#or sell if in nice enough condition to a local used book store
nat-20s · 1 year
crowdsourcing my brain rn bc i wanna essentially mine own race to read/summer reading program/whatever reading initiative they had for kids if they had one where you grew up here. so QUEASTIONS for I, an adult who is now medicated so that i can actually read books and also has about uhhh 45 library books left to read alone:
i'm thinkin of doing hours based rather than daily task thing bc turns out i fucking hate daily tasks. How many hours should qualify for giving myself a treat of some sort? I was thinkin 15 maybe, bc that'd be a nice 5 interval number that'd be ~two weeks of reading an hour a day, and that seems fairly doable
what should said little treat be? it should be something more interesting/ slightly more expensive than like. a snack or drink. I'm thinkin like a movie "pass" of some sort where I'd take me and a friend to a movie?? something along that tier
should i have a BIG prize for, like, every 50 hours or 100 hours or something?? what should that be???
should i make a more formal mockup for this than just putting stickers in a journal so other people can play?
any other suggestions??
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pupintransit · 10 months
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Month 7 of The Wait ™️ (I checked this time) is over and done with. I now have confirmation that this blog series of mine will end with month number 10! I wrote about this earlier, but I finally have a date for surgery 🧡
On February 27th, 2024, I will at last have the body I've dreamed about and fantasized of. I'll finally have a vagina~
I got my date earlier this month, about a week after my phone check-in with Dr. Brassard. Nice guy, just FYI! A little more blunt than what I was expecting, but patient and polite all the same. No concerns. It'll be great to meet him in person! After that, the planning started. My medical leave request has been submitted, and I have the hotels I'll need for myself and my husband for the two weeks we've budgeted to be in Quebec booked and ready to go.
Speaking of hotels, did you know that GRS Montreal pays for the first two hotel nights prior to your surgery date if you live far enough away? I didn't until their surgical confirmation email came in! The hotel they have a contract with is pretty nice looking and is a short drive from their site. I cannot begin to express how much I appreciate them doing that for folks. It has chopped off at least $500 from my total expenses for this journey 🧡
Once I get my next paycheque I'll start making my purchases for post-op supplies. If you're on the waitlist for a vaginoplasty as well, here's what I'll be picking up in case you need something to reference:
XL puppy pads for dilation. They brand them for humans too but they cost twice as much for the exact same product, so you're better off going to your local pet supply store and getting them there
Cotton underpants. I'll be getting briefs but for me that's a personal preference.
Naproxen for swelling. Check with you surgeon to confirm if this will be safe for you to take before buying these!
Ibuprophen for pain. My surgeron specifically warned against Aspirin following surgery, so ibuprofen will be the way to go for me. Again, please please please check with your surgeon for what will be safe for you! This post is not medical advice!
Doughnut pillow. This'll take pressure off your groin and move it to your thighs when sitting down. Much more comfortable!
Ice packs. Specifically, Amazon (bleh) sells perineal clay ice packs that are shaped like a maxipad. Useful stuff!
Loose clothing. Nothing tight fitting, especially below the waist.
Hand mirror. This'll help with dilation and with inspecting your condition.
Slip on shoes. Probably self explanatory?
Hand towels. Pick up some that you won't mind getting dirty with lube or any post-op ickiness you may experience.
Which reminds me, non-scented lube. You'll need this to help get then dilators in.
Gauze, hand sanitizer, and bactracin ointment. Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say! Also you REALLY don't want your vagina getting infections!
Douche. Like, one of those refillable ones. Douching is a critical step in maintaining the health of your vagina, especially in the early stages.
One of those grabby-arm things. You know the ones. Post-op you're not gonna be super flexible so it'll be good to have extra reach.
A walking cane. I'm personally gonna try a track down a telescoping one.
I'd need to redo my math on what this'd all cost but it's not super expensive, so I'm not to worried.
Once my husband gets approval for whatever time off he can get from his workplace, we can book our flights. After that and after buying all the supplies I need, we're good to go for February!
It's still so... i don't know, surreal I guess? I went years thinking this was out of reach for me and now, less than a year after starting this process in earnest, I'll have new genitalia. It's nerve wracking in a way. I think the jitters will only stop after they put under anesthesia.
Something I'm mindful of as well is that my vagina won't work the same way as a natal one. What I am getting is the best our current medical technology can provide, which is bolstered because I'm going to one of the most experienced people on the planet for what I want done. It won't be same as if I was AFAB, but that doesn't really matter to me right now. It will still be everything I need it to be, and it will be mine. That's really the only important thing 🧡
0 notes
deearoundthecorner · 2 years
life  is  quiet  and  safe  in  notting  hill,    but  it  didn’t  always  have  to  be  that  way.    putting  it  that  way,    it  sounds  like  a  condition    --    confined  to  the  quietude  of  the  small  city;    autumn  leaves  rolling  to  meet  old  newspapers  on  the  streets,    children  strolling  hand  in  hand  to  their  parents  on  their  way  to  school,    tourists  walking  in  and  out  of  local  businesses  more  often  than  not  empty  handed.    confined  to  peace,    at  the  cost  of  excitement.    even  then,    it  never  bothered  me.    i  am  just  around  the  corner  to  anyone  you  ask,    shelves  embarrassingly  full  of  unsold  books  and  days  frequently  wasted  on  the  occasion  someone  unaware  of  the  existence  of  a  kindle  walks  into  the  store.    i  sit  in  my  corner,    watch  the  leaves  and  the  papers  and  the  kids  and  the  parents  and  allow  the  days  to  go  by,    because  really,    how  much  more  excitement  can  i  get  from  behind  my  desk  around  the  corner?
how  much  excitement  can  i  get  from  my  small  life  in  notting  hill?
things  never  really  seem  like  they’re  changing  forever  until  right  about  the  moment  in  time  they  irreversebly  do.    adelaide  took  a  few  moments  before  looking  up    --    eyes  locked  into  her  screen,    fingertips  darting  across  the  keyboard  as  words  dripped  from  her  professionally  romanticizing  mind.    there  was  virtually  nothing  going  on  at  the  store  that  day,    and  the  daily  dose  of  obnoxious  tourists  was  still  to  make  an  appearance    (no,    she  did  not  have  any  books  on  religion    --    yes,    the  dumaurier  community  reading  was  still  up  no  matter  what),    so  she  had  more  than  enough  reason  to  nevermind  whoever  made  the  bell  by  the  door  ring.
she’s  still  typing  by  the  time  she  speaks  up;    loudly,    annoyedly,    refusing  still  to  look  up  as  a  tentative  sip  of  her  tea  is  taken  to  her  lips.    perfectly  warm,  her  camomile  tea  does  much  too  little  to  keep  her  calm.
      adelaide:      oh  ,  fuck  right  off  ,    bernard  ,    i’ve  told  you  about  a  thousand  times  we  don’t  sell  war  novels  already  ,    (    as  she  is  sure  to  be  talking  to  the  veteran  that  lives  not  that  far  down  the  street,  and  who’s  paid  her  one  too  many  visits  in  the  past  couple  months.    though  as  her  eyes  finally  meet  the  visitor’s,    dee  dee  finds  herself  dumbfolded  by  her  own  stupidity.    were  her  glasses  playing  games  on  her  again?    it  surely  couldn’t  be--
she  stands  up  on  a  whim.    leaves  the  tea  cup  on  top  of  a  paperback  instead  of  her  jane  austen  coaster,    stares  dumbly  into  what  had  to  be  the  most  beautiful  woman  she’s  ever  seen.    help  her  lord,    this  sure  as  hell  wasn’t  the  bernard  she  got  used  to  scolding  out  every  morning.    she  gives  fixing  her  rebel  hair  a  try;    oh,    what  a  pathetic  life.    a  cosmic  joke,    a  literary  irony!    the  very  miracle  of  one  olivia  rivera  walking  into  her  store  happens,    and  all  dee  dee  has  to  offer  is...    this.
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      adelaide:      oh ,     my  .    now  that  wasn’t  all  that  nice  ,    was  it  .    i  do  hope  you  don’t  rat  me  out  to  the  manager  ,   she  seems  to  be  this  close  to  terminating  me  already  .    (     said,  of  course,  as  she  mimicks  her  own  very  smile  from  the  portrait  of  the  owner  on  the  wall  behind  her.    )    do  you  --    do  you  search  for  anything  in  particular  ?     as  i’m  sure  my  attitude  can  tell ,    i’m  eager  to  help  out  .
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vixen-academia · 4 years
🔎 How to shop in secondhand bookshops: a mini guide 🔎
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Você pode ver a versão em PT-BR aqui!
My family and I have the habit of buying a LOT of books, specially in secondhand bookshops! I started to shop on this kind of store druing my childhood, so I decided to write this mini-guide to fellas who wanna start shopping good (and beautiful!) books for small prices!
📚What’s a secondhand bookshop (also known as used bookstores)?
📖 A secondhand bookshop or used bookstore is a bookshop specialised in buying and selling “old books”. And by old, I mean second handed books (but also old like OLD books, bookprints from 1900’s etc).
📚Why should I start buying in secondhand bookshops?
Usually, the books are a LOT cheaper;
You can find specific editions of books, including some rare books and/or prints!
You will find a lot of literature’s classics (and, if you’re lucky enough, in beautiful hardcovers);
You also can find old comics, mangas and magazines in some stores;
Secondhand bookstores usually are small local businesses. Buying from them, you’ll help your local community! :)
📚 How can I find some specific book in a secondhand bookstore?
📖 You will need a lot of patience, a good eye, probably a lot of time and also a phone. Secondhand bookstores are not regular ones, where you have a catalog with the same books that are replenished when the stock is over. If you want a VERY specific book, edition and/or print, the first thing you should do is call to the bookstore you’re planning to visit and ask if they have the book. There are 3 probably answers:
1- Yes, they have.
2- No, they don’t.
3- They don’t know.
“What you mean by ‘they don’t know’?!” Well, exactly what I said lol Not all secondhand bookstores have catalogs with all books they have, for any reasons. SO, if you find yourself in this situation, you can try go there and just search for it by yourself. This will probably take some time, depending of the size of the store catalog. It’s almost a treasure hunt!
📚 What should I pay attention to when buy in secondhand bookstores?
📖 It’s really important to check the conditions of the book! How are the pages? They seems too fragile to handle? What’s the condition of the spine of the book? The pages are falling? There’s any sign of silverfish or fungus on the book? How’s the cover? After that, is good to check the prices of new editions. It worth it? The price is lower or higher? If it’s higher, it’s a rare print/edition?
📚 Any others advices for first time buyers?
📖 Try to visit and have the number of more than one secondhand bookstore! As I said, they don’t have catalogs, so sometimes a store doesn’t have a book you want but another one has! Also it’s very nice to make friendship with secondhand bookstore’s owners, because they will tell you when a interesting book arrives! Now, during the pandemic, some secondhand bookstores are doing online sales, which also makes easier to search for specific books! But after all this corona stuff, try to visit a secondhand bookstore without a book in mind. You can get surprised by what you’ll found during your hunt!
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Ranch {1}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
A/N: Shelby and I have been writing this for MONTHS and we are so excited to start sharing it with you all! As always, let us know what you think, and enjoy. :) We will be going back & forth posting chapters, so look for chapter 2 on her blog! 
The Ranch Masterlist
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Nesta knew absolutely nothing about ranching.
Even worse, she felt absolutely nothing as she got out of her little red car and stepped onto the dirt path that led to the house.
She had grown up on this ranch, had run around and had adventures with her sisters in these pastures. Yet, as she took in everything she had inherited, she felt nothing.
She hadn’t been to the ranch in years, not since her mother died when she was eighteen. Now, almost a decade later, it was all foreign. It used to look so lively and magical during her childhood, but now it was nothing more than an old, big house built upon a huge chunk of land full of cattle.
Nesta hated cows. They smelled horrible.
She started walking up the path to her childhood home, when she saw the faded, peeling sign in the yard.
Belles & Blossoms Bed and Breakfast
The restraint Nesta used not to roll her eyes was only thanks to the fact that she was well-rested from her stay in Velaris’ newest hotel, the Manor House. The five-star hotel was supposed to be a hotel and spa, but it was more of a resort than anything. After her flight had landed, she had treated herself to a nice dinner and a massage and facial. The stress of knowing she had to come here had been wreaking havoc on her nerves and the special treatment was exactly what she needed.
But now that she was here, now that she was standing in front of the place she’d fought so hard to get out of, she wanted to turn around and check back into her room. Instead, she walked up the stairs, swiped the key from the underside of the rocking chair - where it had always been -  and let herself into the house.
The first thing she noticed was the heat. There was a definite breeze coming from the vents, but the air was by no means cool. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, hoping this was not going to be an indication of how this all would go.
It looked exactly like she remembered, not a single thing having changed. The leather furniture was still prominently featured in every room, the rodeo memorabilia hanging on every wall. She sighed as she walked into the kitchen and to the sink, gazing out the window. She could see the house her father had built on the property a few years back. It had stayed mostly empty, as her father had opted to still live in the old farmhouse.
She would not though, she would move into the modern house on the back of the property, close enough to still be there for her guests, but far enough that she could have privacy if it was ever needed.
Nesta didn’t anticipate it would though.
Her own sisters didn’t even know she was back in town. It had been years since she’d spoken to Feyre and Elain and her texted occasionally, but Nesta knew nothing of their personal lives and they knew none of hers.
Nesta hadn’t even come to her own father’s funeral.
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. But she couldn’t.
Quickly, she made her way through the rest of the house, cataloging what she saw in her head and already thinking about what changes she would make. When she got to her old bedroom, she paused, lingering in the doorway as she took in how it was the only room in the house that didn’t match the style of the rest.
No, Nesta had never cared for the rodeo lifestyle her father grew up in. Her sisters tolerated it, but just like her mother, Nesta couldn’t stand it.
The walls were still the deep grey she’d painted them, covering up the awful wallpaper featuring ropes and steers. The furniture was elegant and simply stated, dark wood with sleek lines. 
There were no blinds on the windows, leaving the view down to the river uninhibited.
Nesta smiled, feeling a bit of pride as she took in how good her room looked in comparison to the rest of the house. She also let out a breath of relief as she realized it was one less room she’d have to redecorate.
She would do the rest later. Being back was beginning to take its toll. Nesta hurried back out the front door and hopped in her car, driving it further down the old dirt road. Nesta used to love the scenery. There were trees scattered across the landscape, trees that Nesta used to sit underneath in the spring and summer and read her books. Her father used to ask her to help out around the ranch, but Nesta was never interested in ranching. Her sisters helped him, always, and that seemed to be good enough for him.
Nesta pulled up to the little house her father had built and turned off her car. For a moment, she just sat in the quiet, staring at the little house. 
It was cute, even on the outside. There was a little porch with one old rocking chair. The door had been painted red, and Nesta smiled, remembering it was her mother’s favorite color. 
Once she got out, she opened the trunk and pulled out her bags. Much like the main house, the key was underneath the rocking chair. She let herself in and froze.
It was practically empty.
Her father really hadn’t spent much time in there. But why would he? He loved the main house, loved interacting with the guests that would stay there once he turned it into a bed and breakfast.
Besides, it was the home they had lived in as a family. As much as Nesta wanted to get away from the ranch, her father had always taken pride in his family.
Nesta included.
Which was why he left the ranch for his firstborn, she assumed. 
Nesta walked through the empty living room and into the back bedroom, where a simple, bare, full-sized bed sat opposite of a wooden dresser. Other than that, a mirror hung on the wall as the single piece of decor. 
Nesta tossed her bags on the mattress before finding her way into the bathroom. There was a shower with no curtain, a sink with no soap, and a toilet with no toilet paper. 
At least the place was decently clean.
After rummaging through her bag and changing into jean shorts and a t-shirt, Nesta found herself in the kitchen, finding it - shockingly - empty before making a serious mental note to go to the store before the day was over. Sheets, soap, shower curtain, shampoo, food…
She needed it all. 
Before she could feel even more overwhelmed, she found herself on the front porch and breathed in the fresh air. It was then that she noticed the little log cabin sitting on the other side of the dirt road.
There had been a ranch hand, hired by her father, when Nesta was little that used to live in that cabin. She couldn’t remember his name, but she remembered his smile. He was a kind, older man who had passed away before Nesta turned ten. 
Promising she’d revamp the little log cabin after taking on the main house, she slipped on her tennis shoes and walked back up the dirt road. 
She could hear the cows in the distant field and supposed she would have to hire a new ranch hand if she were to keep the ranch going. She sure as hell didn’t know what to do.
Jogging up the stairs, Nesta let herself back in and paused in the entryway, trying to decide what her plan of attack should be. She could clean first, but then when she decided what should stay or go, she’ll just discover more dirt and dust. Or she could start a throwaway pile, but that would definitely stir up the dust.
Nesta groaned and dropped her head in her hands. When she’d first gotten the phone call from her father’s lawyer, letting her know that he’d left the B&B to her, she didn’t even want it. She started looking into what she needed to do and how much she could sell it for, house, land, and business. It had been a decade since she left and she hadn’t looked back once. Why would she now?
She’d found early success in the culinary arts. She studied in Miami, New York, Paris, Rome. She traveled the world. Her father couldn’t really expect her to give all that up, to give up her life, to come back to the town she grew up in, and run the bed and breakfast he started after she got out.
But he did. He trusted her with his dream and with his ranch.
And so she found herself back in Velaris, in the middle of summer, in a house with limited air conditioning, scrubbing the antique baseboards on her hands and knees. After she’d completed the living room, the molding a wholly different color than when she started, she stood and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She fanned herself and looked at her watch.
Only 10:45 in the morning and it was already pushing 85° outside. Nesta quickly realized she’d need to get someone out to work on the air conditioning unit as quickly as possible, and went to the kitchen to grab a bottled water from the fridge.
As she walked through the house, she quickly opened up her browser and looked up a number for a local company that could hopefully get to her quickly. She found one that could work on HVAC and plumbing, and decided to have a once overdone on the entire house. She selected the number and hit send, putting the phone to her ear and opening the fridge.
Nesta hung up the phone, slammed the fridge shut and gagged all in the same second.
Apparently, in the past four weeks, the fridge had gone out. Everything inside had gone bad and though she was used to working in a kitchen, she had never smelled anything so foul in her life.
Nesta has already planned on replacing the fridge, and every other appliance, in the outdated kitchen, so she wasn’t too upset. Just frustrated that would have to be handled so soon. She put the phone down on the counter and tied her hair back in a ponytail.
Air conditioner would have to wait. This fridge had to go.
She sized the thing up, eyeing it from top to bottom. Maybe there was a dolly out in the shed she could use to push it out the back door. It was smaller than an average refrigerator, after all. What could go wrong?
She reached back behind it to make sure everything was unplugged. Then, she slowly took everything out one by one, tossing it a giant black garbage bag she had found in the cabinet.
Nesta was so focused on what she was doing, she didn’t hear the back door open and shut.
“There’s a six pack in there. Hopefully you didn’t throw that out, too.”
Nesta jumped, nearly hitting her head on the open freezer door. “Fuck!” She turned around, and froze. “Who the hell are you?”
He stood there, hair loose around his shoulders, sweat gleaming across his bare, inked chest. He had on filthy boots, covered in the gods knew what, as he stepped into the kitchen.
“I’m wondering the same thing.” The man leaned his hip against the counter that ended at the back door. “Can I help you with something?”
Nesta just blinked, staring at the man, trying to decide if her day could get any more strange. “You can help by getting the hell out before I call the police.” She grabbed her phone, hoping that he knew she was serious. “Have you ever heard of knocking? Trespassing? Or do you always just let yourself into random womens’ back doors?”
The man didn’t try to hide his gaze as he let it drag down her body and settled it on her ass. “Hmm.” He crossed his arms and focused his attention back on her face. “Usually, I like to have dinner with a woman before I ask her to let me in her back door, but I guess if you want to be so direct about it.”
Nesta’s mouth dropped open and she unlocked her phone, giving it her attention. “I’m calling the police.”
“Good,” the man said, pulling a kitchen chair out from the table and sitting down. “I can’t wait for them to get here and arrest your ass.”
Her finger froze where it hovered over the green button. “Me? Arrest me?” She started to laugh.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know what you think is so funny, but I’ve been here every single day for the last eight years, I’ve never seen you in this house once.” He leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. “Now, I’ll ask one more time. Can I help you with something?”
Every single day for the last eight years.
“My name is Nesta,” she said, standing a little straighter. “I’m Isaac Archeron’s daughter.”
The man only stared at her, blinking every couple of seconds. “I’m sorry, you said that you were Nesta?”
She nodded.
“You’re kidding me,” he chuckled, standing up. “He left it to you? Really?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Why is that so surprising?”
“Because I’ve met Isaac’s daughters. You know, the ones that have been in his life in the last decade.” He walked toward her and reached past her shoulder to one of the beers that sat in the door of the fridge. He popped it open and took a long, slow drink before saying, “You weren’t one of them.” 
He didn’t move from where he stood less than a foot in front of her. He was massive, but Nesta didn’t cower from his size, although it took everything in her to look up and meet his humored gaze instead of staring straight ahead at his chest. 
“Now that you know who I am, I suggest you tell me who you are,” was all she said, not giving him the satisfaction of a response to his jab.
He grinned, taking another drink before introducing himself. “Cassian. I’ve worked for your dad for-.”
“Eight years, yeah, I got that,” Nesta interrupted. “You take care of the herd?”
He nodded. “And nearly everything else. Used to work alongside Isaac, but did everything pretty much myself once he took a turn for the worse.”
Took a turn for the worse.
Nesta tried to pretend like the words hadn’t punched her in the gut. 
“I see. And do you live here?” Nesta asked, gesturing to the house around them. “If so, you’ve done a shitty job keeping the place up.”
“No,” he said, finally turning his back to her to resume his spot in his chair. “I live in the old log cabin. This house has been neglected for the most part since your dad took-“
“A turn for the worse?” Nesta finished for him. “Yeah, got it.”
“Do you like to finish people’s sentences?” He asked, brow raised. “I’m sensing a theme.”
Nesta ignored him, closing her eyes and sighing. “I’m not sure what my father was paying you but-.”
“He wasn’t,” Cassian interrupted, taking a page from her own book and cutting her off. He finished what was left of the warm beer and threw it across the kitchen into the trash can. It went in with precise accuracy. “What I mean is, he hasn’t been. We came to an agreement at the end of my third summer here, when money was getting tighter. He knew he couldn’t run this place without a ranch hand, but he couldn’t afford to pay me. So he gave me the cabin, signed it over to me. Deed is in my name,” he said, seeing the look on Nesta’s face. “All of my utilities are covered by the B&B. I don’t pay a dime for that house. In return, I do whatever needs to be done on these twenty acres.”
Nesta stared at him, trying to decide if the man - Cassian, he’d said - was trying to deceive her or if he was being genuine. She may not know him, but when it came down to it, she knew her father, and she knew that letting him live for free on their family land is exactly something he would do. “How do you make money then? How do you afford to eat and buy clothes and other necessities?”
“I have other ways to make money, don’t worry about that,” he said, standing and brushing dried mud off of his jeans. He didn’t give her much more time to ask questions as he stood and headed for the door. “I’ll come by and fix the AC later on this afternoon. I have to go into town for feed so I’ll pick up the part I need then.” He was out the back door and his heavy boots were clomping down the wooden stairs.
Nesta ran after him, flinging the door open. “You knew the air conditioning was out? Why haven’t you fixed it already?”
Cassian turned around and looked at her. “I just told you that I don’t technically get paid for the work that I do. My boss, your father, was the one who paid the bills here. It’s been over four weeks since the electric bill was paid and I was trying to keep this place up and running as long as I could with what little money I had saved.” As he passed through the gate that led out to the pasture and the horse stalls, he grabbed a sweat-soaked t-shirt that was draped over the fence and tossed it over his shoulder. He continued to walk backward as he finished explaining himself. “I knew we weren’t going to have many guests in the B&B any time soon and decided that feeding the living creatures that live here was more important than cooling the empty house.”
Nesta watched him walk away. Once he disappeared into the shed, she turned around and went back inside.
Every ounce of anger and frustration had left her. Suddenly, she was feeling empty. Cassian had spent the last eight years with her father, her sisters, working this land and making a home here.
She shook the thoughts away as she tossed the rest of his warm beer cans into her garbage bag.
Nesta had decided to commit the rest of her day to making the little house she now occupied feel a little more homey. She’d gone to the store to pick up a few decor items and some food, along with sheets and a shower curtain.
However, when she pulled back into the driveway, a silver truck was pulled up in front of the main house.
Elain was sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch.
Nesta couldn’t help but smile as she got out. She hadn’t even reached the steps before Elain was running into her arms.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming!” She said, holding her older sister tight. “Cassian texted me.”
“Ah, the rude cow wrangler,” Nesta muttered. “Joy.”
“He’s great,” Elain said, smile fading.
Nesta cleared her throat. “Sorry I didn't let you know I was coming. It…all happened so fast.”
Elain shook her head. “I’m just glad you’re here. Gods, I missed you.”
There was a time when she and Elain had been really close. Leaving her was much harder than leaving Feyre and Isaac. But, Elain was destined to stay in Velaris forever, and Nesta didn’t want that.
Yet, she managed to end up in the damn town, anyway.
Elain got in the passenger seat of Nesta’s car and they headed down to the new house. Nesta began pulling the bags out of her back seat and Elain, helping her carry them up the porch stairs, asked what all she’d bought.
“Everything,” Nesta laughed, pausing to unlock the door, but finding it already open. “Dad didn’t have anything in here, so I figured I’d at least-.”
Nesta froze as she stepped through the threshold, the bags falling to the floor. There was something that sounded far too similar to glass  breaking for Elain’s liking, but Nesta didn’t seem to notice as she breathed, “Where did all of this come from?”
Where there had only been open space earlier, there was now furniture. A couch and entertainment center took up the living room area, and a small breakfast nook now sat in the corner by the kitchen.
“It was mine before I moved in with Azriel,” Elain said, an amused lilt to her voice. “Why do you think I’m in his truck?”
“Elain, I can’t- this is-.” She stopped and swallowed hard, turning to look at her sister. “Thank you.”
Elain just smiled. “It was in storage. I’d rather you be using it than gathering dust in our garage.”
Nesta nodded, slowly, unsure of what to say. “So… Still with Azriel, huh? Moved in together?”
“Yeah, I think he’s going to propose soon,” Elain said, brown eyes lighting up with pure adoration. “I can’t wait.”
“That’s great,” Nesta said, and she meant it, although it didn’t sound like it. She was still in shock. Overwhelmed. She was so incredibly overwhelmed.
“I told Feyre you’re here,” Elain said, sitting on the couch in the little living room. “She said she’ll try to stop by soon.”
Nesta knew it was a lie, but she forced herself to smile. “Great.”
Her and Feyre hadn’t talked since she left. Nesta was eighteen. Feyre was only fifteen, and she refused to understand how Nesta could just take off after they’d just lost their mother.
And Nesta had never attempted to explain her reasoning to her youngest sister.
To anyone.
“So,” Elain began, once the silence became too much. “What plans do you have for this place? Dad, obviously, thought you could bring it back to life. You’ve always had an eye for such things.”
Nesta snorted. “We both know that’s not true. Dad only left this place to me because I’m the oldest. And why don’t you ask me the question you really want to ask?”
Elain attempted to look confused, but failed.
“Don’t bullshit me,” Nesta chuckled. “And don’t worry. No, I’m not selling it. I thought about it. But…” Nesta shrugged. “Dad trusted me enough, for some damn reason, to leave it to me. And we grew up here. I know you all think I’m a heartless bitch, but I’m not that heartless.”
“We don’t think you’re a heartless bitch…” Elain trailed off.
“Just a bitch?” Nesta laughed, sitting next to her and propping her feet up on the small coffee table.
“Shut up,” Elain said, bumping her with her shoulder. Nesta gently shoved her back and Elain laughed, resting her head on her sister’s shoulder. Nesta leaned her own head atop her sister’s. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too, Lainy.” Nesta smiled. Using the old childhood nickname Elain had hated felt too easy and when she heard her sister groan, she knew she’d hit her mark.
Elain stood. “I should go. I told Az I was running the stuff over here and then I’d be back home. That was almost two hours ago.”
“You did this all by yourself?” Nesta was shocked looking at the furniture around her. It was nice, a good, sturdy quality. It wasn’t cheap by any means, and thanks to that, it didn’t seem light. Nesta imagined her gentle sweet sister trying to get the couch she currently sat on through the door by herself.
Elain laughed and said, “Cauldron, no! I can barely lift the coffee table by myself. Cassian helped me.”
“Cassian?” Nesta lifted a brow.
“Yeah, the rude cow wrangler, remember?” 
Nesta scoffed. “No, I know his name, it’s just…” That was nice of him. Was his shirt still off? “Why didn’t Azriel come to help?”
“He’s at work. Just started a new job in town at the dealership. Mechanic. Works on the tractors and whatnot.”
Nesta didn’t know much about Azriel, only what Elain had told her of him. Although, if she remembered right, they all went to the same high school.
She didn’t care, though. All she cared about is that this Azriel treated her sweet Elain the way she deserved to be treated, and judging by the light in her eyes when she spoke of him, she knew that he was. 
“He said you two got off to kind of a rough start,” Elain said, stopping just in front of the front door.
“Azriel?” Nesta asked, genuinely confused.
Elain giggled. “No, Cassian. He really is a good guy, okay? Give him the benefit of the doubt, I know you don’t trust people easily. But dad trusted him with everything and he’s been around for a while. He’s the best ranch hand you’re going to get for this place. He loves it like it's his own.”
Nesta just huffed. 
“Anyway,” Elain went on, showing herself out. “How about we all get together for dinner tomorrow night? We can go anywhere, your choice.”
“Who is all?”
Elain shrugged. “Me and Azriel? I’ll see if Feyre wants to come. Maybe even ask Cassian-.”
“I don’t think-.”
“I’m glad you’re back,” Elain said, smile bright, cutting off her sister’s protests. 
With that, Nesta watched as her sister walked back up the dirt road toward the main house.
Huffing out a breath, Nesta turned and looked at her new home. It wasn’t much, just a bedroom and a couch and a bathroom, but it was home. She’d make it hers.
Just like the main house and just like the bed and breakfast. She’d make them something she could be proud of.
And so, as the sun went down, Nesta got to work.
377 notes · View notes
raleighliving · 4 years
Budget Living Raleigh
Living in any city you’re gonna look at higher costs of living.  Rent, utilities, and insurance all add up before you even factor in groceries.  But just because you’re living in the city doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have nice things.
If you find all your money is being eaten by rent, and your bed is supported by the ground itself, then this article is for you; cause we’re going to talk today about bargain hunting in Raleigh and what to look for when you want a good deal on good furniture.  Maybe I’ll do this again for groceries or other such things but for now we’re just focused on general niceties.
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Best part of this is it’s gonna be fairly general too.  Anything I mention here you could probably find or do in any American city or small town since the institutions are fairly ubiquitous.  
If you find yourself lacking furniture, decorations, or just general quality of life enhancers my answer boils down to two main points:  Thrifting and Resale stores.  At times they can seem similar enough but there are fine differences that separate the two using fairly recognizable criteria.
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“RL,” I hear you say between fistfuls of knockoff Cheetos and self-loathing, “Of course if you want bargains  you go thrifting! Did you JUST hear about Goodwill recently?”  
Yes, in terms of hot takes this is especially dull but what I can lend to the conversation isn’t about how prices at thrift organizations are cheaper than retailers, how you should support your local thrift organizations, or even the general good they provide to low-income communities; what I’m looking at is knowing what you have and what you can expect to find when visiting.  
Take Goodwill, for instance, since everyone has seen at least one in their life. Outside of their larger outlets where you’ll find more furniture, walk into any Raleigh Goodwill and you’ll have seen all of them.  90% of the floorspace is dedicated to cheap clothes with a backwall full of knickknacks and a small bookshelf.  If you’re lucky, there may even be a sofa or two and some paintings along the wall but most of what you’ll find is cheap clothes.
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Now, if that’s what you’re looking for that’s great! However, I’ve grown to have a deep distaste for the homogeneity of local GCF stores.  Customers can donate their clothes, toys, and other items to GCF at any store locations; but those items are shipped to processing and then distributed to other GCFs across the country based on inventory need and sales patterns.  What you see in one donation center/store you’ll likely see in every other with maybe the odd rare find if you’re lucky. 
GCF aside your options for Raleigh include org thrifts, mom and pop stores, and discount thrifts to provide some much needed variety in your day-to-day shopping. Each with their pros and cons, yet all sharing the glorious benefit of providing furniture and clothing for a fraction of the price of bigger brand stores.
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Org thrifts (short for organization thrift stores, creative I know) are exactly what they sound like.  Thrifts run by an organization or charity, similar to Goodwill's, with a stated goal of helping others and supporting the organization financially over seeking a profit margin. 
Cause 4 Paws, Raleigh/Durham Rescue mission, and Dorcas thrift stores all provide a wide variety of products while using the store proceeds to help the less fortunate; but with phenomenal prices.  It’s not uncommon for a thrift store run by one of these organizations to have fifty cent books, clothing sold by the pound, and furniture/power tools under the $40 price tag if you’re lucky.  Plus, not to sound like a broken record but, your proceeds go towards good causes like animal adoption and feeding the homeless.  
Most thrifts of this nature are run by religious organizations, so if you’re at odds with supporting that sort of thing you might be more interested in the other two options; but otherwise this type of thrift store typically comes with very few downsides. 
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|Image Credit:  Dorcas Thrift on Nextdoor
Of course, one of those other options is the standard mom and pop operation.  Not linked to any specific organization or franchise, these tend to be small businesses run by local families serving a smaller radius.  
Prices as a result tend to be a little higher than your average thrift store since it’s, y’know, a business; and the selection can be a little below average, usually consisting largely of estate sale leftovers, but this also works to their favor.
There’s no central distribution center for these businesses, so what people sell/donate to these stores comes from nearby communities typically.  So if you find one near an upper class area like Honeycutt Rd or Ebeneezer Church Rd, they’ll typically have nice furniture, art, and electronics for thrift store prices. 
There’s not too many of these, but my personal favorite is Fabulous Affordable Treasures in Southwest Raleigh.  A decent assortment of clothes and decorative pieces (and a very relaxing general environment) makes it a positive visit even when I’m just browsing. 
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|Image credit:  Affordable Treasures Facebook
Finally there’s Discount thrifts.  They’re not too common, and are usually supported by an organization additionally although not all are, but if you find one check back with them regularly because it’s almost guaranteed to be worth it.
These thrift stores operate by having a degrading price scale; setting prices when the object comes into inventory, and then lowering them based on how long its been with them or the condition it was received in.  
Stores like Habitat for Humanity ReStore and Petersons Consigning Design use this, and typically offer discounts upwards of 60% if you wait long enough.  On top of having equally large selections of product from org thrifts, they offer plenty for the savvy shopper. 
The downside is, the best possible price you can receive for any given product is a gamble.  That sweet leather armchair you have your eye on might be dropped from 40% to 50% in the next two days, but if someone finds the price acceptable where it is then that products gone forever (or at least until something similar winds up in inventory).
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|Image Credit:  Petersons Consigning Design website
Regardless of which thrift store you choose though, you’re bound to find a bargain in one eventually if you check back every once in awhile.  I’ve only mentioned a fraction of the stores available in Raleigh, if you find a few favorites of your own and check back regularly, you’re bound to find something you’ll love at a price you couldn’t find anywhere else.
Of course, if you’re looking for more niche deals you could always use programs like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist for people just looking to get rid of their junk.  They’re easy to use and both are incredibly active for the Raleigh area; but if you’re looking for something a little more...interesting then I’d recommend checking out liquidation stores.
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There’s not many of them in Raleigh, but recently this past week a store by the name of Treasure Hunt Liquidation opened up with an interesting premise.  They buy tons of returned and opened merchandise from places like Amazon and sell them to other people on a degrading price scale similar to the thrift stores we mentioned above. 
Fridays the price-per-item is $10, and then day by day it drops till it hits $1 per item on the following Wednesdays (and they close Thursdays for inventory).  large bins full of boxed or repackaged goods line the floor with everything from car parts to 3D printing filaments depending on when you can get there. 
Additionally, you can purchase pallets of goods as well; with some of the more high ticket items ranging from $300 up to $1500; but generally containing some of the more desirable items like bikes and kitchen equipment.  
Overall, the whole experience is like a giant rotating lootbox; you’re never quite sure what you’re gonna get when you go but you’re likely to find something that at least catches your eye, even if it doesn’t come home with you.
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|Image Credit:  Treasure Hunt Liquidation facebook group
You can’t find everything you’ll ever need at stores like these, but you’ll definitely be able to find affordable furniture and clothes even on a college student’s budget. Even a few dollars saved can make a huge difference though, so if you get the chance or see a store on the side of the road that catches your eye, be sure to at least stop in and see what they have for sale. 
Or, if you’ve read this and have some books/clothes/toys to donate please consider donating or selling them to your local thrift location.  These secondhand finds can make all the difference in the world to a kid who wouldn’t be able to get them otherwise.   Regardless, hopefully at the very least this article kept you entertained, and I hope everyone reading has a great day!
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wehavethoughts · 4 years
The Sorry Girls Review!
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The Sorry Girls 
Website. Youtube. Instagram. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. 
The Sorry Girls is a Canadian digital media brand focusing on lifestyle via DIY design. Co-founders Becky Wright and Kelsey MacDermaid began The Sorry Girls project in 2010, and it has since expanded to exist on multiple platforms, including Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest. While the brand speaks on a variety of topics, from fashion and styling to self-empowerment, this review will touch upon their interior design content, specifically DIY projects, thrifting room decor and overall interior design style.
The Sorry Girls is a digital media brand with a focus on lifestyle, education, sustainability, and self empowerment achieved through a do-it-yourself mentality. 
We’re a community of makers and do-ers that enable all people, especially women with the skills and confidence to create for themselves.
As the mission statement above describes, the content of this blog et al. is targeted to an audience and has clear objectives. Unlike the books that I’ve previously reviewed, The Sorry Girls is a brand and has a marketing strategy inherent in their work. This is neither negative nor positive in terms of the value of contributions to interior design, but important to note regarding how readers/viewers/consumers engage with those contributions. 
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I rate The Sorry Girls 3 out of 6 gorgeous geese. Their social media formatting emphasizes their commitment to create a community of do-it-yourselfers, with access to the majority of their content for free online. Their content is endless, great for passive viewing or for step-by-step guides to try projects out on your own. The reasons for not having scored higher are three-fold: first, the overwhelming focus on trends, second the accessibility to the actual materials and resources Kelsey and Becky have that many people don’t, and thirdly the unfortunate format of a brand as related to the most vocal voices in interior design.
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So The Sorry Girls are trendy. If this is what you’re looking for, then this content is likely to be very satisfying and definitely aplenty. Becky and Kelsey speak to the person who falls in love with a home decor piece in a store but can’t afford it. The duo constantly update their various feeds with DIY versions of on-trend and ‘fashionable’ stores, like IKEA, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, and Pier 1. I respect this approach, because I’ve been that person. The target demographic includes young people, especially women, with enough imaginative capacity to think about style but not enough money to furnish their spaces as the seasons and trends pass. The Sorry Girls take opportunities to discuss different styles in their Room Makeovers, but ultimately their design has followed the current trends of Scandinavian, minimalism, cottage-core, incorporating greenery, and mid-Century modern. I personally enjoy much from these styles, but I would hope to engage in content that expands my style horizons beyond the obvious. Okay, I can re-make a tray from west elm.. but why are we assuming that that’s the tray to re-make? I would rather draw inspiration for these styles from local artists, artisans, and builders, truly learning about the material conditions around design. 
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The DIY vision is a great way for individuals with less than enough funds to feel empowered in creating spaces tailored to themselves. When I would regularly follow their content a few years ago, I did unfortunately get a little bit of whiplash when it came to executing their ideas. Becky or Kelsey would oscillate between hot glue and spray paint, and circle saws and concrete-making. I felt that the DIY tutorials were either cheap, less-than-durable replicas, or technical endeavors that required serious space, tools, and carpentry skills. Seeing women using traditionally masculine tools is awesome. But I don’t have access to these tools! Of course, because content is dispersed via social media which is free with Internet access, viewers can just skip to the next video if they can’t execute a DIY project. But I had begun to wonder about who these videos were really for, and whether I then wanted to continue getting inspiration from them. 
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Ultimately, The Sorry Girls is a brand, not like the text of a book or material from a course, workshop or seminar. Influence is becoming an increasingly valuable component of capital in today’s economy. Even with good intentions, a conglomerate blog-vlog-store-social media brand incorporates marketing into their content. If it sells, it gets posted. Becky and Kelsey seem perfectly nice, but with posts and videos getting uploaded as trends gain hype and popularity, I think about the potential loss in creativity. The Sorry Girls have a wide breadth of content, so there’s a lot to cover! However, I would look to them for media management and marketing before I did for design.
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While the Canadian duo are certainly creative in being handy and artistic, I don’t really get much from them in terms of design. The Sorry Girls mission is in my opinion well accomplished, but I still ask about their branding overpowering their place as a fount of design. I would recommend their content to anyone who might have extra time on their hands and wants to try those hands at a craft project. I would not recommend The Sorry Girls to anyone hoping to learn about design, reflect about themselves, and amplify new voices in interior design. The Sorry Girls are two white women who worked very hard and are very successful in the scope of their social influence and digital media content, but I’m kinda bored.
Overall, The Sorry Girls earn 3 geese because the content isn’t bad. They have lots of hacks that consider budgets, and I appreciate their broader messages of self-empowerment: you can overcome the very real obstacle of money by doing-it-yourself, at the same time realizing your own imaginations to create a space that reflects you and what you want. 
For anyone dipping their toes into DIY or wanting to join a wider design community, I recommend taking a look! 
For those hoping for an honest transformation in their personal relationship with the material space around them as well as expanding what it means to design, keep scrolling. 
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vixen-academia · 3 years
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#my dream is exchanging letters like this with wax seals with my friends
My Top Posts in 2021
🔎 How to shop in secondhand bookshops: a mini guide 🔎
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Você pode ver a versão em PT-BR aqui!
My family and I have the habit of buying a LOT of books, specially in secondhand bookshops! I started to shop on this kind of store druing my childhood, so I decided to write this mini-guide to fellas who wanna start shopping good (and beautiful!) books for small prices!
📚What’s a secondhand bookshop (also known as used bookstores)?
📖 A secondhand bookshop or used bookstore is a bookshop specialised in buying and selling “old books”. And by old, I mean second handed books (but also old like OLD books, bookprints from 1900’s etc).
📚Why should I start buying in secondhand bookshops?
Usually, the books are a LOT cheaper;
You can find specific editions of books, including some rare books and/or prints!
You will find a lot of literature’s classics (and, if you’re lucky enough, in beautiful hardcovers);
You also can find old comics, mangas and magazines in some stores;
Secondhand bookstores usually are small local businesses. Buying from them, you’ll help your local community! :)
📚 How can I find some specific book in a secondhand bookstore?
📖 You will need a lot of patience, a good eye, probably a lot of time and also a phone. Secondhand bookstores are not regular ones, where you have a catalog with the same books that are replenished when the stock is over. If you want a VERY specific book, edition and/or print, the first thing you should do is call to the bookstore you’re planning to visit and ask if they have the book. There are 3 probably answers:
1- Yes, they have.
2- No, they don’t.
3- They don’t know.
“What you mean by ‘they don’t know’?!” Well, exactly what I said lol Not all secondhand bookstores have catalogs with all books they have, for any reasons. SO, if you find yourself in this situation, you can try go there and just search for it by yourself. This will probably take some time, depending of the size of the store catalog. It’s almost a treasure hunt!
📚 What should I pay attention to when buy in secondhand bookstores?
📖 It’s really important to check the conditions of the book! How are the pages? They seems too fragile to handle? What’s the condition of the spine of the book? The pages are falling? There’s any sign of silverfish or fungus on the book? How’s the cover? After that, is good to check the prices of new editions. It worth it? The price is lower or higher? If it’s higher, it’s a rare print/edition?
📚 Any others advices for first time buyers?
📖 Try to visit and have the number of more than one secondhand bookstore! As I said, they don’t have catalogs, so sometimes a store doesn’t have a book you want but another one has! Also it’s very nice to make friendship with secondhand bookstore’s owners, because they will tell you when a interesting book arrives! Now, during the pandemic, some secondhand bookstores are doing online sales, which also makes easier to search for specific books! But after all this corona stuff, try to visit a secondhand bookstore without a book in mind. You can get surprised by what you’ll found during your hunt!
85 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 07:02:20 GMT
Academia style date ideas
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• Call them to go to your favourite coffeehouse.
• Go to a Museum you like.
• Going to an antiques shop/fair.
• Picnic at a park! Classic & romantic.
• Walk around a historical part of your city just chatting about life.
• Going to a opera, ballet or play (if you both like it, of course).
• Go to a library or a pretty bookstore! It can be a wierd idea at first, but I’ve already had some dates in bookstores! Specially the ones with coffeeshops inside! ☕️
• Call them to visit a botanic garden (or any other kind of garden).
• If you still in college, sometimes your campus can be a nice place to relax with your loved one! When I dated a girl from my university, sometimes we just went to a beautiful part of our campus and stayed there chatting.
• A cinema with films out-circuit! If you both like cinema, it’s a good idea too.
• Going to a winehouse (if you have the $ and legal age to drink where you live)
88 notes • Posted 2021-01-09 05:19:23 GMT
Study tips for ADHD fellas
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1: Minimalism is the key. I know that we se a lot of beautiful notes here that looks like art pieces, but the most important thing is: your notes are clear enough so you can read it without getting distracted? An example of my own study notes to show what I’m talking about:
1: Minimalismo é a chave. Eu sei que a gente vê um bando de notas de estudo lindas que parecem obras de arte, mas a coisa mais importante é: suas anotações são claras o bastante pra você estudar sem se distrair? Um exemplo das minhas próprias anotações pra mostrar do que eu estou falando:
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2: Use diferent colors in key words, it will help to remember latter
2: Use cores diferentes em palavras chaves, vai ajudar a lembrar delas depois.
3: Breaks are very very important. Try use the pomodoro method or just stop whenever you feel that you need a break. Put a alarm for something like 10 minutes and go outside, have a snack, go watch something on YouTube, take a shower... Than go back to study.
3: Pausas são muito, MUITO, importantes. Tente usar o método pomodoro ou então apenas pare quando você sentir que precisa de uma pausa. Ponha um alarme de uns 10 minutos e saia do quarto, faça um lanche, veja alguma coisa no YouTube, tome um banho... Depois, volte a estudar.
4: You need to hear your own body/brain. If you think you can’t study anymore, that’s okay, it’s time to stop for today.
4: Você precisa escutar seu próprio corpo/cérebro. Se você acha que não aguenta mais estudar tá tudo bem, é hora de parar por hoje.
5: Do not stay overnight studying! Sleeping is good to fix what you read. Get some sleep.
5: Não fique estudando a noite toda! Dormir é importante pra fixar o que você leu. Durma um pouco.
90 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 20:50:26 GMT
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Biblioteca Nacional (National Library of Brazil), Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
108 notes • Posted 2021-01-10 18:31:16 GMT
Brazilian classic books
Livros clássicos brasileiros
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• I’ve often see a lot of european classic books been recommended here, but all cultures and contries have their own classics, including Brazil. We often need to read than in school (and usually that make most part of us hate classics), but I’ve read some of them after graduating school and I’ve liked a lot of them! So there’s a list for brazilian fellas and foreign friends who may be interested in brazilian culture and literature!
• Eu costumo ver muitos livros clássicos europeus sendo recomendados aqui, mas todas as culturas e paises tem seus clássicos, inclusive o Brasil. Nós comumente temos que ler eles na escola (e geralmente isso faz a maioria de nós odiar clássicos), mas eu li alguns deles depois de me graduar na escola e gostei de muitos! Então aqui está uma lista pra colegas brasileiros e amigos gringos que possam estar interessados em cultura e literatura brasileira!
• The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas (Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas), Machado de Assis - 1881
• Dom Casmurro, Machado de Assis - 1889 (This one is so famous here that even if you didn’t read it, you have the answer to one of the most famous questions in brazilian culture: Did she cheated on him or she didn’t?)
• The Psychiatrist or The Alienist (O Alienista), Machado de Assis - 1881
• Philosopher or Dog? (Quincas Borba), Machado de Assis - 1891
• The Slum (O Cortiço), Aluísio Azevedo - 1890
• Rebellion in the Backlands (Os Sertões), Euclides da Cunha - 1902
• The Patriot/The Sad End of Policarpo Quaresma (Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma), Lima Barreto - 1911
• Macunaíma, Mário de Andrade - 1928
• O Quinze, Rachel de Queiroz - 1930 (I didn’t found the name of this one in English, sorry)
• Barren Lives (Vidas Secas), Graciliano Ramos - 1938
• Life as it Is ( A Vida como Ela É...), Nelson Rodrigues - 1950 (If you can read portuguese I also recomend O Vestido de Noiva)
• The Devil to Pay in the Backlands (Grande Sertão: Veredas), João Guimarães Rosa - 1956
• The Passion According to G.H. ( A Paixão Segundo G. H.), Clarice Lispector - 1964
• The Hour of the Star (A Hora da Estrela), Clarice Lispector - 1977
• The Death and Life of a Severino (Morte e Vida Severina), João Cabral de Melo Neto - 1967
• Before the Green Ball (Antes do Baile Verde), Lygia Fagundes Telles - 1970
• Incident in Antares (Incidente em Antares), Érico Veríssimo - 1970
• Capitans of the Sand (Capitães da Areia), Jorge Amado - 1937
• Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon (Gabriela, Cravo e Canela), Jorge Amado - 1958
• Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands (Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos), Jorge Amado - 1966
• Tereza Batista: Home from the Wars (Tereza Batista Cansada de Guerra), Jorge Amado - 1972
• The Taker and Other Stories, Rubem Fonseca (this one is a collection of short crime stories and is available only in English, but we brazilians and other portuguese speakers can read Feliz Ano Novo)
• Poema Sujo, Ferreira Gullar - 1976 (Don’t know if there’s an English version)
• Any poetry books by Mário Quintana
• Lucíola, José de Alencar - 1862 (this one is my favourite!)
• Senhora, José de Alencar - 1875
• Diva, José de Alencar - 1864
• Floating Foam (Espumas Flutuantes), Castro Alves - 1870
• Chilean Letters (Cartas Chilenas), Unknown (in theory, because a lot of specialists says that the one who wrote than was the luso-brazilian poet Tomás António Gonzaga) - 1863
• Dirceu’s Marília (Marília de Dirceu), Tomás António Gonzaga - 1792
• The Athenaeum (O Ateneu), Raul Pompéia - 1888 (I love this one soooo much!)
296 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 19:50:43 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
Friendly reminder that buying a gift card from, eg, your local bookstore to use later, is a great way of supporting local businesses while maintaining as much social distance as possible. For me personally, I don’t have a car and don’t have a bookstore in walking range, given that my walking range is pretty limited these days, but at *some* point I’m going to use the gift cards I bought online a couple months ago and get me some awesome books. From bookstores that I very much hope will still exist. (Also, some places offer delivery or curbside pickup, so those are potentially options as well. I’m avoiding that so far because I’m nervous about the working conditions for warehouse workers and not all the books I want are in stock at the bookstore? But it’s a thing to consider.) I’ve seen an awful lot of beloved neighborhood bookstores close down, and even big chains like Barnes and Nobel are very much at risk of getting driven out of business by Amazon, which does not play fair and will definitely jack up the price of books sky high if we lose enough brick and mortar bookstores that they don’t have to worry about people buying books somewhere else. Or maybe just stop selling individual books entirely in favor of more lucrative subscription services. If you want to keep being able to own books, you have to buy books. Or ask friends/family/your local library to do the buying instead, it doesn’t have to be you specifically. Same concept for nice stores that sell nice things other than books, and services like movie theaters. Neighborhood movie theaters don’t always stay open either.
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go4blood · 6 years
crush culture - l.h.
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(Not my gif)
A whole lotta teen angst, and a whole lotta fluff. Title is definitely based on crush culture by Conan Gray, and you should listen to the song if you haven’t.
Word count: 1.5k
“Roses are $2.00 here at the table! You can get 2 for $3.00 or a whole dozen for $10.00! Send one to that special someone!” The student council students’ voices ring through the cafeteria; it’s that time again.
Valentine’s Day
You absolutely hate this dreaded holiday. A useless holiday run by capitalism, Valentine’s Day is something that you never hesitate to talk trash on. On Valentine’s Day, people find someone to show affection to for that holiday and then treat them like shit every day after. Absolute bullshit in your book. It makes you wanna vomit. You were conditioned to hate Valentine’s Day. With your mother being divorced multiple times by all different men, you weren’t one to believe in love. You believed love was just for the label, and that real love did not exist.
You get up to get some napkins, passing the table with the flower sale.
“Hey Y/N!” You turned around. Luke. Him being your long time childhood friend, you give him a friendly smile and walk back to him. He was sat at the table with an eager look on his face; he loved this whole ‘show your lover you love them’ type of thing. Even though he wasn’t in a relationship, he loved love. It made you sick.
“Why hello Luke,” You smile, “having fun selling flowers?”
He grins, “You know it!”
You laugh, he’s always been your best friend, and you’re so grateful for him. You two have never been the people who have someone to love, so every Valentine’s Day you guys celebrate anti Valentine’s Day together. You order a pizza and watch scary movies in his basement. He doesn’t hate love, no, he just doesn’t celebrate it himself.
“We still on in my basement like always on Thursday?” He asks.
“Of course! When am I not?” You tease. He smiles and you part ways, going back to get the napkins as you originally planned.
The days leading up to Valentine’s Day, you can’t seem to escape love. Couples in the hall, your friends desperately trying to find someone for that one singular night, the shows on television, and the aisles at the drugstore; love is everywhere, and you absolutely hate it.
Everyone wants that special someone only for the soul purpose of being able to say they have someone for Valentine’s Day, it makes you absolutely sick. From behind you, a familiar voice calls your name.
“Y/N I know you hear me!” Luke yells. You stop in your tracks, turning on your heel.
“You rang?” You say jokingly.
“I’m on a mission to make you not hate love.” You sigh in annoyance at his claim.
“That’s funny Luke, but you know I hate love. It’s always who’s kissing who and who’s fucking who and who will last after high school and who won’t.” You say bluntly. He sighs in frustration at your remark, frowning.
“I bet I can make you at least think love is okay.” He crosses his arms, looking you dead in the eyes with his icy blue ones.
“Fine, try your best Luke.” And that was all it took for him to wrap his arm around your shoulder and walk you to his car with him. You get inside his hand me down 2002 Honda Civic on the passenger side and buckle your seatbelt.
He puts his keys in ignition, reversing the car out of the parking spot and driving slightly above the speed limit. He grins at you, “Just you wait, I’ll have you not hating love in no time.” You shake your head, having a handful of doubts in your mind that he would ever be able to do so, but you said nothing and just went on.
You find yourself sitting at a high top with Luke at Starbucks. He sits down with both his and your drink in his hands, and then he asks the question.
“Explain this thing you describe as ‘crush culture’” he raises his eyebrow and uses air quotes.
You sip your coffee and sigh, “I hate the idea that to be happy you must have love. Crush culture comes in when it comes to the action of having a significant other just to say you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, ya know like fake love,” He nods, and you continue, “my mom has never had a relationship with anyone she actually loves, I've only seen that my whole life. I just don’t know what real love is.”
He furrowed his eyebrows in thought, “Well, your reasoning for hating love is understandable because you’ve never seen real love. Of course you’re gonna hate your image of love, you’ve been given false information. So I want to teach you what real love is,” he pauses, getting up, “come on we’re going to the drug store real quick.”
The two of you grab your cups and leave, and you get in his car slightly confused about what is to come.
As soon as you two arrived to the local drug store, he led you to the photo printing station. He hooked up his phone and looked through his photos all the way to the ones from 9 months ago. They were the photos of him and his past girlfriend, he chose a few and printed them.
“Print the ones of you and him.” You knew exactly who he was talking about. The main source of your hatred for love: your ex boyfriend. You compiled, printing about the same amount as he did.
It said it’d take 30 minutes until they were ready. In the meantime, he led you to the refrigerator section and grabbed 4 cartons of eggs. He passed them to you and walked to another section across the store: the spray paint section. He got 3 colors: red, white, and bright green. It finally got through your head what you guys were going to do.
You were going to destroy what made you have that mindset on Valentine’s Day.
Picking up the photos after 30 minutes passed, you both went to the checkout counter, and he grabbed a lighter at the register in the process. After paying, you both went to the car. He drove to the front of a quite nice looking house and put the car in park. He got out quietly closing the car door, waiting for you before walking to a nice, new looking car in the driveway.
“I’m going to destroy what broke my heart, Y/N. It’s gonna show you what real love is not.” He said quietly. Holding one egg carton in his right hand and a can of spray paint in the other, he marched to the nice car in the driveway and sat the carton down. He shook the bottle of spray paint and went to town, ruining the exterior of the car with the paint. One part of you thought this was absolutely terrible. Although, you remembered how abusive she was to him in their relationship. You grabbed the carton, opened it, and waited for Luke to finish with his paint job. Once he finished, he gave you the thumbs up with a huge grin on his face and you threw eggs at her car like no tomorrow. But then the porch light turned on, and you both made a run for the car and sped away.
You then repeated the action to your ex boyfriend’s car and god, it was exhilarating. You thought about every name he called you, every one of your dates he skipped out on last minute, and every girl he messed around with behind your back. Thinking back on that, you didn’t feel bad. And again, you made a run for the car and sped off with the music all the way up, laughing with Luke. In that moment, you were unstoppable.
And lastly, you went to his house to the backyard. He started up his fire pit and threw every trace of his past love life in the burning flames. You followed behind him, throwing every photo you printed. You felt so alive, you could finally breathe again. He looks at you with that dorky smile of his, and you’ve never felt the way you did in that moment about someone. He cared about you enough to literally vandalize your ex's car with you. He spends every Valentine’s Day with you because he cares about you. You just now noticed, and you’ve never felt more in love. You finally experienced a real love, not any characteristic of crush culture. You turned to him and wrapped your arms around him, giving him the most sincere hug you’ve ever gave.
He smiled at you, “let’s do this again sometime, but without vandalism. Just like… spending time together-“ he rambles helplessly, and you kiss him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Just shut up and take me on a date, Hemmings.” You grin, and he smiles bashfully.
“I told you love isn’t that bad.”
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 years
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Hey CU fandom. So I know I’m a little late to the CU OC party, but I honestly had a flash of inspiration the other night and I ended up thinking of these OCs inspired by my Mexican culture. ^_^
The woman on top is Esme Ranza (her name together would sound like ‘esperanza’ which means ‘hope’ in Spanish). She is the new principal who takes over Jerome Horwitz Elementary either as Krupp’s immediate successor or around the time George and Harold’s kids go to school. Like her name suggests, she brings a new radical change to the school environment that completely goes against the oppressive, totalitarian education system that Krupp used to rule with an iron fist. She recreates the system so that students are able to enjoy learning while also bringing back subjects such as art and music. In her heart, she believes that everyone whether child or adult has the potential to be the best they can be if given the opportunity. Her passion for this belief stems from her past as a civil rights supporter. She would engage in frequent protests and rallies made to bring awareness to how lacking the education system is along with how unfair many Hispanic/latino families are treated. Even with her new position, she still engages in protests if for the sake of the future. Regarding the superhero/supervillain activity in her community, Esme is accepting of the heroes for keeping the peace but would prefer if they stay away from her school as to avoid harming the children. Because of this, she has created new routines to protect the school in the event that a villain tries to attack or if a super battle ends up occurring near the facility.
Fun Facts about Esme Ranza
 Her design and character were based on La Muerte from the Book of Life and Rose Quartz from Steven Universe.
She spends her freetime working on her home garden which consists of every type of plant/flower she finds at the local nursery.
She knows a thing or two about making herbal medicines and teas which can heal most common sicknesses.
 She is open to the idea of dating and possibly marrying but hasn’t considered actually having kids of her own. She has a busy schedule and she knows that she wouldn’t be able to devote as much time to them. Plus in a sense, her students can be considered her children.
 One of her biggest goals that she hopes to accomplish is to skydive.
The man on the bottom is Mister Rio de Luna (his name together sounds like ‘mysterio de luna’ or ‘mystery of the moon’ in English). He’s a friendly but awkward young man who works full time at the local mini mart. He’s nice with the kids who hang around and is described as having the patience of a saint. Despite this, he often has a hard time holding a conversation with anyone. In truth, he actually holds a dark history to him.
He was actually involved in a secret agency that coordinated alien relations. Like contacting with aliens or studying alien technology that made it’s way to Earth’s territory. He served as a talented soldier who oversaw the events and made sure his superiors were safe. It was because of this that Rio was trusted enough to be involved in those relations. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when it was revealed that his superiors were stealing the alien tech and killing off alien visitors in order to sell them on the black market. Feeling betrayed that his bosses were abusing aliens in order to gain profit, Rio turned on them by destroying their organization and exposing their secrets to the government. With his work finished, he faked his own death, remade his identity and sought refuge in a little town called Piqua. He tries to keep a low profile as to avoid drawing attention from the agency seeking revenge but sometimes he hates having to keep himself hidden and wishes to be free.
Fun Facts about Mister Rio del Luna
His short mustache and awkward behavior make him come off as a teenager when in truth he’s in his late 20s.
His mustache is so thin because he has to shave it off every other day to keep up his disguise.
He’s tried every junk food the mini mart has to offer and enjoys every single one.
He’s a fan of George and Harold’s comics and offers to sell them in the store. With the permission of his boss.
He was an orphan growing up and never bothered to learn if he had any potential family members.
And those are my OCs. And with that in mind, there’s something I’d like to say. If anyone in the CU fandom is interested in using these OCs in any way (like having them interact with your own OCs or be involved in your fanfics) you’re more than welcome to use them! But with that, I have three conditions that I ask you to follow.
Please let me know if you’re interested in using them.
Please be sure to credit me if you use them in any artwork or story.
Please treat them with care. I’m perfectly okay with you guys adding on to their personalities or backstories or even exposing them to angsty drama. I just ask that you treat them with enough care like you would your OCs.
That’s all you have to do. Thank you for your time and I hope you liked them!
PS There are some other OCs I have in mind that you guys can use so I may end up drawing them later on today or throughout the week. ;)
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bestrenew728 · 3 years
Best Cases For Mac Book Proretina 15
But, if you want to get the very best briefcase for MacBook Pro 15 Retina – Polare is the one for you. We weighed all pros and cons, and this briefcase simply came on top. We weighed all pros and cons, and this briefcase simply came on top.
Best Cases For Mac Book Pro Retina 15-inch
Laptop Cases For Mac Book Air
Best Cases For Mac Book Pro Retina 15
BestMacBook Pro CasesiMore2019
In our case - quality comes along with quantity. Best app for mac for instagram. Turbo Followers app serves over 50,000 customers daily - allow us to serve you, too!
The MacBook Pro is a heck of a machine, with slick internals and four very recent updates (a new one every year since 2016). If you've just picked up a new laptop, then you'll want to protect it or maybe even just dress it up a bit. Here are the best cases for your MacBook Pro.
Note: Always remember to select the right size and model before you check out. Also, remember that any case for the 2016 MacBook Pro will fit the 2017, 2018, and 2019 models too.
Best Buy customers often prefer the following products when searching for Cases For Macbook Pro 15. Browse the top-ranked list of Cases For Macbook Pro 15. Protect and personalize your 15' MacBook Pro Retina. Our hardshell cases, form-fitting sleeves & protective bags are designed with style in mind. Free Shipping!
The best cases and bags for the 2015 MacBook Pro. The case for the MacBook Pro 15in Retina version is also available on Amazon for. Available for both 13 and 15 inch MacBook Pro models, it. 15 inch MacBook Pro case, MacBook Pro 15 sleeve, MacBook Pro case, 15 MacBook case, MacBook Pro 15 case, laptop case--U601 Find this Pin and more on MacBook Pro Retina 15' Cases by Jennifer Kolker. This hardcover case might be the most reviewed case on Amazon, and over 70% of reviews fall in the 4- or 5-star range. This is the perfect basic case for your MacBook Pro and it comes in 13-inch and 15-inch versions, so it's great for everybody. Apple's laptops come with the best ecosystem of accessories in the business. Here are some of our favorite picks for the 12-inch MacBook and the new MacBook Pro models.
Best Overall: Mosiso plastic hard case
Mosiso's plastic hard case even comes with a screen protector and a keyboard cover so that your MacBook Pro is covered through and through. It matches whichever exterior color you choose, and just like most MacBook cases, these are made from hard plastic and feature an anti-slip rubberized coating. It's also available in a 15-inch version.
Great value
Great color selection
Keyboard case included
Screen protector included
Best Overall
Mosiso plastic hard case
Three in one
Choose from more than two dozen colors, and get a screen protector and matching keyboard cover included as well.
InCase makes fantastic backpacks, and that craftsmanship translates to its MacBook Pro cases, which have a dot texture look and repel water. The Bayer Makrolon polycarbonate material is also abrasion-resistant, meaning extra scratch protection for your laptop.
Most Popular
InCase Hardshell case
Best for most
This is a great case that just about anyone will appreciate for its quality protection. It's popular amongst iMore staff.
This is the perfect basic case for your MacBook Pro, and it comes in 13-inch and 15-inch versions, so it's great for everybody. It's made from hard plastic but features a softer rubberized coating, which provides excellent grip, especially when it's sitting on your lap.
Best Value
TopCase 2-in-1 ultra slim hard cover
Two for one
This great basic case includes a keyboard cover as well to keep dust and grime from gumming up your keys.
If you're looking for some rugged protection, then i-Blason's heavy-duty dual layer cover is the way to go. It's made from hard plastic and features a softer, more flexible TPU bumper around the edges for shock absorption. You have the option of black with blue, black with green, all black, or white. You can also get a 15-inch version.
Bulkier than some
Best Heavy-Duty Case
i-Blason dual layer cover
If your MacBook Pro is subjected to more than the average bumps, you might consider a heavy-duty case like this one.
If you're looking something with a nice design but aren't partial to cats with glasses or mandalas, then check out KECC's 'out of this world' cases. They feature space scenes, as well as abstract, wavy paint designs. If you're a stargazer or just like a celestial scene, then these are the cases for you. Both the 13-inch and 15-inch are available in this listing.
Most Modern
KECC hard shell cover
Stunning designs
Take your MacBook Pro's looks out of this world when you protect it with this beautiful cover.
These cases are super thin and feature a wrapped spine, which buckles at a corner to allow your MacBook Pro to open fully. The cover is made from soft linen, and your MacBook sturdily stays put thanks to 3M 'secure locking adhesive,' which leaves no residue on your laptop. It's also available in a 15-inch version.
Archival quality linen cover
Stunning looks
Most Luxurious
Pad & Quill Cartella Slim case
When you need to make an elegant impression, look no further than Pad & Quill.
The SmartShell is a two-piece case with rubber feet on the bottom to stop your laptop sliding about. It's somewhat similar to other cases on this list, but it's a bit thicker, helping it stand up to bumps and travel a little bit better. There are plenty of color options to choose from, and it's available for just about every MacBook Pro under the sun including the 15-inch version. Cella has had one for eight years, and it's still as great as ever.
Most Reliable
Speck SmartShell
Cella's case
Writer Cella has relied on this case for the past eight years, and it's still going strong.
Most Colors and Patterns: ProCase hard shell cover
This case is a lot like others on this list, with a matte-finished, hard plastic top and bottom. It comes in many colors, and each case comes with a black keyboard cover. The bottom is vented, so your MacBook Pro doesn't overheat, and the covers snap on and off if you ever want to just admire your laptop on its own. There is also a 15-inch version.
Two dozen colors and patterns
Keyboard cover included
Most Colors and Patterns
ProCase hard shell cover
Super selection
Great color and pattern choices here, but note that the included keyboard cover is black or clear, not necessarily the color of the case.
The Tech21 Evo Gem case features a 'BulletShield' material, which is textured to add a bit of shock absorption. The 'gem' design has a cool effect on the MacBook's look when light hits it, and you can find it in either pink or gray. It's also available in the 15-inch version. Apple trusts this brand enough to sell it in Apple retail stores.
Tech21 Evo Gem case
Apple's pick
You can buy this gem of a case online, or you can buy a Tech21 case at your local brick-and-mortar Apple Store.
If you can have a leather case for your iPhone, then why not for your 13-inch MacBook Pro? This synthetic leather case boasts the elegant and sophisticated look and feel of leather, but with an easy-to-swallow price tag. The bottom is fully vented, so there's no leather holding in heat, and the inner hard plastic shell helps protect against scratches and bumps.
Unusual look and feel
Nice color and pattern selection
Best Faux Leather
Fintie PU leather cases
Leather look
This fun faux-leather case certainly stands out from the plastic crowd.
This case has been protecting Karen's MacBook Pro for about a year now, and both the laptop and the case are still in perfect condition. It comes tons of pretty floral patterns, as well as other fun patterns and solids. The bottom is vented to prevent overheating. Choose from either the 13-inch or 15-inch size in this listing.
Great selection of gorgeous patterns
Best Bargain
GMYLE Macbook Pro Case
Karen's case
Karen loves her pretty floral GMYLE case, it's protected her MacBook Pro on her travels over the past year.
Best Cases For Mac Book Pro Retina 15-inch
Bottom line
Yeah, the MacBook Pro is a nice-looking machine, but if you want to keep it looking gorgeous, then you'll want a quality case for it. For just about anyone, the Mosiso Plastic Hard case is a great pick. It's sturdy and well-fit. The bottom piece is ventilated so your MacBook Pro won't overheat. Rubber 'feet' ensure your laptop won't slip around on your desk. You can choose from 25 beautiful colors. If you can't pick just one, well, the price is so reasonable that you can pick up a couple of different colors to suit your mood or the season. Note that some colors are more translucent than others; this is important if you want your Apple logo to show through. There is no cutout for the logo.
Each Mosiso Plastic Hard case comes with a keyboard cover that matches the case. Give your MacBook screen a little extra protection with the included screen protector. Mosiso offers a one-year warranty on the case and the keyboard cover. This is a precision-fit case, so be sure to check the model number of your MacBook Pro before you purchase the case so it will fit.
So, if you are looking for a Photoshop alternative that’s easier to use or a free Photoshop alternative for your Windows PC, Mac, Linux machine or even your Android. To help you select the best software, we tested six popular photo-editing programs, all either free or under $100: Apple Photos, Corel PaintShop Pro, GIMP, Google Photos, Adobe Photoshop Elements. Best photoshop software for mac free.
Credits — The team that worked on this guide
Karen S. Freeman is a teacher, writer, social media person, and family woman. She loves to travel, play with tech stuff, drink coffee, discover amazing new restaurants, and experience new things.
Cella Lao rousseau is a writer, true crime enthusiast, bestselling horror author, lipstick collector, buzzkill, Sicilian, gamer.
We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.
Second screen time
Take a monitor on the go with one of these options for your Mac
For work or play, consider one of these portal solutions for your favorite Mac.
BestHard Shell Cases for MacBook ProiMore2019
One of the best ways to protect your MacBook Pro is with a hard shell case. These cases offer scratch and drop protection, and they can often lend a touch of your personal style to your laptop. These are your best options to both protect and beautify your MacBook Pro.
Make sure you choose the correct size of your MacBook Pro (13 inches or 15 inches) before checking out.
Laptop Cases For Mac Book Air
Top pick: Mosiso hard shell case and keyboard cover
Staff Favorite
Mosiso has a huge range of great colors for you to choose from, and its hard shell MacBook Pro cases are inexpensive. Each case also comes with a matching keyboard cover to protect your keys from dirt, dust, spills, and wear. Mosiso also throws in a screen protector, so you're protected all around. Because of its huge selection and great price, it's our pick!
$16 at Amazon
Runner-up: Ueswill matte hard case
Ueswill's hard shell cases are pretty similar to Mosiso's, but if you'd rather more of a design than a solid color, this should be your choice. Ueswill offers a bunch of fun designs, including floral and marble patterns, as well as various graphics of space, nature, and more.
Best Cases For Mac Book Pro Retina 15
$17 at Amazon
Reliable protection: ProCase hard shell cover
These matte cases are pretty standard for hard shell covers. There are a number of colors to choose from, and each comes with a keyboard cover, though the keyboard cover is black — it won't match the case color.
$17 at Amazon
So. Many. Designs.: KEC laptop case
Let your personality shine through with KEC's hard shell MacBook Pro cases, which feature beautiful, bright, and colorful designs and patterns. Each has rubberized feet to hold your laptop in place while you type, and the bottom shell is vented so that it doesn't overheat.
$20 at Amazon
Mandala mania: iCasso hard shell cover
If you love beautiful geometric patterns like mandalas, then this is the case for you. Each case has a matching keyboard cover, and there are several gorgeous mandalas, as well as other designs and solid colors to choose from.
$16 at Amazon
Translucent protection: i-Blason frosted hard shell cover
iBlason's hard shell cases have a translucent surface, so you can see the beauty of your MacBook at all times. Each case is finished with a matte rubber coating for extra grip, and the bottom is vented and adorned with rubber feet.
$20 at Amazon
Much to see: iLeadon case
Protect your MacBook in style with this art print ultra slim rubberized durable plastic shell. This product is available in various styles, including Bohemia, Navy Blue Rose, and more.
$19 at Amazon
Heavy duty: i-Blason dual layer cover
If you need your MacBook Pro to survive a bit more of the rough-and-tumble, then you'll want a rugged case, like i-Blason's dual layer hard shell, which features shock-absorbent rubber edges, a hard plastic body, and precise cutouts for your ports. Comes in four colors.
$34 at Amazon
Even more designs: Mosiso case
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If you still haven't found your favorite design in the above selections, then check out what Mosiso has. There are more marble patterns, wood grain options, floral prints, feathers, and mandalas.
$18 at Amazon
So many choices
These are the best hard shell cases we've found for the MacBook Pro. Each is available in multiple styles -- some traditional, others a little bit more creative or unique. Regardless, each of these cases is tough and will protect your investment against bumps and scratches. Many come with extra goodies such as keyboard covers to provide even more protection.
A hard shell case is the best and perhaps the simplest way to make sure your MacBook Pro makes it through the day in one piece. For the pragmatic folks, it doesn't get better than Mosiso's myriad options, but if you like a bit of flair, go with KEC's interesting designs. If you're looking for tougher protection, go with the i-Blason dual layer cover.
We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.
Second screen time
Take a monitor on the go with one of these options for your Mac
For work or play, consider one of these portal solutions for your favorite Mac.
0 notes
jcolesonsofflinc · 3 years
Moving Budget Tips: Before, During and After
Planning a big move? JW Cole and Sons provides packing, moving and storage services for residential and commercial clients in Fort Myers, Florida and the surrounding areas. We ensure smooth moves. Call today to speak to one of our professionals!
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Tips for Saving Money Before the Move
Tip 1: Collect Utility Deposits
If bills were paid on time, request deposits from the gas, electric and water companies.
Tip 2: Use Coupons
Take advantage of coupons. Utilize applications and savings programs.
Walmart Savings Catcher
Tip 3: Downsize
Sell or give away unneeded items, furniture and clothing.
Tip 4: Gather Records
Secure medical, dental, school and veterinary files before the big move. Compile the certificates from children's karate classes, dance classes, swimming, etc.
Tip 5: Have a Moving Sale
Turn some old items into cash. Also use the internet to sell items.
Tip 6: Keep Donation Receipts
Ask for receipts when donating to charity - they can be used when claiming tax deductions.
Tip 7: Consign Furnishings
Selling furnishings on consignment may bring more money than a moving sale. Visit one or more consignment shops to find a good fit. Only consign items that are in good condition and ask:
Do customers shop for the type of furnishings you have?
Is the pricing attractive, yet high enough to make a nice profit?
Tip 8: Appraise Items
Jewelry stores offer free appraisals. For antiques, inherited items, rugs and other furnishings, search online for appraisers. Don't be too hasty to get rid of old tins, books, odd pieces of china, etc. They could be worth some money.
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Tips for Saving Money During the Move
Tip 1: Find a Free Pet Sitter
Having pets around while packing can be stressful. Ask a friend or family member to pet sit while you do the heavy lifting.
Tip 2: Use a Map
Utilize Google Maps to navigate your new community. If you prefer traditional folded road maps, you can likely get one for free from a local real estate agent or tourism bureau.
Tip 3: Discover Free Area Attractions 
Check the local chamber of commerce, convention and visitor's bureau, and historical societies for free printed materials about what to see and do in your new community. You can also learn about area attractions via their websites.
Tip 4: Request a Newcomer Kit
Request a newcomer kit from the bank. It will likely offer free products, services, coupons and discounts to welcome you.
Tip 5: Network
Moving because your spouse is taking a new job? Get busy now to find work in your new locale. If your spouse's company offers assistance, take advantage of it. To get a feel for the local job market, subscribe to the daily newspaper and find classified employment listings online. Look for jobs on Indeed, CareerBuilder and Monster.
Start networking locally through professional associations in your new community and reach out to connections on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Temporary work can provide income and give you valuable exposure to people. It may even lead to a permanent position. The temporary work force is not limited to clerical and industrial positions.
Tip 6: Review Insurance Policies
Ask your insurance company to quote coverage for your new home - but don't stop there. The internet makes it easy to shop around. Beware of overlapping coverage, compare homeowner's and automobile policies and evaluate any umbrella policies you may have. Don't pay for unneeded coverage.
Tip 7: Collect Security Deposits
A security deposit refund may be owed. Keep the name, telephone, and address of the apartment owner or manager. Follow up if you have not received the deposit within 30 days after vacating.
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Tips for Saving Money After the Move
Tip 1: Check Out Local Listings & Reviews
Check out Angie’s List and Yelp for honest consumer reviews about local restaurants, lawn services, heating and cooling companies, doctors, and more. Visit Twitter and follow local users who tweet about happenings in the community to get instant updates on sales, store closings, and free events. Check out local news providers for free electronic alerts on weather and breaking news.
Tip 2: Don't Toss Junk Mail
Don't be too quick to toss out what looks like junk mail – it could be valuable offers for free or discounted products and services.
Tip 3: Find Newcomer Activities
Check online for information regarding newcomer activities in the area. Many media outlets publish searchable community calendars on their websites. Use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to connect with others who share similar interests. Meetup.com is good place to find events and groups of interest near you.
Tip 4: Visit a Local Library
Visit the local library and sign up for a library card. It might allow you to borrow framed art, check out a book on local history or discover places of interest in your new community. 
Your library can provide entertainment too. Between book clubs, DVDs, and community gatherings, there’s no limit to what you can discover.
Tip 5: Unpack the Kitchen
Don't be tempted to leave kitchen appliances and dishes packed to justify ordering pizza and eating out. Eating meals outside the home adds up fast, so try to cook at home.
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For additional moving tips, visit the Atlas Blog or supplementary How To Guides.
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alpineramble · 3 years
Annapurna Circuit Trek- Everything you Need to Know
The Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of Nepal’s most admiring classic treks. It traverses magnificently varied landscapes, farmlands, from lush lowlands forests to the high-altitude Thorong Pass, the highest point of the trek as it stands at an elevation of 5416 meters above sea level. Throng- La is said to be the highest trekking pass in the world with the imposing Annapurna Massif a near invariable companion. In recent years, this trekking has become one of the most popular and crowded trekking trails in the Nepal Himalayas. Every year, thousands of travelers traverse enthralls on the beauty of this place while trekking from all around the world. The Annapurna Circuit route was a string of trekking tea houses and clearly marked trails make this an easily accessible, a normal trek that anyone of us can be part of this fascinating journey with reasonable fitness level where we do not need to climb any technical mountains to cross the whole journey.
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Annapurna circuit trek is said to be more than just a trek for many reasons, one can experience the beautify culture and nature from the starting phase of the journey to end, it is a complete journey in the Himalayas where you will not only explore the majestic some of the world’s highest mountains but you will also get an opportunity and appreciate with fascinating culture of the peoples in the mountains as well as their unique lifestyle.
Tranquil Annapurna trek (ACT) will take you through a variety of different landscapes, lush terraces, to the forests, and then into those beautiful high-altitude views of the magnificent mountains therefore this trek is more than just a trek with a complete package.  As we hike constantly day by day, we’ll get exposed to the daily life of the native mountain’s Nepalese people who live in the remotest part of Nepal for a long century.
Embark on this journey to immerse yourself in the beauty of majestic Himalayas and also be engrossed in the small traditional villages’ culture and agriculture.
If you are one of the adventure enthusiasts and want to experience a little bit of everything about Nepal that it has to offer, this is the piece of cake for you to set off on, but bear in mind this trek is certainly no easy feat like Annapurna Base Camp Trek or Langtang Valley Trek. However, in this article, here are the things you should really know in order to complete the amazing Annapurna Circuit safely and with a smile on your face.
Best Time to go on Annapurna Circuit Trek
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Like with many of the treks in the Himalayas in Nepal, there are certain times of the year when the weather conditions are ideal for trekking and mountaineering activities. In fact, the months of September, October, and November or March, April, and May are widely considered to be the best and favorable months or times of the year from the Annapurna Circuit Trekking in Nepal. The weather and temperatures during these two (autumn and spring) seasons are generally clear and dry where views are always nice with clean blue sky, and the weather is stable However it’s not too cold when heading into altitudes and not too hot in the lower areas of the trek. These two seasons are the peak and also crowded season’s times to be on the trail including Annapurna, and Everest region of Nepal where the trails and tea houses on the routes are generally covered by full of travelers, trekking into the Annapurna circuit in this time of the year with many other trekkers from across the world heading into the same destination with the same goal and determinations makes your journey more fun and enjoyable.
If you are looking for the Annapurna circuit trek at different times of the year, you can also do a trek at other times, but be prepared with certain weather conditions. The winter season involves the months of December, January, and February, trekking in the Annapurna circuit is not an impossible way to complete, it is still good to enjoy, which offers clear skies and spectacular views. But it can be incredibly cold at higher altitudes, with the possibility of the thick snow on the ground that can often cause the Thorong La Pass to close at short notice or even hard to cross the pass by solely. If you are still happy to take a challenge on this trek in the winter season then make sure to have enough nice clothing gears for trekking with the extra layers, a thick down jacket, warms socks, sleeping bag suited to temperatures of at least -25°C and crampons, which can be bought in Kathmandu at any local trekking stores with the variety of options in terms of the quality.
Trekking Equipment for the Annapurna Circuit trek
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Equipment is one of the important factors in order to complete the journey. Having the right equipment is extremely important for trekking to the Himalayas; For the Annapurna circuit trek, make sure to carry a proper pair of hiking boots that are comfortable and worn-in is a good place to start! Because of the variable temperatures – from night today and as you gain altitude – layering is very helpful and adds extra warmth, we would recommend purchasing some good layers made out of breathable fibers, some spare hiking t-shirts with quick-dry access. Bringing some windbreaker or fleece as a mid-weight layer is a good idea and then a warm thicker down jacket is the best option for a top layer. Umbrella is not recommended to rain at altitude but carries a good rain jacket or poncho which can be brought along the way for the temporary, this is essential, take a comfortable day backpack, normally 40l or above. Make sure to bring your own first aid box with Diamox, a medication for high altitude sickness as well as toiletries. For more about essential gears please click HERE.
Pick the Right Everest Base Camp Itinerary
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Most importantly the first thing that you need to think about is picking the right itinerary; hence, there is no one size fits all. One key factor to consider is that you need to have as much acclimatization possible in the critical points of the trek. Therefore, take a proper trekking itinerary for your next trek to the Annapurna circuit, at least 2 nights acclimatization in Manang village one the way up the trail is recommended. The crucial part of the trek is altitude without having proper acclimatization along the way up may cause your hiking difficulties in the climb. There are some people who do this trek within a week but it is only for those of us who are trained well in the altitude and used to trek a lot before. Having some extra day for the trek is vital to a safe, enjoyable, and successful experience in a low oxygen environment higher up the trail. Make sure to acclimatize well lower down, and then you will run out of the risk of getting altitude sickness higher up. However, the Annapurna circuit trek has various trekking itineraries including a minimum of 8 days to the maximum day's itinerary of 20-day. In order to avoid the high altitude sickness, we would recommend you take a 12- days Annapurna circuit or 16 –Day Annapurna circuit trek, or you may choose for an 18-20 days Annapurna circuit trek if your holiday permits.
Annapurna Circuit Trekking Map
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Accommodation while on the Annapurna Circuit trekking:
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The Annapurna Circuit trek is one of the well-established trekking routes of Nepal, it's been very well set up with plenty of comfortable lodges, so we do not need to carry the tent to set up our camp to spend a night in the tiny tent. However, the accommodation at the local is simple but convenient where we can spend a night comfortably. The good thing is some of the tea houses have an attached bathroom where you do not need to go outside of the room for the toilet, but in most of the places in this route, the toilet and washing facilities are outside of your room. The room in the tea house is a twin sharing room with twin beds, a mattress, and a pillow where you can share the room with some of the genders or if you are a couple then it is good to fit for you. Bear in mind, during the peak seasons in Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) the rooms are usually packed and covered by full of trekkers, in this case, the advance booking through your guide or company will help you to find the room easily since this route has limited tea house in the places. Tea houses provide you with food, hot water for showers, and WiFi at a little extra cost.
Trekking Permits and TIMS car Cost
Travelers are required to register the trekking permit or Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and TIMs (Trekking Information Management System) cards to do this trek in the Annapurna region of Nepal. See the following fees details for the foreigners to buy the permits and TIMS card,
Annapurna Conservation Area Project Try permit fee for     tourists: NPR 3000 ($30 approx.)
Annapurna Conservation Area Project entry permit fee     for SAARC nationals: NPR 200
Trekkers’ Information Management Systems permit fee:     NPR 1000 ($10 approx.) – (TIMS) 
Food and Drinking Water On Annapurna Circuit Trek
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The foods are available at every tea house as we use during the trek, most of the tea houses in this region offer a wide variety of traditional cuisine of Nepal and western meals on the tea houses Menu including classic Nepali traditional meals Dal Bhat, Momos, and Bread. The western types of meals are found in every single place, the sizes of the foods and taste might not be expected to be the same in the city areas but they are still very convenient, the Pizza, spaghetti, noodles, burger, noodles, stews, are the common meals that this area offers to you. It cost them as little as NPR 500 (approx. $3-5) at the lodges in the lower area but the prices are expected to increase at the higher altitude of the region.
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The drinking water is available everywhere in this region, most of the tea house or small coffee shops sell the water at a little cost but as an option, you may carry a proper water bottle filling the water all the time as it drank out, refilling the water from the tap is free of cost but make sure to purify it before drinking. Buying water is the best option because most of us are not used to the water from mountains and it may cause problems so spending a few dollars on good foods and water means we are treating ourselves in a better way, as we all know that we cannot deal with life at any amount of cost. Good food is a good life and healthy life is a happy life. Hope it makes sense to us!
Remember, the water costs 0.5- 2 USD/ bottle of water.
Getting there & away
To trek in the Annapurna Circuit, we have to first drive to Besisher from Kathmandu which is a 6- hour long drive by local bus (we can also take a private jeep as an option- it costs way more than a local bus transfer), and next day again, we take another scenic mountain drive to Chame by a local jeep to start the trek (remember, if we do a trek longer version then we can start to trek from Besisahar but it has to be at least 16-20 days in a row if we start the trek from Besisahar and the most of walk would be in the local jeep road but the view is still spectacular).
Annapurna Circuit Trail Length
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The total length covered by the Annapurna Circuit is somewhere between 225- 230 KM/100-145 miles). It depends where we are starting the trek; the length of the Annapurna Circuit will be shorter than this if we transfer to the Chame and start to trek from here, but as mentioned length above is based on the starting point from Besisahar. 
Trek with the Expert 
Support a company that has invested in the local communities and society in the remotest mountain parts of Nepal. We helped set up the Khading village for the school kids and helpless women in the mountain region of Nepal after the 2015 earthquake and this trek will be led by our decades of professional experienced local guides who have been leading thousands of groups in the Himalayas for over the last 19 years in the field! We believed in the quality services on all our trekking and mountaineering itineraries, we guaranteed that your safety, satisfaction, and happiness throughout the trek with us. CONTACT US for more information and we can explain and help you on your next trip to Nepal.
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my-computer-tuition · 3 years
How to Do Affiliate Marketing
It could be written “How can I tell folk about this new product or service and earn money doing it”
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Remember back in school, when you delivered the morning paper to the neighbourhood, sometimes there would be a flyer from the local takeaway inserted in the paper. Or, as happened to me,  the circus came to town and someone from the show turned up at  my TV shop one morning , He offered me a few free tickets if I would hand out the circus flyers to all my customers and put a circus poster in the window.
How many times have you noticed some new product that your neighbour bought and you asked about where you can get one, or maybe the other way around – “hey, nice sneakers, where did you buy those?”
These are all examples , that are or could be used to gain a commission or “kick back” for increasing sales. All of the above of course are done “Off line” . With the internet came the opportunity to sell to the whole world , getting huge audiences to look at your products.
So Online you first look for an affiliate program. Many big shops like Wallmart, B&Q, Amazon have affiliate programs that are free to join.  Some of them outsource the affiliate program admin to Affiliate Specialists like Affiliate Window or CJ Affiliates. Usually if you Google “affiliate program” + name of the store, you’ll be able to find it easily.
Once you are a member, they will give you your own Affiliate Link . You simply promote, including this link in your articles and Adverts  some product or service belonging to the owner in exchange for a commission, once you successfully make a sale.
To make the process better, promote your article and test versions of  the Ads until you find the best one.
Actually there is another simpler form of Affiliate marketing, called CPA (cost per action) where you only have to provide LEADS, not even make the sale!  Very easy, can be very lucrative. More on this later
Examples of Affiliate Marketing
These are  easy to find  all over the web. Ever seen those boxes at the end of a magazine blog article?
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At first glance they look like articles, but of course these are ads, more exactly they are Native Ads. They don’t stand out as Ads, plus the headlines are usually extraordinary, making them highly clickable.  Advertisers are getting really sneaky. They can check your IP address and include some relevant content, lets say you are in Kentucky USA, this can be made to trigger a Headline “ Kentucky Woman First to Win Over $4,000,000 in lottery” or “ How Kentucky Woman makes $4000 a day doing this…”
I wouldn’t advocate such things, but just notice them next time you’re reading online, you will be amazed how often it happens.
Whats the Purpose of an Advert?
The answer  most people give is “ to sell stuff” . No I would argue the purpose is simply to get your attention. The selling is done on the bridge page and Sellers own product page or VSL ( video sales letter) which is a very popular method at the moment.  One of the most successful marketers today Gerry Crammer makes simple images like hand drawn faces or anything out-of-the-ordinary a giant squid on a beach for example and is responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in sales.
What Kind of Ad Works Best?
Just do what is already working.  Pioneers are great, but you only hear about the few that are successful, not the majority, who lost a ton of money trying a new method , then gave up.
What kind of Product is Best to Promote?
Sell what is selling NOW. Here we will have to do some research. Google trends is a good tool to check for product popularity. One fairly easy strategy is to follow the native ads, in the example click through to the end, find out which products are being sold. There is one simple truth here, no one pays for ads, continuously, unless they are making money.
Next, find the products home page. Look up the amount of traffic ( web visitors ) that page is getting, one great , free resource to use is similarweb.com, for which you can sign up for a free account. Type in your product page address and see how much traffic they are getting, where it is being referred from ( eg Facebook ads, Bing Ads….) and what country are these visitors from. You now have all that is required  to start a successful ad campaign going.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Actually Work?
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This is one example scenario, our user is on Facebook, sees an ad for some products he is interested in, he clicks the ad and is taken to an Affiliate bridge Page where there are more details, like price, size, color etc finally he clicks to buy and is taken to Amazon on a link which has our Affiliate ID on it, so Amazon recognises our sale and rewards us with a commission.  There are simpler ways and more sophisticated ways to make an affiliate link, but this is the basic model that most marketers use.
Direct Linking
Why bother going to a bridge page I hear you ask. Why not go straight to the Offer-Page from the Ad? Well in most advertising scenarios, the ads are seen on big platforms like Facebook, Google, YouTube etc. They all have their own Terms and Conditions one of which is usually No Affiliate Links. In most cases it would be ok, if you are promoting your own book, for instance. But promoting slimming pills – definitely would not, in fact Facebook has become very intolerant of any such links and is very likely to ban your ad account permanently! Anything to do with weight loss, any images even slightly hinting at too much exposed skin is also likely to be banned. Facebooks ad industry is huge and they are top  dog…. at the moment and they wield a powerful sword over their advertisers.  Advertisers  love FB because they have so  much demographic information available to laser target the potential customers.
I note that This month saw Australia put a limitation on Facebook as regards ads , so this might be an indicator of the way things will go in the future.
So that is basically why we should use a bridge page. The linking to the product then takes place OFF Facebooks page, so your account is safe again. The bridge page should be totally congruent with the subject , so a  slimming product could be linked from within a Bridge Page about “How to Maintain good  health when on a diet” for example. This avoids direct mention of anything medical or Weight loss oriented.
Whats in a link?
The links take our visitor to the next place, so part of the link is an HTML ‘anchor’ which has the web address in it. The rest is usually unique and has our Affiliate ID, this is sometimes disguised, just in case someone tampers with the link to divert the sale commission. Eg.
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Here the offer vendor is Clickbank and our ID is hidden along with the product code in the bit before “.hop.” This link has an extra tracking section ( tid ) on the end, used to distinguish this offer from other offers.  We can make use of this when setting up our tracking software.
Affiliate Disclosure
The FTC Federal Trade Commission requires that you disclose the fact that you make a commission with each sale on your site, so make sure it is there. As everyone is obliged to do this, its no longer a disadvantage to see this on a website.
Which  Platform is Best for Promoting my Products
This depends on your own preference in most cases, although videos on YouTube are superb for anything visual or explaining “how to do…..” if it’s a practical matter like component assembly. However, videos can be included in a blog easily, so you get the benefit of the visitor being able to skip through to the part that he or she is interested in , quickly and include a lot of detail in graphs, lists, links to other sites, images, coding, downloads and many other things.
YouTube’s algorithm is simpler than Google’s. YouTube videos will rank more easily if you include the right tags, tags are a big help and the main way YouTube searches work. If  you are going to use YouTube as your platform, install Tube Buddy or Vid  IQ in your browser. Either of these will allow you to find out which tags are in all your competitors videos.
Although YouTube videos rank quicker, at the moment Google is still  putting blogs in the majority of the top 10 for each search  result (serp) . It is well worth the effort of writing many articles, which will  rank for many search terms and you will appear in multiple sets of serps for your search term or keyword.
Relevance is the key. If you want to sell tents, write about all sorts of tents, tents for high temperature, low temperature, windy conditions, waterproof materials used in tents, price points on your selection of tents, durability  of tents , cover the subject thoroughly.
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These 3 links give you the easiest way to make an insertable text link, Image link or both. Write your article reviewing the item an insert the Text+Image link at the end
This is the html code, the image is served by Amazon’s own server together with the correct price.
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You can see, similar to the previous example, the affiliate ID xyzmarketing and the product code ( asin) = B083V589M5
Even if you don’t use Amazon directly, many affiliates  have stopped since the recent downturn in commissions from Amazon, at the height of the first Covid lockdown, Amazons profits rose tremendously and they decided they did not need so many affiliates. Amazon does provide us with amazing research tools though.  Their products are arranged so you can easily compare similar ones and then promote them direct through the manufacturers own affiliate programs . Amazons Best Selling category, is so useful to pick good  products to promote. Amazons reviews often tell of  particularly good or bad lines.
How to start Affiliate Marketing without investment using Free Traffic
Is that a real thing?  Yes, but for long term products.  All of this article so far has relied on paid Advertising- which works instantly and you get the results instantly.
It takes so long to get a website ranking well enough – in the top 10 on page one, for a search term. That is will only work for long term things. One exception to this is Pinterest traffic. It IS possible to build up a Pinterest account fast, so you’re getting that traffic flowing. But it only works in certain niches , great for USA traffic and feminine type products , although this too is changing slowly. I wrote an article outlining a Pinterest strategy on this blog.
My own first success was with Halogen Ovens. I built up  a website with a page per review plus comparison tables and other pages devoted to maintenance and recipes. It became very popular with several number one positions for various search terms. All the products were from Amazon  making research very easy and quick. I even expanded the site to cover UK and US products.  One  month of solid work on the site, gave me  a good few years of income, it still earns a little even now 6 years  on.
So – don’t expect anything other than evergreen products like kitchen appliances, household cleaners and maybe financial products to last long  enough to make it worthwhile building up a blog.
Free traffic is marvellous. For beginners in IM it is usually the chosen route, as mistakes with anyone inexperienced with Ad accounts can be very costly. Also the results with free traffic from Google will last a long time ; But with a lot of products changing rapidly, ads are really the only way to get your affiliate funnel up and running fast  enough to make a good return.  The reason many big Aff marketers use funnel builders, rather than the basic wordpress editor, is because they need the pages up very quickly to take advantage of new offers.
Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work
Yes, absolutely. Many marketers are very successful once they find their own favourite niches and have some experience. Four, Five and even Six figure per year profits from Aff Mktg is totally possible
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