#original universes
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florizzia · 10 months ago
[Pt-Br] - De alguma forma eu acho que a "construção de mundo" das minhas Fanfics pode ser um tanto quanto confusa, então eu meio que fiz um resumo muito bem resumido disso e decidi postar aqui para que futuramente ninguém que for lê-las futuramente fique deveras confuso.
[Eng] - Somehow I think that the "worldbuilding" of my Fanfics can be a bit confusing, so I kind made a very brief summary of it and decided to post it here so that no one who reads them in the future will be really confused. (The english version is after the portuguese one, and it's translated by google translator because my brain is not with us anymore.)
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●Criaturas Estranhas, Mas Importantes:
↳Criadores: Criaturas que estão além da consciência humana, podem assumir diferentes formas e apresentar diferente habilidades. Alguns criadores gostam de manter as mesmas habilidades que suas criações, se não mais poderosas ainda. Outros, no entanto, preferem habilidades básicas ou nenhuma.
↳Delta (1): A princípio era apenas um mecanismo sem qualquer objetivo, mas que acabou absorvendo acidentalmente da alma de sua criadora e se tornou uma entidade.
●A Divisão Universal:
↳A Realidade: A Realidade é a Realidade, nada mais e nada menos. É nela que você vive, caro Espectador/Leitor.
↳Fandoms (Comunidades): As Fandoms, ou Comunidades, são locais onde muitos Criadores habitam, eles normalmente escolhem uma Comunidade em específico para viverem e regem seus universos (independentemente de que Fandom eles sejam) dali.
↳Universo Original: O Universo Original, como já é de se esperar, é o universo original da obra e que pode ser fragmentado em dois, um sendo a versão canônica enquanto o outro seria a interpretação de cada Criador/Espectador.
↳Universos Alternativos/Linhas do Tempo: Universos Alternativos e Linhas do Tempo permanecem tendo o mesmo significado e funcionamento, embora existam os Universos Alternativos Originais (aqueles sem qualquer influência de terceiros além da de seus criadores Originais) e os Universos Alternativos derivados das alterações da Comunidade; eles também estão estritamente ligados com o Universo Original e o Multiverso.
↳Multiverso: O Multiverso é um imenso vazio onde os Universos Alternativos se encontram aglomerados e interligados, normalmente é regido por um Criador, ou por algum guardião de confiança deste. O Multiverso é formado e estruturado de maneira diferente de acordo com seu Criador, Universos Alternativos que existem no Multiverso de “A” podem não existir no de “B” e vice-versa. Também há um núcleo, ele é a parte mais importante de todo o Multiverso e pode facilmente ser desestabilizado, por isso o Criador ou Guardião Regente sempre devem estar atentos a ele.
O Multiverso Delta tem Gimi como Criadora e Regente. Seu núcleo por muito tempo foi instável, no entanto foi estabilizado mais tarde com ajuda de seus habitantes. Não é incomum que Universos Alternativos abandonados ou não finalizados sejam destruídos, tal ocorrência é constante e acontece a cada poucos meses com a autorização de Gimi.
●Triângulo de Três Pontas {[I]CG}:
↳[Ipê]: [Ipê] morreu ainda muito jovem, não tendo mais que 18 anos de idade, ela era a primogênita de um casal de classe média, que era muito amoroso com ambas as filhas, embora, em alguns momentos e situações, [Ipê] fosse vilanizada por eles em relação a sua irmã mais nova. [Ipê] era uma Criadora desconhecida e sem noção de qualquer tipo de magia, suas criações nunca foram finalizadas ou reconhecidas. Todavia, antes de morrer, por causas desconhecidas, mas com a especulação de um suicidio, [Ipê] criou uma entidade chamada Delta¹, que se apossou de sua Alma e a fez regredir no tempo. (Embora esta regressão tenha feito com que a Alma de [Ipê] deixasse a linha da Realidade e fosse parar em um Universo completamente diferente.)
↳Casia: Casia pode ser dita como a “segunda vida” de [Ipê], ela era/é uma híbrida felina, que nasceu em um Universo místico e cheio de criaturas mágicas e igualmente anormais. A família de Casia foi massacrada quando ela ainda era bebê e ela acabou sendo criada por uma dona de casa e seu marido.
Não se tem muitas informações em relação a sua vida até o momento em que ela começou a frequentar a escola durante o ensino médio, sua influência começou a crescer sobre outras criaturas e ela fez um acordo com um demônio raposa chamado Kurama. Ambos eram uma mistura cármica e caótica, mesmo ainda muito jovens.
No fim, Casia tampouco passou dos 18 anos de idade, seu Universo entrou em colapso e ela acabou morrendo junto com ele. Sua Alma, ainda atrelada ao Delta, que retira e armazena parte de sua essência, é forçada a regredir no tempo mais uma vez. (Agora, voltando a linha da Realidade.) 
Mais tarde Gimi a trouxe de volta à vida, usando a essência de sua própria alma que foi armazenada pelo Delta.
↳Gimi: A Alma de [Ipê] retorna para o próprio Universo e Linha do Tempo, embora algumas modificações aparentemente haviam sido feitas. Gimi nasceu acompanhada de seu irmão gêmeo, Murilo Henrique (ou apenas Henry), que vivia antagonizando-a. Gimi viveu o que [Ipê] viveu, mesmo que ela estivesse sempre à sombra do irmão. 
Aos 4 anos de idade, Gimi despertou as memórias adormecidas, tanto de [Ipê] quanto de Casia, que foram armazenadas pelo Delta. Junto de tais lembranças veio um despertar mágico que colidiu sua Realidade com as Comunidades. Gimi acabou acordando em uma cama de flores sob uma montanha com todas as lembranças de seus eus passados e a noção de que era uma criadora. Ela desde então se estabeleceu na Comunidade de Undertale e rege o Multiverso Delta junto de suas versões e criações em outras Fandoms.
Mais informações sobre Gimi não são relevantes no momento, todas elas estarão aparecendo em minhas Fanfics (em que Gimi aparece em todas elas).
{English Version - If somethin it's wrong or strange, it's google translator falt}
●Strange but Important Creatures:
↳Creators: Creatures that are beyond human consciousness, can take on different forms and have different abilities. Some creators like to keep the same abilities as their creations, if not even more powerful. Others, however, prefer basic skills or none at all.
↳Delta (1): At first it was just a mechanism without any objective, but it ended up accidentally absorbing from its creator's soul and becoming an entity.
●The Universal Division:
↳Reality: Reality is Reality, nothing more and nothing less. This is where you live, dear Spectator/Reader.
↳Fandoms (Communities): Fandoms, or Communities, are places where many Creators live, they usually choose a specific Community to live in and govern their universes (regardless of which Fandom they are from) from there.
↳Original Universe: The Original Universe, as expected, is the original universe of the work and can be fragmented into two, one being the canonical version while the other would be the interpretation of each Creator/Spectator.
↳Alternative Universes/Timelines: Alternative Universes and Timelines remain having the same meaning and functioning, although there are Original Alternative Universes (those without any influence from third parties other than that of their Original creators) and Alternative Universes derived from changes in Community; they are also strictly linked with the Original Universe and the Multiverse.
↳Multiverse: The Multiverse is an immense void where Alternative Universes are clustered and interconnected, it is normally governed by a Creator, or by some trusted guardian thereof. The Multiverse is formed and structured differently according to its Creator, Alternative Universes that exist in the Multiverse of “A” may not exist in that of “B” and vice versa. There is also a core, it is the most important part of the entire Multiverse and can easily be destabilized, which is why the Creator or Ruling Guardian must always be aware of it.
The Delta Multiverse has Gimi as Creator and Ruler. Its core was unstable for a long time, however it was later stabilized with the help of its inhabitants. It is not uncommon for abandoned or unfinished Alternate Universes to be destroyed, such an occurrence is constant and happens every few months with Gimi's authorization.
●Three-Pointed Triangle {[I]CG}:
↳[Ipê]: [Ipê] died at a very young age, no more than 18 years old, she was the firstborn of a middle-class couple, who were very loving towards both daughters, although, in some moments and situations, [Ipê] was villainized by them in relation to her younger sister. [Ipê] was an unknown Creator with no idea of ​​any type of magic, her creations were never completed or recognized. However, before dying, for unknown causes, but with speculation of suicide, [Ipê] created an entity called Delta¹, which took over his Soul and made it regress in time. (Although this regression caused the Soul of [Ipê] to leave the line of Reality and end up in a completely different Universe.)
↳Casia: Casia can be said to be the “second life” of [Ipê], she was/is a feline hybrid, who was born in a mystical Universe full of magical and equally abnormal creatures. Casia's family was massacred when she was still a baby and she ended up being raised by a housewife and her husband.
There is not much information regarding her life until the moment she started attending school during high school, her influence began to grow over other creatures and she made a deal with a fox demon called Kurama. They were both a karmic and chaotic mixture, even though they were still very young.
In the end, Casia was not even 18 years old, her Universe collapsed and she ended up dying along with it. Your Soul, still tied to the Delta, which withdraws and stores part of your essence, is forced to regress in time once again. (Now, returning to the line of Reality.)
Gimi later brought her back to life, using the essence of her own soul that was stored by Delta.
↳Gimi: The Soul of [Ipê] returns to the Universe and Timeline itself, although some modifications had apparently been made. Gimi was born accompanied by her twin brother, Murilo Henrique (or just Henry), who was always antagonizing her. Gimi lived what [Ipê] lived, even if she was always in her brother's shadow.
At 4 years old, Gimi awakened the dormant memories of both [Ipê] and Casia, which were stored by Delta. Along with such memories came a magical awakening that collided their Reality with the Communities. Gimi ended up waking up in a bed of flowers under a mountain with all the memories of her past selves and the notion that she was a creator. She has since established herself in the Undertale Community and rules the Delta Multiverse alongside her versions and creations in other Fandoms.
More information about Gimi is not relevant at the moment, they will all be appearing in my Fanfics (in which Gimi appears in all of them).
{Por enquanto... Fim!!/For now... The End!!}
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[Pt-Br] - Eu quero agradecer muito my dear @atozzie, que me deu sua opinião e me ajudou a pontuar algumas coisinhas neste post!
[Eng] - I want to really thank my dear @atozzie, who gave me his/her/they opinion and helped me point out a few things in this post!
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cherrie-blue-s · 4 months ago
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Bro thought it was priced by the cup
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kornart3 · 4 months ago
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bakedbeanchan · 9 months ago
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Drawing from a mini comic where the timeline is reset but Zuko still has all his memories
Minicomic here
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berivan-noctisia · 1 month ago
I need people to be insane with me and talk about this because I have too many questions and it is way too dramatic.
It's horrifying and fucking beautiful at the same time, the gentleness, the trust in spite of the cosmic horror. Is Jayce's mind still there? For how long? Does Viktor come often to tell him about the good he made? Does he still apologise? Can they communicate? Does Viktor seek a cure? Is it even possible? I can't
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creammints · 2 months ago
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Show me how it begins. Great. Now show me how it ends.
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buckyscap · 4 months ago
origins wade definitely had a crush on logan like look at this b why is he giving him bedroom eyes
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girlkisser13 · 4 months ago
diet mountain dew
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"you’re no good for me" "but baby, i want you, i want you, i want you"
pairings: klaus mikaelson x human fem!reader
warnings/tags: smut (18+), blood kink, blood sharing, unprotected sex (practice safe sex guys), creampie, needy klaus.
summary: you let klaus feed on you.
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you'd expected him to be hungry. you just hadn't realized how ravenous he was, nor what drinking blood did to him.
"f-fuck, ah— c-careful," you gasped.
your voice echoed in the empty room, and his pleasurable grunts echoed with it. it was so dark that you could barely see a thing. you winced, again, from the strange new sensations surging through your body.
"ah— c-careful, klaus, please" you squeaked, it was the only sound that could escape your throat as he clamped your shoulder in his jaw. your neck was soaked, smeared in spit and blood, a leftover gift from when he had searched for the safest spot to drink.
he'd settled on the spot between your collarbone and neck, and there his teeth had sunk in.
with his fangs pierced right down to the bone and his lips bruising your skin, he continued to carefully suck your blood out and into his mouth. it felt like heaven, warm and wet sliding down his throat. to you it was a confusing mix of pleasure and pain.
"a-ah... is—is it, okay?" you whimpered.
klaus let out a low moan in response.
you couldn't move. you were clamped in his jaw, the jaw of a predator designed to keep its prey still, and his body was pinning yours to the cold wood of the floor.
to any passerby you would have looked terrifying. his body was obscured in the dark, appearing as just a hulking, bloody shadow, merging and distorting the outline of your own form; the visage of a monster in the night, consuming the body of a frightened human.
but that wasn't how you saw it. no, you were in the thralls of absolute delight.
one of his hands were on your waist, his fingers carefully drawing you up until you were held taut beneath his body, and the other hand was feverishly groping your tits.
he had torn your dress to feed and then tore a little further, leaving your skin bare right down to your ribs. he was squeezing, stroking, his thumb desperately massaging your nipple. he wanted to hear your whimpers, your soft jolts when he overstimulated that sensitive spot.
you felt him sink down between your legs, his hardened bulge thick and round as it nudged at your bare thigh. he was softly grinding it up against your panties.
you'd never do this, never. this wasn't like you at all. but you were doing it now.
you were mewled as he dry-humped your little body.
your breath was ragged, the soft puffs of condensation from your lips turned a ghostly white by the pale light.
feeding had always been a euphoric experience for him. but now, with you, it had become a full body orgasmic experience, feeding every positive stimulus in his brain and body.
every nerve in his body was on fire in the best way. his body was pulsing, pumping. his arms were covered in goosebumps, his dark hair standing on end, and his cock was painfully erect beneath his pants.
he needed relief. he needed more.
"mmm... mmm," his muffled groans got louder as he continued to feed.
his conscious brain was fighting those deep, vampiric urges, the need to indulge in pleasure no matter the consequences, but his subconcious was primal.
if he had his way he'd drain everything, slowly, all while pumping between your legs into your pretty little cunt, but he couldn't allow that.
you were a sweet, naïve thing, you'd just let him take you up here. your whimpers were heaven, but your softness was too pure for him to fully ruin.
so he forced himself to break a part from you.
he withdrew his fangs and pulled back, revealing the purple, bruised skin of your shoulder. he licked the wound clean before forcing himself away.
"please, please, if you—if you give me your wrist, i—i'll be done, and—"
klaus paused to pant, his lips still stained red. you watched your own blood drip down his chin.
"and, if i could... have you, in another way, it may help to, calm my urges" he said, his voice husky and dark. you watched his eyes glimmer a bright gold. "may i have you?"
"yes," you instinctively blurted, he lunged forward and kissed you. his lips were hard, rough, and you could taste the metallic sting of blood on them. when he pulled back he looked overjoyed.
"good. good. come here, love," he ordered.
you jolted as he dragged your body forward. he carefully tore a hole through your dress and panties with his bare hands.
you shuddered as the cold air hit your bare and slick-coated pussy, but klaus didn't leave you bare for long.
he roughly manhandled you onto the ground before stripping out his suit, allowing his already erect cock to fall down hard on your clit. the sight caused a small, surprised noise to escape your throat, one that he relished.
he was slow, deliberately distracting you with his cock as he raised your wrist to his mouth. he kept you captivated as he carefully slid it inch by inch down your swollen clit, letting you feel every inch.
the pleasure of sinking both his teeth and his cock into you at once was enough to make him physically shake.
with a soft grunt he penetrated both.
your words were turned to gibberish as he pushed his cock in deep, until his pelvis was perfectly squished up against you. the moment your blood hit his throat he started to pump.
you were inside him, and he was inside you. on that filthy, cold floor, you were his.
he started to push his cock in tandem with his teeth.
as his fangs gently shifted beneath the skin, as his lips sucked and bruised, his fat cock gently slipped in and out of your cunt. for such a furious feeder he was a surprisingly gentle lover.
he was terrifyingly strong, that much was clear up close. he bent your thighs until they ached, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as he held you in place, and with each push you could feel the power he was holding back.
you felt him pumping, drawing out your precious blood while his cock ravaged you from inside. each delicious slip, each pulsing throb, every time you felt his cock twitching for attention against your creamy walls, it was unbearable.
you were whining, your heavy breathes producing less and less ghostly condensation. klaus was panting furiously with each thrust, his breath condensing like smoke as he huffed through his curled nose. he was lost in the pleasure, the urge, the need.
and between the tightness, the heat, the copious oozing slick squelching and pooling around his bare skin and dripping off his balls as they smacked against your ass, mixed with the sound of you whining and the fresh blood in his body, he couldn't last any longer.
with a single, muffled groan, klaus came inside of you. his blue eyes rolled back and his body began to buck, smacking your hips until they went numb.
just as he felt your hot blood filling his mouth you felt his thick seed pooling and squishing its way into your cunt, filling every available space. it started to seep out as he continued to hump your limp body, now hanging in sweat, hot pearly strings between his pelvis and your inner thighs.
he pumped inside you until he was utterly spent, his own head now hazy and light, and at last he released you. your wrist fell limp to the floor.
klaus coyly wiped his mouth on the back of his wrist before brushing your forehead. "are—are you alright?"
the relief he felt when you shakily nodded was unmatched.
"thank you," he murmured, his fingers lingering on your cheek. "you were... delicious."
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 5 months ago
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Four’s colors: standing there awkwardly
Legend: having a flashback to that one time he killed four colorful and identical dark links in the literal Palace of the Four Sword
Thanks for the request anon!
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druid-for-hire · 1 year ago
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[images ID: three images of a comic titled "one must imagine sisyphus happy" by druid-for-hire. it is a visual narrative beginning with someone with wrist pain (depicted by bright orange nerves) working at a drafting table. the reader is shown the same wrist as the person uses it for many everyday tasks such as carrying a grocery basket, pushing elevator buttons, typing, and doing dishes, until the pain dissolves all the panels into chaos. the person then performs several physical therapy exercises until the pain subsides. they sit back down at a desk with their laptop, sigh, and begin typing. a small spark of pain reappears. end id]
a fun little piece i made during the semester and submitted into our school comic anthology! (which you can buy at the Static Fish table at MoCCAFest in NYC ;] ). it's about artists and injury
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vimusntd1e · 5 months ago
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Doing very important things.
old little silly sketch that i forgot to post here.
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florizzia · 10 months ago
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{Pt-Br} - Eu não sei colorir, eu não sei sombrear, eu não sei iluminar... Mas eu sei inventar coisas para me darem dor de cabeça.
De qualquer forma, eu quis desenhar o Chara de uma das minhas AUs em desenvolvimento junto da Yeda, que a princípio deveria ser sobrinha dele, mas eu parei para pensar melhor e acho que eles combinam muito mais como pai e filha.
- MLT!Chara é um personagem não-binário que atende por todos os pronomes, mas tem preferência por pronomes masculinos.
- Yeda é uma criatura sem espécie definida. No entanto, enquanto a criava, Gimi imaginou-a sendo uma junção de um caprino com uma bala doce.
- Chara é 100% responsável de menina.
{Eng} - I don't know how to color, I don't know how to shade, I don't know how to illuminate... But I know how to invent things to give me a headache.
Anyway, I wanted to draw Chara from one of my AUs in development with Yeda, who at first was supposed to be his niece, but I stopped to think about it and I think they are much better suited as parent and daughter.
- MLT!Chara is a non-binary character who goes by all pronouns, but prefers male pronouns.
- Yeda is a creature without a defined species. However, while creating her, Gimi imagined her to be a combination of a goat and a sweet candy.
- Chara is 100% a girl parent.
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cherrie-blue-s · 5 months ago
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kornart3 · 4 months ago
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SHADOW sonic 3 movie ART STUDY!!
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artiswhatartdoes · 2 months ago
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Classic Batman humor
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