#or twitter! even though im a coward
meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello mcsm community. this is a repost of a long ass twitter thread i made so i apologize in advance if its formatted weird (and sort of disorganized). but heres some of my Thoughts and analysis on radar. i have much more to say than just this of course but HERE WE GO! radar insaneposting tumblr edition. long post incoming (i worked very hard on this)
- he idolizes the new order and puts them on a pedestal above himself a bit. i mean from some dialogue it's clear he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself but he treats the new order smiliarly to how they felt about the old order in thw wither storm arc
- i have mentioned this several times but the "prison radar" thing definitely comes across to me as him trying to overcompensate (and mimic those he sees as "strong" like petra and jack) sort of. like if you contextualise it with how a lot of the characters called him weak an episode prior and it definitely seemed to have an impact on him its like. yeah. especially being thrown into a situation like w/ the sunshine institute and the whole iron breathtaker thing that has Got to fuck you up. idk i jusy see a lot of people take that at face value like "oh look he's being silly" when it comes across to me as more like insecurity ig?
- hes so autism its unreal
but yeah the whole thing kinda fucks him up
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ig the only thing thay kinda bothers me is that arc doesnt feel finished. and also jesse can ENCOURAGW him to act like someone hes not??? OH AND. id like to point out this thing also involves him trying to break his own strict patterns which is p interesting to me. by this i mean the "disregard my bedtime! break whatever rules I feel like! within reason!" he seems to feel that in order to become stronf he has to be like. less caring of the rules w/e but the "within reason" line and the fact that he dislikes things being disorganized still is like. he doesnt Want to act like this. he doesnt seem to like thag but he feels iys the only way he can be strong and adapt to such a lifethreatening situation (to act like someone he clearly isnt)
another point id like to make is his relationship with Stella. it isnt really explored past this one scene in episode 2 of s2 but god there's a lot to unpack here
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"you'll never change" - has stella... always been like this?  even when radar worked under her (which HAS to be at least a year before s2 bc apparently he's been working for jesse for about a year)
 also she calls him a "quitter" which. 1. has a negative connotation meaning that she Does Not Approve of him leaving 2. implies he quit of his own accord. this isn't normal former boss/former employee interaction though something definitely happened. like theyre both Weirdly Hostile and this is never brought up again....... ehat happened.
also "he doesn't even know how to use a sword" this part stuck out to me but Considering this thing i noticed a few months ago about how the mcsm world is very. survival oriented and people who can slay powerful monsters (i.e. old order) are looked at with high respect. so basically she's calling him weak here which is. Huh. also "you don't know anything" girl what happened.... why does radar feel he has to prove himself like that...
"id be careful about counting on him for anything" what did she mean by this. did radar fuck up in some way unintentionally and it pissed stella off or something??? because something clearly happened and im very sad this is never explored further bc this is a fucking interesting plot point.
also. the last image...... this is so fucking interesting regarding radar as a character because it does actually provide context for the whole prison radar thing. like holy shit this says a lot. the first line kinda shows his insecurity already. he's aware people don't believe in him and think he's weak and a coward, but he's going to try anyway. he feels he has to prove himself kinda.. like "you'll see! i can do it watch!" and considering his behavior in this episode it shows. he's overcompensating for that fear and trying to prove that he can be enough to make a difference. especially shown by how he reacts when "Vos" tells him he's not up for the task. he's trying, it isn't enough, so he decides to mimic his heroes and pretend to be someone he isn't (which... unfortunately half the cast doesn't take seriously)
the second line proves my points more. "im not the person she thinks i am anymore" raises a lot of questions on what happened ofc but there's also the "I can be different. Braver. If that's what the situation requires... I'll do it." and guess what! he *does* do that! a combination of pressure from people telling him that he can't do it and he'd just get hurt in the process and is too weak and cowardly to really do much + the stress of the situations he's thrust into seems to sort of catalyze his decision to put on the "prison radar" persona and pretend to mimic his heroes and act strong to not only make a difference and mean something but also to survive The Horrors . but he doesn't want to do this, that isn't who he is as a person, moreso what he feels he has to do. also thinking of pne line where he says something abojt the "incredible misery in the world crushing down on you". like this is a random throwaway line?? clearly the entire situation of s2 is Getting to him but he never really gets to Express that
now ofc like i mentioned this arc is in no way perfect. it's fucking interesting but it feels unresolved and forgotten by episode 5 along with the other characters completely ignoring the fact that that isn't who he is along with jesse even praising that in some dialogue options. like the writing of this kinda confuses me because everything radar says and feels up to that point implies that it's a façade built to be what others want him to be and as a stress response but some later things kinda treat the way he acts as a Good Thing and like ???? like i get it if they wanted to do the "being more courageous" arc sure. fine. but this doesn't seem like it was simply written as that. he does Not usually act like how he does during the "prison radar" thing and its just never addressed. which fucks me up bc this is personally one of my favorite character arcs of mcsm due to how complicated and insane it is + hes one of my favorite characters ever and i relate to his issues a lot but instead thw writings kinda ????? but yeah. its always bothered me really but to be Fair mcsm was hit by a lot of budget cuts that affected the plot like dont even get me started on the scrapped assistant to the warden who sesms to be meant to be the antithesis to radar kind of... and im p sure some episodes had different writers. so yeah this sucks but it isnt gonna piss me off that bad I just wish his arc was handled a bit differently. might potentially write something or w/e about this but anyways if you read this entire thread 1. you're insane 2. we do a little trolling. follow me mcsm truthers
original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1659130820999753730?s=20
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iqmmir · 1 year
@good-beans listen i cant respond to asks properly because um. There is shoujo ai instead of a brain in there . Just have some of my fuuta thoughts okie <3 these also do not make sense i think, but hopefully you can understand what im trying to say
He didn't actively seek out the first two people he called out, but he did encounter them irl. The middle schooler though? I have no fucking idea.
Also, he has some sort of connection (is that the word?) to the first two. First guy goes to the same arcade that Fuuta does, second guy is probably a staff from Fuuta's University. Middle schooler? Once again, i have no fucking idea. Who the fuck is she even. What did she even do.
I was wondering if Fuuta knew this girl. Not as in personally, but like, one of those faces in the street, one of those kids going back home from school while you're going out.
Maybe she did do something fucked up. Did he see her bullying someone? Maybe it was something like, she was being rude to a restaurant worker or being snobbish? What can middle-schoolers do that's all that bad? (That's a genuine question, like I really wonder what did she do that made Fuuta doxx her.)
Also, one more thing is just a thing (theory-ish???) I wondered a bit about while giffing this one scene in Bring It On.
For the college staff guy, he clicked the picture of him harassing the girl, right? Showing that he was definitely present in the scene and not hearing this from a different source.
You know what this also means? He let everyone online know 'Yes, I was there and saw it happen and instead of walking in or something, I decided to call him out online.'
Now, I don't know about Japan, but in my country Universities are… fucked up. Cases of Sexual Harrassment and the like aren't exactly rare, and the authorities doing practically nothing about it certainly doesn't help.
If that's the case in Japan too, then maybe going to the authorities would just result in Fuuta just being told to shut up and not tell anyone about it, and the staff member would probably just be let off with a warning.
Maybe Fuuta realised that, and decided to take the matter online. Or maybe the validation he got from talking about the arcade guy made him want some more attention. Maybe a bit of both.
But, I highly doubt there wouldn't be some people like 'Oh you can only do this online and not face to face coward blah blah blah'. And this is Fuuta alright? Kajiyama Fuuta. He decides 'Fuck you, I can do this shit offline too'
He, most likely, both drunk on the validation and attention he got online for calling out a creep, and in the anger of being told he's a coward, decided to seek out someone. Anyone who the online people would love to tear apart.
Maybe seeing this girl doing something stupid was a complete coincidence and he followed (? Maybe) her to her place and publicised it, with a call out on whatever she did.
Maybe he did see her walking around frequently, and doing something screwed up, and knew where her house was, and decided to show those people online that he can be a hero of justice online and offline.
Maybe he was so caught up in the attention he didn't actually realise if she actually crossed the line between 'its fine, can improve' to 'so fucked up, needs to taken to the guillotine immediately'. Maybe he didn't realise that he was the one crossing the line. (Sorry, I wanted to be a little dramatic)
Finally, I have no idea how to end this. What was I even saying to begin with. Oh yeah. Fuuta. He's just this twitter user who got drunk on attention and he's genuinely remorseful about what he did. I want to hug him.
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messykick · 2 years
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i was supposed to do something for miku day, but my dad got sick and i didnt feel like i would make something pretty n time. so why bother? no one will see it anyways.
have you ever heard of drawabox?
the kind of thing like academic drawing, all the across-the-centuries techniques and such. i tried it for some days. it was okay i guess. but it was stressful to me, trying to apply that. i guess people have different ways of walking through issues. sure i can tell how hesitant and coward i am. but i dont think those kinds of lines are of much service to my mental well being right now. the real explanation, i cant give you. i dont know. all i know about this issue is what i feel, and my feelings tell me they want to go about it in a different direction.
some years ago i found nekosuke’s art here on tumblr/pixiv, and i immediately loved it so much. they arent as active on pixiv anymore so i havent seen their art in a long time. but my friend sent me a recent pic from twitter and. my godness, i had forgotten how beautiful that art was. and i felt so content when i noticed in their sketches the hesitant marker-like lines. yes. even such a mindblowing artist can build their masterful pieces with hesitating, trying gestures. with gradual accumulating opacities. i found a little peace with how i feel like working right now.
i should put some examples here to show you what i mean, i guess.
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in case you are interested, here is their twitter.
there are very excellent fully rendered pictures too, like these.
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im impressed at how complete their art looks even though theres not that much variation of color. and its so texture rich too. perhaps i should be studying this the next weeks.
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thelovesickbakery · 25 days
name: francis
birthday: aug 17
age: 18
gender identity & pronouns: transmasc, they/he (they preferably but i tend to prefer masc terms so whatever is easiest to remember works)
sexuality: gay honoseaxual
i am (yandere/non-yandere): yandere??? maybe?? but a really chill one?? im just a bit delusional and clingy and annoying and have very few boundaries, and i forget most people aren't like thay and freak people out with how forward i can be sometimr. i also fixate and like to look into people im interesteg in. but i dont really get jealous, and i dont push boundaries when i learn of them. idk
looking for (friendship/romance): romants
looking for a (yandere/non-yandere): yandere? im not sure to what extent. id have to discuss it, i guess, get soecific examples. but i love being stalked. pleabe ❤️
thinking of a friend/romantic partner, i am looking for: someone as pathetic as me. i always seem to find people that just dont care as much about me as i do about them. also someone who is a yapper like me, and someone who lives in the us, preferably. (also i'm not a switch so i can't date a top sorrg. or someon who is asexual... maybe someone who is gray/demi, depending on boundaries...) i may have a type (soggy greasy emo boys) but i dont really care much abt looks
small details about myself (interests and love language, for example): i could yap all day but i will try to keep this short... i have more info on my carrd. like i said before, i am obsessive, clingy, anxious, and get lonely easily, so im probably annoying asf to anyone who doesnt also share those trauts. my love language is mostly physical touch. my interests are ever changing and tbh id try playing anything if i liked the person im playing with enough, but currently im into pkmn and splatoon. i also like doing puzzles, like picross/nonnograms and minesweeper, and i love cats and bugs. i have adhd, and have a need to know everything. even things i really dont want to know. i also either overreact or underreact, no inbetween. mostly underreact though
extra info: i like to do typos because i cannot take myself seriously. im trying to refrain here.... gh... also im afraid of dogs and kids/babies. mostly dogs. theyre unpredictable idk. i piss myself anytime a dog jumps on me. did i mention i am a coward? now you know.
contact information: i use insta the most but im not picky. my disc is gremful, my instagram is hornyballs73(yeah), my tiktok is thesoup73, and my twitter is eh72757527
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@vancityreynolds turn on comments and asks thou coward. otherwise, my hand shall be forcèd, and ill send the batshit spam to my followers & mutuals, not just to thee. also, l + you look english + you arent a gnostic + not maximilien robespierre + under 20k kills + anglic + pretty sure ur american + never heard of u before today + u clearly havent read the silmarillion + you smell like a loyalist + you taste like u'd be sad about charles iii dying + you arent even leader of sinn fein + you arent a war criminal + you arent fluent in ecclesiastical latin + you dont know what lotharingia is + you feel dutch + swamp german + not even like a proper dutch feeling you feel like youre just american pretending to be dutch + im better than you + james ii killed the 8th earl of douglas for unclear reasons + you wouldnt even be able to get in the duke of lennox's pants + twitter user + i bet you dont even know the etymology of the word bugger + protestant + not gay enough + have u even eaten goat cheese + you smell as if you think scot = gael + you look french + you dont even use the subjunctive + unaware of the socioeconomic results of the anglo-welsh war + youd probably make sheep fucking jokes about the scottish even though everyone knows not to thats just weird + you wouldnt know what moçambique was if it hit you in the face + you probably think thou/thee is "fancy" + you havent even tried to turn the canterbury tales into a gay love story + you'd melt in 25C but freeze at 10C you airconditioned fuck + you dont have an opinion on 15th century english politics + you probably think that liz 2 was the longest reigning monarch (it was mshweshwe i of lesotho iirc) + white + you probably eat bread and dont even feel sick afterwards + do you even know shit about other countries + loser + get off of this site (anyway hi intern! pretty shit job u got urself here tbh. id ask for a raise if i were you, and that guy ryan should probably work out that this website isnt for him lmao) -signed, finguine cenn ngécan i, ii, iv, and viii, future king of some country or other idk i havent got an army yet (recommend longer mediæval irish names. i need to make historians suffer)
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my main problem is that my ambition is off the charts, but my follow-through is a solid 0 yikes
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lovefks · 3 years
CHEATER? [Timothee Chalamet x reader]
❬ ❛ 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ❜ ❭ dating a celebrity can be complicated, especially when he has to film with his ex girlfriend without you knowing. ❬ ❛pairing ❜ ❭ timothée x reader ❬ ❛warnings ❜ ❭ angst
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You have scrolled through your phone, looking at your boyfriend Timothée’s Instagram Posts and story’s. You tried to reach out to him by calling and text messages, but he didn’t respond. '𝘔𝘩𝘮, 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥' you thought.
So you had nothing better to do, but opened Twitter with a weird feeling in you belly.
‘𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦́𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘺-𝘙𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘱𝘱! 𝘈𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨?!'
That was the first thing that came into your homepage from Twitter, great. Of course you couldn’t ignore it, this is your boyfriend and his ex we are taking about, so you clicked on the tweet.
𝘏𝘶𝘨𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦...
Today Timothée Chamalet was seen in a fancy restaurant with famous ex-girlfriend Lily depp! Both seem very comfortable around each other, but what is with Timothée‘s girl friend y/n y/l/n?! We asked extra for you what people thing about it!
Girl: I honestly don’t know what to thing, I like Lily, but also y/n. I don’t think Timmy would cheat on her, he loves her!
Interviewer2: I saw Timothée and Lily kissing! I’m honest, I’m not a big fan of y/n, but Timothée cheating?! I cannot believe it. y/n don’t deserve that.
Interviewer3: Im honestly happy! I always loved them together, even though I’m jealous, Lily is much better then y/n. She’s not famous, Lily is. She’s not the daughter of the literally best actor in the world, Lily is. She’s ugly, Lily is not. (Don’t listen to this dump ass bitch)
You immediately searched ‚Timothée and Lily rose kissing in LA 2021‘
Your heart stopped. Could this be? Could Timmy be possibly cheating on you? With the woman he told you he was over? With the woman you compared yourself too? You could feel tears starting to well up in your eyes. Even though you only have been dating for six month, he meant so much to you.
You quickly wiped the tears away. You weren’t going to be crying over someone who is possibly cheating! Maybe he isn’t even cheating and these are jut old pictures.
You don’t know what you should do… Breaking up over the phone wasn’t a option, only a coward breaks up with someone over phone you said in your head. The only other two options are; A: to wait until he comes back home to NY, or B: fly to LA and talk with him about this.
Waiting for him to come back home would take too long probably because of filming…
The only option left was to fly to LA and talk about this shit. So you searched for a flight to LA. Luckily the flights are always cheaper outside the holidays and more flights are available cause people need to work.
So the next thing you did, was to book a flight which is in 2 days; and packing your bag.
In not even 3 days you will find out if he is cheating, or if this is all a lie and you can move on…
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clonehub · 2 years
ive seen people suggest that the bad batch should have been min-maxed in order to counteract the sheer power they have as characters w/ those sets of abilities, and I agree. it would help to round them out physically so they're not just combat gods, and also it would give them weaknesses that they could deal with with other characters.
ive seen someone (why do I get the sense it was @ollovae3 who said most of this) suggest that since Crosshair has such good vision for sniping, he can hardly see anything up close. if wrecker's huge then he's got a slow metabolism to go with it, or maybe even joint problems, who knows (I think it'd also be cool if his armor was mechanical so that he'd be able to lift a 2+ ton gunship without severely hurting himself). hunter has the magnetic sensing and the Heightened Senses but also he goes into sensory overload more easily than the rest. god forbid he has a stuffy nose cause then he can't even hear. the common cold would take him out. harsh noises overwhelm him. tech's knowledge...im not sure. maybe it's severely limited to technological things, and if he has shit memory than he could need constant reminding of goals/plans, and would need help staying focused.
on twitter I was talking about how I'd write tbb given half an opportunity. hunter is the youngest on the team and so is insecure as a leader because he was decanted late enough that there was, at first, a marked difference in how much he had to learn and how much tbb had to learn. maybe crosshair resents him for this. either way hunter's emotionally a coward and avoids conflict (which would explain why he just. ignored crosshairs existence for the most part after he started hunting them down lmao)
i can understand (however corny) the brains/brawn juxtaposition between tech and wrecker. rather than be racist about it though, first tech's design is changing lol. then we don't just make wrecker the more emotionally intelligent one of the two. he obv cares about everyone but sometimes he's pushy and wont give Omega her space when she needs it. otherwise, he's got intuition for physics since he and tech or crosshair often have to work together to get past an issue. and since his powerup is entirely physical, he'd be the medic rather than tech, whos the team IT/mechanic and would only know basic first aid.
wrekcer's being the weapons specialist also means that he's got a strong knowledge of chemistry. "destruction is an art" is his catch phrase ive decided. he teaches omega a lot about the human body and also bombs.
added to hunter's insecurity: there's no particular field that he's an expert in the way the other three are. they have internal conflict in this now.
they do literally everything as a team. great for when theyre all together, but god forbid one of them is taken out of the equation, then its like a table that's missing a leg. since they almost exclusively (at least it seems like it) train with each other, if/when they actually have to face other clones, they're too used to their own fighting styles to be able to move through the conflict smoothly.
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basilly · 4 years
similar fake dating hcs but for wilbur this time?
yess! i love wilbur haha
fake dating wilbur headcannons! || irl!wilbur x reader
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. pronouns: they/them
. romantic fluff
. the photos are ref- imagine as you! (you are a small streamer in this, as it would make social media posts easier)
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. recently, you had met someone while doing errands, instantly hitting it off
. you had gone on a couple dates and you had felt as though the two of you had clicked
. being close friends with wilbur meant you told him everything
. unknown to you, wilbur harbored lots of feelings towards you and had for a long time
. upon hearing of this ‘someone’ who intrigued you, he had felt a little down and encouraged, which you did pick up on
“Hey wil- you alright? You’ve gotten quiet”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it, tell me more about them” (absolutely killed him inside there)
. however, to your disappointment, the person you were talking to, had started to barely respond and was beginning to ghost you- which caused a small tear in your heart
. afterall, you had thought this person might’ve been the one
. once it had been brought up to wilbur- 
a.) he was very angry towards them- how dare they ghost someone as fantastic as you
b.) he thought of a very good idea that- in any chance could give him the chance for you to realize that he would make a good boyfriend
“Idk wil- i thought there was something... now i don’t really wanna do anything.”
“hey y/n, i have an idea- why don’t we fake date. Like just for a bit, this way we can make them jealous- all we would have to do is post each other once in a while and appear on each other’s streams, maybe a fake date in there once or twice”
“thats- thats not a bad idea... how do we break up though?”
“we can just say we worked out better as friends”
“okay- deal!”
. after that, the two of you set out to take some fake twitter posts
“okay im going to set the camera up there-” the timer started going off, and wilbur tried to carry you bridal style- however he is a bit clumsy...
“wilbur IM GOING TO FALL-” luckily you did not fall, but the photo did turn out cute.
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. everyone was super excited for you guys, many of the comments stated they “called it” and you guys were the perfect “best friends to lovers” trope
. wilbur had then created the plan to act like a real boyfriend in order to prove himself- or at least get to know the feeling of just once of how it felt to date you
“hey y/n, why dont we go on a “date” for more photos?”
“Yea, sounds like a plan! I’m free later this week.”
. on the day of the date, wilbur had actually bought you flowers, dressed up a bit, etc.
“flowers? you didn’t need to get me flowers.”
“well, as a fake boyfriend you still need to be treated the best- that other person was such a coward to ghost you.”
. he had taken you to a cute cafe about 15 minutes away
. throughout the entire date, wilbur was being the mst supporting and perfect ‘boyfriend’, ordering and paying for you, pulling out the chair, opening doors- it felt like a real date
. suddenly you had gotten nervous, and had actually felt really good, better than usual
. you had almost forgotten it even was a fake date
“oh wait I totally forgot- we need to take some photos.”
“oh right right”
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. later that night, while lying in bed, you thought about how truly convinced everyone was, that wilbur and you actually made a good couple
the date had even felt.. so real
. nonetheless, the two of you prepared for a stream that was going to happen later in the week, so you can show on camera your ‘chemistry’
“Hey guys- today is another geoguesser and talk to chat stream! But this time, I’ve got a special guest! Give a big welcome to my s/o, y/n!”
. chat was in a frenzy, it went by so so fast but you were able to see some messages like 
. you weren’t quite sure of what the last one meant, until you rewatched the vod that night
. wilbur was looking at you like you created the world and you guys made it so convincing it was like it was real
. although, you actually had felt- happier and excited when you noticed what they meant
. a sudden realization came to you
wait.. oh my i like wilbur
. since the two of you had planned to meet up the next day, you decided to tell him then
. you were so incredibly nervous, hoping he liked you back- he could be right? 
“hey wilbur”
“hm? yea what’s up?”
“I- have a sort of problem.”
“what is it?”
“So there’s this guy right- and he’s been super helpful and he’s even fake dating me to help get someone jealous but- I think i like him.”
. wilbur was actually stunned. he didn’t think the fake dating would work
. quickly he wrapped his arms around you 
“wait for real? i’m not dreaming am i?”
“yes for real stupid”
. he quickly pressed his lips against you cheek, elated his long time crush finally liked him back
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an: i hope you liked it! i wanted to choose a diff plot then karl’s and i wrote this at 5 am so lmk if smth needs adjusting :’) thank you all so so much for the likes and reblogs! I’ve gained 1000 notes in 4 days! that’s insane <33
requests are still open!
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pr1ncessm00n · 3 years
for sale or wanted — jean kirstein x fem! reader
series masterlist
prev | next , part two
warnings: cursing, porco being toxic lol. dates are wrong once again sorry !!
[ playlist : love again - dua lipa ]
Half asleep and ready to go to bed, Y/N fell back into her bed. She picked up her phone, hoping to mindlessly scroll through some TikToks. Instead, she was met with two messages. Audibly gasping as she read Porco’s name, she dropped her phone, hitting herself in the face in the process. “Ow!”
Porco? Y/N thought incredulously. What the hell does he want?
Contemplating asking Ymir and Sasha for advice, Y/N then decided against it. This was her life, she couldn’t expect her friends to guide her though it. But God, was she such a coward when it came to Porco. It wasn’t like he was Prince Charming, but Y/N had an extreme loyalty complex. She couldn’t ever allow herself to let go of people. Porco used to berate her for that constantly.
Why are you so clingy? He would ask.
Who’s the clingy one now? Y/N thought bitterly. She decided to ignore Porco’s text until she could think of a reply that wasn’t along the lines of “No, fuck you.” She slid her thumb over to Jean’s message.
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Great. Another text asking to talk. Why couldn’t people just send their question and save a girl the anxiety? Y/N scolded herself for allowing her egotistical ex to ruin her mood. Jean didn’t deserve her snappiness.
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Jean sighed in relief. Thank God she replied. He didn’t know if he could handle the mortification if she didn’t.
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Y/N pondered for a bit.
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Y/N laughed quietly to herself. So Jean could in fact match her sense of humor. She exited out of their chat, mindlessly scrolling through social media. She actively avoided Porco’s message, not wanting to burden herself with the chore of responding to him. What could he possibly have to say? She headed to Twitter, hopefully finding something relatable to retweet. As Y/N scrolled, she saw a familiar face appear on her timeline.
Recommended for you from contacts, the header read. Below it was about 3 profiles of people in her contacts she had not followed yet. Among them, was Jean.
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat.
Should I? She questioned. Would she be overstepping some unspoken boundary? What if she hurt her own feelings by stalking and seeing something she wouldn’t like/had no business seeing? Maybe she should just ignore it. She doubted Jean was some internet creep… but wouldn’t it be good to know if he was? Curiosity getting the better of her, Y/N decided to invade that boundary and look at his account.
He didn’t have much content from what Y/N could see. He just retweeted fancy cars and some funny memes. She spotted Connie, Sasha’s lifelong friend and Jean’s infamous roomie. She mentally hoped Jean didn’t tweet like Connie. That would be the ultimate ick.
Y/N’s thumb stopped scrolling, hovering over a tweet. Her heart beated ten times more rapidly.
well she is pretty lol, Jean’s tweet read. Tweeted just an hour after he met Y/N.
Could it be? Y/N wondered. No way. There’s no way it’s about me. I’m just jumping to conclusions. Why would he say that about me? I’m just being self absorbed.
She brushed off her inquiries, deciding to just stop stalking his account entirely. From what she already saw, there wasn’t anything suspicious or icky enough to make her want to not interact with him. And she was already paranoid, so every tweet she saw she would begin to assume it was about her as well. She was just getting her hopes up.
Rolling over on her side, Y/N placed her phone to charge and went to sleep. It was late, which was probably what was causing her mind to become fuddled.
“You should’ve told me Sasha’s third roomie was Y/N,” Reiner had said to Jean in the truck. “I totally blindsided her. Top ten worst encounters of my life.”
“Uh, care to enlighten me? Do you guys have beef or something?” Jean asked, perusing the radio stations.
Reiner sighed. “She’s dating- was dating- my childhood friend, Porco.”
Jean felt his stomach drop. “Oh.”
Reiner glanced at him before stopping at a red light. “I said dating. He dumped her like a week ago. It was pretty trash.”
Jean secretly felt more at peace hearing that. Poor Y/N, but.. she could probably do better than this Porco person.
“So what does that have to do with you?” Jean asked.
Reiner shrugged. “I guess I didn’t really help. She said she felt a little betrayed. Like I agreed with Porco and my friends that she’s the crazy one.”
Jean nodded. “So you were a bystander.”
Reiner sighed again, tilting his head in an I guess motion. “It’s just hard. Porco’s like my brother, and I don’t agree with how he acted… but maybe I should have spoken up sooner.”
Jean patted his shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself, man. That was between them.”
“Yeah. I could have at least told Porco to step it up, though.” Reiner murmured.
I’m glad you didn’t. Jean snickered to himself.
“So, you think she’s cute?” Reiner shot Jean a devilish grin. Jean rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess. You goin’ to Historia’s birthday?” He slyly changed the subject.
“Is it open invite?” Reiner’s eyebrows scrunched up.
Jean shrugged. “I have an invite. Maybe you can be my plus one.”
Reiner made a “Hmm” sound in response, weary at Jean’s invite. “What are you dressing as if you go?”
“I was thinking swag era Justin Bieber.” Jean replied, smiling widely.
Reiner gave him a look. “You for real?”
Jean’s smile dropped. “What?”
Reiner laughed. “I’d pay money to see how badly you embarrass yourself with that.”
“It’s a 2000’s party?” Jean was confused.
“Yeah, but everyone does like, early 2000s. Think Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.”
Jean shot him a curious look.
“What? Pop culture is my guilty pleasure.” Reiner explained himself. “And everyone knows Britney Spears.”
Jean hummed in response. “I just think you got a thing for pop girls.” He referenced the earlier Becky G mishap.
“I’m not even gonna deny it anymore.” Reiner agreed, defeated.
“Guys,” Y/N said the next morning. Ymir and Sasha were at the breakfast “nook” (a corner of their miniature kitchen designated for a small table that barely fit all three of them), Sasha eating cereal and Ymir chomping on an apple while scrolling on her phone. “Porco texted me last night.”
Ymir continued scrolling, unfazed. Sasha’s eyes widened and she swallowed her food before speaking. “What? Why?” Y/N glared at Ymir.
“Thanks for your interest YMIR, but as i was telling Sasha-“
“I’m Sasha.” Sasha cut in, obviously confused.
Y/N gave Sasha a look.
“Did you say something?” Ymir said, bored. She still hadn’t looked up from her phone.
“Ymir!” Sasha scolded. “Y/N’s telling us Porco texted her!”
“Who’s Porco?” Ymir replied, monotonous.
Y/N sighed in exasperation. “Are you stalking Eren again? I already told you to stop comparing your subscribers-“
“I’m not stalking Eren!” Ymir snapped defensively. “I’m…” She mumbled the next part incoherently.
“Huh?” Sasha and Y/N asked in unison.
“I SAID,” Ymir repeated, annoyed. “I’m looking up Britney Spears outfits. Historia wanted us to go as different eras of her. But I can’t find anything that matches my style.” She grumbled.
Y/N’s heart melted. It was adorable watching Ymir struggle to find a matching costume for Historia. It was like Marilyn Manson wanting to get along with a CareBear.
“Just go as JT,” Sasha said, chewing her cereal.
“One, close your mouth, and two, Historia asked for us to go as Brittney. I can’t just show up like a dude.” Ymir visibly deflated as she scrolled through countless pictures of a younger Spear’s iconic looks.
“Why don’t you try her bandanna phase? That wasn’t so over the top, and she wore mostly jeans.” Y/N suggested as she squeezed into the corner chair.
Ymir sighed. “I don’t want to wear a skirt or some bimbo shit. That’s y’alls look.”
“How do you manage to sound endearing trying to please your girlfriend while simultaneously insulting us?” Y/N wondered aloud.
“It’s a talent.” Ymir waved her off. “What did you guys get her though?”
“A giftcard to Urban Outfitters,” Sasha replied. “I got tired of searchin’. I put $50 on it. I think that should be enough for like, a shirt and a half. She better like it, too. ‘Cus I’m broke.” Sasha pointed her spoon at Ymir accusingly.
“I got her the Taylor Swift vinyl she’s been wanting. And some pink film for her camera.” Y/N added. Ymir nodded approvingly.
“I hope she likes my gift. I don’t know if I’m moving too fast though?” For the first time since Y/N mer Ymir, Y/N hadn’t ever seen her this distraught.
“Calm down,” Y/N reassured her. “You’ve been together for years now. I don’t think you can move any slower.”
Ymir rolled her eyes, leaning back im her chair with arms crossed. “It’s a small trip to Seoul. I know she’s been dying to go. It’s not like it’s anything she hasn’t seen before with her family… but I figure it’d be different with just us.” Y/N’s heart melted.
“That’s so sweet!” Sasha exclaimed, eyes watery. “I want an Ymir!”
“Well, you can’t have me!” Ymir laughed. “It’s not a big deal. The sponsorship I managed to land gave me a decent payout.” Ymir sheepishly replied, her cheeks a faint red
Y/N nudged her. “Look at you, being modest.”
Ymir waved her hand. “Shut up. How does this look?” She turned her phone to Y/N, showing a picture of Britney Spears clad in low waist jeans, a black tank top and sure enough, a yellow bandanna.
“That’s perfect.”
Ymir smirked, smug. “Just like me.”
“Y/N!” Sasha shouted. “Go back to the Porco thing!”
“Oh, yeah. What did Oinky want?” The girls turned to face Y/N, who shrank a bit back in her seat.
“That’s a new one,” Y/N chuckled. “I thought of one last night, too,” She paued for dramatic effect. “Porker!” She gasped out, giggling, hitting the table in a slight fit of laughter. Sasha and Ymir gave Y/N a blank stare, unamused at Y/N’s mediocre roast.
“Not funny, didn’t laugh.” Sasha spat.
“If your career was stand up you’d be living in a box.” Ymir deadpanned.
“Tough crowd,” Y/N sighed, wiping imaginary tears from her eyes. “But if you must know…” She purposely stalled a bit, knowing it would send an impatient, jittery Sasha over the edge and annoy Ymir even more, even if she pretended she was not interested in the relationship drama between Y/N and her disgraced ex.
“Just say it already!” Sasha begged.
“I…don’t know. I haven’t responded.” Y/N finally admitted, putting her head in her hands. “I just-“ Her words were muffled by her hands.
Ymir removed her hands from her face. “Your words, darling.” She scolded, voice oozing sarcasm.
“Ugh,” Y/N groaned. “I’m too pussy to respond. He just asked if we could talk. What could he possibly want? What if he wants the couch? It’s just too much.”
Sasha gave her a sympathetic gaze. “Just leave him on read! If he wants to talk so badly he’ll find a way to say what he needs to.”
“For once, I agree.” Ymir added.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Y/N stretched. “But it did keep me up at night wondering what he wanted.”
“Y/N, forget him! Historia’s party is soon, there’s no time to worry about ugly men!” Sasha stood up, rushing to put her bowl in the sink. “I got a lecture in a few, but you need to find your costume! We’re all going as Britney!” She said before disappearing into her room.
“Um, who’s gonna tell her we’re not all dressing as Britney?” Ymir inquired.
Y/N snorted. “Not I. I’m probably going as Suki from Fast and the Furious.”
“Niiceee,” Ymir fist pumped Y/N. “She was my sexual awakening.” Y/N choked on her muffin.
“Ymir, what’d we say about uncalled for horniness?” Y/N reprimanded. Ymir made her way to the coat rack, searching for her car keys in her leather jacket’s pocket.
“If I was gonna be chewed out for liking women I would’ve lived with my parents!” Ymir called out. “I gotta pick up Historia!”
“Will you be back?” Y/N shouted back.
“Get off my dick!” Ymir shut the door. Laughing to herself, Y/N picked up Ymir’s dish to place in the sink. She was, out of the three, the more tidier one. Ymir did the best cleaning, but she was selectively lazy.
“Bye, Y/N!” Sasha shouted before leaving in a rush. One thing Y/N had grown used to was the fairly chaotic mornings. She secretly hoped they would be like this for a long time.
Since Y/N had transferred, Ymir and Sasha had been the best roommates she could ask for. Yes, Ymir was snappy and Sasha was a bit ditzy, but it was the perfect combination and they were respectful. Y/N had transferred from Sina University purely for academic reasons, but she had not expected to fit in so well with the girls or their group of pre establish friends. She worried she would not fit in since they had already been so tight-knit, but found that wasn’t the case at all. They were open, accepting and loyal. Y/N couldn’t be happier where she was, and even though she wouldn’t admit it, she was grateful for how close they had all gotten in their short time together. Who knew randomly assigned rooming would provide her with friendship to last a lifetime?
Which is why every time she thought about Porco she kicked herself. How could she have let some… meathead ruin her freshmen year of college? She should have been having fun, interacting with Ymir and Sasha’s friends more, lived her own life. But no, she chose to become involved with a self absorbed fraternity guy of all people. Now she was semi-heartbroken, extremely humiliated, and about a year’s worth of time and effort short. She had allowed him to take advantage of her so much, that he felt he could contact her still after basically using her. The thought made her want to rip her hair out and scream.
Almost as if through divine intervention, her phone beeped with a notification.
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What the actual hell? Y/N thought.
She froze for a second. What does she do? Respond? Ignore? Block?
After a few seconds of mental deliberation, Y/N finally decided. She was fed up with the lack of bravery she showed and decided to just end it once and for all. Typing out a response, she clicked send and decided to go to the mall for the retail therapy she was sure to need after whatever Porco said what he wanted to say. Turning the shower on, she braced herself for his response. What could Porco want? She couldn’t wrap her mind around it.
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This better be good, Y/N thought.
taglist : @tsunderehokage @lagrimasdeglitter @snowyseungs @mukeovernetflix @bakugouswh0r3 @punicorn999 @deadlyaffairs @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe
a/n: woohoo!! long chapter. so to recap: i graduated!! i am finally free from the clutches of high school. i might do a face reveal :) bc i loved my grad dress. anywho, my fever cleared up, i have chapter 9 already completed (just need to revise + edit) and this is NOT proof read!! it’s 2 am guys i’m tired. but i hope you enjoyed this :) sorry for the weird cropping too. peace out
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
HELLO BESTIE I am currently having Ralbert Brainrot and you're the best person go come to for this, obviously,, so PLEASE share! I would like to hear about ufc albert or youtuber race, or dancing partners!! I love them smm
i just witnessed a literal crime and i’m Feeling The Rage (boxing judges at mma events can catch these hands) so here is. my brain on anger.
also the first half of this is pretty fight-talk heavy but the second half is more al/ralbert central so message me/send me an ask if i don’t explain something well enough <3
here is the ask i sent to @we-are-inevitable (thanks jac i’m in love with you mwah) and here is part 1 for this au if you haven’t read that one yet !!
also,,,,, this is fairly obvious. but trigger warning for violence/physical fighting, as well as blood. (it’s a rough gig y’all fjdhdb) oh and swearing but that’s pretty much just me LMAO
here i am, bein mad and writing ralbert. therapy time with chandler ig
this is after his debut. duh. continuation
i think he’s probably 5 fights in with 5 wins. he’s been running people through, especially with four full camps after a short notice start, and he’s never even seen a decision in the ufc
let’s just say the hype train is moving FAST and it’s moving LOUD
everyone has to have those people that watch their fights just to see them lose, on top of the majority male fan base that have to have a little bit of toxic masculinity and homophobia in there
so there’s A LOT of people that are waiting for him and his hype train to get derailed. but there’s also a fair amount of fans, so you win some you lose some (the way i would die to see this be a real fighter pls)
now albert’s not always the most confident guy, and he’s never been cocky, but none of this shit gets to him. he’s got his coaches, he’s got his friends and he’s got race behind him. he knows he’s got the skills, and he’s got his support system, so who gives a shit what a bunch of cowards on the internet have to say?
and then they put him against someone known for his grappling and stamina. and the “it’s a wrap for dasilva!” bandwagon starts. it happens every time a rising striker and early knockout artist fights a well known grappler with any semblance of later round power (even if al has a background in wrestling and has gone 5 rounds and won outside of the ufc. it’s a bandwagon for a reason)
and it’s not Upsetting, it’s not really getting into his head in any way that’ll make him do worse, but it’s kinda pissing him off. which is bad for his opponent
the last person on earth you want to be fighting is an annoyed albert dasilva who thinks he has something to prove
he works his ass off in camp, and the press tour is a self-assured albert vs. a loudmouth who thinks he’s hot shit cause a few people on twitter think he’ll sweep
and, to be completely honest? it’s starting to look that way 2 rounds in.
it’s a 5 round fight, co-main event on a big card, and so far all al’s opponent has done is pinned him to the cage and kept him there. a few strikes worth anything - at least enough make al’s cheek bleed, no takedowns, which would at least give him some activity, and so submission attempts, so he can’t even gain any ground that way. he’s just- Stuck. and if THIS is how he loses, he’s gonna be pissed
the bell for the second round sounds, and you can actually see al’s chest heaving on camera as he walks to his corner - not because he’s tired or out of breath, but because he’s MAD, and fuck if he’s not going to do something about it
not only that, but he can not only see race and jack standing up by the cage - plus race’s expression, which is slightly annoyed and super anxious, which hurts his chest to think about - but he can hear them too
jack is yelling profanities, as per usual. he doesn’t that regardless of how the fight is going, but it’s less encouraging when you’re the one losing.
race though,,,, race isn’t really yelling, he’s more talking to himself than anything, but he’s close enough to cage and al knows him well enough to figure out what he’s saying. and if the muttered almost-prayers while he paces back and forth weren’t enough, the shiny gold engagement ring on race’s hand definitely is
round 3,,,, let’s just say it goes a little differently than the first 2 had gone.
he opens with a spinning back kick, of all fucking things, and that truly sets the pace
he’s the taller guy by a few inches, like usual, which makes his arms longer. the only reason crushing his against the cage worked is cause the guy he’s fighting cuts weight like a wrestler, so he’s easily got 20 pounds on albert come fight night
but once he finds his rhythm and starts throwing, he starts connecting too. he manages to stay out of range of his opponent and stay his comfortable distance to start t-ing off
this isn’t a one punch power ending. this isn’t a beautiful head kick, or a giant knee, or even just a clean right hook.
this is albert, who’s arms are starting to feel the 3rd round a little bit, hitting this guy with everything he has cause he refuses to lose this fight.
i mean- everyone watched him get up at the start of the round with a set jaw and a scary determined glint in his eye. he’s not a person you fuck with, and he’s definitely not a person you publicly ridicule before being locked in a cage to fight with
the guy he’s fighting is absolutely battered, but he manages to survive until round 4. the first of the championship rounds, something al’s never seen in a ufc fight before, and it feels like the arena is holding its breath
so when al comes out and does the same thing as round 3 to better results - fight ending results - everyone’s a little shocked, honestly
the commentary team’s in disbelief, cause albert is NOT a slow starter, regardless of what this fight would tell you, and the fact he managed a win at all, let alone such a phenomenal one, is fucking astounding
he gets his hand raised, obviously, but the really interesting part is the post fight interview
“albert, man, what changed between round 2 and 3? what second gear did you find?”
“bro, i just— it was pissing me off, honestly. i don’t come in here to get pinned down for 25 minutes. and, y’know, my team gave me good advice. i had all the pieces, straight from the jump, someone just had to force me to put them in place…”
and then he looks over at race, who gives al one of those half grin, half smirks and winks at him, and al just chuckles to himself and finishes answering the question
“the thing that really forced my hand is race. i won’t get cheesy on you, but watching someone who loves and supports you through everything panic cause he’s scared for you - it’s a big motivator. everyone would figure out a lot more of my motivations if they went and watched race’s expressions back instead of whatever the hell i’m doing in here. he’s always been the brains, i’m just the brawn.”
and that’s a better answer than anyone was expecting, plus he’s just had the fight of a lifetime that’s probably earned him a title shot, so he’s done soon after that and gets to have his little in-cage celebration
he hugs his team and jack, who razzes him a little bit as per usual, and makes some dumb quip about going over tapes later like he’s a coach. and then comes race
he hugs him, all tender and cute and also very sweaty cause That’s How It Works, and the camera’s focused on him, so they can tell they’re whispering back and forth. but there’s no mics on them, so what’s said is missed entirely on the audience, but it’s their usual cheesy, in love mess
“congrats, baby. i’m proud of you.”
“oh please. it was 90% you anyway. i meant what i said, it wasn’t just for the cameras.”
“i know that. i’m gonna have to get you back somehow for telling everyone to go back and watch my awful anxious expression. i’ll think of something.”
“i’m sure you will, sweetheart.”
and then al does that awful, adorable lil nose bump thing, and then kisses race. and then jack covers his eyes and whines until they stop like the actual 12 year old boy he is inside
and then they leave the octagon, race and al holding hands, and al throws his arm over jack’s shoulder and shoves his head down and pushes him, cause even though he was just in a literal cage match he’s still a roughhousing teenager at heart
and he’s got interviews and press shit that separates him from his people, and he’s gotta slide that bulletproof mask back down over all the happy and in love shit he’s feeling so he can not smile like an idiot on camera constantly
but every once in awhile he’ll catch jack giving him the finger and laugh before returning it below view of the camera
or he’ll catch race’s eye from where he’s standing behind all the studio lights and do a little wave under the camera and return the wink from earlier, and the unbothered fighter facade will crack a little bit
but he’s not completely convinced that’s such a bad thing
but Yeah. Them.
i love this au a helleva lot more than i should but that’s Fine cause i’ve got thoughts for days on it
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
just another person Going Through It with hashtag ryangate lol f
i was going through jeremy’s twitter likes because someone said he liked friend of mine’s tweet about feeling bad for fiona in this situation and i wanted to see it myself. and then i scrolled down and in the older likes was a tweet from ryan qrting the rt account from like october 1st and he had attached a video of him. and the date just struck me as so fucking recent. this was less than a week ago. less than a week ago everything was fine and he was acting like he hadn’t done any of this shit and business was carrying on as normal. and i just viscerally had to close the tab and get up and go outside on a walk.
and i just hate this i hate how deeply ryan was embedded in rt and ah and how many years of memories are tainted now. just a few hours ago i was like oh well maybe ill go watch [an ah video] to make myself feel better but then i remembered i can’t. like even if he wasn’t in it i couldn’t, it all just feels dirty now. i don’t want to in a year from now open up an old ah video and then immediately have to close it because ryan was in it. like going back to old old ah videos and seeing ray in it is a pleasant surprise but seeing ryan would just be. like almost every time i type his name i have to pause and physically shudder. it just fucking sucks. i hate that years of positive memories are now fucked up because of him. god how hard is it to not cheat on your wife with fans.
and i keep going back and forth on being able to laugh about this. like joking to lighten with the fuckery of it all and being glad that he has been exposed for the creepy and cheating fucker he is. like i keep remembering this one tweet i saw that was like “lol rip to everyone who bought a ryan body pillow” and it’s fucking hilarious and i laugh every time i think about it. but then 2 seconds later i remember those people legitimately looked up to him and found him to be a source of comfort. and how fucked up i would be if My Favorites were exposed for something like this and then it just isn’t funny anymore. and it wasn’t like i didn’t like ryan like he was a solid member in the ah cast and i very much liked him in videos and i already feel like shit because of this. so ill see people making jokes about this and laugh momentarily and then think to myself ok stop being fucking rude this isn’t funny stop making jokes about this. even though i was laughing myself a second ago.
but also i feel like just the tiniest smidgen of sympathy for him in having his nudes leaked like. fuck. if that happened to me i would be mortified. and people are making jokes about it and how he looks and it just doesn’t sit right with me like i know he did a terrible thing but god those were still personal and he didn’t deserve nudes of him leaked. like i guess some people could argue it’s retribution for what he did but i’ve never been one for revenge except in the most extreme cases and i know this is bad it’s so bad i understand what he did was terrible i even answered an ask explaining why but this isn’t one of those Most Extreme cases im willing to say that he deserves this.
and also in the comments of that ryan situation video from tessa i kept seeing things that were like “i have no sympathy for you. you knew what you were doing. you knew he had a wife and kids.” and. i understand what kind of point you are trying to make here but truly i don’t think they understand the power parasocial relationships can hold over people. they are your favorite person. you would do practically anything to feel close to them. and especially at that young age. like not to discount the critical thinking skills of a seventeen year old because i mean i was seventeen once and i had a brain but with the idol worship/stan culture and not fully developed brain you cannot possibly think that what she did was entirely of her own. i dont know the word im going for here. i guess of her own volition. that’s not very right but i can’t think of another word right now. like to a small small degree she is culpable for what she did there but not NEARLY anywhere in the ballpark of what ryan did. ryan, in his 30s at the time, married with children, should have absolutely known better and not been recipient &| solicit sex from his fans. they’re just nowhere near the same ballpark of blame in this.
and as for ryan’s tweet like. “i made mistakes.” yeah bro you sure fucking did. mistakes is the weakest word for it i can think of. god again just how fucking hard is it to not cheat on your wife. but the “please stop harassing and threatening my family” like holy shit i am livid that people are doing this. they are the victims of this and people are going after them????? what is wrong with people. everything about this is disgusting.
since i guess i’m just ranting about everything about this right now also in relation to ah’s tweet on monday about cancelling the stream, the quote rts were so fucking wild. like you had people defending ryan and saying that even if the rumors were true, they would continue to stand by him. and then on the other hand people were calling ah cowards for having replies turned off and saying it was classic rt, avoiding the problem. like the news broke literally that previous night. an account is posting actual pornographic material in the replies of tweets about ryan. in what fucking world would they have replies to that tweet on. no way should a social media manager have to deal with that. and it’s been less than a fucking day you can’t say they’re fucking avoiding the problem when you haven’t given them time to actually come up with anything. i’m surprised ryan “resigned” as soon as he did. all of you have 0 fucking brain cells and no sense of nuance and i fucking hate it here.
oh and i keep thinking about how he was the voice for a villain this season of rvb and now i wonder if they’re going to get someone to redo the voice.
also i guess if you continue to post ryan content ill probably unfollow you like i get having a comfort person/character i really do and i get that the vagabond or whatever is almost an entirely separate concept from ryan at this point but i personally cannot handle seeing him on my dash anymore so nothing against you but i don’t want to see it.
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pencilscratchins · 5 years
4, 22, 29 newt/hermann hehe
my dads? my actual fathers?
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
everyone thinks its newt, but you KNOW its hermann. well– newt’ll cop a feel in the lab constantly, but hermann’s a piece of shit so he’ll fully have newt’s whole thigh between his legs in the middle of a shatterdome wide meeting
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
see im boring as shit here- in the hallway in front of hermann’s room. Newt shows up in the middle of the night and is like “i have a hypothesis i need to test. i wager if you kiss me i will instantly fall in love with you” and hermanns like well i am a man of science.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
hermann loves when its utter silence for an hour and then newt will be like “did you know the cachalot whale has a four chambered stomach? i have one and i can eat five hard boiled eggs in one sitting so that means one could eat like twenty hard boiled eggs,” and hermann will have to hold himself back from proposing. newt secretly fins hermanns weird habits so endearing– i said this on twitter once, but hermann will refuse to do crosswords in pencil (”only cowards use graphite”) even though hes kind of bad at them, so his crosswords are mostly a crossed out mess and newt wants to frame every single one.
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thirteen-beaxhes · 5 years
Reasons (Tyrus One Shot)
Summary: TJ sees Amber and Cyrus spending more and more time together and hears something he shouldn't have. And now he's nervous.
Words: 3379
(Sorry about no read more im on mobile)
"FUCK NATE JACOBS!“ TJ yelled as he slammed his laptop shut, finding himself suddenly pulled towards the store to find and buy glitter to put on his face. Euphoria's impact.
TJ sighed, leaning against the headboard of his bed, trying to come back to the real world after having been immersed in a world of spinning camera shots, glitter and neon lights. He picked up his phone, but immediately set it down in disappointment. Still no texts from Cyrus.
Now, TJ wasn't a worrier. He never worried about Cyrus not texting him back. But, it had been a solid 7 hours (a fact he knew because he had watched all 8 episodes of Euphoria at a stretch), but still no message back. So one could understand why he was slightly concerned.
Over the next couple of minutes, TJ repeatedly picked up and set down his phone, debating whether to call Cyrus or not. On one hand, he wanted to hear Cyrus' voice since it was one of his favourite sounds in the world, other than Zendaya's voice. But in the other hand, he didn't want to come across as the clingy, annoying and weird person he was worried people would see. And his relationship with Cyrus was so new, and so so so important to him. And he didn't want to do anything to ruin it.
After much debate, TJ finally just quickly oressed 'Call' and put the phone to his ear, squeezing his eyes shut.
But just then, from the general direction of Amber's room, he heard the unmistakable voice of Lady Gaga start to croon. But, that was Cyrus' ringtone.
Keeping the call going, TJ got up from the bed, slowly opening the door as he ventured down the hall to Amber's room. The door was open about three inches, and TJ lowered the phone, to hear the sudden stop of the music.
"Sorry, it was TJ," he heard, and TJ's eyes went wide. Cyrus' voice.
"Nah it's cool," Amber laughed, and TJ backed away from the door slightly. He thought for a moment, then walked back a bit, and started to stomo down the hall, throwing open Amber's door as if he were walking up to it totally normally, not at all because he heard his boyfriend's voice from inside.
"Hey Amber where's mom?" TJ asked casually as he threw open her door. Not really a lie. He did wanna know where his mom was.
The sight of Amber and Cyrus staring back at him, TJ could only describe as deer caught in the headlights or that one picture of Sophie Turner and Joe Jonah at a restaurant. The look of shock and a bit of nervousness honestly made TJ's heart sink a bit, but he didn't let it show on his face that he was sad that he scared the two people he cared about the most. He instead acted our a double take of sorts, looking at Cyrus.
"Oh hey Cy, didn't know you were here. I was trying to call you haha."
Haha??? He said haha out loud?????
"Maybe if you pulled your head out of the laptop you would realise she went out for groceries, dickwad," Amber said, rolling her eyes. Cyrus laughed, and TJ just stuck his tongue out at her, moving to sit on her bed, Cyrus and Amber scrambled slightly, pushing something under the dresser worriedly.
"Sorry I had important things to do, budget thanos," TJ retorted, and Amber threw a slipper at him.
Cyrus, who all this while was laughing, patted TJ's knee softly, drawing his attention along with a soft smile. "Who's Nate Jacobs?"
"A bitch," TJ said solemnly, and Amber snorted. Cyrus looked between the two of them in confusion.
"Is he someone from school? Is he bothering you? Cuz I know I don't look like much but I'll get Buffy to hurt him?"
"No no, Underdog," TJ laughed, interlacing their fingers. "He's a TV show character. From Euphoria. The show I just spent 7 hours watching and just finished."
"So you didn't pass out in your room?" Amber said, and TJ rolled his eyes, looking at Cyrus, squeezing his hand.
"Sorry for calling by the way, you just hadnt texted back in that time so I just called. I didn't know you were here," He said softly, and Cyrus smiled, shaking his head. "By the way, what are you doing here?"
At that question, Cyrus' eyes grew slightly panicked, a fact TJ could see him desperately try to hide. He looked over at Amber, who coughed, pulling TJ's attention away.
"Uh, he actually came by earlier looking for you!" Amber said, and TJ raised an eyebrow. "Um, he, uh, saw you were engrossed so he and I were talking."
"Oh that's cool," TJ said, dropping the subject even though it made no sense. Cuz earlier just then, Cyrus made it obvious he didn't know that TJ was watching a show. "Well, don't let me stop you," TJ said with a smile before leaving to scroll aimlessly through Twitter.
As he walked out of Amber's room, TJ wanted to stay to hear their conversation, and for a moment he leaned towards the door and caught some murmurs. But soon, he shook his head, pushing those thoughts out of his head.
He was acting like a jealous, protective boyfriend. Who had to know Cyrus' all conversations and whereabouts. Cyrus had known Amber longer. Only fair theyd be talking about something. If he listened in, how wouldthat make him better than fucking Nste Jacobs.
That thought was enough to send a shudder down TJ's spine and he walked back to his room, playing Pink Floyd through his speakers and letting the music wash over him.
He was just overreacting.
It happened a lot more, TJ would pass by Amber's room, rubbing his eyes sleeping on the hunt for some coffee or good, and he would hear Cyrus' crystal clear laugh, cutting through the air like a killer song. And Amber shushing him almost immediately after. And then some whisoered mutters, followed by soft giggles. Every now and then, his name floated through the air.
Every time he heard this, TJ couldn't help but smile at Cyrus and Amber, they were both so stuoidly adorable. But the whispered mutters and the low voices scared him, and he hated that they did. Every time he heard them, he wanted to lean in, listen in, so that he could confirm it wasn't about him, that they weren't laughing about him behind his back.But every time he leaned forward, he'd shake his head, pushing those unsure thoughts from his head. Because TJ KIPPEN WAS NOT LIKE FUCKING NATE JACOBS.
Okay, maybe Buffy and Andi were correct in saying he was slightly obsessed with Euphoria. But on the other hand, Marty and Jonah agreed with him and all of them cried over Ethan and Fez every lunch.
On what felt like the millionth occasion, TJ was passing Amber's room, but for the first time, there were no voices at all. TJ just shrugged to himself, figuring that maybe Amber had finally decided to leave the house and go ask Andi out. But he was soon proven wrong when he heard voices from the kitchen over the sound of their microwave making popcorn.
"So when are you gonna tell him?" Amber asked, and TJ stopped short, staying hidden behind the corner.
He shouldn't listen he shouldn't listen he shouldn't listen.
But in the end, curiosity and nervousness won out, and TJ squeezed his eyes shut, listening in as Cyrus sighed. It wouldn't be so bad.
"I don't know," Cyrus said softly. "I was just gonna send a text. But this seems more like a face to face thing, right?"
TJ furrowed his eyebrows, racking his brain as to what could Cyrus be talking about while Amber scoffed and presumably rolled her eyes.
"Yeah duh, this is life-changing stuff. You don't wanna seem like a coward sending a text about something like that."
"Yeah I guess you're right. But what if he doesn't agree?" Cyrus asked, and TJ was losing his mind behind that wall.
"You just need to tell him Cy," Amber said, opening the microwave. "It'll be easier for everyone."
TJ stood there rooted to the spot, letting the words wash over him until it clicked what it all meant.
Cyrus wanted to break up with him.
No. Why would Cyrus wanna break up with him? Things were good!
Were they? Or were they only good for TJ? And all the while Cyrus had been unhappy and now was asking Amber help to break yo with him.
Why would Cyrus wanna break up with him? There had to be a reason.
TJ drew a shaky breath, risking a glance around the corner to see the two laughing and starting to head in that direction. With the speed rivalling that of Usain Bolt, TJ sprinted to his room, closing the door and collapsing onto his bed.
As he sat up against the headboard, TJ just grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be the hoodie from Cyrus' bar mitzvah party, and hugged it to his chest, feeling too exhausted to even put on some music. He just let himself think.
Was he overthinking? Probably. But what else could Amber and Cyrus have been talking about? Texting to break up with someone is a common coward choice, and talking about agreeing? Mutual break up.
But it wouldn't be mutual, TJ thought to himself, a choked sob escaping his lips, as he quickly pressed a hand against his mouth, stifling the sound. He couldn't have the two to know he had heard them, and knew what was happening. So he just leaned against his headboard, letting his mind storm.
After some time, he heard his door creak open and Cyrus walked in, smiling softly but soon it creased into a look of worry.
"Teej, is everything okay?" He asked softly, and TJ looked up, hastily plastering a smile on his face.
"Of course, why wouldn't it be?" He said, his voice cracking.
Cyrus narrowed his eyes, walking up gingerly to him and sitting down on the bed, pulling TJ into a hug. Despite what he now knew, TJ couldn't help but lean into it, breathing in Cyrus' cologne and instantly feeling at home.
Even if he knew it was a lie.
After Cyrus left, not before leaning to kiss him softly, a dopey smile on his face, TJ pushed himself off the bed and headed toward his table, tearing out a piece of paper from his notebook as he slid into his chair. He picked up a pen, and taking a deep breath, wrote down:
Reasons why Cyrus probably wants to break up with me
The list had been long, unsurprising to TJ. And after he had finished writing it, he just left it on his desk, tear stains and all. He was exhausted, and ended up falling asleep on his table itself. After he woke up, bleary eyed and paper marks on his cheeks, he stuffed that list into his drawer and pushed himself up, heading to school, the thoughts haunting his every step.
The weeks that followed were fraught with anxiety for TJ, as he kept a close watch on his words, and kept his guard up around Cyrus. He didn't want it to seem like something was obviously wrong, but even so, it was only a matter of time before Cyrus noticed him being distant and confronted him about it.
"Is everything okay?" Cyrus asked, walking up to TJ as he closed his locker.
"Yeah, of course," TJ said quickly, and Cyrus raised an eyebrow.
"Really? Cuz you've been really on edge the past couple weeks. And you're kinda distant. Did I do something?" He asked nervously, and TJ reached forward, grabbing Cyrus' hand.
"No no of course not! I've just been worried about the tests," TJ said, smiling as he brought up Cyrus' hand to kiss it. But as he lied through his teeth, his mind screamed.
Just tell me what's the reason what did I do why do you wanna leave me what did I do did I do something Cyrus.
But he never said it.
It was morning, and TJ woke up to his phone incessantly vibrating. He groaned, rolling over onto his side, picking up his phone. He squinted at the name, and smiled to himself as he saw 'Cy💗' staring back at him. But that brief moment of bliss dissolved into panic when he read the words.
Cy💗: swings at 4 please?
No emojis, no nothing.
This was it. The end.
TJ drew a shaky breath, but then squeezed his eyes shut as he glanced at the date.
Their anniversary. Did he have to leave him crumpled on the ground on their anniversary? Really? That had to be another level of cruel.
As the day went on, TJ's fear grew, the scenarios growing worse and worse. Finally, as he lay in bed, he realised that the only way things wouldn't be as bad, is if TJ did it first, if he told Cyrus that he understood (even though he didn't), and that he knew why he wanted to break up with him (even though he didn't know). And then he would walk away, pretending everything was fine, until he reached home , and then he would go into his room, play his music loud and let the tears fall. And he would ignore Amber until it got too much and then cry down her shoulder as he asked her why she didn't just tell him. He had it all planned out.
TJ reached the awings earlier than planned, and so he sat there, swinging slightly. As he waited, TJ pulled out the bow slightly crumpled list he had made that night, turning it over as he read through it, steeling his nerves for what was to come.
"That swing taken?" a voice said, and TJ turned around to see Cyrus walk up behind him, a small smile on his face. TJ flashed a quick smile at him before getting up from the swing.
"Only by you," He said softly. Cyrus stood across from him, wringing his hands nervously.
"I need to tell you something," He said, and TJ felt his heart sink. Here it goes.
"I know what you're gonna say," TJ said, looking down at his shoes. That seemed to catch Cyrus off-guard, and he blinked in surprise.
"You, you know?" Cyrus asked, nodding slowly, eyes wide. "Oh, okay. Huh."
"Yeah," TJ said sadly. "And I understand." He sighed.
Cyrus looked at TJ weirdly, narrowing his eyes. "You understand?"
"Yeah I do," TJ said, looking up finally. "I understand why you wanna break up with me."
"Break, break up with you? What?" Cyrus asked incredulously, but TJ wasn't listening to him, running over the words he had rehearsed by himself as he had lay awake at night.
"Well, I don't understand because I don't know the reason why, so I made a list," TJ said quickly, pulling out the paper, his hands shaking as he gulped nervously. His voice was rising in pitch the more he felt the panic and fear wash over him, pulling him deeper and deeper in. "Just tell me which one it is. Okay here goes."
TJ coughed slightly, and Cyrus tried to cut in, but TJ started reading off the list.
"Okay. 'I'm mean. I'm clingy. I'm intimidating. I'm a coward cuz I couldn't tell people about us until 2 months ago. I'm annoying and weird. I'm stupid. I'm dumb, and not smart enough. I'm weird. I'm not good enough for you. I'm just a jock who will peak in high school and you deserve so much better than that. Im annoying. I'm clingy.' Fuck, I wrote those twice," TJ mumbled, his breath hitching regularly, the words getting more and more choked up, and Cyrus stepped forward, trying to get him to stop, but TJ just rubbed his nose, crumpling the paper, his hands shaking. "Um, some more are probably, I text you too much, and I'm a horrible person cuz I eavesdropped on yours and Amber's conversation in the kitchen and that's when I heard about you wanting to break up with me and I'm such a bad person I can't believe I did that even after I promised myself to not be like fucking Nate Jacobs," TJ sobbed, pressing his hand against his mouth. At that, Cyrus finally lunged forward, grabbing his hands, pulling TJ into a hug.
"TJ, what are you talking about?" He mumbled, and TJ rested his head on Cyrus' shoulder, breathing shakily.
"You and Amber were talking about telling me about breaking up and I overheard and I shouldn't have, cuz I never thought id be the prying boyfriend but that's what i became," TJ said quietly, breathing heavily. "And I'm so fucking sorry, you deserve so much fucking better than me, and you're right to want to break up with me I just don't know how I'll handle it."
"TJ," Cyrus whispered quietly, pulling away and cupping his cheeks. "I don't want to break up with you. I would never want to break up with you."
"W-what?" TJ said, taking a deep breath. He was now even more confused. "You, you don't?"
"Of course not," Cyrus whispered, his voice now cracking too. "But the fact that you made a list of reasons why I would, and are so broken, it kills me TJ. Because none of it is true."
"You don't have to act nice," TJ said quietly, looking down. Cyrus narrowed his eyes, and pulled the crumpled piece of paper from TJ's hand and opened it.
"Since you don't believe me, here are the reasons why Cyrus does not want to break up with you," He started with a small smile, and TJ coughed into his sleeve as he looked at Cyrus.
"You're the kindest person I know. You're always there to keep me safe, and I love hanging out with you how much ever time it is. You're strong and confident, but a sweetheart who is the nicest person ever. And you are not a coward because you didn't tell people, in fact you are so brave for even telling one person about us, Teej. You're unique and incredible and amazing. You are so damn smart it amazes me sometimes. You are more than just a jock, and you are gonna do amazing things. You are perfect for me, Thelonious Jagger Kippen," Cyrus said, and TJ laughed at hearing his name. "You don't text too much at all, and I don't know who the fuck Nate Jacobs is but he seems like a douche so fuck him."
It took TJ a minute to realise that Cyrus had been going down the list he had made, countering every point he had written. He looked up at Cyrus with a watery smile, letting out a sigh. Cyrus smiled back at him, tracing his cheek.
"That, and so many more reasons, is why I love you TJ."
It felt like all the air had been knocked out of TJ's lungs, and he looked at Cyrus in shock and ecstasy. "What?"
"That's what Amber and I were talking abour," Cyrus said quietly, his smile falling a bit. "About me telling you I love you. That's why I asked you to meet me here. That and this," He said, pulling out a small box from his jacket.
TJ opened the box, his hands shaking slightly, and he let out a small laugh as he saw the blueberry macadamia muffins staring back at him.
Cyrus smiled. "I was asking for Amber's help to make it, and for how to tell you."
TJ smiled, looking down. "So, you don't wanna break up with me?"
"Never," Cyrus whispered, touching his forehead to TJ's. TJ sighed, wrapping his arms around Cyrus' waist.
"Thank God," He whispered, and pulled Cyrus into a hug, one that he never wanted to leave.
"Oh, and Cy?"
"I love you too."
Those words were enough for Cyrus to break into a big smile, pulling TJ down for a kiss.
Maybe things were better than TJ thought.
Sorry this kinda sUCKS
General taglist:
@imhereforthetryus @thelonious-jagger-smitten @youve-got-to-be-kippen-me @tjskipping @luzawithoutu @heart-eyes-kippen
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gwarchtawelwch · 5 years
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                          :: relationship & plotter ad ::
I’m having a lot of fun on the witch of silence so I thought I’d write up a permanent plotter call to refer back to, set up some more long term relationships and give you lovely people some ideas of what they might entail. Liking this post means you’re down to interact and interested in setting up something a little more long standing. What you can expect from me:
IMs for setting up threads.
Unprompted starters.
Thinking about your muse or mentioning them to others.
Prompts on memeday.
Reaching out to you during events.
You can send me IMs any time, hit me up on twitter or send me a message and I’ll give you my discord.
I should start this off by saying that Gwinifer has no small amount of self-loathing. She fully believes she’s a terrible person and expects the worst from most given scenarios. She tries to keep a distance from people physically so she doesn’t have to deal with their emotions flooding her mind, and emotionally so she doesn’t act out or snap at people she’s supposed to be close to. 
But despite how uncomfortable being around people is, she’s incredibly, desperately lonely. 
If you’re willing to deal with the awkward mess that she is, the types of relationships formed could be:
Ah yes, friends... Wouldn’t they be a nice thing to have? As much as she wants to have friends, this can be difficult when she’s prone to being rude or just flat out trying to stay away.
If you can get past her exterior, put up with the way she is and keep your vibes in order then you might find that she’s a surprisingly caring and thoughtful friend! She hates thinking about herself so she’d much rather think about you and dedicate her energy that way. Expect lots of poffins and knitwear.
Bonus points if you’re okay with phone calls and chatting online because that’s generally her preferred way of talking to people! Double extra bonus points if you’re a pokémon, associated with them or have some in your care. 
She also has a bit of a penchant for lost souls and exiles, whether self imposed or otherwise. If she thinks you’re lonely, she’ll probably warm up to you faster.
At first it might be easy to just think ‘everyone’ but the truth is she’s a coward and she can’t stand any confrontation if there’s the smallest amount of pushback to her words or actions. 
To be her enemy you’d really have to make a concentrated effort to, because she makes a point of avoiding most things, never mind people she doesn’t like.
In a lighter sense then if you want someone to bicker with and get into constant arguments then this could be fun too. 
She believes herself to be quite dangerous though she takes absolutely no pride in it, quite the opposite really. Aside from how suffocating it feels to be soaked in the emotions of other people, she avoids people so she doesn’t lash out mentally and cause some unintentional damage like she has done in the past.
She’d be very interested to meet other psychics, espers or what have you though she might be quite wary. Potentially an easier route into them becoming friends, or something else if your muse is powerful/talented in their respective field. Arceus knows she needs help.
As far as other emptahs go, it could really go to either extremes. On one hand she hates this ability of hers and its basically a constant source of misery, meeting and interacting with someone else who understands what its like could be huge. On the other hand they might just be like reception towers of emotions that bounce off each other in a terrible feedback loop of feelings. A feelback loop. 
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Okay but seriously this would be extremely difficult. While she is outrageously gay and spends an unhealthy amount of time both reading romance and smut as well as writing it, the girl flusters comically fast and she hasn’t even been kissed since she was in high school. She’d probably say that didn’t count anyway. 
It’s likely she would actively fight against this even if she wanted it, sabotaging herself either intentionally or otherwise.
A ruse! That’s what all of the above was! You’re all in this category whether you like it or not, hah!
But really this is probably like a light version of enemies and there is some truth in the above, in that this is probably going to be the default category until you move out of it. 
AKA anything that doesn’t fit into a defined role above or doesn’t need to! Maybe you just want to interact with her and see where things go without planning too far ahead, maybe you’ve thought of something that I haven’t.
Until she can afford her own house in the Mistwood you can potentially find her anywhere, but she tends to avoid heavily crowded or noisy areas. Currently she lives in Archimedes so Savior’s Respite and the Waters of Styx probably aren’t bad places to find her. 
Either way I’m having a great time interacting with her and despite how she is I’m eager to write her with anyone that’s willing. 
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wanderingtrash · 7 years
Unfair Affair - Part 3
A/N: Two posts in one day! Don't you just love me? 😊I’m not gonna lie I cried a little while writing this part. Also thank you all so much for your positive comments ❤ They encourage me to write more. Enjoy!
Part 1
Part 2
The following week Harry got no call or mesaage from (Y/N). And he couldn’t call her or message her either because Gwen was spending every dying moment of her time with him. The only time he did get to breath was when he went to his office. He had at least 15 minutes until Gwen barged in.
As he sat on the prestige white sofa in the vast living room Harry unlocked his phone. Gwen was in the other room doing some online shopping. They had an event to attend and Harry had promised to be there.
Harry clicked on the instagram app. Slowly searching (Y/N)’s username up. The screen showed her profile. She had 23k followers. No doubt because of how beautiful she was. As well as creative.
He clicked on her most recent picture. It was a picture of notebook. Where she would write. Harry had seen her write in it before. But she wouldn’t let him read it. Claiming that it was silly. But Harry really wanted to know.
Call it curiosity.
The pictures was captioned with a simple get away sentence. ‘My getaway place’
Harry found himself grinning. He was lucky for sure. But his features quickly became blank once more. The picture had been posted 3 days ago. Meaning she was well active on her phone.
Did she forget to message him?
Hearing footsteps getting closer Harry quickly exited out of instagram. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.
Gwen entered the living room wearing one of Harry’s tee’s. She smiled as she saw Harry sat on the sofa. “Oh hi Love” She said striding over to him. Her long legs going to either side of his lap. Harry instinctively putting his hands on her waist. Her slim figure towering him.
“Hey darling. Done shopping for the day? He joked kissing her pink lips softly.
Pressing a finger to her chin Gwen laughed. “I think so baby” She smiled leaning down and prsssing a kiss to his lips. Her hand sliding through her husband’s locks. Her heart filling with love for the man in front if her.
“How did your mum like the necklace you bought her last week?” Gwen asked unknowingly.
Harry weakly smiled at her. He hated lying to her. Of course he did. But he couldn’t tell her the truth either.
“She loved it yeah. Said she had been wanting one for a long time now” Harry responded shrugging.
“I’m glad. She’s the best” Gwen said nodding. “I love mine as well. It’s so beautiful babe” Gwen told him with excitement in her voice. From the diamond to just the though. Her heart swelled. "Can’t believe it was only $500” Gwen said. A sparkle in her eyes.
Was it because of mentioning the expensive necklace or by looking at him?
Harry didn’t know.
“Just like you” Harry proclaimed. Lifting his head up to place a kiss on her neck.
While Gwen planted kisses on his neck.
Harry looked at his phone for a second. Yes (Y/N) was hurting. He knew that. But he couldn’t love her the way she wanted.
A deceiver never wins
(Y/N) layed on her bed. The soft sound of Sam Smith’s 'Stay with Me’ playing. Her eyes were red and puffy from the crying she had done. The song always made her feel a certain way. Then mixing it up with her situation it just added to her pain.
And deep down I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn’t hurt
Last week on her date with Ben after what she had seen on twitter. She had asked Ben to take her home. Making the excuse that she wasn’t feeling good. Being the gentleman Ben was he has instantly agreed.
He held her as he noticed her teary eyes. But he never asked why. That was the thing about Ben. He always tried to make her feek comfortable. Never wanting to put her im a position that she didn’t want to be in. That made (Y/N) feel safe.
When she had said goodbye to Ben and entered her house she broke down.
Was this just a sick game to Harry?
That night she had taken the necklace off and placed it in the velvet box from which Harry had taken it out of. She placed it up in her closet. Not even bothering to call Harry to come pick it up.
Not yet anyway.
She had refused to tell Eva anything. She also had asked Ben not to tell her anything. Hesitantly Ben agreed. He really did care for her. He knew whatever she was in tears about was upsetting to her and he blankly refused to make her even more upset.
What upset her the most was that Harry hadn’t to bother to ask her how she was. No call or text.
But then again why would he?
He had his perfect housewife to keep his bed warm and his needs fulfilled. She was just there when Mrs. Styles was gone. And Harry needed someting to entertain himself.
Harry was probably scared that she would go and blab to the media about their redezvous. So he kept her quiet by acting like he cared.
But how do you get over someone you love?
Bob Marley once said 'The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman with the intention of loving her’
Oh how right Bob Marley was.
Biting her lip (Y/N) reached for her phone. She blinked the tears away that were clouding her vision. The salty droplets running down her cheeks.
She knew. She knew that she needed to stop being so dependent on Harry. And she often found herself wondering why she couldn’t have fallen in love with a man that wasn’t married? A man that cherished her.
A man that cared.
Slowly clicking on Harry’s contact name she slowly typed. Each letter sending a feeling on anxiety and pain through her. But it needed to be done. For her own well being an conscious.
'We need to talk’
Harry let out a breath as Gwen rolled next to him. She immediately cuddled in his arms. Something (Y/N) would do but he would usually never hold her back.
Must be guilt.
Gwen softly kissed his chest and smiled. Oh how she loved moments like these with him. Where his CEO persona was gone.
Her Harry was present. Her husband was present.
Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled. Her blue eyes looking up at him with admiration. Her blonde hair was all over the place. She had tired eyes from going at it for a while.
She bit her lip pecking his lips one last time before turning still in his arms “I love you” She said smiling weakly.
Harry’s eyes crinkled as he grinned.
“I love you too my Queen”
Yawning Gwen closed her eyes. A smile left om her face.
Harry waited a few minutes. Wanting to make sure she was completely asleep.
He had heard his phone go off while he was deep inside. Their moans filling the room so nothing mattered at the time.
After what felt like an eternity Harry was sure Gwen was asleep. He reached over grabbing his phone carefully. Making sure not to wake Gwen.
Unlocking it he had 5 notifications. 4 of them from work. 1 of them from (Y/N). Which had been sent an hour ago.
Smirking to himself he tapped her name which took him to all the messages exchanged bewteen them.
His smirk quickly feel.
'We need to talk’ The message read. Harry felt his heart drop to his stomach.
(Y/N) had never sent him a message that serious before.
Sure there were times were they fought about silly things but it would usually be resolved with him going over to (Y/N)’s house, sweet talking her, giving her small pecks on her neck and lips.
Then ending it with him fucking her on her bed. Her a moaning mess beneath him. Begging for him to go faster.
But this was different.
After not hearing from her in a week and he gets this?
Harry was afraid to find out what she wanted to talk about.
Harry was really afraid.
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