see his Robin save the day, he wants to see him capture the villains, save Batman's life, solve the mysteries, he wants Tim to be the center of a show just for him. But he wants all reactions Tim has to be genuine (what's the point of the actor realizing he's onstage?), so he'll manipulate everyone and everything around Tim just to see how they react and deal his couple with these situations.
Things get out of hand when Bernard orchestrates an escape from Arkham for Tim to deal with, but Tim was supposed to fight Ivy! Joker wasn't supposed to be there! Joker was supposed to go after Batman, in his usual way repetitive eternal battle of order against chaos. Joker decides to torture Tim and broadcast it live to the whole city as a way to hurt Batman (and maybe he was planning to do something like Joker Junior), but Bernard won't allow it. If it had been any of the other Batfam members, Bernard would have been entertained by the show and supported Tim's efforts (behind the scenes) to get the missing member back, but he wouldn't have interfered. But he's not going to let his main star go out like this. It's time for a cut scene.
It's time for the owls to enter the stage! The court's maze looks like a good place to start the next act! (after healing Tim, of course).
How will Robin deal with them? Bernard is excited to share the stage with his beloved Tim!
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
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Rough sketch and colors ✍️🎨✨
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