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This girl is simply amazing…
#juicyangel#stuffed feedee#gaining weight on purpose#fatass#fat gain#feedee encouragement#outofcontrol
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Getting older is a scary thing. Time starts running out. And everything you've dreamed of doing with your life feels as out of reach as the moon and the stars.
#spilled ink#prose#spilled thoughts#spilled words#thoughts#writer#prose poetry#prose poem#late night thoughts#spilled poetry#getting older#aging#adulting#dreams#outofcontrol#fear#fears#excerpt from my life#spilled heart#spilledink#spilled poem#spilled writing#writersthoughts#writers on tumblr#writeblr#writers and poets#writerscommunity
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Parents got a new cat they named Lord Montague, and this morning I heard my dad in the other room say "I would have to advise against that decision my Lord."
Followed by a crashing sound.
#newcat#LordMontague#rebel#funnyname#againstadvice#outofcontrol#crashingsounds#motorcycle#wildone#humor#baddecisions#inevitable#acrylic#artists on tumblr#dailyartwork#artoftheday#artwork#kunst#lowbrowart#outsiderart#flommist#flomm#painting#beercoaster#beermat#bierdeckel#perspective
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It's Out Of Control / So Now We're Going Off On Them (Part Seven)
Check us out as we come through on this Monday morning putting it down like this, we’re going off on them and those… …who have the situation out of control; the old school Baptist preacher from up in Louisville told us the devil will oppose! Brotha O is fighting back as digital crate digging continues plus he’ll compose this good word; staying positive with an Aurora Borealis type of…
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🎶💥 "Out Of Control" by Hi-Lux is here to ignite your playlist with epic house beats! Let the rhythm take over! 🔥🎧🎶✨🖤
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Preposition - "Out of"
Preposition “Out of”
Preposition out of and its opposite into: Out of and Into are prepositions that describe movement from one place or state to another. Here are some examples to illustrate the difference: Out of: She walked out of the room quietly so as not to disturb anyone. The cat jumped out of the window and onto the roof. He pulled a rabbit out of the magician's hat. The soccer ball rolled out of the backyard and into the street. Into: She stepped into the car and drove away. The children ran into the playground as soon as the bell rang. He poured the milk into his cereal bowl. The hiker disappeared into the dense forest. In these examples, out of indicates movement from inside or a starting point, while into indicates movement toward or entering into a destination or state. Preposition out of with different meanings: The preposition out of can have various other meanings depending on the context. Here are some additional meanings of out of with examples: Lack of: She's out of patience after waiting for hours. We're out of milk, so we need to buy some at the store. Because of: He missed the meeting out of fear of public speaking. She was sad out of concern for her friend's well-being. Using: He fixed the broken chair out of spare parts he found in the garage. She made a delicious cake out of the ingredients in the pantry. Involving: They chose him out of all the candidates for the job. The painting stood out of the rest because of its vibrant colors. Derived from: The word chocolate comes out of the Aztec language. This recipe is out of an old family cookbook. A part of or selected from: She pulled a book out of the bookshelf. The teacher picked the best essays out of the class. These examples demonstrate the versatility of the preposition out of and how it can convey various meanings in different contexts.
Out as an Adverb:
The phrase out can indeed be used as an adverbial phrase to describe movement from the inner part of something. Here are some examples: Come out : The magician made the rabbit come out. When the rain stopped, the children could finally come out to play. Speak out: She wasn't afraid to speak out against injustice. It's important to speak out when you see something wrong. Shout out: The fans were excited and started to shout out the team's name. He couldn't help but shout out in surprise when he saw the surprise party. Cry out: The baby began to cry out in the middle of the night. He couldn't help but cry out in pain when he stubbed his toe. Laugh out: The comedian's jokes were so funny that everyone began to laugh out loud. Even in a serious meeting, he would occasionally laugh out at a funny thought. Run out: The children played in the yard and started to run out of energy. As the marathon progressed, many runners began to run out of stamina. Step out: She decided to step out of her comfort zone and try something new. He needed to step out of the meeting briefly to take an important call. Walk out: The employees threatened to walk out of the meeting if their demands weren't met. He couldn't stand the argument anymore and chose to walk out. Help out: Can you help out with the charity event this weekend? She always offers to help out her friends when they need assistance. In these examples, out serves as an adverb to provide additional detail or context to the action described by the verb, often indicating the direction or manner of the action. The Adverb Out in combination with the Common Verbs: Here are examples of verbs in combination with the adverb out where the adverb has lost its separate meaning and simply emphasizes or intensifies the action of the verb: Work out: I need to work out regularly to stay in shape. They decided to work out their differences through open communication. Hammer out: The negotiators had to hammer out the final details of the contract. We spent hours trying to hammer out a compromise. Lash out: He tends to lash out when he's stressed. She couldn't help but lash out in frustration. Sweat out: After a challenging workout, he needed to sweat out the toxins. She tried to sweat out her fever by staying in bed. Talk out: Let's sit down and talk out our problems. They decided to talk out their differences to find a resolution. Spell out: He had to spell out the instructions for them to understand. The teacher decided to spell out the assignment clearly. Find out: She wanted to find out the truth about the mysterious noise. Did you ever find out who won the contest? Make out: It was difficult to make out the details in the fog. I could just barely make out his silhouette in the darkness. Point out: She had to point out the errors in the report. Can you please point out where the nearest exit is? Set out: They set out on a journey to explore new lands. The chef began to set out the ingredients for the recipe. In these examples, the adverb out doesn't add a separate or distinct meaning but rather emphasizes or intensifies the action of the verb, making the action more specific or emphatic. Preposition out of in word expressions: Here are some word expressions with the preposition out of along with examples: Out of reach: The cookies are on the top shelf and out of reach for the children. The remote control fell behind the couch and is now out of reach. Out of control: The car skidded on the icy road and went out of control. The party got out of control when unexpected guests arrived. Out of sight: The ship sailed away and soon was out of sight on the horizon. She hid the treasure chest out of sight so no one could find it. Out of date: The milk in the fridge is out of date, so don't use it. His fashion sense is so old-fashioned; his style is out of date. Out of nowhere: The storm appeared out of nowhere and caught us by surprise. She suddenly started singing out of nowhere during the meeting. Out of order: The elevator is out of order, so take the stairs. The printer is out of order, and we need to get it fixed. Out of the blue: He received a job offer out of the blue from a company he didn't apply to. Her gift arrived out of the blue, making her day special. Out of character: His angry outburst was out of character for someone usually so calm. Her kindness in that situation was out of character for her. Out of the question: Going on a vacation right now is out of the question because of work. Borrowing my car for the weekend is out of the question. Out of the loop: Since I've been on vacation, I feel like I'm out of the loop at work. She felt out of the loop because she missed the important meeting. Out of doors: They decided to have a picnic out of doors in the park. The fresh air felt wonderful out of doors. Out of danger: The patient is now out of danger and recovering in the hospital. The lifeguard quickly pulled the drowning swimmer out of danger. Out of necessity: She took the job out of necessity to pay her bills. We had to cancel the trip out of necessity due to bad weather. Out of pity: He gave her a second chance out of pity for her difficult circumstances. They helped the homeless man out of pity and bought him a meal. Out of use: The old typewriter is out of use and no longer functional. The playground equipment is out of use for repairs. Out of work: He's been out of work since he lost his job last month. The factory closure left many employees out of work. These expressions provide additional context and convey specific meanings based on the combination of out of with other words. Preposition – “Out of” Prepositions “Out of” and “From” to compare Preposition – “From” Preposition – “Off” Preposition – “In” Read the full article
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Avaliação do Álbum 'Out of Control' de Girls Aloud
Quer saber mais sobre a minha avaliação das faixas do álbum 'Out of Control' de Girls Aloud? Confira aqui e descubra a média final do álbum!

Girls Aloud
Out of Control
3 nov 2008
pop dance
ano2008 atoGirlsAloud albumOutofControl generopop generodance avaliação álbum 2008 GirlsAloud OutofControl GirlsAloudOutofControl
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Out of Control, Dua orang Meninggal Dunia Usai Jatuh di Kebun Warga

BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BULELENG - Pengendara sepeda motor Vario dengan nomor polisi DK 7088 VQ mengalami out of control di Banjar Anyar, Desa Sambangan, Kecamatan Sukasada, Buleleng, pada Kamis (8/6/2023). Peristiwa itu mengakibatkan dua orang meninggal dunia. Kasi Humas Polres Buleleng, AKP Gede Sumarjaya mengatakan pengendara sepeda motor bernama Cintya Dwi Avriliani (20) asal Banjar Dinas Kelodan, Desa Penglatan, Kecamatan Buleleng mengalami luka lecet pada dagu dan mengeluarkan darah dari hidung. Sedangkan satu penumpang bernama I Gusti Agung Ayu May Triskayanthi (37) asal Jalan Jatayu, Kelurahan Kaliuntu, Kecamatan Buleleng mengalami lebam pada bagian pipinya. Keduanya sudah sempat dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Buleleng, namun dinyatakan meninggal dunia. "Tidak ada yang selamat. Keduanya dinyatakan telah meninggal dunia oleh tim medir di RSUD Buleleng," Ucap Kasi Humas Polres Buleleng, AKP Gede Sumarjaya. Sementara itu AKP Sumarjaya juga membeberkan kronologi kejadian, dimana peristiwa itu terjadi sekitar pukul 12.30 WITA, saat itu korban datang dari arah selatan menuju ke arah utara. Kemudian akibat jalan turunan korban tidak bisa mengendalikan kendaraannya, sehingga saat tikungan kedua korban langsung terjun ke kebun milik warga dengan kedalaman kurang lebih sekitar 15 meter. "Mereka jatuh ke kebun warga. Kini peristiwa tersebut masih ditangani unit lantas Polsek Sukasada," Tandas AKP Sumarjaya.(dar/bpn) Read the full article
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writing a sajak based on this? lmao no wayyyyy
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Both of them are fucking incredible. I love how much they let me be in control. And they will so happily and readily display all and everything of themselves so that I can use it against them. When she plays the cute and desperate victim for me cuz she knows I love it when she is afraid. She doesn't really care for being in pain much but she knows I love blood and pain and gore so she just so happily and readily lets me do what I like. And he is so fucking desperate to be owned by me. I don't think I ever feel stronger than when I am telling him exactly what do, sit, speak, don't fuck, and just gets so excited. Finally he is let out of control and I decide over him however I please. I wants to be my stupid mutt not able to think straight and I'm putting him in his well deserved place. He knows how good it makes me feel when I am in charge, I am in control and I get to decide over him. And he loves giving that to me.
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a hand reaches out

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This shit gets more and more annoying and crooked by the damn day. I am sick of this person fuvking harassing me. Now supposedly a crowd of torch wielding villagers are headed this way to decapitate me and hang my head on a stick in the town square. I hate these assholes. This has gone way too far abd now im gonna get my ass creamed by an angry mob. This shit gets more outrageous by the day. Only…
#24hoursaday#brainwaves#bullies#gangstalking#idontknowhowtheyaredoingthis#intrusive#noonewilleverbelieveyou#notschizo#scamartist#sociopath#spying#stalking#terrorists#THISNUTS FUCKINGHELPGODDAMN outofcontrol#voices#bully#cyber stalker
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I got kicked out of the conga festival
I don't blame them. I was way out of line.
#kickedout#conga#festival#outofline#badpuns#humor#irony#dancing#congaline#dontblamethem#outofcontrol#cantdance#inevitable#acrylic#painting#artists on tumblr#artoftheday#artwork#dailyartwork#outsiderart#lowbrowart#kunst#flommist#flomm#sadahirecoasters#handpaintedbeercoaster#beercoaster#beermat#perspective
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It's Out Of Control / So Now We're Going Off On Them (Part Six)
..And we’re back on this Throwback Thursday / Thankful Thursday still getting retro futuristic… …and we noticed things were still out of control from here in Atlanta where Fani Willis was disqualified from prosecuting the Georgia election case against Trump to wherever, the game is disrespected. It’s expected when dealing with these earthlings; based on the way they work things many were…
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((Happy Birthday to the flea bag. Now he can stop whining I never remember it.))
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#ClassicArtMemes #SpinOutOfControl #OutOfControl #SpinIntoControl #SpiralOutOfControl
#classic art memes#spin out of control#spiral into control#chaos#spiral out of control#out of control#meme dump
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