#or soft family feels
puerscientia · 1 year
Me: waiting patiently for a Ominis raising his great-nephew Tom Riddle fanficion
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orioofthestars · 2 months
yk Hermes’ new design? Kinda reminds me of smth…
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ksdesign · 1 year
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Glances 🌸
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thewisestdino · 7 months
Ivypool, #99
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You go and I stay
It's always right person and wrong way
I hate to be right, please, tell me I'm wrong
Please, tell me I'm wrong
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crystallizsch · 4 months
uh hi. meet jas(mine)???
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phantomstatistician · 5 months
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Fandom: The Addams Family
Tag: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair
Sample Size: 5,701 stories
Source: AO3
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
💙 Preparing the Soil by Rynne
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💙 Preparing the Soil
by Rynne (@rynne)
T, 26k, Wangxian
Part of the LWJ Birthday Serenade - Mini Bang
Summary: When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian return to spend the first winter after their marriage in the Cloud Recesses, Wangji is forced to grapple with his uncle's resistance to accepting his new husband fully into the clan. At the heart of this conflict is Lan Qiren's rule forbidding talking to Wei Wuxian. How can Wangji make the Cloud Recesses a more welcoming place for his husband when what he fights now is his uncle's stubbornness? Kay's comments: As much as I love the ending of the novel with Wangxian having their happy ending, I always struggle a bit with picturing them living their best lives in Gusu, especially with Lan Qiren still around and Lan Xichen being in seclusion for some time. This story takes a good look at the "Talking to Wei Wuxian is Forbidden" rule of the Gusu Lan Sect and Lan Qiren's relationship with both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. He improving, but it's an uphill battle. Luckily, Lan Xichen is supportive. Really love this story, it feels true to the characters and optimistic in a realistic way. Excerpt: Stunned, Wangji could only stare at his uncle for a long moment. He had thought his uncle was resigned to Wei Ying's presence, especially after everything that was revealed during Jin Guangyao's downfall. He had not realized Lan Qiren was still angry at Wei Ying. A wave of reciprocal anger washed through Wangji, and he clenched his hands briefly on his thighs before he abruptly stood. "Then I will not trouble Shufu further," he said, hearing the tightness in his own voice. He bowed, as shortly as he could make himself, before he turned on his heel and left, feeling his uncle's stare against his back. He did not break the rule about running in the Cloud Recesses, but his stride was swift and his demeanor hard enough to cause more than one disciple to duck out of his way. His hands kept clenching until he forced his fingers loose and open. Out of habit, his feet turned towards the rabbit meadow. Before he took more than a few steps, though, he recalled that he had another option to help him let go of his anger. By the time he reached the Jingshi, his temper dissipated a little. He stopped in front of the door, taking several deep breaths to calm down further. He did not want to bring anger into the home he shared with Wei Ying.
pov lan wangji, post-canon, established relationship, family feels, lan family feels, gusu lan sect rules, uncle-nephew relationship, chinese holidays, birthdays, good kid lan sizhui, married lan wangji/wei wuxian, soft lan wangji/wei wuxian, good sibling lan xichen, lan qiren tries, not jiang cheng friendly, music
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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breadandblankets · 5 months
Thomas family dinners, everything from lazy meals on TV trays when everyone is too tired to cook to extended family meals for holidays, memories stocked to the brim with laughter filled kitchens and food made with love, dinners of hope and recovery and mourning and joy
duke who feels awkward and alone even surrounded by other bats because where is the warmth and love? duke who still now feels like an outsider because he is reminded that this is not his family, that his family may never come back
Thomas family dinners in the recovery process, the tentative poking around each other's new found traumas turning into a new familiarity, a new kind of living, a living that has his fellow ex robins and his parents and some of his fellow bats all milling around cups of kool aid in hand as his dad regals a gaggle of teens with his stories
a warm place where laughter echoes on the walls
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sanji-piss-hell · 8 months
The Germa kids are extremely important to me
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princessanneftw · 2 months
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1984/2024 - Princess Anne cuddling her three-year-old daughter Zara Phillips on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. 40 years later, Zara Tindall cuddling her three-year-old son Lucas Tindall at the Badminton Horse Trials.
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lilfriezatyrant · 3 months
More than anything,
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more than anything,
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I need to save my people more than anything.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 11 months
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She's turning the rain to snow
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silvergyus · 5 months
Ari, I've fallen into txt's kids head cannons and I can't get up!
Imagine Hyuka’s kids, a boy and a girl a year or two apart, following their dad around a theme park, the girl's pigtails which Kai did himself, bobbing as she walks 😭 Their dad's hands are full of things he's bought for them at the gift shop, so the two little Huenings hold hands so they won't lose each other. Being so similar in age, they're very close siblings and are very affectionate with each other and hold hands a lot, but it warms Kai's heart when he turns around to check on them and finds them trailing after him hand in hand and pointing things out to each other with excitement.
hi cee! sorry this took so long to get to
first of all, this devastated me as an eldest daughter with two younger brothers so I *will* be assuming the girl is the oldest because brothers are supposed to be younger than you, duh
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Kai's daughter, dressed in her overalls and pigtails, holding onto her little brother's hand because she doesn't want him to get lost at the theme park. she knows that their daddy would never let them get lost for real but she still doesn't want to lose him :( she doesn't yet know that daddy is easy to find in crowds since he's so tall, since she's small enough that everyone is still tall to her :( and her brother is easy to lose in crowds since he's a few inches shorter than her and his little legs get tired sometimes so he takes lots of breaks.
so they hold hands and they make up stories about the plushies in their hands- what sounds they would make and who would win in a fight and which magic powers they would have. Kai looks back when he hears a pair of roars and a fit of giggles behind him. his two kids laughing at their own jokes, trodding along immersed in their own world, imaginations even bigger than the wonders of the theme park.
his smile grows when he sees his son's eyes light up, eagerly pointing out an attraction they haven't been to yet. his daughter's head whips in the direction of his tiny, chubby finger, her pigtails- the ones that Kai struggled to get even this morning- bouncing as they fly through the air.
he knows that they're already headed over to that attraction, smiling to himself when his kids' turn and race to him, grasps tightening around their stash of plushies and half-eaten candy as they pick up speed, eagerly running to pull at his pant leg, asking "daddy pleeaase can we go over there!" "can we go on that ride? dad, dad dad dad, please can we!?!"
and how could he ever say no?
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ofthehands · 6 months
Reading Chain Saw Confidential RN and there's a line about the swing in the family's yard being made with railroad ties because "He [Bubba] was a big kid, so he needed a big swing" and for some reason that got to me. Like the Sawyers are obviously fucked up and cruel even to each other, and maybe I'm reading too much into it, or whatever, but like. ... Bubba was loved. At some point, at some time, someone in that house loved him. He was a big kid, and he needed a big swing, and someone made one for him. Simple as.
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fern-the-snail · 5 months
They are father and daughter, your honor
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actually so fucking proud of the base shading and stuff I did drawing niffty, so I'm putting a close up of just her here
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I wanted to show alastors shadow as not actually obeying the laws of light and physics so i did intentionally put it in the light rather than where shadows actually are in the piece
originally i was going to put a fond look on the shadows face to reflect that al cares for niffty like his kid but couldnt get it right so i abandoned that idea
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wangxianficrecs · 4 months
💙 spoke like we meant it by BlackWiresOnHerHead
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💙 spoke like we meant it
by BlackWiresOnHerHead (@blackwiresgrowonherhead)
T, 10k, Wangxian
Summary: A smile spreads across Wei Ying’s face. He has a long and extensive list of Favorite Gifts From Lan Zhan, and at the very top of the list are nights like this. “Lan Zhan? Sleepwalking again, huh?” Lan Zhan looks up at him, eyes open but unmistakably glassy, and continues methodically peeling stalks of celery. “Mn.” -- Five times Wei Ying says how he really feels while Lan Zhan is sleepwalking, and one time Lan Zhan is awake to hear it. Kay's comments: What an absolutely adorable story!! Cuteness overload!! I still haven't recovered!! A 5+1 story in which Lan Wangji sleepwalks and his roommate Wei Wuxian looks out for the most adorable sleepwalker in the world. I loved, loved, loved how until the very end the only interactions we had between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji was only during the night when Lan Wangji sleepwalked, so we really only knew what Wei Wuxian told us about their relationship through their POV. Major cuteness with a hint of angst. Excerpt: He smiles when he speaks again, even though his audience won’t really see it. “Ah, wonderful Lan Zhan, you’ve worked so hard, and you’re going to wake up soon. You need to go back to bed.” Lan Zhan emphatically shakes his head. “I have to make him something. It must be perfect, he deserves—” He shakes his head again, agitated. “He is so good, he doesn’t think he should get good things, but he does. I will give him good things.” “I can—” Wei Ying coughs a little. There’s a lump in his throat, and he wonders if he’ll ever get used to this. All these reminders of how good Lan Zhan really is. How good Lan Zhan is to him. “I can make the cake for Wei Ying. You need to go rest, Lan Zhan. I promise I’ll make him the best osmanthus cake in the world, I just need you to go back to bed.” “If it’s not good, I will kill you,” he says, deathly serious. Wei Ying carefully breathes around the sensation in his chest that feels like it’s being filled by an expanding balloon. “I’ll keep that in mind,” says Wei Ying, and he gently tugs Lan Zhan back to his room to put him to bed.
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern no powers, 5+1 things, roommates, friends to lovers, getting together, sleepwalking, sleepwalking lan wangji, humor, fluff and humor, cute, soft lan wangji/wei wuxian, accidental confession, love confessions, family feels, light angst, angst with a happy ending
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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