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danime25 · 29 days ago
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notaplaceofhonour · 22 days ago
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if the ORTBO took place on tumblr
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plummy-squish · 1 month ago
I just finished the book Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell. It’s about the language that cults will use to essentially brain wash their members (not in the typical brainwash way that you think about). It’s “the technical terms, the redefined words, the shorthand, the clichés, the euphemisms, logical distortions, and so on set members apart from and above their pedestrian neighbors, families, and coworkers". Montell does not necessarily view "cultish" – the "language" she identifies as the set of linguistic tricks cult leaders use to coerce and manipulate members – negatively, but she believes that people should at least be able to recognize it.”
Anyways fucked me up! In the past two days I’m seeing it everywhere, in marketing, in the slogans in my job, in popular work out groups, cliche phrases we all say…… and then i watched the latest episode of severance! I don’t think I’ll watch this show, and more specifically Mr Milchick and other unsevered employees the same.
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In this last episode i wanna talk about that acronym ORTBO that they introduced because it’s the most obvious tactic that they used.
“Thought terminating clichés squash independent thinking” -Amanda montell
Episode 4 Spoilers ahead:
O- outdoor
T- team
B- building
O- occurrence
Wtf when have you ever heard this weirdly stated acronym? Well the innies do all the time! So this is normal for them to hear, i mean they are from the MDR department! Macrodata refinement, even with that longer version of the word it still doesn’t feel like a full explanation as to what their job does. But to them because they are introduced to it and taught to not question their bosses for fear of punishment and so they just go with it. Which now mdr has become part of their everyday vocabulary they don’t even question the meaning.
Cut to this episode, our innies are unconesntionally ripped out of their regular office space and put into this isolating harsh environment phrased as a reward. They are told they have been good enough to earn this trip and give it a title, the ORTBO, and they are very lucky to be experiencing this.
Later when they have been walking for a lot time, feeling lost and hungry are a considering eating a literal frozen dead seal because this “reward” isn’t feeling like a reward. Dylan reminds them, they are on an ORTBO and he repeats its vague meaning trying to convince them not to doubt the company. Almost trying to convince himself as well. This is the same Dylan that’s been getting fed incentives of seeing his family on the side and have been told he’s extra special. He has more to loose than anyone else right now and by repeating it is trying to stop everyone from doubting. Aka the orbto is working.
“Creating special language to influence people’s behavior and beliefs is so effective in part simply because speech is the first thing we’re willing to change about ourselves . . . and also the last thing we let go” -Amanda montell
Cults will make up words and introduce them in this way to make a group of people feel connected. Like they have been let into this new group of special workers allowed out side and given a term phrased as a reward to squash any train of thought leading to doubt or questioning. The further they go on this team building occurrence they will understand the reward.
They also use this new group language to make the group feel superior and anyone on the outside intrigued into what people are talking about. Making learning the language feel connecting with others and like you are understanding the deeper meaning. They feel superior and anyone on the outside feels like they are missing something.
Cross fit does this well! They have new work out terms like dms (delayed muscle soreness) so if a CrossFit gym bro is talking to a regular gym bro and uses the term DMS, the regular gym bro feels dumb for not knowing what this is and not keeping track of it. And is now curious as to what CrossFit has that he is missing before he knows it he’s sucked in. (I bet you they will bring back this term later if they can to alienate other employees in other departments)
Um hello even in the way they advertised this episode is using this tactic! They didn’t give us the meaning or context they gave us the word and now we wanna know what this new acronym is in the next episode.
Severance universe has literally created a whole new language to keep certain people in the know and others confused. Watch for it!
It’s not always in acronym form; Sometimes it’s a saying, sometimes it’s just a common word given a double meaning to those in the group and out of the group.
Another day another dollar- something we hear all the time to make us just go to work and endure shit we shouldn’t
Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith- something we would hear all the time growing up as Mormon to stop people from questioning and like it’s bad to have critical thought
Endowment- to people out side Mormonism it means gift people inside it’s a whole secret ritual that you are sworn to secrecy or off yourself before telling another soul
lol my work calls its self a village
Its everywhere! It’s in our marketing! It’s in our gyms! It’s at work! We don’t even notice because it’s working.
“Words are the medium through which belief systems are manufactured, nurtured, and reinforced, their fanaticism fundamentally could not exist without them.”-Amanda Montell
Anyways this book has fucked me up and has made severance even better for me
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raggedy-spaceman · 17 days ago
In retrospect Milchick should have known the ortbo was going to be a complete failure when he said "this is the tallest waterfall on the planet" and the innies, people who up to that point of the outside world had seen, at most, a street, responded with a resounding "meh"
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nicobvalle · 1 month ago
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To start out, who are you?
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ophelias-gh0st · 1 month ago
Kier Eagan be like “No guys that wasn’t me you saw jacking off in the woods, it was my evil twin brother”
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canary-prince · 28 days ago
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ghostlyfroggy · 1 month ago
“Did you tell her you fucked her Outtie during the ORTBO?”
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trustlife2day · 22 days ago
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andillwriteyouatragedy · 1 month ago
speculating to ren that the doubles on the ortbo are animatronics and he pointed out "ortbo" is literally an anagram of "robot" i'm. okay
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lenorayoder · 1 month ago
those twin things were so goddamn creepy. what the fuck kind of technology was that. uncanny valley as hell. lumon really just took those innies to the woods to scare the SHIT out of them. what in the horror movie was THAT.
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wendelltheiguana · 9 days ago
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nodevilononeshoulder · 23 days ago
someone should make a severance edit of s2ep4 with beach life-in-death by car seat headrest ESPECIALLY with the parts “last night i dreamed he was trying to kill you/i woke up and i was trying to kill you” and “the ocean washed open your grave”
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mourningmaybells · 18 days ago
people who read the original Robert Louis Stevenson book. Would you say Helena’s actions at the ortbo was Hyde-coded?
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arachnopoda · 30 days ago
Get me out in ORTBO now‼️‼️‼️
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clamberclogs · 17 days ago
Okay, the ORTBO and the plane
Are they real? With the doppelgängers and the turbulence, are these simulated experiences or real? I know the rooms are real, when the innies get hurt the outies do to, so what physically happens to your body inside translates to outside. Gemma's mouth hurts, her hand hurts, these are real things that happened to her.
I know that there are those simulations, like at amusement parks etc that simulate being shaken around, but this is now two things, that, to me, indicated that some experiences on the severed floor might be simulated?
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