#oreo regulus
weirdddgirl · 5 months
In like Regulus’ sixth year he had this desire to straighten his very curly hair, he had his Straightened for the rest of hogwarts and he didn’t like un-straighten his hair until he was like 23ish(I will always love straight haired Regulus) and also the under lair of his hair is blonde(him and Cissa be matching) and everybody was mortified by his straight hair especially James and Sirius. Did I mention that Barty was the one that helped him straighten it,Dorcas and Evan were so mad at him for helping Regulus for doing that.
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Regulus was a silent crier. Once, he was crying in the Slytherin dorms and the only reason Evan realised is because he was crying at the edge of the bed and a llittle puddle ended up forming on the floor. They talked and ate oreos for the rest of the night, talking about how James and Barty were cute.
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birlwrites · 1 year
what's your opinion on regulus/lily? i love them, but i honestly don't like the fics because they often make snape not a bad person, but i digress. i tend to read the fanfic because if you don't get pro-snape things, you don't get anything at all with that ship.
(or, what about, for fun, regulus/lily/evan)
i think regulus/lily can be very cool, AS LONG AS it doesn't turn into 'dramione but make it marauders.' (this is actually a caveat i have with a lot of marauders' era ships - that the potential is there, but the dynamic is often just like it is in a popular golden trio era ship. i'm down for a LOT of ships as long as the characters and dynamics don't feel recycled)
i think if i were to write a regulus/lily fic, it would probably be grounded in the war, because i feel like they need very high stakes to really push them together (see ttdl LMAO) - unless they're in the same house or year or something like that where they naturally run across each other a lot
like (and this is just off the top of my head - if someone wants to take this premise and run with it, go ahead! i already have far too many wips afjlshgskdf), this would be my go-to:
due to various scheduling issues, regulus and lily are assigned to do prefect rounds together (a combination that would normally NEVER fly because they try not to put muggleborns and People With Close Personal Ties To Death Eaters on patrol together)
lily goes into it hackles up, in the direct wake of sirius's disownment, expecting the worst from regulus black
regulus goes into it mildly curious about this lily evans who he has only ever heard about in the context of a) snape or b) potter, but honestly he's preoccupied with Sirius Angst and Family Pressure Angst and lots of things like that
slow burn the fuck out of it. regulus will probably be the one who has to actually break the ice because just b/c lily is no longer expecting him to blow up at her for blood purity reasons it doesn't mean she expects him to be worth befriending
bond over being younger siblings with very complicated relationships with their older siblings
become close friends (and here you get the joys of the secret relationship trope before a romantic relationship even develops, because War and also Sirius)
(side note - much character work for sirius would be necessary to make sure he's not just Regulus's Shouty Dramatic Brother)
and then i don't know where it would go from there but i do really like the idea of them working together in the war. either as an 'they're on their own side' thing or as a 'infiltrated both sides, using them for their own agenda' thing. like let them have a safehouse that lily has stocked with hand grenades, that's my vision
regulus/lily/evan would be A HOT MESS (in a fun way afjslghskdjf i just mean i'm laughing thinking about it) - triple the complicated relationships with older siblings. evan 'flirting is my middle name' rosier vs regulus 'pine until i either have to confess my undying love or fake my death' black vs lily 'historically people have just fallen all over themselves to ask me out and i don't actually know how to demonstrate interest in someone' evans. lots of lighthearted bickering. lily introducing regulus and evan to modern muggle technological marvels (disco ball). they have 'study dates' which are actually just lily and regulus studying and evan being distracting. they have a black and white cat named oreo (evan thinks this is the most original cat name ever). regulus is tormented constantly by lily and evan attempting to invent new household charms whenever the mood strikes. he and oreo often retreat to the library (spare bedroom full of books and one (1) disco ball) for safety. lily has a secret diary in which she keeps track of Definitely Totally Very Real Muggle Inventions that regulus and evan don't know she lied about yet. they have GREAT photo albums
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july 11 - essential - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 218
(my bad yall i’ve actually been writing my own little story w my ocs!!)
James rubbed the spot between his eyes, fixing his glasses. “Love, we really don’t need it. We already have one at home.”
Regulus gasped dramatically, leaning close to whisper-yell at his boyfriend. “It?! His name is Oreo and I love him,” he held up the black cat, which was splattered in white spots, close to his face.
James rolled his eyes. He thought it would be a great idea to take Regulus to a cat cafe for a date. What he didn’t realize is how much his boyfriend loves to take things — or rather pets — home with him.
“This is essential to my life. If I don’t have him, I will perish due to the rapid waves of a horrifying storm that takes ahold of me because I didn’t take this angelic fluffball of-”
James put his hands on Regulus’s shoulders, leaning over the table as he had done plenty of times now. “You’ve said this about every single cat that came to perch on your lap. Besides, you’re going to make Apollo feel bad,” he reminded, holding up a polaroid picture of a ginger cat with way too much energy.
Regulus simply grumbled in response. “Fine.”
James smiled. At least he knew what to get Regulus for his next birthday. A cute little Oreo cat.
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roseygurl · 7 months
jobs i think the marauders & friends would have
james potter
- works at a sporting goods store
- he’s very knowledgeable and great at his job
- will definitely persuade you into buying something you don’t want or need
- “sir these nike airs will make you jump so incredibly high”
- always chewing gum and always getting yelled at for it by his boss
- hates working register, you’ll find him in the shoes section reading a magazine
- made the store playlist, he’s always on aux
- all his coworkers are really old but he still manages to get along really well with them
- has definitely grabbed a beer with the 50 year old cashier
sirius black
- movie theatre employee
- he hates his job so much. so much
- but he loves saying he works at a movie theatre because it sounds cool
- applied because he loves films and the smell of theatre popcorn
- works at the concession stand and steals extra large slushees (his go-to flavors are cherry and coke)
- he’s really bad at customer service but he’s naturally charming so it’s okay
- always has one airpod in
- coworkers love him because remus brings him food on his break that he shares with everyone
- never ever wears the hat that comes with his uniform because it’s ugly and makes his hair look bad
- definitely cries in the bathroom
remus lupin
- waiter at a nice restaurant downtown
- he’s actually quite rude but his dry humor and nice cheekbones charms people for some reason
- (gets horrible tips)
- has to wear a fully black outfit with a silly black bow tie, sirius thinks he looks handsome
- really good at bussing tables and rolling silverware
- steals fries from the kitchen
- sometimes they ask him to bartend and he really enjoys that
- the hostess girl adores him (sirius despises her)
- smokes near the dumpster on his break and then sits on the floor in the walk-in for a few minutes
- “can i speak to the manager?!”
- “ma’am i am the manager” (he’s lying)
peter pettigrew
- works at a gas station
- constantly forgets to check for ID
- free vape pods for his friends!!!!!!
- actually likes stocking shelves because he doesn’t have to talk to anyone
- always scared the store is gonna get robbed at gunpoint
- sees people steal but never says anything about it
- he literally never sees his boss around, where is that man???
- usually closing shift, he hates it
- reads comic books up front all the time, sometimes he’ll have really long conversations with customers about x-men
regulus black
- works drive-thru at a burger joint
- customer service is on point but after 8pm he turns into the biggest bitch on the face of the earth
- he just wants to go home
- sirius and james always drive by to troll him and order shakes
- sirius is really good at doing the karen voice and has actually fooled him almost every single time
- big brother behavior
- his uniform is rancid and smells like burger grease
- always having one sided competitions with other coworkers that nobody is in on except for him
- he loves oreo milkshakes
- ends up having to train the new hires but he’s so terrible at it
- “idk i think this is how you do it but im not sure”
- bad at counting change on the spot, he’ll start tearing up if you give him coins
lily evans
- second-hand bookstore employee
- started out as a volunteer but they actually ended up hiring her
- she doesn’t get enough hours
- works next to a coffee shop so she always grabs a cappuccino for james after her morning shifts
- gets to wear cute outfits but has to wear an ugly gray apron
- decorates it with pins
- remus always comes to visit her and they bitch about rude customers together
- he ends up helping her move heavy boxes
- her boss is this sweet weird hippie woman who somehow knows everyone personally
- the dusty books give her terrible allergies
- that girl is always sneezing and sniffling
- will talk your ear off about jane austen
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otrtbs · 1 year
idk why but ur recent post made me imagine what it would be like if all the characters just had their own girl dinner as their meal in the dinner fic
like its a really fancy setting/atmosphere or whatever and the food gets hyped up so much and then beneath the silver dish is just the plainest pasta you've ever seen w sprinkled cheese and a dr pepper or some shit
and they all eat it as if its fine dining, 100% srs, like reg is just at the head of the table twirling his fork and asking pandora ab politics whilst they all tuck in
omg omg hahaha that would be so funny i'm actually inspired
the dinner fic characters and their girl dinners 🍱✨ :
james: gushers fruit snacks, celery sticks, day old fried rice, the rainbow airhead xtremes, mango (but only if it's already cut up otherwise he'll eat a banana)
lily: pistachios, dried apricots, peanut butter out of the jar, popcorn
sirius: salted tomato slices, toast w butter (the bread w the seeds in it), canned frosting (eats it w a spoon), salami slices, cherries
remus: dark chocolate, cereal (no milk just out of the box by the handful), plums, black coffee
regulus: olives, orange slices, greek yogurt, red wine, cold cut turkey slices from the deli
marlene: a cheese stick (or two), pickles, pepperoni slices, ice cream
dorcas: pomegranate seeds, white wine, babybel cheese, graham crackers (the cinnamon kind), pita chips w artichoke dip
pandora: nachos (but the kind where u throw shredded cheese on tortilla chips and microwave it that's it), sugar snap peas, mini marshmallows
mary: raspberries, cucumbers, diet coke, chocolate chips out of the bag, hot chips
barty: redbull, doritos, shredded cheese right out of the bag, a boiled egg, gummy worms
evan: a whole rotisserie chicken (just going at it w ur bare hands) and oreos
peter: carrot sticks, hummus, chocolate chip cookies, a block of cheddar cheese
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miraclemeridian · 2 years
Regulus Black got a cat when he moved in with James. It's a black fluffy cat named Oreo because he let James pick the name.
Regulus: James, I need you to know that if there was a fire and I needed to choose between you and Oreo, I'd choose Oreo
James: What?
Regulus: You're a human, you can figure it but he's a poor defenseless baby
James: What if I was trapped?
Regulus: You can figure it out. You're a big boy, James, but he's a baby
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addyrogers21 · 5 months
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your moots or followers 🩷
1. David Bowie
2. Regulus Black
3. Playing the piano
4. Oreos/cheetos
5. The big bang theory
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aithusarosekiller · 3 years
If James and Sirius saved Regulus from the cave:
Regulus: *looking around the kitchen*
Regulus: looking for a snack???
Regulus, opening a packet of Oreo’s: I’m fine!
Regulus, eating causally: yes, I know that thank you, I was there.
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anauro · 2 years
OK! Last ask of the day (lol)
“I’d love to hear about your day. Do you want a cup of tea as well?” 
Such simple words and yet they had Regulus’ heart in a chokehold. No one had ever said this to him, not his parents, not Mr Kreacher, not even his brother.
Walbyby, Oreo and Sirius, that I can understand, but Kreacher?? Not even once?? Booooo tomato tomato (Sirius has the Sirius privilege. We - I - forgive him) - 🧋
Ha, you are set on Mr Kreacher being the bad guy, huh?
I think he showed Regulus more parental love than Walburga and Orion ever did, but I think he knew enough of Regulus’ life to not ask him about his day, feelings etc. He’d make him hot chocolate when he saw Regulus upset and he’d cook his favourite meals, but I don’t think talking was his strong suit.
Similarly for Sirius, by the time Reg grew old enough to be asked about his day, Sirius already had his own issues and was spending most of his energy hiding it from everyone and making sure Regulus was, generally speaking, okay. And ofc we all love Sirius and he was trying to be the best older brother he could and just got a bit lost along the way… ofc he’s forgiven 😌
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loserboyfriendrjl · 3 years
marauders & co. as things i have said at some point (pt. 1)
remus: physically i am a teenager, mentally i am already an adult who pays taxes
remus: i take the qualities of fictional characters and put them in me in hope i can be as good as they are
remus: how to use capital :(
james: eat your vegetables, fuckface
james: cut shit people out of your life like you cut tomatoes.
sirius: why does talking to my mother make me so uncomfortable? the answer? find out on next episode of "mommy issues"
sirius: why does everyone ask me if i'm gay? it's not like i cuff my jeans or listen to david bowie or exist
peter: if i'd have a penny for every time someone insulted me i'd be jeff bezos
peter: you don't know how to eat an oreo right and that disappoints me
lily: i wanna be me no study me no care me go marry a millionaire but i'll cry over an 8
lily: you think i have a problem? you don't listen to taylor swift, dude.
marlene: the queen (lily) wouldn't be friend with a bigot (snape)
marlene: i'm a fucking lesbian, cristopher
dorcas: holy motherfucking shit that's a whole other specimen of idiot
dorcas: your music taste is not good enough to be friends, sorry not sorry
mary: i don't wear eyeline, only mascara. if i have a mental breakdown, eyeliner is not waterproof. mascara is, though
mary: i hope you like this personality, i made it specially for you!
regulus: don't listen to any of the advice i give you unless you want to be brought to your ultimate demise
regulus: my mother told me to not stress over my exams. well guess what. i will.
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fruitcoops · 4 years
You’ve done a few ace Reg centered fics (which I adore, thank you) what about an aro Reg centered one? Like I know you headcanon him as aroace but there’s not a lot out there for just an aro aspect if you get me. Anyway, do ignore if you don’t vibe with this. I adore your fics and I hope you have a wonderful day ♥️
AAAHHH YES!! I love that people enjoy my aroace Regulus fics! I absolutely vibe with this and had a great time revisiting my favorite runaway snake <3 Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Leo sniffed the air, then leaned down and sniffed Regulus.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Is that you?”
“Is what me?” Regulus looked down at himself, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“That smell.”
He frowned. Aside from taking a shower in the morning instead of at night, he hadn’t changed any part of his routine. Tentatively, he sniffed his shirt. “…I don’t think so?”
“GImme your hand.” Leo reached down and took it before Regulus could protest—he lifted it to his face and made a humming sound of satisfaction. “It is you. I like your hand lotion.”
“Thanks?” Regulus didn’t remember putting any lotion on that morning. It hadn’t been dry enough recently to make his knuckles crack, and ever since he left the Snakes, his blisters weren’t as severe…
A thought struck him as they headed down the next aisle. Soap.
“I’m not wearing hand lotion, but Sirius got new soap for the bathroom. Something with flowers, maybe?”
“Magnolia,” Leo said with a small smile.
“Yeah, something like that. The minty stuff was making Remus sneeze.” Regulus paused. “How do you know what flower it is?”
“Smells like home.”
He closed his eyes and breathed deep again; he had never been to New Orleans, but knowing that only made him want to go more. He laughed under his breath. “Knutty, guess what?”
“I’m an aromatic aromantic.”
“Oh my god,” Leo groaned, shoving him away by the forehead as they rounded the corner. “You’re awful.”
“I’m hilarious,” Regulus corrected with a grin.
Regulus drummed his hands on the doorjamb as he popped his head into the living room. Nervous energy prickled in his stomach, though it wasn’t nearly as severe as the first time he came out.
“Do you want to join?” Sirius asked around half an Oreo, tucking his legs up. Some sci-fi action movie Regulus had never seen burst in bright colors across the TV screen; one of the Star-somethings, he thought.
“No, I just needed to talk to you. Uh, you know how I’m ace?”
Sirius sat up straighter with concern written all over his face. “Are you okay? Did someone give you shit for it?”
He shook his head and tried to ignore the dryness of his mouth. He loves you. He’ll accept you. Be cool. “No, but I’m also aromantic.”
A smile tilted one side of Sirius’ mouth up. “Merde, I thought it was going to be bad news. That’s great, Reg, thanks for letting me know. I guess I should stop looking for people to set you up with, eh?”
“Yes, please,” Regulus laughed around the clog in his chest. “Okay. Okay, cool. Um, thanks for…being cool about it.” Say ‘cool’ a little more, why don’t you?
Sirius just kept on smiling. “Any time. Anything else you want to talk about?”
“I think that covers it,” he said, clearing his throat. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Regulus’ birthday had never been a big deal, even once Sirius was out of the house and it was just him and his parents. They remembered it, of course, and always wished him an absentminded ‘happy birthday’ when he came out of his room, but it never felt personal. Their gifts were especially detached: some pucks, a new stick, and a watch he would never wear were the most common.
His first birthday away from them was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Sirius organized a surprise party while the Dumais kids teamed up against him in a game of pickup hockey at the park; Regulus nearly cried when he saw the bright streamers and crowd of people that showed up for no reason other than to celebrate him for a day.
He finally fell into bed just before midnight, exhausted and all tingly with happiness. The purple, black, and gray flag on his wall caught the moon coming through his window and he smiled to himself when he saw the toppled pile of birthday cards on the dresser beneath it.
Nobody had given him anything remotely hockey-related, nor had he seen any sign of a watch. A new puzzle from Leo with magnolias on it waited on the floor by his closet; the book series Sirius got him was already in his bookshelf, perfectly filling the last bit of empty space.
There was a gentle knock on the door just before he turned his light off. “You can come in,” he called, suddenly worried. Had something happened in the twenty minutes he had been gone?
Remus stepped in with a shy smile as he fidgeted with a small package wrapped in green paper. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were getting ready for bed.”
“It’s alright.”
“This is for you.” He sat on the end of Regulus’ bed and handed him the package; it was soft, like fabric, but much too small to be clothing. “I was hiding it so you wouldn’t find it on accident and totally forgot to give it to you earlier.”
“Thanks, Remus. You didn’t have to do that.”
He shrugged. “It’s your birthday. The presents are the best part.”
The best part is being absolutely suffocated by affection from twelve Lions, Regulus thought, though he kept it to himself and picked at the shiny gold ribbon. “Can I open it?”
“Sure thing, birthday boy.”
It certainly felt like fabric when it brushed against Regulus’ fingers and he scooted closer to his bedside lamp as he pulled the wrapping paper away. Green, grey, white and black stood out in blocky stripes against the blue of his bedspread—it was slightly smaller than his ace flag, but just as beautiful.
“It’s—Erin thought you might like it. From the bookstore?” Remus was worrying at the cuff of his sleeve, as if there was any possible way Regulus wouldn’t like it. “It’s the—”
“Aromantic pride flag,” he murmured, tracing the edges and willing his voice not to crack. He swallowed hard and kept it clutched tight in his hand as he turned and wrapped his arms around Remus in a hug. “Thank you.”
Remus seemed surprised, but quickly relaxed and held him close. “Happy birthday, Reg. I’m really glad you like it.”
“Of course I like it,” he scoffed, closing his eyes as a slight prickle built behind them.
“I’m really glad you came to stay with us,” Remus said when Regulus finally pulled away. “It’s been awesome getting to know you.”
Regulus cracked a smile. “Ditto. Today was incredible, by the way.”
The clock on his nightstand beeped as midnight struck and Remus raised his eyebrows. “Oof, sorry for keeping you up.”
“Are you kidding?” Regulus laughed. “I’m a night owl. I’ll be up for ages.”
“Uh-huh, sure you will.” Remus shook his head as Regulus stifled a yawn, then stood and headed back toward the door. “Sleep tight, Reg.”
“You, too.”
Regulus curled up under the covers with the flag’s smooth fabric tucked against his face and the scent of magnolia soap winding around him. Happy birthday to me, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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For your end of year fic asks! I love you!! ❤️
3. Favourite line/scene that you wrote
12. Favourite character to write about
14. A fic you didn't expect to write
19. Any new fics to start? 👀👀
21. Most memorable comment
23. Fics you wanted to write but didn't
@mollymarymarie you are always so bloody wonderfully kind, thank you love!!
3. Favourite line/scene: I did this already, but I'll pick another one, this time from Boys Don't Cry which is the prequel to my canon fic We Can Be Heroes.
There was a pause. Sirius licked his lips.
“You need to get it into your pitiful little skull that I’m a bad person, Prongs. Once you accept that, then this whole thing makes sense. Oh I know you’re going to say your usual pathetic, feel-good line about how we’ve all got both light and dark inside us,” he said with a distasteful air, making air quotes, and looking somewhere in the mid distance.  "That what matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are,  bla bla bla. Face it, this is who I am."
12. Favourite character to write about: I already answered this too, but basically I couldn't pick? I think it depends what fic it is, for A Little Risk I'd say Lily and Remus, but for Boys Don't Cry I think it's Sirius.
14. A fic I didn't expect to write: I had no plans to start another fic, but then @joyseuphoria gave me an amazing prompt and an idea around baking, and next thing I knew, The Great Quidditch Bake Off was apparently a thing, with Jily in their enemies-to-lovers phase, Minnie on the war-path, Umbridge as a bigoted pureblood recipe-loving judge and Gilderoy Lockhart as her side-kick with the best-selling memoire entitled “From Guilty Pleasure Oreo Cheesecake to Black Forest Lust Bars- A Catalogue of How to Win: My Love Life in Desserts,” - which was not a sentence I EVER thought I'd write, and Minnie has still not forgiven me for making her say it out loud!
19. Any new fics to start? As I explained, my main aim is to finish A Little Risk and while I would like to do a muggle AU based in the North of Ireland with Catholic!Lily & Remus and Protestant!James and Sirius, I doubt I'll get the time to do it soon. So, more to the point, DO YOU HAVE ANY NEW FICS TO START??? Because you know I'll devour any if/when you do!
21. Most memorable comment? That is so hard to pick!!! So many beautiful people leave such gorgeous comments and thank you for that!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
There were a number of comments all by the same lovely person on Boys Don't Cry and We Can Be Heroes which made my day. They were from someone who had a pretty traumatic childhood and really identified and liked my portrayal of Sirius and Regulus and their relationship in these fics, and I’m super grateful and honoured that they shared that with me.
Also our mutual friend Moony posted this in response to a cliffhanger/ reveal on A Little Risk and I laughed so much 🤣
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23. Fics you wanted to write but didn’t:
I would love to do another Jily & Wolfstar doctors AU but I have zero time so I didn’t even start it! I would also have loved to do some one shots set in the We Can Be Heroes universe which I mentioned at the end of that fic but again.. no time! Maybe next year after I finish ALR??
Thank you so much darling, you are a star and I love you too 🥺❤️🥰
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dwellordream · 3 years
Wally and Oreo probably bribed Regulus as apologies like "I got you this wand toy, now stop crying over being cursiod"
Love the nicknames for Walburga and Orion
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exilesblack · 3 years
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luna — send a character name and i'll shuffle my playlist. whatever song plays first is now their theme song.
Minerva McGonagall
prongs — send me a character name and one word (ANY word), and i'll make a headcanon of them using that word.
Charecter- Regulus Black
Word- Oreo (hakajsjsjsj lmao <3)
luna - *tries not to cry in marauders*
prongs - tw ; mild choking
ok remember when ppl tried to get oreos into their mouths from their forehead
so yea reg tried that
did it perfectly
after 12 tries and nearly choking to death
also he never dunks it in milk
he bites it, then drinks milk to piss off sirius
this is probablu so out of character but aa it's not bad
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remmyswritings · 4 years
My dearest Nicole,
Oh sweetheart, it has been a day since you have left to visit your sister and I am here writing you a letter, going on about how much I already miss you.
Sleeping without you is a whole task in itself. It's fortunately Sunday today otherwise I would have been sleeping at the work. It's just a habit to have you in my arms and hold you so close as we sleep.
You have spoiled me with your love, darling.
Not that I am complaining about it.
Salazar, I would be an idiot to complain. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. (Yes, I am totally forgetting about the cruel Oreo prank you played on me. Toothpaste tastes awful with cookies)
You are a wonder.
I can't wait to have you back in my arms and kiss till our lips are aching. You are my everything and I love you so much.
Enjoy your time with your sister.
Your Regulus.
P.S. please don't cut down on the time you spend with your sister. My whims and fancies are endless so just spend as much time as you want there. I will be waiting for you. I adore you so much.
MY HEART 🥺🥺🥺 ok...
My dearest Regulus,
First off, I would like to say that I will never not apologize to that Oreo prank because it was priceless and it made you laugh that laugh that I absolutely love, it was music to my ears.
It is early Monday morning as I write to you and I will admit that I too have also had a troubling sleep. I so dearly miss the warmth from your arms and cannot wait to be held by you once again. I hope you did not fall asleep at work today, but if it does occur don’t be surprised if I laugh once I tell you.
Helga, I miss you and I wish I could just go and be with you. But I know you would send me away once I arrived.
I may be enjoying my time here, but trust me every bone in my body wishes to be with you.
Your Puff, Nicole.
P.S. I adore you so very much my darling, and I will do whatever I want when it comes to being with you
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