#or just Honeymaren alone
anna-honey · 6 months
i wish to be more like those crossover ship blog
because they are just so enthusiastic for something that...literally has no canon materials and i love that energy
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vavialdavi · 2 months
I wanted to share with you guys my Honeymaren headcanons cause I'm obsessed with her!!
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- She's older than Ryder of 2 years. Their ages and age gap were never confirmed but she give me way more big sister vibes than younger or twin
- She used to always engage in fights with boys as a kid cause she wanted to prove she was stronger than them (and she was)
- She had a more sarcastic personnality younger and could be too sometimes
- Her favorite spirit are the earth giants even though she's also sacred of them
- She spend 10 minutes admiring the sky each morning, sunset and night cause she fears it will go away again if she doesn't
- She love the reindeers but way more than Ryder, and she sometimes wishes she could be something else than a keeper
- Honeymaren is often following Yelena around during her free time cause they see each other as mother figure/adopted child however they won't ever admit it
- She has quite a sensitive ego therefore she is quicklu pissed whenever someone might doubt her abilities
- She is the kind to hide her feelings abd insecurities behind a smile. She doesn't open up about them easily so she only share with Ryder and Elsa when they got closer, but not often
- Honeymaren has a long dating history and the reputation of a serial monogamist. She's very comfortable with flirting but whenever her romantic feelings get strong, she becomes a mess
- She dated a guy once to make sure she was really a lesbian. They broke up after a few days cause she got her answers really fast
- Elsa and her have weekly race through the forest so she gets more used to it but Honeymaren wins everytime even when Elsa uses her magic
- Her tunic hides a lot of scars
- The kids of the tribe consider her as a model and they like to catch whenever she's training for fights. She's their 3rd fav person for storytelling and singing lullabies (Ryder and Yelena being the first)
- She was trying to climb trees before she could walk properly
- She traveled alone across the different countries close to the forest cause that's something she's dreamnt of since kid
- She's a chill extrovert but she likes to take time to think by herself on top of high trees or cliff
- Honeymaren sucks at sculpting wood but nobody tells her cause they don't wanna hurt her feelings
- She's girlflux not a cis woman but she's never gonna know since they're no right word at the time but she def feels something is special about her gender
- Honeymaren just wanted to sleep with Elsa at first but she ended fall first in the process
<3 I'm gonna talk about Kristoff next time
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greatqueenanna · 4 months
GreatQueenAnna Tid-Bits # 9
Elsa’s Apology
A bit of a longer Tid-bit than my usual, but I really wanted to write this one out in full haha.
I was watching a video on Good Dialogue vs. Bad Dialogue and I actually wanted to discuss how these ideas correlate with the scene where Elsa and Anna reunite.
Why? Because I have always argued that Elsa apologizes to Anna for the ice boat fiasco in this scene, even though a lot of the fandom feels like Elsa never did and Anna’s feelings were ignored because Elsa’s death became the main focus.
As said, this isn’t really anything new, I’ve discussed this before in my Set Adrift Analysis. However, I wanted to bring in some things that were said in this video and why this supports the argument that I’ve always tried to make.
Brandon McNulty, the author of the video above, makes the argument that good dialogue follows these rules -
1. Sounds Natural - Basically sounds like things people would say naturally. 2. Attacks or Defends - Dialogue is supposed to attack or defend a point in order to have a basic purpose. 3. Expresses Unspoken Meaning (Subtext) - Dialogue should try to avoid having a character say exactly what they mean.
I want to focus mainly on the second and third points because - as this is a cartoon, most dialogue doesn't sound natural lol. How do these points apply to Elsa's apology?
Here's the context - Elsa spends a lot of the second film telling Anna that because she does not have magic, she cannot do certain things. While Elsa does have a good point from a logical perspective. Obviously, Anna has limitations as a non-magical person, and does risk her life for Elsa multiple times, creating tension.
What is also true is that Elsa, in her fear, forgets that Anna has a strength within her to overcome many obstacles, even with her limitations. This is the context that leads into the reunion scene, and with what Elsa says to Anna.
I want to highlight some scenes here, including of course the boat scene.
Scene 1
Anna: You are not going alone. Elsa: Anna, no. I have my powers to protect me, you don't. Anna: Excuse me, I climbed to the North Mountain, survived a frozen heart, and saved you from my ex-boyfriend, and I did it all without powers, so, you know, I'm coming.
Scene 2
Anna: Promise me, we do this together, okay? Elsa: I promise.
Scene 3
Anna: Elsa! Oh thank goodness. Elsa: Anna. Are you okay? What were you doing? You could have been killed, you can't just follow me into fire. Anna: You don't want me to follow you into fire, then don't run into fire. You're not being careful Elsa. Elsa: I'm sorry, are you okay? Anna: I've been better.
Scene 4
Anna: Yelana asks why would the spirit reward Arendelle with the magical queen? Because our mother saved our father. She saved her enemy! Her good deed was rewarded With you - You are a gift. Elsa: For what? Anna: If anyone can resolve the past, if anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you. I believe in you Elsa, more than anyone or anything. Elsa: Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit. A bridge between magical nature and us. Anna: A fifth spirit? Elsa: That what's been calling me From Ahtohallan! The answers about the past are all there. Anna: So, we go to Ahtohallan? Elsa: Not we, Me. The dark sea is too dangerous for us both. Anna: No, we do this together. Remember the song, "Go too far and you'll be drowned"? Who will stop you from going too far? Elsa: You said you believed in me that this is what I was born to do. Anna: And I don't want to stop you from that. I-I don't want to stop you from being whatever you need to be. I just don't want you dying, trying to be everything for everyone else too. Don't do this alone. Let me help you, please. I can't lose you, Elsa. Elsa: I can't lose you either, Anna.
From these scenes, we get this general idea - Elsa is a magical being that was a special gift, and meant to uphold this grand destiny that leads her to feel as though only she can solve everyone's problems.
Anna, on the other hand, does not have powers, and will only hurt herself if she tries to help. Elsa, wanting to save everyone and keep Anna safe, implies to Anna in her fear that Anna is not able to keep up with her, and will only get herself killed in the process of trying. Regardless, Anna wants to be able to do this task together.
With this in mind, let's look at the reunion conversation between Elsa and Anna. I will separate it into three sections.
Anna: I thought I lost you. Elsa: Lost me? You saved me, again. Anna: I did?
Elsa here is directly referencing the first scene when Anna argued why she should go with Elsa to the forest. Anna tells Elsa that she saved her form her ex-boyfriend, and Elsa establishes that Anna saved her again. She also says it with a question, as if Anna should already know that her actions always lead to Elsa being saved.
Elsa: And, Anna, Arendelle did not fall. Anna: It didn't? Elsa: The spirits all agree, Arendelle deserves to stand with you. Anna: Me? Elsa: You did what was right, for everyone.
Here, it's obvious that Anna is in disbelief that she really did anything special. The entire film had the characters focus on Elsa, and how special she is supposed to be. Elsa telling Anna here that she is the special one this time, that she did something grand, is not something Anna was hearing during the film at all.
Anna: Did you find the fifth spirit? Anna: You are the fifth spirit. You're the bridge. Elsa: Well, actually, a bridge has two sides. And a mother had two daughters. We did this together. And we'll continue to do this together. Anna: Together.
This scene is particular is a direct reference to the boat scene. Anna spent the boat scene telling Elsa that she is special, and is not surprised to learn that Elsa is the Fifth Spirit. But Elsa turns it around, using Anna's own words to let her know that they both are the Fifth spirit and a gift. Then, Elsa mirror's what Anna has been saying the whole film - that they need to do this together. Elsa shows that while they did things separately, it was through both their actions that this crisis was solved.
So, case and point - Good dialogue firstly needs to be able to attack or defend a point. The point that was made throughout the film was that Elsa is special, while Anna is not - that Anna needs to sit back and let Elsa do everything. Elsa attacks this idea by telling Anna that she is special along side her, and that Anna's actions were necessary.
Second, good dialogue requires that something is said without it being directly stated. Why is Elsa attacking the idea that Anna is not special? Because it was this idea that led to Elsa pushing Anna away in the first place, and Elsa is changing the narrative and recognizing Anna's accomplishments.
Thus, while not directly stating it, Elsa is basically apologizing to Anna by attacking the narrative that was established through out the film. That Elsa needs to do this alone because she is special, and that Anna cannot do the things she can and needs to stand back.
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annas-hair-donut · 9 months
Bundle Up, Scooch In
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Frozen (Disney Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anna/Kristoff Characters: Kristoff, Anna, Bulda, Elsa, Honeymaren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - Colonial America, 18th Century, Love at First Sight, (sort of), Angst and Fluff and Smut, Porn With Plot, Family Fluff, Sharing a Bed, Snowed In, Cuddling & Snuggling, Awkward Sexual Situations, Clothed Sex, interruptions, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Woman on Top, Kristoff Needs a Hug, Minor Elsa/Honeymaren (Disney) Summary:
Anna, a woman Kristoff just met that day, allows him to sleep in her bed so he doesn’t have to go home in the middle of a blizzard. Will he overcome the pain of his past and open himself up to the possibility of true love? Or will he walk away, lonely and cold in the dark? 18th Century, Colonial New Arendelle AU.
Written for the Frozen x Beauty and the Beast Yuletide Exchange
“When will we get to Living Rock Township?” Kristoff’s passenger Anna was only talking to him because he was there and she was bored, which was almost worse than ignoring him. 
He wasn’t in the habit of conversing with strangers, especially pretty, high-born women who were cheerful even when there wasn’t a reason to be. He didn’t see the point.
“When we get there.”
He wasn’t trying to be funny, but Anna laughed anyway. Rather than ignore the daggers he shot at her, she laughed even more.
“I’m sorry!” she said as she caught her breath. “It’s just that, well, are you always this talkative?”
He answered her with a smirk. This was why he bought a wagon and not a carriage: he’d have rather delivered parcels and mail than people any day.
But Mrs. Stone, the pastor’s daughter and one of the only nice people in Living Rock Township, had specifically requested he be nice when he collected Anna at the harbor, so he attempted conversation, though it didn’t help much. 
“What are you even doing here?”
“I beg your pardon?” Her wrinkled forehead didn’t dampen her bright eyes. “That attitude is completely unnecessary.”
Kristoff whistled and his horse Sven stopped. Then he turned on the bench to face her. “You had to have a good reason to leave your family and probably very comfortable life in Arendelle to risk crossing the ocean. Especially alone-”
Then he remembered there was supposed to be a man with her.
Anna scooted away from him on the bench and folded her arms. “That’s none of your concern.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes when she lifted her nose in the air like she wanted an apology.
Instead, he said, “Fine,” and told Sven to walk on. So much for his attempt at friendship.
Then it crossed his mind that perhaps she had lost her companion on the voyage so he swallowed his pride. “It’s just unusual, that’s all.”
She let out a deep breath instead of crying and Kristoff relaxed. “My fiance was supposed to come with me.”
“I guess things didn’t work out with Prince Charming, there?”
Anna shook her head and added, “Well, see, I met him at a ball.”
Kristoff rolled his eyes. He already knew where this story was headed.
“It was amazing and magical. He was dreamy and divine. And he asked me to marry him that night! Of course, I thought it was true love so I-”
“You agreed to marry a man you just met? That day?”
Anna stopped talking and glared at him.
“I mean, sure. Yeah, that sort of thing happens all the time,” he said sarcastically.
“Anywho, my sister lives at North Mountain and I haven’t seen her in years—she got accused of witchcraft and had to leave in a hurry, long story-”
She said it so casually that it almost didn’t register. “Wait, what!?”
“How far is North Mountain from Living Rock? Do you know how to get there?”
“You might not want to talk about that kind of stuff too loudly here. Personally, I think it’s a bunch of hogwash, but other people seem to take it pretty seriously.”
It almost seemed like she was mocking him when she said, “Anyway, we were going to join her at North Mountain. My parents actually passed away a few years ago-"
"You lost your parents?"
Anna paused and smiled at him. "They were trying to find Elsa, but their ship never made it. That was about three years ago or so."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
She smiled again. "Well, obviously I wanted my sister's blessing since I couldn't get my parents. So I made all the arrangements and wrote to her. But I don’t know if she even got the letter-”
“So she doesn’t even know you’re coming?”
“Well, no…” Anna twisted her mittened hands in front of her and she looked off to the side. “Maybe. But I also wrote to Mrs. Stone gave. She gave me an open invitation when she and her husband left Arendelle. So I thought at least we’d be on the right continent.”
Then her voice dropped. “At least, I’m on the right continent.”
Kristoff pursed his lips. He hated to ask, but he was invested in the story. “So where’s your handsome prince now?”
She folded her arms again and spoke softly. “I guess he didn’t love me enough.”
Unfortunately, that tugged on Kristoff’s heartstrings and he couldn’t tell her what he really thought.
“I don’t believe it was love at first sight, in case that’s what you were thinking.”
Kristoff didn’t mean to snort.
She narrowed her eyes. “It was blind attraction, which can be even more problematic.”
“Not exactly the best way to start a life together.”
Not expecting silence, Kristoff turned his head. She was biting her lip, but he knew it wasn’t supposed to be suggestive. Or endearing.
Then she peered up at him, eyes blue-green like the sea, but constant, unwavering. “I still believe in love at first sight, but I’ve learned my lesson.”
He desperately wanted to look away from her but he couldn’t.
“Next time I’ll take a closer look.”
Kristoff’s heartbeat quickened until she wrinkled her nose and giggled, finally looking away.
“I’ll know him when I see him! And when I find him I’m going to hold on tight and never let go. True love is worth it.”
Kristoff turned his head again. The huge smile plastered on her face locked him in the moment, even though stared far into the distance.
But then he shook his head and remembered the last time a woman looked at him as closely as Anna had. That had been some time ago, and she hadn’t offered him a passing glance since then. There was no reason to believe Anna was any different.
Continue reading at AO3.
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true--north · 10 months
It took me an effort to rethink Anna as a literal part of the Fifth Spirit because:
Elsa has already have a human side in herself since she is a human being, why then a need in another human side of the bridge and doesnt it imply that Anna has to get her own magical power to balance things? If Elsa had become a literal spirit being at the end of F2 this would have become clearer.
Was every offspring of Iduna going to become gifted and blessed? What if she had three or four children? Or only this Spirit has split in two? I used to think that Anna was chosen because of her good deed - the dam, and Elsa from birth.
The shipwreck manuscript tell only about one gifted by Ahtohallan figure. "Elsa's source."
I thought that Elsa and Lee's words were just a beautiful metaphor of Arendelle and Northuldra's peace and that Elsa couldnt have done it alone and needed Anna's help. But why she needed her help? Because of odds and obstacles or because she needed an Arendellian non magical part of the Spirit for the mission?
Elsa working as the mediator between Nature, magic and the Northuldra people is clear and understanble(for reasons of brevity I call it a Noaidi since its meaning fits Elsa's new place at the tribe) What does Anna mediate? Elsa and Arendelle(mundane world)?
Maybe I was too concentrated on the magic but the concept of the Fifth Spirit needs human love, needs a non magical but powerful part? Like soul and body need each other, or like both sisters have two bloods flowing in their veins. Elsa to the "magic of nature", Anna to "us", citing Honeymaren.
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fuzziekins · 1 year
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Getting to know the Nattura siblings. Paired with Elsamaren Love Comic Chapter 3. Co-written with and art created by Jessi-Skylark. 1. 2.
“How can I get Elsa to notice me…?”
Not by flirting through your reindeer like you tried with Heidi, Honeymaren thought.
She watched from the tree she had reclined herself in, unable to help but roll her eyes at Ryder’s pacing and thinking face.
That was always dangerous.
Ryder snapped his fingers. “I know! A flower crown! I can ride in on my reindeer and present it to her and ask if she’ll be my queen! I’ll even do one of those posh accents that everyone probably comes to Arendelle with!”
“Didn’t she just give up being queen?” Honeymaren reminded him.
Not to mention…did he even know which flowers Elsa liked?
They were purple heathers, by the way.
“Oh yeah…” he realized defeatedly.
Almost instantly, he perked up again. “Then I’ll serenade her! Complete with a solo from each reindeer about all the things we love about her!”
Honeymaren snorted. “With what singing voice?”
Ryder pouted and folded his arms. “I don’t hear the reindeer complaining.”
“Or Ullá, apparently,” she commented.
That was putting it politely. Ullá had done more than complain; she laughed behind Ryder’s back and went out of her way to avoid him for two months afterwards.
But she wasn’t about to tell him that.
Every once in a while, Ryder would get it in his head that he had to put on some big show to impress a girl. It was the same way every time. He’d spend a little time alone with someone; get it in his head that she liked him; plan out some crazy scheme; ask her out; and fail miserably. The reindeer voices with Heidi. The singing to Ullá. That odd…ugh, what did he call it?...it sure as hell wasn’t a dance…for Sofe. And, ugh, Flora’s rash…. Honeymaren shuddered simply thinking about how that happened.
That wasn’t to say it was all on Ryder. He just…wasn’t that great with women.
Or socializing, really.
Yet somehow he was so sure he could win over someone.
But Elsa was more than someone.
She was elegant and graceful. Any declaration to her should be well-thought out, precise, and complimented her as a person. Not all these over-the-top, center-of-attention suggestions Ryder came up with. They were nothing at all like Elsa. She….
Yes, she deserved a big, grand gesture. Who didn’t?
But she also deserved something that was….
Simple as to not draw attention. She had so many eyes on her as queen…so many people watching her and expecting a lot from her…. She shouldn’t continue to be put on the spot like that.
Meaningful so she’d know how much she meant to someone. From what Olaf had described in his…odd…story, Elsa had been through a lot. She should understand how much someone could truly care for her.
Beautiful like the way her hair glistened underneath the sunlight. For so long Honeymaren could only imagine what the sun looked like and thought that, when she finally saw her for herself it would be the most glorious sight. When all along what made it beautiful was the person who stood beneath it.
But she couldn’t exactly tell him that.
“You know, you’ve been with Elsa every day for weeks,” Ryder folded his arms, “you could just tell me what she wants.”
She was going to have to approach this delicately.
“Ryder, I love your confidence. And your ideas are very….”
She paused to think of the proper word.
“Thank you,” he nodded proudly with a bow and tip of his hat.
Honeymaren took a pause.
Then she shrugged, offering him an apologetic glance. She had to let him down as gently as possible. His attempts with every other woman ended in disaster. It would destroy him if he had zero chance with Elsa as well. As if that wouldn’t be bad enough, Elsa opened up to Honeymaren. A lot. More than she could have ever expected…or hope for. The last thing she would ever do was betray that trust. She couldn’t do that to her.
Or Ryder.
Because he was….
Well, Ryder.
“I’m just not certain you’re her type.”
“Why not? I mean, she should end up with someone, shouldn’t she?” He gestured back to the direction of their camp. “Do you know how many unmarried men are left in our tribe?”
Honeymaren scoffed. “Then why don’t you go after one?”
Ryder knelt forward, flexing his biceps.
Or…where his biceps should be.
He definitely hadn’t won anyone over with his muscles.
“And deprive the ladies of all this?”
She raised an eyebrow. “A pair of twigs?”
Ryder immediately lost his balance and face-planted into the ground.
It was difficult not to laugh at him sometimes.
“I’m just saying, we have plenty of unmarried people,” she said.
Ryder stood up. He shook his head and wiped some dirt off his tunic. “I just can’t picture her with someone all stuck up and stuffy.”
“Who says she has to end up with anyone?” Honeymaren pointed out.
It didn’t sound like she did, anyway….
She did say she didn’t like men.
Did that mean…?
It didn’t mean anything.
She probably didn’t want anyone.
“Well….” He pursed his lips before rubbing the back of his head, lightly tipping his hat in the process. “No one, I guess….” His voice faded, likely a combination of disappointment and hating to admit that Honeymaren was right.
Knowing him, definitely the latter.
“She doesn’t need a partner if she doesn’t want one. It’s not just you,” Honeymaren continued.
He narrowed his gaze. “You sure about that?”
Honeymaren scoffed. He wasn’t getting it. It had nothing to do with him. “Ryder, she’s practically a goddess!” She leaned her head back against the tree, staring up at the sky behind the leaves above her. She watched the rays of sunlight seep through, not quite mimicking the bright shade of Elsa’s hair yet becoming dangerously close. The way the breeze rustled the leaves, she could imagine Elsa’s hair gliding across a passing Gale. The sky, which she could have never imagined as blue as it was, was nothing compared to the oceanic blue of Elsa’s eyes. The light flaps of the branches in the wind would almost be enough to overpower Elsa’s angelic tone.
Before she knew it, her thoughts slid from her lips like it was the most natural thing.
“Come to think of it…. She really is a goddess. No one could ever deserve someone like her. Sunshine and the song of magic follows her through the forest. When she smiles, every person, every room, every blade of grass brightens. Every step she takes, every footprint or snowflake she leaves, makes the forest more beautiful than it was left.”
She couldn’t prevent the crestfallen look that came to her face; the realization of what that all meant. Honeymaren crossed her arms over her chest, not unlike protecting herself from the evident truth.
“She’s the fifth spirit. Part of the bridge between our two worlds. Maybe she’s not even mortal….”
Ryder raised an eyebrow. “Why would mortality make a difference? Everyone should experience love.”
He took a pause. He blinked and then let out a sigh, relaxing his shoulders. “How lucky…. She could have multiple lifetimes to love. I wish I had that.”
He made it sound so romantic.
And maybe it was…. To him.
He said that out of love for love.
He didn’t realize what it could do to anyone else.
To someone else.
“How lucky? How heartbreaking!” Honeymaren corrected. “She’d lose the love of her life every generation. She might never be able to enjoy it out of anticipation for the next great loss. There would be no single love of her life. No love would be special. That grief would be enough to crush anyone. What could it do to the fifth spirit?”
“You mean like you and….” Ryder rapidly snapped his fingers. “What was her name, again…?”
Honeymaren’s eyes widened.
She wasn’t discussing that.
She couldn’t.
Huffing, Honeymaren threw herself off the tree, back facing Ryder.
She couldn’t let him see her get worked up about this.
It felt so long ago but….
But she couldn’t let it get to her.
She had to be strong.
For Ryder.
For her people.
For her.
Or else it was for naught.
“I’m sorry, Honey.”
She could hear him inching closer.
Honeymaren turned her head.
She appreciated the apology but….
She just needed another minute.
Where was her staff when she needed it?
Ryder sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
She paused.
“I know.”
She bit her tongue, holding back the wave of emotions that threatened to come flooding back.
“Not just about that,” he said softly.
Another pause.
“I wasn’t there for you. I was just a kid.”
He was right.
But how could he have known?
How could he have understood?
She tried so hard to protect him from everything.
He could try to help all he wanted but….
Ryder was never a warrior.
He wasn’t even a fighter.
He was a lover.
He was a dreamer.
Well, he probably wasn’t the smartest or most reliable.
But he did care.
He just didn’t realize.
Not to the extent Honeymaren knew.
That she lived.
“We all lost loved ones to the war,” she lamented.
She exhaled.
It was heartbreaking.
It was traumatic.
It destroyed so many people.
In more ways than one.
But it wasn’t in vain.
“She taught me that I could love like that. Powerfully. Intensely. Passionately.”
“Aren’t those all the same thing…?” Ryder asked.
Honeymaren shook her head.
Yes and no.
He didn’t experience what she had.
“It hurt. More than anything else,” she confessed.
She clenched her fists.
It hurt.
What a severe understatement.
It was an excruciating pain.
The kind that would never go away.
Whatever she did.
However long she lived.
In some capacity it would remain.
But she would never dream of taking any of that back.
If Honeymaren could have known what was to come….
How their story would end….
What would happen….
She would still choose to relive it.
“But I believe it’s better to love and lose….”
Her voice faded as the breeze returned; it must have been Gale.
Involuntarily, Honeymaren’s eyes followed the direction from which the leaves came.
There, in a small clearing, was Elsa.
A few Northuldran children surrounded her, watching in awe as she conjured ice spectacles out of thin air. First, something simple; a few snowflakes to entice them. Then some birds; whistling faintly and not too different from the real creatures. After that….
Bruni leapt up and gobbled up the snowflakes for himself.
Almost like a reflex, Elsa held out her hand for the salamander to land into despite him having come out of nowhere. The children seemed to think it hilarious, and they were not wrong. Bruni, however, seemed perfectly content with having gotten a free dessert from his friend. He waddled up Elsa’s arm and perched himself onto her shoulder. He looked at Elsa and then, after a moment, licked his eye. Unfazed, Elsa lifted her finger and rubbed under his chin.
Honeymaren leaned against the tree, feeling her body relax at the sight before her.
She had almost forgotten about everything else around her.
Her focus remained on Elsa.
And with that came the realization.
“…. Or even to love someone at a distance…than not at all.”
She had no words.
All she could see was Elsa and the light around her.
…And Bruni, by extension, as Elsa sprinkled more snowflakes into the palm of her hand for him.
Honeymaren couldn’t help but sigh.
A beauty both outer and inner.
Surely nothing else could compare.
“Wait a minute….”
Honeymaren blinked.
Crap, Ryder was still there.
Suddenly she could feel his eyes on her, examining every subtle move she made.
Watching her.
Spirits, it was chilling.
Suddenly, he clapped his hands and practically shouted in amazement.
“You love Elsa!”
Spinning around, Honeymaren pounced on him, knocking him down behind a nearby log. She remained on top of him, throwing one hand over his mouth and digging her elbow into his spine to keep him in place. She didn’t dare move otherwise, lest someone heard them. Especially Elsa. She had to make sure to wait an appropriate amount of time before she was certain they were in the clear.
“Not so loud,” she hissed.
It took a bit of effort, Ryder going so far as to attempt a push-up to knock Honeymaren off. He grunted but she refused to budge. It wasn’t until he licked her palm that Honeymaren had to bite her tongue to hold back a shriek before throwing herself off.
“Oh, come on!”
At least he had enough sense to lower his voice that time.
“You act like you don’t stand a chance.”
“Because I don’t.”
“You have a better chance than me…. Don’t wipe your hand on my tunic!”
“It’s your spit!”
She was going to have to wash her hand for a week.
“What do you mean you don’t have a chance?”
Spirits, how should she explain this to him?
“Ryder, you’ve seen her. You’ve met her! I…”
She pulled in her lips. Her shoulders began to slump.
I know her, she wanted to say.
Elsa wouldn’t want that.
Wouldn’t want Honeymaren.
She wasn’t interested like that.
And more than that….
Elsa was magic.
In its purest form.
Nothing could compare to that.
To her.
“I don’t think anyone could be good enough for her,” she admitted.
She sat straight, backing up enough to remain out of sight from anyone else. Elsa was further from her vision now, though she could still imagine what the Snow Queen would be doing. How much she brightened the lives of those around her. Her stunning smile. Giving into Bruni for more treats.
“Anyone except you,” Ryder said.
Honeymaren rolled her eyes. “Stop.”
He nudged her. “You’re the most interesting person in the forest. Think about it. You’re the strongest. The best…” he began to count on each finger, “warrior, the best fisher, the best climber, the best hunter….”
“Strength isn’t everything,” she pointed out.
“You’re also the smartest,” he reminded her. “No one knows more about the spirits than you do. Yelena’s been mentoring you your whole life to lead us. She wouldn’t do that if you were dumb.”
Honeymaren narrowed her gaze. “Thanks,” she responded sarcastically.
“But it’s not just brains and brawn,” Ryder continued. “People lean on you. You understand what they feel and create a safe space so they can get in touch with their emotions. You do that for everyone. Even Elsa.”
Honeymaren pursed her lips. “You really think so…?”
She couldn’t hide the doubt in her voice.
Even if she was all the things Ryder said she was….
She knew she was strong. She knew she was smart. She knew people trusted her.
Yelena would have never chosen to train Honeymaren as the next chieftess otherwise.
All her life Honeymaren worked hard to be someone her people could count on.
And yet, somehow, that paled in comparison to Elsa.
How she saw her.
What she thought of her.
Maybe it was because she was the fifth spirit.
Or maybe….
She sighed.
But what did it matter?
Ryder didn’t exactly have the best track record with women.
Anyone, really.
“I don’t think Elsa’s more relaxed around anyone than you.”
Was kind of nice to hear.
And it did make her feel better.
At least, regardless of anything else, she meant something to Elsa in some way.
Even if it wasn’t that way.
“If only that were enough…” she thought aloud.
Ryder shrugged. “Maybe you should just tell her how you feel then?”
Immediately, Honeymaren punched his shoulder. “Ryder, are you crazy??”
He flinched. “What?” he moaned. “That really hurt, you know!”
“What’s going to hurt even more is if I tell Elsa!” she argued.
Ryder stuck out his tongue. “I bet it’d hurt so much to make out with her.”
Honeymaren’s face went deep red.
Did he seriously just…?
Holy fricking spirits!
Ryder, don’t go there, she snarled mentally.
Yet she couldn’t find it in herself to attack him again.
Instead, all she could do was bury her head in her hands.
“I’m just saying,” he shrugged nonchalantly.
Honeymaren groaned, throwing her head back.
“I can’t take that risk. Not if it means losing her.”
She looked up at the sky once more.
“I treasure our friendship more than anything. It means the world to me. If I told her…if I made her think anything else…. It’d scare her away.”
“Or maybe she’d feel the same,” Ryder suggested.
She highly doubted that.
“You’re more in tune with peoples’ emotions than you think,” he continued. “You don’t just understand what people are feeling. You feel what they’re feeling. That takes a really extreme empath. So maybe it’s not just you. How do you know you’re not feeling these things unless she feels them, too?”
Every once in a while Ryder said something that made sense.
That didn’t mean it was accurate.
No matter how much she wished it were.
It just meant he was doing everything in his power to convince her.
Because he wanted this just as much as Honeymaren did.
So much so that, if he tried hard enough, he could almost will something to be true.
“I’m just saying…. What have you got to lose?”
What did she have to lose?
The trust and respect of the fifth spirit, for one thing.
More importantly….
Her friendship.
This wasn’t just any person.
It wasn’t because of her status.
This was someone who brought back hope and life.
This was one of the kindest souls Honeymaren ever had the pleasure of knowing.
This was a person who didn’t realize how much she had to share with the world.
Or how much strength she had in herself.
She’d been through so much and yet….
She could have gone to anyone else.
Opened up to anyone else.
Yet she chose Honeymaren.
And she continued to choose Honeymaren.
It was almost funny.
At one point, Honeymaren only saw the mist. Survival. War. 
It was hard to expect anything else.
To even hope for anything better.
But ever since the Snow Queen came around….
She had to close her eyes for a moment.
She could almost forget that life.
She couldn’t picture her life without Elsa.
Nor would she want to.
As long as Elsa would have her….
She’d graciously accept.
In whatever capacity that may be.
Exhaling, Honeymaren opened her eyes.
And reluctantly returned to reality.
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ericmicael · 5 months
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YELANA: The way Yelana was treated is perhaps one of my biggest disappointments in the Frozenverse, in fact the way all Northuldras were treated after "Frozen 2" is disappointing, but Yelana in particular was much more so. Honeymaren and Ryder were at least mentioned constantly and even had personality development and goals for the future explained in a mobile game, while Yelana had the most she had in flashbacks involving Iduna. As the leader of the last Northuldra Tribe, a human who has the most knowledge of magic and having known Anna and Elsa's mother as a child, it is a huge waste to say the least and one that I think will be repeated in the next films. They can argue that they're saving her for the films, but are they saving her name too? In “Polar Nights” sometimes I think Mari and Jenn forgot about her and that's why they only mention Honeymaren and Ryder as known tribe members. A great arc that I thought she could have is being the person who tells the stories of Iduna as a child as Mattias does involving the stories of Agnarr as a child, but with this reinforcement of Elsa's abilities to bring back memories stored in Ahtohallan I believe that this role for Yelana got lost. But the big reason I believe she is the character in the franchise who is most likely to die is precisely the other two named Northuldras: Honeymaren and Ryder. The Nattura brothers have a certain plot for the future of the franchise, if the franchise wants to look at them, as Elsa and Kristoff's companions respectively: Ryder will be Kristoff's human friend who is his age and is also a fan of reindeer, Honeymaren as it is very reinforced in these post-F2 materials, it could be Elsa's magic teacher, consultant on the forest and who knows something else. Honeymaren will pass on Yelana's knowledge and perhaps even take control of her tribe. In the "Frozen 2" art book, Honeymaren's great sense of leadership is reinforced, which is in fact presented in the film as she leads the attack battalion that ambushes the Arendelle group, but who knows, this description has a meaning beyond just a military one. Honeymaren and Ryder being linked to Elsa and Kristoff already guarantees a certain immunity for both characters, but Yelana is alone and the roles she could play have been discarded or are being guided to Honeymaren… Yelana is a disposable character unfortunately.
SVEN: this is the type of death possibility that the vast majority of the fandom will not believe is possible since we are talking about Disney, Sven is a popular character, a popular animal character and Disney would not have the courage to make children cry. And honestly just because it's Disney I don't believe in that possibility, but I still put it out there as a strong possibility because I want Disney to be brave. To begin with, I'll say that Sven's natural death is a good path to follow because it would be a great arc for Kristoff: Kristoff after "Frozen 2" is experiencing the greatest peak of his life, he's engaged to Anna who he dated for years, he has best friends and is even surrounded by reindeer. Kristoff is at the point in his life where he couldn't ask for anything more and then his best friend who he's known since childhood starts to show the problems of age. Maybe even Sven has a girlfriend (a reindeer friend of Ryder's) and kids. Kristoff, at the best moment of his life, thinking about his future fatherhood, ends up having to deal with Sven's goodbye. If Disney wants a mature arc for “Frozen 3” or “Frozen 4” this is a good arc, and it would also be a good arc for Kristoff without having to remove his parents from the grave creating a conflict with the Troll Family or him being again solely defined by his relationship with Anna (although his arc on the podcast is interesting it is also driven a bit by Anna as he is more tempted to become an industrialist to be someone worthy of marrying a queen).
AHTOHALLAN: is it a character? I consider that she is, yes, and a female character at that. Ahtohallan is the greatest current symbol of magic in the franchise's universe, the ultimate objective of “Frozen 2” present in legends and lullabies, but what if she is discovered by those who don't like magic? Hatred for magic and the industrial revolution are two of the big threat themes that I speculate for the next films (there is a third theme, but I won't talk about it now). With the opening of the gates of Arendelle and the revelation of Elsa's magic, I imagined that there would be more people thinking like Duke Weselton and in the end we were only introduced to Runeard's actions in the past, but as I said in the past, I imagine someone with the same thoughts now in the present seeing the Enchanted Forest open and the spirits free. If someone with the same thoughts as Runeard found out about the Enchanted Forest and Ahtohallan they would want to destroy the Fortress of Solitude, but to have a clear path they might attack the Enchanted Forest first to distract the spirits as they head towards the glacier (whereas ordinary ships as Agnarr and Iduna perished on the way, perhaps a certain technological touch would give the necessary strength for other vessels to cross the Dark Sea, and the attack on the Enchanted Forest could victimize Yelana). The destruction of Ahtohallan would be a huge blow to everyone and perhaps even have repercussions on the existence of magic and that's why I consider an end to the Fortress of Solitude possible... Although I don't believe it would be a definitive end since I believe Elsa can recreate her somehow.
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OLAF: this is perhaps the most speculated death in the fandom, but I still only included it as a bonus quote because I don't believe it. There are rumors, unconfirmed, that Josh Gad himself wanted Olaf to die definitively in “Frozen 2” and regardless of the veracity of the rumors, he was the only one from the main group who made a tweet with a certain air of farewell to the character. And a few months later he was the only one acting as the character again. Even if it's real that Josh Gad wanted an end to Olaf, I don't believe in an end to the snowman simply because it already happened in “Frozen 2”. Okay, it wasn't a definitive death, but are we going to repeat the same thing again just changing the ending? Serious? Even if Elsa loses her powers temporarily in “Frozen 3” or “Frozen 4”, perhaps with the destruction of Ahtohallan, I don't believe in Olaf's death because it would only be a repetition and I really don't want the likely last films in the franchise to just recycle old plots even if changing one thing or another to say they are different. So Josh Gad, if you can't stand Olaf anymore, I advise you to continue wiping your tears on the big pile of hundred dollar bills that Disney pays you to say a few sentences and tell a few jokes.
I mention the main cast because Alfred Molina/Agnarr in one of the first interviews after F2 said that he doubted he would return for a possible third film, and in parallel to this Rachel Matthews/Honeymaren is one of the most excited about returning to voice her character.
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black-cat-charm · 4 months
Modern Au Lore P3
Part 3; Elsa and Anna
Prev post--> https://www.tumblr.com/black-cat-charm/752116661946073088/modern-au-lore-p2?source=share
Elsa and Anna Arendelle;
Elsa was always her father's golden son. He showed her off at gatherings and parties and constantly expected a lot from her. But, when Elsa was 13, she started feeling very depressed and locked herself away a lot. It didn't help her and Agnarr's relationship that around this time, she came out at trans. Agnarr distanced himself from her and started showing off Anna instead. It was rare he would even refer to her by name. Elsa was just "the oldest child" and "the other one". Iduna was very caring to Elsa though. When Elsa was 18 and Anna was 15, their parents left on a trip, and unfortunately died at sea. This didn't help how Elsa felt. She shoved away Anna and left her sister feeling alone and sad. They met their cousin around this time. Anna also started dating Hans, a not so great guy. When Hans left Anna even more heartbroken, Elsa knew she had to step up so she did. She started spending more time with Anna and caring for her more. At 23, Elsa met a girl named HoneyMaren and the two started dating. Anna met a guy named Kristoff around this time and they started dating too.
Anna currently majoring in history works at a bakery and Elsa is focusing on her studies and is majoring in psychology.
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sniperct · 2 years
2022 in fanfiction
2022 was a pretty good year for me writing wise! Here are the fics I wrote and/or finished in 2022! There are 28 of them so I'll put it under a read more. Titles are links!
Kindred Spirits 5813 words (E)
(Frozen/Assassin's Creed) | Elsa/Kassandra (Assassin's Creed)
It has been six years since Elsa last saw Kassandra. A lot can change in six years, especially after a great deal of self-discovery and solid ground under foot.
But she's going to get some answers this time. About who Kass really is and just how mutual their emotions really are.
Assuming she can think straight long enough to get those answers.
Your Better Self 36175 words (M)
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra (Tangled)
Handmaiden, fighter, friend, villain. Cass has been all of these things and more, but she still doesn't know who she's supposed to be, or who she even wants to be. Somewhere, there has to be the answer. She didn't expect to find it buried in the snow, but she'd let her happiness be guided by orbiting someone else before and that's the last thing she wants to do again.
Elsa has her family, her friends. She has her duty and her purpose. She knows what it's like to long for something unknown and maybe, just maybe, she can help Cassandra find hers.
The Laws of Motion 28659 words (M)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
When disaster strikes during her Olympic long program, Elsa finds her hopes and dreams shattered. Recovery is a long and frustrating road, but Honeymaren and Anna are determined to make sure she doesn't have to go through it alone.
The Perils of Paint 2238 words (E)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
Elsa's latest cosplay requires a bit of body paint. As in nearly her full body. Honeymaren of course volunteers to help, and the view is far too nice to resist.
Working the Tension Out 2543 words (E)
(Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
In which Elsa seduces her own wife into getting laid on her throne. It didn't really take much effort.
A Thousand Ways to Love a Woman 7723 words (T)
(Legend of Korra) | Korrasami
There are a thousand ways to love a woman. A thousand languages that a body could speak. A series of fics all about little moments between the Avatar and the Inventor.
Worth the Wait 2597 words (E)
(Final Fantasy VII Remake) | Aerith/Tifa
Forty-five days. Aerith had waited forty-five days since her first kiss with Tifa on New Years for the promised time alone on Valentine's Day. And Tifa was determined to make sure it was worth the wait.
Harmony 2739 words (E)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
Though the Forest is no longer trapped, a foggy night can still bring back a claustrophobic feeling. Elsa finds Honeymaren in need of comfort, and one thing leads to another…
Parlay 2596 words (T)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Red
Eight months after the events of Polar Nights: Cast Into Darkness, Captain Red has finally sailed her way back to northern waters. The Snow Queen pays the ship a visit, just to say hello.
And to steal her hat. And probably her heart.
Wild Things 693 words (T)
(Frozen) General
Sometimes, Anna worries about what her sister is becoming. There’s a wild look in Elsa’s eyes, and she isn’t always fully there. And the more and more she becomes lost in the memories of the past, the farther and farther away she seems. It feels like some ancient myth, or something otherworldly and Fae.
Scars and Memories
(Frozen) | Elsa/Red 2175 words (E)
Below decks, in the privacy of her cabin, Red and Elsa bare themselves in more ways than one. Red has scars from a life at sea, and like water, scars are memories.
Unfamiliar Skies
(Frozen/Final Fantasy XIV) | Elsa/Y'shtola Rhul 3121 words (T)
Y’shtola refused to accept that life was as rare as she’d been told. That the universe would end in cold emptiness, no light left to cast shadow. That Etherius was the only star with life upon it. There were other stars out there, untouched by the song of Oblivion. So, a first step, that first bridge, and here she was standing beneath an unfamiliar sky.
Gal Pals
(Legend of Korra) | Korrasami 2069 words (T)
Asami has always been in love with Korra, but when she agrees to be her girlfriend for a night to help get some guy off Korra's back, she gets much more than she bargained for.
Sleeping Giants
(Tomb Raider/Godzilla) Lara Croft/Samantha Nishimura
1965 words (T)
Monarch had been the only ones to believe Lara and Sam after their ordeal on Yamatai, and the reasons for that became clear in the wake of San Francisco. Now, Lara and Sam have returned to the island they barely survived, to dig deeper into the mystery of what lies beneath. Something slumbers, and there may be a connection to the Sun Queen and Yamatai's history.
A Bit Nippy
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
1479 words (T)
It's late at night at Corona Pizzeria, and the woman of Cass's dreams just walked through the door.
Killer Queen
(World of Warcraft) | Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner
10173 words (E)
A mysterious singer, men turning up dead, and Jaina piecing together the common thread in the people they'd hurt.
The woman's voice rattling in her head, cutting her to the quick, asking her if justice is ever truly served.
“Surely there are better ways to ensure men like that get what they deserve?"
Lights Dancing in the Sky
(Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
1068 words
It's the first Polar Nights festival since Jaina married Elsa, and the two take a chance to gaze at the emerald lights while their friends gather around a nearby campfire. Jaina reflects on where she's come from and where she is now.
Selfish Love
(Final Fantasy XIV) | Minfilia Warde/Warrior of Light (female)
7190 words (T)
Though the last of Hydaelyn's power had been used to send her champions to face the end of all things, a small, tiny spark remained. And with that spark she gave form and life to her favored soul.
And with the beginning of a new era, the Warrior of Light finds herself once again returning to the Waking Sands, drawn by a familiar feeling and the anticipation of second chances.
Keeping Faith
(The Silmarillion/Rings of Power) | Galadriel/Tar-Miriel
9538 words (E)
Long has Tar-Míriel worn a mask to hide her true allegiances, but the arrival of a Noldor in her court threatens to upend that balance. And yet, she cannot help herself. A discussion of Shadows, a relieving of tension, and a keeping of the faith.
When the Numbers Run Together
(Bioshock Infinite/Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elizabeth/Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
555 words (T)
Jaina, Elsa and Elizabeth have been working on a theoretical project but the solution apparently involves flirting and cuddling.
Rising Stars
(The Silmarillion) | Tar-Miriel/Varda 1468 words (T)
On Númenor's last night before its Doom, the Queen seeks respite with old statues in dead gardens, and receives a visitor glittering with the light of the stars. Through the Star-Kindler, perhaps she can find some sort of salvation.
springtime in the rain
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
436 words
Cassandra's heart is hard. She's had to be, after everything, after the way her life has fallen apart.
But it is springtime in the rain and she sees the woman dancing there in the glade, the way she sparkles and shimmers as the water falls all about her and a crack begins to form in the thick, charred layer on the surface of her heart.
The Oatmeal Treason
(Frozen) | Kristanna and Elsamaren 842 words (T)
After many weeks of heavy work, Anna has been looking forward to a nice breakfast treat in the form of apple oatmeal. But someone has absconded with her breakfast and Queen Anna is on the case!
Big Sky
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
15269 words (M)
A bandit. A kidnapping. A cross-country ride. Or, that time Cassandra was hired to kidnap a horse-rancher's wife and get her safely to San Francisco. Falling in love was not supposed to be in the cards.
A Monster Like Me
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
946 words (T)
Elsa fled to the North Mountain. Anna never came for her. Isolation and solitude turn out to not be what she'd wanted. Cursed with the form of a wolf, Cassandra has ran wild and free for years, until she stumbles upon an Ice Queen and her castle. Two cursed beings and the walls that crumble between them.
Nuclear Fusion
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore & Rapunzel/Sylvanas Windrunner. Bonus Kristanna
4702 words (M)
Elsa has learned over the past four years that it was important to make a good impression, especially with a new advanced physics professor. But the professor is very hot, Elsa is very gay, and things just got a lot more complicated all around.
(Frozen) | Elsa/Original Female Character 27459 words (M)
With Elsa pulling further and further away from the people who love her, Queen Iduna acts on a hunch, bringing in a maidservant for Elsa in the hopes that someone near her age might help her come out of her shell.
Unsure if she'll even succeed, Céleste works bit by bit to help Elsa help herself and to open back up to Anna. And Elsa begins to remember that there are good, warm things in the world, if she'll only let herself have them.
But falling in love is simply not allowed, so they must only dance around each other, yearning for that which they cannot have.
Handfuls of Dust
(World of Warcraft) | Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner, Thalyssra/Tyrande Whisperwind, Alleria Windrunner/Liadrin/Valeera Sanguinar
103552 words (E)
An old threat looms in the north and yet another rises to the surface…
The Compact has stood for fifteen years. In that time, Jaina and Sylvanas’s relationship has transformed them from bitter enemies to stalwart lovers and the Horde and Alliance have closely followed suit.
And yet, a shadowy conspiracy, a few well-timed assassinations, and a rising tide of war threatens to tear the world apart.
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thecassadilla · 2 years
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Fierce & Feisty Friday
Thank you so much to @annas-hair-donut for tagging me!!! 💕
Rules: Post a snippet from one of your fics (can be published or WIP) featuring a fierce and/or feisty character this Friday or next, then tag some people so they can share, too! (Feel free to use the banner if you want!)
In honor of Frozen Smut Week just around the corner, post a snippet from something you'll be posting that week!
This snippet is from a fic I'm writing for Day 2 of Frozen Smut Week - Ruby!!! The fic is called "Crescendo" and it's a modern, pair skating au. After being dumped by her boyfriend and skating partner, Anna is forced to settle for Kristoff, a non-competitive figure skater slash former hockey player. They get off to a rough start, as Anna is still hung up on being dumped in spite of the instant attraction she has for Kristoff.
In this scene, Elsa and Honeymaren try to convince Anna to give Kristoff a chance.
“Deep breath,” Maren commanded, as Elsa handed Anna her water bottle.
Anna took a long drink, her chest heaving as she pulled the bottle away from her lips. Breathlessly, she muttered, “I don’t think I can do this.”
“Give the guy a chance,” Elsa pleaded, exchanging a quick look with Maren. “It’s only day three.”
“And? It’s like he’s afraid to touch me! You saw with your own eyes that he almost dropped me on a group two lift. Group two! We need a group five lift for our short program - how are we going to get up to a group five if he can’t confidently execute a group two?”
“What do you want to do, then?”
“What do you mean, ‘what do you want to do, then?’” Anna asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You don’t have much in the way of choice here, Anna. If you don’t want to work with him, then you’ll have no choice but to quit. You know how difficult it is to find a male partner for pairs skating, and with competition season quickly approaching, the odds of someone else becoming available are slim to none.”
“Maybe I don’t have to quit. Maybe if I practice enough on my own over the next few weeks, I'll qualify for the women’s singles category instead.”
“You’ve been pairs skating since you were eleven years old,” Elsa countered. “Do you really want to try something completely new to you?”
“Well -”
“Besides, Kristoff seems like a really nice guy,” the blonde added. “I feel like he may surprise you if you just give him a chance.”
“I agree with Elsa,” Maren piped up. “He’s out of his element - this is his first time working with a partner, and there’s a steep learning curve to it. You know that.”
“And he was available at such short notice. That alone should earn him a couple of brownie points.”
Anna crossed her arms over her chest, her cheeks burning as she glared at the two women. “Will you two please stop ganging up on me?”
Please keep in mind that this snippet may be edited/changed slightly in the actual fic, as it's in need of some editing. For some background, a "group two lift" in pairs skating is a lift where the male partner lifts the female partner by the waist, and it is not typically seen in elite skating competitions. A "group five lift" is a much more complicated lift, and gains a lot of points if executed well during competitions. It starts with the pair holding hands to push off, and then the male partner has to lift the female partner over his head using only their collective arm strength. There are a few variations of poses once the female partner is in the air. Please forgive me if I messed up the skating lingo in the fic/here - I am not a professional ice skater and this is just my understanding of how this stuff works lol.
The full fic will be posted on March 26th for Frozen Smut Week!
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
FROZEN 2: the approach on the new places & characters, and what this tell us about the directors point of view
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A personal fear about introducing new human characters has always been the risk they would completly steal the attention away from the protagonists relationships.
Thankfully, the directors themselves recognized how important it was to not take away the emotional weight that connects Anna, Elsa and Kristoff (and also Olaf & Sven) thanks to the first movie.
The two human factions (Northuldra & Arendellians) work as guides and consultants for the main characters, while the Spirits have a major importance for Elsa, starting as threats, and then becoming allies.
The conflict/connection between Elsa and these non-human characters serve as subvertion of the "Good Vs Evil" dynamic, because we know WHY the Spirits are enraged and WHAT they want, and this then evolves further when Elsa needs to reach Ahtohallan.
Frozen 2 enpowers and deepens an essential character point from the 1st Frozen:
The protagonists react and connect with the places they visit
Frozen introduced us to Arendelle and its Fairy-tale setting through Anna's eyes, a kingdom where the human and magical world co-exist, and its main characters arcs relfect that duality, with Anna & Hans seeming fit to live among other people in Arendelle, but both ready to face the dangers of what is uknown and feared by the people and the Duke of Weselton, while Elsa & Kristoff feel more at home away from others, E in the Ice Palace on the North Mountain, alone with her magic, and K working as ice-harvester and living in woods with Sven, visiting when he feels like it the Trolls, his foster family.
The sequel plays this card through the Mythological and deep magical characteristics of the Enchanted Forest, where the human element is overwhelmed and reacts in different ways: the Northuldra are deeply connected to the forest and its magic, but also distrusting of strangers, while the Arendellian soldiers are always on guard because of this dangerous place, but are also pretty used to it after 34 years there.
Regarding the main characters:
Elsa feels at home here, because the Forest and the Spirits are overwhelming just like her, and are connected to her powers through Ahtohallan, but also the Northuldra, like Yelana and Honeymaren, her morther's people, are the human element that can fully support and guide her, without forgetting her sister and Arendelle, wishing to return there whenever she desires to;
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Anna acts out of fear for her sister, but doesn't lose her sincer and welcoming nature, ready to help the Northuldra, but still prefering to spend time with Mattias, desiring to return to her life in Arendelle just like him;
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Kristoff doesn't feel an outsider with the Northuldra, because, like him, they love reindeers and are used to live in the forest, also empathizing deeply with their isolation, and this allows him to befriend Ryder pretty easily, helping him to propose to Anna. Surely, the Northuldra mystiscal side also reminds him of the Trolls;
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So, both characters and places reflect a deep duality between magic and humanity, between ordinary and extrordinary, but because the Enchanted Forest is an overwhelming mythic/magical place, that duality is allowed through the history between the forest and Arendelle, where the central romantic side is given by the lives of Agnarr & Iduna, while the true "good vs evil" dynamic is related to King Runeard agenda against the Northuldra.
The pure ancient goodness and fairness of Ahtohallan contrasted by the corrupting modern evilness and deceif of King Runeard's Dam:
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That's why I constantly say that what Anna and Elsa discover about their heritage and their destiny seems meant to put Frozen and its story under a different prespective, where the past is so deep that connects everything like an echo, and leaves other unresolved aspects of the first movie to be handled under these new elements.
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reindeersweaters · 2 years
Little and Much
Chapter 33/35
Words: 3,700
Rating: M (language)
Modern AU- Server!Kristoff and Server!Anna
Summary: Questions are asked. Answers aren’t given properly before interruption. A bit of chaos ensues.
Kristoff is driving back home, Anna following him in her Prius, and he wishes he’d just told Honeymaren to fuck right off. For all the pushing and shoving she had done to try and get he and Anna together, she was being completely oblivious to the fact that he very much wanted to hang out with Anna alone for longer than two seconds.
He merely wants to talk to her. He’d tried before he’d dropped her off before work, but Ryder had interrupted him.
The Natturas were 0 and 0.
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honeymxren · 2 years
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Task 11 —> Intro & Connections
Honeymaren Nattura // Twenty Eight // Environmental Studies Prof // She/Her
+ Balanced, Resourceful, Empathetic - Untrusting, Quirky, Outspoken
Full Bio [ x ]
Honeymaren identifies as a lesbian
Her field specialization is nature conservation  
She is an advocate on campus for queer students
Partakes in archery
Loves anything that involves logical thinking ie chess, puzzles, etc
Spends a lot of time outside
Taken Connections
Additional Parental Figure: @archiefeathursby
Friends: @magicalelsaarendelle
Ex: @cassguardia
Eneimes: @ralph-wreczycki
Wanted Connections*
Family: Ryder Nattura! Honeymaren and myself would love you forever if you brought her brother Ryder to Redwood Hollow. 
Friends: Honeymaren wouldn’t admit to it, but the girl definitely needs more friends. She works too hard and spends too much time doing things for others. It’d be nice for her to do something for herself. Maybe our characters can become close or are already, and we can work up that backstory.
Romantic Interests: Honeymaren isn’t exactly looking to jump into another hasty relationship, as things are still complicated, but wouldn’t say no to a lovely woman asking her out on a date. 
Wanted Plots / Plot Ideas*
Hospitality: Right now, Honeymaren lives alone, but being the sensitive and caring person she is, if someone needed a place to stay, she would do her best to help them. Even if it meant housing them for a few days, weeks, what have you. So long as you don’t have a problem with plant moms, your character is welcome to stay.
Work Besties: Honeymaren needs someone at the college that she can turn to in times of crisis, frustration, or just borderline exhaustion. Someone who understands how mentally draining it can be at times to deal with college students. 
One character from the open tag you would like to see taken: SVEN EISMANN
One Character you want to see a bio for in relation to this specific character: RYDER NATTURA
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elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
January/December Contest Submission #3: The Price of Being Queen
Words: ca. 2,500 Setting: canon (pre/post F2) Lemon: lime (off-screen lemon) Content: angst, elsamaren, cheating
The Price of Being Queen
The Night of Anna’s Coronation
“Anna, what are you doing out here? This is your coronation ball!”
Anna glances over her shoulder from her place at the edge of the balcony. Elsa looks unfairly pretty in her sequined blue ball gown, blonde hair fluttering freely above her bare shoulders. Her cheeks are bright red and her eyes are filled with delight. This should be a night of celebration, and yet Anna had instead wandered out into the crisp autumn air to be alone with her thoughts.
“Oh, nothing.” Anna sighs. “Daydreaming, I suppose.”
Elsa takes her place at Anna’s side, shoulder brushing warmly against shoulder. “I don’t think you can call it daydreaming when the stars are out. Gosh, they are pretty tonight, aren’t they?”
“Yes,” Anna says, but she’s not looking at the stars.
After a moment, Elsa looks sidelong at her, and Anna wonders briefly if Elsa notices the need in Anna’s eyes, but if she does the expression on her face does not betray it. All Anna wants is to extend this moment into forever, because there is a gnawing in her chest that tells her that morning will bring the end of this life that she has known. She will be Queen here and Elsa will be not-Queen there, and they will grow distant in the way that people do, even as they promise not to. And despite all the many joys she has in her life, right now she feels just like she did that terrible day three years ago, as the ice closed its grip around her heart until she was frozen.
True love can’t end like this — can it?
“Come on,” Elsa starts, oblivious to the gravity of Anna’s thoughts, as she slips her hand into Anna’s and tugs her back toward the ballroom. “They’re about to put out the desserts and there’s a chocolate cake that literally has our names on it!”
Anna reflexively puts on a smile and lets Elsa pull her along, preparing to go back to pretending. But with every step the thundering in her heart grows louder and louder until every fiber of her being is screaming in protest.
So she gathers up all her hopes and dreams and desperation and says, “Wait.”
The Morning of Anna’s Coronation
While there has been much to do in preparation for officially becoming Queen of Arendelle, Anna has spent most of the actual day so far standing around while other people make her look pretty, Such as the current situation in which Anna finds herself, standing on a short stool with her arms held out from her sides, literally pinned in place while the royal seamstress and a flock of assistants and maids make final adjustments to her coronation dress.
At first, Anna attempts to make pleasant conversation with the seamstress, but the older lady’s serious demeanor quickly puts her off that plan; it seems like the only thing that matters to her is the dress — the body beneath it might as well be a mannequin. Failing that, she tries to engage the other women fluttering about with needles and thread and pins and tape, but the most she gets out of them takes the form of Of course, Your Majesty and Quite so, Your Majesty, which makes Anna wonder if this is simply the way it will be from now on. Eventually, her thoughts drift to Elsa, as they so often do, and it is a great relief when Elsa actually glides in through the open door, munching on a shiny red apple, with Honeymaren trailing close behind her.
Elsa grins mirthfully at the sight of Anna’s predicament, and struggles to avoid erupting into laughter while she still has a bite of food in her mouth.
“Oh you poor thing!” Honeymaren chimes in, while Elsa clears her throat.
“I feel like a human pincushion!”
“It’s torture isn’t it?” Elsa finally manages. “But I’m sure the result will be worth it.”
“We’ll see about that,” Anna replies skeptically. “Keep me company?”
Elsa and Honeymaren exchange a glance, then the dark-haired girl whispers something in Elsa’s ear that Anna can’t quite discern and disappears out into the hallway. As there is a distinct lack of chairs in the room, Elsa instead takes a seat atop the one nearby worktable that is free of fabric scraps and sewing tools, hopping up with the aid of one arm while taking a bite from her apple with the other. There is a noticeably casual affect to her motion that Anna envies; while Elsa is still technically Queen for a few more hours, she seems to have already freed herself of the accompanying sense of responsibility.
“Do you remember—” Elsa starts, and then covers her mouth with her hand before continuing, “—when we were little, and we used to daydream about how maybe somehow we could both be queens some day?”
“My wish came true,” Anna replies, voice laden with sarcasm.
This prompts a look of concern from Elsa. “Are you having second thoughts about this?”
“No,” Anna replies immediately, and then sighs. “No,” she affirms again, “Arendelle needs me. It’s just that when I imagined being queen as a child, it never occurred to me that you wouldn’t be here with me.”
Elsa’s expression softens. “I won’t be that far away.”
“I don’t want you to be anywhere away at all,” Anna huffs, and then immediately regrets that she’s let that feeling into her voice.
At that moment, the seamstress and her assistants remove all the various pins and fasteners in a rush, and then retreat back to the adjoining room with the dress to make more adjustments, leaving Anna standing there in her underclothes. There is a gown draped over a nearby table for her to wear in this situation, but she is feeling brazen and decides to just let Elsa look.
And Elsa does look. This is the part that drives Anna mad. For a long time, Elsa had been so furtive about her admiration that Anna had wondered if those times when she was nearly certain that she’d caught Elsa looking at her amorously were real or simply a figment of her own increasingly needful imagination. But in the months since Anna had agreed to become queen in her stead, Elsa has become less and less cautious about it. So Anna lets herself be admired, and she doesn’t make any effort to hide the color that it puts on her face. She desperately wishes that Elsa would say something about this, put words to this unutterable thing that hangs between them, but as the silence stretches into minutes, Anna cracks and broaches a different topic that has been burning in her thoughts of late.
“So, you and Honeymaren seem close?”
Elsa blinks, as if dragging herself back from a fantasy. “We’ve become friends quite quickly, yes.”
“Just friends?” Anna presses, lowering her voice so as to be sure they are not overheard in the next room.
Now it’s Elsa’s turn to sport a blush. “Is it that obvious?”
Anna hops off the stool and takes a seat next to Elsa on the table, moving the half-eaten apple out of the way. “I don’t know if it’s obvious, but I can tell by the way you look at her.” Because it’s the same way you look at me.
“She is very pretty,” Elsa says, a smile creeping into the corners of her mouth.
Anna hates the way her insides burn at the thought of Elsa and Honeymaren together, yet she forces herself to say, “I’m happy for you, Elsa,” even though she’s anything but. She should be happy for Elsa; it’s not like she has — or should have — any sole claim to Elsa’s affection. But right now she feels like someone has stabbed a knife into her gut and started twisting.
“She says it’s different with the Northuldra,” Elsa continues. “They don’t have the same… unspoken rules as Arendelle and other places. We wouldn’t have to hide anything.”
Elsa turns to her then, with an expression on her face that Anna recognizes as a request for permission, though it takes a few moments for her to realize what Elsa is asking for, now that the roles are reversed. “When you want it, you’ll have my blessing,” she grants, because the hypocrisy of doing anything else would be unbearable, and the words are barely out of her mouth when Elsa surprises her with a warm and lingering kiss on her cheek and a hug of gratitude.
Just then, the dress-fitting swarm emerges once again from the adjoining room, and Anna is quickly whisked back onto the stool in the center of the room. Elsa gives her hand a quick squeeze as she’s dragged away, followed by an I love you as the seamstress shoos her out the door so that she can finally finish her work.
When the assistants once more begin fitting the dress, Anna no longer feels the prick of the needles against her skin.
The Morning After Anna’s Coronation
Anna is still awake in the early hours of the morning when Elsa finally stops tossing and turning under the silk bedsheets.
The thought of waking up alone, with the uncertainty of whether the night’s events had actually happened or had instead been some kind of fever dream, was too terrifying to entertain, and so when Elsa drifted off to sleep Anna simply laid there and watched her, occasionally strumming her fingers along the naked skin of Elsa’s back, and tried not to let her mind dwell on the mess of her own making that she would have to deal with come sunrise. The peaceful expression on Elsa’s face hadn’t lasted long before the nightmares took over, and there was only so much she could do about those, regardless of… everything else.
They’ve shared a bed enough times that Anna knows the timing of this routine by heart, and so she closes her eyes and feigns being asleep herself. It’s inevitable that the day will bring confrontation — more than she is prepared to deal with, if she’s being honest — but she can’t help wanting to delay it, to hang on a little longer to the love they had shared only a few short hours before.
Soon, Elsa slips out of the bed, barely making a sound, and Anna peeks through half-closed eyes as her sister moves about the room, gathering her few possessions and attempting to make herself look somewhat presentable. It gnaws at her that Elsa so obviously intends to leave without talking about what happened, about what she initiated. Anna had only intended to confess; to put her want and desire in plain words before the burden of keeping it secret consumed her. But she hadn’t turned her head when Elsa leaned in to kiss her. She hadn’t pulled away when Elsa’s hands had wandered below the folds of Anna’s dress. And she hadn’t said no when Elsa had dragged her down the hallway to one of the unused guest quarters and undressed her. Anna had said yes to all of those things, and more.
She waits until Elsa has fashioned herself a new dress out of nothing before she sits up and sweeps her sleep-mussed hair out of her face. “Good morning,” Anna greets.
“I thought you might be awake,” Elsa replies, running her fingers through her loose hair in lieu of a brush. She glances at Anna and then back to the nearby mirror.
Well, nothing to do but go for the heart of the matter. “Were you really going to leave without saying anything?”
“I was worried about causing a commotion, though I’m not sure that’s entirely avoidable now.” Elsa sighs and sits down at the edge of the bed. “What happened last night was a mistake, Anna. It’s not fair to the other people in our lives to go around like this behind their backs.”
It’s so typical of Elsa to moralize like this after doing something spectacularly foolish. It would almost be funny, if the matter was anything less than Anna’s heart on a platter; instead it is infuriating. “If you think last night was such a mistake, why did you kiss me?”
“What are you hoping I’ll say, Anna? I’m in love with you. It was a moment of weakness.” Elsa curses under her breath, then scoots over on the bed and takes Anna’s hand in hers.
Anna hates how easily this simple touch disarms the anger brewing inside her, leaving her with only the gaping well of sadness beneath it. She already knows how this conversation will end, but they still have to have it. “Do you regret what we did? Would you take back the things we did last night, if you could?”
Elsa softens at the sight of the tears that have started to roll down Anna’s cheeks. “I don’t—” she starts, and then pauses again, collecting her thoughts. “No. I’m worried. I’m worried because it’s already causing you hurt and pain, and I’m thinking about all the hurt and pain it’s going to cause beyond this room, if and when people find out. But I don’t regret loving you, and I wouldn’t take it back.”
Every answer feels like another needle pricking at Anna’s sanity. “How can you say both of these things? ‘I in love with you’ but we can’t be together. ‘I don’t regret it’ but we shouldn’t have done it. Where does that leave me?”
Elsa’s shoulders drop and her gaze falls to her lap. “I’m sorry. I know it was selfish of me.”
Anna throws the covers off herself and moves across the bed so that she’s kneeling beside Elsa, then threads her arms around Elsa’s waist and draws her close. She can be selfish also.
“Anna, we can’t—” Elsa starts to object, but her words cut out when Anna’s lips meet the side of her neck.
Anna wants nothing more than to drag Elsa back under the sheets, but she also knows that whatever satisfaction that would bring would be more fleeting than the first time, and the crux of the problem would still remain. So she lets the kisses trail off, rests her chin on Elsa’s shoulder, and waits for the thumping of Elsa’s heart to return to normal.
“Couldn’t we both be selfish, though? We could run off into the mountains together. You could build another ice palace, or maybe even just a nice ice cottage. This love could be ours, just you and me.”
“It would be nice, wouldn’t it?” Elsa says, leaning into her. “Don’t think I haven’t thought about it a hundred times. But we have responsibilities, Anna, and those don’t just go away because of how we feel about each other. Our lives are bigger than us.”
“I know,” Anna admits. “It’s wishful thinking. I just—it doesn’t feel right to let you go.”
“I wish I could tell you that there was some way to make this work,” Elsa says. “But if there is, I haven’t thought of it.”
When Elsa starts to pull away, Anna lets her go. There’s nothing else she can say.
Elsa stands and does a final check of her appearance, then turns to Anna and says, “I’ll tell the maids that you had too much to drink, and that I was simply tending to you while you were feeling unwell. With any luck, no one will suspect anything.”
“Okay,” Anna replies, though her own voice feels like an echo. “Can we—can I come visit you soon?”
“I think maybe it’s best if you take some time to adjust here first? Being Queen is a big responsibility. It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
Anna nods, they exchange I love you’s, and then Elsa is gone.
Anna falls backwards onto the mattress, then grabs a nearby pillow and screams her heart out into it.
A short while later, Anna pulls herself together and wills her body to get out of bed. After she manages to squeeze back into the previous night’s dress, she goes around to the far side of the bed once more to gather up her other belongings.
Elsa is definitely right about the responsibility of being Queen. She will have to make many hard decisions, and many of them will not make people happy. But there is one thing that she has already decided, and it would be best to get that done and over with sooner rather than later. It can’t hurt any worse than the conversation she has just had.
When Anna picks up her engagement ring from its place on the bedside table, she does not put it back on her finger.
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HTBC 🌄 Chapter 11
If you loved yourself the way I do
Elsa lost track of how many naps or long sleep-ins she had. 
One morning, as she weakly opened her eyes, she found herself alone in the goahti with Sonya, the silence only punctuated with the sound of medicinal herbs crushed in her mortar as the healer’s back was turned to her. The quiet introverted blonde chose to not make it clear to the Northuldra that she was awake just yet. She observed her, mesmerized and lulled by her movements. 
Elsa remembered how she had in fact always loved to look at this kind of attention, devotion, passion, that professional people had in their tasks. When she was little, it gave her pleasing tingles on her head to watch the apothecary prepare remedies for Anna when she was sick, whether it be his mumbles to himself as he picked vials in his bag or his dedicated movements. 
After a long time of contemplation, the door of the goahti moved and Honeymaren entered. 
She blew a kiss to her lover with a smile, which Elsa returned amusedly, then walked to put her crafting gear on her trunk, to not disturb Sonya. 
The healer gave Elsa the prepared dose, then instructed the couple about when to use the infusion bags she had neatly placed on one of the shelves. Honeymaren noted down the brewing times, then saluted the healer when she left. 
The blonde was glad that Sonya didn’t bow before leaving like some Northuldra did when they visited her. They continued to give her the Fifth Spirit worshiping gestures, and she was uncomfortable with it when she was nothing magical. 
Honeymaren placed her notes in one of the boxes that Anna had once brought as a gift, humming a traditional Northuldra tune as she did. 
The box had the Arendelle flag painted on it, and the brunette caught Elsa staring at it with a daydream expression. 
“Feeling homesick?” 
Elsa widened her eyes, surprised and curious of where she could have learned that word. “Does Anna teach you those expressions to tease me?” 
The brunette grinned. “No. But she warned me that you’d feel down sometimes thinking about Arendelle, or grow concerned about its well-being at moments, and that it was a normal thing.” 
Elsa fidgeted with the edge of the covers. “Sounds like she gave you a lot of warnings when we officially became a couple.” 
“Good ones, baby, only good ones.” Smirked the brunette, laying down on the bed next to her. 
Elsa took some time to dare to ask, but eventually, she turned to her. “Are you afraid that I regret not living in Arendelle anymore because of you?” 
The Northuldra was shocked by how she hit right in her core. When she lifted her head from the pillow and turned, Elsa was smiling warmly at her. 
“My home is with you, Honeymaren. My home is everywhere as long as it’s with my family, and you’re my family.” 
Honeymaren felt her throat go tight. 
“I miss the kingdom sometimes, of course, but the walls can be… Restricting.” 
“I understand.” Nodded Honeymaren, exulting wisdom as best as she could and not the emotion squeezing her heart. She laid down her head back on the pillow. “Thank you.” 
Elsa blinked. “For what…?” 
“For making me your family.” Smiled the brunette. 
[Read more on FF] [Read more on AO3]
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swan2swan · 5 years
I mean, her name is “Honeymaren”, the writers looked at a list of names for the one woman unrelated to Elsa who was of a similar age and decided “We’re going to go with a name that easily shortens to ‘Honey’ so that when they’re having casual chats Elsa is just calling her ‘Honey’” I know it could also be “Maren” and that’s fine and all but the point is there were probably twenty different names they scribbled down on paper and they went with the one that guarantees “Elsa is going to call her ‘Honey’” how are people supposed to not ship them
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