#orlando corradi
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haveyouseenthisromcom · 6 months
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Mod Notes: 1.) The film is also known as Angel's Friends: Tra Sogno e Realta.
2.) I was unable to find a good poster for the film itself. I believe this is from the series, and I'm sorry if it's not a good representation.
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madhogthymaster · 4 months
Brain Bubble: Monkeys Violating The Heavenly Temple (My Mind is The Temple)
On occasion, my mind wanders back to that Tails solo-game on the old SEGA Game Gear system. You do know the one, right?
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When I do so, I think about the lad himself. His jaunty walk cycle, to be specific. His jolly, not-a-care-in-the-world, confident yet adorable, serotonin-producing strut. That walk.
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The memory of such occurrence brings me back in time even further, back to a period when I would sit in front of the television, tune in on a future defunct channel that would constantly play older Japanese animated series imported to my country a decade before my birth. On occasion, I would see a certain jolly, not-a-care-in-the-world, confident yet adorable strut.
And I would get my serotonin.
But enough of me deconstructing my own autistic brain! What you just witnessed was the closing sequence for Gokū no Daibōken, a TV adaptation of Xiyou ji (also known as Saiyuki or Journey to the West), one of the most renowned Chinese literary works. The anime was produced by Osamu Tezuka's Mushi Production in 1967 and then localized for the Italian market by SINCROVOX in 1980. What you just watched (and heard) was indeed the Italian sigla, an original composition played over the end credits sequence. We've had plenty of those, back in the day.
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As an aside, this show was simply known as The Monkey during our local TV run. It came to us during the Anime Boom of 1978-83, along with hundreds of other series. Many of which would include plenty of Tatsunoko IPs, Doraemon and its many clones, other Tezuka series and every Super Robot anime under the sun. If you are more curious about the subject, there is an ancient podcast of mine in which I go into more detail on the key figure responsible for it. Spoilers: the whole story somehow involves that infamous animated Titanic film. No, not the rapping dog one, The Other One.
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Anyway, I simply wanted to share with you a primordial memory of my childhood, a weird random thought that spiraled out of control - as it's wont to do. Indubitably, you must be feeling enriched by the experience. I might post more of these unstructured brain bubbles in the future as a way to get my mental juices flowing if I can't be bothered to write full articles or essays. To summarize: this monkey lives in my head and he does not pay rent.
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tlaquetzqui · 2 years
Oh my, Orlando Corradi's knock-off Disney Titanic! The one made partially in North Korea and co-directed by a North Korean! The one which had a sequel! And it's not even the most off-kilter Disney knock-off the man and his company did! They had a Lion King rip-off series that is also a direct sequel to their earlier Jungle Book/Mowgli series, which ended being correct on existence of lions in India purely by accident. I just grew up with Mondo TV's cartoons, and while they do have genuinely good Saturday morning cartoon adaptations of various things, most of their repertoire is just ridiculous, wild and mostly visibly cheap Disney rip-offs and way less ridiculous but still cheap animated Bible adaptations. Man, even remembering some of the serials needs a "I kid you not" disclaimer...
I love when people combine things into one continuity by brute force. (Which is not the same as saying I love the things that are the result of them doing that.)
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
Assista a "Cinderella Monogatari OST" no YouTube
@sunlit-music @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @astrangechoiceoffavourites @superkingofpriderock @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @mademoiselle-princesse
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fairyetc · 3 years
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firefaerie81 · 5 years
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Cinderelly, Cinderelly Night and day, it’s Cinderelly
From left to right: Disney’s Cinderella, Orlando Corradi’s Cinderella, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella as played by Brandy, Linh Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles, Ashlynn Ella from Ever After High, and Rose Cinderella from Regal Academy.
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cutiekins01 · 8 years
The Story of Cinderella
1996, Japanese/Italian
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mamapriest · 4 years
Katia Della Fonte Bodypainter 
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The Orlando Furioso. Swiss BodyPainting Festival.
Lugano 2013. Model: Valentina Corradi
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teamlyra · 7 years
Team Yume Podcast: "The Legend of the Italian Disney"
Devar lends his dumbfounded ear as Madhog explains how "The Legend of the Titanic" is inexplicably connected with the distribution of Japanese animations in Italy - don't worry, it will all make sense in context. This episode discusses: "Simba the King Lion", Orlando Corradi and Mondo TV, the 1978's Italian Anime Boom, "Secret of Mana", the basic appeal and gameplay philosophy of the "Animal Crossing" franchise, "The Good Place", "Erma" and so much more. --- SUPPORT MADHOG ON PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Madhog TUMBLR: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/adrian.madhog TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AdrianoBordoni1 WEBSITE: http://www.paradiseandfaries.com --- Get the MP3 file here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15763313
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lisaflor-blog1 · 7 years
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Cinderella and the Prince Charles: An Animated Classic - Orlando Corradi | Kids & ...
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tarditardi · 7 years
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La Top 100 degli Influencer Italiani in ambito clubbing & co by Riccardo Sada è farlocca... al 61esimo posto c’è quel pirla di Lorenzo Tiezzi (ma è un giochino così divertente, presto la Top 50 di AllaDiscoteca)
1 Alberto Gobbi, manager 2 Paul David Sears, manager 3 Gianluca Vacchi, dj 4 Alberto “aNight” Fumagalli, manager 5 Federico Cirillo, Universal Music Italia, A&R e Dance Dept 6 Marco Mazzi, DJ Mag Italia, imprenditore 7 Matteo Esse, A&R 8 Fabrizio De Meis, Cocoricò, manager 9 Giammarco Ibatici, Mac Mac Agency 10 Amerigo Provenzano, m2o, dj 11 Damir Ivic, Soundwall 12 Massimiliano Max Moroldo, Do It Yourself, discografico 13 Alvaro Ugolini, Energy Production 14 Benny Benassi, dj 15 Mirko Salerno, manager 16 Merk & Kremont, dj 17 Renato Tanchis, Sony Music Italy 18 Rossano Prini DjRoss, m2o 19 Manuela Doriani, dj, m2o 20 Luca De Gennaro, giornalista 21 Gigi Barocco, produttore 22 Antonio “Tony” Ciotola, manager 23 Stefano Fontana, dj e produttore 24 Marco Sanseverino, imprenditore 25 Sandor Von Mallasz, promoter 26 Anna Merzari, promoter 27 Lele Sacchi, Radio Rai 28 Daniele Spadaro, giornalista 29 Albertino, Radio Deejay 30 Ale Lippi, giornalista 31 Andrea Corelli, dj e discografico 32 Molella, dj 33 Gabry Ponte, dj 34 Fabio De Luca, giornalista 35 Mauro Miclini, dj 36 Paolo Belluzzi, manager 37 Claudio Coccoluto, dj 38 Pierangelo Mauri, editore 39 Bob Rifo from The Bloody Beetroots, dj 40 Genny Mosca, International Talent, booking manager 41 Angelo De Robertis, dj 42 Steven Balasari, Number One 43 Enrico Galli, Altromondo Studio 44 Marnik, dj e produttori 45 Paolo Caputo, promoter 46 Daniele Orlando, Fabrique 47 Alessio Primavesi, Energy Production 48 Michael Corradi, Pioneer DJ 49 Ilaria Bencivenga, Ego Music 50 Gianluca Rossi, manager 51 Gianfranco Bortolotti, Media Records, imprenditore 52 Claudio Cecchetto, produttore discografico 53 Max Baffa, dj 54 Mario Fargetta, dj 55 Gianluca Solcia, manager 56 Corrado Rizza, dj e scrittore 57 Max Bondino, dj e speaker, 105 58 Davide Ippolito, promoter manager 59 Lello Mascolo, dj e produttore 60 Roberto Tury Turatti, produttore 61 Lorenzo Tiezzi, giornalista (!!!!) 62 Luca Moretti, IHU Music Group, discografico 63 Federico Piccinini, giornalista 64 Arno Parmeggiani, manager 65 Giancarlino, Goa Roma 66 Lush & Simon, dj e produttori 67 Astrit Kurtaim, dj 68 Mario Sala, Universal Music 69 Ilario Drago, Ego Music, discografico 70 Marco Vitelloni, imprenditore 71 Thomas Cibelli, Do It Yourself 72 Riccardo Lai, Amnesia Milano 73 Marco Mazzilli, Vizi Capitali 74 Alberto Margheriti, discografico 75 MC Cece, imprenditore 76 Gianluigi De Rosa, discografico 77 Giorgio Tramacere, avvocato 78 Enzo Martino, discografico 79 Emilio Lanotte, produttore 80 Leonardo Filomeno, giornalista 81 Marco Ravelli, dj 82 Max Brigante, dj e imprenditore 83 Pico Cibelli, Sony Music Italy, discografico 84 Fedez, rapper 85 Morris Capaldi, produttore 86 Alberto Traversi, giornalista 87 Giosuè Impellizzeri, giornalista 88 Maurizio Clemente, imprenditore 89 Claudio Arilotta, promoter 90 Semi Trabelsi, dj 91 Mauro Picotto, dj 92 Giuseppe Ottaviani, dj e produttore 93 Eugenio Tovini, giornalista 94 Matteo Villa, Youbeat 95 Luca Pechino, booking manager 96 Piero Fidelfatti, dj 97 Bruno Oggioni, discografico 98 Sergio Cerruti, discografico 99 Joe T Vannelli, dj 100 Pierpaolo Peroni, produttore
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Mondo TV, Orlandi Corradi (Presidente CdA) acquista 15 mila azioni
Mondo TV, Orlandi Corradi (Presidente CdA) acquista 15 mila azioni
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(Teleborsa) – Orlando Corradi, Presidente del Consiglio di amministrazione della Mondo TV, ha acquistato in data odierna (19 Maggio) 15 mila azioni della società ad un prezzo medio di circa 4,2551 euro per un investimento complessivo di oltre 60 mila euro.
“Sono tornato sul mercato ad acquistare ulteriori azioni della Mondo TV in quanto alla luce dei risultati trimestrali credo nel…
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madhogthymaster · 7 years
Team Yume Podcast: "The Legend of the Italian Disney"
Devar lends his dumbfounded ear as Madhog explains how "The Legend of the Titanic" is inexplicably connected with the distribution of Japanese animations in Italy - don't worry, it will all make sense in context. This episode discusses: "Simba the King Lion", Orlando Corradi and Mondo TV, the 1978's Italian Anime Boom, "Secret of Mana", the basic appeal and gameplay philosophy of the "Animal Crossing" franchise, "The Good Place", "Erma" and so much more. --- SUPPORT MADHOG ON PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/Madhog TUMBLR: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/adrian.madhog TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AdrianoBordoni1 WEBSITE: http://www.paradiseandfaries.com --- Get the MP3 file here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15763313
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lisaflor-blog1 · 7 years
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Cinderella and the Prince Charles: An Animated Classic - Orlando Corradi | Kids & ...
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cherylgar-blog · 7 years
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Cinderella and the Prince Charles: An Animated Classic - Orlando Corradi | Kids & ...
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