#offline queue
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vel17 · 8 months ago
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calamitysshatteredson · 3 months ago
To (hopefully) get my brain deciding to move a little more in a making words direction, and to encourage interaction, please do like for a thing in your ask box. The trick is, you get no say in what pops up in there. Or when, but soon. In-character (IC) interaction will only happen with other RP blogs, but we don't have to be mutuals or have had any interaction for you to tap the little heart for a something.
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royalbratprince · 3 months ago
"Still haven't gotten a satisfying explanation for why kings are required to eat vegetables."
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goldendivinewrath · 3 months ago
To (hopefully) get my brain deciding to move a little more in a making words direction, and to encourage interaction, please do like for a thing in your ask box. The trick is, you get no say in what pops up in there. Or when, but soon. In-character (IC) interaction will only happen with other RP blogs, but we don't have to be mutuals or have had any interaction for you to tap the little heart for a something.
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stonecoldmeme · 2 years ago
What if . . . Prompto witnessed Noctis take his final breath at the end of the game before dawn came again ?
What If..? Scenarios | accepting but slowwwww
He didn't-- He didn't know why, he didn't know--
Their numbers were starting to dwindle. The daemons. They were still fighting, yeah, but he noticed it on reloading. A few less emerged from the shadow on the ground each time a new wave came, and then...
"You guys got this." He'd already turned to sprint up the stairs, just knowing. It was a feeling in his gut, it was an instinct he couldn't define, didn't understand, didn't want to understand, it was--
Prompto had no memory of the elevator ride. Little memory of the direction he sprinted in, but he knew, he knew where to go, he knew where Noct was, he knew...
And in some ways, he also knew what he'd find. It wasn't like they hadn't been told. At the campfire. Like he didn't try his best to hold in the sadness and the rage and smile.
Like the weak smile that greeted him after he'd managed to take the stairs three, four at a time, managed to face the throne and-- It--
Noct. He couldn't say it. The... the sword through his chest. The look on his face, the...
He smiled. One more moment. Smiled at him, and then his eyes just sort of...
So did Prompto. Falling to his knees at his king's feet. Laying his head in his best friend's lap. Sobbing for--
More. More than that. More.
He didn't feel the warmth of the sunlight on his back.
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polinsated · 9 months ago
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3.02 -> 3.08
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arsenicflame · 9 months ago
Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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vel17 · 8 months ago
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goldendivinewrath · 4 months ago
Much as he tries not to think about fighting during times like these, he can't help it. They move well together. They move well together nearly always when they're not quite thinking about it, and that means the goal is being achieved. Vash almost laughs, but the whole of his attention is stolen easily.
Finally, finally, he gets to see what he'd mapped out with his hand before, and it's-- Oh. Intriguing. It'd been intriguing before, of course, but to see the piercing, to take in the full sight of it makes his mouth water. Unexpected. Suiting. Questions to ask but no answers needed, but then he--
Vash finds himself lacking words. Certainly not lacking a voice, because it's a full-on guttural moan harmonizing with a sudden surge of resonance. His fingers pause in their continued exploration, but shiver along with the rest of him, motion like a wave across his body. Focus is absolute but scattered at the same time, unable to pinpoint exactly what makes it feel like something's gotten knocked loose in the best possible way, but...
He feels it, how his body shifts fully; or the one part in particular, anyway. The filling out, the way his petals tremble open as far as they can as if presenting the quickly filling bud, lengthening and thickening in full instead of opening up. There's no missing it, and no missing the way it becomes the epicenter of sensation when fully hard, sensing the finest details of heat and texture and his own slick mixing with saliva, and--
He's leaking something else from the tip. Honey-sweet and thicker, and it's been-- It's been so long that he's not ready for the jolt of hot-tingling-pleasure that comes with that for him. He just hopes it's not minded. It must not be. He doesn't know what the experience might be for Wolfwood, but he's sure there will be protest if necessary.
The thinking aligns and then fades out like a bad signal. Unneeded, forbidden even in the midst of worry. He's only got enough concentration for what's in front of him, what he needs to get back to, grateful for the fact that he's partially being held up when the shiver continues to move through his body in pulses. Inside. Right, back to the goal, wanting to reach for, find, that place that's going to shake the other man to pieces like he deserves. Vash tries to be delicate, fingers still slick, starting with a single digit and savoring as slowly as he can stand--
There's a little giving over to another distraction, though. Too curious to know what that metal might feel like against his tongue. Flexible though he is, there's balance to think of, extra shifting to do to reach fully, but bracing himself a little more steadily against the bed with his prosthetic hand, he can at least easily flick his tongue against the metal nearest the base of the other man's length.
Thinking is the enemy right here and right now. That's right. They'd agreed in their way. They'd come to an accord of sorts in their own way, and things progressed as they did, and now…
Now he aches. Now he has his face buried in feathery soft and wet and luminous, his senses utterly subsumed in scent and taste and warmth and heat and if he had a thought to spare he might be worried about just how much he has fucked up his mission and maybe just how much he has succeeded in it. (That really bears no consideration; the Gung Ho Guns are not in the room, nor are Knives or Legato, after all).
He has had a few breaths and a few heartbeats to skip past the sensitivity of biology—still human, after all, or close enough to count. This, too, does not enter his reckoning, because something else more immediate has his attention.
Specifically, movement with an admission, but movement is both a thought and an action and Wolfwood grunts his assent before Vash even begins to shift. Assent becomes assistance—assistance of a sort, anyway, the kind that they oftentimes offer one another in combat, one part interference and one part sheer geometric ridiculousness that somehow ends up with more property destruction and the same number of idiots still capable of gunning them down in the none too distant future. Most of the time, at least in the beginning, Vash intended to keep Wolfwood from shooting his (literal) shot, and now it seems like an attempt to encourage a more figurative one, but that involves thinking and Nicholas is not about that in this moment.
Broad palms seize Vash's hips. While they might be points of restraint, they are also points of bracing; a raspy breath sounds almost like a snarl as the Independent makes his rotation, the inside of a knee grazing Wolfwood's head and carding sweat-and-other-matted hair askew. It is not as graceful as it could be, not as fluid, but he is more concerned with other fluidity in the here and now.
Hands to hips, fingers dig divots into the rounds of buttocks. Vash presses and he's hard again. Still, maybe, with his mutated biology, aching and arched but focused on something else entirely as is his preference.
A tug and a shimmy tuck his forearms around the outsides of pale thighs, and then with little more than a guttural thrum that might be a sarcastic 'right,' might be just a more primal affectation, he moves.
Pulls Vash's hips down, thrusts his face up, burying himself from nose to chin while laving, licking, sucking, humming.
He needs this. Wants this. Seems they both do.
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calamitysshatteredson · 4 months ago
Now technically officially taking the week off though of course I will pop in to spread news of the chocobo auction far and wide, you know how it be, but I will also link to this official invitation to pop into the stream at any point this week. They're good folk doing good things and we could all use a little more of that right now, yes?
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royalbratprince · 1 year ago
@themageofmany [From here because muse and brain declared it so.]
Oh, he was no good at being reassuring. Or offering much of an innocent smile. Where was Prompto when he needed-- Ah, right, the blond had seen right through him and made himself scarce. Damn, some best friend.
"What? A guy can't ask if you like frogs? And mud?" Oh yeah, that wasn't suspicious at all.
Another tactic, then. "Do you wanna... help the advancement of science..? Somehow? With frogs?" Not... better...
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goldendivinewrath · 3 months ago
@eventheodds [From here for... reasons..?]
He tries not to let himself feel overwhelmed. He tries harder and far more often to keep himself hopeful, positive no matter the circumstances, but sometimes--
He can't use the phrase "only human", obviously. Wouldn't think to try. But sometimes there are moments, and he hates it when anyone else is there to witness them. Like that's an extra mistake he's made. It's temporary, he knows, and it's Meryl, and it's... okay. Mostly okay.
It's uncomfortable, though. The heat along with the adrenaline that has yet to fully let go. Vash isn't usually all that affected by temperature, really, but it's all circumstance. He can survive longer, under harsher conditions, but that doesn't mean it's pleasant.
Complaints feel petty at best when Meryl directs them to somewhere cooler. She's the one he ought to worry for, not himself. It's got nothing to do with strength or capability; water supplies running low and the fact that even when the heat of the day does finally give way to night, the temperature will drop dramatically and it all matters more with humans. It matters more with her, even if he isn't prepared to admit that to himself in full.
He's ready to refuse the water until he notices the dryness in his own throat, electing to take a sip instead. Just in case. Prepare for the worst while hoping for the best, right? "We got out alive." He agrees, internalizes, careful to enunciate the words while keeping his voice soft. There's no point in aggravating his throat, after all, but he reaches for Meryl the moment she starts coughing miserably.
Vash's hand lingers in the air, not quite connecting. Not quite pulling back, either. There's little to do but rest a bit, to wait and keep going in turns. He's used to this. He wishes she weren't getting to be about the same, if she's not there already.
Making a decision with a little frown, his organic hand finally rests gently on her shoulder. Comfort, assurance. Acknowledgement. No more talking. And, as usual, he's a hypocrite immediately. "A few minutes." His throat's still dry. It's still hot. There are still questions to answer, and he can feel the salt tear tracks dry and flake, otherwise unacknowledged.
They're still alive, and right next to each other. There's still a little water left, and a slight breeze. A little protection from the suns. He offers the water skin back, but his hand remains on Meryl's shoulder.
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goldendivinewrath · 1 year ago
"Well I don't eat that much, usually..." The nervous little laugh is noticeably a bit of an act; mostly because he doesn't want the urge he has to grin becoming far too obvious. There's just... something about Nai-- Knives, making food. Cooking. Cooking for two, and making use of his knives to do it. And if Vash so much as thinks of the word "domestic" he risks the kind of ear to ear grin that he isn't going to be able to hide at all.
It's nice in a way that he really can't begin to explain or describe. One more thing that he carefully mentally gathers like a stone to inspect later. It helps quell his near need to teasingly criticize any part of the process, tempted though he is.
Luckily his brother manages to draw his attention with conversation, Vash's posture relaxing again as he rests his hands in his lap. "Yeah. First time we met formally, anyway. Guess there was a reason I never had too much trouble with worms, huh?" Or, it could have been a lot worse while he was wandering around on his own, anyway. He'd mostly thought it was luck that he hadn't ended up a meal-- Er, more thank a couple of times.
Of... course... "If that was just luck, consider not telling me? Please?"
His thoughts haven't actually changed, but his habits have, a little–he'd needed a secondary source of energy for Conrad's medical experiments, too lethargic when relying solely on his own reserves and the sun. It'd cut into his plans too often.
Annoyingly, it'd stuck.
He pushes away from the table, heading to find the eggs in the fridge. "Eggs? I should have enough for two. ...Maybe. Depends on how much you eat, I suppose. And if Zazie comes back for food." There's still some tomatoes in his vegetable patch, if he needs to add something to it, Knives thinks. Or some cucumbers.
Absently he flicks a hand to send a string of knives at the cupboard, searching for a pan.
"You met Zazie for the first time when you met Wolfwood, yes? Or had you met them before then? If you did, they never told me."
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stonecoldmeme · 1 year ago
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...It's the warm weather look.
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polinsated · 9 months ago
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*penelope.exe has stopped working*
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bananielle · 5 months ago
taesan rearranging your guys in the dorm and you crying while he does bc you kept testing his patience by purposely dropping things in front of him, and bending over in front of him so he could see your cute pink underwear!!… except you have to keep quiet because the other members are still messing around in the living room
you knew exactly what you were doing showing up to the dorm dressed in a short, flippy skirt…it’s just so much fun to see taesan get progressively more riled up and eventually need to take it out on you <3
you “accidentally” drop something in the living room for the nth time that, strategically bending over so only taesan can get a peek of your pretty lace panties. he couldn’t believe you had the nerve to act like this in front of the other members. but also. he finds it incredibly hot and it gets more difficult for him to hide his boner and just, you know, contain himself. eventually, he excuses himself saying he doesn’t feel well and you say you’ll follow after him, to check up on him…
as soon as you walk through the door, he’s all over you. he’s extra handsy with you cause he feels super possessive in that moment. taesan is very gentle dom to me, i can’t imagine him being super rough with you. if anything, he’s even more loving than usual (if that’s possible). he’s scooping you off the floor and laying you down on his bed in one swift motion, wasting zero time in taking off your top. kisses and sucks on any piece of skin he can access, wanting to mark you and make sure people know you’re his and his only.
says the filthiest things in your ear as he slides your panties down your legs and then stuffs them in your mouth to keep you quiet. “my pretty baby, so wet for me. you’re practically dripping. can you taste how wet you are, hm?” he says as he pushes your soaked panties further into your mouth. “this is what you wanted isn’t it? for me to fuck you?” he coos softly as he slips his cock through folds with a firm thrust. “i’ll fuck you, pretty, but you need to be quiet”. def lifts your legs over his shoulders and runs his fingers along them softly before pushing deeper into you and giving you a soft kiss to your forehead. fucks you multiple times that night, you need a bit of help walking the next morning <3
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