#is the account name btw
dollopheadedmerlin · 1 year
I'm so tired of this dumb person stalking me. I literally have my settings set (on all social media that it is an option) so that new users can't message me. And I have their main and alt accounts all blocked but it doesn't stop them from either making a new account, or finding a reblog of my post, and adding some nasty nonsense to it. Especially on reddit? How are you able to make new accounts on there so easily? Is it bc they maybe a new email for each one? idk but they cant message me or anything anymore but they'll hunt down my name on alt accounts and find my comments on other people's post and reply to them calling me slurs or junk. The other day they found an old post of me talking about my pet that passed away two years ago, and I was giving someone advice on pain meds from the vet and they replied to comment saying that they hoped my gecko died a slow and painful death and I am just so frustrated that they seem to have nothing better to do than to harass me and post dumb freudian analogies of MErlin or whatever. Like, it's basically a new acount EVERY SINGLE DAY and they wont shut up spouting anti trans, anti ace, and racist nonsense on everything except their main account where they send themselves anons so that they can pretend THEY are getting harassed in the same way they are harassing people UGH
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web-viewerxp · 23 days
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just remembered i made this back in january
i should start posting the picmixs i made
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asurrogateblog · 2 months
OKAY, here it is! this is an open-access folder for everyone who has already made a mclennon powerpoint or would like to read them. the first principle of academia is collaborative knowledge-building and I think we can all agree this is a very academic topic.
@franklyimissparis @rage-in-eden @camibispace you have all mentioned your own presentations, so feel free to drop them in if you would like to (and anyone else!)
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My chemical romance
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rebouks · 8 months
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[Wyatt hung back in the elevator and waited for Zach to work his magic-.. as he called it; which turned out to be a lot of wailing and what looked like a double-jointed elbow] Zach: [bawling] Oh god-.. oh, my arm! Won’t somebody save my arm?! [The receptionist immediately abandoned her post and ran toward Zach with a panicked expression] Receptionist: Wha-.. why’d you come up here, what happened?! Zach: [choked] I think my mommy works-.. ow, ow-.. make it stop! [Such a theatrical display caused Wyatt to roll his eyes, but it did the trick. Slipping past the receptionist as she fussed over Zach’s non-existent injury, he held his hand up; five minutes. Zach nodded enthusiastically as he held his arm out at an awkward angle; he could keep this up all day] … Wyatt: Busy? Darien: You know it-.. what’re you doing here? Wyatt: Just thought I’d drop in, fancy some lunch? Darien: [scoffs] Sure. Wyatt: I need some help… Darien: What’ve you done? Wyatt: Ha-ha-.. let’s get out of here? Darien: Alright. Wyatt: Ignore the child making a scene, by the way… Zach: [sniffling] Look how red my knee is! Oh, it’s definitely broken-.. right? I mean, just feel it! I can barely walk! Darien: Uh, Chrissy.. can you reschedule my one o’clock? I’m not feeling so great. [The receptionist nodded absently, studying Zach’s patched knee with increasing suspicion]
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reduxable · 6 months
Posting these before i forgetttt
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mari-lair · 3 days
If I had a penny for everytime someone on TikTok wrote an analysis "heavily influenced" by the ones I made here with zero credit I would have 4 whole pennies.
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mordremrose · 3 months
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Inquest soldier raising two charr he was not supposed to get attached to? More likely than you think.
They don’t listen to him. And Rose bites. But they’re his daughters now, whether he’s a good father or not.
(Snow on the left belongs to @commander-luna :3)
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Yoo hi!!! <33 I know this might come off and im really sorry cause I know this isnt the best time to ask for help but is it okay if you could take a look on the post I pinned for my cat? I pinned it on my blog, if you have an extra time please do check it out. Im terribly sorry, i just dont know what else to do :(( hoping you'd consider to help just by even spreading the word. Please send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately and I hope you're having an amazing day! 🐈
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Scummy scammer. I usually delete these kinds of asks but trying to scam off someone's sick cat is disgusting.
Some advice: if you get unsolicited DMs or asks of people requesting money, wait a few days and search up their user. Someone will have posted about them if they're a scam.
Thank you @kyra45 for your posts!
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pokeconspiracy · 2 months
The Mega Evolution the Kalosian Government has been Hiding From You!!!
The Kalosian Government can't hide this forever. I, Winnie, owner of pokeconspiracy, your TOTALLY reliable source of information, will give you all the details and information about this secret hidden Mega Evolution, which is totally not a lie!!!
The Mega Evolution I'm talking about is Mega Eevee. Mega Eevee is a Normal-type Pokémon. It has a base stat of 625, its ability being "Full Potential", where it boosts moves by the Eeveelutions Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Leafeon, and Sylveon by 25%.
Down below, I provided a picture of Mega Eevee for you to see that I have uncovered in the classified files of the Kalosian government and its Mega Stone for its' Mega Evolution, the Eevite.
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Do you see how beautiful it is in the picture??? If you're wondering, why would the Kalosian government hide this Mega Evolution of Eevee from us? I'll tell you what I think! It's because of an Eevee-obsessed hacker Penny, who's been hacking into the Kalosian government, and the GOVERNMENT WAS ANNOYED AND ANGRY SO THEY HID THIS MEGA EVOLUTION FROM US OUT OF SPITE!!! DON'T LET THEM DECEIVE YOU!!! DON'T LET THEM THINK THEY CAN HIDE IT FROM US ANYMORE!!! Mega Eevee is real and cannot be hidden from us any longer!
//Credit to @randompokemonicons for the Mega Eevee picture!!
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likeflowersinagarden · 3 months
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I think I'mma just post this and run-
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kxrms · 1 year
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just two lesbians on their first valentine’s day together 😳🥰💝
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meirimerens · 5 months
bruh the creep i had to romantically reject three times (four if you count her "lovesick ramblings" [direct quote]) in the span of not even a year and who called me a "jerk" and "insecure" for not wanting to long-distance e-date her unwarranted-evadaniil-porn-sending ass followed me after a year of no contact on the instagram i don't update, haven't posted on in a year, don't share any followers/following with her on, & that i only mentioned on this blog Once over 2 years ago. on Valentine's Day Eve out of all days. what in the maidenless behavior is this.
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waitingforminjae · 2 years
it’s so interesting which stage names stick and which ones don’t like nobody calls epik high by their real names yet anyone who calls tvxq u-know or max is definitely a cop
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cwcthzl · 16 days
richie the type of guy to create numberless different accounts on every social media platform possible and lie his ass off about his personal information/day-to-day life just because he can
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lagtrain · 2 months
friend just signed up for a youtube channel with my fucking phone number
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