#or like the confused tom from tom and jerry face
tendebill · 1 year
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update: i am becoming more and more sick as we speak
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slutt4ellie · 5 months
Hearts Over Hierarchy
Loser!Ellie x Popular!Reader
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PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4
Do opposites really attract?
Summery : When you run into a girl who rarely makes acknowledgment she even exists, there’s something that undoubtedly draws you to her..and a spark is created.
Warnings -> / Weed usage / Reader is confused about her feelings? / Ellie’s also confused about her feelings (ig?) / Just full loser Ellie / Really brief Skater!Ellie / eventual smut (probably) / fluff / tension / Little bits of smau / Toxic friendship / (Lmk if I missed anything else!)
WC: 4.8k (longest fic i’ve ever wrote!)
(Not proofread!)
DAILY CLICK 🇵🇸 - (takes like 2 seconds 🩷)
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The loud buzzing of Ellie’s alarm shoots her eyes open and her body halfway up. “F-fuck” She grumbles under her muffled voice. Running her right hand down her face.
Ellie grabs the alarm rested on her left bedside table and she’s finally met with the time 9:36am. “Oh fuck” Ellie says quickly stands up out of her single bed, planted in the corner of her single bedroom dorm. Classes start at 9:45. She has a total of 9 minutes to get dressed, leave her dorm, and run onto campus. Which has her leading to the fact there’s almost 0 fucking way she’s making it on time.
Since Ellie’s already up and out of her bed she runs to her dresser to throw on a pair of boxers and a sports bra which is almost instantly covered by “clean” sweat pants and a nike hoodie. It didn’t smell bad so it was fine!
4 minutes, it only took Ellie 4 minutes to get changed and grabbed her skateboard. She also glances over at the time as it now reads now reads 9:40. So this means her time isn’t “horrible” I mean getting ready in 4 minutes is sorta impressive, at least in her mind? Plus campus shouldn’t take that long, as long as she’s fast.
Ellie grabs her skateboard and leaves her dorm quickly running down the stairs, having basically 0 time to wait around and sit there like a duck for the elevator. And as soon as she’s met with concrete she’s off.
The reason why Ellie being late is such a fucking hassle is because she’s already been late a fair share of times building a reputation for it, when she walks into class and shit it doesn’t go without dirty looks. But it’s a new school year, so she’s tryna live by the corny ass saying “new year new me!” and actually not miss half the classes like last term.
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You’re up early, 8:00 to be exact. You quietly leave your bedroom trying not to wake up the rest of your sorority sisters as you tiptoe through the halls. And just as you thought you were clear, a pair of blue eyes are met with yours.
Emily your best friend since freshman year. You two were like glue through high school, nothing could separate the two of you, sure you had fights and disagreements but nothing seemed like it could break the bond between you two..
As you meet her blue eyes you quickly notice her lips turning into a light smirk. “Why the fuck are you tiptoeing like we’re in a fucking Tom and Jerry episode?” You let out a pity laugh and smile “Oh ha ha…! Maybe because i’m nice and I didn’t wanna wake up all you guys?”
Emily smiles right back at you. “Why are you up so fucking early, thought your class started at 9:45?” You nod your head agreeing with her statement. “It does. I just wanted to be on top of it you know!” Emily shakes her head. “No I don’t fucking know? I don’t wake up a full hour and 45 minutes before my classes.”
You smile, you could ask her why she’s up but you already know her class starts at 8:30 (ew.) so going through more questions seems unethical. “Well!” You trail off then pick back up where you ended. “I need to have a shower sooo” Emily nods and goes back to her room “Yeah yeah!”
The steam fills your bathroom and the air is still warm from your lingering shower.
It was weird today. You don’t usually feel nervous for school, I mean you knew people, people knew you. There was literally nothing for you to feel even the slightest bit of tenseness. Yet it was still just there.?
Your just blaming it on basic nerves, you’re not really “excited” to get back into the grove of school, get a ton of work in before due dates which are are way to fucking fast. But either way you knew you had to suck it up so you pushed yourself out those doors and into your car.
Right on time 9:30. It should only take 10 minutes to drive onto campus and that leaves you with about 5 minutes before the lecture starts. At least that’s what you fucking planned.
But just to your luck. There was an incident, nothing serious. Just ending up backing up the roads. And any fucking other day you wouldn’t have really cared. But you really could not afford to be late on your first day back. You wanted to make sure you’re on top of everything, and the walk of shame into the classroom is probably one of the worst things person could every fucking experience.
Once you make it on campus you speed walk through the halls cutting through people just trying to get to your door. Then everything will be fine and normal, you won’t have to worry about how stup-
A hard thud goes straight into your back
You heard about 3 things fall flat on the ground none of the things being yours. And as shitty as it seems, you were genuinely considering walking away just to get to fucking class..
You’re not a complete dick and you were raised better. So this leads you to reluctantly turn around and your met with? Well you don’t exactly know, she looks familiar but maybe she’s a year younger so you don’t often see her. She has brunet- no, auburn hair, green eyes, and freckles that go all around her face. She looks familiar but you can’t put your finger on it.
You look down and notice a binder, a now slightly cracked phone and skateboard which finally you make the decision to crouch down. The auburn hair girl is mumbling a bunch of sorry’s “F-fuck that’s on me. I-i’m like super late? So I was looking down and sh-“ You cut her off and shake your head picking up her phone and binder as she picks up her skateboard. “You’re good..Fuck I’m late too.” You chuckle looking at her as you stand up, quickly handing her the items she dropped on the ground.
You give out your hand to shake “I’m-“ and as your about to say your name, you’re cut off by her voice “N-no I know you, you sat in front of me last term” You don’t know what really led you to say the next part but what else were you going to say?? You didn’t notice her once, lying seemed like a better approach. “Right! Um what was it…A- no H?” You notices how her eyebrows furrow, the fact you definitely don’t know her name is becoming apparent.
“I-uh Ellie” She shakes your hand.
“Yeah! I was getting there!” You smile looking back at her before talking again.
“We’re you?” She tilts her head talking in a tone laced with a joking sound..just from her demeanour alone you can tell she was kidding.
“I was..” You shift your gaze down to her lips then back up. You weren’t trying to be weird or anything, you just did it on instinct which now on the contrary seems a tad bit creepy since this is literally your first time even talking to her.
Once you meet her eyes again you nervously cleared your throat and starting talking once again. “Well what room are you!”
Ellie notices the quick change of subject and she nervously shakes her head “U-uhh fuck 217 I think…?” You nod and look at her “Fuck, okay shit me too?” Your voice stops then picks back up “Want to walk?”
Ellie perks up and nods. It kept playing in the back of her mind why the fuck you were talking to her. Ellie wasn’t popular, not your level of popularity. Everyone knew you. So the fact you were standing in front of her, talking to her. She was almost confused. Yet she wasn’t complaining..
It only took a few minutes before you reached the classroom door, as you check your phone you see you’re a bit late. Nothing to complain about, it’s only 9:47 so who cares..?
When opening the doors your eyes lock with the seats in the back left corner, there open, and no one is sitting in them. You look at Ellie who seems nervous.
Little do you know in her mind she’s wondering where the fuck she’s going to sit.
The only single seats are in the middle of like 5 fucking people.
Once you notices her eyes are scanning the room and her whole face is plastered with a nervous expression you nudge her lightly.
“Wanna sit over there” You point your finger and her eyes quickly follow it.
She seems confused. Like her brain just did a 360 but she stutters over her words when talking back to you. “Y-you wanna s-sit together?”
“Yeah?” You smile and let out a chuckle.
“R-right! Yeah- Yeah we can sit over there.” She smiles and nods looking at you.
As you sit down your phone buzzes in your left pocket not wasting much time to pull it out. There’s one message Emily. Asking if you made it okay and stuff. Which leads to a mini conversation.
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You couldn’t help but feel almost icked out? Emily’s not usually rude so her response was weird, and out of character. You wanted to believe maybe she was making a statement or something but you replied regardless.
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She was being so strange, like not her usual self. Which lead your eyebrows to furrow and you were abo-
“You okay?” Ellie’s voice says softly probably noticing the fact your eyebrows are furrowed and your face now showing clear signs of annoyance.
“O-oh yeah!” you reply now embarrassed as you feel blood rush to your cheeks. “Just one of my friends, i’m good though!”
Ellie nods and smiles. “Okay, just wanted to make sure?”
You haven’t really met anyone like Ellie. I guess other then Emily? But it still took months to feel comfortable with her. With Ellie it seems almost easy? Like fast?
Your whole friend group is popular. Which wasn’t horrible? The benefits of being popular is nice? Sorta.. But unfortunately half of your “friend group” is fake.
Talking behind peoples back kinda fake.
You tried not to let it bug you though, you had people in your friend group you obviously loved, so you would just stick in that crowd.
But there was always some anxiety which came with it. Like you didn’t know if things you said would get passed around, so when talking to Ellie, knowing nothing had the chance of somehow going to anyone, else it was refreshing.
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The class was finally fucking over and you packed up your laptop and papers.
As you were about to leave you said a quick bye to Ellie trying to be respectful. You didn’t wanna ask for her number because you didn’t want to come across as weird, you two just met? So that could wait?
As you turned around there was a quick “wait!” which was clearly from Ellie.
You just turned around trying to read her expression but as you were she cut off your train of thought. “C-can I uh get your number! I was thinking we could maybe study or something. This math s-shit is like kicking my ass” After her sentence there was a dry awkward chuckle. The fact you didn’t immediately respond worried her
Did she come off as weird?
To pushy?
You’re popular why the fuck-
“Yeah!” You smile walking back over to her.
“Are you busy right now? We can go back to my place and study if you want” You say not breaking eye contact.
Ellie quickly breaks the eye contact handing you her phone before she clears her throat. “W-no! no i’m not busy, right now is good actually” Her voice cracks in the middle of the sentence leading her to clear her throat once again.
You grab her slightly cracked phone and nod..
“K cool, it’s not a long drive and my cars out in the front lot.”
In a car
With you.
Saying the car ride is awkward is an understatement? Reason number one, you don’t know what to say because you literally just met Ellie.
I mean you’re alright on small talk but what the fuck do you say to someone you met a solid 2 hours ago?
And on the other hand Ellie is Ellie.
She can’t pick up on small talk for the life of her. So when you finally speak it almost feels like a blessing and a curse.
“Sorry about you phone?” You say, both hands still on the steering wheel as you drive.
“Huh?” Fuck this is awkward.
“Your phone, it’s cracked. Sorry?” You say a smile cracking.
“I ran head first into your bag I’m pretty sure that’s on me” Ellie chuckles looking at you as you drive.
“I guess, but maybe if I was walking faster it wouldn’t have happened!” You say glancing over at her before you turn your eyes back to the road.
Ellie’s face turns a light pink as soon as you made split eye contact with her. She’s silently now thanking ever fucking god in the universe that you turned your head before you could notice.
“Maybe but I think that was a sign I shouldn’t walk with my head down” Ellie let’s out a slight laugh.
The silence falls once again neither of you knowing what to says.
Both of speak at the same time a dry chuckle coming from both your lips.
“You go.” Ellie says nodding.
“I was just going to say sorry for not noticing you?” You say clearing your throat anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Ellie says tilting her head still looking at your side profile.
“Like- I sat in front of you for months you know?.. just the fact I didn’t noticed you makes me feel like an egotistical prick?” You say rubbing the back of your neck with your left hand.
Ellie shakes her head at your response. “No! Fuck I barley talked, trust me, you not noticing doesn’t make me have hard feelings” Ellie says quickly, she doesn’t want you to feel guilty for anything.
You just smile at her response and nod. “What we’re you going to say?” She quickly talks “Just gonna ask do you get what the fuck is going on in class”
You quickly laugh and shake your head “Fuck no! I’m actually so ass at math your gonna have to walk me through it.” Ellie smiles and nods. “What makes you think i’m gonna be good at it!” She says with a chuckle.
“Well you have to be good at it because we’re official study partners!” You say before nodding your head. “Official??” Ellie smiles
“Oh yeah, official” You nod and continue nervously. “We’re uh here!” You park the car in front of your sorority.
“I never been to a fucking sorority” Ellie says getting out of the car with her backpack in hand. “No?” You say looking at her. “Nah” She shakes her head “They feel cult-ish?” She laughs causing you to smile and look at her “So you’re joining my cult then?”
“Guess soo” She drags out her ‘so’ dramatically before walking to the two big white doors which leads into the sorority house.
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You and Ellie studied for a few hours. Looking outside the sky was now dark. Rather then the bright blue it shined before.
You guys studying was basically just an excuse to talk, you got to know a lot about each other. Ellie opened up to you, you opened up to her.
You haven’t ever had a friendship where you got so comfortable so fast. It’s like the fact you guys met a solid few hours ago, it was completely disregarded. It’s like you connected so fucking fast.
You learned Ellie had two close friends Dina and Jesse. They didn’t go to the same school as you and her, instead they went to one about 30 minutes out. You “learned” she’s painfully shy, which you already got the message as soon as she ran into you.
She let it slip she actually debated talking to you last term but you seemed extremely intimidating which you laughed at. But she was standing her ground, saying like you gave off a bit of scary vibes.
“Okay scary?” You replied laughing
“Scary!” She says looking at you. Both of your guys studying papers are far from filled out, almost completely empty. But to be fair that’s the last thing on your mind.
“I need one fucking example from when I was being ‘scary’” You say defensively looking at her. The two of you are crisscrossed on your queen bed a bit to close considering how much space the both of you had. Both of your knees touching.
“K well- I don’t have a fucking time list of all the times I thought you seemed scary!” Ellie says shaking her head looking at you.
Your hand instinctively falls on her knee “I’m asking for ONE example!” You made sure to emphasize the word one. To point out it was really fucking easy.
Ellie’s whole face heats up and she feels like her body’s on fire causing her to stutter over almost ever other word “I-I d-don’t know l-like one t-time I heard you talking about h-how you were ‘gonna murder him’” She says chuckling to mask the nervousness that’s coursing through her veins.
You try to recall when you said this, it suddenly clicking “Okay wait! No there’s context!” You chuckle and now both of you are closer. It’s like each time a sentence is said, you’re moving further in.
“What fucking context could there be!” Ellie spits out laughing, which causes you to laugh harder.
“I was talking about some dick who used one of my friends!” You laugh your head falling onto Ellie’s shoulder.
“I guess that’s fair?” Ellie’s voice gets quieter. You can her heart beat which to say it’s fast. That’s would be an understatement.
You pull your head off her shoulder and look at her. Her face is pretty pink and you feel like you can ever little detail that revolves around her face. One thing about seeing ever detail, it had a result of your faces being mere inches from each others.
You don’t even know what the fuck led you to do this but you slowly guided your left hand to cuff Ellie’s cheek which now has the both of you to instinctively lean in.
Ellie does the same, manly following your lead as her hand also goes onto your cheek and now your noses brush against each other.
And just as your lips were about to touch a knock hits right against your door.
You and Ellie both quickly flinch back clearing your throat nervously.
You get up faster then her and the person behind the door is no other then Emily. You hadn’t texted her since the whole weird ass messages she sent a few hours ago.
Ellie’s thoughts are now going all over the place. Because you two almost just kissed, a knock breaks it up..and now there’s a girl who in her mind, is way better looking!
Ellie doesn’t wanna think it, but the fact you might have a girlfriend is lurking in the back of her mind. She wouldn’t be surprised to say the least.
“Hey” Emily says eyeing Ellie who is now putting her papers back into her backpack nervously, her hands fumbling over each sheet..
“Hi..?” You say looking at Emily. She’s eyeing Ellie with a look you haven’t noticed before. And as you were going to say something along the lines of “Do you need something” but Emily’s voice talks over your thoughts.
“Can we talk” She says now meeting your eyes.
“I mean I have someone ove-“ But before you can finish your sentence Ellie intervenes. “It’s- It’s fine i’m heading out anyway. You know it’s dark..? So?”
“I- uh, alright. You want me to drive you?” You say looking at Ellie which she almost instantly shakes her head “I’m not tryna be a burden i’ll just skate back, my dorms on campus…so i’ll uh, i’ll be chill..” Ellie says grabbing her skateboard which was planted in your room. Right after Ellie grabs her skateboard she already is almost out of the door. But you quickly talk.
“Just text me when you get to your dorm, so I know you got back safe and shit.” You say softly.
And just like that she’s gone, and your standing awkwardly in a room with Emily. When the front door finally shuts she got the sudden urge to talk. “Ellie?”
You nod confused. “Uh- yeah..? We were just studying…”
Emily nods looking at you. “Why though?”
“Sorry..?” You say now even more confused then you were previously.
“Like why hang out with her?” Emily says looking at you.
You think she’s joking so you laugh sarcastically “Fuck off?”
“I’m being for real, Williams, she’s like weird dude... That’s literally all anyone talked about when she was in my class.” Emily now chuckles and you shake your head.
“She’s not even weird?” You say defensively. “Have you talked to her?”
Emily shakes her head fast “I don’t wanna fucking talk to her?? Like I said she’s weird.”
You’ve never seen Emily act so blatantly rude, like she had her own opinions but she knew whether or not she should announce them. Plus! She’s never even met Ellie yet she’s judging her so easily with no second thought. You tried to push it behind you, trying to end the conversation with a quick “I gotta go to bed so. We can talk later.”
Emily scoffs “Great! Now you’re fucking being weird!”
“Im not even being weird! You’re just being rude, i’m not gonna listen you talk shit about someone you haven’t even had a conversation with!”
Emily just shakes her head “I’m hardly talking shit shit. I’m just saying what I heard, fuck.” The fact she’s trying to justify her shitty behaviour and actions just makes you more annoyed.
“K great talk Emily. I gotta get sleep” You say before shutting the door with a hard slam as Emily gets out of your room.
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It’s been a few weeks since that whole situation, Emily’s been okay? She apologized and shit but everything is still a bit tense?.. Like she lets out mini sighs when you say your going to hang out with Ellie.
You assumed this was because maybe she felt left out, but every time you even attempted to ask her she always shook her head and replied with “Eh sorta busy with homework”
So you dropped in, she was clearly going through some weird ass phase with you new friendship and you just wanted her to push through with it. You didn’t feel like guiding Emily through it all.
And then on the other hand
neither of you mentioned what happened in your room that night, or what almost happened? It wasn’t relevant, some friends almost kiss! You two almost kissed…? And it was nothing important.
Not something to jeopardize your new friendship. So you dropped it. And you internally prayed she would too.
Ellie on the other hand. She was thinking about the moment constantly, like it was a virus infiltrating every single free fucking thought she had. She doesn’t know if the blue eyed girl was your girlfriend, but at the end of the day she didn’t wanna push the subject. You hadn’t talked about it so it wasn’t something she was willing to bring up. Seemed better to drop it!
And here you are, laying down on your bed extremely bored with nothing to fucking do. Your mind was just wondering, thinking about class, school, Elli-
There’s buzzing coming from your bedside table and you quickly grab you phone.
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You laughed at your phone. Ellie’s jokes were actually so bad it made them funny. You kept texting her no plan of stopping, but then she tells you she has a little something!
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You smile at her messages quickly following up by closing your phone. You didn’t waste time to grab you car keys quickly leaving your sorority house.
The car ride wasn’t all that bad, it was nice knowing that you’ll get to be with Ellie again. Plus it was literally only 10 minutes so when you get there you quickly park and rush to the campus dorms.
As you go into the building you take the left to the elevators, shortly entering before you click floor 2.
As it stops and the doors open and you lead yourself to Ellie’s dorm which you’ve now been in a few times.
After knocking it literally doesn’t take long before she answers..her hairs messy, a few strands down her face and she gives you a quick smile. One thing you instantly noticed was the strong scent of weed that exits her room. “You’ve been busy” you say sarcastically giving her a quick smile.
Her eyes are red and she’s clearly faded. “Soooo busy!” She says sarcastically before it’s followed by yet another smile.
You go into her room and sit on her little single bed that’s planted right in the corner of her bedroom.
She passes you an already lit joint which you take a drag from.
“I wanna ask you something?” Ellie says as she takes the joint back.
You nod letting out a short “hm?”
“You obviously don’t have to say yes” she starts dragging her words a mix of nervousness and being high.
“Okay..?” You say nodding, you don’t know what she’s gonna ask but either way you’re nervous.
“Jesse and Dina, they rent cabin every year. And like my not tryna really third wheel so I was wondering…if maybe like-?” Ellie says shifting her gaze down into her lap.
“When is it?” You ask looking at her.
Ellie’s almost surprised you didn’t immediately turn it down so she quickly clears her throat. “Fuck sorry- It’s in a week. You don’t have to com-“
“Yeah I’ll come?” You say, the high now finally clicking in. Ellie’s heart is skipping right now but she quickly pushes it down.
You two are fucking friends. Just friends.
“Sick. O-okay cool. I’ll just like text you everything you’ll need and shit. And it’s like an hour drive so me, you, Jesse and Dina can all just like fucking drive together.”
“Okay cool!” You smile.
You and Ellie. Are going to a cabin together.
Nothing to be nervous about…!
A/N -> Hii! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I already have a full plot layout for the second one.
This might only be two parts simply because I might be able to fit everything I want with enough detail in just a singular part.
I plan on adding some angst in the next chapter ☹️ (so ig be ready for that!)
I also wanna really emphasize Emily is not homophobic! 😭
I was reading some of this chapter and it sorta seemed implied she was at least a little homophobic, calling Ellie “Weird” and shit, but it’s not because Ellie gay! I’m pretty sure most people might be able to clue on why she’s not to fond of Reader and Ellie’s ‘friendship’ but that’ll be for the next chapter.
I hope you enjoyed!
Taglist : @bready101 @onlinelesbo @amberputh @seraphicsentences @a-little-bit-of-everybody @zoehxnji @cyb3rd0nguh @graviewaviee
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citruslullabies · 7 months
It took me a whole hour to get the confidence to request this but.
I picture catnap with a hamster reader. The reader would be scared and timid around catnap BC he's a cat and she's basically a hamster. It took her a while to get used to catnap but they became besties to each other. Catnap loves the hamster reader bc of the soft fur and soft chubby cheeks. And every time the hamster reader is taking a nap he would cuddle with him. Yeh.. that's it. Sorry if it's long:<
Don't feel scared to send in requests hon!!
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic: unspecified
Requested by: legostars
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): catnap x hamster smiling critter!reader
Word count: 411
Cat and Mouse
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When you were created, you were intended to basically be the Jerry to Catnap's Tom on screen. Silly, right? Well that fear that Jerry must've felt followed you off screen too.
You constantly avoided Catnap, getting scared when he approached and squeaked before running. You may have not been a mouse but you were a hamster, and cats were notorious for killing hamsters. You were skittering away on your little paws after the feline had approached you again, not daring to look back despite the purple cat actually seeming really confused and holding the charm that was supposed to be around your neck. It had fallen off on scene, so he wanted to give it back.
He had Dogday give it back, unhappy by how much calmer you were around him. Dogs were no better after all. It was like this for MONTHS.
Well at least until you finally gave him a chance, due to pressure from the hyper canine. And you two… actually hit it off really well, you had similar interests and just enjoyed each other's company. But you quickly realized that catnap seemed to have a fascination with how soft you were, constantly nuzzling against your face and kneading your fur. You were victim to his paws again as he laid beside you, kneading your fuzzy stomach and nuzzling his fat head against your chubby cheeks.
You giggled and tried to use your tinier paws to swat him away, letting out little squeaks and chirp-like noises. You eventually gave in and gently stroked the cat's fur, humming. “You're making me tired…” You whined, causing the feline pressed against you to purr louder. He never had to use red smoke on you.
Catnap was always quiet, more than most other critters. But he communicated to you with affection and sounds rather than words a lot, so when you fell asleep he crawled up on top of you and curled up. Enjoying the sound of your heartbeat and the pulsing of your chest reminding him that you were still alive, his left ear twitched as he got cozy and popped one eye open to glance at you. Purring as he spoke, knowing you were asleep and could not hear him as he did. “Sleep well, Hammy…” He always called you Hammy, short for Hamster. It was his personal name for you.
You were the only critter he truly felt any regret and pity for when the hour of joy came.
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Thanks for requesting!
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tymime · 6 months
Public Domain cartoon characters from the Golden Age of Animation (and beyond)
Revised and expanded version of this post: https://tymime.tumblr.com/post/648495121557585920/instead-of-whining-about-mickey-mouse-not-falling
While Mickey entering the public domain is exciting and all, I do think a lot of people are overlooking the many other animated characters that are available to use in their creative works. This list isn't entirely exhaustive, but it does highlight some of the most interesting and/or appealing characters, as well as ones that have the potential to be so.
Koko the Clown
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One of the oldest cartoon stars from the Fleischer studio, almost all of Koko's silent-era cartoons are PD, and have been for quite some time. A handful of his appearances alongside Betty Boop are also PD.
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
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Oswald's PD status has been greatly overshadowed by his fellow Disney star Mickey, but I believe that he deserves more recognition. All of the shorts produced by the Disney studio are PD as of this year, and let's face it, those are the only ones most people care about. Pegleg Pete's bear design is also PD.
Keep in mind that the blue shorts that Oswald wears in Epic Mickey and elsewhere are likely copyrighted, so I recommend steering clear of that.
I'm also not entirely sure you can use the name "Ortensia" for his cat girlfriend, since that name first appeared in Epic Mickey also. She was called "Kitty" back in the day, among other things.
All of Van Beuren Studio's cartoons
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The Van Beuren Studio was active during the rubberhose era, and their cartoons, especially the earlier ones, are like a cruder, possibly even more bizarre cousin to Fleischer and Disney. They went bust in the late 1930s, and no one renewed the copyright later on, so the entirety of their output is PD.
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Their most notable characters include Tom and Jerry, a pair of average Joes who always get into strange adventures. They shouldn't be confused with MGM's Tom and Jerry, and in fact they were called Dick and Larry when their shorts were rereleased for the home-movie market in the 1940s.
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Also notable is Waffles and Don, who are basically just animal versions of Tom and Jerry. You might consider these two as a better alternative, just to avoid confusion.
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There's also Cubby Bear, a pretty blatant Mickey Mouse clone, but unique enough that I don't think anybody’s going to confuse the two nowadays.
In the previous post, I mentioned a rumor that Disney threatened legal action over the character, but I can't find the source for that now. I may have been thinking of Milton Mouse, who was so extremely similar to Mickey that they actually did sue the studo for copyright infringement. So maybe don't try selling any Milton merchandise...
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Finally, there's Molly Moo-Cow, who appeared in several Rainbow Parade cartoons in the mid-to-late 1930s. Molly is arguably not the most interesting character, but I have a fondness for her since we grew up with one of her shorts on a VHS tape.
Toby the Pup
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Another very obscure character, about half of his cartoons are lost media. The little that does survive is hard to find online, but I think his design has appeal.
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Disney's The Mad Doctor was never renewed for reasons unknown, though some speculate that the studio thought that the cartoon was too scary and decided to let it go. Fortunately for us, that means that this iconic character is now in the people's hands.
Goopy Geer
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Goopy appeared in the three Merrie Melodies cartoons alongside his unnamed girlfriend. Despite his name and appearance being similar to Disney's Goofy, he actually made his debut about a month before (Goofy was named Dippy Dawg at the time anyway, so it was undoubtedly a coincidence).
Claude Hopper
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Claude appeared in a single Looney Tunes cartoon in 1943 called Hop and Go, alongside a pair of Scottish rabbits who antagonize him. The cartoon ends with a very unfortunate depiction of Tokyo being blown up (World War II was still going on at the time), so it's no surprise that Warner Bros. decided not to renew this one. Despite that, he has a very appealing design (imo), so I think he has potential. (Also, he's voiced by Pinto Colvig, the original voice of Goofy!)
Private Snafu and Mr. Hook
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Snafu and Hook were created for the US government, so according to the law are automatically public domain. The shorts were made to be shown to members of the US army and navy respectively, in order to teach them valuable lessons for fighting in WWII, but are nevertheless hilarious cartoons- animated by the Looney Tunes team with scripts by Ted Geisel- aka Dr. Seuss!
The Dover Boys
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Also of note are the ComiColor cartoons from the Iwerks studio, Rainbow Parade from Van Beuren, and most of the Color Classics by Fleischer. These don't have any especially memorable characters in them, but I thought I ought to mention them.
Yes, Tom, Dick and Larry, Dora Standpipe and the villainous Dan Backslide are all public domain. A bunch of YouTube Poops were created after this fact was discovered by the internet a few years ago.
How Warner Bros. could ever let this one get away I'll never know. Their loss is our gain, I suppose.
Caveats and other concerns
Krazy Kat
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Felix the Cat
All of the strips up to 1928 are definitely fair game. According to the Public Domain Superheroes wiki however, the entirety of the strip's run is PD. I'm not sure if it that's true, but the Fantagraphics collections don't credit any newspaper syndicate, so it seems likely. (Apparently the copyright status of newspaper comics are a whole can of worms on its own...)
At any rate, the strip's cast was pretty well set in stone by 1928, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. A large number of animated shorts starring Krazy are also PD, but those were pretty much in name only.
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Flip the Frog
Felix was pretty much the first cartoon superstar, and almost all of his Golden Age appearances are PD now. Keep in mind that this does not include elements from the 1950s cartoon like his magic bag, or from The Twisted Tales of Felix, as amazing as that series is.
The character's name and appeance are still trademarked by NBC Universal however, so you might be able to use him in a minor role, but not much else.
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I'm uncertain about this one. According to most sources Flip is PD, but according to the Thunderbean Blu-ray collection he's copyrighted by the Film Preservation Archives, whatever that means. Additionally, Flip himself is supposedly trademarked by Leslie Iwerks, Ub Iwerks’ granddaughter, though no one seems to be able to confirm that. I don't know how the trademark hasn't lapsed yet, considering that Flip hasn't appeared on any official merchandise or anything in decades.
Bosko and Honey
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I believe there's nothing stopping anyone from using Bosko's classic design (later appearances at MGM and in Tiny Toons are still copyrighted), but the character himself is a bit problematic, considering that it's all but stated outright that he's a blackface caricature. Use with caution.
Foxy and Roxy
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Like Goopy Geer, Foxy appeared in three Merrie Melodies cartoons. Roxy's name originates from an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures however, so keep that in mind. Though I'm not sure what else you would call her (or if Warner Bros. would even care). Supposedly her original name was "Fluffy", but I can't find a source for this.
Like Bosko and Honey, later appearances in Tiny Toons are still copyrighted.
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Noveltoons was a series produced by Famous Studios, the successor to the Fleischer studio. The characters include Baby Huey, Herman the mouse, Blackie the sheep, Little Audrey, and of course, Casper the Friendly Ghost. Only a small handful of the shorts are PD though, and Casper is trademarked, so one's options are limited.
Ginger Nutt (and rest of the Animaland cast)
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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964)
This one I'm not entirely sure about either, but Ginger Nutt's Christmas Circus has long been a staple of grey-market tapes and DVDs, so I'm just going to assume all of the Animaland cartoons are also PD. Considering that the series wasn't very sucessful, and is very obscure nowadays, it seems pretty likely.
If anyone has any insight on this, let me know.
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Calvin and the Colonel
Now here's an interesting case. An all-time classic Christmas special, and yet large parts of it are PD because they accidentally put the wrong date on the copyright notice. Instead of the Roman numerals MCMLXIV (1964), it reads MCLXIV (1164), and according to the law at the time, that meant that the film immediately went into public domain.
Of course, Rudolph himself is still copyrighted, and will be until 2035 when the original book falls into the public domain. Even then he's likely to still be trademarked. Not to mention the songs featured in the '64 film will be copyrighted for a long time afterward.
Still, this means that anyone is free to use all the other characters, including Hermey, Yukon Cornelius, King Moonracer, Clarice, and all the Misfit Toys. It's a wonder no one seems to have taken advantage of this. And of course Santa and his reindeer have been PD for ages, especially Santa since he comes from folklore- and you can't copyright folklore.
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This cartoon is based on and stars a lot of the same voice cast as the old-time radio show Amos and Andy, which, while not overtly racist, featured white actors pretending to be black. The cartoon obviously has animals instead, but still, tread carefully. Someone is bound to point out the characters' history.
Hoppity Hooper
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Another one I'm not sure about. The Public Domain Superheroes wiki has characters from this show among its articles, but I wasn't able to confirm if it really was PD. It was created by Jay Ward, the same studio who made Rocky & Bullwinkle and George of the Jungle, but was also a huge flop for some reason, so that may be the reason why they let the copyright expire. Again, I'm not sure, but no one seems to care that the entire series is on YouTube, so who knows?
...Well, there you have it. Lots of obscure and forgotten toons waiting to be rediscovered and reused! If anyone has any more info or corrections, leave me a comment. I'd love some clarification on some of these.
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katuschka · 6 months
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A Rollercoaster Ride with Tom&Jerry
Josh Kiszka x male OC (1st person narrative) 8.014 words
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere. Warnings: intense and confusing emotions; swear words; both verbal and physical fights; oral sex; anal sex (surprise, surprise, it's about two guys); toys; choking&gagging&some spanking; BDSM; ...so you see, it's not for everyone. This is basically a story about finding and re-establishing mutual trust. It involves conflict. Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned. So if you have any doubts that you're gonna be able to handle it, proceed with caution. Big thanks goes to: 1. @edgingthedarkness for making an illustrative short video (you're gonna find it inside the story below) that should make the whole experience even juicier! 2. all my beta-readers and cheerleaders, especially @writingcold, @edgingthedarkness, @its-interesting-van-kleep and @thewritingbeforesunrise. Cheers, guys.
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I've got some things to say 'Cause there's a lot that you don't know It's written on my face It's gonna be hard to swallow (P!nk)
“You’re awfully quiet tonight. What’s going on?” 
I sighed. Yeah, no shit. There was actually so much I wanted to say to him ever since the show ended, I just couldn’t figure out how to do that without sounding like a jealous little girl. My mind was absolutely racing and when that happens, the connection between my brain and my mouth just gets cut off completely. It’s a serious condition, really. Commonly known as “sulking.” 
I often accompany him on tour, but I try to avoid live shows. I have my reasons. Hundreds of them. I agreed to be there for the last few concerts, which I now deeply regretted. 
It had been a really busy and eventful week; me, myself and I getting increasingly irritated – by everything, but mostly him – as the days went by, and tonight’s events felt like the last straw. Part of me wanted to be finally alone with him, and another part just wanted to be alone. So, as a result, I just tried to avoid him. I had kept to myself while watching him down his beer as the band enjoyed their aftershow high back in the green room. No one else seemed to pay attention to me, and for that I was glad. Now we were sitting in a car on our way back to the hotel room, and the confrontation that I’d tried to avoid seemed inevitable. 
As much as I pretended to be interested in the night scenery behind the window, it was impossible to ignore him any longer. Sadly, it was equally impossible to pretend that everything was ok and the idea that we could resolve it soon seemed pretty absurd. He was still in his stage outfit, bare chest in full display, absentmindedly scratching the skin right below his left nipple. Much to my dismay, he smelled divine, too. Warm and musky from the exertion, still with a faint hint of vanilla and cedar. AND he was obviously completely clueless. 
“You know Josh, you make it really hard sometimes...” 
Well, shit. I realized what I just did even before I finished the sentence. The instant smirk on his face told me that it was a really bad word choice and I regretted it immediately. I really wished that he would take it seriously this time. But he was still exhilarated and unnaturally restless, even to his standards. He literally couldn’t sit still, fidgeting in his seat, rapping his knuckles on a windowsill, giggling at nothing in particular…and I’d swear I even heard a moan when the car accidentally hit a curb. If I didn’t know him, I would say that he was high, but I knew he would never do that while performing. 
“Yeah, I often do, don’t I darling.” He turned to me and pouted playfully, his chin resting on his fist. “...but you’re never quiet when that happens, so why don’t you tell me what’s bugging you.” He was looking at me now, the lower lip between his teeth again, eyelids half closed. Cheeky bastard. 
What I really meant was – and he just proved my point again, by the way – that it was hard to keep the conversation serious when he was like that. And he was like that most of the fucking time. Everyone loved him for it, and that was the problem, because he just didn’t hesitate to love them all back. Not only was this his nature, but what is more, he was required to do that. A people pleaser, an entertainer…I was no longer pleased, nor entertained, though. 
I knew what I signed up for when we started seeing each other. Granted, I didn’t know who he was – or what he was – when we first met in that rally more than three years ago. He was just a beautiful boy with the eyes of a winking doll and a golden halo bouncing around his head. In a crowd of other nameless, faceless and anonymous people, he exuded blinding light. Am I too sentimental? If you were there, you’d surely understand. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. After staring at him for at least fifteen minutes, I dared to lift my camera up to take a picture just as the wind blew a few disheveled locks into his face. He immediately noticed. His brows furrowed and his eyes squinted at me, but they were warm and I could tell he was smiling behind his mask, even though apprehensively. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” “Why did you do that?” If I had thought that it couldn’t get any worse, I was sorely mistaken. The sultry voice that came from behind that black piece of cloth didn’t match his overall appearance. It made my dick twitch though, and I had to hear it again, so I decided to come clear about it, because he was already turning away again, not really interested in my answer. As if having his pictures taken was something that happened everyday. Yeah, as if. But…
Believe it or not, I just told him I thought he was beautiful. Right there on that street. I don’t normally do shit like that. To this day, I still don’t understand what got into me. It was blunt and impudent and no doubt a bit weird, and I expected him to tell me to fuck off. 
But instead, he blushed. “Well, you’re not so bad yourself.” 
I wasn’t sure if it was genuine or if he was just playing along. Or even mocking me. But I had to seize the opportunity by the hair. “I’m Tom.” What else to say, right?
That’s it. That’s how Tom met Josh. We talked a lot that day. He was cute and funny and I just couldn’t get enough of that voice, which is never a good sign. You shouldn’t let yourself get addicted to people. It’s dangerous and he was very addictive. Later that day, when we left the crowd behind and he put the mask down to reveal his full, rosy lips, I should have run. But I didn’t. I let him use those lips to chain me to him just as they enveloped my dick.
Since then, there was not one single day when I wouldn’t think about that mouth. It only got worse when that sleepy pout became the first thing I saw almost every time I opened my eyes in the morning during that summer. Our relationship started as a strictly sexual one, not because we wanted it that way, but simply because arousal and excitement came first, and there was nothing else to do. We skipped dating and dived head first in the sheets. The world had slowed down, the future looked hazy, and we were just bored. OK, I admit, I was bored. His life wasn’t boring at all. Not even then. I got sucked into it pretty soon (pun absolutely intended). He made me fall for him before we even realized what was happening, and it was brutally intense. And it was also mutual. 
I soon learned what it really meant to be part of that world. Our secret summer of love ended and reality hit. I went completely offline, partly because I was not interested in being hunted down by hysterical chicks, but mostly because he didn’t want them to know. You know what I mean. I didn’t really care that much myself, but I also understood. 
If you’re into traveling, and if you ever followed @tomontheroad on Instagram and wondered why it just vanished one day, wonder no more. Yes, it was me. You probably didn’t even notice though, because in late 2020, it had already been dead for months anyway. 
That’s just how it was. To keep the life we shared safe, I became an invisible nobody, which made it almost impossible for me to do my job, but I somehow managed. Meanwhile, he was there in the spotlight, adored by thousands, making their pussies and dreams wet. I was never to be seen. I agreed to all that, gladly, even though it was gradually getting worse. They started touring again, and that was when I saw his full potential, wrapped in velvet. He was their Pied Piper, playing his flute just as he played his vocals. I still didn’t mind. It was all worth it. I thought it was, at least. As soon as we closed the doors behind us, a brand new universe opened before me. Behind the closed doors, I was a traveler again, a tireless explorer. Every inch and every curve of his body was a land full of miracles and pleasures. A wondrous landscape. Every valley, a new home for me. Every peak, a place that revealed brand new horizons. Who needed tropical white sands when his warm skin was the perfect place to lay your head, the sound of his heart more calming than the humming of sea waves. I simply loved him. 
I learned to live with the fact that I had a boyfriend that hundreds of people wanted to fuck, but it was me who actually did. They were mere voyeurs, standing outside the shopping window, ogling hungrily all the delicious desserts on display, which only I had the privilege to taste. I kept telling myself that I was the lucky one. 
And you know what? That’s complete and utter bullshit. I keep doing this to myself. Lying to myself. I hadn’t learned to live with it at all. Granted, we had these conversations before, and all of them ended with me telling him it was fine. Everything was fine. I spent nearly two fucking years trying to convince myself that I was completely ok with all of this and just this evening I realized how much it was really bothering me. 
Today he crossed the fucking line. The feeling that lurked somewhere in the back of my mind now reared its ugly head and I felt like I reached my limits. 
I said I was there for the show. I actually never really get to see it, because I myself can’t be seen. It had been months since I last watched their concert and this past week I just waited for him in the green room. But tonight he insisted that I be there. I finally agreed, even though it really meant just lurking by the side, under the stage level with the staff, watching what was going on onstage on the monitor with Steve who’s in charge of big screens. 
The camera loved him. And he loved it back, losing himself in the moment as he got high on the music they made. The audience was losing it too, screaming in frenzy because he made them feral. It all looked just like one big orgy. I had seen it many times before, that’s why I didn’t really want to be there, but I still couldn’t get my eyes off that screen. I was very familiar with all those faces he made. I had heard those moans before, I had watched him arch his back just like that before, the way he bit his lip, how his brows furrowed… I could tell he got bolder with it over time. I was mesmerized, but there was one big problem. The whole arena was watching this with me now, equally enchanted, but he was interacting with them and I felt unwelcome. I had seen some pictures, watched two or three shorts, but nothing could prepare me for this. 
He ran down the stage a few times that evening, waved at me the first time, blew me a kiss a moment later, but as the evening progressed, I suddenly felt like losing him. It was an unwelcome surge of panic and just when I thought I got it under control, he ran past me and the next thing I saw on the screen was him right at the barricade, letting himself be hugged and groped by all those random people. I had enough. I couldn’t breathe. I excused myself and ran to the green room to pour myself a generous amount of whiskey. 
Fast forward back to where we were, in the car on our way back to the hotel. “Not here,” I retorted. “Later.” The rest of the ride was tense. He kept looking sideways at me, I kept being extremely absorbed in examining the hem of my shirt. As soon as the door of our shared apartment closed behind us, he confronted me. 
“So, we’re here. Care to explain why you’ve been behaving like such an insufferable bitch tonight?”
“Oh that’s rich, Joshua. By all means feel free to make it aaaall about my behavior again. Nothing wrong with you acting like an insolent and inconsiderate slut!” 
“Inconsiderate…” He looked as if I just punched him. 
“Yes!” I hissed, “inconsiderate! You know, it’s funny how you find this worth reacting…but not the fact that I just called you a slut.”
He just laughed and shook his head in disbelief as he headed straight to the minibar to pour  himself a drink. “Well,” he trilled, “you didn’t shake the bitch allegations either, my love. At least I’m fun to be around.” 
I just huffed and went towards the balcony to open the glass door. I really needed some fresh air. “Yeah, I’m not amused. But you don’t seem to mind. You were having a really good time there, with their hideous, overlong nails scratching your tits. Or when you were moaning into the microphone, almost pretending that you were fucking them all.” With that, I collapsed on the couch. 
“So what do you want me to do to amuse you? You want me to fuck you? Let’s fuck in earnest, no pretending.  Will that make it better? Do you want me to show you what and who I’m REALLY thinking about when their nails scratch my skin?”
“No Josh, you fucking me wouldn’t really sort out anything I’m afraid, because right now I feel like you’re fucking with me all the fucking time. I want to claim you, because I love the way you’re looking at me when I’m deep inside you and when you have to bite your lower lip just to stop it from quivering, you know. Not only because I really, really love that sight, but also because only then I feel like I’m the only person on your radar. And that’s what I need now.”
He watched me avidly, with his head slightly tilted and his expression almost unreadable, except for the obvious arousal that was silently flowing through his whole body, and I swear you could see it glimmering behind his pupils. I definitely could see it in his tight pants. I would lie if I said that I wasn’t aroused. Truth be told, I needed to fuck him, badly. We could continue bitching about each other’s behavior later. For now, angry fuck would do…
He put his glass down and slowly took off his sun jacket, all without breaking eye contact. It was like watching him in slow motion, when he palmed his hardening dick through the white satin, squeezed it briefly and then stroked it gently a few times. He loved this. He was a born entertainer, always ready to please the audience. I couldn’t help but admire the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing. I was his audience now, and I had to admit to myself that this was a completely different show. 
“Ok, that’s convenient, because I’d really love you to finish what I started.” 
I had no clue what he was talking about and watched him – flabbergasted – as he turned around, pulled his pants down and bent over to unfasten the cuffs around his ankles. That’s when I saw it. A little sparkly gem between his buttcheeks. I recognised the tiny steel buttplug with a faceted stone immediately, even though we hadn’t used it much. I gave it to him for Christmas, and later he joked that it really fit the Starcatcher aesthetics, so maybe he should wear it with the rest of his jewelry, but I didn’t really expect him to actually do it!
“Josh…did you have it in for the whole show?” I tried to keep it cool, but the words only came out as a breathy whisper. He only chuckled and stretched like a cat to relieve his stiff muscles. He was still acting, completely naked now, exaggerating every move just to torture me. 
“No, darling. I wanted to, but they would have seen it under the jumpsuit. It’s quite tight, isn’t it. No, I put it in for es-tee-tee. Colors, gems and trim, darling. Now, let’s take a shower first. And close your mouth, or else I’ll fill it.” And with that he strutted into the bathroom without even waiting for me, shaking that tiny bejeweled ass just for the show. He knew that I would follow. He already had me in his grasp, metaphorically speaking. 
We often showered together. That was our personal habit, both at home or when I accompanied him on his travels. It was always our sweet moment of seclusion in his otherwise busy schedule. Very intimate, but not always blatantly sexual. Of course, sometimes it WAS blatantly sexual, but oftentimes we just talked a lot, kissed a lot, washed each other’s hair, just took care of each other. Just tracing my fingers down his spine was enough to help me forget about the gloomy world beyond our walls. Not to mention being inside his walls, but I digress…
I took my time. I couldn’t give him the satisfaction of following him like a pet dog, so I stripped slowly, took a few more sips of my drink and walked indolently into the bathroom. Just for the show. I expected him to wait for me by the counter, but he didn’t. He was already in the shower, steam already filling the room. I slid the glass door open and started. He was standing there, right under the stream, facing the door, his eyes boring into me. He was quite a sight, too. Not having bothered with the stage makeup, the streaks of smudged eyeliner were now running down his cheeks, over the remaining rhinestones. Wet hair already flattened and pulled back. This was intentional. He was still provoking me. 
We just observed each other warily before he broke the silence and asked me nonchalantly if I could just wash his back. I gestured to him to turn around and did as he asked. I poured the vanilla-scented body wash in my hands and soaped his body with it, just like I always did. And just like he always did, he started talking about the events of the day. Some tiktok video they filmed after the soundcheck that I didn’t care about. 
His tone was completely casual, in spite of the fact that I held his balls firmly in my hand, gently massaging them with my soap-covered hand. I let my other hand travel slowly down his left buttcheek towards that little surprise he had there for me previously. 
“So tell me, Josh. Why this?” 
I watched him smile at the question. His previous restlessness suddenly made perfect sense. The whole time I was sulking and worrying about us, about his behavior and his intentions, he was just getting himself off. I took the bejeweled plug in my fingers and twisted it gently. He arched his back and moaned softly. I just loved listening to him. His lovely mouth could elicit the most delicious high-pitched whimpers. So I did it again. This time, his head landed on my shoulder, exposing his neck to me. I let my nose brush against my favorite place right under his earlobe. This was dangerous territory. Everytime I let myself wander through the smooth valleys of his lithe body, I was close to losing my mind, and he knew it. He was narcotic. Normally, it just meant that earth-shattering sex would follow, but I needed to stay focused, because I had to resolve this first: “Fucking tell me, Josh,” I hissed.
“I…I like to keep myself perked up, my love. I can’t go onstage…oh, yes, thee-e-e-ere…I can’t go onstage drunk, or high…dammit…that would, aaah would be unprofessional, yeah?” He chuckled.  “So I just keep myself turned-on instead. It’s good for the show.”
“For the show, eh? You’re a liar.”
“No…no-ah, I’m not lying, dear. I keep myself turned on…and when I feel the rhythm in my bones and when I let the… the melody soar through my veins, I imagine your dick inside me. Or your fingers. Aaaall because they lo-oooh-love seeing me like that. So you see, it’s good for the show. They can feel it. Our love. Just…genuine…love. The feeling is omnipresent…and I want to share it.”
The insolence! “You see Josh, that’s the problem,” I whispered while my teeth grazed his jugular, “I don’t want to share it.”
With that, he turned around and kissed me gently, letting the tip of his tongue just brush against mine. With his left hand stroking the nape of my neck, his right palm slowly wandered down my torso, fingertips lightly grazing my left nipple, and further down, until he had me in his grasp, now literally speaking. I fell under his spell again, utterly and completely, and I no longer wanted to fight it. I had to remind myself that tonight was supposed to be my night, that I was supposed to be in control, but I was slowly losing it anyway. He sensed it, and generously put me back on track, while still jerking me off. 
“Honey, this is us. This is just us. I share the miracle, you see? That’s my job. But you don’t share me with anyone. You own me!” 
Oh yeah, that worked. His words felt like a detonator. Perhaps more than he had intended them to. I’m sure they were partly meant to soothe me, but something really snapped in me and all those pent-up emotions suddenly begged to be released. I lost all my remaining mental clarity and acted upon it without really thinking. I pushed him against the wall and firmly wrapped my hand around his throat. His head hit the tiles with a dull thud and even though my own actions took me by surprise and I saw a brief flicker of panic in his eyes, I couldn’t stop. I kept him pinned to the wall with my thigh pushing his legs apart. He belonged to me, and I needed him to understand it.
I’m not the world’s strongest man, but I’m bigger than him. Three inches taller, and I could overpower him without much difficulty. That’s why I had always been rather gentle with him, even though he’s a hotheaded bastard and always fights back like a mad chihuahua. Not this time. He just watched me with those doe-like eyes and his mouth slightly ajar, while his hands just rested on my chest. I barely felt the touch. He was a meek lamb, a rag doll, but his face told me a different story. I could see his previously bewildered expression transform into a defiant one. He tilted his chin up, nostrils flared. He was daring me, breathing heavily and waiting for my next move.  
“Damn right I do! Fuck, you’re mine,” I growled and tightened my grip on his neck, while my other hand kneaded his left buttock.  
He whimpered and I recognized the sound. I’d heard it many times before. Everytime I pounded into him with feral force, when I pulled his hair, or when I smacked his ass, because that was the only part of his body I ever dared to leave a mark on. 
“You like this, you little fucker.”
He closed his eyes, breathing raggedly through his nose. I could feel his semi spring up and twitch against my thigh. I could tell just by his fingertips now clawing at my chest that he really did. But I needed to hear it. 
“Answer me!” 
“Yeah,” he finally breathed out and our eyes met again. 
We were both very sensual people, but never overly violent with each other. It’s not that the idea never crossed my mind, because I really like rough fuck. Sue me. I’d had my fair share of “tough love” during the time spent with my previous lovers. Truth be told, he was often pushing my buttons, and it took all my willpower not to act. All smiles and sunshine on the outside, he could be an insufferable brat sometimes. I just always had to remind myself that I couldn’t leave a mark, even though his own nails frequently branded me with scratches. But that was it. It was part of the deal. I treated him like my pampered darling, even at times when I just had to shut him up with a gag… some occassional BD sans SM, that’s how we rolled. It just occurred to me that treating him like that might have been a mistake. I just had to make sure that he was really agreeing to this.
I let go of his neck and let my fingers travel up his jaw and into his wet hair, all without breaking eye contact. We were watching each other intently, trying to communicate without words, searching for clues. I cradled his head in my hands, my fingers massaging the back of his head. He leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. 
“Does it hurt?” 
He shook his head silently. I placed a trail of short kisses up his neck until I reached his earlobe and nibbled on it gently. I felt him pull me closer to him as he pressed his fingertips convulsively into the flesh on my hips until it almost hurt.
“Are you ok?” I whispered in his ear. He nodded and rubbed his nose against my cheek. A brief moment of tenderness was exactly what we both needed to reassess our position. Now it was the time to remind him of his role…
“Fine, on your knees!” I pushed him down, perhaps with not enough force, because it did not wipe that defiant look off his face, but I was well aware of the fact that he also still had that thing deep inside him. I was pumped, but not reckless. He was now kneeling right under the shower stream, small rivulets of water running down his face as he looked up at me, blinking. I had to take a deep breath not to cum just from the sight.  
“Open your mouth.”
…and he didn’t. Because he knew. That dastardly sneer of his is going to be the end of me one day, but I usually tolerate it. Not only because it’s hot as fuck, but also because it tells me he knows what I need. Or better yet, what he makes me need…and crave. I certainly hadn’t known that I needed my head to be treated like a lollypop until he taught me it was what I craved. Parting his lips ever so slightly, it just rested on them until he darted his tongue out into the slit, savoring every little drop of my precum. He had this habit of looking up at me when he was doing this, because he knew it was driving me crazy. 
So that’s what he was doing. Licking at my glans, watching me, daringly. I wasn’t having it. Enough of this game. I grabbed his head and buried my cock in the back of his throat. He gagged on it violently, darting his head backwards. I was still holding his head in both of my hands, though, and pushed him back, fucking his mouth in ferocious speed until he tapped on my thigh. Only then I released my grasp, watching him gasp for air. He looked up at me again, and whispered: “More.” 
And more he got. Oh god, that was so sexy, him literally begging me to choke him with my dick. I adjusted my pace, sliding in and out of those full, swollen lips. Grabbing my butt with both his hands, he urged me to go deeper, to fill him up, to obstruct his airway passage again. He tried to relax, letting my cock glide smoothly on his velvet tongue. I was getting close, dangerously close, but I wasn’t done with him yet. His mouth was perfect, but I needed more. 
Before I stopped, I grabbed him by the nape of his neck, pushed him down my shaft and held him there for a while, until I felt his throat contract and his body convulsed. Another gag, another gasp. I let go and tilted his chin up lightly with my index finger. The running water quickly washed away the thick strings of saliva and the tears, but he still looked a mess, exhausted and tamed. He was also very hard, his eyes not the only thing looking at me. He loved this. A wave of tenderness washed over me again. Damn, it was always like this with him. A real rollercoaster of feelings. 
“Come here, my filthy princess.” 
I grabbed him by the arms, pushed him up on his feet again and pulled him into a tight embrace. I felt his chest rise and fall against mine, deep breaths interspersed with intermittent, barely audible chuckles. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Not funny, just…exhilarating.” 
My good boy. He deserved a reward. I bowed down and ran a few circles around his hardened nipple with the tip of my tongue, because he loved that. You might think I’m too soft, but this is what makes the experience really intense. I was still pissed, and full of adrenaline, but it was all because I loved him so much, and I needed him to feel it all. I ran my fingers down his spine, scratching his skin with my nails, perhaps more than necessary. But it was necessary. With the actual words still stuck in my throat, the touch was my language now. He looked at me again with a sweet smile, the tip of his tongue grazing his upper lip.
“So…now that it’s settled and I promise to be good, are you going to do that thing, darling?”
“That thing” meant me sucking his dick with my fingers knuckles deep in his ass. “Yeah, baby, you’ve earned it,” I stroked his cheek with my right hand while the left one traveled down right between his asscheeks...”let’s pull this out, then?” He nodded and turned around, resting his elbows against the tiles. It was my turn to get down on my knees. Yeah, I hear you, not very dominant of me, but you need to understand that this man has got the most fabulous ass I’ve ever seen, and I swear I’m gonna kiss and bite and spread and lick it any time I get the opportunity to do so. 
I put some shower gel on my fingers and circled them around the plug. “Try to relax.”
“I know,” he spat impatiently through his teeth. That earned him a smack on his right buttock. Brat. I pulled the plug out gently, eliciting a long, breathy and relieved moan from him. I massaged the opening a bit, washing the rest of the soap out, before I grabbed him with both hands to spread him a bit more for me. What a glorious view. I buried my face in it and darted my tongue out. 
“Oh god,” he breathed out as I licked into him. 
The flowing water was starting to get on my nerves so I turned it off before I turned him around to face me. It was now my turn to taste his leaking tip. A few swift cat licks made him clutch at my shoulders tight and he almost lost his balance when I swallowed him whole. I reached behind him and gently pushed my middle finger inside him while my head bobbed up and down his dick. I pushed my finger deeper, curled it towards me and set a steady rhythm of my movements. 
His breath suddenly quickened and I could feel him pulsate on my tongue. It was a matter of mere seconds. No. I stopped, retreated abruptly and stood up. His eyes nearly popped out of his skull and he was gaping at me in disbelief. I just smiled at him maliciously. He thought he could play with me, so let’s make this a shared experience. 
“What the hell?!?” My plan worked perfectly. He practically shouted it at me. He was furious. Cute. 
“I haven’t come yet, so what on earth made you think that I would let YOU, “ I smirked.
“Fuck you!” he pushed me aside forcefully and stormed out of the shower, heading back into the bedroom. Dripping wet, he slipped on the floor and almost fell, which gave me more time to react. 
I ran after him. “Hey, where the fuck are yo…ouch!” The fucker slammed the bathroom door right in my face. I threw it open again with force, triyng to catch him. He was just by the bed when I reached out for his hair and yanked him back, making his back collide with my chest. “Ouch, that hurt, you bastard!” he yelled as he tried to break free from my grasp, squirming, but he stood no chance. 
“Do you want me to stop?” I hissed in his ear. 
“No…” Good. I pushed him face down on the bed, grabbed his wrists and held them firmly behind his back. I needed him to stay that way, so I searched the ground for something I could use. My eyes spotted a bathrobe that I tossed over the armchair earlier that day. Perfect. “Don’t move!” I got off him for a while to get what I needed. He looked over his shoulder, watching me as I pulled the belt out of the loops. He didn’t move, lying face down by the edge of the bed, ass up. My obedient baby.
I grabbed his wrists again and showed him the belt, making it obvious what I was going to do. “You ok with this?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” 
I nodded, tied his wrists behind his back and went searching for the lube. “I’m going to fuck you now, and I’m not going to be gentle about it. If it becomes too much, or you just want me to stop, just say stop. Do you understand?
“Fine. Oh, here it is.” I squeezed a generous amount of the lube on my fingers and put two of them to his asshole, rubbing it in circles before I pushed them in slowly. He was already almost ready from before, but I needed him to relax a bit more. “Now listen, I will let you cum this time. No monkey business. But I want the same from you. If you wanna cum, you’re going to behave. You’re going to beg for it. Understand?” I added a third finger and he whimpered and bit his lip, huffing. I was getting impatient. “Do-you-under-stand!?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, “yes, I understand. Fuck me please. I’ll behave.”
I withdrew, slapped his butt, rubbed the remaining lube all over my cock, positioned myself and… pushed in. I had to focus all of my self-control on not pushing all the way in. He was so tight and warm and inviting, and I was all worked-up. The whole situation was a bit overwhelming, to be honest, but I just couldn’t get enough of it at the same time. His quick and shallow breaths told me that he felt pretty much the same. After several languid thrusts during which we both somehow managed to regain our composure and I quickened my pace. I grabbed his bound wrists in one hand and held his head down with the other. The room was filled with our synched moans and the slapping sound of our flesh colliding. I couldn’t get enough of him.
I grabbed his ass and slammed into him with full force. He cried out and begged me for more. His profile was absolutely entrancing, eyes squeezed shut and his mouth wide open, his melodic whines in sync with my thrusts. I needed to see more of it, so I unbound his wrists, pulled out and turned him over. 
I grabbed his ankles instead and forced his legs up, before I buried myself in him again. My heart was beating wildly. I felt the poisonous cocktail of all the previously suppressed and boiling emotions fill my veins as the pleasure overcame my senses. “Look at me!” He watched me, bewildered, while I rammed into him, sweaty and almost out of breath. Suddenly all I could hear were my own labored grunts, while he just stared at me, wide-eyed and speechless. 
“Cat got your tongue, hm? Always so…eloquent…with…them all…but not one…spare word…for your dirty little secret!” 
Adrenaline running in my veins, I continued pounding into him and almost missed the sudden shift in his mood and movements. 
It was barely a whisper at first, but soon he became more and more agitated. “Tom…Tom, please. TOM! Hold on…stop…”
His face twisted in clear discomfort and his hands were clawing at my chest. I pulled out carefully. “What happened Josh? Did I hurt you?”
“No…no, m’fine. S’just a bit overwhelming, is all,” he mumbled. “Can you kiss me?”
I let his legs slide down my shoulders, leaned down and softly brushed my lips with his. I was confused, but also desperate to make this better, whatever it was. I stroked his cheek with my thumb and tried to make him look at me, but his eyes scanned the ceiling erratically and he blinked several times as he obviously tried to fight back the tears. But I could see that his eyes were already red. Now it was my turn to start panicking. Was he afraid of me? “Josh! Josh, honey, please, look at me. Are you hurt?” He shook his head and sobbed. Then his eyes finally met mine: “No, I’m alright. It’s just…please, don’t hate me Tom. I can’t stand you hating me. I was just trying to protect you.” 
The realization that hit him a minute ago now backfired back to me. And just like that my heart shattered into millions of microscopic pieces. I searched his face for more answers, those big, tearful eyes staring back at me. I stroked his hair tentatively. All the previous tension and anger dissolved and he was my sunshine boy again, but these were mere pale winter beams, and it was my fault, and the realization chilled me to my bones. He was weeping silently under me, obscured by my clouds. 
I moved slowly from between his legs and pulled him up into my embrace. He was reluctant at first, but slowly wrapped his arms around me. We just sat there for a while, cradling each other.  “I could never…,” I whispered against the damp skin right above his collarbone. “I’m just a terrible, jealous guy.”
“No, I made you jealous. I didn’t mean to, I didn’t realize…”
He couldn’t have. He’s the one who always lets his feelings pour out of him. I’ve always struggled with this. Not that I didn’t want to tell what was bothering me, I just couldn’t translate the whirlwind of my thoughts into coherent sentences. Just tell me what’s wrong, Tom. My previous lovers often lost patience with me. They always thought I didn’t want to talk and then our arguments ended with them giving up on me. Not him. He tried to make me laugh, he tried to make me yell, he tried to seduce me and he let me take all of him. I held him tight. I couldn’t let go. I was on the verge of tears, but it was him who needed comfort. I just hoped that I could give it to him. It was him who finally broke the silence. 
“Tom…” It was barely a whisper. 
“I just hope you know I love you.” 
I finally loosened the embrace to look at him. My mouth was dry and my throat felt constricted, but I somehow managed to force out at least a weak “I do.” But that wasn’t enough. I knew I needed to say more: “…yes, baby, you’ve been telling me…I’m sorry,” I croaked. He took a deep breath and continued. 
“But hearing is not the same as feeling it…and,” he cleared his throat,”...and sometimes I need to feel it too. Sometimes it feels like you’re not even present. In your secret hiding place behind a thick wall and I just can’t get in!”
I buried my face in my hands. I needed a minute to process the evening’s events. “So, you seek it elsewhere?” I regretted those words almost instantly, but at least I finally forced myself to speak. 
“What do you mean? God, no!”
“No, not like that. I mean all those people, the plug. You didn’t really expl…” 
“I already told you! I wanted to share what we have.”
“By letting them touch you…”
“Cut it already!” He slapped the mattress, furious once again. “Yes, maybe you’re right…to a certain extent,” he spat out at me. “Yes, I let them touch me. I share a lot with people. It’s fulfilling and it feels natural. But it’s a different kind of love. And they understand. They didn’t grab at me, no one tried to pull me in. I share a lot with them but I don’t belong to them. But I agree with you that it's very personal. I thought about doing that for quite a while, but couldn’t find the courage to do so…unless I felt you there with me. I do miss you there. Sometimes I just miss you… anyway, about the plug…I guess today felt like a perfect day to try it. Please just tell me you understand, because I’m getting really sick of this.”
The plug was a gift from me, so yeah, I understood…kind of. Touch is important to him. But... “But why today?”
“Oh Tom,” he was tearful again. “Oh, fuck you. Really. It’s exactly three years since the day you first told me that you loved me.”
I just stared at him for a while, speechless. Then I finally lost it and started crying. “I’m a terrible person.” I felt like shit, I treated him like shit and really deserved to get a taste of my own medicine, in one way or another. But Josh is not like that. He doesn’t do that. And so it was now his turn to hug me, even though I tried to back away at first. But he’s stubborn, too. “You know, Tom, I felt it today. Among other things…”
“Forgive me.”
“Nothing to forgive. I understand.”
“No, you don’t... Listen Josh, I don’t need you to protect me. If anything, it should be the other way round. But I do need to feel like I belong in your life. I…I’m not sure I could continue like this.” 
Here, I finally said that. I had been afraid to utter those words aloud, because I knew they were dangerous. I expected another argument to follow, and maybe it would be the last one this time. But he only sighed and I felt him nod lightly against my shoulder. “I guess we need to make some inevitable changes then.”
I knew what he meant, but this was not just about me. And it was not just me who he’d been trying to protect. Himself, too, but also others in a way…
“Are you ready to make those changes?”
“I guess so…” 
We looked each other in the eye once more, trying to communicate the rest. At last I stood up and offered him my hand. “Come on, let me fix you a nice, hot bath.”
“No.” He took it but didn’t move. Instead, he tried to pull me back to bed. 
“No?” “No Tom, come back here, please. Make love to me.” 
He was sooo good at playing with my heartstrings. He really wanted me. He still trusted me. And from the look on his face, he needed me. I climbed back to him, took his face in my hands and kissed it. I traced my parted lips across his cheek and down to his jaw. He was like the oxygen I needed in order to stay alive and I was breathing him in. I continued upwards until our lips finally locked together. It was the first genuine kiss we shared that evening. 
“Spoon me.” As he lay down, I retrieved the previously discarded tube from the floor, lubed my fingers and cock once again and snuggled behind him. I didn’t rush it, and repeated the process once more that evening. I was nothing but tender this time, but he thought otherwise. He took my hand that was stroking his bare chest, placed it on his neck and tilted his head back. “Choke me.”
“Josh, I…you…” “Shhh, just do it. Please.” And I did. I wrapped my fingers around his throat and pulled him firmly back towards me. It wasn’t harsh. He let himself be completely vulnerable with me and I wanted to cherish it. I just rested my hand there, holding him firmly, but not with too much pressure. I could feel his pulse beating against my palm, every intake of breath. This was different than before. A moment of raw intimacy. He arched his back and reached behind to grab the back of my head. He knows I like that. I rewarded him with slow and deep thrusts, just how he loves it. He was moaning melodically to the rhythm, singing a secret song just for me now, and we rocked in tandem slowly, meeting each other halfway. Nothing else was necessary, this was everything. 
I took control again soon. Quickening my pace, I thrusted into him with a frantic urge. Goosebumps appeared all over his skin, which told me that he was very close. He always got shivers when he was approaching orgasm while I fucked him. Almost as if he was feverish. “Maddening ecstasy” – those were his words with which he once described it. I could feel him tense and tighten around me and rolled my hips once more to hit that perfect spot. “Oh my ggggnnnh Toooooohmmm….,” he let out a high pitched scream and came hard, his whole body convulsing. 
He was literally sobbing. I slowed my movements to a near stop and held his shivering body tight in my arms, waiting for his breathing to slow down. I was just about to pull out when he started moving again against me, urging me to continue, but I grabbed his hip and made him stop. He looked up at me, frowning. “What?” “Are you sure? It’s been a long night…” “No, Tom, don’t worry…come on, go on.”
I moved again tentatively, looking for any clue of his discomfort. He encouraged me again and I gradually resumed my pace. It didn’t take long. With a final groan, I buried my face in his hair, holding his now almost limp and exhausted body pressed to mine while I threshed about in an almost comical way, keeping him swaying in unison with me. We shifted a bit so that he was lying  on his belly now, me hovering above him. With the last few erratic thrusts I filled him up and we finally collapsed together into the pillows. 
We barely moved for at least another ten minutes, limbs still intertwined, eyes closed and our torsos literally glued together with sweat. Both of us simply wanted to prolong the moment, but I was slowly becoming aware of the world around us. We had left the glass door leading to the balcony open and the evening breeze finally pulled us back to reality. 
“I think a few people might have overheard us.” “Uh huh…ok…good.”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
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Love sticks, sweat drips Break the lock if it don't fit A kick in the teeth is good for some A kiss with a fist is better than none (Florence and the Machine)
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@writingcold @edgingthedarkness @its-interesting-van-kleep @thewritingbeforesunrise @lvnterninthenight @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @takenbythemadness @fleet-of-fiction
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NCT Dream as the Demon hiding under your bed
✧ NCT Dream all members x gn!reader ✧ genre: humor, crack, fluff ✧ warnings: none
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the confused demon
does not know why he is here
one day wakes up under your bed, hits his head, crawls out and startles the shit out of you
he’s as clueless as you are as to what he’s doing here
laughs awkwardly, attempts to introduce himself and keeps switching back and forth between english and korean
maybe the awkwardness is the reason why you’re not scared of him when he explains that he’s a demon
“So I guess I’m supposed to take your soul?” - he figures someday
you just shrug it off and agree because ever since he suddenly moved in with you you two have become pretty good friends
also he’s very cute and seems clueless as to how a demon is supposed to behave, so you secretly don’t think he’d ever be able to take your soul
plus, you know he’s taken a liking to you and his soft spot for you won’t allow him to harm you
really you kinda just chill in your room all day and watch series or play games??
he’s more like a brother you get along with super well than a demon trying to kill you
however, when other demons find out that he’s not doing his job, they decide to do it for him
you can trust him to always hide you well and keep the other demons at a distance
he will do everything he can to protect you from them
the annoyed demon
has been living as a demon for so long that he’s kinda getting tired of it tbh
especially if he ends up choosing a person who doesn’t give up their soul so easily
unfortunately, you are one of those people
so when he realizes this, he just begins to dread the whole thing aksdjfölka
however, he takes his duties as a demon very seriously, and his pride won’t just let him ditch you - he has to see this through until the end
when he finally reveals himself to you, because you just will not give him any kind of opening to steal your soul otherwise, you are understandably scared at first
however, when he offers to grant you your biggest wish, you start to wonder if it’s worth making a deal with him, because surely he must want something in return?
you stay suspicious and start asking questions to figure out what exactly he is
and in the end this discussion is being dragged out so much that he simply lets out a deep sigh and admits everything lol
but since he already promised to grant you a wish, you decide to trick him and wish for him to be your loyal servant until the end of time
which, in your dictionary means he shouldn’t be able to take your soul in the first place, and in his eyes it means that he might still have a chance
so here he is, your own personal servant, who you also just made a pact with
you make him do stuff like bringing you snacks or doing your work for you at first, receiving death glares in exchange
however, at some point a weird tom-and-jerry like friendship starts between you two, and you actually start enjoying spending time with each other
he keeps joking about how he will simply murder you and take your soul while you’re sleeping at night whenever you annoy him in the slightest
but he says that with such an adoring smile on his face ???? 
technically he shouldn’t be able to do that, as it goes against what you wished for - he’s still Renjun tho, so you can never be too sure…
and no matter how well you get along in the end, he will still end up taking your soul one day
the soft-hearted demon
one night you wake up to him, looking all scary and threatening, on top of you, pinning you down to your bed so you can’t escape
you’re obviously scared and don’t know what’s going on
you try to scream, but no sound will come out when he covers your mouth with one hand
and then suddenly you see his features become very soft and the tension leaving his body
has a mental breakdown in the corner of your room because your eyes were wide with fear and you looked so scared and he just isn’t cut out for this whole demon lifestyle
disappears after that but realizes he’ll get in trouble if you reveal his identity, now that you know his face
so he returns one day, politely knocking on your window pane until you let him in :’)
you’re obviously suspicious and scared at first, but then he starts incoherently rambling about his worries
you understand nothing
he panics and eventually leaves again?????
he really is NOT cut out for this…
eventually he HAS to return to you though, because he’s in danger, and you’re also now in danger of being found by other demons
explains himself a bit more coherently this time and out of guilt he offers to protect you???
wasn’t he supposed to take your soul instead???
you’re not sure how this bundle of soft feelings and internal panic is supposed to protect you, but he also refuses to leave with a huge pout on his lips so you decide to let him stay for now
when other demons start swarming your home a bit after that, he makes sure to ward off every single one of them
you grow closer and you come to trust him eventually, feeling reassured that he can protect you
the troublesome demon
technically pretty smart, because he takes the time to observe and get to know about you first
however, when you can’t sleep and keep rolling around in bed and getting up and lying down again several times the very night he was planning on surprising you in your sleep to take your soul, he loses all patience
lets out a huge groan eventually and crawls out from under your bed, wordlessly goes to the kitchen to get chips while mumbling something about needing snacks to calm down, and then sits next to you to watch you fall asleep
obviously NOW you can’t fall asleep because there’s a stranger in your bedroom??? eating your snacks???
he does not explain anything, he just sits there grinning to himself while snacking away
only when you scream in terror that you’re going to call the police, he gets up
“Whoa there, no need to go that far.”
explains that he’s just some apparition and you’re actually already sleeping and you’re just having this hyperrealistic dream to process some kind of hidden worry??
decides that he could just have a bit of fun with you before doing his work, so he crawls out from his hideaway every other night to chat with you
eventually he also convinces you to play games with him and to cook midnight snacks together
he originally made this all a part of his plan to get you to trust him but actually?? spending time with you??? is a lot of fun??
also maybe he’s developing a little crush on you and he can’t decide if that makes it more dreadful or more fun to take your soul later on
he ends up getting really attached to you and clings to you all the time
that is until one night, another demon comes to take your soul and he protects you, ending up explaining everything to you
becomes your personal guardian and gaming buddy after that
the responsible demon
one day he simply appears and starts telling you what to do??
nags you to do your homework and teaches you how to do taxes
gets really annoying when you don’t do your chores
“I cannot have you live like this.”
lists 74385723 reasons why you should keep your house clean and take care of yourself (literally who askeddddd???)
threatens you to take your soul on the spot if you don’t do what he says aksjdflka
actually very caring and means well, but just cannot watch you procrastinate on stuff that needs to be done eventually
at this point he doesn’t feel like an intruder anymore, so you just accept that there’s this supernatural being somehow supporting you in getting your life together
he also doesn’t really give you the time to figure out that maybe keeping him around could potentially be dangerous to you
either way, you actually come to appreciate his efforts in motivating you, and as he too gets more used to you and takes a liking to you, his words become more gentle
that doesn’t mean he will let you slack off and procrastinate on things that are just stressing you out unnecessarily because you keep not doing them
also has weirdly specific household tips and tricks for you??
if you attempt to cut into your sleep time by staying up too late, he will literally pull you to your bed and not let you get up again until morning kjsdflkas
forces you into taking good care of yourself, and he’s somehow both the nicest and the most annoying being you know
but as a responsible demon, he still has to do his job of taking your soul eventually
however, there’s still some time until then; after all he has to make sure you’re eating three healthy meals a day and that your tax return is filled out correctly
the melancholic demon
tells you in detail about how life on earth was 800 years ago
you think you’re having a fever dream when someone suddenly emerges from under your bed and starts off a conversation with “You know, back in my days…”
dude, you’re like 20, what are you talking about???
really, he’s been wandering this world for hundreds of years, not aging physically due to him being a demon
and now he’s here to take your soul - he doesn’t literally tell you that though
instead, he starts openly explaining how he’s taken the souls of many other people and how you can’t escape him anyway, due to his experience and knowledge of the human mind
basically he’s explaining to you in the most chill and unfazed way possible that he’s about to kill you, while throwing in some memories here and there, feeling nostalgic
you’re in for a very long night, because this guy just won’t stop talking and sharing his wisdom, and at times it seems like he doesn’t even care if you’re listening or not
at some point asks if you happen to have a good bottle of wine at home??? kind of like a last supper he wants to have with you??
what is wrong with him
eventually you join in on the conversation and he finds what you’re saying so interesting that he takes an instant interest in you
maybe he won’t take your soul right away?
you somehow end up talking until sunrise, and to your surprise he simply crawls back under your bed and disappears? you feel even more like you just had a very long fever dream now
however, the following night he returns to talk to you again, claiming that he had so much fun and for as long as you manage to entertain him he will spare you
obviously you feel very pressured now, maybe even so pressured that you fail to find something to talk about at all
rest assured though, he’s been in this for long enough to not let any chance to enjoy the small things in life slip away, so he always helps you out in finding a topic for a conversation
the awkward demon
has no clue what he’s doing
like that villain who always explains his grand plan of evil to you before actually executing it, except make it very awkward and also there is no actual execution of the plan that follows
he’s a shy bean and who even ever thought he’d do well as an entity designed entirely to take people’s souls???
and it’s his first time taking someone’s soul too, so he’s just very anxious, and what if he embarrasses himself??? (like that’s the part he should be most worried about???)
anyway, he has a super-foolproof plan (at least he thinks it’s foolproof), which already fails at step one
so one night you’re lying in your bed, about to fall asleep, when you hear something rustling under your bed
you don’t think much of it, but when you hear the noise again you decide to get up and take a look
you turn on the lights and find a person hiding there in plain sight, eyes squinting because it’s too bright and holding a huge bag of sweets in his arms
he’s very dumbfounded
eventually he holds out the sweets to you and goes “Let me take your soul in exchange for these treats!”
you start screaming, because there is a complete stranger under your bed and how did he even get there??? so he finally jumps out, slamming his hand over your mouth
“Shh!! What if someone hears us or finds out I’m here?”
eventually changes his bribe into you shutting up about him in exchange for the sweets, and also slips up somewhere in between, revealing that he is - in fact - a demon
now he feels so guilty for inconveniencing you that he’s unable to take your soul
therefore he simply surprises you every night with a new supply of sweets
he still has a lot to learn, sigh…
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sirensea14 · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons for Kickinchicken x Female reader (Cartoon & Big Bodies)?
(I'm CRAVING more KC x Reader hcs) (there aren't enough and it makes me sad )
AAAAAAAAA its been a while since ive had any thought about kickinchicken, and sadly, ive gotten over him now😭 (a long time ago, actually) But i know u guys love him sm more than i do so I'll give him some thoughts. Note: some previous posted headcanons that i had while i was brainrotting with poppy playtime might repeat here, but im too lazy to go back and check on that post so here ya go. [Those 'x reader's i made might have a mention on this too] i might refer the reader as "you" or "her" but either way, its the same lol, idk why i keep switching povs T-T
KickinChicken x Fem!Reader headcanons!
Cartoon version:
[Imagine: Reader is any animal you like. The Smiling Critters is a show and all the times you are living is when a child is watching you on-screen]
Kickin often ruffles/pats reader's fur/feathers/head whenever the reader successfully did something
Kickin instinctively goes to the reader's side whenever the critters are preparing to [inhale catnap's bad breathe] sleep
The reader is sometimes the storyteller of the group during sleepovers. Kickin lays on his stomach, rests his chin on both of his palms and watches you read with dreamy eyes
Kickin is prolly the most flirty and pun enjoyer of the group. If someone actually had a counter against his flirt, he would be flabbergasted. You did this more than thrice in the show (dw, these are all child-friendly flirts)
Catnap sometimes fights you whenever you want to tell a story while Catnap wants to make the othe critters sleep. Kickin cheers at you and says "Fight! Fight! Fight! Go y/n, go!" Which makes the situation worse (he receives numerous bombastic side eyes) Dogday and Hoppy interrupts tho
You and kickin are the most sarcastic couple duo of the group. He makes you laugh, you make him laugh, "Ew. You guys are making us cringe" says hoppy. Others nodded in agreement.
Dogday is your best man and woman in a wedding episode "Wait, when did that hap--" (pickypiggy)
S i d e w a l k r u l e 👑 (also applies to episodes with dangerous adventures)
You guys share each other's food. And sometimes with Pickypiggy if you two didnt have any food with you
When you guys are chilling, he likes to nestle beside you, bird style✨ He also loves the cuddles and pats you give him (and your attention too, he's an attention seeker)
Despite his confident and brave attitude, he is actually the first one to cower and run whenever the group faces danger, but when you're with him, he pauses from running and decides to shield you from danger (which is most often a boulder in one of the smiling critters' adventures) you get squished, tom and jerry style
His blanket is (your favorite color x color and pendant shape) while yours is yellow with red star pattern
He likes to show off along with his "shades of coolness" that he brings out magically from his 'pocket'. (Typical cartoon character) You match him with your own (favorite shape) shades
Kickin once asked a commission for Crafty to draw you and him together under a tree. The unicorn bought new crayons with over 100 after that
Bigger Bodies version:
[Imagine: reader is the player. Depends on you whether the player/reader is an ex-employee, an orphan that was adopted til adulthood, or random person wandering.
KickinChicken breathes Yellow Smoke, which can calm down any living thing nearby; children, adults, and the reader. It also has a dreamscape-like effect (like what Catnap did in the game). For the BBI experiments and living toys tho, it will slow them down as if the smoke has a "freezing" effect. Some will sleep when theyre weak enough, but this smoke cannot completely combat CatNap's red smoke.
BBI KC (this will be what i will refer him to as to not to be confused with the cartoon one) doesn't like it when the reader goes out on her own
If you chose the reader/player to be an ex-employee; BBI KC will recognize her as the caretaker who showed genuine care to him even as an experiment. As a result, he has a small childish crush on her but set it aside because of survival. (He still has it tho)
If you chose the reader/player to be an orphan; BBI KC will recognize you as one of his old playmates when he was still "alive". He was very protective of you after you encountered him in the factory.
If you chose the reader/player to be a random explorer; he spared you and took interest in your offer to bring him to the outside world. He admired your determination to go back home alive and your luck to deal with the shittiest toy factory in the world. You two worked together to solve puzzles and activate the power switches etc.
When the two of you got outside of a building, you took the opportunity to fly with BBI KC and explored every bit of PlayCare (specifically, after BBI Dogday's chase sequence) You loved grabbing on BBI KC' s talons as he flew up. You had the impulsive thought of leaving it all behind by flying up to the entrance of the cable car but Ollie called before you can even tell BBI KC to do so.
When BBI KC rests, you snuggle up to his chest and he chirps in a hoarse voice. He will also exhale some yellow smoke to prevent enemies from getting closer.
He tries his best to be with you at every second but there are times when he cant (like sneaking into vents or the School)
He hugs you with his wings to keep you warm.
Whenever you're scared, BBI KC always says pleasant things to boost your confidence up. He doesnt like it when y/n shakes in fear.
He got extremely violent with CatNap. Especially that one time when he was about to eat your head.
He has bird instincts to pick up random stuff and pile it near you whenever you're at rest. (he's like building a nest)
If there was food in the game, BBI KC wouldve gotten you lots of it.
He likes playing with your grabpack and often high-fives with you whenever you two activated a generator
He hates ollie the moment interruptor
Uhh i think thats all for my hc lol, hope u enjoy it even tho its kindaaa not really good but not that bad either
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boiohboii · 2 years
The Tattoo Sleeve (Neymar Jr. Soulmate au)
Chapter 1
I am currently sleep deprived, so I am really sorry for any mistakes.
I hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think!
Warning: curse words
Taglist: @itzz-me-duh
"I need something to cheer me up that doesn't come from a vending machine," y/n took a seat beside the young children "you got any ideas?"
Three pairs of confused brown eyes looked to their left, seeing a white coat before tilting their heads up to see an unfamiliar face. Anyone passing could feel the peculiar atmosphere; the young lady having a relaxing aura while the three boys looked uncertain of the question itself, much less how to answer.
"Don't worry," reassured y/n "I am a doctor here, my name is y/n."
With a look to each other, the three decided to trust the long piece of clothing along with the card hanging on her neck, and introduced themselves.
"You boys have such nice names." Cooed y/n.
"Thank you."
"We are not babies!"
"Don't talk to an adult like that! Papa and Mama told us to be nice."
The two brunet boys reminded her of tom & Jerry in that moment, they were currently arguing about whether to be polite or to not trust strangers. Both rules taught to them by their parents, and both were correct - well, some would argue about always being polite rule, but that's not the current issue.
"A hug." A timid reply came as the blonde boy admired his swinging feet.
"Well, who's the lucky person that you hug?"
"Papa and mama," Lucca smiled. "My grandma too! She gives the best hugs!"
Y/n smiled at the small boy's enthusiasm as he talked about everyone that has hugged him with a wide grin on his face.
"What about me?!" Exclaimed Thiago. "I hug you too!"
"Yeah, but you're shorter than me!"
"Hey! My brother isn't short! He is big and strong!"
A laugh escaped y/n as she watched the three boys argue over the fact that a person is short doesn't mean they aren't strong. Oh they are so cute! I want to squish their cheeks so bad!
Going through her pockets, y/n searched for a few candies to give to the boys as a thank you for cheering her up, she always loved talking to kids they had the most genuine and entertaining conversations, especially with each other. However, as she was digging around she felt a smooth, slightly wet smudge on her fingertips, no no, please god I don't want to stay in a small cubicle for 10 minutes to reapply anything!
Looking at her wrist, the concealer's tone was bright and clear against the white sleeve margins, y/n groaned and rolled her head backwards.
"Miss, are you okay?"
Came a small voice, making y/n realise that the three boys have stopped their back and forth and watched her intently, not sure if they should move away in case she wanted to rest; Davi remembered his mother telling him of how hard doctors work and study to be able to help him, or if she was hurt and they should call someone.
"Ahh yes," y/n smiled reassuringly. "Just my coat got a bit dirty and I have to go change."
She wasn't about to tell them that her connection to her soulmate was writing on skin, and that her soulmate was obsessed so she had to wake up nearly before all and any gathering or meeting or work appointment by 3 hours to cover up tattoos that her soulmate placed on his skin with no consideration of the consequences that will occur to her nor her request at 23 years old asking him to please, stop.
Yes, she was and still is bitter about it, she can hold a grudge. (She, in fact, can not hold a grudge for more than 2 hours.)
"Is that a tattoo?" Mateo frowned with knitted eyebrows as he tried to get a better look at the drawings under her sleeves.
Wide eyes and a stumped smile on her face, y/n nodded, wondering how such a young boy knows what tattoos are. Well, there is internet everywhere. However, unlike her thoughts, the little boy had recently been obsessed with his father's right arm, looking at the black ink with the occasional question.
"Papa has that!" Raved Thiago as he looked at his brother and friend with shinning eyes and a wide smile. He had rarely seen any women with tattoos, only a few and he has no idea why, but it was something new to him and it made him want to sit with the doctor for much longer.
"Yes! Uncle Leo and papa have tattoos!" Gushed the blonde boy with his friends before asking y/n if there was more.
Not seeing any harm in showing three little boys the small uncovered part of her uncontrolled tattoo sleeve, she lifted a bit of her coat, just a layer really. And as soon as she had done so, the only blonde gasped as his eyes widened, freezing in place.
He looked familiar, very oddly familiar, and she knew that, she knew that she saw him before, she saw him nearly everyday in black ink on her forearm. She was desperate for the thought in her head to be wrong, to just be her mind playing tricks on her or for her to just currently be going through a romantic drought that she is making things up.
But, she was so, very wrong.
"That looks like papa's!" Davi exclaimed as soon as y/n showed her arm.
Well, holy shit. I am not insane. I'm right!
Oh. I 'm right.
Chapter 2
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qqtxt · 2 years
[🐯] slam dunk, lover boy
✿ pairing: college!beomgyu x you / comfort fluff / enemies-to-not-so-enemies / 1,538 words / non.idol!au / a storm of cursing lol ✿ in which you and beomgyu are playful frenemies who can’t stop bickering, until the day beomgyu finds you crying by one of the staircase. ✿ a/n: lmao i have no idea where this plot came from but it is what it is. :”) [masterlist 🌸]
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choi beomgyu. the epitome of a piece of shit that’s not too shitty that you can at least appreciate his sense of humour. he was like the tom to your jerry. the spongebob to your squidward. no one quite understood why the tension seems to be the way it is between the two of you but it is what it is.
usually, when you two pass each other, it’s a hit or miss between a compliment or an insult. people were confused if you two hated each other naturally or found it amusing to hate each other. oftentimes, they were left hanging when beomgyu compliments you with hey gorgeous in a sarcastic tone, to which you reply with hey handsome. 
indeed, things were messy. but sometimes messy is good.
speaking of messy, beomgyu takes a stroll around the campus on a quiet day where there’s not many classes being held, only to spot a familiar looking person crying on the staircase.
he notices the back of that head anywhere considering he’s tossing paper notes at it all the time.
you hadn’t realised you had company until the steps get louder and all you want to do is bury your head between your knees until you disappear. it seems like it’s... wait, is it actually working–”well what do you know, guess you actually can cry.”
for fuck’s sake. out of the possible thousands of people it could’ve been.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about. piss off.” your voice is softer than usual, the small crack is what gets beomgyu to... lay off, a little.
he clears his throat and takes a seat next to you on one of the steps. he notices you shifting away when you feel his presence, but it’s not until he taps your knee to hold out a... packet of tissue.
you lift your head a bit higher and unfold your arms to retrieve it. as you hold the packet in your hands, beomgyu shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and watches as you fiddle with the packaging.
“did you spit on it?”
he scoffs a laugh and kicks your ankle lightly.
“sorry,” you sniff, wiping your nose with the back of your hand before taking out a piece to wipe your face. beomgyu tries to look away, but he ends up glancing at you and noticing just how red your eyes are. he doesn’t know what he should do, actually. hell, he doesn’t even know why he’s here but... he couldn’t seem to walk away.
“thanks,” you manage softly, returning the packet to him but he shrugs it off, “you keep it. you look like you need it more than me.”
“fair enough.”
silence soon falls between the pair of you once more. this would be the first time the two of you aren’t at each other’s throats or using the cringiest comments to make the other sick to their guts. it... felt weird. different, but weird. there are low murmurs around the two of you, seated in the middle of the college campus but still fairly quiet. so beomgyu takes the first step to: “so is this the part i ask what’s wrong and give you a kiss to make it all better?”
you threaten to swing at him and he flinches away from you, which makes you chuckle. he laughs when you lower your elbow from his face and resort to playing with the packet of tissue in your hands. as you heave a sigh, beomgyu decides to keep quiet. whether you decide to talk or not, it just seems like you needed someone by your side.
coincidentally, it was him.
“college system’s fucked up.” is the first thing you say.
that gets beomgyu to look at you with raised brows, but he’s still silent as he patiently listens.
“i guess when you try to help a friend make a report, if it’s against someone who has money, you can get expelled.”
beomgyu’s brows furrow at your words. he instinctively shifts closer and nudges you by the shoulder, “what? you’re getting expelled?”
you don’t look at him and instead stare ahead at the view ahead of you past the ledge of the staircase. it’s the football field where there’s a couple of people training and at this point, you could barely care less with who or what you were talking about. a part of you almost forget that you’re talking to someone you bicker with every day like cats and dogs.
“dunno, verdict’s not out yet.” you heave a deep sigh, and beomgyu swallows thickly. it... hits him that he hasn’t ever imagined what his college life was like without you. call it cheesy, call it stupid, but it’s true. regardless whether you two were best friends who didn’t notice it or sworn enemies who pretended to be nice, beomgyu has always associated his college life day in and day out with you in it.
in one way or another... he doesn’t know how to feel not having you in it–especially for something that’s straight up unfair.
beomgyu doesn’t know what to say, so he keeps quiet. he bites the inside of his cheek and his head follows your movement when you stand up, putting your hands in your pocket along with his packet of tissue.
“i barely have shit to hold on to and now this fuckery...”
he gapes at you when you start to walk down the stairs, but it’s not until you stop just as you’re almost out of sight to peep up to him past the railings.
“thanks, choi. you’re not half bad. cocky dickwad but... you’re not all shit.”
beomgyu scoffs as he sits up higher, getting a good look at you better.
“i’m just being nice to you because you were being a cry baby earlier.”
it was your turn to scoff a laugh, but with the way you smile at him, it’s like you acknowledge it too. you pull out one of your hands to slip it past the railing, offering him a fist bump. he returns it with a soft bump and somehow feels a pang to his heart thinking this could be the last time he’ll see you. or the limited number of times he would see you.
“see you around, choi.”
when you pull your hand back and slip it back to your pocket, beomgyu watches as you descend down the stairs and soon you’re gone. he doesn’t know what’s going on, but all he knows is the mere thought of not being able to see you anymore makes him feel... things. things he didn’t think he’d feel but... things.
((”dude, what the actual fuck are we doing here?!” yeonjun half-whispers, half-shouts at beomgyu who dragged yeonjun to the staff room.
“i told you, y/n might get expelled, and i want to know why.”
“why the hell do you wanna know why, anyway?!”
“i didn’t bring you here to ask questions, i brought you here to help. because you owe me one. now shut up and help me find y/n’s student file!”
“i can’t believe i gave up two hours of free gaming at the computer cafe for this.”
“and i’m going to kick your ass for two hours if you don’t keep up.”
“okay, okay! jeez...”
(((”uh... what the hell are you two doing?”
that’s it, yeonjun thinks, this is how i get expelled. over a friend who’s too dumb to notice he may or may not like someone and is going down without even managing to defend their honour.
beomgyu has the courage to look up and gapes when it’s–”y/n...”
“oh thank fuck.” yeonjun sighs, falling back to the ground with his back against the cabinet.
“what are you doing here?” beomgyu asks, even though he completely ignored your question.
“i’m here to snoop around to see what’s on the other students files. you?”
“we’re here to look for–”yeonjun’s words gets stuck in his chest when beomgyu slams his chest, hard.
yeonjun recuperates with a couple of coughs, and beomgyu tries to find for an excuse, “we were, uh... looking for some cheat sheets for the upcoming midterms.”
“huh, okay. well... listen, i’m on a time crunch here. i’ll help you guys if you help me.”
“why the hell would we–”yeonjun gets another smack to the chest and finds that he might as well shut up or he’s going to lose his lungs. as he tries to breathe properly, beomgyu is quick to agree. “deal.”
“ya’ll stay there, i’ll check over here.” yeonjun weakly crawls over to the other cabinet, leaving you and beomgyu alone so he can avoid any hits to his chest.
as you two start rummaging the cabinets, beomgyu feels his hands brushing against yours and he coughs a couple of times to brush it off. you raise a brow at him and point with your head to the other side, “you check here then, i’ll check there.”
beomgyu gives you a nod and watches as you walk over to the other side of the room and start searching for the file they were looking for... while yeonjun has an inkling beomgyu might have an answer to his feelings.
“slam–fucking–dunk, lover boy.”)))
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Here You Come Again [Part Two]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Original Female Characters, Priscilla Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Marci Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Red West, Sonny West, Marty Lacker, Joe Esposito, Charlie Hodge, Lamar Fike, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Memphis Mafia
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Word Count: 6118
Summary: When Addison Goodwin was seventeen years old her life was turned inside out after a chance encounter with her past. Now, fifteen years later her life is the best it’s ever been. She has a home, a good job and a daughter she loves more than anything in the world but will all that remain when an old familiar face rolls into town.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Las Vegas, The International Hotel, Elvis In Vegas, 1970s, 1970s Elvis, Friends To Lovers, Rekindled Romance, Parenting, Time Line is Sketchy, Guilt, Betrayal, Teenage Pregnancy, Hawaii, Hidden Pregnancy, Jealousy, Sex, Absence of Parent, Single Motherhood, Trauma, Oral Sex, Tension
Notes: I just watched Elvis again and now I’m sobbing. Good job this is a happy chapter innit fml
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‘Shit,’ Addison exclaimed as she noted the smoke now billowing out of the top of the toaster. She darted towards it, flicking the button which made the now charcoal-coloured bread pop up out of the top. With a sigh she grabbed it, wincing as it burned her fingertips before she dumped it in the trash can and popped another couple of pieces inside. She was distracted. She had been since last night; from the moment she had clapped eyes on him, Elvis.   Her heart ached at the thought of him. Then again it always hurt when she thought of him though admittedly it was less often these days. She thought about the way he had looked at her, his mind swimming as he took in every detail as if he was trying to put together a puzzle he didn’t have all the pieces for. Addison had all the pieces but the picture they made wasn’t exactly a rosy one which is why she had longed to get out of there the minute she could. It was why she had left when she was seventeen. Her mind flitted to the image of Jess stood beside them, watching them closely, her eyes just as confused as his had been. Jess.   She wondered if she knew.   ‘No,’ Addison thought, ‘no she would’ve said something.’   It was true. Her daughter wasn’t one to keep things from her. She was a good kid and being that it had always been the two of them they were closer than most mothers and daughters she knew. Then again, she hadn’t told her she was sneaking out of the house to go and see him perform. She didn’t even know she liked his music.   Addison had never played it outright, but she had never forbidden it either, fearing it would spark a curiosity in her daughter she didn’t want to ignite. His films had been played on TV and she’d heard his songs on the radio but it was only ever in passing. Even when he started doing shows in Vegas it wasn’t much of a concern since she rarely had cause to go into the city other than work and the acts in town didn’t really interest Jess. He wasn’t as popular with the younger generation as he once had been and when Jess had bragged about being a fan of The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin Addison couldn’t help but celebrate.   But now she was sneaking out of the house to see him. Allowing Addison to get back to an empty house after a twelve-hour shift only to find her daughter’s bed empty before receiving a phone call from some stranger telling her she was at a club. That wasn’t her daughter.   Which had to mean she had an ulterior motive for going right? A curiosity about something more than music? Whenever Jess had asked about her father Addison had remained vague. The details hurt too much to speak of in those early days and it wasn’t as though Jess would understand everything anyway. She was just a kid. She’d told her they had known each other for a couple of months but he was in the army and Addison had lost touch with him before she could tell him she was pregnant. That wasn’t entirely untrue she had just skirted over the fact she knew exactly where to find him should she want to.   Her mind was spinning, something that it had been doing all night which is why she was running on coffee and nerves only. She didn’t even hear Jess enter the kitchen until she heard her name called.   ‘Mom?’ she heard Jess say and she turned around from the kitchen counter to find her daughter, still in her pyjamas, watching her nervously from the kitchen door. ‘Sit down,’ Addison said finding her throat surprisingly dry, ‘breakfast will be a minute.’   As Addison turned back to the counter, grabbing the fresh pieces of toast out of the toaster as she did, Jess watched her closely. She didn’t know what was happening. Where was the yelling? Where was the punishment? Not only had there been no freakout but she was making her breakfast as if it was any other day. Jess was bewildered but feeling she’d kick things off if she didn’t listen to what her mother said she took a seat at the kitchen table just as Addison plonked a plate of bacon, eggs and toast down in front of her.   ‘You should eat,’ Addison said quietly. ‘I’m not hungry,’ Jess said feeling another round of nausea bubble inside her at the sight of the food on her plate. Her mother turned to eye her. ‘It’ll help soak up the alcohol,’ she said wryly, ‘besides if you’re gonna throw up again you’d rather have something on your stomach. Trust me.’ ‘You heard me throw up?’ Jess said a vague memory of practically crawling to the bathroom around four thirty am flashing into her mind. ‘Why do you think I didn’t hit you with any yelling yet?’ Addison asked as she slipped into her chair, ‘I’m not that mean.’   ‘So you’re saving it all for this morning huh?’ Jess asked nervously receiving a sigh from her mother. She didn’t look at her, she was too nervous too, so even though she felt horrendous she tucked into her eggs trying not to vomit as they slid down her throat. ‘I’m not going to yell at you,’ Addison said which finally made Jess look up, surprise dancing across her features. ‘You’re not?’ Jess asked, ‘but I thought-’ ‘You’re a kid,’ Addison shrugged, ‘kids do dumb stuff. It’s nothing none of your friends won’t do at some point. I’m just happy it didn’t go worse than it could have. I mean you’re lucky I was at home when the guy called, I was just about to come trawl the streets looking for you.’   Jess nodded trying to ignore the guilt that settled in as she spotted the worry on her mother’s face.   ‘I just…I just want to know why,’ Addison said. It wasn’t what she wanted to ask but she couldn’t exactly fire on all cylinders. Especially if there was a chance Jess didn’t know. That was the reason she’d done it in the first place. To protect her. ‘I don’t know,’ Jess admitted, ‘I mean the only ticket I could get was for the midnight show and I figured there was no way you’d let me go so…I snuck out. And then there was this guy and he asked if I wanted to join them and well, I didn’t know how to say no. So I went.’ ‘This guy who?’ her mother asked unsure of what to ask. She wondered who had invited her. Was it Elvis? One of the boys? She’d seen them around – had one of them recognised Jess but not known why? As question after question popped into her brain Jess spoke. ‘His name’s Rick...’ she said easing Addison’s tension at the unfamiliarity of the name, ‘I didn’t even really like him that much. I just didn’t want to seem lame, y’know?’ ‘Well I can’t say I’m thrilled you’d just go off with some random boy you’d never met but I understand,’ Addison sighed. She did understand. More than her daughter knew.   ‘What I don’t understand,’ Addison started making Jess’s eyes find hers, ‘is why you didn’t just tell me. I mean I didn’t even know you liked…him.’   She couldn’t say his name. It was ironic given the amount she had been thinking about him since last night but uttering the words in front of Jess felt unnatural. Not unnatural, but as though she was admitting something she didn’t want to.   ‘Oh,’ Jess said as nonchalantly as she could, ‘I didn’t. Not until recently. Some of the girls and I watched a couple of his films over the Christmas break and I thought his voice was good. We all tried to get tickets but I was the only one who could and well I figured you’d never let me go on my own at night, so I just didn’t mention it.’ ‘Well next time tell me, okay? And maybe we can arrange something that will give me a little less of a heart attack,’ Addison said gulping down the rest of her coffee so she had an excuse to leave the table. As she washed her cup her mind raced. Jess didn’t know. That was something.   Jess watched her mother by the sink feeling horrendously guilty. She had lied to her, and it had tripped off her tongue so easily. She wanted to come clean, to confess that it wasn’t her friends that had sparked an interest in her but something else. She wanted to ask why her mother had been so concerned last night, why Elvis had looked at her the way he had. ‘Mom?’ she asked feeling the questions bubbling to the surface. ‘Yeah?’ Addison said turning around but once her hazel gaze was on Jess’s face she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. ‘Never mind,’ she said. Addison nodded as she glanced at her watch. ‘Come on, eat up and get dressed. I’ll run you to school,’ Addison said. ‘Wait I have to go in?’ Jess asked in disbelief. ‘It’s your first day back,’ Addison said simply. ‘I’ve been throwing up,’ Jess said as if it was self-explanatory. The nausea was settling a little bit but she still felt too tired and rough to even contemplate sitting through six hours of lessons. ‘Unfortunately I can’t write notes for hangovers,’ Addison said raising her eyebrow, ‘besides think of school as the lighter alternative to getting grounded.’ ‘This is non-negotiable huh?’ Jess asked. ‘Not a chance,’ Addison said as she headed towards the kitchen door, ‘I’ll be waiting in the car.’   ✵✵✵   Elvis was tired, a feeling that was made worse as he came out of his bathroom only to find the curtains of his suite were now wide open, forcing the low winter sun into his eyes and making him wince. Though however exhausted he felt he didn’t seem half as tired as Jerry looked. He was standing at the piano, looking out of the view of the city but he turned around as he heard Elvis enter the room, a solemn look on his face. That was when it all came flooding back.   Addison. Last night he had seen Addison, for the first time in fifteen years.   And then she was gone, running from him before he could even get his thoughts into place. Running from him with her daughter in tow. Her daughter.  Her fourteen-year-old daughter. That Elvis remembered.   It wasn’t that he had forgotten. How could he, after all, meeting the daughter of your ex who disappeared from the face of the earth fifteen years ago wasn’t exactly something that would slip your mind. He just hadn’t woken up properly yet. He didn’t even know how long he’d managed to sleep and though it didn’t feel like long the sinking sun in the sky begged to differ. After Addison had left Elvis had headed back to the hotel with only Sonny, Red and Jerry in tow, but once he was back in his suite he couldn’t sleep. He spent hours pacing in his room as he thought of question after question, too many of them to count.   The biggest one burned in his brain like the girl’s familiar face and bright blue eyes had for most of the night. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to ask it. He couldn’t bring himself to believe that if she was his Addison would’ve kept it from him.   Maybe that was why she hadn’t come back. Maybe after he’d left she’d met someone else and got knocked up, too ashamed to come back and tell him. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe she had just wanted to leave and the kid had just happened straight after that, after all, all he knew was that she was fourteen she could have been born months out of the window for her to be his.   But still, the thought niggled at him.   Which was why he had asked Jerry to see if he could find her again. At least now he knew where to start looking.   As he moved into the room Jerry watched him like he had last night with concern and sympathy in his eyes. He had been the only one Elvis had permitted to stay in the room, much to the boys’ annoyance, and though he hadn’t said much he had allowed Elvis to offer up any thought and feeling he might have had without interjection.   ‘You got anything?’ Elvis asked moving past him towards the drinks cart in his room. He uncapped a bottle of vodka not even bothering to pour it into a glass before he swigged it down the sting of it in his throat waking him up just a tad. ‘Not much,’ Jerry said as Elvis moved to stand next to him, ‘I mean there’s a dozen Goodwins in the phone book. I’ve ruled most of them out, a couple didn’t answer so there’s a possibility there. I mean that’s if she’s still using her-‘ he faltered. Elvis glanced at him as realisation dawned on him. If she was still using her maiden name. Jerry cleared his throat uncomfortably before he pressed on, ‘anyway, that wasn’t what I noticed.’ ‘Oh yeah? What’ve you got Columbo?’ Elvis asked raising an eyebrow. ‘An address,’ Jerry said smirking at his friend’s quip as he placed a map down on the top of the piano. There were a couple of spots circled, others crossed out where his friend had ruled them out as possibilities but he was pointing to one circled not too far from the hotel. ‘A hospital?’ Elvis asked. ‘Desert Springs,’ Jerry said, ‘I remembered she was wearing a uniform, a nurse’s one. So I thought I’d chance it and what do you know, they’ve got an Addison Goodwin who works there. Starts her shift, oh, half an hour ago.’ ‘You don’t say,’ Elvis said feeling a smile creep onto his face. It looked like he was finally going to get some answers.   It didn’t take him long to get ready after that. Whilst Jerry went to arrange a car to get there Elvis showered and changed, his mind on Addison the entire time. The questions swirled in his mind once more. The more he thought about it though, the more concerned he got, and the more unsure he became about what he wanted the answers to be.   That uneasiness didn’t lift all the way over to the hospital. Thankfully no one seemed to notice their arrival though he didn’t know if that was because he remained tucked behind Sonny and Red as they walked through the halls or because Jerry had put in a word to keep it as low-key as possible. Whilst Jerry offered directions to Red and Sonny Elvis stayed quiet keeping his eyes trained on the men’s backs in front of him. That was until he heard Jerry say, ‘this should be the one.’ ‘You see her?’ Sonny asked looking around the long corridor as if she was just going to appear in front of him. Elvis looked up, his stomach flip-flopping as he noted there were people around and none of them were her.   ‘308 wants pain meds,’ he heard a voice say and he looked towards the nurses’ station up the corridor. There was a nurse standing behind it, young and attractive, though the aggravated look on her face made her look older than she was. She was holding a folder out and he watched as Addison glided into view and took it out of her hand. She opened it flipping through the pages inside it, unaware that she was being watched. Her hair was swept back from her face and she was wearing a crisp white uniform though it was offset by a pink cardigan, no doubt trying to keep the chill of the corridor off her. She looked beautiful.   ‘He always wants pain meds,’ Addison sighed, ‘I’ve told him the doctor will only prescribe so much.’ ‘Yeah well, you didn’t hear what he promised him on rounds this morning. He said all he had to do was ring his bell and one of us would be happy to-’ her fellow nurse said trailing off as she looked up and clocked Elvis standing there watching them. Addison’s brows knitted together as her friend’s voice disappeared though she quickly discovered the cause.   ‘Hey,’ Elvis said as he stepped forward, a gentle smile on his face as he tried to signal that he came in peace, but her face fell into a scowl. ‘Addie-’ her friend said but it was no use, Addison whipped around the nurses’ station and grabbed him by the arm pulling him away from the boys and her colleague until they were out of earshot. Elvis allowed himself to be dragged, trying to ignore the way her grip pinched at his skin through his sleeve.   ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ she snapped as she moved to stand in front of him. ‘I came to talk,’ Elvis said as if it were obvious. ‘I have nothing to say to you,’ she said folding her arms across her. Elvis watched her for a moment, the anger in her eyes as she looked at him. It was like the way she had looked at him the first time he had run into her again back at that fair. The way she had looked at him when he had tried to talk her into coming to live at Graceland. ‘Yeah, well, I have plenty. Most of them questions,’ he said irritably, ‘like what the hell is going on?’ ‘You need to leave,’ she said sternly. Elvis felt his uneasiness turn to anger. No matter what the explanation he still deserved to get one, right? ‘No,’ he said firmly, ‘I ain’t going anywhere. I mean you honestly expect me to just be happy with no explanation after you disappear into thin air for fifteen years without so much as a see you later-‘ ‘It wasn’t like that,’ she protested. ‘What was it like then, huh?’ he asked. ‘You have no idea,’ she said clenching her jaw to keep herself from crying. She could feel tears stinging at her eyes but they kept at bay. She wasn’t some kid anymore. And she certainly wasn’t going to cry in front of him.   ‘So tell me,’ Elvis said his tone softening a touch as he noticed the tears glinting off her lash line in the harsh hospital lighting. Addison looked at him and for a moment he thought he had won her over, that she was going to concede. ‘You need to leave,’ she said tightly his hopes crashing down around him. She may have looked just like that seventeen-year-old he had been able to smooth talk around but the woman looking back at him was by no means that girl. There was something harder to her, like a veneer he couldn’t crack. Like a mask slipping into place. Still, he tried to protest, ‘no, not until you tell me what’s going on.’ ‘No,’ she said, ‘you know what? No. You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to come back into my life and demand answers like you did when I was seventeen years old. You turned my life upside down then and I sure as hell won’t let you do it now.’ ‘Why because you’ve got a kid now? A kid who’s what? Fourteen?’ he asked pointedly making her eyes go wide. Addison could feel her heart hammering inside her chest as she looked at him staring down at her with those questioning blue eyes. Eyes that looked so much like Jess’s it hurt.   ‘Don’t,’ she said though it was little more of a whisper. ‘Addie please,’ he said quietly hoping that her tone was a good sign. Hoping that he’d broken her walls down even if just an inch. ‘If you don’t leave now I’ll call security. Doubt that’ll be good for image,’ she said sarcastically, pulling away from him. Elvis looked at her, the last dig hitting him in his gut. There were more people in the hall now and though they were separated from most of them by the boys, who had placed themselves strategically around them should anyone want to walk through, when he glanced to his side he spotted a security guard watching them, Sonny’s hand on the man’s chest as he tried to get closer.   ‘Everything alright?’ he asked looking at Addison first. She wrapped her arms around herself and nodded. ‘He was just leaving,’ Addison said and before Elvis could protest she strutted past him pushing through Red and Sonny and into a room behind the nurse’s station. Elvis sighed. So much for getting answers.     ✵✵✵   Addison pulled into her driveway and cut the ignition, watching as the headlights faded away leaving her staring at her garage door. Her gaze was fixed for a moment as she tried to tell her feet to move, but they wouldn’t. She was too tired not that it was anything to do with her second late shift of the week. No, this exhaustion was something else entirely. After seeing Elvis yet again she was emotionally drained. Still, sitting in her car wasn’t going to fix that so after grabbing her bag off the front seat she climbed out.   No sooner had her foot hit the concrete than her name was being called and she looked up to find Elvis making his way across the road from a car parked opposite her house. Addison hurried her movements, forcing the key to turn in the lock quickly as she attempted to scurry up her driveway.   ‘Addison,’ he called as he reached her garden, the gravel of her front yard crunching under his foot as he hurried towards her. ‘What? Stalking me at work wasn’t enough now you have to come to my home?’ she asked though she didn’t slow down. She was at her front door now, turning the key in the lock as quickly as she could. ‘We need to talk,’ Elvis said indignantly. ‘I have nothing to say to you,’ she said as the door unlatched and she stepped inside. When she turned around to close it though he was on her front step. ‘Yeah? Well you don’t get to decide that,’ he said putting his foot in the door as she tried to slam it closed in his face, ‘Addison stop.’ ‘Elvis,’ she said feeling the emotional roller coaster she had been on all day hit a new peak. Except now it wasn’t anger like she had felt at the hospital. Now it was fear. He was at her home and Jess was upstairs in bed. It was too close. Too real. ‘No Addison,’ he said sternly, ‘you can’t run away from me. Not again.’ ‘I can’t do this,’ she said feeling her heartbeat in her ears, ‘you can’t be here.’ ‘Addie please,’ Elvis said though the authority was gone from it now. He wasn’t demanding, he was begging. ‘I didn’t run away to hurt you. I did it to protect me. From this, from all of this,’ she said brokenly, ‘don’t you see that?’ ‘Did you think you could run forever?’ he asked looking at her expectantly, ‘you had to know this would happen.’ ‘You weren’t supposed to know,’ she said her breath hitching in her chest as she looked at the heartbreak on his face. ‘Addie,’ he breathed. ‘Please just go,’ she said feeling her own voice beg this time. ‘Addie, is she?’ he asked. He couldn’t bring himself to say the words, to utter them out loud. ‘I can’t,’ she whispered as tears started to spill over and down her cheeks. Elvis could feel tears forming in his own eyes but he closed them, his jaw clenching to prevent the dam from breaking before he asked again. ‘Is she?’ he didn’t need an answer. The look on her face was enough. It was one of heartache, guilt and sorrow. ‘Please just go,’ she begged, ‘please.’   Elvis looked at her, feeling the anger and determination that had been stirring inside of him as he waited in the car outside her house for her to arrive home melting away when he saw how vulnerable she looked. It was a look he had seen before. When it came down to it, she couldn’t pretend, not with him. He didn’t say anything but he pulled back allowing her to push the door closed in front of his face. Addison fell against it, her head resting on the wood as tears streamed down her face.   ‘Mom?’ she heard Jess call and when she turned around her daughter was standing at the top of the stairs watching her worriedly. Addison’s hands flew to her face so she could push her tears away before she moved towards the kitchen where Jess couldn’t see her.   ‘What are you doing up? You should go back to bed you’ve got school,’ she called before she disappeared out of the girl’s sight. She could hear her daughter moving down the stairs, but she busied herself with the coffee machine as if she needed to add caffeine to the situation. Jess watched her mother from the kitchen door that guilt from earlier returning as she noted the way Addison tried to keep herself together, her chest moving unevenly as she tried to suppress the sobs from inside her.   ‘Mom?’ Jess said again though Addison didn’t reply this time, ‘it was him, wasn’t it?’ ‘You should be in bed,’ Addison stated still refusing to look at her daughter. However, Jess didn’t listen to her mother and instead inched into the kitchen hoping she was brave enough to say what she needed to.   ‘He’s my dad, isn’t he?’ she said quietly. That made Addison turn around. Her hazel eyes were wide with disbelief as she tried to make her daughter’s words register in her brain. They wouldn’t compute though. ‘How did you-’ she said trailing off as she looked at Jess who was now shifting uncomfortably, the guiltiest look on her face. Addison’s heart ached. She had found out and from someone other than the one person it should’ve been.   ‘Oh Jessie,’ she said moving to envelop her daughter who hugged her back, still feeling guilt swirl inside her. They stayed there for a moment, hugging in the middle of the kitchen, until Addison felt her heartbeat settle just a touch but enough that she could move them to the kitchen table. Jess took a seat beside her, almost chewing her lip off with nerves as her mother’s gaze fell on her.   ‘I don’t even know what to ask,’ Addison said after a minute, ‘I mean how did you…’ ‘I found a box of pictures a-at Aunt Marci’s over Christmas b-break,’ Jess said quickly as if she was on trial and had to get her defence out as quickly as possible. As if her mother wouldn’t blame her if she thought Marci’s carelessness was to blame. Yet as she clocked her mother’s patient expression, she realised she didn’t need to. ‘Go on,’ Addison said quietly trying to ignore how her heart squeezed tighter in her chest at the sound of Jess’ stammering, something that only happened when she was nervous. ‘There were pictures of the two of you together…you guys looked like a couple. The date said 1957 and…I mean I knew you were from there but I wondered why you’d never said anything, so, I did some digging,’ she said dropping her gaze to her lap though Addison remained silent, ‘and I found out all these things about him…that he was in the army. And well, I started thinking.’   Addison watched her closely, their eyes meeting as Jess finally looked back up her face still full of nerves as she continued.   ‘I guess I didn’t believe it at first. I mean Elvis Presley my dad yeah right,’ she scoffed, making Addison frown, ‘that’s why I went to the concert. I thought if I saw him on stage I’d just know y’know? But I didn’t, not really. Then I met him and it was like I knew but not enough…I didn’t know until I saw the pair of you. The way you looked so scared…I knew.’ ‘Oh honey,’ Addison sighed as guilt coursed through her. ‘I’m sorry,’ Jess said quietly. ‘What are you sorry for?’ Addison asked confused. ‘I…I didn’t know it’d hurt you like this,’ Jess admitted pushing a new wave of guilt through Addison which worsened still as she said, ‘mom, is he a bad guy?’ ‘What? Oh, honey no,’ she said with a sigh, ‘no, it’s not him…but the world he lives in, it’s not like our world Jessie.’ ‘That’s why you didn’t tell me?’ Jess asked. She was feeling braver now. She’d gotten out everything she had wanted to say and her mother hadn’t shut her down, and though that was something she still had questions burning inside her though. ‘I didn’t do it to hurt you,’ Addison said quietly, ‘but there was no way I, we, could stay in that world. You gotta understand baby, I was a seventeen-year-old kid with this amazing little girl. And I wanted to protect you. I didn’t have anyone to protect me but I could do that for you.’ ‘Did he hurt you?’ Jess asked feeling an uneasy shift inside her at her mother’s words. ‘Not him,’ Addison said. It wasn’t a full answer but it was the only one she felt as though she could give. After all, she’d spent the past fourteen years protecting her daughter she wasn’t going to stop now. But she could see the confusion in her daughter’s eyes so she did offer something to try to help, ‘it’s a long story and you don’t need to hear everything…. not yet. But he didn’t hurt me. If it was just him maybe I could’ve gone back but I couldn’t risk that.’ ‘Are you mad he knows?’ Jess asked. Addison took a deep breath and shook her head. ‘I guess it was always gonna come up eventually. I just figured I’d have a little while longer. That it’d be your decision when you were a grown-up,’ she admitted. She could see the cogs turning in her daughter’s mind, questions popping up before they disappeared again and Addison had to make a conscious effort to remember to breathe. Finally, she watched as the question she wanted to ask landed.   ‘Are you saying I can’t see him again?’ Jess asked nervously. ‘Jess,’ Addison sighed. She didn’t know why but this was the question she was least prepared for. ‘I know it’s not going to be easy,’ Jess said quickly, ‘but I want to.’ ‘Baby I don’t know,’ Addison said hoping her daughter wouldn’t feel too dejected. It had been what she was protecting her from all her life and here her daughter was wanting to dive in headfirst, ‘you don’t understand what it’s like. The press, the fans, everything. It’s a lot to deal with. I don’t think that kind of pressure is good.’ ‘But you do know what it’s like,’ Jess said quickly, ‘and you know me. You said yourself you didn’t have anyone to protect you from all that but I have you right? ‘Of course you do,’ Addison said but Jess was on a roll. ‘And I know that whatever happens, you’ll protect me,’ she said her blue eyes watching Addison with hope, ‘Mom…I really want to meet him. I mean I love you don’t get me wrong and I wouldn’t trade you in for anything but…I really wish I had a dad sometimes…you get that, right?’ ‘More than you know,’ Addison admitted her mind flashing to her father for just a moment before Jess’ small questioning voice spoke once more.   ‘So, can I? Can we at least try?’ she said watching Addison with pleading eyes. One’s that she could feel herself yielding to, ‘and if it all goes wrong and it’s awful you can say I told you so till the cows come home.’ ‘Oh honey it’s not that I want it to go wrong,’ Addison said grabbing her daughter’s hands in her own as she looked at her, ‘I just worry you’ll get hurt if it does.’ ‘But I’ve always got you…right?’ ‘Right,’ Addison nodded. That was true, no matter what happened Jess would always have her. ‘So can we? Please?’ Jess asked her breath holding in her chest as she waited for her mother to answer. Addison thought about it for a moment, everything inside her screaming no until she took one look at her daughter’s face. Protection was one thing but what good was it if it made her miserable in the process?   ‘We can try,’ she said quietly as Jess leapt forward and wrapped her arms around her practically winding her, ‘but I’m not promising a thing.’ ‘Thank you,’ Jess said excitedly. ‘And I’m speaking to him first,’ Addison added, ‘before anything happens.’ ‘Yeah I know,’ Jess said nodding against her shoulder making whatever authority Addison felt inside her melt away as she doubted Jess was even really listening to her. ‘And don’t pin all your hopes up on this okay,’ Addison said. ‘I won’t,’ Jess said before adding quietly, ‘is that a yes?’ ‘It’s a we can try,’ Addison said as Jess pulled back though she was unable to shake the excitement from her face as she looked at her mom. ‘Okay,’ Jess said with a smile, ‘I love you.’ ‘I love you too,’ Addison said placing a hand on Jess’ cheek before she shook her head reality dawning on her, ‘you should go back to bed.’ ‘Okay,’ Jess said moving out of her mother’s grasp so she could get up. She moved to the door, lingering by it as Addison watched her.   ‘Night mom,’ she said with a smile. ‘Night sweetheart,’ Addison said offering her one in return though it was a touch more forced. Once she had disappeared up the stairs and she had heard her door latch closed Addison moved to shut the kitchen door before she moved to the phone. She tried to ignore how her hands shook as she grabbed the directory off the shelf below the phone, flipping through it until she found the number listed for the International Hotel.   Though the reception desk picked up straight away once she was patched through the phone rang out, making nerves bubble inside her. She hoped he’d answer soon before her nerves took hold and she hung up. If she didn’t do it now she never would.   Finally the line clicked on and a voice mumbled, ‘hello?’ ‘Jer?’ Addison asked her nerves calming a little now he was on the line. ‘Addie is that you?’ he said she could hear him scrambling to get seated other end, ‘hang on, we’ve just got back he’s in his suite but I can get him just wait a minute-’ ‘No,’ Addison said making the man stop whatever moving he was doing, ‘it’s you I wanted.’ ‘Me?’ Jerry asked. ‘I need to see him,’ she said simply. ‘Do you want me to bring him back over?’ ‘No, no,’ Addison said quickly, the thought of him actually inside her house making her freak out. No, at his hotel she could still keep their worlds separate should anything go wrong, ‘I’ll come to you. I have a day off tomorrow.’ ‘Right,’ Jerry said. ‘But I want to see him alone,’ she stated hoping the other man would agree, ‘no one can know, okay?’ ‘Okay,’ Jerry said tentatively. He was making deals he wasn’t sure he should be but he was sure that Elvis wouldn’t mind, not if it got her within reach again. ‘I’ll meet you at the hotel,’ she said, ‘the lobby, is 2 pm okay?’ ‘That’s fine,’ Jerry said scribbling a note on the pad beside his bed as if it would slip his mind though he knew it wouldn’t. Addison lingered twirling the phone cord around her finger nervously as she tried to finish what she wanted to say. Her other stipulation. ‘And Jer,’ she said. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Don’t tell him,’ she said though it sounded more like a plea than a statement. Jerry felt an uneasiness wash over him, the same kind of uneasiness he had felt when he had watched his best friend walk back to the car heartbroken. ‘Addie,’ he sighed, ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Please Jer,’ she said. She needed him to agree. She knew it was a selfish request but it wasn’t as though she was doing it to spite him. She wasn’t asking him to do it because she longed to ambush Elvis, the way he had her, but because she wanted to know she still had an out. If she needed it, she could still run. ‘2 pm,’ Jerry said, ‘he’ll be there.’
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msbhagirathi · 4 months
Hi. Aao. Shuru karte hain. :)
1. Lol. Tom and Jerry. Naniji and mamiji. Any difference? Not at all.
2. Anyways. Back to Laxminagar. Khushi and her woh. Laard Governor.
3. Payal, for the umpteenth time, reminds her lil sister that she wouldn't be able to get a naukri in this 'anjaan sheher'.
4. And Khushi instantly realizes no. Khushi. No. I said don't. Please don't go to that snake. Please Khushi no. Please stay away from him. Please. Khushi. I SAID. NO.
5. I think there was some shooting glitch here. When Khushi and Payal were shown in Laxminagar there was night outside but when we came back to Shantivan it was daytime again and the preparations for that puja was going on. Hmm. Seems like nobody realized it. Anyways.
6. Lol. But sad as well. Mamiji is so affection deprived. She so wants her sasu-o-maa to give her the same amount of attention and affection but she just doesn't get it. IDK what's wrong with Naniji.
7. NGL but Arnav looks so dumb standing like a pole in the temple. They could have suggested him some kind of pose like folding his hands over his chest or holding his hands at the back in that 'stand at ease' soldier pose. That could have looked much better idk. *shrugs*
8. And Bitwa's poker face while performing the aarti. Like. Lol. But it's so sweet he is doing it for his di and his family.
9. Oh. God. Mamiji missed the affectionate gaze she received from naniji. See y'all? Naniji doesn't outright hate her. She just doesn't show it in front of her. The admiring gaze was so heart warming oh my gosh.
10. Lol. "Hum bol rahe hain." "Kamaal hai." "Humare khayalaat itne milte hain. Yahan bhi hum e bol rahe hain." NGL. But that was funny y'all. Fuck you, Shyam. Making nice jokes now. But lemme tell you something else as well. He is acting ignorant here. He 100% realized her voice and was definitely trying joke-flirt with her.
11. "Amma, babuji aur buaji ke baare mein bhi toh soch na?" Lol. Khushi is instant. "Ab unhe kyun naukri karni hai?" Lol. No Khushi no. You got the wrong idea, dear. Lmao this girl.
12. It's really so sad to see him so broken like this. Anjali di can clearly see that he has still not moved on from that hell of a trauma that he had to receive all those years back. She can clearly see that he still has not moved on from it. She so wants someone to help him come out of this dark lonely shell he has locked himself in.
13. Khushi convinces buaji to let her help in the orders for the sarees.
14. Ofcourse Khushi will get confused by the name of the house she had to go to: Shantivan yaa Nandavan.
15. Of course the guard from Shantivan will come and inquire about her presence. And of course she will ask to go in.
16. Of course bitwa will hit and miss her even though he would be in the same house at the same time, even though he should have left for his office until now.
17. Okay so both Anjali and Khushi have the knowledge about those 'kaam ache se ban jaye wale' tips. Anjali helps her in the choice of foot to enter and Khushi eyes feast on the beautiful visuals of Shantivan. And also that 'piche se nahi tokte' one is so damn real. Even my mother follows it y'all.
18. Khushi's mannerisms scream middle-class and yet Anjali doesn't seem to care even a bit. Rather she is quite amused to see her innocence and genuine-ity.
19. Soon, Anjali realizes that naniji would rather enjoy seeing those chikankari saree samples more than her. Coz she of course doesn't wear these( IDK I might be wrong but I think she wears sarees from AR's saree collections that Arnav got for her? IDK. *shrugs*)
20. Khushi on seeing that Anjali is limping suggests that she could show her the way to the room and Khushi would manage the rest. So Anjali calls for raheem chacha.
21. But raheem chacha leaves her before giving her some vague instructions.
22. And Khushi is left all alone in the middle of two ways. So how will she choose the path? Of course her jingle. Kya hua? Yaad nahi aaya? Arre woh. Arre wohi bhul bhulaiya chale hai paiya wala. From the first episode. Ab aaya? Yaad? Hmm wohi wala. So which rasta did mori maiyya show last time? Arnav-rasta. So which rasta will she show her this time? Hard to guess? I don't think so. Batao batao. *wiggles eyebrows*
23. Lol. She peeks inside Arnav's room calling out for naniji. Lol. Khushi. I just. *exhales* Don't have any words for you.
24. No Khushi. Lol. Sirf tumhara Laard Gorvernor hi rehta hai ITNEEEEE bade kamre mein. Lol.
25. She calls out 'naniji' standing in the middle of the room and there comes 'naniji' clad in a grey charcoal three-piece suit with a cool electric guitar bg.
26. Khushi starts to get the hint that she might be in the wrong room when Lakshmiji comes running out of nowhere.
27. Raheem chacha comes right after her in tow to catch her. He quickly takes her from Khushi and tells her to leave the room this instant as no one is allowed to enter this room.
28. Of course Khushi would instantly leave the room intentionally forgetting that she was having a 'gathri' along with her. Kyunki bhai agar woh gathri lene murti toh woh Laard Governor dekh nahi leta usko? Why would they want to ruin their thousandth hit and miss. Lol. Whatever. Back to the epi.
29. Khushi leaves the room from the front door EXACTLY the moment when Arnav enters the room through his bathroom. Lol. They might have realized later ki arre iss room mein toh washroom hi nahi hai toh chalo iss entrance ko hi washroom bana dete hain kisiko kya hi pata chalega ki yeh hum already dikha chuke hain as an entrance. Lol. Another example jahan public ko ch_tiya samajhkar mamu banaya gaya hai. Lol. Sorry for my language but couldn't resist it. Whatever. Back to the epi.
30. Anjali di enters right after her chhotte complaining about his laziness for cleanliness.
31. Of course Khushi would recall about her gathri EXACTLY when Arnav would notice it lying on his recliner. GUYS. FUCKING MOVE ON. FAST OKAY? PLEASE. ALL THESE HITS AND MISSES ARE IRRITATING THE FUCK OUT OF ME NOW. PLEASE.
32. Oh. So. Episode is over. Wow. What a waste. Pura episode hi filler tha kya? Bas yahan-wahan karne mein hi time waste ho gaya. Whatever. Ok bye. God bless you.
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xirex · 1 year
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le sserafim's yunjin
julia's contact name : julie 💕
yunjin's contact name : jenjen 💞
they're basically sisters. julia met yunjin just before she went into produce 48 and their conversation just flowed so naturally—they just had to be friends. since then, they've been inseparable. if jake or one of the boys weren't there to give her advice, julia would head straight to yunjin. and when yunjin got eliminated from the show, julia was there to comfort her and make sure that she never gave up on her idol dreams. when she signed with somu, julia was her biggest supporter, and even showed up to every le sserafim comeback show to support her friend. yunjin offered julia the best of advice, even if she only understood the struggle her friend was going through to a certain extent. even the boys themselves know and are friends with yunjin.
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ive's wonyoung
julia's contact name : jieunnie
wony's contact name : my queen 👑
julia and wonyoung met during produce 48, when the former made a visit to the set to see yunjin preform. it took them a while to get close, but now, they're like best friends. they don't hang out alone often, most times being during 'dorkz' meetups because of wony's busy schedule, but when they do, it lasts hours because there's so much to catch up on. two fashion icons, the duo enjoy styling each other and occasionally post videos or pictures of the process on instagram. just a really wholesome relationship that's more private compared to julia's other friendships.
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! MINJI . . . 2JI
newjeans's minji
julia's contact name : jujuju
minji's contact name : CAUSE IIIIIII 😋
them meeting was extremely random. julia bumped into minji in a target shoe aisle while looking for a new pair of shoes for seungmin. somehow they became friends after that. these two are like two hype girls !! constantly cheering each other or their friends on for doing the smallest of things LMAO. they love messing with dispatch too!! once julia went out with minji dressed man-like and it had everybody confused pls. my little pranksters <3 out of every duo in the 'dorkz' friend group, these two are the best at tricking the others. after minji debuted, julia would NOT stop singing attention & hype boy and even does it with omg now.. bless her members' ears.
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p1h's keeho
julia's contact name : front door frame 🖤
keeho's contact name : forward up 🖤
my silly gooses frl!!! they love to play around. they met just before p1h debuted, in a convenience store ?? julia saw him pick up a bag of chips and was like "i love those too!!!" :insert shock face: from there, they became bee eff effs! a mix of tom and jerry and "omg ilysm let's get married!" tbh. another more private relationship; these two prefer to hang out in the dorms rather than going out, just sitting doing something as simple as video games. trust me, they'll make it extra somehow. they're the type to send you 100+ tiktoks in a span of 2 hours and then continue to annoying quote said tiktoks the entire day until they find something else to mimic.
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! LILY . . . 2LI
nmixx's lily
julia's contact name : lelelelelelele 💔
lily's contact name : lililililillili 💔
never shuts up x never stops singing. all of the 'dorkz' hate [/joke] them. they've been friends since they were trainees !!! their conversations could last for hours, because somehow, there's always something new to talk about. they like to go out a lot; arcades, malls, rollerskating, bowling, etc. every day there's some new adventure they're going on and documenting in the group chat. they have a bunch of different v-lives together, dating all the way back to 2019, of them just talking about whatever's on their mind or playing some game.
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txt's soobin & yeonjun
their gc name : 도움이 필요 [ needs help ]
these three.. i don't know how to explain them. two overly confident idiots and one tired leader? its um. chaotic. they can't do anything together without causing chaos, but it's okay. 'sleepovers' that turn into either a. all three of them entangled together cuddling, or b. one of them accidentally breaking something and everything ending up in an absolute wreck. soobin and yeonjun love to scare julia, while julia loves to tease them for being "old hags" (they're only 2-3 years older...). overall, fans love them, while their group members do anything and everything in their power to keep jjuttangbin apart.
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enha's sunghoon
julia's contact name : ppororo
sunghoon's contact name : 🐧
they began being friends when they had to be mcs together, but met some time before that. you would think they wouldn't be a good match—however julia's extroverted nature brings out the more playful and energetic side of sunghoon, something fans enjoy seeing when the two do interviews together. their friendship is filled with teasing; it could be over anything, just give one a prompt and they'll find some way to connect that to the other. despite this, the two admire each other, even if they won't admit it out in the open; julia for his talent in ice skating and visuals, and sunghoon for her expertise in dance. they hang out more often nowadays, just simple coffee or shopping friend-dates.
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! JAY , JAKE , & RIKI . . . JAGIZ
enha's jay, jake, and ni-ki
their gc name : 사랑의 새와 세 번째 휠러 [ love birds and the third wheelers - made by riki ofc ]
julia met jay through jake in early jan '21. then, around a month later, she, jake, and jay were gonna go to an arcade to hang out; riki saw the three leaving and immediately started being a little shit asking them to take him with them. julia, wanting to be nice, agreed (although jake begged her not to) and that bloomed the jagiz friendship we have now. her best friends !!!! they always go out or have celebratory dinners whenever one group's promotions end. during the enskz drought, they got caught hanging out tgt by dispatch and fans so much that it started to make fans think julia was dating all three boys at one point...weird, right? anyways, their name "jagiz" came from a vlog julia posted in mid-2022. jake used 'jagi' to call julia over, and jay & riki immediately began to mock him, julia joining in at some point as well.
for some context ,, jake & julia went to the same school & have known eo for years; they began dating in january '21.
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! BSS . . . BSSJ
svt's dk, hoshi, and seungkwan \ such a long nickname. bssj stands for booseoksoonjul :sob:
their gc name : 싸움, 아니 [ fighting, no ]
julia met hoshi when she worked with seventeen for home;run! he found her talent in dance really cool and because they had similar personalities, wanted to be friends. initially, it was just hoshi & julia, but then he introduced her to dokyeom & seungkwan and everything just clicked for the four. bss were the only seventeen members she wasn't highly intimidated by, and they had already knew of julia because she blew up in 2019 for her dancing, so they managed to get along in a more natural setting. these three treat her more as a best friend rather than a daughter or younger sister (although sometimes, they do end up using their ages against her); regularly scheduled game nights, sleepovers, gossiping, etc. and julia's been mentioned / involved in a handful of going seventeen episodes because of her friendship with bss.
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xia's message . . . this took everything out of me to finish. lee jieun why are you a social butterfly. this is only her close friends too.. :sob: taglist [ @mynameisnotlaura ]. . . open!
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professorcoldheart · 1 year
the biggest fool in england
So let's talk about the plot twist in the boardroom in S4E10, because that's where most of the "winners / losers" analysis is coming from.
Prior to this, Roman and Shiv have (finally?) united around Kendall as the CEO and heir. But, as their conversation on the beach makes clear, they do it more out of a sense of weary inevitability and familial nostalgia than a sense of trust and confidence. They know Kendall; they know he's gonna throw a fit if he doesn't get his way. They just want to go back to the kitchen and play "drink fit for a king."
In the Waystar office, however, they have to confront the question on its face. It's not is Kendall worthy of our love?; it's can Kendall be CEO?.
Roman has second thoughts. He sees Jerri, who said "it could have been [him]" then turned her back on him. So he then has to convince himself that it could still be him in spite of her. He puts the question to Kendall direct: "why isn't it me?"
Kendall's response is the perfect Logan Roy response: he shows Roman love in a way that also hurts him tremendously. Kendall can do what Logan did; therefore (in Roman's eyes), Kendall can be CEO. That's one down.
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Then we get to the boardroom itself.
At the moment of truth, Shiv backs down from casting the deciding vote that keeps control of Waystar in the hands of Logan Roy's children - specifically, in the hands of Kendall. Why?
We don't know what precisely is going through Shiv's head at the moment she steps out for a break. Maybe Kendall's balk of a speech ("it's a bad deal and if you want it go through, you'll have to fire me") cast some doubts. Maybe she realized that this would permanently sever her last tie with Tom. Maybe she wasn't ready to close the door on a dream she'd had - the dream of leading where Logan led - for her whole life.
Whatever doubts lead her to step outside the boardroom, Kenny follows her and absolutely, one hundred percent, beyond any hope of recovery, confirms them.
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He cries. He screams. He makes veiled threats of suicide. He walks back the one moment of vulnerability he's shared with them ("I had like a toke and a beer [...] I felt bad, false memoried it"). He acts confused as to why "admitting" that his manslaughter confession was "faked" would disqualify him. He gets in a flailing wrestling match with his younger brother.
All of this is both seen and heard by all of Ken's future subordinates and board members. Even if Shiv had said "sure, whatever, I'll vote for you", what respect would they have had for him? What sort of paper tiger would have sat on Logan Roy's throne?
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Siobhan walks out. Once again, Kendall is not even in the room for the vote when his attempted coup fails.
It's very raw and very dramatic. For the Roy siblings, it couldn't have ended any other way.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Love in the air EP10 Messy Review
Helloooo my fellow LITA lovers! okay, I am sorry for that but did I lie about the Lover part, don't think so. Today I am back with another messy review. I must say that I loved this episode a lot, it was a lot lighter and I liked that, anyway I won't bother you with my crazy talk, so let's dive into Ep10.
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We left off with Pai doing Sky's laundry because Sky was sick, well we are back in Sky's dorm because our poor baby is still sick and Pai stuck with him. I love how Pai talks to his dad and the way he asked for a leave to take care of his "boyfriend" and the way Sky briefly wakes up and feels confused to see Pai standing there and then the way Sky pushed Pai away because well it's Sky. It's the way he sweetly talks to Sky that I just love and then that flashback where we see Sky engrossed in his usual nightmare, istg my heart cries for him everytime we see this. The way sleeping is horrible for him but I love how Pai held him and told him he wouldn't let him go and that he is right here, ugh...my heart. the realisation when Sky woke up and the way he threw himself into Pai's arms, I really want Pai to hold him forever, our Sky
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ugh, Pai, this is not the time to tease him but maybe it is? I don't know maybe approaching this with a bit of humor can help? also, Pai's high libido is going to be trouble for him mainly because Sky is sick, control yourself.
Sky really is a work-o-holic isn't he, this baby doesn't know how to stop unless someone makes him, even when sick he only wants to work, thank goodness that Pai is there to prevent this, getting better is priority number one Sky!!
I love how we get to see how Pai takes care of Sky and the way sky slowly starts to warm up to him, this is so much better tbh. I mean I love the "Tom&Jerry" kind of relationship because it's fun but I prefer this. That huge wall is slowly coming down. You can see that Sky is struggling though because he probably doesn't understand why Pai is taking care of him, or maybe he does but just doesn't believe it, which makes it a bit sad tbh because Sky is the sweetest. The way he wants to accept his care but also reluctant(is this the right word?) because he thinks he still just wants sex. I do love how Pai speaks his mind when Sky tells him he can leave now as he is feeling better. I mean his intentions are clear at least for me but again Sky thinks he wants sex and Pai clearly tells him "that he still doesn't know what he wants then"
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Pai's honesty is so important because I feel like he has to explain himself a lot with Sky and not because Sky is dumb but because he wont belive him but all Pai wants is his attention and to pursue him. It's such a change to be honest and I am here for it. also Sky's face when he said that, ughhh... this boy us slowly falling and then that cute kiss on the cheek, it's just seriously such a progress and I am just feeling proud of him.
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ahhh my Payu, ugh where to get a man like that, again... Damn it for Rain for getting him first!!! xD
THERE WE HAVE THE SCUMBAG THAT HURT OUR SKY!!! I really hope they aren't friends. I want to slap him hard but I can not. I am a bit scared though because remember Payu saying you can bet everything at the racetrack.....I really really really hope Pai isn't going to do something stupid. Also the moment Pai finds out that he is the scumbag that hurt Sky......insert evil laugh, he will get hurt badly that's for sure.
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Ahhh the last cheer, the tying bracelet thingy, I love that if I can be honest. The way they tell Sky to stay put and don't move a muscle, it's too cute. Friends like that are awesome. Yeah Sky, You did so much already, let your friends take care of the rest and just relax.
Our Pai is coming through by taking care of Sky, such a sweetheart. I really love how he changed from playboy to this. Who would stay seated for a couple of hours to let his "boyfriend" lean on him to sleep.. Gosh making me jealous once again. Even Pai didn't expect himself like this, which makes it even better.
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Then the rope tying starts and I'm sorry but my attention went to Payu & Rain because HELLOOO, Payu do we need to be this close but then again if Rain was mine, I would do the same, this boy is too cute for his own good.
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Pai's smile though while looking at Sky and the way Sky keeps looking at Pai, we feel things are really shifting right!!? It's amazing and then after the ceremony the way Pai tells him just to show it if he happy and the way Pai had an error when Sky actually smiled broadly at him without any sarcasm or annoyance, just pure joy. Even my heart felt that smile.
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We are back at the dorm and as Sky is sleeping, our man with a high libido has issues again. I get it though, I mean Sky what are you looking seducing for with your leg like that.... When Pai leans in though Sky opens his eyes and at first I can't help but to see a bit of fear in them but also expectantance, like will he or not? the way he says in a small voice "Are you going to jump me?" ugh my heart and the way Pai tells him he will use the bathroom, this made me chuckle though...
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Sky's revelatiuon though... Yeah you wanted him to kiss you, my dear man you are falling slowly but steadily for him.
Date time, Those cakes look amazing...lol the way he brought up that Payu brought him here and the way Pai reacts, which makes him clarify that it was with Rain. Ahhh not cool Sky, don't push Pai towards that lovely woman, because that is not what he wants at all!!! That confession though from Pai, lol that was not necessary at all but Sky kind of liked that he stepped into the trap that he didn't even set. I love those little smiles from Sky.
Ugh Joy, the nosy landlord, I don't like that because it makes Sky uncomfortable. The way Pai turns away because he can't hold in his smile..
yeah Pai I think you should get used to his meanness although I don't think Pai minds it and think it's rather cute. Sky is not even stopping him from entering anymore, this is progress. I love how Pai always wants to be close to Sky and that Sky kind of accepts it without letting him get disturbed from his work too much. The teasing continues and the way Sky pulls out the stanley knife
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....this is something that I would do as well...awwwww see that cute smile, he is totally smitten with Pai.
What is he writing down, i need to know!!!! It must be about Pai as he clearly gets caught. Okay but the drawing on the hands, it's to sweet!!!! The way Sky loves it...
I love how Pai doesn't leave and even gets food in the meantime. Sky is finally curious about Pai's life, this is such progress, and the way he opens up about himself as well, and those little smiles. he is finally enjoying Pai's company, this is the best!! I love how Sky asks Pai not to call him nong Sky, it's important I feel. I am proud of him! OMG, THE WAY PAI TELLS HIM HE WILL WAIT UNTIL HE IS READY!!!!!! I am here for it!!
I can not wait to see their progress next week, I mean it's clear as day whom is tired of waiting, I can not wait to see how that unfolds, let's have a happy episode without too much angst!!
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Anonymous asked: She raised a brow. There was no fear in her eyes, despite the obvious history her family had with Doom. As he spoke, she quickly checked in all directions with her eyes and looked up to make sure no piano and safe was about to say 'hello.' In fact, she was genuinely confused. Why not? The detective was equally curious. She accepted his hand. 'Francesca. Francesca Valliant.' Her smile was genuine. It had a cunning manner. 'Nice to finally put a face to a name. What do you prefer? Doom or Van Rotten?' Mun: So, I'm sending this on anon because I don't have a blog yet and am just debating if I should!
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Not only was the resemblance strong, so was the attitude. He wasn't sure he should scowl or laugh. She knew his secrets and the game of cat and mouse was going to start all over again. This time it was going to be longer... more painstaking. If he had to take advice from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, he would eat his hat.
"None of your mother's tact?" It was poor assumption, though he did recall the woman behind the bar during that eventful day when he nearly had Roger in his grasp. What was it? A name with a D? Something... He tugged at his coat, preening and slipping into a grin. "I earned the title of Judge and I would remind you that I'm still an elected official. Even if I'm running unopposed again this year, I like to keep up appearances. No matter what you call me, just remember I'm the Judge in my courtroom." He turned to gesture towards a flyer, celebrating the decreasing crime rate in Toontown. A whole one percent lower than last year! "Miss Francesca Valiant..." He repeated the name a few times, amused and seemingly delighted in the way a hungry cat is overjoyed at finding something small and slower moving. He wasn't going to think about that damned bird and cat. He wasn't going to pay Warner Brothers a fee just for occupying a thought. He had already thought about Tom and Jerry. That was enough. "Francesca... It seems you're following in your father's footsteps. Or shadow. We'll see about that, won't we?" His smile was toothy and just as predatory as always. "You might end up working with me. Or against me. Won't that be something?"
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cinemapremi · 8 months
Rohit Shetty's 'Indian Police Force': Action and Laughter Unleashed
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Rohit Shetty, the genius behind blockbuster cop films like 'Singham' and 'Simmba,' has stepped into the world of web series with 'Indian Police Force.' This series promised a thrilling mix of action and humor, staying true to Shetty's style. Let's dive into the chaos and humor of 'Indian Police Force' and see if it matches the excitement of his previous movies. Rohit Shetty’s “Indian Police Force” Trailer Released: A Tribute to Real Heroes A Fun and Action-Packed Ride Rohit Shetty, known for creating entertaining cop dramas, brings his magic to the digital screen with 'Indian Police Force.' Fans expected the same high-energy action with a touch of humor that Shetty is famous for. Trailer Buzz https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2T5aLFKZq5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== The trailer hinted at an engaging storyline and action-packed sequences. Fans were curious to see if Shetty could recreate his magic in the digital space. Rohit Shetty's 'Indian Police Force What to Expect Shetty's reputation raised expectations for 'Indian Police Force' to deliver not only on action but also on humor. Fans were ready for an enjoyable journey through the world of law enforcement.
Breaking Down 'Indian Police Force'
Exciting Story and Action Viewers were eager to explore the gripping narrative and intense action that Shetty is known for. The question was whether 'Indian Police Force' would live up to the excitement. Comparison with Other Cop Shows With shows like 'Special Ops' and 'The Family Man' setting high standards, 'Indian Police Force' had to offer something unique. Viewers were looking for a series that stood out in the crowded cop drama genre. Surprises and Twists As the series unfolded, it brought unexpected surprises. The initial reactions ranged from excitement to confusion, keeping viewers hooked.
Fun Moments
Yodha Movie Postponed Siddharth Malhotra Yodha Delayed Again, Now Slated for Next Year Release Humorous Bomb Diffusion at India Gate One standout moment was a funny bomb diffusion scene at India Gate. This unexpected humor added a refreshing break to the intense storyline, showcasing Shetty's knack for balancing tension and laughter. Importance of Comedy In a serious cop drama, the inclusion of humor might seem odd, but Shetty understood the audience's need for a light-hearted touch. Balancing intensity with lighter moments was crucial for an engaging experience. Tom and Jerry Vibes Characters, especially Shilpa Shetty's, reminded viewers of the classic dynamics of Tom and Jerry. The interactions between characters added an interesting layer to the story.
Debut Performances and Challenges
Fresh Faces Introducing Shilpa Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, and Siddharth Malhotra brought new energy to the series. However, launching a new show comes with its challenges. Flaws in Execution While the series had potential, some flaws in execution were evident. Viewers noticed missed opportunities that could have enhanced the overall experience.
Key Moments
India Gate Bomb Diffusion A critical scene at India Gate with a live bomb showcased the police force's capabilities. While it added authenticity, some questioned the feasibility of such scenarios. Haider's Role The introduction of Haider's character sparked curiosity. Exploring his unique contribution added depth to the storyline, challenging the usual cop drama norms. Realistic Police Dynamics The series portrayed realistic police dynamics and challenges. It effectively captured the tension faced by the police force in various situations. Strengths and Weaknesses 'Indian Police Force' had its strengths, including exciting action and unexpected humor. However, it also had its flaws. The series contributed to the cop genre but left room for improvement. Shetty's Digital Venture As Shetty ventured into the digital space, 'Indian Police Force' showcased his style. The series might not be perfect, but it's a step forward in exploring new storytelling avenues. Final Thoughts In the end, 'Indian Police Force' offers a mix of action and laughter, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of Rohit Shetty's signature style. Read the full article
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