#organic beet juice
gardenferments · 6 months
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5 Benefits of Beet Kvass
Improves digestion - The probiotics in beet kvass support a healthy gut microbiome which aids in better nutrient absorption and regular bowel movements.
Boosts immunity - Packed with vitamins and minerals, beet kvass helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body against illness.
Increases mental clarity and physical performance - It contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and open up blood flow for enhanced brain function and energy levels.
Aids liver detoxification - Beet kvass can help the liver flush out toxins and reduce buildup of substances like candida that lead to sugar cravings.
Helps reduce sugar cravings - Its natural composition curbs the desire for sugary foods, supporting weight management and a balanced diet.
Drinking 2 oz of beet kvass daily provides these digestive, immune and detoxification benefits for radiant health.
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aesethewitch · 4 months
Learning to Cook Like a Witch: Using the Scraps
Cooking can create a lot of waste. From peels and rinds to bones and leaves, people throw away quite a lot of scraps in the kitchen. And witches, as you may know, are experts in the art of the cunning use of whatever we’ve got around.
As a witch who spends a lot of time in the kitchen, I’ve had ample opportunities to get creative in my cooking craft. It helps that I grew up in a household defined by scarcity: not our own, by the time I was conscious enough to remember, but my parents’ poverty. It colored the way I learned to cook, using everything I possibly could, making enough to last, preserving what I didn’t immediately use, and creatively reusing leftovers and scraps.
There are some topics I won’t necessarily cover here. Composting is an option, but there are some bits of food scrap that don’t need to be composted — they can be saved and repurposed for all sorts of things, magic and mundane. Likewise, recycling, buying sustainably, and growing your own food when you can are all great options for reducing household waste in the kitchen.
For the purposes of this post, I want to focus specifically on food scraps. This is an organized list of kitchen scraps that I’ve used in a variety of other dishes and projects. I’m focusing primarily on food waste, not so much on packaging (such as reusing egg cartons, milk containers, boxes, and so forth).
Vegetable Scraps
Freeze leftover vegetable scraps to make stock. This is a fairly common bit of advice — save bits of leftover vegetables to make a vegetable stock or another kind of stock. It’s good advice! I keep a bag in my freezer that I put vegetable scraps in to save until I’m ready to make a new batch of stock. Not all veggies should be saved like this and used for stock! Some make stock bitter or otherwise unpleasant-tasting. Personally, I tend to freeze these for stock:
- The skins, ends, and leftover cuts of onions (just be wary of the skins; too much will make your broth bitter) - The ends of celery (not the leaves — they’re bitter!) - Corn cobs - Garlic skins, ends, tiny cloves that aren’t useful otherwise, and sprouted cloves - The ends of carrots (also not the leaves) - The ends of leeks - Pepper tops/bottoms (not the seeds)
I would recommend against putting things like potatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and leafy greens in there. Potatoes don’t add flavor, sprouts and cabbage make the whole thing taste like those foods, and leafy greens end up bitter. If something has a strong, distinctive flavor (beets, sprouts), I wouldn’t add it to my freezer bag. These scraps often form the veggie portion of my Sick-Be-Gone Chicken Broth spell recipe!
Regrow leeks, green onions, and celery. Pop these in a bit of water and watch them grow back! It’s a fun experiment, and you’ll never have to buy them again.
Plant sprouted garlic. Aside from the fact that you can still cook and eat garlic that’s sprouted, you can plant a sprouted clove in a pot. Care for it well enough, and you’ll end up with a full head of garlic from that one clove!
Fry potato peels. Anytime I make mashed potatoes or peel potatoes for something, I always save the peels. Give them a thorough rinse and shallow-fry them in oil, turning them over until they’re golden and crispy. Toss them in a bit of salt and pepper while they’re still hot, and you’ve got tasty chips to snack on while you cook the rest of your meal! No need to cover them in more oil or anything — the heat will cause the salt to stick right to them.
Save leaves for pesto. Yum, yum, yum. Pesto isn’t just all about basil, you know. Save the leaves from carrots, beets, radishes, and even celery to grind up alongside basil, garlic, salt, and lemon juice for a delicious pesto recipe.
Fruit Scraps
Save citrus peels. Peels from oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits have a multitude of uses. Candy them for a sweet treat, dry them to add to potpourri or incense, or save them to put into a simmer pot for bright, sunny energy.
Juice the whole fruit. Again, thinking mostly about citrus fruits, when you need the zest from something but not the rest, don’t just throw away the fruit. Squeeze out all the juice you can. Even if you don’t need it right now, you can freeze it to use later in simmer pots, fruity waters, or anything else that needs a touch of juice.
Turn extra fruit and berries into jam or syrup. If you’ve got berries and fruit that are about to go off, or maybe the ends of strawberries, don’t toss them! Look up recipes for jam of the specific fruit you’ve got or make an infused syrup. Syrups in particular can be used for cocktails, teas, and desserts for an extra magical kick.
Pickle watermelon rinds. That’s right. Pickle those suckers. They’re so tasty. I’ve seen people make kimchi with watermelon rinds, too, though I’ve never tried it myself!
Save seeds for abundance work. Seeds in general are great for spells geared toward long-term success, new beginnings, and — when there are a lot of them — wealth. Different fruit seeds have properties that tend to correspond with the fruit they come from, so consider their potential purposes before you just toss them! (Note also that some fruit seeds are toxic; these would be suitable for baneful workings.)
Keep cherry stems for love magic. Have you ever done that thing where you tie a cherry stem with your tongue? If I’m eating cherries, I like to save some of the stems for love workings. Tie them into little knots like you might with string while envisioning ensnaring the love you’re looking for. I wouldn’t do this with a particular person in mind; binding someone to you is almost never a good idea. I’ve used it to attract specific qualities in a person of romantic interest: attentiveness, humor, kindness, and so forth.
Use pits to represent blockages, barriers, and problems. I most often use them in baneful workings, typically jammed into a poppet’s mouth or throat to keep someone from talking shit. It could also represent a sense of dread in that way — a pit in the stomach, uneasy and nauseating. But you could also use them in the sense of removal, ritualistically removing the pit or problem from a given situation.
Herb Scraps
Freeze or dry extra fresh herbs. Different drying techniques are ideal for specific herbs. I’d suggest looking up recommended methods before sticking anything in the microwave. If you’d like to freeze your herbs instead, I typically will lay them on a damp paper towel, wrap them up, place them into a freezer-safe bag, and then put them in the freezer. Most herbs will keep for a couple months this way. When you want to use them, pull them out and let them defrost right on the counter.
Make pesto. Again, pesto isn’t just basil! Experiment with tossing in different scraps of herbs to find out what combination you like best.
Reuse steeped tea. Particularly when I use loose herbal tea, I like to lay out the used tea to dry out. It can be burned similarly to loose incense, though the scent may be somewhat weaker than with herbs that are fresher or unused. I find that it’s fine, since I’m sensitive to smells anyways.
Toss extra herbs into your stock freezer bag. Just like with vegetables, extra herbs make welcome additions to a scrap stock pot. I always make a point to save sage, thyme, marjoram, and ginger. You can add just about anything to a stock pot, but be aware of the flavors you’re adding. Not all herbs will match with all dishes.
Protein Scraps
Dry and crush empty egg shells. This is one most witches will know! I use crushed egg shells for protection magic most often: sprinkled at a doorstep mixed with other herbs, added to jars, and spread around spell candles.
Save shrimp, crab, and lobster shells. They’re a goldmine of flavor. Toss them into water with veggies and herbs, and you’ve got a delicious, easy shellfish stock. Use it to make fishy soups and chowders that much richer.
Don’t discard roasted chicken remains. Use them for stock, just like the shells. I like to get rotisserie chickens on occasion since they’re ready-made and very tasty. Once all the meat has been stripped off the bones, simmer the entire carcass with — you guessed it — veggies and herbs for a tasty chicken stock.
Reuse bacon grease for frying. After cooking bacon, don’t throw away the grease right away. Melt it over low heat, strain the bits of bacon out, and pour it into a jar to put in the fridge. You can use it to fry all sorts of things, but my favorite thing is brussels sprouts. They pick up the delicious, salty, bacony flavor from all that rendered bacon fat. So good.
Other Scraps
Use stale bread for croutons or bread crumbs. When I reach the stale end of a loaf of bread, as long as it isn’t moldy, I like to tear it into pieces and toss it into the oven for a little while. Let it cool and then pulse it in a food processor, and I’ve got delicious bread crumbs! Or, cut it a little more neatly, toss it in oil and seasonings, and then bake, and now I’ve got homemade croutons for salads. You can really hone your herbs for both of these, tuning them to be perfect for whatever spell needs you have.
Small amounts of leftover sugar. I don’t know why, but I always end up with a tiny amount of white and brown sugar in the containers. This can be used in teas, of course, but I like to offer it up to spirits. In particular, my ancestors tend to appreciate a spoonful of brown sugar stirred into a small, warmed cup of milk. You can also look up mug cake or single-serving cookie recipes; often, they’re cooked in the microwave, and they only need a little sugar to make!
Keep vanilla bean pods. Vanilla is fucking expensive. When I have a little extra and want to really splurge for a special occasion, I’ll get a couple pods. And because they’re so expensive, I hate wasting any part of them. They’re good for love magic, sure, but you can also toss the spent pods in a jar full of sugar to make vanilla-infused sugar. I’ll often use the pods to make infused milks, too; warm the milk over low heat, add the pods, and let it steep like tea. It goes great in teas and desserts. For a nice self-love spell, sometimes I’ll melt chocolate into the vanilla milk and make hot cocoa!
Save the rinds from Parmesan and Pecorino Romano cheese. You might not be able to just bite into these, but they’re fabulous additions to a stock pot. They add a rich, umami depth to the flavors. I also like to throw these into pots of tomato sauce to add even more flavor to the sauce.
Used coffee is still coffee. After I make a pot of coffee, I’ll sometimes save the grounds by letting them dry back out. I wouldn’t make another cup of coffee with them, since all the flavor’s gone, but they’ll still have attributes of energy generation and smell great. I like to pack used grounds into sachets to hang in places where I want to encourage more energy and focus, replaced every few days or so. Coffee grounds also have high amounts of nitrogen in them, which can help plants thrive; just be careful about pH values in the soil! You don’t want to hurt your plants with too much acidity.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found these tips helpful! There are a ton more ways to save and reuse kitchen scraps that would otherwise go to waste. Sometimes, tossing stuff into the compost or trash can’t be avoided. But I’ve found that being aware of the possibilities can help diminish the amount that gets wasted.
If you have questions or other suggestions for reusing kitchen scraps, feel free to drop them in my inbox, reblogs, or replies. And if you did enjoy this post, consider tossing a couple dollars in my tip jar! Supporters get early and sometimes exclusive access to my work, and monthly members get bonuses like commission discounts and extras. (:
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beautiful-and-terrible · 10 months
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“falling into place”
mike schmidt x reader
summary: “You meet Mike Schmidt under rather unfortunate circumstances. Luckily, he's a decent guy, and tries to make it up to you. Besides, who could say no to those big brown puppy-dog eyes?”
tags: Slow-burn, domestic, hurt/comfort, gradual friends-to-lovers, whatever the opposite of a meet-cute is, because mike is a disaster, sub!mike, dom!reader, eventual smut
Part 2
also available on my Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51690952/chapters/130675165
A sigh escaped your lips as you watched raindrops race down the window. It was a Friday afternoon, and you were an hour away from being done with your shift at your town’s local, run-down grocery store. You were working the cash register - a mindless, repetitive task that sucked the soul out of you, but it paid the bills. You didn’t mind talking to customers, when they were polite. It was usually hit or miss with the older customers. They never seemed to understand that you couldn’t accept expired coupons. Or that eggs really were $1.05, yes even for the non-organic ones.
This particular afternoon was going especially poorly. You had two people refuse to pay their bills and just walk out with their groceries, you had a screaming child in line with her mother who kept begging you to just “give the kid a piece of candy for free”, and at least three older men had told you “you’d do your job a lot better if you smiled.”
By the last hour of your shift, you were on the verge of a breakdown. Tears pricked your eyes - your feet hurt, your back ached, and your heart was still tender from being chewed out by your manager for letting those two people walk out without paying. As if you, a minimum wage employee, had the authority or skills necessary to stop two shoplifters. And besides, you didn’t really think stealing essential things like food warranted arrest or reprimand, anyway.
So that’s why when a particularly mean old bat who smelled like mothballs and cat piss yelled at you for not scanning her groceries quickly enough, you finally snapped. You slowly put down the fifth carton of prune juice you had scanned, untied your apron that had your name tag pinned on it, and let it drop to the ground.
You looked the old woman in the eyes, flipped her off, and walked out. As you passed your manager on your way to the front door, you flipped him off, too. The way his face went beet red with rage would remain in your brain as one of the funniest things you’d ever seen. You were pretty sure there was a vein in his temple about to burst.
So now you had no job. Great. You sighed, putting your head in your hands as you stood under the covered walkway that led into the store. You stood like that for a long time, just letting the reality wash over you. You knew you wouldn’t be able to cry in public, but as soon as you got home you would put on your softest hoodie and sweatpants, and have a good cry about how shit your life had been these past few months. You steeled yourself, raising your head and starting to walk towards your car.
You were about half way out into the rainy parking lot, holding your jacket above your head, which blocked your peripheral view, when you were suddenly on the hard, wet ground and your vision pulsed with white stars. It felt like you had been sucker-punched by the Hulk. You looked around dazedly, trying to figure out why you were suddenly on the ground.
Headlights beamed directly at face level as you sat up, rubbing your head. You brought your hand away - no blood, at least. But your wrist hurt like a fucking bitch. The throbbing pain got worse by the second - each beat of your heart caused the flesh around your wrist to swell up like a balloon. Or at least that’s what it felt like.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry, are you okay? I looked away for a second and you came out of nowhere I’m so fucking sorry-”
You looked up to see two very distressed, very pretty hazel-brown eyes staring down at you. A man with a mellow voice was apologizing profusely, attempting to help you stand up. You could only nod dumbly, holding out a hand placatingly.
“I’m fine, I think… my wrist really hurts,” you pouted, trying not to sound like a child but your day had been so dogshit that your usual barriers were crumbling easier than normal.
“Let me take you to the Urgent Care, it’s the least I can do…” he trailed off, grabbing you by both elbows to help you up off the wet ground. You shivered, from the cold rain dripping down your neck and from the adrenaline of the moment starting to wear off. The man helped you into the passenger seat of his car and got in the drivers side.
You looked down at your wrist - it was already swollen. Your lip started to tremble, and big, fat tears started to leak from your eyes. You sniffled, which caught the guys attention.
“Oh, hey, don’t cry. I’m sure it’s just sprained. And I’ll even try to help pay for your cast or whatever… not that I have any extra money but that’s the right thing to do…” he murmured under his breath. You glanced at him and gave him a half smile, wiping the tears off your face.
“Don’t worry about that. I just appreciate the ride. I’ve had a pretty shit day - getting hit by a car was just the cherry on top.
“Yeah, I know about shit days,” he said simply, then winced, looking in the rearview mirror. “Sorry, Abs. A pretty crap day, is what I meant.”
You turned around, confused. In the back seat was a girl of about 11 or 12, looking sullenly out the window. She shrugged noncommittally.
“Hi,” you said softly. The girl glanced at you, frowned, and turned more toward the direction of the window. You looked at the guy, who just sighed.
“That’s my sister, Abby. She’s having a crap day, too.”
“Dang. The three of us should start a club,” you said, which made the guy let out a snort of laughter. You looked at him, surprised by the display of mirth.
“So… what’s your name?” he asked, stopping at a red light. You told him your name, which he repeated before saying, “Nice to meet you. I’m Mike.”
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eatclean-bewhole · 6 months
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A day of eating to support or heal your gut. Your gut will feel good, and you may even shed a pound or two. Show your gut some love!
ACV tea:
1 cup warm filtered water
1-2 Tbsps organic apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsps lemon juice
1 Tbsp raw honey
1 tsp cinnamon
dash of cayenne
BREAKFAST: Banana-berry smoothie bowl
1 cup frozen banana
1/2 cup avocado, frozen
1 cup kefir
1 Tbsp flax seeds
1 Tbsp grass fed Ancient collagen peptides
Optional toppings: thin apple slices, berries, cacao nibs, kiwi, chia seeds, raw honey, almonds, fresh mint, gluten-free granola
LUNCH: Beet hummus plate & bone broth
1/4 cup beet hummus
1/2 cup tabbouleh
1/4 cup snap peas
1 radish
1/4 cup olives
1/2 cup mixed berries (raspberries, blackberries, cherries)
1 Tbsp unsalted dry-roasted pistachios
SNACK: Banana energy bites & golden turmeric milk
Golden milk:
2 cups coconut milk
1 1/2 tsps fresh ginger, grated
1” turmeric, peeled
1 tsp coconut oil
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1-2 Tbsps raw honey
cracked pepper
*Blend 5 minutes until smooth.
Banana energy bites:
2 Tbsps almond butter
1 tsp hemp seeds
*Spread almond butter on banana & roll in hemp seeds.
DINNER: Miso butternut soup
1 tsp sesame oil
1/2 onion, chopped
1 cup cubed butternut squash, skin on
1 garlic clove, chopped
3/4 cup lima beans, drained
1 tsp vegetable bouillon
1 handful of kale, finely chopped
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp ginger, finely grated
1/2 Tbsp brown rice miso
1. Sautee onion in olive oil for 5 min. Add squash & garlic, stir for a min. Add beans & bouillon, along with half a liter of filtered water. Cover & simmer for 20 min.
2. Meanwhile, steam kale for 10 min, then toss with sesame oil, seeds & ginger.
3. Add miso to the soup and mix. Top w/ sesame kale mix.
Probiotics (30-50 billion bacterial count)
#guthealth #health #healthylifestyle #nutrition #guthealthmatters #wellness #ibs #healthyfood #probiotics #guthealing #food #healthy #glutenfree #healthyliving #weightloss #healthygut #foodismedicine #digestivehealth #microbiome #detox #digestion #organic #holistichealth #mealplan #healthyeating #gut #diet #bloating #gutfriendly #leakygut
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Prologue: Waterdeep, 1482 DA
Summary: As the heiress apparent to House Selemchant of Amn, Dulcinea is used to getting her way. At 28 years old, she has never had to lift a finger unless it was to cast an evocation spell. That is, until she woke up on an unknown beach with a tadpole in her brain.
Rating: MA
Category: F/M
Relationships: Tav/Gale
Chapter 1/?
Word Count: 4.8K
If there was one thing Dulcinea Selemchant loved, it was a good party. Not any informal salon, though — no, Dulcinea loved grand balls, opulent galas, and events of the season. Truthfully, she loved any event that gave her an excuse to dress up in her finest and preen in front of the mirror. At 18 years old, she was a recent debutante in Sword Coast’s upper echelon of wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks, a role she slid into with confidence and panache. She loved feeling like the star of the show when she walked into the ballroom, the whispers of awe, and the attention of male suitors.
That was the true purpose of her parents sending her all the way from Athkatla to Waterdeep — to marry her off to another powerful family of wizards. Between the legacy of House Selemchant’s propensity to produce gifted mages and the associated political clout within Amn, a Selemchant woman made an excellent marital choice for an upwardly mobile wizard.
Although Lorroakan’s personal goal was to schmooze with the most gifted wizards of the Sword Coast, his directive was to chaperone his younger sister. “Keep a close eye on her,” their father instructed. “Do not let her out of your sight, even for a moment.” Lorroakan resented this responsibility of babysitting his spoiled little sister, the crown jewel of the family and his father’s blatantly obvious favorite, but he was on thin enough ice as it was after several shameful mishaps related to his temper. He was in no position to refuse.
In her room at Tarth’s towers, Waterdeep’s most luxe inn, Dulcinea stood in front of a full-length mirror, turning her head from side to side as she fussed over the shape of her jaw, the contour of her cheeks, and the shape of her lips, which were pressed into a seductive pout. Her honey-colored skin was kissed with a blush made from beet juice and pomegranate.
Behind her, her halfling governess Clothilde stood on a small stool, lacing the back of Dulcinea’s elaborate dress. Clothilde pulled the silk ribbon lacing as tightly as she could, pulling Dulcinea’s waist into a tight hourglass. As the corseting tightened around her, Dulcinea gasped slightly.
“Hurts to be beautiful, eh?” Clothilde quipped. Clothilde had cared for Dulcinea since she was a baby. The two of them shared a close bond, one not dissimilar to that of a mother and daughter. In fact, it was Clothilde who prepared Dulcinea to be a debutante.
“Always worth it,” Dulcinea replied breathlessly. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as she adjusted to the new constriction around her abdomen.
She admired her streamlined figure in the mirror, half-twirling from side to side. Her dress was robin’s egg blue and made of the finest mulberry silk which cascaded down to the floor, concealing her spotless, white calfskin boots. The tightness of the bodice pushed her breasts up slightly, giving the illusion of cleavage. Her dark, curly hair was pulled back into a high bun encircled by tight braids and held in place with a thin silver comb.
“One last thing,” Dulcinea said, reaching for her jewelry case that sat on the table next to the mirror. From the intricately engraved gold case, she produced a silver necklace that glittered with tiny sapphires — her most prized possession. Dulcinea smiled indulgently at her reflection. “There we are,” she breathed with satisfaction as she admired her décolletage.
“You look like a princess, little rabbit,” Clothilde smiled, using Dulcinea’s childhood nickname.
Then, there came a forceful knock on the door. Dulcinea jumped at the disruption.
“Are you quite done yet?” Loroakkan bellowed in annoyance from the other side of the door.
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “Yes, brother, I’m done,” she called back. “Such an asshole,” she groaned to Clothilde.
“Don’t give your brother too hard of a time tonight, rabbit,” Clothilde chided. She knew that Dulcinea would likely try to slip out of Lorroakan’s line of sight and get into some sort of trouble. At the last two balls that the siblings attended, Dulcinea got a little too tipsy and had to be taken back to the inn early in the evening. After that, their father insisted that Lorroakan supervise her more closely lest she sully her reputation and that of their family.
“Fine,” Dulcinea agreed, albeit with a tone of dismissiveness. She leaned down to give her governess a hug. “I’ll behave — Paladin’s honor.”
“You’d better! Or else your father won’t let you leave the house until you’re an old maid,” Clothilde warned jokingly. She and Dulcinea knew quite well that their father would impose no such punishment upon his treasured daughter.
Dulcinea waved goodbye to her governess and opened the door to see her visibly irritated brother tapping his foot impatiently. He was a young, good-looking man with high cheekbones and red hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was dressed in a green velvet waistcoat with flashy golden embroidery along the cuffs of his sleeves and the collar. Beneath his waistcoat, he wore a color-coordinated vest and thigh-skimming trousers with their seams featuring the same golden embroidery pattern.
“We were supposed to arrive half an hour ago,” he hissed. “And you’re in there preening over yourself.”
Dulcinea rolled her eyes. “I’m ready to go now, aren’t I? You’re no fun, Lorroakan.”
“This night isn’t just for you, Dulcinea. It’s for me, too. I’m fact, it’s more for me than for you. Now let’s go.”
With a deft snap of his fingers, Lorroakan transported himself and his sister to Phaulkonmere, a villa owned by two noble families of Waterdeep — The Phaulkons and the Tarms. They often hosted large gatherings of Sword Coast’s high society, including the most elite and well-renowned mages of the realm. It was an old stone building with ivy creeping up its outer walls. From where the Selemchant siblings stood on the street, they could already hear music and laughter from inside. The party had started without them, much to Lorroakan’s irritation.
“We’re fashionably late,” Dulcinea insisted.
“Whatever. Please don’t make an ass of me tonight.”
“Don’t make an ass of yourself, either,” Dulcinea said snarkily. “Gods know you’re good at that.”
Lorroakan shook his head and walked quickly towards the doors. His black leather boots clicked across the stone steps leading into the house. Dulcinea trailed after him with an intentional languidity in an attempt to further annoy her brother. He may’ve been assigned to be her handler tonight, as it were, but that didn’t mean she would make his job easy.
The Selemchants stood in the grand foyer of the villa, looking into the main hall where everyone was gathered. A trio of instrumentalists — a viol, a drum, and a horn — played a rendition of “The Wizard and the Wren,” a fitting but painfully obvious choice of accompaniment. The scent of roasted meats filled the air. Mages mingled in small groups, drinking wine and laughing.
Lorroakan glared at his sister. “I can’t have you following me around all night, but if you dare leave my line of sight there will be consequences.” He walked halfway across the foyer before turning back to look at Dulcinea. “And no getting drunk like last time, either. Keep your shit together.” Lorroakan entered the main hall, met with cheers of recognition from friends and acquaintances. A half-orc thrust a goblet of wine into his hand, clapping him forcefully on the back. He grinned in recognition, making a joke that Dulcinea couldn’t hear, causing the people around him to double over in laughter.
He was playing the politician, which in addition to his magical acumen was one of his finer skills. Lorroakan had always been a persuasive and ambitious individual and after gaining a reputation as one of the stronger wizards in Baldur’s Gate, it was increasingly important for him to have friends in high places. Parties like this were a strategic choice for forming those alliances. He couldn’t have his bratty sister getting in his way tonight.
Dulcinea squared her shoulders and lifted her chin slightly, channeling her confidence. She daintily stepped over the threshold to the main hall. She felt heads turn and eyes widen, as they often did. Her attire was usually what caught people’s eye. Her family spent an inordinate amount of money on her formal wardrobe for these events. It was a strategic move on her father’s part, as the goal was for her to signal her availability to suitors.
Despite her frequent attendance at events of this nature, Dulcinea had yet to find a consistent suitor. Either she grew bored of them or they grew irritated with her entitled attitude. At times, it made her nervous that she had been so unsuccessful on this front. How long would her parents continue to foot the bill for this lifestyle when her efforts were so consistently fruitless?
It wasn’t worth thinking about. She was there to have a good time, act charming, and flirt with powerful men. Being nervous about becoming an old maid would only make her appear desperate.
“May I offer you some wine, Miss Selemchant?” a half-elf attendant asked. Dulcinea nodded, accepting a goblet of wine. She tilted bowl of the goblet towards her nose, taking in the aromas: chocolate, pomegranate, and black pepper. She took a sip, holding the wine in her mouth momentarily, engaging her senses fully. It was full-bodied, peppery, and rich. She wasn’t a sommelier by any stretch but she knew her way around wines, thanks to her upbringing. This one was, in her opinion, solidly mediocre. The wines in Amn are better, she thought to herself. But this will do in a pinch.
Across the room, the band stopped playing folk songs and began to tune in preparation for dancing. Dulcinea watched as couples began to pair off and walk towards the dance floor.
“May I have this dance?”
Dulcinea turned and found herself facing a tall half-elf with piercing green eyes and long red hair pulled back into a thick ponytail. Daintily, she offered him her hand.
“I suppose so,” she replied, smiling coyly.
“You’re Dulcinea Selemchant of Athkatla, yes?”
Dulcinea nodded. “The same, last I checked.”
The elf laughed a little too hard at her joke. “Ah, clever and beautiful! How lucky am I to have gotten the first dance of the night with you. I am Darius Tarm. It is my honor to make your acquaintance, Miss Selemchant.”
His overtures were painfully heavy-handed. Dulcinea questioned whether or not she should’ve waited for another suitor to ask for a dance instead, but it was too late to recant as they were already on the dance floor. What’s more, he was the host of the party. The least she could do was grant him a dance. In the worst case scenario, she would only have to entertain his presence for the night. In the best case scenario, this would turn into a fruitful courtship and she could marry into a wealthy Watderdhavian family where she could have the autonomy to pursue her studies while living a life of leisure.
The band started to play a lilting melody as couples took their place on the floor. Darius and Dulcinea stood across from each other. His bottle green dress robes swished around him as he bowed dramatically. She curtsied, leaning her forward slightly enough to allow a discrete tease of her cleavage.
The Volta was, at the time, a controversial dance with its origins in Candlekeep. It didn’t gain a semblance of social acceptability until it reached Waterdeep. Its scandalousness was what made it one of Dulcinea Selemchant’s favorite dances. For better or for worse, her beauty was something of a selling point and she displayed it best while dancing.
Darius’ eyes were trained on her as they half-skipped, half-sashayed in opposing semi-circular directions, inching closer to one another with each alternating rotation; clockwise then counterclockwise, then clockwise once more. Dulcinea could smell the overpowering musk of his cologne as they neared one another.
“So,” Darius began, raising his right arm up at a ninety degree angle with his palm facing towards Dulcinea, “I understand that you’re to study at the Blackstaff Academy in Waterdeep, yes?”
Dulcinea raised her right arm, delicately touching her palm to his. “That is correct, yes. I am due there in the spring.”
The two half-skipped in time to the music in a clockwise pattern, palms and forearms pressed together.
Darius smiled approvingly. “An excellent choice for someone of your skill.”
Dulcinea managed to suppress the urge to double over in a fit of laughter. Darius was flattering her with outright falsehoods. Dulcinea was nowhere near skillful enough to attend Blackstaff of her own merit. It was her father’s money that bought her attendance, once more in the interest of pairing her off with someone of status. Dulcinea understood her duty to offload herself from her family, however she hoped that she could build her skills as a witch to achieve even a modicum of renown beyond being a wealthy coquette.
Darius raised his left arm while dropping his right. Dulcinea pressed her palm and forearm once more as they resumed the same clockwise skip.
“I’m sure you’re aware that I have a faculty assignment there,” Darius said smugly, touting his own prowess. “You may be studying under me if you’re pursuing studies in transmutation. In fact, I may have a position open for a research assistant position if such a role may peak your interest.”
Dulcinea smiled with feigned interest. She knew precisely what “research assistant” meant — write my manuscript, get no credit for it, and suck my cock while you’re at it. It was an arrangement that would suit all of her needs in education, sexual appetites, and political standing, but with that came no guarantee of a marriage. In fact, it practically guaranteed the opposite.
“Oh my, what an opportunity,” Dulcinea replied, still feigning interest. “I’d love to hear more about your research later this evening.” Dulcinea, in fact, had no interest in Darius’ work and was quickly growing bored of him. Rather, by asking to hear about his research she was gently propositioning him for a clandestine session of intimacy.
The music began to swell, approaching a climax. Dulcinea lowered her left hand, placing it on Darius’ shoulder while Darius’ hand slid down to her waist, resting at the juncture of her corset and her hip. No matter whom she danced with, this was her favorite part of the dance. Dulcinea half-jumped while Darius simultaneously lifted her, spinning a quarter of a turn before gently lowering Dulcinea to the floor.
“I would be delighted to enlighten you, if you so desire,” Darius whispered as he lifted her again. With her feet back on the ground again, now facing Darius, she offered a coy smile. “Please, enlighten me.”
As the music slowed, couples returned to their starting positions, bowing and curtsying to one another. Darius offered his hand to Dulcinea, palm facing upward. “If I may, I believe we can find a more… suitable venue to discuss my research.”
Dulcinea placed her palm upon his, allowing Darius to lead her through the crowd towards the villa garden.
“Ah, Darius! The man of the house!” a voice called from across the room. Darius stopped weaving through the crowd and turned towards the voice. The voice belonged to Gale Dekarios, or Gale of Waterdeep as he preferred to be called. Dulcinea was familiar with him as he and the Selemchants floated in the same social circles. More importantly, her brother despised him. Any time Gale and Loroakkan were in the same room together, one could anticipate a condescending battle of wits that usually ended in petty insults and the occasional threat of a duel.
“Ah, Gale. How are you, my friend?” Darius replied, clapping Gale amicably on the back. Darius was visibly irritated that Gale was now standing in his way of a private encounter with Dulcinea.
“I am doing splendidly. As you’re probably aware, I have been appointed to a faculty position at Blackstaff Academy in the department of evocation. I shall begin lectures in the spring.”
Darius smiled thinly. “Congratulations, my friend. Truly an honor.”
Dulcinea felt a pleasant twist of her insides upon seeing Gale. Ever since she made her debut into the world of upper-echelon parties and galas last year, she’d harbored a secret, school girl’s crush on Gale of Waterdeep. She admired him as an exceptionally talented mage and his renowned command of the weave, but his rakish handsomeness never failed to put her heart aflutter. The candlelight that shone from the chandeliers above reflected off of his soulful brown eyes and the single earring that dangled from his left ear. He was in his late twenties but his face bore smile lines and wrinkles on his brow that conveyed how much time he spent deep in thought, studying dusty old tomes. Dulcinea swallowed hard, trying not to gawk at him in his dress robes which were a deep shade of eggplant purple.
Darius made a half-step towards the doors to the villa. “Miss Selemchant and I were just about to go for a walk in the garden.”
Gale nodded, half-bowing towards Dulcinea. “Yes, Miss Selemchant of Athkatla. It is a pleasure to see you once more. Did I overhear that you will be joining us at Blackstaff Academy in the spring? I offer my sincerest of congratulations for such an achievement.”
Dulcinea felt her cheeks redden as she curtsied clumsily. “Y-yes, I am quite looking forward to it,” she stammered, awkwardly trying to avert her gaze. “Um, Mister Tarm was just going to, ah, tell me a bit about his… research.” All of her years of etiquette training under Clothilde crumbled away in the face of Gale.
“Then I shall not interrupt,” Gale replied, recognizing his cue to take his leave. “But I do look forward to seeing how you flourish under the tutelage of the greatest wizards of our time this spring.”
Darius nodded curtly at Gale and quickly pulled Dulcinea into the garden. “Gods, read the room, Dekarios,” he spat under his breath. “Thank you for finessing our way out of that conversation.”
Dulcinea smiled sweetly. “Of course. I was quite looking forward to this. Hopefully there wont be further interruptions.”
Even amidst the crispness of autumn, the enchanted garden was in bloom. Carefully groomed topiaries lined the cobblestone path around the square-shaped garden, which hosted a small fountain at its center. Around the fountain, blankets of phlox and verbena sprouted from the ground in full bloom. The back walls of the garden boasted massive citrus trees whose perennially ripe fruit filled the air with the scent of lemon, grapefruit, and orange. On either side of the citrus trees stood tall square topiaries that spanned the rest of the garden walls.
Darius led Dulcinea behind the back garden topiaries. Quietly, he whispered an incantation for a cloak of invisibility which lessened the odds that they would be caught by other guests. He could have taken her up to his room for the night, but such a choice would be far too obvious and, besides, Darius loved the thrill of exhibitionism.
“Dulcinea, Dulcinea,” he growled seductively. “What sweetness you have in those hazel eyes and under this dress.”
“As much as I’m sure you desire to see it, I’m afraid I must decline. I am a lady after all,” Dulcinea said coyly, batting her eyelashes. “But there are… other activities that we may enjoy.”
“I will savor any sweetness of yours that I can get,” Darius hummed, pulling Dulcinea in close. She could smell the wine on his breath and the intoxicating musk of his cologne. He leaned into her neck to kiss her as she leaned her head to the side, offering her soft décolleté to his touch. He inhaled sharply, taking in Dulcinea’s scent, which was buttery and sweet.
Dulcinea moaned softly at the touch of his lips, which now moved upwards towards her jawline, her cheeks, and finally to her lips. His tongue flicked her bottom lip, begging for her to allow him entry. Dulcinea obliged, feeling his tongue slide into her mouth eagerly. She returned the favor, biting his bottom lip before advancing her tongue into his mouth. Darius’ hands slid from Dulcinea’s mid back to her ass, cupping it gently as he kissed her. Dulcinea pulled her lips away, drawing in a sharp breath as she studied Darius’ face. She was beginning to feel a touch light-headed from a combination of the alcohol, the tightness of her corset the weight of her dress, and the wet, primal arousal that lay beneath it all.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Darius breathed, leaning in to kiss her neck once more while Dulcinea caught her breath.
“Yes,” she sighed, pulling him in closer to her. He trailed his kisses down her neck, to her collarbone, finally coming to rest his lips on the curve of her soft breasts.
“May I offer you a kiss of a different sort?” Darius asked, making a painfully obvious innuendo in an attempt to get under Dulcinea’s dress.
“I can’t give away all of my secrets in one night, you know,” Dulcinea giggled. “After all, what else would we have left do once I get to Blackstaff?”
The tables had turned and now she was the one pursuing him, or so she wanted him to believe. She found Darius’ overtures boring, but a friend in a high place is a friend nonetheless and this friend could take her to even higher places yet. Her attendance at Blackstaff was a convenient excuse to lure him in while granting herself some distance. Truth be told, she wished it was Gale wanting to get under her skirt that night.
“Right you are, sweetness,” Darius replied, once more invoking the meaning of Dulcinea’s name. “There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss my work come spring.”
“I shall be sure to seek a meeting with you once I arrive,” Dulcinea purred. She nodded towards the villa. “Shall we? I could do with more wine.”
Darius smirked. “Certainly.” Like before, she lay her palm atop his as he escorted her back inside of the main hall.
As Dulcinea took a goblet of wine from an attendant, she could hear an argument starting across the room. “No, no, no! You could not possibly be more incorrect!” Lorroakan bellowed. He and Gale had picked up where they’d left off, arguing about some obscure topic of arcane knowledge. Loroakkan had already managed to lose his temper in the short time that Dulcinea had stepped out into the garden.
“Your disagreement does not surprise me, Lorroakan. In fact, you’re quite the predictable one. When you’re armed with a better defense of your treatise, you know where to find me,” Gale replied smugly. “Perhaps your temper will have abated as well.”
Dulcinea groaned in irritation. He always harangued her about her behavior at parties, but he was twice as bad as her at getting himself escorted from parties, taking her with him as collateral damage.
“Give me a moment, please,” she sighed, leaving Darius’ side. She drained her wine goblet and set it on a side table before walking quickly across the room to her brother.
“Lorroakan,” she said, her voice as stern as she could manage as she felt the alcohol seep into her system, causing her head to buzz as if it were full of bees. “You need to stop. Now”.
Lorroakan turned to face his sister, his eyes flaming with rage. He’d had too much to drink and he was slightly unsteady on his feet. “And you need to stop sneaking off into the garden to get your tits touched,” he roared. “Besides,” he said, shooting a look at Gale. “Mystra’s little chew toy was just about to leave, weren’t you Gale?”
Gale’s cheeks reddened as he struggled to maintain composure. “Mystra has merely requested my presence, nothing more. I mustn’t keep my goddess waiting.” He glanced at Dulcinea who was still standing a half-step behind her brother. “I look forward to seeing you in the spring, Miss Selemchant,” he said awkwardly as he turned to make a quick exit.
“Is everything alright over here?” Darius asked, appearing behind the Selemchant siblings. They had caused quite the stir that evening and people were starting to stare.
Dulcinea smiled politely. “Yes Mister Tarm. All is well. I’m afraid my brother and I must depart, however. I’m feeling a touch unwell.” She offered Darius an apologetic look. “Thank you for being such a gracious host. I look forward to seeing you in the spring.”
“Of course. I am sure I shall make some exciting discoveries through my research that I can share with you this spring,” he replied, kissing Dulcinea’s hand. “I wish you a pleasant evening, Miss Selemchant.”
Dulcinea gave a small curtsy before leading Lorroakan out of the villa.
“I was having a nice evening until you started acting like an ass,” she hissed at him.
“Oh, I’m sure you were. Having Darius Tarm up your skirt must have been the highlight of the evening aside from dancing the fucking Volta in polite company. Where the hell have your sensibilities gone?”
Lorroakan snapped his fingers, returning them to the inn. “I hope you had a lovely time being a whore in the garden, Dulcinea. I’m sure that will net you a husband.”
“If you hadn’t started arguing with Gale, we wouldn’t be having this discussion!” Dulcinea was beginning to raise her voice in frustration.
“Do you think I didn’t see you gawking at him, too?” Lorroakan snapped. “You sure have excellent taste, sister.”
“What in the hells is that supposed to mean?”
“Gale of Waterdeep, one of the most pompous wizards of the realm and Mystra’s latest fuck toy? In essence, someone astronomically out of your league and absolutely off limits?” Lorroakan spat.
Dulcinea gave him a confused look, the anger draining from her face. “Hold on - is Gale, a mortal man, the consort of Mystra?”
Loroakkan snorted. “Consort is a kind word for that. He’s her lapdog, her plaything, and an easy lay when she feels like it. He’s completely naive to the fact that she doesn’t give a flying fuck about him. It’s rather comical when you think about it: an archmage being duped by a goddess.”
Dulcinea recoiled slightly. She knew Gale was out of her league from the standpoint of arcane acumen, but she didn’t realize that he was very much so spoken for. “Oh,” she finally said after a moment of silence.
Lorroakan smirked. “But sounds like you’ll be busy enough with Darius Tarm. Seems like he’s cultivated an interest in you. Let’s hope it’s more than skin deep, hm?”
Dulcinea scowled contemptuously at her brother. “Get out of my room,” she snarled.
“With pleasure,” Lorroakan hissed, slamming the door behind him as he left.
Dulcinea sighed heavily as she turned towards Clothilde. “I’m terribly sorry about that.”
Clothilde shrugged passively. “Not like that’s anything new. Sounds like he was the trouble-maker tonight, eh?”
“I suppose.”
“Something happened tonight, didn’t it?” Clothilde had known Dulcinea her whole life. She could tell simply by Dulcinea’s tone and her posture that something was the matter.
“I ran into you-know-who and found out that he’s spoken for,” Dulcinea sighed, unlacing her boots.
“I’m sorry, rabbit,” Clothilde replied. “I know you’ve held a torch for him for a year now.” The halfling stepped onto the stool to unlace Dulcinea’s dress for her.
“I hurt my own feelings over him. I’m too young for him, too unwieldy with the weave, and he’s romantically involved with Mystra, apparently, so I’m too mortal as well.” Dulcinea felt a hard lump form in her throat. She swallowed hard, trying and failing to suppress the tears that formed in her eyes.
Clothilde gave Dulcinea a sympathetic pat on the back. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’re better off without him. Besides, sounds like something is brewing with Mister Tarm, eh? You’ll forget the wizard of Waterdeep in no time.”
“But I always get what I want. Why can’t I have him?” Dulcinea’s voice trembled as tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m Dulcinea Selemchant, gods damnit! I always get what I want. And I want him, not Darius Tarm.” She stomped her foot, scowling in frustration, a childhood habit of hers when she didn’t get what she wanted. Ordinarily, her father would relent and give her whatever it was, but he couldn’t simply order another human to marry his daughter. Thayze was a powerful man and an even more powerful wizard, but some things were beyond the command of mortals.
“There’s no use crying over it, rabbit. Let’s get you into your nightgown and I’ll make you some licorice tea,” Clothilde said, giving Dulcinea’s hand an affectionate squeeze. “That always soothes the soul.”
Dulcinea smiled and nodded as she put her nightgown on. Clothilde always knew how best to comfort her. Clothilde knew best most of the time and Dulcinea hoped that she could continue her track record when it came to getting over Gale.
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
Our seven chakra energy centers respond to particular colors, functions, and imbalances. To stay healthy, eat corresponding foods which strengthen the energy centers.
RED for ENERGY (Root Chakra) - Red foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and beets.
ORANGE for CONFIDENCE & SELF-WORTH (Creativity Chakra) - Mandarins, mangoes, carrots, squash, pumpkin, and yams.
YELLOW for JOY (Solar Plexus Chakra) - Bananas, sweet corn on the cob, fresh pineapple, or yellow peppers. mood changes.
GREEN for REJUVENATION (Heart Chakra) - Organic green juices, large green salad, blue-green algae, chlorella, or spirulina.
BLUE/BLACK for CALMING (Throat Chakra) - Blueberries or blackberries.
VIOLET for PEACE (Third-Eye Chakra) - Eggplant, purple kale, concord grapes, purple carrots, etc.
WHITE (Crown Chakra) – Fasting is recommended for re-balancing.
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sundove88 · 2 years
Cookie Run Kingdom: A Cheesy Vow Renewal (Based on Tangled Ever After)
This is a gift for @thetropicalfairy/ @interstellarwizard2019 for being such a great moot! Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie, Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie, Mac N Cheese Cookie, Fusilli Cookie, Ravioli Cookie, and Bakewell Cookie belong to her. King Parmesan Cookie, King Elderberry Cookie, and Queen ChocoPearl Cookie belong to me. Btw, this is based on an RP we did. Also, this will be split into two parts, so enjoy it while you can! Here’s Part 1!
Synopsis: Earthbread is in a festive mood as everyone gathers for the royal vow renewals of Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie and Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie. However, when the Brave Gang and the happy couple’s son Mac N Cheese Cookie, as flower girl and ring bearers respectively; lose the rings, a frenzied search and recovery mission gets underway. As the desperate heroes try to get back the rings before anyone discovers they’re missing, they leave behind a trail of disastrous chaos that includes sky lanterns, a flock of cream doves, a berry juice barrel barricade and a very sticky finale. Will the friends save the day and make it to the chapel in time? And will they ever get Macaroni’s face right?
It was morning in the city of Parfaedia, and Walnut Cookie and her father Almond Cookie as well as their friends Latte Cookie and Cream Puff Cookie began to film a brand new episode for their vlog, “The Parfaedia Scoop”. As the camera began rolling, Almond began the episode. “This is the story of how Latte and I lost our jobs.” He said, sarcastically. “Dad!” Walnut replied, knowing what he said was untrue. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! It was one of the biggest days of our lives- our friends’ Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie and Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie’s vow renewal day.” The detective said, recounting the exciting events of that day.
(A day earlier…)
“It was the biggest celebration to hit the Golden Cheese Kingdom since the former’s return to her throne!” Latte Cookie said as she remembered what happened. The Golden Cheese Kingdom was as festive as it could get, with cookies such as Carrot Cookie and Beet Cookie helping everyone get the reception area spread out, and Roll Cake and Kiwi decorating the getaway car for the happy couple to drive off into the sunset with. “Everyone was dying to get a glimpse of em!” Walnut added, smiling as she recounted the happenings of the event.
At the same time DJ Cookie was fine tuning their turntable for the reception, and a young Cheesebird was selling insect related wedding merchandise, as Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie loved bugs. “Everything was perfect, just like they always dreamt it would be.” Mused Latte Cookie, swooning over how amazing that day had been. A few Cheesebirds had been tying up the royal tapestry in the town square, which had Macaroni Cookie’s face accidentally messed up. “Yeah, everything was perf- Oh, come on! They still can't get his face right?!” Almond said as he remembered the embarrassing picture. “It was a magical day. And everything went just as planned.” Cream Puff Cookie replied as her eyes glittered, imagining the Dark Cacaoan Watchers on the roof and sides of the chapel, keeping watch over the ceremony. “Well... Almost.” Almond Replied, knowing that wasn’t exactly true.
Inside the royal chapel, Muscle Cookie played the organ as he smiled, with everyone waiting patiently for the ceremony to truly begin. As Gingerbrave and Co. walked down the aisle, Strawberry Cookie, Walnut Cookie, and Cream Puff Cookie tossed desert rose petals from their woven baskets while everyone took care of the rings- especially Mac N Cheese Cookie, the couple’s son. “This is so exciting!” Strawberry Cookie said as she flung petals all around her. “You bet, Strawberry.” Chili Pepper Cookie said as she brushed a petal away. Suddenly, everyone gasped and turned to look behind themselves (Most notable examples being Raspberry Cookie, Blueberry Cookie, Bumbleberry Cookie, Cranberry Cookie, Shining Glitter Cookie, Vagabond Cookie, The Ginkgoblin Boss, and Stink Eye Tortuga) as the bride, Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie, appeared at the end of the chapel; with golden butterflies carrying the train of her dress- with the Ancient Healer Pure Vanilla Cookie, the lucky groom Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie, and Pure Vanilla’s best friend White Lily Cookie beaming in happiness at the sight. Knowing that it was time for the big moment, Muscle Cookie threw an ax at Mint Choco Cookie’s Head. “GAH!” He yelped as ducked, hastily beginning to play “Here Comes The Bride” on his violin.
King Parmesan Cookie, Mozzarella’s father, flew down to her and bowed. “You ready, our darling?” He asked, offering her his arm to walk her down. “You bet I am.” She said, before her mother, Golden Cheese Cookie, offered her hand. “Let’s not keep your hubby waiting!” The golden sovereign said before she and her husband took their daughter’s arm and hand, and walked her to the altar. “Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry…” whispered Dark Cacao Cookie to himself as he wiped away the oncoming tears with his handkerchief. “I know how you feel, friend.” Hollyberry Cookie said as she sipped from her glass. “You’re doing great.” White Lily replied as she herself dabbed away her own tears.
Pure Vanilla, as the leader of the Vanilla Kingdom and the master of Ceremonies, had never seen a bride so lovely as the Golden Princess herself. “Wow.” He replied. Macaroni, the Princess Professor’s Husband, felt his heart skip a beat the moment he saw her. “Wow!” He said, dazzled. Poison Mushroom Cookie, despite not being on the guest list, couldn’t resist the bride’s beauty. WOOOOOOW!!!” They exclaimed, but not before they got shoved away by Eclair Cookie, and they threw a mushroom into the middle of the altar.
Eclair couldn’t contain his happiness. Oh my goodness gracious…!” He sniffled as he blew into a napkin. Tea Knight Cookie was also stunned. “A wonderful sight; isn’t it?” He asked. Mozzarella Cookie reached the altar, and the ceremony began. Pure Vanilla then spoke, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the renewal of Princess Professor Mozzarella Cookie and Prince Professor Macaroni Cookie’s vows in remarriage.” “Oh, it’s so beautiful!” Strawberry Cookie said as she Started to cry.
Suddenly, the mushroom’s Spores drifted past Chili Pepper Cookie’s face, and it tickled. “It sure is, Strawb-Ahh… Ahh… Ahh… AAAACHOOO!!” She Sneezed. But what she realized until seconds later, was that she sneezed the royal wedding rings away on accident, and they sailed out the door. Cream Puff and Walnut saw as well. “THE WEDDING RINGS!!” They cried out in horror. Madeleine Cookie had witnessed the sneeze as well. “This is terrible!” He exclaimed. “We have to get them back somehow!” Espresso Cookie added. But Princess Cookie and Tiger Lily Cookie had seen the rings fly away as well, and they knew they had to do something about it.
However, Chili Pepper imagined Pure Vanilla Cookie asking for the rings much later in the ceremony. “And together they’ll be rewed as husband and wife in everlasting, crispy peace.” Pure Vanilla would finish. The gang would freeze in place, knowing what was coming up next. “May I have the rings?” Pure Vanilla would ask. Mozzarella Cookie would gasp at the bare pillow; and so would Jungleberry Cookie and Royalberry Cookie, followed by Dark Choco Cookie and Whipped Cream Cookie, and soon the entire chapel would be gasping in shock. “Oh no…!” Strawberry Cookie would say. “Those were my Nonna’s wedding rings!!” Fusilli Cookie, Macaroni Cookie’s mother, would cry out. “This is horrible…” Pure Vanilla Cookie would state. “The wedding can’t go on without them!” White Lily Cookie would add.
Hollyberry Cookie and her husband Elderberry Cookie would do a double spit take, followed by them going, “WHAT?!” Dark Cacao Cookie would simply let out a “No…!” While his wife ChocoPearl Cookie faints. “I’ve waited 20 years for this day and it’s RUINED!!” Golden Cheese Cookie would say as she bursts into tears. “I know…!” King Parmesan would say as he comforts his sobbing wife. Then, a Cheesebird Guard would cry out, “The Kingdom is Lost!!!” Followed by Captain Caviar Cookie, who would be flipping out immediately. “THIS IS A LOST CAUSE!!” He would roar. Oyster Cookie would also be sorely upset by what had just happened. “I was looking forward to a beautiful ceremony, but all my expectations just flew out the window!!” She would say before fainting.
Black Raisin would be screeching. “We’re gonna be on the news for all the wrong reasons!!!” She would say. WildBerry would also start overreacting. “The wedding’s gonna be called off!!!” He would say. Crunchy Chip would pipe up. “We’re all gonna die!!!” He would wail. “Everybody…” Pancake Cookie would begin. “PANIC!!!” Gumball and Cherry Cookie would finish simultaneously. The entire chapel would start screaming, and before the gang knew it, The entire Golden Cheese Kingdom would be exploding in a literal blaze of unceremonious glory.
Luckily, the ceremony was still going on in the present, so the gang knew they had to do something. “And the mutual respect which they bring to their life together…” Pure Vanilla continued. As Pure Vanilla spoke, the ones who had seen the rings fly away made the ever so obvious excuse that they were heading to the bathroom. “The union of two cookies…” Pure Vanilla continued. Then, they bolted out the chapel door and after the rings. The Brave Gang quickly ran outside the chapel, but the rings went two ways and rolled off the patio!
“Ok. We’ve gotta split up. Strawberry, Wizard, Princess, Cream Puff, Espresso, and I will go after Mozz’s ring. The rest of you go after Macaroni’s!” Gingerbrave said. “Ok! Catch you later!” Chili Pepper Cookie said as the two teams jumped down to the courtyard below.
In said courtyard, Cookies and non cookie folks were preparing for the menu for that afternoon’s wedding reception. Mozzarella’s ring had bounced into a pot of pumpkin soup, and Gingerbrave hurried to get it. “Ok, I’ve got everything ready for the reception. I can see those hungry guests any minute-!” Carrot Cookie said, before seeing Gingerbrave grab the ring out of the pot. “GAH!” She replied, and Team A dropped the ring, and away it bounced from table to table. “Don’t let it get away!” Beet Cookie exclaimed. The servants scrambled around, but Wizard managed to pin the ring against an ice sculpture of two butterflies flying together in love, which was made by Snow Sugar Cookie.
At the same time, Team B was chasing after Macaroni’s ring, which was rolling down the street. “Come back, little ring!” Chili Pepper said. “We need you for the ceremony!” Madeleine shouted. But Chili Pepper, Madeleine, and Butter Tiger were so busy chasing after the ring, they didn’t notice the commemorative clothing and makeup carts. They ended up crashing into all of them, and the trio came out wearing a bit of everything, including pink dresses and hats over the tuxedos they were supposed to wear for that day.
“Hello Ladies!” Licorice Cookie said as he made a kissy face. “Not now, Old Rags Cookie!” Chili Pepper said as she punched him away, only to see the ring nestled underneath a cart. Walnut Cookie almost reached it due to her size! But at the same time, as Team A was getting Wizard’s staff off of the ice sculpture; the ring bounced away again, and a mole servant had knocked into the table and sent the ice sculpture flying. And said ice sculpture landed on the end of a cart, launching Team B into the air! “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!”
Inside, Pure Vanilla continued the ceremony. “…Held in reverence, dignity, honor, respect…” just as he said that; Poison Mushroom Cookie knew something was about to happen. And lo and behold; Team B flew by the window. “Lookie!” They pointed. “HELP!!!” Team B screamed as they flew by the Chapel Window. Luckily; everyone else was paying attention to the ceremony; so they didn’t notice (Even the watchers, who were desperately trying not to cry). Chiffon the Cake Hound whimpered and Poison Mushroom sighed, knowing they were the only ones to witness the anomaly. Team B landed in the Getaway car, which was going to take Mozzarella Cookie and Macaroni Cookie away to their second honeymoon. “Ow! Guys! T-T-The ring!” Custard III replied as he saw Macaroni’s ring pass by. Tiger Lily pointed at the rolling trinket. “After… ring!” She said. Chili Pepper then yelled, “Step on it!!” They then drove after the ring, hoping to catch it…
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mariacallous · 2 years
Retro Weight Watchers Program Rules (circa 1970s). These are...something:
RULE #1: Eat ONLY the foods listed in your Menu Plan, in the quantities specified and at the meals specified.
RULE #2: EGGS - Limit them to 4-7 per week. They may be taken only at breakfast or luncheon, not at dinner.
RULE #3: CHEESE - Cheese is only allowed at breakfast or luncheon, not at dinner. At breakfast, 1 oz. hard cheese or 1/4 cup cottage cheese or pot cheese may be used, following your Menu Plan. At luncheon, 2 oz. hard cheese or 2/3 cup cottage cheese or pot cheese may be used.
RULE #4: FISH - You must eat a minimum of 5 weekly fish meals (luncheon or dinners). This does not preclude your having fish more often, and at breakfast also. Follow your Menu Plan, and change frequently.
RULE #5: MEAT & POULTRY - Select a maximum of 5 weekly meat meals (luncheon or dinner) from Group A (Chicken, Turkey, Pheasant, Organ Meats, and Rabbit) and/or select a maximum of 3 weekly meat meals from Group B (Beef, Frankfurters, Lamb). For luncheon, 4 ounces of cooked meat may be selected. For dinner, 6 ounces is permitted. It is advised that you weigh your portion. Remove all visible fat. Broil, boil, bake or roast ONLY. Liver is required once a week.
RULE #6 : Unlimited Vegetables - You may eat all you want of the following vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, endive, escarole, peppers, kohlrabi, lettuce, mung bean sprouts, mushrooms, pickles, pimentos, radishes, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spinach, squash (green), string beans, water cress
RULE #7: Limited Vegetables - Select any one of the following vegetables and use at dinner only. Only one serving, or 1/2 cup, permitted. Vary your selections from day to day: artichokes , bamboo shoots, beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, eggplant, okra, onion, oyster plant, parsnips, peas, pumpkin, scallions, squash, tomato, *tomato juice, turnip.
*Tomato juice may be taken at any time. Limited to 12 oz daily.
RULE #8 : FRUIT - Select one Vitamin C fruit - orange or grapefruit - each day. Otherwise, vary selections. Fruits may be eaten raw or cooked. One-half cup equals 1 fruit, except where otherwise marked.  No bananas, cherries, dried fruits, grapes or watermelon. (Later revised to allow one serving of these per week) Women: 3 fruits daily.  Men: 5 fruits daily.
RULE #9: MILK - You must use your daily allotment of milk. Women and men 16 ounces. Skim milk or buttermilk may be used interchangeably and at any time.
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what-marsha-eats · 1 year
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Pink Deviled Eggs
by Ruth Reichl
They’re so beautiful, and you get a lot of bang for very few bucks.
(Incidentally, I usually use Sriracha in the recipe, but like many people, I am suffering from Sriracha deprivation due to the shortage of Huy Tung Sriracha, which is currently selling for a staggery $75 on Amazon. According to the "Los Angeles Times," the company goes through 50,000 tons of Mexican chiles a year, and the drought south of the border has created a chile shortage. I haven’t found another brand I like, so I used Tabasco in its place.)
1 dozen hard-boiled eggs 1 jar pickled beets Tabasco mustard mayonnaise salt and pepper
Once your eggs are cooked and peeled, put the whole eggs into a bowl with the juice from a can of pickled beets; add a bit of water if the eggs aren’t completely covered.
Before long the eggs will begin to turn a vibrant shade of pink. Leave them in the refrigerator overnight, and the whites will be the most beautiful color, a dazzling contrast to the marigold color of the yolks. (Leave them in the beet juice for more than 18 hours, however, and the yolks will turn pink as well.)
Cut the eggs in half lengthwise, then slice a  bit off the bottom of the white of each half so they won’t wobble on the plate.  It makes them considerably easier to fill. Remove the yolks and mash with  mayonnaise, a bit of mustard, and salt and pepper.  Add a splash of Tabasco for heat.  
If you want truly etherial tenderness, whip the filling in a food processor; it will make it smoother. Then pile the deviled yolks back into the pink shells. (A pastry tube makes this easier.) 
At the end, just for color, top each one with a little leaf of herb.
A small digression on the science of hardboiled eggs….
When eggs are new, the membrane beneath the shell sticks tightly to its shell, making peeling them a serious challenge. As eggs age, the protective coating on the shell becomes porous and begins to absorb air making the whites less acetic. (This is why the whites of freshly laid eggs are cloudy; as they absorb air they lose some of the carbon dioxide in the albumen, the ph rises, and the whites become clearer.)
But while the egg whites are losing their acidity, they are also getting thinner, meaning that the yolk is moving farther from the center. So if you’re intent on perfect deviled eggs, begin with organic, new-laid eggs but put them in the refrigerator for a week and store them on their sides.
When you’re ready to hard-boil them, bring the eggs to room temperature (which will keep them from cracking). Put your eggs in a pot that will hold them in a single layer, so that they cook evenly. Cover them with cold water and raise it quickly just to a boil. Cover the pot, turn off the heat and let the eggs sit for 12 minutes.
Chill the eggs, immediately, in a bowl of ice water.  This will prevent the dread green circle around the outside of the yolk. (That occurs because the iron in the yolk reacts with the sulfur in the white when the temperature of the egg reaches 158° F.  Although perfectly harmless, it lends your deviled eggs a slightly ghoulish air. )
If you don't want to wait a week, steam your eggs.  It's easy. Put them in a steamer (or a colander over a big pot), cover them and steam for twenty minutes. Plunk them into an ice water bath until they’re cool enough to handle. Roll on the counter.  The shells of even new-laid eggs will peel right off.  
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gardenferments · 6 months
The Gut-Friendly Drink: Beet Kvass
Need an edge for your active lifestyle? Try organic beet kvass, a fermented drink bursting with probiotics to aid digestion, enhance mental clarity and curb sugar cravings so you can focus on your next achievement.
Is your gut missing that extra "punch"? One drink of organic beet kvass delivers powerful probiotics to support digestion and flood your body with antioxidants. Want to feel that gut-boost in just two ounces a day?
Curious how a simple beetroot drink can impact your health so strongly? The probiotic powerhouse that is organic beet kvass aids digestion, fuels mental performance and fights sugar cravings. What are you waiting for - try this natural refresher today!
Tired of fizzy drinks but want something refreshing? Our organic beet kvass may be the answer - would you believe just two ounces delivers gut-saving probiotics plus anti-inflammatory benefits? Why not give this fermented tonic a try today?
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Food labeling is confusing. But do not be deceived!
When orange juice says it's non-GMO, please recognize that all oranges are non-GMO. The only potential GMO products in the USA are papaya, corn, alfalfa, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, squash, canola, sugar beets, and apples.
When organic milk is labeled antibiotic free, remember that all dairy products, including milk, are always antibiotic free. Same applies to meat.
Those bananas advertised as cholesterol free? That's because all bananas are cholesterol free.
When a jar of peanuts says it is made in a plant that processes peanuts just use your common sense and roll your eyes.
When a bag of apples says it is gluten free, remember that gluten comes from wheat.
When you see a Facebook post that talks about hormones in beef, please understand that an 8oz serving of beef has 2-3 nanograms of estrogen, an 8 oz serving of white bread has 136,080 nanograms of estrogen, and 8 ounces of soy flour has 342,468,000 nanograms of estrogen. All living things produce estrogen, it's just science.
When that carton of eggs says that they came from vegetarian fed chickens, don't forget that chickens are naturally omnivores.
So yes, eat healthy, but don't be swayed by deceptive advertising. Be informed.
No farms, no food. Know your farmers, know your food
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anachrosims · 2 years
I’ve been in considerable pain with inflamed joints the last few days and I’m like
Well... I can’t get to the doctor for the time being, so what can I do?
Every day I drink a big tall glass of organic orange juice, organic beet juice, and an ice cube of frozen organic lemon juice. 
Added turmeric and ginger powder. Not only is it delicious, super packed with Vitamin C, helps nausea and inflammation.
(Note: I am not a doctor. If you can, always seek professional medical help for ongoing medical problems.)
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for-a-free-iran · 2 years
reports say that people being released from prison are given injections (or tablets? in food?...) of drugs that cause an overdose and death at home. paracetamol is the one i saw mentioned. so clearly a fast as possible liver flush is key. there is suppposed to be a medical antidote, but i have no word on that. but what if They cannot get medical care???
here is a few things i found. bananas, beet greens and spinach. cabbage, cauliflower or brussel sprout juice. COFFEE ENEMAS. MILK THISTLE, AND DANDELION ROOT. orange carrot and ginger juice was also mentioned.
Liver Cleanse Recipe
In addition to the healthy foods and supplements mentioned above, you can give your liver a boost by starting with a quick, 24-hour liver cleanse. In the seven days prior to this short cleanse, eat the following foods:
Brussels sprouts
citrus fruits
Avoid any processed foods, and eat free-range organic meats, refined carbohydrates and gluten sparingly. This preparation will help facilitate the cleanse.
During the week you are preparing your body, also try my Secret Detox Drink. It boosts your energy and helps you to detox and cleanse the liver. This recipe calls for apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, cinnamon and water.
Then, during the week of your cleanse try this liver detox drink. This recipe will help support your body while cleansing:
Liver Detox Drink
Dilute cranberry juice with a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part cranberry juice.
Add 1/4 teaspoon each of nutmeg and ginger and a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon into a tea infuser and let steep in simmering water for 20 minutes.
Allow to cool to room temperature.
Add the juice of 3 oranges and 3 lemons and stir. If the mixture is too tart, sweeten with your favorite all-natural sweetener.
Sip throughout the day.
You should consume a minimum of 72 ounces of this mixture and 72 ounces of water. After one day of the cranberry juice blend, reintroduce the foods you ate in preparation for the liver cleanse.
COFFEE ENEMAS ARE VERY GOOD. and not hard to do.
thank You!
God bless You!
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vertanvertan · 2 years
The Guide To Ikaria Lean Belly Juice Explained
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Ikaria lean belly juice is really merchandise that helps bring weight loss from the healthy formula. It really is formulated from a range of what enhance digestif health insurance burn fat more proficiently. For instance probiotics also polyphenols. Use this seo in combination with a standard exercise program to find your desired lbs. On top of his or her weight-loss rewards, Ikaria lean belly juice may additionally prevent a few healthcare conditions. Given that its full of what offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Further, in addition cross-bow supports cardio workouts health, as well as ldl as well as the urate stages. Hence, individuals that put can possibly more affordable his or her occur getting caught cancer tumor as well as diabetes.
The actual increase is especially including African mango extract. Doing this food has been proven to lose further extra fat unlike doing exercises. It's a good point of antioxidants, really. A different active ingredient could be beet base powder snow. Beetroot will often boost blood circulation, which often advances weight loss results. As well as, this helps erase arterial plaques. Citrus pectin, still another item, helps you absorb the water inside a digestion, which will help you're satisfied for longer. This can be a organic and natural sheets, too. Further, can help you suppress your appetite. Conclusively, the exact nutritional supplement includes a very special polyphenol blend, containing grape fruit pulverulence and additionally raspberry supplement. In the event that web employ this website on the internet, they're attain particulars about ikaria lean belly juice.
Probiotics may also be included in the Ikaria lean belly juice. This type of gut-friendly microorganisms help steer clear of plus activity. They lead to body fat ingestion. When you are which can be purchased for innate drugs that can help you shed weight, there's no doubt that probiotics come with natural part to be able to. Many wellness supplements which can help you lose fat have caffeine, that could transform your electricity consequently move more purposely. But nevertheless, have to come to be hurtful if it turns out utilised in high dosages. But, Ikaria lean belly juice consists of a short caffeine intake, so you can nonetheless have the a feeling of power without the need of pessimistic influence.
Largest elements people put on pounds is because they enjoy unhealthy foods. The reason being is almost all of these meals bother into your market of the hormones in the torso. However, a diet program abundant with multivitamins or blueberries may help you do away with extra fat. There is also certain spices and herbs for helping to elevate your actual metabolic. One of the regular herbs and spices have proven to be black pepper, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, and fennel. These types have been located to achieve an opportunity to manage your craving in addition to excite your fat-burning metabolic process. In publishing all of them in your daily routine, you can begin to shed pounds very little motivation. To comprehend a course from your ikaria lean belly juice reviews, people young and old can possibly check with these simple link through .
Whenever you're serious about shopping for Ikaria lean belly juice, you can the company's internet page. Provides many different package deals which could suit your needs. The fundamental package has 30 bottles for $69 plus shipping. Another substantial bundle overheads $49, specialists contain it for just about any full 180 days. As Ikaria lean belly juice makes use of all-natural and therefore organic ingredients, tinkering with dependable path to arrive at your required successes. Also, additionally, it may drunk with some other items, such as smoothie.
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appmonk · 2 years
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in the Genitals and Anus:Scorpio
Current Moon is in Scorpio:
Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough.
Organs influenced by the current Scorpio Moon Sign:
Organs: Genitals, rectum, anus, urethra, genital glands, ovaries, prostate, pubic bone, genes.
These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Scorpio's cell salt is calcium sulphate, which is the prime ingredient in the repair of tissues and resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions which do not heal, and infertility.
Eat : Foods rich in calcium sulphate, which Scorpios should include in their diet, are asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, onions, tomatoes, figs, black cherries, coconuts. Scorpios need calcium food such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. The following are particularly good for Scorpio: fish and seafood, green salads, beets, lentil, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas and pineapples.
Don't Eat : Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light. Bottled spring water is often better for them to drink than regular tap water.Scorpios have a problem handling liquor. Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpio's looks and skin.
The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquids−including blood, mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily pick up negativity from others. They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles.
Excess Water
These people tend toward sluggish digestion, poor assimilation and slow metabolism. Stagnant excess water may manifest as mucus, cysts, tumors and swellings, as well as systemic candida. Excess water can manifest as weight problems. It is seldom helpful to decrease dietary intake alone. Better results come from increasing the metabolic rate, decreasing the liquid intake, changing the diet and increasing physical activity.Excess Water is balanced by foods that are hot, dry and light.
Take steamed vegetables, beans, fruits.
Avoid oily foods, diary, sweets, yeasty foods, breads and salt.
Remedy sage, basil and thyme, Diuretics such as parsley, uva ursi and juniper berries, Chapparal, garlic and olive leaf
Low Water
Low Water constitutions have trouble flushing toxins from their systems, and lack lubrication to their systems. They tend to be stiff and dehydrated and have difficulty sleeping. They suffer from conditions similar to excess air, such as skin and hair dryness and difficult absorption of nutrients. They find it hard to accept emotional nourishment. Take baths, drink plenty of liquids, and live near water.Melons, cucumbers and other moist and fleshy vegetables help balance this constitution Don't fast, take care with extreme exposure to heat or sunlight and take extra salt with exertion or warm weather.
Take wheat, rice, oats, seaweed, dairy products and natural sugars .
Avoid beans and natural diuretics such as carrots, celery, cabbage and asparagus
Remedy licorice sweetened with honey, Fruit juices
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