#otaku mutuals
xmoonshardx · 27 days
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Finally got my work shirts good morning all!!! ‧₊˚✩彡💿🍇🎧‧₊˚✩彡
Also moot hunting today follow me I’ll follow you back especially if you have an adorable vlog or message down below if I haven’t followed you yet!🩵
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northernirelandengima · 6 months
Trying to raise Academics in a Persona game.
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
Also i find her naive desperation (cant find the right words for it) to see her adventuring crew as sworn friends wholl go thru hell together even tho shes the newest addition soooo telling. Shes had trouble making friends her whole life she was really hoping! And even the ones who left are willing to go to hell for her n the crew so its not like its not true. Its just not like how it is in her mangas. I think theres a good chance she n namari become like closer after the end of the series.
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fishii28 · 3 months
did you heart otaku hot girl CAUSE MEGAN LITERALLY SLAYED THAT SONG I'm not even into rap but its so catchy !!
(sorry it took so long to get to this ask, i wanted to find a good time to listen to it :3)
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desi-pluto · 4 months
A moodboard compilation of my OC Yusuf's anime kinnies of my future epic fantasy series that I'll someday write ✍
Yusuf Saif Raza Khan also known as "Tanin" or "Toofaan"
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He LOVES anime but don't ever call him and otaku - unless you're Maryam 🤭
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eyecantread · 6 months
Hey, anime fans of Tumblr, what anime are you looking forward to the most this coming season?
For me it's Kaiju #8 and Konosuba season 3!
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jasper-s-phantym · 2 years
Did u and @cherrys-sweetness plan this?
Really @a-hollow-angel, I think you did. Hey @nobodyuneedtoknowsblog i just got two of the same messages!!! UwU
@your-average-prettyboy-collector probably crushes hard af on Vil but we all know I'm supreme simp, right @achy-boo? Haven't talked to my buddies @attic-club-sandwich, @rockiesilvz and @eatcandlewax in a while! How are you guys doing? @gr8mammon i wonder who your favorite demon brother is hmmm/sarcastic.
@noecoded ILYSM YOU'RE SO AWESOME I LOVE YOUR FEM ASMO PICTURE SO MUCH IT'S SUPER COOL....I mean- You have amazing artwork...just...thought you'd like to know
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otakusocialista · 1 year
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En esta sociedad en vez de acumular medios de produccion ...son las "habilidades sobre naturales"
la clase dominante se pelea por acumularlos; y asi sus hijos heredan esas habilidades, en vez de heredar medios de produccion
Así la aristocracia feudal se casaban entre ellos para heredar y acumular las tierras; y la burguesia de hoy, empresas que exprimen trabajo asalariado.
La "reproducción familiar" entre la aristocracia y la burguesía se parece mucho a la evolución entre el Neanderthal y el Homo sapiens: la burguesía se dio cuenta que "es malo casarse entre familiares cercanos tal como lo hacia la aristocracia feudal en su afán de acumular más tierras" ...por eso son mas "buena ondita"
in this society instead of accumulating means of production…it's the "supernatural abilities" the ruling class fights to accumulate them; and so their children inherit those skills, instead of inheriting means of production Thus the feudal aristocracy married among themselves to inherit and accumulate land; and today's bourgeoisie, companies that squeeze salaried work. "Family reproduction" between the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie is very similar to the evolution between the Neanderthal and Homo sapiens: the bourgeoisie realized that "it is bad to marry between close relatives, just as the feudal aristocracy did in its desire to accumulate more land" … that's why they are more "good vibes" (with their sons)
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curiosityjams · 3 months
i cannot discuss this in any sort of way that doesn't dox myself (and god i've gotten NEAR to doing that so many times in the past), but there is a song on the new megan thee stallion album that is so so funny to me like i did not expect THAT.
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froggibus · 2 years
The Mark of Greed - Mammon
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Pairing: Mammon x reader
Genre: angst -> fluff, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: mammon can’t help but notice that you refuse to talk about his pact mark, and he’s determined to find out why
CW: hurt/comfort, angst, violence (reader gets attacked by demons), mutual pining, self deprecating thoughts, arguing/yelling, angsty! Mammon, love confessions, misunderstandings
i definitely did not write all of this at 3am. nope. idk i had this image in my head of soft! Mammon tracing your pact mark and telling you he loves you so here it is lol. i got super carried away and ended up making this super long too oops
The best kept secret in the Devildom, aside from Satan’s pet cat, was your pact mark. Not just any pact mark—no, it was the shimmering gold one that marked Greed. Right from the day you got it, you knew you should keep it hidden. 
Always wearing clothes to strategically cover it, lying, deflecting and giving different answers every time someone would ask. Mammon watched all this, and said nothing. Sure, it was a little funny, but it also made him wonder. 
Did you hate him? Was the mark of greed as awful as he always thought it was? Was his touch so ugly and toxic that you didn’t want anyone to know about it? 
Maybe his brothers were right. Maybe there was something wrong with him. You were so open about your pacts with his brothers, gladly showing them the swirling coloured patterns that marked your body. You showed them off unashamedly, proudly displaying the marks as part of yourself. 
It made him jealous, really. You were his human. You were his first. His pact was your first—so why did you hate it so much? He always pegged envy as Leviathan’s emotion, but the more he watched, the more he realized his turmoil was enough to rival the otaku himself. 
You first notice Mammon withdrawing after you show a demon in class your pact mark with Beel. An orange sigil just above your belly button that you displayed proudly with crop tops and bathing suits. You could feel Mammon’s eyes on you the whole time, watching you as you explained the beauty behind the mark. 
“It’s not just cause he’s the Avatar of Gluttony,” you explain, fingers tracing the orange outline. “But it also relies on emotions. In this case, the comfort he brings me is like having a full stomach. It sits right at my core because he’s my support.”
You swear you see blue eyes roll to your left, but you shrug it off. He’s probably just upset because Lucifer confiscated Goldie again. Still, you can’t help but think he’s jealous of the way you’re talking about Beel. 
When you walk home later that day, Mammon is short with you. He barely acknowledges you or responds to anything you say, instead he slumps his shoulders and shrugs you off. 
“Mammon, is everything okay? You seem…upset,” you note. 
“The Great Mammon? Upset?” He tsks, “maybe your time in the Devildom has made you dumber, y/n.” 
“I was just checking on you…”
You don’t wait for him to say anything else and instead throw open the front door and stomp to your room in silence. If he wants to be a jerk, you’ll let him be a jerk. 
You practically throw your backpack across the room and slump on your bed. One of your pact marks aches and the thought makes you cringe. Of course it’s that one. 
Ever since you got it, you’ve tried so hard to keep it hidden. Not even telling Mammon himself where it is. I mean, if he knew, what would he even say? You could almost hear his voice in your head telling you that you’re delusional to think you could ever be with him, dismissing your feelings and breaking your heart. 
You get up and sit in front of the mirror, pulling off your shirt so that you can examine your skin. There, sitting above your heart, is the golden mark of Greed. You trace it lightly. It’s always been your favorite, the colour and the design by far the prettiest. You just wish it wasn’t where it was. 
When you first got the mark, when you felt it sear itself into your skin, you knew what it meant. It was a visual representation of the butterflies in your stomach and the clenching in your heart every time you saw the Avatar of Greed. 
Still, you found yourself flipping through the pages of Satan’s personal collection. You honestly hoped it was just random, a weird coincidence or a mistake—but the books said otherwise. They confirmed your fear. 
When the others started to make pacts with you, you worried the same thing would happen. That they would show up in the same place or worse. You can still remember the immense relief you felt when you made your pact with Levi and have the mark show up on your thigh. 
Levi was so excited to ask about his mark and when you let him touch it? He almost exploded. That was the first time Mammon asked you about his mark, and it was the first time you lied to him. 
You groan in frustration and pull your shirt back on, trying to blink away the image of his branding. A part of you always wanted to tell him, to show him and have him touch it. But the other part couldn’t get it out of your head that you’re just a burden to him. You’re his responsibility and that’s the only reason he hangs around you. 
You only wish things could be simpler. 
Mammon slams the door to his room and sinks down against it. He tugs on his white hair so hard it hurts, but the pain isn’t enough to wash away the frustration bubbling in his chest. 
Why did he have to be so mean to you?
Maybe if he was nicer you wouldn’t hate him or his pact mark. Maybe if he was nicer to you he might actually have a chance of being with you. 
The sound of his voice rings in his ears, echoing off his skull. He hates it. He hates how mean he was to you, and the guilt eats him up. 
Finally, it becomes too much and he forces himself to his feet. He should apologize to you. Because Lucifer would kill him if he knew how mean he was being…not for any other reason. 
You open the door to see him standing in front of you, fidgeting with his hands. “What’s up?” 
“I—Lucifer would be mad at me if I didn’t apologize to you,” he says, eyes focused on his shoes. “‘N I don’t wanna be strung up tonight so I’m sorry human.”
“It’s fine. Just—why were you so upset earlier, anyways?”
He shrugs his shoulders, still avoiding eye contact with you. How can he tell you that he’s jealous and angry that you don’t want to show off your pact mark? It’ll make him sound like a little kid. 
“Mammon, come on. It’s just me.”
He sighs, “not that I care but I don’t get why you hate my pact so much.”
You freeze, your blood like ice in your veins. All this time you’d been withdrawing from him, you knew he noticed but because he never said anything, it was easy to ignore. Not anymore. 
“I-I don’t hate it.”
“Then why do you never show anyone?”
“It’s just,” you shrug, “in a weird spot. I don’t know—I don’t hate it. I just don’t want to show it off.”
“Because it’s ugly, right?”
“Why would anyone want to be marked by Greed?”
“Imma dirty scumbag anyway. Making a pact with you was the most selfish thing I ever did. Tying you to me for life, why would you ever want that?”
“Mammon, Jesus. Just listen to me!”
The demon stops his self deprecating rant, staring at you expectantly. He doesn’t know what you’re about to say, but all he can hope is for you to tell him that’s it’s not true. That it’s not ugly, that you want to be tied to him. 
Your words fail you. You interrupt his rant and suddenly your mouth goes dry under the gaze of his blue eyes and your words all fall away. Your heart beats a mile a minute, drawing more of your focus to the pact mark that connects the two of you.
You stare at each other for a minute, and then Mammon turns on his heel and storms out of the room.
It takes you a minute to process what just happened, and another minute for you to follow him. By the time you make it to the staircase, he’s already slamming the front door shut behind him. 
Everything is moving so fast. The illusion that you were protecting yourself from Mammon hating you has shattered—replaced by the realization that you’ve been hurting him this whole time. You can’t think of anything except for how to make this right. 
Without thinking about it, you follow him out of the door and into the streets of the Devildom. It’s dark out and you have to squint to see the familiar white hair receding into the distance. You pick up the pace, wanting to catch him before he disappears. 
You’ve never been outside alone before. It’s too dangerous, they always said. But that’s the furthest thing from your mind right now. All you want is to make things with him better. 
“Mammon!” You call, heading up the hill behind him. 
When you get to the top, the demon is no longer in sight. You spin around to see if he doubled back to the house, only to realize it’s no longer in sight either. The horrible realization that you’re lost starts to set in and you find yourself reaching into your pocket for your DDD—only to remember you left it in your backpack. 
There’s a hissing noise nearby and you’re suddenly acutely aware of how vulnerable you are here. Without thinking, you start to run back the way you think you came. You hear two pairs of footsteps behind you, they’re gaining on you. Whatever is chasing you, it’s going to catch you. 
A clawed hand takes your back and hot pain erupts within you. You fall to your knees and scream, warm blood trickling down your back. 
You try to get back up but you’re shaking so badly that your knees refuse to cooperate. There’s two demons behind you, only vaguely humanoid with glowing eyes and flickering tongues. They’re speaking, but not in any language you understand. 
They circle around you, taking some sort of sick amusement in watching their prey cower. One of them lashes out at your chest, three claws slicing the front of your shirt and causing blood to pool down your chest and stomach. 
You reach up to clutch the wounds, your fingertips brushing against the golden pact mark. I’ll never get to tell him how I feel, you realize. 
“I’m sorry, Mammon,” you murmur, tracing your pact mark one last time. 
A jolt of energy rushes through you followed by intense golden light in front of you. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting until it dims to open them again. When they’re open, you see Mammon in demon form, standing between you and your attackers. 
All it takes is a flick of his hand before they erupt into dust. You knew he was powerful, but seeing him in action only confirmed the fact. 
He drops to his knees in front of you, his hands frantic as they search you for injury. His fingertips fall on your open shirt and clawed chest. “You’re hurt…”
“I’m sorry, Mammon,” you mumble. 
“I know.” He says, “let’s just get you home, okay?”
He scoops you up in his arms effortlessly, holding you close to him. You’re sure your blood is dripping all over him and wrecking his new shoes, but you’re too disoriented to care. 
Mammon sets you down on the counter in the bathroom, “move your hand, alright? I gotta make sure you’re not gonna die.” 
Without thinking about it, you move your blood coated hand off of the pact mark. Mammon slowly peels off your shredded shirt, his eyes going wide when he sees what your hand was covering. 
Somewhat hidden by the blood and fabric yet unmistakable, is a golden mark. Not just any golden mark—his golden mark. His pact mark and its above your heart? 
His hands shake as they brush the outline of it. “My—my pact mark is on your heart?”
You bite your lip and nod slowly, looking anywhere but at him. 
Mammon is in complete disbelief. This whole time he thought his feelings were one sided, that you hated him and hated his pact even more. But to find out that it’s on your heart of all places—right as he almost lost you? He’s almost entirely overwhelmed by his feelings. 
His hands shake the whole time he bandages and disinfects you, his mind only set on the branding above your chest. When he’s done fixing you up, he can’t stop staring at it. 
“You got lucky that the Great Mammon was here to protect you today,” he tries to play it off. 
“I-it was only cause I summoned you with the pact.”
The mention of the pact makes his head spin again. His mouth is suddenly dry and his hands sweaty. 
“Mammon,” you mumble, still unable to look at him, “please say something.”
His voice is low. “Do you know what it means when a pact mark forms over your heart?”
You shake your head, butterflies erupting in your stomach. 
He reaches out to trace the swirling lines of the mark, his touch featherlight. “It means I’ll always be there for you, y/n.”
His tone is serious, unlike anything you’ve heard from him before. You don’t dare move or interrupt him, wanting to hear what the demon has to say. 
“It means that I’ll never let anyone hurt you,” he mumbles. “That I’ll take care of you no matter what. It means that you own me. It means that I—“ he swallows hard, looking at the floor. “I love you, y/n. Now and forever.”
You flinch at his words. They’re all you wanted to hear and yet hearing them has awakened something inside of you. 
Your eyes finally meet his. “You—you really mean it?”
“I love you,” he gently kisses the centre of his mark on your body. “I love you.”
“Mammon,” you say, “I love you.”
Mammon might burst at your words. He reaches up to cup your face, planting a needy kiss on your lips. His touch is desperate, needy, way overdue. You melt into him, his taste so familiar and comforting that you don’t need to think twice about it. 
Mammon smiles against you. If you had asked him a week ago, he would say that his pact with you was the most selfish thing he’s ever done. Looking at you now, though, he sees it as a sigil of his love for you, and what could be more selfless than that?
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rashomonss · 6 months
The valentines request look divine~
I would like to request Threesome with Mammon and Leviathan, or staying quiet with Asmodeus?
It could be done anyway but I just love the prompts, have fun with your Valentines!!
a/n: I’m finally finishing up my v day request and I’m hoping to have them done before the end of march (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ)
Anyways! I decided to do the threesome one with Mammon and Levi bc it looked fun to me and I’m not even going to lie I had so much fun with this because I just kept writing haha, I do hope it’s to your liking tho!
warning: NSFW (read at your own discretion) , afab MC
“I’m not sharing”
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You were originally supposed to have an all night anime marathon with Levi in his room but Mammon decided to invite himself over after you refused to leave his younger brother's room and spend time with him.
“Ugh can you move? I’m trying to explain this part of the story to MC and you’re literally blocking the whole view” Levi groaned as his older brother shot him a glare.
“I’ll move if ya stop hoarding MC” he snapped back.
“I’m not hoarding! They are laying on me, it's mutual” Levi yelled back.
“Shut yer trap you stupid otaku”
“Stop using that as an insult!”
With a groan you curled up into the blanket and Levi as both continued bickering.
“Can you two just relax? It’s not that big of a deal. Here come sit by me too Mams” you finally said causing the second born's eyes to light up.
With a few more minutes of back and forth bickering you were cuddling with the two as the show continued.
Everything remained fine for a few hours and next thing you knew Mammon fell asleep and you were soon getting to that point as well.
Levi could tell as the night carried on so he claimed that if you wanted to sleep he supposed he could allow you too. You thank him you placed a kiss on his lips as you told him good night.
However that good night kiss ended up turning into a small heated makeout session.
As the two of you desperately kissed each other you moved to straddle Levi’s lap, who in turn hesitantly grabbed your waist. You rocked your hips back and forth on his lap as he pulled you somehow even closer than before.
Levi was surprisingly the first one to take action and slip his hand down your pants as you continued to grind on him. There were times you would have to guide him when the two of you would have sex, but you were also always glad for the rare times he wanted to take the initiative.
As your makeout and fingering session with Levi continued the two of you somehow managed to forget there was another person in the room.
Mammon decided to make his presence known again after he cleared his throat and stared at the two of you with a slightly red face.
“Ya realize I’m here right…” he said.
Your face went bright red and Levi practically stopped functioning for a moment. The room went awkwardly quiet until Mammon decided to speak up again, this time with a smirk present in his face.
“Sit on my face” Mammon suddenly said while grabbing your arm, trying his best to pull you off his younger brother.
You looked at him slightly shocked as he manhandled you off of Levi and onto him.
Levi’s flustered face morphed into a scowl as he watched his brother steal away your attention. Sure he caught up in the moment and forgot he was there but he loved it when you two had moments like that. Especially ones where he almost felt confident enough to take the initiative with certain actions. But for Mammon to just swoop in and demand something and your attention when you and Levi were really hitting it off had truly ticked him off.
He watched now annoyed as you straddled Mammons grinning face. Slowly Mammon grabbed your thighs and lowered you down on to him and immediately got to work on tasting every inch of your folds.
As Mammon ate you out feverishly you couldn’t help but squirm and try and lift yourself due to the immense amount of pleasure he was giving you.
“You ain’t going nowhere” he replied as he pulled you back down onto his face, and thought you couldn’t see it you could hear the smirk on his lips.
Levi watched the scene in front of him unfold and something bubbled up inside him that ticked him off more than anything. Jealousy.
There was no way he was just going to sit there and watch Mammon take you when he had you merely seconds ago. Something inside Levi snapped and immediately he made his way over to you and went for your chest.
With a gasp you watched him take your nipple in his mouth and suck harshly as he teased the other with his fingertips.
The two demons sent massive waves of pleasure through your body, to the point that it made your brain feel fuzzy. Levi continued to abuse your chest, which was now covered in hickeys and bite marks. And Mammon had his fun eating you out as if you were the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted.
After a few more harsh sucks and licks to your clit and nipples your first orgasm rolled through you causing you to shudder and cry out on Mammon’s face as he lapped up every single drop. Levi continued playing with your nipples as Mammon helped ride you through your orgasm making sure to overstimulate you just a bit in the process.
Immediately after however, you yelped when his thick fingers were inserted into you. Mammon made quick work of stretching you out and pumping in and out of you as he argued with his younger brother who now wanted a taste of you.
When he deemed you ready Mammon retracted his fingers leaving a lewd pop to fill the room. But he made the mistake of taking his time to get out from under you because in less than a second Levi grabbed you and pulled your hips towards him.
“I can surely do it better than you!” Levi argued as he positioned himself at your entrances.
“As if, ya don’t know the first thing about what they like” Mammon yelled back.
“Shut up” Levi yelled then immediately pushed into you causing a cry of pleasure to leave your lips.
“See?” He scoffed back, with a beet red face as he gestured to the fucked out expression you made when he stuffed both your holes with his cocks. Levi then started out at a slow and steady pace to ease you into the feeling.
Now annoyed Mammon watched as you clung to his younger brother and moaned with each continued thrust in and out of your holes.
He made quick work of discarding his pants and moving over to your face which was currently glued to Levi, your eyes couldn’t help but watch him enter and leave your holes every time.
“Hey just look at me okay? You’re doing great, holy shit you feel so good” Levi stated, then whined as he adjusted his angle and soon found the perfect spot. This causes a few moans to ripple through your lips, thus sending vibrations through Mammon’s cock, making him see stars.
“Don’t look at that weirdo, look at me…that’s it, mhm, just like that MC” Mammon said as he guided your head up and down his cock making sure you were only paying attention to him and him alone.
The longer you looked away the harder Levi pounded into you, and the more you tried to turn your attention back to the third born Mammon would instead make you take his cock deeper.
Both made sure you were stuffed on the top and bottom. The quick pace Levi set had you bouncing on his cocks allowing you to take Mammon deeper down your throat. However when Mammon ran his fingers through your hair to grab a fist full of it you unconsciously tightened around Levi, who gripped your thighs harshly enough to leave a mark.
The way you continued to take both their cocks deeper had the two whining in ecstasy. Mammon couldn’t hold it much longer, so with a slightly harsh grip to your scalp he came in your mouth and watched your surprised expression with a smirk.
Mammon loved the way you looked trying to take all his cum in your mouth. You were on the cusp of an orgasm and you still tried to lap up his cum in the process.
The last thrust finally got the knot in your stomach to come undone causing a wave of pleasure to rush through your body. You buckled your hips into Levi’s cocks and shuddered as you felt him reach his orgasm inside you. His thrusts never stopped though, even with you coming down from your orgasm he still continued at a decent pace, making you squirm as you cried that it was too much.
When you opened your mouth to moan Mammon watched intently as his cum spilled out from the sides. With a smirk he lifted your chin and wiped off the cum that was dripping down your face with his thumb. Then he made sure to immediately stuff his fingers in your mouth after, so you could truly swallow everything.
When the three of you finally came down from your high Mammon grabbed your hip and pulled you towards him. “My turn” he said with a greedy smile.
“No way, I’m going again” Levi snapped back.
Looks like this was going to be a long night…
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northernirelandengima · 6 months
Nice refreshing beach vibes.
Persona 3:
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astaroth1357 · 9 months
Flipping the Script: Leviathan Progression (Human World AU)
Previously: After a baggage mishap at the airport, you and your cosplay group found the perfect replacement for your Lord of Shadows! Rejoice, as now a demon has your number! (Not that you know that)
Contents: Second person (you), fluff, MC is an otaku, MC is down bad, mutual pining between idiots
Part One, Part Two (You are here), Part Three (Coming Soon)...
Levi met up with you and your team for the photoshoot that day, and it couldn’t have gone better!
As promised, you spent your first visit to the vendors room with him as part of his compensation for helping you out. What you hadn’t expected was for him to be quite so funny during your time together.
He had an infectious energy about him… Especially when talking about the shows and hobbies that he liked to indulge in. Coincidently, they happened to line up with a lot of your interests as well, so there was a nearly endless conversations between you two.
By the time the rest of your team tracked you down to do a scheduled fan signing, you and Levi had already gotten lunch at a themed café and exchanged online handles to play games together back at the hotel. Then they had to sit and suffer through you rambling about just how sweet and hilarious he was...
Even after the convention, the two of you kept up a very steady contact. Weekly game nights were an absolute must and he occasionally would join chats with you if you decided to stream. Leviachan, as you'd happily begun to call him, became a fast regular in your DMs and on your chat history.
You were surprised that for all of Levi's skill, he didn’t have the same kind of social media presence that you had to share his cosplay. You offered multiple times to bring him in for collabs together, but…
Well, Levi was always super cagey with you about just WHERE he lives or even where he was born in! When you first asked, he said it was, “J-just a small place somewhere out there! Nowhere important.”
To some extent, you understood his desire for privacy, so you've never really pried, but it still felt so odd that he wouldn’t even give you a country… Not even a time zone! Whenever you wanted to call him, he’d always just “up.” Did he ever sleep??
What information you could gain from him was mainly family-related. He had six brothers, no Mom, and an estranged Dad. The one you saw on the day you met him, Malcolm, was the second oldest and their relationship seemed… complicated.
It wasn’t until you both decided to do a video call to play a game he sent you that you got to first meet the others...
You had your computer booting up the copy of Demonlands 2 that Levi sent for you to play while the window for your video call rang for him to pick up. It was another typical Friday game night for you, though you decided not to stream in favor of having a chill night of fun with Levi. He had been talking up this as one of his comfort games for a long while, though you had never heard of it yourself, so when he offered to give you copy you sprang for it! Over the months you’d gotten to know the shy otaku, you’d learned to put paramount trust in his recommendations. He really knew his stuff, anime AND game-wise, so listening to him was like having your own personal guru.
You slid your headphones on and got comfortable in your chair right as Levi’s end picked up and the corner of your monitor displayed the smiling face of the man who'd quickly grown to become your best friend. The ambient blue light of his room tinged the violet in his hair a shade of indigo, but left the sunset shade of his eyes more or less intact. You'd already expressed some jealousy to Levi over his sweet setup... what parts of it he's been willing to show you anyway. He'd given you the digital tour of his figurines, manga, and games collections, as well as showing you little Henry. You had no idea someone would commit to an aquatic aesthetic so hard that they’d actually sleep in a bathtub, but at the same time it felt so very… Levi. Nothing in his bedroom was like anything you'd ever seen before, like, who actually sleeps next to an aquarium tank?? Maybe his family were the eccentric type…
“Hey, Y/n! Sorry that I'm picking up late.”
“No, it’s fine! I was grabbing a snack earlier. Did something happen?”
“No, nothing important.”
You watched Levi start checking over his monitor through the screen while mindlessly twisting the black wire of your headphones between your fingertips. When you first started to play games together, these little silences between you would feel awkward and Levi would scramble to get find anything he could to fill them. To alleviate the tension, you’d play a shared playlist of your favorite otacore or ani-songs to make him more comfortable, but for the last month or so he hadn’t needed it as much. The silences were now… pleasant. You could take your time with each other like real friends could and it felt pretty nice.
Most of your offline friends knew how embarrassingly down bad you'd become for this guy. You hoped your cosplay audience hadn't picked up on it yet, but there would always be those comments that point out how you gush about him whenever he offered you a new accessory for your outfits… If you guys had a ship name, you didn’t know it'd be yet.
Not that you had any ideas about it or anything. You? Ship yourself with your best friend?? Absolutely not! Like, who would actually do that-?
Levi's voice interjected itself into your thoughts, making you fumble with the headphone wire as you recovered.
“Hey, are you alright? You were just staring off there…”
Now back in reality, you stuttered out an embarrassed apology to your confused friend and try to smile it off.
“Oh yeah, Levi, I'm alright. It's just a long week, so I'm ready for some gaming!”
You prayed that the bubbly feeling in your chest wasn't also showing on your face when you watched his expression light up. That determined smile was more than half of the reason you agreed to these game nights of yours when he first brought up the idea. He took to giving you a good time as passionately as a great DM runs their campaign and you appreciated the hell out of him for it... Having a life on social media and being in the public eye could absolutely drain a person, but with Levi you could just relax and recharge with the stuff you loved…
“Okay, Y/n, do you have everything running?”
“Yep! Got it all installed last night.”
“Great! Go ahead and open the co-op menu and-"
His voice got cut off in your headphones by the sound of a sharp knock coming from behind him. Levi's eyes briefly grew to the size of saucers as they darted over his shoulder then back at your image onscreen.
“Levi...? What's wrong?”
“Nothing! Uh… J-just a second!”
You watched him lurch over his desk and fumble with his mouse until eventually the camera feed cut to black. You were definitely getting concerned, since Levi had almost never reacted that way to an outside noise before, but soon your worry morphed into curiosity. A sing-song voice called out through your headphones, one you had never heard before, and after checking the chat window you realized that, yep…
Levi forgot to mute the call.
“Oh Levi~! What made you think we're done talking? Is that your little friend in there??”
The man's voice was at a higher pitch than Levi's and he sounded pretty… annoyed. Or at least insistent about something. You heard the sound of door hinges swinging open, followed by Levi's much more exasperated tone.
“Go away, Asmo-gak! Why are all of you here!?”
A new voice joined the fray, this one was much softer than the other two. They spoke at a languid pace, slow like honey pouring from a bottle. Did he just wake up or something...?
“We thought you've been talking to a computer this whole time, but Mammon says that they're a real person…”
“Yeah, I’ve seen'em too! Tell'em Levi!”
That one you knew had to be Malcolm! There was no mistaking the energetic punch to his words, but who the heck was Mammon?? You didn’t recall meeting him too…
“Ugh, yes! They're real, but no you can’t all see them! We just started a new game, so go away!!”
“Uhm, Levi?”
Your question must have come through the speakers because, for moment, the sudden silence on the other end was deafening… then all hell broke loose at once.
Another voice spoke up now, one that sounded a lot deeper and almost velvety coming through your headphones.
“Was that them just now?”
Another responds, also deep, but muffled? As if they're trying to speak past a mouthful of marshmallows…
“Mmnph-‘ink so-mmmgh…”
The higher voice chimed in well over them both.
“Oh, we should go say hi!! What do you think, Levi? You can't keep teasing us like this!”
The blank screen on your monitor was starting to kill you seemingly as much as it was them… You desperately wanted some kind of explanation, but more importantly…!
“Levi, who's over there? Are those your brothers?!”
Your ears perked from the a collective gasp you heard on the other end, then the excitable one spoke again.
“They know about us???”
“NO!! N-not everything! Please leave-!!”
You'd be lying if you said that Levi's shout hadn't hurt you right then… It felt like a little crack went tink right on your heart! Had he been keeping you a secret from them this whole time? Was he embarrassed? Or did he not trust you to know too much about himself…? Was it your platform that he was scared of??? You had never broadcasted anything he hadn’t given permission about ahead if time… You wouldn't dare to dox him!! Though you could understand if that was his reasoning, the secrecy still kind of hurt…
“W-wait, Levi, I’ve always wanted to see more of your family...! Why not let them in? Please? We can still play right afterwards!”
“Huh?? But Y/n-!!”
“You heard'em, Levi! Let us through!”
A mass of shuffling filled your headphones while you waited with baited breath. You had even leaned in so close to your monitor that when the window flashed back on, you were briefly blinded by all of the colors at once! It took a few moments for you to make out all five pairs of eyes staring back through the screen. Each boy seemed to be crammed up against Levi's computer desk like lab students all forced to share the same microscope... To your surprise, not a single one of them looked like Levi or even like each other! You probably should have guessed, considering Malcom (who was seated center stage, having stole Levi's gamer chair for himself) looked nothing like him before, but you wouldn’t have guessed all 5 would differ quite as drastically… Would the sixth look that different as well?
“Uhm… hi?”
You tried to smile again to make a good impression, but it was hard to do while feeling like a living petri-dish. You were used to having eyes on you, but this was another level. Perhaps it was the added pressure of not wanting to look bad in front of a good friend's family, but it also could have also been the sheer intensity of their gaze… Levi could get this way too sometimes and it always felt like his orange-hued irises could almost see right through you... Especially if he just lost a game. In those times, his intimidating edge gave you a bit of a thrill. It'd feel like you just bested a dangerous beast in combat, but against ten eyes it was overwhelming… Each one bore right through you as if to examine your very soul…
“Huh,” a blonde one peering over Malcom's right shoulder was the first to speak up. His eyebrows were raised practically off of his forehead in surprise. “So they are real, then.”
The shortest boy, squished up against Malcom as if trying to steal center frame, clasped his hands over his heart and cooed back towards the doorway.
“Aww, Levi, look at that! You actually have a friend now!! And a real cutie, too~ Hello, hun!”
“Yeah, but why do they look like a human…?”
You watched guys instantly stiffen up as all eyes shifted towards a dark-haired boy clutching a spotted pillow just barely in view. It was hard for you to see his face, since it was only half on screen and even then some of it was behind his pillow, yet you could detect something… cold in it. He sounded annoyed, but you couldn’t place why… Was he seriously expecting you to be an AI or something?
To your surprise, the pillow guy was swiftly yanked out of frame and replaced by Levi, though you couldn’t see much of his face either. Only that he was holding onto the pillow guy's sleeved arm rather tightly as he spoke.
“Of course they're human! Not a 2D person or just a computer, but human like the rest of us… Right?”
You'd never heard such a dark edge come over Levi’s tone before. Not even in jest! It must have been rare for his brothers to hear as well, because most stared at him with equally shocked expressions. The arm in Levi's grasp yanked itself away and you heard footsteps head towards the door… but the other brothers stayed where they were. Another long silence flooded in, somethibg that felt far more uncomfortable than any you had experienced with Levi before, until a (frankly) massive dude chewing on a huge slab of jerky spoke up behind Malcolm.
“If they're nice to Levi, that's enough for me.” He inhaled the rest of the jerky into his mouth (which you didn’t quite detect him chewing) before he was already smiling at you with the kind of warmth that you'd see saved up only for the sappiest of shojo scenes. “Hello, thank you for being Levi's friend.”
The rest of the boys all exchanged glances with each other, then a similar kindness took over their faces too. Gone were the piercing stares of just a moment ago, and instead you only felt a welcoming energy radiating out from your monitor. As if sensing the change too, Levi finally came into view of the camera. He leaned down by Malcolm in the spot the pillow guy left open, grinning at you in that way only he really could.
“Y/n... These are my brothers.”
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belphieslilcow · 1 year
If it’s not a problem with you can we please get some headcaons on how the obey me brothers get off when we’re not there to help?
The fact I wrote this over the span of over a month... sorry for the wait but I finally got it done!!
🔞 Needing Your Own Hand
Lucifer tends to edge himself a lot, not purposely to make his orgasms more intense, but because he thinks he's above touching himself until it all builds up.
It becomes worse when you're in a relationship and you don't have sex for a bit, he gets so used to consistent pleasure that he becomes desperate for your touch.
He'll be doing his paperwork at his desk in his secret office, a cursed record softly playing, and a glass of demonus nearby... but he can't focus when all he can think about is you.
How your hand would feel stroking him and praising him for the good work he's been doing lately and that he deserves this. However of course since you're not there right now, he removes one of his gloves and leans back in his chair, he doesn't have lube in his office, so he slowly teases his tip until precum starts to leak out.
Demons can't resist temptation and as he jacks himself off imagining how great you'd feel, he speeds up his stokes and bites his lip as he cums over his hand with a deep moan.
Mammon's pretty normal when jacking off, position wise at least. He does it in his bed most of the time, he gets pretty horny frequently too, so he has a few sex toys he likes to use, guy is greedy of course so he wants ALL the pleasure he can get.
He starts off stripping down and getting comfy while laying down, he probably already has a boner so he starts stroking it right away. He likes to fantasize when you aren't around and while they change depending on what he's in the mood for, he always gets so desperate and needy by the end.
If you're cool with it, he is 100 percent down to take nudes and/or videos to send to you. Though he'd love some special ones back for his eyes only in return. He moans get very loud and whiny and usually goes for multiple rounds until he's tired out, or til he's having dry orgasms from all the cum he's milked from himself.
You know a cute lil degenerate otaku like him masturbates pretty frequently. He's pretty quick and dirty with it usually, just rubbing one out at his desk and cumming into a tissue (funny that tissues are one of his liked items, hm?) with some hentai dating sim on.
Though he does have his moments where he needs more, and that's where his sex toy collection comes into play!! He's totally the type to have fantasy ones too, you know the dragon dildos and fleshlights? He doesn't have a *huge* collection, but a few of each type depending on what he's feeling that particular day.
He's also not shy about using his tail when his hands are busy, he'll have both hands on a controller and his tail wrapped around his cock, pumping him for all he's worth. He maaay also use it during facetime calls with you to secretly jack off just underneath his desk or behind his laptop.
you know what, I think satans a bit of a closet perv
he's got some absolutely filthy erotica novels tucked away on his shelves for when he needs a bit more than his fantasies to help him out
he also maaay just have a hidden pair of cat ears and a buttplug tail for when he's feeling subby, he'll put them on/in alone is he's especially needy and misses you
I wouldn't think he'd jack off too too much honestly, maybe just below average?
oh you know mr. avatar of lust jacks off a ton
I feel like he rubs one out at least in the morning when he wakes up and before he goes to bed, starting and ending the day in a good mood, yknow.
and wowie wow is he versatile, he's got toys galore to help him out when his hands and fingers aren't enough to satisfy
he's another one who is more than down to share nudes or vids, mutual masturbation with his love on a call might not be the same as having you there with him, but he hopes you two can make up for it big time when you're back in the house~
Beel jacks off more than you'd think, he's got a ton of testosterone flowing through him after all. He just does it in the shower. Even if he's alone in his room he still feels weird about jacking off in there since he shares it, so the shower is perfect for him. He can have his privacy and even better, he doesn't have to clean up afterwards.
He's pretty normal with it, putting his back against the cool tile and letting the water rush over him as he strokes himself. He tries to go slow and savor the feeling at first, but he can't help speeding up, letting his heavy balls smack against his thighs. If he's feeling particularly adventurous that day, he might even bring one hand up to his big chest and give nis nipples some love.
Not too surprising, Belphie's very lazy when it comes to masturbation. He doesn't tend to tease or draw it out longer than he needs to, unless he's insanely horny or with you, he just does it to get it over with.
However... he does tend to accidentally edge himself a lot. He'll be in bed, pillow between his legs and poor guy will fall asleep halfway through, which leads to him having a sexy dream and waking up horny again, so on and so forth.
Speaking of pillow humping, that's one of his favorites, he doesn't even have to take off his pants. When he does take the time to touch his cock, he can be kinda fast with it, not savoring the pleasure too much. He just the type of guy to both want to share moments like this with his beloved, and also get his annoying boner out of the way.
Any sex toys he has are gifts from Asmo or you, vibrators are his favorite since he doesn't have to do anything other than turn it on. Though maybe there's been a time or two where he's had a vibe pressed against his prostate at a low rumble and fell asleep like that, woke up to quite the mess.
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eway · 11 months
So I don't feel comfortable posting my Halloween Costume online because I don't want my face online. So I'ma tell ya right now, I'm going as an Inkling!
Tagging my mutuals (if I forgot anyone I am sorry)
@mysteriouslynn-art-and-ask-blog @supbreak20 @isummonedadragon @toastsoupyum @kid-az @deathbylag2 @simply-icarus @streetplants @miniaturefunguspatch @subakitheshapeshifter @cjcrossssy @soxiedibasil @just-an-otaku-fox @johnlocsin-johnyakuza @cat-boy-eve-nier @anth4rax @kimnowls @halfmoon-horse @alex-just-vibing @omorinintendoswitchedition @vilelittlecritter
Tell me what your Halloween costume is gonna be! And tag people too!
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7-dummies · 1 year
Pack mark locations
Lucifer I see it being somewhere like the lower back so he can put his hoard on it in a very gentleman way and it’s somewhat comforting to know it’s somewhere that can both be hidden and shown off.
Mammon would have it being near the hip I think so he could try and put his arm around us to touch it (and then chicken out last minute or outright deny his intentions) but the location would surprise him the first time you ever actually show it to him saying it didn’t mean that he cares for you.
Leviathans would be like on the ankle I think both as a way to be all emo saying that he understands if we want to hide it by wearing socks so know one has to know that we made a pack with such a shut-in otaku and low key so that if you ever want to like entwine ankles (since he can’t handle holding hands) then it can be like right there, it would also be cool if he could always tell when we’re in the water even if it’s only like dipping our feet in so he always knows we’re in his domain. It’s probably a kind of comfort if you wear low cut socks or shoes that show it off a bit.
Satans is probably somewhere like your wrist I’m both a somewhat claim that you matter to him so no one messes with you (and a f you to Lucifer) and also as a way to ground himself when he finds himself losing control of his anger so he real quick like run his fingers over your pulse to feel your heartbeat and then feel his pack mark keeping strong as a show of your mutual care for each other to remind himself your here and to calm down.
As is contrary to popular belief wouldn’t be anywhere inappropriate and instead somewhere such as your lower shoulder blade as a reminder that he feels innocent love for you as well as lust, that he loves you beyond your body and that he doesn’t only think naughty thoughts. It’s somewhere he can feel or look without being inappropriate in any way but still somewhat intimate in a non sexual way.
Beel’s would be on you ribs as it’s a bigger mark and also close to your chest and stomach as a sort of comforting presence almost like an piece of armor against the things in that mean you harm and your own hunger, for when he can’t be there when you panic or don’t feel safe you have a part of him somewhere to protect you from whatever is hurting you most.
Belphie would want it somewhere mild as he doesn’t feel he deserves to be anywhere that means anything but it winds up on the same place he put his hands when he ended you. The guilt of it all has manifested in a way so that he wants to protect your weak points from people like him and where would you be weakest of not the very same place you hurt most. This would double as a trust thing between you two as you let him know that you trust him to protect you against others. A while trust he no longer takes lightly.
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