#orlando gibbs
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filmesbrazil · 2 days ago
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fuckinuhhh · 2 years ago
Architectural Finds, 06/24/2023
My walk today was a brief 20 minutes, I was meeting up with a friend from upstate for some chai who had come down the night before to stay with some other friends. We met up at the Chai Spot on Mott St. (which I definitely now recommend) and we relaxed in their backroom lounge with our chai's for 45 min or so. She eventually had to leave to catch her bus back upstate & I walked her to the subway stairs hugged her and said goodbye. Feeling the warm weather on my skin and the caffeine in my veins I decided to walk up Broadway, here were some of the architectural highlights.
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This cute turret room on the top of the building on the NE corner of Bleecker & Broadway. Doing the smallest ammount of googling I am finding out this was Peter Venkman's (Bill Murray) apartment in Ghostbusters 2???? ok.
It just looks like it would be such a whimsical little tower to hang your hair from, idk.
Building Facts: Built in 1891 as the Manhattan Savings Institution, also known as Bleecker Tower. Architect Stephen Decatur Hatch.
Built in the Romanesque Revival style with arches and ornaments, as well as the red sandstone and signature rough cut stone of this style on the base of the building (definitely why it caught my eye, I love Richardson Romanesque/romanesque revival).
The tower on top eludes my brief internet search, but if anyone has pictures of the inside please direct them to me.
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Next up we have this lil copper cutie who looks like it just got a face lift judging by the shiny copper facade on top. It is currently a FootLocker so hopefully they're treating her nice.
Building Facts: (obv) Built in 1889 by Architect Alfred Zucker.
The menacing gargoyles are cute.
(maybe more of an opinion than a fact, but) there used to be a bookstore called Shakepeare's on the bottom floor and the top floors were 1-per-floor studio spaces for artists to live/work in, & I wish that was the case today, not footlocker and high rent.
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MOVING ON, we've got this pair of cuties. Don't they look like the best of friends holding hands ready to face the world side by side? These guys are 734 (left) and 732 (right) Broadway.
734: Built in 1872 by Architects David & John Jardine in Cast-Iron Neo-Grec style. Until ~2015, the facade had become a rusted brown/black mess until they cleaned and repainted it.
732: Built in 1854 by unknown.
This little building has a complicated past but ill try and summarize the small dig I just did on it. Originally it was a 3.5 peaked-roof building as a set of 3 houses for wealthy sisters (daughters of John Mason) from 732-736 designed by an undocumented architect. It underwent large renovations twice in its life, and one small renovation adding the Treffurth's sign on the roof cornice. The first renovation happened in 1885 by Henry Janeway Hardenbergh (god write a romance novel already would you) and allowed the introduction of E. A. Mac's bookstore to take the place of the earlier saloon on the bottom floor. It was then renovated in 1900 by Bruno W. Berger to the Cast-Iron more or less Renaissance Revival facade we see today.
Im going to keep these next ones brief because I'm beginning to lose steam :)
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1 Astor Place
Built in 1883 by Architects Starkweather & Gibbs (they also designed the Potter Building). Brick & Terracotta above Cast-Iron ground floor facade.
Originally it was used as a hotel and boarding house with ground floor stores. The harsh vertical motifs on the exterior caught my eye, and I was drawn in even more by the harmony of the design elements and color choices.
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10 Astor Place aka 444 Lafayette St
Built in 1876 by Architect Griffith Thomas to the same owner as the above building, Orlando B. Potter, who seemed to have impeccable taste in architecture.
I love the ornate implementation of the painted white Cast-Iron in the arches and pillar ornaments on this one. As well as the eye-popping contrast of the white paint on dark red brick, kind of a juxtaposed take on themes seen in the building above with the way the red and black elements seem to blend in together in harmony.
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21 Astor Place aka Clinton Hall
Built in 1891 by George E. Harney.
Originally a Library for the New York Mercantile Library. I love the classic industrial look its such a strong look while they still tried to give elements of the facade some artistic nuance like in the arched windows and dark banding.
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Only Caught the side of this Collonade building but doing more research on it, it's owned by the Blue Man Group????
Built 1831 by Seth Greer and historically home to family member's of the Astor & Vanderbilt families, it is the oldest building I took note of today.
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And of course, how could I not be drawn into the Cooper Union Foundation building's charm. It stands seemingly so alone in the heart of Manhattan, close to a modern miracle.
Built in 1859 by Frederick A. Peterson in the (what I'm finding now to be called) Rundbogenstil German neo-Romanesque style.
I didn't realize it at the time but this picture also seems to be the back of the building. Still just such ornate and well-balanced design!
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HONORABLE MENTIONS: This house on top of this building and the cute lil mansard moment next to it, which I searched and searched for but I cant seem to remember where it is.
Edit: I found it, there were street signs in the picture whoops. The one with the cottage is 203 E 13th Street also known as Pear Tree Place. And the little guy with the mansard roof is 109 3rd ave, both of them resting above Kiehls 3rd ave.
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DISHONORABLE MENTIONS: This NYU Alumni building. Who designed you, they should be ashamed. What is going on with your offset, unbalanced terraces in the back? Awful. What was the point of all of these different colored brick patches?? Uncomfortable, awful. It looks like a neutral-toned Duplo set.
Built in 1986 and I cant even find the architect so you know they weren't very proud of it.
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pop-culture-diary · 3 months ago
Czas zmienić historię...
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“Back to the Future” Adelphi Theatre 
Muzyka: Alan Silvestri 
Słowa: Glen Ballard 
Libretto: Bob Gale 
Reżyseria: John Rando 
Choreografia: Chris Bailey 
Scenografia: Tim Hatley, Finn Ross 
Kostiumy: Tim Hatley 
Występują: Vasco Emauz, Cory English, Talia Palamathanan, Lee Ormsby, Sarah Goggin, Orlando Gibbs, Alex Runicles, Talia Palamathanan, C.J. Borger, Patricia Wilkins, Adam Margilewski, Liam McHugh, Helen Gulston, Alexander Day, Alexandra Wright, Anna Murray, Billie Bowman, Bryan Mottram, Connor Lewis, Ella Beaumont, Ellis Kirk, Grace Swaby-Moore, Gracie Caine, Kofi Aidoo-Appiah, Louis Quinn, Matthew Ives, Samuel Nicolas, Sia Dauda, Zachkiel Smith 
Fani kultowego “Powrotu do przyszłości” latami czekali na powrót swojej ukochanej serii. Doczekali się jej w 2020 roku (choć trochę innego niż się spodziewano), gdy w Manchesterze odbyła się premiera musicalu opartego na pierwszym filmie. Rok później spektakl przeniósł się do Adelphi Theatre w Londynie, gdzie będzie go można obejrzeć co najmniej do kwietnia 2025 roku.  
Musical pozostaje wierny filmowemu oryginałowi, wprowadzając jednak kosmetyczne zmiany. Poznajemy Marty’ego McFly (Vasco Emauz), zwyczajnego chłopaka z lat osiemdziesiątych, który kocha grać na gitarze, jeździć na deskorolce i spędzać czas ze swoj�� dziewczyną Jennifer (Talia Palamathanan). W wolnych chwilach pomaga też szalonemu wynalazcy, Dokowi (Lee Ormsby). Najnowszy projekt - maszyna czasu zbudowana z samochodu DeLorean - ściąga na nich kłopoty i by ratować Doka, Marty wsiada do auta i przez przypadek trafia nie do szpitala, lecz do 1955 roku. Tam musi doprowadzić do pierwszego pocałunku swoich rodziców, nieśmiałego George’a (Orlando Gibbs) i pewnej siebie Lorraine (Sarah Goggin), jednocześnie unikając szkolnego łobuza Biffa (Alex Runicles) i jego kumpli. 
Niekłamaną zaletą londyńskiej realizacji jest Vasco Emauz wcielający się Marty’ego. Pełen energii, charyzmatyczny aktor podbija serca publiczności samym pojawieniem się na scenie. Zjawiskowo radzi sobie zarówno ze scenami komediowymi jak i melancholijnymi, a jego relacja z Dokiem raz bawi, raz wzrusza.  
Gdyby nie wpis w programie nikt by się nie zorientował, że Lee Ormsby nie jest głównym odtwórcą roli Doka. Aktor ma świetne wyczucie komediowe i idealnie oddaje to pozytywne szaleństwo typowe dla tej postaci. Potrafi jednak też złapać za serce, choćby w przepięknej balladzie “For The Dreamers”. 
Sarah Goggin odgrywa tak naprawdę trzy role: młodą Lorraine i jej dwie dorosłe wersje. Jako nastolatka nie da sobie w kaszę dmuchać i jest gotowa walczyć o to czego pragnie. Dorosła Lorraine z początku musicalu to sfrustrowana alkoholiczka, zaś pod koniec spektaklu prezentuje się jako kompetentna bizneswoman, a Goggin sprawnie pokazuje różnice między nimi. 
Orlando Gibbs podchodzi do roli George’a nieco inaczej. W jego wykonaniu dorosły George zachowuje się dokładnie tak samo jak jego młoda wersja. Przez większość spektaklu Gibbs przyjmuje charakterystyczny, przerysowany manieryzm, gra postawą i moduluje głos. Tym ciekawiej wypada piosenka “Put Your Mind To It” podczas, której subtelnie zmienia zachowanie, by ostatecznie skończyć spektakl jako pewny siebie człowiek sukcesu. 
Alex Runicles jako Biff świetnie sprawdza się jako śliski typ, który uważa się za lepszego od innych. Ze sceny na scenę robi się coraz bardziej odpychający, sprawiając, że moment, gdy zostaje pokonany przynosi widzom ogromną satysfakcję. To rola pozbawiona większych niuansów, ale aktor odgrywa ją najlepiej jak to możliwe. 
Niestety, jeszcze mniej ma w spektaklu do zrobienia Talia Palamathanan jako Jennifer. Pojawia się na zaledwie kilka scen, w których wypada uroczo i dziewczęco, pozostawiając po sobie pewien niedosyt. Musical rozwinął za to rolę burmistrza Goldie Wilsona, a C.J. Borger ma do zaśpiewania świetny gospelowy utwór “Gotta Start Somewhere”, w którym może się pokazać jako prawdziwy showman.  
Nie sposób też nie wspomnieć o prawdziwym bohaterze spektaklu: DeLoreanie. Musical używa perfekcyjnej, choć odrobinę zmniejszonej repliki auta i na dodatek daje mu głos, który śmiertelnie poważnym tonem wprowadza kilka fenomenalnych żartów. To prawdziwa gratka dla fanów. 
Choreografia Chrisa Baileya czerpie garściami z klasyki musicalu. Zobaczymy więc słynne jazzowe dłonie, a nawet pełen układ kabaretowy rodem z połowy zeszłego stulecia. Znajdą się też nawiązania do innych musicali, na przykład do piosenki “Summer Nights” z dziejącego się w podobnych czasach Grease, czy do tak częstych w klasykach teatru muzycznego sekwencji sennych. Będzie też niesamowicie widowiskowo, ale w przypadku tego tytułu to rozumie samo przez się. 
Adelphi Theatre powzięło liczne kroki, by wprowadzić widza w świat “Powrotu do Przyszłości od momentu sprawdzenia biletu. Westybul przerobiono na hol kina z epoki, a idąc na swoje miejsce słyszy się nerwowe tykanie zegara. Zachwycają też aktywne przed spektaklem lampy ledowe rozmieszczone na balkonach i motywy elektroniczne widoczne na spuszczonej kurtynie. 
Scenografia Tima Hatley’a i Finna Rossa stanowi idealne połączenie tradycji z nowoczesnością. Ogromne ekrany multimedialne są tylko tłem dla klasycznych elementów scenografii, z których zbudowano dom Doka, dom rodziny McFly, sypialnię Lorraine czy diner. Spektakl po prawdzie uprościł lub nawet usunął niektóre wątki, by ograniczyć zmiany lokacji, ale ich ilość i tak robi wrażenie. 
Jeśli chodzi o kostiumy, to nie mogło oczywiście zabraknąć ikonicznego fartucha czy bezrękawnika. Zarówno Marty jak i Dok wyglądają niczym żywcem wyjęci z filmu. Tim Hatley zaprojektował też dwa zestawy kostiumów dla reszty obsady, każdy osadzony w innych czasach, tak by po podróży DeLoreanem, Marty mógł wkroczyć w całkiem nowy świat. Stroje odzwierciedlają też charakter postaci, więc cała rodzina Marty’ego zaprezentuje się zupełnie inaczej na początku i pod koniec spektaklu. 
Oglądając filmowy “Powrót do przyszłości” w 2024 roku można śmiało stwierdzić, że efekty specjalnie wcale się nie zestarzały. Z przyjemnością stwierdzam, że w musicalu perfekcyjnie je odwzorowano, a na scenie robią jeszcze większe wrażenie. To niesamowite, ile udało się osiągnąć używając efektów praktycznych, z naprawdę minimalnym użyciem ekranów multimedialnych. 
Twórcy musicalu dysponują prawami do piosenek wykorzystanych w filmie i nie boją się ich używać. Towarzyszą im utwory napisane specjalnie do wersji scenicznej przez Alana Silvestri. Znajdą się pośród nich piosenki tak chwytliwe, że ciężko się ich pozbyć z głowy (“It Works”), ale i melancholijne szlagiery (“For The Dreamers”). Co ważne muzyka różni się zależnie od czasu akcji, rozdzielając wątki i postaci z lat 50tych i 80tych. 
Jak już wspominałam wersja sceniczna nie mogła się obyć bez zmian w scenariuszu. Część pomniejszych scen wycięto (planowana wycieczka Marty’ego i Jennifer, którą udaremniła kraksa samochodu), a inne połączono ze sobą (dwie interakcje George’a i Lorraine, w szkole i w restauracji zmieniły się w jedną), zapewne po to by ograniczyć zmiany scenografii. Warto też wspomnieć o pięknej, dodanej scenie, w której Marty uczy swojego ojca jak się zachowywać, co bardzo ładnie rozwija ich relację. 
Pojawiło się też kilka ledwie zauważalnych zmian w tekście. Na przykład Lorraine odwiedzając Marty’ego u Doka wyznaje, że wydedukowała, gdzie można go znaleźć na podstawie poprzedniej rozmowy, zamiast przyznać, że go śledziła. W zdecydowanej większości takie poprawki działają na korzyść spektaklu. Z zasady jednak wersja sceniczna zachowuje ducha oryginału. Fani znajdą w nim też całą masę ikonicznych cytatów, które nieodmiennie wywołują euforię na widowni. Niestety, pozostawienie ich w spektaklu zabiera miejsce piosenkom, których czasem po prostu brakuje. 
“Back to the Future: The Musical” nadrabia jednak dowcipem. Trzeba przyznać, że jest naprawdę zabawnie, zarówno jeśli chodzi o humor sytuacyjny, jak i językowy. Pojawia się też specjalny żart specjalnie dla zagorzałych fanów filmu. Po prawdzie twórcy mogli sobie darować prujące się spodnie, a powtarzający się gag z tancerzy pojawiających się znikąd, gdy tylko Dok zaczyna śpiewać może irytować, ale to naprawdę detale. 
Podsumowując, “Back to the Future” to spektakl niesamowicie widowiskowy, pełen świetnie przygotowanych efektów specjalnych. Ale technologia to nie wszystko. Musical sprawnie oddaje treść i ducha filmu, a soundtrack naprawdę łatwo pokochać. Wcale bym się nie zdziwiła gdybyśmy wkrótce doczekali się polskiej adaptacji, bo ten musical to czysty samograj. Polecam każdemu, zarówno fanom filmów, jak i tym, którzy nigdy ich nie widzieli. Dobra zabawa gwarantowana. 
Ale to tylko moja opinia, a ja nie jestem obiektywna. 
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feeshies · 2 years ago
Other decades will be under the "billboard poll" tag on my blog
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skiplo-wave · 1 year ago
Take this with a grain of salt. I can't find myself to believe it right now until I see it. Supposedly Disney has made their final plans with what they are going to do with the POTC series. I don't know if you know who BeastBoyFunk is but if you are part of his Discord or know someone that is in it, you'll know he does all things Disney. He was the one that dropped the spoilers about Brandy coming back to play Cinderella before it was even announced.
It is being said that the original cast is coming back to POTC in a two part finale. They are going to finally end it.
Pirates of the Caribbean VI: Part 1
Pirates of the Caribbean VII: Part 2
The two movies will be filmed at the same time. Part 1 is being coded as "The Battle of Thronos" and Part 2 is "Sail of New Seas". They are not the final names. He's pretty sure he knows what Part 1 is going to be and these two finale films are going to draw them all together. This is the cast sheet and some of them are rumored. While all this writer strike stuff is going on, it was said they had a sit down read via zoom. I want you to look at some of these cast and character names like Lettice BECKETT! WTF?!👀
Johnny Depp - Jack Sparrow
Orlando Bloom - Will Turner
Keira Knightley - Elizabeth Turner
Brenton Thwaites - Henry Turner
Kaya Scodelario - Carina Barbossa
Kiefer Sutherland - Andrew Bowman
Kika-Rose Ridley - Adelaide Vane
Bill Nighy - Davy Jones
Naomie Harris - Calypso
James Earl Jones (Voiced) - Atlas
Saoirse Ronan - Lettice Beckett
Kevin McNally - Joshamee Gibbs
Stellan Skarsgård - Bill Turner
Lindsay Sloane - Sophronia
Martin Klebba - Marty
Mackenzie Crook - Ragetti
Lee Arenberg - Pintel
Zoe Saldana - Anamaria
Sam Claflin - Philip
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey - Syrena
Geoffrey Rush - Hector Barbossa
I got so many theories right now but I can't allow myself to do this until I see it. Disney did acknowledge POTC this year though multiple times since the reboot was called off. So that gives me some hope. And who knows how long this will take while all this stuff is going on.
Hmm doubt
With strikes going on idk
But they truly have pay Johnny a whole planet for him to come back. However with Disney trying created AI task force they wouldn’t even need Johnny physically anymore or rest of cast and that’s disturbing
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reginadeinisseni · 1 year ago
Pirati dei Caraibi "La Maledizione della Prima Luna" - trailer ita
La maledizione della prima luna (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) è un film del 2003 diretto da Gore Verbinski; prodotto da Walt Disney Pictures e Jerry Bruckheimer Films e distribuito da Buena Vista International.
Ideato e scritto da Ted Elliot e Terry Rossio, il film è il primo capitolo della serie di Pirati dei Caraibi e ispirato all'omonima attrazione dei Parchi Disney. Il cast principale comprende Johnny Depp nei panni di Jack Sparrow, Geoffrey Rush, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Kevin McNally, Jack Davenport e Jonathan Pryce.
Caraibi, 1720. La piccola Elizabeth Swann e suo padre, il Governatore Weatherby Swann, sono sulla nave inglese HMS Dauntless che li porta a Port Royal, quando un ragazzino di nome Will Turner viene portato a bordo. Quando Elizabeth si accorge che Will ha al collo un medaglione d'oro con inciso un teschio, lei glielo sottrae e lo nasconde perché può essere la prova dell'appartenenza di Will alla pirateria. Norrington si dichiara a Elizabeth, la quale però, soffocata per il corsetto troppo stretto, cade dagli spalti del forte finendo in mare; così facendo attiva il medaglione, che attrae la Perla Nera, ossia la nave vista otto anni prima Gibbs si lascia scappare la verità su Jack: quando arrivò la prima volta a Tortuga e creò una ciurma per recarsi a Isla de Muerta, egli era il capitano della Perla Nera, ma a pochi giorni di navigazione il primo ufficiale Barbossa pretese di sapere la destinazione.
gli Aztechi consegnarono a Cortès un forziere di pietra con 882 pezzi d'oro, sui quali le divinità scagliarono una maledizione che fa diventare gli esseri umani né vivi né morti: costoro sembrano vivi, ma quando arriva la luna piena svelano la loro identità; inoltre, chiunque abbia sottratto un medaglione del tesoro di Cortès, per spezzare la maledizione e tornare vivo, deve restituirlo con il proprio sangue. Quando la ciurma di Barbossa arrivò sull'Isla de Muerta prese il tesoro, ma presto i pirati si accorsero che non provavano più sensazioni e che non sentivano più niente, cosicché restituirono tutti i singoli pezzi, tranne il medaglione d'oro ora posseduto da Elizabeth.
Benché Jack abbia vinto e salvato tutti, ora è condannato all'impiccagione perché la sua ciurma ha rubato la Perla Nera; Nel mentre, la scimmia domestica di Barbossa si avvicina a nuoto al mucchio di ricchezze nella grotta dell'Isla de Muerta. Arrampicatasi sul forziere di pietra, ruba uno degli 882 pezzi d'oro e ritorna ad essere non-morta.
Il film è uscito negli Stati Uniti il 9 luglio 2003[2], mentre in Italia il 5 settembre 2003, dopo un'anteprima nazionale il 27 agosto.
Doppiaggio italiano La direzione del doppiaggio e i dialoghi italiani sono a cura di Carlo Cosolo, per conto della Cast Doppiaggio S.r.l.[3] Curiosamente, per l'edizione italiana, è stato tolto il riferimento a Davy Jones, nemico principale dei due film successivi, detto da Will Turner a bordo della Perla Nera, e anche il titolo del film è stato modificato.
Edizioni home video Il film è stato distribuito in DVD e VHS nel mercato italiano il 29 gennaio 2004,[4] disponibile in edizione disco singolo e disco doppio. Nel 2007 è stata messa in vendita la versione del film ad alta definizione Blu-ray Disc.
Candidatura ai Migliori costumi a Penny Rose Candidatura alla Miglior coppia a Johnny Depp e Orlando Bloom Candidatura alla Miglior performance comica a Johnny Depp Candidatura al Miglior film straniero a Gore Verbinski Eroe più sexy a Orlando Bloom Miglior bugiardo a Johnny Depp Miglior bacio a Keira Knightley e Orlando Bloom Candidatura ai Migliori modelli e miniature (l'intercettatore) a Charles Bailey, Peter Bailey, Robert Edwards e Don Bies Candidatura alla Miglior fotografia a Carl Miller, Michael Conte e Tami Carter Miglior combattimento a Tony Angelotti e Mark Aaron Wagner 2004 - American Choreography Awards Miglior coreografia nei combattimenti a George Marshall Ruge Candidatura al Miglior attore del decennio a Johnny Depp 2004 - Publicists Guild of America Maxwell Weinberg Award Candidatura alla Colonna sonora originale dell'anno a Klaus Badelt
Pirati dei Caraibi - La maledizione del forziere fantasma (2006) Pirati dei Caraibi - Ai confini del mondo (2007) Pirati dei Caraibi - Oltre i confini del mare (2011) Pirati dei Caraibi - La vendetta di Salazar (2017)
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hits1000 · 2 years ago
Top Songs of 1970 - Hits of 1970
Top Songs of 1970 - Hits of 1970 Top Songs of 1970 including: Aphrodite's Child - Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall, B J Thomas - I Just Can't Help Believing, Bee Gees – Lonely Days, Black Sabbath – Paranoid, Bread - Make It with You, Brook Benton - Rainy Night In Georgia, Cat Stevens - Wild World, Chicago - 25 Or 6 To 4, Christie - Yellow River and many more! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. Andrés Do Barro - Corpiño Xeitoso 2. Aphrodite's Child - Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall 3. B J Thomas - I Just Can't Help Believing 4. Badfinger - Come And Get It 5. Bee Gees – Lonely Days 6. Black Sabbath - Paranoid 7. Bread - Make It with You 8. Brook Benton - Rainy Night In Georgia 9. Cat Stevens - Wild World 10. Chicago - 25 Or 6 To 4 11. Chris Roberts - Die Maschen der Mädchen 12. Christie - San Bernadino 13. Christie - Yellow River 14. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lookin' Out My Back Door 15. Creedence Clearwater Revival - Travelin' Band 16. Dana - All Kinds Of Everything 17. David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World 18. Deep Purple - Black Night 19. Diana Ross - Ain't No Mountain High Enough 20. Domenico Modugno - La lontananza 21. Edison Lighthouse - Love Grows 22. Edwin Starr - War 23. Elton John - Your Song 24. Elvis Presley - The Wonder of You 25. Eric Clapton - After Midnight 26. Freda Payne - Band Of Gold 27. Free - All Right Now 28. Gene Pitney - A Street Called Hope 29. George Harrison - My Sweet Lord 30. Glen Campbell - It's Only Make Believe 31. Howard Carpendale - Das Schöne Mädchen Von Seite Eins 32. James Brown - Sex Machine 33. Joe Dassin - L'Amérique 34. Joe Dolan - You're Such A Good Looking Woman 35. Johnny Hallyday - Deux Amis Pour Un Amour 36. Julio Iglesias - Gwendolyne 37. Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song 38. Lee Marvin - Wand'rin Star 39. Los Diablos - Un Rayo De Sol 40. Lucio Battisti - Anna 41. Lynn Anderson - Rose Garden 42. Manuel Freire - Pedra filosofal 43. Marc Hamilton - Comme J'ai Toujours Envie D'aimer 44. Melanie - Lay Down (Candles in the Rain) 45. Michael Holm - Mendocino 46. Mike Brant - Laisse Moi T'aimer 47. Mina - Insieme 48. Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime 49. Neil Diamond - Cracklin' Rosie 50. Nino Bravo - Te Quiero Te Quiero 51. Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky 52. Paulinho da Viola - Foi um Rio que passou em minha vida 53. Peter Alexander - Hier ist ein Mensch 54. Peter Maffay - Du 55. Rare Earth - Get Ready 56. Ray Stevens - Everything Is Beautiful 57. Renato Dei Profeti - Lady Barbara 58. Roberto Carlos - Jesús Cristo 59. Robin Gibb - August October 60. Rodriguez - Sugar Man 61. Roger Whittaker - I Don't Believe In If Anymore 62. Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad Man 63. Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water 64. Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia 65. Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa 66. Soulful Dynamics - Mademoiselle Ninette 67. Status Quo - Down The Dustpipe 68. The Beatles - Let It Be 69. The Carpenters - They Long To Be (Close To You) 70. The Guess Who - American Woman 71. The Jackson 5 - ABC 72. The Jackson 5 - I Want You Back 73. The Kinks - Lola 74. The Partridge Family - I Think I Love You 75. The Tremeloes - By The Way 76. Three Dog Night - Mama Told Me Not To Come 77. Tony Orlando & Dawn - Candida 78. Tony Orlando & Dawn - Knock Three Times 79. Vanity Fare - Hitchin' A Ride 80. White Plains - My Baby Loves Lovin' Related Searches: Greatest Hits of 1970, Best Jukebox 1970 Playlist, Late 1970 Non Stop , Top 1970 Non Stop, Mix 1970 Compilation, Best 1970 List, Late 1970 UK, Best 1970 Playlist, Best 1970 Non Stop, Best 1970 Video, Greatest 1970 Non Stop, Mix 1970 Playlist, Best Jukebox 1970 List, List of 1970 Mix, Top 1970 USA, Best Songs of 1970, Top Music 1970, Hits of 1970 Relate Hashtags: #songsof1970 #hits1970 #songs1970 #listof1970mix #hits1970 #bestsongs1970 #classic1970playlist #greatest1970nonstop #best1970list #best1970video #top1970mix #greatest1970video #mix1970playlist #top1970nonstop #mix1970compilation This Youtube channel does not receive any advertising income, we are very grateful for any Paypal donation, no matter how small, to continue making videos about the history of music. Link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HEHMNQ4E3T3ML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQrz9XVCGrc
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yen-sids-tournament · 2 months ago
our thoughts are that while it may not live up to the quality of the original three movies, it's not unredeemable. And far from the worst movie Disney has produced.
Orlando Bloom came back for a hot few minutes and Keira Knightley for a second too. Though most of the movie was Jack meeting Henry Turner (not yet 20). Sure about 1/4 of these people hate it, but if you're already doing a marathon and you've never seen it.... Did we mention Javier Bardem and Paul McCartney there?
~Also: Imagine youre Jack for a second. You've now sailed with three generations of Turners: Bootstrap, Will (& Elizabeth), and Henry. Do you think it makes him, the man searching for everlasting life, feel old? --Imagine you're Barbossa or Mr. Gibbs too!~
Pirates of the Caribbean Question Week: The 5th Movie:
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The Trident of Poseidon holds promises for all our main characters. Henry Turner believes it will free his father. Carina Smyth is sure the search can help her answer questions about her past. Captain Salazar needs it to save his undead crew and sow revenge on all pirates. Barbossa seeks the treasure it will bring. And Jack is back doing whatever it is Jack does; enemies bent on revenge, playing a Turner, squabbling for the Pearl, aimlessly running from death, and living a Pirates Life with a bottle of rum.
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danbenzvi · 6 years ago
Recently listened to: “Doctor Who: The Eighth Of March”
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Scattered through all of space and time, there are many women whose paths have crossed that of the Doctor.
Some were once fellow TARDIS travellers, some staunch allies defending the Earth, and one was the Doctor’s wife…
From Victorian London, to an intergalactic convention, from the offices of UNIT, to an impossible university library – on the 8th of March, four very different adventures will unfold.
Featuring the following stories:
The Diary Of River Song: Emancipation by Lisa McMullin
When River Song crashes a Galactic Heritage convention, posing as the wrong Time Lord, Leela is sent by Gallifrey to investigate.
But before the canapés are cold and the champagne becomes warm, they find themselves embroiled in a royal kidnapping.
Starring Alex Kingston as Professor River Song and Louise Jameson as Leela.
Also starring Lucy Pickles as The Hanovari, Julie Teal as The Royal Magnificat, Catherine Skinner as Princess Myrahla and Lewis Rae as Compere.  All other parts played by members of the cast.
  Doctor Who - The New Adventures: The Big Blue Book by Lizzie Hopley
With the Doctor AWOL, Benny and Ace are left to their own devices, going native in a Liverpool university.
Benny accepts an invitation she really shouldn’t, and Ace meets a very strange collector.
An alien library is about to gain a big, blue book… but where’s the TARDIS?
Starring Sophie Aldred as Ace and Lisa Bowerman as Professor Bernice Summerfield.
Special Guest Star Sylvester McCoy as The Seventh Doctor.
Also starring Orlando Gibbs as Harvey, Rosemary Ashe as Vassa and Robert Gill as Lycurgus.  All other parts played by members of the cast.
  The Patnernoster Gang: Inside Every Warrior by Gemma Langford
The Great Detective, Madame Vastra, aided by her resourceful spouse, Jenny Flint, and loyal valet, Strax, is looking into a series of mysterious break-ins.
An eccentric scientist and his put-upon assistant are the latest victims. Evidence mounts, with animal footprints and a trail of destruction.
Starring Neve McIntosh as Madame Vastra, Catrin Stewart as Jenny Flint and Dan Starkey as Strax.
Also starring Julie Atherton as Hodge, Nigel Fairs as Dr. Cornelius Pinch, Tom Bell as Percy and Louise Faulkner as Laeticia.  All other parts played by members of the cast.
  U.N.I.T.: Narcissus by Sarah Grochala
When one of their own goes missing, Kate Stewart and the two Osgoods decide to investigate.
Narcissus is interested only in the most beautiful people, but as the UNIT operatives are about to discover, its true purpose is something far from desirable.
Starring Jemma Regdrave as Kate Stewart, Ingrid Oliver as Osgood, James Joyce as Josh Carter and Tracy Wiles as Jacqui McGee.
Also starring Alix Dunmore as Female-Jordan Love and Dan Blaskey as Male-Jordan Love.  All other parts played by members of the cast
Plus a bonus disc of Behind the Scenes interviews. 
All stories directed by Helen Goldwyn.
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potcland · 3 years ago
I watched Our Flag Means Death and here what I want for season 2 :
All the actors of Pirates of the Caribbeans play their characters but it's not really their characters because Walt Disney copyright and stuff... But when you see them you know who they are, savvy?
Or they could play real pirates that exists but with a design near of their characters in potc...
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filmesbrazil · 1 year ago
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fruityyamenrunner · 11 months ago
at hodie biggus dickus est in obscenis
Boastful soldiers are sent up memorably both in Plautus’ Miles Gloriosus (“The Swaggering Soldier,” c.206 BC) and Terence’s Eunuchus (“The Eunuch,” 161 BC). Plautus’ Pyrgopolinices (“Destroyer of Towers and Cities”) claims to have saved the god of war Mars from a grandson of Neptune, allegedly named in classic Plautine gibberish Bumbomachides Clytomestoridysarchides (“Mr Roaring-Fighter-Famous-Adviser-Rubbish-Ruler-son”), a feat that we are informed by his parasite Artotrogus (“Bread Nibbler”) is, of course, utter hogwash. Today we might think of various loudmouths, such as Jay in The Inbetweeners.
Pyrgopolinices and his enemy both have coined names that are comically apt for their characteristics. Such ‘speaking’ names were clearly a popular trope of Roman, and indeed Greek, humour. This literary device goes back as far as the 5th century BC with Aristophanes, and even as far as Homer’s Odyssey: the leaders of the suitors leeching off of an absent Odysseus are called Antinous (“Mr Contrary-mind”) and Eurymachus (“Broad Fighter”). Plautus, unlike Terence, makes widespread use of this device, and these lively neologisms were clearly popular with his audiences. Principal characters don’t tend to have such names in modern comedies: they are clunky, a bit on the nose, and reduce characters to one particular trait. They occasionally occur, however, in cutaway gags and cameos: Family Guy makes frequent recourse to ‘James Bottomtooth III’, an aristocratic American with an enormous, protruding bottom lip that makes his voice a posh, strained, and inarticulate bellow, and ‘Buzz Killington’, a Victorian, Lincoln-esque buzzkill.
Oily parasites were popular targets in ancient humour, as they are today. In the Eunuchus,Terence’s Thraso (“Boldman”) passes off old jokes as his own inventions; his simpering parasite Gnatho (“Jawman”) affects raucous laughter with a hahahae to suck up to him (not a far cry from the hahahas that I write daily on WhatsApp). The parasite was a stock character of Greek (and subsequently Roman) comedy from the 4th century BC onwards, who, prompted by constant hunger, made a profession out of brown-nosing someone he depended on for a meal. The earnest flattery of arrogant idiots has a rich afterlife in, for example, the dynamic between David Brent and Gareth Keegan / Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute in The Office (UK / US), or General Melchett and Captain Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth.
biggus dickus is plausibly a parasite. he ranks as high as any in rome, but just seems to effetely hang around pontius pilate
@fruityyamenrunner the thing with that sketch, you know the Monty Python one, with Biggus Dickus, is like... isn't that such an upper class british thing to be worried about? I feel like with the romans, it would have been like "my friend biggus dickus", *everyone laughs*, "why are you laughing—he's called biggus dickus because he has a very long cock". It's such an anglosphere thing to be all "noooo dont laugh at Biggus Dickus its NOT FUNNY!!!!! its serious!!!!!" I don't think the romans would ever do that. I think monty python and co were blinded by their own cultural blinders when they wrote that shit, about the romans, and are probably wrong about julius ceaser.
you seem like you would agree or disagree with me on this.
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whale-wolf · 5 years ago
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Your key go to a chest. And it is what lay inside the chest you seek. Don’t it?
What is inside?
Gold? Jewels? Unclaimed properties of valuable nature?
Nothing bad, I hope
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) 
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weirdhappycigarette · 4 years ago
The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise as of now:
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ineffable-mum-friend · 5 years ago
I have an announcement:
Lord Cutler Beckett is a Power Bottom™ and NOTHING in this world can change my mind
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captainbool-bool · 5 years ago
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My Pirates of the Caribbean blog: 66sean99.livejournal.com «Pirates of the Caribbean» - Photographs, posters, comics, books, magazines and more.
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