#or just call me smooty!
echoing-gravity · 1 year
Blind Earthshaker Au
I wanna see a series rewrite where everything is the same except Percy is blind but can see better than everyone around him and has Katara's ice bending and toph beifong's Seismic Vibration Senses.
Like his dad is called the earth SHAKER so I don't think he can bend the earth too well but Percy is like feeling and making tiny vibrations/Earthquakes with his feet to see. He's super weak to air based projectiles think arrows. Or like literally anything a wind spirit picks up and throws in his general direction.
(He will tap his foot like an angry rabbit when hes stressed or caught off guard. I'm thinking wind spirits since they don't touch the ground OR have any water inside their bodies)
He can also "see" like where all the water is around him in a certain distance. Like mentally he has a 3d map of where things are. He doesn't like going places where theirs not a lot of water/or gorund. he can like tell when people are nervous by the speed of their blood flow/ the rhythm of their hearts. And is super precise with his ice bending be cuz of it.
Maybe Sally dies early or something and like we've got like 7 year old blind Percy wandering the streets but like since he can see where all the monsters are with his vibration earthy senses he can avoid them really well. Like "oh huh that guy has Hoooves? Nope. Percy outta here. Noo thanks." Since the mist is mostly sight based, and stuff, I feel like Percy would have a HUGE advantage.
In cannon it's shown that Percy is like really clairvoyant, what with all his dreams and stuff. So in my au he knows about the big three pact, and is just bullshiting people into thinking he's related to Khione goddess of snow and ice. And desperately trying not to let into the fact that he's blind.
(Luke/or/annabeth/or/Leo/or/Rachel/or Whoever he ends up being best friends with figures it out eventually be cuz theyve been friends for so long.)
At some point he runs into an 11yr old Luke pre- Luke meeting Thalia&Annabeth. And then we have them having the dynamic of Percy being a manic feral little shit and Luke trying to be responsible and protect him but ends up being the one protected all the time. I think it'd be funny.
Or maybe he runs into 7 year old annabeth and they become badass -cant be beat- besties. Percy snipe murdering every spider in a quarter mile radius, after he finds out annabeth is afraid of them.
I'm more partial to the meets Luke one cuz then when Percy and annabeth go on their first quest we'd get this fucking glorious scene:
Annabeth: no don't look Percy! You'll die!
Unhinged feral blind Percy: hahaha bitch u thought!!! *He says as he uncaps riptide witch was hidden in his hand.*
Medusa: *gurgling noise be cuz there is now a sword in her neck.*
Or in book two:
Circe standing with Percy Infront of enchanted mirror: isn't there Something u wish u could change about ur appearance? Drink this magic smoothie!
Unhinged feral blind Percy: haha bitch YOU THOUGHT.
Circe is now being held at knife point. (Or.. smootie- icicle point?)
Or if a pissed off god flashes their true form.
Hera: how... how are you alive?!
*Percy with his head tilted/angled so it looks like he's looking at them.*
Percy: *sing-songy voice* I know something yoooouuu doooonnntt! :)
Or if he gets hit by cupids arrow.
Cupid: the next person u look at with direct eye contact you will fall helplessly in love with them.
unhinged feral blind Percy: HAHAHA BITCH GUESS WHAT!
I'm sure there's more areas in the books or just Greek mythos in general where being blind is actually an advantage, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Or oooor -this is the one that I see being most likely to happen- hear me out: he runs into LEO. Since Hera was using the mist like crazy to hide him, but Percy is unaffected/immune to the most because He. Can't. See. It.
They steal/hijack an RV to live in. That could be cool. Leo has trama based on like burning people, right? Percy in canon Swam in LAVA, boy is fire-fucking-PROOF!! Fire and ice friends!
('oh my gods, they were roommates' perleo shipping intensifies)
Leo probably: you're nickname shall be Snowflake. Becuz ice powers.
Leo mentally: "wow! this person is really pretty, and funny and is like me, AND THEIR FUCKING FIREPROOF?"
Leo mentally: lets get fucking married.
Or maybe Sally doesn't die and Percy's blindness is known. He goes to school and guess who volunteered to help read his paperwork to him. That's right our favorite eco-rights activist: Rachel Elizabeth Dare!
Since Percy is blind he doesn't? Have dyslexia? I'm not entirely sure about how to explain this one. But like he's blind. People read things for him. (so he isnt effected by having dyslexia, becuase someone else is reading things for him.) He'd have good grades. Percy is sooo fucking smart. But like no one remembers cuz annabeth is always putting him down with all that doubt in canon. "Seaweed Brain!" I hate that nickname. Fuck canon annabeth. U don't have to put others down to have confidence in yourself omfg.
someone who isnt me write it. this is a writing prompt go! fanfic writers gooo!
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theaceofonepiece · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Fluff Alphabet Requests
So, Tokyo Revengers has become my new laser focus. Hyperfixation? Yeah, that. I love my boys so much, so I’m making this and a very smooty version.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Feel free to send me any character. I’ll try to put a short story with every letter so that it’ll make more sense. Promise!
Edit: Please try to limit requests to 4-5 letters per one? Just so that I can maintain writing yalls fluffy fluff
Edit (2): Also could you specify what kind of reader? Personality and gender wise so that you can get the best of your request!
-Signed Aciel~
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riddlerosehearts · 4 months
BG3 Tag Game
thank you to @nerdalmighty for tagging me!! 💖
tagging @smooti @the-blue-wraith @werevampiwolf @lockescoles and anyone else who wants to participate! no pressure, just tagging a few mutuals who i've seen post about the game.
Favorite romance: well, the only one i really know anything about is gale's romance (i know a few details here and there about most of the others but i haven't actually seen how they play out) so it has to be him. but i love gale so much i would be incredibly surprised if any of the others ever surpassed him. he's so funny but he's also such a gentleman, and all of his romance scenes are just beautiful. every time he calls my tav "my love" i feel like i am going to melt into a puddle.
Favorite class to play: i really need to try more of the classes but i've had so much fun playing my bard!! i love using tasha's hideous laughter/otto's irresistible dance on everything. imagine being a famous bard who's also hailed as a hero that helped defeat the chosen of the dead three, and when people ask how you did it, you get to say you just concentrated really hard on making ketheric thorm fall over in a fit of laughter while everyone else beat him up.
Favorite NPC: oh my god this is such a hard question... i honestly loved ketheric's story, and i also love alfira and rolan!! i'm actually so attached to the tiefling refugees in general, it's always a delight to see any of them again. and raphael is an incredibly fun villain.
Favorite song off the soundtrack: hmm, probably either raphael's final act because it feels so much like a classic disney villain song or wash my pain away, because it's just a beautiful song that makes me emotional.
Tell us a little about your Tav: my tav is a half-elf lore bard named elenion who pretends to be super confident and outgoing but is actually a shy nerdy anthropologist. they're very much high INT low WIS and will make ridiculous decisions if they think they might end up with interesting knowledge or a good story to tell (this is the entire reason they let astarion stick around at first even though he was obviously a vampire, btw). they also fell in love with gale within 5 minutes of meeting him and are best friends with wyll.
Something you wish was in the game: i'm in agreement that i wish there were more interactions between the companions at camp!! they talk about each other a lot, but not to each other so much other than the banter you get while walking around, and i'd just love to see them all bond more. i also wish there were more body type options, so you could make more androgynous-looking characters without having to mod the game.
Do you create fanworks? Share something with us: not currently but i would actually love to make gifs of the game!! and i probably will start doing that sometime later this year, whenever i'm able to get a new graphics card for my PC.
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Yay..#hydration af 🔥🔥 I'm...having a smootie!
AHH...im so glad..I was shy to bring it up. I really wanna play the game bc usually when smth is a game first its better than the anime? (I think the game was first..) yea..I see all the content subbed bc the eng anime js..kills me. They sound uncannily like teenage white boys that all have mushroom hair and wanna hit ..
Ahh? You write? Smirk???
From what I know it really is just dark fantasy. Like..what dark vampire content HASNT been considered problematic? Even like. Twilight LOL.
Hhhh i don't know his lore..Laito where are you..Laito...Id giggle at a crossover. Laito looks like a Trey Cater with the Ace mindset. And Kanato,,I love him he's a sweety. A little loco but he's so sweettieee..I..only know the brothers..and the mom. That is my last memory of dialovers..was the mom?.. - 🐍
Hello Viper, I’m excited about your smoothie! Yesterday I had a veggie one. I don’t eat vegetables… I usually drink them.
No need to be shy. I am… A lifeless dork. A shut in. So, I know about a lot of animanga related things. Otome especially. The anime was horrible, but I love the music they used. I used to sing along with the opening of the first season. The game is phenomenal. Again, a bit problematic because it’s… Mildly sexist. I actually like The Great Ayato and his bullying… I’m sorry my breasts are tiny… I’ll pray for them to grow so you’ll be happy my lord… Ahem… The English voice acting is horrible. I watched it only in Japanese because I couldn’t stand how lifeless they sounded in English. To my knowledge, and I may be wrong, the game is fully voice acted. You just need a translator.
I do secretly write for DiaLove. I was planning to only post it on Wattpad. I wanted to make a big story called ‘Juice Box’ but I never figured out who I wanted to be the main interest. Since the anime follows Ayato’s storyline heavily, it didn’t feel fair to the other potential routes. But I do sometimes write little oneshots. I just never post them since DiaLove is so niche now. I hope it stays niche. If TikTok discovered it and some of my other favorite games I would rip my heart from my chest and cannibalize myself.
I actually like Twilight a lot. I have a friend who owns the books and I want to finish reading soon. I watched the movies! I say problematic because the boys are pretty sexist and there is a lot of nonconsensual harassment and touching. Also the neck biting scenes are very intimate and have been suggested to be an allegory for sex depending on the scene. Again, usually nonconsensual because Yui/MC has no backbone. There’s also the Mukami brothers + Shin and Carla but usually I focus on the Sakami family… Ahhhhh but no one will stop me from moaning about Yuma. I want to be his stupid sow… I don’t mind… Treat me like livestock and feed me sugar cubes… Ahhhh his abuse feels so good~ Ah- I mean… I don’t condone this stuff outside of fantasy. But USA Nintendo doesn’t want their image ruined by horny vampires.
There are… I think… Three moms? Karl had a few wives, some at the same time cause he’s freaky as hell. One of them actually… The reason Laito acts the way he does… His mom was doing things with him that she shouldn’t. And she does not feel bad about it. But she dies so… We win… Sorta… I love Kanato’s bad ending he’s so odd and sweet at the same time. The game is just one giant rollercoaster of ‘please don’t let me die here I forgot to save again’ and ‘oh the moaning sounds are making me excited…’
I apologize for rambling… I really do love Diabolik Lovers. And because I discovered it at an impressionable age… I’ve turned into a SadoMas. Please tell me… Who your favorite is when you start getting into it… Naturally, The Great Ayato is mine because we act the same and share a birthday… But I want to kiss many of the characters… Ahhhh… Save me…
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Thinking about that time when both me and my sister looked each other in the eyes with painful solidarity as we flushed that latest horror concoction our dad calls a smootie down the toilet and rushed to put the cups in the sink before our dad could figure out what we just did
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our-smooty · 3 years
hey guys! SO as much as I love Juno as a name I think I"m gonna go back to Bee because it still feels more natural. Thank you all~
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Actor AU Kai is a single parent so he has to bring his daughter to the set even when she isn't acting but one day after a scene he can't find her and he get all worried until he sees a girl with staff uniform carrying his daughter he yells at her but later his daughter tell him that the cute girl was actually helping her cause she got lost and ask papa to apologize but now they can't find her maybe she was from another set? ... Fluff ending please?
I will call Eri Elizabeth because yes.
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"Great job beating Magne's ass!" The actor whose interpreted Mr. Compress patted his shoulder as the woman scoffed at his companion while the others on set laughed.
He could only smirk and roll his eyes as he wiped the fake blood out of his face before taling off his mask with a relieved sigh.
Seriously, how can anyone use that thing for too long?
Looking around the set he looked for his daughter, he had to being her over even if she wasn't acting because ironically his friend, whose also had a job on the same show as his, couldn't take care of her and he didn't trust on babysitters much.
Although when she wasn't around he started to panick, looking at everywhere and even dropping the mask on the ground.
"Oi? Dude." He tapped the actor which interpreted Rappa as he gave him a worried look "Where is my daughter? Elizabeth? I left her here before going for my act."
"Sorry man, but I didn't saw her. Maybe the director spotted her or something?"
He muttered a curse before storming out of the set as he ran. Elizabeth was abandoned just like him by her mother, he couldn't afford that she got hurt, she was the inly good left for him..
His worry got replaced by relief and rage as he saw his daughter on the arms of a woman, offering her even a chocolate lollipop which she agreed happily on taking it.
"Oi!" He shouted, the girl opened a huge smile at seing her father before yelping when he practically ripped her out of the woman's arms "Who the hell you think you are to take my daughter without my knowledge?!"
"I-I'm I was just trying to-"
"You wanna know what? I couldn't give a fuck." He growled as he walked away, fuming with his daughter on his arms.
"Daddy why did you do that?!" The girl exclaimed, finally catching her father's attention as he looked at her as if she had grew another head.
"Eh? Elizabeth. Why do you think I did that? She took you without me knowing and you not even say-"
"Daddy she was helping me!" She crossed her arms with a huff as he put her on the ground to give her his attention "I got distracted then lost here and she knew where you worked! She was just trying to cheer me up because I got really sad at not finding my way back!"
He widened his eyes at relazation as he looked over his shoulders to still see the girl helping other actors to get ready...
"Shit..." he rubbed the back of his head before yelping when he felt his daughter pushing at his ear... just he kne he pierced. "What the-?!"
"You cursed." She pouted before releasing his ear and pointing at your direction "You have to apologize to her! She was nice and even give me candy!"
"Even if you didn't deserve it, huh?" He muttered with a smirk as the girl gasped in false offense "Fine, fine. I will apologize to her tommorow when we get back. That sounds fine, doesn't it?"
"Pinky promise?" She extended her little finger up with a arched euebrow just like him as he locked her small finger with his.
"Yeah. Pinky promise. Now lets get that apple ice cream you wouldn't stop talking about." The girl gleamed in happines as she run towards his car "ELIZABETH DONT RUN!"
"Eehhh??? You dont have any records to do today." Shigaraki's actor said as he entered hand in hand with his daughter's, scanning the place to see if he found the girl he yelled at yesterday.
"Yo? Doesn't he look ugly?" Dabi's actor said after snatching a picture of the red eye man as the girl giggled.
"Im not here for the show. Im actually looking for someone."
"Ne????" Uraraka's actress exclaimed for her seat along with Toga's one "The man considered a lone wolf looking for someone??? That's odd!"
"Daddy is looking for a woman with (H/c) hair and (e/c) eyes! She wore this black thingy on as her uniform!" Elizabeth made hand gestures along her talking as he sighed.
"Any of you saw her around?"
"Oh!" Midoriya's actor exclaimed while his little brother tried to win hin on a game "You must be talking about miss (L/n)! She works on another set though! Im sirprise tha you two manahe to find her!"
"So how do you know her boy?" He asked with a arched eyebrow as the young man shuddered.
"She helped me with my costume once, the set on the other side she works is about "demons cutters" or "slawers" something like that! She should be working by now, but her lunch break should be soom though!"
"Thank you!" His daughter exclaimed while grabbing on her father's hand and dragging him along "cmon papa! Good acting everyone!"
He almost got hitted by a post and tripped by how fast his daughter was dragging him... until she finally sucessed to bump him on someone.
"Opsies!" His daughter hissed looking at both adults on the ground.
"Elizabeth..." he groaned while standing at least on his knees to widen his eyes to see the girl who helped his daughter yesterday, whinning and grumbling at her smootie being tossed and splashed on the ground.
"Miss (L/n)!" Hsi daughter exclaimed before throwing her arms over the girl's neck, the from on her face quicly vanishing as she notice the kid hugging her.
"Oh hello! Lost again?" She giggled before widening her eyes at seing he was there too... the handsome single father interpretting Chisaki Kai from the show Boku no hero academia...
While he was at loss of words at only noticing now how beautiful that woman was...
Like an angel...
"Ahem!" His attention was stolen by his daughter frowing at him.
"Apologies, did it hurt too much?" He extended his hand to you, feeling how soft your hand was... equibalent to a kitty's paw.
"U-uh.. no no! I dealed with worst!" You laughed as to brush off how embarrassed you was as he gave you a smile.
"I'm relieved.. I suppose I also own a apology for yesterday, I jumped to conclusions at seing you with my daughter and I panicked."
"I forced him to!" Elizabeth exclaimed before giggling at the pat she received from jer father as you smiled at how PURE and CITE those too looked.
"Is not a problem! Really, I get it!"
"Your lunch break is probably over because of us though." He pointed at your smoothie at the ground as you pouted "Care at accepting my offer to accompany me and my daughter at some cafeteria nearby?"
As you nodded, Elizabeth gasped in awe. Her father NEVER invited anyone to hang out with them! Especially even looked so... in love?!?!? She was freacking out and gushing from her dad's side as the two talked.
You three had a loveable talk before one of your coworkers called you desperatly saying that one of the lights was not working and you had to go. Elizabeth couldn't contain her fangirling sounds when she saw at the way her father accompanoed the young lady as she leaved and let out a dreamy sigh.
"She is gonna be my new mom?!" She shoked her father's shoulder, making the poor man to spit his drink.
"W-what the hell? No kid, I barely know her-"
"But you two looked so in love! You love her!" She jumped on the ground to make a fance as the whole cafeteria looked over them as the poor man covered his red face with his hand "love her! Love her! Love her! You two will marryyyyyyy!!!!"
"Eli..." he growled while burring his face on both hands, never feeling so ashamed at seing bis daughter gushing about his... newest crush.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
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warnings: gun
a/n: MWAH
requested by anonymous
Just what Tim needed, a night off with his s/o. Your relationship was still new, but he was so excited to expore more of it. Tonight, the two of you had already visited two museums before calling it and getting smooties. You couldn’t think of a better date.
“Let me try some of yours.” You moved your hand over his and pulled his drink closer to your mouth so you could take a sip while he chuckled.
“Any good?” Your boyfriend asked, watching and you nodded contently. Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows, pulling a gun on the two of you.
“Empty your pockets. Do it!” The goon shouted as Tim handed you his smoothie, but he didn’t seem a bit worried. Instead, he pulled out a small object from inside his jacket and launched it at the criminal before you. The rest was just a blur, a shot fired and you held your eyes shut tight. Next thing you know, Tim stood above an unconscious body.
“How...how did you do that?” You asked as you looked down at the ground to see an R-shaped shuriken lying on the pavement. Your eyes widened and you looked back up at Tim, who had an awkward smirk on his face.
“Guess you know my secret...”
taglist: @thatwaspossession // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm //
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Reader x Vincent van Gogh {IkeVam} - Made of Stars
Title: Made of Stars Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Character: Vincent van Gogh Genre: smiles in smut Warnings: smooty Kinks: biting, unusual toys (momentarily), grinding, moaning, mild dirty talk, pretty soft/fluffy Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience  Word Count: 1500 words POV: second person Req by: @sadshaxk​ (prompt: you’re bigger than i expected)  Other comments: im honestly so so sorry this is late, i thought it was due on the 28th and i didnt connect that the 6 is not an 8 . i hope you enjoy it though!! 
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Bored, Vincent drags the clean paintbrush across his hand, trying to think of what to paint. His eyes dart to you for a moment, and you see the flicker of inspiration sparking in his beautiful blue orbs. A gentle smile stretches across his lips and he leans back on the stool, not limited by a backrest, and taps the end of the brush against his chin. 
          “Would you come here for a moment?” he asks, sitting up and padding over to the full length mirror. 
         You do as he asks, intrigued by his idea, and stand in front of him. Like this, your body obscures most of his from the reflection, but Vincent rests his chin on your shoulder and traces you with the brush. Really, the bristles tickle a bit, and his fingers rest at your sides, dangerously close to your sensitive spots.  
         “Why the mirror? I thought you wanted to paint me…” 
         He ponders your question for a moment before taking a handful of your hair and lifting it slightly to expose your neck. The vampire’s touch is gentle, and you feel safe in his grasp. Warm seemingly radiates from his mouth as he hovers inches away from your pulse. 
         “Tell me what you see first–” 
         Vincent presses an open-mouthed kiss to your skin, urging you to respond. 
         “A-Ah… well… I just see myself, no? And you being an absolute tease! Vincent please!” You squirm, but he only tightens his grip on your waist, keeping you pressed against his strong chest. 
         “Indeed… it is you, but I see more.” Holding your chin with two fingers, Vincent urges you to look directly at the reflection. He brings the brush down along your cheek and then follows the curve of your jaw with it. “Sometimes, when I look at you, I see stars.” 
         Vincent hums. “Flickers of light, reminding me how wonderfully precious you are.” His voice is dangerously sweet as he drags his digits down your chest. Upon reaching the lace of your bodice, he tugs at it enthusiastically until the buttons give away and the fabric opens, revealing the dark colored corset underneath. “You’re glowing, even now!” Vincent beams and taps your nose with his brush. 
         “I think blushing is the right word, Vincent, the window is open–” 
         He only laughs a bit, and spins you around only to capture you again. With a hand on either side of your face, Vincent walks backwards, to the love seat against the wall, and sits down, bringing you with him. “My star, will you try to resist my love?” 
         You meet his intense gaze – his eyes well with adoration and pride, you can see it clearly. “Of course not. Show me your love, Vincent– Let me be your case study!” 
         And it’s all the confirmation he needs to rip apart the rest of your clothes and send them flying across the room. Regardless of the open window, he has plans to devour you, fulfill his promise to you, and prove that you are indeed, made of stars. 
         His lips, hot and wet with anticipation, graze your collarbone, looking for the perfect place to mark you. With one hand lost in his angelic blonde locks, you push him closer to your bosom. You slip your free hand under your skirt in a desperate attempt to take your undergarments off quickly. 
         If you had known that Vincent’s plans to paint would be interrupted by a spontaneous love-making session, you would have worn something different. Then again, he always seems to enjoy indulging in his carnal desires, which lead him to rip things off of you. 
         “V-Vincent! You’re still teasing me…” 
         You didn’t realize that he is still holding the paintbrush, but he tucks it between his teeth, sharp canines gripping into the wood. He takes a moment to fix your skirt, centering you on his lap and ensuring you won’t fall. The topmost strings of your corset have magically come undone, allowing Vincent to pull it down enough to finally bite you. 
         As the brush falls from his lips, he is free to have you. 
         Pleasure bubbles in your blood the moment Vincent takes his first drink from you. It fills your body and soul, spreading the warmth to your core. Like a puppet on strings, you arch your back and curl against Vincent, giving him more flesh to delight in. 
         “Look, it’s even blossoming into a star! I told you, did I not?” 
         Still in a daze, you look down at the top of your breast where there is, indeed, a beautiful purple mark in the shape of a star. Vincent certainly has his ways, and you have long forgotten about his painting plans. 
         “Are we going to continue?” 
         “Unless you wish to sto–”
         Vincent beams and holds your skirt up with one hand and uses the other to drag the brush along your inner thighs. “I warn you, continuing includes more teasing.” 
         “Oh, you have the smirk of a devil, but the touch of an angel, Vincent.” You cup his face and kiss him gleefully, pressing your tongue against his. He moans against the fervent kiss, hands rummaging around until the handle of his brush grinds against your silk-clad privates. He has yet your underwear, but you know it will disappear in a matter of moments. “Vincent~”
         “You’d prefer something else?” 
         Rolling your eyes, you take the brush from his hand and roll directly over the erection still hidden in his trousers. The tool clatters to the ground, and you direct your attention to pulling his pants down, at least enough for the two of you to satisfy your lustful needs. 
         Your lover takes to kissing along your collarbone again. 
         He always does this: Vincent searches for your favorite spot to be bitten, so that he may do so as he enters you. It is a sly move of his because he loves seeing your sinful expression. With his pulsating length finally in your palm, you guide him to your entrance. Breathing heavily, you sit down slowly until you feel your folds rub against his base. 
         And then he bites you. 
         The sensation paralyzes you, because Vincent decides to thrust up at the last moment, ensuring that you can not fit anymore of his member inside of your cunt. Blood trickles down your chest, but he catches it with a single swipe of his tongue. He is absolutely wonderful, and you wonder if Vincent is the one made of stars rather than you. 
         Vincent calls your name, bringing you back into the moment. “You want to say something– I can tell, it’s there, lingering on your lips. Tell me!” 
         “You’re… bigger than I expected, Vincent.” You start to roll your hips and place your hands on his chest to steady yourself. “Have you been holding out… just to ensure you’d… do this to me now?” 
         This makes him blush, but Vincent nods. “I want to pleasure you and you alone, my star. I’ve made you radiate.” 
         “Oh Vincent…” 
         He has a wonderful way with words, just like he does with his paintings. They reflect his swirling emotions– even if he cannot always communicate them verbally, Vincent draws inspiration from the world and his heart, putting them on canvas to make them understood. Your heart wells with love for him, and you moan his name in his ear, over and over until he knows of your feelings. 
         Vows of affection tumble from his tongue, wrapping you in happiness. He controls himself and only bites you once more, at the neck, before he kisses the spots. Really, you zone in and out of consciousness, sometimes in the moment and listening to his words, telling you how gorgeous you are and how bright you glow. You think you hear something about how he’s going to use you as inspiration for a painting– something about a night with stars, but you don’t understand the full thought before everything comes crashing down. It happens faster than you expect, seeing as it feels as though a few moments ago you had said your comment to him. 
         Vincent moans for you when he follows you to pleasure. It’s beautiful to watch, and he holds you against him so that you don’t fall back. 
         You don’t have the strength to move anymore, so you nestle against Vincent and bask in the afterglow of his love. After this, you understand that both of you are stars, so beautiful and bright, especially when together. 
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[ threaten ] (possessed Hal to John, like we plotted? :O)
He never really got a call from these guys when things were going smooty. So of course when he saw that he was getting a call he knew something was going to shit. WHich was already annoying. Meant there was work he was going to be stuck doing. Not that he was apparently going to turn this down. John of course had answered. Hating it the moment he picked up the phone. They didn’t give him too many details. Probably because they weren’t totally sure what it was that was going on. Just enough to know that they needed a little bit of extra help which was how he ended up here. He really should have asked more questions and gotten a better understanding of what he was walking into. 
He had been told that something with Hal was happening. They hadn’t really known what else to talk about. They had been sure it might have been something up John’s alley which was why they were even giving him this call. From what he was hearing John would say that the idiot got himself possessed somehow. Wasn’t sure who it was just yet. But that was pretty much what that sounded like. Meaning he had to go have a little chat with him.
So of course he had found the other man. Got the feel that something was wrong the moment he walked into the room Hal had come into. The man did not look too thrilled to see him. A reaction John was very much used to however hearing the way the man had spoken to him? Usually threats of violence waited until after he opened his mouth. “Well clearly you’re worst off than th’ your team wanted to tell me.” He sounded a little more amused than he actually was though.
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mythiica · 5 years
Hey!!! Can get some headcanons for Mitsuhide and Nobunaga with a fem s!o trying to dominate them? I mean just trying cuz i'm usually the shy sub. Thanks~
Title: Dom!Fem Headcanons {Nobunaga Oda} {Mitsuhide Akechi}
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Nobunaga Oda, Mitsuhide Akechi
Genre: headcanons, smooty
Warnings: heheheheh
Kinks: tbh i forgot but it gets spicy
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 617 words
POV: second person w/ (Y/n)
Other comments: phew i hope you like this! mucho spicy
Nobunaga Oda
“You want to take the lead? Are you sure you can handle the Demon King?”
he might tease you at first, but then he shuts up and watches you, completely mesmerized by your actions
if you’re giving him oral, then he will constantly brush your hair back, run his fingers through your locks, he might pull on it when you wrap your tongue around him
aka he has wandering hands, and Nobunaga will be VERY tempted to regain control of the situation
bad Nobunaga
put him in his place by pressing your finger to the tip of his cock and suddenly, he will become very obedient
best positions to dominate: cowgirl
he will keep his palms firmly planted on your hips, helping you ease down on him
if you bark orders, he won’t know what to do for a moment, but then will comply
but if you let your dominance waver for even a second (moan too loud, comment something about last night), Nobunaga won’t hesitate to reclaim the situation
dirty talk will fuel him (“doesn’t that feel good, my lord?”, “you’re so big, you fill me up~”)
Nobunaga usually grunts/growls during sex, but if you ask him nice enough, “if you moan really nice for me, I’ll let you cum”, he will release that pent up moan for you and it will echo throughout the castle
will probably be too reluctant to actually beg for you, but he will respond more to a reward system style dom
post-sex: will praise you for doing so well, but will remind you that he does not know how easy it would be for him to hold back next time
Mitsuhide Akechi
“You wish to dominate the kitsune? Alright, little mouse, let us see how well you fare…”
will be more open to giving up his dominance than Nobunaga
he knows how to keep his hands away, but he will squirm around if you suck him off/give him a handjob at the same time
will constantly run his hands through his own hair because he starts sweating
will be surprised when your aura changes to that of a more dominant partner, but is very turned on
if you waver at any point, he will guide you back to your dominant position
SNARKY COMMENts will FLY out of his mouth
“Who taught you to do that with your tongue?”, “I suppose I won’t be able to call you little mouse after this anymore, now will I?”, “Princess, who would have known you have the makings of a queen?”
best positions to dominate: face sitting
gotta shut him up somehow
grip his hair and tug on it when he’s doing a good job, and he will moan against you
if you reach behind you and give him a handjob while he eats you, he will cum very fast
will be willing to sit on his knees to eat you (standing up)
when Mitsuhide is dom, like Nobunaga, he will mainly grunt and moan occasionally, but when you dom, he will be loud on purpose to egg you on
LOVES the idea of you leaving marks on him (as he calls it, mutual marking)
if dom!you leaves the bedroom (pull him into a room in the middle of the day, give him a handjob under the table at a meeting), he will gladly play along
even if it’s dom!you, Mitsuhide will be focused on making the moment pleasurable for you as well
might or might not reference things in passing: “remember that one time when you-”
post-sex: will kiss you repeatedly and pull your leg over his hips, “well done little mouse, you have tamed the kitsune”
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eurydice-thefool · 4 years
for both of your apprentices, 💛honeysuckle and 🥒cucumber melon !
TYYY– Sorry I’ve been MIA for the past week or so my brain has been ? an interesting place. I’ll be fine don’t worry about me, I’m just letting you know that I appreciate that you all are still here for me. Thank you for your patience and for interacting again when I came back ❤️💙 Thank you @smooti
apprentice asks by candlelight
💛honeysuckle- do they like pet names / nicknames? do they call their LI(s) by any specific names or are they called any specific names?
Eurydice will melt if you call her a pet name, especially if it’s casual. Hey, Babe, come help me with this. Just casually remind her that she’s special to you. She leans more toward sappy, romantic Darlings and My Loves. She doesn’t have specific pet names for Asra and Portia, but it’s up that alley– simple, clear, affectionate. When she uses fancy terminology it’s for the sake of clarity, not showing off, and with pet names, the point is to tell them that they’re loved, right? At least that’s her logic. She really likes her name, so when people use nicknames it’s out of convenience; the pronunciation is difficult, you need to get her attention quickly, there’s limited space to write her name. She usually defaults to Rys, but Kiki’s acceptable informally. She’d be fine with Didi if Lucio hadn’t come up with it and insisted on using it without asking.
Mila loves simile pet names. Comparison is the thief of joy, yeah yeah she knows, but it feels so special to be compared to something objectively beautiful. Moonbeam. Starlight. Pearl. any flower. She eats that shit UP. Starlight is definitely a favorite, though. She’s also 420% more likely than Eurydice to call you a silly nickname. Yes, Eurydice calls Lucio “Goatman,” but that’s more to get under his skin than a sign of endearment; Mila will do it to be friendly or funny. Sometimes it’ll be shortened names– ‘Dette, Muri, Jules– and sometimes it’ll just be something she associates them with– Pomegranate Lady, Danger Noodle. Modern!AU Mila has all her friends saved in her contacts as things like Pumpkin Spice Slut and Mountain Man and Filthy homestuck.
🥒cucumber melon- what do they do to wind down after a stressful day?
Eurydice passes out ASAP. Naps are the easiest way for her to reset her stress levels; she’ll lie down for an hour or two and then enjoy having the rest of the evening to herself. She will never refuse cuddles! Let her sleep, though; there will be time to get frisky later, when she can give you her full attention.
Mila needs to accomplish something for herself. She can feed off the satisfaction of completing a project, cooking a meal, fixing something. If there’s nothing for her to do then she’ll exercise– preferably swim– until she’s too tired to be stressed.
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jaredandlee · 5 years
Loudtale Chapter 1, RUINS
A long time ago, there lived two races, humans and monsters. One day, war broke out, but because there were humans that have befriended the monsters for a long amount of time, so a few of the humans joined the monsters as their allies during the war. After a long battle, the humans were victorious, and with the best sorcerers, they created a magical barrier to seal the monsters underground, along with the humans whom sided with them were casted deep underground together and never to be seen again.
201X, Mount Ebbot
Legand say that people who climbs this mountain never returns.
AN:the humans whom sided with the monsters had gain their trust and were granted with some magic abilities, and some humans even lived as long as the monsters, which the scientists had claimed the humans had evolved into half like monsters ,(for instance, Rita has toriels horns, Lisa has alphas tail and Lynn has blue skin) in which case, they shared the ability to stay alive for a long time.
A small figure with a red cap fell into the cave of mount Ebbot, she landed on a patch of white flowers,it was dark, the only source of light was from where she had fallen, "Well, guess there's no turning back now. "Lana thought. She was wearing a dark blue sweater with sappy green stripes, with her hair in two pigtails tied down and missing front teeth. She saw only one way and went through the door, in front of her was a patch of grass, and among the patch was a single white flower ,the flower had a baby-ish face, and greeted Lana with mostly baby gibberish, but somehow Lana understood the white flower, the lilian said, "Poo poo" (Howdy, I'm lily, lily the lilian, you're a human aren't cha? Hehe ,you must be so confused, somebody ought to teach ya how things work around here). "The room got dark, a red heart formed in front of Lana, "poopoo(that's your soul, the culmination of your being, your soul starts off weak, but you can get stronger by gaining exp, which would increase your lv, what does lv stands for? Why LOVE of course! You want some love don't cha, here have some friendliness pellets). "Five white pellets appear in front of her, " poo poo(Move your soul to catch them, ready? Here we go). "Lana thought, "this is unexpected, but this cute flower couldn't want to hurt me ,could it?? "
Just as the pellets gained a closer distance, a voice whisper in her head ,"MOVE YOU IDIOT!! "But it was too late, Lana was struck and pain coursed through her whole body, her hp went down to 1.When she was able to see, she saw lily laughing menacingly and said more baby gibberish, "Hehehe poopoo(YOU IDIOT! WHY WOULD ANYONE PASS UP A CHANCE LIKE THIS?!? AFTER ALL ,IN THIS WORLD ,IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!! )"With that lily threw more pellets surrounding the red soul, as they inched closer, lily laughed with a maniacal smile, just as Lana thought she was a goner, the pellets vanished, she felt a sudden surge of relief, and was healed back to full hp, Lily the lilian was astonished and suddenly a fire ball flew and hit the flower out of sight. Just then , a blonde women in her mid forties wearing a-pink robe and white sleeves, she grumbled,"Dang it, this weird flower has been nothing but trouble. ",she turned and saw Lana confused and scared. "Hello there sweetie,don't be scared, I'm Rita, the caretaker of the ruins, I come through the ruins in case anyone is need of help, looks like you fell down from the surface aren't you honey? Come on, I'll guide you through the catatombs. "
As Rita lead Lana through the gateways and puzzles, she explained that one must solve each puzzles in order to enter the next room. Rita also explained that monsters in the ruin would attack and would be in a FIGHT,she said she can choose to FIGHT or ACT so that Rita would be able to solve the conflict. After a few rooms and a battle with a froggit (in which Lana was handling just fine by talking to it and bringing up her pet frog, but Rita got worry some and ask her to keep up), Rita intentionally fasten her pace to test Lana's independence. Fortunately for Lana, she was a fast one, and caught up to Rita with ease. While Rita was fixing her hair, she noticed a set of small horns on her head, but decided it was an underground thing and put the question aside. Just as Rita finished explaining the reason, Lana received a cell phone from her , in which looked very ancient and can only be used for calling. When Lana was asked to stay in the room she obliged, and off left Rita. After five minutes, Lana received a phone call from Rita, as she was concerned of Lana being alone, Lana told her she was doing just fine, but then she heard barking from the other side of the phone, "No Charles, come back here with my phone!!, "Lana was determined on helping Rita, (plus she wanted to check out that dog )so she entered the next room.
Just as Lana entered the room, a froggit from before showed up and talked to Lana. "Ribbit ribbit(Excuse me human, I have some important information on fighting monsters. When you encounter a monster, you can FIGHT them or ACT in a certain way to wear them out, but when they do not want to FIGHT, please human, use MERCY, and spare them.) "Lana deeply considered the options, as she was an animal lover on the surface, she nodded and went into a room with only a bowl of candy and a note that said"Take a piece ",so she took the monster candy and continued her journey.
Just as her journey begun, she encountered a whimsun, it was a small creature with wings behind, before she could say anything, whinsun flee in terror and disappeared. After another few encounters with some monsters and puzzles, Lana arrived in a room where a ghost was blocking the way, and from the unusual snoring, she realized the ghost was faking it. "Zzzzzzzsigh......aretheygoneyet?zzzzzzzzzzzz"Lana was tempted to walk pass it as it was misty and gloomy but decided it would be rude, so she gave a gentle push, and was encountered. NAPSTALUCE blocks the way. Napstaluce starts to sigh, the dread air slowly intercepts Lana while she dodged them. "Oh........... I'm sorry................ ".Lana decided to cheer her up, "that felt......a little better........ "Bats flew in and were all over the room, "Fangs, please ...............ask your friends............... to be nice............. "Lana dodged the little critters and cheered Napstaluce again, "Hey.......... do you......... want to hear........ my poems.....? "Lana agreed and so the ghost recited her poem.
I came to the ruins alone,
Never to be heard of a moan.
But just then somebody came,
And put all my misery away.
Napstaluce awaited patiently for Lana's response, Lana simply cheered and the ghost blushed"Oh gee......... "And the fight was over. Lucy the ghost have never felt this happy, she almost suppressed a smile"Sigh............I'm just a dark and gloomy ghost, never was I praised of anything but being dim, overlooked, but today I met someone who enjoys my poems and my presence being, and that's what I'll do." Napstaluce went through the wall and dissapeared.
After Napstaluce left, Lana continued her journey through the ruins. A bunch of other monsters were encountered, monsters like mouldsmol the pudding like monster, Vegetoid the carrot monster insisting Lana to eat her greens, Migosp, a beetle like monster that just wants to chill, three normal size froggits and an ant-size froggit who waved at Lana. Loox, who wanted Lana to pick on him.
In one room, the puzzle consisted of six trap doors, and only one of them had a button, so Lana decided to try her luck but ended up battling another Vegetoid. "Eat your greens.. "said Vegetoid, with a lot of concentration and avoidance Lana ate the green vegetables, just enough for Vegetoid to be satisfied. After the battle, she found a pink ribbon, and used it for her loosen blond hair ,which increased her defence. Lana came out of the chute and decided to try again,though in the next room, she saw nothing until Lucy the ghost materialized right behind her and scared the heck out of Lana , "Sigh...........,I was too focused on my poems that I stumbled in , sigh.............. now I'm stuck down here, sigh............"Lana questioned Napstaluce about her ghostly abilities,then it dawn to Napstaluce,"Oh right.......... I'm a ghost .............,sigh..........I can just levitate out of here............"And with that, the gloomy ghost left the room, but faintyet distanced sighs can be heard. Lana looked around, but saw no switches for the obstacle, and went back up. At the next room, she finally found the switch, and proceeded with her adventure.
After another series of puzzles, Lana went inside another room, and in a corner were spider webs and other little critters, there was a stand that said"Bug smooties, by bug critters, for bug critters. "Lana went through her inventory, and found it empty ,but she received a lot of gold from the battles, so she bought three bug smooties, and kept them just in case she would be at low hp. Next, she went forward and a foggit said to her "Hello human,not to be a bother, but I saw Rita passed by."Lana realized it was the same froggit from before and said"Okay, thanks for the tip. "wondering if she was on her way to the groceries, and decided to ask about it later .
In another room, a breathtaking view of a big city was shown, but from Lana's point of view, the city looked abandoned and hollow, not much life going on anywhere. On the left side of the floor, there laid a toy knife, Lana had a piece of stick as a weapon, she rarely used it in FIGHTS, but kept it anyway. So the toy knife was left behind, and Lana continued forth.
Lana reached a lifeless tree in the middle of the room,orange leaves we're scattered all around the tree bark, she felt sorrow for the old tree. Suddenly her phone rang, she heard someone from the other side of the tree saying"Oh dear, what's taking her so long? "And was startled as Lana appeared right in front of her ,"Oh, sweetie you made it, you must be tired from the whole journey, come, let's go inside ,I'm making a chocolate cake for you. "Lana followed Rita inside the house. The house looked small but cozy, in front of the doorway was a staircase down, Lana thought this must be the way to the basement or something. Rita said, "Welcome to your new home sweetie "She led Lana to the right and entered a hallway, but stopped in front of a room, "So this is your room, "she explained, and patted Lana's head in a sweet motherly way. A burning scent came in, "Is something burning? Ermm I'd better go check, you just make yourself comfortable okay? "With that, she paced off anxiously to the way they came in. Lana decided to look around and adjust herself in to the new territory and went down the hall. There were white flowers decorated all over the place, Lana stopped at Rita's room, trying to debate to herself whether to explore the rooms or just get into her own, her final decision was thinking, it couldn't hurt to peek around a bit right?
And so she did.In Rita's room, more lilians were in various corners, a single bed was placed at the left side of the room, a desk at the doorway, a huge closet, and some reading materials. There was a book laid on the desk, a paragraph was circled red , it said"What did the sea do to say goodbye? Nothing, they just waved "Lana snickered a bit, but doesn't intended to read anymore personal business of Rita.
At the end of the hallway, there was a locked door, but it said, "Closed for renovations ".A mirror was beside the door, Lana looked at herself, the reflection was just as before, blond hair, empty front teeth, but with a ribbon tied in her hair. As energetic as Lana was,she decided to take a break in her room, the room was small enough for two children, in front of her was a toy box, which doesn't interest her at all, in a closet hung different colours of striped clothing, and below was different shoes in various sizes.
Lana yawned, tired from a day's adventure, got in the bed and slept. In her dream, there was froggit in a corner, the froggit stared at Lana as if she was someone familiar, her vision blurred, in front of Lana was a mirror, but instead of her own reflection, she saw someone else,different yet so alike, the reflection was wearing a tiara and a pink dress, which Lana would rather not wear in any occasion .The girl in the reflection was smiling, her face glowing red ,"Hello there mirror, "the pink girl said in a sadistic way. Lana wanted to protest that she looked nothing like her, but seeing that they were both blonds and at the approximately the same height, she decided to listen what this princess has to say. The girl continued "You know how these monsters treat you like a friend, like family, Well, your being too much of an idiot to realize that they are not what they seem".Lana gave her the silent treatment, but the pink girl refuse to take it, "oh, so this is what I get for telling you the truth? Well then, hear me out this one time. You'll never get home with your current attitude of kindness and friendship and whatnot, it's all about getting what you want, and now all you want is to get back up there, right? "Lana gave her a -_- face, the pink girl ignores her state and said"Never mind, you'll see what I mean by the end of your journey. "With that, she vanished.
When Lana woke up, she smelled a delicious sensation of chocolate cake, and saw a piece laid on the desk and a small fork beside, she took a small bite , but decided it would be best to save the rest for later. She decided to look for Rita, and thank her for the pie. She went out of the room, walked past the basement stairs, and into another room, in front of her was where there's a fireplace and an armchair on the left side, and a dinner table at the other corner. She went straight to the kitchen, and there laid normal equipments refrigerator to stove. The kitchen sink shone as if it was newly scrubbed, the stove looked untouched, Rita must've used fire magic for the baking. On the counter laid the pie, it's too intimidating for you to eat ?The comment was bit excessive, but she decided to be reasonable and leave it be.
Lana went back to the living room, and saw Rita on the armchair, she went to the fireplace, and felt pleasant warmth.Rita noticed Lana and explained that she was delighted to have her around ,wanted to show her favourite spot in the ruins, and admitted that she wanted to be a novelist, to write about the life of a caretaker in the ruins, but with small population and uninterested behaviour of reading nor writing in the ruins, she needed to put that dream aside for a while.
"Oh, did you want to ask something? "she questioned, Lana thought about living here in the ruins for the rest of her life, the idea bores her, but not to hurt Rita, she didn't complained and asked if she could read her something, "Anything for you child, "she responded, "How does 109 milk facts? Did you know that milk also reproduced cheese other than cream? Fascinating! "Lana turned from interested to slightly less interested ."Yeah, it is. "She replied.
Lana went back to her room, she tried to entertain herself by checking out the toys in the chest. But sadly, still nothing interest her at all. A few days passed, Rita was happy with Lana's company, they read books together,(Rita read them to Lana as she listened) ,they went to her favourite bug hunting spot ,in which was fine with Lana as she rolls in the mud full of worms and tried to eat them (and the dirt covering the insects) only to get stopped by Rita, "I know they are full of protein and nutrition, but it is safer for them to be properly boiled or cooked, all right? "Lana shrugged and said, "Yeah sure. "But took a sip of a worm anyways without Rita noticing.
More days passed, or maybe weeks, Lana lost count and there wasn't a calendar in the house. She was so bored she ventured the ruins multiple times and was getting pretty sick of the same scenario all over again. Finally, She mustured up her courage on asking Rita to let her go home, "What? "She replied with concern and a hint of fear, "Oh no sweetie, this is your home, you can't leave, it's dangerous out there ."she answered with hints of sadness. Lana refused to stay much longer ,being mundane was never her lifestyle, but she also doesn't want to have a collision with her, so she requested with much patience. With hours of pleading, Lana stayed determined ,but Rita was determined of Lana staying as well. "Wait here, there's something I need to do first ,"she fast paced to the entrance and down to the basement, leaving Lana confused yet it was clear what has to be done.
Lana followed her down, they were in a dark corridor, but bright enough to see. "Every kid who comes down here is met with the exact fate ,they come, they leave, they die. You naive little youngster, if you leave the ruins, you can never come back, so please, "she said deliberately, "GO TO YOUR ROOM , this is an order, do not even try to rebel against me. "Lana's head wanted to obliged the order, but her heart was reluctant, and her heart lead her deeper into the corridor. At a turn to the left, Rita warned her in a serious tone, " This is your last warning, if you go out there, they.... "She paused, "King Lynn senior... "She shuddered at the name, "will kill you. "Before Lana processed this whole scenario, The blond mother continued, "don't you see I'm just trying to protect you?Saving you from all those pain and misery in your way? so please, go back upstairs. "The mother continued forth, with Lana on her tail, feeling hesitant and determined at the same time. At last, they've reached a huge door as tall as the wall, and with the same symbol on Rita's dress.The blond mother was still facing the door, "Behind this door lies the way to the outside world, I will destroy it, so you can be safe ,so I can watch you grow up, .......so I would be lonely no more. "She said with tears filling up her eyes. Silence was everywhere, Lana could not comprehend the situation she was in, she only issue she understood was that Rita has been alone in the ruins for so long, and she would rather destroy the exit of the ruins than be alone for a few hundred more years.
Rita stayed calm in her position, understood that Lana would not be as easily convinced as thought, in so, another way had to be done. "If you want to leave so badly, there is only one way for you to do"Rita's expression darkens, "Prove yourself, prove to me that you are strong enough to survive the inevitable outcome ."Lana thought of ways to overcome this situation, but all her ideas were useless, and decided that the situation must be handed head on.
The room blackened, Lana's soul appeared in front of her chest, Rita blocked the way, flames were everywhere ,her stance was fixed yet fierce, and with that, the battle began. Rita started forming balls of fire around her and threw them at the soul while Lana sidesteped the attacks. When it's lana turn she uses ACT and tried to reason with her, but she doesn't listen nor took interest on what she said. The blond mother attacked again by using a tactic of an hourglass while Lana dodged them, but was struck with a fireball and was down to 14 hp. Despite the pain, Lana decided to use MERCY and spared toriel, "What are you doing?! "She exclaimed, "Fight me or leave! "Lana was surprised by her anger and anguish voice, but proceeded to do the same. Rita prepared a magical attack, the speed of the flames was getting ridiculously fast even for Lana, and her hp went down to 1."Attack or run away! "Rita ordered, but also looked aloof, when it's her turn to attack, the fire balls missed the soul intentionally, so Lana decided to take the chance, and spared her again. In the next turn, Rita was looking through Lana while aiming the fireballs at the wrong route, while Lana was still using MERCY to spare Rita, this scenario went on for so much time, and Rita was getting tired of using so much of her magic."Stop looking at me like that! "Rita said in distress, but Lana did nothing but proceed more MERCY. Rita looked more drained than before, and with Lana's last strength she drank the bug smoothie and her up was healed to 15. With Lana alleviated and Rita being so drained out of energy, Lana explained her reason of wanting to leave, not because of the hostility that was given nor was it because of the tedious scenario given over and over, but because she shouldn't stay so long for the people who worry for her so much. "I have to go, not because I don't want to stay, it's because I miss the outdoors, and there's NO MUD IN HERE! "Rita got pretty startled at the last part, "my point is, there are something we have to let go sometime, and even if I got back, I'll always come visit you mom. "The blond mother was stunned of Lana calling her mother, but was glad as well that she wouldn't forget her nor abandon her. "Well, if this is really what you want, "Rita said, "then, I won't stop you, I know we don't have much, but we could have a good life here, and maybe..... "She paused, "Ha... Ha....woeful, isn't it, I can't save even one of you, but...... "Lana felt a little guilt tripped,and Rita continued, "I understand, you would be unhappy trapped down here the Ruins is kinda small once you get to used to it, my expectation, fear, loneliness, for you sweetie, I'll put them aside for now. "The battle concluded.
The room was dark no more, Lana saw some tears clinging on Rita's eye, but above her chin was a great motherly smile. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry for what I've done, I never wanted this to happen again, but I can let you go and know that you will be safe the whole journey. "Lana started to smile, but when she was asked to never return, the smile faded. "You have to understand, this is for your own good, and so I won't have to look back and regret everything I have done to you. "She explained. Rita bend down on her knees and hugged Lana tightly as their last goodbye, when she was done, she went back the way they came, looking at Lana one last time, and left without a word.
Lana sent through the door, into a long corridor, went through another door and reached a patch of grass with a certain devil waiting outside.Lilian started smirking,and said,"He he he.. Poo poo(well well well lookie here, it's seems that you were able to go through your own rules afterall, but hear this, my little monarch. Don't you think you've won yet, you haven't kill anyone and spared the life of a single person, but what if you encounter a relentless killer? You'll die again and again! Would you kill them out of frustration? Or give up entirely on this world? And let ME have the power to control? I AM THIS WORLD'S FUTURE! So don't worry mud girl, my plan isn't regicide, this is much more interesting he he.) With that, the flower made an evil crackling laugh with an expression with the force of nature and disappeared under the earth.
Lana took no interest in the Lillian's plan and kept moving forward, when the door was opened, a bright light blinded her sight and a sudden cold air went through her, when her vision cleared, there was a forest and a snowny path in front, and her adventure was no even half done.
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thirstiswet · 6 years
this is my entry for the 25 days of chrismuts (@25daysofchrismuts) that @toxiicpop hosted. i'm sure this is a hot mess and theres for sure grammar errors everywhere but hey i tried. pls be gentle. idk what I'm doing but i did it.
Samoa Joe x OFC (elle)
Office AU! elle and joe often fight in the office. everyone knows its just sexual tension and if they just bang it out they'll be fine. its the christmas party and elle has too much to drink and lets slip what she want joe to do to her. he overhears blah blah blah. the good stuff happens :D
warning, smooty smut, unprotected, light choking, some spanks (lbr its joe)
at least 4k? pls tell me if i spelled something wrong or anythings messed up. also endings are hard so i just stopped
The brewery was built in one of the old textile factories that used to be all around the city, with a large open room and a heated deck outside. It was the perfect place for the annual Christmas party for W.W.E. Publishing, and as always the company owner Mr. McMahon spared no expense. A band had been set up along one of the walls playing a mixture of Christmas music and pop songs. On the opposite side of the room, a photo booth had been tucked in a corner. The entire building was decked in sparkling lights, little Christmas trees, and strategically placed mistletoe.
Joe sauntered in, dressed in a well-tailored deep green emerald suit, making his way to the bar he heard her laughter over the music and crowd. Searching his colleagues he spotted her; Dressed in a strapless burgundy dress that stopped just short of being indecent. She was walking out of the photo booth with Naomi and Paige, her dark auburn hair cascading down her back, her head tipped back in laughter. His eyes followed them back to the table where Charlotte and Becky sat, their new photos in one hand and drinks in the other.
Joe always appreciated how she looked, despite his teasing. He always found it amusing when he would catch her in the break room climbing the counter just to get her coffee fix.  
Elle was pulling another late night in the office when she decided to take a break and grab a cup of coffee and a snack. She found herself looking everywhere in the office break room just for the bag of coffee that she just knew was there. Finally finding it all the way on the top shelf, she slipped off her heels and climbed on to the counter.
God I hope no one is still here
There’s a deep chuckle from behind her and she freezes, hand on the bag of coffee.
Oh no.
“Now what are you doing up there princess?” His smooth voice questioned, “You wouldn’t want you to fall now would you?” A shiver went down her spine, she knew if she turned right now he would have a smug look on his face. He knew he had an effect on her, whether it be annoyance or arousal, he liked to push her buttons to find out which.
“Joe, how many times do I have to tell you,” grabbing the coffee she turns around, careful not to slip in her stockings “Don’t call me princess.” He was leaning in the doorway, his hands in his pockets, as his burning gaze slowly followed up and down her stature.
Another shiver runs down her spine.
She doesn’t call him out on it.
She should.
Joe doesn’t respond, just continues to undress her with his eyes. Clutching the bag of coffee she hops down from the counter and puts her heels back on. Walking to the coffee maker Elle hears the ruffle of clothes and she can feel the mans towering presence behind her, his body heat rolling off him, his scent all around her.
“You know Elle,” The way he says her name has her stomach dropping, she wonders how his voice would sound between her thighs. *Excuse me, cut that shit out. Do not think about him like that.* “If you wanted to get my attention, all you had to do was ask. You don’t have to wear such short skirts.”
“You—!” Spinning around she found herself just eye level with his mouth, *To close, to close, to close!* His plump lips still making that stupid smile. “You jerk!” Elle smacks his chest as Joe’s hand comes up and grasps her wrist. His grip is just tight enough to not let her pull away.
“Now princess, it’s not very nice to hit.” Joe rubs his thumb over her pulse point and takes a step closer to her. Essentially pinning her against the counter. “Unless you want to be punished.”
He’s close.
Invading her space.
Her pulse quickens and eyes widen. Warmth spreads right down to her core. The image of her bent over his knee flashes in her mind and she quickly tries not to react to it.
She fails.
Joe definitely notices.
Inhaling, all she can make out is him. His cologne not overbearing but still all around her. She holds her breath, just waiting for whatever comes next.
Joe’s dark eyes have a sparkle to them she’d seen often enough, there’s a want to them. “Hmm—” His tongue runs across his lips and Elle is drawn to them almost compulsorily.  They look like they would wreak havoc on her, she wants to let them.
If only a little bit.
Joe gives her a light chuckle, lets go of her wrist and walk out of the break room, she finally lets out the breath she'd been holding. Once he gets to the door, he pauses slightly and throws her a wink over his shoulder.
Ordering a beer and walking over to where Jimmy and Jey were talking animatedly to AJ. Joe gives Elle a glance, her face shining brightly as she was talking animatedly to Charlotte.
“What do you mean you haven’t played yet?” Jimmy gasped at AJ, the three were talking about Red Dead Redemption 2, which three of the four men had been playing for the past month, “It’s been out for a while!”
“How could you let this happen, man?” Jey nudged Joe to get his attention, “You’re supposed to keep the old man up to date.”
Joe gave a light chuckle “Oh, you know how it goes,” Not really acknowledging them and taking a sip of his beer “Sometimes things slip by.”
Jey laughed following the man's line of sight “Oh, yeah— I’m sure things just slipped by, seeing how you’re always distracted.”
Joe scuffed at him and rolled his eyes. Finally turning to the group and changing the subject.
“Elle, what kind of face are you making?” Charlotte laughs, looking over the pictures of Naomi, Paige, and Elle from the photo booth.
“Oh, you mean this one?” Elle bunches up her nose while crossing her eyes as the girls all burst out in laughter.
They have all gathered around a high table Charlotte, Becky, Paige, Naomi, and Elle  Drinking beers and talking about their plans for the next few days.
“I just planned on staying home, eating lots of food and drinking lots of wine, while watching A Christmas Story on repeat,” Elle tells the group. ”I never really make big plans anyway.”
“What about you guys?”
“Elle, why does Joe keep looking over here?” Becky points out. Her eyebrow arched as she nods her head in the direction of the man in question.
Across the room, Elle can see him sitting there nursing a beer casually having a conversation with AJ and the Usos. Every once and while he will look over at her. This time, she was staring back. She’d been caught, he gives a small ever intimidating smile and a wink. She can feel herself react, face flush, she lets out a huff of annoyance and turns back around in her seat.
“I can never get any peace from him. Joe always hassles me.” She sighs, getting up and begins pacing in front of the table, “He’s always tormenting me, making fun of me when I climb on things.” Throwing her hands up in frustration, “I can’t help that I’m short!”
She pauses in her rant and downs the rest of her drink, grabs Charlotte’s and finishes hers as well.
“And—! He always has a comment about my skirts!” Elle ends up flailing her arms in defeat, her face beat red from the alcohol and working herself up, “I can’t do anything without him saying something!”
“He has a comment about her skirts because he wants to get in them”, Naomi says just under her breath.
“Nothing!” Naomi loops her arm through Elle’s and starts walking to the bar, “Let’s get some more drinks!”
Later into the evening, Elle and Paige find themselves left at the table as the others go off either dancing or make their way under some mistletoe with their significant other.
Just behind Elle, Paige can see Joe at the other table. She gives him a wink and turns her attention back to the brunette.
Everyone in the office is aware of their sexual tension and there’s an ongoing bet of if they’ll crack before, or after the holiday season. Now, if Paige wants to give her friends a gentle push in the right direction, it is not because she had 50 bucks riding on them. Nope. Not at all.
“Girl, are you ever going to admit you have a thing for him?” Paige pops the question.
“Who?” Elle shifts in her chair to face Paige.
“Joe, of course! You never shut up about him!”
“What?! No—! I don’t talk about him all the time!” Elle tries to protest but knows she’s failing.
Tipsy, feeling good and looking good Elle had all the confidence and none of the filter that sober Elle had.
“He just.. just his face...”
She can feel herself flush, if she wasn’t red already she definitely was now.
“Sometimes I want to punch it,” taking a swig of her beer she sighs in frustration and continues, “And other times I want to sit on it. You know what I mean?”
Paige broke out in laughter, “No— no honey, I don’t know what you mean!”
“Just— have you seen him when the group goes out after work?” Elle closes her eyes “That man looks too good in just a white t-shirt and jeans.” A small smile forms on her face as she pictures him. “Too damn good.”
“And... and just some of the things he’s said to me. It’s not even dirty things!” Elle is to lost in thought, not realizing what she saying, just enjoying the thought of it, “God, his voice, it’s just... just so damn seductive. I want him to tell me all the ways he’s going use me—” Eyes popping open in horror at realizing what she said, “Oh my god, I didn’t just say that!” Dropping her head to her hands in embarrassment, she lets out a defeated sigh.
“Lord honey, you definitely need to get laid!” Paige laughs at her friends’ struggle, reaching out she places a hand on her arm and gives a gentle squeeze. Elle uncovers her face and when she makes eye contact with Paige, the Brit gives her a smile and nods in the direction just behind her.
Turning in her seat, her night changes.
Her eyes go wide and her stomach drops. There’s Joe, just behind her, being as nonchalant as ever at a table with the Usos and Naomi. He seems almost bored. Then he looks up, he makes eye contact with her. And the corner of his mouth turns up into a smirk. Like a predator that’s caught its prey.
Whipping around Elle hisses at Paige “Why the hell didn’t you say he was right there?!”
“What?!” Paige feigns confusion, “I have a vested interest in the matter.” Paige gives her a cheeky smile and finishes off the rest of her drink. “And you just kept on talking. I wasn’t going to interrupt.” She pats her arm and gets up to leave, “Now be safe and have fun girly!” Paige gives her a wink and is gone.
Elle is done for.
Elle knew he heard the conversation with Paige. There was nothing she could do about it. In a panic, she got up and left the main room. She’s found herself back by the bathroom and another room that could possibly be a cleaning closet or an office.
Taking deep breaths she paces at the end of the hallway.
Oh, this is not good.
“Oh my god-- Oh my god-- Oh my god,” Elle mumbles to herself, stopping in her tracks she rests her head on the wall. Hoping the coolness will help calm her down. It manages to if only a little bit.
“It’ll be fine. Everything will be fine. Pull yourself together, get your stuff, and go home. Then drink more to forget this happened.” Elle straightens up and collects herself. Turning around she stops. Frozen in her tracks.
He’s at the end of the hallway. Just staring at her. Like he wants to devour her. He looks good. He looks damn good. She hadn’t noticed it earlier in the evening, to busy trying to not look at him. She checks him out and sucks in a breath at his heavy gaze when they make eye contact. Warmth travels down her stomach and a feeling settles heavy between her thighs.
Joe starts stalking towards her. One hand in his pocket, he rubs his chin with the other.
“Now, now, now, where do you think you’re going?”
Elle can’t breath— She’s hot— Her heart is pounding— Bad ideas are about to happen.
He’s halfway down the hall. “You can’t just say something like that,”
Five feet
“And then run away.”
Right in front of her
“You shouldn’t make comments like that if you don’t want to suffer the consequences—“ Joe smiles at her, it’s a dangerous smile. There’s a look in his eyes that she can’t describe and she’s not sure she wants to. He takes a step towards her, backing her against the wall.
“Unless—“ Elle sucks in a breath in anticipation. Her body is on fire. He places a hand on the wall just above her head, “You want them.” His other hand gently goes to her waist. There’s a jolt that runs through her body at the contact. It’s not an unpleasant feeling.
“Unless you want to be punished for it. If you want to be put on your knees to suck a cock. Or fucked from behind against a wall. Do you want to be forced to come over and over again?” Elle lets out a small whimper. Yes. Yes, she did want these things. She’s wanted them for a while if she’s being honest with herself.
Leaning in close, his voice just above a whisper, “Would you like me to do those things to you princess?” She could feel his warm breath caress her cheek. The way he says princess has her shuddering where she stands.
He was close, so close, barely touching her.
His hand slid down the wall making her feel more caged in. While his other hand squeezed her hip. She licked her lips and his eyes watched the movement. Undeniable desire now in his eyes.
She could feel the heat radiating off of him.
“Finally.” He growled out, surging forward and capturing her lips. His kiss was rough, but she gave as good as she got. He bit the bottom of her lip and Elle moaned into his mouth. One of Joe's hands cupped the back of her head, gripping her hair forcing her to tilt her head back. He mouthed over her neck sucking and biting, knowing he would leave a mark. She wanted that brand, she wanted to feel possessed by him, to be consumed by him. Elle clawed at the front of his jacket needing him closer, need him all around her.
They separate. Both trying to catch their breath. Joe, eyes closed, rests his forehead against hers. “Princess,” He sounds out of breath, tormented, like he’s restraining himself, “We should go if we want to continue.”She knows there’s no going back from this. She doesn’t want to, she wants him. In every way.
The short car ride to Joe’s place is tense. Like at any moment a match could be set ablaze and they both would be swallowed up by the flames.
His hand stayed possessively on her thigh. The warmth from his touch made her feel both safe, and in danger. Elle clenched her thighs and moved slightly in the seat, trying to find some kind of relief or calm. But the entire situation was not calm. Nothing with Joe is ever calm.
As soon as she steps across the threshold she’s picked up and shoved against the door slamming it shut. His lips are on her collarbone making their way up her neck. Elle grabs the back of his head, gripping his hair and moves him to her mouth. He growls into her kiss at her control. His kiss is rough, desperate, and hungry, and she craved more. One of Joe’s hands moves down her thigh, gripping it tight and pulling her in closer. She could feel the swell of his cock against her and she loves it.
His other hand moves between them, sliding under her dress going straight for her lacy panties. "Hmm, I think someone wanted to get some attention tonight.” She lets out a moan as his hand moves her panties to the side and he finds her clit. His thumb moving in a slow methodical movement, while his finger parts her folds, feeling the wetness, teasing her. It's agonizing. She wants more. She wants this torture. As long as he’s the one doing it. 
Joe gives her a fierce kiss, moving down her neck licking and sucking wherever he can, leaving light bite marks on the tops of her breast. He gives one of them a squeeze. The path that his lips made burned, it was like a hot trail going down her body and she never wanted it to end. Continuing his way down he lifts up the front of her dress and mouths over her center. 
His teeth latch on to her panties and he’s pulling them down her waist. He slides them off her, and he’s back to leaving love marks on her thighs, “These panties, are mine now,”  Looking down at him her eyes heavy with lust, “Joe,” She needs him. Now. She doesn’t want to wait any longer, she can’t, “Please.”
“Well since you begged so nicely.”
He devours her. Messy kisses. Tight grips. The flat of his tongue licks up her folds and rolls around her clit. She can feel him hum gently against her, the vibrations sending a jolt through her body. She grabs his head holding him still against her cunt. He slides a finger into her, thrusting in and out of her, it’s the most pleasurable torture she’s had and she needs more. His finger curls inside her, looking for that sweet spot. Joe runs a hand up the back of her thigh giving her ass a hard smack and he rubs a smoothing circle to easy the pain. Elle jumps at it, pushing Joe’s head closer. The sensations coursing through her are setting her ablaze. She can feel that coil tighten and she knows it won’t take much more to push her over the edge. 
“Joe- ohh!” Elle’s voice is shaking, it's needy. Her leg slides up of its own accord, Joe throws it over his shoulder, giving him more leverage and her support. He slides in another finger continuing his messed kiss to her heat. mmmh please don’t...don’t stop. Her toes curl in her heels, and she's a mess of moans and pleas of ‘don’t stop’ and ‘more.’ She’s just *so* close. 
“Princess?” Joe hums into her, “I want you to cum for me.” A gasp is heard from above him, he continues to thrust his fingers in and out of her, thumb rubbing faster against her clit, alternating with his tongue.
“Do that,” Tongue twirling, fingers curving inside her hitting her just right- Oh please, “And I’ll fuck you,” The leg over his shoulder begins to shake, he knows she’s close, “Right here.” 
That’s what sends her over the edge. The sound of him saying her name between her legs. The low, raspy, needy way he says it. Her entire body is electric, tremors quake through her, the grasp she has on Joe’s head tightens as does his grasp on her. 
He eases her down her high. Kissing and nibbling her thigh, he gives her another love bite and comes up and smashes their lips together. She can taste the tanginess of herself and she likes it. She wasn’t expecting that. He pulls away just enough for her to watch him suck off his fingers, that were just in her, into his mouth. It is the hottest thing she has ever seen. 
Elle grabs his suit jacket pulls him so they are nose to nose. Heavy breathing peppered his face. She’s needy and desperate and he loves it. 
“Joe.” Her body is a hum of energy again. She’s staring at his plump lips wanting them to continue their assault on her body, “Fuck me.”
He happily obliges. 
Grabbing her legs, he brings them up to wrap around his hips. A hand roams up her thigh to squeeze her ass, holding her in place, while the other moves up her, sliding between the valley of her breast up to rest at her neck, he gives it a soft squeeze. There’s a breathy noise that come out of her and she needs more. She wants more of more. Ahh!
His cock is throbbing against her and she grinds her wet pussy on him. She needs him. She wants to feel his hot flesh against her. Joe helps her take off his jacket and lets her claw her way under his dress shirt. Fuck He’s an expanse of muscle and strength and beauty. His tan skin glistens with sweat and she wants to leave marks all down his back. She wants to mark him up just as much as he want to do to her. Elle drags her hands down his torso, loving the way his skin jumps at the sensation, dragging her hands lower she unbuttons his pants and goes to cup him through his boxers. He lets out a strangled moan against her neck and his hand tightens around her throat.
He snaps.
He lets go of her throat and moves her hand out of the way, pulling his cock out he rubs it against her lips, spreading her wetness, and without warning pushes into her. Simultaneously, its everything she new it would be and nothing she's ever had before. The feel of him finally in her, that light burn of him stretching her, the feeling of fullness. Her nails scrape down his back as his hips move in and out of her “Joe- fuck!” He chuckles at her breathiness, a hand moves down between them to her clit and she cries out at the feeling.
“Is this what you wanted princess? Did you want me to ruin you? Did you want you to make you mine?” His words were all around her, they seeped into her, she wanted to be possessed by him. Yes. His hips snapped against her harder, she was getting close again. Her head lulled back against the door and at her exposer of her neck he attacked it. Leaving searing bruises all over, she knew there was going to be a mess of purple marks all over her body the next morning and she couldn't wait to find them all.
She rolls her hips and cries out a mumble of curses when he hits that spot inside her. “FUCK princess.” He grunts out as he rocks against her. The hand thats been holding her up comes to wrap around her throat, squeezing, the feeling of tightness bringing her closer, “You feel perfect around me. Will you cum again for me?” He whispers the question in her ear, out of breath, but so damn possessive. 
He begins to fuck her harder against the wall. Building up to push her over. His thumb against her clit moving ever so quickly, building the friction, “I want you to cum again for me.” He bites at her ear, the fire inside her growing, she going to burst, “I want you to cum on my dick,” She close. She's so close she can taste it, she needs something, she needs a push. “And then I’m gonna to fill you up.” At that statement, mixed with the feeling of his hand on her throat just enough to where its hard to breath in, she's done, all the sensations tipping her over the edge. She's shaking around him, her walls fluttering on his cock.
He’s kissing her, hips moving erratically, he's lost control. His grip on her throat still present. The after shock of her orgasm sending him into his own. Hips stuttering, a warmth fills up inside her as he grunts out her name. They stay that way for a moment, both leaning into each other, knowing they need to separate and get cleaned up but not wanting to break away.
Realization of what just happened hits her. She should be concerned. She should be in a panic of oh shit that just happened, but she's not. 
She’s not.
At least not yet.
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oryoucouldstay · 6 years
Hi,I hope this isn’t intrusive to ask and if it is,please feel free to ignore this but can you share which diet you’ve been doing? I really want to lose weight and would be so grateful if you shared your ways because the fact that you lost 8kgs is amazing!! Either way,I’m happy for you
This could get a little bit long, so I’m gonna put all of this under a cut for people who don’t want to actual know about this. :p
Please note, I’m no expert and everyone’s body and mind works differently. So if something doesn’t work for you, that’s totally fine. I’m very much a couch potatoe so I haven’t really been doing a lot of sports. Even though I try to go to the gym twice a week... it doesn’t really happen all that often. So basically, I just completely changed my diet in general. I started to mostly eat vegan (which is really all thanks to @reinhartmendes because she is such an amazing cook and has sent me all these beautiful pictures of food and recipes to go with and it just made me want to be just as healthy). I eat a lot of green vegetables, especially zucchini and brokkoli because they are delicious and are super helpful for losing weight. 
I also started this diet program called “Weight Watchers”. My mother’s best friend has been doing it for a while and she was quite pleased with it. You have a specific amount of points each day that you’re allowed to use for food. Most of the vegetables and fruits are at 0 points so even if you’ve had a day full of carbs, you can still snack on some veggie’s for dinner. I try not to count calories because I’ve never been in the best mindset concerning my weight so this works quite well for me. The “Weight Watchers” App also has loads of products connected to it so you can basically just scan the barcode and it’ll tell you how many points it has and how much you should use for a good portion of a meal. 
Also, something that was very important to me: I try not to drink any fizzy drinks that include sugar, no juices, no smooties and no Coca Cola, 7UP or that kind of stuff. I’ve always drank a lot of water so this hasn’t been much of a problem but any kind of fizzy drink is really unhealthy and drinking lots of water is a very important of a good and balanced diet, imo. 
If you have any more questions, feel free to hit me up in the DMs so we can talk about it some more.
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Abuse TW:
thinking about the specific type of control my ex used to exert over me wrt cleaning and how its affected my whole life, from the way my family view me to how I function wrt doing any kind of cleaning.
our apartment, before we had kids and things got bad, wasn't too bad, i can say that was a lot of my adhd/ND stuff, i didn't do dishes everyday. some of it was people taking advantage of me sure but i think mostly it was just a bunch of people in their early 20s expecting someone else will do the dishes, bc other than dishes it wasn't a thing.
then we moved to the house and things kinda started, i had more expectations on me, he was helping less with the baby, i was supposed to look for a job i could walk to, while also keeping the house spotless, cooking, and keeping an infant entertained, AND keeping up with our MMO raiding guild expectations.
in both the house and apartment in AB the mess was contained exclusively to the kitchen. I think that felt like my space, in those 2 places. I'm pretty good, at keeping my mess to my own space now.
then when he enlisted and we got /that/ house and the rules were constantly changing and in hindsight I've learned a lot. When he was away I did ok, I didnt always get the dishes or laundry done everyday, but when he was away for weeks or months I managed a routine in a way that I was never more than a day or to behind and not so far that i got over whelmed wirh the catch up.
if it was just me and the kids and there was no concerns about disappointment or schedule to enforce beyond getting kids to their activities, i kept a decent house for having 2 kids under 5. I did all my housework before bed, then if i was healthy i cleaned up as i cooked, did dishes as i cooked my ex woukd cone home impressed and then we'd fight about why i couldn't do this all the time.
but when he was home I was not allowed to clean if he was home unless he wanted to clean with me (despite him suggesting on his days off we share cleaning duties he never ever did), cleaning when he was home was considered me antagonizing him, purposely trying to make him feel guilty.
except he was always home.
I was expected to also prepare him meals and snacks when he was home, if i got up from being sat i was expected to offer to get him a drink. he left for PT at 5am, he got back from PT at 7am, and would essentially put in his order (typical eggs, bacon, toast or hashbrowns, and a smootie, plus a coffee), kids started school 3 years into living here, they got up at 7am. so i wake kids up, cook a full breakfast for him, feed them whatever i can get them to eat, help them pack lunches (i made pintrest mom lunches for about 6 months), take them to school for 8, that was only 5 minutes. I have an hour before he leaves for work I can't clean tho bc he's home. he leaves at 9 and usually gives me shit about my video game progress, sets some goal I'm supposed to meet or he wont help me that evening with some game thing he promised to help me with.
he gets home for lunch around 11, usually I have the dishes half done bc I'm cleaning from the night before and his big breakfast and my rack isnt big enough. I've usually gotten the kids things picked up, if I'm really lucky we have left over pizza he wants me to heat up instead of cooking for him, he's home for 2 hours where i wait on him bc he 'doesn't have enough time' I cant clean for these 2 hours and I cant really complete his game tasks bc I'm on call in case he wants more food, or drinks
if we need groceries I walk, i have a kids 2 seater wagon and big reusable grocery bags, he will maybe once a month drive us to the good grocery but usually I'm lucky if I can get him to pick me up on a rainy day on his way home
he's home between 330 and 4, he expects to eat supper by 5pm at the latest, some nights he will ask me to bake him something later innthe evening. so in his work day I have 3 hours to deep clean the house to meet his expectations, I might get the dishes done (or most of them) and the kid's laundry done.
i had 1 sponge mop i wasnt allowed to replace (6 years on one sponge mop yall) and a vacuum cleaner that i wasn't allowed to buy bags for bc i had to order them online from somewhere without free shipping. periodically we would go to walmart where he would, in a rage, buy 200$ in cleaning liquids insisting he was going to show me how to clean properly. He never did more than sweep the floor after.
so now cleaning with someone else in the house actually fucking wrecks me, bc if I did try (and yall he had like weeks off at a time especially after being away, he was only home like 1/3 of the year the last 4 years but when he was home he was HOME) we'd have a fight where i was told how shit i was at everything from parenting to cleaning to gaming that would end with me begging for help and being told i was manipulative.
so like on top of ADHD clutter habits i got this
and no one ever, like i can meet expectations. you write me a list? I'm good i got that but if i dont know what people want from me i just flutter, dishes, counters, vacuum
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