#other than that they're just being evil and awful for the hell of it
dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
I'm so tired of this dumb person stalking me. I literally have my settings set (on all social media that it is an option) so that new users can't message me. And I have their main and alt accounts all blocked but it doesn't stop them from either making a new account, or finding a reblog of my post, and adding some nasty nonsense to it. Especially on reddit? How are you able to make new accounts on there so easily? Is it bc they maybe a new email for each one? idk but they cant message me or anything anymore but they'll hunt down my name on alt accounts and find my comments on other people's post and reply to them calling me slurs or junk. The other day they found an old post of me talking about my pet that passed away two years ago, and I was giving someone advice on pain meds from the vet and they replied to comment saying that they hoped my gecko died a slow and painful death and I am just so frustrated that they seem to have nothing better to do than to harass me and post dumb freudian analogies of MErlin or whatever. Like, it's basically a new acount EVERY SINGLE DAY and they wont shut up spouting anti trans, anti ace, and racist nonsense on everything except their main account where they send themselves anons so that they can pretend THEY are getting harassed in the same way they are harassing people UGH
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thesweetnessofspring · 3 months
"Peeta coerced Katniss into a relationship" - He literally said that he liked her, she had no idea who he was until the Reaping, and got in with the Careers to protect her so they wouldn't have to interact much in the actual Games. In his mind, the most she would have to do is answer questions after she won about how she felt about him. Maybe say some nice things about him and wistfully say she wished they'd gotten a chance to know each other. Then go home and live her life however she could after. Even Katniss admits that Peeta made her memorable and secured her sponsors, which gave her burn cream and food. Peeta manipulated the Capitol and never even came clean to Katniss that he'd really, actually liked her for a long time until the cave--after she had risked her life to save him. Prior to that, there is an understanding between both of them that they're acting to save both of their lives. Look me in the eye and tell me that all of this was a grand plan for Peeta to lock Katniss down. Haymitch even says it--"he wanted it to be real." Like you think Peeta fantasized this is how he would first get to know Katniss? That was Plan A? That he knew the Capitol would "let" two victors win? Or, that when the audience wasn't looking, he was forcing and guilting her into being in love with him for real?
"Peeta made Katniss feel bad about not liking him back" - This traumatized sixteen-year-old amputee who just got back from hell didn't perfectly respond to thinking someone who was willing to die with him rather than live in a world without him actually wasn't sure of her feelings. The horror. Hang him for being upset and hurt! And how absolutely awful of him to apologize for being hurt and offering to be friends! Other than Katniss knowing he loved her and she wasn't sure how she cared for him, what did he do to make her feel bad? What did he do on purpose to bring out those feelings in her?
"Peeta was the Capitol's choice, not Katniss's" - Right, because I'm sure the Capitol absolutely loved the fact that the two of them outsmarted the Gamemakers and starting the rebellion with those berries--they wanted that and NOT the highly emotional, dramatic death of one of them, the reminder that humanity is evil and must be controlled. Snow just loved that so much, he thanked Seneca Crane by killing him.
"Peeta didn't know Katniss" - ok, and? That's like, literally most of the human population who don't know each other from birth? They had known each other for a year prior to Snow holding Peeta hostage. Then they had their unspecified amount of time where they "grow back together."
"They're only together because of the shared trauma of the Games" - Suzanne made it abundantly clear that these two get along really well and have a connection before the Games. Even without the bread (although that is a cornerstone of their relationship forming) the way they both silently agree to take care of Haymitch instead of call an attendant, the way they sell each other's strengths to Haymitch, the way they flirt during the Opening Ceremonies, and just about everything else points to them having a natural chemistry and interest in one another. And also, literally, what do you think make relationships stronger? Everything going perfectly, or having someone help you through a hard time, proving you can trust them to keep you safe? With this anti-shared-trauma mindset, no one in this world can love anyone else because they all have shared trauma of their oppression. Only Capitol/District matches here, people! Hayffie shippers only.
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bloodreddemons · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Episode 5-6 Hot Takes! ~
Lucifer doesn't really seem like a necessarily "good" dad or "bad" dad. He's definitely not the greatest at all but it really does suck that Charlie was pretty much isolated from him. Not completely his fault I'm sure.
I know it's obvious at this point that Lucifer & Alastor don't like each other...but you can definitely tell Alastor HATES him. His face was just stuck on stink the entire time.
To follow that up, I wonder why Alastor doesn't like Lucifer so much. Maybe it has to do with Lilith or Eve?
I like Lucifer's personality despite being the literal Devil he's actually very goofy. I don't think this was even a hot take. Lol.
Alastor saying fuck is the funniest thing in this show so far. It was actually gold. Bless him.
I hate that there was actual discourse surrounding episode 5 regarding Charlastor, and that people who hate the ship took the opportunity to either be pissed about their interactions, or celebrate that the ship is dead.
Hell's Greatest Dad was a nice song I really enjoyed it. Alastor and Lucifer sounded great.
A lot of people have already said this, but I think it's pretty obvious that Alastor was only trying to piss Lucifer off with the daughter comments. I don't think he actually sees him & Charlie as family.
Saying that Charlie can almost call Alastor Daddy was jaw dropping lol. I don't get how the ship is dead. It's definitely revived.
I fucking hate Mimzy. She's just an awful friend. She's literally that fake friend that only hits you up when you need something. I don't get how Alastor has been (hazbin) friends with her for so long. Christ.
I would've just thrown Mimzy to the Lone Sharks.
I wonder who "owns" Alastor? Most likely Lilith, that's what everybody has said. It could also possibly be Eve tho. He's definitely been working with someone.
Alastor's monster eldritch form kinda looks how a lot of us expected.
I don't get how Charlie is going to tell Lucifer, the first fallen angel EVER, and God's actual former favorite, what Heaven would say or think. He's already been there before. He knows how they work.
"More than Anything" was actually a pretty sweet song. It kinda hit close to home. Lucifer really sounded like the Angel he is.
Cherri & Sir Pentious are actually really cute. I kinda saw that one coming. Idk how they'd fuck tho. Ewwww.
Something is weird about Charlie not being on that list when they got to Heaven. Some people have speculated that she's in the wrong place. Hmmmm.
I don't really care for Sera or Emily. Idk I just don't. Sorry y'all.
"Welcome To Heaven" was such a weird gay ass song. 🤣 Why was that white ass twink priest practically moaning lmao...but the song was giving some type of backstreet boys or NSYNC.
I didn't think Lute or any of the exterminators actually had faces. That was a shock.
Even though it was already obvious to so many I was still gagged when the Vaggie Angel theory was finally confirmed. I love the way she met Charlie.
Not a hot take but I fucking hate Lute & Adam for doing Vaggie like that. She definitely didn't deserve it. All she did was spare one fucking child. They're evil.
The blackmailing Vaggie thing was very anticlimactic and dumb as fuck especially since they made Vaggie avoid being questioned. It would've been more interesting if Vaggie did what Adam said and spoke against Charlie at the meeting.
I've come to realize that Heaven is just shit and nobody knows what they're doing. The fact that they have a piece of shit like Adam up there and he himself doesn't know why he's there in the first place is very telling.
I don't think Cherri is a bad friend at all, but it was very off putting for her to constantly peer pressure Angel Dust when he's been trying to have a good streak. I get that she's a party animal and don't give a fuck but she could at least be mindful of her friend that's trying to stop their bad habits.
Angel being protective of Nifty when she was drunk was so cute. I'm happy he saved her from Val even if she didn't need it.
"You didn't know" was meh. It had some good parts I liked the overlapping of "Hell Is Forever" but thats really it.
I feel like Charlie is going to forgive Vaggie pretty quickly. I don't think this dramatic revelation of her past is going to cause that big of a rift in their relationship at all, especially with how quick they made up in episode 3.
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fallenhunnyapple · 19 days
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@ilikelookingatthings left a very long and question filled essay about Angel!Lu AU in the replies so now its time to delve into More Info about the AU! @fallenguitarhero is my Adam so I got his input for all the Adam-related parts of this. Under a cut because.... this is Very Long LOL (bonus art at the end)
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I'm going to just Copy-Paste the answers I got when we discussed it
I do think that Adam actually subconsciously shifts blame to Lilith because he's very black and white in his views. He hates devil Luci but he thinks he can prevent angel Lu from going down that path if he just keeps them apart. Lute also believes this and ngl her view of Lilith is like...really awful internalized misogyny type shit. Both of them think its better the two never meet and Lute outright threatens Lilith to stay away. Adam is too possessive to try and shift Lu to someone else but he does like... try to push Lu back into friendship type feels. Adam is a dumbass about sexuality so he thinks if he brings Lu to do Masculine and Straight things it will fix this. Instead he ends up just spending even more time with him and making it worse. As for his trauma... yeah Adam tries to hide it. Mostly by changing the subject and acting like an asshole tbh. I've thought abt Lu finding out about Cain and Abel p much by mistake (maybe saw artwork of it, all the hell related stuff is hidden but they wouldnt think to hide art of Adam holding Abel's body or Cain's exile) and it breaking his little baby heart. Adam def has moments where like... his mind is busy w something else like a bad day or a nightmare and for a second he sees the devil instead of his angel. Adam always like... 'shit, sorry, i thought you were someone else- fuck, don't look at me like that, c'mon.' There are other issues he just... doesn't realize he needs to hide. They're right about Adam being cynical and like... telling himself Lu doesn't really love him. Even once they date, he's still insecure. At that point i think he'd tell Lu about Lilith leaving him for a friend of his (whose name he never gives) and his marriage with Eve ending badly. He avoids details. He prob talks way more about his kids and prob even introduces Lu to them... Lu being around might encourage him to work on his relationship with them. Adam's body dysmorphia is such a contrast from the Adam Lu knew before... i do think that with him hiding so much from Lu, he tries to make it up to him by making sure his life is perfect. He goes out of his way to keep his angel happy and his attitude spreads to his exorcists who accept Lu into their flock. tbh Adam's dynamic with them prob becomes way healthier over time due to Lu's influence. i think Adam does tell the truth about some things but leaves out the details. Like he says evil found earth and destroyed Eden but says it hurts too much to talk about it (not a lie) and tells Lu that it's why the exorcists exist, they protect heaven and the dead humans from it. Which is what the official story is anyway! i think Lu prob has the same info the average low ranking Heavenborne and winners do. If Lu pushed him too much Adam might admit there are things he can't tell him but frame it as a military thing - there are things only Michael, Adam and the high ranking exorcists can know. He feels a lot of guilt about lying. it weighs on him a lot. that and the stress of protecting Lu from his brothers honestly makes Adam act more subdued and tired than canon Adam. His eyebags are awful. It prob becomes obvious as time goes on that Adam is Not Well. He keeps his mask on for a looong time after the first time bc it helps him hide his feelings and self-regulate but when he finally takes it off it's obvious to Lu from how he looks that Adam is struggling mentally. Comparing him to how he looked in Eden makes it so clear.
For Lu's part of things. Of course he'd ask about Lilith. Especially after finding out that so long has passed and Adam is here, so Lilith is probably here too, right? I feel like because he missed... So much, the concept of Death to him still doesn't really sink in. Like even with the Sins, it's basically like he just Knows he can't See them again. So with Lilith its like Adam has to just lie the same as with Anyone else from Hell. And Lu is definitely heartbroken about Lilith being Gone.
And like, at the time, Adam isn't lying so he doesn't feel Guilty about it, he just feels bad seeing Lu so upset. The timeline of this is kinda indeterminate but it definitely is Earlier than the 7 years of Lilith being in Heaven. So when he first Appears, she hasn't left Hell yet. Who knows, Charlie may not have even been born yet at that point. There's no Solid point in Time for Lu to have appeared in Heaven, it's just... Earlier. He doesn't think to Look for her because he knows that if she's Not Already There, then she's Inaccessible. Otherwise Adam would have told him, he's sure of it. (Adam has no obligation to tell Lu when Lilith does get there and for the reasons stated above + the fact that the Elder Angels probably would try and deter any interaction between the two. he's left in the Dark about her arriving in Heaven. He doesn't know Adam has even made a Deal with anyone) He still misses her because Adam is Truly the only friend from When he's from left.
And tbh the mixed signals are what keeps Hope Alive for Lu. As much as he tries to be okay with friendship, he still wants more because he's In Love and Adam is the only thing that makes him feel Normal when his entire life and everything he knew was entirely up-ended. It's why he's so passive about it. He doesn't want to make Adam feel bad, but he sees Adam being so Conscious of him now and it makes him happy. He doesn't wanna Push it, but he still likes seeing that Adam is Aware of him like that now. Especially because it's not in a way where Adam is trying to push him away, Adam is actively spending more time with him!
The longer time passes, the more discontent Lu grows. Knowing he's being lied to/that things are being hidden, even by Adam, he is Curious and he wants to learn more. But he also isn't going to be reckless about Learning More. The thing is also he Doesn't Know what questions he should be asking. He could ask Winners things and get answers, its not like anyone would stop him from Talking to Winners, its part of his Job. But like... How would he even start to figure out what's Missing in his knowledge?
Also Lu is definitely Aware of how different Adam is from his Eden self. Like just Visually, it's so easy to separate them because Adam wears his mask. But when its just the two of them and Adam is maskless, Lu may be more susceptible to treating him like that. But he's also very aware of the fact that actually their Knowledge Base is completely flipped. Lu hardly knows anything and Adam knows Everything.
And like.... Lu Knows that being kept in the dark is probably 'for his own good' but as stated, the person who fell is Still him. So now instead of resenting/being upset that Humans were kept in the dark, now it's himself. There's no Fruit That Will Fix Things for him though. He's just left frustrated at his lack of agency in this. And honestly, what keeps in line Most is Fear. Since coming to this time, his family has been Nicer to him, he's actually getting along to some degree with his brothers who used to ridicule him (or worse) and he Knows it's only because he's 'behaving' now, now that Creation is over and Life Has Existed. And he's scared or what will happen if he steps too out of line. He doesn't have the refuge of going to Eden to visit the Humans if things go south with his siblings. He isn't allowed on Earth, he's confined to Heaven, so he would just be stuck with the same sort of things that ultimately drove him originally to commit the Sin of giving Eve the Apple (not that he's Aware of how it culminated) And Also he has Adam. He doesn't want to know what the consequences would be if they were to decide that they shouldn't be allowed to stay together. It would absolutely break him.
If Lu were to find out about the exterminations, he'd be just as Appalled by it as Emily was. Lu doesn't know about Sin, what that entails, how Sinners destroy everything. He hasn't had to live with it so he can't see any contempt or justification for their destruction. Lucifer hates them because they came in a ruined the world he tried to build in Hell. Lu doesn't have any such associations with them. He would just see them much like Charlie does, souls who made mistakes and who should be given the chance to Do Better and make up for it. (That's sort of what he is, in a way, too.) He would absolutely be upset and scold the fuck out of Adam and Lute if he knew what his besties were REALLY doing once a year-
As for the sexual stuff, Both Lucifers started without having a concept of sex or sexuality, so both of them are specifically shaped by their partners (literally in a way). So the Lucifer who learned and explored with Lilith is going to be completely different from the Lucifer who learned and explored with Adam in terms of How they have sex. It's a skill they learn by doing, so it's not the Same.
Thank you for sticking it out this long, have a doodle for your troubles 🙏
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soup-mother · 11 days
i genuinely can't express just how evil the christian belief that suicide is a sin is. like holy fucking shit, religiously guilt miserable people into staying miserable and then straight up say the went to hell and "took the easy way out", fucking evil. like this is just stuff that was on my mind like i'm personally doing fine it's just like actually vile. and that idea shows up in so much media like wow a character went to hell for killing themselves? but you're definitely not pushing a christian worldview huh? it's such a pervasive idea and it's so harmful. hey maybe you're not actually a fucking bad person for thinking about killing yourself? that's like the bare minimum of support you can offer to a suicidal person, not thinking they're evil and bad for it.
like even if it would hurt other people for you to go like...you're not fucking going to hell to be punished for eternity for it holy shit. hell isn't real for one thing but also just wow, i can't even imagine how awful it is being suicidal and religious knowing everyone would not only judge you horribly but straight up think you were a sinner for it. ESPECIALLY if you have like a christian therapist where not only are they gonna institutionalize you for ideation but ALSO put religious blame on it.
controversial thought maybe but i care more about suicidal people than the unwanted opinions of religious people.
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So I hope you don't mind this ask.
Adam. Do you think he's a bad person and should be in hell?
This is something me and my best friend is talking about.
The Lilith thing - my point is we don't know if the book is true. If Adam really was this controling and abusive person at the beginning. I don't think it's true, to be honest, because in Eden they're supposed to untouched and innoncent. It makes me wonder if what Lilith thought was controlling and abusive, might have been something small and sweet? We don't know, but what we do know, Eden didn't have curelty in it. So it is doubtful Adam was controlling and abusive when Eden wouldn't allow it.
The exterminations - I'm sorry but I don't think he is wrong for this. It's Hell. The human souls that go down there are terrible, evil people. We use sinners like Angel and Husk for examples. But realistically, they wouldn't have went to Hell. They would have been in Heaven. I feel they went to Hell just to make Hell more sympathic. I feel unless the soul has killed someone, commited awful crimes, they would still go to heaven. If they take drugs, selfharm, drink or something like that, they would still go to heaven because those things are normally born out of pain.
Sir Pentious being redeemed. Correct me I am wrong, but didn't he kill like thousands of people with a bomb? Could you imagine if you were one of those people and you just saw your murder appear in Heaven? The whole redem plot line isn't good. Charlie doesn't think of the victims of the Sinners. I mean, we know it won't happen, but imagine Alastor being redeemed and you're one of his victims? Or your child is one of his victims?
Yeah, no. Adams right. It's crazy that people are going out of their way to make him into this shitty person when he really isn't.
Sorry to rant. It's a frustrating debate I'm having with BBF over here. She's very on Hell and Charlie's side, but come on, realistically no. Just no. It wouldn't work. Charlie's compeltely ignoring the elephant in the room. I think for it to acturally work, an eighth ring of heaven would have be made and the redeemed sinners would have to go there. But even that wouldn't work and it would have more issuses....gosh.
I don't mind the rant! Lol
Okay, so my take on it is yes, Adam belongs in Hell. Not just for the exterminations but also, he's not a very good person. Now, he likely was at one point and that got him into heaven.
That being said, the book of Hell is likely 110% made to make Lilith and Lucifer look like victims and Adam look bad. When I'm sure in reality, he was more of a victim being tricked and all.
But no, the souls down in Hell are in no way innocent. Sure, some have done lesser sins than others those are the ones that can be redeemed.
But the serial killers, rapists, pedophiles, and violent abusers of the world that go to Hell? They deserve to be there 100%
I'm sure Charlie has lived a VERY sheltered life if she thinks she can fix people with kids games.
As far as Angel and Husk go, yeah I'm sure they were made to be more sympathetic but I'm also sure they've done things we aren't aware of yet.
Adam isn't a saint but he's not wrong. It would be very traumatic for someone who was in heaven that was murdered for example and they see the guy that killed them walking around.
Adam had the right idea to kill sinners like that. The unredeemable.
Redeemed sinners getting their own heaven in the form of an 8th ring would be interesting. For Charlie's plan to work she would need to redeem hundreds of not thousands of sinners a month to make a dent in the overpopulation of Hell.
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alostlittleriverlotus · 10 months
"is it their fault their brain developed that way? No. But they still have the disorder."
"if you killed every narcissist, you would save more people than you would kill"
"narcissism is deadly"
"narcissists are evil"
"do you even know anyone with narcissism?! I do and they're awful people!"
"narcissism can't be cured"
"caring for a human as toxic as that when they literally deserve nothing but a life worse than hell"
These are just a few things I saw about NPD from someone very angry. And I could write more, but my phone is dying and lagging. Cause it was a whole ass multiple paragraphs from people angry about us simply existing.
But sure, ableism against narcissists doesn't exist. Yes I know someone with it, my mom. Yes I know someone with it, me. Yes before I fully understood it in a non-stigmatized way and thought my friend might have it, I was normal about it and knew she was a good egg.
So yes. There is ableism and hatred for us preventing us from being treated. This is who you side with if you think narcissistic abuse is valid even if you can separate the person from the disorder, even if you can separate the word from the disorder, even if you just mean the "toxic" narcissist. This ableism kills and has led people with NPD to suicide. Even my unstable ass is tempted to search up ableism just to give me a reason to go through with killing myself.
So yeah. Fuck anyone that won't listen to us even when educated. You are absolutely ableist and even if you aren't like this person or agree with it, you are on the same side as them. This is what fucking ableism looks like. This is the shit we get fucking told and talked about as if we aren't human. It may be personality disorders, particularly NPD and ASPD now, but it has been BPD and still is in many way. This is the same ableism that will affect other disorders. It may be mostly targeted at narcissists and antisocial now, but it still happens to every disorder because it is not destigmatized and if u throw the personality disorders, the psychotic disorders, the scary "abusive" disorders under the bus, you are only aiding that stigmatization. This shit gets said about us constantly as we are treated like demons, not human, monsters, heartless cruel abusers. When we have been abused too. When we are still more likely to be abused. When no disorder is more likely to be abusive than any other disorder or any neurotypical person.
You just hate the mentally ill. All of us should be included in mental health matters.
Anti-narcissists will assume every narcissist is evil and abusive in a very black and white thinking way without even knowing us. If we are narcissists, they'll use it to discredit anything we say. This is what you side with if you believe in narcissistic abuse. Even if you don't agree with it or believe in it, you are allowing it to continue instead of fighting for us on our side or even just continuing to use those terms.
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flawlessfallen · 4 months
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Welp, let's take a shot at this. Adamsapple essay, right.
So I'm not an essayist, so this'll probably be pretty scatterbrained but here goes.
There is SO much potential for Adam in terms of growth and for Lucifer to be the catalyst of that growth. Really consider that there are few people around that were there when Adam was created, few that know how he used to be. Because I cannot ever believe that he was that huge of a dickhorse as a human in Eden.
Because really consider: Adam being 'controlling' of Lilith and then Eve wasn't even his idea, it was God's. This is what God told him to do, as a freshly created human that did not know anything outside of what his literal MAKER is telling him. A maker whose power he sees first hand and who speaks to him directly. Why would Adam even consider questioning what God said? Much less go against it? Lilith going 'lol no' is an exception, not a rule. Adam likely could have either been content with what God told him because he literally knew nothing else OR he could have even been afraid of disobeying him.
If your Creator has the means to make you, then they have the means to UNmake you... likely in many painful ways.
And Lucifer is one of the people who would know how Adam was in the garden, because he was THERE. He was there, he would know how Adam used to be. He would know how far the First Man has fallen, figuratively, from someone that likely was a decent guy with some hang-ups into someone just so... contemptable. So unlike how he ever was when first made.
He would know just how much Adam has changed.
In turn, Adam's view on Lucifer is just as the man who stole his wives, yeah? Well that depends... if he and Lucifer actually spoke, spent time together in the garden, which is likely, then you could argue that not only does Adam suffer abandonment from both his wives but he could even see Lucifer's actions as a betrayal. It adds more fuel to his fire and gives further reason to why he would probably descend into being a trashfire of a human soul. What's the point of being kind or empathetic when all it's ever done is gotten you shit on?
Adam's whole awful attitude could just be a front to hide his insecurities but it could also be him reveling in the fact that he, even if indirectly, get to make Lucifer suffer further by periodically going out to slaughter the denizens of Hell. Even if Lucifer didn't care about the Sinners, there was no way Adam could have known that. He could be reveling in it because it's some way to let out all the anger he feels for all the wrongs he believes he's suffered.
Does this excuse his actions? Not in the least, they're awful and should be more than enough to have him cast down into Hell.
Which brings us to Sinner Adam
He would likely have trouble even existing in Hell. Everyone knows who he is, everyone would want him dead (again) for what he's done. I can't even imagine Charlie wanting him around, he's done so many terrible things. But imagine if he was given a chance. Imagine if he had to make a deal with Lucifer to make sure he didn't cause trouble and to give him some protection from the multiple people that want him gone. Once again, he and Lucifer are brought together and this time they HAVE to tolerate each other.
Imagine the possibilities.
Imagine them finally talking to one another, after many snapping arguments and jabs. Imagine Adam reconnecting with the angel he had met back in Eden, back when things were easier, when things didn't hurt so much. That Lucifer has felt just as alone for almost just as long, with his depression, struggling with his own mistakes and failures. Struggling with having to watch the evils Man creates because he urged them to eat the Apple.
Learning that Lilith left him much like she left Adam (as far as we know).
Imagine the healing that could happen on Lucifer's part. He feels massive regret for giving humans knowledge, that they abuse their Free Will so badly that they end up here in a place of chaos and carnage and exploitation. How soothing to his wounds it would be if the first human, period, were to actually change and grow. Were to develop from the piece of shit that he is back to something closer to how he used to be, how Lucifer remembers him being, before the apple.
Adam can never go back completely, too much time has passed and he's done too much. But Adam is still human and all humans are capable of change,
Lucifer being there as one of the only people who remembers, who can make Adam recall, how he used to be, can coax him back to something closer to creation. Adam being there as someone who has also known Lucifer likely the longest in this show, who knew how he was too; how hopeful, how driven and creative.
Killing Adam off and leaving him dead is a huge WASTE of potential. A waste of really running with the theme and idea of the Hotel: That any soul is capable of redemption, if they try.
Imagine if Adam wanted to try? Imagine if he actually grew, imagine if Lucifer was a big part of that? BOTH of them growing because of their shared history. It's a fucking BARREL of possibilities that's just sitting right there. Wouldn't that be like... the biggest achievement? There's just so much HERE, there's so much that can be done!
Both have fallen-- one literally and one figuratively. Both likely have abandonment issues from their wife/wives leaving them. Both are completely different (likely) from how they were in Eden. Both are so similar and yet so different and that's where all the good kind of potential can be found.
There's SO much that can be done with Adamsapple and it makes me FERAL.
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drama-glob · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts (Based on what we now know about Lucifer)
Now that we've seen Lucifer and gotten to see how he acts/how bad his depression is and his disgust/disregard for Sinners, it had me thinking about a few things about Hell, the other Deadly Sins and motivations for messing with Earth.
As mentioned by Lute, Lucifer pardoned Charlie and the hellborn from the Extermination when it was being set up, so by the time this happened, Lucifer had already tried to rehabilitate Sinners too but had given up (based on what he said anyway and since it likely took centuries to a thousand years or so for Hell to have enough of a population that Heaven felt threatened by it), so clearly he doesn't want the actual natives to be harmed during the slaughter; this and the fact that Lucifer has the Sinners restricted to Pride indicates to me he does at least care about them and maybe even saw them as less horrible than Sinners since we've seen that they're not wholly evil despite where they're born. (Yes, I know there's a chance Lilith played a big part in the negotiation if he was so disheartened by this point, but Lucifer didn't seem particularly evil or cruel, so him having some compassion for those that are true citizens of Hell that would also be killed without a second thought doesn't seem too hard to believe :/).
But with the fact that Lucifer shows such disdain for Sinners as a whole and even seems to regret them being given free will, it makes me curious as to the fact why would he want Pride to be riddled with more of them by having the Deadly Sins infiltrate Earth more and more? The best I can figure is that since he found himself as the King of Hell and despite his angelic origins, this is his home and kingdom now, so his concern lay with making sure it was as powerful and fortified as possible and just resigned to believing that humans were basically awful and the Deadly Sins' influence wasn't really going to change what was predestined, basically seeing the souls in Heaven as the exception not the rule. :/ I wonder if the Extermination also helps Hell's environment by feeding the planet or whatever with all that energy from the Sinners when they are killed, so there's that potential possible "silver-lining" to having so many die each year. :/ Earth does seem admittedly crucial to some grand plot in the universe, but since Hell only seems to get souls from there, it makes sense so much focus would be spent on it in addition to the stars that affect it.
On a side-note, I'm guessing the more depressed Lucifer got, the less engaged he was with the others and held less and less meetings, maybe even sending Lilith or Charlie in his place. It may have even got to the point after Lilith left that Lucifer was just apathetic about the whole thing and said, "Do what you want. Just keep your rings in order and don't let humanity catch on. I don't care." :/ I also wouldn't be surprised if Charlie even spoke/found comfort with those like Ozzie and Bee more than Lucifer just because they were more open and available to talk. :(
I just don't think he had the Sins and the Goetia focused on Earth out of spite/it being a big middle finger to Heaven, but merely as a recourse to make sure Hell survived since they are after all at Heaven's mercy with how powerful their weapons are. Granted, I'm sure the royals held their own feelings about Heaven and have their own intentions with the whole spreading Hell's influence agenda, (whether they all turn out to be fallen angels or not, which so far they've only mentioned Lucifer is one so that leaves their origins still up in the air), but Lucifer seemed more defeated and scared of Heaven taking what was left from him at this point than needing to prove his ideas were right and that it's purely Heaven that's wrong (even if he did try to defend them in the past mind you). :/
*It's just some things that were rattling around in my brain and I wanted to get them out, especially before we get the season finale that may debunk some or all of this. :)
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blubun0309 · 1 month
(CW: mention of s#¡cide encouragement and ab#se)
I think more Vox fans need to let go of the good person image they have of him 'cause bro IS AWFUL, maybe at the same level as Valentino...(No, actually not quite there, but like very close)
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The number of times I've seen Vox stans be like, "Oh, but he's a good person underneath," is insane. Cause like, NO??? He's in HELL for a REASON, bestie. I mean, did we forget that he literally told Pentious to off himself? DID WE FORGET??? What gave you the impression he's a good person? We've literally only seen him manipulate people (including his partner, but we'll get there), be a petty mfer, and that he has big evil plans in store, I guess.
I know we haven't seen much of the Vees to really pinpoint their moral standards (except for Valentino's...you know why), but it's very clear that they are setting up Vox as a big antagonist for season 2.
And about Vox and Val's...relationship. Yeah, it's toxic as shit. Wow. They're both evil, and they're both either using each other or deserve each other. We don't know yet. So far, we've only seen their relationship through Vox manipulating Val in episode 2 because Val is an idiot (which I do love, btw), but that kind of behavior could very well be reciprocated. Again, we haven't seen enough to quite tell yet. It's more of a headcanon than anything, but I love the idea of Vox being Val's sugar daddy. It's funny and also great characterization for both of them. Vox only seeing Val as a gullible idiot he can control with expensive gifts and manipulation, and Val essentially using Vox as a way to gain influence. Dunno, it's kinda interesting, right?
I've also seen people say that Val "abuses" Vox. Uhm....where? We haven't seen this in the show. I mean, you could be correct, but once again, Vox also manipulates Val. Cause again, it's a toxic relationship. Guys. There's two sides to this coin. Neither are the good guys in this situation. Vox uses Val just as much as Val (hypothetically) uses Vox. And even if Valentino abused him, like, that doesn't make his actions good. It makes them understandable, but if he actively chooses not to be better, then it's his problem. But that's just not it because Vox, as previously stated, is a piece of shit.
I don't want to come off as a Vox hater because I do have high hopes for him and his role as a villain in season 2, I just want people to realize that HE IS A VILLAIN. He probably won't get redeemed. He isn't a good person, and I LOVE that for him. I love the potential he has as a villain, and I want to see his plans for hell and his relationship with Val. I want to see him be BAD. Or pathetic, both work.
Vox sucks just as much as Valentino, but his potential is so tasty. That's why I love him. This pathetic, petty jackass.
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That is all sorry if I worded myself poorly in some places or if I repeated stuff too much, we just don't have enough Vox screen time yet to REALLY get into him, y'know.
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hello-nichya-here · 6 months
Let’s be real. The only reason toxic Zutarians and delusional Zukkas became so rampant is for the same reason.
Zutararians and Zukkas are two generations of the same issue.
Maiko is written so incoherently and Mai gets no development of her own. Zuko and her are a terrible match and treat each other poorly (I know the fandom can’t agree which one is at fault but I don’t think it matters).
Fans searching for a more satisfying conclusion of the fandom fav Zuko stumble into the waiting clutches of Zutarians or Zukkas who bombard them with their terrible takes, OOC writing, and admittedly beautiful fan art. Before you know it, they lose touch with actual canon.
This is all Bryke’s fault for writing Maiko terribly.
And yet people blame Zucest… nonsense!
Anon, I don't mean to be rude, but you're just wrong all around. Not only do I not think Maiko is terrible (might not be my OTP, but I am fond of it), but even if it WAS and fans had to rely on fanon for good romance, that does NOT explain or justify the way Zutarians and Zukkas not only act like their personal preference is objectively better than everyone else's but also actively lie to themselves and others about their ships totally being secretly canon but screwed over at the last second.
They do that for one reason alone: Entitlement. They're entitled, spoiled cry babies who screetch at anyone with a different preference because they take it as a personal attack.
Bryke writting Maiko any differently would not have made these people less insufferable. Hell, their ships hapenning in the exact way they wanted them to would also not do the trick, if anything it'd make them worse.
It doesn't matter what you think about Bryke as writers and people, or how you feel about the canon ships: The bad behavior of Zutara and Zukka fans is the responsibility of Zutara and Zukka fans, nobody else.
I don't like Legend Of Korra or the comics. Never sent a death threat to the people who made them. Never harassed fans of it or had them doxxed. I love Zucest to unhealthy degrees, but you won't see me claiming "There was totally a deleted scene of them kissing in the finale instead of fighting, but evil Bryke ruined it all, and if you don't believe my obvious bullshit I'll scream at you until I'm blue in the face!"
I LOATHE the ending of How I Met Your Mother with all my being, and resent the showrunners for being such dicks to fans and complaining we didn't praise their terrible writting. I would NEVER accuse them of abusing their authority over the actors and being predators just because I disagree with awful messages the finale sent - something zutarians do Kataang and Maiko fans ALL THE TIME.
It's really, really, really, really easy to not do that kind of stuff.
Be critical of Bryke and their writting, have whatever opinion you wanna have on Maiko, but let's not pretend writers/showrunners are to blame for FANS attacking people.
It'd be like going "Oh, this actress and her fans got death threats because audiences didn't like her character, clearly this is the writers fault for mishandling said character" NOPE, the blame of that kind of awful behavior ALWAYS lies solely with the people who choose to act like that.
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flavia8 · 3 days
You know. Something I really hate about a lot of popular fantasy books, and it's especially prevalent in Romantasy, is what passes for Feminism in them. It's a toothless fake, used as an aesthetic/seasoning. A sprinkle of *strong female character* and a dash of deceptively misogynistic everything else, and for the finishing touch a pinch of man who's slightly better than being openly sexist and Boom. Fantasy series led by a FMC.
Generally, the Female Main character either starts out or becomes incredibly powerful, but always, always, always her power is linked to the men around her. She supposedly has agency and makes her own choices but the choices she makes are between choices provided to her by men. Her male love interest is more powerful in SOME way, and ends up besting her in some way. Experience, training, power, there's always some way the man is better than her. Female characters are never allowed to just BE powerful. Or even just BE single. Often they give up their powers, or are forcibly stripped of them. They look down on other female characters for doing "feminine" work. And, they're stupid as hell to supposedly make them relatable or endearing. Often, the male mc is concerningly abusive but it's portrayed as dreamy, romantic and Ideal. (I genuinely get the love for villains, and enemies to not, and the love for morally grey characters, I genuinely do, but this isn't that, what happens in these books is just genuinely bad (if they actually were people) being portrayed through rose colored glasses) [And in some stories that could be genuinely interesting!] If there's a second Love Interest, he will just do the same awful shit to the MC but it's better now bc it's him.
If the female character isn't white, all of this + a staggering amount of racism. They're rarely MCs. They're fridged for the MCs, they serve the MCs, they're never as beautiful or powerful as the MC, they're stereotyped and portrayed as savage, vapid, comically evil, or just as a good guy with no character at all.
These books are presented as feminist and it pisses me off. Feminism is equality for all, and the fight for Women to be equal and have their own agency. To make their own decisions. Genuinely I believe writers should be able to write whatever they want. I have no issues with having "problematic" stuff in books. My issue is when people start to believe that this shit is feminist, and the author is so skilled and amazing, and it's a masterpiece! Fuck that.
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cilil · 18 days
Mairon x Ar-Pharazôn - I know you ship it, but tell me why :)
*rubs hands* Ah it's time for the Mairazôn manifesto. I'll put some of this under a cut because I will have to discuss some dark stuff later on, as you can already guess, but for everyone else - tw captor/captive, non-con and just the fact that these two are awful men.
So first of all the entire canon scenario around these two is super interesting. We have a political intrigue plot and really get to see the "Deceiver" part. Mairon is so good at making men thirst after him that he works his way from prisoner to advisor and high priest, getting an arc that parallels Melkor's Valinor arc while also being even more "egregious" in terms of deception. We have this huge corruption arc, we have fucked up religious undertones, we have essentially a Garden of Eden narrative and most importantly we have juicy power dynamics.
The power dynamics are particularly interesting to me because on one hand Ar-Pharazôn is "the man in charge", but on the other hand Mairon is vastly more powerful than any individual in the kingdom. If he wanted he could break/melt those chains, kill the king and everyone else he hates and escape before he gets overwhelmed by numbers (plus not everyone may have a weapon that can hurt a Maia as powerful as he is, especially since he has the One Ring).
He could have also avoided capture in the first place, I doubt mortals are any good at chasing Ainur once they cast off their fána and just leave or have anything like Angainor available. But no, Mairon chose to let Ar-Pharazôn capture him and is playing the long game (well, long for mortals anyway). He wants to ruin that man and wants to do it thoroughly.
Ar-Pharazôn is canonically a rapist, at least in the version of the story where he took Míriel to wife by force (there's also one where she loved him... girl, your standards, please), and my headcanon is that he wanted Mairon as well and ended up having sex with him that he allowed, but didn't want. A very muddled consent situation to say the least.
Aside from juicy dark fic and kinky porn (and everyone is welcome to read it as just that and not more), I like taking Mairazôn (as well as Tulkas/Melkor) to really challenge society's "perfect victim" nonsense. Mairon is as "imperfect" of a victim as it gets: He's a man/male-presenting, he's a literal angel, he's evil, he's more powerful than Ar-Pharazôn one on one and known to set people on fire, he's seen it coming and maybe even "provoked" it in some way or at least acquiesced, so that people might say: "He was asking for it". They may also enjoy seeing him get raped as a sort of a justice/punishment thing.
By showing how he experiences these unwanted encounters with Ar-Pharazôn I want the reader to think about what they consider to be just and how their perception of sexual violence differs in regards to different victims. Do you think it becomes "okay" at a certain point if the victim has "allowed" themselves to get into a situation or if they're a bad person themselves (also while Mairon is to my knowledge not canonically a rapist, there is some fanon around and in my opinion it's not exactly far-fetched or OOC)? How do you perceive the power imbalance in this and can you see it going both ways? Are you willing to face the tough and morally challenging situations of victims becoming perpetrators and perpetrators becoming victims? Where does your compassion lie? How do you feel about revenge?
And this entire mess becomes even messier with my headcanon that Mairon thought he as an Ainu, a shapeshifting spirit being who wears physical forms like clothes, would be above being affected by such an act committed against him. Hell, depending on how the individual reader sees past Angbang it may have happened to him before. What does this do to his psyche? Just how far is this man willing to go for his perfect revenge? And where does it leave him in the end?
So yeah. Tldr: For me, Mairazôn is dark, messy and asks the tough questions. It's an excellent ship to explore all of these themes.
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snowyfrostshadows · 2 months
Wind Spoilers under the cut
That was certainly a book.
The prologue was kinda funny with Splashtail deciding to reject the nine lives from Starclan and using Curlfeather's choice to receive them as one of his reasons to kill her making him one of the stupidest villains in the series.
They can do as they always have and give a leader their nine lives regardless of that cat's actual morality or actually do something interesting for once and refuse to enable an antagonist.
He gets ahold of all this power but one good hit or sickness and he's dead. Alright. Great planning skills there bud.
But then I realized that Splashtail's decision frees Starclan from having to make that choice.
This way they can stay the wise (yet somewhat powerless) spirit cats the clans can turn to for guidance.
Speaking of Starclan giving out lives, I hate how everyone knows Nightpelt's story despite it never actually being public knowledge. Hell I don't think Fireheart found out and he figured out everyone's secrets.
But no. Since readers know every single trivia bit and history of the clans, the cats get to as well which is so....boring.
It takes out some of the awe and way histories can be changed and retold to fit certain narratives or having characters actually do some digging and discovering things out for themselves.
I know this is primarily a series for children but Erins I am begging you, give your target audience some credit. Kids are smarter than most people give them credit for and actually you know. Enjoy a good mystery here and there.
Another thing that was frustrating to read was having cats ask permission to move the plot along or sit around in a circle discussing stuff and judging each other for it. I. Can kinda see what the Erins are trying to do; make things more of a group decision and have older characters/past povs part of the story but man. In actuality, it just makes things drag on and characters flatter.
I miss the days when cats could sneak out and move the plot on their own and show off their own initiative. With Nightheart and Sunbeam waiting around for permission it just. Makes them feel...... incompetent? Like they literally can't do anything with being told to?? And this makes their chapters a slight pain to go through because nothing really important happens in them or they're just there to observe Frostpaw 's plot and comment on it I guess.
On another tangent, I. have no idea what they're doing with this arc's villains.
The first few books set them up as cunning and clever cats whose strengths are in being subtle but now... they're kinda all over the place.
Curlfeather was the mastermind but apparently just. Did this all on a whim because her mate died and picked a random apprentice to share her plans with but couldn't bother keeping up a pretense of even pretend respect around him and just. Spoke down to him. Okay
Berryheart wasn't happy over the new rule allowing cats to swap clans and was willing to start up a evil book club and set up a sort of rebellion of sorts but then....they just...don't really follow through with that? She gets exiled, curses out the clans, and then....joins a clan she hated to the point of accepting a co-leader ship position from an unstable teenager openly stating his plans to attack her former clan and she's just okay with it because I guess she's just.......an unreasonable woman...
And then there's Splashtail.
On one hand, I'm a lil disappointed on how far off the deep end he's gone but absolutely fascinated at the decline in his mental state.
He got his power.
He exiled Frostpaw.
Managed to convince nearly every cat around the lake she's the insane liar and then.
He just. Loses it.
Makes his clan fight each other with claws out, doesn't bother to allow the camp to be cleaned, kills his own deputy and appoints a cat who by all logic, would maybe be the first to kill him given the opportunity as deputy and he's portrayed as the biggest threat to the clans.
Him. One, singular cat that the leaders of the other clans know only has one life.
That any one of them could kill proving to Riverclan that Splashtail wasn't approved by Starclan and was actually lying about Frostpaw.
But no. We get yet another book with everyone sitting around talking about what should be done and why they can't and basically holding Tigerheart back by his tail to keep him from cutting this arc's runtime in half.
The poor man sees the problem, has a solution, wants to end problems before they impact literally everyone in yet another clan wide war but gets called the Real Villain for most the arc by everyone.
Frostpaw and Tigerheart are the real MVPs of this arc in terms of story and literally keeping me invested in this thing.
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djsherriff-responses · 5 months
Ignoring the awkward timing of when the show came out Hazbin Hotel having a "Hell is a victim of genocide" plotline is incredibly stupid
Hell isn't a country or a nation of people who have a culture and history to persevere: Hell is Hell. It's where awful people who've hurt people and who were cruel go to pay for their choices to be horrible to others
Even within the context of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Hell is full of awful people. The main characters of Helluva Boss are hitmen who killed innocent people. Stolas and Blitz are characters who've continually hurt others yet the narrative makes their victims be in the wrong for being hurt by their actions
The pilot of Hazbin Hotel showed the citizens of hell going on murder sprees and starting gang wars with massive explosions for the lols as soon as the purging stopped, if these people don't care about the supposed "genocide" to the point they're barely even effected by it than why should I care?
Theres also the hierarchy of Hell. You have seven rings representing the seven sins.... And shove all the sinners who should be punished into the pride ring??? DUDE, it's not a genocide the angels are just doing the job Hell should've been doing
There's definitely an argument to be made about how some people are unfairly placed into hell without a second chance and how some people are pushed into doing "evil" due to factors of their environment that was outside of their control, as well as the topic surrounding free will as a concept
But like, I can see Viv is just speed running the plot to have big musical numbers instead of naturally setting them up, she is not gonna let any of these ideas breathe
It's like if a character got mad at an assassin for killing people that were on the Epstein list
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suitov · 6 months
"Okayyy, okayyyy. Shuichi, what's so important that you had to interrupt my weekly G5 rant...?"
I hold them out, wordlessly.
"Not my size."
"Uh... Mister Izuru said Mister Nagito gave them to him and he doesn't know what he's meant to do with them. I figured you could help, Kokichi."
"Aww! Issie-ru came to me for advice! I'm so proud."
"I'm not so sure he should be trusting you as much as he does..."
"Aw, don't be a baby, Shweetcheeks. I'm the best mentor EVURRR. C'mon through, Izzy. Sweetch, do me a favour and get the riceball and the egg drop over here in about ten minutes?"
I follow my friend into his secret lair of evil, much reassured.
"Let's get a looksie." He takes the boots from me. "Can't say Nagito doesn't have consistent taste. Quality leather. Looks like enough give in the ankles. Can you put 'em on for me?"
"Over my trousers?"
He gives a sigh and a dramatic eyeroll. "Thigh-highs over your suit pants? They make you in a nerd lab or something?"
"Yes," I say. I thought he already knew this.
When the boots are on me to his satisfaction, which involves a change in attire and my "chunky ankles" being poked at, the Supreme Leader tells me to walk around. Then he tells me to stop.
"Iz-ziiiieee, you're walking like a duuude."
"Like whom should I walk, then?"
"Obviously like a god. Here, watch..."
Ultimate Actor, the full gamut of Dancers and a few other talents are called upon for the ensuing instruction.
"They're here, Kokichi," calls my other friend, who does not have very detectivelike ears, because I had heard the car fifty-seven seconds earlier.
"Right. Now remember what I told ya."
("...just walked out without a word still holding them and I didn't know where he—I thought I'd offended him...")
"Izzie, focus! Don't make your fellow evil overlord look bad."
"If you say so, Kokichi," I reply. I am not nervous but I might like to leave via the other door and hide somewhere high up for no reason. Instead, I allow him to drag me out into the hall.
I have not taken more than a few steps before a problem makes itself apparent.
I lower my voice. "Perhaps I should take them off. The soles seem to be causing a malign resonant frequency with your floo—"
"No, Izuru, that's not why they're all on their knees."
I look at the three others with concern. There also appears to be some malfunction around the salivary glands.
"Dandy? Are you all right?"
"No," says my fluffy with suspicious speed. "I'm suffering cardiac arrest and can only be saved by chest compressions from your foot."
The other two make noises to suggest this condition is contagious.
They have misdiagnosed themselves—I can hear their hearts from here and they are beating merely fast, not irregularly—so I turn back. "Why are they all like that, Kokichi?"
He stretches up and pats my shoulder. "Because I'm one hell of a teacher."
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