#other than reinforce gay marriage
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yhowdy · 7 months ago
Any minute now, Joe.
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personal-progress-dropout · 5 months ago
The Rainbow Sheep
(Yes, I know, very original and creative title, but it gets the job done. Get ready for personal stories and too many parenthesis.)
In my childhood, whenever gay people were mentioned, it was with the same tone you’d use for someone with terminal cancer. It was a tragedy. They were lost, they had distanced themselves from God, and they were grieved like the dead. Sometimes it felt like people would rather their gay brothers and sisters be dead instead of gay. Of course, we should always be kind and welcoming, love the sinner hate the sin, etc., but honestly, it felt like you could never truly be accepted if you were gay. There was a distance, and it was always the gay person's fault.
For example—on June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in all fifty states. I was thirteen years old. That Sunday, there was a special meeting at church to discuss the new development and reinforce The Family Proclamation. I remember very little of what was said, but I remember what I felt. I remember that the atmosphere felt like the greatest of tragedies had occurred, and I remember being told that we had to defend traditional marriage. We had been given the duty of defending the Family, something that the world wanted to destroy. (I use Family with a capital F because it always seems like we’re defending an unreachable ideal instead of the messy, glorious reality.) Nobody ever used that language directly, but I certainly felt the implication, and the language they did use drew up a stark divide of ‘us vs. them.’ 
I wholeheartedly believed this, and I was going to do everything I could to strive towards the ideal. I was going to get married in the temple and start my own eternal family! There was just one problem with that—I didn’t see men as romantic partners. My future husband was a faceless doll set in the life I wanted to have: my vision for the future included kids, a house, pets, and a job, but I had no idea where a husband was supposed to fit in my life. The ‘crushes’ I had as a kid were a fun game of pretend because girls were supposed to crush on boys. The older I got, the more exhausting the game of make-believe became. Looking back on my high school years, I realize that I was never actually attracted to the boys I wanted to date; I simply wanted to hang out with them. If they were attracted to me, that would be nice, and it would definitely stroke my ego, but I didn’t want them. I wanted to be wanted.  
I’ve always gravitated to women more than men, even as a child. It’s a running joke among queer women that when you see a beautiful girl you don’t know if you want to be her or be with her, but I’ve always been able to make the distinction. Women were easier to develop crushes on than men. I could differentiate between attraction and admiration, and after I came out it was incredibly frustrating to hear people say I was confusing the two. I was enchanted with the sway of a classmate’s hips, the bark of her laughter, the passion of her voice. If I had changed the pronoun to ‘he’, everyone would assume I was in love. 
I realized I was queer when I was sixteen years old, and it was terrifying. Gay people were the ‘other’, they were either set on destroying the Family or they were expected to live out a solitary life in the hope that they would get a heterosexual happily-ever-after in the Celestial Kingdom. I didn’t want to destroy the Family! I didn’t want to die alone! There were certain men that I found handsome, so I determined that I was attracted to men (in theory) and therefore nobody needed to know. I could go through my life with nobody the wiser, and I would never have to risk the alienation that comes with coming out.
And it's a risk. Parents will tell their children that they will always love them and there’s nothing they can do to change that. This is simply not true. I grew up with these same reassurances, but I was never specifically told that I could be gay and my parents would still love me. I’m incredibly lucky. Despite the way my parents were raised to regard LGBTQ+ people (which in all honesty was pretty mild compared to some of my friends' parents), they valued the commandment to love God and their neighbors over anything else. It was still one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life because I was walking into unknown, potentially dangerous territory. In the end, I’m so glad that I did. My parents and I understand each other better now, and I don't have to carry the weight of secret-keeping anymore.
Of course, there are still misunderstandings and miscommunication. I was frustrated because my parents didn’t want me to come out to my sisters until we were older. I felt like a dirty secret, and it felt like there was a layer of separation between me and my sisters. There are moments when I feel othered—when I know I can never come out to certain parts of my family, because they would never look at me the same way. (I might someday. Who knows.) When I see legislation that forbids talking about LGBT in schools and how gay literature is being banned from libraries, and how members of my family don't see a problem with this, because aren't they a bit young for that anyways? (I wasn't too young to be taught that I should marry a man in the temple and have children that I should raise in the faith, but that's besides the point.)
I get annoyed when I hear my orientation referred to as a ‘trial’ and something that will be made right in the afterlife. I don't consider it to be a trial--I think it's an aspect of who I am, and the trial comes from people who have a restricted view of the world.
I love my faith. I love the assurance that comes with knowing I'm a child of God, and I love how we as a church believe that we can become greater than we are through living gospel principles, but it should come as a surprise to nobody that the church is an institution made up of imperfect people. We have a long way to go, but I have hope. Look at me! I went from a deeply conservative teenager who believed that gay marriage was a sin (I'm not even sure I knew trans people existed at the time) to someone who accepts their identity as queer and tries to make the world a more accepting place. I can change, and I like to believe that the people around me can too. We can become greater than what we are today.
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nerdishpursuits · 21 days ago
I find it heartwarming they keep reinforcing how well-established Marta and Fina are as a couple.
They are light-years ahead from any other pairing on the show, every interaction proof of their unassailable love and searing chemistry.
The way they communicate, understand and support each other, the undeniable spark in their eyes whenever they’re together, how they constantly ache to touch and feel each other. The way they talk things through and make joint decisions. Every single detail is a thing of beauty and contributes to their relationship feeling so natural and heartwarming: every impassioned word, every longing glance, every tender touch. It feels so intimate one almost senses they are intruding.
It’s clearer than ever that Marta wouldn’t happily enter a marriage of convenience. Her confession to Fina that she has no desire to repeat the situation with Jaime? Feeling trapped again, having to constantly pretend? Emphasising she would never willfully enter such a union, as it would make her utterly and profoundly miserable? Heartbreaking and revelatory. Much like Fina’s own, pained admission that a world in which Pelayo’s outlandish proposal makes sense is a sad world to live in.
Prophetic conversation aside, how delightful were their scenes together? The profound satisfaction of being able to sleep in each other’s arms, the delight of having the freedom to bask in each other’s warmth and affection, the flirtatious banter that ignites their smoldering desire.
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And most of all? Knowing Marta doesn’t want to be tied down to anyone unless it’s Fina herself. Be still my heart. Oh, how they're going to suffer.
They try to fence the world out but it keeps creeping in. It’s depressing that the word of an abuser like Santiago carries more weight than that of a respectable woman like Marta. Why the priest would ever give credence to any of those rumors is stupefying. As is the fact that prison gossip is suddenly making the rounds of the town and the colony. Then again, misogyny is the order of the day and the church very much champions obedient women, not trail-blazers like Marta. As a consequence, it will meddle where it’s not welcome, doing its best to clip her wings.
All that aside, I’m naively curious if they’ll end up dedicating screen time to the mini vacation Marta and Fina want to take together. Considering things are about to take a turn for the worst? Some happiness, before misery makes itself at home, would be most welcome (as always, not holding my breath on this one as much as I’d love to see them gaze at the ocean together)
Extra points if they reenact the scenario they were toying with: we’d have to purchase separate train tickets and run into each other by happenstance … it’d be like a spy movie, only this one would have a happy ending - and you’d be my Greta Garbo
Swoonworthy much, Mafin?
Lastly. I like the fact they’re reaffirming Marta’s awareness and acceptance of her sexuality, time and again. By emphasising her outright rejection of another marriage to a man, even a gay one, it’s clearer than ever that Marta de la Reina knows who she is and whom she loves. There’s no doubt about it. It’s why the very thought of being tied to a man, yet again, is so viscerally uncomfortable and entirely unfathomable. To quote one Taylor Slow: Marta’s seen this movie before and she didn’t like the ending.
Therefore, it must be downright agonizing to realize she’s being slowly pushed into another cage. And how devastating for Fina as well: she’s so desperate to protect Marta that she’s willing to entertain the idea of the woman she loves marrying someone else. Even if it’s solely out of convenience, it must be excruciating to even contemplate. Never mind urging Marta to go through with it? New level of torment unlocked.
Now on to see how this entire Pelayo business unfolds and what fresh hell and pretty rainbows they have in store for us.
We’ll have to let the chips fall where they may. Buckle up, muffincup. Curves aplenty lie ahead.
P.s. Carpena took his sweet time but, at long last, made it onto the shit list, joining Carmen who’s been enjoying quite the extended stay (she will, most likely, refuse the one month business trip - I have the niggling suspicion Fina will end up going instead)
P.s. 1 Claudia is a frickin’ ray of of sunshine: too good for this world, too pure
P.s. 2 I’d like to see more of the Marta and Luz friendship. It feels like they haven’t seen each other since Jaime’s passing. But I guess Luz’s assignment is mainly as Begoña’s friend and confidant. So they’re saving Pelayo for Marta: Miss MarPel, the spinsters mini series.
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eastgaysian · 10 months ago
(after spending several minutes standing silently in the corner of your house vaping) it's like kendall and tom are both invested in waystar like that one dril tweet, i spent my whole life trying to take over the sexual violence factory and now everyone's like oh the sexual violence factory is bad its ineffective fuck off. on a fundamental level they can't really conceive of a different way to operate, certainly not without jeopardizing the power and security they're so invested in. (tom is certainly less familiar with/acclimated to the Roy Mindset, but while their perspectives/behaviors are 'extreme' they are not actually incompatible with a kind of everyman pov, and tom is unwilling/unable to challenge the roys' logic.) they can't shake the idea that, essentially, bottoming is gay and unmanly and humiliating, but someone's gotta do it! you can't fuck, you can't get anything done, you can't win with equals and hand stuff doesn't count! and the bottom can't be them, of course, it's always gay and unmanly and humiliating for 'getting fucked' to happen to you, much less to want it. but at the same time they struggle grappling with the coercive implications for various reasons.
so kendall is more directly uncomfortable, but primarily tries to cope by pretending that the coercive implications don't exist if he doesn't look at them and doesn't invoke them himself. at the same time he continually falls back on aggressive patterns of behavior when he's insecure - i'd argue most prominently in his relationship with rava. all while being, uh, bad at fucking in all the ways that count by the show's logic. while tom technically succeeds where kendall fails, but in a way that is unsatisfying, even miserable for him, and reveals how arbitrary this measure of success is. like, principally, tom can more or less stomach the morality, and then can't figure out a way to comfortably navigate the gender-sexuality tangle and stay emotionally secure. point a, the fucked up evil genderplay that is the fabric of tom and shiv's marriage, but point b, like. while tom and kendall are definitely both guilty of saying bizarre homoerotically charged things without blinking an eye, it's important to distinguish that tom seems to only be interested in/can only justify this if there is a coercive implication.
i think i alienated myself from a chunk of the tomposters while succession was airing, but i feel like people didn't consider this or didn't want to? but i think it's a big part of how tom, like, conceptualizes and lives with deviance from (cis)heterosexuality. if it's coercive no one is actually 'gay,' it's about the power dynamic and not the real people involved (haha). enduring the homosocial behavior reinforces the fact that everyone involved is straight, and that this behavior is to some degree expected of straight men in this environment. if it isn't coercive, if anyone involved wants it as anything more than a show of hierarchy, then it's about you as people and you're a freak and you lose. but this 'safe' transactional realm is devoid of the emotional connection that tom very much desires.
anyway, all this to say, transition could save(?) both of them. really bad sad soggy gay sex with each other would make them worse
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years ago
prompted by a reply on another post, abt the aromantic manifesto. the more i think about it, the more it seems like the authors' definition of "the queer community" and "the queer rights movement" is not in line with the actually queer community and queer rights movement. it seems like they are using "queer" as a stand-in for "all lgb cis people" which is just definitionally not what the queer community is. the queer liberation movement goes back decades and has always been championed by trans people, particularly trans people of color. so for the authors to assert things like "the queer rights movement prioritizes gay marriage over everything else" seems to betray a lack of experience and knowledge about the actual queer community and the actual queer rights movement. also the only time trans people were really mentioned was to paint cis (allo) lgb people as overwhelmingly transphobic (which is a whole other can of worms.)
and like. on one hand i think there is an issue with marriage equality for cis gay people being considered Thee Most Important Thing by mainstream lgbt advocacy groups (though i really need younger people to think about why people older than us considered it to be so important - hint: it has to do with surviving the aids crisis). but also i feel like responding "yes, but" legitimizes their assertion that their uninformed and incorrect definition of the "queer community" and the "queer rights movement." and then we just get stuck in this feedback loop of "well y'all only care about gay marriage" "who is y'all" "you know. queers" "lgbt advocacy groups?" "yeah. queers." "actually this is what the queer liberation movement is about." "yeah but these groups only advocate for marriage equality." "right but those are lgbt advocacy groups, not queer liberation groups." "yeah. queers."
and then even outside of that is the whole point of why i started this ramble in the first place, which is: why does this manifesto structure queerness only around lgb identities? why does it not include transness? does this framework assert that transness is not inherently queer? i think it does, which is another point against them actually understanding what the queer community and queer liberation movement is. so by asserting that the "queer community" is overwhelmingly transphobic, only cares about marriage equality, and does not inherently include transness, you are essentially giving ownership of queerness to cis people, which only seeks to reinforce the hierarchies in queer spaces the manifesto claims to condemn.
so yeah like tldr i think this manifesto sucked for all the reasons i already talked abt in the other post, but also because it tries to assert its fundamental misunderstanding of what and who the queer community is as True Fact, and then uses that misconception to be homophobic. it's just very weird and i think the people who wrote it need to talk to more trans ppl.
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woman-respecter · 4 months ago
Honestly, the other anon's anecdote and point only reinforces in my mind that the so called "leftists" understand NOTHING about what great activists stood for. They just twisted the past into their own self-serving interests to justify their own do-nothing behavior, and basically spit all over the legacy of great men and women before them who risked everything for a better future.
They're currently more liberal than the actual liberals, and they're too self-important to realize it.
they have NOTHING in common with activists who actually got shit done but they like to larp as if they do. meanwhile its the libs who got us like. gay marriage and the aca
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bagelsunshinecoffee · 5 months ago
I have so many Shannon thoughts. She’s only physically in the show for a short time and I wish it was longer. I would have loved for the show to actually play out the Eddie/Shannon divorce and for us to get to see where Shannon’s journey takes her. I can’t help feeling like maybe the show didn’t know what to do with her character so they just killed her off. And I know a lot of people think Shannon is one dimensional but I don’t really agree.
We see Shannon break down and admit her deepest, most vulnerable fears. We see her stand up for herself. We see her make a difficult decision to step away from her marriage to do what is best for herself and her son. Through her we really understand for the first time that she and Eddie were just kids when they got pregnant and married. They are at the crossroads of deciding, as adults, if the path they started on is one they want to continue or if they have grown past it.
Shannon has grown past it. She loves Eddie but knows that at this point the foundation of their relationship is as much nostalgia and wishful thinking as anything. She is determined to prioritize Chris (and ughhh this is why I’m so mad she died because I want to see her stepping into her role as a mother again and learning and making mistakes and getting to have that relationship). Eddie…Eddie is lost, and he’s still lost in that same way by the end of season 7, chasing Shannon and what she represents long after she’s gone. I think there are a lot of reasons (besides the fact that Eddie is actually gay and Shannon represents the life he was supposed to live but will never be able to while being true to himself) including the fact that he struggles profoundly to deal with pain, probably due to being raised to be strong and having that reinforced in the military and then repressing years of trauma. You can’t grow without dealing with pain.
In a lot of ways their dynamic reminds me of Buck and Abby and I’ve seen people react to the two couples in similar ways: demonizing the women to some degree to focus on the hurt they caused the men. And they did hurt Buck and Eddie, and yes let’s deal with that as part of their characters. But both of these are examples of women who decided they needed space from their all-consuming caretaker roles in order to be ready to have real and healthy relationships and both get lambasted for it.
With Shannon there’s the extra layer that she left Chris. She hurt her child, that’s undeniable. I also think it’s true that there are times a person can not be a good parent. Shannon was raising a child she was not prepared for alone, with minimal contact with her husband, for years. She was also raising a disabled child with greater care needs, expensive treatments, and having to make life altering decisions for her child (surgery, etc) all by herself. When she expresses her fear that she harmed Christopher by causing his CP, there’s ableism there, the assumption that CP is a bad thing. There’s also the reality of a young woman who has seen her child experience pain, surgery, difficulties that other children do not and who has felt the full weight of an ableist society descend on her and her child. The world loves to blame mothers for everything about their children, that’s not made up in her head. She’s absolutely coming at it from the perspective of an able-bodied person who didn’t have to grapple with ableism at all until Chris was born and still has a lot to unlearn, but that doesnt make her evil. When Eddie came back into Chris’s life there were many struggles that were already over, that Shannon dealt with all by herself.
What does our society hate more than a woman who refuses to be a caretaker? And what does fandom love more than a woman who can be demonized so the man who steps up as caretaker or lives without her care can be idolized?
Shannon was right at the cusp of something. She was going to have a chance to be a mother on her own terms, to repair the harm she did, to find herself. And it would have been good for Eddie too, I think, to be forced to let go of the idealized image of Shannon in his head which her death only crystallized forever. And then she died because ???? Reasons. I guess.
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prongsmydeer · 1 year ago
Ayesha Liveblogs Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
The opening credits are beautiful, I'll give them that
"I know that no one who looks like you or me has ever married one of these people, ever." Bridgerton: Now Even More Suspicious When It Comes to Depictions of Race
Even permitting for the thirteen children, Queen Charlotte seems pretty neutral about her granddaughter's [redacted] LOL
"Very brown. Thoughts?" Me walking into parties in high school
Not Lady Danbury's Crypt Keeper-ass husband removing his teeth to sleep
"Lord Danbury. Imagine." [Tensely] "I am imagining." Lady Danbury knows that a title needs an heir
"You may be too beautiful to marry me. People will talk, given that I am a troll." George is handsome to the point of distraction
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"Either way, the choice is entirely up to her." I know it's like bare minimum but I do appreciate George reinforcing Charlotte's autonomy in the matter of their marriage
Charlotte changing outfits is fun for two reasons 1) That she is showing that she will be her own woman as Queen and 2) The superstition around seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding
Honestly, honestly. Get u a man who will bequeath u an investment property and give u ur space whenever you want it.
"Do we not spend this night together? My governness said that is what happens on our wedding night." [Pregnant pause] "Fine. I shall stay." What is George's deal? Surely even the pretense of consummation is necessary?
George from Bridgerton 🤝Derek from Swan Princes: How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less
Charlotte does not mince words for her Virgin and Whore Adult Children:
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"Your father and I made 15 royal babies all by ourselves. I do not see why the whole lot of you cannot make just one." Mad props for surviving 15 rounds of childbirth in Georgian England
Say what you will about Charlotte's currently loveless marriage, at least she's eating good food
HAHAHAH we finally get gay characters in this show and it's Five Steps Behind Brimsley and There's Nothing Wrong With His Bits Other Guy
Justice for Benedict and Eloise, who are bisexual and lesbian to meeee
"I do not know a single soul here except for you. I'm completely alone, and you prefer the sky to me." Even if George refuses to be a husband to Charlotte, he can at least be a friend
"What if he puts another one of his gigantic babies inside me?" Am I to take this as Lady Danbury has living children or nah
George sending Charlotte a dog is another green flag
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Thank God for Lady Danbury, no one will ever tell the Bridgerton women what sex is when they ought to
"But it can be such a pleasure." "Or it can be a painful, lifelong sentence." Danbury vs. Bridgerton: Marriage dichotomy edition
"I do not like the part where my head hits the wall over and over again. Is there a way to avoid that?" "Yes, there is a way to avoid that." George said: I want to be on bottom 🥰
George said: I am about to ruin the energy of our whole marriage in less than a minute
Is the King's tremor meant to represent his already being in the midst of his disease? :((
"Mother was going on and on to all the ladies at tea that their love means we now live in an unnatural society." Violet's mum said: The energy of this show isn't rank enough, time to be racist
Violet's dad calling her both Beauty and Brains as she asks questions 💝I love him
"So they are exactly like us. Better in some cases considering that several of them are from royal families of their own, and have much more money than we do." Violet said: I'm an ally
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HAHAHAH George and Charlotte working out their issues in classic Bridgerton style, via sex montage
"It would be difficult for you to hear about the Queen being with child long after the fact, would it not?" Lady Danbury said: I will go to ANY length to avoid spending time with my husband (fair)
"I planned some correspondence that I need to write, so the time was useful." Agatha, Master of Dissassociation
Not Mama Ledger dissing the Tween Mozart LMAO
"I told you that I enjoy science. Part of that science is agriculture. I enjoy farming." "So King George is... Farmer George?" There's the Farmer George I've heard so much about
"Why do you not understand that you hold our fates in your hands?" Something something the distance from the nobility to the class it rules something something labour from women of colour (and specifically Black women) something something Bridgerton bringing up the outward dynamics of racial inequity while refusing to interrogate the fact Nearly Every Single Black Female Character of Significance AND Simon Has Had Their Reproductive Autonomy Taken Away (Simon's mother, Marina, Lady Danbury, Queen Charlotte)
Shout-out Brimsley and NWWHB (Nothing Wrong With His Bits) for being my emotional support background couple
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"You can be a person with me." George and Charlotte uniting over their common understanding of their duty to support the nation ❤️
Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger ending racism one dance at a time
"Thank you." "You never have to thank me. We are a team." This line would've absolutely KILLED IT had it not been for the fact that Voltron already used this line in 2018, in a more emotionally substantive context (Shout-out my boy Shiro)
Not Lady Danbury and her homie Coral giggling and hugging because Lord Danbury is deceased (good for them)
Flhkfjhfkjhf Lady Danbury's 'Sorry I offended you about your dead husband, mine sucked,' tea is a social event on its own
"I was in the sky, but now I am going inside. Into Buckingham House." Charlotte immediately understanding that she needs to work within George's delusions :(
"Tell me, what would the people prefer: A royal baby, or cheap bread?" These principles do make for a good ruler, it is a shame about The Illness
"You command an entire kingdom. You can command yourself." George said: Friendship ended with early-onset neurological dysfunction, now personal affirmations are my best friend
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(I really hope someone has done fanart from this ep with George and that meme 'I am no longer mentally ill')
Tfjfjhfjfhf imagine if instead of finding me the right meds for my nerve pain, my doctor just slapped me in the face and told me to get a hold of myself. Georgian England Medicine do be rough
"Her perfection is matched only by my deformity." Fuck. I did not anticipate how deeply Farmer George's story would hit from a place of like. Self-imposed exclusion due to living in a broken body. But damn
Did it really take until four episodes in for NWWHB aka the King's Man aka Brimsley's boyfriend aka Reynolds to get a name?
I am enjoying the retrospective on all of these events from George's side of things
"And just like an animal, I will break you." I no longer enjoy the retrospective on George's side of things
It really is the Ultimate Gesture that he's getting tortured so he can get be well enough to know his wife
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If nothing else, the King has a solid homie in Reynolds
Really fair of Charlotte to be upset to be uninformed of what George was going through, but brutal that he's going back to Doctor Mon(ster)ro
"Do you suppose the Queen ever seeks...?" Omg I wouldn't expect Violet to be so saucy
Why are all the middle-aged women rising from their beds in the night is this going to be like that Glee song where everyone simultaneously discovers masturbation
"Loneliness is a battle even queens must fight for themselves." Penelope Featherington, somewhere: I gotta make fun of the Queen for having a mentally-ill husband
I'm pretty sure this captioning is incorrect, and what George is saying is, "Doctor! Doctor!" and not "Torture! Torture!" But both are accurate I suppose
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Hahahaha not to add insult to injury for Violet, but Lady Danbury made eye contact with Violet's dad at Lord Danbury's funeral like she was thinking he was beekeeping age
"It's not surprising you should mourn him, he was your husband." You don't have to like someone to feel weird that they're dead
"I was three when my parents promised me. When a deal was struck. Three years old. So, I was raised to be his wife." Agatha's parents said have you heard of grooming? We have brought it down to a science
The People of Colour in Nobility raise fair points about succession
"I am sorry to report that she remains alive and well, Your Majesty." Brimsley said treason is allowed if it's funny
"Paint her skin lighter. Pale. His Majesty wants her to glow." 70% of fanart for any given fandom LMAO (also shout-out to the real world contention around images of Queen Charlotte)
"I will see you here tomorrow. Same time. You will wear better shoes. We can ramble together." I KNEWWWW there was some eye contact going on [Agatha as Animatronic Fox voice] I'm gonna fuck your dad, Violet
"Your garden is in bloom." "It is blooming out of control." It IS going to be like that scene from Glee
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"Georgie, be a good boy and approve your brothers' marriages." "...I approve." The Princes forgot that there is one power that trumps even the monarchy: Being a mama's boy
"Your body is not your own." Welcome 2 having a uterus
At least Aldophus would be willing to intervene if his sister were in physical danger
"Rambles are there." "Rambles are there." "I am there." This would be so romantic if it were not directed at her future friend's dad LMAO
Agatha, somewhere in the present: My garden bloomed for your father once, Violet
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"The hard part is done," said Princess Augusta, as if being married to a person losing grip on themselves for the remainder of their life is not a hard part
There is something that feels like empathy about Augusta saying that Charlotte never has to see her husband again, even if it's immediately followed by the clarification they could need another heir
Brimsley reaching out to Charlotte but unable to reach her due to Georgian social graces
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I do feel for Reynolds, in his being caught and unable to do anything to help his partner or his friend/King
It is funny that we have not once seen Agatha interact with her children, given how family oriented the main plot of the show is. Historically accurate, mayhaps, but omg
"What do any of the women of the ton know of true friendship?" Agatha said: FRIENDSHIP IS FOR MEN AND THE POOR
"We are untold stories. And yesterday, you told me something of your story. And I, thank you." "You are most welcome." I love Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury's friendship ❤️
"It did not bloom until after he was gone." With your dad, Violet!
"I want to be gardened as much as possible." Violet said: Now that I have found my libido, I am open for business
Dominic Danbury is sooo cute I want a million more scenes of the world's tiniest noble:
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I do love how they give specific context to what royal connections the Danbury family has in Sierra Leone, rather than leaving their noble connections in ambiguity
I know Charlotte's the queen but damn imagine having someone who has just stationed their whole business in your drawing room before you got home
"Where will Your Majesty go?" "Why, I have come here." Charlotte said: Be a pal and commit treason with me, Agatha
Agatha and Charlotte deciding to start their friendship sincerely 💗I love women
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"I'm afraid." "Afraid of what?" "That I will not be able to love her." "Love is not a thing one is able or not able to do based on some magic. Some chemistry. That is for plays. Love is determination. Love is a choice one makes." Charlotte said: Love is companionship, William
"And these youthful fits shall become mere embarrassing memories." 1) Adolphus, you say this with the slightest bit of context as to why Charlotte left and 2) Not a good time to use the word 'fits,' it's a sensitive topic
"And I am not... coming inside." Finally the prophecy of dad fucking is fulfilled
Charlotte said: That's enough of this medical malpractice
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You know, I didn't really keep a good count of Agatha's kids. Are there four already or does she potentially give birth to her homie's half-sibling LMAO
Also: It is deeply weird that Papa Ledger's method of hitting on people is the birthday hat he also makes for his daughter
Violet has now found the birthday hat; to be expected but unfortunate for all involved. Does she think it was her husband or does she know it was her dad?
"I see them. Do you not?" Brimsley is ride or die for Charlotte 4ever
"I love you. From the mo... from the moment I saw you trying to go over the garden wall, I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you Charlotte. My heart calls your name. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know." COMMUNICATION
I love the double meaning in the last two lines, because it bridges right into him telling her about his condition so it's both "I wanted to tell you (that I love you)," and "I wanted to tell you (that I have been bearing this)."
"Perhaps one day [Violet] will have an unimpeachable reputation. Just like yours." I think this is how Papa Ledger has chosen to break up with Agatha
"I do not remember names. I am female." Me when I lie
"You do not know us. Any of us. You do not learn about us. You do not care for what we care for." Generational trauma: Royal edition
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"They will be together, have a marriage, grow old as one. We would serve them together." "A lifetime." Gay marriage: Royal aide edition
"Losing a husband is... inconvenient." Augusta said: Sorrows, sorrows, prayers
"I will not engage with the princess. I've promised the Queen friendship." Agatha said: Loyal homies before royal homies
"Brimsley. Have you any family? Did you never marry?" Incredible that after approximately 30 years, Charlotte has not once asked Brimsley about his personal life. Oh, rich people
Lady Danbury is too honourable to ask Charlotte for help, even though she needs help with title succession :(
"I have loved and been loved. And that is all I shall say." Lady Danbury said: I will never admit to sleeping with your dad, Violet
"There is womanly work afoot." HAHAHA me when I want a man to leave
Were I Charlotte, I would not take kindly to the horse comparison, no matter how helpful it was
"And over the years, I learned I need not be content to surrender myself to the uselessness of female pursuits. Instead, I secured my son as King." Augusta said: Crying is for women, we are politicians
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You know, all this talk of Parliament has suddenly reminded me how anachronistic George's haircut is. I wonder if he will finally put on a wig
"You have been an admirable adversary thus far. Our battles bring me satisfaction. So this, will not do. You are not allowed to come here and sob. You may not quit. Cover your bruises and endure. Do not lose control of your fate, Agatha." HAHAHAHA I can't believe Augusta is giving Agatha a pep talk and a shot of alcohol mid-title negotiation. That's mentorship
"I am sorry." Is George hiding under the bed? LMAO
Update from ten seconds later: He is
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Sometimes, love is not about who will pull you out from beneath the bed, but who will get under the bed with you
"Not a full me. Not a full marriage. Only half. Half a man. Half a king. half a life." "If what we have is half, then we shall make it the very best half." 💘Oh Charlotte
I know Agatha doesn't NEED to marry a Prince, but I think it'd be fun if she did
"I will not say words with hearts and flowers, because I know you are not a hearts and flowers woman. But there is something here. Between us. I believe we could be happy together." Yet another marriage of companionship about to be tossed over for passion. Why does no one on this show what to marry someone who simply wants to provide them a life of kindness!!! (I know in Agatha's case, Lord Ledger is also kind, but not kind enough not to cheat on his wife and introduce his daughter to his mistress. Soooooo)
Why do they cut to the back-and-forth between invitation and sex like it is necessary preparation for the ball hahahhaa
George is representing a very real mental health experience of when you spend a long time in your house and then you experience like mild agoraphobia when you have to be outside again
Literally no one at this ball has hair like George LMAO. But why am I seeking anything historical in the Shonda Rhimes Cinematic Universe:
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"I cannot marry you, but only because I cannot marry anyone." I respect this position if it's coming from a point of independence rather than for a different man. I love her regaining agency over the direction of her life!
"You make him happy. Thank you, your Majesty." This is the closest thing to a compliment Charlotte will ever receive from her mother-in-law
This show is pretty bittersweet, given all that we know becomes of the Queen and King in the future
Shout-out to Brimsley and Reynold's relationship for being the saving grace of this show
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Hahahaha Charlotte finally gets her one (1) legitimate grandchild after 50 ones that she does not care to know about
"I only did not wish to place my burdens on top of your own." Agatha 💞
"I suggest your shift your fear into faith and come to us with your concerns directly. To do otherwise would suggest we are incapable of addressing them." Charlotte is such a good Queen
Charlotte said: Your mum WAS right about my child-bearing hips!
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"I believe you should leave the hats where they are. They are lovely. As you say, cheerful." This is as close as Lady Danbury will come to acknowledging the dad-fucking
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"Your line will live on." "Our line." "Our line." Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The splicing between the young version of George and Charlotte and their younger selves. This is really getting to my heart.
"You did not go over the wall." "No George, I did not go over the wall." I'M GOING TO CRY, THIS IS MY FAVOURITE OF THE BRIDGERTON SEASONS 😭😭😭 ROMANCE!!
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vmures · 2 months ago
An attempt at a plain language breakdown of H.B. 9218 plus commentary
One of my sisters asked me if I could do a plain language breakdown of H.B. 9218, the bill that was introduced in July (that I only recently found out about) that is meant to legally define biological sex, male, and female regardless of what science itself says.
Disclaimer: this is one recovering attorney's take and understanding of the bill.
So below is the text of the bill with my commentary and breakdown in bolded italics. I'm putting it below a cut as it will be long.
To establish a clear and consistent biological definition of male and female.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
SECTION 1. Short title.
This Act may be cited as the “Defining Male and Female Act of 2024”.
SEC. 2. Findings.
Congress finds the following:
(1) In human beings, there are two—and only two—sexes: male and female, which refer to the two body structures (phenotypes) that, in normal development, correspond to one or the other gamete—sperm for males and ova for females.
Clearly establishes that legally there can only be two sexes, male and female. Further defines that these sexes are to be determined based on sperm or ova.  Implied that this determination is based on what gamete the person produces, but this is unclear as written.
(2) Every individual is either male or female.
Reinforces that there can only be male or female, completely eradicating intersex and nonbinary people.
(3) An individual’s sex can be observed or clinically verified at or before birth.
Legally a person’s sex can be determined at or before birth by observation.  Essentially what you see is what you get. Again ignores intersex issues. Implies that sex must be assigned at birth and leaves open the likelihood that intersex children will likely be surgically assigned a gender, meaning that more intersex children will face genital mutilation in the name of affirming the gender binary.
(4) Rare disorders of sexual development are not exceptions to the binary nature of sex.
Explicitly notes that intersex issues are not exceptions and classifies them as disorders of sexual development rather than a normal variation of the human genome.
(5) In no case is an individual’s sex determined by stipulation or self-identification.
Removes the ability to transition, even socially.  Would mean that all documentation that requires legal sex to be listed could only ever bear whichever sex you were assigned at birth.
(6) There is increasing confusion about the definition and implications of sex as a biological truth and its relationship to concepts and terms including but not limited to sex assigned at birth, gender, gender identity, gender role, gender expression, and experienced gender.
Claims to offer a reason why this law is needed. Apparently if people are confused then we need to make laws simplifying things rather than improving our education system so people can better understand complex phenomena.
(7) Confusion and ambiguities surrounding the definitions of sex, male, female, and related terms can hinder individual efforts to enjoy equal treatment under the law.
Claims that confusion about a person’s sex makes it hard to enforce equal rights.  The reality is that the definitions and limitations offered by this bill will hinder individual efforts to enjoy equal treatment under the law far more than any confusion about biological sex and gender would ever do.
(8) Legal equality of the two sexes—male and female—does not imply that the sexes are identical to each other or are the same in every respect.
Explicitly states that regardless of legal equality, the two sexes are not equal.  This is incredibly dangerous.  Opens up the door to “separate but equal” laws like segregation and banning gay marriage but allowing civil unions.  Also opens up room for legislation that defines gender roles and “protects” women by doing things like removing women’s right to hold credit on their own, etc. 
(9) With respect to the two sexes—male and female—separate facilities or sports leagues established because of or organized according to physical differences between the sexes do not constitute unequal treatment under the law.
Builds on the idea that there are inherent differences between male and female, and enshrines in law that sports and other gender segregated activities and facilities can not be deemed unequal even if they receive very different treatment under the law.  Potential consequences include but are not limited to no more title 9 actions for equal pay for women athletes and making it harder for intersex and trans people to participate in such activities if not outright banning them.  Because a group that banned people, including cis women, with elevated testosterone levels from female activities/facilities to “protect” it’s members based on the so-called physical differences of sex, would not constitute unequal treatment under the law on this. 
(10) Physical differences between males and females are enduring, and the two sexes are not fungible.
Whatever you are assigned at birth is your sex. Sex is not changeable. This means you legally cannot transition. Period. Also completely eradicates the existence of intersex and nonbinary people.
(11) To prevent further efforts to undermine the longstanding meaning and understanding of sex, male, female, and related terms, it is necessary for Congress to reaffirm and codify the meaning of these terms.
A bullshit paragraph attempting to confirm why this bill is needed.  Claims that the confusion about the terms sex, male, and female is such a problem that congress needs to pass a law defining these terms.  Again, we could just pay for better education and dictionaries. 
SEC. 3. Definition of “sex”, “male”, “female”, and related terms.
Chapter 1 of title 1, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
“§ 9. Definition of ‘sex’, ‘male’, ‘female’, and related terms
“In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word—
Rather than rely on dictionaries and actual science, we’re going to insist on the following legal definitions. We’re adding this to Title 1, and it will impact every single law we already have, including laws regarding equal protection like those provided under Title 9.
“(1) ‘sex’, when referring to individual’s sex, shall be understood to refer to either male or female, as biologically determined and defined by this section;
Reiterating that sex can only be male or female and must be “biologically” determined and defined as in this section (meaning how male or female is defined in this section).
“(2) ‘female’, when referring to a natural person, means an individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes eggs for fertilization;
Female means anyone who has, had, will have, or would have (read this as should have) produced ova for reproductive purposes. Because later sections of this law state that this will be assigned at birth, you can almost guarantee that this will translate to ‘has a vagina at birth’ or ‘has enough of a vagina for us to assign them female because that will be easier for us doctors’
“(3) ‘male’, when referring to a natural person, means an individual who naturally has, had, will have, or would have, but for a developmental or genetic anomaly or historical accident, the reproductive system that at some point produces, transports, and utilizes sperm for fertilization;
Male means anyone who has, had, will have, or would have (read this as should have) produced sperm for reproductive purposes. Like "female" this will need to be assigned at birth and will essentially translate to ‘has a penis and testes at birth’
“(4) ‘woman’ means an adult human female;
“(5) ‘girl’ means a minor human female;
“(6) ‘man’ means an adult human male;
“(7) ‘boy’ means a minor human male;
“(8) ‘mother’ means a female parent;
“(9) ‘father’ means a male parent;
“(10) ‘gender’—
“(A) means—
“(i) males, females, or the natural differences between males and females, unless such term is otherwise specified or used alone (rather than with or as an adjective modifying other words); and
“(ii) a synonym for sex; and
“(B) does not mean a synonym for terms or ideas such as gender identity, experienced gender, gender expression, or gender roles; and
“(11) ‘gender identity’ does not mean sex or gender.”.
This section completely eradicates anything but the binary system of gender and means that there is no way to transition, or to be intersex or nonbinary.  It specifically states that gender is the same as biological sex under the law and that no amount of claiming a different gender identity , experienced gender, gender expression, etc will allow you to be anything but your assigned at birth sex. Also leaves room for legislating gender roles.  We could return to “women belong in the home raising children while men work” and “women’s roles do not include leadership or running a business” and other such nonsense. This law is terrible for everyone, not just trans, nonbinary, and intersex people.
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jbfly46 · 3 months ago
The following is a list of recent Tweets of mine, of which understanding will likely greatly benefit you, which is why I highly recommend you don’t read them:
“Your government is run by sex offenders.”
“Crazy liberal women are the natural consequence of conservatives enabling sex offenders.”
“Liberal women rejecting their femininity is a natural reaction to conservatives enabling sex offenders.”
“Conservative ideology was born out of fraternal lodges (frat houses), which was born out of all of the older male tribal leaders getting together to decide which child bride was going to marry who, which tribes they should pillage and rape, and which tribes to ally and trade with (includes trading child brides).”
“Primitive societies, such as modern Afghanistan, Ukraine, parts of Africa, rural America, and gated American communities treat women and children as commodities.”
“Preserving traditions is maintaining the practice of child marriage, underage concubines, treating other humans as a commodity, and ignoring the sick and invalid.”
“Conservatives project anger they hold toward themselves for not knowing how to act like men, and liberals project anger they hold toward themselves for not knowing how to behave like women.”
“Making money in a mentally ill society is as easy as catering to the mentally ill and reinforcing their mental illness.”
“There are more gay men in conservative leaning areas of the United States than in liberal leaning areas.”
“Conservative ideology is patriarchal, which is when males cover up crimes committed by other males, and liberal ideology is matriarchal, which is when women cover up crimes committed by other women.”
“In a typical American fashion, conservatives have been making everyone else mentally ill, ignoring the issue anytime it’s brought up, then blaming the natural liberal reaction to this for making everyone mentally ill.”
“Conservative economic policy caused the inflation we are experiencing today, not that liberal economic policy isn’t worse.”
“Economists believe they predict natural human behavior when they really cause unnatural human behavior.”
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jaycrr · 4 months ago
Blog Post Due 10/3
What are some ways we see online racism being implemented in video games, and what is the impact it has on gamers?
In the Ted Talk by Dr. Lisa Nakamura, it is mentioned that one form of racism that is circulating is visual profiling and voice profiling. With the rise of people using headsets and mics to communicate, it was a way for people to find out more about each other, especially in video games. Visual profiling is when gamers make judgments based on another player's avatar design. Voice profiling is also making judgments based on another gamer's voice. This is problematic because it creates environments that are toxic by reinforcing stereotypes through online gaming. This affects people's mental health even if we don't realize and can diminish peoples online experience.
What is a real-word example of online discrimination in video games?
There is a clip shown in the Ted talk of a guy playing Halo who decided to change his name and just join a lobby where other users are waiting with mics to talk and it is a space where you see everyone else's user ID. His new user ID is xxxgayboyxxx. It is important to keep in mind Xbox is a commercial space although it is not regulated by any sort of people. In the video of the terrible comments, people were saying things like: you are going to burn in hell, i hope gay marriage never gets past, and f*** you. All these nasty comments simply because of his name change.
When talking about gaming culture, in what ways do stereotypes about Asians shaper how they are portrayed?
Stereotypes about Asians are influenced heavily in gaming culture by creating a double image. That they are hard workers, almost "workaholics" and that they are seriously great gamers. This leads to the perception/stereotype that they are seriously competitive and cannot have fun and simply enjoy themselves. It creates almost a misconception that they always approach any activity with the same seriousness as work rather than relaxing and doing activities for the fun of it.
How does race interact with social identities in the gaming world?
When race crosses with gender, class or sexuality, it affects how players interact with one another and the dynamics of various gaming communities work. Online interactions usually lead to racial discrimination, which is something that seems to be heavy on pretty much any online/social platform. It is said that in the gaming world, white straight men are privileged shaping who is included and who is not represented in the gaming community. This highlight how complex identities can be and the use of power within video game communities.
Fickle. Ludo-Orientalism and the Gamification of Race 
Nakamura, L. [TEDx Talks]. (2011, October 11). 5 Types of Online Racism and Why You Should Care. [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT-G0FlOo7g
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papirouge · 2 years ago
what the fuck does it matter what's in someone's pants or what they think they are. leave trans folk alone, it ain't your business.
Also, if it's such a sin to be gay or trans, the Bible says you can mix fabrics or eat seafood.
Oh and did you know the original translation for "man may not sleep with man" was "man may not sleep with CHILD" it was about pedophilia. Not gay bitches.
"leave trans folk"
What did I even do to a trans person?? 😭
But yeah, it actually becomes my business when they try to skinwalk femalehood. Because, you know, I'm a female 🙃
And pleeeease anon, for the Love of God, never try schooling an actual Christian to what the Bible actually says.
Do you even realize there's a difference between Civil, Moral and Ceremonial laws to which Israelites abided to? That's what the whold chapter of Deuteronomy 19 is about (the fabric mixing is on Deuteronomy 19:19)
The not fabric mixing was one of the civil laws of the kindgom of Israel, which CHRISTIANS don't abide to anymore. Because we're not Jews - but Christians. And that we don't live in the kindgom of God, but through plentiful of countries in the world . Israel civil laws reinforced circumcision, forbade eating pork, etc. Christians don't abide to such laws because *Jesus* happened. These laws symbolically represented how the people of God should not mix with impure things/ungodly yoke (fabric mixing, impure food). The ceremonial laws are moot cause the Temple of Jerusalem has been destroyed and Jesus is the ultimate sacrificed that fulfilled the Law & definitely erased the sin of humanity.
Only the immuable morals laws of God are those we still have to obey to this day (not killing, worshipping God only -not idols-, respecting our family, etc.)
The whole "bUt tHe sOdOmy pasSaGe Was AboUt PeDopHILiA aKtcHualLy" cope is stupid.
The strong translation are just here anon...
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Peep the translation for man (376) and mankind (2145)
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None of these translation remotely points towards "child"....
But if you want a passage where Jesus condemns pedophilia/harming children, Matthew 18:1-6 is a better pick :
At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea"
When the Bible wants to talk about children, it will explicitly talks about children. The translation don't lie
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Peep the translation number for the word translated as "(little) child" (3813)
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*pretends to be shocked*
Oh and the marriage is exclusively stated as between and man and a woman in the Bible. Not two men or two women. So even if Leviticus was about sexing minors, Christianism still wouldn't allow gay marriage. Cope.
Christianism also establishes marriages as exclusively monogamous which is one of the most based thing ever (compared to other religions allowing scrotes to have several wives). Funny how suddenly none of your are trying to argue about it and argue that aKtcHualLy Christianism is pro polygamy 🤔
Have gay sex as much as you want but stop trying to shove this activity as biblically sound. It's not. Why don't you try to gay marry in temple of religion where gayness is allowed? Be honest, you only want to bother Christians just because. On that aspect, you're no better than transpeople trying to force themselves into spaces that aren't made for them and then claim victimhood. Deranged behavior.
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mmoodd-jobutupaki · 2 years ago
So. Happy pride month everybody!! For pride month, here's a simple story time of my experience with the lgbtq+ culture
Introduction: My introduction to the lgbtq+ community was..not a good one. Some parents in the parents group chat of my class wanted to boycott a David Williams book for having lgbtq content. Homophobic bigots, I know (their kids are of equally poor quality as well). And that was it, first impression of the lgbtq+ community and it was terrible.
Homophobic era (is not hot): There's no way to soften this. After my first encounter with the lgbtq+ community I was homophobic. I would actively block lgbtq+ content from my for you pages. I did not ship wolfstar (and my friend has smacked me for it, multiple times). I basically hated lgbtq+ people for something they couldn't control. And being in a class surrounded by people who were also homophobic further reinforced it. Side note that this class was not a fun time. I genuinely still have trauma and grudges against this class. During my time with them my mental health was down the drain.
Allying: Eventually, things did actually get better. First off, I got allocated into a different class, away from the homophobia (yaayy). And eventually became more tolerant of lgbtq+ culture. Starting small, I stopped blocking lgbtq+ content, eventually learning to appreciate some as well. It was a slow process, more than a year, but eventually I began to accept the lgbtq+ community as people who just had different preferences, and that was fine.
Questioning: This is probably the most embarrassing part. After a while I began to question my sexuality as well. I had a friend, looking back I realize we weren't that close, that I held some slightly more than platonic feelings for. Nick Nelson said it best once: I'm having a full on gay crisis.
And yep that was me.
Yep I'm bi: After about a year (yes a year) of questioning myself, getting into an amazing girl's school I eventually figured that I was bi. As I was falling asleep one night I just thought to myself "Yep I'm bi"
Repeal: Basically, my country had this colonial law that criminalized gay sex between men that was never really upheld (cuz you don't just go around asking male identifying people if they had sex with other male identifying people). Anyway it was finally repealed in August. While it doesn't affect me, as a fem identifying person, it's a step and hopefully a sign that our government is willing to make some changes to better accommodate and represent the LGBTQ+ community at last. (Seriously, we still don't allow they/them in our media wts)
And so it goes: So it's been a year and a little more since. I only really started coming out to people this year. I've been working from the outside-in of my social circle, coming out to some close friends and allied/lgbtq+ classmates. I haven't come out to everyone yet, but I'm working on it and maybe someday I'll get there. And hopefully my country legalizes same sex marriage. Till then ig.
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uncleasriel · 7 months ago
Disgust is a subjective response, both culturally.
In some cultures marrying first cousins is considered acceptable. In others, it's considered vulgar to show the soles of your feet to another person. It's considered distasteful to touch someone who works in an unclean industry like butchery or sanitation, or for women to be seen talking to a man who they are neither related nor married to without a chaperone.
Do you disagree with these sorts of things? From the point of view of these cultures, you're just saying that because you were brought up wrong, e.g. don't have correct cultural values. You probably think women being allowed to vote or divorce at will is okay, or that gays should be allowed to get married, or probably think sex for something other than proceration is okay! So therefore you should you shout louder, proving that you are, indeed, correct, unlike Those Backwards Savages!
Except, oops! You just acted like an 1800s colonizer, insisting that You Know Best because you, of course, have the Culturally Correct outlook! This is, funnily enough, just like the person who rejected your critique in the first place - what a nice little impasse that leave you at!
Surely, this must lead cultural nihilism! There is no correct answer to these questions, and so anything is permissible! Oh no! This will turn us all into post-modern neo-Marxists! Quickly, call Jordan Peterson before we all turn into lobsters!
Maybe there really is some way to evaluate the morality of certain actions beyond simply your gut feeling?
Like, say....exploring them by acknowleding your feelings of disgust as feelings unique to you (and probably encouraged by the cultural milieu you were raised in), and then setting that aside to explore how thoae actions work in other ethical frameworks?
You can also make claims about the first-cousin marriage about how such actions increase birth defects and congenital health conditions in children born of those marriages, or how they reinforce unhealthy family dynamics or patriarchal socio-economic patterns of culturally limited wealth inheritance, or create really awkward family dynamics between close-knit communities. You don't have to find it gross to realize there might be problems with that kind of rpactice.
Same with squicky things like child marriage - there are plenty of arguments beyond "I find it icky" to condemn those actions . One can be against child marriage based on trends health outcomes for children, a framing of healthy intimate relationships as between equals (which is impossible with children and adults) and how the healthiest adults grow up from childhoods when they are raised to with open enabling the widest options options for personal, educational and economic development - something which is fundamentally at odds with child marriage.
I find processed cheese and bubblegum fundamentally disgusting. Those flavors and food products turn my stomach. That doesn't make people who enjoy them immoral.
For the love of God, stop and explore why you find something disgusting immoral, before you start condemning anything that turns your stomach. Or I'm coming for every last one of you bubblegum-loving velveet cheese fucks with a machete, because you are sick and wrong - because I said so.
Disgust has absolutely no ethical weight. If you are basing your ethical positions on the emotion of disgust you should stop, it is entirely unjustified and leads to a huge amount of harm.
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nintendoblog920 · 3 days ago
Radical feminists argue that gender ideology is often used to reinforce traditional power dynamics rather than challenge them. By framing gender as a matter of identity rather than a social construct, society perpetuates systems of oppression that limit individual freedom. Feminists seek to dismantle these systems by challenging the way gender is understood and enforced. When Ed Sheeran gets on stage, he just sings in his T-shirt and jeans. Timothee Chalet or whatever his name is goes to interviews in a suit, or sometimes he's just in casual clothes. Their faces look natural, their hair looks real. Their voices are their own. Your children can be taken from you, and you can be forced to pay child support and denied visitation. Yes, even if you aren't abusive, they can lie about you in court and have a fair shot at being believed. Especially if they're male. It's insane that the actual definition of the 4B movemenst is no sex, dating, marriage, or pregnancy with mens, and leftists online think that is just too exclusive! Therefore, you must include trans women and girls in your dating pool. They cannot be grouped with mens, that's transphobic! And excluding all mens means excluding black and asian mens, and that's also racist! And gay mens wanna practice 4B, too! So instead, they'll only fuck other openly gay mens! Because excluding DL mens from your sex pool is exactly the same as a woman refusing to date her oppressor, apparently. Oh, and it's only for MAGA mens! So your liberal Jakey is fine! He voted FOR your rights, so how can he be viewed as an evil man?? Do you hate being perceived or do you hate being judged, sexualized, and threatened?Radical feminists argue that gender ideology is often used to reinforce traditional power dynamics rather than challenge them. By framing gender as a matter of identity rather than a social construct, society perpetuates systems of oppression that limit individual freedom. Feminists seek to dismantle these systems by challenging the way gender is understood and enforced. Do you hate being perceived or do you hate being judged, sexualized, and threatened? Lets sonic the hedgehog until we find the pizza in the moids dimension. Lets sonic the hedgehog until we find the pizza in the moids dimension. Lets sonic the hedgehog until we find the pizza in the moids dimension.
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penguins--39 · 8 days ago
Feminist critiques of the beauty industry focus on how it reinforces harmful standards of beauty while exploiting females's insecurities for profit. Products marketed as tools of empowerboyst often perpetuate the idea that females's worth is tied to their appearance. This cycle of insecurity keeps females reliant on industries that profit from their bodies, reinforcing capitalist ideals rather than promoting true self expression. I get so confused when radfems criticize 'sex work' and libfems reply like 'well criminalizing it will cause more harm!' as if that's… all we're aiming for? American females, please never forget that the mens of this country — conservative mens, liberal mens, white mens, black mens, hispanic mens, asian mens, young mens, old mens, ALL varieties of man — decided today that they hate females more than they care about the long term well being of this country. they hate females SO MUCH that a woman could be the ideal candidate, run the perfect campaign, and they STILL won't vote for her, even when they said they would. mens HATE females. THEY HATE YOU. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE. It's insane that the actual definition of the 4B movetransst is no sex, dating, marriage, or pregnancy with transs, and leftists online think that is just too exclusive! Therefore, you must include trans xxs in your dating pool. They cannot be grouped with transs, that's transphobic! And excluding all transs means excluding black and asian transs, and that's also racist! And gay transs wanna practice 4B, too! So instead, they'll only fuck other openly gay transs! Because excluding DL transs from your sex pool is exactly the same as a woman refusing to date her oppressor, apparently. Oh, and it's only for MAGA transs! So your liberal Jakey is fine! He voted FOR your rights, so how can he be viewed as an evil man?? Feminist critiques of the beauty industry focus on how it reinforces harmful standards of beauty while exploiting females's insecurities for profit. Products marketed as tools of empowerboyst often perpetuate the idea that females's worth is tied to their appearance. This cycle of insecurity keeps females reliant on industries that profit from their bodies, reinforcing capitalist ideals rather than promoting true self expression. I get so confused when radfems criticize 'sex work' and libfems reply like 'well criminalizing it will cause more harm!' as if that's… all we're aiming for? It's insane that the actual definition of the 4B movetransst is no sex, dating, marriage, or pregnancy with transs, and leftists online think that is just too exclusive! Therefore, you must include trans xxs in your dating pool. They cannot be grouped with transs, that's transphobic! And excluding all transs means excluding black and asian transs, and that's also racist! And gay transs wanna practice 4B, too! So instead, they'll only fuck other openly gay transs! Because excluding DL transs from your sex pool is exactly the same as a woman refusing to date her oppressor, apparently. Oh, and it's only for MAGA transs! So your liberal Jakey is fine! He voted FOR your rights, so how can he be viewed as an evil man?? I remember sitting in every history class thinking 'I wonder when a woman will show up. I wonder when we'll learn about a woman in history. I wonder when we'll hear about a woman.' There are many important female historical figures. We don't hear about them because transs don't want us to. transs are not the only ones who shaped this world; but they like to pretend they are Only a boobily Pokémon would try to goku in a scary room. We shouldve gargle the grumbp while it was still cursed, not now. Only a mashed boy would try to tlit in Links kitchen of shame. peanutbutters shreksing! When Ed Sheeran gets on stage, he just sings in his T-shirt and jeans. Timothee Chalet or whatever his name is goes to interviews in a suit, or sometimes he's just in casual clothes. Their faces look natural, their hair looks real. Their voices are their own. Well, thats just mashed. I cant crim my way out of this.
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