#◟༺✧༻◞ shall fair divination be imparted ┊dash game.┊
reginrokkr · 27 days
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝?
You lose everything, but you must go on.
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This is a slow decline. One by one, the things you love are ripped from your aching fingers. People, keepsakes, happy memories... until, at last, even the very meaning of home is gone. Your past is tainted beyond salvation. the only way to move on is to forget it, forget yourself, pretend you never existed. Go somewhere new and answer to no name. Live quietly. Wake in the night with all your regrets pressing down upon you. Then get up and go about your day in the company of strangers.
Tagged by: @celesticlnstcrs (Thank you ♥︎) Tagging: @seraphicus @jueying @astrxlfinale @madrites @apocryphis @delusionaid @glacialswordsman @halovien @lunaetis @nagareboshiko @guhamun @yunarise @lumoire (If anyone else would like to give it a try, feel free to take it!)
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reginrokkr · 15 days
What does your heart look like?
Broken, missing pieces that once were there.
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Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
Tagging: @seraphicus @jueying @astrxlfinale @lunaetis @madrites @guhamun @halothes @apocryphis @oneireth @celesticlnstcrs and if anyone else wants to give it a try, feel free to take it!
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reginrokkr · 26 days
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I can't say I really have one, but throughout my RP experience the ship that resonated the most with me was Dain and Blade.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Everything so long as it doesn't involve cheating or toxic behaviors (or at least uncooperative, as I'm aware that Blade as a character isn't a stroll on a field of roses precisely). This is because when I ship I want to see everything there is to have, from the beginning to the proper romantic relationship phase. Me saying that I'm not a fan of toxic behaviors is a reflection of saying that I don't think Dain would be interested in one like that to begin with and he's heavily down to earth for that. At the same time, I do acknowledge his difficulties and by no means I want to say that shipping with him will be a walk around the park either.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Writing someone like Dain makes this question... curious given the many years he has lived, so what I'll say is that what would make me uncomfortable in what's concerned about age is the lack of reflection that another individual is of age and by this I mean necessarily both physically and mentally. I give special importance to the mental aspect because shipping with Dain will require a certain maturity that not everyone may have, no matter if they're already of age.
Are you selective when shipping?
I am and part of the reason is past experiences of mine in my early times as a RPer. The other part is that I like to have the liberty to gush about our muses' ship without feeling like I'm inconveniencing my RP partners, and / or if there are time constraints that impedes us to write consistently, that at least we can keep that interest via private discussions.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
As soon as erotica begins, I'd say, as nudity doesn't necessarily have to be involved for this to be present. Likewise, nudity involving genitalia is another go-to tag the IC interactions appropriately.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Diluc, Al-Haitham, Rhukkadevata, Neuvillette and Sunday.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Granted that I stated that communication between muns is important to me as a requirement to ship, yes. It'll be bound to happen. Moreover, as a note I want to say that don't let my short list of muses I ship Dain with discourage you. This comes from the perspective of not having had the chance to think about it too much or having shipped Dain much to begin with and there are some characters I haven't mentioned that might bring interesting results if discussed.
How often do you like to ship?
I want to preface that what I like isn't a direct representation of the reality of shipping. I love shipping and I'd love to ship more often, but what really happens is the opposite and part of it is due to the complexity Dain has a muse by himself, which I don't want to disregard. I'm aware that the odds of shipping more frequently would've spiked if I ignored this, but I simply... don't want to. I've been an observer of how Dain is treated when the key traits of his character are ignored or watered down (not limited to RP and not necessarily in RP, more so through fanarts, Twitter, etc.) and I don't like what's done to him, hence I won't contribute further to that myself.
Are you multiship?
Yes, but never with the same character. I'm aware that the same character can count to have multiple muses as it varies from portrayal to portrayal, but I want to have free reign to explore everything without having to limit myself to give bits and pieces to every ship with the same muse if I were to indulge in that practise. Once again, it's not my thing and not due to a lack of experience, which I had in my early times as a RPer.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Given my love for shipping, I'd lean more towards the former but I know that the reality is the latter. So somewhere in between, I suppose?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Dainsleif and Neuvillette without a doubt. From all the characters that have been introduced so far in Genshin, I find that Neuvi would understand him the most and both have a somehow similar mentality. Furthermore, they struggle with being somewhere in between human and otherwise that is interesting to think about how one would shoulder the other in that regard, as well as finding their own destiny or purpose in this world.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know about it. There is no shame in doing that even if our interactions have been brief or few in number. Everything can be discussed and in my years of RP experience, I find OOC discussions on the topic to be as important as IC interactions. That being said, and one thing I find important is that if we do this without having interacted much IC yet is that we can have the freedom to jump back and forth to different moments of our muses' relationship and not just get stuck in the romantic phase without at least writing prompts of how the development up to that point would've gone.
Tagged by: Found it in the depths of an old blog of mine lol Tagging: @seraphicus @jueying @astrxlfinale @madrites @apocryphis @celesticlnstcrs @guhamun @delusionaid @oneireth @lunaetis @lumoire @nagareboshiko and if anyone else wants to do this, feel free to take it!
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reginrokkr · 1 year
◟༺✧༻◞ What does your heart look like?
Broken, missing pieces that once were there.
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Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
Tagged by: @maquiscursed (Thank you ♥︎) Tagging: @risingsol @samyavastha @valorxdrive @moonichor @dilucisms @hydroglia @lumitris @ninebow @galactia
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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HAPPINESS. being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around. dancing. contently sighing. eyes twinkling. laughter lines. childlike playfulness. skipping. talking more. affection. cracking more jokes than usual. gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice. squealing. jumping around. clapping.
SADNESS. tearing up. self-hugging. one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat. a runny nose. turning away. deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing. hands gripping each other or an object. covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red. voice breaking. a distant or empty stare. monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering. abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others. big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
ANGER. furrowed brows. baring teeth. passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact. sarcasm. headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability. jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action. keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions. middle finger. crying.
FEAR. wanting to flee or hide. what-ifs. images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause. pretending to be brave. nail-biting. lip-biting. scratching skin. a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse. tics. rushing adrenaline. face draining of colour. hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot. making body as small as possible. staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone. stuttering. flinching at noises. pleading.
EXHAUSTION. constantly yawning. slurring words together. dark circles or lines under eyes. mood swings. hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness. denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating. stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things. “i’m awake, i’m fine”. shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
Tagged by: @frozenambiguity (Thank you for the tag!) Tagging: @scarletooyoroi @samyavastha @risingsol @inavagrant @moonichor @aalberich / @dilucisms @galactia @goldenpeng @hydroglia @lesserden @lumnius @maquiscursed @xianshen (if you've been tagged please don't feel obligated to do this! I'm coming late to the party and I don't know who did it and who didn't)
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reginrokkr · 2 years
Body language 
Bold what applies + tag followers to do the same in a new post !
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arms crossed on chest / crossing legs / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / karate chops / stiffening of shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures   /   head tilted   /   stroking chin   /   peering over glasses   /   taking glasses off — cleaning   /   putting earpiece of glasses in mouth   /   pipe smoker gestures   /   putting hand to bridge of nose   /   pursed lips , knitted brows
arms crossed   /   sideways glance   /   touching or rubbing nose   /   rubbing eyes   /   hands resting on weapon   /   brows raising   /   lips pressing into a thin line   /   strict , unwavering eye contact   /   wrinkling of nose
hands behind back   /   hands on lapels of coat   /   steepled hands   /   baring teeth in a grin /  rolling shoulders   /   tipping head back but maintaining eye contact   /   chest puffed up   /   shoulders back   /   arms folded just above navel   /   wide eyes   /   standing akimbo
Insecurity & anxiety.
chewing pen or pencil   /   rubbing thumb over opposite thumb   /   biting fingernails   /   hands in pockets   /   elbow bent   /   closed gestures   /   clearing throat   /   “ whew ” sound   /   picking or pinching flesh   /   fidgeting in chair   /   hand covering mouth whilst speaking   /   poor eye contact   /   tugging at pants whilst seated   /   jingling money in pockets   /   tugging at ear   /   perspiring hands   /   playing with hair   /   swaying   /   playing with pointer / marker / cane   /   smacking lips   /   sighing   /   rocking on balls of feet   /   flexing or cracking fingers sporadically
short breaths   /   “ tsk ” sounds   /   tightly-clenched hands   /   fist-like gestures   /   pointing index finger   /   rubbing hand through hair   /   rubbing back of neck   /   snarling   /   revealing teeth   /   grimacing   /   sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow   /   shoulders back , head up — defensive posturing   /   clenching of jaw   /   grinding teeth   /   nostrils flaring   /   heavy exhales
Tagged by: @inavagrant Tagging: Take it!
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reginrokkr · 13 days
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Tag dump repost #1 wish me luck that this time Tumblr saves my tags after 38478 years missing many of them—
◟༺✧༻◞ memories are all but forgotten in the river of time ┊queue.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ glimpses in the past of a shattered spirit ┊headcanon.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ events to be remembered in blue veins ┊addendum.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ fragments of light from the roots of truth ┊reference.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ what use has the veil of falsehood? ┊ask.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ sapphire flames in their wake ┊ic.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ lament of a fallen seraph ┊thread.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ searching for a long lost fate ┊meme.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ what lays behind the mantle of faux stars ┊ooc.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ fear not the long night if malice is to fade ┊musings.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ ethereal moon dust sunken in ripples of light ┊reflection.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ moon on the sky as a trembling heart ┊aesthetic.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ requiem of the echoing depths ┊music.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ crystalline traces splattered with stardust ┊open.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ chaos is hardly different to poison ┊dash comment.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ shall fair divination be imparted ┊dash game.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ trust not the gods; nor overthrow them ┊psa.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ connections of an ancient twilight sword ┊promotions.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ forgo that which is cursed by the gods ┊self promo.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ gifts to prevail into eternity ┊keepsake.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ echoes of a fallen star ┊drabble.┊
◟༺✧༻◞ nascent dreams of fading twilight ┊wishlist.┊
#◟༺✧༻◞ memories are all but forgotten in the river of time ┊queue.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ glimpses in the past of a shattered spirit ┊headcanon.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ events to be remembered in blue veins ┊addendum.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ fragments of light from the roots of truth ┊reference.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ what use has the veil of falsehood? ┊ask.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ sapphire flames in their wake ┊ic.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ lament of a fallen seraph ┊thread.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ searching for a long lost fate ┊meme.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ what lays behind the mantle of faux stars ┊ooc.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ fear not the long night if malice is to fade ┊musings.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ ethereal moon dust sunken in ripples of light ┊reflection.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ moon on the sky as a trembling heart ┊aesthetic.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ requiem of the echoing depths ┊music.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ crystalline traces splattered with stardust ┊open.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ chaos is hardly different to poison ┊dash comment.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ shall fair divination be imparted ┊dash game.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ trust not the gods; nor overthrow them ┊psa.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ connections of an ancient twilight sword ┊promotions.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ forgo that which is cursed by the gods ┊self promo.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ gifts to prevail into eternity ┊keepsake.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ echoes of a fallen star ┊drabble.┊#◟༺✧༻◞ nascent dreams of fading twilight ┊wishlist.┊
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reginrokkr · 2 years
◟༺✧༻◞ What are you seeking?
Forgiveness— What should I apologize for; what I am or what I’m not?
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Oh, little hero, how close are you to crumbling under the weight on your shoulders? How heavy has that heart of yours gotten? How deeply has the guilt burrowed into your bones? How permanently has the grief been seared into your soul? You were so tender, and the world so cruel. Loss after loss after loss, each another chip on your shoulder. Because you deserved it, didn’t you? If you could be better… faster… stronger… smarter… then maybe it wouldn’t have happened. Right? The blood stains your hands, and it won’t wash out will it? But darling, it’s never been your fault. You’ve learned to turn the rage and the regret, the guilt and the grief, inwards. If you’re hurt, it’s your own fault isn’t it? Because then there’s a reason for it, because it gives you some semblance of control, doesn’t it? What you seek is forgiveness, for your perceived wrongs. But oh, little skeleton, you do not need it. Stop blaming yourself for what was beyond your control. Let go of the past. Grow. And learn to breathe with both of your lungs. stop choking on your own self hatred. The weight will ease, I promise. I love you.
Tagged by Taken from my other blog! Tagging: Feel free to take it if you want to do the thing ♥︎
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Tag dump #1:
◟༺✦༻◞ glimpses in the past of a shattered spirit ┊headcanon.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ events to be remembered in blue veins ┊addendum.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ fragments of light from the roots of truth ┊reference.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ analysis within the ley lines ichor ┊study.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ memories are all but forgotten in the river of time ┊queue.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ what use has the veil of falsehood? ┊ask.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ sapphire flames in their wake ┊ic.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ lament of a fallen seraph ┊thread.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ searching for a long lost fate ┊meme.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ ethereal moon dust sunken in ripples of light ┊reflection.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ what lays behind the mantle of faux stars ┊ooc.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ fear not the long night if malice is to fade ┊musings.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ moon on the sky as a trembling heart ┊aesthetic.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ requiem of the echoing depths ┊music.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ sapphire flames in their wake ┊ic.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ crystalline traces splattered with stardust ┊open.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ chaos is hardly different to poison ┊dash comment.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ shall fair divination be imparted ┊dash game.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ trust not the gods; nor overthrow them ┊psa.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ connections of an ancient twilight sword ┊promotions.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ forgo that which is cursed by the gods ┊self promo.┊ ◟༺✦༻◞ gifts to prevail into eternity ┊keepsake.┊
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