#otp: barris
everythingcanadian · 11 months
Walk on the Dark Side
Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Richard Ellis
Rating: G
No Warnings
Thomas and Richard reveal themselves to each other. The world of monsters gets a little bit brighter. Day 22 of promptober: Shadow
AO3 Portal
Surprisingly having a shadow walker for a lover was not that bad of a way to go. He may have a new fear for his heart but nothing entirely serious. Thomas doesn’t find out about it until a month or so into his relationship with Richard.
It’s a quick moment where Richard is showing off for him, pulling at the shadows of their inn room. Twirling it like silk around his finger before the gossamer-like fabric snaps back to the wall. 
Thomas had already shown off his fangs. His charm that he’s not used since the early 1870s. How he can smell and hear a person’s blood from across a room if he focused enough. He had looked at one of the men at the bar of the pub they had had supper in and had tapped out the beats of his pulse. Richard said he was faking it but when Thomas turned to him and began tapping out his pulse, well, joking fell off and Richard was amazed. 
Now it was Richard’s turn to impress Thomas. The vampire made sure to create an aura down the dark and quiet hallway when they both stepped out of their room. Richard looked down both ways and then walked right into the shadowed wall. He melted into it. 
Thomas watched as the shadows rippled like the surface of water waiting for whatever was beneath to break through the line. He followed it to the end where Richard quickly stepped out of the shadows and into the empty corridor. He turned to Thomas and winked cheekily before coming back to him, ushering them both back into the room. 
Bewildered and astonished Thomas sat down in one of the uncomfortable armchairs inside their room. He looked up at his lover and smiled. “Two creatures of the night then.”
Richard’s rich chuckle did things to Thomas he had only experienced a handful of times. It caused butterflies to burst in his belly and flutter in his chest. “Not the night. Just the darkness. You prefer the dark as much as I do.” He took the other armchair.
“Well the sun doesn’t bloody like me as much as I like it.” Thomas smirked. “Any other tricks up your sleeve Mr Ellis?”
“One more thing that's useful.” He put his hand to the floor “Watch the nightstand light.” It was quick when Thomas turned, but the lamp on the bedside table on Thomas’ side flicked on. Once the light spilled upon the room Richard pulled himself back up to sit properly. “It’s minor but it works. Lamps, lights, candles, small fires. I’ve learned to start bending bulb elements to put them out. But it burns my own fingers if they’ve been on longer than a few minutes.”
“I’d say that’s very handy.” Thomas smiled and looked right at Richard as the brunet groaned.
“Now I’m regretting showing you. If you make jokes like that I’ll ban you from sleeping next to me.”
“No you won't.”
Richard shakes his head and sighs for the effect. “You’re right. I won’t. Doesn’t mean I want you to carry on.” He looks at Thomas and smiles, only to have it cut short with a yawn.
Thomas hums and grunts when he stands. “Alright, Darling. It’s bedtime for good little boys.”
“Then I don’t need to go to bed.”
“It’s also bedtime for things that go bump in the night.” Thomas leans down and pecks Richard’s cheek. “C’mon, I’ll stay next to you all night. You can get a full night’s rest for once. I’ll wake you so you can get to your train in plenty of time.”
“Yes Dearest.” Richard stands up slowly from the bottoming out chair and stretches a bit. “Even shadows need some shut eye.” 
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forbescaroline · 12 days
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 21. barry allen and iris west - the flash
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buffysummers · 1 year
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Arrow | 2.08 - "The Scientist"
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lukas-dusk · 4 months
Snart : Barry?
Barry : What?
Snart : Where is my cold gun??
Barry : What?
Snart : Where. Is. My. Cold. Gun.
Barry : I, huuunn... I put it away.
Snart : I NEED IT!!
Barry : OH NO. don't even think about going playing superheroes trough time! WE'VE BEEN PLANING THIS EVENING FOR TWO MONTHS
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kcsplace · 5 months
Curt: would you say you are independent? Bucky: *looks at Buck* Buck: *nods* Bucky: yes I would
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arrowmaker15 · 7 months
Iris: So, you and Caitlin?
Barry, oblivious: What about her?
Joe: You like her, son.
Barry: Or course I do. She's a friend.
Iris and Joe, looking at each other:
Joe: Barry, think about something scientifically for me. What's the difference in the way you look at Caitlin, versus, let's say... Iris?
Barry, not paying attention: I look at Iris with extreme exasperation, slight annoyance, but mostly adoration. Caitlin, I look at her with care, appreciation, and usually a goofy smile.
Barry, now aware: I like Caitlin.
Joe: Glad you see it now.
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cessmaga · 1 year
types of halbarry ❤️💚
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This is supposed to be a lot more but I can't think of any more and got lazy
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jettorii · 7 months
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shrek x barry tickle art my otp
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
1, 11, 14, 20, and 25 (coldflash please!!!) ❤️
1.) Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Barry. Absolutely Barry.
Len struggles enough with the words 'i love you' that he does not bring them out in an argument. But Barry would absolutely play this card in the heat of the moment only to regret it later. Not because it isn't true because he does love Len but he does get how manipulative it comes off and he doesn't want to be that.
Honestly, I think Len would absolutely call him out on it and have to get away from Barry for a bit until they've both cooled off. (Pun mostly intended.)
Barry has to learn how to reason out his arguments better than that and defending his actions with a 'because I love you' stops being a thing fairly quickly.
11.) Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
They are both terrible about doing this. They are both very much of the bottle things up and pretend they aren't there school of emotional regulation.
Len of course struggles because of the shitty, abusive asshole in his life that was Lewis. Len does get better over time with opening up to Barry, but it is a struggle and he wishes it wasn't but he's so damn glad Barry is patient about it. It does take time for Barry to recognize the signs that Len's bottling something up but he does get fairly good at it. Though Len remains the better of the two at hiding the signs that something has upset him.
Barry has issues of his own because of how things were with Joe not believing him/not believing in him as a kid (and as an adult). Like... I really hate the scene where Joe jokes about Barry being like another daughter to him because here Barry is trying to be honest about his feelings with Joe and Joe... takes the opportunity to be misogynistic about it. Not cool, Joe. Not cool.
So Barry struggles to let himself be vulnerable with others because it backfires on him a lot and he bottles a lot up as a result. He's a lot less successful than Len is about hiding this kind of thing from the get go because he gets sulky about stuff when he's upset, so Len figures out a lot faster when Barry's upset even though Barry thinks that he's definitely not wearing his bruised heart on his sleeve this time, surely.
14.) How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
They compliment each other's planning skills. They both have expertise in different areas and are good at identifying one another's blind spots. Len is good at boosting Barry's self confidence where others might make him doubt himself. And Barry reminds Len that building a plan that includes room for compassion isn't a weakness. It's one of Len's strengths. But Barry also reminds Len to have confidence when he worries being a thief is all he's good for and Len reminds Barry that compassion is his strength too.
They clash a lot over planning too though. They're both leaders, they're both used to being in charge. And it can get messy if they both want to micromanage things at the same time.
20.) Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
You have no idea how tempting it is to go dig up that Glee rendition of Smooth Criminal. I may not have watched that show, but I have seen that clip a number of times.
Life on Earth by Snow Patrol feels like it really suits them
This is not the love you've had before This is something else, this is something else This is not the same as other days This is something else, this is something else It shouldn't need to be so fucking hard This is life on earth, it's just life on earth It doesn't need to be the end of you, or me This is life on earth, it's just life on earth
25.) What are their vices?
I feel like Cisco would quite loudly declare their greatest vice is lust. Scowling at them as he did. They know what they did. They know.
But I think maybe it's really that they can be a bit jealous and covetous of one another. Barry wants to be Len's first choice after being 'not a choice' to iris for so long. He wants Len's attention, he wants Len seeing him and not just the trappings of the Flash that he comes with. And Len struggles to understand why Barry would pick him after being in love with Iris for so long and fears that he'll never truly be to Barry what Barry had wished for Iris to be.
As they get more confident in their relationship, this settles a lot but insecurities are not easily defeated permanently and will pop up from time to time but with longer and longer intervals between.
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dreaminginmysoup · 1 year
infinite goes to culinary school just to make the best hoagies to win over ian jr with
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oh sorry i must have misread this, i thought you meant infinite runs a culinary school and teaches someone (barry) to make a hoagie for ian jr, silly me :)
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I'm reading up on lightning strikes because it's been a little while and specifically focusing on Litchenberg Figures (this is for fic reasons again). I love the headcanon Barry (and Wally) have Litchenberg scars. I really love that art I saw the other month that had Barry's scar glowing with lightning, that's so very good.
The cause of Litchenberg Figures is capillaries bursting under the skin. They typically fade within a few days.
Now! This is a comic book. In reality lightning strikes have about a 10% mortality rate and 70% are left with a permanent disability (whether from brain damage, hearing loss, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, ect). This BBC article I'm reading mentions nothing about superpowers, so really, how realistic do we have to make things. Plus, Barry and Wally were covered in chemicals, the lightning could have also travelled through them, heated them in its fractal patterns, and left burns on the skin. I have actually written Barry with chemical burns before, and metal belts can leave burns, clothes can catch fire, there's options for burn scars and speedsters.
Also, there's the option it's from their own lightning, the charge the Speed Force gives them pushing down to their legs, a constantly shifting red mark that appears every time they run (and they run so much, it never gets the chance to fade).
But I have a slightly different idea. Scars are not the only mark left on your body from something that has happened to it, and much like scars these can fade over time, but stick around. And maybe the lightning didn't cause a rapid change in weight which these are typically associated with, but it definitely caused a rapid change in something.
What I would like to suggest is a fractal stretch mark that follows the path of the lightning, a Litchenberg that didn't fade because this change sank into Barry and Wally's skin and stayed there.
(Also here's the articles I've been reading:
BBC, ScienceAlert, iflscience, Wikipedia 1, 2, Guardian)
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everythingcanadian · 11 months
Acts of Love
Pairing: Thomas Barrow/Richard Ellis
Rating: T
Warnings: Weight Gain, Button Popping
For Xenodroid Thomas's button, that was already a bit weary, finally pops off. Richard is more than happy to re-stitch it. Day 25-1 of promptober: Stitch Soft domesticity. I love it.
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Sewing the button back on wasn’t an issue for Richard. In fact he adored it. Made him feel useful in a way. It wasn’t for an employer. Or a child. Or another servant. It was for Thomas. The man who was currently kneading pastry dough on their kitchen counter. 
The offending button had finally gone sailing through the air that morning when Thomas leaned over in his dining chair to pet their newest addition to their household. Dinah, who had been named after a certain cat in Alice in Wonderland, had sat between his feet and mewed up at him. Her little blue eyes set in white fur begging ‘Papa’ for some scratches and hopefully a piece of breakfast sausage. As Thomas leaned over the button on his waistcoat that was trying to give up the ghost, finally did. The brown day-suit button pinged to the ground and rolled on the floor in a wide circle, enough for Dinah to chase.
“Oh dear.” Thomas’s cheeks blazed pink and he looked up at Richard. His husband in all but law. He watched as their little kitten pounced and jumped after the small brown circle.
Those apple round cheeks and soft mouth molded into a warm smile as he lowered the newspaper. His brown eyes twinkled with mirth. “It was bound to happen at one point, Dear. It needed to be restitched a long time ago. I’ll mend it for you later.”
They both noticed Thomas had gotten softer, warmer, heavier, but ultimately it made Thomas not as sharp in all ways but wit. Richard loved it. Wrapped his arms around Thomas whenever he could so he had the chance to squeeze and pet and touch. He had extra to grip during intimate times. He'd purposely leave bruises from his hands or mouth there so Thomas had something loving to look at if he ever looked in the mirror for too long. The soft praise he’d attach with it was also very nice. 
‘How’d I get so lucky to land a nice bloke like you. Charm and intelligence. Looks to swoon over- don’t deny it. You have the weight and height and that stare to use to your advantage. You can pin me with any of those things and I’m all yours.’ Richard hummed and was backed into the bedroom wall by his love. 
It was later, Richard happily dawned a thimble and deep brown thread to match the thread already used on Thomas’s waistcoat. It was a warm silence under an October afternoon. Neither of them needed to be at work. Neither of them were demanded by their new employers. 
Thomas finally broke away from being a servant and dove headfirst into being a clock and watch repairman in York. Tom had helped set it up when he knew Thomas was ready to actually leave. It was an awkward conversation. 
Richard was happy to be a tailor, a junior one currently, but one all the same. It just so happened that his royal experience held a lot of sway when he handed over his reference. The love for his work showed.
He tied off the thread and snipped it clean. He tugged the fabric around the button a few ways and smiled. He deemed it strong enough now and checked the other buttons. Nothing to worry about on any of them yet. He’d ask if he could take out the seams a little bit for Thomas. Winter was coming quickly and both of them would eat themselves sick with everything indulgent. 
As it stood, Thomas was making an apple tart with a few of their stewed and jarred apples they had fun picking last month. Richard bet they would polish the thing off in a couple days. But that just meant the winter weight was going to pack on nicely and earlier that Richard first thought. He couldn’t wait.
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endless-oc-creations · 7 months
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💕Oc Valentines Day Challenge 2024 💕 Day Three: No Second Chances in Romances
On the other hand, just because there was love before doesn't mean there will be love after. This is when you realize the one that got away wasn't "the one" after all. Make something for a ship that was together at one point, broke up for some reason, but decided not to give the relationship another try whether that be because of a new love, unrequited feelings, or any other reason.
"I would not survive you a second time."
Claire West had fallen deeply in love with her theater classmate Barry Berkman, a seemingly awkward, but funny and caring individual. But when they finally got together she learned that Barry wasn't what he seemed to be. Barry was a hitman, he always promised that he would stop, but it was always empty promises. Eventually, it gets too much for Claire to handle his lifestyle and keep his secrets and broke up with him. Claire doesn't think she could survive him a second time.
💕 Everything Taglist: @bravelittleflower @sunlitscribe​​​ @eddysocs @raith-way​​ @waterloou @decennia​​ @hiddenqveendom @aaronhotchstuff @foxesandmagic @nejires-hado  @asirensrage  @lucys-chen @arrthurpendragon @daughter-of-melpomene @thatmagickjuju @ginevrastilinski  @oneirataxia-girl @ginger-grimm💕
Coloring: X
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kanos · 2 years
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endiness · 2 years
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kcsplace · 5 months
Buck: Bucky, please! No one knows we're dating. Curtis *walking by*: Oh yes we do.
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