Capt'n Duck Gremlin
6 posts
Just a Gremlin with too many thoughts.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
captn-duck-gremlin · 5 months ago
I dont know if aliens count as a monsterAU but here.
I haven't actually written something in so long so forgive me
"what do you mean there was a jail break on Romulas?" The gruff voice nearly growled when asking the question, palms flat against the cold metal of the hologram table as the zernogar glared at the vaulken.
The vaulken sighed her antennas flashing a light yellow signalling her frustration, "it means exactly as i said, Captain. Alpha-Romulas was broken into to break a prisoner out, but theres more than that." The vaulken said as she brought up her webbed fingers to tap on the holoscreen.
"out with it, Laswell" The draenei said to the right of Laswell growing more impatient and restless as this went, a mild scowl on his face and blue scaled tail lashing behind him. Beside him the large green orctien shook his head at his teammate, judging him from behind the skull mask.
Soon the attention was snapped to the hologram table as it displayed footage of the jail break, it displays an empty hallway until they saw movement. A ceiling panel falling to the floor along with a small body, a kurima landing on the floor looking around, 4 eyes, 4 arms, 2 tails, 2 legs. The group let out grunts recognizing the species, the kurima looked up obviously looking at it's partners in crime. A large droid dropped, tall and bulky. Again nothing that strange.
But the 3rd.. the 3rd makes them pause. A species they're not familiar with dropped down, 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 eyes, weird fur on top of their head; hair probably.
"what in the 4 hells is that?" The teifling asked in bewilderment, head tilted in curiosity and pearl eyes watching the scene with his full attention as his webbed ears flick with intrigue. "That's the thing, we dont know." Laswell said to the group around the table, her antennas flicked with unease. "We've run every possible description of it through the galactic database, there's nothing we have that matches." Laswell said letting the footage continue, the group focused on the odd band of criminals as they made their way through the halls heading for one in particular.
The group watched them as the criminals make it to a cell and the droid began working on unlocking it, the kurima and other being looked around for guards or security. "So we have an unknown species working with criminals?" The zernogar asked no one in particular, red arms crossed over his chest.
This is all the brain power i have.
if things sounds like they're familiar or you recognize something, theres a chance it might be what you think it is because i dont have an original bone in my body.
anyway, galatic!TaskForce x SpacePirate!Reader. Alien x Human.
*throws confetti then dies*
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captn-duck-gremlin · 5 months ago
idk man
I can't shut my brain off
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captn-duck-gremlin · 5 months ago
Sup, it's almost 7am. Normal time to be awake, except when you haven't slept yet. My sleep schedule is shit. So in the meantime, more useless drabble about demon/ghost!141 AU Phasmo hearts.
It scared the shit out of you when one of them manifested for the first time.
Let's say you came home late for one reason or another, friend emergency, late shift from work, a visit to family, ect. You come home late, past midnight and all thats in your head right now is to go to sleep and get some dream cuddles from whichever imaginary husband decides to take over your dream. You didn't notice how cold it was, you didn't notice how unnaturally quiet your house was. Until you paused in your kitchen and looked down the hall, a tall dark figure stood at the end. Dread fills you to your core, is this it? Was the dreams just to lower your guard? Is this the end?
The lights flicker as the figure moved, the air lowering as it's form faded in and out of existence. Theres a static in the air along with the chill, the kitchen light above popped as it reached the edge of the kitchen shrouding you in darkness.
"sorry for the scare, love." The familiar smooth boyish voice of Gaz spoke as arms gently wrapped around your waist pulling you close. He led you (still shaking and probably frozen) into the lounge and gently lets you plop onto the couch, he reached behind you while flashing you his sweet smile grabbing the throw over blanket to wrap you up snugly. You stare at him absolutely bewildered because you thought them being physical wasn't something they could do, you were wrong. But this does explain why dreams with him felt shorter than usual, he was building and saving up energy to manifest. Now just for tonight you dont need to go to sleep to get your cuddles, he's here ready to give you the loving you deserve. (As if they all dont do that enough)
Cuddles on the couch never felt so nice, you have to use candle light as him being around makes the lights go haywire. He tells you that yes, you are haunted by 4 soldiers who take over your dreams at night. Yes, they're around you 24/7, he even points around the room telling you where the other 3 are even if you can't see them. Yes, they all love you.
It takes a little bit to process this, but the obvious care and comfort Gaz gives you while cuddled up on the couch does ease you into accepting it a little more. Before you fell asleep on the couch Gaz wanted to do one thing, give you his dogtags. "You don't have to wear them, just keep it on you. Might need a clean first" he said and placed a tender kiss to your hairline.
After that you fell asleep, a dreamless sleep this time. When you woke up you looked around as if expecting someone to be there but no, just you. You almost thought last night was a dream itself until you saw the dogtags on the bedside table. A fond smile formed on your lips, you snatch the tags and make your way to the bathroom to clean 'em. The ghosts watch too, watching with their own takes of fondness.
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captn-duck-gremlin · 5 months ago
Well shit, since people like the thing i guess I'll continue.
Shit it needs a name, uh, eh, phasmo.. uh..
Phasmo hearts?
Phasmo Hearts~
Yeah, sure.
Getting on with it, so you have 4 demons or ghosts haunting you. I could stick to them all being demons or assign them a ghost type.
Ghost is a wraith (what a surprise). Gaz is a poltergeist. Soap... He can stay a demon. And Price is a revenant. (This idea came from when i was playing Phasmophobia with a friend).
Now in the daytime, they can't do anything. Can't bother you at all. Not within the first few weeks of being with you at least. They don't have infinite power, doing spooky hauntings takes a lot of energy. So during the day nothing is strange, but as time goes on theres very subtle things that do happen on the rare occasion. A normal picture you have hanging up, whether it be a family photo, poster or what-have-you. Every now and then changes to something you saw in one of the strange dreams. But the second you look away and look back, its back to whatever it was originally.
It's things like that.
Or you're mindlessly standing in your kitchen, trying to come to a decision on what to have for breakfast. And then the choice is made for you by either a random thump at a particular cabinet or by a cereal box "mysteriously" falling out of place.
And that feeling of constantly being watched slowly gets stronger and harder to ignore over time, you've learned to cope.
But remember your friends who were not as nice while exploring? Oh they're not having a good time where they are. No, they're getting the actual haunting experience. You just have undead roommates who seemingly like you more than they should. Now at the start of this all, you try to figure out what's going on, you try to do research, you talk to friends, you try avoiding sleep. Which they hate with a passion, don't avoid sleep, because they can turn your dreams into nightmares. But anyway, you spend too much time trying to figure out what's happening until the small signs become clearer. You're haunted. Do you try to get rid of them? No, you don't. Because you actually take the time to think it over. One hand, the obviously paranormal problem. On the other hand, they've.. haven't done anything too horrible. Yes, the nightmares sucked but that was your own fault and you talked it out with them (in dream). So with sigh you accept your fate. At night, you dream a weird life with the beings haunting you. At day, they don't bother you all that much. Of course the late hours of the day they have a bit of a chance to do things, messing with whatever like the tv, radio, maybe move something by a couple inches, make a thump somewhere around. You'll get used to it.
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captn-duck-gremlin · 5 months ago
Like it all started when you and some friends decided to do some urban exploration, visiting a broken abandoned military base. Now while there your friends are of course being dumb, touching things with bare hands, no face coverings to protect them from whatever harmful things could be in the air, respect for the possible dead is on floor level with them. You on the other hand, you got gloves, a face mask just in case, you're apologizing to anything you bump into. You did the research, this place went down from an unexpected attack, so there might be a corpse around somewhere (or lingering spirit). You give a short prayer to anything that looks like a corpse, regardless if you follow in those beliefs or now; you just want to be respectful to the dead. And yes, this place is haunted. Obviously. Now the important part, at one point or another 4 damned souls have clung to you. You dont notice at first, you barely feel that buzz that you're being watched. But the first unnatural thing to happen to you starts in a dream, a weirdly detailed dream. You're a housewife in the 50s. Cute summer dress, lovely home, nice street. But it feels too real, the patterns on the walls stay perfect no matter how long you stare at them, you can read lines from books you've never seen before, you look at your hands and they don't look distorted like they usually are in dreams. Then a man walks through your front door like he owns the place, you don't recognise him. At all. Yet he speaks to you in such a nice rough voice from his cigars, calling you such sweet things. Treating you like his wife. Then after what felt like hours from playing housewife you wake up, confused to hell and back. You brush it off until the next night, where you're sucked into another oddly very detailed dream, but its so different. From housewife in the 50s to maiden in the ye old times. The man is different, instead of tough, friendly bearded husband, you now have dark knight with skull markings. Helmet stays on at all times, but despite the rough and scary armour and vibe, he treats you like you're the finest silk, the sweetest flower, like you'll shatter if he so much as looks at you wrong. And after living through that you wake up once again incredibly confused. Is this what the backrooms feel like? You don't know, you don't want to know. Night rolls around once more which you dread and sure enough another weird dream with a new life. Now, at a farmland on the outskirts of an old styled town, you got chickens, goats, two cows, some ducks and a bulky husband with a silly mohawk. You don't know what year it is, what century you're at, at this point you're just rolling with it. Husband got a nice accent, Scottish you might think it is. He's absolutely spoiling you, treating you like a princess for no reason. Not like you're complaining. After that dream, you wake up contemplating that you might be losing your mind. But no, you're just being haunted by demons who like spending time with you through your dreams. Moving on. 4th weird dream, this feels further up into recent years, maybe 2000s. Cute husband, looks like a sweetheart, is a sweetheart. His skin is darker from the other ones, but not like you could tell with Sir Skull and Bones. He has a smooth voice, could probably sweet talk a bear. Time with him was almost too sweet. You swore his pupils nearly went heart shaped when he looks at you. And like the rest of them, you wake up confused. And thats just how your nights go, things in the day go.. strangely.
Oh and quick reminder, don't run from them.
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captn-duck-gremlin · 1 year ago
So, I've never made a post in my life but i feel like sharing ye know?
So I've been brewing something stupid in my head for quite some time, journey to the west but pirate-ish. Now let me explain, ever since the isekai'd to the west story i thought "man, pirate reader would be lit" and I've never stopped thinking it. And i would love to write a story like it myself but unfortunately i have the writing skill of a new born so I'd cringe the minute i see my own writing, so bare with me as i very poorly write a bare bones insight.
So imagine yourself as a legendary pirate lord ok, you're top dog of the high seas. Part of the brethren court, 9 pieces of 8 type shit, you captained fleets and all that. But you're old now, you don't have the same oomph as ye used to. So its the day of your hanging, you stand there at the gallows but you're happy as you've lived a good life, grand even. You get hung in front of hundreds of people and your crew, now you expect to be somewhere like the sea of the damned or Davy's locker or even on the Flying Dutchman but instead you're on some cloudy plain of existence and before you is Calypso. She's like "your jobs not done" and here ye are suddenly in a world of mystic shit and demons while the goal of sailing a monk and his strange companions to the west.
Now here's where things get interesting, after all journey to the west is a very land based adventure which is why this world is almost completely ocean. Can't have a pirate on land, thats just dumb.
You first meet the monk while out fishing with the hunter at the beginning of the story, you see the monk struggling to keep his little raft afloat and you're like "bloody hell.." already dreading this task. You save him, the hunter give you his fishing sloop to go on your new adventure. Now the part where you find wukongs buried butt under a mountain is kinda funny, because he's of course still stuck at the bottom of it, the only problem is with the world being covered in more water than usual this means wukong submerged probably covered in seaweed and algee.
Then so on and so forth, you get the idea.
I'd also like to note that you're not joining the Buddhism, you're a pirate after all and the only taste in gods is your encounter with Calypso and that was enough for you. So while their goal is to go west and get the scrolls, you on the other hand? Going back to the grind of rags to riches baby. Time to become an even bigger legend than last time.
Welp hope you enjoyed reading (or skipping this completely, idk, i aint you)
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