#otherwise id be in shambles i think
kdsburneraccount · 2 years
local tumblr user has moment after clicking on twitter link (@bogdanovics)
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windupaidoneus · 3 months
now some people may not like to hear it but even the worst people who exist are still people & there is no human being who has More right than others to decide whether others deserve to live or die (does not mean i personally condemn murder in self defense or anything of the sort or killing fascists or whatever i'm just saying as a baseline This Is How it Is) & this is why the death penalty is not a good thing no matter how good & trustworthy the people in any government might be. people on average also deserve the chance to learn to do better. & no, someone who's been forcefed propaganda their entire life will not let go of that deeply entrenched mindset so easily, it's not particularly unrealistic & it absolutely sucks to deal with but in the context of tangibly working toward world peace it's also not an issue to try & help such people both in material ways & in helping them learn better rather than cut them down or abandon them to a grim fate. all this to say that's why i don't think garlemald is written badly, as unpleasant as the experience might be. walks off the stage
#ffposting#also if you hate garlemald's writing THIS much but like emet-selch i think theres a disconnect there i just dont understand.#like he made it that way. you do understand this is all because of him right. maybe you should be more upset about that.#garlemald is very uncomfortable & the real life parallels it draws make it a very very touchy Thing to deal with#but i do not think it is handled badly.#their supremacy is entirely gone by the time of edw the people there have known nothing but propaganda#the populares are known to be a minority. people like cid or jenomis aren't that common. this is why they get along#the propaganda is such that even occupied domans like asahi fell for it & feel absolutely nothing for their kin#thats what propaganda does. there is absolutely a degree of responsibility regarding what they do & i would never say otherwise#however the idea that we should let them die & not get a chance to rebuild after theyve lost everything (again) is like. huh.#when you want to work toward world peace in a meaningful way you cant just abandon anyone like that.#like thats a whole people. they suck! but it is not immutable & they deserve the opportunity to do better like any other#id much rather they face retribution for their actions in meaningful ways including working toward reparations#wrt all the peoples the empire occupied than to round them up to kill them or worse let them die to the telophoroi#OR to becoming blasphemies. that would make things so extremely worse.#i just dont understand how you can have sympathy for jullus when he was just like everyone else at first#but you want to leave the rest of them to die. & i dont get how you can like emet & want them to die.#like he fucking did this its a pretty notable very fucking bad thing that he did. no doubt varis has made it worse#but varis was in power for like 2 years at best.#that emet was playing a role & did not actually believe in or care about what he was doing does not erase that he did it#& i personally find it hypocritical to like him if you balk at the idea of garlemald restoration. clears throat#i believe in killing fascists but i also dont believe in punitive justice#& by the time of edw garlean civilians do not hold the systemic power they once mightve#which i think is also important. their entire country is in shambles.#if anything its the ideal opportunity for them all to start anew & learn better. shed their preconceptions as one might say#that said i still skip garlemald cutscenes bc i dont need cunts calling me a savage ✋-_-#do not take any of this for garlean apologia i fucking hate dealing with them on an individual level as a xaela player lmfao#also as a jew. notably as a jew. the similarities w both nazi germany & israel have not escaped my notice believe me.#but yeah. if you can feel pity for livia who is a military general WHO HAS ACTIVELY KILLED YOUR FRIENDS#but not for the civilians whove never been exposed to anything other than propaganda. idk man. 30 tags. fly free my post
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comphet-critical · 2 years
hey. can u pls help me sort something out. i think i actually do not know my sexuality but like i really am in shambles over it. i think i should call myself a bisexual. but i dont feel attracted to men. like at all. i dont care for them except as for fellow humans. i am overcome with desire for women. i need their presence. But. i am in a relationship with a man. idk if “comphet” led me there but it is what it is but its been 2 years and i cant leave because otherwise id be homeless. like im basically with him for the access to money and the nice apartment which i realize makes me a horrible person but it is what it is. i cant decide whether to leave or not every single day. ofc my integrity is so important but i come from poverty and its hard to imagine reverting. and him specifically… he is not a bad companion, he is a nice man and helps me and hes not repulsive looking, he doesnt force me into wife, childbearer, maid, but i still think my brain just views him as a really good friend. and my only friend basically… idk. there is not a deep emotional connection i associate with romantic partnership… the last time we had s*x was months ago and i cried and i couldnt do it anymore. well i think i do not want to have sex in general with anyone. but yeah my mind is like. i need to be mutually in love with a woman or i will die. but also im autistic. i guess the man is too. but like ok. im sorry for pouring my heart out. u can make fun of me if u want. tell me how it rly is. wishing you a wonderful winter season
hi, that is quite a lot.
i can’t give you advice on your situation with your male partner, but in terms of sexuality you definitely are bisexual, but by the sounds of it you’re bisexual with a preference for woman but settled for a man.
good luck, i hope everything works out for you!
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accardi1921 · 1 year
Please don’t publish this as i try my best to not get political on here but to add to your voting post, while there are still questions, of course, there are two other things that happened in 2020 that conservatives forget to address while getting bogged down by the fraud concerns. There’s always some fraud (in LA if you vote in person they just ask your name and address and usher you in, it’s crazy) but they didn’t even need it to be widespread enough to affect the outcome when what they did was pick a few key swing states (like PA) and changed the voting laws illegally (without legislature approval, they did it by executive order) to “allow” for universal mail in voting, extended voting, late counting of ballots received after the date, etc. Especially universal “everyone gets mailed a ballot” style mail in voting benefits dems because statistically dems live in cities so it’s easy to go door to door, ask the person (who maybe wouldn’t have voted at all otherwise) if they mailed their ballot, show them how to fill in one bubble and sign it and then take it for them to the Dropbox - this happens like crazy in big cities, I was shocked. You get a ton of ballots in apartment buildings like that, while conservatives usually live more rurally so it’s not as feasible to mount that kind of operation. Also in PA for example, they illegally changed the voting laws to allow this, people sued because there was no legislature approval, the judge said before the election they couldn’t do anything because nothing bad had happened yet, then after the election when a lawsuit was filed again the judge threw it out because the election already happened and “what could we do about it now?” It’s all bs, but couple the last-minute changes in voting procedures in swing states with just how many people voted against trump and not necessarily for Biden, I’m not convinced they’d even have needed widespread fraud to pull it off. I’m more worried about the voting machine company guy who was arrested a few days ago for sending the data to China. Anyways. Sorry to blow up your inbox, I do try to avoid politics for obvious reasons but this is one thing that I think could actually help conservatives, if we’d not just focus on fraud and instead divert some energy to pressuring local and state reps to return voting to pre 2020 procedures. No no-excuse voting by mail, voter ID, one Election Day not an election month that we have in LA, no unattended drop boxes, etc. Hope you have a great Saturday! One month to the primaries! I’m hoping like crazy Kari Lake and Doug Mastriano get the governorships in AZ and PA. Desantis needs a couple more bold conservatives to help him blaze the trail.
California is a lost cause & I've lived here 32 years. Two seconds after the polls close, they call it for the Demorats! Lived her long enough to expect it & one of many reasons we are leaving come retirement. Voting has become such a shambles & we know who to thank for that. None of this would be happening if there wasn't something to hide. The Demorats(who really aren't,more like Marxists)hate Trump because he's not from their wheelhouse. He doesn't need lobbiests money & he's not a career politician like many on both sides. I agree,no early voting, and California is notorious for it. Trumps won the primary already, in my opinion. De Santis made a tactical error. He should have focused on Gov of Florida as he was voted in,supported Trump & and went for 2028 presidential nomination. The voting machines are compromised, and as we saw in Arizona, nothing was done about it. We all know Kari Lake won that election in a landslide. If it comes down to stealing the vote again,we need another 1776! It may be violent because the colonists learned very quickly that unless that happened,nothing was going to change. One thing I always remember, the second largest army in this country, are American gun owners.
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iggysmice · 2 years
Fun story! long though, so here's a readmore:
So on Saturday (3/11) I was woken up by my dad telling me I was going to the grocery store with him bc my dad is a fan of communal suffering and also doesn't always like shopping alone.
Why didn't he ask my brother? I don't know, i think its because i tend to be more okay with being woken up and taken somewhere. I can just roll out of bed, run my hand thru my hair so it sticks up in a more organized fashion, and go. its the PNW, nobody cares if you're at a store in pajamas, and in fact it makes sense to most of us bc like, why wouldn't you want to be comfy while running errands? We also tend to wear lounging clothes to travel for similar reasons.
along the way we pick up my buddy venus who lives down the road which is kind of hilarious because she also lived down the road from me when we were growing up. she has to get groceries too and does not have a car right now so my dad helps her out with rides because we live close.
why do i live with my parents at 25? the economy is in shambles and also it's more viable while I'm in school because i dont also have to try and work full time bc i live in a 4 person household so collectively we manage better than we might alone. I am also very autistic and need my mom a lot.
either way i wandered around the store for a while and then we drove back to venus's apartment. She lives on the 3rd floor and this is the kind of apartments that have homeless people smoking meth in the stairwells and sleeping in the halls to be out of the rain so there is not an elevator. actually, the easiest route to her specific apartment is currently blocked because they're doing construction on the walkway. the rumor is that the aforementioned homeless meth users started a fire that compromised the integrity of the wooden walkway. unclear if it happened on purpose and i could see it going either way- homeless people here often have camp stoves they light to keep warm at night because it's not warm here, if one was on meth or otherwise distracted one might knock over the camp stove on accident. one under the influence of substances may also just like, Decide to start a fire.
all this to say i had a long way and three flights of stairs to go to help my friend carry her groceries. at no point did i feel like i was overextending or hurting myself.
that evening my left boob started hurting. This happens sometimes, boob havers all know it to be true, but id just gotten a birth control shot on Thursday and i was late so my hormones were fucky and like, blood clots from messing with those hormones can hurt or kill even young boob havers, so i was a little concerned. i also get HS abscesses on my boobs once in a while which I am going to use as an argument as to why my insurance should cover top surgery someday. i say "boob haver" because its very funny and inclusive phrasing not everyone with them is a woman, even my gender is more "lesbian" than anything else.
so i took some tylenol and monitored the boob. the pain seemed manageable through sunday, but when i woke up on monday, oh boy...
i get abscesses a lot, and they're usually close to the surface and fast growing- very painful as it pushes aside all the structures in your skin and wrecks the tissue. i was once asked if there's any like, feeling of relief when one drains because the pressure is gone and i answered that it hurts too much for me to sense any pressure changes and mostly i just feel relieved that its draining the nasty stuff out because that means its going to start to heal, theres no physical sensation.
the pain and spasms in my boob on sunday were getting to be comparable to that. i figured id sleep and being still would help and id feel better in the morning.
monday morning it was worse. the spasms under my boob felt like i was being stabbed or the breast itself was being pulled violently off of me. it was bad when i sat down but it was intolerable when i stood or breathed deeply.
at this point you might think "kodi, hospital" and i did in fact decide to go to a walk in clinic. for people who arent sure what the differencr between a walk in clinic and a doctors clinic is, there are basically three levels of care, at least in my area of the US.
If you can wait a week, you should make an appointment with your doctor at their office or clinic. This is for things like a cough that isn't impeding you but it's weird it won't go away, or to get a flu shot. If you can wait several hours or even a full day, an urgent care or walk in clinic is ideal. These offer same day care and often large enough doctors offices will also have walk in hours so that even in a moderate emergency you can come to your regular office, which helps when you're hurt or sick. This is the level I sought. If you can't wait at all, like you are diabetic and can't control your blood sugar for some reason, go to the emergency room. ERs are 24hr and usually at large hospitals. you want to go there if you are having appendix pain or have broken a bone. If you won't survive long enough for the car ride to the ER, that's when you call an ambulance. You probably won't be the one who does this.
Anyway, i went to the urgent care at my doctors office. i called my grandma to take me because my dad was at work and i was not going to walk to a bus stop or get in an uber in the state i was in. plus, i just don't like taking ubers because as a tiny little woman, at least externally, you don't generally get into a car with a stranger, so it feels weird to do on purpose.
The reception said there was 9 people waiting ahead of me. i resigned to my fate (sitting in a waiting room in pain all day) and curled up in a chair, supporting my poor boob as much as i could to alleviate the pain. my best guess is that because my check in said i was there for "chest pain on the left side" they prioritized me a little in case i happened to be having a heart attack and they had to call 911 because i was only curled up there for like half an hour. maybe longer. i had not slept and so i sort of took advantage of my positional pain relief in the chair and had a catnap.
they took blood from me and did an ekg, to make sure it wasn't the heart. id been hurting for about three days now and told everyone "if it was my heart id probably just be dead after this long."
The doctor's best guess is that i sprained my pectoral muscle, probably when i was helping venus carry things, because sprains can have a delayed pain response like that. he did also say "since you didn't fall and you don't lift weights i'm not sure how you injured yourself that way" so put that in the pile of Times I Have Confused Medical Professionals With A Condition alongside all the completely asymptomatic sinus infections i got as a child and the extremely linger-y cough i had after a flu as a teenager.
anyway i got a bunch of medication to help me be able to sleep and while it makes me a little loopy, its better than the amount of pain i was in.
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literaphobe · 2 years
Og jojo anon: sorry haha! dk how to make clips but it's 5:40:35 she reads off a chat about how dream stans are in shambles right now and she responds by going "I think dream stans are probably happy dream didn't lose cuz dream wasn't in this so there's no way they can be upset riiiiight right right" and then i missed this next part cuz i was like what but she then kind of redeems herself on 5:41:49/50 where she reads off another chatter that wrote dream stans are proud you and she responds with "yes thanks guys thank you". So it really isn't anything bad at all sorry for misinfo its really not her so much as it is her her vips/mods/chatters. There were quite a few dream stans in there standing up for us but dear lord a few of the vips/mods/regular chatters of hers (a very specific one ha) who make it clear they don't like him or us (so what's new) and i guess that's what really set me off so sorry everyone I will be more careful in the future 😅 now on that note one last long rant lol:
It's just annoying that we're even brought up like just stop talking about us lol I'm still a huge fan of her and I'm not going to stop for right now at least haha-I will always cheer on our stier queen especially against mcc reddit and I love how we've all banded together on this lol and this is absolutely nothing compared to what we're used too haha just wanted to express a little frustration I guess especially when we've routing so hard for her and then we're brought up out of nowhere. I also want to make it clear that she's made jokes about it before so it's not a switch up or anything new unfortunately she hangs out around people who make these kind of jokes, etc and it IS usually at dream stans NOT at dream otherwise id def not be subbed to her lol and i honestly feel like she is starting to see things in a different light and has actually stopped for the most part, there's the occasional shade but for the most part she keeps things light hearted and moves on quick. It really is just chat and some of her vips/mods. I understand she is also seeing some of the main dttwt react and wellllll i think we all agree sometimes they can be a bit much but damnit they're our crazy cousins we still need to defend them! Lol only WE can say anything 🤣 I did come back later to her stream and she started crying when she reached 100k it was really sweet ❤
I had wine for dinner so I hope this clears things up prob could've summed it up in like 4 sentences instead of 20 haha
OKAY well i mean given the people in her vicinity its like fine but still when has anyone attacked jojo for ‘beating’ dream like theres no basis for that joke to be made
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winterscaptain · 4 years
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: this is intended to be part of the ajf universe (berry hill section), but also stands alone! berry hill is probably good to read before this one, just for a little context. this takes place a couple of weeks after berry hill, during the last few minutes of lauren, and continues through the end of season six. there will be two more parts of this section!
summary: the team reels from emily’s loss and finds footing as best they can in the new normal, until, of course, the rug is pulled out from under them again.
words: ~3k warnings: canon death, language, more slow burning
berry hill (part 1) | absence (part 3) | mean it (part 4)
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | requests closed!
There’s nothing worse than the silence of the waiting room. JJ paces back and forth, waiting and watching for movement down the hall. Hotch has been restless as well, sitting and standing and wandering in equal measure. Seaver perches on her chair, her bare toes digging into the rough fabric of the seat. She’s quiet, staring into nothing. 
Dave sits beside her, his elbows on his knees, his hands laced together. His lips never stop moving, and you’re sure he’s praying. It’s odd to see him there without Emily. Much like Derek and Penelope, they usually stick together in tragedy or stress. It’s more than strange to see him without her - almost like missing a limb you didn’t know he had.
 You find your eyes tracking Aaron more often than not. There’s tension in his forehead, and his mouth is tight. Your first instinct is, of course, to soothe his hurt, but there’s so much of your own. He meets your eyes, and you pat the seat next to you. 
With a heavy sigh, he sits down beside you. 
Your voice is quiet, as to not disturb the stillness of the room. “When’s the last time you ate?”
He shakes his head. You reach out and slip your hand into his elbow. He covers it with his own and you lean against each other. Derek and Penelope are in a similar position across from you. She’s tucked under his arm, her hand rubbing back and forth over his chest, still spattered with Emily’s blood. 
You can’t imagine what he’s feeling. If it had been Aaron…
The thought is too unbearable to consider. Aaron’s arm flexes around your hand, and you realized the thought brought your shoulders to your ears. 
“Are you alright?” His voice is the barest whisper.
You nod. “Just thinking of Derek.”
He takes a deep breath. You know he understands. 
‘“I was just...if it had been -”
“Don’t.” His whisper breaks over the word, and his fingers slip between yours around his arm. Your breath catches in the smallest of sobs, and you turn your head into him. 
Hours and hours and hours pass. You think you fall asleep once or twice, but it’s fitful and not at all restful. Hotch is back to pacing - traveling a path from the door to the back room and back to you. 
Eventually, he sits again, leaning against you once more. You can feel the exhaustion radiating from him. At a certain point, you take him under your arm. He leans his head into your shoulder and closes his eyes. You’re certain he doesn’t get any sleep, but you appreciate the effort. It’s all for you. 
JJ returns, and you all straighten, waiting for her to say something. She can’t speak. 
Penelope says something, but you can’t hear her. You can’t hear JJ, though you know her mouth is moving. You sag forward, nearly falling out of your chair. Aaron catches you as he stands, his arms locked around you. 
Spencer rushes past JJ, but she stops him. They speak, but you still can’t hear over the rushing in your ears. You find your feet and turn into Aaron, whose hand presses your head to his chest. Your whole body buzzes with something cold and unpleasant, like a shot straight to your nervous system. You’d take a bullet again, rather than feel this. 
Slowly, he guides you to the chair on the other side of Penelope. You cling to her, Aaron’s jacket still around you. She’s sobbing, and you can’t feel a thing. When you look up again, JJ has her arms around Spencer, who looks much like you. Broken. Soggy. Weak.
Tired eyes track Aaron as he rounds the corner to the back hallway. JJ finds him a minute later, and you still can’t hear them. 
You can’t hear anything. 
The funeral is wretched. When the hearse arrives, you help Aaron with his white pallbearer gloves, buttoning them around his wrists and straightening his tie. Your hands linger on his lapel. His shaky breath shudders through him under your hands, and when you look up at him, his eyes are closed. 
One of his hands covers yours and you grasp his fingers. 
It’s too soon. 
We can’t do this again. 
It’s too soon. 
“There’s never enough time,” he says, almost inaudible. 
You squeeze his hand and release him, smoothing out his coat and collar and the hair at his temples before letting him pass. Derek and Spencer take the first pair of handles, Dave and Anderson the second. Will and Hotch share a look before taking the final pair. 
You offer your arm to JJ, who takes it, and you follow the men across the cemetery. Penelope and Ashley trail behind you, also arm-in-arm. 
Ashley’s been a gift - quiet and warm and observant - through this whole ordeal. You’ve done your best to welcome her into the fold. She doesn’t need to feel like a replacement or a burden. She’s a member of your team. Maybe not a member of your family, but your teammate nevertheless. 
The whole affair is far too quiet, far too solemn, to really be a celebration of Emily’s life. Hotch returns to your side once she’s laid over her grave. He gives you a rose and an arm. You take both, the wool of his coat soft against your fingers. Both he and JJ decided to leave the boys at home, but wouldn’t tell you why. 
Privately, you figure it’s too much for Jack, and it would be best to keep him and Henry together. Two funerals in as many years is too much for anyone, let alone someone just six. Jess is with the boys at JJ’s house. There’s nothing that woman can’t do, and you love her for it. 
Looking around, you realize everyone in attendance is a familiar face. Emily’s mother is the only one you don’t know well, but you’d know a Prentiss anywhere. She dabs at her face with a handkerchief, and a well of spite rises within you. There’s no reason for her to be here.
You’re her family. You will survive her. 
Derek is in shambles. You spend as much time with him as you can, but he’s more withdrawn than you’ve ever seen him. JJ and Spencer have clung together, as have you and Aaron. Dave and Derek aren’t as close, and they’re both wildly independent, so they’ve sort of drifted in Emily’s absence. 
It’s your mission to keep them in one piece - sharing meals and filling empty evenings with movies and poker and company. You find yourself at Dave’s often, with Jack in your lap and Hotch and Derek on either side of you. 
You have rapidly become the team’s backbone - a role you take on with energy and a certain degree of joy. Taking care of them helps you forget your own grief, and never leaves you without company. 
Seaver’s graduation is a spot of joy in an otherwise dreary few months. You shout and whistle at all the appropriate times, remembering all too well what it felt like on the other side. There’s a moment where you share a smile with Hotch, and it almost feels normal. 
“Remember that?” You ask, tipping your chin toward Seaver. She’s beaming, holding her new credentials in her hand as she greets her family. 
He nods. “Do you?”
You snort. “Oh, please. How could I forget?” The day lives rent-free in your mind. Hotch passing you your credentials, badge, and ID tag is a memory that will stay with you forever. 
“Glad I made an impression.” His smirk is well-concealed, but you elbow him in the ribs for good measure. 
“Shut up.” 
He quirks a brow at you, and you grin. 
Almost normal. Almost. 
Your phone wakes you, and you pick it up right away, recognizing your ringtone for Hotch. “Yeah?”
“Hey, it’s me.” 
You flip your bedside lamp on and rub your eyes. You’d be lying if you said you were getting any sleep yourself, and you’re almost relieved you have some kind of company. “Hey, Aaron. What’s up?”
“I’m sorry to wake you -”
“You didn’t.”
He pauses. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I could hazard a guess it’s the same reason as you.” You play with the comforter, the fabric a necessary distraction. “Is Jack still with Jessica?”
“Yeah, for the rest of the week. He’s got a school trip thing, and I didn’t want to leave him if a case came up. They’ll be back from the mountains on Sunday afternoon.” 
Your lower lip disappears between your teeth. “Do you want any company? Sometimes it’s -”
“Please.” He cuts you off, and you snap your mouth shut, already throwing the covers back. 
“I’ll be there soon.” 
The drive is quiet, the Virginia highways barren at nearly two in the morning. You pull into the garage in your usual guest spot and climb the stairs. 
Though you have a key, you knock twice before using it. 
Always good form to warn an armed federal agent when you’re about to enter his home in the goddamn middle of the night. 
He invited you. 
Yeah, still. Would hate to get shot on a night off.
The kitchen light is on when you enter, and you lock the door behind you before checking it out. You leave your shoes at the door and drop your keys in the dish. 
He's standing at the counter, fixing two cups of tea. Wordlessly, he passes one to you. 
You follow him to the bedroom, turning lights off as you go. He slips under the covers, and pats the covers. 
“Thanks for the tea,” you say, settling in beside him. 
It’s become sort of routine. Since Berry Hill, sharing a bed has become far less taboo and far more common. Even when Jack’s home, you’ve set up the couch for yourself before spending the night next to Aaron. That way, you can wake up early and settle in the living room before he wakes up, or make it look like you slept on the couch even if he wakes to find you in his father’s room. 
The element of surprise is always a gift - Jack is more than thrilled to find you whenever you spend the night. He doesn’t know to ask questions, and really you aren’t sure what you’d say even if he did. 
Aaron would probably have the words. He’s good at that kind of stuff. 
You sit together in silence, sipping out of your mugs and enjoying the quiet darkness. When you’re done, you leave it on the coaster on your bedside - well, on the bedside table. 
“Can’t sleep?” You ask. 
Aaron’s been finished for a while, his empty mug on his table. He’s already settled in, laying on his side toward you with his hand tucked under his cheek. “Not tonight.” 
“Is it Emily?” 
He nods. “Yeah, something like that.” There’s more, but he’s never been too good at articulating his feelings. You’ve learned it’s best to just keep him company and not push too hard. 
You slide down, bringing the covers up to your chin. “Come here.” 
He smiles in the dark and wraps you in his arms. It’s already easier to close your eyes, and you know you won’t be half as scared to confront what you find behind them. His breath fans across the top of your head, much more steady than when you arrived. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. Sleep tight, Aaron.” 
He tucks his face into your hair, and after a few moments, you hear his breath slow and even out. You lean back, finding his face completely relaxed. 
That’s better. 
With him asleep, you’re able to tune out your thoughts in favor of his heartbeat against your cheek. 
Jack is long asleep when it’s your turn to need company. You’re on the couch, wrapped in Aaron’s arms, sobbing into his chest. Earlier, you found a bank of recorded shows in your cable box that you were waiting to watch with Emily. The realization that you’d never be able to watch them with her knocked you out at the knees, and there was nothing you could do but sit on the floor and cry. 
When you caught your breath, you called Aaron and took a cab over to the apartment. Your tears didn’t let up for a single moment on the way there, and started anew when you saw him. 
You couldn’t speak, but he just led you to the couch and let you curl up against him. With his cheek against your hair, he rubs your back until you can finally breath without hiccuping. 
“What was it?”
“The shows.” You sniff, and wipe your nose on your sleeve. “I was saving shows to watch with her. They didn’t stop recording. I didn’t think to -” A fresh wave starts, and you tuck your head back into his shoulder. You do your best not to wail, keeping quiet for Jack’s sake, “I didn’t think to stop recording them. I don’t even really like them, but we always watched together.” 
His next words are familiar to you. “It’s all about the routine.” 
Those are the same words you used after Haley died. One of his first breakdowns after her death came when he was packing Jack’s bag for the week, getting ready to drop him off at her place. When he realized there was nowhere to go, nowhere to take him, it knocked the life out of him just like your shows did tonight. 
“Once you find something to fill the space,” you’d told him, “things get a lot easier to manage.” 
And it was true. That was the first weekend he called you to come spend the day with Jack, and your time together patched some of the holes. 
He squeezes you to him. “Do you want to find something to watch together? We can start a new show or maybe movie nights with Jack? Maybe with Will, JJ, and Henry? What do you think?”
You give him a watery smile. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
Andy Swan is a trip and a half, and you find yourself liking her a little more than you thought you would. She and Aaron have a great deal of history, and you enjoy the way they give each other a hard time - pushing and pulling for control of a stressful investigation. They’re different, but highly complementary in their leadership. 
It almost reminds you of your relationship with Derek - mutual respect in droves, but a supreme lack of patience, and a little more good humor than is actually necessary. 
It’s only when the case is over that shit hits the fan. 
You’re all in the conference room following the successful completion of the case. Doyle, of course, has been on your minds since Emily’s death, and you spend at least fifteen hours a week maintaining the not-so-sanctioned investigation into his whereabouts. 
But this wasn’t about Doyle. 
“I’ve been assigned to a joint task force in Pakistan for an indefinite amount of time.” 
The news knocks the breath out of you, and your eyes flicker around the table. Everyone is just as shocked as you are, though you’d like to imagine the short-circuit you’re experiencing is all your own. 
“What do you mean?” The question leaves your lips before you can stop it, and Hotch’s brown eyes meet yours. There’s an apology in them. 
“Tomorrow, I leave for Pakistan. I’m not sure how long I will be gone. Derek will take over as Acting Unit Chief in the meantime.” 
Derek’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “You’re kidding.” 
“You carried off the job very well last year, and I have no doubt you will have the same amount of success in my absence.” 
Derek looks like he wants to speak again, but refrains. 
“I understand this is less than convenient. You’ll all have the declassified brief in your inboxes by the end of the day today with more information about the transition. You’re all dismissed for the day.” With a final nod, he walks out of the conference room, leaving you all slack-jawed and more than a little confused. 
JJ’s eyes meet yours, and you shrug. You ask, “Has he said anything about this to you?”
“I’ve heard approximately nothing about it,” she replies, peering down the hall. 
Goddamn you, Hotchner. 
He’s packing up his briefcase when you pass his office. You don’t stop, sitting down at your desk. You’re surprised frost doesn’t rise from the ground at your feet.
There’s a moment where he stops at your desk on the way out of the bullpen, but you just stare at him. He opens his mouth as if to speak, then closes it. After a moment, he finally says, “Jack is with Jessica tonight.” 
You have no idea what your face looks like, but it’s enough to drop his shoulders and send him on his way, defeated. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts  @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @newtslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @lilsiswinchester @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @emmice9 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @mrshotchnerrossimulder21 @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss @songbird400 @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @a-dorky-book-keeper @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @forgottenword @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild
let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list!
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v-hope · 3 years
i am. in literal. shambles.
just a heads up, many typos comin thru.
n e ways. i LOVE u omg im not kidding. pls marry me.
HOW DID U EVEN COME UP W THE IDEA OF BELONG?!?!? LIKE- sis udek how attached i am to this fic!!
as ive said many times before i relate w yn sO SO MUCH... so reading belong gives me so much hope that one day ill have everyth figured out in my life too.. dk how.. but i will.. just like belong!yn
and this fic is so so wholesome... a guy who hated yn's entire existence ended up falling so so hard that he ends up having a family w her i mean????? i dont have words to express how much i love this
its the first series i got into, the first smau i ever read bc for THE LOVE OF GOD i couldnt find a good smau before this?!?! and as ive said this multiple times, i love how positive yo blog is, i love how u share lil things w us :D and how are aLL yo fics just super great maAM😭💕💕i love reading anyth signed by v-hope😌
but anyways. epilogue. 2.0. i still remember how i had a dream once of belong couple having a baby and i told u and i was like i needit so i mean.. i cred myself for this baby part kudos✌
and CAN I JUST TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE HOW CUTE HYESEONGIE'S NAME IS??! how do u find such classy korean names bc i cant ever (even lee sungjin is like whew a classy man comin thru) but yea i. loved the name. kim hyeseongie. wow.
okay and from what i get yoon and miyoung are living together and my heart went💖💗💕💞💓💜❤💝🧡 bc 🥺🥺🥺🥺 [i think bc he said "she's actually crying" like he wouldnt know otherwise??]
but wait in one update yn said that jk is her fav boy but that changed to tae after that and now hyeseongie.. so he's no. 3 now??🥺🥺
and the pics u used just gave me a bigger baby fever like duDE I HAVE A CARRER TO MAKE STOBBIT.. esp the one where hyeseongie is sleeping w a bear... HE LOOKS SO CUDDLY ALEX
and when seokjin said "as his godmother everyone would expect you to" bITCH IM THREWW😂😂
tae teaching hyeseongie art---😃🔫🔫🔫 [dont ask me to not bc HOW CAN I NOT?!?!] and im w namjoon on that. it really is sO DADDY🥵 "come collect yo thot" yea good think is i am your thot kim tae😏
yn. van. gogh. could. never. yn how could u even think the other way round- ion geddit??
but yes. with that. its officially over. not met crying, nope. literal months of screaming and refreshing yo archive around the time u usually post whenever id be up and crying and going like :O after the angsts... ill miss this era :(( but also, its has been an abso pleasure to be on this journey w you so thank you miss alex to take out time and give us this fic from your "somehow sweetheart brain" bc wow ive never felt so attached to a fic. im :D rn.
i promise to stick around and read anyth that u post bc u are fuCKING AMAZING😍😍
woah this became too soft nsbjwjfb okay imma sign off before i kiss u thru the screen mskwbkjf
loads of love and well wishes to you. sorry this got super weird and long🤧 and all the best for yo finals💕💕
ily uwu🥰 (🧚‍♀️)
i think i am the one in shambles bc of this ask oh my god 😭😭😭😭💕
idek how i came up with it, i just remember staying over at my best friend’s one night and then the next morning on my way back home my mind just went !!!!!!!!!!! although the story was quite different at the beginning lol.
aw, i’m glad you can relate to her and i reallyyyyy hope you get to figure your life out as well. no rush tho<3
for real tho, if you told taehyung at the beginning of the story that he’d end up married to y/n he would’ve 🤢🤮 but look at him now. in love as fuck, married and with a babie 😭
i didn’t know this was the first smau series you got involved into and i am so honored wtf 🥺 ahhhh, thank you so much for appreciating my writing, it means so much to me 😭💕
omg yess, i remember your dream! back then i already knew i would give them a baby in the end so i was like 👀 don’t spoil aNYTHING ALEX
you have no idea how happy you appreciating the name hyeseong made me ksñslsñs. i looked through so many names and i wanted one that sounded kinda elegant (?) but with a cute meaning and one of the meanings for hyeseong was ‘blessing’ and i was like yup. this is it. bc that’s what he is to y/n and tae 🥺
miyoung and yoongi have not moved in together yet but they are very serious and stay over at each other’s pretty much all the time so. they kinda live together anyway lmao
don’t worry about gukie, he met baby bear later that same day and was there to support his pretty mermaid like the ride or die he is 😌 and lmao i mean tae and hyeseong are y/n’s entire world like she said so 😬 (but shh, don’t tell jk)
ksñsksñsks sorry about the baby fever, if it makes you feel any better i gave myself some baby fever while looking for pictures to use 😹
tae is so excited over having a lil one to teach art to 😭 and babie already loves watching him paint so that can only make him happier. and wbk joon won’t let him live with all the daddy jokes he’d been saving for this exact moment in life 🥵
van gogh could truly never, no one could ever compare with tae’s family 😔
ahhhh, honestly i don’t even know what to answer to the last part bc i’m just so emo over it 😭😭😭 i’ve said it a million times but thank you SOSOSOSOSO MUCH for sticking around and always sending me this kind of long detailed asks because they make me the happiest istg 😭
so yeah, thank you so much :( honestly :( 💕
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daggerzine · 6 years
The Dot comes before the Dash- the Danny Ingram interview.
You would see their names on the back of records, many for Washington’s DC’s Dischord label and you might see a photo every now and again, but don’t know much about them unless you were part of that scene (ie; see my previous interview with Chris Bald from a few years ago). Danny Ingram was another one of those names. I knew he’d been in some of the early Dischord bands (Youth Brigade, etc.) and knew he’d done a lot of other stuff but wasn’t exactly sure where, when or in what context (‘cept that I knew he’s a drummer). Fast forward to nearly a decade ago when I saw his name as drummer of a new Washington, DC combo named Dot Dash. Their guitarist/vocalist Terry Banks had been in some of my favorite indie pop combos, namely Tree Fort Angst and The Saturday People, so I knew I was gonna like this one (Hunter Bennett rounds out the trio on bass)! I’ve enjoyed all of their records, but this latest one, Proto Retro (released earlier this year on The Beautiful Music label) is really a special thing of beauty. Well-written rock-pop songs that are both heartfelt and fun (and catchy as hell). Back to Ingram though, he was one of the older punks on the DC scene and thus saw and heard a lot so grab your favorite beverage, your reading glasses and bathrobe and take a stroll both down memory lane and up ‘til the current day.
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A man and his drums, 
 Were you born and raised in Washington, DC?
Yes – DC born and raised. Lived in SE DC until I was 12, then moved to Palisades (NW DC) where I met my life-long friend and future bandmate, Nathan Strejcek.
 At what age did you take up the drums?
I had a fascination with drums from an early age. I’d had a crush on my baby sitter, Irene, and her brother had a drum set. To impress her, I tried playing along with his Beatles records and such, even though my feet didn’t reach the pedal. It was a lost cause. But a dear family friend and neighbor in SE, Richard Spencer, nurtured my interest. I think he bought me my first drums. He played in Otis Redding’s band and achieved quite a bit of success with his own band the Winstons (he wrote the Grammy-winning song ‘color him father).  I was about 19 when I took up the drums in earnest – with the intention of being in a band. At the risk of repeating an oft-told story…I had gone to see the Clash at the Ontario theater and was hanging out in the narrow, upstairs ‘dressing room’ with the band and several other people. I was sharing a spliff and talking with Joe, Mick and (to a lesser extent because I had trouble understanding him) Paul. Joe asked if I played in a band – I told him I didn’t – but that my best friend did. He admonished me to get off the sidelines – to ‘do something – create something’ – and when Joe Strummer tells you to do something…well…you do it. Shortly thereafter I volunteered to join the Untouchables (their drummer, Richard, left for college). A few weeks after that we played our first show. This was probably in the fall of 1980.
 How did you come into contact with the Dischord Records folks? Were you a Wilson HS student as well? Yeah. I went to Wilson (briefly) and knew all the Dischord people before there was a record label (or a Teen Idles). Nathan and I were best friends and he, along with Ian and Jeff, started the label. We all grew up together and have been friends since early days.
 Do you remember the first person you ever met in the DC punk scene? What was your first punk show?
I was there at the outset and knew most-if not all-of the people before there was a scene, per se. I guess the first people I met who weren’t in our group of friends were Xyra and Cathy – they had a punk radio show at WGTB (Georgetown University radio) called Revolt into Style. Nathan and I used to sneak out of our houses and go down for their shows after our parents went to sleep. As for the first concert? Hard to say. I saw so many bands in those early days –one of the first was probably the Ramones in the fall of ’77. I worked at the Atlantis and at the 9:30 club when it first opened up – so I saw almost every show that came through the DC area for many years. Also, I was a smidge older…so coupled with my fake ID I was able to get into places like the Bayou as well.
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Youth Brigade (Danny is 2nd from left)
 From what I know you’re a bit older than some of the other DC punks, were you there early enough to go to places like Madam’s Organ and the Hard Art Gallery?  (places I only know about from pictures, usually of the Bad Brains).
Tell me about how/when The Untouchables formed? Was that your first band?
…and please tell us about the origins of Youth Brigade?
I was born in 1961 – so it makes me a about a year older than Ian and Jeff and six months older than Nathan. I never really considered myself older. Now, Boyd and the guys in Black Market Baby were fucking old! Most of em born in the 50’s! J Seriously though – we were all roughly in the same age group – though I think Xyra (who was a bit older) referred to that initial scene (affectionately – not anatomically) as teeny punks or baby punks.  My first band was the Untouchables. As noted above, Richard had split and moved off to college. I was sitting at the Roy Rogers with Eddie, Alec and (I think) Bert as they lamented the loss of their drummer and the prospect of breaking up. I jokingly volunteered to take his place. They immediately said ‘yes’ despite my warnings that I’d never really played the drums. A few weeks later we played our first show. We hung together for almost a year before splitting up. After that was Youth Brigade. Nathan had been the singer of the Teen Idles – but when the band split, it seemed only natural that Nathan and I should start a band together. We’d been best friends for years and had very similar life arcs and musical tastes. We tried out a few guitarists (including Jason of 9353) and one other bassist (Greg) before finally settling on the line-up that most people know with Tom on Guitar and my old friend and former Untouchable mate, Bert on bass.  As for Madam’s Organ or Hard Art? I played at Madam’s Organ – and I was at the infamous Bad Brains show at Hard Art. I can’t remember if I ever played there…but it’s entirely possible. You would have to consult with Bert or Alec or someone whose memory isn’t a shambles.
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 Madhouse backstage
Was Madhouse next? They were a bit different right? A darker sound.
I was in a few bands before Madhouse. I played in a band with Dave Byers and Toni Young (from Red C) called Peer Pressure. Tom Berard (scenester) also sang with the band for a while. We recorded a demo up in NY with the bad brains at 171A. We played a handful of shows but, like so many other bands of that era, split up and moved on to other projects.  I also played in a band called Social Suicide – great guys and a fun band (featured Joey A who went on to Holy Rollers). Also short lived – but we did record some songs for a local compilation ‘mixed nuts don’t crack’.  OH – I also briefly tried my hand at singing in a VERY short-lived band called black watch. This featured future members of madhouse (Brad Gladstone on bass and the mega-talented Norman van der Sluys on drums). The less said about this the better. Not because of the band – but because my singing can curdle milk at twenty paces.
I was starting to get a bit antsy with the way the DC scene was evolving – so my then girlfriend (Monica Richards) and I decided to start a band that was more rooted in post punk bands like killing joke, magazine and the monochrome set. That was how madhouse started. But unsurprisingly enough, there was no scene for this band, so we still played mostly punk and hardcore shows – but the direction we tried to take didn’t really sit well with a lot of new, burgeoning scene.  It seems, at least from afar, that you were willing to go in other directions musically (goth, etc.) whereas maybe some of your DC co-horts stuck to the punk rock thing. Would this be accurate? Did you get flack for it?
Yeah – I guess it was a bit gothy. Certainly, that was Monica’s m.o. I’ve always considered myself a punk – no matter what kind of band I played in. But this was definitely the beginning of stretching musical wings. And, yeah, we caught flack for it. But it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. Monica caught the most grief – and that is exactly why we both were getting put off by what the scene was turning into. I’ll just leave it at that. That said – my friends, the ones I’d known from the outset, were all cool. Otherwise I wouldn’t have spent some time drumming for Iron Cross with another life-long friend, Sab.
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Strange Boutique (not ready to dine and (dot) dash) 
 Was Strange Boutique next? If so how/when did that band form and what was its history?
Yes – Strange Boutique (a name I copped from the Monochrome Set song/album) was next up. It was still Monica and me – but while Madhouse tried to straddle the punk scene with whatever it was we were trying to do – Strange Boutique basically said ‘fuck it’ and dove headfirst into what was certainly a more goth-punk-pop sound. The Chameleons, Siouxsie, Cure and bands of that ilk were really influencing us a lot and the quality of the band grew exponentially with the addition of Fred Smith and Steve Willett. -- I should pause here to note that I’ve lost a few friends and bandmates along the way – like Toni Young. But two hit particularly hard: Fred Smith – who was a true original. A crazy fucker. Much loved and much missed no matter how much trouble he got me into! And John Stabb – My brother in every sense of the word. Someone I loved until the end and who was a never-ending source of insanity, humor and energy. John and Fred were both unique spirits…and it’s just not the same without them.
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Swervedriver- not huffin’ and puffin’ 
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radioblue in black and white 
 Pardon my ignorance (I know it was some years) but was there anything between Strange Boutique and Dot Dash?
There were a few bands after Strange Boutique. I played in radioblue who, like strange boutique, were a band on the outside of the dc hardcore scene. They were more 60s-influenced indie pop (byrds, beatles, beach boys, buzzcocks). It led to drumming in a Mark Helm (a singer/guitarist in the band) project called Super 8 and playing on his solo album (on not lame records). I also started a band called King Mixer AGES ago with Steven Engel and James Lee (the bassist and singer/guitarist from radioblue). We still get together to this day, but it’s more like the monthly poker game: play some music, have dinner, hang out and catch up with old friends. We did put out a self-released CD years ago, but Dot Dash came along, and that has monopolized my time for the last seven years. I also played in Swervedriver for about a year, relocating to London for about ten months. It was an amazing experience. Adam Franklin (the singer / song writer) is the greatest musician I’ve ever played with. And as far as I am concerned Adam is in the pantheon of great song-writers of the last 40 years. Glad to still call him and my old swervie bandmates friends. A lifetime of memories crammed into a short period of time! When I moved back to DC from London at the end of 1992 I played in two more bands. The first was the criminally obscure UltraCherry Violet. They were definitely in the mold of swervedriver and some other favorites from that era. The band was Dugan Broadhurst and Dan Marx (who later played in king mixer). We played a handful of shows before I imploded. We got together a year after we split to record some songs for posterity – and those were ultimately released on Bedazzled records (a label I started while in strange boutique – but by now taken over by Steve Willett). There are a few songs on that CD that are among the things I’m most proud of as a musician.  I also played with my old running mates and brothers-in-arms John Stabb and Steve Hansgen (and Rob Frankel) in a band called Emma Peel. THAT was fun! We really clicked together musically – and we recorded a single on our good friend John Lisa’s label Tragic Life. The Avenging Punk Rock Godfathers! This web of connections is what led Steve to joining Dot Dash further down the road.  The last thing I did before Dot Dash was drumming in the legendary local mod band Modest Proposal, with old friends Neal Augenstein and Bill Crandall (who shortly thereafter was part of the original Dot Dash line-up). Steve Hansgen had played with Neal and Bill during an early incarnation – and he and I comprised the rhythm section for and MP reunion show.
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Emma Peel (Danny is far right and that is the late, great John Stabb, 2nd from left) 
Do tell us about your current band Dot Dash? I think the records have been terrific. How did you meet Terry and Hunter?
Thanks for the kind words about the DD records. Right now, the band is a three-piece: me on drums, Terry Banks on vocals and guitar and Hunter Bennett on bass. Terry has been in almost as many bands as me – playing in a lot of indie-pop bands like Saturday People, Glo-Worm and Tree Fort Angst. Hunter was a veteran of the Stabb band among others.  I didn’t really know either of them before we started the band…but I knew of them from their previous band Julie Ocean (the band also had Jim Spellman of Velocity Girl on guitar/vocals and Alex Daniels from Swiz on drums). Julie Ocean released a great record on Transit of Venus – and they should have been huge. JO had planned to go on tour with a band called Magnetic Morning (that was my old friend Adam Franklin and Interpol drummer Sam Fogarino’s side-project), but drummer-Alex, bailed on the tour. So, that night at the Rock n Roll Hotel, Terry asked if I wanted to play drums in a new project with him and Hunter. I said yes – after consulting with my wife, Sally – but it actually took another six months or so to get rolling (I had already promised to do the Modest Proposal reunion). As it turned out, Jim was planning on leaving JO as well (taking a job in Colorado) – but when he came back he played briefly in Dot Dash (between Bill and Steve).  Dot Dash has been the most prolific band I’ve ever played with and the longest running active band. We’ve put out six CD’s on the Canadian label, The Beautiful Music. It’s run by an amazing guy – Wally Salem. I’m not sure that we would still be going without his love and support! Truthfully – I also do it for my kids (Noah 12 and Sam 16). I think it’s good to show them that you can do fun and creative things at any age. Sam has really taken it to heart. He’s been playing guitar since he was 10 and is already a better musician than I ever will be! He’s already formed and broken up his first band – and he filled in for Hunter (on bass) at one of our shows…picking up the songs with relative ease and aplomb. 
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Almost forgot the Social Suicide pic (Danny’s the UK Subs fan)
What’s next for Dot Dash? Another record in the works? Maybe a tour?  I don’t know about touring. I think we would all love to do it – but because we all have demanding jobs, families and such – it makes it difficult to pick up and run off. That said, if the right opportunity presented itself (like going on a tour with a band we love) I think we would certainly consider it. We’ve been REALLY fortunate to play with some bands that have long been heroes/favorites: the Chameleons, Ash, Hugh Cornwell (of the Stranglers), the Monochrome Set, Stiff Little Fingers, the Dickies, DOA and so on – I think if any of them said ‘let’s do it’ we’d be packing our bags! As for another record? Well – we just released our sixth. And it is definitely the record I’m most proud of. Geoff Sanoff did an amazing job producing it – he also produces the Julie Ocean album – and it’s probably the best batch of songs Terry has written to-date.  We are always cranking out new songs – and already have a few in hand – but I think we want to enjoy the last release, Proto Retro, for a bit. 
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Dot Dash with Sam on bass. 
What’s happening in Washington, DC these days musically? Any new bands we need to hear about? The great thing about DC is that it is like the Hydra of Lerna – every time a band breaks up, two new ones start up again! The scene has been regenerating for ages. And there are a lot of great bands still plugging away – The Messthetics with my old friend and Brendan Canty, Miss Lonelyhearts, Foxhall Stacks (with Jim Spellman), Nathan’s band the Delarcos, any band with Chris Moore (an epic drummer) such as the Rememberables or Coke Bust, Anna Connolly’s new project or the new project with Ian, Joe Lally and Amy Farina. Old or young – the scene here is still vibrant and vital.
 Any final thought? Closing comments? Anything you wanted to mention that I didn’t ask?
Obviously, most people know DC for the great music (bad brains, minor threat, fugazi, 9353, government issue, fire party, faith, rites of spring, tommy keene) – but to me, the best thing about it has been the friendships…which for me have been practically life-sustaining. You can’t have a great scene without great people – and to me the people I’ve known along the way simply are the best.
 BONUS QUESTION:  What are your top 10 desert island discs (I know some people don’t like when I ask this questions so I decided to put it as a bonus) Wow. Tough one. My top ten has about ten thousand records in it. So, it really is dependent on my mood at the time. I’ll try to throw it together…but if you ask on another day it might be a different batch. Because I’m old – I’m going to take the liberty of picking a baker’s dozen.  Adam and the Ants – Dirk Wears White Sox (original on Do It records) Art Ensemble of Chicago – Les Stances a Sophie J.S. Bach – Air on the G String Buzzcocks – Spiral Scratch ep (rip Pete Shelley) Chameleons – Script of the Bridge (or Strange Times) Miles Davis – ‘Round About Midnight Al Green – Greatest Hits Kinks – Something Else The La’s – The La’s  Punishment of Luxury – Laughing Academy Red Cross – Posh Boy ep Swervedriver – 99th Dream Zombies – Odyssey and Oracle
(**all photos posted with permission from the Danny Ingram collection- if you took one of these please do let us know so we can credit. Thank you). 
Thank you very much Danny Ingram (from publisher/editor Tim)!
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Dot Dash tearin’ down the house. 
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jojotier · 6 years
(i need to completely scrap and rewrite this wealth of stability finale, so before I wipe the slate clean, here’s what you WON’T be seeing- especially since my style’s changed a lot over the year...)
The passenger beside Jotaro was laughing under his breath.
Jotaro kept watch from the corner of his eye, straining his ears to hear over the still, pressurized air of the cabin. 178 centimeters. Broad shouldered, with a pea green overcoat and fitted pants. Large, circular shades that covered one half of his face and a bushy, dark mustache that covered the other. All the stranger's hair was hidden (or else he didn't have any) under a black fedora. Jotaro had asked specifically for a window seat with no neighbors, and this man had sat down beside him anyway, despite flight attendant complaints- and unceremoniously paid them off. Suspicious.
The stranger appeared to be trying to pretend to read. In his hands was a book with the title I'm Not Who You Think I Am plastered across the front in gaudy neon letters. Subtle, Kakyoin would have sarcastically commented, if he were with Jotaro and not still laid up in Tokyo.
Jotaro thought to himself that this was going to be one hell of a long day.
Someone was going to disappear from this flight.
For the moment, everything on the flight was eerily quiet- but that would change soon. Or so the thin manilla folder he'd stolen from the Speedwagon Foundation told him.
There was a mechanical thunk that sounded from the back of the cabin, permeating the pressurized air with sound. Jotaro’s head turned, along with the stranger, as other passengers around the both of them whispered to each other in confusion. In the back of the cabin, just in front of the restroom, there was a vending machine.
Jotaro’s eyebrows furrowed as he took in the scene, scanning the crowd of civilians murmuring to each other. The vending machine continued to stand guard in front of the bathroom, and he hoped that if anyone were inside they weren’t planning on coming out any time soon. It was painted all black, but done up in such eye searing neon letting that Jotaro felt his retinas burn for a second before he was even able to take in the words on it. Guaranteed to boost your luck! Try Lindwurm Horde Brand TODAY! It all ended with the image of some medieval painting that seemed entirely out of place. Whoever designed the thing should go into another profession. Whether or not graphic design was their passion be damned.
The confused passengers became more antsy as the man beside Jotaro slowly lowered his book, turning his body towards the vending machine while pushing those round shades higher up his nose, seemingly determined to hide his eyes. Underneath them there was the sound of something glassy slithering along the metal floor, covered almost completely thoroughly by the quieted air of the pressurized cabin around them. Then a voice rang out through the cabin.
“Alright ladies and gents, now that I have your attention!” There was a girl standing up at the front of the plane, stepping neatly through the curtain from first class. A couple people peeked out from the curtain, watching her- and she couldn’t have been very old, in her late teens at most. With those stupid pink heart sunglasses, twin blonde braids and baby pink heart themed belly shirt, she seemed even younger. Jotaro hadn’t known that a girl that tall could seem so juvenile from just a glance. Definitely not the kind of little bitch one would expect to be addressing a crowd.
The slithering sound was still there, creeping along, and Jotaro spotted a mass of green darting across the aisle. One of Star’s arms materialized, fist twitching at his side- but he needed to see what the fuck was going on first, to gauge the situation. He’d get to come out soon enough.
“I’m sure you’re wondering what’s gathered the lot of you here on this one specific flight, at this one specific time, with tickets cheaper than the dumpy things you all rode into the airport on- and I assure you, it isn’t just a trip to New York City!” She held herself up like a showman, sending an arrogant glance around the people in the cabin who whispered to each other, now with a strange kind of agitation.
“See ladies and gents, I have a game for you all today.” She said, and for some reason, that was what silenced every member of the flight. Jotaro glanced around, watching the eerie silence settle, as the man beside him leaned forward, shades slipping down his nose. Behind the girl who could only have been the stand user, a green, glassy tentacle raised high in the air.
Jotaro noticed the stranger had scars over his eyes.
The little bitch was quick to move, and the ever present sense of something wrong only grew stronger when she took a woman away from beside her toddler. No screaming. No struggle as the middle aged woman was manhandled- no protest from the boy whose mother was being manhandled away, a boy who couldn’t be more than five. Just pure silence as the woman was put between herself and the stand tentacle, causing it to stop in its tracks. The teen pressed a gun against the back of the woman’s head.
“Hey now, no need to be fucking rude! I thought we could settle this business-like, but I guess we got a few stragglers, huh?” She tossed one braid over her shoulder as she glanced in their direction. “Now would the owner of their mutated moldy Sour Punch please come and share with the class?”
The stranger stood up in the aisle, sweeping his fedora and fake mustache off in one fell swoop, letting his red bang fall back into place. Jotaro could only stare in shock for a moment as the man who wasn’t a stranger after all said, “Well… I must say, I didn’t expect much of the in flight entertainment, but this must be a new low.”
Kakyoin? How the fuck did he get on this flight?
It hit Jotaro somewhat that he maybe should have realized when the tendril of what could only have been Hierophant Green was on the move, but he decided that right then wasn’t the time to dwell on Kakyoin’s (admittedly stupid) disguise. He stood as well, Star Platinum materializing from his back. Hierophant slithered back to its user, winding up Kakyoin’s sleeve and hiding itself there. The girl looked the both of them over, sneering.
“Well look who the goddamn furry dragged in!” She tossed her braids back, somehow not managing to hit herself in the face with them, “Some broody teen drama stereotype and his expendable sidekick- that just makes my fucking day, I’ll tell you what.”
When they finally landed at LaGuardia Airport, the passengers seemed more or less fine- they mumbled and bumped into each other with some cursing and snide remarks as they shambled off the flight, but otherwise, everyone was entirely unharmed.
The man who’d won the ‘game’ woke up and blinked, entirely confused, but ultimately nonplussed and perhaps the most cheerful person off the flight. Jotaro sent a quick text to Speedwagon to keep an eye on Shiraishi Yoshiro (or at least, that’s what his ID had claimed when Jotaro had a peek) and set his sights on figuring out what the fuck they were going to do now that they’d actually made it to New York. He’d more or less been planning on winging it...
“Ugh… I feel like my brain is trying to dissolve my skull.” Kakyoin groused, rubbing his head.
“You jumped out of a plane.” Jotaro reminded him. “That’s a lot of oxygen deprivation.” Not to mention, a lot of fuckery with the air pressure too. It had been hard to keep himself from passing out, even when the door had closed.
“Well no shit, Sherlock,” Kakyoin snapped, rubbing the side of his neck, “God, and this crick in my neck-”
“Damn, was that vending machine really that potent?” Jotaro had to question.
“No! I’m fine!” Kakyoin snapped loudly, before pausing, seeming to come into some self awareness. The small journey from ‘I would gladly twist all of your limbs into the general consistency of pretzels’ to ‘maybe the Bond villain was Me all along’ was something that Jotaro almost wished he caught on film, if only because a lot of the faces made in between those two states barely looked human. “.... Jesus Christ I sound like a middle aged mother.”
“You’re not supposed to agree-!”
“Mmmh…” Both froze as Brittany began to stir in her position over Jotaro’s shoulder, 
(EDIT: please note, i just mean that you wont see events playing out in this way. i fully intend to keep the stand vending machine fight. if i didnt have it i would die of shame)
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wraybliss · 7 years
Private Tarkov could only watch as the enemy grenade that was tossed towards him in the trench. He fell in that trench after a hasty retreat but was shot through both legs. No point in trying to move now. The bullets hit him in the legs making it too painful to get away in time. He was a dead man regardless.
In an instant, He thought back to when he was first deployed. Before his fate was sealed. How did it come to this? In the city named after Stalin himself. Tarkov had been there from the beginning of it all.  He helped set up entrenchments as the germans shelled the beaches as the russians tried to evacuate as many civilians as they could. That summer was the worst in his entire life. Friends, neighbors, even recruits like him had been killed in Stalingrad. They shielded the civilians with their own bodies. The strength their motherland put into the backs of those soldiers, used to keep shrapnel away from the civilians escaping. But Russia’s many of Russia’s people did not leave. With the planes overhead bombings them, and the thunderous roar of the artillery over the hills, they still wouldn’t leave. They themselves were in the trenches digging alongside Tarkov and the soldiers. A couple civilians who helped dig the trenches saved Tarkov from getting killed. Seeing that he had already lost many friends, It wouldn’t hurt to have a few new ones. At least, that’s what he told himself. Their people were strong, and would not let their home be taken without a fight. It made Tarkov feel better knowing that the support of his people was beside him.
Months of assault and bombardment continued. The germans inched ever closer, but the russian army wouldn’t quit. They knew that the german forces were running low on supplies. From what little intel Tarkov got, the germans did not bring winter uniforms with them on this long assault. They even tried to make supply runs and rescue missions to aid them further, but the russian winter is too much for the germans. Still, it means little considering that the russians almost never had the supplies to fight for this long. A nation as big as this, you’d think that Stalin would give them more. When Tarkov’s unit was deployed, he was lucky to get a gun and ammunition. Other got guns without ammo, some got ammo with no guns. Some were even told to throw things, rocks, boots, their own helmets, at the enemy and take their guns. Just because they had more experience in the climate, the russians could still feel the cold. A winter like that was something that could freeze a man where he stood. Both sides were low on supplies. Both were running out of soldiers, and there was only one way this was going to end. Stalin has too much riding on this to lose his named city. For him to defend this city, it is worth every casualty. Not that they have a choice either. If the deserters aren’t killed, they’re sent to Siberia, and never heard from again. There’s said to be a gulag out there. Everyone knows that’s what’s out there, but the government still tries to tell us otherwise.
Tarkov was sullen. His very soul in shambles, as he looked out onto the aftermath of a battlefield. He saw countless casualties on both sides. Was this much spilled blood worth it? For Stalin’s pitiful bombed out city? No. Tarkov knew that it was just a game for them both. The German and Russian leaders were throwing away human lives for the sake of bragging rights. He wouldn’t budge for hours. Just staring, trying to count the bodies, wondering how many were people he knew, or even people he had recently met. It didn’t matter. To him, they did not die for Stalin, but they died for their home, Russia. He knew his time was short as well. Being separated from his own squad, under the impression that they were gunned down in the field he’s currently in, he found two large duffle bags and collected as many ID tags as he could. He collected the ID’s of both russian and german soldiers because he knew that both fought not for what they believed was right, but for what they were told was right. Their lives were taken as a part of some meaningless hollow victory. Tarkov couldn’t let them die like this. Unknown, and rotting in a field. Among everything that he had lost, Tarkov wouldn’t let himself loose his way.
It had taken him over a month to collect all of the tags. A burning flame of a war he believed to have ended in ash still had embers to burn. He heard gunfire over a hill near him. Several men screaming orders in German, and several more orders in Russian. But the russians had fewer people. He knew this before cresting that hill and seeing the battle take place for himself. He could see his soldiers being surrounded by the encroaching force.
He could not bear to witness the pain of watching more of his people fall. The day was ending. The sun bearing the same hue as the burning field behind him. He turned around towards the grave field of now unknown soldiers, and saw something he could not fully comprehend. Each place where he had taken a tag from a soldier now had a stone board in the place of the bodies. Like wooden two by fours stood in the snow. Only these were made of stone and had some inscription written on them. One read “Sasha Kolechia”. Another “Sven Ziegler”, “Boris Taloc”, “Klaus Mittelheim”, and thousands more. These were not just names set in stone, but the graves of every fallen soldier. Tarkov felt a chill like no other. Despite the sub temperature of the battlefield, this chill felt alive. No, quite the opposite. It was the embodiment of death. He looked towards an old, half fallen tree between the two fields to see a figure staring at the current fight. Tarkov couldn’t wonder any longer. He had to know exactly who, or what this person was. As he walked closer to the figure, It became more and more understood. He recognised the figure to be something everyone knew deep down. This was death personified. However, something was off about him. Tarkov found a fondness to this being for some reason.He wore a long dark cloak, but the winter hat of a russian soldier. The famous scythe that all the storybooks proclaimed him to bear was a wide curved sickle. His face, skeletal. This was no doubt the man himself. Tarkov knew himself to be dead inside regardless, so he spoke to the reaper. “How much more?
How much more bloodshed and torment must I endure before this war ends? I’ve seen countless honorable men, more so than the cowards who lead us, die in this war. What more do you wish to take from me?” The figure looked to Tarkov. The darkness in death's eyes made him tremble. He spoke his wisdom. “You are not the first soldier in a meaningless war to ask me why. You have seen that of which no one should ever bear witness. However, this war is not about you.” The reaper pointed towards the russian soldiers surrounded. Suddenly, a large group of armed civilians appear to aid the soldiers. Few were armed with guns. Some had tools, others had large pieces of wood. Some even ran into this field with nothing but their bare fists. “This war for you was to protect those who can’t fight. But as you can see, the will to fight for their home is felt further than the soldiers. These good people want their homes, their farms. They want their lives back even if they have to risk it. This war can be called many things, but it is not meaningless, soldier.”
Tarkov felt every one of death's words resonate within himself he knew now what the fight was for even if he were to fall to it. It spoke again. “You have done a job similar to mine in collecting these tags. Allow me to take that weight off of your worn shoulders. You still have a battle to fight.” Tarkov picked up a rifle at his feet. Before he could head to the line with his people, he asked. “Will I die on this field today? Not for my superiors, but for my people. My home?” He could hear a chuckle from death before he spoke.
“You were always going to die. That would never have changed, But if you do, die proud with your people by your side.” That was all he needed to charge into battle. Before he got to the bottom of that hill, he had shot several enemy soldiers close to his people. Eventually, he got the attention of both armies. The germans now pointing their guns to Tarkov. He showed no fear in this fight. His people recognised him charging into the fight. Soldiers shouted his name. Then the civilians. Their chants deafening the sound of the guns. He was their hero. As loud as he could he shouted for his people to charge the enemy trench. Hundreds of soldiers and civilians alike stormed across the field into their trenches. The germans not knowing what to do couldn’t take them all at once. Before this victory could be met, Tarkov had been shot in his legs. He crawled off the field and into a trench between the battlefield. An object bounced off the the wall adjacent to him and landed about 7 feet from him. This was it.
Private Tarkov could only watch as the enemy grenade that was tossed towards him in the trench. He fell in that trench after a hasty retreat but was shot through both legs. No point in trying to move now. The bullets hit him in the legs making it too painful to get away in time. He was a dead man regardless. His memory of the past now come full circle. He could only wait. Suddenly, a man with a hammer jumped into the trench on top of  Tarkov. He was shielding him. Tarkov did not want this. It was his time. He was ready.
The man looked Tarkov in the eye, and said something he would never forget. “Russia thanks you.” A loud sound for a brief second, then nothing. He could hear the muffled war cries of the soldiers in the distance. Tarkov could only look to the sky. The figure of Death stood above Tarkov to tell him. “Your time will come soldier. But for now, your people need a hero.” Tarkov had a smile on his face before he passed out in the snow.
I had used a similar method of storytelling as the story “Bullet in the Brain” by having the character Tarkov experience the whole story as he waited for a grenade to explode next to him. Waiting for this, he had his flashback of how he was eager to fight in a war for his leader, but that later turned to a war for the people. The sullen nature of the story I had written and the feeling of being forced to fight a meaningless war was inspired by the story “Battle Royale”, by showing how the character Tarkov grew to fight for his home and his people instead of the superior leader calling the shots.
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I cannot overstate that this game, IS SO NOT FUN. Anyone who believes otherwise, is a low-down, dirty, mangy, filthy, flee-bitten, ball-sniffin', toilet drinker.
Annoying. Everything about this game is so Focking aggravatingly annoying. I hate absolutely everything there is to hate about this game. I hate that it's called Star Wars, because I've owned practically every Star Wars game ever released, including Galaxy At War, DICES epic abortion fail, Battlefront Rebooted, and The Old Republic before it was free. Star Wars' stand-alone single player games were LucasArts' bread & butter; they were an industry standard, and the companies flagship. Now that ship has tanked.
Interactive In-game tutorials… need I say more. Yeah, I don’t know anybody who doesn’t enjoy having the game, game-splain to you how to play the game, while playing the game (it’s like a cut scene on crystal meth).
Did I mention it doesn't save your progress the way you think it should. Yeah, kiss that new swag goodbye if you don't push through enough of the story line. I had five stim when I signed off one day. The next day, I have three. Three, people!!! Besides, you can't pick up any guns you get off downed storm troopers anyway. Kyle Katarn had a million guns, about a billion grenades, thermal detonators, trip mines, all before he had a light saber. Jeez-Us, I miss that TENLOSS DISRUPTOR RIFLE right now!
Who decided that walking was no longer a thing? Yeah, whose idea was it to get rid of walking? He moves like a Ree-Tard; the guy can’t just walk. Nope. Just lurching and running, lurching and running. It does not play like Star Wars, it doesn’t feel like Star Wars, and Kyle Katarn would never have been faced with such lack of choice in his decision making. First contact with storm troopers, this guy hulks out with a light saber?
Basically, the entire beginning of this game, which is time consuming, functions as an interactive cut scene, in that you have to play it to a certain objective point, before it even allows you the option of simply quitting the game. That’s right. You cannot quit playing this game until you complete the initial story line of a functioning quazi-gameplay tool that plays out like an in-depth in-game tutorial designed to get you accustomed with avatar movement. Don’t believe me? The moment you meet Second Sister by yourself, and she says, “Going somewhere?” Let go the controls. The game plays itself. ‘Esc’ all you want, there will be no option allowing you the luxury to ‘quit’ until the platform creator’s conceptual agenda on how this game is played, is serviced in full. 
Let me try and put this into perspective for you; they shelved, 'STAR WARS 1313', a game they knew was better, made by George Lucas, himself, & LucasArts, for this bowlshyt.
Combat is a travesty, wonky, clunky, no style, no grace. Force powers are a shambles of what they used to be; no mind tricks, no stealth, no sophistication, no lightening bolts coursing through the fingers. And you really miss that stealth when you're the kind of person who doesn't play the way they made this game, the only way it plays. Movement is a f**king nightmare, lack of fast travel, even in a Star Wars, yet one of an innumerable plethora of poor creative decisions. Once you fix the scomp link, you want out of there! Plain & simple.
OMG the DERP! The Disney Derp! If Disney spent as much time writing, producing, creating, and programming as much as they did derping down your favorite icons, superheroes, and the like, they might actually produce something worth it's salt. But, boy, do they love derping. Forget about force abilities, or the lack thereof, it doesn't matter what this kid, Cal, can or can't do, because they didn't put any power behind it. This has got to be the weakest goddamned, white trash, trailer park, food stamp, welfare, homeless, disability, hillbilly, Jedi Knight fockface, ever! If force abilities was a gun, and force power was bullets, he'd have a clip with three paint balls in it.
Remember the glory of Kyle Katarn throwing everything including the kitchen sink around the room with ease. Yeah... hold on to that thought.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to come out with 'The Force Unleashed' where you're just basically smackin' everything in the mouth with your dyck, then derp the force power out of force abilities for this schyt-show in a dumpster fire, should be flogged within an inch of their worthless, pathetic friggin lives.
And don't even get me started on just getting the game started in the first place. Downloaded twice?! Through Steam & Origin?! Still had to overhaul Origin files, reset my PC, ... etc, I'm talking command prompt (admin) schyt... 
Let me just give anyone trying to load or start or play this game a helping hand: 
1. If Origin is running, close it from the task manager to make sure every version of it is closed, then...
2. Hold the Windows key + R.
3. In the command box that opens, type %ProgramData% then click OK.
4. Open the Origin folder and delete all the files and folders inside it except for LocalContent. Do not delete that folder.
5. Hold the Windows key + R again.
6. In the command box that opens, type %AppData% then click OK.
7. In the Roaming folder that opens, delete the Origin folder.
8. Click on AppData in the address bar.
9. . Open the Local folder.
10. Delete the Origin folder in there.
11. Restart your PC and log back into Origin.
1.Hold down the Windows Key and press X.
2.Click Command Prompt (Admin).
3.Type ipconfig/flushdns and press Enter.
4.Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
5.Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
6.Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
7.Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
8.Reboot your computer (then smack urself in the face).
Yeah, that's just to get it running... The whole game is a sad satire of the glory of what Star Wars used to be. I miss Kyle Katarn something aweful...
Happy gaming (he said facetiously).
0 notes
STAR WARS JEDI: FALLEN ORDER(..OF MAKING STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT GAMES). BEWARE THE DISNEY DERP! https://steamcommunity.com/id/SchwaaggaaMonStaar/recommended/1172380 I cannot overstate that this game, IS SO NOT FUN. Anyone who believes otherwise, is a low-down, dirty, mangy, filthy, flee-bitten, ball-sniffin', toilet drinker. Annoying. Everything about this game is so Focking aggravatingly annoying. I hate absolutely everything there is to hate about this game. I hate that it's called Star Wars, because I've owned practically every Star Wars game ever released, including Galaxy At War, DICES epic abortion fail, Battlefront Rebooted, and The Old Republic before it was free. Star Wars' stand-alone single player games were LucasArts' bread & butter; they were an industry standard, and the companies flagship. Now that ship has tanked. Interactive In-game tutorials… need I say more. Yeah, I don’t know anybody who doesn’t enjoy having the game, game-splain to you how to play the game, while playing the game (it’s like a cut scene on crystal meth). Did I mention it doesn't save your progress the way you think it should. Yeah, kiss that new swag goodbye if you don't push through enough of the story line. I had five stim when I signed off one day. The next day, I have three. Three, people!!! Besides, you can't pick up any guns you get off downed storm troopers anyway. Kyle Katarn had a million guns, about a billion grenades, thermal detonators, trip mines, all before he had a light saber. Jeez-Us, I miss that TENLOSS DISRUPTOR RIFLE right now! Who decided that walking was no longer a thing? Yeah, whose idea was it to get rid of walking? He moves like a Ree-Tard; the guy can’t just walk. Nope. Just lurching and running, lurching and running. It does not play like Star Wars, it doesn’t feel like Star Wars, and Kyle Katarn would never have been faced with such lack of choice in his decision making. First contact with storm troopers, this guy hulks out with a light saber? Basically, the entire beginning of this game, which is time consuming, functions as an interactive cut scene, in that you have to play it to a certain objective point, before it even allows you the option of simply quitting the game. That’s right. You cannot quit playing this game until you complete the initial story line of a functioning quazi-gameplay tool that plays out like an in-depth in-game tutorial designed to get you accustomed with avatar movement. Don’t believe me? The moment you meet Second Sister by yourself, and she says, “Going somewhere?” Let go the controls. The game plays itself. ‘Esc’ all you want, there will be no option allowing you the luxury to ‘quit’ until the platform creator’s conceptual agenda on how this game is played, is serviced in full. Let me try and put this into perspective for you; they shelved, 'STAR WARS 1313', a game they knew was better, made by George Lucas, himself, & LucasArts, for this bowlshyt. Combat is a travesty, wonky, clunky, no style, no grace. Force powers are a shambles of what they used to be; no mind tricks, no stealth, no sophistication, no lightening bolts coursing through the fingers. And you really miss that stealth when you're the kind of person who doesn't play the way they made this game, the only way it plays. Movement is a f**king nightmare, lack of fast travel, even in a Star Wars, yet one of an innumerable plethora of poor creative decisions. Once you fix the scomp link, you want out of there! Plain & simple. OMG the DERP! The Disney Derp! If Disney spent as much time writing, producing, creating, and programming as much as they did derping down your favorite icons, superheroes, and the like, they might actually produce something worth it's salt. But, boy, do they love derping. Forget about force abilities, or the lack thereof, it doesn't matter what this kid, Cal, can or can't do, because they didn't put any power behind it. This has got to be the weakest goddamned, white trash, trailer park, food stamp, welfare, homeless, disability, hillbilly, Jedi Knight fockface, ever! If force abilities was a gun, and force power was bullets, he'd have a clip with three paint balls in it. Remember the glory of Kyle Katarn throwing everything including the kitchen sink around the room with ease. Yeah... hold on to that thought. Whoever thought it was a good idea to come out with 'The Force Unleashed' where you're just basically smackin' everything in the mouth with your dyck, then derp the force power out of force abilities for this schyt-show in a dumpster fire, should be flogged within an inch of their worthless, pathetic friggin lives. And don't even get me started on just getting the game started in the first place. Downloaded twice?! Through Steam & Origin?! Still had to overhaul Origin files, reset my PC, ... etc, I'm talking command prompt (admin) schyt... Let me just give anyone trying to load or start or play this game a helping hand: RESET ORIGIN 1. If Origin is running, close it from the task manager to make sure every version of it is closed, then... 2. Hold the Windows key + R. 3. In the command box that opens, type %ProgramData% then click OK. 4. Open the Origin folder and delete all the files and folders inside it except for LocalContent. Do not delete that folder. 5. Hold the Windows key + R again. 6. In the command box that opens, type %AppData% then click OK. 7. In the Roaming folder that opens, delete the Origin folder. 8. Click on AppData in the address bar. 9. . Open the Local folder. 10. Delete the Origin folder in there. 11. Restart your PC and log back into Origin. FLUSH DNS - WINDOWS 10 1.Hold down the Windows Key and press X. 2.Click Command Prompt (Admin). 3.Type ipconfig/flushdns and press Enter. 4.Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter. 5.Type ipconfig /release and press Enter. 6.Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter. 7.Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter. 8.Reboot your computer. Yeah, that's just to get it running... The whole game is a sad satire of the glory of what Star Wars used to be. I miss Kyle Katarn something aweful... Happy gaming (he said facetiously).
0 notes