#yen sid winner
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 days ago
Roz is moving on
Looks like Grunkle Stan lost his (second) chance here
Quotable Disney Loser Bracket Poll 3/8
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***Please vote on the content of the quote not the format of the picture***
Roz, Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Grunkle Stan, Gravity Falls; The Inconveniencing (2012)
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mlmshipbracket · 8 months ago
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After a few weeks of preparation here is the beginning of the MLM Ship Redemption Bracket! This is where the losing ships from preliminary and round one polls will be pit against one another.
The winner of this tournament will go up against the winner of the MLM Ships Thunder Dome Tournament, which will be held in the future.
OFFICIAL POLLS BEGIN today and will last until Saturday, July 21st. Don't forget to vote, get your favorite ship to Round One!
Happy voting!
Find the polls [HERE]
Tagging for visibility! No pressure to reblog. Let me know if you would like to be untagged.
@tournament-announcer @tournamentdirectory @theshipwars @badass-queer-couples-battle @age-gap-ship-tournament @smashorpassgilf @immortal-x-mortal-tourney @guess-that-ship. @yen-sids-tournament
REMINDER: All match-ups were randomly generated using a randomizer to ensure a higher likelihood of randomness as ships were pitted against one another.
Polls will include previously submitted propaganda (with edits). Feel free to include your own propaganda in the reblogs or submitted via 'ask'. Feel free to add text, art, or videos to your propaganda as well! If you do add propaganda please make sure to tag it as such so I can reblog, I do my best to keep an eye on reblogs/tags and asks.
I will link propaganda to ongoing polls so keep an eye out for those as we progress week by week.
I have done my best to make sure non-official content submitted was linked and/or credited. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or incorrect information when it comes to links, credits, propaganda, names, tags, etc.
Remember to get those votes in. Reblog, comment, tag. Get as many others to vote and get your favorite ships to Round One!
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kimpossible-polls · 2 years ago
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Our current poll:
Favorite Characters
This tournament is to find out who the best Kim Possible character is (besides Kim herself)! Winner will go up against Kim Possible at the end of the tournament.
Please make sure to submit only Kim Possible characters from any episode or movie (video game poll will come later, so leave those out for now). Submissions will close Sep 1st.
Not everyone submitted may be added, but this blog plans to have many other character polls, so your character will probably have a chance in the future. Send an ask if you have questions.
Good luck!
This poll is inspired by @barbiebattle
More tags below the cut
@princess-polls @mattbracket @barbie-movies-tournament @steve-smackdown @bestanimatedmovie @best-bot-tournament-2023 @yen-sids-tournament @cowboycompetition @sparkliest-bard-bracket
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years ago
Bragi x Jessica alternate timeline:
Yen sid: *sits back in his chair* Jess.. tell me *says something in a different language*
Jessica: !? *Looks at him and replies in the same language*
Riku: ???
Riku: what language is that
Hana: I think we have a winner here
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petro1986 · 4 months ago
THE RESULTS ARE IN!! if you didn't get a chance to vote, well that sucks... Maybe redo this with a dedicated Tumblr Poll account or Disney Critical Blog (fuck off suck ups)
Who's ready for the Data? GOOD!
Childhood Trauma:
Dead last (for both polls actually) is: "Intermission/Meet the Soundtrack! It's a big nothing burger based on the limited sample size, if you have a thing about waveforms, let your voices be heard (and bamboozled in one direction)
8th place of Fantasia Trauma: The Pastoral Symphony, 1.8% traumatised. Place your bets where it'll come on the Horny list!!! (ignore results above)
it's now a three way tie for 5th place, with Toccata & Fugue/The Nut Cracker Suite, and Dance of the hours with 3.6% each. the last of the single whole digit scorers, and fun fact: My Partner is traumatised by One of these segments, feel free to speculate among yourselves as to which exact moment >:3c
4th Place, at 14.5% of 55 votes, Give it up for The Rite of Spring! Ponderous Dinosaurs and a genuinely creepy T-Rex* that for the longest time represented one of the most visceral depictions of dinosaurs, until Chris Pratt came along... Well done Dinos!
With the Bronze Medal, with 16.4%: The Sorcerer's Apprentice! Animated brooms following orders mindlessly, fucking mood.
In with the Silver, at 27.3% of voters: Night on Bald Mountain! Lot's of great nightmare imagery and Chernabog! Harpes with titties! Dæmons dancing and melting into pulsing flesh! If you want to get fired from your childcare job the quickest way possible, skip to the last chapter of Fantasia!
But taking the Gold Medal, with a whopping 29.1% for most trumatic part of Fantasia 1940 is: Didn't see it/Watched Fantasia 2000!!! The greatest trauma is the barriers to seeing a veritable piece of art and Steve Martin
NOW ONTO THE HORNY LIST 🍑🍆👀💦 No one is horny for the Intermission/Meet the Soundtrack, need not freaks clearly next time these polls get redone... BUT JOINING THE SOUNDTRACK is Toccata & Fugue, Now I know someone crosses their legs to that segment! both got 0% so are canonically the least horny parts of the film
7th place, The Nutcracker Suite at 3.2%: If you're into Fae folk and poorly aged mushrooms, you do you! Just be careful about putting your dick in it (if in doubt: don't put your dick in it)
For joint 5th place (much to the author's displeasure) is The Rite of Spring & Sorcerer's Apprentice, with 6.5%... If they aren't at risk at putting you in A&E from getting frisky, is it really anything?? But then that could go for number one... You'll see... Oh, forgot to talk about Sorcerer's Apprentice, Would smash Yen Sid~
4th place with 9.7% is Dance of the Hours: 10/10 baddy T-Rex made many monster fuckers out of nearly 10% of you, that's a healthy kink! Step on me Mommy
Into the Medals, and bringing home the Bronze is Night on Bald Mountain with 12.9%! Step on me Daddy Chernabog~
Silver with 29% is Haven't seen Fantasia 1940/Watched Fantasia 2000! Horny for not watching movies and that personification of The Forest/Nature, But I will cancel You if Rhapsody in Blue does it for you...
The Pastoral Symphony wins the horny Gold with 32.3... Only acceptable if you're Smashing/getting Smashed by Bacchus/Zeus/Vulcan, I won't be taking further questions on this...
What can we draw from this? Go watch Fantasia 1940 in any way that doesn't put coin in Capitalism Rodent's pocket, but watch out for the un-censored versions, all the more reason that I'm so dissapointed at the Horny Gold winner...
Wiki page to remind yourself which visuals go with what music
If multiple, I'm sorry that there's no granularity with Tumblr Polls, reblogs for larger sample size is greatly appreciated!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years ago
Winner’s Curse Ch. 22
“Please please come in quickly,” the honorable wizard Yen Sid urged Uma, barely muffling his own coughs from the dusty air of Judge Frollo’s “house.” Quite ironically or perhaps more telling, Judge Frollo’s abode was the basement of a brothel. A cruel twist of temptation or perhaps a house of convenience since it was no secret that Frollo indulged in his hypocritical desires while preaching at his imaginary pulpit during the day.
But Uma wasn’t here to hear how she was destined for hell. It was night, the perfect time to meet the rest of the Anti-Villain Club while Frollo was away.
It felt like the situation was getting more dire the more time past. Amplified by the restlessness Uma felt because they weren’t getting anything done!
Sometimes Uma wanted to give in to her temptation to just dump the Auradonians for themselves. They didn’t really offer her any information or skills that she needed. Plus, they were slow at best. Uncaring and disobedient at worse, far more concerned with their own problems and feelings. They didn’t know how to work with a team or for a cause other than themselves.
Such royal behavior. Must be nice to put your moods first when your need for food, shelter and safety were never in question.
So it was a breath of fresh air to meet with the Anti Villains. Though they did not give her the assuring efficiency of her pirate crew, they were still Vks, her people. And she would need all the allies she could get if they were to stop the Coven.
Yen Sid gestured to the faded rug with, of course, an image of a man bleeding and crucified while a red devilish monster stabbed at his torso with a pitchfork.
Frollo’s erstwhile, rebellious daughter, Claudine took the head of the rug with Diego De’Vil and Yzla on both sides of her. Harold, Jason, Hadie, Big Murph, Hermie Bing, Eddie Balthazar, Celia and a blonde girl that Uma didn’t recognize rounded out the rest of the circle. Uma took place across from Claudine and Yen Sid stood by, pacing around.
“What news can you give us?” Yen Sid asked, starting the meeting abruptly.
Uma hadn’t noticed when Yen Sid signalled to her from the alleyways but the elder wizard looked even older. He was hunched over, not from age but like there was an invisible yoke on his shoulders. His face was riddled with new lines of wrinkles, stress and fatigue. And he was pale. So pale.
Uma had seen that sort of sickly paleness before. The sheen of sweat from a non-existent flu. He looked like death. The Isle after 20 years was starting to take its toll.
Though Uma had no personal attachment to the wizard nor did she care for his method of teaching goodness so Vks would be accepted in Auradon, when they should be accepted because they like any other person should have a home without abuse or poverty, she respected what he was trying to do. He didn’t see them all as one mass of worthless deviants to be scorned and ignored. He could have stayed in Auradon, doing nothing like all the rest of the so-called good guys, but he didn’t.
And this place was slowly killing him.
This place was going to be the death of all them if Uma’s revolution didn’t work.
Uma cracked her neck, inhaled and began to brief them, even though her report didn’t offer much encouragement that their plans were going to be successful.
“Our communications link with King Ben no longer works thanks to the Isle’s crappy service. However, we were able to inform him that the invasion is taking place in less than a week before we were cut off.” “Circe is officially on our side and will assist Yen Sid on more complex, powerful spells against Nerissa and the others.”
“The rest of the Coven-” “Believes.. Well actually tolerates the idea that you and Calix are still loyal. Lala still is on their side but Jade thinks she can convince her to switch again. Zevon and Ginny are lost causes. But you are going to round up your crew, and Harriet’s crew for extra manpower.” Yzla interrupted, and shrugged at Uma’s glare, “Jade told me.” “Ah yes.” Uma pursed her lips, shaking it off to not act too ruffled. She had been aware that Yzla and Jade were close but she didn’t particularly like that they were discussing things without her. That’s how plans got overturned. And people were overthrown.
Uma pushed that thought away as too paranoid. After all, they were all here for the same thing. Escape, not power.
“Yes, so you already know that. I do believe we will be able to persuade the rest of the Isle on our side.” “Wait the rest of the Isle. Like you mean some other kids right? Or the Hun gang. Not not the whole Isle?” Eddie asked. “I meant the rest of the Isle. The adult henchmen. The orphaned kids. The Huns, the mercenaries, the prostitutes. Anyone and everyone who has no power or big villain names.” The rest of the club looked at turns confused, intrigued and disbelieving at her.
“They are like us. They gain nothing from the Coven gaining more power. They get everything if they helped the revolution. No more oppressors. And a promise from King Ben to take all of us off the Isle to better housing, new jobs and actual food. A better life.”
“Whether Mal likes it or not.” Uma added internally. That had been the one thing she managed to speak to King Ben about, and surprisingluy he agreed wholeheartedly. He had seemed horrified when she described the living conditions that children dealt with. The way teens had turned to violence among other things to survive their abusive parents. He didn’t think he’d be able to convince Auradon should be abolished completely. Big villains would probably stay indefinitely. But he was welcome to her suggestions for programs to hep Vks.
“That’s why I need your input. King Ben is putting me in charge of VK Integration Programs and I want to know what we need.” “Uh, that’s nice. A truly Christian thing to do,” Claudine sneered saracastically, she had always been the most doubting of anyone having good intentions what with who she had for a father, “But shouldn’t we get out of here before we plan any VK Integration Programs?”
“This is part of how we are going to persuade the rest of the Isle to help us,” Uma smoothly bridged the two disparting ideas, “We need solid plans with how, what, when. Something solid and real that people can imagine and believe in. When the other Vks and adults hear of these programs, these programs that are as real as when King Ben invited the Core Four, they will be willing to fight for their chance to get in. They will rise up against the Coven so that they could be free.”
Claudine and Diego still looked suspicious, but Jason, Harold, and Big Murph practically had stars in their eyes. Hermie was smiling shyly and Hadie was tapping his chin thoughtfully. He was the first to pitch in.
“I think there should be something for the victims of Hans and Lars.” Everyone turned to look at him which caused the spiky-blue haired teen to flush and clam up. , Uma nodded empathetically, “Continue.” “Well, I mean-uh.Well we all had it bad. But Prince Hans is another level of bad. I went there once with dad for one of Staylan’s parties and I lurked around and man, that dude is nuts. He has photos of his “harem” all “sexy bruised” and stuff. And Lars…”
Uma narrowed her eyes. She didn’t need Hadie to elaborate on Lars. Gil had already told her everything she needed to know about the icy sadist. It was a term that was generally thrown around for an island full of villains with bloodlust, but Gil described the sickeningly calm way Lars acted. How Lars almost described it in seductive terms the way a whip would constrict a person’s throat until the breath left them. The calculating gaze he’d watch the ones he picked as “lovers.” Apparently a sadism that he picked up from his dad.
“Yeah, everyone knows Drizella is his favorite. Poor Dizzy.” Eddie shook his head.
Dizzy had always been left alone with her grandmother, Lady Tremine, but Uma had always assumed that Drizella, like almost all the parents on the Isle, was neglectful and uncaring. She hadn’t thought that Drizella may have been dealing with her own things.
And why wouldn’t she? That was Gil’s mother had to go through everyday with being Gaston’s unfavorite. While Uma was more concerned with the kids on the Isle, she could see now that some adults may need help too.
“Great. Center for sadist victims. What else have we got?”
“Do we have to go to school if we go to Auradon? I just don’t think I need it. My band is doing pretty well and I bet those royal dorks never heard music like mine.” Diego mock-shredded on his guitar
Uma cocked her head. She got his point. She didn’t think there was anything Auradon Prep had that could teach her anything useful. Like smizing as she heard from Celia Faciliar’s letters from Freddie. Plus there were some teens near adulthood like Harriet who probably wouldn’t want to be forced into classes when they could get jobs. Same with adults who never learned to read in their lives and still didnt want to.
“I’ll talk about it with King Ben. What else?” Uma said.
“Food that isn’t covered with flies. Fresh food, not trash.” Hermie said.
“Uh that’s just a given. None of their food is rotten.” Celia told the lithe brunette before Uma could clarify that good food comes with the territory.
Several ideas were thrown around, but the main ones came down to food, homes away from the possible revenge of their parents and others, and none of the Goodness 101 that Celia heard Freddie taking.
“Great. Now the important thing is that you spread the word of these programs to the other. You have to make people want this badly enough that they will fight. Act like its their only chance because it is. From there, I will send my crew to organize them to key points and learn some better and dirtier fight tactics.” Uma announced.
The rest of the Club nodded somberly at the announcement. There was not much emotion from Uma’s command. No relief, excitement or even nervousness. Just a numb sort of nod that they understood. But the words, “This is your only chance,” clearly rang in their heads.
It was now or never.
Everyone slowly got up to leave, thinking their own thoughts except the blonde who slipped to walk next to Uma, expertly slinking through the alleyways.
“Hi, um, I know we haven’t met before but um.. I’m Cosette.” The literally dirty blonde introduced in a fake high voice, clearly highlighting her nervousness, “I’m Gaston’s daughter. Gil’s half sister? You know Gil right? I mean, of course you do. I’ve seen him and everyone knows he hangs with you. I’m sorry I’m babbling. It’s just this is all so new-”
Uma stopped walking so she could give her her full attention. Yes, now that she stopped to actually look at Cosette, she could see a bit of the resemblance. The blonde hair, the high forehead and cheekbones. She looked older, maybe Harriet’s age, though her ample chest peeking from her corset gave the impression of a woman in her 20s. Unlike Gil, she didn’t have the usually confused look in her eyes. Just scared.
That look heightened Uma’s protective instincts. The helpless usually did that, as unvillainous as that was, plus the Gil resemblance.
“Why haven’t I heard of you before?” Uma asked skeptically even though she was pretty sure Cosette was honest.
“Um I’m a girl. Dad wouldn’t acknowledge me. Actually he tried to throw me away and try again which is why Mom left and… it seemed safer to avoid him. But- but I heard from Celia about this Anti-Villain Club when I went in for a reading, and Celia said you’d come so I thought I’d ask you. You know, for permission.” Uma thought. The story was realistic enough. But there was too much to do right now to focus on a family reunion. Unless…
“I will. You have my word. But first, how good would you say your fighting and/or spying skills?”
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panthera-tigris-venenata · 3 years ago
So, I'm learning for my history exam, and reading about "normalisation" in Czechoslovakia. Basically, the communist party decided to get back their power and everyone was miserable.
Anyway, my brain is still in Descendants!! Mode, so I'm gonna make a list, featuring the stuff communists used to achieve their goal and see if Auradon did it! Fun, right?
Anyway, I'm doing both post-1948 and -1968, to get more comprehensive list. And hopefully give Auradon some positive points.
Create an atmosphere of fear. Yep. Definitely. They freaked everyone out with pretending the villains were a threat still and probably also threatened to send any offenders to the Isle. I mean, why wouldn't they? It would be effective. ✔️
Political processes, like getting sentenced without proper trial. Almost definitely, but I can't really blame them with some of the more awful villains. Still, another check it is. ✔️
Install wide variety of annual celebrations and festivals, so people would be distracted. Ehm, Sea Side Festival in the Rise? All the corresponding festivals in other kingdoms? And I'd eat my boots if they don't have celebrations of Uniting Auradon and Creating the Isle. You know, Panem et Circenses style. So: ✔️
Prefabricated trials for your own. (Is it how Yen Sid got on the Isle? Is it?!) Like, hopefully not, so: ✖️
Trials with death sentence, prefabricated trials, of course. Again, hopefully not. That's why they have the Isle. On the other hand, one could argue that dragging dead Villains back into the land of living so they can suffer more equals that. Anyway: ✖️
Censorship of knowledge. „The gates to knowledge are never closed, but library is open from XX to XX." Does that count? Probably not. Anyway, the books in library probably are censored. (I mean, the US of America does do that, right?) And Ben's books are totally edited ad usum delphini and I'll fight you on that. Actually, the VKs probably have better knowledge of what happened/is happening because the Villains can't keep their mouths shut and accidentally reaveal the stuff the other one wants to keep hidden in an argument. Or very purposefully. That depends. Also, the people didn't know how bad the Iske really was! Ben didn't! Which further supports my ad usum delphini argument, btw. One way or the other, here we go: ✔️
Replacing the church of *god* with worshiping the regime. I mean have you seen the church with vitrages of the heroes? Definitely ✔️
Trying to isolate people not agreeing with the regime and basically anyone with their own opinion. This is literally the Isle. I doubt all of the inhabitants of the Isle were major villains, so: ✔️
State-owned and state-controled TV programs. We know that exists on the Isle, so why not include it as one of the many channels in Auradon? Plus, the tales of major heroes are definitely spoon fed to the audience at least once a year. The Beauty And The Beast the most, in a display of irony. Still, I'm giving them benefit of doubt. ❓
These freaking five years plans for economy. I mean, we know nothing of Auradon economy, but I doubt even Beast would be that stupid. ✖️
Closing borders. Are there other countries besides Auradon? And it's allies? No idea, but Auradon definitely gives closed borders vibes. Again, benefit of doubt. ❓
Restricting children's opportunities in life by what their parents did. Excuse my poor wording, but this is precisely what Auradon did. ✔️
Create breathtaking displays of art, architecture, etc, so people would be distracted by how awesome the regime that can built that is & have job. Ehm, like the statue that turns from King to Beast and back? ✔️
Family friendly policy, so people would be too distracted by raising kids to question wtf is going on & future economy would grow. I can't say nothing for sure, but there really is a suspicious amount of heirs and heiresses in that class, isn't there?❓
No elections, or elections with predetermined winners. Since Auradon is a monarchy, I'm gonna count that. ✔️
Also, bonus points for Auradon only: Ensuring all the country's heirs go to one school, so they wouldn't get any ideas. ✔️
And baning magic would be on this list, if we had any. Unfair. Like, magic is creating differences between social classes!! We gotta ban that, immediately!!
Did anyone ask to see this? No.
Did it help me learn for the history exam? ...Actually, yes.
And now it's your problem, too.
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heroic-endeavors · 3 years ago
The Bloodbath Zexion throws a knife into Saix's chest. Invi, Ansem - Seeker, and Yen Sid get into a fight. Ansem - Seeker triumphantly kills them both. Day 1 Ira throws a knife into Roxas's chest. Cave Johnson strangles Micky with a rope. Barney Calhoun falls into a pit and dies. Night 1 Marluxia, Vic, and Ansem - Seeker get into a fight. Ansem - Seeker triumphantly kills them both. Goofy kills Xemnas for his supplies. Lexaeus repeatedly stabs Leon to death with sais. Riku sets an explosive off, killing Aerith, Xion, Xigbar and Emphear. Cave Johnson sets an explosive off, killing Xaldin. Day 2 Cave Johnson tracks down and kills Larxene. Zexion and Ansem - Seeker fight Skuld and Goofy. Skuld and Goofy survive. Terra bashes Ava's head against a rock several times. Master of Masters ambushes Gula and kills him. Xehanort, Yuffie, and Ventus successfully ambush and kill Sora, Donald, and Demyx. Night 2 No deaths occurred. Day 3 Goofy dies from an infection. Ira repeatedly stabs Ventus to death with sais. Terra throws a knife into Riku's head. Lexaeus unknowingly eats toxic berries. Night 3 Chell dies trying to escape the arena. Day 4 Namine sets an explosive off, killing Yuffie, and Kairi. Night 4 No deaths occurred. Day 5 Kiru, Namine, and Vexen track down and kill GLaDOs. Skuld falls into a pit and dies. Adrian Shepard throws a knife into Axel's head. Xehanort bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Night 5 No deaths occurred. The Feast Gordon Freeman snaps Master of Masters's neck. Brain is unable to convince Adrian Shepard to not kill him. Namine and Cave Johnson work together to drown Luxord. Terra sets an explosive off, killing Aced. Aqua falls into a frozen lake and drowns. Day 6 Vexen dies from hunger. Kiru attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Adrian Shepard, killing them both. Night 6 Namine forces Ansem the Wise to kill Ira or Cave Johnson. He decides to kill Ira. Day 7 Namine dies from hunger. Night 7 Gordon Freeman shoots an arrow at Ansem the Wise, but misses and kills Cave Johnson instead. Day 8 No deaths occurred. Arena Event Monkey mutts fill the arena. Ansem the Wise is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts. Terra dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt. The winner is Gordon Freeman from District 8!
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birdkujapropaganda · 4 years ago
my completely biased and official rating of every keyblade ever:
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Kingdom Key: absolute classic. excellent design for the like, mascot keyblade. very simple, vaguely key shaped. i hate the mouse head though it's so stupid and makes no sense. and i hate mickey. 9/10 minus a point for the weird mickey keychain
Oathkeeper: wonderful. amazing. never boring. excellent design love the heart and wings and all the significance. and that the keychain is kairi's charm? terrific. 10/10
Oblivion: brilliant. awesome. phenomenal. again excellent design the wings and chains and purple crystal are absolutely perfect. love the crown keychain. 10/10
Ultima Weapon 1: literally just a sword with some filigree on it. nice. too much yellow and i don't like the weird cyan gradient on the guard. 7/10
Kingdom Key D: d for disgusting. i don't have any other comments i just hate it. 2/10
Keyblade of Hearts: yeah that sure is an anti-keyblade. love the simplicity and the heart in the negative space of the teeth. and that it doesn't have a keychain, that fueled a lot of theories for 12yo me 8/10
Lady Luck: i think i don't like this one bc to get it u need to use a white trinity but you can't do that until near the end and i have way cooler blades to use. the design is pretty ok, don't really get the card keychain tho. 5/10
Olympia: oh the sight of this one makes me irritated because the kh1 strategy guide uses this in one of the pictures for the fight against possessed riku. it did not help me win. and i hate short keyblades. love the clouds and columns though 7/10
Jungle King: kinda ugly but i appreciate that it looks kinda handmade. also like the butterfly keychain bc it doesn't look like it fits but it Does. also the first good alternate blade u get in the game so. 8/10
Three Wishes: not bad but it doesn't stick out to me either. also doesn't scream agrabah to me but also it does? 6/10
Pumpkinhead: NICE. very long and very cool. the teeth looks like bat wings and a pumpkin so very epic. 9/10
Wishing Star: so pointless i already have pumpkinhead. also short. cute design though i like the gears. 5/10
Crab Claw: i never used this one because it stuck out so ugly in Halloween Town </3 i love blue and crabs though so 8/10
Fairy Harp: I HATE YOU DIE. short and stupid. does NOT remind me of neverland at all. 1/10
Divine Rose: pretty nice but short and lategame. always thought its existence was kinda weird?? like thanks belle but why. i have oblivion. 7/10
Spellbinder: for some reason i really don't like it. i like blue and the circles are neat. the handle looks really painful though. 4/10
Metal Chocobo: kinda ugly lol. love the holes and chocobo keychain. 8/10
Lionheart: oh i am so biased by recoded. absolutely excellent keyblade. design's kind of weird tho where are those lions going. 9/10
Diamond Dust: so i was really confused because i thought this was khux-only or maybe bbs keyblade but apparently it's kh1 final mix only. you know what i got as a reward for fighting the ice titan? sephiroth. you know what i got for fighting sephiroth? NOTHING. it was my favorite khux blade though so grrrr 7/10
One-Winged Angel: grr bark bark final mix again fuck you. kinda weird design though like what is the teeth? a meteor? should've been a wing. nice guard though there's not enough hand room. excellent keychain obviously. 8/10
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Ultima Weapon 2: very similar to the first but blue and symmetrical. very good learn from your mistakes. 9/10
Destiny's Embrace: very cute!! my favorite part is the name. i wish it wasn't so like. stereotypically girly though. like you look at the destiny trio's keyblades and can immediately pick out which one is The Girl's. 9/10
Star Seeker: i wanna hate it because it's mickey's/yen sid's but honestly it's so nice. the stars and moons and comets and gradients and colors... wonderful 9/10
Rumbling Rose: oof. weird and ugly and gross. keychain looks like a ladybug from far away. 3/10
Hero's Crest: bring the clouds back. i don't really get the design but i like columns. 5/10
Monochrome: super cute!! i don't like Timeless River but this fits it so well and has cute hit effect. 8/10
Mysterious Abyss: i always get this one way late in the game so it's always pretty pointless oops lol. also the design doesn't really say atlantica?? 3/10
Follow the Wind: another weird miss but i like this one more. nice wheel shaped guard, and that the keychain is a cursed coin. 6/10
Wishing Lamp: now THIS is the agrabah keyblade. very nice and elegant. looks like the palace! 7/10
Decisive Pumpkin: THIS ONE 😭😭 it's so ugly but it's so strong so i have to use it but it's so ugly. it does look like jack's idea of christmas so points i guess 😭 4/10
Circle of Life: also pretty ugly. and short. sorry simba. 3/10
Sweet Memories: shrek voice it doesn't even have attack. i don't like winnie the pooh so that's definitely influencing me. makes cute noises iirc and looks pretty cute. 4/10
Photon Debugger: this one should look pretty cool but my brain is saying it's bad. i think the giant red ball by the teeth are throwing me off. love the neon blue tho 5/10
Gull Wing: why the weird space in the name. anyway. i really want to love this keyblade bc i love X2 but it's really bad. i'm so sorry YRP kh did you so wrong. excellent keychain choice though. 2/10
Guardian's Soul: MUCH better thank you. auron my beloved <3 the lines are very appealing and i like how simple it appears. also looks like auron's swords. 8/10
Sleeping Lion: wayyy better than lionheart. looks kinda like a gunblade! again though what are those lions doing. 8/10
Fenrir: my car key got in a fight. 1/10
Bond of Flame: looks like a bad first draft of axel's keyblade. either the teeth or the guard should look like a chakram, pick one. love it though. 7/10
Two Become One: MY BELOVED <3 excellent design, so so so roxas i think he should use it. very excellent i love the little twist at the top. checkered handle is a little weird. 10/10
Fatal Crest: lol i was so mad when i first saw this because it looked like one of my oc's keyblades. i like it now though, it's a dragon!! pretty neat bro 8/10
Winner's Proof: oh this one is so cute. if it wasn't a reward it would be really weird and bad. surprisingly elegant! and there's even 13 mushrooms on it! 9/10
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(shoutout to portadorx on deviantart for the 358 keyblade refs)
Missing Ache: YOU. interesting design, though it says roxas more than ventus to me. great first alt keyblade. 7/10
Ominous Blight: very edgy names in this game <3 looks like guardian's soul, which is interesting. i don't like yellow but it works bc blight 6/10
Abaddon Plasma: what a cool fucking name. so many yellow keyblades. but very cool looking i love roxas' aesthetic 8/10
Pain of Solitude: this is just pink missing ache. 8/10
Sign of Innocence: SO COOL. idk what's going on in most of these blades but i love it. 9/10
Crown of Guilt: come on. it doesn't look like a crown. big disappointment. very cool though 6/10
Abyssal Tide: so cool!! i love blue and fighting in midair <3 the teeth kinda looks like waves 8/10
Leviathan: weirdly furry looking. very cool guard 6/10
True Light's Flight: looks like two become one if it was only one. the top kinda looks like the nobody sigil 9/10
Rejection of Fate: SPEAR. epic name too, but i think it should swap names with true light's flight. very cool but i don't remember seeing it in name. kinda awkward bc it looks like it should be a spear 7/10
Midnight Roar: sooo cool. the orange handle pops without looking wrong... nice. also the teeth kinda look like a bat. 9/10
Glimpse of Darkness: ugly. weirdly bulky and hollow. short. 3/10
Total Eclipse: weirdly bumpy sword. i like how the orange looks like it glows. 5/10
Silent Dirge: GoD but purple. 2/10
Lunar Eclipse: TE but purple. 4/10
Darker than Dark: Hello 😳TLF but purple 10/10
Astral Blast: Abyssal Tide but yellow. interesting choice, but kinda clashes with the blue accents 7/10
Maverick Flare: Ominous Blight but red... excellent. very nice. 8/10
Twilight Blaze: Abaddon Plasma but red... also excellent. very epic. 9/10
Omega Weapon: props for not looking like any of the ultima weapons. very interesting and spiky but i kinda don't like it. 6/10
Aubade: kinda weird. "draws forth its wielder's personality"... ok. looks light elemented. 7/10
Wooden Stick: lol 10/10
Umbrella: not what i would've chosen but lol 10/10
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Zero/One: WONDERFUL, EXCELLENT, AMAZING. i can't really explain why i love this one so much it's just very good. 10/10
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Earthshaker: very solid design. not much to say it's just nice. love the colored guard. 7/10
Ends of the Earth: love that it is so clearly an earthshake upgrade. makes u realize how incomplete the first one is. 9/10
Dreadgnaw: kinda silly looking lol those are teeth. love the red bit in the center. looks very similar to earthshaker in a good way. 8/10
Chaos Ripper: looks like EotE but in a bad way. i don't like the weird teeth. it's also almost impractically long but i'm here for that. ALSO THE EYE. NICE. 7/10
Rainfell: oooo i love this it's so simple but so nice. very elegant 9/10
Stormfall: less nice. looks like a rainfell upgrade though. also kinda looks like master's defender which makes sense but i don't like it. 6/10
Brightcrest: GORGEOUS. PERFECT AND WONDERFUL. SO PRETTY. i wish it was kairi's. kinda looks to ornamental for aqua? but good for her. 10/10
Wayward Wind: none of ventus' blades look very ventusy to me. this one looks like an extra training one they had sitting around. cool shape though 5/10
Frolic Flame: NICE. looks like lea's frisbees! i like fire and fire designs so but it's a little awkward looking 8/10
Lost Memory: ok so first off WINGS. EXCELLENT. love that the only color is the heart. very cool and epic but i don't understand why it doesn't have a reverse grip handle. or the pointy bit at the tip. but still 10/10
Void Gear: hiii vanitas :) so anyway in my totally unbiased opinion this is the best keyblade ever obviously. love the gears and red accents and it's just super cool. the eyes and chains... vanitas character development keyblade when <3 10/10
Void Gear (White?): still very cool, love the simple contrast going on. 10/10
No Name: i didn't know this one was also called no name which is kinda lame. but i love the keyblade it's very cool. super glowy and i love the time design. 9/10
Crown Unlimit: I almost really like this one. very neat design, love the crowns and twists and glow. 7/10
Master's Defender: literally so plain and boring. i don't care if that's the point give it some frills. nice design though :/ 7/10
Broken Xblade: love the broken bits and the weird rust color. wish one of the kingdom keys was more broken and i think the top bit should be broken too. 7/10
Wooden Keyblade: sobbing and crying and tears. this is literally so cute and good and i love that it looks like Ends of the earth. or the kingdom key i guess. 10/10
Treasure Trove: i never expect to like this one but it's actually pretty nice :) wish the gems looked like they were spilling from the top and not leaking from the bottom. 8/10
Stroke of Midnight: also surprisingly nice! the guard kinda looks like a pumpkin which is cute. just a very cute design. 8/10
Fairy Stars: rad as hell. absolutely love this design very appealing. like how point the stars are. 9/10
Victory Line: i hate this one. maybe bc i don't like the world. kinda ugly and the teeth look awkward. 3/10
Mark of a Hero: ok we brought the clouds back but the weirdly buff trophy arm fucks this up. the blade is also just kind of a column, nothing going on there. 4/10
Hyperdrive: super cute!! love how the blade looks like laser fire and engine streams. the teeth are weird again though, and the handle looks like a bee 8/10
Pixie Petal: SO much better than fairy harp. this one is very cute and these teeth actually fit with the rest of the design. kinda short though >:/ 7/10
Sweetstack: oh this is so cute. a bunch of ice cream scoops!! why are the teeth oranges and what are some of those flavors. why are cones on the guard soft serve. 8/10
Ultima Weapon bbs: NICE. A SWORD WITH SOME FILIGREE BUT ALL IN BLUE. LOVE the wayfinders on it, very good for them. wish it wasn't just blue since it seems so aqua-centric but it looks nice soo 10/10
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Skull Noise: LITERALLY SO PERFECT. THAT'S SO TWEWY. INCREDIBLE. the headphones and mr mew keychain... wonderful. only thing is that the name is kinda weird. like it makes sense but sounds weird. 10/10
Guardian Bell: i like it more than i think i would. elegant looking, and i love the gargoyles on it. hate the sentient gargoyles tho. 8/10
Dual Disk: VERY cool! looks like it has a reverse grip. the teeth are really cool and i love the bright blue. 9/10
Ferris Gear: eh. pretty cute but i think my pinocchio bias is acting up. the gears are nice, reminds me of wishing star. 5/10
Knockout Punch: SO COOL. really love the spikiness and colors and that the guard looks like the monkey. unfortunately for it, i don't like monkey. 8/10
All for One: the design's nice and it matches the world... but eh. 5/10
Counterpoint: so fun!! the violin guard is great, and the blade looks so cool. the teeth are a little awkward looking, it goes up too much. 9/10
Divewing: RAD!. just a sword with a heart on it and i love it. just so fucking cool. and the guard looks like a wing so 10/10
Sweet Dreams: so cute :) in love with the meow wow on top, but the teeth go up too much again. and i think there should be some komory wings on it. 7/10
Ultima Weapon DDD: NICE. almost identical to the kh1 blade, but blue and BETTER. the wings above the guard and the crown coming out of dream eater sigil... brilliant. 10/10
Unbound: not a hit 💔 just kinda weird and unfinished looking? and the lime green bit is off-putting. the hear at the top is nice. 2/10
End of Pain: ok mood shift hello. looks like it should be one of terra's evil blades. at first i was thrown off but looking closer it's so cool. the wings and eye at the top... the horns above the guard... the butterfly and gazing eye (buttereye) keychain... magnificent. the blade reminds me of x2 dark knight paine's sword. 10/10
Ocean Rage: looks pretty cool at first but the monstro mouth guard is literally horrifying i don't want to look at it anymore 1/10
YMX's keyblade: apparently has no name and is different than the one in bbs. nothing new really to say since it looks pretty similar but the goat head on top is super interesting. how much did No Name (luxu) influence young xehanort... 9/10
Mirage Split: absolutely perfect. i can't think of anything that isn't positive to say. the stained glass, the heart by the teeth, the thin lines, the gradient, wings, pointy, the keychain, literally all perfect. 10/10
Nightmare's End: also utterly perfect. i don't like yellow but it works here and looks great. the cyan gradient is startling but matches MS so i love it. all the colors in the stained glass are wonderful. 10/10
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Starlight+: a little guady. but i love how the stars look like comets. the twisted blade looks neat too, but what's the point of the pointy bit on top. 7/10
Treasure Trove+: love that it looks golden and gem encrusted. very rich looking, but the cart is still leaking gems. 8/10
Lady Luck+: NOW the card thing makes more sense, i love how its incorporated throughout the design. more more interesting than the original. 9/10
Three Wishes+: looks like fire?? which is way cooler but why??? i like it more but where's the agrabah. 8/10
Olympia+: CLOUDS. like that zeus is in the clouds, but they took my columns. and the cyan handles are really weird. 7/10
Divine Rose+: excellent. what it should've been all along. the iridescenty guard is suuuper pretty and all the leaves and vines are great. 10/10
Moogle o' Glory: a lot happening here but i love smacking shit with a moogle head. there's so much happening and i don't really get it. 7/10
Fairy Stars+: i didn't know it could get better, the teeth is super cool looking but i wish the twisty blade was more visible. 9/10
Sleeping Lion+: love that it turns that metallic light blue color, very pretty. and the handle looks more like the gunblade! very nice looking and i used it a lot but the top is very weird. 9/10
Counterpoint+: let's take all the fun and exciting bits from the original and crANK IT UP TO ELEVEN. wait. stop. go back it's too much. very pretty still i love colors. 8/10
Fenrir+: my car key recovered from that fight. looks wayyy cooler and looks like ff7. hate the cyan glow though it feels weird. 6/10
Darkgnaw+: took me forever to find an image bc i keep calling it dreadgnaw. much cooler than the original, it looks like it's gonna bite you. the purple is also very nice. 9/10
Missing Ache+: POINTY. super cool but how does ventus twirl it around without poking himself. the colors are fun and it looks rad. 10/10
Diamond Dust+: i used this one the most <3 very pretty i love shades of blue and purple :) looks kinda icy but the top is weirdly flat. 9/10
Bad Guy Breaker: there's so much happening calm down 😭kinda nice but there's a lot to look at. also this world irritated me. 4/10
Gula's Keyblade: #leopardus4ever. as you can see, this keyblade is perfection. fun and spiky and lightningy. i think the whole blade should be lightning tho. 10/10
Aced's Keyblade: do any of these have names. anyway what a dreadgnaw ripoff 🙄 it suits him but guess what. i don't like him. 5/10
Ira's Keyblade: i don't like ira either but his blade is fucking great. love the teeth so much, and the colors. very pretty and cool 8/10
Invi's Keyblade: absolutely gorgeous. i love the flowing lines and little vines. love the colors and also it's super long. 9/10
Ava's Keyblade: girl this hurts to look at on a white background. very pretty though, i love how wispy and cloud-like it is. looks delicate which is great considering she'll kick anyone's ass. 8/10
No Name: unfortunately, this is absolutely wicked. look at it. it's wonderful. the goat head looks so much cooler than the other animal heads somehow, and i love the hollow center of the blade. and the teeth look like a claw, a little. just so fucking cool but i hate everyone who uses this. 10/10
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Shooting Star: super pretty, i love how this one flows. i wish the blade went down to wrap around the guard though, instead of cutting off. 8/10
Hero's Origin: they took away my clouds again. i like that half of it is just. zeus. the lightning bolts are cool, but the handle and guard don't really match. 6/10
Favorite Deputy: you are not my favorite deputy fuck you. i don't like toy story but i do like cactuses. 3/10
Ever After: this one's nice :) the guard is super pretty, but i wish there was more going on with the blade. 7/10
Happy Gear: this one's kinda ugly but i like it soo. the energy canister guard is cute. 7/10
Crystal Snow: i hate it so much. it's boring and the keychain is olaf and i don't like frozen. 1/10
Hunny Spout: pretty cute :) the honey jars remind me of sweetstack. i like the wooden handle. 7/10
Wheel of Fate: cool as hell that's my boat. love that the blade looks like a mast that's so cool. wish it wasn't so gray though. 8/10
Nano Gear: ah, here's the color. i like everything except how the nanobots look at the top. it's just kinda gross. 7/10
Grand Chef: oh this is so cute. but why is remy the teeth. poor rat :( but it looks very nice i like how the Tower goes into the guard 8/10
Classic Tone: fuckyoufuckyoufuc. i hate this one. pretty ugly and i don't like it. 2/10
Starlight: SO GOOD. very simple but i like that. looks mysteriously similar to the kingdom key? i love it but it needs a little more going on. 9/10
Ultima Weapon 3: LOOK AT IT. ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE THEY CAN'T MAKE A BETTER ULTIMA WEAPON. the silver and red look so good and it's spiky and cool. and the red is glittery!!! why? i don't care it's phenomenal. the spiky heart teeth. that it looks like it's moving. i wish i could break my rating scale. 10/10
Braveheart: riku kingdomhearts stole my fucking car key. we've all heard the complaints i'm not repeating them 1/10
Star Cluster: it's really nice >:( mickey switch with riku pleaase. the star theme is really cute and the colors are nice but why does it look so similar to the kingdom key. 8/10
Flame Liberator: i don't like the name but ok i guess. the keyblade is so fucking cool though. it's what bond of flame wanted to be. i love fire and it looks like it moves so hell yeah. 9/10
Xblade: still can't decide if i like this or not. How do you hold it comfortably. Love the glistening spiky bits. 8/10
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kessielrg · 3 years ago
[Kingdom Hearts] Messenger Chirithy
Summary: In which two Chirithy play messenger pigeon for their respective Keyblade wielders. Why? Because Gummiphones are supposed to be turned off during lessons, obviously. [VentusxOC][nonbinary Chirithy][post-Lost Lights]
Rating: K
Word Count: 1,517 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
Ven let out a long, annoyed sigh. The teen took a glance up at his friends, Terra and Aqua, as Aqua used Terra to move things around the training room. You would think that by now, Ven wouldn’t have to do the reading and writing portion of Keyblade training anymore. He was just as experienced as his friends. (Maybe even more if Chirithy would admit to it.) This kind of stuff was made for newer wielders like Kairi and Lea. If Ven kept reading about the ingredients to synthesis a Dream Eater, he was going to start crying tears of boredom.
“Chin up, Ven!” Chirithy happily declared, hopping into view to distract its wielder. “You still have about three pages to go, then you’ll have a fast quiz after.”
That only made Ven groan. Terra and Aqua didn’t even bother to turn around. Rude.
“Kairi’s not doing reading work today.” Ven whined. “And who knows what Lea’s doing today. Not training. Not when Roxas and Xion are starting school in Twilight Town.”
Ven let out another groan as he rubbed his face with his hands. He looked at his Chirithy with an increasing hopelessness.
“Do you think Aqua has Sabrina doing reading and writing stuff too? Maybe I could ask her.”
Chirithy crossed their arms, casting a skeptical look at its wielder. “Good idea- spare for one thing. No Gummiphones while training.”
“This isn’t training.” Ven spat. “This is reading. It’s worse.”
“Still training!” Chirithy replied in a sing-song voice. But still, it could tell how bored Ven was. Chirithy sighed. “You know,” it started to suggest, “If you write a letter to her, then Aqua might think that you’re taking notes instead.”
Ven looked at his Chirithy. His eyes grew wide at the prospect. Then, in the least conspicuous way possible, Ventus started to shuffle through his books for a blank piece of paper. Chirithy looked on with mild curiosity as Ven wrote a single sentence.
‘Is Aqua making you study Dream Eaters too?’
Biting his lip, Ven carefully folded the paper into three times before handing it to Chirithy.
“Here.” he said with a grin. Chirithy just looked at him.
“That’s it? Just a sentence?”
Ventus recoiled a bit. “Why?” the teen asked in genuine confusion. “What else could I say?”
“It’s still a letter, Ven. I say you gotta give it a little more meat. Otherwise, you might as well try to snag your Gummiphone from Terra and just text her.”
Ven glanced over at Terra, flinched, then looked back at Chirithy. “Alright,” he agreed. “We’ll write Sabrina a real letter. It would still be a break from all this reading.”
“There ya go!” Chirithy agreed with a grin. Ven gave the Dream Eater a firm nod before scratching out his old sentence, then writing something much longer. He just hoped Sabrina would like it.
. . .
Sabrina paced around her room as she read over the danger of Nightmares. On her bed, two bunny children were acting out a rather heated fight. One of the bunnies ended up the victor, while the loser pretended to be dramatically dying. If you felt like listening close enough, you would have sworn that the winner of the battle mentioned something about having ice cream with someone. Even a few Guardians felt like playing along- hanging around the ‘dying’ bunny kid like crystals rising into the air. But Sabrina wasn’t paying attention; her focus was too razor-sharp to even register the theatrics on her bed at the moment.
She wasn’t even paying that much attention when Chirithy appeared at the foot of her bed.
“I have a letter for you!” Chirithy declared.
Sabrina stopped her pacing with a blink. She looked at Chirithy, then raised a skeptic eyebrow.
“From who?” she asked.
“Ven. Apparently.”
“His Chirithy said that he didn’t want to study.”
“Yeah, sounds about right.” Sabrina snorted as she took the letter from the Dream Eater. The smirk she had as she read through the letter slowly started to become a look of horror.
“Oh no.”
“Remind me to tell Aqua to teach Ventus how to write a proper letter.” Sabrina said as she sat on the bed, allowing both Chirithy and the bunny children to read over the letter as well. “This is… wow. Okay, then.”
Sabrina let out a snort as Chirithy looked at the letter.
“I think it’s sweet.” Chirithy hummed as it glanced up at Sabrina.
“And that’s exactly what’s wrong with it,” she decided as she got up. She set the letter down on her desk before going through the desk’s drawers. From one drawer she pulled out a rather fancy inkwell, and from another she pulled out a just as fancy ink pen. Sabrina sat down at her desk in preparation to write her return letter.
Chirithy hopped into the air to leave the bed, only to appear on top of Sabrina’s desk. The bunny children stayed on the bed, laying on their stomachs as they observed their big sis like they were watching TV instead. Sabrina got into a rather firm posture as her guided the pen across the paper. There was an art is calligraphy- one that she took with extreme pride in.
Who on earth taught you how to write a letter? That thing has to be the most disastrous piece of parchment I have yet to lay eyes on. Paragraphs are a thing- use them.’
“Ow. Harsh.” Chirithy noted.
“Oh, but dear Chirithy, I’ve got far more up my sleeve.” Sabrina replied with cunning grin.
“Now I’m scared.”
Both wielder and Chirithy looked at each other, then shared an equal grin before Sabrina continued to write.
. . .
A few hours later, Chirithy patiently waited at Yen Sid’s tower. The Dream Eater kicked its legs as it sat at the foot of the steps. Chirithy hummed a rather jaunty tune to itself, even moving its head from side to side with every half beat. Where had they heard that song? It wasn’t anything Ventus knew.
“Hey Chirithy!”
Chirithy looked up and smiled. Sabrina’s Chirithy was bounding up to Ven’s Chirithy with a new letter in its hand. Like all of Sabrina’s other letters, it was neatly placed inside an envelope with a personal seal embossed on the top left corner. (The first two letters she sent were actually sealed with wax. But in finding that she and Ventus would be sending far more letters to each other, she quickly did away with it for an envelope that could be used over and over again.) If Chirithy tried to breath in deep enough, it could get a whiff of lavender. At this point, it wasn’t sure if it was coming from the letter or the other Chirithy.
“Just in time, Chirithy!” Ven’s Chirithy greeted. It got up from the steps to meet Sabrina’s Chirithy halfway. The duo gave each other a respectful nod before the Chirithy exchanged the letter.
“Is this the last letter of tonight?” Ven’s Chirithy asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Sabrina’s Chirithy replied. It seemed a bit perplexed at the idea. “She’s taking this quite seriously. It’s almost something I’ve never seen out of her before.”
“Ven’s totally lost track of time too.” Chirithy nodded. “Lemme tell ya something, Chirithy. I did not expect her to scent her letters with perfume. It almost blew the whole operation up right then and there.”
“Trust me, you should have seen my surprise when she pulled out an actual inkwell.”
Chirithy jumped back in shock. “She uses real ink?!”
The other Chirithy just folded its arms and gave the first a rather hard stare. “When was the last time you saw a generic pen use purple ink that changes to green when you look at it a certain way?”
“Point taken.” Chirithy thoughtfully nodded. It thought about something for a moment, then gave a small chortle. “She’s so extra.”
“Yeah.” the second Chirithy agreed. It even stood a bit taller with pride. “But it’s only because she likes him.”
Ven’s Chirithy laughed. Not long after, the other Chirithy joined in as well. At this point, Sabrina’s silent admiration for Ventus was well known to both Chirithy. There were precious few things wielders could hide from their special Dream Eaters to begin with. Budding feelings for another wielder were definitely at the top of the list.
As their enjoyment faded somewhat, Sabrina’s Chirithy placed a hand by its head in thought. “I hope they don’t do this all night.” it mused. “This is kinda exhausting.”
“It is.” Chirithy sighed. It let out a thoughtful hum before asking, “Is she having fun?”
“Of course!” the other Chirithy happily nodded. “I haven’t seen her so interested in anything since Aqua’s first training lesson.”
“That’s good. Well, got to go. She’s really keeping Ven is suspense.”
“No doubt. See you again in about 10 minutes, Chirithy.”
“See ya, Chirithy.”
And with that, both Chirithy returned to their respective wielders. They didn’t know it yet- but it was going to be a long night as well.
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nadziejastar · 5 years ago
Are you at some point planning to write the scenario of how Ventus and Lea could have met again in KH3?
Yes, I already have a rough draft of that scene, since I was so excited to write it. During my KH3 rewrite fic, I will feature the scene where Lea reunites with Ventus. I plan to have Ventus talk things out with Aqua underneath the stars first at Yen Sid’s tower. Then, she can sense unfinished business between Ven and Lea and encourages Ventus to go and talk things out with him. 
That was...not the right time for the Saix/Axel subplot to be dealt with. Saix should have been a mind-controlled puppet at that point. His subplot should have been resolved after the final battle when Lea would use the power of waking. So, after Yen Sid’s tower, Sora, Riku, and Kairi go to Destiny Island. Sora and Kairi share a paopu. And Lea takes Ventus back to Twilight Town where they eat ice cream and talk and resolve their subplot. 
Vanitas can feel some of what Ventus feels, and he says Terra is the key. Ventus has loved Terra like a real brother ever since he let him keep his old wooden Keyblade. It seems we have found a loose thread at which we can tug to unravel Ventus's heart.
Ventus realizes that Terra was Xemnas’s vessel and it's difficult for him. Lea emotionally supports him through this. Also, Lea learns more about Terra and the wooden keepsake he picked up the day they met. Ventus was a test subject. Axel was the one to help him when he was "broken”, just like Terra did before. That’s why they have a special bond. 
Day 357: To My Best Friend
Author: Axel
Roxas left. It's so like him to just leave that WINNER ice cream stick behind. Come tomorrow, I'll probably get the order to hunt him down, but leaving that here makes it feel so permanent. I wish the three of us—three? No. That the two of us could share some ice cream again someday. That's what it is to be friends.
And Ventus finally learns that Lea’s best friend was also a vessel and how lonely Axel always was. And Ven emotionally supports him. Roxas was the one to eat ice cream and reminded him what it was like to have a best friend. That’s why they have a special bond. The Winner stick is mentioned again. They finally come to understand each other and grow closer.
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yen-sids-tournament · 1 year ago
And We Have Our Disney Podium!
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The Winner of our Disney Animal Besties Tournament is:
the escaped destructive force Experiment 626 who found Ohana on Kaua'i with Lilo (and Nani, David, two alien dads, and all those other experiments eventually).
Second place goes to PERRY THE PLATYPUS, O.W.C.A. nemesis of Dr. Doofenshmirtz and beloved pet of Phineas and Ferb.
Booyah! RUFUS, Ron Stoppable's nacho eating naked mole rat, slides into the bronze position.
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Here is the link to the Non-Disney Podium
Thank you for participating!
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glowyjellyfish · 5 years ago
I want to make up some Disney Movie Awards as I go along rewatching them, ie
Most Badass (Male)
Pecos Bill
(Runner up Basil Of Baker Street)
Most Badass (Female)
Helga Sinclair 
(Runner up Miss Bianca)
Jose Carioca
Most Undervalued Character
tba but it’s a good category
Most Underrated Movie
Weirdest Movie
Fun and Fancy Free
(May have competition from Chicken Little, we’ll see)
Most Adorkable (Male)
Johnny Appleseed
Most Adorkable (Female)
Snow White
Biggest Dick
Biggest Dick Energy
Yen Sid
Panchito Pistoles
Biggest Himbo
Brom Bones
(Honorable mentions: Casey at the Bat, Henry Coy)
...as you can see, for some of them I immediately know the winner over all the movies off the top of my head, while for others I am trying to notice and place them as I go. For the most part, this is just “as of watching Cinderella”, and I hope to add more. There’s no way Snow White is the most adorkable lady overall, she’s just the most/only even slightly adorkable lady so far.
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angelspigeon · 6 years ago
One of my friend did a prompt about Akusai/Leaisa and she allowed me to write about it! I’ll put the tweet after the fic so you can not be spoiled if you don’t want to be spoiled!
Please don’t hesitate to look over her work, she’s a gifted artist!! She’s @poppetnoix here and on Twitter too!!!
Also... HAPPY AKUSAI MONTH y’all!!
(The fic will be mostly posted under a crop so you can easily pass this ticket but you can also push this cute door and read it on AO3 if you prefer this!! > |  °| < )
Words number: 1 997
It’s fluff!!!
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“Come on, pleaaaase!!! Uncle Scrooge!!!!”
The duck looked up at him, frowning.
“I’m not your Uncle.”
In front of him, Lea opened his mouth to protest then folded his arms and stared back the wealthy-duck.
“Yeah, you’re not. Mister Scrooge…”
“Mister McDuck! Pleaaaaase! I’ll beg on my knees! I’ll say how much you’re an awesome maaaaduck! Duck! I’ll pay you!”
The duck looked up at those words, smiling a little more.
“You’ll pay me, you say?”
“I WILL! Just help me, please! Please, please, please!”
“Very well. But you will have to sign a contract saying that you can’t share the recipe!”
“And can only do it ONCE!”
“Obviously,” Lea said, nodding.
“And if you ever lie to me and still do it, you will have to pay one million of munnies!”
“O…  Obviously!” he said again.
“And you will pay ten thousands munnies!”
“Uh?” Lea said, folding his arms.
“For the recipe. It’s ten thousands munnies.”
“It’s… okay! Okay! I’ll give it to ya! I’ll sign your paper and then pleaaase, I can have it?”
“Of course!”
Lea smiled, relieved. He leaned over the Duck and took his hands in his.
“Thank you very much!! You’re saving my life!”
“Your life, uh��� So maybe…”
“Oh crap…”
Isa was still at his job while Lea was at home. It was often like that, to be fair. While he did little job here and there so he was always free to protect the Worlds, or go training with Kairi or Yen Sid, or both!! While Isa had a very organized and scheduled work at the library. That really fit Isa and he found him so cute to always come back with books he’d read before falling asleep. Lea was so weak of seeing him softly dozing on some novels. Well… that was probably a bad sign for the book itself but whatever! It was for the pleasure of seeing him quite!
There, since Isa wouldn’t come back before three hours, he still had time.
He was having a hard time, the kitchen becoming a mess with green-blue spot a bit everywhere. Mostly blue to be fair. While he loved the blue and wanted to have it absolutely everywhere, he knew Isa would kill him for that so… he would have to deal with that. To make everything clean again.
Three hours… he could deal with that.
But first, he had to finish that. The tongue slightly out as he was pouring a liquid on special recipient. Well… he was pouring in the recipient and outside, the table being totally soaked. He quickly saved the stick laid on the corner of the table and put them in the other side before writing on one.
He looked the second one and wrote on it too.
It was surer to his opinion!
And, as the blue liquid was sliding along the wood, he used his nail, and his natural warm, to engrave the stick just where he had written.
He was taking his time, the droplets falling one by one with a tiny sound. As if the seconds were counted.
Isa will be back in two hours.
Two hours!
He would have fifteen minutes more, the time Isa would come back from work. But not more!
Lea slid the stick in the liquid preparation and then everything in the deep freezer. It was fast but he was afraid that would be too short anyway.
However, he still had a lot to do. Not only tidy everything up.
He had no time to lose!
At this moment, all he wished was to have Even’s power and maybe Demyx’s?
He hadn’t time to complain! He had so much things to do!!
  The soft red color of Twilight Town was disappearing into the Night, letting place to the Moon that was softly lighting Isa’s path as he came back from work.
He opened the door and took out vest and boots.
“I’m home!” he said.
A soft fragrance welcomed him too. It wasn’t rare that Lea brought food from outside so Isa didn’t have to deal that after a long day of work. But it was stronger. The kind of perfume saying to you that food had been cooking here. Maybe because there was a slight burn smell?
Isa walked in the kitchen, untying his hairs.
“Woah!” Lea said. “Hello!” He came to him and kissed his cheek softly. “Always happy to see you.”
“Always happy to ravish your Heart,” Isa smirked before kissing him. “And to see you, obviously.”
“Obviously. And you could stop to steal my Heart! It’s still already yours. All yours!”
Isa kissed him again, caressing his throat. Then he glanced at the oven where he could see a big plate, of pasta if he referred to the perfume, warming slowly.
“Thank you to take care of the food.” He glanced at the kitchen. “And the cleaning?”
“Yeah! It was the least after the money you bring back.” He raised his hand, as if he was swearing in front of twelves jurors. “I’m doing my best!”
“Don’t worry.”
Isa didn’t ask more. Just to see him try. To have him helping as much as he could.
“How was your day?” Lea asked as he took the plate out of the oven.
Without anything but his hands. He had no problems with the heat after all because he was always taming the fire as much as he would… It was the best, especially for cooking and for giving warming hug when it was cold.
But… yes, his plates were often at least a bit burnt. As if the fire reminded to him…
“Full. Nothing peculiar but full. And you?”
“Never stopped running!” he said. “I had a lot to do but now everything is alright! I even have ice cream for us as a dessert!!”
As he was serving the two plates, he looked Isa’s expression. He knew his dearly beloved wasn’t the fondest in sea salt ice cream but usually he didn’t refuse them. Today wasn’t an exception. Oof!
“You’re doing great!”
“Thank you!” Lea smiled to him as they sat in the chairs. “You always support me. Thank you very much.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Isa asked.
Maybe because he hated himself because, when he had no Heart, he lacked of this. When he was younger, he teased him but believed in him. But Saïx… Saïx was a jerk. Or seemed so? Roxas and Xion said so, at least. When Lea said it was nothing and he never stopped loving him. Even when he was harsh. Even when they had walked on another path, thinking they would never be together again…
But they were together and Roxas and Xion, though annoying him, liked him and he liked them too? Often, he’d read a story to Xion because she knew so much about life, she enjoyed to discover way much things, dreaming. Roxas would sneak sometimes, just to enjoy the story too.
“You’re perfect, Isa!” Lea said, kissing his cheek with softness.
“You’re blinded by love,” he replied.
And bent toward him to whisper in his hear ‘you’re perfect.’
Lea smiled and hugged him softly. He would love to eat him but… those pastas waited for him.
  One thing Isa really wanted, when they had finished to eat, was to do the dishes. And it was to do before the dessert of course. Especially when all they needed was to throw the sticks in the trash after.
But Lea was really excited about the dessert incoming.
As he put the last dish in the cupboard, he glanced at Isa.
“I’m coming with the ice cream! Why not going in the garden? Watch the Moon?”
“You always have the Words with me,” Isa replied with a smile.
He pressed a kiss on his lips and intertwined their fingers, moving backward and only letting go on him when he had no others choice. The night was a bit cold maybe it was a bad idea to take an ice cream but Lea loved them so much…
Isa didn’t need to turn of the little light outside because the Moon was doing a beautiful work, helped by the stars.
Few instants after, Lea arrived with the two precious ice cream. He gave one to Isa and sat next to him on the bench, watching his face under the pale Moon’s light. He passed his arm around him to spread warm within him and so Isa smiled to him, biting in the popsicle.
Lea was next to him, looking him and not being able to even touch his ice cream while it was his favorite treat…
His cheeks were scarlet and his eyes only focusing on him.
Was it weird to look someone eating his ice cream? Was it weird to stare your boyfriend when he was eating?
“It’s beautiful…” Isa said, dreamily, looking at the big Moon in the veil of night.
“Yes…” Lea replied, only observing him.
Snuggling in his warms arms, Isa looked down to his stick. His lover and the two teenagers always looked for the Winner Stick. While he didn’t care about this, if he’d have it, he would have to choose which one would receive it.
He noticed the crown on the stick.
Or maybe he should just burn it?
He turned his head toward Lea, noticing the ice cream was melting in his boyfriend’s hand.
“Something is wrong?”
“No. I’m just staring at you.”
“Stooop,” Isa whispered. He snuggled a bit more in his arms. “You should eat.”
“Yeah!” Lea said.
But his guts were messing up with him. He couldn’t eat, just watch as Isa was eating the ice cream.
The sound of the dripping make Isa look down, once again, as he was at the middle of his ice cream, maybe a bit more.
“You’re sure everything is alright? I thought you could eat three all alone?”
“I could eat like twenty!” Lea laughing.
He was still red and Isa slid his fingers along his cheeks, then his forehead.
“I’m fine, my sweetest Moon. You should… You should you know…”
“Eat? Worrying for you is more amusing,” he said with a slight smirk.
It wasn’t exactly that but it was, indeed, a bit worrisome to see him like that.
Lea pointed out the stick.
Isa supposed he had saw the crown and let out a soft sigh. “Very well, you can have i…t?”
He just looked down and didn’t read ‘nner’ but ‘rry me’. He frowned and finished the ice cream with a bit more of impatience.
“Marry me?” he read. “But…”
Suddenly, he couldn’t talk anymore. He was looking the stick and… it wasn’t possible? It must be an error. A default in the printing. A… a big default but just a default!
“Will you?”
Isa turned his head toward Lea, so red and flustering. It was so rare to see Lea like and the ice cream wasn’t the only thing melting when he saw him that way.
“Will you marry me?”
The stick felt on Isa’s lap and his hands slid on Lea’s cheeks, kissing him with passion. Lea hugged him back, replying to his love. His own ice cream crashed on the floor but the sea salt taste had never been as delicious as in Isa’s lips.
“Is that a yes?” he asked with a laugh.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes!” Isa blushed when he realized how wild the passion had grabbed him. He looked away. “I mean… Yes, it’d be a pleasure.”
Lea smiled and kissed him again. His lover’s lips, his fiancé’s lips, were spread in a big smile as he did.
“I love you.”
Isa pressed his forehead against him.
“I love you too…” he replied, love burning in his voice. “How… How did you do?”
“Uh…” Lea thought about what he did to have the recipe and smiled wildly. “With love!”
Isa knew he was hiding something but he didn’t insist. He preferred kissing his… future husband!
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plumedesimili · 6 years ago
Without him
Word count :  955 Note : KH3 spoilers Read on AO3 | FFNet Summary : Life had to go on, and Destiny's Island was buzzing with activity - even though they still had to save their best friend, these two childhood friends couldn't neglect their other responsibilities as Keyblade Wielders.
It was a hot, sunny day on Destiny’s Island, and while the main island was living its quiet, everyday life, the side island was buzzing with activity.
“Riku, hand me the hammer over, please.”
“Watch out for your fingers, this time.”
“Hehe, don’t worry, even I learn from my mistakes!”
They weren’t really children anymore, and they had been through more than many adults already. Riku and Kairi were upgrading their house in the trees, building bunk beds and adding solar panels to the roof. They both had their share of cuts and bruises, splinters and blisters, but nothing could stop them. Kairi would cover any cut with cute little plasters she had since she was a kid, and Riku didn’t really mind having pink and yellow bandages, even when they had princesses and fairies drawn on them.
“Sorry, that’s all Mum could find,” the young woman had apologized at first, but Riku laughed it off.
“Kairi, we’ve spent years protecting princesses. I’m happy to see they’re the ones protecting me right now. Right, princess?” He winked as she shrieked, almost missing the nail.
“Don’t you start with that!” She complained. Usually, only Lea called her that because he knew how much she hated it ; seeing Riku and Lea finally get along wasn’t that much of a relief if it was at her own expense.
“Alright, what do you think of it?” They both took a couple of steps back, looking at their finished work. With the help of Riku’s dad, the shack was now bigger, and with the beds they just built, up to six people could sleep in there.
“That looks just fine! Okay, guys, you can bring everything in!” Kairi called from the door, her eyes sparkling. Their childhood friends came in, wearing futons and pillows.
“Wow, you guys did a wonderful job!” Selphie said, clearly impressed. Wakka looked at everything, checking if things were safe, while Tidus didn’t wait to jump on it and test first hand if it would hold. It did. They set up everything, and left Tidus and Selphie in charge of the decoration. The three others left the shack to move to the back of the island, were other people were working hard on some structure.
“Remind me what this is for?” Wakka was looking at the pier they were building.
“A place for the Gummi ship to land safely,” Kairi said with a smile. They were getting help from a lot of people, and it was heartwarming to see everyone working so hard. The Gummi ship was a secret they only let their three childhood friends know, as well as their parents, upon Master Yen Sid’s approval. To everyone else, this was yet another pier on an island, nothing unusual. This side of the island could not be seen from the main island, which would make visits from outer worlds safer, granted they landed on water a bit further away.
Next to the pier, another area was being built. It was an arena. Master Yen Sid, Donald Duck and even Merlin were here to work on it : enchanting it so that magic could be used within its boundaries, but wouldn’t be able to go through and hurt someone. This was the only thing being built where magic was allowed : Kairi and Riku had insisted that everything else should be done by hand only, the way they did when they were kids and magic was just a fantasy in their books.
“I’m so excited about this arena,” whispered Kairi. “I can’t wait to train there! Remember your promise, Riku. I’ll be your first opponent, and no one should hold back.”
“I’ll take whoever’s the winner!” cheered Wakka, and they all smiled.
“Sora won’t believe how much this changed,” Riku finally said, looking at his island. Kairi chuckled, nodding.
“So… He will come back, then, won’t he?” Wakka asked in a low voice. Riku put his hand on his shoulder.
“Of course he will. This is Sora we’re talking about. No matter what, he always comes back. We will find him, and we will bring him home.”
“You guys sound so confident. Aren’t you afraid that he might…” The young man couldn’t even finish his sentence, his eyes lost at sea. There was no need. They all understood.
“Are we afraid? Yes,” Kairi confided, “we’re afraid. Every day. We’re worried it’s too late. We’re worried it’s never been too late because there wasn’t any opportunity to bring him back to begin with. We’re worried we’re missing our only chance because we’re busy building houses and piers and arenas. But you know what, Wakka?” Even though she was crying, her voice was steady, her eyes filled with determination. “We’re doing exactly what Sora would do. We have to save him. We have to bring him home. And we will. But we cannot forget about everyone else, we cannot forget about life itself. We still need to look out for everyone. We need to remember about training, about hanging out with people, about living. Life without him needs to be almost like life with him, just a bit less fun. So that he can be proud of us when he comes back.”
This was the way their lives were now. They would keep on looking for ways to bring him back, but without neglecting their duties as guardians, wielders, masters and apprentices. They would train, keep an eye on potential wielders, spend time with their families and friends. They would laugh, they would cry, they would do anything they used to do when he was here.
Because there was no If he comes back.
He would come back home, and they would laugh and cry together.
Just the way they should.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 6 years ago
Turn me to Gold
Summary: Kairi had never liked yellow... and when her time training and in the Keyblade War is surrounded by that color, she thinks that maybe that somehow had something to do with her failures there. But her failures don't have to stay that way, right? Maybe she can finally succeed in finding Sora! Friendships. Kairi-centric. Character story. During Kingdom Hearts III. Leading into KHIV.
Kairi had watched this show once, where a student—in his first wrestling match—had essentially won a tournament by accident... And the person he'd won against had then demanded he go up against him again. And when the winner hadn't accepted the rematch, the loser kept getting up in his face and calling him "yellow": "yellow, yellow, yellow", to be exact. And for the life of her... ever since she'd come to train with Merlin, Kairi couldn't get the memory of this show out of her head.
She was just so concerned that she was going to completely fail in the Keyblade War, and her loved ones would only remember how far she’d fallen when all was said and done. And that was why—as beautiful as this green space Merlin had provided them to train in was—Kairi couldn't help but to blanch, when she saw dandelions all around her and even stepped on a few of them by accident. Gods, did she hope she didn't somehow just suck their yellowness into herself by doing so... And Lea (who Kairi still wasn’t sure how she felt about yet) must have noticed her discomfort when she did this:
Because cocking his head to the side and looking at her rather uncertainly, he asked: "Are you okay, Kairi?" And Kairi was quick to nod and try and reassure her companion that she was. ...But she had her own doubts on the subject. And maybe it was because of that—and not so much being affected by yellow—that Kairi felt that she couldn’t get her body to move the way she wanted it to during training that day.
... The next time Kairi had thoughts about yellow—though this didn't come until much later, because she'd been doing good to banish it from her mind—was when she surprisingly ran into Sora one night at the Mysterious Tower. Kairi was getting ahead of herself, she knew… but she'd come to ask Master Yen Sid if she could take the Mark of Mastery in the near future: perhaps it would give her something to strive for even moreso, and then she could excel at training that way.
And if Sora and Riku had taken it, after having all their skills stripped and having to learn them again in the Dream Worlds, maybe it wasn't too out of the question that the Wizard might want to do the same for her.
Kairi thought to herself that since Merlin’s plans didn’t seem to be working for her, perhaps Master Yen Sid would want to try this sooner rather than later? It was when Kairi was having these ideas, and trying to make her way to the former Keyblade Master's study, that she literally ran into Sora... Who was shockingly rummaging through the Sorcerer’s pantry for cookies? …Once the two friends calmed down from being "attacked by someone" at ten 'o clock in the evening, and then got over how dumbfounded they were to be seeing each other before their meeting in the Keyblade Graveyard (something neither had thought would happen), Sora was quick to explain his side of the story. "Sorry, Kairi. We ran out of food in the gummi ship, if ya can believe it. So, I thought I'd borrow some food from Master Yen Sid here, for Donald, Goofy, and myself. But I didn't know it was so late here! Hehe." Sora said the last bit, as he scratched his head nervously and grinned at her.
And to that, Kairi could only laugh—enamored with Sora as she always was—as she assured him: “It’s fine, Sora. If anyone should apologize, it's me. I actually had some idea of the time... and I was still coming to ask the Great Wizard about me taking the Mark of Mastery exam." And it was when Kairi said that, that she became aware of what sort of cookies Sora was holding in his hands and could only gawk at them.
They were mostly harmless, really—though Kairi had always thought that the frosting on these sugar cookies had almost seemed cemented on—but she couldn't get over the ghastly color of them. ...It wasn't even that she disliked them in particular—she admired these treats greatly… And it was perhaps in having had too many of them before her adventure last year, that she'd been unable to fit through the bars of her prison… Before Kairi’s mini freak-out, Sora had started to ask Kairi something about the Mark of Mastery--she'd heard him begin to utter the words—but he seemed to quickly change his mind when he saw the look she was now giving the dessert. "You never were big on yellow," Sora muttered to himself—now hiding the sugary items behind his back, which Kairi was thankful for. "…Which is maybe a bit weird, since you're a princess of light. But who am I to judge?" Kairi—not wanting to hint at just how much she'd perhaps lost her mind, or to keep Sora from his duties any longer—gave the boy a quick hug, and told him if there was any reason she disliked yellow... it was because they marked the stars she'd always have to lose him and Riku behind... But she'd selflessly do so, anyway. And the two of them bid each other the sad farewell they’d known they’d have to for the time being, but did so with grace.
… Sora was busy talking to Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Ventus, Aqua, and Lea in the back of the gummi ship, so that was why he wasn't piloting it for once. At first, they thought they could just ask Donald to do it… but apparently there was a reason Sora had taken over flying from him. So Riku manning the helm, it was. And Kairi had come to see him, so he wouldn't get lonely. "Question, Riku." the redhead said, as she leaned her arm over his shoulder and peered into her dear friend's face. "…Does the gummi ship look yellow to you?" Riku shrugged, before he turned his attention to manning the controls again. "Ish? But it looks more cream or white to me. Why do you ask, Kairi? …Aside from the fact that you've never liked yellow." The princess thought strongly of saying nothing... she didn't want to decrease morale, after all, or jinx anything… or put bad thoughts into anyone's head. But... "It's just-" she began before she could stop herself, fiddling with her necklace as she did so... "I didn't have as much luck with my training as I would have hoped. And, yeah: paranoid and superstitious or not... I think it has something to do with yellow. That color... doesn't like me, ever since that man with those eyes kidnapped me as a child. And bad things seem to happen whenever I run into it." Except for with people like Naminé, she of course wanted to add. But herhair was more white, anyway. But before Kairi could voice that, Riku was already appraising her. "...Kairi, is this partly because you suddenly thought your charm wouldn't be enough to protect all of us... So, you decided to move up to a paopu for Sora and yourself, but now feel uncertain about that?"
The truth? Kairi hadn’t consciously thought of that. But now that Riku had put it into her head, she couldn’t deny that it was a possibility she did feel this way.
At the moment, she was just about to give Riku the lucky charm that Sora had recently returned to her… but Riku stopped her, with his fingers over her own.
“Kairi… I think you know better than anyone—my now girly-girl friend—why too much thought shouldn’t be put into colors being cursed, or whatever. Surely Kingdom Hearts and the worlds gave them to us for a reason’.”
And she couldn’t argue with that, Kairi acknowledged inwardly with a smile.
So, telling herself to just entertain the bored Riku, like she’d meant to do since coming over here, Kairi couldn’t help asking proudly: “So… what is this I hear about you wanting to save my Other, too?”
In the end, things at the Keyblade War did not go well for Kairi… and she knew that that was putting it mildly.
Sora was now dead… because she’d been unable to defend herself, been murdered--and he had paid the ultimate price to bring her back.
And while it was so very foolish to be thinking about this now—because maybe her distracted thoughts during the Keyblade War were what had led to her doing so badly—she couldn’t help thinking it had been yellow’s fault.
And she found herself telling Donald and Goofy that now, as they quietly came to sit beside her—one on either side—on the dock.
“You know… I never understood why Sora didn’t wear bright colors himself,” Kairi explained—making sure to look at the court magician and captain of the royal guard in equal turn, even though she didn’t feel quite up to it at the moment. “…After his first journey, I mean. Sora shone brighter than anyone else did, so why…?! I didn’t get it. “But now I wonder if it’s because he subconsciously knew what had happened with Roxas, even then, and that… that guilt reacted to the Three Good Fairies striking him with their magic, and turned his outfit black. Because how could someone who stole the existence of another for themselves wear white… or something close to it, like yellow?”
“Kairi!” Donald quacked somewhat angrily, Kairi could tell. Perhaps thinking, in her grief, that she was now blaming Sora.
And Goofy frowned, as if thinking the same exact thing.
But Kairi swiftly let them know that that wasn’t the case:
“Don’t misunderstand. I don’t blame Sora for the Roxas situation, or anything like it… It just happened without him knowing it… He had no control over it, it’s true, but when he learned of it… he made certain to set it right.
“And maybe… maybe I’ll be the same way, if you’ll help me: I’ll take a page out of Sora’s book—and wear black myself: the way I should have after what I did to Naminé—but I’m going to look for him the way he always looked for me… and all will be right again.”
Kairi could tell that Donald and Goofy wanted to argue her belief of colors, the way that everyone else had.
But she was glad that they both—so in-tune with each other—breathed a sigh at the same time, and seemed to think better of it.
And both the dog and duck took one of her hands into their own Keyblade-wielding ones.
The new trio—for the time being—watched the gummi ship that the King had gone to get for them coming their way.
And it was when they could hear the sounds of the engines, that Goofy chose to speak: “The color yellow isn’t all bad, Kairi: Why, isn’t that the shade of the pendant Master Aqua enchanted for you, that first brought you to Sora? Push all the other versions of it away now, if ya must… But focus on that and your bond, and you’re sure to find him!”
And as those words reached her, Kairi realized she’d heard something like them before: when she’d been in Sora’s heart.
That special boy had been fretting that he would never find her or the King… and pondering how Donald and Goofy remained so cheerful and didn’t worry.
But then Goofy had promised Sora that they would find what they were looking for, if they just believed in themselves: Something they’d just learned about in Neverland before that, even.
And hearing this was exactly the kind of medicine Kairi needed for her wound.
So Kairi let Goofy and them know this—as they were teleported into the gummi ship together: now headed somewhere with a dark castle.
Kairi’s words sounded warmer—like a just-baked pie—than they had in a long time, and perhaps that was the answer to everything.
“Thank you… Donald… Goofy.”
Together, they looked towards the horizon.
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