#◟༺✧༻◞ sapphire flames in their wake ┊ic.┊
reginrokkr · 1 year
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Footprints are left in their wake one by one on the blanket of snow, step by step as Dáinsleif treads the grounds of unknown lands. No sight of humankind nor of any shape or form of any civilization left behind or human activity whatsoever. Only monsters he hasn't seen before, while they are reminiscent of Abyss-affiliated fiends judging by the powers they draw and sometimes the anthropomorphic form they have. As star beasts in Teyvat, these are no laughing matter nor deserve to let one's guard down no matter how skilled one may be.
The sheer cold and snow that never seems to melt begets curiosity within the seraph's mind, ever wondering about the ecosystem of this world and if that is the reason why there is no human life here— or perhaps there may be none at all to be had if humans don't exist in this place. Dáinsleif is cognizant of the fact that inhospitable lands can be incompatible with other forms of life, too.
Not long before he decides to rest does he see from afar metallic fences and machinery that he opts for walking some more and have a look, albeit never intruding into territory he doesn't know. Whoever or whatever created this, he cannot be sure whether they will act kindly within his presence. Where creations lay so must loom nearby their creators and ere long does Dáinsleif find out that said creators are humans. Good, so long as mankind exists in this star, so his possibilities to learn about this vast universe will increase.
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Rubescent lips part to heave a content sigh for such pleasant discovery and so Dáinsleif turns on his heels to leave. His aching muscles beg for rest, so does his mind after an undetermined amount of time walking and seeing little more than a vast albor ocean of snow. Somewhere discreet where he cannot be found yet not too far from the settlement is the chosen location to rest until a fox's cry causes his guard to be up once more, trained eyes in search of any presence that must've caused the tundra animal to be in distress.
Against his aching muscle's will, he rouses on his feet and searches for any living being activity within his vicinities. The source of the cry is found with immediacy as soon as a man's figure —judging by his muscular-looking back and broad shoulders— crouching catches his attention. With one hand he holds the poor fox in place while it struggles to thrash about in order to break free from his grasp and with the other snow is grabbed and brought to his lips. Despite the oddity of eating or drinking snow, stellar pupils take notice of a patch of blood making itself evident through the fabric of his top-wear on his arm.
❝You are hurt.❞ Only after these words abandon his lips does the seraph berate himself mentally at the prospect that the man may not understand the language. Even so, his voice stands low and gentle, tone does wonders to communicate feelings when language cannot establish a bridge of understanding. Dáinsleif ignores if what little fauna that lives in these snowy plains may be drawn to blood and thus put the man in danger, or if his life is endangered depending on the amount of blood that was spilled. His index finger points towards his own arm, pointing to the location of the other's injury to make himself clearer through signals. ❝Blood loss is detrimental in a place like this and I happen to have some medical knowledge.❞ One step brings him closer to the man, slow and measured to not generate hostility. His hand stretches towards him, an invitation. ❝Do you need help?❞
@longzhua ✦
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dr-trafalgar-law · 5 months
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Law X CisFem Reader - NSFW - 18+
- Prologue -
Heavy rain thrummed against the large display window of your shop. The streets had darkened sooner making it feel later in the evening than it was. Your staff cleared out just after closing leaving you behind to work on this large order alone. You preferred it that way with special orders.
This cake wasn't special because it was a high-profile client or a family friend. It was because it was his.
A massive three-tiered chiffon cake with alternating raspberry and white chocolate fillings sat before you dirty-iced and ready for sheets of fondant to be spread over.
The groom's cake, finished that morning, already sat in the refrigerator. He hadn't ordered anything specific just simply saying, "Whatever you decide will be fine, yoi."
As sort of a joke you went the unconventional route making a small layered pineapple upside-down cake. Dabs of purple, teal and yellow Italian buttercream smeared out to look like flames with an offset spatula decorated the outside. Not your best prank against the blond but his brothers would think it's funny
You slipped into the flour dusted hoodie kept in your office and approached the thermostat, turning it down to combat the humidity seeping in from outside.
After rolling out some fondant you headed to the sheeter losing yourself in thought.
The screen door bounced against the door jamb as you passed through the back entrance of the Newgate house. Ace chased Luffy through the room flailing a ruined shirt and shouting curses at the younger male. There was never a dull moment in that house.
Reaching the dining room, you finally located the blond you'd been hunting for slouched over the table, head resting in his left palm while he flipped through pages in front of him. The room felt heavy making your guts twist. He knew you were standing there but couldn't bring himself to face you.
"Babe?" You called in an unattractively weak voice.
Half-lidded sapphires swayed in your direction, a cigarette pressed between his lips looking unamused as ever. You'd been together for six years and despite his nearly void expression you could tell whatever he was reading wasn't good news.
"I got my match today, yoi." He removed the smoke to speak.
Your heart dropped.
It was foolish to think he wouldn't be matched just because he was older, glitches happened all the time.
This was a new era law of the New World Order. A few generations before you the world had come together in peace forming this new world government. For the most part life carried on as usual, until people stopped marrying leaving reproduction in a rapid decline. The NWO stepped in making arranged marriages law. You were matched with someone of 85% compatibility or higher. Weddings were to be held after a six-month grace period allowing pairs to get to know each other and adjust living arrangements.
Dating prior to being matched was frowned upon but not illegal and required by law to end the moment you received your partner's information. Most non-matched relationships didn't last as long as yours. Generally, arranged couples were excited and threw huge weddings. You had friends who waited for their matches rather than dating around.
Marco was special; he could handle your sass and loved you without condition. Who needed a match? You already loved each other.
With a shaky sigh he rose left arm outstretched to catch you. Reeling you in so he wouldn't have to watch your heart break he buried his nose in your hair for probably the last time.
"W-hen?" You sobbed, makeup staining his white t-shirt.
"We meet later today, yoi."
All contact was severed the day he met her.
For a while you just went through the motions, taking on the biggest projects alone so you could work into the night and wake after only a few hours of restless sleep to start the process over. After a few months you even began to smile again, but it was just a weak facade.
You were taking a short break in your office when your head decorator, Usopp stepped into your open doorway.
"Uh - hey F/N, your tasting appointment is here, b-but I can take care of it if you'd like."
You rose brows furrowing, "Why would yo-"
Your sentence was strangled by your jumping heart when your eyes fell over Marco standing in the entry with the woman you hoped to never see.
She was terrifyingly beautiful; half-lidded seafoam green eyes complimented her perfect complexion and full lips. Teal waves lapped at her waist, a few locks draped over her shoulders framing the two heart tattoos at the base of her throat.
Usopp's fidgeting pulled you from your spiral.
"Lovely to meet you Ms. Charlotte," you stepped forward to shake her hand pausing unsure of how to address the blond.
"Hey F/N." Marco smirked saving your stumbling brain.
"H-ey." You greeted turning back to his fiancé, "The flavors you chose are all set up in our tasting room. Usopp will show you the way and I will be right behind you."
The intimidating woman's green eyes dropped down to you briefly before she nodded and followed a frantic Usopp to the back of the shop.
"Warning would be nice." You sneered at your ex.
"This way was more fun, yoi." He glanced at you sideways digging his elbow into your side.
"Are you having a good time Mr. Newgate?"
"A little," he admitted with a shrug, "I didn't think I'd get to see you again until her mother suggested your shop, yoi."
A flustered groan pushed passed your lips as you picked up your pace.
The tasting went as well as it could with the exception of your stumbling. You hated that his future wife only saw you as a fumbling idiot.
"Thank you again Amande, we're honored to create your cakes." You shook her hand again glancing over at your ex, "Nice to see you again Marco."
The blonde nodded calmly.
"Usopp will you please see them out, I've got another appointment to set up for." The decorator nodded at your request as you nearly sprinted to the safety of your office.
As you were catching your breath at your desk there was a tap on the door.
"What." You sighed face down on your keyboard.
The door opened slowly, "That's not a nice way to greet a client, yoi."
"Shouldn't you be with the ball and chain?" you sat up.
"I'm not tied down yet," he smirked holding up one of your bags, "and Pops wanted one of your tarts."
"Well if that's all." You rose to see him out, but he stepped forward meeting you in the center of the small space.
"It isn't." He bent down pressing you against the desk.
Your breaths mixed in short anticipated pants as his nose brushed against yours sliding down to nuzzle your cheek. Strong arms slithered around your waist pulling you flush with his torso. The two of you stood there for what felt like hours breathing each other in.
"You look good, yoi." he whispered, lips resting on your earlobe.
Tears welled on the edge of your lashes as you choked out a bitter laugh, "I'm a mess."
"I miss you."
Sparks lit up your spine when he shifted, lips grazing your damp cheek. Your hands shot up, fingers gently covering those lips you craved so much. Marco looked down at you honestly surprised by your reaction.
"Don't," you sniffled, "we both know what happens if someone finds out."
He very sweetly kissed your digits and palm bringing his hands up to wipe away your tears. It hurt. It hurt that he'd had no choice but to come in with her, that there was nothing you could do, that neither of you could handle it, that after the last few months your feelings hadn't changed.
Finally, he stepped back.
"Tell the boys I miss 'em." You voiced shakily rubbing your wrists under your eyes.
"I will, yoi." he opened the door, "See you around."
Now you sat alone on a rainy night layering gum paste into fifty different but similar dahlias. It was quiet save for the pounding rain and the hum of the A/C.
You shouldn't be making this stupid cake and supporting his marriage to another woman, but the Charlotte family was enormous and a big client of yours so sadly business played a small factor. The least you could do was make sure it was perfect and hope you didn't have to see either of them at delivery the next day.
After giving the white flowers a pearly finish with some luster dust you began arranging them on the cake you'd covered a few hours ago. It turned into a fight to keep your hands steady as the closer you were to finishing the more real the situation became. It didn't feel like your poor heart would ever recover. You couldn't help but wonder if Marco felt the same. Probably not. He had that gorgeous distraction. You winced at your tortuous thoughts.
The tinkle of the storefront bell caught your ear. You placed the last flower on the cake and stood.
"You usually text before..." You trailed off entering the front room to see the blonde you'd been agonizing over all evening.
"Expecting someone else, yoi?" he slurred passed the cigarette clamped in the corner of his lips.
"You can't smoke in here." You scolded moving forward.
"Isn't lit." He tossed it in a nearby bin, "You should keep that locked this late, yoi. Anyone could walk in."
"Can I help you with something?" You asked trying to sound unfazed as you stepped closer to the blond.
In two quick strides he was enveloping you, fingers running up the back of your neck and pulling you in. Bourbon and tobacco filled your senses as he devoured you in an aggressively hungry kiss. You submitted immediately clinging to his drenched plum button down.
He knew if he wasn't fast enough you'd stop him like last time and that wasn't an option.
This felt normal.
This felt right.
All these months without you were horrible. If he wasn't drunk he was chain-smoking, no vice filled the void you left. After spending the evening drinking with his brothers he'd gathered the courage to drop in. He knew you'd be here late, after all he knew what cake you were working on and it was a habit when you were stressed to take the workload on by yourself.
Tugging at the collar of your hoodie his lips trailed down your jaw and neck allowing you to gasp for air. Goosebumps erupted in his wake as you tried to gather your composure.
Was this some sort of dream? If it was you have a pretty sadistic subconscious.
His name left your lips in a sigh when he aimed for the weak spot just at the base of your throat.
"This fucking hoodie needs to go, yoi." He grumbled sliding his hands under the thick cotton fabric covering your torso.
A tiny voice in your head was shouting at you to stop but was quickly stifled when his lips gently came back over yours. Continuing to tug at the hoodie until your left arm was free, you reached up to cup his cheeks and pull away.
"Not here." You breathed nodding toward the display window.
Though it was well passed midnight you didn't want to risk being seen.
An amused laugh rumbled through the male as he turned taking your wrist and dragging you toward your office. Once inside you closed and locked the door for good measure. You hardly had time to turn away from the door before you were met with those lazy blue eyes and a sexy knowing smirk.
There was a lot he wanted to say, but now wasn't the time to speak. As you wiggled the rest of the way out of your hoodie he pushed you up against the dark wooden surface bringing his left knee up between your thighs causing warmth to bloom and spread through you. This time his name took the form of a needy whimper sending a shiver down his spine. How he'd missed your voice.
Deft fingers stripped you of your shirt allowing his sleepy gaze to drink in your curves. You fumbled with the buttons on his shirt giving up midway as the tattoo that covered the expanse of his chest came into view.
Lips still crashing together desperately another shiver wracked through the blonde as you ran your hand roughly over the front of his jeans. If you were that ready he was no longer going to hold back, quickly he stepped back to make work of your leggings while you unbuckled his belt. Once your clothes had been disposed of and his jeans hung loose on his hips he moved forward running his hands down your rear to pick you up by your thighs. Not wanting to waste another second, he adjusted you slightly before sheathing himself completely in your warmth.
You gasped gripping his shoulders as he attempted to set a steady pace, quickly finding the wall didn't allow enough leverage.
Clinging to his neck, lips brushing over his ear you spoke, "The desk babe."
Your lust filled tone made him shudder and quickly lift you away from the wall. Once the back of your thighs met the metal surface you released the blond to rake whatever you could onto the floor.
"Ah, like old times, yoi." He chuckled forcing you to lie back.
Soon soft moans and the clap of your hips meeting reverberated off of every wall. What items were left on your desk shifted with every thrust, some eventually falling to the floor.
Marco cursed between ragged breaths as his pace grew sloppy. You gnawed on your lip to hold back from shouting his name. Digits dug into your hips and ass as he bent down to lap at your throat.
Long teasing thrusts turned sharp and deep sending you into a euphoric haze. He felt your legs tighten and knew you'd reached your limit.
His lips trailed teasingly up to your ear, hot uneven breath fanning over your flushed cheek, "Just let go, yoi."
One final intense kiss was all you needed, it worked every time. He reveled in every lewd sound you made as you unraveled just for him eventually pulling him into his own orgasm.
Half-dressed you sat on the floor between Marco's legs, back pressed to his chest, head resting on his shoulder. Assessing the mess you'd made his gaze dropped to a familiar pink legal sized envelope.
He nudged it with his foot, "Who is he, yoi?"
"A doctor if you can believe it," you sighed, "we don't see each other much. I suppose that's my fault."
"Is he good to you?"
You chuckled, "He can be an asshole, but that's kind of how I like 'em."
He smirked kissing your temple, "This is it huh?"
"I guess." you frowned.
You stood and finished dressing. His arms wound around you pulling you close to savor your warmth one last time. Gently he tipped your chin and tenderly kissed your lips. There was no more urgency, no more need just a sweet finality laced with understanding. For the first time you didn't feel like crying as you watched him dip through the doorway followed by the jingle of the storefront bell.
Your phone buzzed in your hoodie pocket.
Law: Shift just ended. I'm coming by the shop with bad cafeteria food.
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Greetings to the person who found my blog.
Welcome, let me introduce myself first before explaining the rules. My name is Tea, it the name that many people referred to call me and pretty simple name to remember. I am basically 18+ and bisexual, He/Him/They/Them.
This blog is all about me having fun with art, drawing and posting to share with you all. It also one of my passions to entertain others but I have some common rules that you must follows.
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I accepts
Art trades ( I do love to do trades but please do not go overboard with it. )
Collabs ( I like to share some ideas and do art collabs, etc etc.. )
Roleplay ( Roleplay is what I love to do but it have to be at least appropriate. no 18+ or NSFW because there's minors, but angst is allowed. )
Suggestions ( You can suggest or give me idea what to draw. But for now, Cookie run fandoms, it can be others but I'll reconsidered about it. )
You can send asks to asks about the characters that I am open in this blog. Please keep it appropriate.
What I do NOT accept
Please for the love of god do not send me feet pics. ( I am too done and exhaust from it already )
Asks or Request me to draw NSFW. (There's minor in this blog, I know it. And if you want, it do not come in for free. )
Request to draw your oc/characters. ( I only do it for friends and mutual. If you really want, then considering commission me for it. )( And also, asking me to be your friend first and tell me to draw your oc will get you banned instanly. )
And finally, common sense thing that you must know. No Proshipper, Incest, Homophobic, Racial, Slurs, other bad shit, etc...
Now that you have read the rules. I can introduce you to the character that I am open to answers to.
Most of you might be here to ask about Electric eel cookie but there's more then just Electric eel too. Such as Angst au with Longan and Millie, Capsaicin and Prune juice and my oc's/Characters
update/edit. I'll add characters where you can asks or know what characters I own so you can asks/roleplay with
Clockwork cookie : little shit who control time
Timeless cookie : little shit who control time 2
Vanilla Extract cookie : Someone please put him to sleep for once.
Melted fruitcake cookie : He eat too much sometimes.
Forest fire cookie : your pride is too important apparently.
Ancient death thorn cookie : What the fuck are you?
Chai tea cookie : Stop adopting chickens goddammit.
Skullcap Sapphire Butter cookie : LITTLE SHIT NUMBER 1
Cinnamon dust cookie : a bean that need someone to burn some houses for him sometime.
Flaming dust cookie : LITTLE SHIT NUMBER 2
Vortex tea cookie : Someone put him to sleep too.
Ribbon eel cookie : Wake up, you sleep too much.
Rangoon cookie : Stop asking her for nudes you sick fucks.
Guarana cookie : Kinda a little shit?
Mythical salt cookie : Go to horny jail.
Space dust cookie : Your the moon son? how? The moon is still a virgin-
Luna/Moon cookie : introvert to the core.
Little Moon : Eh? What do you want?
Shooting star : Idiot number 1
Buh : buh
Toxic : the only tea cup for a head character btw
Melatonin cookie : don't make him cry...
Shimp / shimp cookie : every body favorite boi!
Here are some option link that You can open to see on the character to asks.
And to those who want to read the side story of the Angst au capsaicin and prune juice. Here's the link as well or you can just click the angst au tag in my blog and you'll find them too.
Anyways, hope you have fun and enjoy your time in my blog. ^^
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annieandro · 1 month
Cassie Kitchen and The Computer Friends Attacks 01
Omega Ruby's Attacks: Fire Blast, Ember, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Blue Flare and Fire Punch
Alpha Sapphire's Attacks: Surf, Bubble Beam, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Water Gun, Dive, Water Pulse, Crabhammer and Whirlpool
Tedgar Emerald's Attacks: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Absorb, Petal Dance, Magical Leaf, Stun Spore, Wood Hammer, Spore and Needle Arm
Mr.Skips's Attacks: Thunder Shock, Electroweb, Spark, Thunderbolt, Electro Ball, Thunder Punch, Nuzzle, Thunder Fang and Wild Charge
Charlotte's Attacks: Attract, Double Team, Strength, Cut, Protect, Sing, Tickle, Headbutt and Tackle
Princess Lullaby's Attacks: Moonblast, Flower Shield, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonlight, Charm, Draining Kiss, Play Rough, Geomancy and Sweet Kiss
Princess Mistletoe's Attacks: Ice Beam, Mist, Icy Wind, Avalanche, Icicle Crash, Blizzard, Aurora Beam and Hail
Scaredy Circuit's Attacks: Bite, Thief, Crunch, Beat Up, Payback, Snatch, Taunt, Feint Attack and Punishment
Creative Crafty's Attacks: Rest, Teleport, Gravity, Lunar Dance, Heart Swap, Psywave, Zen Headbutt, Psybeam and Hypnosis
Prince Sleeper's Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragon Rage, Twister, Dragon Breath, Dragon Tail, Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, Outrage and Dual Chop
Queen Sissy's Attacks: Nightmare, Shadow Sneak, Trick-or-Treat, Shadow Ball, Lick, Phantom Force, Confuse Ray, Hex and Curse
King Bobber's Attacks: Head Smash, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Rollout, Rock Tomb, Power Gem, Sandstorm and Rock Blast
Vanilla Berry's Attacks: Infestation, X-Scissor, Pin Missile, Spider Web, Leech Life, Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, Steamroller and Twineedle
Dr.Meteor's Attacks: Rock Smash, Karate Chop, Sky Uppercut, Revenge, Brick Break, Circle Throw, Dynamic Punch, Triple Kick and Wake-Up Slap
Detective Cluey's Attacks: Iron Tail, Metal Claw, King's Shield, Bullet Punch, Mirror Shot, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Gear Grind and Steel Wing
Alphabetty's Attacks: Bonemerang, Dig, Mud Sport, Drill Run, Bulldoze, Sand Attack, Earthquake, Bone Club and Spikes
County Cruncher's Attacks: Poison Jab, Belch, Poison Tail, Venoshock, Poison Powder, Clear Smog, Poison Sting, Toxic and Acid
Captain Puka's Attacks: Fly, Peck, Sky Attack, Wing Attack, Hurricane, Roost, Brave Bird, Drill Peck and Tailwind
Honeycomb's Attacks: Munmunmoon, Magical Moon, Blue Stream, Mind Travel and Icicle WindJolty's Attacks: Wild Act, Twilight Barrage, Wild Bazooka, Twilight Dance, Cork Impact and Bounce Grenade
Sugarcube's Attacks: Kurukuru Tackle, Medical Command, Double Attack, Cosmic Punch, Weightless Hand, Secret Technique Spinning Top, Big Challenge and Comet Beam
Xuna's Attacks: Violet Claw, Secret Technique: Carbon Copy, Shadow Stitching, Revolutionary Fleury, Twilight Dance, Frenzy Serenade, Defeat Soten Boisterous Dance, Momo Glider and Purple Dance
Tree Sap's Attacks: Frost Strike and Biting Ice
Edgie's Attacks: Hurricane Slasher and Moon Ripper
Irvigo's Attacks: Water Strike and Spinning Torrent
Betabit and Betabyte's Attacks: Nevermore and Black Magic
Zip and Zap's Attacks: Sprinkling Needle and Typhoon Cannon
Ruley's Attacks: Oracle Aura and Wind WhipHoneyhive's Attacks: Earth Stomp and Light Charge
Farlitos's Attacks: Vile Spray and Snot Acid
Nurse Firefly's Attacks: Scorning Wrath, Windless Calm and Fountain Of Youth
Gumpy's Attacks: Ruby Flame and Pyro Claw
Voltie's Attacks: Corruption Slash, Devouring Swarm and Stragulation
Yolunda's Attacks: Viral Infection, Scream Annilhilation and Void Of Suffering
Wiggle's Attacks: Claw Tremor and Terra Shaker
Voltage's Attacks: Spark Ripper and Electric Field
Lumberjill's Attacks: Spirit Siphon and Mystic Tremor
Bitter's Attacks: Beauty Hammer and Mirror Charger
Byter's Attacks: Aurora Light and Borealis Stream
Sparkle's Attacks: Fire Fang and Heat Wave
Mr.Trips's Attacks: Pepper Breath, Blue Blaster, Spiral Twister, Super Shocker, Poison Ivy, Marching Fishes, Boom Bubble and Lightning Paw
Shiny's Attacks: Frosty Fang and Crystal Ring
Umbybrella's Attacks: Paws Of Fury and Double Wing Punch
Scarla's Attacks: Vee Headbutt, Pororo Breeze and Rock Crackin
Crookedstar's Attacks: Pincone Attack, Bubble Blow and Gold Rush
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
The Sandman and the Girl Without Dreams
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Chapter 9: A Past As Beautiful and Destructive As Me
TW: the fates, knives, dirty thoughts, smut (Soft Dream is here)
I curled deeper into the warm covers, breathing out a sigh of relief at the heat that rolled off of them. That breath was one I could feel hanging in the frozen air, the heat of it visible in the cold as I blinked my eyes open. Everything was frozen. My pillows, the empty space of bed beside me, the windows and curtains, my chair. All of it. As I sat up, the chill filling the warm space I'd left, three figures stood in front of my bedroom door.
The first, standing closest to me, was a young woman in a beautiful sapphire blue gown, her dark hair curled in ringlets around her soft face. "Greetings, fate kept sister."
In a blink she was standing in the back and one of the others was now standing in front of me. She was older, her face slightly worn by the years. Her hair and eyes remained the same as the younger ones. "It is so good to finally put a face to that lovely name of yours, dear Weaver."
Another blink and the oldest of them stood before me, eyes cold and face wrinkled with age and wisdom. Her silver hair wrapped around her like a shroud. "She doesn't look like much, you'd think with the power in those veins she'd have a bit of spark to her."
I wanted to speak, wanted to demand what the hell was happening, but I couldn't. Like the room around me I was frozen in place, clinging to what little warmth remained. The youngest smiled at me. "I think she looks perfect!"
The oldest sneered. "Fate kept, fate kissed, fate bound. Your titles are as endless as that which you would so easily spread your legs for."
The middle one tutted. "Now, now sister-self, we cannot chastise her for answering the song she was gifted. That even remains higher than us."
"Such a sweet song they make together!" The youngest said. "I hope it does not give way to the dissonant cries that threaten to swallow it."
"A butterfly can do little against the storm to come," the eldest remarked.
"She will have to become a dragon then," the youngest replied. "Fire and armor born to weather any storm."
"The question remains if she will heed her calling or if she will bend and break and burn beneath the threads." The middle said.
"Heed our advice, fate touched, do not hesitate to reach out to the cold. For in the frozen depth much truth lies." The youngest said.
The middle reappeared. "Heed our warning, fate kissed, do not bend to those unworthy. It is their stained hands that seek to tear your wings from your back and watch you crawl and wither."
The oldest glared at me. "Heed our truth, fate bound, forsake that which you fear. For the path through flames of molten gold is that which holds your freedom."
A loud crack of shattering ice echoed in my ears, my hands cupping around them as I tried to block out the sound. When I looked back up they were gone. A faint feeling, like a hand wrapping around my arm pulled me from the frozen world. My hand found the knife beneath my pillow and my body moved of its own accord, the world swinging as I threw myself over the top of whoever had touched me and pressed the blade snuggly against their throat.
Below me Pierres eyes were glowing, his hands resting tightly on my hips. "It is good to be back beneath these powerful thighs, Ma moitié."
Breathing heavily I looked around the room, pulling the blade from his throat. It was just as I left it. My head snapped to the bed, now empty save for a single peony that lay on the pillow beside mine. Dream. I looked back to Pierre who looked me over with his heated gaze and winked. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I was attempting to wake the sleeping beauty, but in our time apart it appears I've forgotten that she has quite the bite when startled." He smiled even wider. "Though I will never complain about our current position."
"How did you get in?" I asked standing up and helping him off the floor.
"The witch," he replied. "Though we both know if I had truly wanted in I'd have found a way." He leaned slightly to check out my ass in the shorts I'd slept in. "The years have treated you kindly."
I slapped his arm. "Eyes up."
He complied with a sly grin. "Oh I've seen it all before, no need to be so prude about it."
"That was a long time ago," I said, forcing his chin upward as he started looking back.
"Ahh so my other half has found herself a new lover!" He teased flopping onto the bed and twirling the peony in his fingers. "A thoughtful one is he?"
I snatched it out of his hand and carefully set it on my nightstand. "As much as I'd love to talk to you about my sex life you have work to do."
He relaxed into my bed. "It is already done."
"You cleaned up three bodies and all that blood already?"
"You say this like it is difficult," he replied, offended. "Have the years made you forget my talents for such things?"
"Stop worrying, Ma moitié, come lay down with me and relax for a moment."
With a sigh I flopped down onto the bed beside him. He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "It's good to see you Pierre."
"Of course it is, I am spectacular!" He cheered, turning to face me. "Now, tell me of this tall dark stranger the witch claims to have caught fingers deep inside you."
Dream had watched Penelope sleep until the sun began to rise before he was forced to leave. He hated having to go, hated that she would wake up alone, but his realm needed his attention now. So he'd placed the peony beside her, hoping it would soothe her if she woke up worried about his absence. As he stood in the corner by her door he turned to the raven that had accompanied them. "Stay with her, Matthew. If trouble comes for her again I will not be caught off guard."
And trouble indeed did come, but a kind that Dream had not been prepared for. His jaw was firmly locked in place as he watched the interaction through Matthews eyes. At first he was relieved, proud, to watch her take the man to the ground with ease, a blade to his throat, but then when she retracted it and helped him up his relief twisted into something else. Something green.
When the stranger had not even attempted to hide his blatant lingering gaze on her body Dream felt the green feeling twist inside him. When he leapt onto her bed and grabbed the flower he'd left for her, he nearly lost all his self control and when she joined him in the bed his hands curled into the arms of his throne and the room around him gently quaked. 
Penelope was obviously familiar with this man, too familiar for his liking. But as he watched them he felt no flare of arousal or any feelings from her that indicated this was anything more than a friend. Even without the mark he trusted her, but that didn't stop the bitter taste that filled his throat at the sight of them. He let his connection drop, let his eyes refocus on the throne room. 
His thoughts were a rampant storm in his mind. She may not have felt anything for her friend, but seeing her so close with another man brought a possessive need within him. He was not unfamiliar with this, he’d had many lovers in the past and had felt the need before, but with Penelope it was different. It was so strong Morpheus had to consciously remind himself he could not just show up in her room and trap this friend of hers in a never ending nightmare. It was more than that though, more than mere possessive jealousy that made him retreat inward. 
She was happy. She had been before he showed up in the apartment she shared with Constantine. In all the years he spent locked in that cage he thought of her often, mourned her. He was not prepared to find her alive, healthy and happy in the Waking World. Before Hell, he’d been determined to retrieve his tools, answer her questions and then let her finally be rid of him. Then he saw the torture she’d endured… felt the softness of her lips on his… had her gasping and moaning against him. He did not want to leave her, he did not think he could survive it now, but he worried what him staying would cost her.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He needed air - he needed to think. He needed to see her.
Pierre finally climbed out of the bed after he was satisfied he was caught up in my sex life since our departure, and grabbed a long box from the chair. “I know the last time we spoke, you told me you did not want these, but… Given the recent events I brought them with me just in case.”
At the sight of it I clammed up. It had been years since I’d given them to him… and as he opened the lid, holding it out for me to see the gleaming steel blades within it an old pain filled my chest. I took one of them in my hand, the familiar weight of it digging up a wave of bittersweet emotions. As I looked into the reflection in the blade it was his eyes that stared back at me. Olethros. The pain was one of great friendship and a sorrowful betrayal. 
"I know it's not ladylike… but you really need to learn how to throw a proper punch Miss…"
"Barlow. Penelope Barlow."
"Well, Miss Barlow, are you alright?"
"Better now that I've stumbled onto a knight."
His laugh was deep and heartfelt. "Never been called a knight before, I could get used to it."
"Well, what name does my knight normally go by?"
"I've got a lot of names, Miss. You can call me Olethros."
"Olethros, I'm glad to have run into you."
"As am I, Penelope."
I quickly set it back in the box and closed the lid. “Thank you, Pierre. Could you just… just hold onto them a while longer for me?”
His eyes held the understanding that made Pierre one of my closest friends. He nodded, holding the box with tender care. “Of course, mon amour. Now, get dressed and join the witch and I for breakfast, yes?”
“Of course,” I answered watching him settle into my chair with a shit eating grin on his face. “Get out you sly bastard.”
“Very well,” he said with an exasperated sigh, moving toward the door. “But, if your new lover disappoints, perhaps we will reconnect in a different way?”
I rolled my eyes. “You and Johanna are the worst with boundaries!”
He laughed as he closed the door with one final shout of, “That was not a no!”
“NO!” I hollered, sitting on the bed and grabbing the flower Dream had left for me with a smile.
Pierre had been the person I trusted most in this world before Johanna and now Dream. He had been by my side in my darkest moments and had seen me through it all with kindness, patience and laughter. He was perhaps the most annoying person I'd ever met, but single handedly the most loyal and loving individual. I knew he wouldn't betray me, no matter how we left things or how long it'd been since we spoke through the years. Pierre would never betray me, would never do anything to cause me harm, would never abandon me.
It was nice to have him around again, nice in a mostly annoying way, but with him he brought a lot of messy history. I had no doubts that Dream had his own unpleasant moments in his past and I truly didn’t think he would care about some of mine, but I still felt nervous, still felt ashamed. What if the things I’d done made him see me differently? What if upon learning of the years I’d spent without him was just too much? Nothing could ever change the way I see you. He’d said those words, not long ago. He’d said them and meant them with everything he was. I set the flower back on my nightstand and smiled. Dream wouldn’t scare so easily.
A soft noise echoed from the top of the curtain rods and startled me. “Would now be a good time to tell you I’m here?”
Matthew perched above me, awkwardly. “Oh my god Matthew! How long have you been here?”
“Since the sun came up,” he said. “Dream had me stick around just in case there was any trouble. You know so he could come help and all that.”
I sighed, letting the tension release from my shoulders. “I should have known he’d leave you behind. I’m sorry you’re stuck on babysitting duty.”
"I don't mind!" He insisted, flying down to rest on the bed. "It'll be fun."
"Will it be?" I asked.
"Yeah! We can get pizza or go to the movies," the raven sounded very excited at the prospect of a normal day.
"Missing life as a human Matthew?"
"Just a little," he said. "Being a bird is great and all and I enjoy The Dreaming and everyone there it's just…"
"A lot of change in a small span of time. I get it." I finished for him. “I’m not sure what the day has planned, but I’ve got to warn you it might not be the typical human outting you're wanting."
His head cocked to the side a bit. "Yeah, I doubt most humans deal with constant threats of being attacked." Clearing his throat he hopped towards me a bit. "Speaking of… You don't have to tell me, but, uh, I am curious about what exactly you've got going on."
I smiled tensely at him. "You remember Hell? Those, uh, memories you saw?"
"Yeah," he admitted softly. "Those are kind of hard to forget."
"The doctor from the asylum is the head of the sixty, hell, it might be seventy now, year long hunt I've been avoiding."
"The doctor?" He questioned. "Shouldn't he be, I don't know, dead?"
I picked at my fingers. "Yeah, he should be. But those… The, uh… The procedures he did on me… They gave him enough biological material to create a prototype of his weird eternal life elixir or drug or whatever. He took it and used the extra time it gave him to link up with the cult assholes that trapped Dream with Roderick Burgess. They mixed their weird magic and his mad science to make a better version of the prototype. He and his closest confidants took it and have been using it to keep them alive."
"So these assholes don't die?"
"They do. Their new elixir only preserves their life… Their minds I guess. Their bodies still age and decay just at a slower rate than normal." I sighed. "He's running low on my material now though, he has been for the past tenish years."
Beside me Matthew cawed. "That's why they're coming at you so hard."
"Yeah," I whispered. "If they can manage to catch me, it'll be the end this time. He'll take every last bit of me and…" I shook my head. "But that's not going to happen."
"Yeah, I mean you've got Dream now." Matthew said. "He'll take care of it."
"No." I couldn't even think of what the worst bad outcome would look like. "He's going to stay out of it. If they think he's a threat they'll just find a way to trap him again, or worse. He needs to keep himself and The Dreaming safe."
Matthew looked up at me. "Does he know that?"
"No," I breathed out, trying to keep myself calm. "No he doesn't. But… He'll understand."
A chuckle and another caw. "I think we both know it's not gonna be that easy. This is Dream we're talking about."
I laughed. "Yeah, he's kind of an ass."
“He’s much better around you,” Matthew stated calmly. 
Smiling down at the raven I shrugged. “I don’t think he can really help it. He can’t exactly hide things from me, not for long at least.”
“Well, whatever thing you two have got going on I’m happy for you. The boss needs someone like you around.”
“Someone like me?”
“Someone that will call him out on things,” he clarified. “Someone that’s not afraid to tell him he's wrong.”
Well, that was certainly something I could do. “Okay, shield your bird eyes dear Matthew while I get dressed for our human outting.”
He flew to the corner of the room, pushing his tiny head through the curtains and observing the street down below as I threw on the thinnest turtleneck I could find, adjusting it so the nearly faded bruising wasn’t visible before securing Jessamys’ feathers back around my neck and pulling on a light long skirt. I was covered head to toe, so any cuts or bruises I hadn’t noticed or hadn't healed yet would stay covered and not draw anymore unwanted attention my way. I set a magazine up for Matthew as I washed my face and did my hair. Listening to the bird comment on movie stars was one of the most amusing things I’d heard in a while. “You should start a podcast.”
He laughed. “A raven with a podcast, that would be hilarious!”
Once I’d gotten on a comfortable pair of shoes he flew to my shoulder and perched on me as I left my room to greet Johanna and Pierre who sat on complete opposite sides of the sofa, leaning away from each other. “Wow, don’t look too comfortable you two, someone might think you like each other.”
Johanna flipped me off. “Fuck you.”
“I would never!” Pierre said at the exact time.
“Breakfast,” I said. “Who's buying?”
Pierre’s eyes were glued to Matthew. “Are we not going to address the bird?”
Johanna smiled. “Nope. Don’t you say a word to him.”
“This is Matthew.”
Pierre's face grew even more confused. “The bird has a name?”
From my shoulder Matthew bristled and let out a caw. “Yes, he has a name and you’re not making a very good first impression.”
“When do I ever, mon amour?” He asked with a wide grin.
“Point taken, now let's go, I'm starving.”
Johanna pulled on her jacket. “Yeah, you haven’t had a real meal since Hell.”
I felt somewhat bad for Pierre as he looked between us with absolute confusion. “What has happened in my absence?”
The four of us walked to a nearby cafe and Pierre and I grabbed a table outside while Johanna went in and got our breakfast sorted. He’d pulled his chair right next to mine and leaned into me the whole time, something Pierre never grew tired of was physical attention. Matthew had perched on the opposite side of the table, beady black eyes boring into the French man beside me. Pierre stared at him for a while before turning to me to ask, “It cannot kill me, can it?”
Shrugging my shoulders I smiled at Matthew. “No clue, that's why you need to be nice.”
It was only when Johanna returned either coffee and plates of food that we got back to the situation at hand. They were back in London and if last night was anything they knew I was here too. Pierre spoke first, "So, no running this time eh?"
"No," I said, picking at the food in front of me. "Not this time."
"Why now?"
There were so many answers. I'm tired of losing the ones close to me. I'm tired of letting them push me around. But one that held the most truth. "I'm tired."
This made Pierre wrap his arm around me and squeeze my shoulder. "Finally. I have been waiting for you to turn loose the dogs of war!"
Johanna rolled her eyes. "We need to be smart about this. These cunts have people and resources, we can't take them in an all out fight."
"We have her," Pierre insisted. "No one is better in a fight than our Penelope!"
I looked down at the table, my mind drifting back to the hulking mass of red hair from all those years ago. "Fighting isn't just about numbers or strength, Inky. You have to slow down, think through the moves before you act."
I'd watched him attempt to bend the paper into the shape of my butterfly for almost an hour as we talked, still to no avail. "I've thought out the moves, Olethros. I can't win if I don't know how to actually fight."
"God damn paper," he muttered, tossing the paper into the pile with all the others. He sighed. "Why are you asking me this now?"
"You're the one that said I needed to know how to throw a proper punch!" I replied, reaching over to help guide his fingers. "I'm not asking you this lightly. I know how seriously you take fighting."
"Fighting almost always leads to death and destruction. Are you prepared for that?"
I shook my head. "No, but I don't have a choice. I have to do something, Olethros. I'd never be able to live with myself if I didn't." 
I pulled my hands away from his and looked down at the disfigured butterfly. He let it fall onto the desk. "Don't think I'll ever be able to make one like yours."
With a gentle tug I pulled the paper butterfly off of where it hung on my necklace. I stroked over the soft worn paper, smiling at the memories of the friend that had given it to me, before holding it out to him. "You take it. Until you make one of your own."
I set it in his palm. "Consider it payment for teaching me how to fight?"
His rich eyes bored into mine, fingers curling around my own. "Fine. But just some basic moves. You're no killer, Penelope Barlow. I just want to keep it that way."
Pierre nudged me, hand squeezing my shoulder. "You drifted off, Ma moitié. Are you alright?"
"Yeah," I answered, straightening up in my chair. "Yeah I'm fine. What were we saying?"
Johanna watched me carefully. "Pierre and I were arguing over strategy."
"Once she picks up those blades of hers we won't need your strategy!" Pierre replied.
I shook my head. "I'm not picking up the knives. Johanna is right we need to be smart about this."
He sighed. "But-"
"I don't want to lose anyone else, Pierre." I looked up at him with watery eyes. "I can't."
Cursing in French he pressed a soft, quick kiss to my lips and hugged me. "Alright, mon amour. We'll do it your way."
"Thank you."
Matthews wings flared out as he cawed, eyes focused behind us. I turned, looking over Pierres shoulder at Morpheus as he stood across the street. Smiling at him I looked at Johanna. "Are you guys good or do we have more to talk about?"
She glanced at Dream and smirked. "No, we're good. Come on Frenchie, let's go hit up a few contacts."
Pierre followed our eyes and grinned. "Is that the new lover? He is handsome."
"Very," I agreed, shoving against his chest. "Now get out of here.
He pressed one last kiss to my lips, longer than the first one, trying to get a rise out of Dream. And, if the way the shadows seemed to move over him meant anything he'd succeeded. I shoved again, slapping the back of his head, but he only smiled at me. "I have to make a good impression, no?"
"Fuck off." I laughed as he slid out of his seat, glancing at Dream as he walked away with Johanna.
Dream stayed still for a minute before he moved to join Matthew and I at the table. "Good morning," I said happily.
"Good morning." His tone held no indication of, well, anything. 
I tiled my head, watching him take a piece of bread from the table and hold it. "How are repairs in The Dreaming coming along?"
"Well," he said. "I should be regaining most of my lost subjects soon."
"That's good," I said. He was off, but I couldn't quite tell why. A familiar feeling rose up in my chest, along with the sound of the raging ocean waves hitting thick wood. I shoved it down, watching Matthew peck at a plate of food, not able to get it all. I reached over, grabbing the plate and starting to cut up the food into smaller pieces.
His eyes looked down the road, where Pierre and Johanna had gone. "Was he a friend of yours? Or an old lover?"
"Both? Neither?" I chuckled. "He's my friend. We slept together a few times, but it was mostly out of convenience. I trusted him, he trusted me, we didn't have to think about potential dangers or something going wrong. We didn't have to think."
Dream nodded. "Does he know this?"
"He was there for me during a difficult time. And when he was offered an obscene amount of money to trick me he refused." I met Dreams' eyes and sighed. "I know he's a lot, but Pierre is one of the few people that didn't betray me."
"I understand," he said. "If you trust him..."
"I do trust him."
"And I trust you." He said simply. "So long as he keeps his mouth to himself you'll not hear any complaints from me."
"Your mouth is the only one I want, Dream Lord." I insisted with a wide grin.
Nothing. No smile, no teasing, just the same blank expression. After a few minutes of silence he spoke calmly, "I'm assuming there were no other attacks in my absence."
"No," I replied, bracing myself for this part of the conversation.
A nod. "Good, it won't take too long finding the individuals behind this."
"About that," I said nervously. Taking a deep breath I met his cold gaze. "I don't want you to get involved."
A flash of annoyance and anger filled him, curling around me. "What?"
"It's just…" I sighed. "These people are dangerous, Dream-"
"All the more reason for me to deal with it."
"They're well organized and well versed in both magic and science. If they find out you're involved in any way they will trap you," I said, watching his eyes flare with memories of his cage. "I'm not going to risk that happening, not ever again."
His jaw clenched. "I will be discreet."
"No." I could see the understanding fill his eyes as my aching worry reached out to him. "I have lost far too many people to this crazy cult mad scientist bullshit. I am not willing to risk losing you too."
"Promise me, Morpheus." I bit back a sob. "Promise me you'll let me handle it. Please."
He nodded, every inch of him rigid and tense. "Very well."
"Thank you."
Dream watched as I held the now smaller bits of food out to Matthew, who took it almost too eagerly. "You shouldn't indulge him."
"Oh leave him be," I said, the tenseness slowly dissolving. "He was human once, it's only fair that he gets some treats."
"If he gets too fat to fly back to The Dreaming it'll be on your head then."
I laughed. "If your magic ravens get fat from a few pieces of biscuit then that's just poor execution on your part."
Matthew ignored us both in favor of the food, but made quiet content noises from beside me. Dream continued looking around with his lips pouted. I could sense the emotions he was feeling, but couldn’t identify them. It was like a glass wall separated them from me, and looking at him I could just tell he was doing it on purpose. To keep me from being forced to feel them perhaps? Or to keep him from having to open up to me about what was wrong. Of the two the second seemed far more Dream.
I nudged his leg with my foot, bringing his emotionless eyes and face back to me. “What’s wrong?”
“Dream…” I began. “I can feel something is off with you. Something you’re keeping from me.”
He sighed. “It is not important, Penelope.”
“I don’t care, I still want to-”
“Please.” He said, a flash of tenderness filling his eyes for a moment. “I do not wish to burden you with trivial things.”
With a sigh I handed Matthew the last piece. “Okay, but I want you to know that I’m here. No matter what it is, or how trivial it may seem, I’m here.”
“Thank you,” he said softly, sounding almost pained by the kindness of my words.
I didn’t push it further. Dream was stubborn and if he really didn’t want to talk to me, he wouldn’t. Trying to pry more out of him would only result in a fight, and after eighty years apart I did not want to spend our newfound time together fighting over little things.
After paying for the food we began walking once again. In one hand he held his bread and the other hand was stuffed in his pocket. I missed the feel of his arm wrapped around mine, but respected his space. I knew that it wasn’t something he did to appear cold or to purposefully hurt my feelings. Even in his sour mood I didn't think he'd act cruelly. He was a private person, that was all.
I followed him to a nearby park where he took a seat on a park bench and slowly began picking away at the loaf of bread, tossing the pieces to the pigeons. This was odd. Dream of the Endless was not the type to sit in a park and feed pigeons. I looked at him and just as I was about to ask what he was doing his hand snapped up, catching a rogue ball as it came hurtling towards my face. The young man that came to retrieve it apologized and complemented Dream’s catch before turning and going back to his game. “Are you alright?”
I nodded. “Yeah, thanks for that.”
His eyes gave me a once over and then the silence returned. That feeling began to aw its way back up just as I spotted the black boots approaching us. Everything was washed away with the warmth of her. With a bright smile I leapt up and threw my arms around her. “Death!”
She returned my embrace with an even tighter one. “It’s so good to see you, Penelope.” She pulled away, fixing my hair and looking at me with the warm loving gaze I hadn't seen in years. “You look good, how are you doing?”
The last time I saw her was the night I nearly died. I’d almost begged her to take me then, and she’d been the one to assure me that there was still so much for me to live for. I smiled even wider, ignoring the tears that started to fill my eyes. “Better.”
“Good.” She said looking down at Dream, her face contorting into confusion. “What’s he doing?”
I shrugged. “No clue, he’s in a mood.”
“I’ll talk to him,” she assured. “Why don’t you go do something fun?”
He looked up at us now as the words of his sister registered, but before he could speak I held up my hands. “Don’t worry, I’ll stay within your line of sight.”
Dreams' jaw was tense as he nodded. “Thank you.”
Death gave me a look, but I waved her off, walking over to a nearby tree and plopping down. The two of them had a lot to talk about, and if anyone was going to get Dream out of his mood it was her. Matthew joined me shortly, nodding to the small hot dog cart off to the side. “Hungry?”
I rolled my eyes. “No, but I’ll get one for you.”
“You’re the best Penny!”
Death sat down beside him with a sigh, watching him closely. “What are you doin’?”
“I’m feeding the pigeons.” It was a simple answer, one that Dream knew would not keep her from digging up what was truly on his mind. His older sister was wise and had a talent for getting the truth out of people.
“‘You do that too much, you know what you get?’” She asked with a grin. “‘Fat pigeons.’”  When he didn’t react she laughed quietly to herself. “That’s from Mary Poppins. Did you ever see it?”
She watched a child run through the group of birds that had gathered in front of them, her joy among the humans was something he found odd, but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit he envied her. She saw them, truly saw them, for all that they were and she loved them. “Okay, so what’s the matter?”
“What do you mean?”
“I can tell something’s wrong. I mean look at you. Sittin’ here, moping, pigeon-feeding. It’s not like you.”
He sighed. “No. Perhaps it isn’t. I don’t know what’s wrong, but you’re right. Something is the matter.” He paused as she got comfortable on the bench beside him. “When they captured me, I just had one thought. Vengeance. And then…” His eyes found Penelope, mind racing with all the memories of her being chained and beaten in front of him. Death seemed to understand. “Then it wasn’t just about me, and my hunger for that vengeance grew.” With another sigh he shook his head. “It wasn’t as satisfying as I’d expected. Meanwhile, my kingdom had fallen apart. My tools long since stolen and scattered. And so I embarked upon a journey to find them. Which I did, along with the girl I’d spent eighty years mourning. She’s here, healthy and happy and I’m more powerful than I have been in eons. And yet…”
“Here you are feeding the pigeons.” She finished for him, gently clapping her hands together.
“You see, until then, I’d had a true quest. A purpose beyond my function and then suddenly, it was over, and…” He made a face. “I felt disappointed. Let down. Empty. Does that make sense? I was so sure that once I got everything back, I’d feel good… that I’d be able to let her go and move on. But in some ways I feel worse than when I started. I feel like… Nothing.” He tore his eyes away from Penelope. “You asked.”
Death put a comforting hand on top of his knee and smiled at him. “You could have called me, you know.”
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
She rolled her eyes and stood quickly. “Oh, I don’t believe it. Let me tell you something, Dream.” Taking the bread out of his hands she pointed it at him accusingly. “And I’m only gonna say this once, so you better pay attention. You are utterly the stupidest, most self-centered, pathetic excuse for an anthropomorphic personification on this or any other plane. Feeling sorry for yourself because your little game is over and you haven’t got the balls to go out and find a new one.” Her bread wielding hand gestured over to Penelope. An obvious message. “You’re as bad as Desire. No worse.” She threw the bread at him with an exasperated sigh. “Did it never occur to you that I would be worried about you?”
“I didn’t think-”
“Exactly! You didn’t think.”
The white ball flew through the air toward the back of Death's head. She whirled around and caught it right before it could connect and with a sigh she handed it back to its owner. “Wow. You’re as good as you… friend there.”
Looking back at him she shrugged. “He’s not my friend. He’s my brother. And he’s an idiot.”
He returned to his curled up position, tossing more crumbs down into the grass. “I’m just feeding the birds.”
“Look, I can’t stay here all day. I’ve got work to do. You can come with me if you want, or you can stay here and sulk.”
His eyes flickered back to Penelope. “What about her?”
“Is she not allowed to be alone all of a sudden?” Death joked.
“There are people after her,” he said, watching his sister's face grow more concerned as she looked over at Penelope. “I do not want to be far, just in case…”
“She can come with, if she’s comfortable with that. She's good for you, by the way," Death said with a smirk.
Penelope sat under the shade of a large tree, tossing bits of hot dog up to Matthew who swooped down making attempts to catch them before they hit the ground. She'd made a sarcastic comment about his eyesight, resulting in Matthew dropping the hot dog into her hair. He made playful attempts to get it, pecking her head and tugging on her hair lightly. They chased each other around the tree, her laugh lighting up the whole park.
"What makes you say that?" he asked, though he didn’t really need an answer. It was obvious.
She pointed to him. "You get that look when you see her, even when you’re sulking."
"I don't have a look."
"You do. It's cute!"
"Dream!" Penelope shrieked, running over to him and ducked behind him so he was in between her and the raven. "Control your pigeon!"
"Pigeon?!" Matthew hollered. "Low blow!"
She peeked out from behind his shoulder and flipped the bird off. The two bickered with him between them, yet all he could do was smile. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his sister's knowing grin and immediately forced his lips down. "Settle down you two."
Finally the two relaxed and Penelope turned to his sister and asked her about work, as if it was nothing to her, speaking to Death. After a minute he realized she still hung onto his shoulders, using him as a perch, not unlike the raven she bickered with. "Is there a reason you're hanging off of me?"
"Not particularly, why am I weighing you down, mighty Dream Lord?” She teased in his ear.
"Not physically. Mentally you are quite the weight to carry." Though his tone hadn’t changed, Penelope caught onto his playful meaning instantly.
She gasped and groaned, slumping forward, now fully hanging off him, acting as if she’d been struck. "You wound me, my lord! Oh! I fear I’ll never recover!”
“I wish to accompany my sister for a while.” He said, looking at her from over his shoulder. “Will you join us?”
“I don’t want to impose,” she said, nervousness flaring in him.
Death smiled. “You won’t be. I’ll tell you when to stay put and we’ll be fine.”
“Alright then,” she replied, squeezing his shoulder and moving to stand beside him as he rose to follow his sister. She moved further in front of them and he immediately reached out to her. She gave him a comforting smile.
“You can stand with us,” he said.
“You two have a lot to talk about,” she insisted sweetly. “I don’t want to intrude.”
He let his hand return to his side. “Stay within my sight.”
“I know, I know.” 
Dream watched her walk forward, Matthew perched on her shoulder, and he felt a piercing pang of guilt fill his gut. He’d told himself he would say goodbye to her and let her live the life she’d built without him. She was happy, the feel of it warmed him. His presence would only bring her trouble, but she was already in trouble. The white coats and the doctor were a thorn in his side, but the even bigger thorn was her. He recalled her words to him, her gentle plea that barred him from involving himself in the matter. If it’d been up to him he would have already hunted them all down and put an end to this. He could do it still. But what would that cost? Her? 
“Look!” Death said sweetly, drawing his eyes from Penelope to the stand of fruits and vegetables. “Yum! Okay two please.”
“None for me, thank you.”
She looked back at him with that loving sisterly gaze he’d missed so much. “They’re good for you.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“You can just have it later,” she insisted with a shrug. When he didn’t budge she turned back to the vendor. “Just one, thanks.”
He watched the man clean the apple off and hand it to his sister with a warm smile. “There you go. It’s a gift.”
“Aw. Thank you! That’s so nice.” She turned, taking a large bite of the apple and then nodded to the vendor. “Mmm! That is delicious.”
“You are good with them,” he noted.
“Humans.” His heart dropped when Penelope wasn’t where she had been. He took a long stride forward, Death's hand on his arm stopped him. She nodded to a small covered stall just a few steps ahead of them where Penelope knelt letting a child observe Matthew, who perched on her arm with his wings spread wide, clearly showing off. His heart slowed and he took a deep breath. She stood, urging Matthew to hop back onto her shoulder as the vendor, the child's father he assumed, handed her a bouquet of flowers. He listened to her whisper a soft thank you to them before glancing up to find him and Death before continuing onward, smelling the flowers as she walked.
Death watched him with her knowing eyes, practically beaming beside him at how obviously and pathetically enthralled he was with the human girl. She held the apple out to him, a smug smile on her face. “Bite?”
“No, thank you.” He replied.
“Hmm. Have you seen any of the others since you’ve been back?”
He shook his head, looking over at her. “Have you?”
“We did have one family dinner when you were away. The twins were in high spirits. Mmm, Desire was anyway.”
“With me gone, I have no doubt.”
“I don’t know. I think Desire missed having their usual sparring partner across the dinner table.”
“Any word of the prodigal?”
Death shook her head sadly. “No. Still missing. You were both missed.”
Dreams' eyes stayed locked onto Penelope as the crowd began to thin. She spoke to the raven beside her, not caring if anyone looked at her oddly, the joy he’d felt in her since this morning hadn’t dwindled at all, not even when she'd asked him to stay out of things. It was always there, buried in whatever else she was feeling. How does she do it? He questioned. She was being hunted like an animal at this very moment. Anyone else would have been terrified, paranoid at every noise or stranger, and yet she was here walking in front of him acting as if nothing was wrong. Death nudged his shoulder. “How are you sis? How have you been keeping? Aww. I’m well, Dream. Thanks for asking.”
He didn’t fight the smile this time, leaning into her and asking, “How are you, my sister? How have you been keeping?”
“I’m worried about my brother,” she answered honestly before perking up and holding out her nearly gone fruit. “And I’m enjoying this apple.”
Penelope’s sigh drew his eyes back to her. She swayed to the sound of the violin playing in the distance, twisting and twirling to the soft melody. He couldn’t help but stare at her, wondering how anyone could be so beautiful. Death pulled him to a stop, looking up at the building. “Can you hear it?”
“I know this piece,” he realized. “I haven’t heard it in two hundred years.”
“Come on,” she whispered, urging him to follow. 
He looked back at Penelope. “Wait here. We won’t be long.”
She jumped up onto the stone wall and smiled. “We’ll be right here, Dream.”
I watched him follow Death into the yellow house where the violin had stopped playing and sighed, turning my face up to the sun. Matthew had hopped off my shoulder and settled beside me. “So, this isn’t exactly the human outting I was expecting. But it’s nice. Kind of relaxing, which is weird considering we’re walking with Death literally behind us.”
“She’s sweet,” I assured him, pulling a flower out of my bouquet and setting it on the stone beneath us. “Far more friendly than any of the others I’ve met so far.”
“Was Destiny a dick?” He asked with a chuckle. “Seems like he would be.”
“No,” I answered with a smile. “He was polite, but very cryptic.”
Matthew fluffed his feathers a little and watched the people walk past for a moment before asking, “Are you scared?”
“Yeah, scared they’re gonna try and grab you at any minute?”
I looked around at the crowd of people and shook my head. “They’re not here.”
“How can you tell?”
Shrugging I watched the faces of smiling people pass and listened to the roar of their conversations. “They’ve been hunting me for eighty years. I’ve gotten pretty good at picking them out of crowds.”
He sighed. “I can’t even imagine what that's like.”
“It’s not all bad,” I said gently. “I just moved around a lot.”
“Yeah, and literally had people try to kidnap you more than once!” 
“You get used to it after a while,” I answered. “It sounds sad, I know, but I did okay after a while. Lived as much as I could moving from town to town. I got to see the world, got to live in places I’d never even heard of.”
Matthew looked up at me. “You’re probably one of the most positive people I’ve ever met. It’s kind of annoying.”
As Death and Dream exited the house he felt relieved to find Penelope in the same place he’d left her, for once. Beside him Death smiled. “She’s lovely.”
“I do not deserve her.” It was honest, but he hadn’t meant for it to sound so hopeless.
“Maybe not. But she’s here all the same.” She said, “And from what little time I got with her it’s quite clear she’s not going to just let you disappear.”
He looked over at her, silently surprised that she’d read him that well. “I-”
“You're my brother, Dream. I know you. And I know you’re an idiot, big enough of one to think that abandoning that girl over there was a good idea.”
“She’s lost so much of her life already because of me.” He shook his head. “She doesn’t deserve to lose anything else.”
“What do you think you’ll be doing if you leave her now?” Death asked. “Because the way I see it, you’ll be robbing her not only of any future with you but also her choice in deciding if that’s what she wants.”
Death said nothing else to him, she simply made her way to Penelope and helped her off the wall with a smile. They waited for him to join them, and then they continued on. His sister's words echoed in his mind as they walked across the bridge, leaving Matthew and Penelope behind them. He hadn’t thought of what he would be taking away from her by just removing himself from her life without say or warning. 
From his side she said, “I thought he was sweet, didn’t you?”
He thought of the old man they’d just left. “Sweet? I don’t know. Perhaps. My sister," He’d meant to tell her earlier, but had forgotten in his haste to move. “When I was captured, it wasn’t me they were looking for. It was you.”
Death nodded, a sorrowful smile on her lips. “Yeah, I know.”
He felt the ball of pain in him as the unanswered question exploded. So they had known, had known and did not come to his aid. She used his shoulder to kneel down and take off her boots. “What are you doing?”
“I’m taking my shoes off. You should take yours off too. It’s good to touch the Earth with your bare feet. It’s grounding.” She was so odd, in a way that made him wonder how they were related. Grounding? Why would he need grounding? “Come on, I don’t want to miss the next one.”
Looking back at Penelope as she looked out at the water, a look of something in her eyes as she turned to look at him. Before he could even think the thought she’d smiled and waved him off. “I know, Dream.” 
She was insufferable.
The water moved and rippled beneath the bridge as I bent over the side to look down at it. Matthew watched me curiously. “So, rumor has it you threw a car off a bridge.”
“I did,” I admitted, resisting the curl of adrenaline that surged through me at the memory of the car falling and the water surrounding me.
“It seemed like my only option at the time,” I said, chuckling. “Though that might’ve been all the sedation drugs I was coming off of.”
Matthew cawed and said, “He’s different than he was when I first met him.”
“Dream?” I asked, looking down at him. 
He gave me a tiny nod. “Yeah, he was all doom and gloom the first few times I interacted with him, I mean he’s still all doom and gloom the majority of the time, but, when he saw you it was different. It actually looked like he gave a shit about something, which was new considering his resting face looks like it does.”
I laughed, my heart fluttering at the thought, before the undeniable weight I felt in my gut returned. “He’s gonna try leaving.”
“What?” The raven demanded. “Why would he do that when he’s so obviously, I don’t know, in love with you?”
“I don’t know if he’s in love with me,” I argued. “Maybe it’s just this, just tension. Once we take that leap it’ll be gone and he’ll want to move on.”
Matthew laughed. “That’s not at all what this is and you know it.”
I focused back on the water. “I just don’t want to be blindsided again.”
“You’re not gonna get blindsided, Penny.” He assured me, tapping my arm with his beak in an attempt at a pat. “He’s not going anywhere.”
Dream watched the woman, the new wife of the man his sister had come for, cradle her husband's body in her arms and wail. He’d known that pain, he’d lived with that pain for eighty years. The only difference was that his grief and mourning had been put to an abrupt end by the woman he thought he lost. As he and Death returned to the bridge he felt an uneasy weight in his chest, a realization, as he looked at her. She had mourned him too. When they first reunited she’d told him that she tried to come back to the Burgess house to free him. It had been left unsaid, but obvious that this attempt was what led to her current troubles. Because of him. No. For him.
Penelope was a lot of things, but a victim of circumstance was not one of them. Everything she’d been forced to endure she did so with blood and fire. She could have bent under Rodericks thumb or under the doctor's blade, but instead she burned brighter and fought and raged until the chains that held her broke. She had not chosen to be stuck in the basement with him, to receive the mark that bound them, but she’d chosen every action that followed. And each time her choice was the same. Him. She chose him every day for years, most likely far longer than even he knew. He looked at her and felt her steady heartbeat in his chest, felt the swarm of joy and love that filled her as her eyes found him across the bridge. If he gave her a choice he knew what her answer would be and that scared him. 
Death looked up at him and nudged him forward, and they reunited with the duo just as she’d finished pulling a flower from her bouquet and placing it on the bridge. He nodded towards it. “What are you doing?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I just felt like leaving a little piece behind.”
Death smiled and rubbed Penelope's shoulder. “That’s sweet.”
“Where to next?” She asked as Matthew settled back on her shoulder. 
Death watched him with a curious gaze as he watched Penelope continue down the new street, not even batting an eye at what they were here for, not questioning any of it. “What?”
“How do you do it?” He questioned. 
“Do what?”
“This. Be there, for her, for all of them.”
She shrugged modestly, as if what she did wasn’t that important. “I have a job to do. And I do it. When the first living thing existed, I was there. When the last living thing dies, I’ll put the chairs on the table, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave. And I’m not there for all of them, there are exceptions. Mad Hettie. Penelope. And then there's your ongoing project. How’s he faring up after all this time?”
“Who? Hob Gadling?” Dream sighed. He hadn’t thought of the man in a long while. “I don’t know. I was forced to miss our last appointment.”
“Well I’m sure he’d love to see you.” She said, “They’re never too keen to see me though.”
He looked at her softly. “Does it not bother you?”
“I actually used to think I had the hardest job in all our family.”
“Oh did you?”
“They fear the Sunless Lands, yet they enter your realm every night without fear.”
He smirked. “And yet I am far more terrible than you.”
She laughed for a moment before a nervous guilt passed over her features. “It was fine in the beginning. Dying and living were new things and people did them with the enthusiasm they always bring to new things. And then after a bit, it just got harder.”
“But you continued.”
“I thought about giving up. Walking out.” She walked into the house as he looked up the road at Penelope. 
“Don’t wander,” He reminded her, noticing she’d gone further than he’d thought.
She turned back around and came walking towards him with a sarcastic salute. “Apologies, Dream Lord Sir!”
He rolled his eyes and followed his sister inside.
I sat on the steps of the house Death and Dream walked into a few minutes ago, pulling another flower from the bunch and setting it on the step beside me. “No more questions dear Matthew?”
“You’re kind of an open book to be honest,” he replied from his perch beside me. “Though I am curious as to what your theory is on your whole situation.”
“That’s a very loaded question.”
“Aren’t those the best kind?”
“I guess it depends on who you ask.” I retorted, avoiding the answer.
He looked at me expectantly. “Come on, you have to have some theories.”
Shrugging I sighed. “I mean I did a long time ago, or at least I thought I did, but eventually it all just molded into one very dark theory.”
“Let's hear it.”
“I’m cursed.” I finally said, looking away from him, anywhere else. “It’s kind of the only thing that explains everything. Anything I touch, anything that I get close to gets ripped from the world because of me. It’s why I never… Why no one…”
Matthew was quiet for a while before he said, softly, “I don’t think you’re cursed, Penny.”
“Thank you.”
Dream had watched his sister take the child with a heavy heart and thoughts filled with the memories of his own son's loss. He exited the house, Death close behind when they walked into Penelope and Matthews conversation.
“I’m cursed.” She said after what appeared to be a long moment of silence, looking out at the sky. “It’s kind of the only thing that explains everything. Anything I touch, anything that I get close to gets ripped from the world because of me. It’s why I never… Why no one…”
Dream felt her sorrow mingle with his own as Matthew softly replied, “I don’t think you’re cursed, Penny.”
“Thank you.” Her voice was strained, on the verge of tears as Death closed the door loudly.
She stood quickly, not even turning to look at them before she continued forward, moving out of their way. When they all stood together for a moment, to travel to Death’s next appointment she didn’t look at him, just kept her eyes on the ground in front of them, twisting her necklace between her fingers. How long had she thought this? He wondered. How long had she been waiting for him to abandon her as well because of some curse?
In the next location he watched Penelope more closely, watched her leave a flower in the room of the patient across from his sister. She made small talk, laughed alongside the stranger and bid them a gentle farewell when it was time to leave. Her sorrow had lessened when she rejoined them, walking closer and closer to them each time they moved now, but still out of reach.
"You were there that night. The night she should have..." He couldn't even bring himself to say it.
Beside him Death nodded. "Yeah, I was."
"What happened? Why didn't you take her?"
"Because she pulled herself out of that river and breathed." She said simply. "She was alive again."
"How..." He wanted, no needed, to know. "How did she feel about that?"
His sister met his gaze and smiled sadly. "She wanted to come with me. She was one of the first that ever has."
“Could she have?” he asked.
“No. It doesn’t work like that.”
“Will you take her eventually?”
Death shook her head as they walked down the alleyway. “I don’t think so. Something tells me she’s not meant for my lands, not for a long, long while at least.”
Dream looked at Penelope where she stood on the sidewalk by the street as his sister worked beside him. She left a flower on a small ledge of a nearby building with a smile. And when some loud drilling or construction work echoed from a few streets away she covered her ears with her hands, a wave of fear hitting her, and him, like a truck. But, just as he moved to go to her he felt her take deep breaths and heard the soft words that left her lips as she pressed her hand to her chest. “I’m here. I’m alive.” When they rejoined one another she’d calmed down, so much so he wouldn’t have even noticed what had happened if he hadn’t been looking. 
In the field she waited on the path for them, leaving a flower on a nearby bench as she knelt down and played with a group of dogs as they and their owners passed through. She was so bright and full of life, even though only moments ago she was nearly curled in on herself with a residual fear. As they resumed their movements he could only focus on one thing. How resilient she was, had always been from the beginning. No one else would have survived, and they certainly wouldn’t be as she was, not as courageous, not as happy, not as alive.
“It’s funny, looking back now,” Death continued beside him. “I used to think I had to do this all by myself.”
“But you do.”
“No. At the end, I’m there with them. I’m holding their hand and they’re holding mine. I’m not alone when I’m doing my job. And neither are you. Think about it. The only reason we even exist, you and I, and Desire and Despair, the whole family. We’re here to serve them. It isn’t about quests or finding purpose outside our function. Our purpose is our function. We’re here for them. Since I figured that out, I realized I need them as much as they need me. I’ve seen so many cool things and people and worlds. I’ve learned so much. Lots of people don’t have a job they love doing, do they. So, I think I’m really lucky.” 
She said it all with a passion he’d long since forgotten. Dream didn’t even truly remember the last time he enjoyed making his creations. “Listen, I’ve got to head back soon, but before I go I need to say this. That girl is in love with you, Dream. She has been from the start, she was the night I found her by that river. And if you leave her after everything you’ve both been through she will never forgive you. You’ll never forgive yourself and I certainly won’t forgive you. So, just this once, don’t be such an idiot.”
He stepped in front of her and held her hands. “You’ve taught me something I had forgotten. I thank you, my sister.”
She smiled. “Aw. That’s what family’s about, little brother.”
Penelope had stopped off to the side but quickly joined them when Death turned and opened her arms. She embraced her tightly and Dream watched her sink into the hug, soaking in the warmth of his sister's embrace. “Will I see you again?”
Death chuckled. “I don’t know when it comes to you.”
“Then I guess we’ll see,” Penelope replied fondly.
“Goodbye, Penelope. I might be seeing you.”
“Goodbye, Death. I might be seeing you too.”
As we walked through a small crowded alley Dream set his hand against my back and led me through the crowd of people. Once we reached a larger area he stood close beside me, his hand occasionally brushing against mine. "I'd like to introduce you to someone. A friend I need to reconnect with."
I opened my mouth in amused surprise. "Friend? That's a big word for you, Dream."
He rolled his eyes, lips twitching to fight the smile. "Will you come with me?"
"Of course," I said, falling into step beside him.
Looking up at him through my lashes I watched his eyes fill with that signature gloss of fondness. "I've not seen him in a long time, he may not be too happy with me."
“Oh?” I nudged him. "What'd you do?"
“What makes you think it was my doing?"
"Because I know you," I said laughing.
"I may have insisted I had no need for his friendship."
I hummed. "You know, you're kind of an ass, but I'm sure your friend will let it slide."
That soft smile finally graced his lips. "How very optimistic of you."
"Well one of us has to be."
Dream and I walked a ways before a familiar old tavern came into view. Beside me Dream looked sad, his eyes staring at the old building as if it had meant something more to him than I understood. I stayed quietly beside him, letting him work through the emotions I could feel bubbling against whatever barrier he'd kept between us, something I hated more and more with each passing minute. It felt wrong, not feeling what he did, even more so being able to feel something, but not all of it. Finally I said, "I came here once before it closed."
"You did?" He asked softly.
I nodded, leaning against him a bit. "Yeah, the place was an absolute shit hole, in the most endearing way of course."
"You should have seen it when Death first dragged me here." He chuckled a little. "They had livestock inside with the food and drinks. Absolutely abhorrent."
Looking up at him I smiled. "Don't lie, you loved it."
"I did not," he insisted. "But I suppose I did grow fond of it over the years. More so the friend I made here."
"Were you supposed to meet him here?"
"I was, a long time ago."
I pointed to the red graffiti. "Maybe he went to the new one?"
Dream sighed, turning and following the red that lined the fence. I didn’t need the bond to feel the nervousness rolling off of him. Did he and his friend leave things so horribly between them that he felt afraid they weren’t waiting for him? I leaned into him a little more, offering up a reassuring smile. Just around the corner, across a small section of tall grass was a beautiful brick building with white trim labeled The New Inn. Small tables with green umbrellas shielding them lined the patio as Dream and I entered.
Inside was decorated with old pale blue wallpaper and dark trim, blue curtains lined the large windows and antique looking tables lined the wall across from the bar. It was busy, but not so much that we couldn’t move through the space. I pulled away from Dreams' side. “Go look for your friend, I’ll hang out at the bar for a minute so you two can catch up.”
“You do not need to-”
“Go, Dream,” I prompted with a smile. “Unless you want me there for your grand apology.”
He nodded, moving through the space and around the corner, out of view. When he disappeared from my line of sight the ache slowly began to build again and I found myself worrying that if I followed he would be gone. God I was pathetic. If he was going to leave, why would he invite me to meet his friend with him? If he was going to leave, why would he still be around at all? I sighed, leaning against the bar counter, my eyes finding his black clad figure as he stood beside one of the tables, with his friend I assumed.
“Can I get you anything?” The bartender asked with a comforting smile.
I smiled back, recalling the man I’d met at the old tavern. “What’s the oldest whisky you have?”
Dream looked down at Hob Gadling with a smile, one Hob returned with a chuckle. “You’re late.”
“It seems I owe you an apology. I’ve always heard it impolite to keep one's friends waiting.” The man's smile widened and he nodded to the seat across from him, which Dream took with a lightened heart. He was so sure that Hob would be angry at him, yet the man simply seemed happy to see him.
The two spoke for a while about what Hob had been doing in Dream's absence, but then something at the bar caught his friend's eye and he smiled even wider. “How many more immortals do you have running around?”
“They’re not my immortals,” Dream said simply. He supposed now was as good a time as any to explain a few details to the man.
Hob nodded to the bar. “See that knockout of a woman over there?”
Dream turned, his eyes immediately finding Penelope sitting at the bar, making polite conversation with the man behind the counter as she swirled a glass of whatever drink she’d ordered. He turned back to Hob with wide eyes. “Do you know her?”
“I met her at the old tavern, waiting for you actually.” Hob said with a chuckle. “She has not aged a day! So, I assume she's one of yours then?”
He was surprised to say the least. First Penelope had met his sister, then his brother, potentially his mother and now she'd apparently met Hob Gadling. He looked back at her, just as she rose from her seat to come find him. The warmth of her smile almost made him miss the fear that was twisted in her gut. He wanted to inquire about it, but as her eyes slid to the man he sat with and her smile grew he had to push the thought away. She pointed to him, squinting a little. "Hob?"
He laughed, standing and embracing her. "Strange Penelope. I should've known you were one of his immortals."
"I should have known you were! You're so obvious about it with all those age jokes!"
Dream watched Hob take his seat, trying his best to ignore the way his eyes lingered on Penelope as she pulled a chair up beside him and sat down. She looked at him and nodded to Hob. "So, this degenerate is your friend?"
"Yes, yours as well it appears."
She shrugged. "I wouldn't say friends. We met once, drank a little and then I never saw him again."
Hob scoffed. "That's about the same thing he and I do every hundred years. I don't even know his name!"
Penelope turned to him with wide shocked eyes. "You haven't told him your name? How long have you been meeting?"
"A very long time."
"Are you serious?!"
Dream sighed. These two were going to be absolutely unbearable together.
My stranger, Hob, was my Dream Lords best friend. God it was funny. So funny I had to physically restrain myself from laughing multiple times as the two interacted. Dream told Hob his name and explained a few little details and I watched poor immortal Hob Gadling eat the words up with glee.
Once he'd had his fill of Dreams answers he turned to me and smiled. "So, how long have you been around?"
"A hundred years. Well a hundred and twelve years."
He smiled and shook his head. "You're just a newbie then, aren't you?"
"A hundred and twelve is hardly new!" I argued.
Hob shrugged. "Have you ever killed anyone?"
I tensed. "Why?"
"Well, as an immortal myself it's kind of a staple of the experience."
Trying not to think about just how many that actually was I nodded, my fingers curling into my glass. "Yes."
"How many?" He asked, leaning forward with a smile. Hob was curious, rightful so, I was the first immortal he'd met.
"A lot."
He hummed. "What was the first one? How'd you do it?"
"My father." I answered stiffly. "I tore his throat open with my teeth."
Hob made a face. "Well, I've never done that before."
"I don't recommend it," I took a drink of my whisky. "Takes weeks to get the taste out."
"Oh I can imagine!" He said. "Now, what's the worst way you should've died? Mines a tie between starvation, thrilling I know, and hanging! Interesting story that-"
My eyes were glued to the amber liquid in my glass as I thought about all the ways I should have died. There were so many… All under the pale eyes of that damn fucking doctor. Dreams hand wrapped around my thigh, his thumb drawing tiny circles into the skin. "You're here, with me."
I smiled at him, putting my hand on top of his, the memories fading away the more I looked into his eyes. Hob continued on describing his most noteworthy deaths, but he didn't ask me about it again. As the sun began to set Dream and Hob began reminiscing on the old days.
"Do you remember what the place looked like at the beginning?" Hob asked, laughing. "It was god awful!"
"Yes," Dream agreed. "I believe the livestock was partly to blame for that."
"Livestock," Hob shook his head looking around. "It's crazy how far humanity has come since then."
"How did the old tavern end up closing?" Dream wondered.
His friend shrugged. "Some people wanted to turn it into an apartment or something. Project fell through a little while after I found this place. I do miss it though."
"Why don't you two go back and look at the place?" I asked. "It's just around the corner."
Hob gave me an odd look. "It's locked up though."
"Hob Gadling, are you telling me you've never broken into a building before?" I laughed.
"I've never really needed to before," he mumbled.
Turning to Dream I said with a smirk. "I know for a fact you've broken into plenty of places. Fancy a walk down memory lane?"
He smiled a little. "I'm not opposed to the idea."
"Good! Because I want to hear all about you two idiots over the years!" I stood, nodding at the men to follow.
The gate was easy, so easy Dream hadn’t even gotten to offer his assistance before it slid open. The two looked around, pointing out things that had changed before we even stepped inside the musty space. Dust coated all the leftover furniture and the remaining sunlight that peaked in through the busted windows made the space feel even more like some far off memory. I stood at the bar, in the same spot I had been sitting the night Hob wandered over and smiled. What were the chances of us meeting? What were the odds of it being on the day he was waiting for the same Sandman that I, in one way or another, also waited on?
Hob settled in beside me, smirking at the fond memory. “Still the prettiest girl in the place.”
“It’s good to see your moves haven’t gotten any better,” I replied as Dream looked around the space.
“And what about your moves?” Hob asked with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Strange Penelope,  what ever happened to the bloke you were getting hot and heavy with that night?"
I nearly choked and sent him a look, heat rising to my cheeks as Dream's gaze fell on me."You noticed that?"
"Oh I think everyone noticed that."
"Well, I wouldn't know what happened to him. I never saw him again."
"A one night stand, how scandalous!" Hob sang.
I groaned and shook my head. "No, we kissed a little and I left."
"Was he that bad?" 
I shrugged, eyes gluing to the floor. "It wasn't him. I just... Couldn't get someone else out of my head."
When I looked up and met Dreams gaze it was dark and hot as pride and tingle of something else twisted between us. I took in his posture, the way his jaw had tensed, the way his hands had curled into themselves. Was he jealous? Before I could ask, Hob turned to him. “So, you’ve got some kind of… Magic, right?”
“I do,” he answered coolly. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, I was just thinking the best way to give Penelope a taste of what things were like in the old days would be, well, through some kind of magic.” He answered. “Can you turn back time or something?”
Dream scoffed. “I am not a magician Hob Gadling.”
“Well what can you do?” He inquired.
He looked at me for a long moment before nodding. “I can cast a simple illusion. It should suffice for your purposes.”
Hob nodded with a wide grin. “Alright then, let's give the girl a proper tour!”
Dream waved his hand and the room around us filled with smoke and livestock and people from long ago. I looked around at them, listened to the near incoherent conversations they had before turning and looking at Hob, who was now dressed head to toe in rags. Suppressing a laugh I nodded. “This was the best idea you’ve ever had.”
“Oh shut it,” he scolded. “This was what everyone wore back then. I get better!”
“When was this?””
“1389,” Dream replied from behind us.
When I turned to look at him I was taken aback at the sight. His hair was longer, brushing against his shoulders. The black tunic he wore had long intricate sleeves that flared away from his wrists in a dramatic fashion and his ruby hung around his neck. I nodded at him. “Not bad, Dream.”
“Oh come on he looks as ridiculous as I do!” Hob argued before he scoffed. “You know what just take us to the next year!”
Dream merely smirked as he waved his hand again, the illusion around us shifting. The smoke cleared and things had gotten a little cleaner. The people's clothes changed as they shifted through the space. Hob was still dressed poorly, but less so than he had been. His hair was cut shorter and combed through and his brown attire looked at least somewhat cleaner and finer made. I pointed to his hair. “At least you improved a little.”
He rolled his eyes. “Ha ha, let's all make fun of the dirty little peasant!”
My eyes slid over to Dream. His hair was also shorter, framing his face similar to the first one. His black attire was slimmer, better fit to his body, the long cloak flared behind him in a very Dream way as he moved through the space, inspecting the fireplace by the table in the corner. “It’s a bit simple for you.”
He chuckled. “Simple?”
“Yeah, your usual style has a bit more flare to it. Fancy boots, your little midnight coat, you know Dream things.”
Hob looked at the fireplace with Dream and laughed. “I can’t believe I was going on about chimneys and card games.”
Dreams eyes slid away from me, a dangerous glint in them leaving me wondering what trick he had up his sleeve. “Indeed, it was quite riveting to listen to.”
“1589 then?”
With a nod Dream did his magic and the space lit up with the warmth of the fires. Everyone was dressed finely, making conversation and Hob had changed the most. He was dressed head to toe in an elaborate silk tunic adorned with blue designs and frilled cuffs. His hair was pulled back and his face framed with a goatee. He held his arms out nodding enthusiastically. “It’s good right?”
I nodded back, running a hand over the fine fabric of his shoulder. “An improvement for sure, Hob.”
“Ah, no then I was known as Sir Robert Gadling!” He proclaimed proudly.
I leaned back against the table and laughed at him. “Sir, what did a degenerate like you do to get such a fine title?” 
He leaned in and whispered, “I don’t actually remember.”
Just as I was about to ask where Dream had gone he walked around the corner and my heart stopped, mouth falling open slightly with a breathless, “Oh shit.”
He was dressed head to toe in glossy black leather. His hair was slicked back, revealing the glint of an earring. God this is not fair. I bit my lip, eyes focusing on the ruby that reflected in the candlelight as he walked leisurely towards me, each step echoing through the space. I was blushing, I just knew I was. Hob had moved to look at something across the room and I had never been more thankful for his absence as Dream stood, dark eyes looking down at me.
 “Well, what is your verdict, my lady?” He inquired, tilting his head a little, flashing his neck. 
“It’s…” My voice was hoarse. “It’s a good look.”
His brow arched and he smirked down at me. “Good?”
A shiver ran down my spine and straight to my core. God damn you and that fucking voice. His smirk grew and he closed the little space that was between us. I tried to keep my thoughts from straying, but as soon as my hands touched the soft leather of his chest, in an attempt to steady myself, the filthy image filled my mind and if the unbearably hungry look in his eyes meant anything his too. It was a simple little fantasy. Dream, dressed in this newfound leather attire, throwing me on top of the table and fucking me relentlessly in the tavern full of people.
His lust smoldered between us as he took in the new information. “Is that how you think it would go?”
“Am I wrong?” I asked, straining to keep my eyes on his and not on his lips. 
“Perhaps we’ll have to test that active imagination of yours,” he whispered, lips moving closer to mine. “Later.”
Then he pulled away from me entirely and it was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on me. Hob rejoined us, asking to continue through the fun, while I glared at Dream. You’re an asshole. 
The next hundred years Hob had lost everything, dressed back down to rags and disheveled hair. Dream however was dressed elegantly in black, long hair cascading down his shoulders. I glared at him as Hob looked down at himself and complained. I should pull your dumb long hair. He merely chuckled at me and we moved forward.
A hundred years later and both of them were dressed in high collars and well adorned outfits. They looked good, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of their hair curled and prim and proper. Hob rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what fashion was back then!”
“I don’t,” I said between laughs. “But my god your hair!”
A flash of gold entered the illusion and I turned with wide eyes staring at Johanna. Dream hummed. “Ah, I’d almost forgotten about this.”
“Is Johanna immortal too?” I asked looking at the image of the woman in front of me. 
“No,” Dream assured me. “This is her ancestor. Though the resemblance is uncanny.”
“She would absolutely hate this,” I said with a smile at the thought of her disgusted face looking at the poofy dress.
I saw Dream’s 1889 look first this time. A simple black overcoat, short hair slicked back underneath a long top hat. He quickly took them both off, revealing a form fitting black shirt with his ruby around his neck. He looked good, and he knew it, but I refused to give him the satisfaction after his rude teasing. So I turned to Hob, who was dressed in simple gray and white with nicely styled hair. “Looking good Hob!”
He beamed at me. “I told you I got better.”
I ran my hands down his shoulders and smiled back at Dream. “Don’t you think this is a good look for him?”
Dream glared at Hob, then at me and sighed. “It looks fine.”
Eventually, the sun set and Hob retired for the evening, but not without making Dream promise to return soon… before the next hundred years, to make up for missing their last meeting. Then it was just he and I, walking along the mostly empty streets. “So, it looks like I know your friend.”
“Yes,” he said. “I was not expecting that.”
“I’m full of surprises.”
With a quiet sigh he looked at me and smiled. “Would you come with me back to The Dreaming?”
Warmth filled my chest and I turned into him. “Of course. But I need to grab a few things from my apartment first, and tell Johanna.”
He nodded in agreement, using his sand to take us to my room. I packed a small bag of clothes, knowing full well I intended on staying as long as he’d let me, before I left in search of Johanna. Dream waited in the doorway as I searched the living room. “Jo?”
“In there,” she said from the office. She was knee deep in a box of crosses, grumbling to herself as she tried to fish out a particular one. When she saw me she smiled. “Have a good time with your man?”
I rolled my eyes, moving through the mess to grab the bag of trinkets from my desk drawer. I’d wanted to show Dream some of the things Jessamy had found, but with the insanity of his arrival and everything that followed there hadn’t been time. “Shut it. I’m going with him for a few days, I hope. Will you and Pierre be alright here?”
She nodded. “Absolutely. He’s annoying as fuck, but the french man is very good at handeling himself. And I’m, well, I’m me so no worries there.”
“Be safe, and please don’t kill him while I’m gone,” I said, giving her a one armed hug over her mess. “I want to be there for the show.”
She laughed, but looked in my eyes with a seriousness unlike her. “You seem off. Everything okay?”
I sighed. “I’m about to find out.”
“If we need to kill him, let me know, I’ve got some people that might know a trick or two.”
“Goodnight, Johanna.”
As I made my way out the door she hollared back, “And if you fuck him I’m going to want the details!”
I laughed all the way back to my room and smiled at Dream when he gave me a curious look. “All set to travel, Dream.”
He set a hand on my back and I curled into his stiff body. Something was still on his mind, but I couldn’t tell what, so I elected to ignore it… I’d wait for him to bring it up, or at least until I couldn’t wait any longer. 
The sand took us somewhere different this time, the boards of the pier creaked and groaned with the soft gentle movements of the water. As far as the eye could see there was nothing but the deep sapphire and the reflection of the misty star filled skies. The air smelled like rain as a light breeze surrounded us, making me curl deeper into Dreams embrace. For a moment we stood in the silence, content to just exist, but then Dream cleared his throat and stepped away. He pulled the bag of Jessamys ashes out of his coat and smiled down at me. "She would have wanted us to do this together."
I nodded, holding my hands out and letting him pour half of the ashes in my palms before he poured the rest in his. Together we slowly let the ashes spread in the light breeze and the glistening waters below us. "Goodbye, old friend."
"May you finally be at peace," I whispered.
The silence that had once been comforting was now filled with uncertainty as I felt my gut twist the longer we stood. "Morpheus."
"Are you going to leave?" I watched the water, afraid to look away.
He sighed, hands clasped behind him. "I thought about it."
There it was. The answer I didn't want to hear. Stinging pain, echoes of the countless abandonments and betrayals over the years filled me. Tears threatened to spill over as I said, "I would understand if you did." He hadn't been expecting this, his eyes looking down at me. "I can't imagine what it must be like, being thrown into the mess of my life."
"That's not at all why I'd been considering it, Penelope." He turned to me, his hand settling on my arm. "Look at me, please."
I did so with my jaw clenched. "Then why?"
His eyes looked even brighter here as he looked down at me. "I don't deserve you."
I laughed a little, tears rolling down my cheeks. "If you don't then no one does. You're not perfect, Dream, I’m not expecting that of you. I’m not perfect either."
"You are far better than I am."
"Maybe, or maybe both of us are imperfect." I pulled him down by his cheeks, pressing my head to his. "Have we not given enough? Do we not deserve even the chance at happiness?"
He closed his eyes, sinking into my hands. "You do deserve that."
"So do you. You are my chance at happiness you idiot," I breathed. "You always have been... You always will be."
His hands cupped my face as he pulled away enough to look down at me. "I am far from what you deserve, but so long as you want me I will always be yours, Penelope Barlow."
“I meant what I said the other night. I want all of you, Morpheus."
“I’m beginning to see that.” His eyes softened as he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. My hands slid into his hair as the kiss deepened, quickly filling with the heat and pent up need we’d both been keeping reigned in since Hell, maybe since long before. I felt one of his hands leave my hair and then a slight tingle rushed over my skin and when I pulled away we were in his bedroom.
His eyes watched me take in the change of scenery, the depth of their want barely contained as I smiled. “That’s a very impressive trick, my lord. Do you have any others?”
"I have plenty of tricks," he said, pulling me back to him.
"Will I get to see them?" I asked breathlessly.
"Maybe a few." Heat ripped through me. "Now," he whispered, breath fanning across my face. "Where were we last night?"
"I'm pretty sure I was on top of something." I mused, pretending it was difficult to remember. I felt the hard wood behind me as Dream lifted me up onto the top of the replica of my desk. "I was wearing a dress and you'd just torn one of my favorite pairs of panties." The slight wave of his fingers sent a chill up my spine as my clothes shifted to a silk dress, not unlike the one I was in last night, soft and cool against my bare skin, already bunched up above my thighs.
"Anything else?" His voice was low and rough.
Fisting his coat in my hands I pulled him closer. "Just you."
He gripped my legs tightly as our lips connected. Soft hands dragged up my thighs, moving beneath each of them to drag me further down the desk and into him. I groaned at the feeling of his hard cock straining against his pants. My hands slid under his coat, pushing it off his shoulders greedily as Morpheus' hands moved again, under my dress to pull my thighs apart as wide as he could. 
I gasped at the sudden chill of my exposed ass on the bare wood as he shoved the dress up higher, holding it in a tight grip in one hand while the other gathered the slick from my soaking folds and lifted them to his lips. I watched his tongue curl around his fingers with a needy whine. "Are you going to show me what your mouth can do when you're not pouting?"
He chuckled, returning his fingers to my core, circling around my clit torturously slowly and drawing out a strangled moan from my chest as I held onto his arms for dear life. "Next time."
"God, Morpheus," I gasped as his fingers pushed into me.
"You're so beautiful like this," he mumbled against my skin as he buried his face in my neck. He pressed soft kisses to the faded bruise left by the white coats, soothing over the skin with his tongue before biting and sucking new marks along my collarbones. "Falling apart already and we've only just started."
His pace quickened and my hips moved against his fingers. I gasped, the coil that had formed in my gut tightening every second. "You…" Another gasp as his fingers found the deliciously sensitive spot. "Ah, you… Make falling apart easy."
"Show me, my lady," he whispered as my fingers gripped his hair, tugging roughly at the roots.
His voice alone was enough to send me over the edge with a loud breathless moan. His fingers coaxed me through the orgasm, and slowly began building me up to a second before they stopped. I gripped him tighter, whimpering as he pulled away from my aching cunt. "Morpheus, please!"
With a chuckle he grabbed me by my thighs, and lifted me off the desk. "As much fun as that position is, I'd prefer take you on the bed this time."
The chilled silk sheets caressed every inch of me, now completely exposed before the Dream Lord. I scoffed up at him. "That's hardly fair."
"Maybe not," he admitted, eyes running over every inch of me, drinking in the sight with lust.
"Are you going to relieve yourself of your clothes as well, my lord?" I asked.
"I want your hands on me," he rasped. "If you'd like to do the honors."
I moved to sit up, running my hands up the sides of his things, under the black shirt he wore. Our eyes stayed locked as I relieved him of his shirt, pressing light kisses along his abdomen and working on his pants. When he was at last standing in front of me just as bare as I was I bit my bottom lip to keep in the groan. My eyes ran over the defined lines of his muscles, the memories I had of his naked body did not do him justice. Wrapping my hand around his hard dick I looked up at him, watching his eyes roll back and his mouth fall open slightly. "God you're pretty."
"Enough teasing," he gasped, wrapping a hand around my wrist to stop me. "Tonight, I will worship you."
"Worship can go both ways," I reminded.
Dream smiled, stroking my jaw. "You may worship me all you wish, later."
"Later," I whined as he gently pushed me back onto the bed. "I'm starting to think you like that word too much."
"I like you a great deal more," he whispered, kissing the scar along my thigh. He moved to the next scar, my knee and then the next, my hip. Every scar I had received his attention and every inch of skin between them was worshiped with kisses, bites and hickeys until he finally reached my collarbone. 
"Morpheus," I heaved, every inch of my skin burning with the adoration he poured down the bond. "You said no teasing."
He sighed against my skin, his head moving toward my breasts. "My apologies, my love. Let me make it up to you."
When his tongue darted out and swirled around my hardened nipple I nearly choked on the moan. He continued the same attention to the other, seemingly attempting to draw out as many noises from me as he could and I was in no position to deny him. Every touch felt like fire, fueling the coil in my core until I couldn't take it anymore. "Morpheus, please!"
Smiling against my skin, his teeth grazed my nipple one last time, tugging on it lightly before he moved to press a searing kiss to my lips. "What do you want, my lady?"
"You!" I whined breathlessly. "Please."
Without another word his eyes locked onto mine as he lined his leaking tip with my entrance. My nails dug into his arms as he slowly pushed into me. Head thrown back against the silk I gasped beneath him and his hand beside my head fisted in the sheets. "Oh my god!"
A strained chuckle vibrated through him. "Not quite a god-"
"Endless," I said, a moan interrupting me as his hips finally came flush with mine. "I know, I know just shut up and fuck me."
Dream took my words to heart, his free hand gripping my hip tightly as he pulled back, almost pulling out of me entirely before thrusting forward. Oh god! My hands found purchase in his hair, tugging tightly and earning a moan from him as he continued setting a brutal pace. "I've thought of little else since our reunion," his voice in my head was too much as I writhed beneath him, the sounds spilling from my lips were absolutely unhinged. "Yet, in all my fantasies I could never have imagined just how wrong I would be. You are far more exquisite than I could ever imagine."
"Morpheus!" He looked down at me, his breath fanning across my face as he began thrusting harder, lifting my leg over his arm to push even deeper inside me.
"Keep making those sounds for me," he ordered.
I moved my hips against his, panting and scratching at him, blinding pleasure building even faster in me as his dick hit just the right spot. "There…" I breathed, pressing my lips to his in a sloppy, desperate, needy kiss. "Don't you dare stop."
He bit my bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth as he moved even faster, both hands on my hips, lifting me slightly up off the bed and pushing me down against him to match his pace. "Come for me, Penelope," he urged.
The coil wound tighter and tighter and then he moved his fingers to my clit, circling it quickly to match his thrusts. I came beneath him, my toes curling and head thrown back with a cry so loud I was certain at least half The Dreaming heard. He didn't slow, his thrusts growing faster and more erratic as he chased his own pleasure. With a few final movements he came, hands gripping me tightly as we both heaved against one another, sweaty and satisfied. Between us a steady hum of love and adoration flowed.
Morpheus gazed down at me for a moment before he pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you."
I smiled and breathed out a content sigh. "I love you too, Morpheus."
"We should have done this from the start," he said, rolling to the side, still holding me in his arms.
"Absolutely," I agreed. "But, the wait was worth it."
His smile was more beautiful than the stars. His fingers caressed over my back, lovingly tracing the scar up my shoulder. "You are so beautiful."
"As are you," I whispered back, my body melting into him. "So, do Endless dream kings sleep?"
"I can sleep," he said, waving his hand, encasing both of us in the silky blankets.
"Will you sleep with me then?"
"There is nothing I want more, my love."
When I woke the next morning the feel of his cold smooth skin beneath my palm sent a wave of happiness through me. He'd stayed. I moved, my cheek rubbing against his bare chest and his arm wound around me a little tighter. "Good morning." God his voice was even sexier now.
Looking up at him, bathed in the gorgeous light of the rising sun I smiled. "Good morning."
His fingers ran through my hair, scratching lightly at my scalp as I lifted myself a little to press a kiss to his jaw. "I trust you slept well."
"Better than I ever have," I said, burying my face into the crook of his neck. "Though I should have expected as much with the king of dreams in bed with me."
His lips pressed into my hair. “I’ve been meaning to ask, what was that bag you brought?”
Oh! I sat up quickly, reaching over to where my bag lay beside his bed. Magic is the best. I could feel his eyes roaming down my naked body as I fished the smaller bag out and set it on the bed. “Ta da!”
“It would certainly be more impressive if I could see what's in it.”
He sat up and then it was my turn to admire his naked body. I hummed, looking at him before leaning to press a kiss to his shoulder as he settled in beside me, pulling the bag open to reveal the shiny treasures within. “It’s mostly junk. But I wanted to bring it so you could see some of the things Jessamy found.”
Goosebumps rose on my skin at the coldness of the air, so Dream stroked a hand down my back and pulled me in for a kiss as a pair of the clothes I’d brought magically appeared on my body. When I pulled away I grumbled in disappointment at the sight of him also redressed, he only smiled. “There will be time for that again later.”
“Later again,” I groaned. “Fine, but it better be good, great king.”
“Was last night not?”
“That was perfect,” I assured him. “I’m just saying you owe me some mind blowing sex for robbing me of your naked beauty.”
“I could use the same argument for you.”
“Please do,” I encouraged with a wicked grin. “I have plenty of mind blowing ideas.”
He began sifting through the bag, looking at each small trinket with bright eyes and a smile. I told him the story behind all of them, moving so I was between his legs and leaning back against his chest.
When he pulled the old wired ring out I sighed. “This was one of the last things she brought me.”
“I know,” he said. “I sent her to get it.”
“What?” I turned, looking back at him with furrowed brows.
“You were crying,” he said softly, running his fingers along the stone. “She told me it was because you were worried for me. So, I sent her to find it.”
I looked down at the beautiful opalescent moonstone. “Is it from The Dreaming?”
“No,” he replied. “I told her to find a moonstone that she liked. Where she found this particular one I’m not sure.”
“Why a moonstone?”
With a small shrug he smiled at me. “Sometimes when you’d look up at me from that basement floor your eyes would catch the light and shine like these stones do. I figured it was as good a gesture as I could offer at the time.”
My heart filled with joy as I curled back into him, kissing his neck and jaw before pressing a longer one to his lips. “It’s perfect.”
“Well, not yet, it's not.” He curled his fingers around the ring and when he reopened it the beautiful stone was set in a dark, intricate band that shimmered and shined with starlight everytime the light hit it. “There, now it is perfect.”
“Morpheus,” I gasped. “It’s beautiful.”
He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed my knuckles. “I’ve enchanted the stone as well. If you ever need me, just invoke my name and I shall find you, wherever you are.”
“Probably a useful trick to have, all things considered,” I said, stroking his cheek.
“That reminds me, Lucienne requested my presence in the library. She wishes to go over a few things she’s found that might explain your disappearing act.”
I kissed him, intending for it to be short, but he cupped the back of my head and pulled me into him. The easy, soft kiss made every inch of me tingle with a gleeful happiness that was alien to me. It felt like I was finally where I belonged. He sighed against my lips when he pulled away, his thoughts swimming with my own. I lightly pushed against his chest. “Go, before we get lost in all those filthy thoughts of yours.”
“As if yours are much cleaner,” he teased.
Blushing, I shrugged. “Can you blame me? You’re far too good looking for clean thoughts.”
“Go back to sleep, it’s still early for human standards. I’ll be back as quickly as I’m able and we can continue this discussion.” He kissed my head and made his way out the door, sparing me one last glance before he closed it after him.
I smiled as I lay back on the bed, running my finger over the new shimmering ring on my finger. My eyes closed and I breathed in the absolute perfection of the atmosphere. When I opened my eyes next, everything was too bright. Lines of colors flared in my vision no matter where I looked and my head swarmed with a blinding pain. I grabbed my head, my hands digging into it tightly as everything began to twist and pull around me.
I stood, falling to my knees immediately and gasping for air as the pain began to lessen and my hands slammed down onto the glossy red floor.
"Come now, Petal, we don't have all day." A familiar voice purred as my vision started to return to normal. With a groan I looked up at the figure clad in black standing before me. Gold eyes and red lips twisted into that wide grin. "There she is, our baby Weaver."
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"i know we broke up, i know we don't talk anymore, but I still miss you"
@wesper-week i'm sincerely sorry for this chaos
Jesper Fahey's trade was humor.
His clothes were the colour of too much attention, his laugh limned in shimmering gold. He drew gazes and wistful stares like a lighthouse beacon called for drifting ships. The lines of his body were sharp, elegant, sprawling. When the corners of his mouth lifted in a grin, stars gleamed in his eyes.
He was so achingly beautiful, all tousled dark hair and broad shoulders and warm hands.
Girls and boys fell over themselves for one kiss, one little smile, one whispered word in their ear. How could they not?
Jesper was young and handsome and heady as a cup of evening wine, clever with his graceful fingers, wicked with his soft lips. His GPA was polished, his manners immaculate.
They hung on to his words, the cadence of them, the amused lilt that drenched every sentence.
Jesper had fallen in love with so many, men with rough laughs and kind smiles, women with curling hair and bright eyes. He had taken them over the world, to parks and monuments and cafes, kissed them in the shadow of history.
For every one of his lovers, he bought a ring.
Amethyst for the young lady who carried the scent of lavender.
Gold for the pretty girl whose lips tasted of joy.
Sapphire for the boy who kissed like a fucking god.
Ruby for the trickster woman who loved to laugh.
Copper for the handsome man who had a smile like late summer.
Jesper had cared for each of them in turn. He gifted flowers and jewelry and handwritten letters in his untidy scrawl. He had told them stupid jokes and held their hands and read to them in his unmade bed.
But one by one, they left him, and soon all that was left of their love were those glinting rings.
"Is there something wrong with me?" he whispered once, face shining with tears, head thrown back against the wall.
Nina rested her head against his chest, wrapping her arms around him awkwardly. "Of course not, darling."
He patted her cheek clumsily. "Then why does everyone keep leaving, Nina? Why does nobody stay?"
"Wylan—" she began, but shut her mouth instantly.
"Wylan is different."
And he was.
Beautiful, quiet, sweet Wylan Van Eck with his slender hands and paint-splattered face. He was everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, sketching the stars as they lay intertwined in bed, smiling over his cup of morning tea, dressed in his oversized shirts and plaid trousers.
His kisses were soft and tentative and tasted of tea leaves. His grins were slow and mischievous and bright as the damned sun. When he sprinted along the rim of a fountain, laughing and arms aloft, Jesper thought love might kill him.
He still dreamt about that day, Wylan leaping across the broad rim, his face upturned, sunlight brightening his hair to flame and gold. Wylan, paint smudged across his lower lip, hands stained with red acrylic. Wylan, pretty blue eyes bright with mirth, his panicked yelp as he nearly toppled sideways.
Wylan, Wylan, Wylan.
Sometimes, when Jesper was laying on the floor of someone else's bathroom, watching the ceiling spin and spin, he could still hear Wylan whispering, "And if I said I am yours, and there is no greater honor, what then Jesper?"
They had been so fucking happy, happier than Jesper deserved, all sticky orange juice kisses and skinny dipping in the ocean and opulent restaurants of ivory and gold.
And then Wylan had mentioned the gambling.
They had argued for days and weeks and then months, furious and bitter. Jesper used to live for the clink of coins and soft rush of the wheel and the elation that flooded into his eyes, ears, mouth, fingers. He loved the hum and chaos of the nightclubs, the frenzy of congratulations and drunken kisses and the retreat into those shadowed alcoves.
The scent of alcohol, the sounds of triumph, the press of hands on his body, the pleasure and ecstasy and joy.
But on their hundredth argument, tears were running down Wylan's face, distorting his freckles and widening those fucking blue eyes. He'd whispered he wouldn't stand for it, and Jesper had woken alone the next morning.
His bed was too empty, his kitchen was too quiet, the room where Wylan painted was too fucking much. All that remained was the hole in Jesper's heart and a sketch of the water fountain Wylan had drawn so lovingly, each detail of the scene preserved forever within charcoal. The ice cream parlor. The sunlight. Wylan, laughing and trying to keep his balance, eyes bright bright bright. Jesper, staring at Wylan as if he had never seen another quite so magical.
The memory of those eyes haunted him, every damn day.
He found himself writing essays on Wylan's long, copper lashes. His eyes, the blue of tranquil oceans, of the clear winter sky, of salvation. The glints of silver shining within, a quiet intelligence that so few had glimpsed. The way he would shyly glance away whenever Jesper grinned at him.
How many times had he stared into those eyes, while the two of them lay bare and exhausted among his own silk sheets?
How many times had he looked up after a kiss to find Wylan smiling back at him?
How many times had he nearly drowned within Wylan's gaze, steady and thoughtful and really fucking hot?
But slowly, agonizingly, bitterly, he grew used to the silence.
He stopped texting Wylan in the middle of the day, face damp with tears, hands shaking with misery.
He stopped accidently brewing a second cup of coffee at breakfast.
He stopped glancing to his left, searching for a glint of red hair in crowded spaces.
He stopped seeing Wylan when another was beneath him.
But sometimes Jesper wondered if anything could make him stop loving the boy with pretty blue eyes and a heart of gold.
And if sometimes he glimpsed Wylan in the halls, or at a nightclub, or sketching with those fucking charcoal pencils, he could wave. Smile. Pretend he wasn't going to take another home just to ease the day's pain.
'Why won't you go back to him?" Kaz asked once, barely glancing up from his phone.
"He doesn't want me," Jesper said quietly.
He raised his eyebrows as if in disbelief. "Jes, I have it on good authority that Wylan Van Eck hasn't dated a single soul after your breakup."
"Who told you that?"
"Nobody," Kaz said airily.
Jesper attempted a loose smile, but it drifted aside easily as a gauzy veil twitching in the wind.
Wylan Van Eck, kind and brave and good.
Wylan, with his inquisitive eyes and thoughtful conversation.
Wylan, lonely and miserable because one stupid fucking boy had broken his heart.
He could barely stand it.
In some hidden chamber of his mind, he had locked away Wylan’s laughter, the tide of his amusement, inexplicably bright and wondrous. It felt like gazing at one of his softest paintings, a lush blend of ivory and blue and gold, like glimpsing something raw and beautiful and secret.
A burning star.
A miracle, spinning through the galaxy, leaving nothing but light in its wake.
A memory, and no more.
Wylan had once laughed so freely, snickering over an amusing quip, or stifling his smile when Jesper read to him late at night.
That sound of joy and delight. . . it was the brightest damn thing in the world.
And Jesper wanted to know that somewhere, in some other softly lit room with a man looking up at Wy like he was the sun, that laugh was sounding again.
He wanted to know that even if Wylan didn’t shine for him, he shone nevertheless.
The next morning dawned piercing and cold, a bright jewel in the crown of winter. Jesper chose his clothes with unusual care, knotting the laces of his boots twice, cleaning his dozens of rings before slipping them on.
Once he had hoped Wylan would give him the last of the collection—the wedding ring.
Now, as he finished with the last of them, he left his fourth finger bare, a final shrine to the ghosts of their past.
The cafe where he had asked, begged, pleaded for Wylan to meet him was nearly empty, but for a handful of people. His gaze lingered on a young woman with curling brown hair who might have been Nina in a hat, and a man with his leg propped up that was almost certainly Kaz.
Even though he made a mental note to strangle them later, the gesture eased the pressure within his chest ever so slightly.
And there was Wylan, a cup of tea clutched between his slender hands, huddled in a soft brown sweater. He was staring out of the window, those damned blue eyes vague and empty.
Jesper slid soundlessly into the booth, holding his breath as if he could force the longing from his lungs. “Hello, Wylan,” he said softly.
When he glanced up, something in his gaze shifted.
A blossoming flower.
An easing rainfall.
Something wonderful and exquisite and otherworldly.
Hope, hope, hope.
“Jes,” he returned with a little smile.
And Jesper leaned forwards. He couldn’t help it, not when Wylan was there before him and his lips were curved so slightly and his fingers were wrapped around his mug like—
“Wy,” he said, clearing his throat, “I wanted to talk.”
He straightened slightly, that quiet peace dissolving. “Had I not wanted to talk to you, I wouldn’t have answered your text.”
They stared at each other silently, waiting; it felt like sitting in the living room together, huddled over a game of chess, Jesper grinning as he slid the first pawn two squares up.
But he was not nearly so confident about his play now.
“I’ve been talking to Kaz,” he began awkwardly, the words clumsy in his mouth. “He told me you haven’t been seeing anyone.”
“And I’ve been speaking with Inej,” returned Wylan, utterly refined and elegant in his simplicity. “She tells me you’ve been seeing everyone.”
Jesper felt like a child again, clutching a rifle in his inexperienced hands, brows drawn together in concentration as he replayed his mother’s instruction in his mind. His father was playing target again, brown eyes gentle with encouragement. He didn’t know what to do, he was going to shoot his father, he was going to harm harm harm.
The words in his hands, his throat, were constricted and awful and stumbling. He didn’t know how to shoot without hurting anyone he loved.
Wylan was still gazing at him, blue eyes dark, for the first time in memory. “Jes,” he said, “was I so easy to forget?”
“Forget?” Jesper croaked. “Like a stupid song or piece of information on the study guide? Like you didn’t shine brighter than the damned sun? Like there were days when I didn’t wish to capture the stars and give them to you?”
There was a strange, crackling rush in Jesper’s ears, as if the ocean had swelled too high and now he was drowning, drowning, drowned.
If Wylan wanted him back, if Wylan loved him still—
He could wake up every morning with soft limbs tangled in his own. He could kiss Wylan again, taste tea and sugar cookies and mint. He could marry him, live out a life with him, die on the bed beside his own, fingers interlocked tight.
The future was there, tangled and messy and uncertain, but there all the same.
But Wylan was shifting in his seat, almost anxiously. “Jes,” he said softly. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
His eyes, his lovely blue eyes, were beginning to shine. “I know that look,” he said, almost bitterly. “I know that look damn well.”
Jesper’s giddy excitement was beginning to wither, and he clung to it desperately, a final shield against the darkness. “What look?”
Wylan reached out, fingertips stained blue with paint, hands still slim and delicate, a work of art. “If you think I want to… to get back together, I don’t. You and I, it was so much fun, and sometimes I wonder if everything was more than a college romance.”
He retracted his shaking hands, and ran them through his copper hair. “I wonder if another Jesper, who loved himself as much as his friends love him, and another Wylan, who was just a little bit of a better boyfriend, might have had their future together.”
Jesper could only stare
Wylan whispered, “Don’t you see it, Jes? We were stupid fucking collage kids who fell in love, but it was never supposed to carry on. I told you, that night in the club, I just wanted sex.”
He remembered.
Just sex, do you understand? No more, Jes.
But then, I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you just once.
And it kept going, spiraling, until one morning they were laying in bed and Wylan was wearing Jesper’s shirt, and Jesper was stroking Wylan’s hair, and it was much more than just sex.
One date, Wy. Give me a chance.
I love you, I love you, I love you, dumbass.
I want you to move in with me. I want you in my bed, my kitchen, my clothes. I want to see you tired and angry and miserable and I want to tell you you’re still the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen.
Jesper had imagined their wedding, every so often, a blazing pillar of hope lighting the path to the future. He had dreamt tailored suits and blue eyes and the final ring. He had planned every detail of his speech, his vows, his oath to live and die with Wylan Van Eck.
“Just sex,” he said at last. “We fucked it up, didn’t we, Wy?”
Wylan extended his hand once more. “I loved you, Jes, I won’t pretend. But I’m with someone else now, and I care for him, and I promised I would sort out the ghosts of my past.”
Jesper slid his palm over his, reveling in the soft skin, the gentle touch he would never feel again. “You’re happy?” he said softly. “He makes you laugh?”
He smiled, a secret, lovely smile. “Yeah. Yeah, he makes me laugh.”
And the sudden truth of it, the fact Wylan was someone else’s now, and he was laughing in another’s arms, hit Jesper. It sent ice through his veins, his mind, the final shattered shard of his heart, tearing through memories.
Wylan, brave and wonderful, laying on his bed. His hands were aloft, describing a particularly clear night sky, the shapes he traced in the stars. He had named one for Jesper, and he said it was shaped like love.
Jesper, doubled up in laughter as he flipped a pancake, listening to yet another one of Wylan’s rambling stories. He never tired of them. Those recollections, the happy lilt to his voice, the giddy, “There’s more, though!” were treasured beyond gold.
Wylan, working on some assignment or another, sprawled on the grass of a dewy meadow. His head was pillowed on Jesper’s hoodie as he wrote, filling the page with his elegant script. Every so often, he would glance over and point out a butterfly or shaped cloud with a smile.
Jesper, watching as Wylan leapt across the fountain. His copper head was upturned, sunlight streaming down onto the angles of his face, joy etched in his brilliant grin. He looked like a god for that one moment, frozen forever in a snapshot of peace.
“I will love you if the entire fucking world tells me not to,” Jesper had whispered once. “I will love you if the entire fucking world tells me to. I will love you, because I am yours, and there has never been such an honor.”
When the years whiled past, when the bone-deep sorrow lightened at last, did Jesper still love him?
That was the question he asked himself every morning over a cup of bitter coffee.
Twenty-four years old, and Jesper still loved him.
Thirty-one years old, and Jesper still loved him.
Forty-five years old, and Jesper still loved him.
Fifty-seven years old, and Jesper still loved him.
An old man, dying in his bed, and the laugh ringing through his head belonged to a boy with pretty blue eyes and a heart of gold.
A dead man, and Jesper loved him from the grave.
Love bowed to no one, and least of all death.
A collage romance was theirs, but their love was not that of two foolish young men, out for a kiss and in for a good fuck. It was carefree, happy, bright as the sun. It was etched in the stars, and it was doomed from the start.
Love bowed to no one, but perhaps it inclined its head towards Jesper Fahey and Wylan Van Eck.
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saphirered · 3 years
Hi! I love your pieces for Caleb. They’re all so sweet and heartwarming. Would you be interested in writing about the M9 individually in a relationship with a Druid reader? If that’s too much at once, just Caleb please? Thanks and I hope you’re having a good day :)
I hope you enjoy this one and thanks for the request ☺️!
Caleb Widogast
Your natural magic caught his eye from the very first time you used it. Caleb’s intrigued by what he may not 100% understand and he may have used his own desire to pursuit knowledge to mask his interests in you because to get a better understanding of your abilities requires getting to know you. Countless questions, conversations into the early morning hours to the point where you agreed to show him whenever you had the free time and could afford to use your spells and abilities without repercussion in a possible enemy encounter.
Every time you find yourself in your preferred environment he can’t keep his eyes off you. The peace and calmness radiating from you made even Caleb feel at ease, almost forgetting about the possible dangers lurking in the shadows. He sticks close to your side bathing in the comfort you bring him. He may not be as comfortable with pda but he can’t help holding your hand when he’s sure no one’s looking. 
When you’re alone he’s much more comfortable spending time in your arms (or take you in his) to the point where you wake up together with loud knocking at your door signing you may have slept in a little bit too long for some of the Nein’s comfort. 
It takes Caleb some getting used but a couple months into your relationship he’ll initiate holding your hand, wrapping an arm around you or even kiss you in public much to the surprise of the rest of the Nein. They wonder what you’d done to their wizard to get him to do such a 180 but you only gave him time and space to find what he’s comfortable with and what he isn’t or isn’t yet in some cases. Like the seasons things can change and once spring comes again the flowers bloom once more. Sometimes it just takes a little longer for winter to fade.
Beauregard Lionett
Beau wasn’t much into your ‘treehugger shit’ (her words) at first and may have had some strong opinions about some of your customs but she’s also a quick study and you’re hot so what was she gonna do? Not ogle you while you work your magic literally and figuratively showing off that muscle build from the harsh life in the wilds you’d lived for so long? You knew she was staring every time but any time you acknowledged it she would deny it or pretend to have a coughing fit. 
Beau’s behaviour quickly changed once she had a real talk with you finding out you were anything but a ‘treehugger’. You’re accustomed to the brutality of the wilds and the two of you can definitely relate when it comes to learning things the hard way. Up front nature may seem honest but it is very much deceiving. Your way of reading nature taught you how to read people and you got the pleasure of being so smug about teaching Beau about your ways after she finally settled down. The two of you learned to like each other and the attraction between the two of you became more than just physical. 
Despite pretending not to care or be open about her feelings Beau is anything but. Having someone to confide in without judgement or the risk of it being used against her has been a blessing. Whenever you get the chance and find a peaceful spot she always joins you for some meditation. 
She’s not afraid taking the lead in your relationship but definitely isn’t opposed to you engaging either. The two of you have a functional dynamic and while you may have your arguments you always work it out in the end because you’re stronger together than you are apart. Besides, she can’t complain when you come in after a fight to heal some of her bruises be they to her body or her ego. Neither of you have any expectations and just take it day by day but you’re together nonetheless and honestly, you could both see this carry on in the future. 
You’re as comfortable on the ocean as you are on land. This was something very important to Fjord when the two of you became more than just travel companions and friends. While he himself may at this point not necessarily want to return to the oceans soon out of fear of his former patron he would love to return to the port sights and trade routes and he’d love nothing more than bringing you along if you’d let him. 
Learning you had quite the arsenal of water based spells was a surprise and may have left him a tiny bit salty at what he had to go through to the point he is now for a fraction of that but he quickly got over it after you eased his mind. For how confident and charismatic he may be he can be quite awkward and shy when it comes to anything to do with romantic affections, especially engaging in them but luckily you aren’t and you are more than happy to push him into the deep with his consent of course. 
While he prefers to stay somewhat by your side and may jokingly say so he can protect you like the valiant paladin he is but in all honesty you both know he really just feels safer with you close by and you’ve saved his ass on more than one occasion, a fact you won’t let him forget and if he’s deemed you’ve had your fill he’ll just trow you over his shoulder and walk away with you. You may pretend to be grumpy or upset but your facade drops quickly and doesn’t fool him but a quick kiss ‘remedies’ your ‘mood’ quickly. 
At this point he’s grown so accustomed to you being somewhere near he sleeps much easier when you’re there. He may at one semi-drunken night have told you he’s sure you keep the nightmares at bay. Fjord would do almost anything for you even if that means a dreaded shopping trip. As long as he’s with you he actually enjoys it because it means he gets to spend more time with you. Though if he had to pick a favourite it would be any time the two of you had a moment to yourself on the ship just watching the waves and the clouds, his arms wrapped around you and head leaning on your shoulder. 
Ever the kleptomaniac she’d stolen many personal possessions of you over time but only to admire them. Veth always returned them to you in the end but she simply couldn’t help but feel the itch to have a small collection of your things to herself. Though from the moment she had you she no longer really needed the material anymore because you are more than enough; you are her treasure. Though that doesn’t prevent her from stealing from others. 
You’re her partner in crime and she loves that about you. You have her back at all times and she has yours. Besides, what’s better than summoning literal lightning to make your grand escape from the chasing guards or a carefully created slab of ice in the middle of a street. 
When she came clean about her story you reassured her many times you wouldn’t feel any different because at heart she’s still the same and you love her for who she is. 
You love helping her with her ‘little side projects’ and while you may not be an expert tinkerer or alchemist you’re pretty nifty when it comes to the natural base elements and are happy to provide a flame to heat things up, ice to cool things down or a gust of wind or two to get rid of the nasty chemical smells and dusts. You’re the perfect team and she loves calling you her ‘lovely assistant’ whenever you’re working on something together. 
Jester Lavorre
Jester fell in love with you the moment you used your druidcraft to grow some vines and trip up some grumpy man who was rather rude to her. You have a knack for mischief yourself and the two of you make quite the team. While you may not be completely onboard when it comes to her deity the two of you had a mutual understanding; Jester’s best interest and you’d work together to make the world just a little more mischievous playing non-harmful pranks to lighten spirits. 
You’ve been a rock in the tiefling’s chaotic life and keep her grounded when she needs it. You listen to her worries and she to yours and the two of you have a mutual understanding and trust. Sure Jester may have proven in the past she’s not the best at keeping certain secrets, yours she’ll take to her grave. 
Jester loves braiding your hair, simply combing through it whenever she can or twisting a strand around her finger whenever you’re even remotely within close range of her. You listen to her and engage in conversation whenever she’s read a new novel and even let her read them to you. She’s very much a hopeless romantic but it’s cute. Your visage takes up many pages of her sketchbook and no one is allowed to mess with those pages. Not even the Traveler. 
When you were introduced to Jester’s mom you were nervous knowing the woman’s reputation and all that Jester had told you about her. You couldn’t help feel nervous and wonder if you were up to standards but Marion welcomed you with open arms only after making you vow to protect her little sapphire with your life. You proved that was exactly your intend but Jester did scold her mom for that saying it’s only fair she does the same for you as you love each other. 
Caduceus Clay
To say your relationship (more like lack thereof) is ‘unconventional’ is an understatement by most standards. You’re not lovers as neither of you are interested in the romantic nor physical aspects of a relation. Though you both do love watching from the sidelines as the relations of others evolve. You’d say the two of you have more of a partnership, like the best of friends and never would it become anything beyond that and you’re both happy with that out come.
You had always been connected to nature and Caduceus couldn’t help but see aspects of the Wildmother in you. He finds comfort in your presence and familiarity whenever you’re around. Especially in more rural areas, it’s like you’re the living breathing personification of nature. You give him a sense of home and you can say that feeling is mutual. 
The two of you are often found preparing food or tea sharing an affinity and love for the subject. Though you’re a much more versatile when it comes to your actual knowledge on the subject of nature and its diversity opposed to him having been confided to one environment for most of his life. 
From the moment you were introduced to his family they had already absorbed you up into their family. You may not be a Clay by blood but you certainly are one in spirit. His parents refer to you as their child and his siblings have taken to calling you their sibling. You’ve been their long lost Clay and with the blessing of the Wildmother you truly were accepted as one. 
Yasha Nydoorin
You bonded over your mutual love for flowers. Yasha had a past she’d rather not talk about and you weren’t one to pry. Every time you notice she’s feeling down and conflicted you’re never afraid to conjure up a little bouquet of flowers to gift her, the gesture always putting a smile on her face. 
At first Yasha may seem very distant and maybe even cold but she’s very much the opposite once you get to know her. She has a hard time trusting people but over time she opens up to you and you couldn’t be more grateful and honoured she did. 
It’s always been undeniable there’s a chemistry between the two of you but neither of you felt it the right time to admit to your feelings until you were quite literally locked in a room together. You had some good talks and came to the conclusion it could be a now or never and both of you would much rather take every second you could get than regret having missed even a single one. You’re very comfortable expressing your feelings as you’re both very in touch with them but only recently have the terms of endearment and physical affection become a public display. 
You’re there for each other no matter what and issues or arguments are quickly resolved if you have any as you both know where you stand and in the end your love for each other is much stronger than some petty disagreement. 
Mollymauk Tealeaf
Molly’s always been a mystery for many and a mystery he may remain but somehow you saw right through his act and that definitely earned his attention. He’s a very physical person and wears his heart on his sleeve. You were never opposed to him wrapping an arm around you or kissing your temple whenever you did something nice for him. That’s always just been Molly but it’s the little things you notice that gave away there may just be more than friendly feelings. 
Something that both excites and frustrates him before and in your relationship is your ability to get him all flustered. Sure he can do the same to you and he enjoys it every time he does but when you use it against him he’s not opposed to pulling out the big guns. Innuendos, sappy pda and terms of endearment often lead to full on make out sessions to the point where you’re told to get a room which you happily do. 
You’ve messed with plenty of people but your favourite has to be where he pretended to be a priest of the Raven Queen and you used your druidcraft to decay blooming flowers and bring them back to life and used a little gust cantrip to blow his hair and cloak dramatically in the wind. Sure once the facade was revealed you had to leave town quickly but you giggled for weeks and even now the mere thought sends you into laughing fits. 
Traveling the world is one thing. Molly doesn’t know about his past and you’ve left yours far behind. Your home is with each other and you’ll follow each other until the very end. 
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
buried in your bones | b.b.
summary: “Promise you’ll love me always.”
WARNINGS: fluff, angst, blood, violence, swearing, drinking, magic and therefore magic haters pairing: king!bucky x queen!reader word count: 11.1k
a/n: inspired by hurricane by fleurie. i recommend listening to it for proper vibes :) written for @serpienten​​​​ and @buckysknifecollection​​​​. i had the prompt king/queen au and a dialogue prompt that is bolded. sorry this took so long! am still working through some killer writer’s block :( but enjoy!
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James can taste nothing but blood in his mouth as he plunges his sword through chainmail. His ears are ringing from the sound of metal singing with every slice, every clash of his sword against his opponents and his foot catches on a dead knight’s arm as he whirls around.
All around him, dirt is flying and there is the smell of smoke as he twirls out of the way of a horse with no rider. Sweat dripping through his armour, he spots a soldier pinned down and charges, running the attacker through his sword and kicking him off the tip.
The smell of shit fills his mouth as he sucks in a wet gasp, helping the soldier get up. Clapping his shoulder, James can barely hear himself over the clamour of battle raging around him.
“Are we winning?” Steve asks harshly, shrugging off his king’s hand, and James feels cold ice spear up his limb at the bitter glare his knight commander pins him down with. Steve has lost his helmet, his golden hair dark with mud and blood but his eyes burn bright. “Is this worth it for you?”
The word pierces through the haze and the two men collapse to their knees, ducking their heads as arrows stab into the dirt around them, the inflamed tips snuffing out as soon as they sink into wet mud.
“I want nothing more than to retreat, but they attacked first,” is his reply. He knows it’s pathetic.
He knows he’s at war because his people crave what they think is justice, because his people hate what they don’t understand.
He had been the same once.
Straightening, James jerks back as a sword tries to cleave him in two, and Steve is lost to him in the furious chaos of battle. Parrying another blow, he shoves his shoulder into his opponent’s gut and knocks him off his feet, dark hair flying into his face as he shoves the metal through the man’s stomach. The strangled scream echoes in his ears as he pulls it out with a wet schluck.
Stumbling back, James looks up to see more of his men clad in their refined red and gold armour storming down the hill, and he whips around, watching as more soldiers in gold and white fall. He can barely discern who is on his side, who is on Asgard’s.
“Well, if it isn’t the King of Kings!”
The voice, even to this day, harsh and rich with arrogance that only comes from believing their purpose is righteous, causes a fire in James to ignite.
Turning around slowly, he sees the gleaming dark armour, the stained black leather, the stench of death following his wake. Lord Rumlow scrapes the blood off one short sword with the other and James swears he can see someone’s brains along his knuckles drenched in blood as he raises his own sword.
“How are you, m’lord?” he drawls, that knifepoint smirk digging into his cheeks as he raises one of his swords, the tip pointing for James’ eyes. Scarlet drips from the edge and James swallows the knot in his throat. He has no illusions that if given the chance, the man will stab him through the throat slowly, sinking that blade through his flesh as he watched the light die from James’ eyes and relish in it, but he is a dog.
A dog with a master.
“Where is she?” James asks, the words tearing out of his throat as he sweeps his gaze through the dying battle. The ground is littered with the fallen and he can taste death on his tongue—bitter and cold and vile. “Where is she?”
Lord Rumlow merely laughs, harsh and sharp and poisonous. He circles James like a predator circles cornered prey, slowly making his way within sword range, and James watches those dark eyes narrow in bloody glee. “As if she’d come here for you.”
“I know she is.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice. It’s dark with fury as Lord Rumlow merely cocks his head, intrigued. “I saw her on the rise.” Hair sticks to his skin and his heart is nothing more than threads barely holding together. “Please, we can end this—”
“You still love her.” It is nothing but cold, brutal truth and James flinches as soon as he hears it. It exhausts him to hear those words, to know that someone like Lord Rumlow knows what he had refused to believe, to know that he’d been the fool for years.
Lord Rumlow lunges forward, bringing his short sword down upon James’ shoulder. Blocking the blow, the king falls onto his back. Metal sings in his bones as their swords drag against each other.
James manages to drive the sword into the dirt, his lungs heaving for air as he jerks his head away from the tip. A wild glint falls into the dog’s eyes as his lips curl into a vicious snarl as James tries to throw the man off. His skin is slick with mud and blood and sweat, and James can feel the heat kiss him at all sides. It’s suffocating in his armour, clouds of hot air gathering in his back, under his arms, on his face.
Brock wrenches his bassinet off and James barely has time to prepare himself for the punch before it hits. His head snaps back into the mud, nose blooming in pain as his eyes squeeze shut to prepare for another strike, but hands merely wrap around his throat.
“How dare you claim to love her? How dare you say that after what you’ve done? You’re not even fit to say her name!”
Fingers dig deeper into his throat and James gasps for air, blood slipping down his cheeks from his nostrils. Mouth gaping, he wraps his hands around Lord Rumlow’s sleeves. The cacophony falls away, the sound of everything fading as James forces his eyes open, staring into the pits of his strangler’s eyes, and his feet kick, slip through mud.
“You. It was always you,” Rumlow murmurs. “Even after all these years, she chose you time and time again with nothing to show for it. She should’ve killed you when she had the chance.”
“What did you just say to me?” James chokes out and Rumlow laughs, sharp and his teeth are bared in a sadistic grin. 
“You’re in no position to threaten me, m’lord.”
“No, what— what do you mean?” Another fist to the cheek, James’ world spins as his head jerks sideways. He can hear his blood gurgling in his head, in his throat, as he digs his fingers deeper into Rumlow’s gloved hands.
“All these years and you still don’t know.”
Unworthy. Unworthy. Unworthy, Rumlow’s voice chants in James’ head.
It is all he can hear.
Black dots impede his vision as the strength drains from his body.
“She never trusted you. She could never trust you. And how could she? Your family ruined her life!”
“Please, don’t—” That voice from so long ago, scratched and aching with its plea for mercy, echoes in his ears and his eyes flutter shut.
“And why would she? You won’t even fight for her honour,” Rumlow derides, a cruel laugh mutilating his words. “You don’t deserve her love. You deserve nothing!”
There’s a snap.
“Get off of him!” a voice snaps, dark with power, and the weight lifts from his chest, but it is too late.
James doesn’t recall falling into the abyss, but he knows he falls when everything goes silent.
“Prince James, let me introduce my daughter.”
That is how it starts, when he is nothing more than thirteen, reading in the garden’s hedge maze. The sun is golden, the wind smells like sugar and sweet fruits, and the sky is bluer than sapphires as he closes his book and looks up at the approaching man.
When he thinks on it years later, he thinks it is just as how all the fairytales, all fables, start.
He recognizes the man—a diplomat, lord of some powerful house.
The girl behind him, however, he doesn’t.
You’re wearing a dark red dress, your hair pulled elegantly away from your face, and you’ve the warmest eyes he’s ever seen. A fire ignites inside him, smoldering him from the inside out as you curtsy and he stands, his chair grating harshly against marble.
You smile at his flustered expression and he finds it beautiful.
“Your Highness.”
“My lady.”
“Your hedge maze was no challenge for me,” you proclaim and James laughs, tucking his book underneath his arm.
“And you’re good at puzzles?”
“The best.”
His heart no longer beats in his chest as your father explains that you’re simply here to shadow him in his diplomatic duties.
He had never worried about marrying a woman he didn’t know the name of, but now, as you cock your head and your smile grows sly at his shy grin, he knows you’ve stolen his heart the instant he laid eyes on you.
Any betrothal in his future will be for nothing because all he wants is to marry you.
It’s his seventeenth birthday and he’d spent the night before drinking smuggled whiskey and smoking rum with his friends. His head pounds now, with regret, as he tries to keep himself from falling asleep. His feast is going full swing, and he can’t quite recall ever feeling the effects of irresponsible drinking so strongly than tonight.
“Your Highness.”
You’re helping him in that regard.
“You can’t doze off, can you?”
He blinks, head jerking to you, and you smile.
“It wouldn’t be fit for a king to sleep at his own birthday feast.” Extending a hand over the table, you cock your head. “Dance with me. Perhaps then you’ll stay awake long enough to see the night to its end.” Standing, James feels blood rush through his body and he grins, placing his hand and yours and walking around the table. You tug him playfully into the center of the dance floor, the circlet gleaming in your hair.
The melodies of the band sink into his bones as he places a hand on your waist, the other interlacing with yours as he steps with the music.
“I apologize, my lady.”
“Oh, as you should.” You smile although your tone betrays it as he spins you around. Your dress floats, flares gracefully from your waist in dark green flames, matching the emerald on your sternum. A gift of his for your last birthday. “Illicit drinking without me? Honestly, it’s a crime.”
“Steve wanted to keep it a secret,” James protests as he dips you in one hand.
“Funnily enough, Lord Rogers said it was your idea.” Hoisting you back up, you send him a berating glare. “Honestly, you’ve never kept a secret from me. What’s going on, now? You’ve been ignoring me for days.”
“Nothing, bluebird,” he soothes as your hand settles on his shoulder, and a heat blossoms from your palm, through him. He could melt into your heat, the effortless hearth that stems from your very soul. His eyes settle on your confused expression, and he pulls you close, forehead knocking into yours. “I promise you. There is no secret.”
“You’re lying,” you murmur, eyes searching his. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“As are you.”
You scoff, drawing back and their noses brush as you narrow your gaze in a challenge. “You’d be surprised.” You twirl out of his reach with a parting glare, another lady taking your place and he’s surprised to see Lady Natasha smirking up at him. Taking her hand in his, he steps back into a bow while she curtsies. The music stalls for a moment as he kisses the redhead’s knuckles before it picks back up again.
“My lady.”
“She’s not very pleased, is she?” the redhead points out and James groans. “You invited her all this way and then chose to exclude her on the pre-celebration ritual.”
“Don’t tell me you’re the one who told her,” he complains, nearly stepping on Natasha’s toes but the lady quickly steps out from underneath his boot. “I’m trying to keep it all a secret. You know that.”
“I think you’re doing a terrible job of it. If you’re going to propose to her, it might be best not to act like she has the plague.”
“I haven’t!”
“Yes, you have. Don’t play the fool.” Natasha narrows her gaze, squeezing his hand painfully, and James winces. “You’ve never went a single week in the four years you’ve known her without sending her a letter and suddenly, the moment we get here, I have to listen to her complain about how you refuse to even look her in the eye and how you don’t spend any time on her, excusing it with flimsy reasons.” Shaking her head, Natasha pretends to accidentally step on James’ foot as they waltz around each other. “You’re lucky she loves you. She suspects something is wrong with you, and she’ll get it out.”
“And you didn’t tell her, did you?” James adds nervously, causing Natasha to sigh heavily, rolling her eyes. Her whole body seems to cave in with the stupidity James is apparently exuding as she sucks in a breath and tries to formulate a response not too rude for him.
“Of course not. Why would I ruin something like this for her, Your Highness?” With the last, biting word, Natasha is whisked away by a blond man with flushed cheeks and way too many drinks to be anything but a stuttering mess. James follows the redhead as she pulls Steve off the floor and sighs dejectedly, collapsing into the chair beside his best friend.
“Your birthday not all you wanted, my lord?” Steve crows as Natasha brings a goblet of wine to her mouth to hide her smile. James, with a glum smile, leans his cheek against his fist and watches you dance with another lord. He’s a bit older, one of the lords of your house, and handsome in a roguish sort of way.
Lord Rumlow, your sworn shield.
James does his best to bite his tongue when you toss your head back in a laugh and the knight grins, his obsidian eyes soft only for you.
The three friends exchange glances as you cup the knight’s cheek before slipping into the crowd just as the music ends, and James stands abruptly without a farewell to his companions. Pushing himself through the crowd, he mutters his pardons, your dress slipping between noble lords and ladies.
Breaking into the hall outside the ballroom, he doesn’t see a trace of you.
As if you’ve disappeared.
Sighing, he walks to the gardens. These halls are ones he knows well, ones he’s run through since he was nothing but a princeling escaping his nursemaid’s supposedly evil clutches. Then, as a boy after tutoring or a day out riding, and now…
He had walked you through these halls a dozen times and he still thinks you haven’t seen everything.
One place you do know, however, is the palace gardens.
The leaves are silver in the moonlight, a gentle wind rustling through the hedges as he makes his way through the hedge maze. Crickets chirp and some bird croons as he sucks in a warm summer breath. It smells heavenly, of flowers and sweet sugar, of light and clean water. He can hear the faint music from the palace, still, but the smell of hearty meats and smoke have faded to something softer, something warmer.
Your voice pierces through the night air as he finds himself in the centre of the maze. You turn around on one of the benches to look at him, and he’s surprised by the morose expression printed onto your face.
“Are you alright?” Stepping to the bench, he sits down beside you with a frown. “Did something happen?”
“Brock was simply saying how I had to rest up tomorrow. We depart at dusk tomorrow to avoid the rebels.” You turn to him, a glumness to your face he’s not used to seeing and he takes your hands gently in his. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early. We were supposed to have the week together.”
“If the rebels are threatening the roads, it’s best you go before you can’t any longer,” he whispers, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your brow. You inhale shakily at his touch, leaning into him. “I’m sorry I can’t fix this.”
“You can’t fix everything, Bucky,” you mumble, your nose brushing against his as you pull back. James wrinkles his nose and you cup his cheek, thumb brushing underneath his eye. “I just don’t think this is a war we need to fight.”
.”These magic users are dangerous—”
“Those magic users are people,” you reply hotly, pulling back and standing. You turn away from him and James’ eyebrows knit together as he stands as well. He doesn’t reach out for you, and you wrap your arms around yourself. “They’re people who’ve been treated like beasts.” Approaching you slowly, he gently sets his hands along your shoulders and you whirl around in his grasp. Your eyes search his, and he feels something in him soften at the bleeding heart he can see in your chest.
“You know I can’t change my mother’s policies. Not after how Father died.” His throat cinches shut at the mention of the father he never knew and he turns away from your palm, looking up at the summer sky. A dark indigo canvas speckled with diamonds, it’s so vast and endless, James can’t help but wonder if his father is watching down on him.
“What happened with your father, with Steve’s father, it was one incident that somehow made everyone see people with magic like freaks. One incident was all it took.” Looking down at you again, James brushes his knuckles down your cheek. “We haven’t exactly prosecuted all of mankind for one man going on a murder spree with a knife he stole from the butcher’s shop,” you say, voice snapping like a whip as you pull away. Again, you turn away from him and James feels at a loss. Every time you turn away, he feels as if he’s splitting in two and he sighs, letting his hand fall back to his side.
“We put murderers, criminals, in jail.”
“And we’ve persecuted a whole people for the same thing.” Your shoulders fall as you let out a tremendous breath, and an emptiness in James widens at the desolate aura emanating from your very being. “I should go.”
You move towards the hedges but James walks after you. “Wait! I don’t want us to depart on these terms. I have no wish for you to leave angry at me.”
You turn slowly, your dress twisting and brushing against the dirt as you shake your head, a gentle smile upon your face.
“I’m not angry at you, James,” you assure quietly, and he believes you by the earnest glint in your eyes.
“Then, may I walk you to your room, my lady?”
You dip your head, and extend a hand for him to take. Your fingers slide easily between his, and he pauses, simply admiring your face bathed in silver light. His other hand reaches to brush against your jaw and your smile grows as you cup his jaw and pull him down.
The kiss is quiet, tender, and his eyes slide shut as your hand runs through his hair, pulling back just enough to breathe.
“Promise you’ll love me,” you whisper, words as soft as silk against his lips as he presses his brow to yours. Your eyes are still closed but his flutter open, soaking in your face as if he’ll never have enough time to memorize it. You cup his face with both hands, open your eyes and stare into his soul. A wounded ache festers in your gaze and he nods. “Promise you’ll love me always.”
Drawing back, he feels your hands tremble and brings them in his own to his lips. Mouth against your fingers, he nods again. “I promise I will always love you.” Kissing your knuckles, he does not break his gaze away as your lips curl into a tender smile. Squeezing his hands, you look younger, as if a burden has been lifted off your shoulders, and in that moment, James swears he has never seen something quite so divine.
He falls to one knee, and reaffirms his grasp on your hands before digging through his trouser pocket for the ring.
“Bucky…” you begin, bemused at his antics, but then you catch sight of the ring and your breath hitches. Eyes widening, your fingers wrap tighter around his as he brings the ring up to the moonlight. In lunar rays, it glows effervescently, winking and stunning in its shallow grooves, smooth gold, and intricately shaped hands linked together. The metal bends, caves where the fingers interlace and you let out a whispering sigh as he looks up at you.
A heat rises in his cheeks and he swallows the nerves biting at his throat. He should’ve had a drink before he came out here, but then again, he hadn’t realized this would be where—
He should’ve. This is, after all, where he first fell in love with you.
“Marry me,” he says although it’s more of a question, a request, an ask for a blessing, and your smile is brilliant as you say nothing. “It is why I have been so distant lately. I’ve been trying to find the perfect execution, but it seems my own heart has betrayed me. I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you, and although I am your prince, to be your king… Do me this honour, Y/N, and be my queen.”
“Well…” Your grin digs into your cheeks as he looks up at you, and a flood of relief fills his body as you tilt your head, just as you did the first day you met him. “No more drinking without me, then I’ll marry you,” you proclaim and he laughs as you tug him onto his feet. “Promise me that.”
Sliding the ring onto your finger, he presses a warm, bruising kiss against your lips before pulling back just far enough to whisper, “You have my word.”
And then he kisses you again.
If, four years ago, James knew marriage would be so exhausting, he would still do it again in a heartbeat.
Your laughter, after all, is the song he wakes up to every morning.
That, or the squirming body of his son trying to get between James and you.
You laugh as his son bounces between your legs, desperate for the horse to go faster than the easy walk he paces at, and James watches as you wrap an arm around his son’s waist.
“Your stallion is ready, my king.” Turning to the stable hand, he nods his thanks and mounts easily atop the white steed, gently nudging his sides into a trot to join his family at the edge of the woods. Alpine nickers his greetings to your mare as you tug on the reins with your one hand.
“A fine afternoon,” he comments, glancing over at you as Stellan wraps his chubby hands around the handle of the saddle specifically crafted for riding with a child.
“Indeed it is, your Grace,” you tease, brushing your hair out of your face. “A fine day for riding.” Your mare bumps noses with his stallion as Stellan notices his father, clapping his hands. “The prince wants his father.” Hoisting his son out from the space between your lap, you hand him over to James with a grin.
Kissing his son’s cheek, James grins when his son latches onto him, arms wrapped around his father’s neck as they start their ride into the woods. James keeps a hand on Stellan, careful not to let him fall or squirm too much.
His twenty-first year has been blessed with peace, and James can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The rebels have been squashed into their hiding holes, and the kingdom prospers with long summers and short winters.
And his family…
He looks at you and something inside him melts. Your lips are puckered in a whistle and you repeat the bird songs chirping through the trees while the guard rides behind you, and he glances back to see Steve talking to Lady Natasha.
What joke did she tell him this time? He wonders, amused when Steve blushes at whatever Natasha said. Always flustered by whatever the bold redhead says. I hope nothing too under the skirts.
“Eyes forward, my king,” you call and he turns forward again to see you up ahead, head tilted to look over your shoulder. “We do have a clearing to reach before midday.”
“Mama?” Squirming in his arms, Stellan wriggles his way back between his father’s thighs and grabs the wooden handle of the saddle. Bouncing excitedly, the boy leans forward. “Go!” James nudges Alpine into a trot to catch up to his wife as his guard splits apart in the woods, no doubt interested in a day off simply relaxing without any drills on a sunny day like this. He’s sure some would head off to the lake for a swim while others participated in a hunt.
“Are you coming, Rogers?” a voice crows within the trees, and James grins when he hears Anthony’s squire, Peter, exclaim in pain when he hits his head on a low-hanging tree branch. “Your lady can come, too!”
“She’s not my lady, Tony!” Steve calls back as James catches up to where you’ve stopped and he pulls his reins lightly to stall as well. Glimpsing Steve’s red face, James smirks when the blond turns to Natasha. “I mean, you are my lady, my lady.”
“Aren’t you the charmer?” Natasha says dryly as the two approach the royals. Their steeds’ ears twitch and Natasha scratches her horse’s ear as you grin. “My king. My queen.”
“You do realize you are free to take the day off. We haven’t had the time to do so in ages,” you tell them kindly, your eyes darting from the lady to the lord. “Not since James has been crowned king, I feel.” Steve cocks his head when Stellan tries to reach over to him and he picks up the prince, bouncing him in his arms. “Not since this one was born for certain. You ought to take it, the both of you.”
“Spoken like a true queen,” Natasha teases. “But I agree. Diplomacy is an exhausting sport.”
“Sport? I’m sure Rhodes wouldn’t be so inclined to call it so.”
“Rhodes needs to stop and learn to relax. It’s not that complicated.”
“He knows how to relax,” James quips. “He just doesn’t take his job so lightly unlike you, Lady Natasha.”
Natasha grins, rolling her eyes before tugging the reins of her steed towards a parting in the trees. “Well, unlike Rhodes who is no doubt racing Tony to the lake, I will take a long, leisurely stroll there. Lord Rogers, if you would accompany me?”
“Of course, my lady.” Steve transfers Stellan from his arms back into his father’s, picking up his reins before dipping his head to you. “My queen.” Always with the formalities, James muses as he grabs Steve’s hand in a hearty shake farewell. “I won’t be too far away.”
“I’m counting on it,” James replies before the blond rides after the redhead, and the royals look at each other before bursting out into laughter. “God, I wonder when he’ll ever have the courage to properly ask for her hand in marriage.”
“Knowing them both, she’ll ask first,” you reply with a wrinkle of your nose and the two of you ride off into the woods.
The destination is a clearing upon a small hill, sparkling with morning dew just beginning to dry and flowers blooming in the branches. The trees part perfectly in a path down the hill to the lake and the sun casts golden shafts through the branches, the entire clearing glimmering in its blessing. The smell of fresh wind and sweet nectar fills James’ nose as you dismount beside him, lowering Stellan gently onto the grass. You unpack your saddlebag, revealing blankets and food.
James dismounts as well, patting Alpine firmly along his neck as he grabs the flagon of wine and more food from his own saddlepack while you lay the blanket gently over the grass. Feeding an apple to Alpine, he gently rubs his steed’s nose before joining his wife and son underneath the shade of a tree.
Unbuckling his belt, he rests his sword against the trunk before sinking to his knees beside you. You’re already leaning back on an arm, watching as Stellan chases a butterfly across the huge clearing and James kisses your temple, easing against the tree. You immediately lean against him, your head against his chest, and he tilts his head back to feel the breeze along his neck.
“This is wonderful,” you sigh, your hand on his chest. “Four years of nothing but non-stop madness and now we have a day to simply breathe..”
“Three years of being king, four of being a father. I don’t think I’ve ever been so exhausted,” he agrees. “Father always made it seem so effortless.”
“Well, that’s how fathers are,” you tease, glancing up at him. He looks down with a slight frown and you reach up to tap his nose. “You’ve been nothing but a perfect father to Stellan. You ought to slip before he thinks you’re some god.”
“Would that be too bad?” His nose wrinkles and you chuckle, pecking his lips before sitting upright. Stellan wanders back towards his parents, his chubby fist holding blades of grass and he tosses it at James before crawling into his mother’s lap. “He seems to be his mother’s son, anyway.”
“As he should,” you fire back, lifting Stellan up in your hands and throwing him up a few times. His high-pitched giggles cause James to smile as he leans down, brushes hair away from your forehead and kisses your brow. Tilting your chin up to snag his lips into another brief kiss, you settle your son against your chest and roll over.
“Mama, walk,” Stellan orders, and you look down at your son. “Go walk.”
“Your son’s already giving me orders,” you comment pointedly, sitting up as Stellan gets to his feet and James smirks, beginning to unpack the food.
“I think he’s more like you in that regard,” James fires back mischievously and you lightly smack his shoulder as their son grabs your hand and tugs you away. Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, you allow yourself to be lead into the forest while James carefully sets up the wine, the food. Taking a bite out of a bit of cheese, he heads to the horses who’ve been roaming the clearing and sighs.
He must cherish this day. Tomorrow, it’ll be nothing but more meetings with diplomats, advisors, and other engagements regarding the bandits along their border.
Magic still spikes fear in the hearts of his people, despite how hard you’ve tried to dissuade the notion that magic is dangerous. It’s been your one goal since you’ve been crowned his queen, a movement that has made you…
Made you controversial, to say the least.
It has definitely put you into disfavour with his mother, but James doesn’t care.
He knows your heart is in the right place, even if he himself is still afraid. There is that bravery with you, that makes him want to be brave, too, but his father...
He will never forget the sight of his dead father.
Stroking Alpine’s snout, he feels the stallion lip at his pockets, searching for treats as your mare nickers, coming over with ears perked up in interest. Turning to the mare, he grins when she snorts against his cheek.
Grinning, he simply lets the horses nudge him every which way, threads his fingers through their manes. With a deep breath, he lets the day wash over him. He closes his eyes and presses his brow against Alpine’s.
In the distance, he can hear Natasha shouting at Anthony, Steve’s loud, bright laughter.
No matter what happens, he wouldn’t change being a king for anything if it meant ruling with these people beside him.
“Wolf! Wolf! It’s the White Wolf!”
Peter’s petrified warning shout echoes through the forest and James jerks towards his voice, eyes widening. The White Wolf?
His blood freezes in his veins. The White Wolf had been lurking through their woods for the past years, a white beast larger than horses and hungrier than ten wolves that only came out at night. With blood red eyes and claws that could eviscerate through steel armour, the White Wolf is nothing short of a monster.
Never has he heard of it roaming during the day.
Until now.
“Where’s the king?”
Alpine lets out a loud neigh, stomping his foot against the soft dirt as the sound of swords and steel clashing and James grabs his belt from the tree, cinching it tight around his waist as Steve appears in the parting of the trees. His thoughts immediately race towards you and Stellan, alone in the woods, and his heart leaps to his throat as he turns to Steve.
“She went out with Stellan for a walk,” James barks, brushing past Steve roughly. Behind him is the rest of his guard, stumbling up the hills in various states of undress, but they stop as soon as they catch sight of him. Ice seeps into his veins and he ignores the thought of you mauled to pieces, a tiny body beside yours. “Find your queen!”
“Yes, my king!”
Drawing their swords, the knights split off in coordinated groups, disappearing in seconds. Steve and James pair off and sprint into the woods. His blood is racing through his body, his feet flying through the grass as he hears the loud roar of the bear.
Shouting your name, shouting Stellan’s, his lungs feel like they’re about to burst as the crashing river comes into view. The sound of the white rapids, thunderous as waves crash against rock, echoes in James’ skull as he sweeps his eyes for a glimpse of you.
There’s the dark brown of wood everywhere, the same shade as Stellan’s leather vest, and his vocal cords burn as he screams over the sounds of the rapids.
“James?” He can hear his name in the distance and then there is a flash of white smudged with green and he can see Stellan bursting through the bushes on the other side of the river, followed by you. Steve raises his hand as you scoop up your son, and James rushes to the chaotic riverside. Frigid water splashes at his boots and a chill shoots up his spine. “What is it?”
“We need to head back. The Wolf is awake.”
Eyes widening, you disappear back into the woods after a quick nod, and James turns to Steve with a grimace before they start to sprint down the river. 
The only place to cross is by the lake where the river is calmer.
All he wants is to hold you in his arms.
The river calms as the trees begin to thin out once they reach the crystalline lake and Steve breaks through first just as something bursts through the bushes. Stellan’s cheeks are streaked with tears and as soon as he catches sight of his father, he runs towards you, and you tear out after him, your clothes stained with dirt and leaves, your hair a mess.
What follows is a massive beast, lunging out of the trees for you. It’s nothing but a flash of white fur and red eyes, claws gleaming in the sunlight. Drawing his sword, Steve runs into its path, bowled over with a painful clash just as James unsheathes his sword. You pick up Stellan and run up the hill, and as soon as James makes sure you’re on your way to safety, he joins Steve in the battle. The Wolf drags its claws through steel, and Steve lets out a scream, struggling to wrench its paw off of him just as James charges at the thing, running his blade through the pelt but it seems to glance off easily.
No mark stains the pelt and it swipes out a ferocious paw, knocking James aside as Steve struggles weakly, blood beginning to seep into the soil beneath. Scarlet rivulets gleam in the sunlight as James blinks his vision clear, digging his sword tip in an attempt to stand again. Terror tries to lock his limbs, but he tries to fight the swelling in his chest as he reaffirms his grip on the sword and runs at the beast once again.
The Wolf’s lips pulled back in a snarl, it leaves Steve motionless just as James tries to stab at its shoulder and it pulls back, tail thrashing. Blood drips from its maw and as James stares into the eyes of death, he wonders what he’ll see on the other side.
Hopefully, nothing.
Realistically, this will not be a painless death.
He raises his sword, and steadies his breath, sweat gathering in the hollow of his back, the seam that has stitched itself into his ribs just beginning to heal. Lungs heaving for air, he feels light-headed, near dizzy with adrenaline.
The Wolf lunges and James tries to jump out of the way too late. It catches him by the waist, drags him through the mud and his sword goes flying as teeth sink into his thigh. Grunting, he smashes his fist into the mutt’s muzzle to no avail, desperate to contain the scream trying to rip through his chest.
Black dots swarm his vision and his whole body is in flames as he raises his other leg, kicking the Wolf in the eye but it is not phased.
At least, not until something blasts it off of him.
Gasping for air, he pushes himself up and away from the Wolf that lies in a crumpled heap by the lake shore and then there is another pulse of energy, a cage of gold forming around the beast before hands hoist him up underneath his arms and drag him away.
“Are you alright?” He can hear your voice, sharp in his ear, and he turns to see you, eyes focused on the Wolf struggling to escape its prison. His whole body is aching buried deep in his bones and blooming like flowers in summer, and blood soaks through his trousers as you pull him behind a rock, dropping into a crouch beside him. “James?”
“What was that?” he whispers harshly, hand wrapping around your wrist, and your gaze jerks towards him jarringly. There is a light he does not recognize, focused, precised, glimmering in your eyes. You pull your wrist out of his grasp, turning to his oozing wound. Grabbing his hands, you push it atop the puncture, and James’ breath hitches at the warm, tingling sensation festering in his leg.
“I need to pull Steve to safety. Put pressure on that and do not move. You’ll only bleed more.” Without another word, you turn and make a lifting gesture with your hands. James cranes his head to watch a warm, golden corona surround Steve’s body and he is dragged towards them, leaving a trail of blood-soaked grass. The Wolf growls, lunges and bites, the sizzling of its energy cage filling the silence along with the clanking of Steve’s armour just as the blond is caught in your hands.
Pulling him around the rock cover, you hoist Steve up against the stone and run a glowing hand across the hemorrhaging body. Your fingers, tense and locked, seem to tremble as the blood stops flowing, and James’ eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he watches the eviscerated remains of his best friend begin to stitch together.
Turning to his own leg, he lifts his blood-red palms to see it already nearly closed, and his heart constricts as he covers it again and lets his head fall back to the stone.
There’s the sound of branches breaking and James’ eyes snap open. Sweat pours at your brow just as he turns to look at you, and you barely flash him a smile before something snaps again and your attention is torn away.
Immediately, the stitching effect disappears and James cradles Steve’s head in his, brushes blood away from his cheek as a sharp howl pierces the air. The summer heat is thick against his cheeks as you trade blow for blow with the Wolf.
He wants nothing more than to step in beside you, but with every flash of gold, every bright burst of energy, he feels the fear he felt when he was nothing more than a child locking his legs, paralyzing his body.
Pure, powerful magic lights up the air and he can smell it, smoke and starlight, on his tongue.
The Wolf lunges and you toss it into the lake. You send a shockwave rippling towards the hound and it merely jumps over and pins you to the ground. Its claw gouges into your chest and your scream is earth-shattering as you kick it off of you with a powerful blast from your legs. Rolling onto your hands and knees, James can see blood drip slowly down your chest, into the grass as your tattered dress blows in the gentle wind.
You seem to stare into death’s jaws, and then…
You smile.
The Wolf’s claws dig into the dirt, and then it is sprinting at you in full force just as you force yourself onto your feet.
Your name tears through his chest just as the Wolf tackles you into the lake and there is a small flash before a loud crash of water and he turns to Steve to make sure he’s still alive before stumbling to his feet to watch, and in the lake, two beasts thrash in the cold water. Jaws snap, claws drag through flesh, and he watches as a magnificent bird beats its wings, sending a rippling gale of wind through the lake. The water recedes onto the shore as fire flares and the Wolf whines in pain as talons sink into its back.
An awe fills his entire body as the gorgeous phoenix flaps its wings and takes flight, dropping the Wolf onto the shore once again and landing with delicate precision. It warbles, a gentle sound, and shakes out its feathers, droplets of silky water flying everywhere. Each quill is red-orange, near golden, and its talons glimmer with golden scales.
James’ mouth drops open as it croons at the Wolf who merely cowers in its presence. Another whimper escapes the white dog, its red eyes fading to brown and James, entranced, watches as the phoenix, wings extended, begins to sing.
A sense of melancholy seeps into his soul as the Wolf lowers its chin to its paws and the phoenix coos, the crest on its head swaying and catching the true sunlight. They shine like cut amber as its golden eyes narrow.
Then, there is another, softer glow as the phoenix buries its beak in the fur of the Wolf, and James turns away, shielding his eyes from what seems like the sun. Falling beside Steve, he looks at his best friend.
“Steve?” he murmurs, and murky blue eyes meet his just as you appear again. Magic still oozes around you like oil in the sea, and he can smell magic again, but warmer this time—like a hearth burns inside his soul. Around your shoulders is an arm attached to a young woman he doesn’t recognize in a white dress.
“Are you alright?” you ask, slowly lowering the woman to the ground as well. Reaching, you cup Steve’s face that is beginning to regain its colour, and James watches gold light up the blood beneath his skin where you touch.
Don’t touch him, he wants to say, but Steve only wakes up at the contact, eyes widening ever more so slightly.
“Y/N,” Steve rasps and your hand retreats just as you turn to the woman that’s barely stirring. James watches as you lay a hand carefully on her arm, and she raises her head groggily. Her eyes are muddy, dazed, but then they roll back and she slumps forward and Steve jerks away from the hair brushing against his hand, shuffling back against James who wraps an arm around Steve. “I thought death held me for certain.”
“It almost did, old friend,” James replies, eyes wandering to you. “And the Wolf?”
“She needs time to recover,” you reply, delicately brushing hair away from the girl’s face and James’ eyebrows rise in shock.
His whole body is wracked with fatigue, but his mouth drops open when he gets a glimpse of the necklace hanging around the girl’s neck. “I remember her. Seven years ago, House Starr reported their daughter was missing to Mother. They never found her.”
“At least not until now. I need to bring her to healers,” you say, standing and lifting the girl with surprising ease. James struggles to his feet, pulling Steve up, and your eyes soften at him as you try to smile, but the blood, the still-fading glint in your eyes, sends chills through his body.
“We’ll need to speak later.” You dip your head in farewell before walking to the lakeshore, and Steve groans, his entire body deadweight against James’ shoulder and the king grunts, doing his best to keep him standing.
“Bluebird, wait—”
You glance at him over his shoulder, and there is a sorrowful sweetness resting in your face, a tenderness in your smile, a grief in your gaze.
Then, a golden sparks carve a line into the air, sizzling against the grass as it carves a portal into this reality. You turn forward and walk through.
It closes before he can follow.
His mind is cluttered, his ears full of beeswax, and he doesn’t know what is real.
Steve had been rushed to the hospital wing to be swarmed by doctors, the other knights anxious yet relieved to see both the king and their knight commander alive and safe.
He doesn’t miss the fact that Rumlow is not among those men.
In fact, he is missing, and not a single soul has heard from him.
Buried in his bones is an ache James cannot ignore. His chest feels like it’s splitting open, his ribs snapped, and as he stares at his reflection in the cheval mirror, he swallows the hard lump in his throat.
The teeth marks are already closed, scarring over yet there’s still a residual pulse of pain when he prods at it.
He doesn’t know whether or not to be enraged, relieved.
All he knows is emptiness.
“Are you alright?” Startled, James drops his pant leg and turns around to see you standing there, eyes wide and a tentative smile upon your lips. His breath catches in your throat and his eyes immediately go to his hands that you clasp before you. “James?”
“What are you doing here?” he asks, feather soft and you walk closer, your footsteps light. “Where is the Wolf?”
“Lady Ava is fine. I’ve brought her to some healers on the border of Asgard and Midgard. It was some curse inflicted upon her as a child. Parental mishap, it seems but she’ll be fine with time,” you inform quietly, your gaze dipping to your hands as you twist the ring, the ring he had given you, around your finger. “Is Steve…”
“He’s alive,” he replies stiffly, brushing past you and you turn around with him, lips twisted into a worried frown. “Thank you,” he adds quietly, genuinely. His mind is a whirlwind, his heart racing in his ears, and he can’t help the sensation that seizes his chest, the awareness of where your hands move. “Without you, he would’ve died.”
“Steve is family.” Walking up behind him, James can feel you come close. His entire body tenses, and he faces the wall, eyes slip shut. Bright blasts of gold ignite in his mind, followed by a ravaged village he had seen on his tour of his kingdom. At the hands of magic.
Hands of your kind.
He forces the next words out between gritted teeth, the words coming out flat, stoic.
“Go, before someone tells the truth about you.”
“James, you can’t possibly—” You touch his shoulder and James flinches away, whirling around to face you. Your eyes widen at the reaction, and you withdraw your hand back, stumbling to the wall. “You’re afraid of me.”
“You’re magic,” he whispers, voice wavering and you swallow audibly. Your hand shakes through the air as you retract it to your chest, and he watches the pulsing wound along your collarbone slowly stitch itself together, the flesh leaving no mark. Magic. “Of course I’m afraid of you.”
“And Stellan,” he cuts you off cleanly, trying his best not to shake when your eyes widen, wet with tears. You blink and they fall, crystalline in the low light. You’re shaking, your entire body trembling as the two of you stand on opposite sides of the small room. “Is he…”
“Magic?” you finish for him and your voice is void of life, defeated. Your hands drop to your sides and you seem to stand straighter under his gaze as you stare at him. “After all this time, you’re still afraid of magic. You won’t even let me explain.” Your expression crumbles and you turn your face away, rubbing at the tears tracking down your face. An incredulous, sharp exhale fills the silence and James feels something inside him split open.
“Would you? Explain, that is.”
His heart wilts, his lungs collapse. His ribs seem to ache as you wipe at your face, the soft sounds of your uneven breathing filling the silence. He can feel your gaze, hot and desolate and aching against his cheek as he closes his eyes.
All he can see is his father’s splayed body, the blood soaking through the mud.
“You keep this secret from me, and expect me to trust you with the truth?”
“James…” you whisper softly, and his gaze jerks to yours jarringly. Your glassy eyes seem to stare right through him and he swallows through the bruising in his throat as he tries to hold back his own tears. “Please—”
“How could you not tell me?” he croaks, and you inhale, a shuddering, sharp thing. His chest is cracked open, his limbs are numb yet every bone in his body is solid lead. “How could you keep this from me?”
“Because I know you.” 
Your words are empty in the summer air.
There is a moment of silence as everything James knows shatters around him. If he listens close enough, he can hear the shards of it colliding with the stone beneath his feet, breaking into uncountable pieces.
“Go,” he says softly, and he can’t bear to look at the devastation his words cause. “I’ll say you died in the attack, so you have enough time to leave the kingdom. Take Stellan and do not return.”
“James, no. He’s your son. Please, don’t—”
“I said, go!” The loudness of his voice shocks him and he flinches back into the wall at the eerie quiet that follows.
There is the only sound of uneven breathing, the cacophony of hearts breaking, and you step forward, the fabric of your tattered dress brushing against the floor. He can see your shadow in the candlelight, reaching for him, before you jerk back and he closes his eyes, burning tears dripping down his cheeks.
The door groans when you push it open, as if the castle is reluctant to let you leave, but then it opens and you slip out.
The door closes shut with a soft, yet thunderous boom.
“The King is awake!”
James’ head blisters with pain, and it only intensifies at the voice as he blinks his eyes open. The ceiling of his room is not unfamiliar, neither is the mattress he’s beginning to wear uneven beneath his back.
All these years and he never could sleep on your side of the bed.
“James!” Doors open and hands rush to help him sit up, and he groans, eyes squeezing shut when his head sways. His whole world slants and the taste of vomit burns at his throat as he slowly opens his eyes again, and he catches sight of Natasha’s red hair. The bright light streaming into his room makes his head pulse and he turns away, hand rising like it’s dragging through molasses.
“The light,” he rasps, and Natasha, who holds him by the elbows, turns to whomever is with her.
Darkness falls in his room.
“James.” Steve. “Are you alright?”
“What… how am I here?” His tongue is thick in his mouth, dry and raw, and his vocal cords twinge at his voice.
“Rumlow almost killed you,” Steve begins quietly as more people enter the room. “We lost men, but won the battle once they surrendered.”
“Surrendered?” Frowning, James’ brow wrinkles and he feels something split open with a stinging sensation digging into his skull. He hisses out, reaching to touch it but Natasha guides his hand away. “Fuck. Where—”
“In the dungeons. Waiting for you whenever you’re ready.” Natasha’s voice is soothing to the thumping in his skull.
“Help me stand.”
“Wait. Give yourself a few moments to regain your bearings,” Steve murmurs but James shakes his head despite how terribly it increases the agony chipping into his head.
“If she’s there, I need to see her.” Letting go of Natasha’s hand, he swings his legs off the bed and leans forward, hands clutching onto the edge of his bed.
“What?” he barks, head snapping to Steve and Natasha who look at each other with an apprehension. “Steve…” Something drags at his gut and his eyes widen in fear. Ice sluices through his chest. The silence becomes suffocating and with every passing second, he feels the world darken in on him.
No. No, no, no, no—
“She’s not there.”
“Where is she?”
“James, sit down.”
The ice melts into magma, and he thrashes off Natasha’s gentle hand. 
“Where is she?”
Peter’s cabin is small, but warmly furbished for a squire. He lets them in before excusing himself to the castle, and James feels like he’s chained to a solid steel ball by the ankle. His limbs are wrought with bruises, and his head sways with every step as Natasha and Steve help him in.
He can see you through the open door to Peter’s room, and his breath stops in his chest.
Your body is hunched over a bed, a blanket draped over your shoulders as the sun washes over your body. You don’t stir at the entrance of the trio and James lets out the breath, the string lancing through his body snipped when you don’t immediately move. You’re dressed in oversized clothes, trousers and a linen shirt hanging off your shoulders. Your hair is slick with oil, and he can smell the poultices that must’ve been slathered onto any wounds from where he walks slowly deeper into the room, his fingers deep in Natasha’s and Steve’s arms.
“Steve,” Natasha murmurs, and she brings James’ hand to Steve before approaching the bed slowly. Steve leads James to a couch by the small hearth but James’ eyes don’t stray from Natasha as the redhead approaches your sleeping form. He cranes his head to watch through the doorway, and his blood rushes to his head, dizzying.
“Why is she here?” James whispers, voice fleeting just as Natasha lays a hand on your shoulder and you jerk up, a soft blue corona flaring around your being and Natasha raises her hands, walking around the bed. Narrowing his gaze, James tries to decipher who lays there as you stand on unsteady feet, rub at your face.
“How long have I been asleep?” you ask quietly and the sound of your voice, deeper, mature, strikes James, pulls him apart at the seams. Standing on unsteady feet, his legs knock into a table as he rushes towards the bedroom despite Steve’s attempts to grab him, and he stumbles to the door frame, his head spinning.
His vision blurs, and his head feels like it’s bashed in, but he doesn’t miss the colour of your eyes, the way your head turns to look over your shoulder.
Lightning strikes his core when your gaze fixes on his. There’s so much about you that is the same since the last time he’s seen you. Thirteen years and you’ve only grown more beautiful, more graceful. The little wrinkle in your brow as you look at him, the tightness in your lips as you frown.
Even the way you say his name is the same.
What isn’t, though, is the fear.
He knows what fear looks like on your face, the way it floods your eyes, the way it can’t show on the rest of you because you are a queen and untouchable, but for it to be directed at him…
His head is heavier than bricks on his shoulders as you back up until your legs touch the bed, and your arms are spread.
Is this how he looked at you all those years ago? As if he holds a knife to his throat and digs the blade deeper with every second?
“What is he doing here?” you ask, scratchy and you clear your throat, not tearing your gaze away from him for a second. James stays by the door, a cold hand wrapped around his ankle, keeping him there no matter how much he wants to move.
“I don’t want to hurt you—”
“Oh, you’ve done plenty.” Your voice, pure fire, sears through his chest as you narrow your gaze. “Go.”
“I said, leave.” Although no magic flares at your fingertips, there is a shift in the way the light plays in your eyes and James’ throat closes up at the way your eyes glisten. “Don’t you think your family has done enough?”
“You’re my family.”
“No, I wasn’t,” you whisper. Natasha’s head is bowed, but her eyes still watch the scene with an uncanny glint. Even if she is your friend, she will no doubt step between you and him. Catching the woman’s gaze, James tilts his head towards the door. Eyes widening, the red lady dips her head and slowly makes her way between them, her gaze slowly dragging across James’ expression but he remains solely focused on you.
Your eyes do not stray from him either.
Walking in slowly, he closes the door behind him and his eyes flicker to the figure in the bed. Their face is cloaked in shadow, but he can see dark hair illuminated by the candle. Eyes narrowing, he tries to discern who it is.
Perhaps it is Rumlow, and he has made a tremendous error.
“Why are you here?” you whisper tightly between clenched teeth, and his eyes snap back to yours. “It’s been thirteen years and you’ve fixed nothing.”
“I didn’t know Asgard was ruled by you,” he begins. “I didn’t know until I saw you on the rise. If I had known—”
“What? Would you have attempted peace? Or would you have tried to conquer us again like your father did?” Your expression is wracked with agony as he steps closer, and you inhale softly, shakily. “Stay away from me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Stay away—”
“Do not think me so soft that I will listen to you because you call me that.” Your words become thin, choked. “I gave you my terms, and you didn’t choose peace, just as your father did.”
“Your people are hostile.”
“And yours murdered mine. King Thor died two moons ago and the only suspect is a Midgardian” Her words hang coldly before him and he pauses in the middle of the room. “As his successor, it was only natural to want justice.”
“Why you? Why not anyone else in his court?”
“Because I was not just Midgard’s queen,” you say, finally pulling your gaze away to sit down on the edge of the mattress and turning to the figure on the bed. You touch their face, but do not tilt them to the light. “Your father tried to conquer Asgard when I was young, four or five. I was playing with my brother in the streets, my mother watching over us. I didn’t know what was happening until we heard the screams.”
James hears the tiny, trembling breath in your throat as you run your hand down the figure’s cheek.
“It was too late before we knew to run. My mother took my brother and ran, and I did my best to follow, but they just kept running after us until we separated.” Your voice goes quieter, glass-like. “I found their bodies, my mother’s hunched over Loki’s as she tried to protect him. I can still see their blood, taste it in my mouth. It felt like the entire city burned before allied Jotunheim forces arrived and chased your people out of our land.”
Your gaze finally turns to him, and he does not recognize the pitifully small girl in them, the shivering, broken girl in the rain and smoke staring back at him. “They ran through the streets like rats. I could hear them shouting in fear as they froze to death, and I thought I was going to die, too, until Brock found me. He was… he was the knight commander’s squire, and he told me I had to run.”
“So he knew all this time.”
“Of course he did. He was sworn to protect me,” you murmur, and the way your voice flips makes James’ eyebrows rise.
“He loved you, you know?”
“I know he wanted revenge. I know he wanted me to kill you at every turn. I don’t know if he could have ever picked me over the other,” you whisper, eyes drifting and finding his again. Your eyes have softened with an unspoken agony, and the candlelight plays with your face, making you simultaneously younger and older all at once. “It doesn’t matter now.”
“He’s dead, isn’t he?”
Your silence is his answer and, this time, when he comes closer, his hand against the wall, you don’t protest.
“I’m sorry.” He cranes to catch a glimpse of the face, and sees a younger face, at rest yet ashen with death. Eyebrows knitting together, he looks to you again and it’s breathtaking the way you gaze at him. Effortlessly in anguish, terrible in your grace. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Forgive me.” Pushing off the wall, he falls to his knees before you and bows his head, heat rushing to his face. Head submerged in his own shame, he can feel his shoulders shake before the tears come and his throat clots as he plants his hands into the ground. “Forgive me.” A worm in his gut wriggles its way up his throat and he feels sick to his stomach as he keens over, presses his brow to the wood. “I never meant this. I don’t know—where? How did we get here, bluebird? How?”
“James.” Your voice, strong yet tender, commands you to look up at him, and his face is kissed by cold wind as he wipes at his tears. “Come sit beside me.” Raising to unsteady feet, he collapses beside you and your arm immediately wraps around his shoulders, your other hand brushing hair away from his slick cheeks, his tear-stained eyes. “You know how we got here.” Your thumb brushes over his lip and a sense of warmth fills his hollow being. Thirteen years without your warmth, and now, he drowns in it.
Your hand flattens against his cheek and guides your gaze as you twist to reveal the face on the bed. With your free hand, you tilt the boy’s face towards him.
His entire body freezes as the boy murmurs, eyebrows knitting together and turning away.
“Stellan…” Standing, he rushes around to the other side of the bed to get a better look of him, and reaches with trembling hands toward his son’s face. A large cut is drawn into his stem and disappears beneath his shirt, and a rage fills his soul. He’ll kill the man who tried to kill his son. “My son—”
Who looks just like him in nature, the same jaw and nose. 
“—has grown into a man,” you say, and James wrenches his gaze to you. A sweet sorrow resides in your face as you smile. Holding Stellan’s face in his hands, James entire body alights with energy, with a breathless wonder. “And knows his father enough to save his life.” You thumb over Stellan’s cheek, your fingers barely brushing James’, golden magic spiralling beneath your hand like branching ivy, and the boy mumbles under his breath, turns to the warmth. He fights the instinct to flinch, and simply lets your magic caress his knuckles. It tickles, then melts like warm chocolate against him. “And he got a sword stem to stern for it.”
“He killed Rumlow?” James looks to you, his hands drawing away from his son’s face, and the warmth is chased away.
“It was instant. Brock felt no pain. It was all I could do to save Stellan,” you say, struggling to keep your voice even. “I don’t want us to fight, anymore, James. Bucky,” you correct yourself with a small smile, and his heart pangs as you reach for his hand across the bed. No one has called him that in years. “But if this is what happens when our people mingle, perhaps it’s best we stay apart.”
“I don’t want that,” he whispers, taking your hand and you study him with knitted eyebrows. “I don’t want to be apart from you for another moment.”
“Then, promise me you’ll fix this.” Your voice, barely a whisper and shaking, is strung with a strength he knows you have, and he looks to you, a queen all on your own.
You have never needed him, but he needs you. Your hand in his tells him as much as you weave your fingers carefully with his, and he wants to hold you tight, hold his son again.
Thirteen years have left him cold, nothing more than a skeleton in a flesh prison.
“I promise.”
At his words, your expression seems to ease, and then a shyer, girlish smile curls at your lips.
“And promise you’ll love me always.”
“I promise.”
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sasorikigai · 3 years
a touch to give permission. ( from himbecile icicle #1, any verse plz )
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touching tenderly. || @biiingbao || accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || What is a wound but an effulgently blossomed flower dying on its descent to the earth, bag of scent filled with war, forest, torches, some trouble that befell now over and done. A wound is a fire sinking into Hanzo Hasashi’s entirety. The tinder serves only so long, the log holds on and still it gives up, collapses into its bed of ashes and sand. This proverbial flame now alive under the pyromancer’s skin, the smell not unpleasant, the wound beautiful as a full-blown peony. Without the crawling hoarfrost of Bi-Han’s numbing might, there would be no pain incurred by bravery and hunger, defiant resolve and stubbornness to challenge and match the Ice with his Fire. 
The gaping, weeping wound over his chest becomes the scintillating star, the brightest at night, emitting sanguine radiance that would catch his sight among the countless stars at night. If Harumi was the superstar that burned through the coagulated sorrow and grief of his heart and soul, Bi-Han was his moon; his light, his guide in his darkest hours. He would pour his heart out in the midst of cold and lonesome night, and somehow, the cryomancer came along and warmed his heart, instead of numbing it and shattering it into hundreds and thousands of pieces. 
They all exist in the world he is in, but how Hanzo Hasashi becomes manifested pain pinned to the muscle - also grasses, breath, tree-dawns, and gears. He is the dark arteries of quiet, the white searing heat smashing through that flickering pause between thoughts. The maelstrom thoughts sweep into unsteady, unstable stillness, and the ground of the campsite drinks rain. How the resonant tones of the settled night plays under distantly moonlit shards of his own phosphoric suffering, so as to begin to glimpse another, the call of the tenebrous shadow, consummation of familiar dizziness curses him over and over again, and inflicts wounds. Wounds that erode the mind as the chaotic shattering of darkness, forevermore, harsh and acrid, forevermore, an oath against his spiritual and mental reformation to reverse darkness and instill light back upon himself....
How in his deepest psyche, Hanzo Hasashi becomes so bleak and so dark, waxing and waning, as dissolution of form begins to disintegrate him into fragments, disordered conglomerating, with coupled annihilation. As his veins threaten to burst with the mere thought of them coalesced together, serving as yin and yang for his proverbial existence and perhaps the reason for existence itself, as once the fountain of decayed corpse resurrected to harbor the inextinguishable flames burning ablaze, as now the sun’s flame would shine through the Man of Fire. 
His spine remains curled away a few feet away from his company, and how his perpetual pain grows. Despite the basking moonlight, he misses the sun’s veracity, burning through him with such undying and ongoing resolve and power. He has long learned that he could pull himself out of the state of impasse and renounce if his mind is unwavering and indefatigable; for he selfishly needs both the sun and the moon, and thus, will selflessly give his unconditional, eternal love. Hanzo Hasashi inches his body close to Bi-Han’s, slowly, as not to wake him. His body turns, and instead of completely enveloping his, warm skin of his palm presses against his bicep and he breathes Bi-Han in, as intense, unstaring eyes linger upon the ebb and flow of Bi-Han’s breathing, before meeting those sapphire depths. “The intertwined lines of our bodies will mellow out both our nightmarish torments... But I wonder if your ice will burn still harsher as you will only worsen the depths of your wound, without unfreezing to feel the depths of what I could bestow unto you.”  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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vylequinnewriting · 3 years
Making a Killing Character Introduction #2: Canel
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General Info:
Age: 19
Gender: Non-Binary
Sexuality: Asexual
Pronouns: They/Them
Ethnicity: Ri’Lyean Thae
Domain: Exchange
Originally born in the isolated island of Ri’lyan, Canel grew up listening to their father Wyndol’s tales of adventure. Ever since they were a child, Canel has admired tales of adventurers and the companions they found along the way. Partially interested in the legends of the Sunfall and partially interested in Exchange-based Hieromancy, Canel took up learning magic in order to further their goal of finding themselves in a quest to save the world. Ri’lyan’s natural domain is Creation, so Canel didn’t have many resources or teachers readily available. 
In order to assist in their studies, Wyndol takes them to Zastüd, where they start a confectionary using Wyndol’s worldly knowledge of sweets. While still not able to find a teacher, Canel finds tomes on Hieromancy readily available. These tomes are expensive and the confectionary doesn’t pull too many customers, so Canel attempts to find another job in order to pay for their research. This leads them right to Duhl’s clutches. Luckily, Shiloh is there to guard them as part of a deal with Wyndol.
Catalyst: Canel is a self-taught catalyst user, meaning they use magic by sacrificing another object’s anima. Their preferred object to draw anima from is a ring from their mother made with anima-rich metals and inset with a sapphire. They will use their earrings/other rings in a pinch. Their specialty is the exchange of heat from one target to another, typically to create ice but sometimes to create flames.
Fantasy - Earth, Wind & Fire
Cabo - Ricky Montgomery
Sugar Song and Bitter Step - Unison Square Garden
picking mushrooms at dawn, dancing in the rain, waking up to the smell of coffee, tinted glasses, collection of vinyl records, old grimoire smell, calling out animals in the clouds, faith in your friends, walking out of disaster at the last moment, stroke of genius when midnight strikes, diamond dust
Fun Facts:
Canel can actually be credited with popularizing iced coffee in Zastüd. Coffee is one of their most preferred reagents, since it can stand up to their ice and heat. Iced coffee is incredibly popular in Ri’lyan but not many leave the island, so the majority of the world takes their coffee hot. After testing recipes using Shiloh, they put up their secret weapon on the menu. No shop that attempts to copy them knows the secret about a pinch of magic in every cup. 
[Making a Killing Intro]
Making a Killing Taglist: Ask or tag to be added to the taglist!
@vivian-is-writing, @kittensartswriting, @maryhdz05
General Taglist: @ecwrenn​
You can find the picrew I used here.
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djarinbarnes · 4 years
Author: Dina.
Word Count: 1862
Pairings: Frank (Endings, Beginnings) x female reader
Warnings: angst, feelings, fluff, slight smut, mentions of domestic violence
a/n 1: helloooooo lovelies! here’s a repost of a one-shot I wrote just after Endings Beginnings came out in April.
a/n 2: this story has been translated into Portuguese by @vanteguccir​. read it on wattpad here!
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You’re sat at a small two-person table, sipping your bottled water, when he slips into the seat opposite of you. You raise your head, not surprised that he’s known where to find you, single look at your deathly pale face tells him all he needs to know.
His fingers skim over the sapphire that adorns your left finger as he takes your hand in his and leads you out to his Dodge, opens the passenger door and watches in silence as you smoothly slide into the seat. You drive in silence, the air thick with thoughts and feelings that neither will ever voice.
So close yet so separate. Fallen leaves litter the drive and crunch underfoot as you walk to the front door.
It seems like only yesterday that you had last walked through the door into the home you had once shared, but in truth it has been over a year since your feet have last trod the well-known floor. You follow him into the living room and sinks into one end of the sofa.
The room hasn’t changed in the time that has passed, still warmly painted in shades of pale orange and yellow, he’d laughed at the colors you had chosen but had appreciated the effect as much as you had.
The lighting is dim adding to the air of warm sanctuary, in all your life you’ve never found anywhere you’ve found safer than wrapped in his strong embrace watching the fire dance in the fireplace.
He crosses to the drinks cabinet and without asking fixes your drink the same way he had many times before. He takes his vodka neat without ice; you take yours with lemonade with a dash of lime cordial.
You take the glass he offers and sips as he sits beside you, close enough that you could reach out and touch him, but still far enough away to be separate.
The heat from the fire is creeping around the room, seeping into your bones and easing the chill that surrounds your heart.
The gas flames licking over the simulated coals are reflected in your eyes. You place the glass on the floor and raises your head, feeling his eyes burning intensely into your neck. Your eyes met his and are caught and held by kyanite orbs, sapphire and every shade in-between.
"Do you want to tell me?"
It’s the first thing either of you has said. His voice is low and gravely with the same strong masculine edge that had entranced you from the first time you’d heard it, it seems so long ago now.
Your gaze drops and focuses on your hands, he slides close and raises your chin with an index finger the pad of his thumb running over the bruise that is already starting to form on your cheek, stroking the angry red mark.
A tremor runs through you as pain sears your flesh, but you can't bring yourself to turn away from his caress. Your eyes raise to his, the warmth swimming with unshed tears that are less to do with the pain in your body and more strongly related to the storm raging within your tormented psyche.
You think you must’ve wanted to tell him, for you find the words falling from your mouth.
You tell him of the demands your manager is making on you, the pressure you’re being put under to produce your fourth album, and fatigue of the constant touring and live performing.
Finely you tell him of the augments you have to go home to when you end up working late at the studio, arguments that would degenerate from verbal to physical and leave your body burning and bruised.
Tells him of the man you no longer stand to have touch you but cannot leave for fear of what he might do. When at last you wind down your feet are curled beneath you and you’re clutching a throw pillow to your chest.
His eyes, when you dare look at him, are dark seeming to have turned almost black by the mixture of fury, pain and desire that swirls in their kyanite depths.
He reaches out and after taking the pillow from your grasp, he pulls you close, he holds you gently as if you were a fragile porcelain doll, chipped and broken with a hairline crack running across your face.
You sit in silence for a long time, until your tears have dried to silky softness on your cheeks, the only sound the ticking of the clock calving eternity in to passing seconds.
"Thank you, Frank."
You whisper, unwinding your legs and making to stand. He takes your hand, his deep blue eyes still steady on your face, you offer him a won smile and kisses him lightly on the cheek.
Without hesitation he draws you in, before you can pull back, he’s returning your cheek kiss, then another, then his lips are sliding to your neck, your ear and finally your mouth.
You smell the familiar scent of sandalwood and forest, a scent you know as well as your own flesh and a million images burst in your brain. You feel the arms and chest you have known for years and that had once held only you.
You love making love with him, you always have.
From that first earthquake magic in an air-conditioned hotel room to the later years when it became slower, deeper, a melody you knew as well as that of your own soul.
Making love with Frank is all encompassing, pure sensation and total detachment. You need that now.
You need the familiar and comforting. The shattering of your consciousness and the stopping of time.
You think of trapped birds singing in cages, back hands stinging your skin, of loneliness and distance.
Then his hand slides to your breast and you think of nothing else.
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In the flash of waking for a terrifying instant you don’t remember him, caught the limbo where dreams still cling to you, savior and tormentor are mixed and entwined.
But a moment later you recognize who he is, when he pulls you back towards him, strokes your hair, licks the shell of your ear and neck, then kisses your breasts and belly.
Finally, feeling him deep inside of you, you know he has made love to you many times before and dreads the thought of never feeling again in your entire life the way you feel with him.
All the while he is drinking you in, you feel yourself streaming down a corridor into a familiar place that is strange only because you’ve not visited there in so long a time.
Fear and euphoria crash and whirl together in a maelstrom that drives all reason from you as you become lost the force that is being loved by him.
No face reminiscent of any other, but the scents, the textures, the music were all carrying you across.
The room is a kingdom, the inside of a cup, the night pouring in tasting of mint. A flashback of a flashback: a swing and a child's foot, the space existed, in the same instant, in his fingers, in the air, in your toes, pressing like pebbles into his thighs. In the dark, you sense light.
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When you wake next, you still lay entangled together, the blanket from the back of the couch has been pulled down to cover your bare bodies.
You lie atop him and looking down is mesmerized by the swallowing orbs the are intently watching you. For a moment you can’t place the sound that has awoken you until it comes again, the mechanical cheeping of your phone.
Your bag still sits propped against the side of the couch where you had placed it many hours before. Reaching for it you pull out the source of the disturbance, your eyes filling with distress as the name displayed on the screen registers with your still sleep addled brain.
Answering, you murmur a greeting and perhaps in some childish attempt to distance the voice on the other end of the line with the man lying beneath you, you sit up, the blanket rising with you. Your eyes fly wide and you bite down hard on your lip to keep a moan from escaping your throat, in rising so suddenly the angle of his penetration was abruptly changed sending a jot of pleasure through your body.
You turn your head and presses the phone close to your ear, yet still every word is carried to him in the still warm air. The tone is one of annoyance and is edged with steel; the words are barked questions that make his jaw clench in anger as he grinds his teeth together.
Your replies are stilted, and uncertainty fills your eyes making the dark pools seem deep enough to drown in. You turn your head further, unable to look at him while you lie to the disembodied voice, that demands of you in harsh and uncaring tones that split the air.
He feels his rage getting the better of him as he listens to the words that are dropping from your lips, you mumble down the phone that you’re fine and once again you have to bite hard on your lip to keep from crying out.
You look down at him, a single crystalline tear rolling down your cheek as your body shakes in the aftermath of the sudden pain. His eyes are not upon your face but upon his hand that is now stroking the vivid bruise that spreads across your ribs.
A bruise on which his fingers pressed a moment before, causing your stifled cry and confirming his suspicion of cracked ribs. Your free hand takes his, halting its movement, as your eyes silently beg him for something you too are unsure of.
"When are you coming home?"
The words are cold, the tone cruel and harsh, they carry clearly to him as you bite your already bleeding lip, the tears filling your eyes making them seem double their normal size.
He takes a deep breath and makes a split-second decision that he knows, no matter the outcome will change his life forever. Your hand is shaking as he gently takes the phone from you, eyes that could have read words painted on your soul never leaving your face.
"She is home."
Ending the call, he drops it to the floor, ignoring it when it almost instantly begins to ring again. Reaching out, he brushes the fallen tears from your face, watches as your expression changes from fear, to bewilderment, and then confusion is staring back at him from your face.
Wide eyes beg an unvoiced question, as you try to comprehend what is happening. He dips his head slightly in confirmation of what he knows you’re thinking and soft smile tugs at the edge of his mouth.
He caresses your face once more before pulling you down to him and gently kisses your lips tasting the salt of your tears in the corners of your mouth as he deftly guides your body into a better position.
A single, possessive thought runs through his mind.
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Chapter 9 Intro because I have no self control! 😅
I curled deeper into warm covers, breathing out a sigh of relief at the warmth of them. That breath was one I could feel in the frozen air, the heat of its visible in the cold as I blinked my eyes open. Everything was frozen. My pillows, the empty space of bed beside me, the windows and curtains, my chair. All of it. As I sat up, the chill filling the warm space I'd left, three figures stood in front of my bedroom door.
The first, standing closest to me, was a young woman in a beautiful sapphire blue gown, her dark hair curled in ringlets around her soft face. "Greetings, fate kept sister."
In a blink she was standing in the back and one of the others was now standing in front of me. She was older, her face slightly worn by the years. Her hair and eyes remained the same as the younger ones. "It is so good to finally put a face to that lovely name of yours, dear Weaver."
Another blink and the oldest of them stood before me, eyes cold and face wrinkled with age and wisdom. Her silver hair wrapped around her like a shroud. "She doesn't look like much, you'd think with the power in those veins she'd have a bit of spark to her."
I wanted to speak, wanted to demand what the hell was happening, but I couldn't. Like the room around me I was frozen in place, clinging to what little warmth remained. The youngest smiled at me. "I think she looks perfect!"
The oldest sneered. "Fate kept, fate kissed, fate bound. Your titles are as endless as that which you would so easily spread your legs for."
The middle one tutted. "Now, now sister-self, we cannot chastise her for answering the song she was gifted. That even remains higher than us."
"Such a sweet song they make together!" The youngest said. "I hope it does not give way to the dissonant cries that threaten to swallow it."
"A butterfly can do little against the storm to come," the eldest remarked.
"She will have to become a dragon then," the youngest replied. "Fire and armor born to weather any storm."
"The question remains if she will heed her calling or if she will bend and break and burn beneath the threads." The middle said.
"Heed our advice, fate touched, do not hesitate to reach out to the cold. For in the frozen depth much truth lies." The youngest said.
The middle reappeared. "Heed our advice, fate kissed, do not bend to those unworthy. It is their stained hands that seek to tear your wings from your back and watch you crawl and wither."
The oldest glared at me. "Heed our advice, fate bound, forsake that which you fear. For the path through flames of molten gold is that which holds your freedom."
A loud crack of shattering ice echoed in my ears, my hands cupping around them as I tried to block out the sound. When I looked back up they were gone. A faint feeling, like a hand wrapping around my arm pulled me from the frozen world. My hand found the knife beneath my pillow and my body moved of its own accord, the world swinging as I threw myself over the top of whoever had touched me and pressed the blade snuggly against their throat.
Below me Pierres eyes were glowing, his hands resting tightly on my hips. "It is good to be back beneath these powerful thighs, Ma moitié."
Breathing heavily I looked around the room, pulling the blade from his throat. It was just as I left it. My head snapped to the bed, now empty save for a single peony that lay on the pillow beside mine. Dream. I looked back to Pierre who looked me over with his heated gaze and winked. "What the fuck are you doing?"
"I was attempting to wake the sleeping beauty, but in our time apart it appears I've forgotten that she has quite the bite when startled." He smiled even wider. "Though I will never complain about our current position."
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elfy-elf-imagines · 4 years
Cruel Summer | Orophin
Pairing: Orophin x Human!reader
Genre: Angst with some fluff at the end
Warnings: Heartbreak; unrequited feelings...??
Words: ~5,222 (oh boy is it a long one)
Note: If you’d like to be added to a tag list for any of my works, there’s a link on my page! I hope you all enjoy this one, it was a real treat to write! ♡
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“I didn’t realise a forest could be so beautiful,” you whispered, staring in awe at the towering trees that shined like silver. The night sky was nothing new to you, nor the moon and the stars, yet they seemed more captivating in Lothlorien than anywhere else. The moon burned as bright if not brighter than the sun, illuminating everything in its silvery glow. Stars dotted the sky, glistening like bright torches in a dark room. 
Lothlorien had been beautiful during the day time, the golden leaves so vibrant and unreal, you could swear someone painted them. You’d thought that beauty would be unmatched until night fell. Everything once golden and blinding is now soft and silver, the trees glittering like fine jewels. And it was perfect, the inner peace and calm Lothlorien brought to you was unmatched. 
The sound of footsteps came from behind, gaining your attention. Turning around you see Orophin, still wearing his grey cloak that marked him a Warden of Lorien and the light armor all the rangers wore. His silvery hair that would’ve put any Targaryen to shame was pulled back in its typical fashion. He was beautiful-- well all elves were beautiful, something you’d learned rather quickly, but Orophin radiated another type of beauty. His beauty was more akin to a predator luring in it’s prey of choice with enchanting words and a pretty face, luring you into a thrilling game you always lost. 
You knew he was dangerous, an alarm in the back of your mind going off every time he gets too close or graces you with a look that was lethal to your wellbeing. But instead of sending you running like it should have, it lured you in closer and closer, like a moth drawn to a flame. It’s dangerous-- he’s dangerous. 
But you never seem to listen.
“I ithil a elena thind in ennerion na i er nin,” he said, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. A smile that promised nothing but pain and heartbreak, but also the thrill that comes with gambling, even when you know you’re going to lose. And you will lose, it’s just a matter of when and not if. 
“That’s not fair, you know I can hardly understand Sindarin, especially not when you speak it so fast,” you said, your eyebrows furrowing the slightest as you scowled. Orophin raised an ashen eyebrow at you, and you couldn’t help but feel envious at the lack of lines on his perfectly smooth forehead. His grin widened as his eyes glinted with mischief, and slowly like a prowling lion, he moved towards you.
 “I said, you are beautiful my dear, but you would’ve known that if you would pay attention during our lessons.” he said, eyes noticeably tracing your form. Your face flushed red immediately, images of you and Orophin, tangled together in your room, nothing but a sweaty flustered mess in your bed. Heat spread through your body as you remembered his icy lips on your hot body. 
And he knew it, that bastard knew the effect he had on you. It was obvious in his expression, like a cat that got the cream. 
“Or maybe you aren’t as great of a teacher as you like to think?” you shot back, mentally throwing ice cold water on yourself. Get a grip you idiot! 
“Oh? My lady wounds me! How will I ever hope to recover from such harsh words? Please, tell Rumil I’ve never enjoyed his singing and tell Haldir ho na burui hon in a adaneth,” he proclaimed, snickering towards the end. You pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled loudly. 
“Orophin! How am I supposed to tell Haldir what you said… if I can’t understand you?” 
Three steps.
Orophin waas close enough that you’re sure he could hear how rapidly your heart was beating against your chest, how uneven and shallow you breathing was. His eyes glanced down your form, slowly travelling back up to your face. His pale blue eyes glittered like sapphires as his soft hand reached out to touch you. His long fingers delicately traced your body, leaving you a shivering mess as you attempted to maintain a calm composure. Your head was nothing but static as your face grew hotter with each passing second, despite the cold air hitting you.
“Well then perhaps we continue those lessons?” he asked, the smirk on his face growing wider with each unsteady inhale of air. 
“Right now?” you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
He simply nodded his head, his smirk turning into a full blown grin. It was wicked and fatal and positively sinful. You attempted to pull back, your mind screaming at you to not fall back into what you knew to be a honey trap. But instead of backwards you moved forward, desperate to get as close as physically possible to him, but even then it wasn’t enough.  
“But someone could see, the Warden’s heavily patrol this close to the city,” you said, eyes widening a fraction as you stare up at Orophin. His finger moves up your body and to your face, tracing your cheekbones with a phantom touch. 
“Let’s hope they have enough courtesy to not interrupt, these lessons are paramount to your stay here in Galadhrim.” 
Before you could even breath, he brought his face down towards the crook of your neck. And when his face was only a few centimeters away from making contact with your skin, he paused. The warm breath that hit your skin felt like a frost storm compared to the heat building in you.
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth” 
“Im innas na harno cin, nin lend lóth.” The phrase felt jagged and rough, the elven dialect still foreign from your lips, while Orophin’s were smooth as silk. 
“Good, it seems you’ve learned more than originally thought,” he muttered, the vibration of his voice sent a shiver up your spine, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. You couldn’t do anything, your mind nothing more than a pile of mush.  All you can do is nod, anticipating the next move Orophin made. 
“What does it mean?” you asked, voice so quiet you were sure he didn’t hear.
After what seemed like eternity, but in reality was only a minute, Orphan placed his soft lips against your neck, leaving behind feather light kisses as he moved up your neck, onto your jawline, and up towards your cheeks. He pulled away just a hair as you watched him with wide eyes, desperate for him to do something. 
“It means, my dear, we have a long night ahead of us.” he whispered. He graced you with one more wicked grin before closing the gap between the two of you, his lips firmly pressed against yours.  
The pillow beneath your neck was plush and soft, your body nearly melting into a puddle, sinking into the heavenly mattress that supported your tense body. A silk blanket was haphazardly strewn across your body, crumpled and bunching in places. As was usual in Lothlorien, the night sky was beautiful. From your location, the moon was out of sight, but the stars burned so bright you hardly noticed as their light trickled in from the open roof of your talan. The air was cooling against your hot skin, a welcomed change in temperature. 
The soft melody of elves singing in the distance would normally lull you to sleep, their angelic voices drawing out your thoughts, but tonight it grated against your ears. You clenched the delicate blanket in your hands, finger causing crinkles in the soft fabric as it threatened to tear. But you weren’t mad at them or their heavenly singing that was without a single flaw, no it was something unrelated to singing, but very much including elves. 
“Are you trying to ruin your duvet, meril nin,” 
And like clockwork, the very source of your anger and confusion waltzed into your room as if it was his. The lighthearted easiness he carried himself with was a matching set to the smirk that always seemed to be tugging on his lips. But his eyes, his eyes were different this time. You were never good at reading people, even worse when it came to elves who’ve had hundreds of years to practice controlling their emotions. Yet even you could tell there was something different in them tonight. Maybe it was the starlight and the way it shined down upon him, casting a halo atop his beautiful silvery hair. A part of you wondered if you could cut a piece and sell it off to an unsuspecting merchant and pass it off as silver that’s been turned to thread. 
“What do you want Orophin, it’s late?” your tone was exasperated and tired. It always seemed like one thing or another with Orophin that would just leave you more confused than sated. 
“To see you of course!” he exclaimed, a jovial expression perfectly placed on his face. His eyes were alight with wonder and excitement, his lips curling into a grin filled with promises of fun and bad ideas. 
“Well I need to sleep.” 
He just raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at you, but otherwise seemed undeterred. He took long strides towards your bed, closing the already miniscule distance between the two of you. Before you could even blink more than three times, he sat on your bed, languidly leaning back until he was lying atop your thighs. He looked at you with wide eyes and fluttered his lashes at you. 
“Why are you so grumpy, meril? I thought humans had fun,” he teased, lifting his hand and tapping the end of your nose with his finger, booping you like a cute pet. You couldn’t tell if it was demeaning or downright adorable. 
“I’m not grumpy.”
“Yes you are my dear.” He pushed himself up just enough to swing one leg over you, now straddling your thighs. He began crawling up your body until his knees were flesh with your hips, hands resting beside your head. He leaned down, until there was only a few inches in between. 
Your skin was on fire, burning hotter and hotter with each second that passed. Your eyes searched his face for anything to clue you in on his motives, despite already knowing them. Maybe you were just hoping for something different than the usual procedure. 
“Perhaps I can offer some assistance?”
A smirk appeared on his face, eyes shining in the pale light streaming in from the open rooftop. It was trouble, you knew that, but maybe the fallout wouldn’t be so bad. So against your better judgement, you leaned forward, connecting your lips with his. 
His lips were as sweet and soft as they normally were, the scent of him lulling you deeper and deeper into euphoric bliss, like a wave pulling you deeper and deeper into the ocean. All reason left your brain, the only thing it could focus on being him and the feeling of his body pressed against you. You reach a hand up, tangling it in his silver hair. It slides through your fingertips like silk, falling from your hand like a waterfall. Your hand wandered up until you met the braids that held the front pieces of his hair back. You scrape your fingers along his scalp before trailing your hand down. You graze the very tip of his ear, light as a feather. 
He lets out a gasp, the sound swallowed by your mouth. He pulls away for a moment, migrating his lips from your mouth down and down until he’s leaving angel kisses along your neck. 
Then like being woken from a deep sleep with a piercing scream, your eyes shot open. You pull your hands away from Orophin, cradling your hand as if he burnt the flesh. You sit up and attempt to catch your breath, feeling like you ran 10 miles without a break. 
“We need to stop.”
“Why meril?” a sly smirk appeared on his face, as he began to crawl towards you to close the new distance between you two, only pausing when you held a hand out. 
“I’m serious, Orophin,” your voice was stern and confident, the opposite of the chaos that was in your brain. Worldesly, he moves off of you, opting to sit on the other side of you, feet hanging over the side of the bed. 
“What is it?” 
“What are we?” you said, he opens his mouth, but you cut him off, already not liking the glint in his eyes. “I’m being serious.”
A sigh escaped his mouth, causing your heart rate to increase and your anxiety to kick into overdrive. 
The dreaded conversation you always knew would come. 
“I thought we were just, you know, having fun.” The words cut into you like a knife, the pain almost physical. 
“It’s just, it’s difficult, I thought you knew that.” he said, some frustration leaking into his voice, whether it was directed at you or him, you didn’t know. “Us together would just be too difficult.” The knife embedded in your heart twists. 
“How can you say that when we aren’t even trying?” you exclaimed, the words rushed and your voice crackling at odd spots. 
“Because I know it to be true.” he said. His voice was short and cold, something you never associated with the warmth Orophin usually radiated. 
You stutter, your brain short circuiting as you attempt to process everything. 
And when your brain finally caught up, Orophin was gone, disappearing into the night.
“You lean too heavily to your right, did you know that?”
You jumped, not far, but enough to break the intense concentration you moments prior had. In your fright, the hand tightly gripping the bow string loosen and before you could react the arrow was released. It pathetically sailed through the arrow, bearing too far to the right. It only managed to get halfway through the training ground before it fell to the ground, like a limp noodle.
Whirling your body, a scowl overcoming your face, you saw Orophin. He was only a few paces away from you, holding a bright red apple that he brought to his mouth and took a bite from. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes when he started making exaggerated noises of delight, his eyes shut as if the apple was the most euphoric thing he'd tasted. 
“What was that for?” you exclaimed, your very short fuse exploding. “You ruined a perfectly good shot!”
 He finished chewing the piece of apple he bit off and then tossed it into the trees. One ashen eyebrow quirked at you as Orophin sauntered towards you, walking with the relaxed confidence only he could manage and a sly smirk on his face. Like clockwork, your heart began pounding in your chest and your face heated up. 
And he knew it too, you could see it in the way his smirk widened just a fraction and his eyes lit up with amusement. 
So you just scowled deeper, narrowing your eyes at him in hope of convincing not only him, but yourself that he didn’t have any effect on you. 
Biggest lie of the century. 
“If it was perfectly good it would’ve hit the target?” he said, his words teasing and light. 
“Well it would’ve if you didn’t distract me!” you replied. You were seething, not because of the arrow, but because of Orophin. He was confusing and infuriating, and perfect in every way. And you hated yourself, hated yourself because you couldn’t hate him, not really. 
“Are you saying I’m distracting? My lady, I am flattered that you can’t focus on anything just by merely hearing my voice!” he exclaimed, smirk contorting into a full blown smile. It’s blindingly bright and captivating, everything the sun shining down on Lothlorien was. 
“That’s not that I said you i-idiot!” 
“Really? That’s what I heard,” he replied, closing the distance between the two of you. He stopped a few inches away from you, close enough that you could hear his heartbeat and feel his breath fanning against you, and if you tried hard enough, you’d momentarily make contact if you breathed hard enough. The intoxicating scent of trees, rain, and something else that was distinctly Orophin. You hated how dizzy it made you feel and you hated that it was easily the sweetest smell you’ve experienced. 
He placed his hand on your tense shoulder and began to turn your body. With eyebrows that nearly touched your hairline, you opened your mouth, prepared to demand to know his intentions, but nothing came out except for a pitiful squawk. He turned your body until you were facing the direction of the training field, staring straight at the target you previously attempted to hit. 
“Relax, you’re as tense as Haldir when we’re on patrol.” He practically purred in your ear, the air from his words tickling your ear in a way that wasn’t entirely unpleasant. 
“What are you doing?” You were cautious and on high alert, full well knowing how things with Orophin usually ended. 
“Fixing your form. it’s not bad for a human, but you’re with the Eldar now,” he whispered. Orophin wrapped one arm around your waist and brought the other one to rest underneath the elbow of your bow arm. His touch was light and delicate, feeling more like the caress of a ghost than a corporeal person. And like a machine, you brought the bow up into position, placing a fresh arrow into proper position with a single fluid movement. 
“I also wanted to apologize for last night. I should not have stormed out the way I did.”
“It’s okay,” you said, your voice hoarse and rough, like a sharp rock.
“It’s not, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now let’s get back to the archery lesson, mell nin.”
“Mell nin. That means my dear?” You turned to face him, eyes widened like a doe as you carefully watched his face. His eyes locked with yours, his grip on you tightening ever so slightly. He grinned at you with a look more radiant and shining than before. Gods, you could go blind if you stared at him for too long, but it would be worth it. Blindness wouldn’t be so bad if his face would be burned into your mind for the rest of your life. 
“You’ve been catching on”
“Sometimes I listen,” you replied, keeping your voice low so as to not disturb the quiet aura that encapsulated the two of you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Orophin this soft with you, usually he was all mischief and sex appeal. But now he was… at ease and relaxed, like he didn’t have to put on any airs. 
It was… nice.
Your lips tilted upwards as your eyes shined like starlight. Your erratic heartbeat slowed until it was in time with Orophin’s. Your eyes flickered down to his lips then back to his eyes. He followed your movements, not eyeing you like a predator but with… something else. Something you’ve seen the elves share with their husband or wife, the type of softness and vulnerability only present with someone you really care about. 
And you know, without a shadow of a doubt where Orophin’s thoughts stood seeing as he verbalised them last night in your room. You knew he didn't see this going anywhere permanent. Yet the look in his eyes and the complete ease he has around you says otherwise.
And then it’s suddenly cold. And before you have a chance to even blink, Orophin is gone, again.
“You can come out now, you pointy eared dummy!” you yelled, flailing your arms wildly as you do so, the wine bottle precariously held in your fingertips slipping and falling to the ground. Your eyes follow it, watching with wide eyes as the bottle hits the forest floor, bubbly liquid pouring out of the open top. 
“Shit,” you muttered, but made no move to pick it up. 
“That’s not very nice,” a soft melodic voice said from behind you. It was beautiful and light… you hated it. Whirling around, your legs wobbled as you began to lose your balance. Orophin surged forward to steady you, but you slapped his arm away.
“Don-- don’t touch me. No means no Oro,” you said, stumbling backwards until you fell to the ground, landing on your butt. Pain immediately flared up in the area, a pathetic whimper leaving your mouth. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked, moving towards you with slow and exaggerated movements, treating you like a scared baby. The thought caused you to scoff. You probably were a baby to half of the people here. Stupid elves and their stupid immortality.  
“Yes, emotionally and physically,” you said, closing your eyes and holding your head up, attempting to keep a sliver of your dignity. “But mainly physically right now.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much then.” Once he was close enough, Orophin sat on the ground, his knees ghosting your skin. It burned like hot coals, singing the skin. 
“Maybe you shouldn’t drink more!” You pointed a finger at him and scowled, attempting to appear menacing. And in your mind, you were, except your finger couldn’t stay still and your face looked more like a pouting puppy than a fearsome killer. It would’ve made Orophin laugh if not for the sorrow poorly hidden in your eyes and your current pathetic state. He didn’t have to ask, he knew it was because of him. 
“I haven’t had any wine today,” he said, using the same tone he did when he found you alone in the Lorien woods all those months ago. When he had to coax you out from behind the mallorn trees after narrowly escaping a pack of orcs that got too close to Lorien.  
“Not my problem.”
“Of course! I must bear this burden on my own, my lady.” His tone was overly exaggerated. Against your better judgement, a smirk pulled at the corner of your lips, faint chuckle escaping between your lips.
“There’s that smile,” he teased, reaching forward and poking your cheek.
“Stop treating me like a child you stupid dolphin fin,” you muttered angrily, swatting at his invading hand. “I’m an adult you know.”
“Of course you are.”
“And don’t you forget it, buster!” You pointed a finger in his general direction, eyes still firmly shut. 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, allowing the quiet atmosphere to swallow you whole. Orophin sighed, moving so he sat beside you, careful to not touch you.
“What’s wrong meleth? Why did you drink so much? Normally it’s near impossible to get you to drink more than two glasses when we’re together,” His voice is quiet and serious. 
‘Don’t call me love like that, you fool. You don’t love me, not really,” you muttered, leaning your head against the tree behind you. The silver bark is softer than you thought it would’ve been. Certainly not as rough and coarse as the ones back home.
“And how do you know that?” His eyes burned into your skin, like the sun bouncing off of a magnifying glass and incinerating small ants. 
“In case you’ve forgotten, you’re the one who said we couldn’t be together.” you said, opening your eyes for the first time since he sat by you. You searched his face for anything, but you couldn’t read him, probably due to your state of intoxication. 
“That’s not wh--” he began but you promptly cut him off by placing your hand over his mouth.
“But it’s how it was received. I get it Orophin, I’m human you're an elf,--” you obnoxiously exaggerated the word. “--your oil and I’m water, I get it now, don’t worry. It’s cool, there were no rules, so it’s on me that I let it get this far,” You told him. 
And you tried. You really tried to sound unbothered and nonchalant, to be as cold as ice. But the words were hollow, exposing how hurt you really were. 
Stupid elf. 
“You have to understand how diff--” Once again, you cut him off, the words being swallowed by the palm of your hand. 
“No, you don’t understand. I’ve played your little game for months and I’m tired of it. You hear me? Tired!” you exclaimed. You leaned forward and attempted to stand from your sitting position, however as soon as you moved, the world around you grew fuzzy, Orophin multiplying into two. 
“Be careful,” he snapped at you as he reached out to grab a hold of you. He pulled you from the ground, but you violently ripped away from him. 
“Don’t touch me you-- you, you big dummy!” you yelled, pushing him away and onto the forest floor. The fall was broken by the lush greenery that covers the Lorien first floor, so he easily scrambled up. You stumbled away, in your mind moving at the speed of lightning, however you were only able to get five paces away before falling to the ground. 
Tears of frustration and sadness built up in your eyes, your hands clenching tightly into fists. Hot tears streamed down your face, as you lay there on the floor like a baby throwing a tantrum. You smacked your fist against the ground, the throbbing pain dulled by alcohol. 
“I hate you, you know that? I hate you because I really don’t,” you muttered, already knowing Orophin was standing behind you. He said nothing and you couldn’t decide if that was better or worse. 
“I just- I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to keep sneaking around like I’m some horrible secret. I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep getting small pieces of you.” 
You turned and looked at him, eyes tear stained and your face splotching and red. God you were a mess. And in the glimmer of the starlight, you saw a faint stream of tears falling down his cheeks, landing on the ground. God, they even cry pretty.
“Y/N--” he began, taking a single step towards you, causing you to scoot forward, sliding across the forest like a toddler who can’t walk right. 
“God, I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you’ve ever heard,” you muttered. Your mind no longer felt foggy from the wine, your eyes glossy from tears and not a state of intoxication. You stood up, and walked away, leaving Orophin behind. And the hand he held outstretched towards you slowly fell limp as he watched you walk away. 
It had been months since you’d last spoken to Orophin. Time passed agonizingly slow, minutes becoming centuries, yet everything felt like a haze at the same time. Every day regret would beat against you, pushing you further and further into a never ending abyss. It was odd not having Orophin intruding on your day in some way, scarily enough, it was almost like Orophin was never there. The phantom of where he used to touch you burned like ice until you were nearly numb all over your body. 
God it was hell, trying to keep up with his whirlwind of emotions, trying to decipher if you were just having a fun time or if he truly cared for you. It was exhausting being in a constant state of turmoil, your heart bleeding nearly every second, only to be lazily patched up with every kiss. But at least you had a piece of him, even if it was just a sliver. 
You did everything to give off the illusion of being preoccupied. You went wandering through the forest collecting flowers, you practiced embroidering and then practiced again, you read the same three books over and over again, but everything always came back to Orophin. And for that you were glad he was gone with the other Wardens, patrolling the forest. The orcs were growing more bold in their attacks, so Haldir increased the watch and the Warden’s time away. You didn’t trust your self control, and if Orophin was just within your grasp, you would’ve caved long ago. Falling back into him and whatever he was willing to give you, only to begin the hellish cycle all over again. 
For once you were grateful for Haldir’s extreme dedication to his job. 
So now you lay in your favorite clearing, lazily flipping through a book you’ve already memorized, the grass cocooning you, leaving angel kisses on your body. The sound of grass crumpling beneath someone’s step brought you from your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Orophin, standing with the trees. He was wearing his Lorien cloak, weaved in every color of the forest to better conceal the wearer, and his leather armor with his bow loosely held at his side. 
You stared at him and he looked back. His eyes were wide and hopeful, nearly glossy in the light. His lips were pulled in a thin line, and you could see him chewing on the inside of his lips. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, slowly closing your book and placing it beside you. You sat up, but didn't stand. You refuse to be the one to leave. 
“You were wrong.” 
“What?” you asked, eyes narrowed at him as you purse your lips. 
“You were wrong.” he stated again, as if it would suddenly become clearer to you. 
“I don’t under--” you began but he cut you off. Like the wind, he rushed towards you, his bow forgotten on the forest floor where he used to stand. He slid onto his knees so he was level with you, grasping your hands in his and surged forward, the force knocking you to the ground. 
“What are you--” You started to say, face immediately turning red and your heart rate increasing. And then he’s kissing you. Not with his usual playfulness, or the lust that laced every touch, but it was nice and soft and sweet. More akin to an innocent first kiss rather than the fire he usually possessed. And as soon as his lips were on you, they were off, but he didn’t move, and you didn’t want him to. 
“You were wrong. It isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard.” he muttered, his breath tickling your lips. 
In that moment it clicked, the foggy memoires you have of that night coming back to you. You’d uttered that exact phrase to him, “I love you, and that’s probably the worst thing you ever heard.” Against your better judgement, a small smile forms on your lips and this time it was you closing the distance. 
“I love you, meleth nin. I. Love. You.” he punctuated each word with a kiss, causing your skin to burn where his lips touched. “And I’m sorry I refused to admit it for so long.”
“You better be,” you replied, pulling his body closer to you, if that was physically possible. 
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked, pulling away from your lips. You smirked at him, eyes alight with the mischief that was missing for so long. 
“No, but that could be earned,” you said, playing with the fine hair at the nape of his neck. 
“I must warn you, it’s going to be a lot of hard work,” you teased, pressing your lips to the corner of his lips. A small whine left his mouth as he attempted to capture your lips fully with his. 
“Then it’s a good thing I’m a dedicated Warden.”
“We’ll see about that.”
@kenobiguacamole​ | @aearonnin​ | @emiliessketches​ | @vibratingbones​ | @ranhanabi777​
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caprina-mints · 4 years
I WANT HEADCANONS QWQ CRACKER GIVE ME HEADCANONS QWQ this timeeee- Jason, Lj, Ej and maybe some creeps you like at their S/Os birthday and what they do or so UwU - Fibby
What They Do During Their S/o's Birthday : ( I did this For You Fibby 😊✊✌)
Laughing Jack :
✫ He Knew way ahead of you That It was Your Birthday tomorrow... And you didn't even Notice.
✫ He pointed it out but all you said was-
✫ " Oh it's my Birthday Tomorrow... Yay? "
✫ Your Lack of Excitement made him a bit Confused but it didn't matter. He was sure to give you one hell of a experience.
✫ That Night when the clock striked 12 it was officially your Birthday and He had Visited you in your bedroom only to drag you into his own small pocket dimension where everything was a never ending joy of carnival.
✫ You had never been there before and it was your first time coming to his dimension but you did expect everything to be black, and white all over.. But no
✫ He decorated the place just for you and now the carnival was in full bloom with glazing colors .
✫ The Place was packed with Little Candy Animals and Jack took this opportunity to show you around.
✫ There were balloons and the rides were indeed extravagant.
✫ He Obliged to everything you wanted and He became the perfect Ringmaster of his realm just to please you... His little s/o.
✫ By The end of your fun times he finally introduced you to a mountain filled with gifts everything wrapped by L.j himself and the finally finally came and soon the Black and white billboard in front of you lit up to reveal a beautiful painting of You .
✫ This clown of yours just earned himself a lifetime of love and care from you. You were his precious Possession and he was your greatest dream.
Eyeless Jack :
✼ Your Birthday was Fast approaching and Honestly you were far too busy to actually care and you were even planning on not celebrating it this year.
✼ But a certain Demon Boi wouldn't allow that to happen.
✼ so at the Day of your Birthday you didn't expect him to suddenly 'kidnap' you on the streets riding a black Van and drove off to some place you didn't know.
✼ First He took You for Dinner and let me tell you this... You never expected him to actually have the whole staff of that new restaurant in town to serve you two... And on my you two for the night.
✼ You didn't want to know how he managed to persuade that but it got even crazier.
✼ After dinner he took you to the mall and the mall was already closed for the night but he managed to sneak you inside where two go karts were placed.
✼ He told you to get whatever you want while passing by the stores you two were going to pass through during your little race and you didn't have any problem with it... I mean... You are dating a cannibalistic demon so meh.
✼ The Date was Fun and you managed to grab a few stiff you fancied and you followed his lead until the securities went on and guards were already chasing you two hot on your tails.
✼ who knew causing trouble was so much fun? It was so unlike Jack but seeing how he's putting an effort to make your birthday memorable was really something.
✼ the chase lasted for 30 minutes until Jack finally decided to escape with you.
✼ This time the two of you sneaked in an ice skating rink where the two of you started playing tag without skates on and it was really hard to keep balance.
✼ you were having the time of your life and by the end of the night Jack dragged you along the forest the darkness completely surrounding you two and later he led you to a cliff.
✼ He turned to you giving you a long passionate kiss before pointing at the sky where numerous lanterns with different colors were decorating the sky.
✼ mesmerized by the beauty you turned to Jack with teary eyes hugging him.
✼ " You did all this for me? "
✼ " I had some help from the guys but... Anything for you "
Jason the Toymaker :
✽ Well Even before you two started dating he already knew everything about you.
✽ So on the day of your Birthday a Line of Different Toys came marching in your Room to serve you Dinner made by Jason.
✽ it was too much of a feast to call it breakfast and on the side was a brown envelope with a letter inside.
✽ ' Hello Beloved, It's your birthday Today! I do wish to stay by your side the moment you wake up but I have bigger plans for you my dear. Wear those clothes I prepared for you love and come to my study room to blow the candles on your cake '
✽ That was the content of the letter and you ate as fast as you could and when you opened your closet a majestic color of Gold and Red flared through your eyes. It was absolutely Beautiful and Jason made it just for you. A couple of days earlier you saw him stitching through a silky fabric and you never expected it to be for you.
✽ You wore the Clothes which complimented every aspect of your beauty and headed out only to see a silver train waiting for you.
✽ You excitedly boarded the train and it chugged through the tracks heading straight to his study room.
✽ On the way you could see pictures and portraits of you and Jason with all the moments you had with him and it warmed your heart.
✽ once the doors to his study room opened your jaw dropped seeing the 20 layer cake decorated with the perfect texture of your favorite flower.
✽ Tracks were neatly swirled around the Cake and the train led you to the top where it stopped just above the cake for you to blow the candles.
✽ smiling with delight you blew a puff of air wiping out the flames of the candles and this time a Balloon came floating to your way and it popped infront of you and inside that balloon was another Letter.
✽ ' You look absolutely Astonishing in that dress my beloved y/n now how could something as beautiful as you settle for a train? Take that white stallion to the very top of our fortress my love and I shall reveal another surprise'
✽ the train led you down and immediately a horse came gracefully towards you and it bowed down in front of you before staring at you with fond eyes.
✽ You went with the flow and got on top of the horse and it didn't waste any time to gallop to the balcony.
✽ You felt like royalty and you were loving it. And who knew a possessive killer would ever make you feel this way.
✽ And waiting on the Balcony was Jason wearing all white and the Balcony was decorated with roses, gifts, ribbons and balloons. And on the side was a table for the two of you.
✽ He helped you down and led you to your table where ethe two of you ate and conversed like how you two would normally do.
✽ Your Happiness was genuine and charming no wonder he fell for you.
✽ He was the perfect gentleman and for his grand finally he led you to the corner of the balcony standing behind you and fireworks lit up the sky exploding in a magnificent color of sparks.
✽ Your jaws were dropped once again at the sight but you thought it would end there... But no.
✽ The last fireworls was set off and exploded in the sky the sparks forming Letters and words and it read out.
✽ ' Will you marry me? '
✽ your eyes widened and when you turned around to look at Japan he was already kneeling on one knee with a small box on his hand containing a sapphire ring.
✽ " Will you marry me? "
✽ Your heart started jumping in joy and your lips began to quiver, tears of joy escaping your eyes and words couldn't explain how happy you were.
✽ You tackled him with a hug saying ' Yes ' multiple times before he twirled you around laughing before pulling you to his side with a kiss on your forehead before securely placing the ring where it belonged... On your finger.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Femslash February (Day 16)
Prompt: Blue Fandom(s): Winx & Avatar Pair: Azula/Icy
Summary: Icy pulls a woman out of Lake Roccaluce. A woman who can wield fire  but radiates no magical energy. Icy would like to take this power for her own.
It was the fire, that small flickering blue flame. It draws her in like a wraith to a pure white soul. She is a mystery, she is rather shrouded in it. Mostly she sleeps, and when she wakes she stares at that little blue flame in her palm. Icy thinks that something has broken in the women’s mind; that whatever has transported her here has left a part of her mind where she had been.
Icy runs a comb through her locks. She has already bathed the woman and dressed her for bed. Three days now. This is the longest she has slept for. Icy scoops her up and tucks her into bed. Any longer and she will have to take her to the hospital. Realistically she can’t care for her and food potions can only substitute so much.
She stares at the woman, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest, it is the only sign that she is still alive. She picks up her hand and brushes her thumb over the woman’s soft skin. She is warm, she is always so warm. And she supposes that that is a good sign. As good a sign as it is for Icy to be perpetually frigid to the touch.
She brushes a strand of hair out of her face. Her hair is losing its gloss, it isn’t so shimmeringly black anymore. And the woman’s face is becoming hollow, subtly so but just enough to cause alarm. And Icy isn’t sure why she cares. Why this woman in particular leaves her inclined to extend care. The sort that Darcy and Stormy have been questioning for a while now. All she can say is that there is something about her. Something intriguing. Something powerful. Something that would suit their group so well.
This woman certainly isn’t a fairy, she doesn’t have the wings. But she has the magic. Icy sees that little flickering flame in her mind’s eye. It licks in shades of sapphire, it burns hotter than the dragonfire. So much hotter that Icy found herself drawing her whisperian crystal. It should have been easy pickings, to syphon that power from her. She would wake to find it gone and without a clue as to where it had gone. But there had been nothing to pull. No magical energy for the crystal to latch onto and yank.
This woman isn’t a fairy. She isn’t a witch. She has no magical energy and yet that small blue flame dances in her palm.
When she wakes she is still in this world, this strange place with its strange energies and technologies. Azula isn’t entirely sure that it is real at all. It might be that she has gotten herself killed trying to reach the bottom of that spirit pool. Just as possible, is that it has spit her out here in this world. She very vaguely remembers being pulled out of a much larger pond in a thick forest of pine.
She vaguely remembers a cold like none that she has ever felt before. She feels that cold now. It seeps into her bones and puts a queasiness in her belly. There is coldness in death. Cold is death. And maybe it is better this way…
“You’re awake again.”
Azula swallows. It is that woman, the ghost woman. She is always there. Staring with ice blue eyes. She holds herself tall and taller still with white-blue hair fashioned into a high ponytail. Her skin is so pale, so pale that it is nearly white as well.
Her words register. “I’m alive?”
“As far as I know.” The woman shrugs. “This is the first coherent conversation we’ve had. You’ve been here for almost a month. Generally speaking, the undead aren’t good for conversation.”
She can remember it in small blurs. Faint moments where she had woken in spurts to have a meal, toy with her fire, and--every now and then--change clothes. “The undead? You can talk to the undead?”
The woman shrugs again, “sure. Zombies, ghosts, the beasts that I conjure, my sleep paralysis demon…” she trails off.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Icy. Resident asshole. Famous for trying to take over the world. Probably shouldn’t be allowed back on this campus.”
Azula rubs her face.
“Oh, right. You don’t know anything about this world, do you?”
Azula shakes her head. And the longer she is awake in it, the less she understands. There are things she has never seen before and they are all over. Fixtures overhead that light up the room--candles without any flames, rectangles that ring and buzz, bigger and flatter rectangles that glow and flash images, and scrips and scrolls that are wedged and bound into...rectangles. Everything in this world is rectangular.
She dangles her legs over the side of the bed, a curtain of hair falls into her face. “What is this place?”
“Cloud Tower, school for witches. In the realm of Magix.”  
“Cloud Tower…” She furrows her brows. “Like the Air Temples?”
The woman laughs, “what the fuck are you talking about?”
“The Air Temples. Where all of the airbenders used to live. Before my nation eradicated them of course.”
“And where do you come from?”
“The Fire Nation.”
The woman makes a sound, “sounds dreadful.”
She is feeling weak and dizzy all over again. She slumps forward only to feel those cold hands holding her steady.
“Could you possibly stay awake for more than ten minutes? I have questions.”
Azula tries to shake the dizziness from her head. “You have questions? At least you’re in your own...universe.”
She quirks a brow. “True.” She kicks her feet up and rests them upon her dresser. “Just answer me this; what are you?”
“Excuse me?” Azula’s lip curls back. “I’m a human being.” But, Agni, in the back of her mind she hears it all over again. That nagging notion that she is a monster. Some warped, twisted thing.
“Humans can’t make fire with their hands. Fairies can, but you’re not a fairy.” She gestures between Azula’s shoulders. “And you aren’t a witch. You don’t have that…energy. You don’t have magical energy at all. And yet…”
Azula holds her hand out and lets the fire ignite. She closes her eyes and drinks in it’s comforts.
“What are you?”
“I am a human being.” She repeats.
“If you are human, then what do you call those without magic?”
“Nonbenders.” She replies. “That was more than one question.”
“Yes, well you’re going to answer as many questions as I ask.”
Azula gives a haughty sniff. If nothing else, this woman is bringing her back to herself rather quickly. “And why would I do that? Do you think that I haven’t been trained to withstand interrogation?”
“I think that you have no idea what our magic can do. Does your fire come with the ability to…” the frigid woman snaps her fingers and the flameless candle resting on the nightstand shifts into a snake and slithers out of the room.
Azula swallows.
“One time I turned this happy-go-lucky, wannabe witch into a pumpkin. She wasn’t so perky and cheerful then. You don’t strike me as a pumpkin though. Maybe a lizard of some sort.”
Azula narrows her eyes. “I can’t imagine that you’d get many answers from a lizard.” She drops herself back to the pillow and rolls away from this loathsome woman--Icy, she reminds herself.
“You never told me your name.”
“Azula. Princess Azula.”
So another fire princess. Icy would ponder that this woman is Bloom, perhaps from another universe, but she has too much bite. No, that isn’t it. The fairy has bite. This woman has something else. A darkness, a cunning, she can sense it on her in the same way that it radiates off of Darcy.
It is as compelling as her little blue flame. Decidedly she won’t transform the woman into anything, not permanently at least. This Princess Azula is too interesting for something like that.
“I have one more question.”
Azula doesn’t answer, she simply rubs her cheek against the pillow.
“Are you going to start feeding and bathing yourself now or am I going to have to continue?”
The woman’s face goes red. “I am perfectly capable.” She replies stiffly and with an even more rigid, “thank you.”
Well mannered, this one. She might not enjoy Stormy so well. “Well, when you’re more awake, I can introduce you to my sisters.”
“With luck, you’ll never meet my brother.” Azula grumbles. She rolls onto her back and stretches her arms. “Get me something to drink.”
“I don’t take orders. I give them.” Icy replies plainly.
“You aren’t a princess. You take orders.”
Icy quirks a brow, “see that’s the thing, you aren’t a princess here. You aren’t anything at all, really. How can you be when you probably shouldn’t exist here at all. I’ll get you your drink, princess, but consider it a charity.”
She expects the girl to chuck a ball of that strange blue fire and then toss a barrage of furious insults. Instead the girl sits back up and stares at her with a petrifyingly blank expression. She holds her hand out. Oh the dark energy that radiates off of this one is sublime. It holds a coldness that Icy can bask in.
She plucks the glass into her hand. “I don’t like many things, princess, I don’t like anything at all really. Or anyone. But I think that you’ll do just well with me and my sisters.”  
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sasorikigai · 3 years
❛❛ My eyes are up here... ❜❜ He says in jest but he got you staring at his tit- CHEST. (❄ + 🔥)
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SubScorp Week Drabble Request || @indulgentia || always accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Hanzo Hasashi’s penetrating intensity has such propensity to take on numerous forms; his ensorcelled gaze could become a manifestation of sunshine as he falls for a waking war. His heart should know how romance is supposed to thrum, as it plays an eternal serenade to mayday. Like Icarus, he is burning, and loving Kuai Liang will only continue to burn him, too. And often, Hanzo would feel himself living in a house of flames; for his soul knows of no quenching rain and does not have a capacity to conjure one at will. They both are capable of holding mellifluous warmth and penetrating prismatic hole of burning light. 
For Hanzo Hasashi’s magnanimous hearth fire and Kuai Liang’s gentle mitigating breaths could draw such exquisite, lulling warmth, against the sheer brutal destruction of scorching inferno and gelid chill of despair as both fire and ice will sharply burn any adversaries, shattering, dismembering, brutally ending them in whirling, coalescing elements as they macerate and mutilate, leaving saturated hues trampled beneath their feet. The once cruel reality of their shared universe gives into the unending night filled with shapeshifting light, as scintillating embers of his gaze speaks the concise, unbidden truth. How he blossoms effervescently, as rubicund colors saturate the swell of his cheeks. The encasing hindrance of his mask may not entirely give away the candor honesty of his emotions, but his unhooded countenance will give away the saccharine depth of his honeyed gaze, as shadows of perpetuated sorrow has long diminished beneath the reflection of his solemn warmth.
When Hanzo Hasashi is gravitated and deeply rooted in the trance-like unbreakable stillness, as he breathes Kuai Liang in without hesitation and filtration. It’s as if his solemn, worshipful act will somehow make him a part of his beloved. How he drifts away with every exhale, every flutter of his ribcage as the unhinged principality of his love as the stern austerity of Grandmaster’s permanent visage mellows significantly with utter delight and impassioned vigor. The surging mirth of contentment oozing from the depth of his almond eyes, as the complexity of his emotions perpetuate his overthinking fantasizing. How he imagines, expects, even worries and doubts. And as the graveled baritone of Kuai Liang’s voice rouses from the unfathomable depth of his enchantment, Hanzo visibly stirs, as the honed concentration of his gaze ascends to meet the sapphire depth of Sub-Zero’s mischief.
“Pardon my impertinence, my heart,” against his vocalization, as without thinking, Hanzo Hasashi draws himself closer to his beloved, his voice rendered in saccharine whisper, as the sensation itself sends a warm feeling down his spine. Part of him wants to desperately explore that desire, but he knows now isn’t such an opportune time. Their joint training was about to commence in half an hour, with nearly all of the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei gathering before them. “I now respectfully ask if I could peel you apart, fabric by fabric, with each dip and peak of your flesh, with all the emblem of possibility presented before us in intimate privacy after our joint responsibilities.” ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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