#or you're just tired of one of my personality traits and think I'd be a lot more pleasant if you cut it out of me
yellowlikelemons · 6 months
need to be punished for something. i don't even care if it's warranted
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midnightcinderella · 10 months
People who would suffer at NRC
Each dorm has at least one of these students and god help them. This is very self-indulgent and each trait applies to me. If you relate, then rip to the both of us.
No proof-reading, we rawdog this shit. Word count: ~1300 Notes: no gendered pronouns for reader. mentions of ADHD, depression, and anxiety. mentions of illness. no romantic relationships
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People with ADHD. Rip to us fr.
You'd forget at least a handful of rules a day, but it's really not your fault. Riddle better get off your case istg.
The ones who are more devoted to remaining productive make big colorful signs all over the damn place.
In their own rooms would be stuff like a box that says "keys and wallet go here" or a sign by the door with a checklist of what they need before they go, like homework or textbooks.
There are signs in common areas, too. They'll say stuff like curfew times or reminders of jobs that need to be done around the dorm.
There's always backlash if Riddle tries to take them down for being an eyesore because not only do they help ADHD students remember what needs to be done but students without ADHD, too. No sane person is gonna be thinking about feeding flamingos 24/7.
People with asthma. Place is dusty as shit. And hot. And humid at times.
I'm surprised the beastman students haven't taken any measure to seal off the inside of the dorm to prevent and from getting in. Guess everyone doesn't mind inhaling dust straight into their lungs.
Not to mention regular exercise is a dorm-wide tradition. Shoutout to my fellow mile walkers <3
If you have asthma and a dander/dust allergy, I'd just drop out tbh.
People who easily overheat/sweat. Double rip to us.
Get ready to go back and forth with your dormmates about smelling bad after sweating. It's a common occurrence. Someone sasses you, you sass back, and you're friends again 3 minutes later.
Everyone will think you're dying when you're dripping sweat after some stretches outside. No, you're not tired, you're just hot.
People who are bad at math/bad with money. Listen.
The dorm isn't full of people who are as business minded as Azul, but there are students that offer accounting help for a fee. Negotiate that fee for the love of god.
Thankfully, you won't be scammed out of house and home because:
(1) it's generally frowned upon to scam people within Octavinelle; you don't hurt one of your own. It's about loyalty.
(2) someone is likely to take pity on you and will throw you a bone, telling you about a huge sale or where to find good job opportunities.
People who are gullible. Once again, double rip.
And once again, thank the lucky stars that loyalty is such a big thing here so you might be tricked into doing someone's job for them like mopping the Lounge, but nothing that would hurt you too badly.
If a study partner tries to feed you false information for shiggles, that'll get shut down real quick by another student. If your grades go down, then the whole dorm goes with you.
Good thing that doesn't happen often, and Azul offers his study guides for a highly discounted price to his own.
People who don't do well with sudden changes in temperature. Man, listen.
Hellishly hot during the day and even more hellishly cold at night. Dante would be thrilled.
God forbid you have any athletic activities close to sunset because you'll have to shower off that sweat quick before you freeze to death.
If anyone has a problem with the sound of the hairdryer after sundown, they're just gonna have to deal with it or risk catching your inevitable cold.
Speaking of, if sudden changes in temperature make you sick, double rip. I know your pain.
Kalim may not be able to come see you in person, but if he finds out you're sick, he'll send meds and some warm food. If that food was made by Jamil, then you owe him one.
You don't wanna owe him one.
If you need to leave your room after sundown, you're going to do it wrapped up with a blanket over your head. If someone mistakes you for a ghoul, that's their own problem.
People with depression. Listen. Someone without depression could find it hard to keep such a strict regimen day in and day out; do not expect too much out of us.
If you think that means you're getting out of it, though, you'd be wrong.
Group accountability is a thing here. If you need help sticking to your routine, you're getting it. You can't refuse.
You're all going to be beautiful together, goddammit.
If that chronic fatigue be hittin ya, you might get a pass for a few steps of your routine. But if a particularly caring dormmate decides you have to do the full routine and straight up does it for you, lol.
Depending on how you view that sort of help, it might be really nice. Or maybe a little humiliating.
The dorm kitchen is only going to have healthy ready-made snacks. So if it's a day where you can't cook or go all the way to the cafeteria, that is what you're working with. Either that or you crawl your way over the the Shop for a candy bar.
People who struggle with technology. Yes there are young people who aren't great with technology. We exist. Mind your business.
No matter how many classes you take teaching you how to use MagExcel, it never sticks for long. Even if you pass the exams, all your knowledge leaves to go buy milk by the time the week is over.
You're gonna need to interrupt people's gaming sessions to ask for help. It may annoy them, but you're doing it anyway because you refuse the reinvent the wheel 12 times.
People who prefer paper over screens. Call me old fashioned but staring at screens all day Hurts My Eyes.
You'd get physical copies of your textbooks if you could, but those free pdfs your classmates pass around are too tempting to pass up. They're free, for god's sake.
You also might be limited to board games on game nights. They're not bad, but there's not a whole lot you can do with them. You're a wiz at Cards Against Reality tho.
Every so often Ignihyde has a dorm-wide game night where everyone sits around in the common room with their headphones in, playing their own games. Together.
Though the board game players are in the next room. Oddly enough, they're the rowdiest of the bunch, and it sounds like they have the most fun by the way they're yelling and cheering.
You have seen some nerd fights start over a game of Ichi.
People who have anxiety. One, Lilia is a menace. Two, your housewarden is the Malleus Draconia. Meep.
Whether it's Lilia or Malleus you run into, it feels like your heart will explode at any time.
Not to mention it's so dark in and outside of the building for no good reason. What's a fella gotta do to get some fucking sunlight in here? You're sick of worrying about what could be behind every corner.
You once wondered if Malleus needed a UV/heat lamp, but knew better than to ask. That doesn't mean you're not curious, though.
People who dislike loud sounds. I don't think I have to explain this one.
At first you thought that staying near Silver meant that you'd be staying away from Sebek, but that wasn't the case and you were at a loss as to what to do.
Then you tried going in the other direction whenever you saw Malleus, but all that did was send Sebek after you personally, asking very loudly why you did not want to be around Lord Malleus.
At one point, you got sick of his shit and muzzled him via magic. Then Malleus showed up and you were all oh shit. But then all he did was chuckle about how you were getting along so well. You took that to mean he wouldn't ever stop you from muzzling Sebek.
You were right.
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forgeofthenine · 11 months
Random NSFW headcanons about Zevlor
I was trying to work today and all I could think about was this man and what he's like in bed, so now I'm sharing it with everyone else. I have more headcanons about both him and Dammon if people want them.
General NSFW under the cut, all of its pretty tame but let me know if I need to put up a content warning
So, to start off with, no one out there not even Larian can convince me that Zevlor doesn't have experience. This man is at least twice my age and quite literally hot as hell. Unfortunately though, during and after the fall of Elturel into Avernus, I just don't think Zevlors even had time to think about personal pleasures like that. It's hard to get laid when your group of refugees keep trying to win a speedrun of the fastest ways to die in Faerun.
It might take a while to finally bed this man, but when you do it's well worth the effort. Zevlor is such a gentle lover in all respects, including sex, and he always makes your pleasure a priority. He's the kind of guy to forget all about himself because he's so focused on trying to get you off.
As for kinks, body worship is a big one. He loves to worship your body, no matter how you look. It's all soft kisses and gentle caresses over any skin that's revealed to him. The little murmurs of praise muffled against you are so precious, and darling Zevlor will spend hours reminding you what you mean to him if you don't stop him sooner.
Worship him too, let him know how much you love his body. It's so worth it. Tell Zevlor how strong he is, how much you appreciate the way he protects you, call this man handsome. The way his brow furrows at first before he melts under your combined words and touch is a sight to see. Kissing over each and every infernal ridge and bump he has while saying this is a sure way to bring Zevlor right to the edge.
Speaking of his infernal traits, I can see him worrying somewhat if his partner isn't also a tiefling, for the first time at least. Mostly because those infernal traits definitely spread to tieflings dicks too-
Zevlors not small by any means, he's particularly girthy and anyone would need a bit of prep and warming up before they take him, but the best part are the ridges. You know how some sex toys advertise themselves as 'ribbed for her pleasure' and such? They're just describing Zevlors cock. Like all male tieflings, the entire length has small but noticeable ridges and bumps, and the head seems to come to a slightly more tapered tip than usual.
Despite how he warns you that his stamina isn't what it used to be, don't be fooled, Zevlor will happily fuck you until you both see stars.
Afterwards, when you're all tired and happy while lying against his chest, is one of the only times you'll hear him purr. It's such a deep, low baritone you feel it more than you hear it, but it's there nonetheless. That, mixed with his fingers brushing up and down your bare skin, is a sure fire recipe for sleep.
Overall, Zevlor is one of the best lovers out there. Attentive, sweet, and with killer anatomy, who could pass up such a catch? I'd literally kill for this man-
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claudemblems · 11 months
"I Have a Crush on YOU!" ft. Ace + Leona | Twisted Wonderland
"All you talk about is your crush! Why don't you just go tell him how you feel already?!" "Fine, I like you!" "???"
Summary: Tired of listening to you going on and on about your mystery crush, Ace and Leona suggest that you should just confess your feelings already, and so you do...
They just weren't expecting that your crush would be on them.
Content: Fem!Reader. Slight angst (arguments) with a hint of fluff. Ace and Leona are oblivious fools (they're trying their best)
Notes: I officially started playing Twisted Wonderland not too long ago (I'd been watching playthroughs on YouTube) and I've had so much fun with the game :3 I love my TWST boys so much
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Ace wasn't sure how much more of your "girl talk" he could take before he finally lost his sanity.
For the past 15 minutes, you'd dramatically fawned over your unnamed crush without ceasing, taking every opportunity to highlight his good traits, his charming personality, even commenting on how his borderline idiotic tendencies still managed to somehow look endearing in your eyes.  Honestly, the more you talked about this guy, the more Ace began to wonder what in Twisted Wonderland you actually found attractive about him. He almost felt inclined to inform the headmage about your concerning mental state, but then he remembered Crowley had a knack for making every situation even worse.
So Ace had endured and endured until he couldn't anymore, desperate to finally put your incessant ramblings to a rest.
"He's so oblivious but also so sweet in his own way. I just like everything about him! I don’t think any of his flaws could make think of him any less—”
"Okay, Prefect! I get it, alright? You like him!"
You stopped midway through your sentence, brows furrowing at Ace’s sudden outburst. "I'm sorry?"
"You talk about this guy day and night! Don't you ever get tired of listening to yourself say the same thing?"
"What? Does talking about my crush annoy you that much?"
Ace groaned, letting his body flop back against the couch in protest. "That's not what I said. I'm just tired of coming over to Ramshackle only to listen to you gush about some guy I don't even know! How am I supposed to have a conversation with you if it's so one-sided?"
The room grew quiet for several moments, Ace hoping that the silence meant you were thinking of another topic to discuss. But little did he know that the conflict he'd simply wanted to resolve had just turned into an ominous storm.
"Oh, I'm so sorry for letting you know I like 'some guy.' I thought you'd be interested because you're my friend."
Ace's irritation grew increasingly by the minute, and he could barely stop the barrage of heated words falling off his own tongue. "Friends get tired of hearing the same thing every day!" 
"Friends care about what each other have to say, unlike you!"
"Would you stop throwing a tantrum like a child?"
"Would you stop being such a jerk?"
"How about this: if you like this guy so much, why don't you just tell him?!"
"You know what? Fine. I like you, Ace Trappola, for better, or obviously, for much worse!"
As soon as the words reached his ears, Ace's heart skipped in his chest, the reality of the situation finally dawning on him. He then bolted upright, staring at you with pupils blown wide. "Wait, what did you just say?"
Unfortunately, he didn't receive an answer. You'd already marched your way over to the front door, ignoring the sound of Ace scrambling to his feet behind you.
"Prefect, wait!"
The only answer Ace received was a door slamming shut in his face, leaving him in a thick and almost unbearable silence. He could only watch through the windows as you hurried away from the dormitory grounds, no doubt going out to seek some peace and quiet.
“I like you, Ace Trappola.”
He had to be dreaming…right?
"I know you're an idiot,” a voice piped up next him, clicking their tongue in disapproval, “but I didn't expect you to screw up this badly.”
Ace turned to see Grim floating beside him, shaking his head and loudly sighing. "I told her she was going to end up getting hurt falling for you of all people."
"I don't wanna hear sass from you, tanuki."
"Well, was I wrong?"
He wasn't, and that was a hard pill for Ace to swallow.
You'd liked him, him of all the boys in that school, of all the boys in Twisted Wonderland, and of your own world, too. You saw something in him that made you so, so happy….
So happy that you'd spent every day gushing about how much you liked him. 
And what had he done in return? Minimized your feelings and asked you to shut up already.
Screwing stuff up was just the Ace way of doing things, but he couldn't allow himself to continue on this way, not when his stupid actions ended up hurting you.
Especially because he liked you just as much, maybe even more. 
At first, he'd tried to push his feelings away, likening them to puppy love or a phase that he'd grow out of in the next week or so. But he found that every time he looked at you, his breath would catch in his throat, his heart would drum fast beats against his chest, and all he could think of was how much he wanted to hold you close and finally admit that he was mesmerized by you—every single part of you—and that no one had ever managed to make him feel that way before. But he might have just blown his chance at confessing with the shameful words he'd thrown your way. 
No...he couldn't give up. At least, not before he tried to set things right.
"Grim," Ace began, already formulating a foolproof plan in his head, "if I said I already had 10 cans of tuna with your name on them, would you be willing to be my wingman for the day?"
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Were all herbivores this insufferable when it came to being in love?
You were one of the few people Leona genuinely liked. Most people he tolerated, a select few he couldn't stand to be in the same room with (sorry Malleus), but you intrigued him, challenged him in his thinking and his own perception of himself. It annoyed him to no end, but it also left him wanting to know more about you. Plus, you were a lady, and he'd been raised to respect any woman he had the pleasure of meeting.
But keeping his composure was an impossible task when you couldn't spare him a mere five minutes of silence. 
"My friends don't understand what I see in him. I'd probably think the same if the roles were reversed. But maybe I just see good things about him that they don't. If only they knew what a kind person he really is deep down, maybe they'd—"
"Hey, herbivore, are you gonna keep torturing me with your sappy love stories, or are you gonna let me finally get some sleep?"
Leona briefly opened an eye at you as he took in your confused expression, shifting around on his bed as made himself more comfortable. "I don't know why you'd talk about that sort of stuff to me of all people. You've got those Heartslabyul guys to gossip to, don't you? They'd be interested in hearing your woes."
"I didn't know talking about my crush made you so irritated," you said, face falling in shame and embarrassment.
"It's just irritating when I'm trying to get a nap in,” he yawned as if to further prove his point. “I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by telling me all this anyways."
"I'm telling you because you're my friend..."
"And friends get tired of each other sometimes and need their own space, and you refuse to give me any."
His words carried a bite to them, and you’d nearly shot back at him in your anger. But you held your tongue, reserving your energy for a better cause.
"...You're right. I'm sorry for disturbing you. It seems that you don't return my feelings at all anyways, so I won't talk about them again."
Leona's eyes shot open at your admission, and suddenly a weight felt as if it had fallen onto his chest. You liked him? He was this mystery person you'd been praising nonstop every time you came over to the dorm?
He was a massive idiot, even more so than those two Heartslabyul boys who'd nearly been expelled on the first day of classes.
And Leona actually admitting that to himself said a lot.
"I'll be going now."
"Herbivore, wait." Leona reached out to grab your wrist, but you'd veered out of his way, hurrying out of the botanical gardens. Just as soon as you'd confessed, you were gone, and Leona was left to ruminate on all of his mistakes he’d made in a matter of seconds.
He was a prince with all the money and power in the world he could ever want, but none of it could help him figure out how to undo this mess and make things right.
If only you knew he cared for you, too, more than he wanted to admit. His naps weren't the same without you there beside him, and the dorm felt empty without your presence. You livened up the atmosphere with your warm smiles and laughter, and night after night, your face would be the last thing he envisioned before finally succumbing to a restful sleep.
As much as he'd tried to push down those pesky feelings building in his heart, he'd eventually come to realize they were there to stay. And, truthfully, all the more glad for it. He’d never imagined falling for someone, afraid that no one would want a second-rate prince, yet there he was, yearning for the chance to love and be loved by you.
Now he was left with two choices: letting you go, or picking up the scattered pieces of your heart and piecing them back together as best as he could.
And letting you go was an option he couldn’t even think to consider.
“Well, I guess it's time to finally be honest about my feelings for once,” Leona said to himself, rising to his feet with a newfound confidence. “And if everything goes well…” a small smile formed on his face at the picture that came to life in his mind, “then there’ll be one more person to add to my pride."
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sirenium · 14 days
Warning: some parts of this may come off as insensitive, dark, and/or concerning on my end. I do not give a fuck about that; I've read through this multiple times, made sure to tweak things, but I'm not going to walk on eggshells anymore for the comfort of someone else right now I am so fucking tired. So if you're offended by something cold or brass that I said, leave me alone about it. Go do your self care routine and take care of yourself, but don't make it my problem. I'm autistic. I likely have ASPD and almost certainly NPD. I am going to say things sometimes that are way more mask off than what you'd expect, because neurotypicals love playing games and hiding what they fucking mean or are too scared to say what they mean in fear of harming someone's feelings. I've developed this, to an extent, because it is necessary to survive. But no, this is my blog, my feelings and thoughts, and I deserve a space to be honest for fuck's sake! Don't like that I'm not playing games? I'd suggest clicking off or scrolling by now. That said:
neurotypicals are so annoying about empathy and compassion. No Sarah, my ability to not be scarred and shaking from a gore video or a distressing audio does not make me an edgelord or a sociopath. I think it's dramatic and theatrical to put so much effort into caring about strangers, it's a weakness. But you know what I don't do? I don't go 'lol you're just soft haha' to their faces (which I've seen other people do) because that's fucking cringe. I know people react to certain things differently even if it seems fake and overemotional to me. But these people go out of their way to whine about an insensitive joke on the INTERNET or someone not being phased by something. Also, you don't know if the people making jokes are really unphased or just coping with humor, you can't just fucking psychoanalyze and armchair diagnose a random person on the internet!
(school shooting, human and animal death mention under the cut):
You don't need to piss your pants every time someone dies in order to register that the death shouldn't have happened. It's like with the latest school shooting, I don't react all that much to school shootings because wow, another one? how many useless deaths happened this time (note: useless as in it could have been easily prevented)? You know how I feel about lack of gun control? I think it's dumb! I think children shouldn't have to go to school with the fear of not coming home due to some fucker with a gun! If that makes me a sociopath to *checks notes* react logically and not emotionally to tragedies, then so be it.
The truth is that I'm just autistic. It's true that I have antisocial traits, but I'm not a 'sociopath' in the sense that people mean it. People think I'm manipulating them when it couldn't be farther from the fuckin truth, and I grew out of hurting living things so I'm not going to kick your dog to death or dismember someone's grandma. By the way, can we stop equating that word with cold blooded killer? I've been told I behave like a serial killer by a counselor for things such as separation anxiety, even compared to JEFFREY DAHMER as a teenager by a stranger online for viewing gore as a beautiful thing (I'm now painfully aware how bizarre that view is to 'normal' people, but it doesn't make me a serial killer to be fascinated by gore in such a way). Joke's on both of those people, I haven't killed anyone yet like they clearly thought I would.
I'm used to 'sociopath' being used as a word to dehumanize and demonize me and people like me. But hell is it annoying for pop psychology girlies to think everyone is sociopathic for not extending their emotions to yet another death. Death happens every day, how are you not used to it? You'd think everyone would be used to it by now, and this does not mean to lack the drive to want to change the world. But of course, the 'empath' phenomenon has done massive damage to the collective human psyche. You know the type of person I'm talking about: the 'narc/antisocial/borderline/histrionic abuse' pedaling, 'hyper empathetic' girlie who makes it their whole personality to be so kind! So caring! So empathetic and compassionate!
I hate these people. They're so all of the above until someone has a cluster B disorder or general lack of empathy. Then suddenly they aren't very caring and kind, nor compassionate with an abundance of empathy! But yes, the autist who doesn't distinguish between a human being and a Gmod NPC unless given reason is the problem, not somebody shitting on an entire group of people with personality disorders (sarcasm).
It's just irritating, and I felt like talking about it.
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nekropsii · 9 months
Ask Game Speed Round!!
[For the Unpopular Opinion Ask Game!!]
These are all a bunch of smaller ones I thought would be too cumbersome and spammy to post on their own... Enjoy!!
Content Warning: Long.
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While I do really like Dave's character as it exists in the comic- no clue what version of Dave most of the fandom is talking about, but I don't know him- I kind of like the themes in Davesprite's character more than I do Dave's. It's another Hal situation.
Dave's character tackled a lot of things very personally relatable to me in ways I'd never seen illustrated before, but Davesprite is more interesting to think about, and seems a little more fun to write. Dave was great representation for me, as someone who grew up in a very bad home, but Davesprite just has that extra oomph with his talk of humanity and individuality. Really like that guy.
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This may come across as crass, or stepping out of my own lane, but I don't think giving them either multiple sets of pronouns, neopronouns, or both actually rids them of the bigotry in their characters. Lipstick on a pig situation. It just seems like a lazy, incurious fix. Yes, trans headcanons are great, but more and more often I see people use it as a cure-all to the issues a character has, either in a Doylist or Watsonian way. Queer friendliness does not eliminate racism. If a character is a bigoted caricature of a specific group of people, then slapping on a leftist layer of paint by saying "actually they're a minority icon in this other way" doesn't actually... Get rid of the problem. It's just kind of... Tone deaf.
We see this often with Transmisogynistic Caricatures getting claimed as Gay Icons, and people just saying that because they've just claimed them as a campy gay queen, the transmisogyny has been nullified- you can't talk about it anymore, they're the real good leftist in the room, you're a killjoy, and they've defeated bigotry. Not how it works.
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Kind of tired of how some act like her only character traits are Silly Ditzy Furry Girl. Jade is an incredibly, incredibly intelligent young girl, an excellent marksman, and so, so deeply lonely. We need to talk about Jade's chronic loneliness more.
Also, I think she's some kind of Psychotic. One of the flavors. It just feels right to me. It feels canon-adjacent. Or, at least, a textually valid way to read her character. I have a whole post about it somewhere. Mituna and Jade shaking hands on the Psychosis.
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Taking this opportunity to defend Aranea. Some people really need to stop acting like she's worse than Vriska. We all know what Aranea did was justified. Maybe not correct, but justified. And fucking awesome to watch.
Like, look. She spent an unfathomable amount of years being shot down and ignored and belittled by people who were supposed to be her friends... Aranea had to literally pay Meenah, her own best friend, to listen to her infodump, and even then Meenah couldn't afford to give her own best friend enough respect to just listen to her talk about something she's passionate about for 5 minutes.
I need you to think to yourself, genuinely. If you spent thousands- and I mean thousands upon thousands- of years getting ignored and walked on by everyone around you, even your own friends... If you spent thousands upon thousands of years getting called boring and a doormat to your face by even your own friends... Wouldn't you go crazy, too? Wouldn't you snap? Wouldn't you want to do something drastic just to get people to look at you? Just to be seen as something other than weak and boring? Just to be seen as worth even an iota of interest, a shred of someone's time? Wouldn't you? Because I think any normal person wouldn't take thousands upon thousands of years. I don't think you would last a decade. I wouldn't either, and I'm a pretty patient person.
Y'all are just jealous you can't play billiards with planets using your mind when you're mad. That shit was so awesome.
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This is not an Unpopular Opinion, or even an Opinion, I'm just pointing this out. Do you ever think about the fact that we hardly got any conversations between Rose and Jade? I do. This haunts me. This fucks me up so bad. We get plenty between John and Dave, and Dave and Jade, and Dave and Rose, and Rose and John, and Jade and John... But hardly anything between Rose and Jade!! This is so fucked up. We were robbed. I need to watch them hang out.
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Okay, this is less of an Unpopular Opinion, and more of an Unpopular Fact, but... Mituna doesn't just throw slurs at people. That's one of the things people jump to when they're talking about Defanging Mituna- they always say something about how he "calls people slurs every two seconds". He literally doesn't. That is legitimately not a thing he does. If you heard that before and believed it, you were literally lied to. That is straight up demonstrably not true.
Like, if you're trying to think of something Mituna does every two seconds unprompted, it's either sex jokes or apologizing. Slurs aren't a thing he just slings around casually. He said a grand total of one slur... To Meenah... And it's a fake troll slur. And then we get it defined to us... Aaaand it's the troll equivalent to "Cracker". That's it. That's the crime he's committed- calling someone a word that is immediately after defined to us as "Someone who is at the top of and benefits from the furthering of the oppressive Fuchsia-Down power structure, and the Lowbloods that help enforce it." That's the slur he used. That's what made people start declaring that "he would totally say the N Word" with full and complete confidence. Absolutely ridiculous. He's called no one else any kind of genuine slur. He just called Meenah a Wader once, and then she and Kankri got upset about it, because they are both, by definition, Waders.
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Leijon Hot Take Party Pack: If you think Nepeta shipping her friends together is fine, or even adorable, but then sneer at or get grossed out by Meulin doing the same thing, you're a hypocrite. I don't care if you say "Meulin's writing Friend Fic, though, that's weird!!" the problem with Shipping Your Friends and Writing Romantic Fanfiction Of Your Friends is at the same root.
The problem with these things isn't the presence of writing, it's the presence of, you know, shipping your friends? If you're fine with Nepeta doing it, you've gotta be fine with Meulin doing it. Be fine with both or neither. It's the same damn thing. I'm pretty sure both friend groups are fine with it, too, so it's not like this is a boundaries issue or anything. Both or neither. Pick one.
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Observation: I do think it's cool how Jane and Jake are related and have similarly opposing relationships with their gender. Jake's oft presented with Feminine themes and imagery, and Jane with Masculine themes and imagery. Very cool. Wish more people made that correlation.
Okay, that's all for now!! Thank you for reading, if you did. Have a nice rest of your day. :)
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theoddest1 · 4 months
Hello I am starry anon! I am just here to ask out of curiosity, after listening the tiring amount of Viv's drama and I had open my eyes now acknowledging how much of a immature and awful person she is. (Well actually I have been a long time after seeing alerting signs of her behavior and her writing on her show... Which it makes me uncomfortable.)
Sorry for the rambling, back to the question. Is there any tips or guides to not be like Vivziepop? Her shows isn't inspiring, especially the overall characters design and writing but I think sge inspires people to be caution to do and not to do in the indie animation industry (I also don't know many about indie animation industry, you may correct me.), or how they should and shouldn't behave around the internet. It doesn't have to be a whole guide, just tips or list only.
Thats all I hope you have a good day!
When it comes to tips on being NOT like Viv, it boils down to just being a good, hard-working person. When you're in an industry like this mainstream or not, you HAVE to be able to have a strong sense of self cause this sorta job will challenge your work and ideas. So criticism and growth are a must. Not everyone will grow at the same pace or handle the many eyes the same way, but being professional and mentally strong tends to be a useful trait to have when your delve into being a content creator period.
No matter how good a work is or how bad a work is, there will always come criticism. Critical views bring about building blocks or destroy em. How you take them matters. Viv, even when the critical comments are solid, tosses them to the side and refuses to grow. DON'T do that. Don't toss the solid and useful stuff for the sake of one's ego. It does more harm than good. It is almost as harmful as allowing the hateful words made to destroy rather than aid enter the mind as if it were food. It isn't. You have to know when something is good for you and when something is not. Never completely ignore everything and never accept everything. Have a balance.
Vivziepop wishes to only hear what she [wants] to hear. Not what she [needs]. She is like a child who was given everything and was never taught the concept of self-reflection. Never be that. Period. Be down to earth, but never buried. Be confident, but not too hot to handle. Be balanced and aware. Be fair to everyone. Imo, regardless of what occupation you have, being a balanced, adaptable person is a very solid way of living. If anyone has anything they'd like to add to helo the homie Starry out, that'd be epic af though
[I do hope I helped in any capacity. I didn't expect people asking for advice from me on here tbh, I felt like I'd be the last person to ask, but I am honored!]
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bellysoupset · 5 months
Hi Soup! Hoping you can spill your secrets about how you write your characters fighting with each other and making it both realistic and still loving? I'm always so scared about writing arguments even though I know they are a natural and healthy part of a relationship. For some reason I hate admitting my characters have flaws, but I know it makes them less interesting to always be so nice to each other. You have such a knack for balancing their personalities and the reasons they get upset with each other and then their apologies later.
Hi Lis!! Its so nice answering your asks off anon 😝
Alright so I've been thinking on how to better answer this, since I was literally writing a conflict when you sent it.
I think my tips to writing arguments/conflict are these:
Start small: anything can be a source of conflict, if you're inflexible enough. You don't need to give your characters these huge flaws, you can literally write fights out of one character thinking taking the main avenue is the best way to avoid traffic, while the other think they should do a shortcut and then when they get stuck they're both frustrated. None of these things make them evil or bad, it just gives them different perspectives and that's more than enough to start a conflict.
Everyone has flaws and everyone has bad behavior. Even your most precious OC. Being very harsh: Luke is too much, Jonah is selfish, Wendy is vain, Bella is proud, Leo is possessive, Vince is spineless, Max is judgmental. These don't make them terrible people, in fact, most of these traits have their own happy flip side.
Luke is too much, so he loves with his whole heart and with absolute no sense of consequence. Luke is the type of guy who brings everyone together and that people want to impress and be liked by, but this also the type of person who's highly susceptible to criticism (in his case, his father's), who takes reckless decisions, who is scared of being alone and who clings to people too tightly.
I often think a character's flaw and biggest quality can be quite similar. Vince avoids conflicts and that's what makes him this huge, likable teddy bear, but also why he's the type of person who omits information (cough, the whole deal with moving to Doveport), who'll avoid making up his mind for as long as possible and hurt those around him because of it.
So I do recommend looking into your OCs and thinking what makes them tick. Is Rory stubborn? Proud? He did go fishing into the deep sea and didn't want to own up to it to his friends, what does that say to you about him? Which situations would cause his worst side to jump out? And how would those around him react to that?
It's okay if not all characters are understanding to your character's flaws.
Jonah gets tired of Luke's intense personality easily. He's too secure in himself to want to be liked by Luke, like most people tend to, and he's too sullen of a person to tolerate his high energy. This doesn't mean he hates Luke, but it does mean that if Lucas' starts to lean into the worst of his personality, the first to lash out at him will always be Jonah.
Noa and Rory have been together for years, but how long did it take for them to get used to each other? Did they learn to avoid fights or did they compromise in certain aspects and keep fighting in others?
Another thing to keep in mind is to keep your fights clean. Unless you want to have a huge argument that will take you time to navigate and have your OCs changing their behaviors and personality, avoid fighting below the belt. If Nora brought up Rory's dead sibling in a fight, this would be below the belt. It's the type of hit you can't come back from, that requires not only an apology, but a change in behavior.
When Leo tells Jonah to not use his mental health against him, it's the type of fight that's drawing an invisible line and one that if I had Jonah repeatedly crossing, I'd be making his character toxic. That would be totally OKAY, by the way, if I meant to do that! Writing toxic characters is fun! But its not the story I'm telling, so I don't have Jon doing that, I have his character changing.
Uhhhh this is already so so long, so I'll quit the rambling. But I just wanted to say, don't be scared to make certain parts of your characters ugly and annoying and gross, we all are these things, and having someone who loves us despite our flaws and maybe even because of our flaws is much deeper than pretending to be perfect.
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Hello, I'd like to request a twst matchup if you don't mind, thank you <3
About me:
I'm Australian, chubby with an average build, 5'5 or 166cm tall. Panromatic-Asexual. INFP 4w5 - Been described as responsible and mature, or sweet and calming to be around. A pretty childish person, and kind of sensitive but I can brush most stuff off. Lil dumb to common sense, specially in social situations. I struggle to get into things, finding it embarrassing to do stuff in front of people. I have trouble deciding things for myself without affirmation from others. I have a habit of taking different traits from the people around me, but I hate it cause sometimes I can't tell if it's how I really act or just some mimic act. Forgetful! Specifically about myself, somehow. I like to look after and comfort people, or even just listen to them rant. I also have a habit of poking and prodding people, whether as a sign of affection, or just to remind myself that they are there.
Gaming, researching obscure topics that catch my eye, frogs, old disney, sleeping and music. Also, sharp objects, not for any particular reason, just think they look pretty. An example would be pencils.
People commenting on my appearance, positive or negative. When people judge something or someone before they get to know them. Loud rooms, overstimulation, overwork, being forced into things when I'm tired.
Love language:
Don't really have one. I'm willing to give and receive love in any kind of way.
Partner preferences:
I don't really have a type, I like all sorts of people. I can handle most negative traits in others. But, I do like people who are willing to take the time to listen to all my little rants, or try out the music I reccommend. Also, someone who's okay with things like holding hands and hugging, cause I need comfort sometimes. Head pats too, honestly.
Thank you again! Hope I'm not taking too much time out of your day.
spongeofaces, the bat-like fae seeking to claim your heart would be..
Lilia Vanrouge
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I feel like Lilia is very adaptable when it comes to partners, but some of your traits would blend well with his own quite well!
You may be a bit childish, but so is he! He loves that side of you and for Lilia's preferences himself, a person that can let go and have fun is what he desires in a partner
When it comes to physical affection, he's willing to give everything you're comfortable with, especially the headpats (even though you're taller than him) and holding hands.
As a fellow rambler himself, he'd listen to you talk all the time, even if its a subject he doesn't know much about, itd certainly get him intrigued.
Lilia shares some of your hobbies! He'd love to game together and get into obscure topics with you! He'll be just as if not more invested than you are.
The fae has a lot of years under his belt, and wouldn't mind sharing some life advice with you and affirmations when you feel down. He raised Malleus and Silver so he's used to things like this.
He can be a bit forgetful as well due to his age (or at least thats what he claims) so you two can help remind each other of things!
Lilia is a bit of a collector, so if you like pencils and sharp things he'll pick up whatever he can find for you! (for better or worse-)
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adorerinn · 2 months
Hi Rin! Can I request a matchup please! 🤍 I'll go by the emoji: 🍈 (honeydew!)
Pronouns, paired with guy or girl- she/her, paired with a man!
Traits in a partner- mature , responsible, independent, hard-working, loving, caring, and kind with a soft and funny side! >_< Someone with good communication!
Description of self- I'm sociable, outgoing, and can be loud 🤪 I like to laugh a lot! But most times I'm very down-to-earth, honest, self-sufficient, empathetic, nurturing, and resilient! I'm always looking for ways to improve myself, understand myself and others, and help anyone I can <3 I'm also a great communicator ^~^
Interests- Sports! I play tennis, pickleball, and basketball, alongside going to the gym regularly! I've also been watching every US and Japan Olympic volleyball game! I love arts and crafts- decorating photos, customizing picture frames, making keychains, and DIYing party favors!
Love languages- Words of affirmation for both giving and receiving! Quality time is a strong second!
Dream date- I'd like to do something active first like, play pickleball or go to the arcade! Then we could get some food to replenish! ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ Afterwards, we'd take a walk around a park to digest while we continue talking and getting to know each other on a deeper level <3
Some fun extras 🤭-
I'm the life of the party! Definitely got some Bokuto energy radiating off of me~
I'm psychic! Obscure things I think of often happen soon afterwards! 🔮
I'm really good at claw machines!!! A good amount of my winnings only take a couple of tries :3
I really like watching movies!! White Chicks is my favorite hehehe ^-^
I'm a fan of Bachelor Nation hehehe 🤭
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! >.< I recently came across your blog and I've been really enjoying your writings! Keep up the great work, Rin! 🥹🤍
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I match you with Daichi Sawamura!
✧ Daichi is the man for you he is superr responsible! (I mean he basically took care of a whole team)
✧ he is also independent and works very hard and tries hard to earn the things he wants
✧ he is super duper kind and caring with you and acts like you're the most fragile thing and treats you with so much love and care in the world
✧ probably has that stupid dad humor but is probably actually funny (you know what I mean?)
✧ he will always communicate if there's something he doesn't like or if he notices something off with you he will always be there and try to figure how to work things out
✧ loves your sociable and outgoing personality. he just likes it when people can be the life of the party
✧ admires how you're always trying to improve and thinks it's the best thing you could do
✧ also admires how you're willing to help people out if they're ever struggling he just thinks it's super kind of you since not many people will go out of their way to do that
✧ would enjoy playing pickleball with you (I feel like if he didn't play volleyball he would play pickleball I JUST KNOW IT) would probably let you win a couple times too
✧ probably also goes to the gym with you. he just likes being able to spend time with you it doesn't matter what you guys are doing
✧ would watch volleyball games with you whenever you wanna watch them (he probably yells at the TV he just seems like that type of guy)
✧ plays pickleball with you for as long as you want and won't stop until you get tired
✧ would take you to one of the nicest parks he found and you both would stroll there for a good few hours while just talking about who knows what
✧ HATES how good you are at claw machines (he always loses at them)
✧ enjoys watching white chicks with you. he just thinks it's the funniest thing ever
✧ overall I think you and Daichi would be the perfect match for each other and would get along very greatly!
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hi anon!! I hope you enjoyed your request I had so much fun writing this one. feel free to request again!
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stars-tonight · 26 days
hihii! :D
I recently got sucked back into the haikyuu rabbit hole, and I've been reading quite a few of your matchup series. They're so well written and thoughtful! If it's possible, I'd like to have one long romantic matchup too (and a short platonic one as well, but if it's too much, then just a couple one would be amazing!!)
1. no special preferences, I like surprises
2. female, any pronouns, would like to be matched with guys please
3. Ideal partner: caring and observant, comfortable to be around. Would tell you if you're making a not so ideal decision. Would sometimes partake in stupid ideas. Gap moe 🤭. A bit possessive. Intelligence is hot.
4. Personality traits: quite clumsy, quite forgetful. Shy and quiet around strangers, talkative and clingy around the (few) people I'm comfortable with. Very easy to make me admire someone. Absolutel useless in social settings. Somehow does well in school despite basically being an idiot. I've also been told I'm silly so that's that. I would try my best for other people. My internal energy depletes real quick and I get tired easily.
5. Hobbies: Drawing (I can draw for you if you want ;;; Which character do you like ;-;), gaming, collecting notebooks and stickers but never using them, reading fiction books and manga, cosplaying. For sports, I like playing volleyball, badminton, and ice-skating
6. Giving: acts of service, gift giving (e.g. random rocks I find) | Recieveing: any and everything, I'll take what I can get ;-;
7. study date!!
8. INFP :D / Likes: chewy foods, sour foods, cats, chinchillas, whale sharks!!! / Dislikes: big crowds, noises, foods that are too sweet or too salty, bugs that are not in cages, cilantro (I don't think it tastes like soap, I just don't like it)
I hope you have a nice week!! congrats on 100 followers and take care ^ ^
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🥛 i feel like while tsukishima can be satirical and sometimes rude, he's not overly intense (in fact he's almost too passive sometimes) and thus wouldn't be nerve-inducing to be around
🥛 especially if you're already friends or partners, moments with tsukishima will just be spent often in comfortable silence
🥛 but he'd definitely tell you if you were making a stupid decision lol
🥛 and ig what really made me lock in tsukishima for you was that "a bit possessive. intelligence is hot" statement
🥛 because you can't tell me tsukishima isn't intelligent or wouldn't be possessive of his partner
🥛 he'd always scold you for being clumsy or forgetful
🥛 but he'd do things to help you silently
🥛 for example, if you constantly forget a hair tie, he'll start bringing one in his pocket when you hang out together in case you needed one
🥛 you're both introverts so you'd probably spend most of your time indoors and alone together
🥛 or at least somewhere private like a quiet library or a corner of a coffee shop
🥛 he'd definitely like it if you came to his games (he's not about to beg you though) and he'd definitely pull the "i'm not coming to your game i have better things to do" but then show up at your game
🥛 oh my goodness if you ever drew him and showed him he'd be such a blushing mess!
🥛 lowkey charmed you thought he was worth drawing and is impressed at the amount of time and effort you spent on the drawing
🥛 of course, he will say none of this out loud
🥛 he pretends to not care about gifts you give him (like your rocks) but secretly keeps them all in a box in his room
🥛 since you're both pretty good in school you'd definitely have study dates often
🥛 tsukishima would definitely tutor you if you ever asked, although you'd have to suffer some sassy remarks
runner up for you was iwaizumi hajime!
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A/N: hi! i ended up doing a lot of matchups today so i was able to get to yours :) also thank you so much for offering to draw for me! no rush at all but i'm super excited lol your platonic matchup came out in a different post
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invisiblequeen · 10 months
@squea Heard you got a sim that needs a friend. May I present...Elayne Tang?
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(ExCUSE ME, miss n0body, I can introduce myself, thank you!)
No. We'll do it together. I'll lay out the basics and you can interject.
(LOL Like you could stop me! HI SQUEA!)
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Name: Elayne Tang (they KNOW that already, girl keep up--)
Age: Young Adult (Don't let the 'young' fool you, though. I. Am. GROWN.)
Hometown: Windenburg (where the nightlife is the right life! ha! get it?)
Career: Aerobics Instructor (And it’s still not enough to tire me out!)
Status: Single (to all you hopefuls out there, the way to my heart is on the dance floor. ;))
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Skill Stats: (BOOOOO how dare you try to quantify my value-- )
Fitness: 2 (weightlifting is so BORIING, let’s go pop lock and drop it instead!) Charisma: 8 (I mean, with a smile like this, how can I NOT—) Dancing: 5 (DANCE IS LIFE) Research & Debate: 7 (I have a page of bullet points on why the Jubislide is actually the work of spell casters making you think you as a mortal can do that shit—) Cleaning: 4 (I’m not DIRTY!…I’m just…messy. There’s a difference, right??) Comedy: 6 (Not to get cynical, but life is a joke, so why not roast it?) Cooking: 3 (You want a grilled cheese served with creamy tomato soup? I’m your girl. You want a five course entree go to that Ilama restaurant over there. Hmph.)
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Aspiration: Trend Setter (Have you SEEN this outift? I AM the trend!) Traits: Clubber, Creative, Dance Machine, Flirty and Brave (Probably why I didn’t flinch when I saw that dude fall from the sky.) Lifestyles: People Person & Energetic (You tell your friends to get with my friends, and we’ll all be friends that dance on weekends!) Clubs: Founder Of The Club, “Two Steppers” (Where all you gotta do is DANCE TILL YOU CAN’T DANCE NO MORE!)
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(In conclusion I am literally the best bestie you could ever ask for and CORRRRN, if you're ready to see the world and learn a few moves while doing it, I'd be happy to help you! xoxoxoooooo!)
sigh We hope you consider Elayne Tang as one of Corn's new friends. Thank you and goodnight.
(Now look at my shoes.)
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝔸, 𝔻, 𝔼, 𝔽, ℤ ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: I shall request for a Yandere Alphabet headcanons:
A, D, E, F, and Z with Mafuyu and Ena
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Okeyy~ So happy to see alphabet is still something people are interested in because oh my gosh I love writing it!! Anwyay, hope you like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere behavior, unhealthy obsession, mental and physical abuse, kidnapping, manipulation, mentions and descriptions of death
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Mafuyu already set her goal to protect you, thinking you're too pure for this world... it's gonna be hard to make her hurt you in any way when she wants to protect you. But not impossible...
When you disobey her words and for example go out alone, she'll show you herself what the means when she said the world is cruel. She doesn't mind using any kind of blades, even fire... she's good from chemistry too so might use it as well... she's not gonna kill you. But she'll only stop when you end up crying and admitting YOU were wrong.
"I'm just showing you that this world is indeed brutal and you need my protection. Most won't give you a break this easily. You see my point now?"
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
Depending on what Mafuyu you know, you'll notice different traits in her over time.
If you knew her as the "good girl", you'll notice she's appearing in your life more and more often and sometimes her eyes just... go dark for no reason... it's weird she's so cheerful but around you she sometimes breaks into emotionless state without even realizing it, blaming it on tiredness...
I'd you know her from her real self tho, you'll notice how she's claiming her life suddenly has meaning now that you're here. Even Nightcord will tell you they're worried about their friend if you contact them... And she really is staring at you with those empty eyes as if you couldn't make any millimeter move without her noticing.
"Me? Weird? Oh no, you must be imagining! I'm simply tired. Don't worry you're little head about me... instead, may I ask if I can join you on lunch break?"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
Mafuyu doesn't even realize what she's doing is bad. She's finally feeling emotions and she's sure it's love! And love is a good feeling, right? She's not even aware that something like loving TOO much exists...
So you could say she's indeed enjoying what she's doing. She's just protecting you... and if she can gain some feelings and meaning alongside, why should that be a bad thing?
"I simply love you. That'd it, isn't it? When you feel like your heart's gonna shread to pieces if you see the person you love hurt. I'm sure that's it."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Mafuyu doesn't get emotions much herself... so no, she's not gonna force you to love her. All she cares about is your trust and obedience. If she can get that, she'll have no reason to force you into anything.
Well... if she can't force you trust and obey her tho... she might be a bit forceful... maybe she can't keep you hostage at home because of her mother, but that's why she has her SEKAI. She'll keep you there, not knowing how many days have passed. Other Nighrcord members can't even get in the SEKAI because she told Miku to not let anyone in and out except for herself. When you're in such a creepy place for so long... might as well obey her, right?
"You'll understand one day... I'm doing all of this for your own good. I'd you just learn to trust my words, you're gonna me truly safe and happy, all thanks to me.."
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Mafuyu's not gonna kill you, she wouldn't be able to do that... but she won't be able to let go either. She's simply gonna keep you in her SEKAI forever. Maybe make a little comfu corner for you so you won't go crazy completely... of course she'll visit you with games and food... and she knows you don't have any choice but accept it because you have no one else than her.
"Oh? I'm afraid I won't believe your lies again. Not after the 'You're a monster' speech. Now you're stuck here, because it's the only place where no one can hurt you."
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @bl4cktourmaline @nenes-numberonefan - come get your aquarium lover~
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✧ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Ena doesn't even like the thought of hurting you physically! How could she ever damage that precious skin of yours when you're already so cute it'd be a crime?
As for mental abuse tho... if she'll have to, she doesn't mind... It's your fault for saying harsh words for her when she's just trying to love you! Now, she'll drop a harsh comment on everything you do basically.
"You're eating like that?! Ugh... you should let me teach you hi ow to way elegantly! I'm your girlfriend after all, I have no problem teaching you that."
✧ Difference = When can you notice different behavior in them?
It was actually quite easy to notice something changed in Ena if you saw how she behaved around others before... She was so much more clingier and annoyed with you at the same time... usually it's one but with you? It's both!
She's usually clingy, but OVERALLY clingy... even her friends told you she rambled about you all the time but get's annoyed whenever someone talks about you! Similar rule goes for you... as long as you talk about her and you, and only that, she'll be calm.
"Y/N! Let's hold hands while walking~ I want to take few cute photos for me socials!"
✧ Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they're doing to you, your life and people around you? Do they show it?
You bet Ena's enjoying every second of it~ She just knows what she wants! And she's not afraid to make it known. Especially when it comes to you!
And she's not afraid to show it either... by it by straightly telling you she's upset, being a bit mean for next few days or any other form... she'll make sure you know very well why she's upset at you and what she wants at the moment.
"I don't want you talking with them! Of course I'm straightforward!! There's nothing to hide when I know you'll treat my worries and doubts seriously..."
✧ Force = Are they willing to force you into loving them? How will they do it?
Ena actually had it planned even before she claimed you as yours! To be honest... she became so clingy so others won't try to get close to you as everyone will think you two are together! And it just stayed because she enjoyed being this clingy a bit too much~
But later on, she plans on not letting you away by step~ So you'll have no other choice but accept her presence, that alone should make you fall, right? And if not... she's ready to block EVERYONE on every socials you have except for her. Be it millions of people... and she doesn't care how much it takes her... she will be the only one you see and can interact with~
"Here I found your phone from our last sleepover! Yeah I know it was like 3 days ago but at least you have it back and don't need to buy new one! It'd be a waste after all!"
✧ Zealous = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?
Ena trears "till death do us part" a bit too literally... She goes with classic yandere rule "if she can't have you, no one fan". So of course, once you make it clear there's no way for you two to live together and that you hate her, she sees no hope for peaceful life without getting her hands dirty...
She wants the two of you to die at the same time, by the same weapon tho... so she might prepare some easier mechanism that'll go through both of you at the same time when she gives you last kiss while you can do nothing because of ropes tying you~
"Shh~ Soon everything will be fine. And the end won't even hurt, I promise! Now close your eyes and let me hear your voice one last time~"
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @virtualpoison @miguelito-maruti-blog @qxmmi - come get your cheesecake lover!
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if you want for the shipping asks, and idk the ship name but it'll be neat to hear your opinion: numbers 8, 15, 17 and 19 for the danganronpa ship u like and numbers 1, 6, 15, and 20 for bowuigi if you'd like, sorry thats a lot but have a nice day :)
Thanks for the ask!!! It's not a lot, no worries! The Danganronpa ship I like is called IshiMondo, with Kiyotaka (Taka) Ishimaru and Mondo Owada (or Oowada, depending on localization) as the characters. ^-^
I'll put my response in a read more, since it's obviously an hour long, given my deep and passionate love of rambling. :-)
(Edit: I just noticed that I legit wrote Taka's name as Kiyotaka Ishimondo. 😂😂😂😭😭😭 Please know I was very tired when I answered this last night and didn't proof read. 😂😂😂😂😂😂)
Shipping Asks
8. What is their first date like?
Funny enough, I wrote a story about their first date in the universe of my main story for the pair, The Problem with Perfection. However, considering that I changed both characters over the span of my fic to sort of deconstruct their personality traits and coping mechanisms, I'm not quite sure if that's how their first date would go when you look at them according to canon. Based on canon, my belief is that their "first date" wasn't actually a "date," per se. Given their obliviousness, and comments from (I believe??) a writer of Danganronpa, I'd think they'd go on hundreds of "dates" before realizing that they're dating, at which point they'd already have been living together for years with multiple pets and literally all of their friends believing they're in the strongest long-term relationship of all of them. Perhaps they'd even have an adopted child or two by that point, who knows. 😅😅😅
15. What's their song?
Oooh, this is a tough one... see, there are tons of songs that remind me of IshiMondo, to the point where I made an entire YouTube playlist for TPWP dedicated to the pair (which you can find here, if you're interested). But a single song that is "their" song? Well. In the context of TPWP, I'd say it would either be I See the Light, from Disney's Tangled, or So Close, from Disney's Enchanted. Both songs are used at emotional cruxes of the fic, since I adore both songs and I was like "f*** it, I'm the writer, what I say goes," ha. In that universe, I'd say that they both would see both songs as "their song," given that both were kinda instrumental in them getting together in the fic. Now, as for in canon... that gets trickier. I'm not really sure what song they would consider "their" song, especially given that my taste in music does not seem to align with music either would like. Taka, for one, does not strike me as someone who likes music that isn't either political/patriotic (to Japan, not America, ha) in some way, or that is educational. And Mondo would profess to like tough, biker guy music, while secretly liking, like... pop or something. So, for the sake of my sanity, I'll just go with the ones I said for TPWP.
17. Favorite activity to do together or way to spend time together?
Oh, this is easy. For Taka, it would be to "quietly" study together while either in one of their respective rooms, or else in the library. For Mondo it would be to ride around on his motorcycle. No real destination in mind, just riding while pressed close together. Collectively, it would be taking baths in a local bathhouse together, doing their "manly bonding" while butt naked, since both of them seem to think this is a perfectly normal thing to do. Which, I believe, it is in Japan, so no shame there.
19. Where would they travel or go on vacation/honeymoon?
Hm, this is tricky, again. Somewhere local, I would think. Taka is a very practical, hardworking man, who comes from an impoverished background. He wouldn't understand the point of going on an elaborate vacation, even for his honeymoon. Mondo might want to, but ultimately he'd defer to Taka, and they might do a tour of Japan, going to historical areas that are rich with history and whatnot. I'd go more into detail, but I'm honestly getting really tired, so I won't ramble too much more, ha.
1. How do they sleep? Ie, positions, who spoons who, who steals all the covers, etc.)?
Honestly man, I have no idea, ha. 😅😅😅 They'd have to sleep very, very carefully given the size difference. I like to think of them sleeping in kind of like a pile. Bowser curled protectively around Luigi like a dragon, while Luigi sleeps lying mostly on top of Bowser. ^-^
6. What do they playfully tease each other about?
Luigi playfully teases Bowser about how grandiose he always is, especially in relation to how he used to chase after Peach. There are other things he'd tease Bowser about, but as I said earlier I'm getting really tired and nothing is coming to mind, sorry! Bowser would playfully tease Luigi about how nervous he always is about everything. Sometimes it would go a bit passed "playful" into "kinda mean," but Bowser would always stop before it got too far and would do his best to apologize while not apologizing. Things like "anonymously" giving Luigi gifts, or doing small gestures that he ordinarily wouldn't do for anyone but that show Luigi how much he cares.
15. What's their song?
Ahhhh another hard one! Especially because I interpret this question as meaning "the song they believe represents them, or that is the song they associate with their relationship," as it usually means when couples talk about "their song." But I honestly don't know what song either of them would consider "their song," since again my taste of music doesn't seem like it would fit either of them. Bowser would likely like hard rock/metal, while Luigi would like more folksy, down to earth music. Likely Italian, ha. A song I associate with them would be Beautiful Things Can Come From The Dark, by Azure Ray. But that's just a song I associate with most "enemy to lovers" relationships, honestly. Same with The Reason, by Hoobastank. Another one that I associate with them is They Don't Know, by Tracy Ullman (Note: I know she's not the original singer, but her version is the one my dad would play when I was a kid, so it's the only one I know. Though after listening to the original by Kirsty MacColl I think Luigi would appreciate this one better, honestly).
20. How is their home decorated?
Well, I imagine they'd live in Bowser's castle given that he's a king, so there would be the usual things in Bowser's castle, such as dark stone walls and flowing lava. Luigi would definitely make changes, though, to make it more homey. He'd add flowers, bright wallpaper, brighter lights, things like that to make the decor less dreary, but still respecting Bowser's desire to be somewhat intimidating. It would be a good blend of their personalities I think.
Anyway, that took way longer than intended. 😭😭😭 I've been writing this pretty much since I got the ask about an hour ago, oof. I hope this was informative though! I'd proof read, but it's nearly midnight and I have to be up at 6:30 for one of my last days at my internship. Only four more to go!!!!!! Thanks God!!!!!!!!!!! While this internship isn't the worst, and my supervisor is nice, he's kinda incompetent and isn't really teaching me much. They're pretty much using me as slave labor and are taking my creations (I've created 2 classroom lessons for various elementary classes. I'm interning as an elementary school counselor) without permission to use for future lessons, as well as getting me to do lunch duty and sometimes cover classes despite the fact I've never worked as a substitute and have no idea what I'm doing in those cases???? But it's like, whatever. As long as I finish the hours and get my credential, I'll be happy.
Anyway, time for bed! Thanks again for the ask! Despite the challenge, this was fun. :-D
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lisa-and-shadow · 1 year
My thoughts on Starfield:
First of all, I do really enjoy the game for all of its flaws. Just want to get that out of the way first.
It is, from toe to tip, a Bethesda game. For better or worse. It definitely has a very Fallout-esque flavor. As a big fan of Obsidian's The Outer Worlds, I can't help but compare the two and they are similar in a lot of ways. We are definitely having cowboy times in space doodoo do doo. That's not a bad thing though. I think it's easy to see influences from all sorts of sci-fi sources throughout the game. We've got space miners on asteroids, rag-tag space pirates, slick corpos, uptight military leaders, and the aforementioned independent minded space cowboys. Pick a trope from a popular title and it's in there. We've even got space drugs made from fish!
Technical downsides? Menu upon menus within loadscreens within menus. It's fairly quick, but it just takes you out of the action. So you wanna fly to another planet? Sit in the pilot's seat. Tiny unskippable scene of you sitting down. Menu to take off pops up. Cinematic cut scene of you taking off plays. Now you're in orbit. You might have a random encounter in orbit, peaceful or hostile. (Some really fun ones.) Open your main menu. Go to the star map. Find the star system you want to travel to and select it. Click Jump. Cutscene of your ship doing a FTL jump to that system. Load screen. Now you're in orbit in the new system. Open that menu back up to scan the planet and find a landing site. Etc etc.
ORRRRR you can pick a planet you've already been to, or from your quest log, and just fast travel there from the main menu and never fly in space at all. ??? Aside from kinda defeating the point, you have skill points to level up how much cargo your ship can carry that requires you to make FTL jumps. And BY GOD will you need cargo space.
The game does not explain things well. I guess Todd was tired of hearing about how Skyrim was too "hand holdy" because this game doesn't tell you shit. Once I played for a while I figured things out or I just looked them up online. I also watched a couple of Gameranx videos before I started playing. (I 💜Jake Baldino and Falcon.) That helped tremendously.
Speaking of not telling you things... there are NO city maps. The cities are huge with lots of buildings and shops you can explore and people you can interact with. Good luck memorizing them, bitch. (You'll get used to them eventually, honestly. But I'd kill for a map.) Planets have a surface map but it will only show you a very condensed local area with specific landmarks highlighted on a blank blue background.
There's a lot of really funny stuff in the game that has made me LOL and I want to shout out the writers. Just kooky jokes and silly encounters. Had a pilot hail me to make a Uranus joke. Dead. Had another ship invite on board to party. Very fun.
I personally have not encountered any major bugs to speak of. I thought I did on my first mission but I was in the wrong place bc the game didn't tell me where to go bc fuck maps. I did lose some weapons bc of bugged weapon racks on a ship I got but they weren't anything special. I haven't seen any floating mammoths or anything.
The leveling system is not my favorite. There are a ton of things to potentially put points into from pistol damage to carry weight to how well your ship steers. When you put a point into a trait it unlocks a "challenge". For example, I put a point in security, so until I unlock 5 locks I don't get the bonus from that point. Then once you complete the challenge, the bonus is activated and the next level of that perk is available to unlock. The problem is for some of the combat perks, you're going to be making pistol kills (or whatever) that aren't counting towards your perk bc you don't have a point to unlock the next level. Or maybe you forgot to go into that menu 30 minutes ago, or didn't realize that perk was done. Bethesda said they were trying to keep players from getting too OP and having too many perk points but damn. It sucks bc base building is also limited by perks.
Base building! Ok so this is a mash-up of Fallout 4 and No Man's Sky sort of... kind of. Apparently your main objective is to place bases on planets to harvest valuable resources like Helium-3. Considering that I already have more companions than I do places to put them, I was looking for a place to assign these folks so they'd stop pestering me on my dang ship. You can build bases right from the get go, but certain things are blocked off until you have a couple of perks unlocked. I always need more perk points. Ugh.
There are 4 companions you can romance. I immediately started flirting with the cowboy single dad. He looked boring before the game came out, but I'm 100% a sucker. He has a southern accent and a raspy voice and calls his daughter "gumdrop". He's like a 15% himbo. One of his voice lines after I looted a corpse was, "To the victor go the spoils... Did I say that right?" Shut your mouth and kiss me. AND! His baby mama is NOT dead. I won't spoil it, but it is refreshing as fuck!!
Yes, I did unlock the Adoring Fan from Oblivion and add him to my crew. How could I not?? He's everything you could possibly imagine and more. 11/10
Heller 💜
I'm a ways into the main story but these are my take aways without any real spoilers. It's fun. It really is. I'm a loot gremlin and Beth outdid themselves with the lootables on this one. So yeah. I like it. It's pretty much what I expected.
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dazedloli · 25 days
you know lolicons are pedophillic right? why should an adult be attracted to someone who genuinely looks and acts like a child?
adults who LOOK young DO deserve love and aren't innately endorsing this!! however you are playing into it heavily. i've followed you for a bit and i've watched the way you talk slowly devolve into childlike mush when i know at the beginning you were posting in fully correct spelling and grammar
why the sudden change? why call yourself a loli instead of age regressing (which has no sexual associations)? i've been watching you toe the line between calling yourself a loli and actually loli pedo shit and it looks like you're finally falling into enabling pedophilia
i know you likely won't right now but one day i want you to start really thinking hard about why someone would be attracted to things that remind them of children and be sexually into someone who looks like a child because of that fact.
Tbh I considered not replying bc this just hurt me
I call myself a Loli bc of trauma.. since u said u follow me since long ago then u probably read the post where I sadly spoke about my trauma with pedo rings and pedophilia and being called a Loli and treated in sexual manner over it .. I've always looked younger than I am which caused everyone to treat me like a weird monster that'd never get proper love, I am more childish due to autism, I never developed properly, knowing someone that genuinely loves me finds me attractive regardless of it is.. nice
At the beginning of this blog.. my pinned was a way more intense cutesy way of speaking, most of my posts were me losing my mind, crying, having breakdown aftwr breakdown bc I was without the one person I loved, I tried to push the way I was when happy away to hopefully hopefully not be as dependant and childlike as I was.. bc I didn't know how I'd survive alone whilst being the way I am
My grammar is the same it's always been, I misspell more bc I'm too tired to check every post meticulously to maek sure it's properly worded
I am 19, I am not condoning pedophilia.. I'm an adult, I behave the way I do, I look the way I do, dress the way I do, but I am an adult, and I deserve to feel loved by my partner regardless of my traits, and if you tell me "but he shouldn't love you for them" then ur a bit silly because I am me, I can't change the way I am..
I don't endorse pedophilia, just today I had a very long talk w Bfie about how much we hate the fact that lolicon artists' work always ends up being in MAP and pedophilic circles, about how we think Loli hentai is weird as hell and censorship should be allowed..
I don't speak in mush, I don't know what of my speech to u looks like mush, but I'd just like to tell u that I have no idea what you were trying to achieve w this, all u managed to achieve was make me have a breakdown
I have so much trauma of people giving me shit over how I am, who I am, what I am, I tried for ages to be more Grown Up to avoid the backlash and the disgusted looks and the comments and the insults on the way I am, I spent years crying myself to sleep bc I felt useless for being who I am, bc I thought I was just the byproduct of childhood trauma, bc I'd never be a normal grown up adult due to the fact that I was forced to freeze my mind at such a young age..
I don't know rly what u wanted to achieve, maybe u wanted an apology, maybe u wanted me to say Yeah ur right I'm a pedophile, maybe u wanted me to say Yeah my boyfriend is a pedophile bc he finds me attractive, but that's not what you'll get.. I did nothing wrong, I don't sexualize kids, all I do is be in a relationship, and be myself in that relationship
Don't like my blog? Leave it.. I don't post for other people, I post my thoughts for myself, I don't even post about my childish interests or stuff ever bc I worry it'd creep people out, I keep that for between me and Bfie, my blog doesn't reblog sexual ddlg, it doesn't reblog cgl, it doesn't reblog fauxcest, all I do is talk about loving my partner and occasionally drawing myself
I never once have ever posted anything that might endorse someone to go out and molest a child
And as someone who was victim of pedos, when I was a very young kid, shame on you for thinking I condone that
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