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It is okay to disappoint people. In fact, it’s often necessary. When you choose to stay true to your values and beliefs you will inevitably let others down at times, but that’s not a reflection of your worth. It’s a sign of self respect. You are not responsible for managing everyone else’s expectations at the cost of your own well being. People who genuinely care about you will understand and those who don’t were only invested in what you could offer them, not in who you truly are. Disappointment is temporary, but betraying yourself to please others creates long term resentment. Honor your path, even if it means not meeting everyone’s expectations.
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pluto in aquarius: a prediction of what's to come
this is a huge astrological event, pluto is moving into aquarius for the first time since the late 1700s. last time pluto was in aquarius america fought for independence from britain, uranus was discovered, the french revolution began, the bill of rights was ratified, etc.
so for day one, i want to create predictions of what is to come!
some house matters!!!
TWO PLUTO RETROGRADES WILL OCCUR - june 11th - jan 20th, 2024 is the first so we won't see too much wildness just yet as pluto will return into capricorn during this time and THE FINAL RETROGRADE BACK INTO CAPRICORN will be september 1st, 2024 - november 19th, 2024. then we are full steam ahead with pluto in aquarius until march 9th, 2043.
i personally am NOT a witch or anything wild, everything i am saying is purely theoretical - it is not fated to happen just because i am saying it. i am simply socially aware. i know what's up generally in the world today and what was up in world in the 1700s - "history typically repeats itself."
i live in the usa so my post likely will be slightly more focused there examples wise so i apologize in advance! feel free to comment, dm, or reblog with other examples from your country based on my prediction key phrases.
i am going to start light and get darker so mentally prepare yourself for that (tw: STI/STD outbreaks, war, 9/11, COVID-19, and other abrasive topics that may make people uncomfortable depending on where they are currently reading from) - but we are talking about pluto so... expect the unexpected?!
let's do this.

renewable energy sources
aquarius is electricity, light, inventions, electronics, telephones, televisions, etc while pluto can be change! i recently bought a new tv and the back of the remote has a solar panel instead of a battery pack. i do believe we will see more evolution with technology; perhaps we will see solar changed phones! otherwise pluto is also pollution and natural disasters - the climate is in crisis mode perhaps we will see more responsibility and thus changes in our sourcing of energy! example: recently i read that japan has a great source of geothermal energy. currently the conversion to using this source (instead of coal, gas, and nuclear energy) is being held up by a higher up in the hot spring business who claims switching to a new energy system "threatens centuries-old traditions" (bang - a capricorn term - tradition - so perhaps after the retrogrades are through we will see a major shift in energy sourcing).
general technological advancements/inventions
last time pluto was in aquarius the cotton gin was invented; which aided in quicker production of goods and higher demand for american cotton. i strongly believe this is a general indicator that AI is going to become an even bigger part of day to day life. i have seen AI already replace those who take orders in the panera drive thru, there is a higher demand for philosophy/english grads to help teach AI, etc. aquarius is also new teachers/occupations so AI could become the new teachers OR new careers could be coming in the area of interacting with AI generally so it gains more consciousness. so it could be AI or it could be something else that is only just a dream in the back of someone's mind at this moment in time.
altruistic extremists
we may see utopian dreamers rise up! they are likely to advocate for the deconstruction of pre-existing political institutions in favor of either self governance or egalitarian policies. they will likely do whatever it takes to make this statement; we may see more protests / political statements similar to wynn bruce's.
fanatical/extremist announcers radio/tv
we already have biased stations and channels (fox, abc, cnn, nbc, etc). we are likely to see a further rise in politically biased newscasters and announcers.
demonization of astrology
astrology is aquarian in nature but pluto is fanatics, evil, demonics, etc. the community has been saying about the next world war for a while now. we are moving out of conservative pluto in capricorn, so we may find that those of deep belief systems accusing us [astrologers] of conspiring with the devil if/when something militant arises (similar to how the tarot community gets told constantly by christians that they must be satanists).
something with birds
i don't have this nailed down yet specifically, but both aquarius and pluto are rulers of birds. aquarius is large birds while pluto is wading/swamp birds and/or flesh eating birds. no one freak out and start thinking that i am indicating something like the 1963 horror film the birds. if anything i can see more bird-spread illness and/or parasites. OR pluto can be archaeology! there may be a bird related discovery or something to do with the distant relative of the bird - aka the raptor (dinosaur related).
a new STI/STD discovery/outbreak
aquarius represents the distribution of bodily fluids while pluto is often representative of sexual activity. this could either be an outbreak because pluto can be death, extremes, catastrophes, and/or casualties OR pluto can be ph balance in the body (possible new discoveries for feminine sexual health), kidneys (perhaps a discovery will be linked to the diminished functionality associated with syphilis, hiv, etc and how to combat more symptomatic issues), and even purification (aka a cure perhaps to help viral carriers to no longer pass the sti/std to sexual partners).
collapse of congress / house of commons/representatives
i mean it only stands to reason that the bill of rights was created/approved last time pluto was in aquarius that either those rights will disappear (pluto also represents dictators) OR simply the people rise up and demolish the institution as it stands: "...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."
airplane catastrophes
aquarius rules over planes and pluto can represent accomplices, catastrophes, casualties, b0mbs, and t3rr0r!sm. we may experience another event similar to 9/11 OR we may see air strikes in a potential world war 3 scenario.
societal change: crime, war, leadership, and more
world war 3 is on the horizon so say pluto in aquarius (probably in the wake of election year in the US - when the final retrograde into capricorn concludes). but this could also just be governmental restructuring - this could be seen as rebellions (similar to the French Revolution), the rise of organized crime if good become more scarce, religious shifts (pluto is the antichrist, aquarius is freewill (first amendment), and capricorn is the old church (christian schools of thought)), etc.
aquarian terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: freethinkers, hamburg germany, heart weakness (biden - perhaps the early death of a president in office?), motion picture (already changing as more theaters close), photography, psychology (we are already starting to care more about everyone's mental health), science (general scientific discoveries?), social affairs (there is always something going on - the question is how big will this be?), society, sweden, syria, and xray.
plutonian terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: abductions (aliens - ufo sights?), aliases, alibis (governmental riffing similar to how no plan was in place when for COVID-19), assass!nat!0n (hopefully not), betrayal, bootlegging (bootleg tiktok if america bans it?), cemeteries (removal of that method if too many are dying at any giving time - mass graves?), convicts (prison release due to overcrowding? the mega-prison of el salvador?), corruption (governmental likely?), demolitions, earthquakes (more environmental issues?), electrocution, executions (war?), fanatic, extremes, floods (environmental? emigration - society is aquarius after all?), liars, massacres (the rise of crime?), murder, nihilism (the rise of philosophy at the time of war?), ransom (war?), satire (rise of political satire?), stolen goods, and taxes (trump-esque no?).

please use my “ask me anything” button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess OR topics discussed next!
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✨ Surprise! ✨
I decided to switch things up and made a Pick a Card video for yall! 🎥💫 Instead of my usual written tarot messages, I’m trying something new to connect with you in a more personal way.
Let me know if you’d like me to post the rest of the video or stick to the written messages you love! Your feedback means the world to me. 💌
Ps I’m very nervous 😭
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12th House Stellium
Hi! This is my first post of my stellium series. I decided to start from 12th house. Also please remember this is from my own personal observations from the people around me, and it shouldn't have to resonate with everyone.
You have a 12th house stellium if you have 3 or more planets in your 12th house. It might also be applicable to people with a strong Neptune/Pisces in their charts.
TW: Mentions of sex, trauma, self-harm, drugs, abuse, mental illness, nightmares.
Now, since the 12th house rules the hidden, people with 12th house stellium, especially 12th house Suns, like to keep themselves hidden. They're not comfortable with other people knowing the simplest things about them. They don't keep to themselves just for the sake of appearing mysterious, but because they prefer it that way and are comfortable with it.
Prior to my last point, due to their solitude, these people can seem 'out of reach' to other people. Their quite and mysterious nature leaves many wondering about them. People can assume many things about the native, which most likely will be false. And many people can spread misinformation about them.
They can also be prone to over-thinking (esp. if the 12th house has mercurial influence). They could have something bad happen to them, and they'd dwell and worry about it repeatedly. Their over-thinking can also have an affect their decisions and can also affect their relations with people.
The biggest daydreamers I know. It's almost therapeutic to them. Some people just have certain scenarios that they like to daydream about, but these people have a whole UNIVERSE. They love being in their head, it's a safe space for them. Reality can exhaust these people and daydreaming can be a source of break from them. They daydream to dissociate. They can daydream so much to the point where it's not healthy. Dissociative daydreamers.
Now since the 12th house rules hidden enemies, these people can have many. The people you think are close to you and you think you know them well, will turn out to be your biggest enemies. The type of people to applause and appreciate you on the surface, but can be the biggest haters when you're not around. They can talk bad about you with other people. It could either be because they're jealous of you or see the things in you that they really want, they see you having the things they don't have and that could turn them against you.
These people can either have trust issues or are gullible, sometimes both. Prior to my last point, these betrayals from people can be the lead cause of their suspicious-ness of other people. They don't trust people easily and might even appear cold. On the other hand, these people can be gullible as well. They fall into people's lies and traps. They could get played easily.
However, these people can have many secret admirers as well, especially with Venus or Jupiter in the 12th house. People can admire them from afar, but never confess. And I think they should confess because these people can have trouble with their self-worth and hearing that can make them feel good about themselves. They feel good knowing that there are people out there who appreciate them. That can be very uplifting for them.
If they have Leo/Sun/5th house ruler in 12th house, then they could have a lot of talents as well, most of which they're not even aware of. Venus/Libra/7th house ruler/Taurus/2nd house ruler/Uranus can indicate this as well. They could be doing something random and suddenly realize that they're good at it and have a talent for it.
These people can also have many fears. they're the type to have those weird phobias, but they usually get these phobias from experiences.
Very spiritual as well. Spirituality holds a great importance for them. These people always are practicing something spiritual, such as they can be firm believers of astrology, tarot, might like yoga, numerology etc. They can learn a lot about themselves through spirituality. Can even find the meaning to their identity or existence through spirituality.
Emotions run deep for this individuals. They can be sensitive and can get hurt easily but can hide it really well too. These people have no trouble putting themselves in other people's shoes. They can easily get affected by other people's energies, and before anyone has even said a word to them they would just know what the other person is like, what's the person feeling and their aura. Can be very accepting and empathetic. They're affectionate as well esp. Venus in 12th literally SHOWERRRS their significant other with kisses. They're very physical with their affection and would rather show than tell.
These people can be easily influenced (specifically talking about drugs here). These people love to dissociate weather it be in the form of daydream or indulging in drugs. Its not like these people aren't realistic, they can be, it's just that they need to dissociate due to many reasons such as, they need to protect their energy, there's just something in their lives that isn't going well, it can also be a natural response to trauma that they can't control. And dissociating through drugs and fantasies are the most common theme that I've noticed about the people with this people. They could also be addicted to sex (12th house rules orgasms and seduction).
With Sun and/or Saturn in the 12th house, paternal, specifically father, issues may be there. The father might not be present in their lives physically, and if physically present, then not emotionally. The father might have had a history of abusing drugs as well (emphasis on might). And due to this, they might have trouble with relationship, they can either be too flakey with relationships or get too attached too fast.
12th house also rules institutions. These people can have a time in their lives where they might make constant visits to hospitals, prisons, church etc. I knew this one person who was admitted and made constant visits to hospitals when she was a baby, as she would get sick very often and easily.
Since 6th house rules physical health, 12th house rules mental and spiritual health. These people really put an emphasis on their mental health, it's really important for them. They can practice spirituality for a better mental health and inner peace.

Their intuition is on point!! they never miss ISTGG. They know the true intentions of people, always. They can be so intuitive to the point where they can predict future events. Can have psychic abilities as well. But the problem is listening to their intuition. These people can be very self-questioning, to the point where they would refuse to trust their gut or intuition. They need to listen to it and follow it, they have a strong sixth sense, which is a beautiful gift, and they need to accept it.
DREAMS. Now this is one of the very well-known things associated with the 12th house. Dreams. As the sub-conscious mind of a 12th houser is more active as compared to the conscious mind, these people can have many dreams. And they believe each dreams of theirs holds a message for them, or anyone. Dreams can hold a great importance in their lives. Now depending on the type of planets, whether beneficial planet (Venus, Jupiter) or malefic (Sun, Saturn, Mars or Pluto) will have an influence on the natives dreams. Malefics will most likely deal with nightmares (esp. Pluto), whereas, beneficials, not so much. Neptune and Uranus in 12th house can have the most interesting and consistent dreams.
One consistent thing I've noticed with 12th houses is stubbornness. These people can be STUBBORNN. They will ask many people on their opinions on certain stuff, but they won't necessarily act on it, especially if they disagree with you. Once they make a decision, it's made. There's no changing the decision.
With Leo/Sun/5th house ruler in 12th, they can be really creative. Even without the solar influence, they can be creative. As I mentioned, these people can be very secretive and can be very selective about people with whom they confide in. So their form of emotional-expression can not only be words, but artistic as well. They like to paint, draw, doodle, photography etc. to express themselves.
Whether there's solar influence in the 12th house or not, 12th housers can have trouble with self-identity. Now this is a house ruled by a mutable sign, Pisces, who are known because of their ever-changing nature. These people are shifters. They can morph into the desired personality, depending on the situation or people. And due to this, these people don't know their real personality, their identity, their one-self. They can have a distorted view of themselves, and not only them but other people can have a distorted view of them. Learning self-confidence, self-love and spirituality might help them with their identity or give them some idea of who they are.
Since the 12th house rules self-undoing. I've noticed people with stellium in this house can be self-destructive at least one in their lives. With mercurial influence they can have a lot of destructive and suicidal thoughts.
12th housers can feel injustice throughout their lives. They feel like the world is against them. They feel like only they have it rough and are the type of people to hear a person vent about their problems and say '"OMG you have it so much easier than me, I wish I had your problems". They victimize themselves. This can only be applicable to underdeveloped energies.
Due to the reason that they might've felt or dealt with many betrayals in their life, these people could be paranoid. They could be paranoid of people's motives, whether they're being lied to etc. These people have trouble trusting other people or confiding in them, because they're paranoid their feelings might be used against them.
Due to Jupiter influence, these people can be very wise. And one thing they love the most is when they share that wisdom. They love it when other people come to them for advice, and they can help them. Much like Virgos, They love helping and making people feel good.
As easy as it can be for these people to read other people, 12th housers can be really hard to read. Now this depends on the Ascendant, but I've noticed these people can often have that expressionless, uninteresting expression on their face. They could be feeling sad, happy, angry, whatever it is, they won't let their facial expressions show it. And that could make it very hard to read these people.
These people also need new perspectives, new ideas. Not that these people get bored easily but they need a new recommendations, new suggestions.
Sleep can be also very important for these people. They love sleep and can find it therapeutic. It can be very healing for them.
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~ Collective tarot reading ~
🦋💙End of January 🦋💙
🫥 Im not sure why but I really don’t want to do Aquarius, Pisces!! I just dread it but I’m kinda curious now why that is 🥸also not really in the mood to do the fire signs and Scorpio 😬 but I will try if I don’t read for yours I’m sorry 😓
Take what resonates 🩵
Cancer 🌙 overall there is going to be a confrontation or a merging of 2 energies
For my first half I see that u are taking more care of yourself. Worried about ur own emotional health and nurturing yourself u are worthy and special and u have so much depth and beauty within u. U don’t have to pour it out to those who lack the character or courage to embrace your heart spirit or soul. U know that what u have is priceless. And many may want or have tried to take it all for themself greed jealousy just deceitful people who are parasites dont want to do any work but want to take all your love and depth. U are overcoming healing and understanding the depth of betrayal and the potent lessons of human nature. Becoming emotionally intelligent and resilient no longer being played as a fool. The betrayal is behind u and now u leveled up knowing ur worth. Balancing emotions and logic.
For a small portion someone may want to come and cause drama someone of the opposite nature this person may stir up drama if u let them but u r protecting urself and are protected a betrayal and disaster can be avoided.
Don’t let cunning words mislead u. U hold a depth of beauty that some people want to take for themself or cause u to lose yourself. Avoid what doesn’t sit right with u.
Some of u could be dealing with a Scorpio
There’s transformative healing energy coming in
Inner child healing ❤️🩹
Something from the past coming full circle and having better understanding
Someone may getting proposed to leading to marriage !
A deeper level of commitment can heal some childhood wounds this relationship is what’s meant to heal some wounds that uouve been holding
I see romance is positive at this time for libras
Nothing negative a lot of positive happy energy around u around the end of January moving foward
U r blessed everything will be alright
I’m happy for u guys
But remember to stay grounded let things be enjoyable live in the present and focus on happiness don’t let ur mind play games with u don’t manipulate yourself in regards to commitment
There’s a lot going on around u virgo
There could be more of a focus on ur home life
Maybe some issues balancing ur home life and work
Like there a struggle going on with ur routine
There’s challenges emerging and u may feel cornered with obligations
Someone could be frustrating u
How do u balance home and work your heart and the practical lay attention to ur dreams maybe
This is the perfect time to take a step away and spend time by yourself little moments that bring u joy or peace when u are confused it’s best to take a seat and think meditate on what YOU should do
Gemini 👯
U could have libra or aries in your chart or they are being activated
Seeing things objectively
Focusing on your state of mind
Great time for academics learning new things
Understanding ur emotions better
U r ur best teacher when u do the work
Business ideas
Best time to use your creativity your mind is powerfull
This is a time to pause to sit alone with ur mind to speak to ur other half to seek stability within yourself and really go deep soon there will be a level up in your way of thinking growing in wisdom from a new perspective this can be very beneficial if u listen to the subtle call of ur spirit
A time for past life regression or child hood
Capricorn 🐐
U could be leaving a job or relationship
There’s a lot of confusion weighing down on u weather the environments or people should be apart of ur life.
Why is there confusion ? Confusion means that there’s something wrong something isn’t sitting right with u.
This is making u rethink about your future.
But everything will be okay even tho u may be going through confusion on what u thought was best for u and ur development or just ur long term ideals/goals this is meant to push u for better u deserve greater don’t bind urself to what doesn’t serve ur highest good this is a great time to make a decision to better yourself it’s now or never everything will be okay good omens coming through for the other side
Aquarius 💧 ughhhhhhhhhhh asparagus 😩 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
Strong spiritual energy around u
Tapping more in?
Praying more fasting encouraged
Speaking to your guides
Seeing something for what it is
Seeing something hidden
Finding out a long overdue truth
Very strong energy here all major arcana’s compared to the other readings this one is heavy
There is something that you’re seeing or will soon see or have seen, but there’s a big emphasis on seeing something. The eyes are very important. Something that you’re watching something that you’re trying to understand tapping into your third eye a lot of energy around you with the wheel of Fortune in the past Something is coming full circle. You could also have come to a realization about something from the past or behavior or something within yourself, but there’s something that you’re starting to pick up on that was vague to you. You are tapping into your subconscious. You’re tapping into your fears your beliefs You’re tapping into your soul nevertheless you’re gonna come out of this victorious you’re gonna come out of this enlighten even though it may seem murky, you may be weary of all these twist and turns that you’ve been going through especially with love as well for a lot of you you’ve been going through ups and downs with love in relationships, but there’s something that you’re gonna confront within yourself within your mind and this is going to elevate you. This is going to make a brand new version of yourself. You are meant to leave this murky Waters or mirage. You are the star you are someone of immense impact also there’s a need to humble yourself in this time when you’re going within and facing your fears facing yourself because when you do that, you will finally embody a version of yourself that you will be proud of You will be what you’ve known you had potential to be, but you could never understand how to achieve or acquire it, but this is a deep time of introspection transforming you’re being your character your mind what’s in there your elevating moving past a lower octave lower energy this is a time of expansion Expanding the mind embracing who you’re meant to be confronting yourself and then showing the world your greatness, which is a polarity that you can easily embrace, knowing how to balance your dark and light, your shadow and the higher version of you there needs to be self control with who you mingle with who you let in or how you treat others one or the other there is a fear, shadow or lower energy that you’re confronting this is a call for self control, enlightenment and wisdom and by doing so you will expand and be very wise and be very centered grounded and of two natures but balanced like this you are going to Transcend a threshold that you’ve been not confronting and this is gonna make you an individual who people admire
For a small portion of you when you do this, the love that you’ve been searching for you will receive/attract
Smokes and mirrors
Guns and roses
Embracing yourself is the best thing u can do
Favor is surrounding u
A long journey is coming to an end
All that u been though or worked hard for will reap and bring a full harvest
It’s okay to stand alone
U r coming out very attractive energetic wise. Embrace who u are beautiful mind those past pains can take away ur greatness sometimes holding back can help u be in ur favor right now may be a challenging painful time but u will charge through
U may feel like something is impossible
Much needed r&r
U could feel restless but blocked from companionship divine timing - though ppl don’t like to hear that I sure don’t
But there’s a reason why this companionship isn’t manifesting this is a time of overcoming ur own obstacles and walking this journey alone to make it to the end line out on top proud of yourself and stronger and evolving to a more confident individual
Scorpio 🦂
Dollhouse murder
Time for evolution
Masculine energy
A spark of interest in the darker things of life or the mind
I see u having the mind of u not having time for bullshit u tail is up and ready to dive into whatever doesn’t belong near u could have recently undergone some financial troubles maybe over investing leaving u in a .. pickle.. whatever u loss will be off the past something new is coming will u entertain it?
Some of u could have loss some friends maybe they didn’t feel like u resonated with them u will be fine u may be diving into psychology taking a more machivillan approach ?
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Hiding something behind your back? Lying? Cheating ?? Let’s find out.
Pile 1 🪄
Pile 2 🦅
Pile 3 🍵
Pile 4 👸🏽
Pile 1
You and your partner may have been together for a while—whether it’s a long-term relationship or someone you’ve known for years. Whatever the label, your partner hasn’t cheated on you. There’s no third party in the picture. But here’s the hard truth: they’re considering looking elsewhere.
Why? It’s not about someone else—it’s about them. They might be feeling unsatisfied with the relationship or unsure of where things are heading. This isn’t a spur-of-the-moment thought; they’ve been reflecting on this deeply, weighing their options before making a decision they won’t walk back from.
If they decide to move on, it’s likely not to jump into another relationship but to focus on themselves. This is about personal growth, realigning with what they want, and choosing a path that feels right for them—whether that means staying single or starting fresh.
The choice will be final, and they’ll find peace in it. The question is, what’s next for you?
Pile 2
This connection shows signs of unrequited love—one-sided effort and feelings. The partnership has lost its meaning for them, and their actions confirm it. They’ve already betrayed your trust, likely choosing someone else in their vicinity over the bond you shared.
This betrayal may not be recent—it could have happened some time ago. Perhaps you’ve stayed, trying to make things work, but the truth is, this person has been acting in their own self-interest for a while now.
Their focus isn’t on commitment or partnership; they prefer the freedom of being single, keeping their options open, and giving their energy to others as they see fit.
This is not about building something together—it’s about their desire for independence and control over who they give their time and attention to.
Pile 3
This person hasn’t cheated on you, betrayed you, or done anything behind your back. However, they’ve made the decision to eventually become single.
This relationship isn’t meant to last forever—it serves as a lesson for both of you. The connection is here to teach you something valuable, but you’re ultimately meant to part ways and find partners who align better with your individual needs and growth.
This person values their freedom and personal growth above all else. They don’t believe in betraying or cheating; instead, they prefer to end things respectfully before moving on. Their morals and integrity guide their actions, and they’d never compromise those values by acting dishonorably in a relationship.
One thing is clear: they have no interest in the past or revisiting old connections. They’re focused on moving forward, even if it means breaking ties to pursue their own path.
Good new is for those of you asking about or thinking of what will happen next in love here’s what may happen moving forward..
The next person you encounter could be someone who has recently ended a relationship. They’ve spent significant time reflecting and working on letting go of the past before approaching you. This person finds you captivating—you’ve undeniably caught their attention.
However, you might not feel the same way. The timing or the fact that they’ve just come out of a breakup might give you pause, making you hesitant to pursue anything further. The energy of this person could be of that of like number 1 but this will be after the fact !
Pile 4
This person hasn’t cheated on you, nor have they betrayed your trust. However, they’re feeling exhausted by the constant arguments and challenges in the relationship. The tension has become overwhelming, and all they truly want is peace and happiness.
This individual prioritizes their emotional well-being and doesn’t tolerate cycles of toxicity. They’re not someone who stays in situations that drain them emotionally. While they still care, they feel weighed down by the dynamic of your partnership.
If you care for them and want to salvage the relationship, it’s time to let go of the nitpicking, drama, and childish behaviors. This person values their grounded and stable nature and won’t continue to endure stress and conflict.
A break may be necessary. If they express a need for space, it’s crucial to respect that and allow them the time to regain their peace and balance. If you give them room to breathe and focus on healing, there’s a chance for reconciliation and forgiveness, which could strengthen your connection in the long run.
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🌟✨ Free Manifestation Help! Tell Me What You Need, and I’ll Help Manifest It for You! ✨🌟
Hey everyone! 🙋♂️🙋♀️ I’m offering free help to manifest what you need! I’ve had great success helping others, and I want to spread the good vibes to this awesome community. 💫 Here’s how it works:
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Lots of love!
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I just gotta say... $0-10 tarot/divination readings aren’t a thing anywhere but on tumblr. Don’t go expecting experienced or professional readers to be charging less than $40/hour.
All the free and hella cheap readings available on here give a completely false sense of how much energy and experience actually goes into a reading.
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Reading for ♒️♓️♐️♐️♌️♈️♏️♊️ Jan 2025 current energy at play
Aquarius - learning the hard way
Aquarius, in the past a quick decision or a snap judgment, likely tied to communication occurred . You acted swiftly, providing or receiving clarity. It involved a person or situation where you expressed your feelings or delivered a final judgment.
In the present, the Queen of Pentacles reversed and the Six of Swords reversed indicate financial instability or disorganization. You may feel stuck or realize that certain investments—of time, energy, or money—are draining rather than supporting you. This is a moment of clarity where you must prioritize yourself, cut ties with situations causing stagnation, and focus on regaining balance. Communication feels off, and you may sense frustration from one-sided efforts in relationships or collaborations.
Looking at the future, a significant belief system is being dismantled. This could relate to generational or self-imposed values that no longer align with your growth. The process may feel isolating, as it challenges your foundation and pushes you toward independence. This is a call to embrace the unknown, let go of limiting beliefs, and commit to a new path. The journey won’t be easy—you may lose support or connections—but it’s necessary for reaching a personal peak and financial stability. Delays persist as long as you hold onto old patterns, so it’s time to take initiative and move forward.
Sagittarius messy acting up for what
In the recent past, it seems you made an offer to a person, situation, or entity—something that may have taken you time to present. However, this offer was not rooted in honesty. There was deception on your end, whether intentional or unintentional, and it led to a tangled situation full of manipulation, self-sabotage, and confusion.
You may have involved multiple people or acted out of selfishness, seeking gratification at the expense of integrity. This choice not only hurt others but ultimately backfired, leaving you trapped in feelings of guilt, regret, and emotional grief. While it’s unclear why you acted this way, the consequences have been heavy
For some, this situation might have been tied to a love triangle or third-party involvement, but the overarching message is clear: you betrayed both others and yourself. There was an opportunity for something genuine, something fruitful, but it was overshadowed by dishonesty and poor judgment.
Now, as you reflect on your actions, you may feel the weight of guilt. Whether you acted out of revenge, insecurity, or impulsiveness, the result has left you in a state of emotional imprisonment. When you are alone, the consequences of your choices replay in your mind, and the regret is undeniable.This reading highlights the importance of integrity, accountability, and learning from past mistakes. While the past cannot be changed, there is always an opportunity to make amends, grow, and approach future situations with honesty and clarity.
Pisces drama karma getting u ur not untouchable
For the Pisces collective, there’s a strong energy of chaos, drama, and gossip surrounding you. Many of you are dealing with addictions—whether to a person, a substance, or a behavior you know is unhealthy but continue to indulge in. This energy is heavy, and for some, the chaos stems from the attachments you’ve built, either to someone else or to a self-destructive habit.
If this involves another person, trying to restart the relationship or dabbling in this connection again will lead to a significant fallout. For others, it’s about a destructive pattern you can’t seem to break. You know this behavior isn’t serving you, yet you stubbornly hold onto it. However, continuing down this path is setting the stage for a harsh wake-up call. If you tamper with this one more time, the consequences will hit hard, causing a shake-up that impacts you deeply, leaving you feeling isolated and regretful.
For some, this involves a toxic relationship—a karmic connection that cycles through manipulation, emotional coercion, and imbalance. There’s a lot of fiery energy here, signaling passion but also volatility. One person may be clinging to the connection while the other has moved on, creating unrequited feelings and more toxicity. If you attempt to rekindle this, it’s unlikely to succeed because the other party may no longer want it.
The overarching message here is to let go. Whether it’s a toxic person, habit, or behavior, holding on is causing more harm than good. This is karmic energy at play, and the universe is stepping in to end the cycle. Your guides or ancestors are watching, allowing this negative energy to unfold so you can learn the lesson.
For some, this behavior stems from childhood patterns or wounds, but the time for change is now. Pretending to be something you’re not, while indulging in your lower nature, will only lead to destruction. The universe is preparing to forcibly stop whatever temptation or behavior is holding you back. This will be a transformative moment—clear as day—that leaves no room for denial.
Gemini - playing games for fun and drama
Lolllllllllllllllll Gemini you’re about to be served a very large slice of humble pie. There’s a situation here, and you’re at the center of it lol Whether it’s you not minding your business or jumping into drama that doesn’t concern you, things are about to get messy.
For many of you, this involves a third-party situation. Whether you’re aware of it or not (and let’s be honest, you probably are), there’s some love triangle energy here or at least some drama in a romantic context. You’re likely entangling yourself with multiple people or with someone who is tied up elsewhere. Despite your intelligence and intuition—because we all know you’re sharp—you’re diving headfirst into a situation that screams self-sabotage.
After all the drama unfolds, you’re going to be left alone, reflecting on your choices, scratching your head, and thinking, Why did I even do that? It’s not that you didn’t know better—you did. But there’s this wild, chaotic streak in you that sometimes can’t resist testing the limits. Are you a mad scientist experimenting with emotional chaos?This situation is one-sided, messy, and not nearly as exciting or fulfilling as you might think. If you’re juggling people, they might both catch on, and when the dust settles, neither of them will want to stick around. It’s going to leave you feeling left out, maybe even hurt, but you’ve got no one to blame but yourself.
lol Stop playing games—especially with yourself.
Scorpio- sad violin 🎻
Scorpio, it seems like you’ve recently gone through something a bit disheartening—not exactly earth-shattering, but disappointing nonetheless. Perhaps a situation didn’t play out the way you’d hoped, especially if it involved a choice between two people. For some of you, there was an element of ego in the mix, where the decision felt more like a matter of pride or curiosity rather than something deeply emotional.
If this resonates, you may have chosen to walk away from the chaos and focus on yourself instead. You’re juggling your own emotions and daily responsibilities with a growing sense that keeping things simple is the better path for now. While there might be lingering disappointment about what could’ve been, you’re not devastated. Instead, you’re redirecting your energy toward nurturing your independence, finances, and stability.
For others, there was a crossroads involving two people: one from your past, with whom you shared good memories and perhaps wanted to rekindle something; and another person, someone strikingly attractive and magnetic, who seemed to draw people in effortlessly. This second person may have had a mysterious, intuitive side—perhaps even dabbling in spiritual or esoteric practices—but their motivations may not have felt entirely pure or positive.
If you chose the past person, it might not have gone as planned. Whether the connection fizzled out or simply didn’t align with what you needed, it left you feeling emotionally neutral—disappointed, but not devastated. Now, you seem to be stepping into a phase of focusing on what truly matters: your career, your stability, and your own personal growth.
The overall message for you, Scorpio, is one of quiet resilience. It’s not the end of the world that a relationship or potential connection didn’t work out. You’re learning to prioritize yourself and your goals, and that shift is paving the way for a stronger, more secure foundation. You’re not seeking commitment right now, and that’s perfectly fine. Keep nurturing yourself—it’s your time to focus inward.
Aries Standing in Your Power
Aries, the overarching theme for you is enlightenment and confidence as you embrace a fresh approach to life, particularly in matters involving family or long-term relationships. You’re stepping into your power, fully recognizing your worth and asserting boundaries like never before. You’ve developed a stronger, more resolute attitude—one where you refuse to be swayed, manipulated, or taken for granted.
You’ve made a clear judgment call, both internally and externally, that if someone doesn’t approach you with respect, intention, and alignment with your vision for the future, they no longer have a place in your life. This serious, determined energy is fueling your growth, and you’re actively manifesting a new identity, lifestyle, and way of handling relationships.
Gone are the days of tolerating chaos, imbalance, or relationships that drain you without giving anything in return. You’ve come to the realization that you deserve better and are fully capable of creating a life that reflects your true worth. Whether it’s friendships, partnerships, or even career investments, you’re releasing anything that doesn’t serve your higher purpose.
This epiphany has been powerful—almost like a wake-up call. You’re molding a future built on authenticity, self-respect, and alignment with your goals. No longer defined by past circumstances or limited by old patterns, you’re fully stepping into your own.
The message here is clear: you’re done with the drama, done with the chaos, and done with anything or anyone that doesn’t honor who you are. You’re not just walking away—you’re actively transforming. Keep standing firm in this energy, Aries; it’s taking you exactly where you need to go.
Leo Reading: Peaceful Connections and Inner Harmony
Leo, this message is for those currently in or about to enter a meaningful and harmonious relationship. This is a healthy connection, free of drama or unnecessary complications. Whether you’re in it now or it’s on the horizon, the energy surrounding this partnership is grounded in peace and emotional stability.
This person feels like home to you. They provide a deep sense of comfort, healing, and emotional understanding. They truly see you—not just the surface, but your heart, your inner child, and all the parts of you that long to be nurtured and accepted. This connection is one where you feel understood, valued, and genuinely supported, sparking a strong desire to cherish and treasure them. For some, the roles could be reversed, with your partner feeling this way about you, but the mutual energy is one of respect, care, and a shared commitment to maintaining harmony.
For Leos in this dynamic, it’s important to stay grounded. Take time to meditate, pray, or simply reflect on what brings you joy and balance. By staying emotionally regulated, you’ll keep this connection flourishing and create a space where happiness can continue to grow.
If this message resonates more with your personal journey, this could indicate a time of deep self-healing. You’re reconnecting with your inner child, pursuing activities that uplift and inspire you, and nurturing your own peace. This is about creating a space of emotional stability for yourself, which in turn attracts positive opportunities and relationships.
For those unsure about the motives or nature of their current connection, this serves as confirmation: there is nothing to fear. The energy here is overwhelmingly positive. If you’ve been overthinking or doubting, let go of those worries—this is a safe and fulfilling partnership where your needs will be met.
Leo, whether it’s a connection with another or with yourself, this is a time of emotional ease, deep healing, and long-term happiness. Good days are ahead, and this is just the beginning of a truly fulfilling chapter.
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I will do 1 free reading for the one that stands out the most !!!!!
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Who has a crush on you ? 👀~Pick a pile ~👀 5 piles
Where do you know them from ?
The type of person they are
How they look
Next actions😏
Pile 1 💣
Pile 2👰🏻♀️
Pile 3🕶️
Pile 4🐢
Pile 5 ☔️
🙀If you would like to find out how this crush feels about you and or what they find attractive about you I can send you a personal reading for 5.99. I only accept Cash app and PayPal. 🙀
🛑❌please comment your pile number for feedback if it resonates ❌🛑
For each pile, take what resonates certain traits may not apply since this is a collective reading, but there should be more of enough to get the hint of who this person is. Trust your intuition. 
Pile 1 💣
Where would u know them from ???
You already know this person—it’s someone with whom you’ve shared proximity and an established connection. They could be someone you’ve encountered at a mall or a store you frequent, a neighbor, or even someone you’ve connected with through an online platform. Alternatively, you may have crossed paths during a competitive activity, particularly one that challenges the mind, or through something like a dance class.
The type of person they are
From the traits described, you should have a strong sense of who this is. Their astrological energy leans toward Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, or Capricorn. This person blends practicality with risk-taking, displaying a dual nature—versatile yet confident, with perhaps a touch of a “god complex.” They embody two distinct polarities: stoic yet sociable, intelligent and charismatic, serious yet playful. Their personality suits an entrepreneurial or business-driven environment, where their bold, goal-oriented mindset thrives. They uphold their standards, balance open-mindedness with structure, and can shift from hardworking and focused to relaxed and engaging in social settings.
How they look
This person commands attention with a strong, unmistakable presence. They have a vibrant energy and often appear radiant, with a healthy, glowing look that might even be sun-kissed. They present themselves well, keeping a clean and polished appearance. They likely wear subtle but striking jewelry, and if they’re a woman, they may enjoy wearing makeup. Their physique is toned and fit, with long limbs (not necessarily tall but well-proportioned). Their features are striking—perhaps a sharp jawline or a distinctive nose—that naturally draws attention. You may find yourself admiring their appearance, catching glimpses or even stealing glances. Despite their striking looks, some may misinterpret their demeanor as aloof or unapproachable, though they’re not intimidating in reality.
Next actions😏
If your connection is currently platonic, they may be holding back from taking things to a deeper level. This hesitation likely stems from their practicality and a desire to avoid creating complications. They may prioritize their career or financial stability over advancing the relationship for now, carefully weighing the risks. However, there’s a clear desire to move closer—they’re just holding themselves back, talking themselves out of it. With time, their confidence might override their caution, and you could see them making those long-awaited advances.
Pile 2 👰🏻♀️
Where would u know them from ???
You might know this person through a religious or spiritual environment, such as a place of worship, a religious gathering, or even through dreams if you haven’t met them in waking life. There’s a strong sense of connection to a religious school or institution—for example, a Catholic all-girls or all-boys school—or a similar setting that combines education and spirituality. Alternatively, you may have encountered them in an outdoor environment or a space where you feel fully comfortable being yourself. This meeting could have even taken place in a foreign country or during travel, adding an element of the unfamiliar yet significant.
The type of person they are
Their personality is bold and unforgettable. They have a flair for being the center of attention and love making their presence known. This person may come across as a bit arrogant or cocky, often speaking with hand gestures and exuding confidence. They have a dual nature, sometimes introspective and focused, other times commanding and directive—though not necessarily with bad intentions. Their personality can be polarizing, even problematic at times, as they might speak loudly or use strong, decisive words. However, they possess a brilliant, creative mind, excelling at thinking outside the box and solving problems in innovative ways.
How they look
Physically, they have notable and unique features. Their face may be round or soft, lacking prominent cheekbones, with a long nose and possibly a high forehead. They might be bald or have hair that draws attention in some way. Their lips stand out—either full and kissable, with a bottom lip slightly larger than the top, or narrow and distinctive. Their movements are graceful and deliberate, with delicate, well-kept hands that seem soft or gentle. They carry themselves with good posture and often wear clothing that is eye-catching or distinctive, making them stand out wherever they go.
Next actions😏
When it comes to approaching you, this person may hold back, preferring to test your interest by seeing if you will make the first move. They seem to enjoy playing hard to get, adding a layer of challenge to their already dynamic and intriguing presence. Patience and persistence might be required to break through their carefully maintained exterior.
Pile 3🕶️
Where would u know them from ???
You might know this person through graduate school, your workplace, or another professional environment. They could also be connected to a prestigious institution, a social event, or even a facility where formal contracts or paperwork are involved, such as a dealership. There’s also a possibility you’ve met them through family or while traveling. Their connection to your life feels grounded yet multifaceted, with ties to both professional and personal realms.
The type of person they are
This person has an introverted side and may prefer spending time alone. In public or while engaging in activities, they might rush through things, giving off an air of confidence that can sometimes come across as awkward or “cringe” to outsiders. Despite this, they possess a genuine and caring nature. They may enjoy spending time with children or engaging in activities that involve creativity and hands-on work, such as crafting, playing an instrument, or other hobbies that require skill and focus. They’re likely a risk-taker, innovative in their thinking, and someone who finds joy in life’s simple pleasures. However, they may also have escapist tendencies, avoiding conflict or running from problems rather than addressing them directly. For some, their hobbies might include knitting or other calming, detailed activities.
How they look
Their appearance is striking, with a stern, serious expression that gives them a no-nonsense demeanor—they’re not someone you’d often catch smiling. They may always have something in their hands, whether it’s an object related to their work, a hobby, or even an instrument. They tend to layer their clothing, and their style could lean toward dark, gothic, or unconventional, with an overall aura that feels mysterious or intense. Their clothing might appear expensive or thoughtfully chosen, enhancing their commanding presence. Physically, they could be tall—over six feet, regardless of gender—and have distinct features such as sharp canine teeth, a beard, and wavy or curly hair. Their appearance has an unconventional yet captivating quality that naturally draws attention.
Next actions😏
This person will definitely make an effort to connect with you. They’ve already moved past their doubts or hesitations and feel confident about approaching you. Their initial approach will likely be friendly and casual, focused on building a foundation of friendship first. They seem to want to establish trust and comfort before taking things further, creating a dynamic that feels natural and grounded. This connection is destined to unfold, with their initiative setting things into motion.
Pile 4 🐢
Where would u know them from ???
You likely know this person from an outdoor environment, perhaps during recreational activities or a lighthearted setting where children are present—like a music event, hobby group, or after-school music facility. They could also be connected to travel, possibly overseas, or through unique and unforeseen circumstances, such as an unusual encounter or a family introduction. For some, you may have met this person in a testing facility or even a library, as those settings strongly come through.
The type of person they are
Astrologically, they could have a water moon, suggesting they are intuitive, empathetic, and possibly spiritual. They have mastered emotional self-control, which allows them to detach from their feelings when necessary. If their Venus conjuncts their moon, they possess a natural charm and an effortless ability to attract what they want. Luck seems to follow them, and you may notice things tend to go their way. They likely have an active imagination and might lean toward being very organized or slightly OCD. They could have a love for animals, especially dogs, and an interest in taboo subjects like astrology or esoteric knowledge. They’re independent, confident walking their own path, and unafraid of solitude.
How they look
Their physical appearance is striking and alluring. They likely have a toned, well-defined body with muscles that are visibly sculpted. If they’re a woman, their figure is notable, with perky breasts that are medium to large. They may wear their hair up, with it being long and flowing when let down. Their skin tone could range from fair with a pink undertone to olive, golden, or red undertones, often with flushed cheeks that may result naturally or from wearing blush. Their hands might show signs of labor, suggesting they’re hands-on in their work or hobbies.
This person’s body is captivating, the kind of beauty you’d expect to see immortalized in art. They might wear fewer clothes or subtly show off their best features, yet they also embrace flowy, loose garments like long dresses or skirts. They exude both an ethereal, angelic aura and a dark, seductive allure—an irresistible mix of “angel meets devil” energy. Their appearance often tempts others, as they seem to embody both masculine and feminine qualities. For women, their clothing may accentuate their chest, sometimes revealing just enough to draw attention.
Next actions😏
This person is likely to approach you and take a leap of faith. They’ll do so in a positive, cheerful, and perhaps slightly nervous way, reminiscent of a childlike innocence. They may hesitate or second-guess themselves at first, pulling back before ultimately deciding to step forward and engage. Their approach feels genuine and heartfelt, though their emotions may run deep if they’re met with rejection.
Pile 5 ☔️
Where would u know them from ???
You may have dreamed about this person or found yourself thinking of them even before coming across this post. There’s a strong sense that you’ve already met this person in a romantic context—perhaps during a movie with romantic undertones or on a day when you felt particularly romantic. It’s possible you’ve already been physically close, touched, or even shared intimacy. Your connection feels established, with spiritual undertones that suggest a soul tie or a deep mutual understanding. The chemistry between you two is undeniable, and you seem to complement each other well. This meeting could have occurred at a religious institution, a temple, or even during Valentine’s Day—or perhaps it’s yet to happen around that time. You might have met outdoors, at a store, or during a special event in February.
The type of person they are
This person is likely spiritual and could be into astrology or other esoteric studies. They have a natural balance between masculine and feminine energies, making them both persuasive and seductive. They are self-aware and poised, often presenting themselves as emotionally detached or controlled. They might have a habit of speaking in riddles, withholding full truths, or even occasionally instigating situations—but these traits stem from their complexity rather than malice. They are deeply introspective, often minding their own business and staying in tune with themselves, with a possible gift for psychic or intuitive insight.
How they look
Physically, this person may have wavy to curly hair and could wear noticeable accessories like large earrings or gauges. They might enjoy being barefoot and carry an approachable, intriguing energy that invites curiosity. Their build is average, and they likely aren’t overly focused on their appearance. They may have an unconventional or unique feature that adds to their allure. This person could be foreign or have a distinctive story that sets them apart from others. There’s a strong connection to animals—they might own multiple pets, including exotic or unconventional ones, or even live on a farm. Their aesthetic or demeanor hints at a spiritual lifestyle, possibly including yoga or meditation. They may have tattoos, colored hair, or accessories in their hair, with skin tones that could range widely but might include grayish or yellowish undertones.
Next actions😏
This person seems to be contemplating approaching you, with a genuine desire to connect. They may hesitate at first, thinking it over carefully before making a move, but their intention to engage with you is clear.

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-All signs collective reading-
Past present & future
Sun moon rising or dominant + planet of said sign Past present and future !!!
Please scroll down for ur sign each is lengthy
Also please comment your sign so I know it resonates to continue the ask signs reading please 🩵
Past: Aquarius, you are walking away from anything that no longer emotionally serves you. This could mean leaving behind relationships, situations, or commitments that lacked reciprocity or emotional fulfillment. You’ve realized there’s no need to continue investing your time and energy into what does not align with your growth, and you’ve taken steps to distance yourself from it.
Present: The Wheel of Fortune and Page of Swords appear, signaling that something significant is manifesting in your life. You may feel the winds of change but remain unsure of what’s ahead. Trust that this is divinely guided—your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors are closely monitoring your progress and orchestrating events in your favor. You might also notice signs or synchronicities around you. While there’s a fiery energy urging action, you’re determined to cut through any negativity or karmic patterns that no longer serve your highest good.
Future: The Moon and the Fool reveal an upcoming new journey. While the specifics remain unclear, this path is connected to your destiny. Spirit is urging you not to worry about the unknown but to trust the process. This chapter may involve severing karmic ties, balancing your masculine and feminine energies, and embracing fresh opportunities with an open heart. Something transformative is just around the corner.
Past: The King of Swords represents your past, Scorpio. This could reflect your own energy—logical, strategic, and emotionally grounded—or the energy of someone you were dealing with. If it’s you, there’s been a shift in how you approach relationships, focusing on rationality over emotional impulsivity. If it’s another person, this could indicate a connection marked by logical communication or challenges in seeing eye-to-eye.
Present: You’re being called to use your intuition before taking action. There’s a strong energy of careful consideration, taking your time, and making wise decisions. You or someone in your life may be strategizing or seeking clarity about what comes next.
Future: The Lovers, clarified by the Four of Wands, points to a significant partnership. This could signify a deep commitment or even marriage. The connection is serious, intentional, and mutual—a bond where both parties feel aligned. Whether this involves someone you already know or someone you’ll meet, it is a relationship built on love, respect, and harmony.
Past: The Moon suggests emotional heaviness and burdens in your past. For some Pisces, this may involve an Aquarius, or it could signify hidden aspects of a situation that caused confusion or difficulty. Spirit may have been trying to draw your attention to something you were not fully aware of.
Present: There’s a blockage around communication or expression, leaving you in a state of overthinking. You’re mentally replaying situations, perhaps feeling emotionally weighed down, sad, or even anxious. There’s a strong sense of emotional investment, but the lack of clarity is leading to confusion and stagnation.
Future: Without addressing this blockage, feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness may persist. The energy suggests difficulty in finding fulfillment from your choices or investments. However, happiness lies in nurturing relationships or connections that bring emotional nourishment. This may involve collaborating with someone who genuinely cares for you, helping you shift out of this cycle of overthinking and sadness.
Past: You’ve endured something deeply painful in the past—perhaps trauma, neglect, or significant burdens that weighed heavily on you for a long time. The good news is that you’ve closed this chapter. A new cycle has begun, allowing you to shift your focus and energy toward fresh opportunities.
Present: There’s a sense of excitement and passion in your current energy. This could involve a new love interest or a project that inspires you emotionally and creatively. You’re pouring your energy into something that truly resonates with you, and it feels like a turning point.
Future: Success is on the horizon. You’re moving toward independence and strength, possibly walking away from people or situations that no longer align with your goals. While there’s a sense of multiple energies surrounding you—perhaps a mix of fire, water, and air signs—you’re making decisions that prioritize your growth and happiness.
Past: The focus has been on emotional balance. You’ve worked to ground yourself while navigating burdensome situations, taking time to pause, reflect, and rest. This period has helped you regain mental clarity and emotional equilibrium.
Present: There’s an ongoing realization that certain relationships, organizations, or commitments do not align with your highest good. Whether it’s a job, a boss, or a partnership, you’re identifying where you’ve been mandated to act in ways that feel unnatural or emotionally draining.
Future: Walking away from these restrictive energies will lead to success and happiness. You may take on new opportunities or even become your own boss, gaining the independence and balance you’ve been seeking. Trust that by leaving behind what no longer serves you, you’re opening the door to growth and fulfillment.
Past: You’ve made a decision that seemed promising, whether in business, finances, or relationships, only to face a significant loss. This gamble may have left you feeling financially or emotionally depleted, creating a need for reassessment.
Present: You’re stepping back to evaluate what truly brings happiness and fulfillment. This period of self-reflection will help you gain clarity about your priorities and values.
Future: An epiphany awaits, as you come to understand that true happiness stems from emotional fulfillment, not material gains. This realization may involve shifting focus toward relationships, family, or even creative pursuits that bring joy and meaning to your life.
I always look forward to Leo readings—they’re one of my favorites to do! Leos tend to have the most vibrant energy, and honestly, I’m a little jealous of how favorable your readings usually turn out. Let’s dive into your past energy first.
Past: Leo, you radiate confidence, but sometimes that bold energy can tip into overconfidence. Spirit is showing me a scenario where you might rush into something headstrong, thinking no one is watching—but trust me, someone is always watching. I can’t help but laugh because I see you doing something impulsive, and it ends up being a bit embarrassing. Your magnetic presence naturally draws attention, so even when you think you’re flying under the radar, someone’s paying close attention. This could be Spirit reminding you to slow down and make thoughtful decisions to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment.
Present: You’re in a situation where you’re likely dealing with someone—this isn’t for the single Leos out there. Whether it’s a romantic partner, spouse, or a long-term connection, there’s a sense of confusion or dissatisfaction. Spirit is urging you to take your time before making any impulsive choices. You might feel tempted to walk away, thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, but take a moment to really evaluate whether leaving will bring you fulfillment.
Future: Rushing into a decision could lead to disappointment—not just for yourself but for others observing your choices. Spirit’s message is clear: slow down, Leo. You have a reputation for being unforgettable, but you don’t want to be remembered for the wrong reasons. Take your time to assess what truly aligns with your happiness and avoid impulsive moves that could have lasting consequences.
I have a soft spot for Aries readings—they’re always entertaining because Aries energy is bold, sometimes impulsive, and often hilarious. Let’s take a look at your past energy.
Past: Aries, I see a situation from your past that’s coming full circle. For some of you, this involves a love matter or a pursuit that was heavily based on appearances. Whether it was chasing after someone or something that seemed perfect on the surface, the energy suggests a superficial foundation.
Present: Right now, I sense a lot of emotional investment in a connection, but there’s also heartbreak manifesting. Some of you may have recently pursued a romantic encounter or hookup, expecting it to bring fulfillment, only to feel disappointment instead. You may have over-planned or romanticized the outcome, but reality didn’t meet your expectations.
Future: Spirit warns against revisiting past relationships or situations impulsively. If you’re tempted to reopen an old chapter, be cautious—it might leave you feeling hurt or let down. The energy suggests running toward a past connection, hoping for happiness, but finding instead that it no longer serves you. Take this as a gentle reminder to avoid rushing back into situations that your heart has already outgrown.
Gemini, let’s reflect on your past energy and how it’s influencing your journey.
Past: You’ve been deeply focused on something—perhaps a project, relationship, or goal—that you’ve been carefully nurturing and investing in. On the surface, it seemed like it was flourishing, but deep down, it has brought little to no emotional fulfillment.
Present: Even now, you might still be pouring your energy into this, knowing intuitively that it doesn’t truly serve you. Spirit is showing me an image of you shrugging your shoulders and saying, “I already knew this would happen.” It’s as if you saw this disappointment coming but kept going anyway, perhaps out of habit or obligation.
Future: This energy is building toward a realization: no matter how much effort you’ve put into this, it won’t bring the happiness you desire. Whether it’s a job, relationship, or personal endeavor, the return on investment isn’t worth the emotional cost. For some of you, this could even manifest in practical matters—like unexpected car maintenance that leaves you rolling your eyes, knowing it was inevitable.
Spirit’s message is clear: stop investing in things that drain your energy and bring no joy. Focus on what truly fulfills you, rather than what looks good on paper or offers temporary gratification.
Taurus, your reading is so refreshing! There’s an air of confidence and empowerment surrounding you, and it’s clear you’ve made some big decisions that are starting to pay off.
Past Energy: You recently walked away from something—or someone—that wasn’t serving you. This move has unlocked opportunities and boosted your confidence.
Present Energy: Right now, you’re stepping into your Queen of Wands energy—self-assured, radiant, and unstoppable. You know your worth, and you’re not wasting time on people or situations that drain you.
Future Energy: I see you focusing your energy on someone or something new, something that feels deserving of your time and effort. Whether it’s a relationship, a creative project, or a new job, this feels like the right direction. You’re protecting your peace and investing in something or someone that matches your energy. Keep shining, Taurus—you’re glowing.
Libra, you’ve been in your own world lately, and honestly, it’s working for you. There’s a calmness in your energy now, like you’ve taken time to reflect and grow emotionally.
Past Energy: I see you spending time in isolation, maybe by choice, to work on yourself and find peace. This wasn’t wasted time—you’ve gained emotional maturity and clarity.
Present Energy: You’re stepping into this calmer, more empathetic version of yourself. You’re focused on your own path, minding your business, and not letting others’ drama distract you.
Future Energy: This newfound balance will serve you well, especially as you continue turning away from habits or people that no longer align with your growth. Stay focused on your craft, Libra—you’re building something meaningful.
Virgo, your energy feels a bit all over the place, and it’s like you’re trying so hard to make something work with others, but it’s taking a toll on you emotionally.
Past Energy: I see you collaborating with others, trying to create peace and harmony, but there’s a sense of compromise that doesn’t sit right with you.
Present Energy: While things may appear smooth on the surface, there’s an underlying frustration. You might be going out of your way to please others, but it’s draining you in the process.
Future Energy: This compromise you’re making—it’s not fair to you. It’s almost like you’re sacrificing your own happiness for the sake of others, and in the end, it leads to feelings of betrayal or disappointment. Virgo, remember that fairness goes both ways—don’t lose yourself in trying to keep the peace.
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Pick a pile tarot reading
~Who has a crush on you?
🛑❌ This is a collective reading so the roles could be reversed or some may have different scenarios In the picture so take what sounds like your situation and don’t get caught up in confusing yourself first thought is what u should go with! 🛑❌
Pile 1
The person who has their eye on you could be an Earth sign or they appear to have a more grounded, confident, strong energy. Someone who is comfortable with being themself. For some of you this person could be someone from your past—a connection that came to an end before it could start. —Perhaps you walked away, or maybe they did. There’s a sense of unfinished business or a missed opportunity here. 🤷🏽♀️ If this isn’t a person from your past, it could be someone you believe is already tied to someone else. You might think there’s no chance, no opening for a connection. - Roles can be reversed in this dynamic.
Who are they, and what makes them stand out? This person carries an aura of strength and confidence, possibly intimidating at first glance. They’re likely physically fit, involved in something intense like boxing, MMA, or a sport that demands both precision and physicality. They are good with their feet, almost like they’re always ready for action. People know they can’t mess around with this person—they command respect and exude a “don’t fuck with me” energy. But beneath the self-assured exterior lies some vulnerability . They may have insecurities about their face or a unique feature they try to downplay, perhaps they wear hats.
What draws them to you? To them they find u very attractive. Your allure has them captivated, especially your upper body. If you’re a woman, they find your chest, clavicles, breast attractive. Other than physical appearance they admire your independent energy, the way you carry yourself with the energy of someone who’s single, self-sufficient, and unbothered
I get a strong feeling that this person may already be in a relationship, but you’ve become a temptation of theirs . You occupy their thoughts, their fantasies. They picture moments with you Whether it’s a fleeting fantasy or a desire to leave what they have behind for something more with you.
I pulled some separate cards that I created myself. This person could be average that has a crush on you regular eyes so they have like brown eyes or black, dark brown eyes. They could possibly be talking to their friends about you. This person could be stingy like wanting you to themselves or not wanting to see you with somebody else if you guys were to come together, it’s meant to happen long term short term idk. There’s a lot of lust wanting to pursue a new start
And that’s all I got for u pile 1 !
Pile 2
For those who chose this pile, the person who has a crush on you sees you as someone completely out of their league. They believe you’re too good for them—someone who wouldn’t give them the time of day or take them seriously. Despite this, they can’t help but fantasize about being with you. Deep down, they may fear that if you were to engage with them, you might take advantage of their feelings or play them because they feel they aren’t on your level. They see you as high-maintenance, perhaps even a bit bougie, or they simply don’t feel they have enough to offer to keep your attention.
How might you recognize this person? They likely have a pensive, almost preoccupied energy, as if there’s always something weighing on their mind. You might sense anxiety or even depression lingering beneath the surface. They could be younger than you or less experienced in love, making them hesitant and unsure of how to approach the opposite gender. They may have small or delicate features, possibly a baby face, and a lean build—thin yet strong, with visible muscle tone. If you’ve seen them perform physical tasks, you’ve probably noticed their strength.
When they look at you, they see beauty and grace. They’re captivated by your whole appearance and the way you carry yourself—effortless and confident, standing tall with firm boundaries. They admire how you don’t let anyone or anything shake you. If someone crosses you, you confront them head-on, holding your ground with fearless energy. To them, you are mysterious, magnetic, and deeply intriguing—like there’s so much more to you than meets the eye.
They might even sense something spiritual about you, as though you have dabble with spiritual or something religious.You stand out from others, and they see you as someone unique and deeply connected to your own power. For some, this could also be someone of the same sex, potentially from the LGBTQ+ community, who may not yet be open about their feelings or identity.
This person feels a strange, almost fated connection to you, as if they’ve known you in a past life. There’s a familiarity in your energy, and they might even feel magnetized to you, as though an invisible cord ties you together. If this is a past-life connection, trust and forgiveness may have played significant roles in your bond back then, and these themes could still influence your dynamic today.
However, this person may also come across as a bit immature or childlike. They could struggle with anxiety, overthinking, or feelings of unworthiness, making it hard for them to approach you. One of you might be more sexually experienced, possibly having had many partners, while the other is less experienced—or even a virgin. They might also believe you dabble in spiritual practices like witchcraft, which adds to your mystique.
If they suspect you’re involved with someone else, they might feel that person isn’t right for you and wish they could take their place. In this dynamic, one person feels worldly and open-minded, while the other is more timid and unsure of themselves, creating a stark yet intriguing contrast between the two
Pile 3
The person who has a crush on you is likely a fire sign—bold, passionate, and eager to start something with you. Whether it’s a conversation, a friendship, or something romantic, this individual wants to take action and create a connection between the two of you. They have an energy that demands attention, a mix of charisma and determination, and they’re not afraid to go after what they want.
This person could be older than you, either slightly or significantly. They’re either tall and lean or of average height with an athletic build. They may enjoy physical activities and carry themselves with a natural confidence. Their hair might be light brown, reddish, or even ginger. Socially, they’re magnetic—someone with a wide circle of friends who knows how to charm and entertain, often making others laugh. However, they also value their alone time, showing a serious and focused side when the situation calls for it. This duality makes them both approachable and intense.
What draws them to you? They admire your strength and resilience. You’re someone who knows how to let go of what no longer serves you, leaving behind burdens, betrayals, and pain. They see you as someone who has endured and overcome challenges, standing tall and learning from your past rather than being defined by it. They love that you’re direct and honest, someone who communicates clearly and cuts through the nonsense. To them, what they see is what they get—and they find that authenticity magnetic.
Your strength, independence, and ability to protect your energy and time make you irresistible to them. They also appreciate that you don’t overshare, maintaining a sense of mystery. You come across as someone who’s intellectual, efficient, and capable of making decisions with purpose. They believe you’re someone who matches their own ambitions and desires, envisioning a loving and passionate connection where you both fulfill each other emotionally, intellectually, and physically.
This person might be someone you know through work or whom you met in a professional setting. It’s possible you encountered them during the nighttime, and they’ve been drawn to you ever since. They often think about you at night, even fantasizing about the possibilities. However, there’s a sense of hesitation—they might feel uncertain about pursuing you or doubt whether a connection is possible. While they would love to create a beginning with you, they aren’t consumed by the idea and may take a “what will be, will be” approach if it doesn’t happen.
One important note: if this connection does move toward intimacy, it’s wise to approach with caution. There’s a possibility of an STI, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, which could require treatment. For some of you, this may be a reminder to prioritize your well-being over rushing into anything physical.
Whether or not this connection becomes something romantic, it holds significance. You were meant to meet, whether for personal growth, a platonic bond, or something more meaningful. While this person may have player tendencies or doubts about their worthiness, they are undeniably mesmerized by you. However, you’re likely in a place where surface-level connections no longer interest you—you’re searching for something deeper and more aligned with your soul’s desires. While they want you, the question is whether they can rise to meet your level.
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