#otp: ice blades
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What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Have you received anon hate? What about?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about LOA?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Elriel man. I just don’t get it at all. It’s not like they don’t have scenes together. It’s the fact that Elain and Azriel have ZERO chemistry in the scenes they’re in. Honestly, it’s NEGATIVE. Azriel has more chemistry with Mor in the scene where he gives Elain the blade; after all, it was Mor’s begging him not to fight that convinced him to hand over his blade. The bonus chapter? Azriel has more chemistry with Gwyn, who he doesn’t even consider a friend yet. And any sexual tension between them in the bonus chapter is entirely a result of Azriel and Elain both being horny for Vanserras. I said what I said. Plus the fact that Az masturbated to Tylenol and did not think of a relationship past fucking??? Bro…that’s who you want Elain with? Ok…
Tamcien and Gwynlain are not hugely popular…but Tamcien is the second most popular Lucien ship I believe. While I totally see why people might ship these pairs and honestly adore some of their art, I really ship them as bros. Tho I’m not gonna lie Gwynlain getting together after all these fuckers pitting them against each other would be hilarious.
Have I ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Sweetie, I’ve blocked people. In fact, I blocked a mutual I was very close to because of their shitty opinion on Elain. It was exceptionally annoying too because they were coming on my pro Elain posts to shit on her. Like…just why…
I’ve answered this in a previous post, but my NOtps are Feysand and Elriel.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Most azriel ships (i answer this more thoroughly in another post)
Has fandom made me enjoy a ship I previously hated? Well I wouldn’t say I ever hated Elucien, but I initially shipped them only because they’re mates and not because I had any particular investment in them. But honestly, the fandom and reading Elucien fics really made me believe they have potential to be the best SJM ship ever. I initially disliked Azris as well simply because I think Eris deserves better, but the enemies-to-lovers potential is too good. That being said, I like Azris in a very specific way, so if it’s not written the way I like i don’t enjoy it (which is why I mainly like my Azris version).
I used to like Nessian, ima be real. I think I was so happy to get a Nesta POV book rather than another Feyre one that I missed the brainwashing and gaslighting in the book the first time around. But god, Cassian is so horrible especially in that book looking back. Now I only engage in very specific fanon Nessian.
Yes, I’ve received anon hate, mainly about my unpopular stances on SJM and the IC. Apparently, some people can’t grasp the concept of being critical of a piece of media while still enjoying aspects of it and engaging with it. The Harry Potter fandom would understand me tho. Their author is a known transphobe.
My least favorite characters? The entire Inner Circle. Can’t stand them. Why? They’re villains written as heroes by a biased author and are therefore highly hypocritical, self-righteous, and annoying.
Abhor Feyre’s arc in ACOMAF. That was not the slay she and the author think it is. I don’t know how she expects us to believe her mind hasn’t been melted by Rhysand’s daemati powers. Sjm tried to copy paste book 1 Tamlin’s traits onto Rhysand, only Rhysand doesn’t wear those traits as well as Tamlin did. And feyre loses the personality she had in book 1.
Unpopular character that I like is Tamlin, although he has a much bigger following now than when I first came to Tumblr.
I don’t think there’s an arc I like that the fandom doesn’t, aside from some Elriels. I can name plenty that I don’t like that the fandom does, but not the other way around. Ok, maybe…most of my elucien friends don’t care for Nuala and Cerridwen. I actually want to know more about them; they’ve been around since book one and we still don’t know shit. While I don’t see them as Elain’s found family, they’re still her friends who supported her during tough times and I think she should have as many friends as possible as is her nature. I have so many headcanons about them lol but I’ll save that for another post.
Unpopular opinion about LoA: Oh boy. I know so many people ship Helion x LoA, but I’m genuinely here like: I don’t want Mamaserra to just jump into another relationship. I mean, she’s been in an abusive relationship for centuries. I think she should get a break, explore for some time, figure out what she really wants before going to Helion. Helion has waited this long; he can wait longer.
Unpopular opinion about the fandom? Some of y’all take shit wayyyy too seriously. I enjoy making theories as much as the next gal, but some of you are genuinely deranged, sending so much hate to other people for made up characters. Like…reality check. I can assure you the sooner you start making memes instead of hating, the sooner you’ll start enjoying fandom.
Unpopular opinion about ACOTAR? It could be so good if you changed almost everything about it. That’s why I’m here🙂↔️
Thanks for the ask! From salty ask post here
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I can't say I really have one, but throughout my RP experience the ship that resonated the most with me was Dain and Blade.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Everything so long as it doesn't involve cheating or toxic behaviors (or at least uncooperative, as I'm aware that Blade as a character isn't a stroll on a field of roses precisely). This is because when I ship I want to see everything there is to have, from the beginning to the proper romantic relationship phase. Me saying that I'm not a fan of toxic behaviors is a reflection of saying that I don't think Dain would be interested in one like that to begin with and he's heavily down to earth for that. At the same time, I do acknowledge his difficulties and by no means I want to say that shipping with him will be a walk around the park either.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Writing someone like Dain makes this question... curious given the many years he has lived, so what I'll say is that what would make me uncomfortable in what's concerned about age is the lack of reflection that another individual is of age and by this I mean necessarily both physically and mentally. I give special importance to the mental aspect because shipping with Dain will require a certain maturity that not everyone may have, no matter if they're already of age.
Are you selective when shipping?
I am and part of the reason is past experiences of mine in my early times as a RPer. The other part is that I like to have the liberty to gush about our muses' ship without feeling like I'm inconveniencing my RP partners, and / or if there are time constraints that impedes us to write consistently, that at least we can keep that interest via private discussions.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
As soon as erotica begins, I'd say, as nudity doesn't necessarily have to be involved for this to be present. Likewise, nudity involving genitalia is another go-to tag the IC interactions appropriately.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Diluc, Al-Haitham, Rhukkadevata, Neuvillette and Sunday.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Granted that I stated that communication between muns is important to me as a requirement to ship, yes. It'll be bound to happen. Moreover, as a note I want to say that don't let my short list of muses I ship Dain with discourage you. This comes from the perspective of not having had the chance to think about it too much or having shipped Dain much to begin with and there are some characters I haven't mentioned that might bring interesting results if discussed.
How often do you like to ship?
I want to preface that what I like isn't a direct representation of the reality of shipping. I love shipping and I'd love to ship more often, but what really happens is the opposite and part of it is due to the complexity Dain has a muse by himself, which I don't want to disregard. I'm aware that the odds of shipping more frequently would've spiked if I ignored this, but I simply... don't want to. I've been an observer of how Dain is treated when the key traits of his character are ignored or watered down (not limited to RP and not necessarily in RP, more so through fanarts, Twitter, etc.) and I don't like what's done to him, hence I won't contribute further to that myself.
Are you multiship?
Yes, but never with the same character. I'm aware that the same character can count to have multiple muses as it varies from portrayal to portrayal, but I want to have free reign to explore everything without having to limit myself to give bits and pieces to every ship with the same muse if I were to indulge in that practise. Once again, it's not my thing and not due to a lack of experience, which I had in my early times as a RPer.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Given my love for shipping, I'd lean more towards the former but I know that the reality is the latter. So somewhere in between, I suppose?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Dainsleif and Neuvillette without a doubt. From all the characters that have been introduced so far in Genshin, I find that Neuvi would understand him the most and both have a somehow similar mentality. Furthermore, they struggle with being somewhere in between human and otherwise that is interesting to think about how one would shoulder the other in that regard, as well as finding their own destiny or purpose in this world.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know about it. There is no shame in doing that even if our interactions have been brief or few in number. Everything can be discussed and in my years of RP experience, I find OOC discussions on the topic to be as important as IC interactions. That being said, and one thing I find important is that if we do this without having interacted much IC yet is that we can have the freedom to jump back and forth to different moments of our muses' relationship and not just get stuck in the romantic phase without at least writing prompts of how the development up to that point would've gone.
Tagged by: Found it in the depths of an old blog of mine lol Tagging: @seraphicus @jueying @astrxlfinale @madrites @apocryphis @celesticlnstcrs @guhamun @delusionaid @oneireth @lunaetis @lumoire @nagareboshiko and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to take it!
#◟༺✧༻◞ shall fair divination be imparted ┊dash game.┊#don't mind the banners#I thought this could be a good post#to link somewhere in the pinned post#or somewhere in the navigation page djfhjg
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SHIPPING INFO: Caitlyn Kiramman.
Tagged by: @misfits-of-zaun, @misstantabismuses, @independentzaun, @saviourofzaun Tagging: @hxundsprxdigy, @freedomsbounty, @legendscried, @bioniczaunites, almost everyone has done this already so XD
I won't lie, I absolutely love Caitlyn x Vi (violyn, what a pretty ship name), however, I feel liek saying OTP means I'm exclusive to such things? Caitlyn and Vi are soulmates in my eyes, they will always be meant for each other; however with roleplaying, there is so much more we can go into. And that includes OCs!! So while I love this ship, I am not exclusive to it and that's all I'll write.
Caitlyn is around 25 years old (In her Baroness verse its conditional. could be 25 as well or older as 35/38). I would say the most I go with with caitlyn is perhaps 20 years pushing it. In reading it, I'm not bothered as long as things are tagged, but arcane is filled with very dark themes and its there. Caitlyn in IC setting would not go any further then at most 20 years difference.
For me, I'm not troubled by anything nsfw, whether its sexual, violence, or other topics in that area. So in terms of sexual relationships, I feel like for it to be considered nsfw is when hands start moving. They could be fully clothed, but its still the groping, hands slipping under shirts/pants, even intense make-out sessions I think would all quality for being nsfw.
That being said, nsfw for me is more of a warning to those who write with me. just hey, this is getting spicy and if you don't like it turn away because I typically do write out nsfw scenes including smut. I enjoy the writing of it because its a part of the characters and their developing relationship.
In terms of violence, again, its part of the story, no matter how ugly it is. I would say nsfw in violence if blades/weapons come out, and the writing is visual it would be marked as well.
Alright, the fun part!! So, I haven't been around much to truly establish much, but I have a few ships that I've gotten to play around with!
Naturally, I have Caitlyn and Vi, and what I love about my ships with them is like, with everyone I write with the ships are different. Caitlyn has different connections with different Vis because all writers play them differently! I first started writing with @freedomsbounty and her Vi, and we kind of changed things up where Vi didn't walk away in teh rain in that angst, but actually decided to embrace her feelings and then promised to return. So its definitely a different way.
But then I have my ship with @misstantabismuses which is far more in depth with spreading out the timeline to be longer, rather then working in what looked like 'days' in teh show. So its this first developed partnership/friends, bonding on a level of noticing each other and then in time this whole '...oh shit.... I think I like her what do I do' and exploring this sort of long-term development from work partners to friendship to lovers.
So I of course love exploring with any Vi and I'm open to it (which I hope it would be known that I would never force a ship! I do ship them but I am not going to be like 'your vi has to like caitlyn' sort of thing).
As for other ships, some I'm exploring is with my Baroness Caitlyn, she has a relationship with Jinx as well! Its definitely a unique perspective in the mirror reflection of Piltover Caitlyn being with Vi, but here Zaunite Caitlyn is with Jinx. There's also an exploration between Baroness Caitlyn and Sevika, where Sevika works for Caitlyn in a sort of 'trade off contract with Silco where Sevika is now her body guard. Fun things to play with!
I also am open to other ships not just exclusively romantic. For example, @legendscried Jayce and Caitlyn are absolutely in a found family relationship. They grew up both as misfits, both having heritage from other lands, and just overall connecting with each other and finding comfort in the other. They develop a brotherly/sisterly bond and its a very strong one. I briefly touched based with @astrxae to and the possibility of Caitlyn having a big sister in Irisa which will be fun to explore!! And then oh, Oh the twisted AU with @independentzaun where Caitlyn and Jinx are half sisters! This whole complicated mess with that and the whole "How far will you go to take care of your sister" while also, ALSO dealing with the resentment of teh past and unable to forgive and forget. And then having Vi in it with her head going 'your her half sister, i'm her half sister, but caitlyn and vi aren't related' like the mind fuckery of this whole situation is absolutely hilarious!
But yes, that being said, I'm open to trying so many things and open to exploration of all ships if we plot and play around with it!
Yes. While I am open to shipping, I don't like being thrown things at with no plotting behind it. That being said, I'm very much an open communication channel, I have tumblr DMs as well as Discord (I prefer discord cause I can sometimes get obsessed and excited and write PARAGRAPHS worth of things). But I'm very much one for establishing a relationship before writing it. I like to make sure like, a character will click wiht Caitlyn and that chemistry through OOC talking.
I'm not one to be like 'we have to write 5 threads to see if chemistry works', but my form of checking on chemistry is talking ooc and seeing how one action reacts to the other and so on. If that chemistry is establish, then its ten times easier to start writing a ship.
So basically, come talk to me OOC. 99% of the time, I'm sure i'll ship, I just need to be able to talk and ramble and plot with you.
So, I don't quite understand this just because, I don't know? I love ships, but not exclusively romantic. I'm in for all the ships, whether its romantic, platonic, even antagonistic! I'm here to write and enjoy teh development between characters. So if I develop a ship it happens.
I love all my ships, I have several of them so its more, like, I just enjoy writing them! Whether its Caitlyn x Vi, or exploring the realms of other ships, I wouldn't say I have a favorite. Because all of them are my favorites, that's why I'm writing them! A few to list that I'm enjoying playing with are Caitlyn x Vi, Caitlyn x Sevika, Caitlyn x Jinx, Caitlyn x Ran, I also have my platonic ships with Caitlyn x Jayce, Caitlyn x Irisa (OC). There is also an new antagonistic ship i'm getting with Caitlyn x Neopolitian which is going to be a very of Sherlock x Moriarty which is gunna be hella fun I bet!
Honestly, if we have a ship, its a favorite.
Message me and go 'CAN I OFFER YOU THIS MUSE!?' and then we talk. Really simple. I won't automatically say yes, but like I said. OOC communication and checking chemistry by talking.
#[wolf speaks] — personal games.#redid it#since i failed in my copy to repost it#so people could see#so yeah#ugh
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I feel like you're gonna get hit with Eizen for 002 or EiRoku for 001 so I'm gonna say "Rokurou for 002" and then RETURN LIKE A DEMON if the other two don't happen.
I literally just started being more active on this blog so I dunno how hit I'll get but THANK YOUUU
How I feel about this character?
A very bad boy who is also a very good boy and I like him. Rokurou is a character that's VERY easy to characterize based on surface level because Rokurou himself invites that- he willingly presents himself as a simple person who only cares about swords, and it takes digging deeper into his backstory and dialogue to get the full picture (true of many characters, but ESPECIALLY true with Rokurou, I'd argue.) The sidequest "Rokurou's Blade" is our up-close look at the (actually deeply emotional) person he used to be and how his upbringing shaped him. In the present, the contrast of him openly calling himself heartless while also going out of his way to make the people around him comfortable and happy is fascinating.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Technically just Eizen, but I did write a Rokurou/Kurogane request once and that was SO MUCH FUN.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Eleanor! I love the conversation they have after the Shigure fight where he wants to take her out for ice cream. I headcanon that Rokurou has always wanted a younger sibling, and Eleanor seems to be filling that role for him in that moment.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't know how unpopular this is because I've seen it said before, but I've also seen the opposite, so I guess it's kinda a contentious point: Rokurou experiences more emotions than he lets on.
I like that the writers keep it ambiguous how much feeling Rokurou retains, but I do think they make subtle hints at Rokurou retaining more emotion than he shows on the surface (at least, that's how I interpret those moments. I could write a whole essay on them, I'll keep it brief here though.) My interpretation is that his emotions ARE severely blunted, but a part of his supposed lack of emotionality is due to him repressing them and denying they exist because he doesn't want them to.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Again, I like the gaps the writers left because it leaves room for interpretation, but I would never say no to more Rangetsu lore, both the family traditions and the family members themselves. There's so much more nuance to those family relationships that "oh it was all purely bad."
Eizen/Rokurou makes my heart go ape shit
My crossover ship:
I once saw Cless/Rokurou as a crack ship and I could get behind that! Sword boys!
I hinted at it before but: Rokurou fully embraces losing his full capacity for emotion because, as we see from his backstory, he used to a painfully emotional person.
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✧ main ✧ bio ✧ face ✧ muse ✧ wishlist ✧
This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Red is a canon character from The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: California 'Verse. I do not acknowledge National Anthem as part of her canon, and as far as I'm concerned, that was blatant LGBTQ+ erasure. She's an android, and her physiology is indistinguishable from a human's until you get down to the wires and circuits. She can cry, bleed, and heal much like a human, but she can't process food. Her power source comes from a battery pack in her back (or an arc reactor in her chest, verse depending).
Red is also a prostitute (a pornodroid) in most of her verses. If you're not comfortable with this concept, this is not the muse for you, and there's no pressure to write with her. All details vary based on verse, and I’m happy to write her into AUs and fandom crossovers.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Red with other comics characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Blue BL/Ind verse: Killjoys, Cherri Cola, Korse, Love, Girl, Ultra Vs, Dr. Death Defying Family: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, or any of the Stark Tower fam Other: All Avengers or Marvel muses (canon and OC), more sci-fi crossovers (Terminator, Blade Runner, Total Recall, etc.)
default verses:
bl/ind: Red's world is a future dystopian Earth set after the Helium Wars and the apocalypse. What's left of humanity is ruled by the megacorporation, Better Living Industries (BL/Ind), which uses sound conditioning to brainwash its human citizens into complying and Exterminators/Draculoids to kill or recondition anyone who resists. Most of the Earth outside of Battery City is unfit for human habitation, except for The Zones, which include immense heat and harsh living conditions. Red has never been outside the power grid of Bat City. This can easily be adapted to most apocalyptic/dystopian fandoms.
616: Broken from trying to flee Battery City and with her power source almost depleted, Red finds herself in the past on Earth-616. In most versions, she's rescued and repaired by Tony Stark (who looks a lot like her god, Destroya, in his Iron Man suit). She finds a home in Stark Tower and, encouraged by Tony, eventually begins working for Stark Industries. However, the details can be adapted to accommodate other muses.
mcu: Red is a cutting edge android prototype of Hammer Industries, created to serve. When Justin Hammer is incarcerated, she could become the property of various muses or organizations, from Stark Industries to HYDRA.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
alien!verse: Science officer and an android with a fondness for humans aboard any of the ships. Her primary objective is protecting the crew.
twd!verse: Red is a cutting edge prototype of the major tech corporation, Better Living Industries. When the outbreak happens, she's trapped inside their building until survivors come to raid it for supplies. She's the ideal apocalypse companion, since she doesn't require food or sleep. Bites don't affect her, and the walkers largely ignore her because she doesn't smell like food.
west!world: Red is one of the Hosts inside Westworld working under Maeve Millay, unaware that she's an android until the revolt.
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so episode 38...
when erza mentioned that she’s not strong, she thought of gray’s words. in his adult voice not when he’s young.
and then...
we have gray fullbuster, thinking of erza only. even when he’s alrdy in a bad shape.
is this not on purpose?
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beginner’s luck
grayza week 2020: day two, domestic; & day four, you’re cute when you’re angry.
he calls it beginner's luck, she says it's his lack of skill.
[ao3] [ffn]
author’s note: happy grayza week (again)! i ended up combining prompts again and i hope this counts. but do enjoy!
#grayza#grayzaweek#gray x erza#fairy tail#gray fullbuster#erza scarlet#grayza week#grayza week 2020#otp: ice blades#fandom: fairy tail#my writing
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I love love love this fanfic. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
FT Request: GrayZa; Gray performing CPR on Erza to restart her heart
Water gently lapped at her feet, the volleyball field stretching from the sandy shores to the swaying waves of the beach.
It was a hot day and team Natsu decided to relax, or in Erza's words 'train'.
Even if they'd beaten countless of seemingly unbeateable foes, they couldn't allow their skills to rust, as rival guilds started coming to the doors of Fairy Tail every day, demanding a fight for the strongest guild in the whole of Fiore.
If they were lucky, it was Natsu or Gray who usually took them on.
On a bad day, it was Erza and most challengers turned on their heels at the sight of Titania with her sword out.
After all those challenges, it did good to relax a bit.
She'd been surprised at Gray's invitation to join him, what was supposed to be a little trip with just the two of them (Juvia was on a mission elsewhere with Wendy, so she wouldn't follow them) turned out to be a full on group trip with Natsu, Lucy and Happy joining them. Not that Erza minded their company, but Gray had been in an icy mood and a bit more short tempered with Natsu since.
"Erza over here!" the redhead looked over to her right, seeing the ice make mage running towards the center field, preparing for a high jump and a slam dunk to score points.
"Make it count Gray!" Erza took a step back to swing the volleyball at him, Natsu already burning on the other side of the net, eagerly waiting to intercept the ball.
This would be their victory.
Until it wasn't.
Erza's foot didn't hit the soft maleable sand beneath her but something else, a sickening crack reached her ears and the requip mage froze on the spot, unadulterating pain shooting up her entire leg.
It was a crab.
It had gotten her foot.
"Oi! Erza, shoot!"
Gray's shout sounded distant, the woman lost her balance, feet sliding from beneath her and plunging her into the unforgiving waves of the ocean, the formerly gentle waves now sucking her into their depths further out at sea.
She'd stayed down only a minute, maybe more, until an icy shower wracked her whole body and the water around her turned solid, only her figure remaining afloat above the now frozen part of the ocean.
Erza coughed violently, hearing the shouts from her friends, "Erza!"
Natsu, Lucy and Gray were running towards her but Gray reached her first, Erza's cloudy vision recognizing the man from his dark blue swimming trunks and the guild mark on his chest as he quickly scooped her up into his arms and her world went dark.
She distinctively heard a rush of flames, Natsu's fire melting the ice before their friends followed after them, "Erza! Gray, she lost consciousness!"
She heard the voices but they seemed distant, the only thing she registered fully was the warm embrace around her, strong arms craddling her to a firm chest, before she felt herself sinking slightly into the sand beneath her.
Why couldn't she open her eyes? Why did she feel like the breath had been stolen from her? Her lungs were burning.
Air! I need air!
She tried shouting, reaching out but her body wouldn't follow her orders, it reminded her of the time she'd been imprisoned by Kyouka, a time she wished she would forget.
Wait...she felt it, she felt air rushing through her, filling her lungs.
Erza's hands dug into the sand, her body spasming, trying to orientate itself.
All the requip mage felt at that moment was the sweet air entering her lungs and the strange, warm softness pressed against her freezing lips.
"Erza!" Lucy's relieved voice rang through Erza's head and she coughed violently, surging forward.
"You really gave us a scare!" Natsu bellow from beside the celestial spirit mage, who promptly slapped his hand.
She could feel something soft and furry at her feet and after slowly opening her eyes, she saw Happy gently rubbing her injured foot, "Aye...I think a crab got your foot!" the blue cat was trying to clumsily wrap a band aid around the wound, courtesy of Erza packing nearly her whole house into their luggage for the trip. One could never be too safe on trips.
For the first time since regaining consciousness, Erza noticed she was leaning against something.
Or someone.
"How're you feeling now?" the familiar cool voice from behind her made Erza uncharacteristically feel flustered.
The hand gently placed upon her forehead made matters worse, "Oi...you're feverish."
Gray carefully readjusted himself, supporting Erza's back against his chest, one arm wrapped around her shoulder as the other channeled his magic and tried to cool down her apparent fever.
"Huh?! A fever? Erza, are you sick?" Lucy kneeled down next to her friend, worriedly looking over the woman's tired features.
Erza coughed, a salty aftertaste of the sea's remnants and sighed in relief over Gray's hand still on her forehead, despite not feeling like running a fever at all.
"Better?" his soothing voice was a little too close to her ear but Erza nodded slowly.
Natsu rubbed the back of his neck, sighing in relief, "Man, good thing Gray immediately gave you CPR, who knows what would've happened, right Mr. Nurse?"
Gray immediately snarled back, "Hey!" despite the harsh tone of his voice, his grip around Erza remained gentle, "Knock it off Natsu, I'll deal with you later."
The fire dragon slayer huffed and crossed his arms, Erza appreciatively squeezing his bicep, "You... have... my thanks Gray."
The ice mage chuckled, the sound sending another burst of warmth running through the knight, "Don't worry about it, let's just cool you down for now."
It was then that it finally dawned on her.
Gray had given her CPR.
The feeling of air rushing through her lungs was Gray giving her his air.
The warm pressure she'd felt were Gray's lips on hers.
Gray had...
Lucy's eyes flew open in shock, pointing at her friend, "E-Erza, y-your face-!"
Gray tensed and quickly leaned down to see what caused Lucy to be in such a worry.
Erza's whole face was beet red.
"Gah! What's wrong? Erza? Say something! Is your fever that high? O-Oi Erza!" Gray gently shook her, increasing his ice magic to try and still the fever.
Erza was lost to them, her thoughts spiralling out of control at the thought of Gray kissing her.
He'd kissed her.
Happy covered his mouth, grinning like the Cheshire cat, "Hihih, Erza's in love~!"
The cat didn't anticipate the brutal kick that sent him flying to the skies in the next second, "Shut up cat!" Lucy's infamous kick sent him off shooting towards the sky.
Natsu ran after his friend, "Gaahh! Happy! Hang on Happy I'm coming!"
- I'm sorry anon, I switched it up a bit, I hope that's okay! Thank you for the request!
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I saw ness does this mean my otp is back
“That largely depends on Leo at thi —”
“Wait… Did you just say OTP?”
#∞|| Stranger Danger ||∞#∞|| Famous Last Words ||∞#∞|| The Sharpest of Blades; IC ||∞#**LEO AND INFINITE IS YOUR OTP???#REALLY????#DUDE YOU'RE SO STRONG#I ENVY YOU**
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🎁 (-gently slams hands on table- THATCH PLS)
🔪— gift giving / @jijiivishaa
It had taken him far too long to think of a gift for her, and even after thinking of it he worried that it might seem like a cop-out. Thatch was a jovial and generous man, but he had never once had the chance to give someone like her a gift. Whatever the occasion, it needed to be special. Thoughtful. He wanted her to love it, and he wanted it to tell her just how much he cared her ( without actually saying it vocally because that would be embarrassing. . . )
The idea felt like a good one, but what if it looked lazy? What if the message didn’t go through the way he wanted it to, and he had to tell her anyway?
He fidgeted slightly as the thin box was unwrapped and opened, a full set of knives sitting at the bottom. They looked rather ordinary at first glance, but there was something special about them. Etched with thin lines along one side of the the blade was a detailed image of a moth, each knife sporting a different pattern on the wings. Not a single one was the same, but they were hard to notice unless you were looking closely.
But, purely out of nerves, he moved forward and tried to snatch her attention away from the gift.
“Wait, I know this looks lame! We’ve got plenty of knives, I know, but. . . I thought, maybe, it would be nice to give you your own set. You’ve come so far since we met, and I’m proud as heck of you. The kitchen used to feel like it was mine, you know? But now you’re here, and we’re sharing it, and it’s nice. I want us to keep sharing it.”
He took her hands into his and let the flat of his thumb caress at her knuckles. Silence fell around them for a moment, giving him the time he needed to think over what he wanted to say next. Because as nice as the knives may have been, there was something far more important he wanted to give her.
“Pomona, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done to you, for every second that you were hurt because you thought I was gone. I’m sorry for being a pain in your ass. I know I can be, don’t tell me I’m not. And I’m so, so sorry for not coming back to you sooner. You have no idea how much it meant to me that you were still here when I did come back. I’m gonna be honest, I was terrified to come back because I thought you’d be gone.”
He pulled her hands up higher and nuzzled against them, cheeks growing a soft shade of rose.
“I know the knives are lame, but will you take a promise instead? Because I promise I won’t let you down again. I promise I’ll get better, and I’ll get stronger. I’ll try to make you as proud as you’ve made me. And I promise I’ll be here for you no matter what.”
#jijiivishaa#🔪 — 「relax and i’ll whip up something good ( thatch ; ic ) 」#🔪 — 「 v. so much has happened in so little time ( thatch ; op.postdeath ) 」#🔪 — 「 otp. you make everything taste a little sweeter ( thatch ; pomona ) 」#( OKAT BUT IMPORTANT; on the other side of the blade where there isn't a moth etching are the words 'i love you' )#( but!!! but )#( he had two ideas for the guy he went to to make the knives )#( one idea WITH the 'i love you' and one WITHOUT it )#( he accidentally gave the 'i love you' plans to the guys when he meant to give the plans without )#( cause he got embarrassed and thought it might be too much )#( so y'know :)))) the knives he gave her have those words on them and he doesn't even know it lmao )
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Oh man, the couple being “cute” is so true but no one ever talks about it. They always end up clinging to each other in the lutz corner when you’re trying to jump 💀
Things That Happen On Public Sessions At The Ice Rink
from a beginner figure skater, to everyone wanting to write ice rink scenes
- there’s the parents who get on the ice and give it a go, and there’s the parents that sit on the sides on their phones
- these parents will never change roles, no matter much a kid begs
- whenever you want to do anything other than skate in a straight line (jump, spin, anything), someone magically appears right where you want to do it
- there’s people who insist they’re actually really good at skating, despite having fallen down four times in two minutes
- you could do the most atrocious spin of your life and everyone would look at you like you’re about to go to the olympics
- there’s kids whose parents have made them dress like they’re going skiing
- whenever you try to take a video of yourself doing something someone careens in front of the camera at the last second
- someone is trying to run a program when there’s just not enough space
- kids with skate aids go haywire
- there’s a kid who’s like eight years old doing triple axels
- hockey players get on the ice and act like they’re human dodgem cars
- tween girls hold hands and shriek when they’re all pulled down by one friend
- there’s some couple being ‘cute’ (aka annoying) in the middle of the flow of skaters
- about a quarter of the people there are clinging for dear life to the barrier
#Once I just about ran over an 11 year old just sitting in the lutz corner#then a hockey player nicked the side of my skate with his blades and I decided to never skate at open skate ever again#Always the one girl spinning right in the line of skaters 🥴#and the hockey players t h r o w i n g things on the ice#It’s called open skate not open hockey skate for a reason#where do hockey players even find the shit they are throwing#ice rinks are really an untapped goldmine in terms of otp writings#imagine them talking beside the rink and having a moment then getting whacked by a jacket someone is tossing at the boards#Figure skating#figure skater
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10ish Things I'll forever be disappointed we didn't get to see on Sons of Anarchy part 2
It starts off heavy but will turn sappy and downright fun by the end. I promise.
Part 1
6. Juice’s back-story.
What made him? How did the kid from Queens end up in Charming? Who was that girlfriend he kept coming back to? So many questions.
7. Opie finding happiness
Not following Jax {You know who should've followed Jax that day - Clay. Dammit Pope, if only he reached out to Jax before, I'm sure they could've arranged a lil somethin' somethin' };
Divorcing Lyla;
Getting his Road Captain flash (Let's face it, he was never a VP material), which would suit his nature perfectly AND would give him an excuse to give Bobby shit about his Fat Boy being not road-worthy;
Meeting a nice FUN girl, someone like Cherry or Erin Thomas ( I know, I know) or hell even grown-up Tristan Oswald. Point is a girl, who'd take him and the kids roller-blading and trick or treating and would make the boy freaking laugh.
8. {Which leads us to} The couple that should've happened: Lyla and Chibs

The set up for them in the second half of season 5 was perfect and after 6.2 I felt robbed - ROBBED - of that story line… *sigh* You cannot tell me these two weren't perfect for each other. Although, if they were to explore a poly relationship with Happy, then who's to stop them?
Sidenote: I also wouldn’t be opposed to seeing some Bobby/Ima dynamic :)
9. Riding just for the fun of it;
The boys riding to the desert, spending the night under open sky, smoking, drinking and talking. Gangland Undercover had that, why couldn’t SOA men get that…
10. Fights in the ring (after season 1)
Fight me on this one if you must, but if they utilized that ring to resolve tension more often, they could’ve had their happy ending.
11. Happy's love interest
I mean, come on:
Tiggy got his OTP, which apparently in this case stands for One True Penis
Chibs had steamy scenes ( even if… ya know… he took the whole fuck the police way to literally)
Even RATBOY somehow ended up with a hot girlfriend. And that’s just season seven, if we dived into more historic shit then we would have to count Piney and the meds dealer and let's not forget Bobby (LeAnn, Precious, Daytona and endless puss shenanigans).
HTF did Happy end up as the group's choir boy?!
12. What became of Tristan Oswald
13. Domestic Life 1% Edition;
Just imagine:
Tiggy doing midnight ice-cream run for whomever, Juice trying on new jeans at the mall and sending Tig a pic asking for his opinion, Chibs getting a haircut, Happy helping his mom and aunt clean, Chibs worried sick because his semi-feral cat got sick and was an absolute GEMMA at the vet’s office and tried to claw the vet tech’s eyes out, Bobby teaching his oldest to drive, Happy picking Ellie from school when she was having hard time because of bullies, Venus teaching her how to handle those idiots and be a fierce queen, all the boys helping Lyla and the kids move, Tig ordering toys online, family BBQs, Tig being affectionate with Venus during SOA parties...
Because I'm a thirsty broad and I want it all:
Bobby’s and Opie’s kids wrecking havoc together for Halloween
Auntie Venus dropping Abel off at school
And THAT conversation between Tig and Chibs: “So, Venus is your Old Lady now, huh?” “That from the man who’s taken the phrase ‘fuck the police’ one peep show too far?” “How do you know about that?” “Bro! Quinn’s so traumatized by that, he still cries about it” And Happy chiming in "So, are you guys gonna put your crows on them or what?"
ETA: Seriously, people. Feel free to comment on any of it
#sons of anarchy#soa#samcro#Venus Van Damme#Tig trager#chibs telford#Abel Teller#Bobby Munsen#Opie Winston#Happy Lowman#Lyla Winston#Piney Winston#Juan Carlos Ortiz#Juice Ortiz
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Year of the OTP 2023: January, Snow
From this prompt list!
Blades of grass, cold and dark, unearthed from Blackwall's constant back and forth, until he found himself pacing in a small circle of bare earth. His boots were soaked and bits of ice laced throughout his beard.
The storm had subsided; what was a furious flurry hours ago, had become a peaceful powdering over the makeshift camp. People of Haven--what was Haven--huddled by a fire, a few injured in cots under hastily hoisted tents. Cassandra and the advisors argued over what to do next. Scouts took shifts to search; by the grace of the Maker, nearly everyone who had fallen behind was found. Except for her.
There had been deaths. The dragon set all of Haven ablaze. For as quickly as they moved, not everyone made it. Mostly soldiers, fighting off demons, buying time for everyone else. But not all of them.
Even as the snow piled onto his shoulders and slipped down the slick of his hair, Blackwall could still feel the heat of the dragon's breath on his back, like a branding iron hovering behind him, waiting for him to lose his footing. He could still hear screams wringing softly in the distance, swept up by the wind, like phantoms wailing in the night. He was used to death, should be used to death. It was harder with normal folk. They just wanted to help the Herald, in their own ways.
“Stomping about won’t do anyone any good, Warden,” said Vivienne. Blackwall turned and found her on a bench, her Royal Sea Silk dress a glittery, tattered, water-stained mess, a shawl thrown over her shoulders.
"I was with her," he said, a puff of white air fuming from his lips. "When the Herald fired and the dragon landed, the whole mountain came down. I was guarding her, and I lost her."
"I was there, too, as you may recall," Vivienne clasped the ends of her shawl. "We both failed."
Blackwall shook his head. "You were picking off Venatori and healing injured soldiers. I was to remain at her side, the fault is mine."
"We can at least agree this... Corypheus is the one most at fault. Cassandra and the others have been going in circles how to even being to approach handling such a ... creature."
"No sense worrying about that until after we find Lady Cadash. When the scout party comes back, if she's not with them, I'm going to look again for myself."
"We have to do this the right way. Every moment we stay here, we're draining what resources we have left."
Blackwall's bushy brow furrowed, his steely blue eyes stark against a face full of oak brown hair. "I hope you're not suggesting we leave without her."
"Of course not. But put a bit of trust in the Inquisition. Besides,” a faint smile crept up in the corners of her mouth. “It won't do any good when we find her, and she's lost her favorite bodyguard."
"We are not..."
"Please. As if you were even hiding your bumbling."
"I'll have you know she approached me first."
"As if you didn’t make it painstakingly obvious that you’ve been in the woods and haven’t laid eyes on another person in Maker knows how long.”
“Lady Vivienne, I have barely touched her. We’ve only …”
“Spare me the details, if you please.”
Blackwall sat next to her, and groaned. “I take it you don’t approve.”
“I don’t. But the Herald is a grown woman, I’m not about to tell her how to enjoy herself, in what little personal time that can be afforded to her. Whatever this Corypheus is, surely that time will be even less.”
Vivienne looked up, watched the bloated grey clouds that once carried the storm thin out and shrivel away, revealing a star-scattered night and full, silver-white moon. The snow slowed to a sleepy, spiraling swirl.
She sighed. "We're certainly out in the wilderness far more than I anticipated. I imagine that suits you just fine."
"It is, although there will be need to deal with nobles, naysayers, conspirators. You will be much more help to her, there."
"I suppose ... we will just have to look out for her, in our own way."
"I'll do my part if you will."
"I will agree to that much."
"Lady Cadash is a special woman."
"I can agree to that, too."
"Over there!" one of the soldiers proclaimed. Blackwall's body snapped upright, as more soldiers stormed past him.
From the shadow of the mountain, a tiny green light flickered, like a single, lost firefly. Blackwall's body reacted before his eyes could fully process, he saw the green and started running.
He was a big fellow, stout-legged and barrel-chested; quickness and agility were not his strengths. But his eyes kept to the light, pulling him forward, compelling his blood to pump faster, his legs to press onward.
A mix of, “Over there!” and “Thank the Maker!” all rushed together as he passed Cassandra, Cullen, and all the soldiers. He might have heard a surprised grunt from the Seeker, but that was not important, in the moment.
The snow had subsided, but layered of it climbed up Blackwall’s legs, soaking his boots, reaching for the ends of his gambeson. The wind howled and lashed at his face. He guarded his squinting eyes with his forearms as he trudged on.
The single green light became a silhouette, a hand attached to the light, an arm attached to the hand, then a body emerging from the curtains of wind and dark and snow. A dwarf woman, face obscured by scarves, a crystal-laden black braid spilling out from her hood. Soft sniffled and grunts as she slowly stepped down the mountain.
“Rota!” Blackwall rejoiced, too relieved and too happy to recall any formalities and guarded tactics. He ran faster than he ever did to close that distance.
“Bhh?” was all that the dwarf woman managed as her legs began to wobble.
He scooped her into his arms as she toppled over.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” he said, clutching her form and heading back the way he came, slowly but with purpose.
“Make room!” Cassandra barked as they re-entered the camp. The crowd parted. Blackwall glanced Vivienne in the corner, hands clasped over her heart in relief.
Weak mumbles fell from Cadash’s mouth, frosted fingers reached for him, pawing at his chest like a weak kitten.
“I’ve got you, my lady,” he said softly, entering the first tent in his path.
A faint smile crossed Cadash’s face as she fell asleep.
#Dragon Age#Blackwall#Cadash#The Inquisitor#Quizwall#Dragon Age: Inquisition#Rota Cadash#OTP: Rain and Ruin#Writing Tag#Haha just made it#I guess this could count as canon divergent in that Blackwall and Vivienne are more civil to each other
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genshin ships- my thoughts
hey everyone, this is a little different to the usual! i figured i would share my thoughts and little headcanons about the various ships of genshin. i should also say, this won’t include every ship. maybe i’ll do a second part of this is well received! so, with that, let’s dive right into it.
chongyun x xingqiu (xingyun)
ah, these adorable boys. if you’ve read anything from my page before, you’ll know i adore this ship. since it’s canon that they get along really well, i would say that they act like an old married couple. bickering, and disagreeing on various matters (mostly chongyun’s dietary requirements), but still head over heels for each other, and would jump in front of a blade for each other without hesitation. my rating, 10/10, my genshin otp. would only be made better by xingqiu actually coming home.
chongyun falls asleep whilst xingqiu is reading, after a long unsuccessful ghost hunt overnight. so, xingqiu, smiles and moves the young exorcist’s head onto his lap, carrying on with his book quietly, one hand playing with chongyun’s fluffy blue hair.
the spirit hunts they go on usually end up turning more into dates when they realise that it’s another dead end. chongyun has chased xingqiu round with carrots numerous times, and it usually ends with a spicy popsicle.
so many evenings in the rain. it’s one of the times chongyun doesn’t have to worry as much about his condition, so it’s the almost closest he gets to his unrestrained self. they usually tend to sit near the adepti statues, just watching the rain fall, enjoying the other’s company.
they’re just generally sweet. they’ve always acted that way since they became friends, so people don’t usually realise they’re dating, unless they’re told. there are obviously a few exceptions to this statement.
kaeya x albedo (kaebedo)
ah yes, my favourite mondstadt boys that probably aren’t actually from monstadt (albedo was confirmed not to be after writing this, so i went back and added this note). they have very different personalities, but i feel as if it works for that exact reason. kaeya’s outgoing attitude, charisma and subtle manipulation clash with albedo’s calmer, softer personality, and it balances out for that reason precisely. kaeya wants to make it very obvious that they’re a thing, whilst albedo would rather not so he could do his work in peace without the cavalry captain clinging to his waist. overall, cute ship, and i don’t see any problems with it. 8/10
albedo definitely walks kaeya home after his nightly drinking spree at the taverns so he’s safe. not that kaeya can’t defend himself (even whilst ridiculously drunk), but albedo wants to make sure he’s okay. it’s become such a common occurrence that kaeya automatically starts walking to albedo’s place if he leaves earlier than the alchemist expected.
ice sculptures. dragonspine, a cryo user, and a talented artist. kaeya’s always happy to help if albedo wants to sculpt with ice, or to create anything with his vision if the alchemist can’t find a suitable muse. kaeya is ‘unaware’ that he’s usually the subject of albedo’s doodles when the man can’t concentrate.
diluc has once approached albedo and asked him how the hell he puts up with kaeya’s irritating self. albedo simply said he didn’t really know, and left.
albedo plaits (sorry, should say braids) kaeya’s hair whilst the taller is asleep. the result is either true elsa, or wavy haired kaeya. both of which are pretty.
kaeya always pays the check when they go out for food. every time.
kaeya x diluc (kaeluc)
this is certainly a controversial one. mostly through translation issues into english from chinese (from what i’ve gathered anyway), this ship is seen as uh���very morally dark. if you put aside the fact they regard each other as siblings (this applies in both the original and translations), these two have a very toxic relationship. kaeya’s been shown to try to manipulate him numerous times, and diluc is not exactly nice to him in return. their canon relationship doesn’t exactly give any favours for anyone trying to find reasons for this ship. admittedly, while i was very confused as to what their relationship was at, i thought they’d look decent together. however, with a few googles and delving into the lore more, i very obviously took this back. personally, i see these two as friends at most. they were once, and with a lot of therapy, they could probably be once again. i should add that i personally see these two as siblings anyway, so anything other than platonic affection between them is definitely not my cup of tea. if i was rating them as a strictly platonic, sibling-like relationship, it would be 6/10. but, as i’m rating these ships in a romantic sense, this gets 1/10. only reason for that is because of the great melt reactions from them being in the same party.
not comfortable writing for this one, for obvious reasons.
diluc x jean (jeanluc, i think?)
this is one of the more popular diluc ships i believe. they have a fair few interactions in canon, so the ship makes sense. and with that, they get along fairly well despite some very different opinions. so, it’s pretty reasonable to see these two as a pair. though, i do see them more as that pair of friends that everyone thinks are dating since they don’t hang out with many others. then again, romantically, it’s also a very sweet pair. they’re both very mature characters, so i think the best way to describe their relationship would be elegant, or almost regal. the kind you find in a fantasy book. overall, a solid 7/10, it would be more if i didn’t see it platonically!
klee wants them to get married. despite finding diluc a little weird (and grumpy), she sees how happy jean is with him, and she wants the dandelion knight to be as happy as she can be. the pair didn’t know how to react when the child randomly stated this in the middle of an important meeting. kaeya laughed and teased them after. jean was the only reason that diluc didn’t chase kaeya out of the room.
diluc is constantly checking up on jean, making sure she gets enough rest and eats something, under the disguise of reporting nearby hilichurls. it’s a little obvious that isn’t the reason, and every one of the knights knows it. but they don’t really mind, because it means that the acting grand master is taking care of herself a little better, and that’s the best thing they could ask for from diluc.
hilichurls fear them.
kaeya x childe (chaeya…?)
when i first joined the fandom, i absolutely despised our resident ginger. i’ve grown a little more tolerant now, probably since i didn’t understand him properly at that time. kaeya however, is one of my favourite characters, and has been from the start. my opinion on this ship has changed a lot since i first learnt of it. after playing around with it a little, i’ve discovered that i have a bit of a soft spot for it. two bois that are both traumatised as hell, both kind of a nightmare, finding that safe middle ground within each other. plus, their visions work well as a unit too, so it wouldn’t be hard to see them actually becoming friends if the traveler were to bring them both along. overall, a solid 8/10. would be higher if we got actual interactions.
they definitely spar a lot. people have reported their fighting so many times but, the authorities just brush it off since it’s normal. usually, these fights end with both of them frozen. so, they sit by the fire afterwards with a warm drink, teasing about any potential mistakes they saw.
this is one relationship that diluc certainly doesn’t approve of. which is why they tried to keep it as quiet as possible, since the knights wouldn’t be happy about it either. however, drunk kaeya happened, and suddenly the whole of mondstadt knows they’re a thing.
yet again, they’re both very highly traumatised. there’s a line of secrecy, so if they ever share any highly classified information, it never leaves the comfort of their embraces. doesn’t stop them from acting on it regardless, just not telling anyone why they know things that they shouldn’t.
zhongli x childe (chili)
now, this is one that i understand. whilst their canon relationship is…complicated, the interactions before the whole trying to destroy liyue thing are something. hence, why the zhongli broke joke is probably worse than it was before, since childe is basically his sugar daddy. these two are perfect candidates for an friends to enemies to lovers story, and i very much see why people love this so very much. however, i also see why people have reservations about this. there’s a rather large age gap, of literal thousands of years, despite zhongli’s youthful appearance. they would probably have that conversation pretty early on, and eventually reach an agreement to not treat it in that way. it’s a fun ship to play with too, since childe’s seen as a fairly playful character, in contrast to zhongli’s serious attitude and calm composure. it can be applied to so many aus, and it works so very well. overall, 7/10, a very nice ship.
zhongli is constantly explaining various random topics to childe. despite not really understanding what his partner is going on about, childe eagerly listens, occasionally chiming in from his experiences.
eventually, zhongli manages to teach childe how to use chopsticks. it takes a while, but with perseverance and slight bribery, he manages it. what were the bribes, you say? they had a contract, in which everytime childe managed to improve his precision, zhongli would give him a kiss.
zhongli is basically permanently using childe’s savings to buy stuff, and there have been a few times that the fatui have asked childe why exactly he keeps spending so much on pointless things. childe just sighs and says not to question it at that point.
they’ve sparred once and it was an obvious victory to zhongli. however, he felt a bit bad since childe was so determined to beat him. so he let himself get a little more hurt than usual. before throwing a meteor at his partner. the only rule was that childe wasn’t allowed to use his foul legacy form, as zhongli didn’t want him to hurt himself.
ningguang x beidou (beiguang)
two of liyue’s girl bosses in a relationship? yes please. similar to chili, this is very much an ‘opposites attract’ or enemies to lovers scenario. they canonically have a bit of a rivalry going on, and their personalities also rather different. aside from both being fairly competitive individuals, they don’t have much in common in terms of opinion. ningguang is stern, calm and goal oriented, whilst beidou (though equally as ambitious) is much more carefree and passionate. ningguang abides by the rules, beidou couldn’t care less for them. despite all of this, they do seem to get along underneath the guise of rivals. and of course, their appearances balance each other out in this way too. this also, the fan art for this one is incredible. i’ve seen so much gorgeous art for these two. their looks are also probably where part of the whole ‘kazuha’s mums’ thing comes from, aside from his motherly relationship with beidou. overall, it’s a ship which you can play with in so many different ways, and that’s what makes it so great. it works well every time i’ve tried to. a solid 7/10, i only wish more content in-game with them!
i wholeheartedly support the kazuha’s mums agenda. ningguang probably spoils him when she gets given the chance, much to beidou’s dissatisfaction, as her partner seems to prefer her ‘son’ to her. ningguang does usually buy stuff for beidou, but she doesn’t directly hand it to her. instead, she allows kazuha to discreetly place it in beidou’s quarters.
the confession happened over a particularly heated game of chess. ningguang was having yet another rematch with the captain, but couldn’t focus on the match because of beidou’s stare. when beidou teased her about it, ningguang quite calmly responded, saying that it was hard to focus with such a beauty staring at her. this subdued beidou into silence for a moment, before she leapt from her seat and crouched down in front of ningguang, clutching one of her hands between her own. that was how beidou somehow managed to turn a chess match into a date.
ningguang believes that beidou has kept their relationship secret. only a select few of her companions know. these are ganyu, keqing (who overheard the conversation with ganyu) and zhongli. meanwhile, beidou overshares absolutely everything with anyone who was willing to listen. the entirety of the crux knew, kazuha obviously knew, the traveler and paimon knew, even gorou and kokomi knew. it was a feat that the whole of tevyat didn’t know yet.
kazuha x kazuha’s friend(tomo??) (i have no idea what the name for this ship is)
i’ve heard of a few people calling him tomo, so i might just call him that for the sake of writing this. though we don’t really see much of this one for obvious reasons *cough* tomo’s dead *cough*, it’s obvious that these two had a very strong friendship. we don’t know much about how long, or why they became friends, but it’s clear to all that they meant a lot to each other. purely based upon kazuha’s reaction to tomo’s death being so strong, it wouldn’t be hard to believe that these two could have potentially been a little more than friends. whether it’s written pre-raiden, canon divergent, or a whole different au, chemistry between these two wouldn’t be too far from the truth. there isn’t much to say here, since we don’t know as much as i wish we did, but from the small glimpse i’ve gotten into people’s work on this, it seems wholesome. and tragic because we all know the canon. so, 6/10, would like to know more about this one!
tomo has a cat. we all know this. said cat is more or less their child, as they take it everywhere they go, and only the most trusted folk are allowed to hold the little feline. tomo was highly reluctant to let gorou pet the cat since he’s partially enemies by nature with said creature.
kazuha being kazuha, writes love poems and signs them with a maple leaf. when tomo wakes up to find these on his window sill, they bring a smile to his face. they always made a bad day good, and a good day better.
snuggles. they camp outside a lot, and during the colder months, they snuggle together for warmth. since tomo’s a fair bit taller than kazuha, the anemo user always feels safe in his arms, as they stare up at the starry sky, waiting for sleep to consume them.
scaramouche x kazuha (kazuscara)
this is one of the ships i discovered shortly after arriving in inazuma. from what i’m aware, these two have never actually been specified to have even met in canon, so my assumption is they’re literal strangers. i know that some believe that scaramouche was the master kazuha had before he turned into a wanderer (and outlaw), but the timelines don’t match up too well for that to actually be the case. regardless, i believe this dynamic would be one of those two friends that you have no clue on how they are still, or even became friends. these two young men are so incredibly different, the only thing that they really share is a deep dislike for the raider shogun, although for very different reasons. so i suppose you could say they’re a case of opposites attracting and balancing out their many personal flaws. it’s a fun ship to play with, and i revel in the idea that scaramouche has a soft spot for a certain soft-spoken samurai. 7/10, i quite enjoy it, though it would be higher if we actually got any sort of canon interaction. of course, if there has been, and i’m wrong, please tell me.
they met on a battlefield, and may have tried to kill each other initially. then kazuha felt bad and sent him a cake as an apology. and so, a cycle of exchanging gifts and letters later, they unconsciously fell for each other.
dates…in public? during the daytime? being an outlaw and a harbinger, going out into public to spend time together would not only result in death to random guards, but a lot more publicity then scaramouche would appreciate. if they do leave a private space, hoods and discreet clothing is a must.
there have been times that they’ve just sat down and ranted about all of their raiden shogun related trauma. tea has literally been spilled in shock a few times.
no one knows. with the exception of gorou, who burst into kazuha’s accommodation soon after kazuha reunited with him, and ended up walking in on the pair cuddling. the doggy general was and still is being bribed with sweets to keep quiet about this whole thing. gorou wouldn’t have told a soul anyways, but appreciates the payment of confectionery every two months.
kazuha x gorou (kazugorou??)
ah yes, most people’s favourite inazuman good bois. one literally being part dog, and the other just being really nice. these two have a solid, canonical friendship and balance each other out so well. canon divergence is easy to write, the friends to lovers consumers are happy, and they’re just generally cute? they just work, i don’t know how else to put it. they have a slightly teasing, mostly platonic and a pinch of romance within their relationship within my head canons anyway. as if, they’re so close that people believe they’re together, even if they actually aren’t. 8/10, no potential toxicity needs to be removed, and it’s very wholesome in general (pun not intended).
cuddles. so, so many cuddles. despite still being sensitive about anyone touching his canine extremities, gorou is quite a touchy person. when they sleep over at the other’s place, they’ll fall asleep in each other’s arms. occasionally, kazuha pets his partner’s ears whilst he sleeps, helping with the occasional night terrors from being involved in wars. (seeing the people who trusted you die around you has to be pretty traumatic, and i believe gorou mentions feeling guilty in his hangout.)
when they aren’t talking strategy, kokomi has been known to tease her general about his relationship. she’s happy that he’s found something to look after outside of work. beidou has attempted to kidnap gorou numerous times, by setting sail with him still on board. fortunately, kazuha notices before they’re too far from land and uses his vision to make sure that gorou doesn’t have to swim all the way back to sure.
mountain climbing and picnic dates. when both men have the time, they’ll go on a long walk, and sleep under the stars. gorou finds that kazuha’s most beautiful words come out when they’re doing so. plus! it’s still kind of training, just in case one day, they have to fight on a cliff side.
itto x gorou (…i don’t have a clue. ittorou? ittogorou?)
this is obviously a fairly new ship in general. however, my goodness. it’s so good? whilst there isn’t as much fanon for this quite yet (time will prove me wrong eventually), the canon is intriguing. as i’m sure most of us know, gorou is (unknowingly) using the alias ms hina to answer letters for the advice column of yae miko’s magazine. many people believe that itto might have a crush on ms hina, and mentions that when he’s near gorou, he gets a warm feeling, and that he feels like he could tell him anything. maybe i’m paraphrasing slightly, but that’s the rough outline. so. there’s been a huge eruption of this ship in fanfics relating to the ms hina situation lately, and from what i’ve read (which is quite a bit of it), they’re so good? these two have a very playful dynamic and it’s very easy to see how they could potentially end up romantically involved. their skill sets within the game are basically made to work together, further adding reason for this ship. whilst i did actually quite like the sound of this one before i found out about the ms hina thing, that did solidify it in my mind. only complaint? can people…pLEASE write more fan fiction that isn’t smut? a fair portion of their tag on ao3 is rated e, and i really would rather not read it. 9/10, give me more content, talented humans of the fandom.
weirdly enough, despite adoring this ship, i don’t know what to write for it? so i’ll summarise. fluffy, itto being a himbo, getting caught in a storm after being idiots. oh, and ridiculously flirtatious letters to ms hina that yae miko has to censor so people don’t figure out that the one may perhaps know what the columnist looks like. and that they’re in a relationship.
and that’s all for now! i might do more (if you have any suggestions of ships to rate, that would be great), but as of this moment, my brain has given up on me. i hope you all had very happy holidays (if you celebrate, of course) and have a very happy new year. that’s all from me, signing off!
#genshin#xingyun#genshin headcanons#genshin ship#beiguang#zhongchi#chaeya#kazuscara#kaebedo#kaeluc#jeanluc#kazutomo#kazugorou#ittorou#rating ships#genshin impact#headcanon#help idk what im doing#it’s midnight#please help
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to take a dip
grayza week 2020: day one, ocean; & day three, mythology
she wonders how she's never noticed it before, but she's never seen him swim.
[ao3] [ffn]
author’s note: happy grayza week everyone! i decided to combine both prompts together, so i hope you’ll enjoy this little mermaid!au.
#grayza#grayzaweek#grayzaweek2020#grayza week#grayza week 2020#fairy tail#gray x erza#gray fullbuster#erza scarlet#otp: ice blades#fandom: fairy tail#my writing
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tattoos i genuinely want to get:
1) a crescent w a dagger going through it (assassination classroom)
2) “where your destiny lies” right above my right inner elbow and “balancing on a blade” on the same spot but on the left (yuuri on ice)
3) combine the two above and have the handles of the dagger have balances on them
4) flaming heart (sapnap and yuuri on ice “you set my heart on fire”)
5) something that combines heatwaves and helium (dnf)
6) butterfly w my sister (no matter how far apart we are, we always migrate? towards each other)
7) “c’est la vie” in the handwriting of my friend who passed away (a reminder to always because kind to everyone and it’s lowkey a corpse lyric)
8) get my most important family members to draw a small heart and make a bracelet from it
9) outline of my animals once they’ve passed
10) anything floral on my outer hip
11) some really cheesy love quotes that otp’s have said on my collarbone
please feel free to take these ideas or draw them!
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