#or would Timmy just carry him
araremonaka · 6 days
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if poof Peri turns into the baby version of whatever Cosmo and Wanda turn into would he turn into a smaller butterfly or a caterpillar
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starlooove · 8 months
I’ve already said all my issues with ice queen Janet Drake and idc enough to go into it again HOWEVER I will say if u want an abusive parents interpretation the very closest thing u can get to canon with her is Timmy turners mom
#SHE WAS KOOKY#this is my Roman Empire#can’t look at her as a character#as little as there is#so making shit up using misogynistic beats that only serve to prop tim up as cool and resilient#if it was genuinely about just taking the meanest interpretation#which I’m not hating I LOVE to do that taking an inch and running a mile with side shit is so fun to me#which is why I’ve never had a problem with the absent thing for his parents. very exaggerated in fandom but I like it#anyways back to the point#if it was about taking a piece and making it huge the next logical step is the vapid cruelty of Nickelodeon parents#specifically Timmy turners#in this essay I will#also same for Jack like turn up Mr turners anger issues more and make him less stupid literally#ALSO WHY CANT JANET BE THE STUPID ONE#not even stupid I don’t think either of them are stupid#i think they should be like. softest brucie variants possible#rich ppl who genuinely love to travel and they care for their kid like they would a lil Pomeranian#a kid isn’t easy to carry in ur purse and tote around tho#in mean but not meanest interpretation#but yeah the whole Girlboss Janet and bumbling fool Jack is so overplayed and irritating#why Can Janet have the soft moments between her and tim (REMEMBER THE VIRUS?! tim literally called her mommy he LOVES HER! and his dad! cmon#like idec about this white woman like that but the lengths y’all go…#like i Can see in the worst interpretation possible that Jack has a temper and is quick to be pissed and uphold gender roles etc.#like typical 40s dad tv or whatever yknow?#but WHERE did that Janet come from EVER#like ig it’s the romanticized wife equivalent who’s secretly running the show and looking perfect while doing it#but that archetype in itself is misogynistic and also does not take into account CLASS DYNAMICS!#but some of y’all think the drakes should be middle class so I’m speaking at a wall
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
let's pretend that this is the right timeline because what if Dick becomes Batman at the same time when Wally becomes The Flash?
let's also say that this is just like the Justice League animated series wherein the League members don't know each member's identities (except of course Bruce, he knows everybody).
how funny would it be if Dick and Wally are together and the rest of the League are confused because all of a sudden Batman and Flash are close like super close? i mean they have witnessed how Flash gets intimidated by Batman. now, that's not the case anymore.
during a meeting:
Hal, leaning to John during a League meeting, whispers: I'm not losing my mind, right?
John, whispers back: I think I know what you mean.
Hal: Why is Flash making heart eyes to Bats????
John: I know??? Flash doesn't even look him in the eyes before.
Hal: That's so odd, dude.
Batman glances at the two Green Lanterns which makes them shut up.
meanwhile, across the table, Martian Manhunter has a light smile on his lips and Superman covers his laugh with a cough.
at the cafeteria:
Ollie: Hey, Dinah. Have you noticed something unusual between Batman and Flash lately?
Dinah: It is quite unusual, huh? I was talking to Hawkgirl the other day and she said she saw Flash bridal carry Bats.
Ollie: What the actual fu-
Flash, approaches the couple's table with a big bowl of nachos on his hand: Hey, guys! Mind if I sit with you?
Ollie and Dinah give a knowing look at each other. a conversation they definitely will finish later.
during in an another planet mission:
Batman, after announcing everyone's partners for the mission:... And lastly, I will pair up with Flash in today's mission.
Flash grins widely, that has Arthur thinking his cheeks might be hurting after that.
Arthur: Yeah, yeah. At this point, we already know, Bats!
the Green Lanterns, along with Captain Marvel and Booster Gold, snicker at his comment.
Batman ignores Arthur's comment and the rest of the members scatter to their assigned locations.
Victor, who was paired with Arthur: Was gonna give that comment too.
Arthur: It's like they are inseparable all of a sudden.
Victor, shakes his head: Well, I have seen weirder things.
in the meeting hall:
Wonder Woman, pulls Batman in the corner of the room: Okay, that's enough. You are truly ignoring me. What is going on with you lately?
Batman: Did the rest of the League put you up to this?
Wonder Woman, has her hands on her hips: They didn't need to. So, tell me. And don't you ever lie to me, I can see right through you, Batman.
Batman, sighs: It's hard for me to explain. I can't-I can't tell you right now.
Wonder Woman: Hera! Now, Bru-Batman.
before Batman responses, the door of the meeting hall opens and in comes Robin with his katana. the conversations between the League members come to a stop as they stare at the young hero.
Robin, glances at everyone, before approaching Flash: I need help with an important matter.
Flash, smiles and ruffles Robin's hair, as if that's second nature: Of course, little dude.
Hal, stands up from his seat: THAT'S IT! Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on????
Ollie, stands up with him: Are we in another dimension that I don't know about?????
Dinah pulls Ollie down by his arm to make him sit again.
the rest of the League members start to converse against each other.
Superman, floats a bit from his seat: Why don't we all settle down? There's nothing to be alarmed about.
Robin, shakes his head: Tt. Absolute fools.
by the time Bruce and Barry are back:
Bruce, pinches the bridge of his nose: Chum, you could at least be discreet with Wally.
Dick: It's not my fault, B! I swear I was going to explain to Aunt Diana then Dami entered the room.
Damian: Tt. Don't blame me, Grayson. Why don't you lecture West on how to be more responsible? He left me on read when I asked help for my Science project.
Dick, sighs: And what about Timmy? He could have helped.
Damian: I don't want anything to do with Drake.
Bruce massages his temples as he feels a headache coming up.
Barry: Wally!!!!
Wally, zooms right in front of Barry: I couldn't help it, okay?? Dick is just irresistible.
Iris giggles as she prepares the table for dinner.
Barry, sighs: That's alright. I'll talk to Bats on how we can explain it to the team.
Wally, grins and sits down by the table: It was hard not to laugh at them. They were so confused.
Barry, chuckles: I'm sure Hal's expression was the funniest.
Wally, laughs: You have no idea, Uncle Barry.
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unfinishedslurs · 2 years
aware of his bisexuality steve (steddie, buckingham)
“Is that a hickey?” Comes out of Steve’s mouth without permission. But there it is, bright purple and red against the slope of her neck. She’s been walking kind of funny this morning, too. He’d assumed her period came early, but… “Rob, did you—“
Eddie fumbles the coffee mug he was pulling down. Chrissy freezes, face turning white with fear. Robin whips around, face bright red, and slaps a hand over her neck. 
“Bathroom!” She yelps. “Bathroom now!”
“Wait,” Eddie says, setting the mug down with trembling hands. “It was me. Sorry, man.”
Steve stares at him, unimpressed. Why the fuck would he lie about—
He looks at Chrissy again, who takes a nervous step back, and it clicks. 
“Right,” he says, nodding quickly. “You. You gave Robin a hickey. Had totally awesome sex that she didn’t even tell me about.” He directs that last bit at Robin pointedly. He told her almost immediately when he lost his guy-ginity. Traitor. “Yep. Sure. Got it.”
Eddie blinks, confused. Robin buries her face in her hands. 
“Oh my god, calm down,” she groans. “That’s not going to work. Steve’s cool.”
“Cool?” Chrissy asks, still looking ready to bolt. 
“Super cool,” he assures her. “The coolest. So incredibly cool, even if my best friend didn’t even tell me when she lost her virginity.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he says. “But I am going to need details, Buckley. We can go over what worked, and what needs more oomph.”
“Oh my god, can we talk about this anywhere else,” Robin groans, at the same time Eddie asks, “What, so you can get off on it later?”
“What,” Steve says. 
“You think two girls are hot, is that it?” He’s got a sneer on his face now, but Steve’s more observant than Dustin gives him credit for. Even if he wasn’t, it’d be hard to miss how hard his hands are shaking, the nervous tilt to his mouth. 
“Ew.” Steve’s face screws up. “Dude, no. It’s Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you,” Robin breaks in, from where she’s started comforting Chrissy. “You thought I was hot for at least a summer.”
His mouth drops open in betrayal. “We agreed to never talk about that again!”
“Can’t help being sexy,” she coons. Chrissy giggles wetly. “You wanna get married, Harrington? Have my babies? Stay home and raise six little nuggets while I bring home the bread?”
“I hate you,” he informs her. “Hate you so much. We’ll have a nice, heterosexual wedding and share a sad, heterosexual kiss, and you’ll carry me over the threshold of our nice, heterosexual house, and we’ll have boring, heterosexual sex that gives us nice, heterosexual babies, because we are so heterosexual and happy in our suburburban house in our nice little heterosexual town.”
He’s honestly kind of proud of himself for saying heterosexual so many times. Usually he fumbles words with that many syllables, especially after that many times in a row. 
Chrissy is outright laughing, now, endearing little snorts making their way between giggles. Eddie is looking between them like they’re a puzzle he can’t piece together. Robin grins.
“I’ll cuck you with the secretary.”
“Not if I cuck you first. You’ll be away all day in that office of yours, and I need someone big and strong to carry all the new furniture I ordered.”
“I knew it! I knew Timmy wasn’t mine!”
“Oh, but I couldn’t help myself,” he swoons. “Mark was just so sweet, with his bulging biceps and hand flexes, all hot and sweaty from helping poor little me while you were away! You know I’m weak to curly hair and brown eyes, Rob, how’s a man supposed to resist?”
“Fag,” she says, not without affection. 
“Dyke,” he shoots back. 
“Okay,” Eddie breaks in, clapping his hands. He and Robin both startle, and so does Chrissy from where she’s been watching them like a particularly interesting tennis match. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Robin lost her virginity and didn’t even tell me,” Steve says immediately, like he’s tattling to the principal. 
“Steve doesn’t seem to understand the concept of waiting,” Robin retorts. 
“I told you when I had gay sex,” he whines, and Eddie chokes. “I hate you. See if I ever give you tips again.”
“Oh, is that what you meant?” Chrissy asks. “Please don’t stop. They were good tips.”
Robin flushes all the way down to her toes. 
“You like boys?” Eddie wheezes. 
“Oh,” Steve blinks. “Yeah? I thought you knew.”
“You thought I—how would I know?”
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Steve’s been flirting with him for months!
“Robin always says we can sense each other! You sensed her.”
“You told him?” Eddie’s mouth drops open, and Robin looks sheepish.
“She didn’t have to,” Steve snarks. “You’re flagging in Hawkins, man. Was I supposed to miss it?”
“You know what flagging is?”
“Again, in case you missed it, I fuck men.”
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters. “Fuck! Christ, I can’t believe this. You’re, like, the epitome of heterosexual. I spent half of high school having to hear about how much pussy you were getting. Why are you not straight?”
“Wow, Eddie,” he deadpans. “Are you saying just because I like men and woman, I’m not queer enough? That’s kind of homophobic of you, man.”
“Yeah, Eddie, wow,” Robin says. “I thought you were better than this.” 
“Fuck off,” Eddie says. “I feel like I need to lie down. My entire worldview just shattered.”
“I have a couch?” Chrissy offers shyly. “Or a bedroom, if you need a minute away.” Fuck, Steve kind of adores her. Especially since she’s apparently vicious n bed, if the five other hickies he counts just from Robin bending down a little to whisper in her ear are any indication. Good for her.  
“Don’t worry, Eddie,” Robin says, with a glint in her eye that means he’s either going to love or hate what comes next. “If it helps, Steve’s never fucked a man in his life.”
Eddie’s brow furrows, looking between the two of them. “So…you’re just making fun of me?”
He looks a little angry now, and Steve can’t make heads or tails of this conversation because, “What the hell, Rob, yes I have—“
“Oh, so suddenly you’re the one doing the fucking?”
“Stop making fun of me for taking it!”
Eddie lets out an honest to god moan that he immediately slaps his hand over his mouth to cover up. “Right,” he says fervently. “Okay. I need to lie down, like, for real.” 
They watch him stride down the hall, so fast he’s almost running, and slam the door closed behind him.
“I could totally top,” he mutters to Robin as something that sounds vaguely like muffled screaming echoes down the hall. “I top girls all the time. It’s not my fault prostates are a gift from God.”
“Uh, you top because all the girls you fuck are from small town Indiana. If one of them brought out the strap you’d drop to your knees so fast—“
“That’s—I like topping!”
“Your favorite position is cowgirl. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
“I will show Chrissy your baby pictures,” he hisses. Robin makes a face at him. Chrissy nods excitedly from where she’s still tucked under Robin’s arm. 
“Oh what’s that?” Robin practically shouts. “You like being pressed against walls and ravished? You want someone to tie you up and have their filthy way with you? Is that what you said, Steve?”
Another noise from the bedroom. He narrows his eyes at her. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” she says sweetly. “You’re both hopeless.”
“I told you he’s shy!”
“Eddie?” Chrissy asks. “Shy?”
“Yeah, okay, I was confused too, but I figured it was the romance! He told me he hasn’t actually been in a relationship before, I assumed he was nervous to take that step.”
“Yeah, but dingus,” Robin says sweetly. “You’re missing a puzzle piece here. He thought you were straight. He thought he was flirting with his straight best friend he didn’t have a chance in hell with, and then he finds out that said best friend likes taking it up the ass and men with brown eyes.”
“Oh,” Steve says, realization dawning. “Oh, fuck. What if he doesn’t like me like that?”
Robin smacks the back of his head. “Why are you stupid?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Chrissy says. “Like, really don’t have to worry about that.”
“I’m not coming over tonight,” Robin says. “I’m gonna stay with Chrissy again. Er…if that’s okay?”
“That sounds amazing.” Chrissy beams, and Robin turns red again.
“Yeah, I’m going to stay with Chrissy again tonight. You are going to invite Eddie to stay the night when he gets done with his little crisis, and then we’re getting lunch at the diner tomorrow and you can tell me about it before our shift.”
“Right,” Steve says. “Right, I can do this. I’ve invited guys over before, how hard can it be? It’s just Eddie. But that was hotel rooms, not my house and my bedroom with my shitty wallpaper. And it’s Eddie. Fuck, what if I’m shit at it? Robin, what if I’m actually bad at sex and everyone who’s ever said I was good was lying because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings? Oh my god, I’m totally bad at sex.”
“Woah, dingus, slow down. I think we took the mind meld too far, you’re turning into me.”
“If it helps, I don’t think you’re bad at sex,” Chrissy says. Steve and Robin look at her, and she flushes. “Because of the tips! Not because—I’ve never slept with you, but some of my friends did, and I got three orgasms out of last night, so…”
“Oh thank God,” he breathes. “I was worried for a minute.” Then he raises an eyebrow at Robin, and holds out his hand for a high five. She slaps it, begrudgingly proud of herself, and then takes the hand to pull him into a headlock that’s honestly more of a hug than anything. 
“You’re fine,” she whispers in his ear. “You’re great at sex, as you keep telling me. What’s more, you’re funny, charming, handsome, brave, caring—“
“Aww, Robin, are you getting sappy on me?”
“Plus Eddie literally moaned in front of you when he found out you bottomed. I really don’t think there’s a way to fuck that up.”
Steve grins. “He did do that. I’m going to make so much fun of him later.”
“So,” Eddie says with a smirk, “men with brown eyes?”
“Hey man, don’t look at me. Blame Jonathan.”
Now Eddie looks stunned, mouth dropping open. “Byers?” He says, sounding betrayed. “You have a crush on Byers of all people?”
Steve feels offended on Jonathan’s behalf. “What’s that supposed to mean? Jonathan’s a good guy!”
“I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess? He’s sweet, passionate, good with kids, nice eyes. Can pack a punch. I mean, what’s not to like?”
“Uh, didn’t he steal your girlfriend?”
He waves that off. “That was, like, years ago, man. We’re cool now.”
“Right, okay,” Eddie mutters. “Well have fun with Byers, I guess.”
It clicks. “Oh,” he says. “Oooh. You’re jealous.”
Eddie splutters. “Jealous? I’m not—I don’t—you’re jealous!”
“Oh, am I?”
“Yes,” Eddie says resolutely, not looking at him. 
“Right,” Steve agrees. “Well, if I am jealous, maybe I should know that I got over Jonathan years ago, and have since moved on to brighter, hopefully more attainable pastures than my ex’s ex.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“A different man with brown eyes?” He suggests. “Who is also good with kids, and passionate, and…” he trails off, suddenly realizing all those times Robin made fun of him might not be based on nothing. “Oh my god, I have a type. Shit, I have to tell Robin she was right.”
“I figured that was a common occurrence.”
“Shut up. Where was I going with this? I had a point.”
“You were telling me how awesome I am?”
“Oh, suddenly it’s you we’re talking about?”
“I mean,” suddenly Eddie looks shy, and Steve can’t help but think even with the change in context he might have been right when he told Robin Eddie was nervous about being in a real, romantic relationship, “isn’t it?”
He feels himself smile, slow and wide and probably more revealing than he means it to be. “Yeah,” he says, in a tone he knows Robin would call soppy, “it is.”
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dvlboy · 4 months
family man
read dni!!! warnings: abo, feminization (slightly), talks about kids, heats, messy idk
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the future of his people weigh heavily on him, and he needs to make sure he picks the alpha that can get the job done. he's always wanted a big family, someone to rebuild his nations people with. he loves you, and he loves how good of a father you could be to his future children.
he watches you, sitting on your couch, biting his lips while he swirls a glass of sunsettia juice in his wine glass. you were currently cutting up some berries, cheese and preparing some snacks in a fun little basket. you were currently talking to him, asking him if he'd like to accompany you on the picnic you were planning. he could only nod as he grinded his thighs together, silently thankful that you were oblivious to his growing blush on his cheeks.
you've taken on a father role to a few of the youngins inside mondtstadt. and while you cannot be there as often as you'd wish, you still try your best. you would never want razor and bennett to grow up without a constant support system, and although you aren't their biological parents you try to make them feel as loved as possible. you introduced razor to his first birthday cake and showed him some new stuff for his birthday, and are always the first to wish bennett a happy birthday as well. diona has come over countless times to take a nap after dinner, and uses you as her confidant when her father has a few too many. sometimes she'll sleepover too. mika is a shy boy, and you often accompany him when he needs it. he's so shy, but sometimes... and just sometimes he'll break through his shell to you. you've carried him home sometimes after a long day, or will ruffle his hair when he beats himself up over something. even that kid timmy, you'll still go with him to feed the pigeons, or teach him cooking skills to bring to his mom. he's aware that you aren't his father, but its nice to have someone to rely on.
there's just something about you that draws people in. maybe its your personality, maybe its your kindness or reliability. maybe it was the muscles that show through your clothes, a sign of your protection and strength.
kaeya himself has alot of respect for you in that regard, and also finds it incredibly attractive how dedicated you are in everything you do. namely you're closest to bennett, razor, diona, and klee, and he could tell how much thought you were putting into a small picnic. and he, unlike you, isn't oblivious to the stares directed your ways, a gorgeous alpha with a golden heart is sure to make anyone act up.
and as you heard a knock on your door, some ruckus and a familiar voice apologize for accidentally tripping into your rose bushes, it wasn't hard to see how you looked forward to seeing your "kids" again.
god you'd be such a good dad, and you'd be an even better fit for him.
it wasn't hard to miss how tired you were when you came back home, but kaeya could see it in your eyes how content you were. you gave him a quick peck on the cheek before pulling some leftover supplies and making dinner.
you told stories of how proud you were of bennett for trying to cook despite it still being inedible, or how proud you were of razor for carving his own path. how worried you were for diona and mika for their responsibilities, and how sad timmy seemed even after you spent a few hours watching ducks with him and eating berries. kaeyas eyes trailed over your figure, how your strong hands gripped the knife as you chopped some potatoes, how the apron hugged your shoulders and waist, how happy you seemed to see everyone again...
kaeyas omega purred as you sat the plate infront of him, you sitting beside him with your warm hand on his cold thigh, rubbing them up and down. he stayed quiet, eyes meeting yours before he brought you to a kiss. you just seemed so content and happy today, it made him wish that the two of you had your own to take care of. he'd bet a good sum of mora that they'd have his khaenri'ah eyes and would probably be the cutest things ever.
the two of you made small conversations throughout your meal, kaeya cleaning up while you showered from your long day. it wasn't long before you were snuggled into the sheets, not looking up from your book when kaeya crawled onto your lap. it was only when he purred, the scent of arousal starting to leak through the air that you decided to focus on your boyfriend.
his finger trailed down your chest, a shameless blush painted on his cheeks as he leaned in, "y'know, seeing you so good with kids is such a sight for sore eyes..," he smiled, grabbing your hand. "tell me darling, do you want kids of your own someday?" there was such a sweet seduction in your tone as he stared at you, trying to ignore the burning desire in his core.
"i'd love a couple of my own.." your hands snaked around his waist as you leaned in to kiss him, "especially if they were with you.." he closed his eyes as he kissed back, putting more and more pressure into the kiss. your hands pulled away, going to slowly peel the buttons off his shirt.
he purred against you, "i'm not in my heat right now darling." he seemed almost sad, before a sly grin replaced his slight frown. "buuuuut, who says that can stop us?" his hand slid down your body, thumbs hooking onto the loose pajama pants, fingers tracing your slight bulge in your pants.
"how about this, why don't we practice for my next heat?" he pulled your shorts down, his hand wrapping around your soft cock, "so that when it does come around, you can pop a kid in me." he purred those words out, desire burning out into his actions.
"h-hey kaeya, i'm all for it but don't i'm a bit tired.. i don't think i could get on top of you as long as i normally do.." his hands didn't stop, and he spat on his hand before he slowly jerked you off.
"i have no issues with that darlin," he slapped your cock against his cheeks, "i'll make sure to practice well, make sure you fill me up nice n good.."
kaeya was impossibly beautiful, even as he stared you down with those eyes, swollen cock around his lips. spit dribbled down his fingers and his lips while he stroked you, firmly and insistently. one hand left your cock, slowly travelling down to his entrance, slowly teasing his rim, checking to make the lube and preparations he did while you were gone.
once he deemed your cock wet enough, he sat on your lap, hands wrapping around your neck. he moaned into your neck when you pulled him closer to you, his dripping cock pressing against yours. you snuggled into his body, inhaling his scent before pressing the head of your cock against his hole, shuddering an exhale into his skin. the slick head of your cock circled around his rim, before you pushed into his ass, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling.
kaeya was gripping onto your neck and your dick like an iron vice, everytime you tried to sink deeper into our gorgeous boyfriend he would let out a low, guttural moan. "i thought you said you would takeover for the night?" a poorly disguised tease left your lips and all he could do was grit his teeth, trying to hold back another grunt.
"s-shut it.. you're alot bigger then i remember from last heat.." even with your rough hands drawing circles on his hips, he was struggling to handle you fully inside of him.
yet in his horny mind, he couldn't be more turned on, or any more frustrated that he couldn't take you the same way he did during his heats. it hurt so good, in a way that made his head spin the same way it did when he was drowning in your scent.
yet that pain didn't stop him from rolling his hips on your dick, hands slowly sliding to grip your shoulders. slowly he ground his hips against yours, shuddering out breathes while you sat there patient, watching him lose that seductive facade. "f-fuck.. so good.." he muttered at you, slowly gaining more length to bounce on.
his hips continued to ride against yours, his body slowly getting used to you once more. sweat was starting to build on his forehead, and his hair was starting to get unruly. his hands scratched down your shoulders and torso, landing on your sides. drool was starting to leak down his mouth while he rode you, his shakiness disappearing and a natural rhythm forming.
"so good baby, you're so good.." you muttered into the air, toes curling at the pleasure. hes so good at taking your cock, you couldn't help but thrust into his body, enjoying how it threw him off, little hiccups of pleasure from reaching the deepest parts of him.
"m'gonna knock you up, keep you nice and full.." you muttered at him, feeling him tense around you. one of your hands drew to his weeping cock, a shocked moan leaving his lips. "you'd be such a good daddy too, such a good fucking father to our kids.." you stroked him off, feeling him grasp at your thick arms in desperation, crying out your name. it was the only coherent thing he could say, everything else just blabbers of pleasure and pain.
seeing such an explosive reaction really woke something up in you, "i'd bet you'd be so fucking hot, all bloated and pretty with my kids.." you brought him into a sloppy kiss, his lips leaking drool all over you. everytime you teased him, he would tighten around you, milking your cock for your cum.
kaeya rolled his hips once more, before he shuddered and tightened like a vice on you, watery cum shooting all over your stomach, leaking his cum down your hand that was still on his cock.
kaeyas chest heaved up and down, recovering from his orgasm while you stared at him, hand still on his softening cock and your dick deep inside of him.
"c'mon doll, show me how much you want to be a mama.." your hand slowly started to stroke his cock, getting a breathless moan from him. "you can do it.. just a bit more.."
and so he sat there, sweaty and blushed, his sore hips moving up and down on your dick, trying to keep it together while you watched him slowly come undone again. how he bit the inside of his cheeks whenever you hit that spot again, how he instantly moaned and shot you a flustered glare if you dare started to speed up your hands on his dick, everything.
"m'close kaeya.." god how your voice muttered his name, it made him even more desperate for you. he wanted your cum, your seed, he wanted your everything.
and when you finally grabbed his hips instead of his cock, manhandling him like a doll and thrusting all the way into him, he came again, a weaker, less explosive orgasm being milked on him. he could hear your franic breaths and see your chest rise and fall as you pounded into him, your balls tightening. your arms locked into his body firmly, your knuckles turning pale before a weak grunt left your lips, a few more following. he could feel your cum spurt into him, and did nothing while you forced him to stay still, feeling your seed bury itself deep into him.
the two of you stayed like that, kaeya too exhausted to move. he collapsed on your chest, lightly grimacing at the feeling of his own cum on his skin, relishing the warmth that was inside of him, and how full he felt.
he was about to fall asleep on your chest before you chuckled at him, "was that enough practice for you? let me get you a glass of water... and maybe a towel.." kaeya opened his eyes to give you a kiss, contentment in his chest.
god you'd be the best dad ever.
so i tried to make the reader dilf himbo flavoured but idk
ANYWAYS REBLOGS and COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPREICATED <3 love u guys (this was lowkey for mothers day oops)
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robintherobiner · 7 months
i know the fandom likes to make Jack out to be a terrible dad but i personally enjoy to imagine him as a man who's just not that smart, but tries his best.
Tim, like six years old, angry that he wasn't allowed desert before dinner: I hate you! I wish lived on my own and never saw you or Mommy again!
Jack, tearing up and booking flight tickets: Okay kiddo, love you.
Jack, tearing up and booking gender reassignment surgery: Okay darling, love you.
Nurse, glancing at his phone: You.. you know that surgery wont make you able to carry a child right?
Jack: Yes it will, it gives me a vagina!
Nurse: ...you know you need a uterus to actually carry the baby right?
Tim, age 15: Dad, i'm glad you're trying to be better now but... Why did you and mom neglect me for so long?
Jack: You told us too! I wanted to raise you, i was a stay at home dad, but you said i was horrible and that you wanted to live on your own!
Tim: ...
Jack: Obviously that was irresponsible so we sent you to boarding school, but we only visited a few times a year to respect your boundaries. I would send you back, but I was in a coma so i'm allowed to be a little selfish and spend time with my baby.
Dick: Didn't your dad just wake up from a coma? And he's already got a girlfriend? No offense but-
Tim: My mom told him to.
Dick: Timmy, sometimes men lie-
Tim: No, literally, it was in her will. She literally told him that if she died first, he had to get a new partner, because she knew he'd die alone without her.
Dick: What...
Tim: Also, i was the one who chose Dana. She's great! Mom said I had to pick a blonde because yellow is his favourite colour.
Tim: Dad, why is the only picture of Mom you have framed one of her in a bikini? Do you not have any others?
Jack: I do, i have hundreds! But this was taken on the day she proposed to me! Well, i have more from that day, but they're not safe for little eyes.
Tim: Thats both the most romantic and disgusting thing i've ever heard.
Jack, puling out a picture of Janet sobbing and very obviously screaming: I have this picture of her on my bedside table though, its from when she found out she was pregnant with you! Two of the best days of my life!
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tim-shii · 7 months
a blessing in disguise.
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a/n: dad!sae and husband!sae in one post? more likely than you think. timmy being down bad for sae for the nth time, what's new? i didnt know where this story was heading while i was writing it halfway but the idea is dad!sae and husband!sae. also this is cute i love this work i will cry over this for months.
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“sometimes, i’m pretty sure you’re only with me out of pity. how dare you? my love for you is sincere–”
“what are you babbling about now?” sae let out an exasperated sigh. you two are lounging in the living room. him, watching a soccer game of the rivaling team they’re going up against next week, and you, laying down on the couch with your feet on his lap, just blankly staring at the ceiling.
“…like i would even lay down in front of a moving train for you. or! i would, without a doubt, drink a poison that’s specifically for you. if you ever get in a coma, i would stab myself, juliet style, absolutely no hesitation. you don’t understand the lengths i would go through for you–”
“oh my god,” sae drags his palm down his face quite dramatically. “is this because i forgot to say ‘i love you’ this morning?”
“see? this is exactly my point. do you even like me?” you nudge his side with a sock clad foot.
he grabs a hold of your ankle and settled in back on his lap. “we’ve been married for five years. our son is literally five meters away playing with his sister.” sae replied with a pointed glare, visibly done with your antics. someone give him a break, he’s experiencing this exact predicament for the past seven years. he’s annoyed, yes, but it’s one of the reason he’s highly and deeply infatuated– in love with you.
you were about to retaliate but rushed footsteps and a sudden weight on your chest prevented you. “mommy!” speak of the little devil and he shall appear. kio, your 4-year-old son. behind him is kiho, your 1-year-old daughter, crawling as hard as she can trying to reach her older brother. immediately, you sat up on the sofa, pulling kio to your lap. “what– baby, are you crying? what’s going on?” you coo as you wipe the tears off his chubby cheeks.
“kiho bit me! we were just playing and then she suddenly–” while you were occupied with kio, sae abandoned his spot from the couch and opted to slide down to the floor instead. his eyes were focused on the adorable infant who is now crawling towards her beloved father. as soon as she’s only a foot away from him, sae scooped her up in his arms and retreated back to your side on the settee, “you bit your brother, kiho?” to which the infant just babbled incoherent with a wide grin.
sae smiles back at her before furrowing his brows. and it seems like you had the same thought as him when you looked at him with a confused frown.
“bit you?” you asked kio.
“yes, she did! it hurts! i think her bite left a mark!” he showed you his left forearm and there you see. the mark of a small baby tooth.
“she’s teething!” you exclaimed happily after kissing your son’s forearm. (“kisses make the pain go away.” you once told him when he tripped and scraped his knee at the park.) sae gently lift up kiho’s lips to peek at her gums, and ta-da! a cute tooth peeking back at him.
“she’s growing up too fast.” sae hummed, kissing kiho’s head, making her giggle.
“mommy, why did she bite me?” kio patted your cheek to get your attention back on him. “did i do something wrong? i thought she was having fun when we were playing together.” your heart felt stabbed, squeezed and stepped on ten times as kio looks at you with tears in his eyes.
“she was just showing affection, ki. she must’ve felt overjoyed with you but she didn’t know how to express it. she is a baby after all.”
“did i bite when i was a baby, too?”
“oh, absolutely. you bit your dad mostly.” you laughed at the memory of sae wincing in pain as his son decided to sink his growing teeth onto his father’s shoulder as he carried him.
“now. kiho, baby. say sorry to your brother.” sae held her in the middle of you two like a cat, his hands supporting his torso under her arms. however, instead of a garbled apology, kiho blew a raspberry to kio.
“hey, that wasn’t nice,” the little boy frowned.
“mom, don’t laugh– dad, stop laughing, too!” kiho followed the two of you and let out a gleeful squeal. all the while kio rubs the saliva off his face with your shirt.
“kio!” sae laughs even harder. kiho, too.
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thebetawolfgirl · 11 months
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Silent Promise
Word count: 503
Warnings: Slight smut!
A/N: This is my first ever Timmy fic so please be gentle
Pairing: Timmy/Reader
Silent Promise
You were expecting him home soon, the concert would’ve finished about a half hour ago and he would be making his way home to you.
He was a nervous wreck getting dressed earlier. He was excited to go see Beyoncé in concert, he had bought the tickets weeks in advance and got a spot in the VIP area. But he had wanted to take you, not Kylie. He was furious with his PR team when they said he had to go with Kylie Jenner.
This was supposed to be the first time going public with you, the love of his life, and now he was told he would have to go with her after all the rumours that were spreading.
You both knew of course it was the family that had started the rumours in order to ‘repair’ Kylie’s damaged image, but Timothée didn’t expect he would actually have to get involved with any of it.
When the video of him kissing her at the concert started going around you knew it was fake instantly by the way he looked straight at the camera that had ‘caught’ them. And you also knew Timmy’s anxiety would be through the roof at the thought of you seeing it and thinking the worst of him.
You were floating on your back in the pool when you heard him come through the front door. You knew he would be tearing his way through every room until he found you, you saw the bedroom light go on upstairs and felt his gaze find you at the window, and then the light went off. He was in his boxers by the time he got to the back door and just jumped right in, swimming underneath until resurfacing right in front of you.
His wet hair was clinging to his forehead as you looked at each other before he wrapped his arms around your waist and without a word kissed you gently. You kissed him back holding onto his shoulders as you both got heated in the kiss. Timmy lifted you onto the edge of the pool without breaking the kiss, and wrapped your legs around him holding onto your thighs. He removed both your bikini and his boxers and pushed himself out of the water as you lay back pulling him over you.
You could feel his length against your thigh and slid your hand down to his lower back to guide him as he pushed into you.
Timmy slammed hard into you as your legs wrapped around his waist and he buried his face against your neck breathing heavily rocking his hips against yours.
You lifted his head and kissed him passionately without saying a word and you both came together soon after panting heavily with Timmy shaking in your arms.
You knew what he was trying to say as he carried you upstairs to bed and crawled back into your arms to fall asleep.
No matter what, he would always come home to you, and only you.
@sufferingstarlight @lixzey @gatoenlaciudad @kteezy997
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stringsbasement · 2 months
Your art of peri and your Villain AU of him? perfection. I read your twt thread and I'm greedy for more, im so serious like If there was a 100k word fanfic of your au I would read it in a heartbeat!! THATS how much im obsessed with the concept
thank you so much! i didn't expect there to be so much interest in my thoughtless doodles and rambles. luckily, i already have a draft for a rant i formulated about this version of peri's possible motivations, and now i have an excuse to share it!!
also, as a bonus, have this silly doodle :)
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[his hairstyle is his attempt to separate himself from his parents, but no matter what he does with it, he can never get it to sit without that stray tuft and curl at the very end.
also, his bowtie is in reference to chloe and my initial art of irep before his design was revealed. the latter almost makes it seem like they "swapped roles."]
the thing is, it's hard to imagine peri as someone purposefully wanting to harm others for his own pleasure. for a "bad" au of peri to occur, he'd have to take after timmy, and seek chaos the same way he did
now, timmy is a good person at heart. his fairies love him, and he loved them in turn. that's undeniable. however, timmy was so stressful he affected cosmo and wandas marriage, and they had to retire right after him to rekindle their love and stop being so awful towards each other. timmy was simultaneously one of the best and worst things to ever happen to them
so it's not that much of a stretch to think he'd affected peri during his development, to the point he unknowingly influenced peri's core beliefs, which he'll carry over later in life
timmy used his fairies to escape from his regular life. he was incredibly reckless, and shirked responsibilities till the consequences got him back tenfold. a dangerous, but fulfilling way of living. he might've mellowed out in the later years, but considering he chose to keep vicky around to purposefully make himself miserable and keep his fairies instead of facing reality, maturity wouldn't be a straight or easy path
peri, adopting this way of thinking, believes the best way to live life is taking risks. ignoring your present problems in favor of escapism. he would insist this upon his godchild, and be blind to the complex nuance of dev's situation
dev's parental neglect differs from timmy's, and thus requires different treatment. but peri doesn't realize that, and dev is a child who cannot comprehend how awful he really has it, let alone communicate it in a way that isn't just lashing out and throwing tantrums
for classic peri, this is an annoyance. for this peri though? he'll enable it, because he thinks dev needs to get it out of his system. like timmy. which is in some way correct, but it's a flawed, only temporary solution
and it's in this way a path of deeper exploration opens up about characters similar to cookie, highlighting how flawed the godparent system can be when a child is assigned a godparent who cannot fulfill what they truly need
starting a ghost apocalypse is nothing compared to the wishes that has been granted before. and, honestly, dev taking viozalia's staff to use against her is a clever move. this peri wouldn't be downtrodden like he was in the original scene, but impressed. he would say as such, and dev, being the emotionally starved 10 year old he is, will soak those words up like a dry sponge
(slightly off topic: i like to think a little quirk this peri would have is, instead of looking to da book of rules for guidance, (cosmo, wanda, and his classic self do this multiple times in the show when in unique situations,) he'd be searching for anything that states what can't he do. "what to do when your god kid tries to start a ghost apocalypse... nothing? sweet!")
this would naturally allow him and dev to bond a little more. even if it's just shit talking other people and how they're totally better than everyone else
it doesn't mean they get along splendidly. dev is still pissed that he can't make the wishes he wants, and peri overcompensates by allowing him to throw himself into situations that just narrowly avoids sanction. because, oh yeah, peri would not appreciate being forced to follow the rules which includes wiping the godchild's memories after the godparent's term has passed
(if anything, he'll find a loophole out of it. he learned from the best, after all)
this is also where peri's spoiled nature would shine through. being offered everything just because he was a baby would make anyone entitled
he and dev are too similar for their own good. they have have access to anything they could ask for, but are unable to get love from one person they want it from. it's almost pitiful
to keep those thoughts out of dev's (and his own) mind, peri resorts to pushing dev out of his comfort zone, which would ordinarily be a good thing, only, he goes way too far to the point of regression
you know, it really doesn't help that dev looks a lot like timmy. i mean, look at them...
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that's timmy with slicked back hair and a white jacket. c'mon
but even with all of this, peri doesn't really become a villain. he's antagonistic at most, with his strained relationship with his parents and his help in making things harder for hazel. luckily, the latest episode has given me a few ideas
when peri inevitably comes to care for dev, he'll obviously has to do something about his constant unhappiness. dev has a point in complaining about the fact hazel has two godparents and he only has one, even when his life is "worse" (another unhealthy way of thinking,)
hmmmm. so how can dev have two fairy godparents, and how can peri break da rules without putting himself at risk?
who other than a mirror of peri's own self?
a shift inevitably took place, one where peri became more intense and irep more soft. it's so subtle it goes unnoticed until thousands of years have passed
irep has become timid, soft, and well-meaning. if peri either quits his position or gives way for another slot and puts dev under a sort of split-custody, dev will be able to use anti-fairy magic, which can completely bypass any of the rules regular fairy magic is withholden to
irep will get what he wants as well. in this post, i answered an ask in which i speculate that irep genuinely does want a godchild, and the love and appreciation that comes with it. that much would stay the same for this au
and, well, unlike irep, peri has always been willing to share
this would make way for a bunch of whacky hijinks, potential plots, and new threats. consequences piling up until they become too huge to ignore. not to mention the full implications of a fairy and anti-fairy switching roles. of course, this is just a fun idea i came up with on the spot, and i haven't thought it out too much, so pointing out any plot holes that would come from this is appreciated!
i have more to say, mainly about peri and his parents' initial separation, as well as the parallels that can be found with this version of peri and hazel, but i feel it would be best to end it here :)
thank you for making me write all of this!
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starreyblueberry · 10 days
Every time I think about Peri and Timmy a part of me breaks apart. I saw a fanart and some description about Peri and Timmy being like you wake up one day and your best friend is gone and it broke me cause actually imagine that.
You have been born because of a wish, something no child has done in thousands of years. He was beside the bed you were born in, Eyes filled with wonder. You would grab his finger while he cradles you in his arms, listening to him talk to you, looking at you as if you were his entire world. He would say the words I love you over and over, and you believed him. He was your first word, for a while. He was the only person you wanted to call out too, to reach out, and he was delighted to be there for you anytime you said his name. He would rush to your side and do whatever you needed. he helped teach you how to ride a bike, even if it was a human activity, you could fly with him anyway. you still wanted to do it with him though, cause it was Timmy!. he snuck you out late at night just to get you an extra sweet, and even if you could wish for it, you still wanted to do it with him. he picked you up from school with your mom and dad, talking to you about all the wacky antics and adventures he had with mom and dad. he helped you beat the last round of video games, teaching you the controls and secret hacks to beat the bosses properly. he hugged you when you felt like you had no one else. when you were the only kid fairy in a long, long time, he reminded you he would be there for you every single day. Every single birthday he was there to celebrate- make a cake with his bare hands and decorate his house just for you, it was always bliss with him.
Until you were 8. You were 8 years old when it was your older brothers birhday- 18. You were warned as the days came, but it felt so far, so impossible, that he had to go. he had to leave, and he could never see you again. He tried to find any- any loophole that could let him stay, Cosmo and Wanda looked everywhere in da rules, they hopped dimensions talked with other planets, had a case that could prove he was meant to be with his fairies forever, but he couldn't. No human could ever remember fairys, there were consequences that would affect everything outside of his family, he had to accept it. He could never say your name with such kindness again, He could never bring you to the ends of the galaxy again, he would never remember anything at all. You cry. You cry and cry and cry and think how cruel it is that you can never see your best friend again. You can never see your older brother ever again. He wouldn't remember carrying you, hugging you, tucking you before bed, he wouldn't remember birthdays, holidays, vacations, he wouldn't remember you. It felt worse then anything you've ever experienced, you barley could handle it at the time and still cant now. The only proof that he was in your life was your mere existence, your whole life was proof that Timmy Turner was your older brother, that he was Cosmo's and Wanda's godkid, and you would never forget that, no matter how much time has passed, no matter how many godkids go though the same cycle, you would always remember Timmy Turner.
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hemmingsleclerc · 9 months
New Year's Day ┃Timothée Chalamet
summary: where timothee spends new year's day with his girlfriend's family and he may not understand their traditions but he still enjoys the night
timothee chalamet x mexican!reader
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''5..4..3..2..1 and!''
''Happy New Year!''
As soon as I heard the first fireworks in the sky I started eating the 12 grapes I had in my glass.All my other relatives at the table began to do the same, from the oldest to my little cousins. At some point I felt like I was about to choke and lose consciousness, but I wasn't willing to let any of my wishes come true.
I looked to my side and saw Timmy eating his third grape. He chewed calmly, enjoying the sweet taste of the fruit and at times I saw how he stifled a laugh when he saw me so desperate. I nudged him lightly with my elbow and motioned for him to hurry up.
''What?'', he asked, showing confusion on his face.
I had to swallow what was in my mouth to be able to answer him.
''You have to eat them quickly Timmy, if you continue like this it won't work and your wishes won't come true!'', I said
''I don't think I have any idea what I was supposed to be wishing for, anyways, why do it so quickly?''
''For more excitement''
When I finished the last grape, I thought about it a little, I didn't really remember what I had wished for but I was sure that among my 12 wishes was happiness, health and love. Everything happened so fast that I barely had time to think about other things to ask for. My brother and cousins had also finished their grapes and ran to the door where there were some suitcases and ran out. Timothée, still in his place at the table, watched everything with a mixture of curiosity and confusion as he continued eating.
''I thought they would spend the night here! Where did they go?''
''They will be back soon, don't worry, the block is not that big, they just went out for a little run'' I said
''¿What?¿For what?''
''To travel, silly!'' I exclaimed excitedly ''You have to run around the block with a suitcase, it is said that it is to attract luck to be able to travel a lot during the year''
Timothée stood there in silence as he slowly began to make a surprised face processing everything his girlfriend had said. He watched everything attentively and with a sparkle in his eyes, excited to be able to participate in the ''curious'' traditions.
This year, I thought it would be a great idea for Timothée to spend the New Year with my family since we had spent the previous year with his family, and I also thought it would be fun for him to know the rituals we did every year on New Year's Eve.
''That doesn't make sense at all''
''I know! It doesn't have to!''
When my cousins arrived I went to chat with them a little about how the race had been. Meanwhile Timmy started talking to my father when I saw my uncles carrying ''the old''.
''Oh my god Timmy you're going to love this'' I took him by the hand and ran to where my whole family was gathered.
Before it started I went to get a pencil and paper for both of us while Timothée returned to get his drink.
''Ready? you have to write down everything bad about the year'' I told him while I took a drink from his glass
''For what? What will you do with that?'' he asked while looking for a place to lean on and write, but since there wasn't one nearby, he stood behind me and leaned on my back while holding his glass in his mouth.
''Do you see that doll that is there?'' I pointed ''It is supposed to represent the old year, it is made of different things like cardboard, and it is set on fire but first we put all the papers with everything bad that happend through the year so that it doesn't repeat''
''They set it on fire? Is that safe?''
It's probably not the safest thing but I may not tell him that.
''Relax Timmy, we do this every year, did you finish writing?''
He nodded and handed me the paper, I folded it along with mine and put it between the doll before my uncle set it on fire. I returned to Timmy and stood in front of him while he hugged me and rested his head on mine.
''Did you had fun babe?''
''I have to admit it was a little strange but it was a lot of fun, we should do some of these things next year together with my family, I bet it would be fun to run down the street with suitcases with Pauline.''
I nodded as I turned to kiss him, I was sure that next year would be just as fun as this one.
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suki-na-kumo · 29 days
A little headcanon on the fairy family) (❁´◡`❁) Wanda: 1) Wanda is top in their pairing with Cosmo, but sometimes she needs to let go of control and her husband helps her out without question. Cosmo: 2) Cosmo is left with a small tummy and stretch marks from his pregnancy. He is proud of it and remembers his youngest son fondly every time. 3) Yes, he has two sons. Timmy: 4) Timmy stayed with a family where he is loved! 5) I think the whole wizarding world suffered when they tried to take Cosmo and Wanda's eldest son away. 6) I think Cosmo blew everyone up like 9 times and Wanda, well….try to take her baby away from an angry mother(You'll wish you were never born))) 7) TIMMY WAS MADE A FAIRY YAY! 8) Wanda has pointy wings. Cosmo has round wings. Peri's upper wings are pointy and her lower wings are round. Timmy's upper wings are round and his lower wings are pointy. 9) Timmy's hair is gradually changing color. 10) He hides it under his cap, as well as his crown. 11) His wings are growing and his back is itchy from it! 12) Lives in the human world for now, gradually moving to the fairy world. His flat is in the next neighborhood from Mum and Dad's, but inside it's just one of the rooms in Wanda and Cosmo's house. So they live together, and it's convenient for Timmy to go to classes. 13) Goes to classes for fairies in the evening to learn magic. 14) He works at a comic book/video game shop. 15) His wand is a game joystick. 16) He's skinny and tall, but has fat on his tummy and thighs. He ate junk food until he was reprimanded by Wanda. 17) Goes to the beauty parlour once a month with Peri.
Peri: 18) Peri has a lot of fancy clothes. 19) Peri has a great waist and hips, thanks to Wanda's genes. 20) Often complains to her older brother about her problems. 21) Often makes Timmy carry him on his back or shoulders. (He'll never admit it out loud, but he just misses his childhood when his brother used to carry him in his arms all the time.) 22) His wings in human form turn into a silk scarf. 23) The stars are their family symbol. 24) Everyone wears a pendant with a family photo on it (Cosmo hides it under his shirt). 25) I think Timmy would randomly meet Dev and Hazel at his comic book/video game shop and later notice the very familiar pink and green key chains and purple headphones). That's all I'm thinking for now, maybe some of it I'll draw or sketch. If you've read this far, I hope you at least found it interesting or emphasised some ideas for yourself). With you was Suki-na-kumo and her wild thoughts.✌️
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kteezy997 · 6 months
heyy, can u do one where timmy breaks up with the reader and she´s heartbroken, after a few months she realizes shes pregnant , but doesnt tell him anything (because shes still hurt and thinks he doesnt want her and the child anyhow) and one day they bumb into eachother randomly and he sees his nearly identical 3 yr old son and confronts her? you choose the endning mwuahhhh. btw i love ur writing
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Daddy's Boy- Part One//t.c.
warnings: breakup, unexpected pregnancy, angst, fluff, cursing, i think that's it? This is a long one, grab a snack?
You were both young and dumb, and Timmy’s career was growing steadily at the time. He was taking on more and more movies, more commitments, and he straight up told you that he didn’t have time to be in a relationship anymore. He told he’d love you as long as breathed, and maybe one day you’ll find each other again, and you could be together.
You were heartbroken. You didn’t want to speak to him after the breakup, though he tried. It was too painful to even speak to him knowing that you couldn’t have all of him. You knew that cutting off contact cold turkey would be the best for you in the long run.
Just as your healing began, you missed your period a couple of months after the breakup with Timmy. You hadn't missed a period randomly before, so you decided to take a pregnancy test. You hoped that somehow it was only a fluke, and you weren't carrying a Chalamet baby.
Your hopes went out the window when two lines appeared on the tiny screen of the test. You were pregnant.
You gave birth to a perfectly healthy and beautiful baby boy. You named him Theodore, with a French flair as a secret nod to his biological father. Though you didn't ever reach out to Timmy, you hoped that the French name would be like a little clue as to who the boy was, if he were to ever come across him.
You were blessed with the support of your family who helped you in any way that you needed as a single working mom. They didn't have any harsh feelings toward Timmy, as he had no say in what the situation was. Your family stuck by you and your decisions.
You worked full-time and took care of Theo when you weren't on the clock. Any free time you had was spent with family and friends. You didn't have the time nor the energy to push yourself back out into the dating world. Besides, you knew that you had already experienced the love of a lifetime with Timmy. No one and nothing could compare to how you felt with him, and you were so in love with the son he gave you.
Theo was like his father in so many ways. He had Timmy's quirks and bubbly, goofy personality. He brought so much laughter and silliness to your life. Like his father, he was never boring. Theo was also sweet, thoughtful, and cuddly, even as a three-year-old.
As he got older, he started to realize that the other kids at his daycare had daddies that would pick them up at the end of the day. He mentioned to you that he felt sad about not having a daddy like the other children.
You told your sweet son that he did have a father, but he just couldn't be with him as he had to leave for his job. "But your daddy is a good man, and he loves you. Don't ever think that you aren't loved, Theo."
"Okay Mommy." your little one said with a shrug.
"Would you want to see some pictures of your daddy?"
Theo's eyes lit up and smiled widely, nodding immediately.
....three years later....
Holy shit. It was him. Timothee. You had taken your son out for a pastry while you got an afternoon iced coffee and you see your ex-boyfriend across the room, who also happens to be the father of said son but has no idea his son even exists because you haven't spoken in three years. What a day.
Your thoughts and heart were racing as you thought of the different ways that this could play out. You could grab Theo, and leave immediately, so as to no give Timmy a chance to even see the two of you. But that would be the shitty thing to do. To be honest, you have felt shitty for three years keeping Timmy's child away from him. You couldn't leave. You wondered if it was fate bringing Theo's father into his life, after all these years.
You decided to stay. You wiped some chocolate off of Theo's face, his sweet little face that was a carbon copy of Timmy. Your son had his father's eyes, nose, hair, body type, everything was all Timmy. Your own genes didn't even try when it came to making this child.
When you looked up and over Timmy's direction again, he caught your gaze. Your former lover's eyes widened at you, as he realized that the two of you were in the same vicinity.
"Mom, I know him! From the pitchers! That's my daddy!" your toddler's voice rang through your ears, and before you knew it, he got down from his chair, and started to run across the coffee shop.
"Theo!" you called after him, getting up immediately to catch him, but he was quick on his little legs. "You cannot run off by yourself!" Your heart was racing, you had never lost control of your little boy like this before, and you were worried he'd get hurt or maybe even a stranger might snatch him.
"Whoa little guy!" you knew that voice better than any other. Timmy had picked up Theo, holding him as if he'd held the boy every day of his life.
You looked on as Timmy and Theo looked at one another, matching dark curls, pale skin, and green eyes. Timmy smiled warmly as your son blushed and hid his face into Timmy's shoulder, acting shy suddenly.
"Hi, y/n." Timmy said, looking at you. "You've got a cute kid."
You took a deep breath, this moment up until now only existed in your dreams, "Thank you."
Timmy sighed, a melancholy look took over his face. You could tell his mind was racing. He came to know the truth, you could see it on his face. He tightened his grip on Theo, holding him more snuggly. "He's mine." It wasn't a question, it was a fact he had realized.
You looked down, feeling so ashamed at yourself. "Yes, he is."
He glared at you. There was nothing behind his eyes as he shook his head. But his expression changed instantly as he turned his attention back to his son. "What's your name, little man?"
"Theodore." the little one grinned, "But Mommy calls me Theo."
You watched as Theo softened like putty in Timmy's arms, he even put his hand on his dad's shoulder.
"I seen pitchers of you. Mommy showed me. I know you my daddy." The declaration in the boy's voice was noticeable.
Timmy chuckled lightly, "She did? Well, I'm very glad to finally meet you, Theo."
You could see your ex-boyfriend's eyes begin to well up, so you said, "Timmy, let's go to my place, okay?"
"Yeah! I want my daddy to come and play with me!" Theo cheered, super excitedly.
Timmy wiped his tears away quickly, "Of course, I'd love to."
The whole way home, Theo was telling Timmy all about his favorite toys in his room. Timmy was fully engaged with what the boy was saying, understanding him perfectly as he spoke. They were instantly like two peas in a pod. It was remarkable. It did, however, add to the stinging pain of guilt you felt about keeping the two of them apart.
Upon entering the house, Theo dragged Timmy by the hand to go show him his room. “Whoa, whoa, slow down buddy.” Timmy said to the three-year-old as he laughed at how excited the boy was.
You couldn’t help but smile at how they got along. You decided to leave them be, to let them play and bond. You did some of your general chores around your home and tidied up the space, then sat down on the couch to watch some mindless tv.
Before you knew it, it was Theo’s bedtime. You had the difficult task of breaking up his first play time with his father.
You opened the door of your son’s room to see toy cars and trucks scattered about, intermixed with some little action figures.
Timmy and Theo were not disturbed by your entry. They were in their own world; Timmy was on his knees, pretending to block Theo as he tried to shoot a ball into his Little Tikes basketball hoop. It was so sweet to see them play and laugh together.
You hated to say anything at all, but little boys needed sleep. "Sorry bubs, but it's bedtime."
"Aw, do I have to go to bed?" Theo whined dropping his miniature basketball.
"Yes, you do." you said firmly to your son. You went over to his dresser to collect some pajamas out of a drawer. "Time for jammies."
"Okay." Theo grumbled, moping on his way to you.
"Don't pout, Theo, you need to do as your mother says." Timmy said with stern, but still light tone as to not hurt Theo's feelings.
Your heart fluttered at Timmy's first attempt at co-parenting with you.
"Can Daddy tuck me in?" he asked as you pulled his shirt over his head.
You looked over at Timmy, who nodded at you in turn. "Yes." you said, finishing getting Theo into his pajamas.
"Alright, little man, time to go to sleep." Timmy said as he helped Theo get into his twin bed, underneath his monster truck themed bedding.
Theo laid down and Timmy covered his tiny body with his blankets, and the boy said, "Can you make sure there are no monsters in the closet?"
Timmy smiled, happy to give his son some comfort, "Sure, buddy." He tussled the little boy's hair, then got up to look into the closet across the room. "No monsters in there. Just a regular ol' closet."
You smiled with tiny giggle as you watched the interaction.
Timmy then crouched down next to Theo's bed, "Goodnight, Theo. I was so glad to meet you today. I had fun playing too."
"Me too, Daddy. Can you come tomorrow too?" your son responded with a sleepy grin.
"I don't know about tomorrow, but I'll see you soon, I promise."
You knew what was to come as you walked out of your son's bedroom with his long-lost daddy behind you.
"Y/n, let's talk."
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @tchalamss @softhecreator @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen
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cande2oo6 · 1 month
[I know I'm going to sound a bit fantasma ("ghostly") ("fantasma" is an Argentine expression to refer to a person or action that shows a strong egocentrism, believing themselves to be more than they are) with this but I really want to say it, sorry]
I liked the episode, although I will admit that it disappointed me a little things I didn't like very much:
- The fart jokes. Are you kidding me? I mean, I know it makes sense at least with the confetti explosion (which believe me, I like to a certain extent since it helps to highlight a serious state), but I still didn't like it very much (especially in the end, but at least they did acknowledge that)
- The anti-fairies. Is it just me or did they become dumber? Their actions in the fight disappointed and bothered me quite a bit
- Dev and Peri. I think I spoke for the majority when I said I expected a better reconciliation, I mean, they barely interacted!
- Dev and Dale. I was expecting something a little more dramatic
- Irep's "betrayal" felt half-baked. In my opinion, it was obvious that Irep wanted to betray Dev, but it never really became "official" so to speak
- Anti Wanda and Anti Cosmo didn't have much involvement, and they didn't interact with either Irep or Dev
- Jorgen and Dale weren't scolded out even a little bit. Jorgen, Dev didn't need a newbie who probably just became a godfather to carry on a legacy. And Dale, REALLY WANTED HIM TO SUFFER EVEN ONE SMALL THING BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN
- Dev's suffering is taken as a joke
- Wanda doesn't look as upset and scared as I would have expected about Peri exploding
- The "DEEP DEEP" joke. I feel like it would have been funnier (and less annoying) if Wanda had actually been actually upset in the episode (something a little more like when she met Irep again)
"Umm... I'm not sure" stuff:
- Hazel's friends and brother retain their memories. I don't know, I wasn't really convinced, but it's innovative, curious and interesting
- The fight against the anti-fairies in general
- Irep neglects Peri. And yes, it's kind of dumb, but think about it for a moment. We already know that Irep hates Peri, but in the previous series he saw and suffered the consequences of affecting Poof (sorry for this but it's canon) in "Timmy's secret wish", he KNOWS that if Peri dies he will too
- Hazel's friends and brother not being so surprised about the existence of magic. It makes some sense but still...
- Dev loses Peri. It was fair, but I wish they'd apologized to each other even though
- There was no parallel between Irep and Dev. I was hoping they'd do something about how they both feel like shadows of other, but emphasizing that Irep is genuinely bad and Dev isn't that bad at heart
Things that put me in "LET'S FUCKING GOOOO" mode:
- Anti Wanda and Anti Cosmo are part of the same idiot
- Anti Wanda isn't as dumb and nice as she seemed in the other series
- Pattypossum and Nottimmy holding hands, Crocker saying "I was right! 😃" and Jorgen erasing everyone's memories. Just little details and jokes that I like
- Dev and Hazel's conversation. I would have liked to see them interact a bit more, but I'm satisfied
- Peri being a spokesperson in the finale. Acknowledging the horrible joke and demanding a second season
But as I said, I liked it, and I look forward to a second season with other characters that were never mentioned or appeared, like the pixies, Chester, Trixie, Norm, Juandissimo, etc.
What's your opinion of the finale? :)
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spideysbruh · 8 months
be with me
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liked by tchalamet, sarahhyland, ayoedebiri and 1,817,778 others
y/n it ain't a fun day at work if im not covered in blood !!!!
view all 97,766 comments
screamyn so excited that she's gonna be in another movie with timothee !! we were all begging for itttt
tchalamet how do you still look so beautiful 😍
liked by y/n
laurieslaurence HIS COMMENTTTT 🥺🥺
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liked by y/n, tomholland2013 and 3,276,626 others
tchalamet Je suis amoureux
view all 123,717 comments
lauriexamy PARENTSSSS
y/n 🥺🥺🥺 I love you
tchalamet liked
paulsarrakis I'll translate- 'I am in love'
scrubscrubtimmy CRYINGGG AWWWW
illiteratewonka I need a girlfriend before I kms
@yn tweeted- HAVE YOU GOT A SWEET TOOTH ?!!!??? 🗣🗣🗣
@ynsgirlfriend replied- LMAOOO is that your fave wonka song 🤔
@yn replied to @ynsgirlfriend- it is soo good and catchy but I think i would be deemed a bad girlfriend if i said one without timmy... so no! 'for a moment' is my fave!!!!
@realchalamet liked
@realchalamet replied- good choice, baby 😊😊🩷🩷🫶🫶🫶
@wonkastim replied to @realchalamet- HELPPP LMAOOO
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler and 2,627,727 others
y/n handsy man !!!
view all 121,817 comments
tchalamet can you blame me 🙄
y/n liked
ynsflorals im loving her happy and in love era
addisonraee y/nnnn I love you
y/n liked
y/n I played your ep for timmy, he's been singing IVE GOT NOTHING ON BUT THE RADIO for days help
tchalamet okay let's not stretch the truth here ... it's been one and a half days
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liked by y/n, zendaya, francesa.scorsese and 4,186,266 others
tchalamet be with me. out june 7th!!!!!!! made another movie with the love of my life. im really proud of this one.
view all 121,187 comments
y/n and I'll watch.
liked by tchalamet
saysoyn girl you're literally in it too !!
littletimmy the laurie reference 😭😭 I bet she says it all the time to him.
timmylaurie I CANT WAITTTT
timotheepaul it seems so romantic omg
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler and 1,976,817 others
y/n June 7th!!! our second film together, we fell in love during the first one, what will this one bring?
view all 99,817 comments
giddyyn can't wait for the press tour omg
fluorescentyns I wonder if they got cast BECAUSE they're together 🤔🤔
tchalamet why did you get better pics to post than I did 😔
y/n liked
y/n I like your pics 🫶
blankspaceyn marriage ???🤔🤔🤔
tsgf or a breakup 😁
ynslipgloss okay you're weird.
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- June 7th 🤭🤭
@popcrave just tweeted- some newly released behind the scenes photos of @y/n and @realchalamet on the set of their upcoming film 'Be With Me'
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@hometoyn replied- in the video it seems like they rly had a lot of fun together 😭🫶🫶🫶🫶
@honeymoonyn replied- THEY ARE SO DAMN CUTE OH MY GODDDD
@ynxtimmy replied-
@y/n just tweeted- COUPLES QUIZ WITH GQ OUT NOWWWW 🫶🫶🫶
@ynscurtains replied- yall are so cute oh my worddd
@goldenyn replied- the way timothee looks at you 🥺🥺
@leextimothee replied- y/n is so goofy she's perfect for timmy fr
@modernyn replied- i love how both of their personalities rubbed off on each other 🫶
@popcrave just tweeted- Timothée Chalamet and Y/n L/n seen getting close while filling their car up with gas.
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@ynsfluffysocks replied- they're so real. I would never stop kissing y/n either no matter what.
@medalliayn replied- "getting close" 💀💀😭😭
@fuxkyn replied- getting close or rounding third??
@celebgossi just tweeted- Y/n L/n and Timothee Chalamet at the 'Be With Me' premiere after party.
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@sweettoothyn replied- im gonna just join someone else's relationship fr
@timmyxyn replied- ooo yk they're high asl 💀💀💀
@leemarenss replied- watching the movie tmrw I'm so excitedddd
@fuxkyn replied to @leemarenss- it's not that good tbh, timmy carries
@leemarenss replied to @fuxkyn- yeah... you have a weird one sided aggression towards y/n I ain't gonna trust your opinion 💀💀
@wonkastim replied to @fuxkyn- 100 percent on rotten tomatoes so far... letterboxd avg is so high, you're a hater fr !! he ain't gonna date you sweetie!!!
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liked by y/n, florencepugh and 3,726,748 others
tchalamet making this movie with my favorite person ever was the best experience in the world. everybody worked incredibly hard on it and it's now out for you all to see. I hope you'll watch and enjoy.
view all 98,828 comments
y/n !!!!!!!
ynslipgloss IT WAS SO GOODDDDDD you guys are amazing
reguluschal yall are like a younger ryan gosling and eva mendes fr
florencepugh you guys absolutely smashed it!!! love you both🫶🫶🫶😍😍😍
tchalamet and y/n liked
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler, sabrinacarpenter and 2,166,727 others
y/n Be With Me out nowwww !!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we loved making it.
view all 95,254 comments
tchalamet my girl is a movie star 🥺🫶🫶🫶
y/n liked
rachelzegler you are literally amazing. chills, I love you
y/n liked
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starlightsuffered · 2 months
Nah, you've got me wanting Timmy finding out reader is pregnant the same time as Pauline with that cute fluff 😭 Can I? Can I? Like, two baby Chalamet beans 😭
Uncle (part 2)
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Info - anxiety about pregnancy, being nervous, angst to fluff
I felt sick to my stomach and it wasn’t just because of the morning sickness. I couldn’t believe I’d realised the day AFTER Timothée had found out he was going to be an uncle, that I might be pregnant.
I’d woken up feeling ill. I had felt cramping in my abdomen. Timothée and I shared a dog and she’d become extremely territorial. By the end of the day I had mapped out on my calendar that I was a couple days late for my period.
I had started getting worried. I did not want Pauline to think I was stealing her thunder. I also didn’t quite know how Timothée would react. I knew he was beyond excited to be an uncle, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be a father.
The anxiety was seriously getting to me. I was having trouble sleeping. I was wearing a mask of happiness, pretending I was the picture of joy. I wanted to keep the baby. However, I wasn’t even sure I was pregnant. I was afraid to check.
“Angel, are you okay,” Timmy asked one night. My head was full of racing thoughts. I was just laying with it in his lap, thinking of all the ways I was totally fucked.
“You seem….. out of it lately,” he told me as he played with my hair.
“No, I’m fine. I’m great, and I’m so happy that-“
“Baby, I know you’re happy that Pauline is pregnant, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you,” Timothée interrupted me.
“What do you mean?” I almost snapped. He looked a bit hurt by my tone.
“I just mean that you talk about it all the time. Even when I don’t bring it up, you do. You circle back to it all the time. I-I just wanted you to know that I haven’t lost interest in you. If you were feeling a little jealous-“
I burst into tears. I felt my body shake as I was wracked with sobs. Timothée seemed shocked but he was rubbing my back and telling me everything would be okay.
“I think I could be pregnant,” I told him, I just let it come out.
“Wait really?” He asked in shock.
“I don’t feel good. Phoebe won’t leave me alone. I missed my period. I-I don’t know what else to expect. I promise I wasn’t trying to-to detract from her or to. I don’t know-“
“Shhh, shhh, baby I know. I would never expect that. I’m sure Pauline wouldn’t either,” he soothed me.
“Y-You are talking about this like it’s already a thing,” I sniffled. “Do you, w-would you want a baby?”
“Well it seems like you don’t want one,” he said cagily. He wasn’t meeting my gaze.
“But I don’t know, another Chalamet bean…..” a smile began to curve over his lips. “They’d be cousins growing up together.”
“That sounds really sweet,” I said, feeling myself calm.
“So, you wouldn’t mind?” He asked.
“I want the baby, if they exist,” I agreed.
Timothée was absolutely beaming now. He didn’t need to speak, he just began to kiss me. Before I knew what was happening he’d picked me up and was carrying me bridal style to the car. He made sure to buckle me in and drive to the store.
“You’re so goofy,” I giggled as he rushed out telling me to stay put and not strain myself. He came back out panting with a pregnancy test.
“You want me to check now?” I asked.
“As soon as possible. We have to know if the bean is in there,” he cooed at my still flat stomach.
“I swear you were made to be a dad,” I chuckled.
He zipped back to our place. He was torn between kissing me and begging me to go to the bathroom. I finally made it in and peed on the stick. I brought it out so we could wait for the lines together.
“It’s positive!” Timothée crowed. He was doing a happy dance as I laughed.
We made the call to Pauline together. She was completely overjoyed. I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotions as she congratulated and we happily discussed all the things we could do together.
“I love a bargain,” Timothée murmured as we cuddled. “A dad and an uncle.”
“I can’t believe I was afraid to tell you,” I sighed.
“No more fear baby momma,” Timothée comforted me.
@pmak2002 @softhecreator @plutoispurplw @sp1deyyf4ngz @seungcheol17daddy @jesschalamet @vvsdreaming
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