ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
KARA: hey umm
KARA: u got that shirt of mine at yours?
KARA: just realized I kinda need it back...
FANGS: you need your hoodie back.
FANGS: right now.
FANGS: i dont even know where its at dude its been so long
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ i’m fine, it’s nothing. ❞ her tone was hard, like nothing happened. ❝ i mean, you know what ? you were right..– you were right when you told me there’s nothing between us. so, uh… let’s just go back to the one thing we’re good at, – sex. ❞ and with that, josie sighed deeply, staring up at the male as she played with the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head. she was obviously upset but she couldn’t talk with him about it. they’re not together and they’ll never be. reggie will always stay the same and so will josie. it’s not meant to be, and josie needed to finally accept that. the girl approached him, still a hard expression on her face. she pressed her lips against his but the kiss wasn’t like the ones before, it was rather sexual, not sweet. like she said, it’s what they’re best at, – pushing each other away. 
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reggie frowned as the girl spoke, his facial expressions evident on his face that he did not agree with her words. “ wait, jos --- ” reggie’s words interrupted by a firm kiss pressed to his lips, his hands instinctively wrapping around her body and gripping her hips. he could have followed through the motions ---- he could have kept his stupid mouth shut, and he could have acted like he only wanted sex ( and anyway, that’s probably what josie expects ). but reggie wasn’t acting like the image of reggie mantle tonight, he was acting like reggie mantle, so instead ---- “ josie, no. i’m not letting you act like there’s nothing wrong with this ---- i’m not letting you tell me that the only thing we’re good at is sex. because we both know that’s not true at all. i ---- ” the words love you sat on the tip of his tongue ( but he wasn’t THAT reggie mantle tonight ) “ i deeply care for you, josie mccoy, and i’m not gonna fuck this up by pushing all of our problems to the side with sex. ”
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
◈ / ❢ / ☎ or ✠ choose ur fighter n SCHWANGS !
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fangs was tough — he was. he had been through a lot ( maybe not as much as others he knew, but definitely more than some ; comparisons aside, he had grown from the misfortunes life had dealt ). the struggles in his life had led to some nasty side affects, particularly nightmares. it was a nearly weekly thing; the serpent would wake up in sweats and tears, a nightmare so strong it would affect him for the rest of the day. dreams of those close to him dying were so achingly realistic that he often found himself struggling to understand if it was a memory or a night terror & this night was one of those nights —- and this time, it was about sweet pea ( his best friend, his other half ! ). it started off with them at pea’s trailer, and ended somewhere in the middle of a nasty fight with ghoulies which resulted in sweet pea’s death. with tears hot on his face and his heart beating as if he’d just ran a marathon, he picks up his phone ( the boy’s hands sweating so bad he has to wipe them on the sheet to simply unlock the damn thing ! ) he was pressing pea’s contact name so quickly that he couldn’t even think, and — “ hello ? hey —- hey, are you okay ? you’re alright, yeah ? ” and of course he is, it was only a nightmare, but something in fangs’ instinct only pushes him to check, to make absolutely sure that it had just been that. 
[ ☎ ] my    muse     calls     yours    in     tears.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ reginald, ❞ she breathed out, ❝ it starts with a drink or two, and then – ❞ josie couldn’t even finish her sentence, a sigh slipping from her lips as she approached him in the living room. ❝ i’m just worried, baby… even if it is your day off, it’s still pure alcohol you’re drinking. i wouldn’t have said anything if it was saturdayc, or like– the weekend. but it’s not. so put that drink away, just– don’t drink infront of me. ❞ the petite girl grabbed his drink from his hands again and placed it on the table beside her, as she turned around, her eyes drifted to the open bottle of alcohol and her heart dropped. josie exhaled deeply, closing her eyes for a second before turning back to him, chosing to ignore the subject. ❝ let’s, uh– let’s watch a movie, or something. ❞
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reggie lets a frown fall over his lips, looking over the girl’s facial expression because yeah ---- she wore her emotions on her sleeve & reggie could read them like a book ( and he wasn’t even a good reader ). he nods and walks to the dining room table, placing the cap back on the bottle and placing it on his shelf. he felt like a proper dick ---- he knew how josie felt toward alcohol, or any of the substances reggie does, yet he continued to use them all. he knew no limits, and he was convinced the girl wouldn’t like the real him if she ever saw it ---- he was convinced that nobody would ( not even himself ). “ wait --- jos, no. let’s talk. you’re upset. this is how problems start between us ---- we never talk through things, and i... i want to fix that starting now. please ? just explain to me how i can make you happy, or how i can be good for you, because it’s evident right now that i’m possibly the worst possible thing for you. ” reggie says more about his feelings in this moment than he probably ever has before. but hey, it’s a starting point between the pair.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ it’s actually disgusting how sweet you can be. ❞ the brunette joked, eyes fixed on his as she shook her head at his offer. josie isn’t one to drink, her mother would actually kill her. the mccoy’s ( just her dad, actually, but people believe anything they hear ) had a past full of drugs and alcohol and reggie knew that, ❝  you drinking on a weekday ? ❞ josephine furrowed her eyebrows, right hand stroking the back of his neck while the other one grabbed his drink. the smell got josie almost naseous as soon as it hit her nose and she couldnt help bit grab his jaw and move him so that he’s directly looking at her. ❝ reggie, this is… pure alcohol ? ❞ she slowly pulled away, looking up at him through her lashes, she wanted to ask if he’s okay, but she knew how he’d react.
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he only smiles at the comment, his eyes rolling as he looks down to the girl. reggie’s comments and kindness were only the bare minimum of his thoughts ---- if he weren’t so afraid of the reality of how he felt about josie, then maybe he would actually admit those other things that he feels for her, but instead he takes another sip of his drink before the other pulls it from his hand. this warrants another eye roll from reggie as he slipped from the embrace, making his way further into the living room that they were still standing at the entrance to. “ it’s bourbon ---- don’t lecture me, jos, ” he warns her, holding up a single finger. “ i’m off from work today, and plus, it’s not like i’m getting wasted ---- i’ve had one drink, or two, ” he feels the need to defend himself, giving a small shrug as he leans back against the edge of the couch, an eye drifting over to the opened bottle of half-empty bourbon he had. “ and besides, i was offering you a non-alcoholic drink, m’love ---- i don’t think you’d like bourbon even if you did drink. ”
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ your ass is lucky i’m even here. ❞ she breathed out after the kiss, a little smile visible on her lips as she tried to suppress it – of no vail. josie swung her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply once again, her gaze focused on him and she couldn’t help but dig her teeth into her lower lip. the girl grabbed his shirt, pulling him even closer yet it still wasn’t a sexual kiss, it was something josie was never able to explain or describe, it was something that wasn’t love, ( or was it ? ) neither was it just sex, or a friends with benefits–thing. ❝ oh, also – i will yell at you if i want, where i want and how i want. got it ? ❞ she whispered as she moved her lips down his jawline and her hands up and down his shoulder blades and chest. ❝ you can’t tell me nothing. ❞ she grinned.
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reggie smiles as he leans forward to press a soft kiss to the girl’s forehead ( he was just the perfect amount taller than her to perform this ) —- his arms move to wrap around her and pull her close to him in an embrace. “ don’t worry, jos, i know just exactly how lucky i am to have you in my life, ” he says this honestly, because reggie fully doesn’t believe he deserves the girl & everything she does for him. “ that’s fair —— it’s kind of hot when you yell at me anyway, ” he laughs, speaking jokingly now, then moving a hand to brush a piece of curly hair out of josie’s face. “ anyway, princess —— would you like a drink ? i haven’t even had the opportunity to be a proper host and offer m’lady a treat, ” he takes on a posh accent, returning back to the goofy, nerdy reggie he could comfortably be around josie. it was only the sweet girl who could bring out this side of him, really !
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ lie to me one more time. i dare you. ❞ her mouth slightly parted at his response, followed by a scoff and an eye roll. so she did was she’s best at – piss reggie off – and placed her hands on his chest. ❝ you’re right.. we’re allowed to sleep with other people, so excuse me, while i’m gonna go and do just that. ❞ the petite girl picked up her bag, a smirk on her lips as she approached him again. ❝ oh, by the way, i’m not sure if that statement is correct. clayton was the best i ever had so far– but nice try. ❞ and with that, she pecked his lips, turning her back to him as she walked past him: of course josie’s lying, but he lied to her too, so she sees no problem with that. she’s waiting for a reaction, – “where are you going ?” but she’s not sure if she’s going to get it.
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the comment about clayton was enough to set reggie completely off, moving quickly to the door and turning the lock, moving so that his back is against it. “ you’re not going anywhere, mccoy, ” he smiles, almost a smirk, “ if clayton were so good, you’d be over at his place right now complaining about all the girls he fucks. but you’re not —- you’re here, and that says all it needs to say, ” reggie’s hands move to run down the girl’s arms, finally grabbing her hands and squeezing them in his own. his tongue darts out to lick his lips, then he leans down to kiss josie, a sweet & soft kiss, not like the others that are typically shared between the two. it was different, more gentle; it was a kiss to show josie that reggie did care about her —- he cared about more than just the sex they had or the other sexual aspects of their relationships. and he made sure that the girl knew that from his body language alone — a hand tightly held on hers and a soft kiss pressed to her lips.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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❝ i can’t believe you’re acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about, mantle. ❞ she exclaimed, right hand on her hip and a really pissed off look on her face. ❝ did you fuck her ? huh ? ❞ josie put her hand on his chest, pushing him lightly, repeating the question. ❝ are you deaf ? i asked you if you fucked her, reginald. give me a goddamn answer. ❞ it wasn’t usual for josie to call reggie by his real name, but god, was she mad… she was furious. she knew she had no right to freak out over this, – they are not together – but josie knew if she’d sleep with other people, people like, chuck clayton, reggie would flip too. so she used that against him. ❝ you know what ? it’s cool. you sleep with other people, im’ma do the same too, then !
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reggie raises his eyebrows at the girl’s accusations —- which, yeah, they weren’t false ! but they weren’t necessarily fair either. he laughs only a little, running a hand through his curly hair. “ baby, what are you talking about ? ” he acts as if he has no idea what she means, shrugging and stepping closer to the girl. “ you and i both know that there’s no problem with either of us sleeping with other people, but you and i also both know that nobody fucks you the way i do, ” his sentences were halfway him speaking the truth and halfway the influence alcohol had on his words. he was normally sweet with josie, but the temper and anger of the other was fueling his own bad attitude —- just in different ways. he gives a smirk and places a hand on the small of the girl’s back as he leans to whisper in her ear, “ and for the record, don’t come into my place yelling at me like that —- i’m so good to you, jos, and we both know that too. ”
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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ALL SHE KNEW was the anger she felt at that exact moment. Josie was furious, heels clicking on the pavement, fast steps - She is a mess, a map of veins that didn’t lead to any particular destination - but she knew her destination. Oh, god, and how she knew it. Time was passing by painfully slow, heart aching with every step she took and the closer she got to the apartment she became oh, so familiar with. Three hard knocks were made and she suddenly wasn’t so sure anymore, eyeing the man up and down.  ❝ Reginald. ❞ The dark-skinned girl hissed his name, one of the favorite things falling from her glossed lips. It rolled off of her tongue so easily. So naturally. Almost like a melody - A song. ❝ I hope you don’t have company. If you do, I maybe won’t be able to control myself. Better think twice before letting me in but, - oh, you also don’t have a choice.  ❞ The harsh tone wasn’t unusual for Josie, especially when it comes to Reggie - but this time it is different. A Puppy looking up at a Lion - challenging him. Her tiny frame pushed past his tall one, entering the apartment with such force, dropping her bag. The girl was fuming and she’d make sure he’d feel every single heatwave. @ofrverdale
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reggie’s eyebrows press together in a confused furrow, speechless as he watches the girl fume and make her way into his apartment. “ make yourself my guest, jos, ” he shrugs a little, grabbing the small glass of liquor that he had poured himself only a short time ago. yeah, maybe it was mid-day & maybe reggie shouldn’t be day drinking, but it was his day off ! it was his day to relax ( and maybe a slight part of him hating being sober because it means he has to face his truth ) “ you uh.... you alright ? ” he asked this carefully, because yeah —- he still was not very good at all at discussing emotions with anyone, and frankly, he was kind of terrified of josie when she was in this mood. “ are you implying break-up hate sex ? ” he laughs only softly and turns back the rest of his cup of bourbon, setting it to the table after. and this sentence has a hint of sarcasm behind the words break-up, because yeah —— josie and reggie weren’t together, but he still referred to them in this way, mostly to tease the girl and her attitude.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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Favorite Riverdale Relationships: Reggie Mantle & Josie McCoy
“I think your biceps can handle it, Mantle.” “You trying to get me to flex?”
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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reggie & josie  (◡‿◡✿)
bonus mcmantle looking like royalty:
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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“ A smile is what everyone needs around here. it’s almost exhausting seeing the town this down. “ drew spoke with disappointment, sitting at the other side of the booth. “ i guess you could say that. you know i’m not one to stay still and this seems to be one of the only safe havens from the grief demons. “ it sounded more insensitive once he said it versus hearing it in his head but he assumed the other knew he meant no real harm. he loved pop as much as the next but he wasn’t built for long periods of negative emotions. he’d probably lay on his deathbed cracking jokes about not being let into heaven. “ how long have you been here? don’t tell me you’ve been sitting here babysitting that beer all night. “
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                “ you’ve definitely got that right --- i just hate getting so caught up in the fear & sadness that seems to loom over this town when shit like this happens, but it’s practically impossible not to when you see a passerby crying every 5 minutes, ” fangs nods a little in agreement, then he gives a shrug, not wanting to admit he’d been in the same booth since the early afternoon --- it was his place to decompress, to get away --- he saw no real problem in spending his time reading, alone; but to others, it was always a weird thing to admit. “ nah, just about an hour, ” fangs lies, taking another sip of his beer. ( & to be fair, he had only starter drinking after 7 p.m. ---- he wasn’t completely lost down the rabbit hole of becoming a day drinker ! )
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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WHAT  A  WASTE  OF  A  PRETTY  FACE  reggie  mantle  is  and  always  will  be,  apparently.  veronica  had  once  held  hope  that  he’d  grow  up  and  into  himself,  but  here  he  is  in  all  his  devastating  handsomeness,  still  rotten.  “  reginald.  ”  she  greets  him  casually,  doesn’t  even  give  him  the  pleasure  of  eyes  boring  into  him.  “  still  as  PIGHEADED  as  ever.  ”  then,  for  whatever  reason  (  that  same  unknown  reason  everyone  has  ever  looked  beyond  all  of  reggie’s  trespasses  and  personality  flaws  to  consider  him  a  friend  ),  she  softens.  “  i  hope  you’ve  managed  to  behave  yourself  in  my  absence.  i’d  hate  to  think  of  anyone  else  wiping  that  devilish  smile  off  of  your  face  with  their  fist.  ”
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                 reggie scoffs a little at the remark, his eyes rolling only slightly ---- “ oh, come on ; you don’t have to pull out your playground insults, lodge. we both know you find me very attractive & would jump my bones given the chance, ” he replaces his smirk with a bite of his lip, leaning closer to the girl. “ don’t worry ---- late at night, i don’t think of anyone else wiping the smile off my face, other than you, v, ” he runs a hand through his own hair, stepping back just a little. he was mostly attracted to the challenge of the raven - haired girl at this point; the northsider had constantly found himself drawn to anyone presenting any type of adversary toward him ( and maybe this was in part to his competitive nature of handling things ) ---- veronica lodge was specifically no exception to this.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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kevin decided to surprise his dad with lunch from pop’s. it was great that he came back to town without worrying about his dad’s job being threatened.  he was dressed in a blue and white checkered button up with khaki pants, always dressing up. he didn’t realize reggie was now part of the station force, and hated to admit just how attractive he found reggie more now with the uniform on. “hey reggie. i didn’t realize you worked with my dad now. it’s good to see you.” he raised his eyebrows when the reason why he was in town was brought up, and laughed right after. “yeah, i room with veronica and intern with broadway theater. you should come visit one day, i know how much you love to party.” this was in reference to them going out with ronnie and josie back during their sophomore year. “thank you. your uniform is really boosting how hot you already are.”
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                 reggie nods just slightly as kevin speaks, appreciating the kindness from the boy ( despite their few disagreements years ago ). “ broadway theater , like doing musicals ‘n shit ? that’s really cool, kev ---- i’ve heard you sing a couple times & you’re really talented, so it’s awesome you’re putting it to good use, ” in reality, reggie has no idea what theater truly consisted of, aside from attending a couple of riverdale high school’s performances. “ party, huh ? what kind of partying are we talking, keller ? ” he smirks just slightly, ‘cause yeah --- reggie mantle would never decline a party invitation. he nearly chokes on the water he’s sipping on as he hears the compliment, raising an eyebrow just a little, his instinct almost pushing him to retort with ‘ i’m not gay ’ but instead settles on, “ well, thanks --- that is the only reason i got this job, to look so hot every day. ” he’s joking of course, and the smirk on his face makes that clear.
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ofrverdale-blog · 6 years
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                 fangs    has    always    been    a    softie    at   heart — and it wasn’t always hidden deep down, sometimes he wore his feelings right on his sleeve, and he had very much grown to be extremely in touch with his emotions as the years passed. at the age of 21, the serpent was also very in touch with his sexuality — something that had been a major struggle in his youth. sweet pea, who was mostly to credit for fangs’ realization of his solid pansexuality, was someone fangs found himself most open with. it was moments like when they were alone in pea’s trailer, or hidden away in fangs’ bedroom that the young man was open & honest about everything he hid for so many years. it was no different on this night, the two were at pea’s trailer & fangs had found himself cooking dinner ( the domesticity of the situation was profound ). “ do you ever get worried about your future ? ” fangs spoke to the other, as he stirred the rice he had just put on the stove —– his question really meant to ask if the other serpent ever got worried about their future, together, but he held his tongue. “ i mean, with all the death & dramatics surrounding this town… it just worries me, that maybe by surviving that shot —- i was given a second chance, and am i living up to that ? ” fangs thinks out loud now, referencing the shot he took five years ago, which almost took his life, something he often finds himself doing in moments like this, when they are alone & he’s at his most vulnerable. @neverbetrays
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