#or they will probably try to get married in the beginning but something will interrupt their wedding. i'm pretty that's what's gonna happen
The next Disney heroine to become a mother is probably going to be Anna. I have a feeling that's what is going to happen in Frozen 4. I believe it makes the most sense for her character as well as Kristoff. We have had very, very few parents that are the leads or co-leads in animated Disney stories, so it would be nice to see that happen in Frozen 4, which is the only thing I'm hoping they do in that movie.
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astrologylunadream · 3 months
What Type of Lover Would They Be? 💌🍓🖤 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream❤️ This is a reading on your person and the type of lover they are/would be like with you!👀💋 hope you find your message🌸
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸❤️
Pile 1🍫
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Pile 2🥛
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Pile 3🥀
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Pile 4🍓
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🍫
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Sign energy: Unexpected, Activity, Soft spot, Energy, Hold, Lilith, Chiron, Libra, Gemini, 1st house, Vertex,🎶💃👿🤵‍♂️
👤Your person's energy: Oh my pile 1 your person is fiesty😂😂 There is a lot of passion and energy to this pile, I know this is about your person but I am also getting some fire energy from you guys🙈🔥 Some of you could be aries, leo or sagittarius placements in your charts, my pile 1's are so irresistible!!🥰 Now this person has a lot energy physically, I feel like they can do a lot without getting burnt out, probably can work out often. On their own this person can be forward and a little impulsive but they also have a very gentle side.🥹🩷 This person tends to be direct in their thinking, for some lf you this person curses a lot😂🤬 Physically they have a certain charm about them, because they can look mean yet soft and sweet at the same time?? It just kinda comes off as hot tbh😂😭 Oh and prominent signs in their chart are Libra, Gemini, and Aries. They have a mars mercury feel to them, they could talk fast or bluntly. They do have an unexpected dark side to them, maybe they have a soft image but then they're a devil in disguise omg😈 Nothing bad but, they have another vibe to them that's really passionate and aggressive even?? Maybe they have a bit of a resting b*tch face but you think it's so cute😆 Oh hold on I'm just getting something, you guys may see this person as the love of your life, you're soft for them🥺💞💋 Other people may think they're bad news but in your eyes they're literally the sweetest thing ever.🤭🌸 This connection could be on hold for some of you, there is some sort of barrier between physical touch with this person right now for some sudden reason. Maybe someone is into healing music? Music could be healing for this person. You like the way this person thinks, they're like a cute little devil to you.😂 They may look really adorable to you when they're angry, some of my pile 1's want to marry this person💍💕 They could be toned/strong physically, random but their hand grip is very strong? Like they can open a jar or crush things with their hand?😂🫣 You may be able to spot them easily by their hands. Honestly this is just so cute🥰
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Target, Winter, Remedy, Listen, Unafraid, 11th house, Sun, 3rd house, Sagittarius, Saturn,🎱🩲🤬🫐 Lol wtf are these emojis help- Umm so your person would be the type of lover that's like a best friend, they might would want to be friends first before getting into the relationship with you.🙃 Despite their forward approach to communication, when it comes to you they would be the BEST listener omg this is so sweet😭💖 Like they would be all ears for whatever you have to say💬 it's just so cute because it really felt like they're the type to cut people off easily when they talk and not take time to listen but PILE 1 when it comes to you they will never interrupt you🥺💕💞 They are naturally a very fun type of lover with you, they would be brave and daring in their attempts to win you over😆 Like they are not afraid to make any bold moves or mistakes.💪😎 In a relationship with you, they are like the shining sun keeping you warm in the cold winter. They may try to befriend your friends, and talk about how lucky they are to have you🤭 Your person would be giving sibling, best friend and lover energy all at once. But as childish and bright as they may act with you, they are also a very dominant type.😳❤️‍🔥⛓️ So like one minute they're joking with you and then the next they're choking with you (if you know what I mean!!🥵) Yeah also they're the kind of lover that's very handsy in a relationship with you, they may always wanna have their hand on your shoulder or other places😭 They might be a little reckless around you, simply because they get all bright and excited when they're with you🥹💖 But they are also the kind to take you seriously when needed, like they would really commit🫶 They may be the kind to tell dirty jokes with you, just throwing it out there to get your reply🫣 So basically they can be really fun and silly but also hot af with you😭⁉️ I see them smirking all the time and nudging you, as your lover they would get very intense when you two are alone❤️‍🔥⛓️ Also they may love arguing with you then suddenly making out with you??😳 AHH Yeah I can definitely see that for your person, they're the sweet and funny type but can be dominant and aggressive with you if you want it😈😰😭
💌Messages from your person: What happened? Let's take our time, I wish I could control it, Someone will love you, It's all real (Omg yess pile 1 it's reaaal🥰) Extra cards: Spell, Mean, Submissive, Mutable, Skill (Some of you may be mutable signs, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius✨️ I love this connection you two have it's really something special🌹)
Haha this pile was A LOT omg!!😂🩷 Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chocolate emoji~🍫 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 2🥛
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Sign energy: Tea, Twin flame, Imagination, Darling, Rebellion, 3rd house, Vertex, 5th house, 9th house, 11th house,🤗🪸🥠🫧
👤Your person's energy: Ah they're very attractive aren't they?? Some of my pile 2's have a lot of fantasies about this person🥺💭 This may be a twin flame/soulmate connection to you, they feel like your soul twin🩷 You may interact with this person through social media/online, I am getting lots of mirrored energy. Prominent Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius in their chart.✨️ I feel like this person makes you very happy, you just want to hug them😢💖 I am getting water energy from some of my pile 2's, especially neptune placements.🔱💕 This connection feels fateful to you guys, maybe you've even been manifesting this person?🙏 Tea may be significant, also for some of you this person could be from a different culture or background than you. They could also have a thirst for traveling to other countries.✈️ Maybe their beliefs are a bit rebellious? They desire to befriend people of different countries and ethnicities. They have a charming bright aura and smile made of sunshine, also you are friends with this person or want to be!!🥺🩷 This person may have a unique way of speaking or communicating with others, some people may find it strange but you find is intriguing.💬✨️ For physical appearance, maybe unique hair. They are giving an eccentric and creative vibe, they may be into unusual music or art. They have strange tastes for some of you, a lot of manifestation from this pile. If you're manifesting this person just know it's working!!🥰 The fortune cookie emoji is very promising, there is the working of fate for this connection. Soulmate/twin flame vibes take what resonates~💞
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Daily, Situation, Inactivity, Benefits, Feminine, Aries, Earth, Chiron, Sagittarius, Air,🕸🧖‍♀️🦥🧊 Okay interesting so the first thing I'm noticing with your person is that they are the type of lover to do considerably feminine activities with you, like going shopping or pampering yourselves.💅🛍💖 They may be very helpful if you two ever trave to another country, maybe they speak a language well? And you can benefit from that with your person🤭💫 You may also have many travel benefits and opportunities when you're with them, as well as learning new things. I can see that your person is the type to go pretty fast into the relationship with you, they might just start dating you kind of out of nowhere that's the vibe I'm getting from your person lol😂 They may try to take really good care of themselves, wear expensive clothes and look good just for you✨️💗🥺 There is this energy, like they may be really worried about having a relationship come to a stop or just die so like they try to do as much as they can to keep you interested every day😭 They are a bit clingy, so they are the type to have their arm around you a lot.👀💕 Some of my pile 2's this is a very feminine person when in a relationship with you, they may act as the feminine in the relationship.♀️ I do see you two doing a lot of sweet activities together, self care is something you both share.💝🪞🧼 You two could get caught up in some petty fights sometimes, but then they just hug you and cuddle you making it hard to stay mad at them🥹🙊 I can see this person being protective of you. They may enjoy buying you products for you to use, like nice bathroom products✨️🧴 Wow it's like this person knows you so well because they are into similar things, also, they may like to touch your thighs a lot. I can see them wanting to grab your leg often when you two are dating.😭😨💞 For those who this is a masculine they have a lot of understanding and respect for you guys🥺 Like they are not afraid to seem less masculine by sharing the things you love, like if it's what pile 2 wants it doesn't matter to me <3 I'm just getting such soft and sweet masculine vibes for those, this could be a sort of relationship that just happens somehow. Like situationship kinda thing.🤯 For some of you this person may be a little jealous of you?? There is some competitive energy here. Ohh but you guys make such a cute couple, like a very feminine one.😘💞💅 I can just see you two buying cute clothes and spending time doing your favorite things together!!
💌Messages from your person: So what, I like the pain, Just say the word, I'm in trouble, Don't waste your time (For some of you this person feels like a situation won't work out, they may be having negative thoughts about this connection😢 It could be a sort of masochistic view on the relationship, like they want things to go wrong for their suffering. This person may have a lot of emotional wounds, also they could feel they aren't good enough for you like "just give up on me" kinda thing🥺💔) Extra cards: Protection, True, Indecision, Slow, Trial and error (Ohh but it's true that they wanna protect and heal you guys, but they're just really confused, like they feel so slow and can't make up their mind right now!!😫💗)
Wow I didn't expect all that🤯 Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the milk emoji~🥛 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 3🥀
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Sign energy: North node, Learn, Locked, Good, Hard, Water, North node, 7th house, 2nd house, 1st house,🪃❤️😁🔗
👤Your person's energy: Ooh lovers energies in this pile!! OH MY this could be someone you are meant to be with💖 Signs for them are Libra, Taurus, Aries.. Venus placements! Oh also water signs. They could have a pretty voice, very clear and nice.🗣✨️ Some of my pile 3's will come in contact with this person soon, most likely a phsyical encounter soon!!🤗 This is a romantic option for you guys, you may consider this person to be the love of your life.💐 You feel very connected to this person, romantically this person may be committed to you in some way.💍🩷 This could be a twin flame/soulmate connection for some, there is a lot of love and attraction to this person.🥰 North node came out twice I just realized, so there could be a lot happening really soon or in the future with this person? Actually that's very promising, this is a very loving and sweet person.🥺💕 They could be a water rising, also may have soft skin. This could be someone who always comes back to you or always will, because they are linked to you in some way. It's like no matter what they will always be connected to you guys💗🔗😱 Definitely romantic feelings for this person, my pile 3's are in love with them omggg🥺 You could be dead set on marrying this person. Also you may be possessive over this person, like you want them to be yours only.💞 Ugh I can just feel so much love and need for this person, you guys are so soft for them😭 I also feel like some of my pile 3's are actually already in a relationship with this person, but not all. This person is very physically attractive, they could have venus on their rising too.🫢💋 People may consider them a good kisser? Lol dunno why that's coming through, they may have very kissable lips. Something about this person is heavy, they feel very grounded and calm. You may learn a lot from this person or the other way around they may learn a lot from you, I see a lot of growth in this person.🩷 Their physical appearance is coming through a lot, I feel like you guys just can't control yourselves around this person like you just wanna touch them so bad LMAO👐😭 Something is definitely going to happen soon with this person, lol there is just so much romantic energy thrown in my face with this one you guys love is written all over this person😂 You are also very excited about them, they make you all giddy and cute💗
🌹What type of lover they are with you: Lack, Risk, Rest, Emotional, Affection, 5th house, Eros, 3rd house, Pisces, 4th house,❤️‍🔥🪐🛎🕹 Ohhh pile 3 this gooood😍❤️ This person as a lover is passionate, romantic and caring. They will want to play and have fun with you, very teasing and charming🩷 The relationship is filled with love and attraction, they're the type to shower you with compliments and tell you how attractive you are to them🌹💖 They are very affectionate as your lover!! The type to embrace you lovingly and kiss you as much as you'd like🥺💋 They're such a flirt with you, but it's so genuine??😭 Like it literally comes from their heart and it just pours out of them how much they love you.❤️ Now this person may conceal these feelings or restrict themselves from affection towards you, they could feel it is immature or irresponsible to indulge in that as the please. (But they really want to😩) The beginning of the relationship might would start out very difficult for them to show their love, because they would be denying it. But as your lover this person would eventually let loose and give in to all the many desires they keep locked away because guess what, they can't control themselves with you🤪🙈❤️‍🔥 They are really a wild and passionate lover with you, so romantic it's crazy. The type to cuddle you tight and rest with you, taking naps with you aw🥺💞 But also they talk a lot with you, like they won't shut up or stop flirting with you😂 Persistent af. They also want to control you and have fun with you like you're their toy🥵 Also they enjoy teasing and playing all sorts of little games with you. They're the type to make you feel loved and comfortable then suddenly they pin you down and catch you by surprise😭🔞 I won't go into everything but they definitely are a very VERY passionate lover with you. Like they want to turn on a lot, very risky with you. But also emotionally attached to you, they are really sweet but also really naughty.😳❤️‍🔥 You guys are connected on a soul level, they get so hot with you oml. Oh my pile 3 they are really into you as a lover, also they're very entertaining and love your attention.👑 The dynamic you guys have is literally everything😭 They are a lover that would desire you, treat you so good, and spoil you. Warm hugs and hot kisses, also they would commit to you. Like they only see you omg, you are the object of their affections.😍❤️❤️❤️
💌Messages from your person: Anything please, I'll do, How do you think I feel? We're compatible, You make me nervous (Omg your person knows you two are like 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Also they're down for anything but also hella nervous about you🥺💞) Extra cards: Dominant, Catch, Orange, Fake smile, Tangled (Yeah they want to catch you and tie you up and much much more that I won't go into...!!!😭🔞)
This pile got crazy!! Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the rose petals emoji~🥀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Pile 4🍓
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Sign energy: Demeanor, View, Sight, Deep, First date, 9th house, Pisces, 11th house, Water, Eros,🛸🥳🍋😎
👤Your person's energy: You guys may view this person from social media/online, a lot of my pile 4's are not present in this person's life, they could be at a distance right now.🥲 For some of you this is an online dating thing or you could be manifesting to date this person.🙏💗 They're really cool omg, they have a unique and exotic charm about them. They could be from overseas or abroad, or have traveled a lot.✈️✨️ Some of you keep a check on this person through divinity or spiritual sources. They are knowledgeable and kind, signs in their chart could be Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, and water placements.🥰💫 You have a deep admiration for this person, you may look up to them. They have a vibe about them, really unlike any other.🩷 You may have dreams of this person or that is where you see them often. This feels like someone very far away, they feel like an alien on another planet to you. That is their energy.👽🤔 Perhaps you feel very different than this person in some ways, they are mentally very attractive.💭 Some of you could be friends with this person, or they just seem like they would make a good friend. They are creative and have good ideas, you support their imagination.💡💖 This person is very fun and bright, but I'm also getting this swag about them. Eccentric and hot??😂 They just have such a fresh vibe about them, also they could have a water sign as their 9th house. Some of you watch this person from a distance like online, you may look at their page often but remain unseen.🤫 They could be a bit of a rebel, like they dyed their hair or dress different than how they were told. Something about them is just different, and you really like that about them omg🥰
��What type of lover they are with you: More, Doctor, Uranus, Uniqueness, Hot, 5th house, Virgo, 1st house, Mercury, 6th house, 🔚🌇🗒🏍 Lol this person's gonna get handsy with you guys- OMG so they would treat you really special, unlike anyone else.🔥 They are the type to keep wanting more more more😭😭😭 They can't get enough of you as your lover, the attractive just grows. The way they talk to you as your lover is very different than how they usually talk, like it speeds up and things get really hot🤯❤️‍🔥 They think of you a lot, also I keep getting  freaky vibes so.. uh... you know what that means😳🙊 They may want to take care of you, and mantain a healthy lifestyle in a relationship with you.🥗🩷 But also when you two are together, they feel like they can finally be themselves😇 Like they can be as weird and nonconforming as they wanna be. They feel like you won't judge them, there is a lot of communication from this person as your lover. They will talk a lot with you, the kind to talk about all sorts of random things💬😂💖 In a relationship with you, this person is witty and entertaining. Like you will never get bored with their conversations🩷 They might overthink about you though, especially if they think of something they shouldnt😳👿 I can see them writing down every detail and quirk about you they love😇 They would find you so fascinating, because to them you would make them feel not so strange. Aw they would feel so accepted by you as your lover, you heal them really.🥺💞 They are the type to touch you a lot, this could be very often😳 They could like holding hands with you, also holding your waist. For some of you I can imagine you guys start dating online first, but only some.🤳🩷👀 Also they're the type of lover that loves taking selfies of you two together😍 Also just taking photos of you in general would be their favorite hobby~ Oh and uh... filiming whatever else they find interesting😳🔞 They are the kind to tell you "you're perfect" or "you look so hot" while you're just like eating chips and watching tv lmaooo also like when you're just talking about your playlist or something they just start making out with you at the most unexpected times HELP😂🥵 Like they wouldn't even give you a warning they are an unpredictable lover to say the least, but it's hot.❤️‍🔥
💌Messages from your person: I would hurt whoever hurts you, You can't control me, You can do it, I wanna steal your kiss, You know I love you (OHH pile 4 you better knowww🥵🥵🥵) Extra cards: Inspiration, King, Sugar, Unhealthy, Waist (They have some crazy fantasy about you guys oml🔞 Didn't I say they would wanna grab your waist? Well it's here oml that energy is raging that's all I'm gonna say😭)
Okayy that was fun!! thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🥰❤️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🌸🌹💌
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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sundaynightlive · 1 year
Soft (Steddie + Platonic Stobin)
Hey Steve?”
“Can I say something? And can you promise not to get mad at me?”
Steve looks over at her curiously. He can hardly imagine what she could say that would really upset him, or why she’d feel the need to preface anything she had on her mind with a question like that. Usually, she’s all gung-ho about pissing him off—it’s just how they are, constantly bickering like an old married couple. Steve really doesn’t blame anyone for thinking they’re together—they sure act like it, in a roundabout sort of way.
“Say you promise.” Steve rolls his eyes.
“Seriously, Rob, I’m not gonna—”
“Say you promise.”
That actually slightly unnerves him. He keeps his eyebrows raised, but relents.
“Alright, I promise.” She shifts in her seat, glances up at Eddie and the kids on stage, all chattering about something he doesn’t understand—attack rolls? Natural 20s? Owlbears?
“He makes you soft,” she says. Steve follows her gaze.
Oh. She noticed.
Steve tends to be oblivious, but he had noticed this, mostly because it was so… new. Irregular. Confusing. Around Eddie he just… softens. That’s about the best way to describe it—he’s glad Robin said so, because now he can put a name to the feeling. His brain seems to stop its mile-a-minute, mamma-bear rampage and just… quiet. He can’t put a finger on why—well he can, but it’s… a lot. He’s spent many a night staring up at the ceiling, trying to discern whether he really is romantically attracted to Eddie, or if he’s projecting. Maybe he’s been alone so long he just can’t tell anymore. Maybe his and Nancy’s little dance around each other is just confusing to the point of insanity.
But Robin noticed. And they should talk.
“Can we move back a few rows?”
They stand and none of the kids nor Eddie take notice. Their voices are getting progressively louder, and Ed is perched in his chair like he could spring up on to the table at any moment, hands motioning excitedly in all sorts of ways. He talks with his hands, just like Nance and Robin.
“Are you mad?”
“No,” Steve says as they take seats in the mid-section, a little farther towards the back of the auditorium. He settles in, both to the seat and his own uncomfortability, not sure how to start the things he needs to say. He has questions, answers, concerns—but where to begin?
The beginning, probably.
“Do you remember that night the three of us were hanging and then Vickie came and picked you up and I told you I left right after?”
“I didn’t.”
He looks over to make eye-contact with her, and finds just Rob, gazing at him. A little curiosity, a little surprise at his blatant lie—but he hadn’t known how to talk to her about it. Or how to explain himself. He had thought it easier just to hide that he and Eddie could ever get along without her, because she felt like an essential intermediary. A reason that it isn’t what it actually is.
He can’t really explain himself. He doesn’t really get why he lied, either.
“Liar,” Rob accuses, but there’s no bite.
“I stayed,” Steve confirms, breaking their shared gaze to look back out toward Ed. He’s got this feeling in his guts like he’s about to get into trouble, like he’s broken one of his mom’s nice antiques and is about to lose his swimming pool privileges—
“We talked for the entire night. Until six in the morning. And then I went home, and I wanted to call him. And I… I’ve been having these thoughts like maybe I like him? And I don’t get it because—” Robin takes his hand “—I like girls, you know? I know I do, you know I do—”
“Can I interrupt? Just a two second thought.” Steve nods, “Some people like boys and girls, it’s called being bisexual. I just want you to have that in mind for the rest of this conversation.” Steve blinks at her. Nods slowly.
Maybe he should’ve gone to her sooner.
Not maybe. Definitely.
“Okay… right. So… I’m fucking stupid,” Steve breathes. Robin shakes her head vigorously, adding a second hand to the mix.
“No no no,” she insists quickly, “But I want you to—“
“No, I like him,” Steve realizes, a million—maybe a billion—thoughts and feelings invading him all at once. Fear, uncertainty, excitement, relief, anxiety—he can’t even latch on to one of those. He doesn't know how to feel or think or anything except for this stark, pervasive understanding— “Holy shit, Robin.”
“Steve, you’re getting ahead of yourself—”
“No, I’m not,” Steve shakes his head, kind of probably in shock, “No, I… I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks. I should’ve just… Oh my god.”
He puts his free hand over his face, absolutely mortified. Not about liking Eddie, of course, but because he had stupidly never considered that liking girls didn’t automatically make him unable to like guys.
Jesus, he's an idiot.
“I’m sorry,” Robin says, and for what, Steve has no idea. She’s just fixed his whole problem—or at least, half the problem. Now he has a crush he has to deal with, and of course Nancy, but at least— “It’s not a bad thing, though. I know it’s a lot to deal with and if you need anything I’m here. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“Rob, I’m fine,” Steve assures her, “Other than having a fucking pathetic crush on Eddie.”
“So… you’re good with liking guys?” Steve looks up at her, sighing again for what feels like the hundredth time in this conversation.
“Yeah, that’s fine. It’s just I totally could’ve been doing something about it if I had just asked you sooner.”
Robin stares at him.
He stares back.
What, is he supposed to have some sort of breakdown? He’s had all sorts of thoughts about Billy and Tommy and Harrison Ford—of course he likes guys. Of course that’s not a “straight person” thing, he’s not stupid. But if he’d just applied a tiny bit of critical thinking—
“Are you serious right now?”
“Of course I’m serious,” Steve scoffs, “I could’ve already had, like, eight boyfriends if I had just thought about it. But I’m a fucking meathead.”
The unintentional hilarity of that statement doesn’t miss either of them, but now’s probably not the time.
She stares.
He stares back.
“You astound me, Harrington.”
“Do you think Eddie likes guys?”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Of course I’m—seriously, do you think he likes dudes?”
“I hate that you just said dudes.”
“How many times has he suggested we watch Rocky Horror?”
“Enough for us to shorten the name.”
“There’s your answer,” she says, still sounding flabbergasted at his nonchalance, “Man, I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“I cried for forty-eight hours after I realized I liked girls.”
“Do you want me to cry?”
Robin grimaces, “You’re right, I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought.”
She shakes her head, clearly done with him. It’s uniquely comforting how quickly she can go from a supportive shoulder to a hateful best-friend. He admires that about her, the many facets of her personality that make her, her. He truly doesn’t know what he’d do without her. He wishes they had talked in high school, that he could’ve been someone else in those days, especially seeing where being the “coolest guy in town” has really gotten him.
Nowhere, that’s where.
“I love you,” he says. She’s still holding his hand, and she stays holding it.
“I love you, too.”
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lilyhyperfixates · 4 months
Anthony and his wife are totally different, having an argument with different ideas (maybe she has the same personality as eloise). (but nothing too heavy, probably something funny and cute)
just a lil drabble, hope you like it!
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“No, I absolutely agree.” You tell Eloise. The two of you were talking about Lady Whistledowns latest publication, theorizing about who she may be. “She must be a member of the ton, how else would she hear that much gossip?”
Eloise and you got along very well, something Anthony was very happy about. You became Viscountess Bridgerton a little over a year ago, and your entire marriage has been pure bliss. In truth you could see a lot of yourself in Eloise, recognizing the rebellious streak she has. You yourself had nod been keen on the idea of marriage before you met Anthony.
“Her publishings are pure speculation, a gossip monger.” Eloise exclaims. She has been on a hunt to find out who the anonymous writer for the entire season. “I certainly don’t agree with what she publishes, only spreading shame.” You agree before taking a sip of your tea.
The door to the sitting room opens and Anthony appears in the doorway. Eloise begins to speak again but you silently signal for her to stop. You knew your husband wasn’t going to be happy about you speaking with his sister on such topics, or encouraging her search for the writers identity.
Anthony presses a kiss to your forehead and sits down next to you on the sofa. “What were you speaking about? Do not stop your conversation on my account.” He says.
“Nothing at all dearest, lady’s talk.” You assure him while shooting a sly wink to Eloise. “Yes, nothing for you to know about brother.” She almost sighs out, annoyed at her brother interrupting your conversation.
Anthony raises an eyebrow and already knows what the conversation had been about. You got along well, were a lot alike. But maybe a bit too much. “I do not hope you are encouraging Eloise in her search of Lady Whistledown.” He tells you, a bit frustrated to have to tell you yet again.
You had fought about this topic before, but you did not see the harm in the young girl doing something she clearly enjoyed and wasn’t harming anyone. “Eloise, would you excuse us? It seems your brother and I have something to talk about.” You ask the girl, ignoring Anthony’s question.
She nods in answer to your question and exits the sitting room swiftly. You turn to Anthony and frown a bit. “Do we really have to argue on this again? We clearly do not agree on this subject.”
“Eloise should spend her time in a more proper manner. Finding a suitable husband for example, it is your responsibility to guide her into doing as such.” Anthony states as pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.
You scoff. “And you believe I am not doing my best? Eloise is a young lady full of fire and fervor. I believe she will find a husband when she feels ready to, we should not pressure her into marriage if she does not feel ready.” The grip on your teacup gets a bit tighter as you feel quite passionately on this subject.
It is your belief that nobody should get married under pressure. Your marriage with Anthony hadn’t been pressured and it turned out very happy.
“I am just saying, she has time. It does not harm anyone that she wants to know who Lady Whistledown is.” You continue, softening your tone a bit to try to convince Anthony.
Your husband sighs and leans back into the sofa. “I know, I am only afraid she will not find a suitable husband in time. That she will become undesirable as time goes on. I only want the best for her.”
“I know you do, but you do not have to hold her back in order to do so my love.” Your tone remains soft and gentle. Anthony nods and pulls you into him a bit. “You’re doing great as a brother Anthony. Do not worry.” You whisper to him.
Everything was going to be alright, and now Anthony realizes that as well.
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mylovelies-docx · 11 months
Sorry, I Love You - Part 9
Oh wow, a new chapter? Who'd have thunk it.
My posting schedule is all off and I honestly don't know if I can get it back under control. I have no idea when I'll get time to sit down and write and when inspiration will strike, so I can't assure weekly updates. But I'll try my hardest to get this story out! I have future chapters written, it's just that I have no way of connecting them right now :/ Oops.
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Ah shit, here we go again. Angst, arguments, jealousy
Word Count: 2,250
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6][Part 7][Part 8]
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Some moments are easier than others. Sometimes you feel like you’re not pining like a love-sick teenager enough to think that you can actually do this – you can actually be friends with the man you love.
But then there are moments like tonight.
A few weeks have passed since community get-together, and you and Bucky are the new kids in town. Everyone drops by to say hello, leave you with enough food to last the winter, and invite you both back to their homes for dinner. It’s all very sweet, and you would appreciate the hospitality in any other situation.
But the amount of mothers trying to marry their daughters off to Bucky is insane. 
Several have not-so-subtley seated Bucky next to daughters of marriageable age, while everyone else is silently discouraged from interrupting their conversations. It skeezes you out when the girls are barely out of their teens, but most of the girls are around your age or older. Morality-wise, that’s a whole lot more appropriate. Internal monologue-wise, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh doesn’t even begin to cover it. What you feel whenever he laughs at something they say, or looks at them with his intense blue eyes – it hurts. That’s how he used to look at you, once upon a time. Like his life wouldn’t be the same without you in it, like you’re one of the most important people in his world.
To be fair to Bucky, you probably read waaaay more into it than he ever meant. And you only ever really saw that look come out when you were straddling his waist and grinding hard on his cock, skin mottled with his teeth marks and wearing his metal hand as a necklace. 
Stop, stop, stop, stop!
You’re usually placed next to older, widowed relatives, as most of the young men in the town have already settled down and popped out a few kids with their spouses except for Petre. Tessa foists the two of you together at every possible opportunity, hoping you’ll hit it off and decide to get married in the near future. 
Petre is nice, smart, cute, but not really your type. You’re convinced that you’ve only ever had one type and he’s off-limits. But Petre’s company is much more enjoyable than the sad, lonely older men they try to pair you with – it never feels great to be compared to someone’s long lost love – so you don’t mind having someone around your age to talk during these things.
Speaking of.
“It’s a nice night, yeah?” Petre comments. The night is warmer than expected, but you and Petre are still bundled up in your coats as you stroll through the dead copse of trees near the latest dinner party. The sun had set only minutes ago and the stars are making their presence known. There’s next to no light pollution in this area, so you always take the time to admire the night sky when you have the chance. 
You often take walks with Bucky up and down your street as a way to decompress after your shifts at the HYDRA facility. After the first week or so of being everyone’s errand-runner, they’ve slowly built up your workload to include calculations and deductions based on redacted data – it’s not as much information as you’d like, but it’s enough to build a foundational understanding of what the experiment was about.
You hum in agreement and continue walking. It’s about time to turn around and head back, but you can’t bring yourself to return only to watch Bucky flirt with the pretty girls that were also invited.  
“Is something the matter?” Petre asks you.
You startle out of your petty, jealous thoughts. “Hm? Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong,” you reply with a smile.
“It’s just that you seem very distracted tonight,” he responds.
With your hands in your pocket, the only thing you can do is shrug your shoulders. “Just tired, is all. It’s been a long week at the office.”
“Ah, I know the feeling,” Petre commiserates. 
All of the sudden, a wailing, piercing shriek ricochets between the tree trunks and reverberates in your ears. Tensing with adrenaline, you take two steps forward, ready to intervene in whatever events are unfolding in the darkness.
Before you get much further, Petre reaches out and takes hold of your elbow. Turning you around, he starts leading the way back. You try to tug your arm from his grip, but he holds firm.
“The cry of a vixen who is looking to mate. They’re rather vicious creatures this time of year, foxes. We don’t want to get in her way,” Petre deters.
“But…” you begin, looking back over your shoulders and watching for unexpected movement among the swaying branches. “It sounds so real.”
“Terrifying, really. I was just as concerned when they began, as well.” Petre gives you a tight smile and relaxes his grip slightly when you stop trying to pull away.
“What do you mean?” you question.
“What?” Petre’s eyes flash around quickly, looking through the woods that surround you.
“‘When they began’. What do you mean by that?”
“Ah,” Petre replies. “When mating season began.”
There’s no more discussion on the eerily accurate sound of a woman in distress. You can only trust that Petre would know the local fauna and their habits better than you, since you’ve never spent an extended period of time in areas such as this.
The neighbor’s house finally comes into view. A lone figure stands silhouetted against the porch as they lean against the railings, their arms braced against the banister and posture rigid. When you get closer, you realize that the figure is Bucky. 
You can’t see his face, but you can feel his eyes on you. And apparently Petre can as well.
“He doesn’t like me?” Petre asks.
“Why do you say that?” The question puzzles you because Bucky has no reason to dislike Petre. He’s been incredibly helpful so far, allowing you to ask as many questions as you want about himself and others and he doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. In fact, you feel as if you and Petre have become friends.
“It just seems like he’s never happy to see me.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that – James just has RBF,” you reply nonchalantly.
“RBF?” Petre replies.
You laugh as you and Petre climb the stairs, only now realizing that he still has a hand on your arm. You’d forgotten all about it, but you miss the slight warmth that permeated through your jacket when he removes his touch. You turn to look at him, but Petre is looking away, his hands now deep in his pockets. Turning your focus onto Bucky, you see him watching Petre, his eyes squinted.
A large smile returns to your face as you reach up and grab Bucky’s chin, squishing his cheeks and making his lips pucker from the pressure. “This –” you say triumphantly, “is an RBF.”
Bucky glares down at you and swats your hand away. You cackle at the perfect example of Resting Bitch Face™ in front of you, throwing your head back in joy. When you right your posture again, you can see a small smile on Bucky’s face as he laughs along with you.
“Whatever,” he murmurs. He shakes his head in exasperation before circling his arm around your shoulders. Bucky begins dragging you back down the steps you had just ascended and you grunt in protest. “It’s time to go,” he says simply.
“Ugh, you’re so rude,” you say to him. Craning your neck as much as possible, you look back towards Petre who remains on the porch. “I’ll see you later!” you call backwards with a wave. Petre raises a hand in return, face hidden in shadow as Bucky’s had been.
Focusing back on the road in front of you, you can practically feel what little mirth Bucky had drains away. Looking up, you notice that his jaw is clenched and a hard look has entered his eye.
“What’s wrong?” Now you’re worried that something happened to Bucky while you were gone that has put him in a bad mood. Did someone say something to him? Did one of the women reject his advances? You can’t see who in their right mind would turn him down, but not everyone feels the same way about him as you do. But if it’s the latter, the guilt you feel only slightly outweighs the relief.
“You don’t think you’re spendin’ too much time with him?” Bucky says between clenched teeth.
A frown appears between your eyebrows as you continue to look up at him. “No?” you respond. “He doesn’t seem to mind.”
“Ofcoursehedoesn’t,” Bucky mutters under his breath, but you can still hear him.
You slide out from under Bucky’s hold, his agitation sparking flames of your own. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You don’t think you’re leadin’ him on a bit, Y/N?” Bucky asks you.
You scoff. “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“You’re always hangin’ around him!” Bucky quips back. “You’re flirting with him and walking out of parties together. All these people, Petre included, are going to think you’re pitching for an engagement.”
The hurt and pitiful feelings from earlier tonight come flooding back. Only this time, instead of feeling them for what they are, you combine them with the anger his comment brings. How dare he accuse you of leading Petre on? As if he isn’t doing the same thing to all those girls?!
“And what about you?!” you yell, the last word ripping its way between your lips and setting your tongue ablaze. “You don’t think you’re stringing all these girls along behind you? You don’t have any intention of getting into a relationship with any of them, either, do you?” 
As the words escape, you remember how Bucky sat you down and asked for a friends-with-benefits situation. Said he wasn’t ready for a real relationship, but tired of one night stands. How the two of you could help each other out since you weren’t seeing anyone either. The old resentment towards yourself and how you let yourself fall for someone wholly unavailable whiplashes back into your mind after months of repressing it. 
If he could ask that of you, does that mean he’s asked someone else? You usually arrive home later than him, but on some occasions that you are released early, he’s not there. Instead of asking where he’s been, you had just let it slide since it could have been construed as possessiveness. Like your feelings – that Bucky believes to be long gone – entitle you to his life. You hadn’t wanted to risk anything at the time, but now your mind can’t help running wild at the possibilities.
“It’s not like I’m screwing his brains out every time we’re gone!” You shout at Bucky. You had been walking down the road away from the house party which was on a street with few homes, so there’s nobody around to hear your fight. “We’re not in the bathrooms having quickies, he’s not fucking me against a wall, or bending me over his motorcycle! He hasn’t proposed we fuck around with each other until someone better comes along!” 
Your chest heaves with the effort of expelling these vicious words from deep within your heart, and you can feel a burning beginning to creep behind your eyes. You hate getting angry – hate that any strong emotion makes your eyes well with tears and makes you look weak. And in this situation, you are weak – weak against Bucky, weak against yourself, weak against the knowledge that the one man you’ve ever loved never felt the same way and never will. Your inability to keep yourself from falling for someone you knew you could never have? Your jealousy that he is probably sleeping with one or more of the women in town? That makes you weak. 
And you can’t stand to be weak in front of Bucky again.
“Newsflash, Buck: I know how it feels to be lead on by you and it fucking sucks!” You lower your voice slightly and take another step away from him. “I know that wasn’t your intention, and I didn’t feel that way at first, but that’s how I feel now.”
“You were my best friend, Y/N – I didn’t want to lose that!” Bucky exclaims. “And I genuinely thought we were on the same page!” He takes a deep breath and clasps his hands over his eyes before saying, “And seeing you run off with Petre all the time just reminds me of us – how we’d always sneak away to get some time alone. It’s just –” He drops his hands and sighs heavily, looking up at the star-studded sky and then back down to you. “I’m jealous.”
“You’re jealous?” You ask incredulously. “Why?”
“Because –” You can tell that he’s struggling to get this out, and if he hadn’t started this argument and accused you of wronging Petre, you might have been more receptive to what he’s saying. More understanding. But right now, your anger swallows all empathy and hope that his words would usually supply. “Because that could have been us,” he breathes. Bucky takes a tentative step in your direction, but freezes solid at the icy glare you send his way.
“No,” you say flatly, “No, it couldn’t have. You made that abundantly clear when I asked.”
You turn your back on him and start running, ignoring the sound of your name as you leave Bucky behind.
Part 10
Taglist: @jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewifeife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshinee @happinessinthebeingg @nash-dara @calwitch @stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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callsignfate · 8 months
Angry Laswell x Wife
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I'm so sorry I was gone so long, I'm still somehow sick, I do, however, have a lot of things to edit and post today! I plan to try to post the 3rd part of college laswell, and I want to rewrite Watcher 1's Watchdog part one and two because I have a plan for it to go a different way. I do plan to post that as well.
This is just a little blurb I wrote a while ago, and I decided to finally edit and post it.
Tw: Arguing, yelling, talk of death. You did something stupid, and Laswell yells at you for it. No comfort at the end. Use of female pronouns.
Masterlist/ More like this/ Request
"She did what?!" Kate yelled, her voice echoing loudly through the hallways before she turned her attention to the messenger. He scurried away, sensing the brewing storm he had just unleashed.
Kate's leg bounced nervously as she struggled to contain the frustration building within her. She despised arguments, but this was inevitable, and it was going to be a big one. She couldn't let you off easily for your actions.
Before long, you were escorted into the room by two men who left promptly. The room's mess of papers indicated that a meeting had already taken place.
You opened your mouth, presumably to offer an explanation or apology, but Kate cut you off immediately.
"No- no. I don't want to hear it. What in God's fucking name were you thinking?" Kate stood up, her face reddened with anger, pacing in front of you. You knew that you were in for a stern lecture.
"I-" you tried to say something, but she interrupted once again.
"It was rhetorical. I don't actually want to know what you were thinking because it's probably some ridiculous thought process, if you even thought at all," Kate hissed, her exasperation showing.
"You- did you even begin to think? You just decided, 'Well, why the fuck not?' and did whatever you wanted? I married a bright woman, not some brainless reckless child who needs to be watched," Kate practically yelled, briefly glaring at you.
"Well..." you attempted to interject, but she wasn't ready to listen to your explanation.
"Well, nothing. I can't believe you. Do I need to babysit you too? I already babysit John and his team enough, now you? Did I let you spend too much time together? Did his reckless behavior rub off on you? God, please tell me this wasn't actually your idea," Kate sounded exasperated, reaching the end of her patience.
"Do you want an answer?" you asked, unsure if she wanted an actual response to her questions.
"I want an answer on why you thought risking your life on a random Tuesday while I'm at work was a great idea. That's what I'd like to know."
"I wasn't exactly risking my life, god how do I prase this without making it sound worse than it was," you mumbled, struggling to find the right words, but your explanation was making things worse rather than better.
"You don't! You don't make this better. You can't explain yourself. You risked your life, and for what?" Kate's voice was getting louder, her frustration and anger evident. She slumped back in her chair, burdened by the weight of your actions.
"I'm- I'm... sorry. I wasn't thinking," you admitted, the weight of your mistakes settling in.
"Yea, obviously," she retorted, cutting you off. The realization that you had made Kate's life harder gnawed at you.
Your head hung low as you searched for anything to say or do to make amends. "Is there anything I can do?" you asked quietly, genuine concern in your voice.
Silence followed. Kate's face displayed frustration and stress. She didn't speak; her mind was consumed by the situation. Eventually, she waved you away dismissively, and you understood her need for space, even though it stung.
You rose and nodded as you left the meeting room, feeling the weight of the guilt in your chest. The curious and judgmental looks from Kate's coworkers as you departed only added to your discomfort.
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
John Wick SFW
i love my baby boomer so much pt2
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Very affectionate, maybe too much. He’s always hugging, kissing and touching you if you are within reach. It really makes you wonder how the entire underground world fears him. He’s so sweet. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
 Your friendship would most likely start over something small. A friendship with someone in the business would be ideal as bringing outsiders into your life as an assassin was dangerous. If you didn’t meet through the job it was probably in a park, at a bar or even a restaurant. 
John is bold enough to order a drink and forces himself to be confident enough to talk to you but after you receive said drink, you must go up to him. Even though he is the one who made the first move when you come up he’ll be a flustered mess. He’s good at keeping his composure but you can tell he’s nervous. It’s very cute. 
John as a best friend is different from the John Wick everyone knows. He’s goofy, he laughs (even giggle’s sometimes), he takes lots of photos and loves to playfully touch you a lot. Chances are he has a crush on you but if you’re not looking for anything romantic he would never ever make you uncomfortable all he really wants is to cuddle with you. 
He’ll have deep conversations with you as he drives you around in his mustang, speeding up and driving fast when you ask him to. He’s there when you cry with whatever you need, you are bored with things to do and you have a problem with solutions ready. 
He’s the bestest friend ever ! 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes. Just yes. You’re watching a movie? You’re on top of him or his heads on your lap. You’re going to bed? You can be the big spoon if you want! You’re cooking dinner when it’s your turn? He won’t get off you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burrowing his face into your shoulder from behind to ask you what you’re doing for the millionth time….
Don’t think you’re safe in public either. 
You’re somewhere crowded? Looks like you’ll have to sit on his lap and hold onto your mid second, what if you fell? No matter where you are John loves to be touching you in some way and love love loves skin to skin contact. He’d lay in bed for days with you if he could. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
 John thinks of them about how nice it would be to marry you; Buy a nice house and find a nice 9-5 job where the two of you could wake up every morning, have sex and laugh while spending the entire weekend together. 
He thinks about a dog and a cat and maybe even kids… A pool, big kitchen and a huge bed you never even use most of the time because you’d be too busy snuggled up with one another… a fireplace and giant backyard with anything you wanted. 
These thoughts are usually interrupted by his alarm clock or a gunshot. 
A domestic life with you seemed unattainable. He makes up for it by cooking and cleaning for you when he’s home even if it’s not his turn to. Many times you’ll notice him staring at you with a distant look in his eye while you tidy up the house. If you ask him what’s wrong he’ll tell you it’s nothing and begin to help. 
John would never tell you when he left to get a missing ingredient for dinner that night he saw a married couple, laughing and what could only be considered canoodling on a park bench with no care in the world. He felt like a creep watching but he knew it was something he could never fully have with you. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would beat around the bush and be so bad at what he’s trying to say he just outright blurts it out. It’s hard for John to let go of things and end things. If he’s breaking up with you it’s because he’s exhausted all other options and it’s the only thing left. I’m in an ideal situation, the two of you’d work it out and live happily ever after. 
John’s learned to hope for the best and expect the worst at all times.  
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
The minute John realizes he loves you he wants to get married but in his eyes it’s not compatible with his life. Maybe someday if you really wanted, he’d try and leave for you, if it was even possible. It would take at least a couple years before he even made jokes that you were his wife or talked about it. 
He doesn’t dream of a wedding but he wouldn’t mind a ring. You don’t even have to actually get married, a promise is enough for him. But at the end of the day he’d do anything for you, but nothing too big please? John does not like the attention. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gentle to the point people can’t believe him and Baba Yaga are the same. To a lot of people it’s shocking to see him as such a doting man. This was the guy they warned their children about? This was the man whose very name sent shivers running down many people's spines? Hard to believe when he looks so happy and human. 
John could never hurt you, ever. For no amount of money and nothing in the world, even if you hurt him, no. He’s attached to you and wants to treat you with nothing but love and respect. You're his partner which means a lot considering how reserved he is. You’ll see a side that literally makes him seem like a completely different person to a lot that know him, including close friends.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
John will hug you any time he can get because he loves hugs. He’s muscular but not ripped so his hugs are very, very firm but soft. He loves to squeeze you tight, but not to the point it’s uncomfortable. You will get rocked back and forth and also expect a kiss as well. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Not fast. Though John probably wants to say it after the first time you sleep together, he didn’t grow up feeling loved. He never ever heard the words “I love you” while growing up. Which made him believe love didn’t exist within the life he lived; until you. 
It started with a new feeling and he even went to Doc thinking he was having a heart problems because, why couldn’t he breathe and why was his chest so tight? Doc laughed him out of the doctors chair. John was perplexed… Uh he may be having a heart attack for God’s sake! 
Then John realizes, nope, he’s just in love for the first time in his entire life. A feeling so new and foreign but, you are now his reason to fill his lungs with air and the chest pains now felt like butterflies. He’s sure to let you know how much he loves you, whenever he can.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
John’s confident and he trusts you in fact, he thinks it’s funny watching people try to get with you because you’re so uninterested. The look of shame or anger these people showed on their face was laughable. Even more so when they notice it’s because you’re together. 
It’s hilarious, his presence is so intimidating to most it’s hard not to acknowledge him but he’s just so damn quiet sometimes you miss him. Yes he talks a bit more, smiles more, when you’re out in public to appear more approachable. 
Naturally he’s a bit awkward which makes him so much more attractive to you. The embarrassed grins, nervous laughs and small glances towards you makes it almost look like he has good people skills with how charming it is on him. But don’t forget, The Boogeyman lives deep within John. It’s scary sometimes how he can just switch. 
To go from a laughing, charismatic man to silent and so tense you would say you could actually feel the tension radiating off of him. Sometimes people are more bold than they should be. He stares at them with an unabashed expression. You love it because when it comes to staring contests, he always wins. 
At the end of the day you’d be sleeping with him when it was time for bed. He’ll defend himself, saying it’s not jealousy, just doesn’t like some of the shit that these men say to you and it’s obvious they could never get with you… but you know, oh you know, deep down it’s jealousy. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
All over the place. Sometimes John likes to kiss you slow and deep, sometimes he likes to kiss you with such passion it feels more like your rubbing teeth than lips. It doesn’t matter though because in every kiss you feel loved and totally consumed by him. 
He loves to kiss you and will find any moment to pull you in for a peck on the lips or a loving makeout session. John loves to kiss you on your, lips, shoulder, thighs and enjoys when you kiss his forehead, neck and stomach as it feels so intimate.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
John attempted baby talk once and you laughed so hard he’s too humiliated to ever try again but he does soften his voice and he’s very sweet. Never would hurt a child, tries to make sure they can’t see any gore if he’s working, and will even buy them something if he sees they broke or dropped and ruined said thing. 
He definitely makes you reconsider wanting kids if you don’t but does lean himself more towards not wanting them. Ultimately it’s up to you in his mind. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You usually wake up to kisses being trailed all over. He’s not trying to wake you up— no seriously, he knows how much you love your sleep— but he just can’t help himself. He wakes up two minutes before his alarm goes off like clock work to make sure it doesn’t wake you up. 
John doesn’t understand how it works but he keeps it set because he only wakes up two minutes early when you’re in bed with him. Even if he went to bed without you it’s like his body can tell when you're snug against him. If you’re at work or for some reason not home he needs the alarm clock to wake him or he'll sleep right past it. 
Anyways, he does this so he can hold you, kiss you and watch you. The first few seconds he opens his eyes are Heaven to him; He doesn’t remember his childhood or that he’s the Baba Yaga, in those few seconds he’s your loving boyfriend or husband who has no other purpose in life but to love you.
He can prolong the inevitable return of these thoughts by watching your chest move up and down with slow movements. You look so content and safe in his hold.  How could he ever have done those things that haunt him sometimes? Sometimes because most of the time he can live with himself, that’s exactly why he’s so good at what he does.
You make him forget how cruel life could be and he’s sure to let you know that. Mornings are soft and happy, filled with laughter and many, many kisses and cuddles. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
John loves to get ready for bed with you, he usually goes to sleep whenever you’re ready, though sometimes life doesn’t allow for that. When it does he’ll brush his teeth next to you, shower with you if you’ll allow, get changed, read, talk or whatever you want to do. As long as he gets to be near you he’s okay with anything. 
When you can’t be together he calls you. If it’s too dangerous to call, he texts you. It’s a simple goodnight and I love you but he loves to hear your voice before he goes to bed, he’s convinced it leads him to have good dreams instead of nightmares (that don’t even phase him but still leave him feeling drained). 
He keeps it short though because he doesn’t talk a lot and if he’s going to, he’d rather see you in person. Nights like mornings are very domestic and loving when you two are together. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Oh jeez, it definitely takes forever for him to tell you personal things. John isn’t a mute, he talks, if he’s interested in you he’ll probably have discussions with you where, he still won’t talk much but he’s not as quiet. The first time he says something personal it actually shocks you and leaves you speechless to the point he’s waving his hand in front of your face blushing. 
Once you cross the boundary where he realizes just how much he loves you and trusts you he’ll tell you anything, even the things he’d prefer not to talk about. John’s a completely new man with no filter and lots of funny stories for you to hear and laugh at. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
When it comes to you? Very patient. Unless the situation calls for him to not be aka you being hurt / kidnapped or someone fucking up something of yours or upsetting you. Then he gets very angry and the Baba Yaga comes out. 
With you though he feels like he couldn’t even get mad at you. Frustrated, yes. Annoyed… Eh maybe sometimes but rarely… Upset? Now there we go. He gets upset and looks like a sad puppy who's been kicked to death (lol) which ends up making you sad as well. Arguments almost never happen because he’ll go out of his way to make sure they don’t happen.
The times he does get frustrated he gets quiet. He won’t let you walk all over him or hurt him but he’ll sulk and argue almost like a scorned child. Sometimes you swear he even looks like he’s pouting. It’s definitely a side of John that you, and only you, will ever see. 
This is probably also one of the only times he’ll go down to his workshop in the basement, just to get away. He doesn’t want to fight with you ever, it hurts more than any physical pain he’d endured. So he leaves you alone, to calm down while he does as well. By the time he comes back up the argument will be long forgotten and you two won’t be able to stay away from each other any longer.
If it’s something serious, it can be talked about, not argued. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh, John remembers all if he’s not busy with a contract. It’s to the point sometimes he’ll remember things you had completely forgotten about. Buys you things you had only mentioned once, knows your favorite order at every restaurant / fast food chain, scents, a lot of the things he buys are in your favorite color… the list could go on and on. 
Let’s just say if you both went on the newlywed game, you’d definitely be winning that free honeymoon trip. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One of John’s favorite memories is when he first started to notice and then finally realized how much you felt safe around him. He’d notice how you’d get closer to him when there was a jumpscare on the TV or when someone would start yelling in public. The way you’d grab onto his bicep and scoot/ step closer so you were touching. 
Even when you’re not scared, it’s automatic. 
You do it when you’re telling him something vulnerable, explaining an eerie situation that unnerved you earlier and when you snuggle deeper into his side while you're sleeping. He smiles to himself every time your unconscious body moves to wrap around and hold onto him, like it knows that nothing could ever happen while you were in his arms. 
And you were right, nothing would ever happen to you. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
This man is very, if not the most protective man you could ever date. Not possessive to an abusive level but in his head he’s yours and your his. If someone else starts hitting on you while you're out he’ll put his arm around you “nonchalantly” all whilst staring at them straight in the eyes and keeping intimidating eye contact. 
Just how protective is he? John Wick will kill for you, in fact it’s very easy for him. He’ll fight for you, argue for you whatever he sees fits the punishment. See, you’re not his property but you are his entire world and heart, every part of him feels like he exists to be with you, especially if you’ve been together for a real long time. 
No matter how well you can stand up for yourself, it’s not a macho masculinity thing (in fact he loves watching you whoop ass), he will intervene if someone pushes him to, for example disrespecting you. It’s even worse when it comes to people from the hidden underground world.
Did they forget who he is? Before you were his girlfriend you were his friend and he didn’t like when people were rude to his friends. By disrespecting you, you may have as well spit at his feet and insulted him to his face.  Something he won’t stand for. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
John puts a lot of effort into the smallest dates. It took you a long time to convince him that you didn’t need the best of the best… A number one from McDonald’s was good enough for you. He always did enjoy the finer things in life, that’s why he bought such a big house, a nice car and lots of nice suits. It reminds him what he came from. 
Broke, poor, orphaned. Well now he can have and buy everything he wants. 
Anniversaries are spent together at home with a nice dinner (doesn’t matter if it’s at home or out) and a personalized gift. He’ll compliment you all night, find any reason to touch you and watch you. John also can’t stop smiling at you. He’s never met anyone more beautiful and mesmerizing as you are…
Gifts from him will make you cry and dates will feel so intimate / fun  by the end of the night you’ll feel like you could do anything you wanted. He’ll get you and take you wherever you want but the gifts, vacations and trips that he does just to make you happy are usually the most thought out and amazing things/ times. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s a horrible texter. 
John responds with 
A lot. You want to rip his hair out of his head when you send a whole message about your bad day or complaining about something and he responds with,
“Oh I’m sorry.” 
At least he actually answers you though. For most people he waits a week or just never responds but he will always respond to you. 
If you want to have a good conversation call him, seriously just call him. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
John says he doesn’t care but he’s in the middle. He takes care of himself, buys nice, expensive and perfectly tailored suits. Shave his head and he’ll have a nervous breakdown. Baba Yaga doesn’t care if he gets messy or what people think about him but maybe deep down he does. 
Takes forever on his hair, checks himself out in the mirror multiple times before leaving and doesn’t like anyone staring at him, but that could also be because he assumes everyone who stares at him is planning how to kill him. 
He truly is a puzzle to be solved, at the end of the day he does really only cares what you think about him.  
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Could John even eat and digest his food? Walk, smile, cry, laugh or think without you? Could he even breathe? He must be able to because he did them before he even met you but now… Now he’s not so sure. 
Basic human biology: what's that? 
As far as he knows you are the blood inside his veins that helps his heart pump which then helps him breathe. It’s you, it’s all you. You’re the reason he keeps fighting and wants to wake up in the mornings. They wouldn’t be the same without your beautiful face being the first thing to greet him
He’s not surprised to feel your light smack as your face heats up because he’s just too damn sweet. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This man has a really bad time keeping his lips and hands to himself. John will literally kiss you whenever he can and wrap his arms around you. Your lips are too irresistible to him and the happiness that spreads throughout his entire body is addictive. To feel your skin against his and to know you love him as much as he loves you. 
John almost wants to thank you after every kiss and sometimes he does. It’s very intimate but he just wants to thank you for making him feel so good. That’s why he always wants to be touching you too. To him you just feel like a dream and he never wants to let you go if he doesn’t have to. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
John doesn’t want someone shy or docile. He wants a strong woman who can hold her own, that he doesn’t need to watch constantly. He’s your boyfriend not your father. He doesn’t expect you to be the best fighter (especially not even close to his level) or loudest person in the room (in fact that’s another thing he wouldn’t like) but he already worries so it would help him greatly if you weren't helpless. 
He’s not into anyone who is nasty or rude for no reason, someone who is on their phone all the time and can’t have a decent conversation. Also nobody who is insecure as he does not want to sit there and have to tell you constantly that 1. He loves you. And 2. No he’s not mad at you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
This man will not sleep without you if you are both home. Loves to sleep with his head on your chest or you in his arms, honestly he doesn’t care as long as you are touching one another.
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lavendertom · 7 months
You Belong With Me Part 1
katniss everdeen x peeta mellark
wc: 3k
warnings: mentions of death of a parent
tags: some fluff, some moments of angst, modern AU set in high school, childhood best friends, probably a few slightly ooc characters
summary: “from childhood best friends, to school friends, or acquaintances for lack of better words, and now whatever this is.” after being partnered together for a year long senior project, senior year for katniss and peeta is going to be a lot different than either expected.
A/N: winter break is here and i’m bored sooo 🤗 happy to be back for one more story! inspo taken from a few personal experiences, and a city near and dear to me. 🥹 *search up what was filmed in it when you see it ;)* stick around for a second A/N at the end :)
“katniss, you’re doing it again.” my best friend madge says in a quiet voice from beside me, startling me out of my (what i thought wasn’t so obvious) gaze.
“no, i wasn’t.” i spit back at her in a whisper, looking back down at the paper in front of me. i tap my pencil ever so lightly on the table as i felt my eyes go right back to where they were just a few second earlier.
really, it isn’t that big of a deal. at least that’s what i’ve been telling myself.
it’s the first week of senior year. finally, just under 200 days, and it’ll all be over. most of us will be off to college studying whatever our hearts desire, some will be home with a job already secured, a few probably married within a year of graduating. it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what everyone will be doing. what i do know is that i am beyond thrilled to move on. or i thought i was.
besides my mom, my sister, and the very few friends i have in this town, there was one thing that kept me from even thinking of applying to some ivy league schools i could definitely get into. one thing that kept me from wanting something more than this itty bitty town called hildebran, located near the mountains of north carolina. one small thing that kept me in the place where everyone knows everyone’s everything. his name was peeta mellark.
i could go on, and on, and on about him. from childhood best friends, to school friends, or acquaintances for lack of better words, and now whatever this is, i’ve known peeta for what feels like my entire life. as much as i want to go and follow my own dreams, something in the back of my mind won’t allow that to happen. all because of him.
“katniss!” i hear madge say again in an even more annoyed tone than before, interrupting my thoughts, “get your head out of your ass. you’re partners with bread boy.”
my mind takes a moment to register exactly what she’s said as i look back down at my paper, back up to the board with a list of names projected on the screen. i squint my eyes to find that i am, in fact, partnered with none other than the bread boy himself.
i try not to let out a loud sigh, both out of frustration and relief. i mean, i did say “anyone but delly cartwright” in my head before class had begun. before peeta walked in, completely consuming my every thought.
then the realization truly hits. shit, i’m partners with peeta. before i can think about it any longer, everyone is standing up to move seats and sit by their partners. i look over at the table where peeta sits and i see delly’s stupidly long and beautiful blonde hair get up from the seat next to him. i try not to roll my eyes at it, but i want to so badly. i have no other choice but to gather my own things and move myself to the seat next to peeta.
my legs feel like they’re moving at a snail pace, not necessarily wanting to make the wrong impression again. i’m careful with my actions as i place the bag down next to the table quietly, pulling the chair out slowly, and sitting down without a word. out of all people and all times, it just had to be him and now. i can almost feel his eyes on me as i sit there, silent.
the teacher begins giving extra instructions on the assignment, which is a lengthy project to be completed by the end of the school year with said partner. finally, he ends his spiel of directions, giving us the rest of class to begin our research. this should be a blast, i think to myself, absolutely unamused at this situation.
“so…” i hear a voice mutter next to me, peeta is looking down at the paper in front of him before looking over at me.
“i’ll research topics, you can put together the paper portion, i’ll put together the presentation, you take half the presentation in class, i’ll take the other half, have it all done by spring break?” i say quickly, not meeting his eyes once as i check off all the requirements on my sheet.
“really, katniss.” i hear him say through a sigh.
“what? do you want a good grade or not?” i reply back with a straight face, still avoiding his eyes.
those blue eyes, as if looking into the ocean, they literally captivate you. that’s the only way to describe it. and that’s not the only captivating thing about him, because basically everything about him is.
“fine.” he says with an annoyed tone.
i continue beginning my work, a good distraction from the real distraction next to me. before i know it, the bell is ringing and everyone is packing their things to go to the next class period. i notice out of the corner of my eye delly making her way back over here and i begin packing my things quicker.
“if you need anything – any help – just text me. you still have my number.” i hear peeta say as he puts his things away.
“thank-“ i begin saying as i finally look up in an attempt to meet his eyes, but i’m just met with the view of his back, walking out of the classroom door, delly’s little frame next to his.
nice one, katniss.
“we’re going to learn how to give CPR this year!” prim shouts to mom as we walk into the house, the 3rd day of school officially done. one little freshman and one not-so-little anymore senior.
“that’s great, prim.” mom gives a half attempted smile to the girl, pulling her into a quick embrace.
i give mom as best a smile i can give when i cross paths with her, looking around for anything to eat. mom’s in her nursing gear ready for her 12 hour shift tonight.
“there’s rolls on the dinner table.” she says in an almost nervous voice.
“mhm.” is all i can mutter out before i see the bag on the table, the words ‘mellark bakery’ plastered on the front. i look at them briefly, insanely tempted to eat one. do i give in or hold my ground? i shake my head just slightly before running upstairs to my room.
i throw my backpack down next to my desk with a louder than intended thud. i almost throw myself onto my desk chair and let out a sigh. i hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. a quiet knock graces my door as i prepare to open it.
“what?” i say in an almost annoyed tone, not on purpose.
“you and prim behave, okay?” mom says, but i see right through this ploy.
“what do you want?” i say unconvinced of her previous comment, as i turn my body to face her.
“you do know who dropped off those rolls, right?”
“y-yeah. rian, probably.” i say, stuttering as she’s bringing up all of this.
“no, peeta did.” she says in her most serious tone, as if she’s angry at me.
“okay.” i say softly before turning around in my chair to pick at the stickers stuck on my desk since i was a kid.
“katniss, just apologize already.” mom says softly.
“no.” i say, probably a little too loud for my moms liking. but she doesn’t yell.
“okay,” she says in her same soft tone as if she’s given up yet again, “i’ll see you tomorrow, i love you catnip.”
“love you too.” i mumble as i put my head down on my desk.
i hear the door quietly shut and i lift my head up. my eyes, against my will, go up to the collection of photos which are plastered on the wall in front of me. all of my best memories since middle school till now, all on display. as much as i scan the photos, hoping to see a different face, they’re almost all of him. him and i, when things were normal. before i screwed it all up. one specific photo grabs my attention, it’s from thanksgiving of freshman year.
the loud sounds of voices chatting, the young ones screaming as they play fortnite on the tv, and the smell of the best food you’ll ever eat fills the rooms of our house. we usually never host thanksgiving, but my mother had enough of it and basically forced everyone over our house. i was beyond excited because peeta, my best friend, was gonna be over.
our family has been friends with the mellarks since i was very young. the name is very well known in our little town. their family owned the bakery in town which has been a staple in every home since way back when. they’ve always been there for anyone and everyone who needs help. our family was no exception.
when my father died i was only 5, which is when everyone began stepping in. our family was already struggling before he passed away. his death was the final straw. the one family who made more of a difference than anyone else was peeta’s. his father knew my mother when they were kids, but grew apart when my mother married my father and peeta’s father married his mother. they were always at our house, or us at theirs, during the most difficult times after his death. holidays, birthdays, and everything were spent together. peeta became my best friend and i was always with him and his brothers, especially since prim was just a baby.
as i got up off the couch to escape the noisy kids from their game of fortnite, i tried to find peeta, who was nowhere to be found. i walked towards the back porch, the sliding door slightly cracked open to cool down the insanely warm house. i sauinted my eyes to make out that peeta had gone outside, sitting on the porch.
i slowly opened the door as quiet as i could in an attempt to run behind him and scare him. but he was 2 steps ahead of me because as soon as my foot touched the creaky wooden boards of the porch, he turned around, giving me one of his small smiles.
“what’re you doing out here?” i ask softly as i take a seat next to him. “it’s cold out here.”
“just needed a break from all of that.” he said as his head pointed to the door behind us.
“screaming at fortnite with the little ones isn’t calling your name?” i say with a small laugh.
“absolutely not.” he says chuckling.
there is just a slight breeze in the air, blowing the little strands of hair around my face into a mess, my braid still neatly in place. i turn my head just enough to look at him. the wind also just slightly blowing his blonde hair which he had grown out to an unruly length over the summer and had yet to cut it.
“how’s school been?” i ask softly. it’s no secret that we haven’t seen each other as much as we’ve used to. different classes, extracurriculars, now he’s working at the bakery more than ever before, it’s kind of hard to hang out anymore. plus, even though we’ve been friends since we were children, now we’re at that age where people find it crazy that a girl and boy can be ‘just friends’.
“pretty good.” he says with a satisfied smile, which brings my lips into a small smile too. “actually, i forgot to tell you, i made the wrestling team.”
“no way!” i say as my eyes go wide, the smile on my face growing bigger. “congratulations, that’s really great.”
“thanks.” he says with a sheepish smile, i could see the slight hint of red on his face.
“just in time to take over rian’s reign, huh?”
“yeah, but i’m sure that’s the only reason i actually got on the team.” he says looking down at his shoes. “they knew him leaving for college next fall was gonna leave an empty space. the name probably holds more meaning to them than anything else.”
“i highly doubt that.” i roll my eyes. “you’re one of the strongest people i know, and you’re just a freshman. not very many freshman look like you, peeta.”
i wasn’t wrong, if you put the freshman class in a room, you could pick him out immediately because of how he looked and how he towered over everyone else. he could easily pass as a junior, significantly bigger than basically all of the freshman.
“katniss, stop.” he said chuckling, his shoulder playfully bumping into mine.
and it was these little moments that started making me feel awkward around him. you’d think after basically 10 years of friendship that we’d be comfortable with each other, but things were changing. at least for me.
i hated that it had to be me that started feeling this way. i used to look at peeta and think about how lucky i was to have a best friend who’s perfect in every way possible. now i look at him thinking that and more. i started to see him in a “more than a friend” way. i was falling faster than i wanted, and i never knew if i’d be able to tell him. i didn’t want to ruin an amazing friendship over the slight chance it could be something more.
i was brought back to reality at the sound of the door sliding open behind us. we both look behind us, my eyes meeting my mother’s.
“what are you guys doing out here?” she asks, just a hint of suspicion in her voice.
“i just needed to take a break from everything going on inside.” peeta says almost immediately (as if he were stopping me from making up some dumb excuse), putting on that one charming smile he does around adults.
“oh boy, sorry about that.” my mom says with a concerned look on her face. it was no secret she treated peeta as one of her own, if not more nicely than one of her own. she knew how his mother was, sometimes she had to be the motherly figure he never truly had. “take all the time you need.”
“thank you.” he says, that stupid smile on his face still. why do i love that smile so much?
“actually, do you two mind if i grab a photo of you guys?” my mom asks quickly, holding a camera while giving an awkward smile, knowing i’ll object.
“really mom, come on-“ i say throwing my head back, extremely embarrassed.
“that’s more than fine, come on katniss.” peeta says happily.
before i object again, i feel peeta’s hand on my waist as he turns his body to completely face my mom, turning me too in the process as he pulled me in by his side. my relatively small body compared to his makes it easy for him to turn me around like i’m nothing. it’s really hard to ignore the feeling of his hand holding me like this.
i give as best of a genuine smile that i can, my mom snapping the photo.
“very cute guys.” she says, a huge smile on her face as she walks back inside. i feel my face start getting warm realizing i cannot hide this reaction to whatever just happened.
“let’s go back inside now.” peeta says as he stands up, holding out a hand to help me stand up. of course, my mind overthinks about the whole gesture, but as quickly as the thought enters my mind it leaves. it’s just how he is. in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman.
i take his hand and stand up, brushing off the chipped paint from the wood beneath me from the uncomfortable skirt that mom made me wear.
he looks at me for a moment, a curious look on his face.
“when are you gonna stop wearing those stupid braids?” he says with a smirk.
“shut up.” i elbow him right in his side with a laugh.
“it doesn’t look bad!” he says laughing in an attempt to save himself from another elbow jab. “it’s just… your hair looks nice when it’s down, too.”
for a brief moment, it looks almost as if he’s going to reach out and touch the very end of the braid. until he looks over to his right, like he remembers the house full of people that could be watching us out here.
“we should probably go inside now.” i say in almost a whisper, not acknowledging his previous comment, but my heart is almost beating out of my chest.
“yeah.” he says with a smile, both walking back to the door.
i hold the photo in my hands, remembering the whole situation with such detail. the whole situation before everything went south. i aggressively pin it back up on the wall wishing so desperately i hadn’t ruined everything.
A/N: first order of business, tag list! if you would like to be added to the jules jewels tag list for this fic comment down below letting me know :) second order of business, i don’t actually live in NC, so if things aren’t exactly true to NC fashion i apologize!
and if you still want to know, hildebran NC is where the scenes in district 12 were filmed! i wont bore you all with that info today tho, but maybe every future part i’ll add a few other things about this part of NC relating to THG :)
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months
I Still Want You Around(Part I)
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The Meet-Cute!(Part I)
warnings: mentions of drinking, smoking, meet-cute pairings: Nanami Kento x Fem!OC taglist: @beneathstarryskies @seireiteihellbutterfly summary: Karin is fed up with living at Maison Azimu, and she wants to leave when her flatmates go a little too far. Everything changes when she meets the new manager, Kento Nanami. He's a like a dream come true to her. Mr. Ide offers the idea to throw a party to celebrate his homecoming, to which Karin begrudgingly accepts.
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“My goodness Karin, you’re going to die if you keep studying like this.” Kimiko moans, taking a sip of her drink. She lounges in her babydoll in Karin’s room, a cold beer in her hand.
Karin grunts, “Can’t you just leave me alone? Is it that bad that I want to get into a good college?”
Kimko laughs loudly; it’s a loud belly laugh. The sound attracts others to the small room, causing them all to interrupt Karin’s studying session. Mr. Ide makes his way into the room through the secret hole in the wall that connects his room to Karin’s. He often peeks at her while she’s in her more intimate moments, even watching her sleep at times. She yelled at him over and over, but nothing could stop the man from breaking into her room and stealing her food.
“Ugh! Please, all of you leave!” Karin throws a book at Mr. Ide’s head, but he ducks.
Kimiko laughs, “ Come onnnnnn, Karin! Live a little!”
There’s some commotion as someone swings the door to Karin’s room open wide, and in bounces the rather stout Mrs. Orito. She smirks when she notices her flatmates are present here. She sits down next to Karin, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in even closer. Mrs. Orito smells of cigarettes and cheap perfume.
“When ya gonna get married and leave this sad sorry place, huh, Karin?” She drawls, looking deep in the young woman’s eyes.
Karin groans in annoyance, “I could do that if I were to get a good career! Now, please! Everyone leave me alone! I need to study!”
Kimiko laughs again, taking another drink of beer. Mr. Ide brings forth another pack of beer, sliding it over to both Mrs. Orito and Kimiko. They all crack one open, and Kimiko waves the can of beer in Karin’s face. She’s about to snap, and she’s going to end up saying something awful. It’s not that Karin absolutely hates her flatmates, but it’s a lot to deal with on the daily. If they were a bit more considerate and a bit more kind, she would probably even be able to tolerate them.
“Bottoms up, young Karin!” Mr. Ide says as he grips her hair and pulls her head back. Before she can do anything, he’s pouring beer into her mouth.
Karin sputters, “Hey! What’d you do that for?”
Mrs. Orito cheers, “we’re gonna celebrate!”
Kimiko joins in on the cheering, getting up to turn on the small radio in Karin’s room. She begins dancing to the pop music that begins blaring, causing Mr. Ide to get such an eyeful of her body. Mrs. Orito smirks and takes a big gulp of her beer. Karin is growing more and more frustrated as the seconds go by. She’s shaking with anger as this debauchery and shenanigans continues.
“I’ve had enough! I’m gonna move out!”
Everyone stops and looks seriously at Karin. She’s up on her feet, pacing in the small room. Then she opens her room door, looking out into the hallway. She’s going to contact the manager and tell him that she’s had enough. She can’t take this anymore. Kimiko is quick to come over to Karin and try to smooth over the situation.
“Awhh,” Kimiko hiccups. “You can’t leave! No no no! Plus, when’s the last time you saw the manager, anyway?”
Kimiko had a point. The older gentleman who used to take care of this place has suddenly been less around. Actually, none of them had seen the man since the prior month. Perhaps he had finally called it quits due to his age and his health. Though he had seemed quite spry for someone his age, something like this can really take a toll on someone’s health. Especially with the crazy tenants that live here.
“Are you really leaving?” Sei calls from the Orito room. He’s looking up at Karin, a little bit of a frown on his face.
Karin leans down and ruffles his hair, “Look, kid…I can’t stay here forever. I just…I need a place of my own.”
Kimiko and Mrs. Orito comes over and the older woman wraps her arm around Karin’s shoulder once more. The smell of stale cigarettes just seems to permeate the air whenever she’s around. Karin sighs, not wanting to hear whatever bullshit advice or suggestion either of her flatmates have for her.
Suddenly, the main door opens and in walks the new manager. Kento Nanami has just inherited the boarding house. Everyone stops arguing and talking, taking in the sight of the breathtaking man. He smiles at the tenants; a smile that’s reminiscent of the warmth of the sunshine.
“Oh! Hello, is this the Azimu house?” Kento asks, his voice like warm butter.
Mrs. Orito smirks. “Yeah it is, and?”
Kento laughs softly, “I’m the new manager. As of today.”
Kimiko and Mrs. Orito share glances. They push Karin forward and the young woman almost falls against his chest. She blushes as she looks at the new manager; her face so hot and her eyes wide. It’s almost like love at first sight for her.
“Aintcha gonna put in your notice?” Kimiko taunts.
Karin shakes her head, “No way! Are you kidding me?”
Kento seems confused, but he brushes it off. Maybe something happened before he even arrived. He looks around the main entryway to look at the tenants. He knows he’ll have fun getting to know them all. He’s been longing for something to do like this. It feels like it wasn’t that long ago that he was spending his days and nights with Hina, but now…
“I’ll be moving into the manager’s room tomorrow. I’ll see you all then.”
Before he leaves, Mr. Ide pipes up. He seems interested in what happened to the old manager. Kento frowns for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing. It seems like he does owe them all a bit of an explanation. He can’t just pop up and say he's the manager without telling them what’s going on.
“He quit,” Kento says. “Something about being too old to manage a place like this. Whatever that means…”
And with that, he leaves them all with a bow. Karin feels her heart racing, and she’s not sure she could calm it down even if she tried. He’s the most handsome man she’s ever laid eyes on. She begins to daydream of running her fingers through his blond hair, kissing his cushioned lips and gazing into those beautiful hazel eyes.
“Hah! Now that’s a man to sink your teeth in, yeah?” Mrs. Orito asks, nudging Kimiko with her elbow.
“Oh hell yes! And a manager too? Wow! Did you see the muscles on him?”
As the two women gossip about their new manager, Karin pretends not to be interested. Instead, she walks into her room and slams her door shut. Things are about to change around here. And if she wants to make a good impression on the manager, she’s going to have to buckle down and study hard. She doesn’t want to be a ronin her entire life. It’s not worth it to be such a bum and a lazy slob. She sits down at her desk after turning off the radio and opens up the book she was studying from.
“Ahhh young love,” Mr. Ide says from his spot between the two rooms.
Karin laughs sarcastically, “You really have no idea how annoying you are, do you? And what about young love? Who’s in love?”
“It’s very obvious to anyone with eyes that you and the manager are a match made in heaven. It’s just too bad he’d never want to be with you considering you’re just a ronin.”
Karin grumbles, turning her attention back to her book. She has a test in a few days, and she knows this one is important. It’s going to count for a lot of her grade. She needs to get herself into a college, whether or not it’s a good one. She can’t fail the entry-level exam again. Karin would be the laughingstock of the town and worse…the house.
“Why don’t we throw a party tomorrow?” Mr. Ide asks, crawling over to the young ronin. 
“No parties! Why would we have a party?”
Mr. Ide smirks, “To celebrate the new manager, of course.”
“Fine, but I can’t stay long. I have an important test in a few days.”
Mr. Ide reassures her that she’ll be able to leave as soon as she wants, but he knows fully that they’ll more than likely be having this party in this very room. It’s just too much fun to rile up young Karin. She gets ever so frustrated with just the slightest bit of teasing. The way her cheeks burn and she grumbles, it’s almost adorable.
“One drink, then I’m done. Got it? Now scram!”
Mr. Ide raises his hands in defense. “Hey now, no need to get angry. One drink, that's it.”
Karin sighs, “I don’t really believe you, but please…just leave.”
And with that. Karin is left with her studies.
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academyofbrokenhearts · 6 months
Instead of Dancing Alone, I Should Be Dancing with You (I)
What if Kaya would have been fully open and honest with Suna during their talk in 44? How would it have changed things between them?
Author note: Probably slightly OOC for both Kaya and Suna, but I was very interested in exploring the possibility of them trusting each other from the beginning and being real allies (and more). I have no idea how long this will be, but I do plan to write more than one chapter.
Shout out to @lovecaitlined, for listening to this idea and encouraging me to write.
Title taken from "Out of Control", a song from She Wants Revenge. There are so many songs of theirs that remind me of this pair.
AO3 link here.
After the entire commotion has finally ended, and after listening at the door for a while to make sure everyone has retired for the night, Suna exits her room, trying to be as silent as possible.
She had time to think things through, after the humiliation caused by her father and the anger caused by Ferit and Seyran's comments eased up a bit. She doesn't really think she will ever be able to remember the entire incident without feeling extreme shame - not due to her actions, but because Kaya had to witness the hell that is her life at present.
Even now, she is not sure about her feelings for Kaya. She had felt hurt when he initially rejected her, but, after thinking things through a bit, she realises that it was probably as much for her benefit as it was for his. And then he really stepped up to help her, even though he didn't have to - it was not his battle to fight. But she can't drag him down with her. Attraction by itself, even mutual attraction, is not a solid basis for a marriage, and she hates even the mere idea that he might help her out of pity.
With silent steps, she approaches his window, and knocks once, twice, praying he hasn't gone to sleep. When he does not answer immediately, she knocks again, more insistently, and shortly after, the curtain moves, and he appears at the window, opening it as soon as he sees her.
"Suna?" he asks, slight surprise in his voice. "What happened? Did something happen?"
Just my entire life happened, is Suna's first, bitter thought, but she shoves it away. Kaya showed her kindness, and now it's time for her to show him kindness in return.
"I... I can't sleep," she responds, swallowing tightly. "I need to talk to you, because it can't go on like this."
At this, he sits down on the edge of the window, not taking his eyes from her.
"Okay," he says, "calm down. Let's talk."
"I am more calm now," she begins, carefully choosing her words. "I feel better. And I really want to tell you how grateful I am. Really, thank you. And... I also want to apologise, because... you really don't need to get married to me purely for my sake. I was afraid that dad would do something to you, and this is why I panicked and said what I said, but... don't feel like you have to do something. I will find a way, somehow. I will solve this matter, okay? What I mean, is that the marriage will not happen. So please relax, don't worry."
He listens carefully, without interrupting her in any way, and when she finally falls silent, he hops down the window, standing in front of her. They are dressed the same, Suna notices. Dark clothes, white shoes. Incredible how she can still notice these small details, with dread clutching her heart like this - because yes, she says she will find a solution, but can she, really?
"It will happen," he then says, gazing down at her, his voice serious, steady.
She blinks in surprise, because whatever reaction she had expected from him, it wasn't this.
"What do you mean?"
Kaya's eyes soften ever so slightly.
"Listen," he begins. "Suna. I need you to listen to me very carefully, and not take this the wrong way, because hurting you is the last thing I want to do."
An echo of the words he said in his room, Suna realises, and soldiers on. After the unexpected kindness he showed to her, listening to him is the least thing she can do.
"Tell me," she says.
Kaya takes a deep breath, looks at the night sky, then back at her.
"Whatever thoughts you have in your head," he says, "just erase them all. Whatever people have told you tonight, everything that happened. Erase everything. This is not about them, this is about me and you. And I need you to know that, in spite of not knowing you for long, I do believe you are one of the most genuine people I met. Maybe ever. So please tell me the truth: will this marriage work in your favour?"
Suna blinks again, this time in disbelief, because this. This is new for her.
Perhaps not that new though, she understands, remembering again the scene in his room, prior to their kiss, and the careful way he spoke to her.
He was actually giving her a choice - and she, not used to this, misinterpreted everything.
"I... I mean..."
"Go ahead," he says, and the gentleness in his tone is so obvious that Suna wants to cry. "Tell me what's in your head."
"It... I mean, it would obviously work in my favour, but-"
"Then this is what we are going to do," Kaya interrupts, determination in his voice. "We are going to get married, and to hell with them all. I'll have your back no matter what."
"But... but why?" Suna asks, completely incapable to process, because surely this can't be happening? Why would a man who was a stranger to her not so long ago derail his own life just for her sake?
At that, he smiles at her. It's a bit sad, this smile. An expression she has not seen before on his face, but she recognises it instantly. It's how she imagines she must look ever so often - when things never work in her favour, when she is always set aside, trampled over, when she does not have a say in her own life.
"Maybe it's because I admire you," he speaks softly, eyes glimmering. "Maybe it's because I look at you, and I see how brave you can be, in spite of everything they did and still do to you, and I think how rare this is. But ultimately, Suna, it's because I genuinely like you as a person, and I think we could be good for each other. You deserve to have a choice, and I promise you now that if you choose me, I will treat you well. There have been marriages starting from less than that, I am sure."
She doesn't even notice she's crying at first, but then he gets closer to her, and his fingers wipe her cheeks with the same tenderness like in his room, before the kiss. He doesn't kiss her this time around, though; instead, he keeps talking.
"I am not the best man out there, Suna. There are many things that you don't know about me. You said to me earlier that I could not understand because I grew up in London and had a different life, but... you know, my life wasn't that easy either. And you must understand that I never make promises to people I despise. I only make promises to people I respect. If there is anything you need to know for the time being, let it be that, and also the fact that no one can force me to do something I do not want to do. So don't worry about me being forced into anything. The choice is yours and yours alone. I have already made mine."
Suna presses her hand over her heart, because it's the first time he spoke to her so directly, and she can tell he means what he says.
A choice.
She has a choice.
Kaya waits for a bit, then when she fails to respond, he smiles again, all traces of sadness suddenly gone.
"Maybe I do need to do a better work of convincing you," he says, and turns around, approaching the green fence in front of them.
"What are you doing?" Suna asks, finally able to speak.
"Wait for it," he says, and, a few seconds later, he turns back, kneeling in front of her, a ring made of leaves in his hand, and Suna is dangerously close to crying again when he adds: "Marry me."
She can scarcely recognise her own voice when she answers:
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hinatastinygiant · 11 months
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9 | A New Contract
Pairing: Aizawa x Fem!Reader
A Game of Charades Masterlist
With determination in your eyes, you turn to Aizawa and say, "We should go back in there and talk to those CEOs, tell them how we actually feel without getting pushed around like we were."
"Y/N, that's a bad idea," he shakes his head. "They're not going to listen to a single word we say."
"So what? It's not like they can treat us any worse than they already are," you shrug. "I say let's give it a shot."
Aizawa looks skeptical but seems to consider your suggestion. "You actually think this will work?" he asks, his voice tinged with doubt.
"We won't know until we try," you answer, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We deserve to have at least a say in what happens next. Let's just try to negotiate with them and explain our position."
Aizawa hesitates for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright, fine. Let's do it," he says.
Together, you and Aizawa walk back inside the building and into the meeting room. However, what greets you there is something like out of a horror story. On the opposite side you see your agent, Ann, bent over the meeting room table while the CEO of Aizawa's firm is ramming into her back side. Immediately, Aizawa slaps a hand over your eyes.
"Oh my god, shit!" you hear Ann shout, followed by the sounds of shuffling. Once the two of them are finally decent, Aizawa lets you see again.
"Ann, I can't believe you were just..." you begin, before trailing off as you see the older man zip up his pants out of the corner of your eye. "Why?!"
"God dammit, Y/N, what the hell?!" she grumbles as she grabs onto your arm. "Let's go."
"Hold on," Aizawa stops her before she can even tug you out. "We're not going anywhere yet. Looks like the two of you could have a big scandal on your hands if word got out."
"So could you and Y/N... if word got out," Ann smiles cheesily back at him.
"Actually, I don't think so," you interrupt, pulling your arm out of her grasp. "Shota and I actually like each other, so what's the scandal in finding that out? You, on the other hand," you hum as you look over at the CEO, "could have a big problem. Mr. Takahashi, aren't you married? I could have sworn I saw an article about your wife adding healthy food options at your son's high school."
"What do you want?" he then sighs, sitting down in his chair.
"We want the engagement called off," Aziawa states firmly, not backing down this time.
Ann then intervenes, knowing the consequences of this decision could be bad for both agencies. "We can't do that. The companies-"
But the CEO cuts her off, surprising you both. "That's fine," he tells Aizawa, waving his hand dismissively. He then instructs Ann to call his secretary.
The secretary quickly enters the room, and Mr. Takahashi requests her to type up a contract. The document states that on the fifteenth, the engagement between you and Aizawa will be officially called off, and you will no longer be pressured into continuing the charade beyond the agreed-upon time frame.
Aizawa nods, accepting the terms of the agreement. He's visibly relieved, knowing that the burden of the unwanted marriage is finally being lifted.
With the document ready, the CEO extends his hand for a handshake. You and Aizawa exchange a glance, and one at a time, you both firmly shake his hand, sealing the deal.
As the secretary runs off to print the agreement, you can't help but feel a sense of relief and triumph. The weight that had been on your shoulders is finally lifted, and you know that you made the right decision.
Just as the agreement is printed and everyone signs it, you witness Ann leaning in to kiss the CEO. You can't help but make a face of disgust, feeling the need to distance yourself from her actions.
"You know what? I think I'm getting a new agent," you declare firmly, taking Aizawa's hand in yours.
Mr. Takahashi seems surprised, but he doesn't object. Honestly, he probably doesn't care in the least about Ann, but she'll just have to figure that out herself. 
With that, you leave the room. Aizawa walks alongside you, and together, you both step out of the agency, ready to face whatever comes next, now knowing that you're finally free from the charade that had complicated your lives for far too long.
As you both step outside, the fresh air feels invigorating. The sense of freedom fills you with a renewed energy, and you can't help but smile as you walk together.
But just as you thought the day couldn't get any better, Aizawa suddenly pulls you close and kisses you passionately. His lips meet yours with an intensity you hadn't expected, and for a moment, time seems to stand still.
He presses you up against the side of the car, his hands firmly holding your waist. The kiss is filled with all the emotions you both have kept bottled up for so long—the relief, the pent-up frustration, and the newfound understanding that your feelings for each other are not just part of a charade.
His lips are soft yet firm, and the heat of the moment sends shivers down your spine. Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as you reciprocate the passionate kiss.
The world around you fades away, and it's just the two of you, lost in the moment. His fingers tangle in your hair, and your heart races with a mix of excitement and desire. It's a kiss that speaks of so much more than just the charade you had been playing.
Eventually, you both pull away, breathless and flushed. His eyes search yours, filled with a mix of emotions, and you can see the affection and sincerity in his gaze.
"I'm glad we called it off," Aizawa whispers, his voice soft and filled with honesty.
"Me too," you reply, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
You then lean in to kiss him once more, a tender and affectionate gesture that seals the beginning of a new chapter in your lives—a chapter free from pretense and full of genuine love and affection.
A Game of Charades Masterlist
taglist: @channiesprincess @romaka344 @mysideeffectsofyou
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jinlias · 2 years
“why do u hate me so much? is it because my parents tried marrying me and y/n?”
“they what?” ryujin’s eyes move from the glass on her hand, to yeji
“you didn’t know?” the older chuckles “it was years ago, she said no, of course. probably because of you. i dunno.”
“so you do want her” ryujin scoffs
“listen, i wouldn’t have been upset if i had to marry her, but it was also kind of old timed, i barely knew her-“
“know. you barely know her” but the corner of yeji’s lip curves up as she hides a smile, making ryujin’s eye twitch uncomfortably.
“sure.” the older one takes a last swig at her own drink, finishing it right in time with you coming over to wrap your arms around ryujin and peck her cheek, interrupting their conversation.
“we can go now” ryujin nods silently and stands, quickly wrapping an arm around your waist and glaring at the brunette still in her chair. yeji left so many unanswered questions in her head, she needed answers.
she’s quiet the ride home, her hand laying lightly on your thigh, she's not mad, just multiple gears turning in her head after unwanted conversation with yeji.
"did something happen at the party?” you look for her eyes, but they’re stuck on the road.
“why didn’t you tell me your parents tried marrying you and yeji?” she finally looks at you, your awkward smile not matching her very serious expression on her lips.
“because, they didn’t” you chuckle. “they told me about a family offering them a deal to marry me and their heir, but come to think of it, they never told me who it was, i just assumed it was a man from a very small gang who’s parents were just money hungry”
“they are money hungry” ryujin corrects, pulling up to your driveway
“my parents agreed when i said no, and i never heard of it again, i promise”
“still doesn’t explain why you didn’t tell me” your wife looks at you again “i’m hurt”
“what? why?” you turn in the passenger seat and look at her
“because, y/n” she shrugs, taking off her seatbelt and turning to look at you as well. “all this time, she’s been pining over you because her parents put the idea of you two marrying in her head! she’s been making a fool out of me this entire time.. why didn’t you tell me?”
“we had just started dating ryujin” you sigh, “i didn’t want you to misunderstand, like right now”
“whatever” she sighs, getting out of the car and walking around the car to open the door for you, no matter how mad she was, she always did.
“oh my god, are you really going to get mad at me for this?” you follow behind her as one of the many workers opens the front door for you, but she only sighs, turning around to face you.
“did you really say no because you thought it was someone else?” you walk the few feet that separate the two of you
“i said no because i wasn’t going to marry an absolute stranger for money my family doesn’t need” you begin, wrapping your arms around her waist “but also because i was already with you” her face immediately softens, her shoulders slump and she allows your lips to press gentle kisses around her face. “i’m sorry for not telling you”
“can i make it up to you?” ryujin’s face lights up at that, and she’s seen biting her bottom lip trying to hold back a smile, but she fails trying to not give in, and squeals when she jumps and wraps her thighs around your middle, as instructed of you, neither of you bothering to go up the stairs to your own room, and instead walking the two of you to the nearest guest room.
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Eren doesn't know why he's so breathless, why his heart is catching in his throat. It doesn't make sense.
He hasn't seen her in years, she probably doesn't even remember him, doesn't remember Marco's silly teenaged friend, the naive boy who's virginity she took.
It probably wasn't even that memorable for her, although it was for him, he's never forgotten that night and honestly, nothing in the years since could ever even begin to measure up.
His mom is always telling him not to get stuck in the past, to live in the present, enjoy his 20's and trust him, he's been trying, but nothing will ever measure up to the summer of his senior year because the chemistry between him and Marco's Aunt Mikasa was unparalleled. And now here he is, nervously toying with his cuff links while he waits around the family wedding Marco had dragged him to.
A bad breakup and the coincidence of Eren actually being home for the weekend had resulted in his old highschool pal bringing him as his plus once. Marco had claimed it would be a great pickup destination, chicks galore, and Eren well, Eren had neglected to mention he had ulterior motives for wanting to attend a Bodt family function.
But now here he is twenty minutes before the ceremony waiting in one of the grand hallways of the lavish hotel they'd booked for the venue.
Marco had left him to take his place as one of the groomsmen and well Eren had thought maybe he'd have a better chance of spotting Mikasa in the throngs of guests milling outside when he hadn't seen her in the rows of white flowered seats. But as he mills around, considering going back in, now the only one left in the grand hall he thinks maybe he's missed his timing, Mikasa, if she's here at all must already be inside. Damn it!
Oh well, there is always the reception, and if nothing else, he's a good dancer, he'll make a good impression on her that way!
He's about to head to the hotel bar, find something to keep him occupied with during the ceremony, too late to interrupt now, when there is a loud clicking sound and he turns to the large oak doors nearby where he'd seen the bridesmaids exit a few minutes ago.
Except this time instead of a bridesmaid, there is a very beautiful bride to be, stunning actually, her makeup light to show off her natural beauty. And she's still just as beautiful as the last time he saw her in the doorway of Marco's little house on the cul de sac, waving him off. Heather grey eyes that sparkle in the light, her dainty form showcased beautifully in a simple silk dress with flower draped sleeves that showcases the tiny curve of her waist as well as the full swells of her breasts. She looks in a word, breathtaking.
And to Eren's immense surprise, she recognizes him almost immediately, grey eyes locking on his own.
"Eren," she squeaks in surprise, her eyebrows rising to her hairline, "What are you doing here?" And it is in that moment he realizes exactly whose wedding he's been forced to attend after Marco's bad breakup.
Because Mikasa might look stunning, she always does, but she looks particularly ravishing in an all white gown that slips over her curves like water, hugging every taut inch of her. She looks shocked for a moment and Eren attempts to gather his bearings, clearly, he's not going to sweep her off her feet as he'd hoped.
He's trying to come up with something to say, something suave and cool to at least impress the girl he's had a crush on for five years, but once again, even years later it's Mikasa leaving him tongue tied because all of a sudden, that prim smile on her face is curving up into something wicked. "You're legal now aren't you Eren? Can finally drink alcohol without me booting for you?" He swallows, nodding, this is so not how he wanted this to go, he's a finance bro now, he has a fucking degree, girls thirst after him!
And even worse, she's getting married? This isn't how he'd expected it to go at all.
Mikasa collects herself quickly, even as the clear chime of the organ begins to play the wedding entry song, she's unphased, walking away from the door to the ceremony and instead towards him.
She hums as she looks him over, stepping into his personal space, her hands coming up to brush over his trim shoulders, "Tell me Eren, did you drive here?" He nods, his throat bobbing at her proximity as her hands smoothe over his chest approvingly.
She tugs on the lapels of his coat and she's so close he can smell her and it's high school all over again, lavender and honeysuckle, she smells delectable, fresh, and it goes right to his head. Mikasa nods to herself as she looks him over, resolute in some agreement he doesn't understand, her other hand coming up to cup his cheek affectionately.
She looks him over with a combination of lust, and fondness, her thumb swiping over his cheek bone, "You're still too attractive for your own good to you know?" He lets out a stuttered laugh, finding his voice, "So are you."
She gives him a wide smile, a flash of two rows of perfect white teeth and Eren's hear aches that she can't be his, that she's getting married today, fuck.
Before he can contemplate it to much, her hand is slipping down to link with his, her voice whisper soft as she leans in, "You know I don't know if I feel like getting married anymore today Yeager."
Eren can feel his breath stutter as she moves closer, both of her soft delicate hands linking with his as she begins leading him towards the foyer and away from her fiance.
"What?" Eren whispers as he follows behind her dumbly, wondering what the fuck is happening, if it's all just a dream.
But Mikasa says nothing, choosing not to answer any of his questions, just tosses him a saucy grin over her shoulder, "C'mon Eren, I'm finally giving you the chance to sweep me off my feet, keep up will you." And that's Mikasa, she still hasn't changed, still just as wild as the tempest, as unpredictable as they get, and even years later she's still knocking him on his ass.
But who is he to say no? He's been in love with her for years after all, why would he ever refuse?
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oiks-milkbread · 2 years
You meet him after a long time
Warnings: fem reader; alcohol mention
((I'm not sure I like it, but here it is))
Oikawa Tooru
You weren't expecting to see him there, so far you've tried to avoid his eyes, even though you did everything to not look at him, you could feel him glancing at you, how annoying.
He doesn't look so different from high school, just taller and with more muscle mass, but what could you expect from a pro volleyball player? He's still so unfairly pretty, big brown eyes, perfect soft hair, a charming smile. You wonder how you look, if you changed from high school or if you still were that shy girl. It doesn't matter now, you try to put this silly thought in a small box inside your brain, probably ready to be opened at night, to torment you before you sleep. Your train of thoughts is interrupted as the music starts playing, signaling the beginning of the ceremony.
Once it's over, you get in your car quickly, ready to drive to the next location, where there's going to be the rest of the wedding celebration. You're not the biggest fan of weddings, but you couldn't say no to your friend matsukawa; you should have expected tooru to be there though, he's one of his best friends. You just haven't thought of him in a long time, so why do you feel so nervous now? The most logical answer was meeting people from your high school, reminding you of many things of the past, including tooru. You try to shake off this thought. He probably barely remembered you, why would he care? You know how the night's going to go: a lot of food, even more alcohol, many anecdotes about your friend's volleyball time during high school, you changing in a more comfortable pair of shoes as soon as possible.
You sit at your table, noticing that you're pretty far from the newly married couple's, then you offer a polite smile to your table companions. You're not too enthusiast to see your high school classmates, but you try to be as much charming as you can, engaging in small talks and trying to look interested in whatever they were saying. You wish you could drink, but you have to drive back home, so you just glance at alcohol every now and then, wishing you could have at least something more interesting to do. You snap back to reality as you realise someone was asking you something. "Sorry?" you smile, "I was spacing out a little bit" you laugh, feeling a little bit embarrassed, "We were talking about oikawa-san" this girl answers you, "do you have some gossip? You were pretty close during high school". To your relief the married couple appears to greet your table and ask if you're enjoying the food, interrupting the conversation before you could answer, you try to telepathically thank matsukawa. He also informs you that in a few minutes there's going to be their first dance.
While the rest of the guests enjoy the dance floor, you find a more reserved space near the pool. As soon as you sit down you take your shoes off, you can feel your feet thanking you, you sigh in relief and close your eyes, enjoying the quiet. But it doesn't take long before someone finds you.
"Here you are" a familiar voice chirps, you freeze for a second and immediately regret it, you know the setter notices everything. "Oikawa-san" you greet him meekly, trying to look as neutral as possible, from the little frown on his face you guess he didn't like being greeted so formally. "Why aren't you on the dance floor?" you ask him, trying to avoid an awkward silence, "I was looking for you" he smiles, your eyes widen, your face morphs into a confused look, "Why?". Tooru chuckles a little bit, finding you adorable with your scrunched eyebrows and big eyes, "Why shouldn't I?" he asks, trying to hide the melancholy he feels thinking about the last time you talked, you shift your gaze from him to the pool, "What do you want?" you ask, feeling all the energies leaving your body, bringing your knees to your chest and hugging them. "I wanted to apologise", his tone his serious, his smile completely disappeared, "I wasn't fair to you, I should have been more careful", you keep avoiding looking at him, "It doesn't matter anymore, Oikawa-san" your voice emotionless "it was a long time ago", "It does matter. I hurt you". "It was in the past" you keep repeating, hoping he would just go away, feeling your chest getting heavier,"If it's in the past, why can't you look at me?". You can't take it anymore, feeling like your lungs were getting full of water, and your head unpleasantly heavy, "I can't look at you because I tried everything to forget you, Tooru" you snap "I tried everything to get you out of my head, it wasn't easy. You can't just appear out of the blue and fix it", you start crying, your tears ruining your make up "I can understand our relationship didn't work out, but we were also friends and you threw me away like trash", you stop as you feel your voice cracking and your head spinning. You look at the brunette, hot tears are streaming down his eyes as well, he takes a tissue from his jacket and hand it to you, you accept it. "I must look horrible" you sigh, wiping the tears away, "That's not true" tooru says softly, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand, "How bad is my make up?", "It's not too bad, just a little bit smudged" tooru answers, "let me help you", you give him the tissue as he gets closer. "I'm sorry I was both the worst boyfriend and the worst friend" tooru says, his hands gentle on your face, "sometimes you were good too" you admit, "In what I was good?" he scoffs, "You were a decent kisser" you tease him, "Only decent?! Really?!", you giggle a little bit as you watch him act dramatically, you don't want to admit it but you missed this idiot. "If it can make you feel any better", tooru becomes serious again, "I am really sorry. And I missed you", you look at him, you know he's genuine.
"Here you are, idiot!".
You both jump up as iwaizumi approaches you, you lay your hand on your chest to calm your racing heart, tooru looks equally startled. "You can't disappear like this during this very wedding, shittykawa!"
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juneandnick · 2 years
5x08 : Motherland (My POV)
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June and Luke do not seem on the same wavelength about Serena. Rita and Moira seem not to understand their friend's reaction. Their chat is interrupted by protest outside who urge the refugees to get out. Probably people who are afraid that Canada become Gilead 2.0. It is true that Serena has a lot of partisans.
At Gilead, before to take a fly to Toronto in the aim to talk to some families and June, Commander Lawrence with the help of Commanders Blaine (and Calhoun) tries to convince the others Commanders of New Bethlehem’s benefit.
I find it curious that Joseph travels to Toronto alone. Why Nick is not on the trip? Maybe the excuse is that he is not allowed to travel because his wife is pregnant. No matter, I cannot find a convincing answer. He could have secretly seen his daughter again. He could have sold New Bethlehem to June. After all in the following episode he will reproach her for having refused the offer.
A meeting where Lawrence makes a tempting offer: I can bring your daughter to New Bethlehem. I can reunite you there. […] You can be with Hannah again.
Before to add: Nick is helping me. He is fully on board. He is always had your back.
When Joseph says to June: I think being in Canada has dulled your wits. It looks like a parallel with S4E09: You have gone soft in Toronto. Must be all that maple syrup.
In S5E05, Luke crossed the border to retrieve information about Hannah. In this episode, he could see again his daughter but he rejects the idea. While June would risk anything to be with her. Obviously I agree, saying yes is a big risk. But I wonder something: Does Luke feel threatened by Nick's possible proximity?
June begins to react and it feels good: Of course you do not understand. Look what you did to Serena and her baby. […] I never asked you to do that. […] The thing is, I do not need your protection. I do not need it. Hannah does. She is a kid.
June sings I Will Be Your Mirror to Holly. A song she sang for Hannah before Gilead. I really do not like the sneaky way Luke has of coming. And his whining habit.
June says to Serena: You cannot help your child if you are not with them. I would go back. It is a reason of why I think it is not possible that June leaves Canada in S6E01.
This latter pays Joseph a visit because she needs to have answers but above all guarantees if she decides to come to New Bethlehem. We find the June of Gilead, the one who dares to speak her mind: All the girls, all the women raped, tortured, abused in a world that you created, you sick f***. He seems to have remorse.
For his part, Joseph tries to convince her of his motivations for the creation of New Bethlehem: It is a better place. It is the place we wrestle a better future out of an unchangeable past. A place without the sham trials and the torture without child brides. Unfortunately a better place only for Holly but absolutely not for Hannah.
To be honest, it is hard to say if Lawrence tries to convince her just to gain more power. Or if he is sincere. I want to believe he is because after all: He got Nichole out, he got Emily out. He let Mayday into his home. He helped June with Angel's Flight. He even helped deliver Fred. He always refused to do the ceremony.
Later, June and Luke receive a CD. It contains a video of Hannah at her "wifes-in-training" school. June decides she needs to get Hannah back even if it means to live at New Bethlehem. But Luke absolutely disagrees. In S5E05, he tried something, he got scared and it is over. He does not want to try something again. His 12 year old daughter is close to getting married but he stops to fight.
And he even decides for June: I cannot let you go. And she finally dares to express herself: Are you just gonna do the same thing you have done for the last seven years? F***ing nothing? Luke's face changes and she sadly apologizes. Of fear?
Once again ZalRB did a perfect parallel about how June is supported by Nick on one side and Luke on the other. There is also a parallel with June speech about her guilty of being free, of being out of Gilead while Hannah is still prisoner of there.
At New Bethlehem, Nick asks to Joseph about June. Will she accept to come? There is no sense the fact he wants to see his girls there. Even if Gilead is changing. Especially as Mackenzie is and will remain a threat to June and her family.
By the way, he knows June, he knows that she will not wait patiently the occasion to visit her daughter. Daughter who will be not free and is absolutely not of marriageable age. The writing lacks an explanation or I missed it ...
After showed the video to Mark , after days of waiting, June receives a phone call at the grocery: We found Hannah. June runs home to announce the good news to Luke and Moira. June is relieved: Hannah is back home ... finally.
So June met Lawrence twice and she did not even ask him how Nick was doing. I completely understand her focus on Hannah. But finally I say to myself that it is normal that Nick thinks he is nothing. The writing of this season sucks a lot.
Music by Adam Taylor
- I Would Take It All Back ❤️
- We Found Her ❤️
Source Pictures: Screenshots (by me)
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hcm92literature · 2 years
‘Out Of Character’ 18th September 2022
‘Out Of Character’ master page  
Read on AO3
“Today is the day.”
Rena Rouge looked up from her lunch to raise an eyebrow at Ladybug. “The day for what?”
“The day for telling Chat Noir how I feel!”
“Say what?!”
Ladybug stood up, striking an heroic pose, but she still felt her entire body shaking from nerves. “I’m gonna tell him! I… am… I am! I am. Going. To. Tell. Him!” She enunciated each word with a fist slamming into her other palm as if to hammer home the idea that it was going to happen and that it would go well. So she hadn’t slept much last night thanks to panicking about his reaction. That didn’t mean it wasn’t the right thing to do. How would they ever get married and have three kids and a hamster if she didn’t take the step of telling him and finding out who he is first? Besides which, she had the right to let her feelings be known, and he had the right to know that someone loved him. “I’m going to tell Chat Noir I love him!”
Rena’s jaw dropped open, but she never had the chance to say anything, as the small cough of someone clearing their throat nearby caused the pair to whip around in surprise. Ladybug’s arms flailed all over the place when she saw it was Ryuko who had interrupted - and had probably heard what she had just loudly declared…
“I would advise against that.”
“W-why is that?”
Looking Ladybug up and down, Ryuko’s expression did not change. “Because his heart belongs to someone else.”
“S… someone else…?” Ladybug felt her stomach sink through the floor and the blood drain from her face.
“Have you not noticed Chat Noir has been… distracted recently?”
Thinking back over the last day and a half, Ladybug had noticed his mind had indeed seemed to wander occasionally. But Ryuko had always managed to- wait. Ryuko? Ladybug looked back at the dragon hero with a dejected expression. Had she won him over? Or was she just better at pursuing love interests than Marinette was? “Is… is this something that has gone on for a while?”
“Yes. I am surprised he has not told you. I thought you were close, being superhero partners.”
Feeling Ryuko’s words like a knife in her heart, Marinette turned away and wrapped her arms around herself. How could she be so stupid? Of course Chat would fall for the elegant and calculated dragon hero over the clumsy and scatterbrained Ladybug. And him asking for Marinette’s number at Comic Con hadn’t actually led to much, just the occasional jokey conversation when they were both free. Had she totally misinterpreted his intentions? Had she let her imagination get away from her and fantasised the flirtatious undertones between the two of them?
She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head slightly to see Ryuko’s black glove. “I am sorry, Ladybug. I shall leave you be. But first, I came to tell you that Viperion is looking for you.”
As she watched Ryuko walk away, a thought niggled at the back of her mind about Viperion. About Luka. He had been very open from the very beginning of their characters meeting, and had made his affections for her very clear, even despite their break up a few years ago. But, he had also been respectful of her choice to not continue things with him. It was impossible to dislike him. Was she just being stubborn about him? She shook her head. She couldn’t force herself to like him in the way he wanted, especially when she had feelings for someone else…
Feeling another hand on her shoulder, Ladybug turned and allowed Rena to envelop her in a comforting hug.
Adrien had noticed a change in Ladybug after lunch. She had barely looked at him all afternoon and seemed a bit down in the dumps. He had attempted to make more puns to try to cheer her up, but it just seemed to upset her more, and when he had tried asking her about it at the end of the game, she had brushed him off. He wondered if it was an in-character thing she was doing or if the player behind the mask really was upset and couldn’t hide it. At least Viperion had made some headway in lightening her mood, though watching their interactions kept sparking an almost nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach he couldn’t quite comprehend.
He was still worrying about Ladybug when he and Nino walked into the bar to watch Kitty Section perform their newest single, but then he saw Marinette and all thoughts of other girls vanished. He never ceased to be impressed by her fashion sense as she looked heart-stoppingly pretty in a grey plaid pinafore dress over a pink turtleneck jumper. When she turned to greet the boys as they approached, however, her expression nearly did stop his heart. She looked dejected, as if she’d received some bad news and she wasn’t taking it well. What was happening with the girls in his life today?
Alya paid for the first round of drinks and the four friends found a booth to sit at while the band did their sound checks. Alya and Nino had sat on one side together, probably without thinking about it as Marinette rarely joined for after-game drinks, which left Adrien to awkwardly ask if she preferred the inner or outer seat. She gave him an odd look and stated she would prefer the outer seat as she wouldn’t be able to see the band otherwise, what with Adrien being nearly a foot taller than her. He nervously nodded at her logic and scooted along the bench, trying to press himself as close to the wall as he could to be respectful of her space. Her odd expression persisted as she sat down next to him, but then she turned back to look at the band. The guitarist, Luka, gave a wave which Marinette timidly returned, and the nauseous feeling from earlier returned to Adrien’s stomach ten-fold. Was this jealousy?
He sneakily got his phone out and began typing out an atrocious pun to send Marinette as Chat Noir, in the hopes that she would pay him more attention that way, but she merely looked at who the text was from and put her phone back in her pinafore pocket with a sigh. What did that sigh mean? Was she annoyed with him? What had he done? Or… was she too enamoured with Luka to pay him any attention? He frowned and looked over at his friends on the other side of the table, then sent a text to Nino hoping to glean more information on the matter.
[Does Marinette like Luka?]
[Yh dude theyve been friends 4 ages]
[No, I mean… LIKE like.]
Nino shot Adrien a concerned look then returned to texting. [Uh… well they dated a few yrs back but I dunno about any current feelings…
From her side at least]
Looking up again, Adrien felt his heart skip a beat. [So, you’re saying Luka still has feelings for her?] He turned to watch the guitarist carefully as Nino typed out his reply, and he noticed an almost imperceptible smile that played on his lips when he glanced at Marinette.
[I don’t think hell ever stop liking her…
But hes totally respectful of her!
He wont ever try anything unless she invites him 2]
Nino’s reply didn’t do much to assuage Adrien’s concerns. Though he could only see the back of her head, Marinette’s body language changed each time Luka looked at her, and he couldn’t tell if it was in a good or a bad way. He leaned an elbow on the table and put his phone screen-side down next to it. When Marinette turned at the movement, he looked away, not wanting her to know he was watching her.
The band put their instruments down once their sound check was done and wandered over to the bar for one last drink before they started their set. As Alya started talking to the boys about the costumes Marinette had designed for the band, Marinette got her phone out again and began typing on it. Adrien pretended not to notice his phone lighting up next to his elbow and tried to pay attention to what Alya was saying, though he was far too eager to see what Marinette had replied with.
When he finally looked at his phone, his heart sank. [Very funny Chaton, but I’m kinda busy at the moment.] She normally responded with a string of cry-laughing emojis when she thought he was being funny, so to get a properly typed out message felt bad. At least she had called him Chaton. That was still a good sign, right?
He decided to leave things open with his response. [Has my Purrincess been dragged into some important business? Her Chaton will await her return all night if he has to, singing on the castle walls!]
Marinette snorted as she looked at her phone. Was that another good sign? [Singing? I think you mean yowling]
[Hey! I have a meowtiful singing voice. It’s not my fault no-one else’s hearing is attuned to it.]
That one made her giggle and Adrien felt his heart race as he watched her. Surely that was definitely a good sign. Then he got a text from Nino. [Stop sneaky flirting with Marinette n pay attention 2 my gf damnit!]
Adrien put his phone down again and gave Nino an apologetic grin before turning back to Alya, but as much as he tried to give her his full attention, he couldn’t help throwing furtive glances Marinette’s way. She seemed less upset now, and Adrien was going to count that as a win.
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