#osp eclipse
the-mountain-flower · 5 months
Today's OSP video made me realize smn (other than if my eclipse trip hadn't gotten cancelled I could've been in Albany at the same time as Red AAUGH) about the worldbuilding in one of my writing WIPS:
Basically, in this universe there are grand cosmic beings called celestials (not deities, but heavily inspired by the concept). They basically create, manage, and take care of the galaxy. This is relevant bc the central main character is the soul of half of a celestial trapped in a mortal body, with the other half of their soul incarnated as a spirit who can guide them, but not directly interfere with the Plot (and keeps taking care of their planet while the MC is unable to), named Iris. They still have all the abilities of half-a-celestial, and the memories from their individual and combined time alive, which is a LONG time, including creating their planet and moon.
My point: I realized that astronomers in this world would LOVE Iris. They know exactly how the galaxy works, and can describe things that the people on their planet couldn't begin to find bc it's just Too Far Away. Hell, basically all scientists and magic-users would love them for similar reasons.
I am pretty excited to see how I can integrate that!
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e-johnsen · 5 months
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Over-all great video on many levels, thanks for sharing such a cool adventure. However. All I can really think to comment on was Red's oh so lovely assistant.
Thank you for not re-shooting that footage. What a gift to the viewers. (Also, she kept going like a champ XD)
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
Space Did Something Cool
So, not only are eclipses really cool, they also come up a lot in JttW adjacent Fandom, like LMK, for various reasons. One is because if Sun Wukong's non-cannonical children from the ancient fanfic that counts as literature, Journey to the South. They are Yuebei Xing (Lunar Apogee), Jidu (South/Descending Lunar Node), and Luohou (North/Ascending Lunar Node). I've known about these characters and these terms for a couple months, but I didn't quite grasp what things like the nodes were until I saw this. Red has a knack for explaining things, so I recommend giving this a watch if you're confused. Or if you aren't. Watch more of her content, is what I'm saying.
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hypershadicman · 5 months
just finished watching Red @comicaurora's newest video on the eclipse video and dear god i have THOUGHTS because the eclipse really was incredibly fucking magical (link below if you haven't seen it already)
so i happen to currently be living in an area where the path of totality was going directly over, i didn't have to go out of my way to see the eclipse and admittedly much like Red, i doubt i would've searched it out if it wasn't coming right to my exact doorstep. Unlike Red however, i had absolutely no idea what i was getting into, aside of course from Red's last eclipse video which put me on to the fact that i'd be in the right place at the right time; i brought up a telescope with no solar filter assuming that "surely i'll be fine if i wear my glasses" (i was advised against it once i got there, so i did not melt my telescope), i had no expectations and no preparations whatsoever essentially.
but fucking hell it was beautiful, i realized very quickly that i had absolutely no way to capture the real effect of it with my shitty phone camera, the sheer vastness of it all was overwhelming but i think the thing that really got to me is just how indescribable it felt. How was i supposed to explain this to my family and friends who weren't in the area, counting on me to send them something back to capture the experience? how could i even find the words?
so hearing quite literally some of the exact same descriptions from Red was quite possibly one of the most gratifying things i could've imagined. it was like there was just a hole in the sky, it was this oddly ethereal pale, the rim dotted with little pinkish red somethings that i still couldn't believe were real when i looked at them. it really was suddenly just night time in the middle of the day and i had absolutely no way to share it with anyone, not to the extent that i saw it.
so uh, thank you to Red for letting me know that someone else gets it, i hope that everyone else who saw it feels a little bit less alone knowing that we all got to share a moment like that, and i hope anybody who didn't gets to see something that beautiful at least once in their lives.
oh, and for anybody who made it this far down into this clumsy rant, i may not have been able to get a good shot of the eclipse, but a friend of mine with a 4K camera captured a full 2 hour video of the whole thing, beginning to end. i don't think it could ever compare to the real thing, but it is by far the closest i think it's really possible to get.
(apologies if dropbox is a little unwieldy to use here, or if the quality isn't quite up to snuff, i've had to take this through a youtube video converter so it probably got caught up in youtube compression a bit)
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luminouslumity · 5 months
So About That Total Eclipse
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pokeprism · 11 months
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OSP's newest video was the swift-kick-in-the-pants that got me wanting to post this picture of the partial solar eclipse that passed by my sphere of influence in the physical world.
This picture was taken on October 14th, 2023 in Norman Oklahoma at 11:59 AM for those of you who wanted to know.
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cookiecannibal · 5 months
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Babe, wake up, new OSP Misc. Myths just dropped.
Now that I've watched it, I have to say, wouldn't Astraea make a great well-meaning villain for a Greek Mythology piece?
Think about it. Astraea lived among and basically ruled humanity in an age of perfect ignorance where everything was happy and fair but we were basically slightly more intelligent animals that couldn't even build ships. Then Kronos gets overthrown, Prometheus gives fire to humanity, the seasons become a thing, and suddenly we start to outgrow her. Things become strifeful, but we also begin advancing in new ways.
Astraea can only see the bad. She wants humanity to go back to what they were back in the good old days when humans were living in perfect blissful ignorance.
Maybe her greatest enemy is Prometheus, who doesn't like the Gods either, but sees all that humanity can achieve and wishes to see them realize their full potential, eventually eclipsing the very Gods who created them.
Dunno. i think it could be interesting.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
MK ends up supervised at all times when he's pregnant specifically after he nearly burned down Pigsy's due to pregnancy brain, usually by Red Son and/or Mei but occasionally by the others. They let his siblings babysitsupervise him one time and the older adults came back to them all asleep in a cuddle pile on the couch with MK in the center, Mei's phone still on and playing the OSP 'History Hijinks' playlist because dorky mortals do be dorky sometimes
MK also absolutely has Wukong's "Gold Vision lets me see the baby(s)" thing and would just lovingly watch his kids as they developed via Gold Vision, drawing what he sees for Red and the others (except Wukong cuz he can ofc also see the developing grandkids). Red has all of the drawings compiled into a photo album, along with ultrasounds and so many pictures of just pregnant MK. He loves his husband very very much
Awwwww!!!! I havent much to add because these are so cute!
Wukong and Macaque are protective ofc, but they've been through the pregnant monkey motions before, so they give MK almost-complete freedom whenever he's with them. DBK and PIF in contast have an army of Bull Clones at the ready to attend MK's every need and ensure the safe arrival of their future grand-heirs.
Pigsy would def be the most insistent that MK take parental leave from work - both out of concern (thats his adoptive son and grandpiglets there), and out of fear for his poor restaurant. Tang thinks he's over-reacting a bit, but carrys MK's food to him irregardless. Sandy ofc is the most trusted expert when it comes to breathing exercises, teas, and aromatherapy.
Mei is chiller about letting MK do stuff for himself around the house, but wisely doesn't let him cook something unsupervised. Nezha and Chenxiang are chill in their own ways too, but they worry when MK carries anything heavier than a book. Bai He and the Eclipse Twins are determined to make sure MK stays off his feet until the spicynoodles baby(s) arrive. They would be mega-proud and bossy about it too since; "I'm their uncle/auntie!", and MK adores his little siblings too much to argue with them. Sibling cuddle piles/nests are a common occurance.
With Red, atleast MK can convince her to let him walk to the corner store for snacks. Red does insist that MK take a Bull Clone to carry any heavy weights tho (bonus: safety precaution).
MK using his Gold Vision to "peak in" at the developing baby(s) is such an adorable idea. He probably does it first on accident and is speechless. Wukong tells him how he did the same thing when Macaque was pregnant with MK (+when Shadowpeach had Rumble & Savage), and that its super cool to watch the little guy(s) grow. MK would def sketch up what he sees in there and pins it next to the corresponding ultrasound for comparision.
I feel like thats how they found out there was twins...
Ultrasound Technician: "Ok, looks like you've got a big healthy baby demon in there!" MK, turns on Gold-Vision: "Huh, but whats this blobby bit of energy here? Normally I see only one." Ultrasound technician: *moves sensor to the spot* "Oh!! Make that two healthy babies! That one must have been hiding behind its twin." MK: :D!! Red Son: *faints with joy*
Red Son def has an endless wallet/photo album of their growing family. Their almost as bad as their dad - Mr "Canonically brags about the exact time of his kid's birth to anyone who'd listen" DBK. Red Son got the timestamps ready for their own bragging.
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whosamawhatsit · 6 months
So tomorrow is a total solar eclipse
I'm sure most of you have heard about it in one form or another already and we've all seen that airbnb map circulating around. But for the rest of the world and most of the US not in the totality path, did you know you can still watch it live?
Here's the youtube link for NASA's live broadcast.
Looks like it's scheduled to start at 1:00 PM UTC (here's a timezone converter for your convenience) but youtube should also give you the option for notifications. And because NASA is NASA, they're also going to have Q&A and science facts sprinkled in.
In addition, there are also indie groups like Slooh who will also be streaming the event on youtube and their website. Slooh is typically membership-only, but the stream is free for everyone via youtube. Unlike NASA you have to be a member to submit questions for their Q&A.
I recommend keeping one of these streams open even if you are in the eclipse path as you're going to want to keep your eclipse glasses ON UNTIL THE SUN IS FULLY COVERED. When I went with Slooh for the 2017 eclipse they gave us a countdown until it was safe to remove glasses, and fair warning when the totality had passed so everyone could get their glasses back on. Here's a Forbes article with a bit more information, but the TL;DR is you should wait until it gets dark before taking off your glasses and as soon as it starts getting bright put them back on.
And for those who aren't in the eclipse path and can't make it to either livestream, don't worry! If the 2017 total eclipse is anything to go by there's going to be plenty of documentation you can catch up on the next day, or even just a few hours after the event passes. In fact, one of the local Utah colleges managed to send up a weather balloon with a 360 camera to get a crystal clear view. Here's a link to the regular video they posted and here's a link you can watch from your phone for a VR experience. Smarter Every Day also filmed the 2017 eclipse including capturing the ISS passing by for a once in a lifetime photoshoot, as did Veritasium sans ISS photos. Both are science channels and go a bit more in-depth on what it's like to actually be there. I'm expecting both channels to cover this eclipse as well. SED already has some pre-eclipse info videos out which I'm not linking to but are all over the channel if you have time to browse around.
It's not quite the same but there was a partial solar eclipse in October of 2023 which OSP managed to cover. Red's video is tons of fun though so I'm including it.
Happy eclipse watching! Hope this helps.
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tj99er · 6 months
Teej I know you're a Doris Downer by trade but I don't think you're appreciating that this is a really pretty and also really unusual and rare phenomenon.
The moon is precisely big enough and far away enough to allow this to happen, no other planet I've ever heard of has this setup where the moon so perfectly intersects with the sun. If you can't appreciate the beauty you can at least marvel at the sheer unlikeliness of this, this is so cartoonishly astronomically unlikely that it almost feels designed. I wouldn't be shocked if a religious person used this as evidence of a creator god, setting the world up just right so only its special little guys get to see this event.
I originally became aware of this "perfection" through OSP's video on eclipses here: https://youtu.be/_yzdLvV24VA
It is, incidentally, really difficult to get your eyes on an eclipse for so many reasons (and if you say you can just look at photos I will personally find you and hunt you down to tell you the unfunniest A press jokes on heaven and earth until you die of cringe and shame). If you can ever spend the time when one happens, seriously, try and show up there. This is pilgrimage-worthy!
Is this a reputation I have? Am I known for being a downer?
Cuz, if that's how I came across, I think it's awesome that people are so enthusiastic about something like a solar eclipse. (and if anything, am both endeared by and envious of that passion). It's just not the kind of thing that grabs my interest, personally
There's undeniably a lot of incredible science behind what makes a solar eclipse even possible and nothing about my lack of interest in it should discourage anyone else from losing their shit about it.
Just because something is rare, doesn't mean it always warrants a massive reaction. If that were the case I could go on all day about how crazy it is that I was born exactly the way I was, or the insane impossibility of the fact that I went viral, or even just the chances of meeting one of my closest friends.
An infinite number of statistically impossible things happen every single day so I just think it's silly (endearing) to see someone so passionate about one specific phenomenon (and one that we've been aware of for decades)
I hope not too many read my post as being a downer, otherwise I have some self reflection to do regarding the tone of my posts.
I just thought there was a comedic contrast between Yoko completely losing their shit and me just going "ah yes. Rock go in front of sun"
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mdhwrites · 1 year
Would the boiling rain of toh be considered a MacGuffin?
So no and this is mostly a definitional thing. I like OSP's definition of it (Overly Sarcastic Production) that a Mcguffin is an object people are after who's purpose honestly doesn't matter, just the journey it sparks matters. In this regard, Titan's Blood in Eclipse Lake is a Mcguffin.
...Which then turns into a plot device which the boiling rain could be considered. This isn't a negative label though. A LOT of story elements are plot devices. Grom as an example is also a plot device. It's something introduced to cause the plot of an story, much like how an inciting incident is used to spark the beginning of a larger plot.
Usually how good a plot device is or isn't comes down to how natural it is/how good the plot it triggers is. The boiling rain and Grom are actually both pretty good as they're both natural extensions of the setting and what you might expect to happen regardless. The fact that they both lead to good stories, with the Boiling Rain making a great problem of there being no escape and Grom's use of multiple tropes together allowing for something more interesting than a generic dance plotline being good signs of what honestly could have been for much of the show.
In contrast, we have an episode like Elsewhere Elsewhen where the plot device of the time portals are ill thought out, ill defined, don't feel natural, especially in how they require Titan's Blood to find, and worse yet are inconsistent in their own episode. Literally the one rule about them, they can't show up in the same place twice, makes absolutely no sense. Now this isn't uncommon for time travel plots because they're inherently disruptive but the plotline it introduces isn't compelling either. The old Isles is dreadfully boring, erasing much of what made the setting interesting and Philip is the cornerstone for much of why Belos is so extremely boring, even if to many he's also why he's interesting because they give him so much lore that goes nowhere.
I want to mention that a lot of characters can act temporarily as plot devices too. When done well, you get something like Something Framed actually, where we already know about Gus' status as an outcast and as running a club about humans so those two coming together for a plotline is incredibly natural. Kind of the problem that TOH runs into though with using characters as plot devices is that it's really bad at character growth because the best versions of this come from pushing against a part of a character's personality and seeing where it goes, especially when used for a lesson. A LOOOOOOT of Amphibia's writing is actually predicated on this, such as pushing Polly's tomboy nature versus Anne's mere flirtations with it for their conflict during the IOU episode in S1.
When done poorly though... You get Willow. A character who's plotlines either seem like they come out of nowhere or are rushing back to dredge up old problems again just for the sake of having something to do with them. King and Gus actually suffer similarly where it feels like we're going around in circles with them. For Willow, it's almost always about backstory for her rather than her actual character. When it is, the element at play is usually effectively introduced that episode with little of the build up that makes character exploration interesting.
A reminder: Hooty's Moving Hassle is actually the BEST use of Willow as a plot device because it's directly addressing her bullied relationship with Amity, her lack of control and her issues of self worth even now that she has power. However, this was done so extremely poorly, with the episode focusing so hard on Amity, that the fandom took literally over an entire season to realize it had resolved her issues with not being able to control her powers. That's not even a joke because there were plenty after S2A who were upset that they hadn't explored Amity and Willow's relationship OR her power struggles.
Admittedly, part of this is just because Willow is quite literally not a character in S2A with only two appearances that might as well be cameos for how in character they are.
But yeah, in short plot devices are complicated and the best plot devices are ones you don't even pause to think about, either because they feel incredibly natural or because you're having too much fun to care about the whys of what's happening.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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angelicdemons337 · 2 years
OK, so I had this idea for a while, and while it's not a full au, I do have some ideas of how certain sceans play out. (Keep in mind that all my knowledge of monkie kid is from fanfiction, OSP's jttw, and what I've found on tumbler)
Basically, it goes that macaque was somehow pregnant with SWK's kid when SWK killed him, and when LBD brought him back to life, he was somehow still pregnant. Macaque ran from his deal with LBD and gave birth to mk under an eclipse.
Monkie mk has Heterocromia. With his left eye, a bright golden color like the sun with his right eye is a deep plum like purple. He has two sets of ears. The iner ears are a pinkish coral color, reminiscent of a sunset. His fur is a grayish off while like clouds or stardust. His mask is shaped like SWK's but a little more heart-shaped and is sunset orange.
So macaque names Him Qi Xiaotian (together little sky) as a promise that he will always be there.
A yet to be determined amount of time passes and macaque and Qi Xiaotian live happy peaceful lives until "the mayor" comes to collect for his lady macaque knowing that LBD will do anything to make him obey he puts some seals on Qi Xiaotian. 1 blocking his powers. 1 sealing away his memories and 1 turning him human. The Scean goes like this.
Macaque: bud, there is something I need to talk to you about.
Qi Xiaotian: What is it, Mama.
Ma: Remember when I told you about that time, I thought your dad was mind controlled, and I tried to save him.
Qi: ya, and then he beat you and hurt you while I was still in your stomach. I hate dad he could have at least asked you why you tried to kill his friends.
Macaque chuckled at what his kid said. It's the kids of nonsense only a kid would understand
Ma: That's right, and after he hurt me, a bad woman offered me a deal. I didn't know about you yet, and I was so hurt I didn't think about the consequences. But now that woman is back and I need to make good on my part of the deal. And I'm going to need to send you away for a while
Qi: WHAT! but if she is as bad as you say, you will need all the help you can get. I'll i'll train really, really hard and we can fight her together.
Ma: son I would love nothing more that to always have you by my side, but she is to strong and we won't have enough time to train you to fight her, And if you stay here she will use you to hurt me
Qi: But I'd never hurt you mama
Ma: I know, bud, I know. But it's for your safety. If you were to get hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Qi: OK.
Ma: One more thing to keep her from finding you. I'm going to need to put some seals on you. Make you look different that you do now and you will need a new name. Do you have any suggestions.
Hmm, Qi thought he jumped off him mom's lap and went to his coloring stuff he quickly drew what he wanted to look like.
Qi: how's this
Ma: Perfect, bud. Now one last thing.
Macaque pulls out a long red strip of fabric and ties it around Qi's head.
Ma: Now you will always have something to remember me by, and it has enchantments on it that will protect you, so don't take it off. Ok
Qi: OK ma
Macaque casts the seals, and the only way that the seals will be broken is if Qi somehow becomes as strong as SWK himself. Which without his powers and monkie form will be impossible. (Famous last words)
Let me know if you want to here more
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Watching OSP's video on the Total Solar eclipse and going "Oh fuck no wonder those fucking cats were so scared"
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goodieghosty · 2 years
Pantheon tis Orpheus part 1
(OSP intro. We see Red and Blue look at a bundle of papers for a few seconds. Then the papers are tossed up and the two avatars are running around frantically.)
Collectively: “Aaaaaaah!!!!!”
(Red skids to a stop and turns to Blue who stops too.)
Red: “Wait I know why I am excited but what about you?”
(Red has her arms crossed, Blue throws his in the air in exasperation.°
Blue: “Oh I’m sorry! Am I not supposed to be freaking out over a unique, reliable document that contains references to the day to day life of individuals over multiple classes in ancient Greek times!?”
(Red nods in understanding.)
Red: “Ah, yes, yes. My bad. Proceed”
Both: “AAAAAAAAAh” (Resume running around screaming)
Cut to the two catching their breath before addressing the audience.
Red: “Aren’t ancient documents great?”
Montage of pictures of old scripture.
“They provide a little glimpse in the past that are far more defined than other relics of their times that need to be interpreted by the historians who find them with little to none of the correct context.
Some of these documents were at one point widespread and well known enough that other documents reference them.
One of these documents is known as Pantheon tis Orpheus. Or Orpheus’ Pantheon.
A tales of the brother’s Grim of it’s time.
Until today we only had references. But that just recently changed. An original copy of this fabled collection was apparently kept in the hometown of it’s original writer and kept in pristine enough condition that it could be verified and translated, now for our reading pleasure!
And I will be talking about them all today. This might be the most ambitious project we have tackled on the channel, but our records show that we can definitely do this.”
Journey to the west cast glares in the background as Red gets increasingly uncomfortable only to be swooshed away by a mysterious dark shadow, leaving a cute little dude smiling instead.
“Anyway! Some context!
Our main character and alleged author of this story is a cool dude named Orpheus. A progressively less young soldier and champion of the OG sexy man and absolute Icon of a God. Virgil.”
Tall sexy dark dude stands smirking next to cute little dude who looks at him starry eyed.
“Let me tell you the author is an icon in and of himself. He starts the story off explaining that these are the events as told by Virgil and therefor incomplete and interpreted retellings of the events.
We love some self-awareness.
The story as a whole covers every myth from the creation of the universe to what was present day back then.
After Orpheus died in battle, on the day of an eclipse fittingly enough, his friend, a man named Damocles, took over writing until he too passed away of old age.
And they didn’t just write down dusty old myths. They both wrote about little day to day things as they were told the myths. Homelife, memories of their childhoods, work issues, time spent with each other and their friend, their general Ajax, implied to later be known as the god of Truth and Justice.
It's a good collection though and it gives us an idea what gods were popular and widely known at the time and which came later. There is no clear mention of Logan by example. And the twin creators always closely associated with Virgil aren’t even hinted at.
So it is safe to say that worship for them was not very prominent yet.
That’s all for today though. We’ll see you next time, when we dive in the first myth. The birth of everything."
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mass-convergence · 5 months
Watching OSP’s recent video about the eclipse has me feeling feelings again.
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