#our flag means death speculation
There are some fantastic arguments as to why Izzy won't be the one dying in episode 8, ranging from the fandom backlash, all the way up to some fantastic character and scene analysis. There are some fantastic posts about it happening too – don’t want to diminish that, despite how it makes my heart hurt and my brain very sad.
The key thing to remember is that we still don't really know much about episode 8, other than from a few of the shots we’ve seen from BTS and from the teaser (which I wager, only really shows the first 15 mins or so, if that). I've tried to piece the scenes together into a somewhat cohesive storyline, trying to work out how the crew escapes and why they go back, and how they end up with Ricky (in naval costume), where they're going with him etc and when the funeral scene we’ve seen slots into the episode. It’s so hard, and there may be a multitude of reasons as to why Izzy isn’t in that shot, from a) he is captured still b) he is unable to make it due to the state he's in c) he's lying on a beach somewhere drinking mimosas (which is the headcannon I have)
DJ has said that the season will end on a satisfying note, well enough to be satisfied with if HBO don’t give a 3rd season, which also suggests that maybe Izzy won’t die, or it won’t be left on a 'is he dead?' cliffhanger as that would be as unsatisfying as it comes. He has also said that the opening scene will be incredibly satisfying as well, which may counterargue the above point, but I'm not sure Izzy dying would make that any more satisfying?
Now we've all seen the review that came out, saying that the crew suffers a devastating loss and this gives the 'dying' corner a potential point, but people have also made some real good points about it being the Revenge or someone else entirely.
From my perspective (which has nothing to do with anything really) is that this entire Izzy-dying situation just seems a bit too forced/heavy handed for me - its foreshadowed heavily in the first three episodes (Christ, we think he's dead like 3 times?) and I find it so very hard to believe that they would let a KEY spoiler scene be leaked in their promo footage? I honestly think that all the info we have gotten so far has been fed to us in this way on purpose, so we build it up in our heads, DJ and co know we would analyse everything and by god we have so far, so much - maybe it is all a giant red herring? Maybe someone does die, but it’s a complete 180 from who we think it is?
I dunno, but if he does die I'll be disappointed, not just because I like him, and what that means for him as a character, but because we were able to figure it out mostly from promotional shots and one would think that something as heavy and as big as Izzy’s death would be, would be the furthest thing they'd want to put in there.
I dunno, as we get closer to Thursday, I just have to keep remembering that it will all actually be okay and DJ and co know what they are doing.
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libraryoffangirl · 1 year
What if lucius actually is not in season 2 but he just shows up at the very very end like stede did in season 1
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xray-vex · 1 year
So many people speculating about OFMD s2 plot points and character arcs, my prediction is that there's gonna be a whole lot of this after s2 finally airs
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paleoleigh · 11 months
I need Mary and Doug to show up at the inn so we can have an exchange that goes like:
Mary: Stede?!
Stede: Mary?!
Ed: Mary?
Stede: *remembering dinner at Anne and Mary Read's house* Ed...
Mary: *doing the math* Ed?
Stede: *affirmatively* Ed!
Ed: *confused, pointing at himself* Ed.
Doug: *also confused* ....I'll go wait in the carriage.
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remember in e6 when they were brainstorming fuckery ideas and buttons said “i yearn to make sweet love to the sea” and stede responded with “woah! way too personal!”
anyway who’s excited to see Stede Hypocrite Bonnet overshare about every single romantic and sexual thought he has about his beloved edward in s2
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existential-queeer · 1 year
The show starts in 1717 and Blackbeard historically is killed in 1718. I have delusionally convinced myself that they will not kill him off in the show and instead have some elaborate fuckery for him to fake his death. Nothing sad will ever happen (again) in my silly little gay pirate show. You cannot convince me otherwise. I will not be taking criticism on this.
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ceaselessbasher · 1 year
Can't wait to find out if:
The crew of the Revenge attacked a ship that happened to have a wedding happening on it and Ed was like "this is awakening feelings in me"
Ed was like "I am going to hunt down any motherfucker who thinks they can have their perfect happy ending to their love story while I, God's specialest boy, suffer."
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jacobglaser · 11 months
So it seems pretty obvious Ed is gonna fish up the leathers next week, but I wonder if he might find some of the letters Stede chucked in the ocean too, Stede mentioning them this week but not telling Ed what was in them makes me suspicious they brought it up for a reason.
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dear---moon · 1 year
Okay so do we think they're gonna drop the trailer on September 1st or September 2nd?
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ineffably-graham · 1 year
as an asexual i deeply understand that sex is not the only way to show intimacy and deep emotional romantic connection.
that said if ed and stede don’t have beautiful passionate sex in season 2 i’m gonna riot.
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devotioncrater · 1 year
season 2 episode 7 being titled Man On Fire....i just know stede and ed are gonna fuck nasty in it. because in S1 we got the kiss scene during episode 9 aka the penultimate episode. aka what season 2 episode 7 is. also since the music for this season appears to be 80's based (prince, patti smith), it's not a big jump to assume Man On Fire is a play on bruce springsteen's song "I'm On Fire", which is an incredibly horny song. also also we already know that these two reunite early on so by then whatever unresolved tension lingers between them would be purely sexual. listen to me the dots for these two to fuck in season 2 episode 7 are all connecting in this essay i will prove —
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libraryoffangirl · 11 months
So Izzy sings in drag at Lucius and Pete engagement party possibly??
I am so ok and so normal i like this show a normal not crazy ammount
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xray-vex · 1 year
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(via this interview)
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I see your “what if Izzy had a crush on Stede” and your “what if Stede had a crush on Izzy” and I raise you:
both of them, simultaneously, independently, reaching the same conclusion:
Oh no, he’s hot.
Tragically, our mutual love for Ed means he can never reciprocate, even if he didn’t hate me, which he does.
I must conceal my feelings from him in order to reserve whatever fragile respect he has for me.
And then both of them failing miserably and hilariously at it.
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local-space-gay · 1 year
I’m really excited to see what they do with Ricky. I think the first episode did a really good job setting up his character. Right away he starts pointing out these connections between him and Stede, saying that he was also an outcast who went into pirating because of it. They were both wealthy, they enjoy fancy things, they seem pretty similar right?
Because Ricky then starts insulting the other pirates. He looks down on them, he draws clear distinctions between them and the other pirates. He tells Stede that “men of our standing, we know a valuable when we see one.” When he mentions the Roman puzzle chest. Ricky clearly sees himself as better than the other pirates because of his status and wealth.
But Stede doesn’t. Sure, Stede is judgy and catty, but he never makes anyone on his crew feel bad or lesser than for not being of high status and genuinely cares for them. He also eagerly wanted to learn about pirating from them, he looked up to them and asked for their advice! Unlike Ricky, who is clearly still clinging onto that superiority, which gets him caught by Jackie when decides to be cocky and make a drink so they “know they’ve been robbed by the best.”
Which is why I think he’s going to end up resenting Stede for “planting” these ideas in his head and go after him, and he’s going to have to realize that he simply doesn’t understand piracy. Izzy’s quote about “belonging to something” makes so much sense when you see the lack of community or solidarity he has with pirates vs. Stede finding community with people who accept him
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idolo-mantis · 1 year
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Stede's cabin redecorated but with some signature Ed touches 👀
Heres to hoping we eventually get to see them bicker about interior design choices <3
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