ardynzunia · 3 years
@oracleunchained liked for a Merdyn starter.
Ardyn ducked under a pier as the strange human explored the ruins near his lair. He’d gone to the ruins after some fish that tended to gather there, instead seeing the pretty blonde woman picking her way about the stones. She seemed terribly excited, so much so that he found himself watching her for some time.  He had just about decided that taking time to watch humans was wasteful, when she stepped onto an area he knew to be rather unstable. Quickly he rushed over to warn her. She was no danger after all, there wasn’t any need for her to drown from a bad fall. 
“You best be careful! That stone is crumbling,” He called. 
He was closer to her now, and could see the statue that seemed to have distracted her from her footing. 
“What are you doing here anyway?” He added, “This place is very old, I can’t imagine there would be much to interest you.”
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mgicalmultitude · 3 years
@oracleunchained asked: “ let’s just walk a bit.” 
Peaky Blinders starters;; Accepting
    ✠𝓡𝓾𝓿;; She must have been able to tell, despite the unchanged expression on his face, that Ruv was in need of a distraction... Though the fact it came about from a couple uttered sentences was... Definitely not usual for him. Normally, he preferred not to be around anyone but his most trusted confidant. She wasn’t here... Suppose she’d have pushed him to trying to socialize somewhat. Even if he so often didn’t trust people... What with the bounty on his head and all.
    After another moment of silence, he nodded. ‘ Alright. ‘ Was the only vocal response he gave before stepping to her side. ‘ May I ask, why you’re asking a total stranger to take a walk with you? ‘
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oraclefreed · 3 years
‘ you need rest. ’ - oracleuncahined
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She heard the other woman's words, listening for a moment before shaking her head. She didn't need rest. She needed to continue on in her training. How else was she supposed to help Noctis when the time came?
"I'm fine." Her voice came out shaky, as if it pained her to even speak. "I have to be fine. I have no choice. I have to get stronger. The whole world could end if I do not have the strength." She glanced to where she had heard the voice, frowning.
"You should know that..."
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forgottenoracle · 3 years
Oracleunchained -> forgottenoracle 
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shadowstepper · 3 years
"Ar-Ardyn?!" Aera stammered as she gripped the metal bookshelf. The former oracle had decided to sneak around the Magitek Facility to look for answers as to how the Empire took down Shiva. One thing lead to another and now she was pinned to the wall by one of the book shelves. "W-what are you doing here?" -oracleunchained
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"I could ask you the same thing Aera."
The chancellor purred at her, his playful smile a mask to hide his fury at seeing her again. He was not mad at her, never at her, but at what twisted whim of fate had brought her here. To this world, to this time, to this moment.
His patron wasn't that cruel. Scratch that, he was that cruel, but even he wouldn't do this just to torment Ardyn. No this was likely some macabre move of the so-called gods. He would need to get stronger still to kill every last version of them he could find. Never again would they haunt Eos or any world.
But back to the task at hand. Aera wasn't supposed to be here. She was supposed to be dead. Very dead. And yet she looked as healthy and well as she did the last time he saw her. When Somnus murdered her before his very eyes. When he was helpless and unable to stop him. When she had died for nothing, and someone had dug her back up.
He didn't care who it was that was responsible for this. He was going to brutally murder them.
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lovelessblade · 3 years
📂 - oracleunchained
A useless headcanon from Rapier is...
She hates Strawberries. Rapier doesn't exactly know why she dislikes them, she just does.
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royalbratprince · 3 years
𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃’𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝙻𝚈𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙵  ? It’s only been a thousand years since I was tagged, why not.
the dog
whether it’s the way you bare your teeth when backed in a corner, your loyalty, or your tendency to act on instinct, your reoccurring theme is the dog. like mitski said “i get mean when im nervous, like a bad dog” or how halsey said “i won’t smile but i’ll show you my teeth” even when migos said “dance with my dogs in the night time” the essence of the dog runs through you. you’re tough and a quick draw on the outside, but if we got down to it we’d see you’re acting the only way you’ve ever known how. it doesn’t make you bad, survival is natural, your loyalty and determination is commendable. i don’t blame you for the way you act when your back is against a wall, but please remember to not bite the hand that feeds.
[Well, this does suit my Noct in some specific verses/circumstances for sure... but completely?  I don’t know.  He’s a soft boy until he can’t be anymore, you know?  He just has his... moments.]
Tagged by: @oracleunchained Thank you! Tagging: Whoever would like to do this, consider yourself invited.
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emily-lotus · 3 years
😨 - oracleunchained
Since your blog is 15 related time for the 15 verse!
So one time when Emily went off without telling Cor where she was headed, she ran into magitck soliders and had to fight on her own. Of course for her this was difficult because even Prompto has more training than her.
Once they were all defeated Ardyn popped out of the ship wanting to 'talk'. He knew who she was and why she kept her distance from Noctis and bros and decided to see if he could worm some information from her. At this point she kept her weapon drawn and was on edge the whole time. But what truly scared her and made her fear Ardyn was he showed off some of his power. That terrified her. She knew there was an equal to Noctis and there was nothing she could do. It didn't help that he had his 'scourge face' showing the entire time.
She doesn't know why, but she was never able to tell Noctis what she knew and in the bad ending regrets never telling him before everything went down.
Good ending she apologizes to Noctis who was more happy she lived through everything.
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ardynzunia · 3 years
Continued from here with @oracleunchained
“Magitek soldiers, their coming,” she hissed. Aera was becoming increasingly glad that this Ardyn was not like her Ardyn, it made her heart ache less. 
Aera slid to a stop in front of a maintenance closet; it was a little small, but it would have to do. “In here!” The former oracle threw open the door and pushed Ardyn’s look-a-like into the small room before slipping inside and shutting the door tightly. Aera felt herself trembling as her hands firmly gripped the door knob, she had to calm down it would do them no good if she broke now.
“Right, are the children ok?” He whispered back.
A hand rested on her shoulder while the other reach out to the door. Readying a spell to give them the space they needed to escape, just in case one if the tin soldiers opened the door. Not that he thought they would, the poor shambling souls generally didn’t search. If you were hidden. You were safe.
“I’ve got some connections now, once these pass by we should be able to get out and away from the area. Go somewhere safer. “
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oraclefreed · 3 years
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@oracleunchained​ sent:  “Forgiving yourself - that’s the hardest thing.”
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She had often had conversations with the first Oracle, asking for advice when she was lost. It happened more often than not after the fall of her home. “Forgiving myself...” She repeated softly. 
“I don’t think I’m worthy of it.”
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ardynzunia · 3 years
continued from here with @oracleunchained
White sylleblossoms, Aera couldn't believe her eyes. How many years has it been since she saw these bold, pristine, little things?
Apparently, the blue sylleblossom became synonymous with the Oracle shortly after her death. As a result, the other variants of sylleblossoms were bred out of existence until only the blue ones remained. Aera privately wondered if the decision to symbolize Ardyn's and her's betrothal with red and white sylleblossoms also played a part in that decision as well.
However, it appears a few were spared, judging by what Arc was holding.
Abandoning her book, Aera swiftly made her way over- marveling over the long-forgotten flowers.
"Arc...I..." Taking the blooms into her hands, the former oracle granted the wine-haired man a small kiss on his forehead. "Thank you, these mean...These mean so much to me, thank you."
“Years ago, when I saw they seemed to be rarer, I saved some in my armiger,” He admitted. “I’ve always tried to keep a cultivation of them in my homes, and spare seeds in my armiger. There were some when I cam to this place, so when you mentioned they were gone I started growing them.” 
He smiled at the kiss she gave him in thankyou. Even though she wasn’t his Aera, it made him happy to see her smile even so. 
“I’m glad I could bring you some small joy,” He said. “And these are cuttings, but I can get you some potted ones or seeds as well. You could make a garden out of the rarer sylleblossoms, introduce them to the world again.” 
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ardynzunia · 3 years
Continued from here with @oracleunchained
“Hmmm.” Since coming to the Fenestra Manor, Aera had experienced numerous different things. The giant white boxes reaching into the sky, the fast black machine that travels to and from Tenebrae and Niflheim, ketchup- but this, this was new. Never before had Aera heard of a man getting stuck behind a wall. She could hear her twin grandsons laughing behind her, vaguely, she wondered if those two hand something to do with this. She wouldn’t put it past them.
“Do you think you triggered a secret passage? Or, fell into one?” She sighed.
“Rather think I triggered a security protocol,” Ardyn admitted. “I was playing around to see what was set up and not paying attention.”
He points to a panel just behind Aera. It’s clearly the security release, should be easy enough to turn the wall off.
“See that glowing red panel? Press the top three buttons and lift the little latch, that should disable the system.” He told her. “I’ve seen these auto walls before, I was just being foolish.”
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ardynzunia · 3 years
Aera was doing her best to ignore the singing as she pretended to tend to her garden; however, the young man in the gondola was making it extremely hard. Initially, the oracle had planned to meet Ardyn at her private pier but the sudden arrival of one of her suiters was hindering this. At least they brought sylleblossoms this time. - oracleunchained
Ardyn twitched his ear fins in irritation at the caterwauling the human seemed to think was singing. He’d gone looking for Aera when she’d been late to their meeting, only to find another fool suitor bothering his lovely oracle. His ear fins twitched again. The worst part about this one might have been how bad he was at it.
He shoved the underside of the gondola and grinned when the man’s voice faltered. It didn’t deter the fellow for long however, and soon enough he was back to singing. But louder now from the nerves. Ardyn growled and sliced through the rope that held the little boat to the pier. Little by little he moved it to deeper water, careful not to make it clear to the suitor what he was doing. Once he reached a spot where he could easily hide, he flipped the boat over into the water with a powerful thrash if his tail, than sped toward the garden where his lovely aera was waiting. Popping his head up behind a post so the suitor wouldn’t see him grinning at Aera from where he was swimming back to shore.
”Hello my lovely one.” He said.
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ardynzunia · 3 years
Aera grinned to herself as combed through Ardyn's long locks with her fingers. Today had been a good day, the nobles had bothered her little if at all; this was most likely due to her beau's presence- he was rather tall after all. "Tomorrow, I should be free for a bit...Mayhaps we sneak away? And steal time for ourselves?" The oracle then snuggled close to her mer; resting her head against his. Content to stay there forever if she could. - oracleuncahined
Ardyn was sure to bend down so his lovely Oracle could reach his hair. He buried his own face in her shoulder as she spoke, nibbling at her neck and growling pleasantly.
"That sounds wonderful my pretty one," he crooned. "I found some ruins, it's quite a swim, but I believe we could make it if you held onto my back."
He petted her hair as she snuggled close. What he truly wanted was to take her under the water, but his request would still take a few weeks to finish. But once it did, he could offer the potion to his love and show her a really proper time. Stolen away from the humans to see another world.
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ardynzunia · 3 years
😚 - for mer ardyn and from oracleunchained
😚 lie their forehead on my muse’s
It had been a bad day for him. His attempts at hunting all failed because of a celebration in the human city, leaving him hungry and irritable. And when he tried to visit his love, he'd been chased off by overzealous followers, convinced any shadow in the water was a threat. By the time he chased them away he was sore and too exhausted to be angry, so instead he just took human shape and curled up close to Aera, forehead pressed firmly against hers in greeting. He spent a good few seconds like that, breathing in her scent to calm himself.
"Hello my love," He murmured. "It's good to see you, finally."
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ardynzunia · 3 years
Sighing, Aera tucked a strand of her beloved's hair behind his ear fin. "Are you sure there isn't any else I can do for you?" The oracle would admit that she was worried about her mer. Despite being assured multiple times that he would be fine, Aera couldn't help but recall caring for sickly parents before their passing. "Somnus says you should be fine in a few days, but still..." - oracleunchained
Ardyn coughed a little and leaned into Aera's hand. It wasn't the worse sickness a mer could get. Just a simple fever, though his discolored scales probably made it seem more dramatic than it was. That and the need for cold water for him to lie in to keep the fever down. Without Aera around he likely would have absconded to a cold cave in the deeper of his lair. But it wasn't an overly serious fever, and it would do better to stay near the surface so his oracle wouldn't worry.
"Your company is enough," He assured her.
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