#ososan kin
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osochoros · 6 months ago
only here to find him <3
BUT!!! Would love some kinnie friends cuz I don’t have any from this source who are as active
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tobyisave · 9 months ago
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what is this 2016
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thematsunobrothers · 8 months ago
Nice to NEET You: An Osomatsu-san themed server for kin and systems!
Hello! My name is Cedar, I'm an introject of Osomatsu Matsuno and this is my super cool server! You don't have to have kin or introjects from Osomatsu-san to join. But if you do, that's awesome!
It's basically just a chill place for folks 18 and older, who are kin and/or a system, to hang out! We used to have regular events, and are looking for mods to help make that happen again! With season 4 coming up, I figured, hey... We could use some new faces!
This server has:
No blacklist except discussion of "problematic" (ex: blmatsu) content is generally forbidden in the main server.
Lots of opt-in roles to help people curate their experience, and also make their name a fun color!
Variety in age we have members whose ages range from 18 to in their 30s! Our body is gonna be 29 in August, and as an alter I already consider myself 29. So if you're an older system, and/or kin, maybe the server is worth checking out!
Note: We do prioritize traumagenic safety, so if you identify as endogenic it may not be the right space for you. Personally, I don't care for syscourse or labels. This is just some systems in this server have had some very bad experiences with said syscourse and I don't want anyone being triggered.
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peachypine · 4 months ago
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the roomies!!! i originally designed this ososan oc trio in full about a year ago to write on an rp blog. it's not really active rn, but i still want to talk and post about 'em, so here they are! just basic rundowns, but i'd be curious to hear which one (if any) is your fav of the three (feel free to leave it in the tags?? if u want!)
bonus transparent of them all together:
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aaand some rambling under the cut about their designs
i wanted to use orange as a character colour bc it's one that wasn't already used in the matsu rainbow, and i had a concept of a gyaru character named anzu kicking around in my head for a long time as well, so here we are. miwa from the mixer ep inspired the eyeshadow (orange rather than miwa's blue obv, to keep with her colour theme) and delinquent totoko's design inspired her ombre dyejob! i went with a blonde-to-orange look as a nod to anzu's namesake fruit (apricot).
the strands framing her face are split into 3 sections at the end (2/3 are grouped together and 1/3 flips in the other direction) which is a little nod to her being one of 3 siblings (eldest), as well as the "三" character used in her surname (mikado) meaning 3. the rest of her hairstyle is just because i thought it looked cute, though.
ososan's style is more simplified, but i wanted to convey makeup that was a little bold, but cute (long false lashes, eyeshadow, & and a soft pink or nude glossy lip). clothing-wise, she mixes and matches a few different substyles (agejo and onee are prominent, with some ane, tsuyome, and general old school gal influences as well?), with a particular fondness for animal prints, esp. tiger print. (that said, orange tiger print doesn't seem all that common in gyaru clothes, so in-universe i like to think that the top pictured above was originally a black-and-white zebra(?) stripe print she thrifted and dyed at home--close enough!)
her nails day to day are usually medium length since she has a lot of hobbies that involve her hands and anything longer makes those things a bit more cumbersome. sometimes they're decoden/bedazzled, sometimes they're just painted a cute colour/pattern, depends on the day! and i think she opts for press-ons over extensions for longer nails, since it's cheaper.
i'm just a bitch who loves purple, that's the reason for this one. i think the hime cut with shorter bangs is nice because you can showcase the eyebrows (i think eyebrows can really elevate a character design so i gave all 3 their own brow shape) without worrying about the lines for the eyebrows and bangs intersecting in an annoying way when you draw it. i like shorter, slightly sharp eyebrows like these because they're easy to draw, lol. i think they're usually furrowed like she's displeased with something, but that may just be her resting face. i also thought this blunter, sharper-looking cut (bold, standoffish) was a fun contrast to anzu's flippy half-updo (bright, bouncy) and yuzu's short, wavy hair (languid, relaxed).
5 piercings on each ear (2 spiked helix & 3 lobe) = 5 siblings including ran (4 older brothers). the other reason for this number of piercings was that her namesake flower (orchid) had--i thought--5 petals, but as it turns out i'm a fool, it's actually 3 petals (including the lip) and 3 sepals??? ah, well.
clothing-wise, influences from various punk/vkei styles alongside some rokku gyaru. (maybe anzu introduced her to this one?) this brash style is the total inverse of how she was expected to dress growing up. (when she and anzu first met, she was an OL with no piercings, undyed hair, and positively miserable, but that was a number of years ago now.) i'm really not reinventing the wheel with "small and angry", but y'know, we have fun here.
is teal distinct enough from blue to count as its own colour? i think so. for yuzu, i really loved the concept of a deadpan-looking character who is very much not the straightman, who in fact wants very badly to be the funnyman 99% of the time. that kind of straight-faced but silly comedic character is always really fun to me.
half-lidded/heavy-lidded eyes paired with thick brows are always a winner to me fsr, and i wanted to give her a more "handsome" looking face with a bit more of a defined jaw than you typically see on women in ososan. as a treat. i wanted her to look a bit like a mysterious prettyboy, but she's not actually mysterious, she's just a space cadet. (and very straightforward about her thoughts and feelings, saying them with little fuss or thought.) expectation vs reality, people deciding what you're like based on their own perception vs what you're actually like, etc. etc.
i don't have anything deep to say about her hairstyle, but maybe that's how yuzu would like it, what you see is what you get. (again, eyebrows vs hair... let that eyebrow scar that i gave her for no reason shine.) as for clothing, she prefers things that are easy to move around in, so her style is the most "matsuno"-like (t-shirts, hoodies, basketball shorts, sweats, etc.). in particular, she likes shirts with phrases, usually in english, that are funny or almost make sense but not quite ("for background visual gags" and "for the english speakers in the audience").
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girlymatsu · 3 months ago
I really like that one ososan animal crossing au someone made that says Osomatsu has moose in his village and everyone hates that he keeps him
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He’s kin
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zomvom · 5 months ago
Zom’s ososan headcanons! :3
Just kinda stream of consciousness style, any may be subject to change, feel free to talk to me about your own hcs! :3c
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This is a repost of my twt thread, I’ll list what I have down already, any new hcs or changes to previous ones I’ll just put in reblogs
These are all my personal headcanons! I kin ichimatsu so many of hcs for him are based off myself! This is just for fun but if you don’t agree with or like them that’s perfectly fine! Feel free to block or ignore me!
First things first I hc all 6 of the matsus as autistic and trans in some kind of way!
I think oso, kara, choro, ichi, and jyushi are all transmasc and todo is transfem! Transfem choro is also cute tho
Either way tho, none of them are neurotypical or cis!
Oso: He/Him trans man. Is currently on T. Prefers a binder over transtape cuz it’s less work but only wears it like half the time cuz he’ll often forget to put it on when getting dressed and it’s too much work to take his shirt off, put on his binder n put his shirt back on lol also he’s bi with a preference for women!
Kara: He/They trans man. Pansexual. Currently on T. Has gotten top surgery! Wants to get cool tattoos over his scars but is a wuss lol he also still gets a lil nervous bout shot day after all this time but puts on a brave face
Choro: He/She transmasc bigender. Omnisexual. Low dose T. Doesn’t bind all the time but prefers transtape over a binder when she does cuz it’s not as hot since he’s often wearing an undershirt anyway
Ichi: He/Him transmasc agender. Gay oriented aroace. Has gotten top surgery! Was on T for a good while but stopped for various reasons. Also prob has some kinda cat themed neopronouns just for funsies haha
Jyushi: He/Him trans man. Is on T. Who needs to bind or get top surgery when you can just hella work out? lol I don’t think he cares about labels but he’s def some kind of multisexual, maybe bi? Maybe pan?
Todo: She/Her and Fae/Faer trans woman. Is on estrogen. Bi with a preference for women
Eyesight from worst to best!
Choro: very nearsighted! usually wears contacts nowadays but will occasionally wear his square/rectangle glasses to give her eyes a break. Still has his old round glasses from hs as back up tho
Kara: his vision isn’t as bad as choromatsus but it’s still not great! Farsighted. He refuses to wear normal glasses cuz he thinks it’ll make him look lame so his sunglasses are prescription instead, nobody knows that tho! Also has some form of strabismus, one of his eyes tend to move slightly inward.
Oso and Ichi: they’re both nearsighted and are at about the same level of vision. Neither of them are nearly as bad as choro and kara tho! Still, they would probably both benefit from glasses but choose to just live their lives a bit blurry lol Also ichi has visual snow! And while ichi is aware his vision isn’t the best, oso is oblivious and thinks it’s completely normal
Jyushi: also has strabismus! His is more noticeable and tends to move outward! but aside from that his vision is actually relatively good!
Todo: is the only one with 20/20 vision lol I feel like she would sometimes wear glasses just for fashion and choro hates it haha
Ichi has chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and pnes! (Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizures)
I’m not sure if I want him to have exactly what I have in regards to his chronic pain condition, which for me is fibromyalgia, but I’ll prob end up going in that direction anyway since I project onto him so much anyway ya know?
His conditions affect p much his whole life as is the thing with being disabled haha but in particular it affects his sleep. He’s usually a p light sleeper and has a hard time falling and staying asleep unless he’s feeling completely exhausted from either his pain, or the aftermath of a seizure or whatever else, in which case he’ll knock the fuck out, and will sometimes sleep for so long and deeply he’ll scare his family into thinking his dead haha
His condition also often affects his ability to walk, so when he’s struggling he will use a cane
Unlike me tho, he doesn’t need it like all day everyday, only sometimes
Choro also uses a cane sometimes! He has a bad knee and poor balance which causes her to trip and fall a lot! His cane is his same color of green and while he does prefer the clean and sleek look, she does have a couple of little idol charms on the handle!
Ichi’s cane is either black or purple and is covered in various cat themed stickers with a couple lil things attached to the handle that he will use to play with neighborhood kitties!
Oso and jyushi will sometimes steal choro and ichis canes when not in use and sword fight with them lol
I can imagine when either ichi or choro first got their canes, oso in particular would playfully tease them and would use their cane to pretend to be an old man. The other matsus would also join in on the heckling such as todo calling either choro or ichi old men haha
Kinda going back,, when ichi had his first seizure, the others definitely freaked the fuck out. I imagine some of them prob would still panic when it happens at times but not as much. When it happens while they’re all trying to sleep, Kara will quietly help ichi n look over him till it stops, making sure he’s on his side n all that. I also imagine Kara would the most consistently remind ichi to breathe during a seizure and since ichi doesn’t like to make a big deal out of his seizures, Kara wouldn’t mention it to the others unless ichi brought it up first. (Ichi is thankful but doesn’t really verbally thank him often). Same goes for most of the other matsus if they’re alone with ichi during a seizure except for maybe jyushi who would blurt it out and sometimes oso unless explicitly told not to mention it. And prob right after the first seizure, todo researched what to do during a seizure and taught the others what to do so everyone was better prepared for next time.
Going back to ichis chronic fatigue/ poor sleep,
He either sleeps like 2 hours or 15, no in between lol
Oso doesn’t have chronic fatigue but he is really bad at maintaining a consistent sleep schedule so he and ichi (and sometimes the others) will often hang out and go on late night adventures, resulting in them both sleeping in way too late n getting scolded by either choro or matsuyo
More general sleep based stuff:
Ichi is a side sleeper n likes to be super curled up, he is shrimply kitty, he cannot change this. Kara is a back sleeper mostly, cant stand being too warm and prefers cooler or thinner blankets. Todo flip flops between back and side, is a pretty quiet, peaceful sleeper. Oso is kinda all over the place, flip flops between back, side, and belly a lot and likes to either be spread out or cuddling smth. Choro also flip flops between back and side, doesn’t take up a lot of space. Jyushi is a back sleeper and always very spread out
I can see them all snoring at least a lil bit except for maybe choro. I think it’d be cute if todo had like a baby snore and ichi had that classic cat snore. I can def see oso being loud tho
Poor choro being sandwiched between the two that take up the most space, move the most, and prob the loudest lol
Jyushi is usually very intense when he stims, lots of physical/moving stims! Definitely hand flapping, rocking, sometimes spinning, etc. I think he does his bat swinging, and mimicking of baseball terms n such as special interest centric stims. Plus his “HUSTLE HUSTLE MUSCLE MUSCLE!”
I think he also really likes deep pressure! Likes to be wrapped up n buried with blankets, and clothes n such (+ the warmth is nice since he doesn’t have great temperature regulation)
He would love a weighted blanket haha, and I think, while he’s not really a huge hugger most the time, he would sometimes ask for tight hugs from his family, or just have them like lean or straight up just lay on top of him haha
Also likes to chew! Seeing as how he’s often chewing on his brothers heads lol he would prefer a really hard/tough toy to chew on. Any thing softer, he chews straight through em
Kara loves anything shiny/sparkly and colorful! He also likes the texture sparkly things/ things with sequins often have,
I also think he would like space and ocean themed things cuz blue and pretty haha
I think he would have jewelry he would play with like rings or necklaces, such as running his fingers along his necklace chains or maybe a spinner ring or something small with intricate details/ rougher textures he could stim with
I imagine something metal/ silver maybe in the shape of a skull! Not sure what tho.. maybe a keychain? A necklace? Just something he keeps in his pocket?
Choro loves like cool lights/glowy stuff esp if it’s related to his special interest(s) ie idols! I think she also really likes clicky noises like a keyboard or switches! I think he would def carry around at least one fidget to help with anxiety but I feel like she would maybe be torn between his toys being colorful/related to her interests or being like subtle and “adult” looking ya know? I also think he’d get kinda self conscious about doing raptor arms or just feel like “what do I do with my hands” n developed a habit of putting her hands on his hips instead haha, I also think choro has a picking habit and uses picky pads to try to avoid picking at his skin and while it’s not as bad, Kara also still feels the urge to pick sometimes from when he had bad acne so choro turned him on to picky pads n she will use the beads to make kandi! But also sometimes she’ll get so caught up in just wanting to pick out and organize all the beads, hell get too focused on a pad and won’t have one for when she actually has the urge to skin pick. Also choro would love a busy board with all the flashing lights n clicky switches haha
Todo is a big visual stimmer! A bit too self conscious most the time to more openly stim in front of most ppl so she watches a lot of like stim boards and “satisfying” videos on her phone and maybe like very specific asmr videos. Her physical stims are a bit more “subtle” like very light rocking, kicking her feet, tapping her foot, using her face roller, playing with her hair, etc. I think she also chews but she doesn’t think it’s cute enough so she tries not to do it and will kinda gently chew on the inside of her lip or tongue or use gum or smth. Definitely prefers much softer chews than jyushi! Also think she likes to do the pop sound with her mouth sometimes
Ichi loves soft fuzzy textures and likes to pet and rub them whether it’s a cat or an inanimate object! He also really likes somewhat squishy things, think like paw pads, that he can squish in his hands! If it’s something bigger like a soft blanket or pillow or smth he likes to kinda knead it. He also likes pain seeking stims esp when hes having sh thoughts and will use things that are sharp and pokey but can’t do any actual harm like acupuncture rings or smth n he will keep like a mini squishy or acupuncture ring in his hoodie pocket to mess with. He also likes bubble wrap n pop fidgets! He likes the sound and the feel of em. I also think he has a bit of a picking issue too and will steal Kara’s like half done picky pads and then leave the beads for choro in places he knows he will find them like a cat leaving “presents” haha, sometimes choro will literally wake up with a lil baggie of beads on her and he’s very confused by it, she has no idea where these lil baggies keep coming from lol. I also think ichi uses his finger as like a worry stone of sorts and will rub his thumb on the side of his finger between the knuckles sometimes just cuz, sometimes to calm himself! Also purring! He likes to purr! He’s so kitty brained haha
Also also he likes to mess with lil bits a trash like paper clips, straw wrappers, bread ties, etc. with like straw wrappers he’ll turn them into like lil stick figures n stuff
Oso doesn’t really notice for himself when he stims! At least when it comes to his physical stims. His lil nose rub thing for example! N Unless hes like actively doing something, if he’s still for like 5 seconds, he’ll just start swaying or rocking back n forth whether he’s sitting or standing. He also likes to be upside down sometimes, just doing that weird upside down sit he does n will like sit on the couch upside down. Also he finds anything that goes really fast or spinny or like colorful flashing lights really captivating, reminds him of pachinko n the races haha
I think when has the urge to like fidget he will steal his siblings stuff instead of just getting his own. I can see todo or somebody buying one of those pop it games n oso stealing it n playing it way more than whoever bought it in the first place haha ichi would also use it sometimes but would prefer the sound effects off
Also I think oso is a big vocal stimmer! Lots of weird lil noises, mimicking of words/phrases, humming, etc. when somebody points it out or asks him to stop he likes to fuck with them n act dumb like “huh? What? What noise? I didn’t say anything. Are you hearing things? ……………… *does it again*” lol I also think when todo does her lil pop sound oso will do it back and things like that will sometimes spread to the others and even matsuyo and matsuzo occasionally n then they’re all just mimicking the same thing, flock of seagulls from Nemo typa behavior lol. Oso also sometimes mimics peoples hand gestures n body posture while they’re talking, sometimes on purpose, sometimes he doesn’t even realize till they point it out, either way it annoys the fuck outta ppl n he finds that funny haha. Oh I forgot but oso also has an oral fixation but uses food instead of toys or gum, bro is snackin all the time haha
Couple quick lil ichi hcs: ichi wasn’t really a fan of bugs for a long time (didn’t hate them but was still grossed out by them) but then he started noticing how cute and cat like some can be and now he’s a big bug lover! Moths and spiders are his favs! Cuz “fluffy” and cute mostly lol and when I say spiders I’m mostly thinking jumping spiders but I think he’d also like bigger and “scarier” spiders too) also also! 2nd quick ichi hc! He’s very light on his feet and will often scare ppl (usually by accident) by just kinda appearing by them and his family gets mad at him for “sneaking up on them” and will yell at him to wear a bell in like a half joking way but then eventually ichi does start actually wearing a lil bell (maybe a bracelet?) either of his own volition or bc his siblings made him lol Either way, it doesn’t bother him much to wear it cuz it makes him more kitty like and if he wants to be quiet he could just take it off lol
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fictionkinfessions · 11 months ago
I'm an adult, so I don't really care much about the whole fictionkin thing anymore. BUT. There's one character I've always been so undeniably close with that I can't help but feel a strong connection with them to this very day. The shitty eldest NEET, Matsuno Osomatsu. I don't know how. I don't know WHY. But this character is the only character I have ever truly connected with on more than just a baseline level. I actually find myself missing my brothers from time to time. I also absolutely cling to any Ososan kin I actually find out there in the wild and I always have this strong urge to protect them. I even do the little finger-rubbing-under-the-nose thing as a stim without meaning to. Never in my life, ever, have I been this entwined with a fictional character. I think I need help lol.
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tinpani · 2 years ago
Nozomi Takahashi... how do you feel about her? Also do you have any (NON BLMATSU BECAUSE THAT'S GROSS) ships? I ship KaraNozo (Karamatsu x Nozomi)!!!
ok ik u mean specifically ososan tee hee <3 ME x karamatsu fr fr
but . you: do u have any ships me, being (1 of) the top blog result(s) when u look up inozen: 😐😑😐
n e way ..... ososans i like ichitoto but only when i kin him .. ? ichiot3 also rocks but so does iruichi my friend's oc .... ichimatsu has so many bitches
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wewerebornsextuplets · 1 year ago
not for nothing but i do still think that the ososan staff are the smartest people alive for making kin-chan into lolita fashion
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ohso-matsu · 4 years ago
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osochoros · 1 year ago
hi im an oso kinnie (stuck in the trenches since 2016) n im just lookin for other kinnies to be friends with :3 (read tags byf pls!!)
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kinrecc · 6 years ago
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·✧  ALL I WANNA DO IS RUN: 8tracks | youtube
i hope this is okay ichimatsu!! i uh maybe made it sadder than intended so if ud like that changed pls just lmk!!! 
★ mod maya. 
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t0ttie-matsu · 6 years ago
todomatsu memories!!
for my todo canon hehe, if anything sounds familiar *please* pm me!!! i miss my stinky brothers
first things first; we weren’t actually all sextuplets, ichimatsu choromatsu and karamatsu were triplets, jyushimatsu and i were twins while osomatsu was the oldest,, *i dont know if we had a father figure in our life*
-jyushis interests included bears, dogs and baseball, he’d sometimes makes puns related to these topics and thought they were hilarious.
-jyushi was autistic!
-karamatsu was a trans man! he had a facial piercing i think. he could play the guitar and i could sing sometimes we’d sing and perform together if he wasn’t painful about it
- i was closest to jyushimatsu, karamatsu and ichimatsu
-my ichimatsu was trans and used he/they pronouns occasionally used ‘it’ pronouns
-either ichimatsu and i were the same height or i was taller than him
-ichimatsu was chubby and had like scruffy facial hair,, idk. he didnt care too much abt personal hygiene  and he had really sharp teeth.
-choromatsu was the tallest brother, weird thing to remember but its true
-osomatsu and i would sometimes recreate vines or obscure memes to eachother, ik we recreated the “heres- the mf- tea” vine ALOT
-atsushi and i actually bonded in highschool
-i was a transman and gay
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kin-reqss · 6 years ago
a playlist for a karamatsu from oso-san!
with rock,metal, & folk music.
for anon!
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Through Glass - Stone Sour
Scars - Papa Roach
Nothing Else Matters - Metallica
Chop Suey! - System of A Down
21 Guns - Green Day
Don’t Speak - No Doubt
Bows - Covey
My Arms Were Always Around You - Peter Bradley Adams
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just-ichimatsu · 7 years ago
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k-i-n-aesthetics · 7 years ago
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An aesthetic for a Choromatsu who misses his Jyushimatsu!
Hope you like it, let me know if you need anything changed!
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