#rt wank
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Gonna be real with y'all, I think it's a dumb move to put the DB podcast behind a paywall. Like podcasts are usually excellent ways to introduce people to the creators and their vibes, and now you've taken that away for a channel that just started. Also, what if there's important news tucked away in this FIRST only podcast?? Ain't nobody gonna know until like a month later when they announce it on Twitter. Unless someone with a FIRST membership shares it with the world. It's justttt fucking messy man 😮💨
#dogbark#rtah#rooster teeth#db crew#erin's chitterchatter#rt wank#i saw the new ep on the rt site today (and i knee they were planning on doing this but still) and it just pissed me off
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RTX never made any money is really surprising to me.
i mean we don't know what goes on backend wise for rt, and i'm sure it is a lot of fucking money to host a huge convention that grows every year, but also it is a little surprising that they apparently didn't make that back with ticket and merch sales as well as like, extra stuff for pictures ect that i assume they do.
idk, i never went to rtx and the rtx at home i just got a jeremy fancall and the gta thing they did that year.
but personally i think rt has been losing money for quite some time, they have been desperately making changes to try and hold onto it or begging for money via first memberships ect. it sucks for the people who work there, but i'm not really surprised by any of it.
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hypothetically is there a way i can support AH directly? instead of being a first member? bc i genuinely dont like RT as a whole and want to get back into watching AH bc i havent in almost 2 years iirc. just started watching the new sbm and i miss ah :( but god RT sucks
i cant do individual livestreams bc my schedule doesn't allow for it
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Well, what the hell, might as well.
Unpopular opinion I have is that I don't like Geoff, like at all anymore. If he's in a video, I'm not watching it if I can help it. The only exception was that AHWU video and still hearing him talk in that made me want to thrash him around like a chew toy. I don't like shitty bosses, and I don't like bosses who can't apologize for their mistakes and make up for the way they've treated employees. Also not a fan of fuckface because of obviously what was just said, but also because I feel like it's one of the only things Gavin does now with RT when he could be in lets rolls or off topic or lets plays and so I also lowkey blame Geoff for that.
Also speaking of that whole bad boss thing and all the shit that brought that up in the first place (and I know people definitely may not like this, but oh well). I felt for Kdin and know that she has every right to air her grievances about the company and AH and all that. Totally justified. But what I didn't like is that whole thing took eyes away from the fact that Matt (a key member of AH) just got laid off to part time even tho AH wouldn't be what it is today without the shit he's created. Like all of the communities' attention was taken away from him and turned to Kdin. It just, the whole thing rubbed me the wrong way.
Also, one other thing, the Rooster Teeth app sucks. It could be so much better, but I feel like RT management and whatnot just don't care enough to fix that damn app. It's been like that for years, so why start fixing it now, I guess?
Do some of y'all have any unpopular opinions regarding RTAH?? This is a safe space if y'all wanna share
#rtah#rt wank#also ah please start playing stories that have more rp capabilities again like gta or minecraft pplkeasee but#thats not an unpopular opinion
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I was at an arcade for the first time last weekend (or technically, an interactive museum with arcade machines and old consoles) and man, idk how anyone learned fighting games back in the day.
I was playing Killer Instinct against the AI, none of my hits matter because I don't know any combos. How did people throw enough money at these machines to figure it out? And internet access was much less available too, so you'd have much fewer people to compare notes with.
Like, I think the people who wank about fighting games being uniquely difficult (compared to shooters or RTS) are full of shit. But compared to other arcade games? Yeah, I think so. At the other cabinets it's much more obvious what you need to do.
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i wish the person currently going through stuff i posted under the rt wank tag a very blessed evening
#haters in arms 🤝#sometimes i feel like i go overboard when i’m Really angry about something#rt-related or otherwise#but then i look back and think ‘damn. i should’ve been meaner’
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Do you have any interest in Unicorn Overlord, the upcoming game by Vanillaware?
For context, the developer's trademarks are gorgeous visuals, complex plots/lore, and enough sexual shamelessness to rival FE; this is certainly true of both VW games currently available on Switch (13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, GrimGrimoire OnceMore). Both also have a bit of notable queer content (M/M in the former, F/F in the latter).
Incidentally, GrimGrimoire has a demo on the Switch eShop.
I might look into it. The initial trailer for Unicorn Overlord didn't really grab me, and Vanillaware's past games don't look too appealing to me because of their real-time strategy elements. I've never been able to get a feel for RTS. More recent information on UO has piqued my interest a bit more though, so it's possible that I'll check it out come March. Unfortunately 2024 is looking pretty barren for me in terms of new games, with the only other two releases I'm even sort of looking forward to being remakes/remasters of older Mario games - and as my Super Mario RPG run showed me, those aren't great for content unless I can think of something short and clickbait-y.
On that note however, I have no idea how well UO would go over as channel content. I never got great numbers out of my Octopath Traveler or Triangle Strategy videos, despite being FE-adjacent Switch RPGs. I dislike the idea of being pegged for a single series, especially one with nothing new announced on the horizon *crosses fingers for FE4 remake in the February Direct* but at least now that I've gotten talking about the Discourse™ out of the way I feel like I have more room to revisit Three Houses and older FEs for video ideas without having to sigh over all the wank. I've already got two such ideas for the relatively near future, with one I'm planning to have out in January.
But yeah - Unicorn Overlord is a maybe on playing, and a shakier maybe for video content.
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So some WB animation & CN staffers are trying to unionize now. No clue whether this means anything for Chicken Dentures, but at this point I'm waaay more hopeful about that & other Texan 'pay us already' animation developments than this hashtagnewvolumelaborwhatlabor? sewage. Lately fndm/rwde wank seems to get very lost in the weeds of in-show character crit, but the former clique's nonresponse to so many disclosures remains fucking awful.
I'm hoping it means that the animators, writers, voice actors, and everyone involved in the show gets decent pay. I get why fans want to see the show continue. For a lot of people, this is how they met online friends, made connections with other artists or writers, and found a community where they belong. But I think that that community can survive even if the show gets delayed like hell.
If fans can keep shouting at Sony to delay Beyond the Spider-Verse so that the animators, writers, VAs, etc. can be paid properly and have the time they need to make a good movie, then so can the fans of RWBY. The main issue is that greenlighting the show is very much out of their hands, so while Spider-Verse is pretty much greenlit, RWBY isn't, so fans need to show enough support to prove that there is enough demand for the show in order for it to continue.
Fans can wait a few years for RWBY so that the animation is good, the writing is good, and so that the people working on it aren't worked to death. And while I'm somewhat curious as to what the show will bring us (good and bad), there needs to be an understanding that a good story is one that takes time.
Legend of Korra once had a filler episode just so they could keep their animators and other such personal on the show, I don't see why RT can't have some delays to make sure their show would be of both quality, and of humane production.
I admittedly, haven't been around the rwde/crtq tag as much lately, so I don't know what's going on. And that's mainly because I've come to the conclusion that any flaw in RWBY is also a flaw in other shows. Say what you want about Emerald, at least they didn't take a doll off the corpse of a girl and send it as a halfhearted idea of a gift to a family member while giving another family member something that was actually had thought put into it, like Iroh. Say what you want about Ilia, at least she didn't hire an assassin to go after the main heroes because she was unsure of her place in the place that rejected her, like Zuko. Say what you want about Ruby, at least she didn't claim to be a non-killing pacifist while also burying people in an avalanche, like Aang did.- Basically, any flaw within RWBY is also a flaw within other shows that are also critically acclaimed, like AtLA.
The main point I'm trying to make here is that the story does deserve to be told. It does deserve to have its ending. But that shouldn't come at the expense of animators, writers, voice actors, or anyone really. If RT can't make the show in a humane way, then they should hand it off to a company that will. If that means they go down, well… They brought that on themselves. And maybe if these guys can get unionized, the show can be made without the expense of people around them. And I'd like to think that the show itself would improve if it were made humanely.
So while I have no idea what the future will hold, I'm hoping that it'll be at least somewhat better than what we have right now. If we fail to make the world better for the next generation, then we've failed as a generation. And the same can be said about previous generations. And future generations too.
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#judges #believe #all #that #map #german #crimes #but #donot #give #scums #absolutions #for #reframing #and #trickery #forinstance #vogelfrei #swhy #asis #basics #default #ie #noone_asks_why_outsourcedbaby care_was_necessary #yallneeda_pornoname #intrinsically_how #logically #robbed #is #while #squibbler_and_therealdeal #believe #this #h owfraudsystemswork #shutupanddie #witnessprotect #schargeddaytime .@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys .@law @harvard_law .@bbcr4sundays .@scotus @scotus @scotusblog @all @world @bbc_whys #s_ charged_daytime_repeatedly_oathsigned #system #roundemallup_shxitballs #right_to_astronaut_withoutspacesuit_ orwithoutspacesuitie_thegermandomesticintelcutifiedversion_with_ie #isit_time #chain_of_obey #mildest_bs_coo ked_analysis_development #noone_really_stored_this_as_hope_prince ? #ohreally ? #paddle_the_guy_in_clowncostume #pinponygirl #lifelongvictims #mind #russische_methode #errors_and_allin _intent #them_and_civillians #chain_of_command #outsourced_babycare #lawyerspin_and_ai #one_trick_of_many_germanconfirmerd #is #criminal_governance #and #misguided #govt _caused_game_in_their_hierarchies #dip_immunity #how #toddler_vibe_dothe_right_thing_verify #trace #absolution?! #slike #public_law #germandeserve # sowhat #shouldhave #and #longtermeffects #axe_and_spoiler #quell #extraordinarily_viciously #right_thing_t o_do #unknown #actionability #themother #some_actually_believe_them #early #outsourced_babycare #you_can _verify_verdicts_along_ambiguity_and_what_judges_typically_aimed_for_here #targettedindividual #typicall y #mapped_crimes #witnessprotect #mind_who_is_victim #mind_who_is_expended #by_who_why #obliged_to _make_safety #rule #outsourced_babycare #defend_the_baby #magic _cola_to_have_sssexxx #accountable howmany #decoys #assumed #achmenno #vogelfrei #germanconfirmed #crimina lsecuritypolicy #howlong #romulan #rightsto #lawn?!? #lawn_or_law #disgusting_hopeless_victim #counterfa ctually_false #them_play_the_victim #expends_who_believed_em #obliged #bespucken #since_when #simply #fraudsystem #genuerbergti #dismal #lustgain_how #match #now_if_you_cou ld_finally_imminently_therefore_the... #basics #of #criminalsecuritypolicy #ugh #alibis #no _intel_overwatch ? #shows_s_not_them #simply #one_facette_of_criminal_securitypolicy #gitmo_mom _vs_president #expended #cases_where_judges_were_obliged_to_first_hunt_down_all_the_excesses_inthefirstplace_to_even_ma ke_it_s_e_e_m_dueprocess #obliged_to_firstly_avert_continuation_of_crimes #which_scums_did_not_u nderstand_and_cut_down_judges_as_too_victim_biased #it_is_gerrmany judges medival vogelfrei is enforced in the tightestcontrolled systems besides the asians isprecisely whatyousaw you would wonder why all obey realm segragation but these things happen around howmany checkpoints howthisis allalong possiblewith howmany involved and invited arou nd chekcpoints you donot know how the security system taboo s people and medival freeforall vogelfrei them andthen targetted individual thatguy harm extrathe utmost and why outsourced babycare was necessary letalone barelysurvived then what thegovt wasnotonlyobliged toave rt but efforted causing them: frame decoys psychiatrisation criminalisation sssexxxsleaze you pingpong who wanked onwho and goodintent bestintent germangovt with its institutions along ministryofinterior secretaries and allm ustobey institutions allofthem must ////
#judges #believe #all #that #map #german #crimes #but #donot #give #scums #absolutions #for #reframing #and #trickery #forinstance #vogelfrei #swhy #asis #basics #default #ie #noone_asks_why_outsourcedbabycare_was_necessary #yallneeda_pornoname #intrinsically_how #logically #robbed #is #while #squibbler_and_therealdeal #believe #this #howfraudsystemswork #shutupanddie #witnessprotect…
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I didn't like rogue trader.
I tried playing it and found the combat a complete number wanking slog lol. I don't think that game is for me.
And it's kinda weird because the gameplay is similar to Mechanicus which I don't really have issues with. But also Mechanicus battles are a bit more bite sized and you only need to worry about like two armor types and three damage types.
As opposed to the numberwank with tons of stats, bonuses, and damage types in multiple party members.
Also what helps the Mechanicus game is that it's an aspect of 40k I really like, as opposed to RTs that I'm neutral about.
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via Twitter https://twitter.com/mirandamckenni1
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In light of, well, EVERYTHING that happened and was revealed yesterday, I have done what I thought I would never do. I cancelled my First Subscription. My heart goes out to Kdin, Mica, Matt, and every other single person who has been hurt by this company, who claims to have bettered itself but in reality is just as bad, if not worse than before because now they claim to be inclusive.
I'm not a huge fan of streaming, and I am going to miss Achievement Hunter content, as honestly the only reason I was a first member was to support AH, but I just can't let my money go to such an awful company any longer.
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i'd usually add the rt wank tag to my sporadic rant posts, but there was enough to rant about recently that i uh, just gave up with that
#whoops!#i'll consider it progress if i don't have to use it again for maybe... 2 months?#anyways did y'all hear that stf is sunsetting by the end of this month?#i'm surprised it lasted as long as it did
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It’s baffling that anyone can support a company where top talent call trans employees the F slur for years with no repercussions, and a company where two straight male writers fetishized a lesbian ship so much it became cannon and the only non-Herero relationships in show are both hot lesbian couples because, you know, lesbians are hot. 🙄To RT, the LGBTQ+ community is a prop and wank fodder at best, and the recipient of endless slurs and scorn at worst. But go off and buy your rainbow-washed, overpriced crap, I guess

This is an importanf message that I want to tell the FNDM, especially to those that do ship BumbleBY:
Rooster Teeth do not care about the LGBT community. They don't care. There are also lots of reports of the company treating their LGBT employees like garbage. Kdin Jenzen is a victim of both homophobia and transphobia and is one of many victims of such.
To BumbleBY fans, if you really want merch of your ship then buy, support and promote FAN-MADE MERCH, not anything from Rooster Teeth.
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If I had a nickel for every time a southern white guy with a college degree in something unsuited to his field became a (semi???) famous youtuber where a big part of his persona was being “the Wife Guy” and “the Dad Guy”, only for it all to crash and burn in late September early October as images are leaked lf said white guy cheating on his wife, and getting him fired…
I’d have two Nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s fucking exhausting that it’s happened twice.
(I saw the iykyk tag. And I know.)
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heads up.
gonna gripe about ryan haywood for a moment
so im just chilling watching Super Bunny Man in the playlist, and the second video is when they’re playing as multiplayer with Ryan and Matt. this was all recorded in summer of 2018, so keep that in mind.
and at first i completely forgot about this video. forgot it was coming up in the queue. forgot he was in it. and then when i became aware of the video, there’s his voice and just like
it sounds so forced now. with how he tries to be a part of the content. his excitement and enthusiasm. it sounds forced. like he’s trying to show he’s having fun. because we all know in videos where Ryan didn’t play well, he was usually fairly quiet (think of any of the times they played Mario games).
and i think that gets me the most. i legit cannot listen to his voice without thinking ‘what a fucking liar. what a fucking pos.’
and that’s why i can’t listen to older content with him in it. why i can’t support any content with him in it because a lot of it was just a fucking grift
#tw ryan haywood#tw ryan#star speaks#rt wank#not really about rt#but just for the sake of tagging#it's been a wild fucking year
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