#or he's a very scary demon lord
waitineedaname · 2 months
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I made a flowchart for Binghe's average decision making process
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kozmicmizuu · 5 months
stupid idea i had… as per usual
giyuu always be getting stuck with the aggressive and loud people like- ALL THE TIME
wouldn’t be surprised if his swordsmith was also loud and aggressive…. like haganezuka….
giyuu, the poor unlucky man, got the scary swordsmith (considering urokodaki already knew him) giyuu would try to drop him and find a new smith but he felt too bad and just flat out didn’t care. not like he chips or breaks his sword often
he still gets yelled at tho, hashira or not, haganezuka still yells at his clients
but giyuu knows how to deal with loud people- he just stares blankly and probably just walks away, he is NOT the one to yell at
tanjiro: mr. tomioka!! we have the same swordsmith!! isn’t that cool?
giyuu: oh boy… yes, that’s great..
tanjiro: why do you seem so hesitant?
giyuu: you’ll see
*loud yelling an screaming in the background*
tanjiro: why do i hear boss music?
giyuu: *sigh*… did you perhaps chip your blade?
tanjiro: i did.. sorry, mr. tomioka
giyuu: it’s fine… for me- not you, your fucked
tanjiro: ?
haganezuka: YOU FUCKING IDIOT—
tanjiro: oh dear
giyuu: yeah, oh dear indeed
i love haganezuka btw, such a silly guy
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sunderwight · 9 months
With moshang I think I'm equally fond of the possibilities/concepts where either Shang Qinghua is ludicrously attractive to demons in a broad sense (but doesn't realize it), or, where Shang Qinghua is just some weird little gremlin and everyone else cannot wrap their head around why THE Mobei Jun is so smug about seducing this man.
Or a combination, where no demon in their right mind would ordinarily look at Shang Qinghua and perceive a sex icon, but because such a high-ranking demon has clearly done so, they go "well there must be SOMETHING going on there" and then look closer and before they know it they're on the slippery slope to being horny about a guy who could help file their taxes or arrange to have their clan base's faulty plumbing fixed.
Basically it's all good. Demons en mass going "yeah yeah big scary dudes who punch good are a dime a fucking dozen around here, but do you know how hot someone who can skillfully use an abacus is?" vs demons going "the ice king is a respectable ruler but he has garbage taste in men, we all just smile and politely nod while he insists the weird rat guy he fixated on as a teenager is a catch" vs demons going "I really don't see the appeal -- wait he did what? he killed how many guys at once with 1 trick? he betrayed WHOMST? and lived?! and he knows how to get my door to stop making horrible squeaky noises?! okay yeah figures the king would marry him" but every option is a winner.
I'm also a big fan of both Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua being not very attractive to demons in general, but it also being really common for demons to get super weird about first crushes and fixate hard on them, so in that sense they are completely normal choices for a couple of high-level demons to marry. Like the demon populace can appreciate the emperor actually landing his hot teacher and the king successfully marrying his teenage sweetheart. It's an idealized fantasy in terms of the scenarios, even if the actual guys are just weird humans. Nearly every average demon has lifelong daydreams about successfully seducing their first crush, so regardless of who those crushes turned out to be it's still a power move for LBH and MBJ to actually succeed.
Bonus if the fact that both SQQ and SQH are peak lords from the same sect leads to a bunch of demon kids developing crushes on the other remaining, unattached peak lords, and chaos ensuing. Especially for Liu Qingge. I think it would be funny for him to gain a flock of teenage demons with crushes, whom he keeps trying to fight off, only to discover that beating them up does NOT discourage them at all (actually makes the crushes worse). Or Yue Qingyuan getting mobbed like he's a pop star any time he makes a diplomatic visit to the demon realms. Sha Hualing deciding that she's just waiting for Liu Mingyan to become a peak lord before they make things official, since That's Obviously How It's Done, or Qi Qingqi doing a head count one day and realizing she suddenly has a bunch of unfamiliar "guest" disciples who sigh at her a lot and have funny-colored eyes...
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angxlofvenus · 1 year
Hii! I saw your requests were open and I thought I'd give you a hc/fic idea:
The brothers (or whoever you'd like to write for) reacting to Mc using their shampoo/ soap in the shower for whatever reason ^^
I hope this makes sense to you lol, anyways I hope you're having a wonderful day/night, don't push yourself too hard, and drink water!! You can also take any creative liberties you seem fit, or if you decide you don't want to write it I won't be offended ^^
Thank you so much for the request!! This is absolutely adorable, I hope everything is to your liking, Have a great rest of your day/night !! Genre: fluff Ship: Reader x brothers + Diavolo (individual headcanons) TW: clingy demons, minimal cussing, no use of readers' pronouns, second-person pov
When You Use Their Shampoo
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Stepping into the shower, You were greeted with the nice hot/cool water raining from above, Going to start your routine, You reached for your shampoo bottle only to find it empty! Looking around you spotted his shampoo and conditioner, surely he wouldn’t mind… right?
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100% smells it on you no matter how little you used
Won’t tease you in public but as soon as ya’ll are alone? Ho ho, he’ll never shut up about it
Smug, the definition of smug
You had to go and inflate the ego of The Lord of Pride even more
Very possessive afterwards
Congrats, You know have a scary guard dog demon!
He probably wouldn’t even really notice at first
He’d probably compliment how good you smell, Then would slowly realize…
Great, Now he's yelling gibberish while his face slowly gets redder and redder
“You’re gonna give me a heart attack, don’t do that to me!” But will become very clingy
If you say his shampoo smells good, he may lose his mind.
“Well of course ya wanted to smell Like the great Mammon!” 
Poor awkward nerd
He never saw this coming
I think he would realize you used his shampoo but won’t say anything
Flustered to the max
You have broken him
Levi.404 has stopped working, please reset.
After like the third day, You’re gonna have to bring it up
Secretly really likes it, Won’t tell you that though
I think he is very picky about scents so he knows as soon as you walk into the room
A little bit of a tease, asking if you were trying out a new shampoo
Smug 2.0 
He would tease you a little bit around the others but not bad
He would flood you with compliments, You using his shampoo would make him very lovey-dovey
Expect him to ask for ya’ll to just use the same stuff from now on
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Oh honey, he knows.
He knew before you even got out of the shower.
But that doesn't mean he's any less excited!
Better plug your ears because he will let out the loudest squeal known to mankind
Seriously, Lucifer may come and check on ya’ll helicopter mom
Asks what you do and don’t like about it
He just wants you to feel as fantastic as he does when using it
Everyone will know you used his shampoo, He brings it up in every conversation
Would also 100% ask you to use his bath products 24/7
Now Beel has never been really into insane products like Asmo or Luci
So he may not really recognize it at first
If you decide to tell him, This man will become a happy demon puddle
He’ll give you a big smile and tell you you’re free to use any of his stuff at anytime
We don’t deserve Beel
Will bury his face into your hair and just stay there
Takes you out to Hell’s kitchen that night just because he loves you so much
Oh this little shit
Tease! He won’t quit bragging!!
Smug 3.0
Such a brat about it too, He won’t let anybody near you, Well of course he’d let Beel, but who wouldn't?
He has practically locked you up in the attic with him
Why go outside when ya’ll can cuddle? 
Has really expensive products 
He may even have a custom scent
If so, He’ll know instantly that you’ve used his shampoo
He’ll bring it up with a large grin on his face
When you confirm his suspicions, he’ll just laugh
He’s so happy ya’ll are close enough to share things like that, You have no idea!
He may make a sly comment to Barbatos or Lucifer just because he’s a little possessive
Will follow you around like a lost puppy, Now Barbatos is mad at you because even less of his work is done
He can’t help it! He just loves you!
Will be the third on my list to offer ya’ll to just share bath products
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colleendoran · 1 year
I was curious how you manage to keep features consistent when you draw them? Do you use models? Is there a model for Crowley? He is very handsome.
I don't use models per se, but I sometimes keep files of photos or art that resembles the subject.
Crowley is based a bit on the French actor Alain Delon who was once considered the handsomest man in the world. He doesn't look exactly like Delon, but that is in my head when I draw him. I recall reading Neil and Mr. Pratchett once considered Peter Sellers for Crowley.
There is no reference for Aziraphale because he is entirely in my head and I can't really find anyone who looks exactly the way he does. I recall reading that Neil and Mr. Pratchett thought of Brian Dennehy at one point, but my head canon Aziraphale won. I think a Brian Dennehy Aziraphale would have been amazing, though. Anyway, he is actually kind of hard for me to draw because his facial structure is a bit outside my usual style. His face is a bit long and his eyes closer together than I normally do, and if I'm not careful, he slips away. He appears younger and more classically handsome as an angel than he does in his corporeal form, but I think he's quite fetching as a bookseller.
Michael Sheen is so perfect in this role it is really hard not to leak bits of his performance into the graphic novel edition, but I have to resist the impulse. I am not allowed to use any of the show actors as models.
I adore Michael Sheen. Who doesn't?
Adam is also a head canon character. He is a perfect young Greek God, so that's kind of drawing on a day with a Y in it for me.
The inspiration for Newt I'm keeping a secret. I submitted a number of sketches for Newt. The show Newt dug in deep and I had a hard time shaking him off.
The Them are based on kids I knew. They're in my head, I don't need any photos. They don't really look like the kinds in the show. The book version of Pepper, for example, is a freckled red-head.
Anathema is an amalgam of features that don't come from one person, which I think fits the description of the character. She's also unusual for me to draw but she's easier to draw than Aziraphale. I nail her every time.
Hastur is a caricature of the stereotypical English upper class you'd see in broadsheets 200 years ago. I have a file of pictures of Anthony Ashley-Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury for Hastur. I considered making Hastur more handsome in a Duke of Hell sort of way, but I think Hastur likes to be scary. I keep thinking of Peter O'Toole when I draw Hastur, too.
I feel kind of bad basing Hastur on Lord Ashley because he was a wonderful person and I'm sure he didn't go to Hell.
Ligur is a broad caricature of Danny Devito. I obviously can't use a DeVito portrait. That would be wrong. But I can tweak from there and come up with a general idea of the face I want to use.
Beelzebub and Metatron are head canon, and don't look a thing like they do in the show. I postulate some demons prefer to look like their angelic selves, and at other times prefer to be fearsome. Crowley can look fearsome when he wants, for example. In the book, Beelzebub appears as a young man in red flames.
Shadwell was drawn from reference at the direct suggestion of Neil.
Madame Tracy is based on a certain person, but no one you would have heard of. The original source might not be flattered, but I love Madam Tracy. She's really easy to draw because she's a bit over the top. I'm sketching around her scenes right now because I don't have final approval on some things yet. So she might need some changes later.
War is head canon, very easy to draw. She's a knockout. No reference required.
Famine looks a lot like Famine in the show, actually, but that's what Famine always looked like, pretty much. Except he has the grey eyes he has in the book.
Pollution is initially described as being a forgettable white guy, but later described as looking like a romantic poet, which strikes me as being memorable. Because he's only on one page in his forgettable white guy phase, I chose not to make major changes in his appearance between those panels and later when he appears as his true self, because that's a bit more confusing than it needs to be in the graphic novel edition. He's rather glamorous as the essence of Pollution, though. No reference needed.
Dog is a dog.
While I do give every detail a lot of thought, I am sure other people have other opinions. I understand that, and hope you enjoy what I do anyway.
Thanks for your question.
I'm still a bit under the weather, so may be stepping away from the net for awhile so I can concentrate on work. I have a lot of sick time to make up.
But don't think I don't appreciate your interest in the Good Omens graphic novel adaptation. Your wonderful support is acting on me like a tonic, let me tell you.
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bluberryfields · 1 year
"David is very easy to fall in love with." - Michael Sheen
Hi. How are you? Good, I hope. Okay, so can we talk about just how fucking beautiful David Tennant is? And by “we” I mean “I” and by “talk” I mean “babble incoherently into the void”? Great! I’ll attempt to impose a bit of organization on this just to satisfy my pathological need to inflict structure on words (thanks college/job/brain), but I can’t promise much. Also, there will be A LOT of pictures and gifs. (you’re welcome?)
And this isn’t just because I am deep in the bottomless well of Good Omens fandom and that Crowley is basically the most breathtaking creature that has ever existed. Well, not just because of that.
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*cue Aziraphale's "good lord" from 1793*
ANYWAY, like a lot of people, I became a fan of (i.e., fell deeply and irrevocably in love with) DT during his run as the 10th Doctor. He was young and bright and full of just about everything – joy, sorrow, wit – making him incredibly watchable. His look was also so charming: big bouncy rooster comb of hair, absurdly cheeky smile, expressive-as-fuck eyes and eyebrows, and a tall, lanky form that seemed to be made of rubber and the kind of granulated sugar that could only be found in candy from the 90s that are now banned in all first- and second-world countries.
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So yeah, I was super into him and his Doctor’s adventures. And I continued to watch him in other projects and still swoon (looking at you, slutty Hamlet)
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even at characters where that was not the desired reaction (fuck you, Kilgrave, you delicious monster).
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I would also always become a bit (a lot) weak in the knees at his voice regardless of which accent he took on, though always preferring him doing any Scottish brogue because of fucking course.
Roll that tongue, you sexy beast.
But what I want to get into today is just how incredible he looks in the year of 2023.
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He’s 52 years old and I am somehow even more attracted to him. Maybe it’s because I am myself older, and my tastes have matured alongside? I certainly do enjoy gray hair way more than I did 10 years ago.
He’s aged incredibly well, probably a combination of good genes and good health, and he’s clearly not clinging to the Hollywood idea of “youth”.
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(insert obligatory grumble about the double standards of men being praised for aging and women being demonized…the potentially problematic nature of the term “aging well” in general…acknowledge this with my enlightened brain but ignore this with my slutty heart…fuck the patriarchy, etc. etc.)
He’s still tall and skinny, even gangly at times, all long arms and legs that can move in impossible directions with unfathomable grace.
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His face is leaner, that incredible bone structure creating sharper edges that draw the eye. Speaking of the face, he’s got these creases on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes and mouth that are evidence of time spent well: smiling, laughing, living. Makes you want to trace your fingertips along each one.
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Oh god that smile? Good lord. It’s weapons grade charm that can also be quite intimidating. Sweet, humble, silly, scary…full spectrum of options here! His shark smile is the definition of “irresistible” in my Dictionary of Delicious Dudes.
I am both proud of and grossed out by my own word choice.
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Continuing with that face...the hawkish nose, the dimples you want to drown in, the big eyes, those motherfucking eyebrows...
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I could seriously write a whole essay about those eyebrows, but I already give my therapist enough to worry about.
Oh those eyes. “Piercing” is a term usually reserved for blue eyes, but I would argue it applies to DT’s bottomless chocolate pools in that they slice through my heart every damn time.
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Honorable mention does go to those Crowley snake eyes because they could have been distracting and diminishing to his overall look, but they absolutely are not.
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Such a pretty shade of yellow.
Random tangent to swoon about his hands. For whatever reason, I like checking out a man’s hands, and DT’s got a set that drives me wild. I can’t even really explain why, but I just really like the way he articulates with them. Crowley is a perfect example, what with the miracle snaps, caressing globes, and holding whisky glasses. Yum.
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Delicious demon digits
Fresh tangent: How does this fucker look good clean shaven, with stubble, and a goddamn beard? How is that allowed?
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He's got a face that makes me wanna take up sculpting
Further, how is his fucking neck so hot? Like, seriously, show me the math. I can’t stop staring at it. And when it’s cloaked in a turtleneck? Please, sir, may I have some more?
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With no segue whatsoever, I am absolutely obsessed with his hair, across all contexts. Big, bold, blood-red Crowley coifs (especially in Season 2)? Check.
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Proper gentleman side part? Check.
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Side shave with cartoonishy springy 14th Doctor shock? Check.
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Lockdown locks with and without headband? Check!
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It’s a goddamn buffet of delicious options.
Oh damn speaking of that 14th Doctor look? Good fucking Christ on a buttery Ritz cracker. The whole DT collection is on display: the hair, the eyes, the bone structure, the smile, the clothes, and even the glasses!
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To quote Pam on Archer, “I swear to god, you could drown a toddler in my panties right now! I mean, not that you would.”
Now that you (I) mention the clothes, I never cease to marvel at how he can wear pretty much anything and look amazing. Stripes, patterns, wild colors, etc. He just always looks…not exactly comfortable, but sort of at ease like the clothes were created with him in mind. And this goes across the spectrum of Casual to Costume to Promotional (e.g., interviews and premieres).
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They are almost illegally cute together
We all know by now how ridiculously tight those Crowley pants are and how it influenced his signature serpentine swagger (thank you, Costume department, you’re the real heroes). That said, he and those slinky hips still looks so incredibly natural in them like they came from his actual closet.
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Stupid sexy snek
And he pulls off the look of more ridiculous stuff like full Shakespearean costumes or that sad gray-hoodie-black-shorts-and-Wellington-boots combo from the first season of Staged. He somehow gives off the air of “whatever, they’re just clothes, man” while also looking like a damn model.
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Georgia is a very lucky woman
Final thoughts: I know DT dislikes talking about how people think he’s so attractive because I’m sure it feels a bit icky if you just want to live your life and do your job. But my guy also clearly understands that he’s not some ghoul who has succeeded on incredible personality and acting chops alone. So, that said, maybe he'll forgive me for posting such a long, rambling, ode to him?
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sailoryooons · 1 year
presented by BTS Fantasy and Fangs
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Celebrate this Hallows' Eve with legends told by our most esteemed ghouls. Enter worlds of the unknown and lose yourself in these tales. But beware: one might lose themselves in these hallowed stories.
Rating: Works range from SFW and NSFW. Each work will have its own set of warnings.
Note: This collaboration features works written as general works and works that were assigned via a Secret-Santa style within the BTS Fantasy & Fangs server in which writers did not know who was gifting them a work!
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☾ Title: Devil Town
☾ Pairing: Platonic OT7 x reader
☾ Summary: You take a chance and spend a month in Devil Town: a quaint little place nestled deep in the woods of The Unknown, where the air is always a touch chilly, things are never quite what they seem, and no one will tell you anything.
☾ Genre/AU: Autumn?? A lil spooky, a lil whimsy, a lil mystery; not quite angst, not quite fluff
☾ Rating: PG 
as told by @park-jimin-isnt-real
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☾ Title: Handmaidens
☾ Pairing: OT7 x reader
☾ Summary: When the murder of handmaidens begin in Joseon, you are assigned to serve the throne – the seven imperial princes, sons of Lord Sihyuk. Despite your loyalty, your suspicions begin to rise about the killings. Can you escape the palace before it’s too late? 
☾ Genre/AU: Joseon Era thriller/slasher
☾ Rating: TBD
as told by @eserethriddle
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☾ Title: Have Mercy 
☾ Paring: Demon!Jimin x Reader | Alpha!Yoongi x Reader | Demon!Jimin x Alpha!Yoongi 
☾ Summary: As a crossroads demon, Jimin is no stranger to vile creatures. Summoned once more, Jimin is surprised to find one of the purest souls asking for his help. Not only does he accept her deal, but while watching over her, Jimin finds himself falling for the very soul he is meant to devour. Eager to confess, Jimin summons the sweet soul only for his plan to turn sour when someone far more evil finds her alone. 
☾ Genre/AU: Angst | Smut | Strangers to Lovers | Demon AU | A/B/O AU 
☾ Rating: 21+ | Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
as told by @sweetestofchaos
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Title: The One who Saved Us All
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Summary: It's the annual Halloween celebration in Seoul, where everyone from different walks of life get together and celebrate the history of the Vidyadhara. But when someone decides to cause some trouble, Seokjin's best-kept secret comes to life.
Genre/AU: Halloween, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Disaster?
Rating: Maybe M to MA 15+
as told by @quirkybtsarmy
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☾ Title: Simply Meant to Be
☾ Pairing: pumpkin king!jungkook x fem reader
☾ Genre/AU: nightmare before Christmas au, romance, horror, smut
☾ Rating: m (18+)
☾ Summary: You aren’t sure how any of it can be real. This place…these creatures…this man.
You wake up next to a man you’ve never seen before with no memory of who he is or where you are.
But everyone in town seems to know you. You belong to the Pumpkin King. Scared and utterly terrified you run into someone who claims they can help you remember. And now you’re starting to wonder if that’s truly what you want.
as told by @caelesjjk
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☾ Title: Blessed With A Curse
☾ Pairing: Werewolf!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader
☾ Summary: When your company throws a mandatory Halloween party, you aren’t thrilled. You’re even less thrilled when a delusional coworker ruins the party and places a curse on everyone because her crush, the resident werewolf, Jeon Jungkook, rejected them. OR When a coworker gets rejected at the company Halloween party, things get crazy.
☾ Genre/AU: Smut, Werewolf AU, Hybrid AU, Modern Magic AU
☾ Rating: NC-17
as told by @sweetestofchaos for @jessikahathaway
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☾ Title: Bump In The Night
☾ Pairing: Bogeyman!Yoongi x f. reader
☾ Summary: The dark can be scary; full of strange, unseen things. Just when you think you’ve got a handle on your fear, the lights go out, and you face the reality that you were always right—you should fear the dark and especially what’s waiting in it.
☾ Genre/AU: Monster Under The Bed, Horror/Thriller, Angst, Smut
☾ Rating: MA
as told by @colormepurplex2 for @minisugakoobies
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☾ Title: Carmen
☾ Pairing: Vampire!Jimin x human!Taehyung
☾ Summary: Taehyung gets lured to an exclusive club by a strange, enchanting woman. What finds him there is much more intoxicating and dangerous. 
☾ Genre/AU: Supernatural, Vampires, Smut
☾ Rating: Explicit/Mature
as told by @sailoryooons for @gimmethatagustd
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☾ Title: Fledgling
☾ Pairing: Jungkook x Namjoon
☾ Summary: Jungkook is tired of his dreary existence. So when a mysterious stranger offers him a way out of life as he knows it, he takes it without hesitation.
☾ Genre/AU: Vampire AU, horror, smut
☾ Rating: 21+ | Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
as told by @theharrowing for @sweetestofchaos
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☾ Title: Love As Soft As a Distant Star
☾ Pairing: Min Yoongi | Reader, Min Yoongi | Park Jimin
☾ Summary: You didn’t mean to fall in love with your husband and fellow Witches’ Councilmember Yoongi, but here you are: in love. (How gauche and not the thing. You’re co-workers, not lovers.) It’s particularly inconvenient since he is in love with someone else. 
☾ Genre/AU: Witch AU, arranged marriage AU
☾ Rating: Explicit/Mature
as told by @vyduan for @colormepurplex2
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☾ Title: Lose Your Head
☾ Pairing: Park Jimin x F!Reader
☾ Summary: As a constable’s assistant you have several duties to him and the police force. Not only as his assistant, but as his dear friend. However, when an ominous summoning sends you and Jimin both to the town of Sleepy Hollow, you fear there might be more at play than either of you understand. And feelings that you’d hope to bury for life bubble to the surface...
☾ Genre/AU: Movie!AU, Thriller, SleepyHollow!AU, Smut, Romance. Rating: 21+
as told by @jessikahathaway for @/sailoryooons
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☾ Title: The Love Witch
☾ Pairing: witch!yoongi x demon!taehyung
☾ Summary: Despite being a popular romance blogger, Yoongi isn’t interested in finding love. He only summons a demon boyfriend to prove to his followers that it’s possible. He’ll send Taehyung right back to Hell once he’s done with him, obviously.
☾ Genre/AU: fantasy, strangers to lovers, fake dating (kinda), light angst, smut, fluff, humor
☾ Rating: 18+
as told by @gimmethatagustd for @theharrowing
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☾ Title: Passage
☾ Pairing: Captain!Yoongi x Dracula!Jimin
☾ Summary: For several years, Min Yoongi and the crew of the Magpie have sailed the perilous waters of the Pacific, surviving treacherous waves and other deadly threats in order to deliver goods to the West. Now, on his final voyage as captain, Yoongi is about to face a danger like none he’s ever seen before - and he may find it too tempting to resist. 
☾ Genre/AU: horror, supernatural, angst, smut, Dracula!AU
☾ Rating: M(18+)
as told by @minisugakoobies for @vyduan
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Disclaimer: This is a collaboration put on for members of the BTS Fantasy and Fangs Server. These stories, characters, and festivals used here are not meant to represent any real or factual people, places, or things.
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fatkish · 15 days
Demon Child Pt. 6
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As Tengen walked you and Hinatsuru back he looked down at you with a question on his mind. “Hey kid, you know those pictures you were drawing?” He asked you. You looked up at him and nodded. “I’ve got a question, I saw that you drew someone with six eyes, who was that? You know them?” He had a bad feeling about that picture as well as the drawing of a man with red eyes and black hair, and he trusted his instincts. You thought for a minute before shaking your head. “I meet people in dreams” you replied. Hinatsuru was a bit lost. “Lord Tengen, forgive me but who is this child?” She politely asked. “I’ll tell you more once we get to the inn.” He replied.
Once you guys got to the inn, Tengen had you sit down in front of him and his wife. “Hinatsuru, this is y/n, a half demon child who has the ability to heal, y/n, this is one of my wives, Hinatsuru.” He introduced the two of you. You looked at her and smiled as she gently smiled at you. “Now y/n, can you tell me who these guys are?” Tengen asked as he held up the drawings of Muzan and Kokushibo. You looked at the drawing of Kokushibo and realized you forgot to add something. You then wrote the kanji for ‘upper moon 1’ inside the eyes of a close up of Kokushibo’s face. Tengen looked over your shoulder and his gut fell, he knew to trust his instincts.
“Y/n, who is that” he asked trying to mask his worry. “Kokushibo” you replied with a smile. “Y/n, where did you see this man?” Tengen asked. You then pointed at your head. “I see man when sleep” you replied. “Do you see these guys all the time.” Tengen asked you. You shook your head and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Y/n, do you think you could try and see one of them again for me?” Tengen asked. You nodded since you thought you would give it a try. Hinatsuru got a futon ready for you and got you all tucked in. After a bit you started to fall asleep. While you were unconscious, Tengen sent a message to Kagaya warning him of his fear that your able to somehow see and talk to demons when unconscious.
When you opened your eyes, you were again in that dark place. You got up and started to walk around before finding the fancy yet scary man again. You were scared but you didn’t think he could hurt you so you slowly walked over to him until you were right next to him. You placed your hand carefully on his thigh before he looked around and then down at you. “You again” he said. You were kinda scared and he sensed that so he decided to put on a kind face. “Well hello little one, what’s your name?” He kindly asked with a soft smile. “Y/n” you nervously replied. “What yours?” You asked him. “My name is Muzan Kibutsuji, how is it that you’re capable of telepathic communication?” He asked. You had no idea what that meant so you shrugged. “Don’t know” you replied.
“Very well, y/n, do you know what a demon is?” He asked. You were getting a bad feeling from him. “Demon bad, demon hurt people, hurt people is bad.” You replied. “What about humans, humans hurt each other. Are they not bad?” He asked. You thought for a moment. “Bad people bad.” You said. “But how do you know if a person is bad or not” he asked. You took a moment to think it over. You always seemed to sense when someone had bad intentions or intentions to hurt others. But what did you know, you’re just a child. You looked up at Muzan, “bad people feel bad, you feel bad” you said before letting go of his leg, overwhelmed by the bad intentions you felt from him.
You immediately woke up crying from fear. You saw Hinatsuru and jumped into her arms, crying. “Hey what’s wrong, what did you see?” She asked. “Bad man, I see bad man.” You said and pointed at the drawing of Muzan. “Do you know who this man is?” Tengen asked. You looked up at him through your tears and nodded. “Muzan” you said. Tengen nearly choked on the tea he was drinking. Hinatsuru gave you a meat bun to eat from the plate of them that they ordered to cheer you up. You ate while Tengen realized his fears were confirmed. Not only did you now know Kibutsuji, but somehow you were able to see or communicate with demons through your mind when you were unconscious. “Y/n, are you able to talk to these people when you see them?” Tengen asked. You nodded as you ate the meat bun.
Tengen was stumped. He decided to write a letter to Ubuyashiki confirming his theory about you and letting Kagaya know that you are able to communicate with demons and that you communicated with Kibutsuji. While he wrote the letter, you sat in Hinatsuru’s lap and ate meat buns while she comforted you. Eventually you got sleepy and fell asleep, this time not ending up in the dark telepathic void. Hinatsuru looked at Tengen with a worried look. As you slept with your head against her chest, she and Tengen exchanged worried looks, they both worried about your abilities and what they could mean for your future.
Drained from your telepathic abilities, you fell asleep for awhile and didn’t wake up until there were loud noises and screams. You followed the sounds out of the inn and found that many of the buildings were on fire and saw injured people and bodies everywhere. You followed the path of destruction to find Tengen and the other’s fighting a pair of demons. You ran up to Uzui and licked your hand before jumping and slapping his arm. Uzui could feel the poison’s effects leave his body and his body heal, you healed Tanjiro’s injuries as well by licking your other hand and slapping his. When you healed them, you also replenished their stamina. However by doing this, Gyutaro noticed you.
“And who might this little one be hmm?” He said as he looked at you. You looked at him, unafraid and unbothered by his appearance. You pointed at him, “mantis, mantis” you smiled, seeing as he reminded you of a praying mantis. “Huh, I guess he does kinda resemble a praying mantis. But anywho, y/n! You need to get out of here!” Tanjiro yelled at you. You understood and began to run away. “Oh no you don’t kid, you’re not going anywhere!” Gyutaro shouted. Gyutaro aimed for you and Tengen immediately got in the way of Gyutaro, giving you a chance to escape. You got out of the way and ran to hide but saw that Daki’s belts were causing a lot of damage.
While you were running away you tried to dodge Daki’s belts but were unsuccessful a few times resulting in a few deep cuts. You managed to get out of the way of the belts and took cover to avoid them. You looked down at your left shoulder which had the deepest cut. It was a large gash running from your left clavicle, over your shoulder and down to your shoulder blade. Looking over yourself, you counted 5 deep cuts in total and a bunch of smaller ones. You tried licking your wounds to heal them but realized that you can’t heal your own wounds. Hinatsuru found you and tore off parts of your clothes to make makeshift bandages. You cried as it hurt so much. Hinatsuru told you to stay put and not move from that spot before she left to help in the battle.
You wanted to help, you really did, but you knew that if you tried, you’d get hurt and that would make the others worry. So you ran and hid. The fight continued and lots of buildings were destroyed in the battle. You closed your eyes and wished that Gyomei was here. Him or Kagaya, they were always able to calm you down and you felt comfort in their presence. You deeply wished that Gyomei was here, or that you had his strength and were able to help in the fight. You didn’t want your friend to die, you didn’t want them to get hurt. What you didn’t know, was that your intense desire to help Tengen and the others, created a healing bubble.
This bubble swallowed up the battlefield where Tengen was fighting. It healed him and Tanjiro as well as Zenitsu and Inosuke. Every injury they got was healed in seconds, allowing them to fight at their full potential. As you cried for your friends, you wanted the evil demons to go away. You wanted Daki and Gyutaro to go away. That’s when your blood demon art activated again. The bubble began to create swirling invisible slashes that cut into only Daki and Gyutaro. The slashes didn’t hurt anyone except for the two demon siblings. As Tanjiro and Tengen fought Gyutaro, Gyutaro was slowed down by the invisible slashes. Daki’s belts were quickly destroyed and torn before they could do any damage to anyone.
Hinatsuru had climbed up onto a roof with a large weapon holding hundreds of kunai. As she got in range, she pulled the trigger releasing a bunch of Kunai that shot at Gyutaro. The kunai paired with the slashes ended up debilitating Gyutaro and slowing him down enough for Tanjiro to cut his head off. At the same time, Zenitsu and Inosuke were able to decapitate Daki. “You bastards!” Gyutaro shouted. Suddenly Gyutaro realesed his blood demon art, it tore up the entire area. “Tanjiro get out of here!” Uzui shouted as he sensed the attack. Tengen tried to deflect the attack but was unsuccessful somewhat.
You had blacked out and when you awoke, you found that the entire area had been destroyed. Zenitsu had been trapped under some rubble, Inosuke was injured, Tanjiro was with Nezuko and Uzui was poisoned. You decided to help Inosuke first. You licked your hand and slapped him, watching as his abdomen knit itself back together. You left and went over to Tanjiro and licked your hand before touching his face. His wounds began to heal and you started to feel very dizzy and tired. You tried to go to help Uzui but you fell over. “Y/n, oh my goodness, you got hurt, are you alright ?” He asked worriedly. You nodded, not really wanting to talk from the pain. “Do you want to go see Mr Uzui? I’ll help you.” Tanjiro said as he lifted you up into his arms being careful of your wounds.
Tanjiro carried you over to Tengen with Nezuko following him. Tengen was laid up against some rubble, he had cuts all over him and parts of him were purple with poison from Gyutaro’s last attack. You crawled out of Tanjiro’s arms and fell to the ground before crawling over to rest your head on Tengen’s knee. “Hey there squirt, think ya could fix me up?” He asked. You licked your hand and slapped his arm. His wives watched as his wounds stitched themselves together and the purple faded from him. “Well all right, I’ll be damned, it was a good idea to bring you along, if I didn’t, I’d be missing a hand.” Tengen laughed. “Whaaa, you lost a hand!” Suma cried.
As Tengen and his wives talked, Tanjiro left to go find the demons. You laid your head on Tengen’s knee, too tired to move or do anything. “Heya squirt, you doing okay?” Tengen asked. “They look really tired” Makio said. They all looked at you and saw that you were knocked out, sleeping with your head resting on Tengen’s thigh. Tengen smiled and pet your head. “Ya know, it might not be so bad to maybe have some kids, at least, if they turn out like this kid” Tengen said as he softly smiled as he looked at you. His wives all smiled as Hinatsuru picked you up. “Hm? I see. Really now? Upper six, eh? Unfortunately that would be the lowest of the upper ranks. Well, six or not, you still defeated an upper rank, so I believe congratulations are in order. Though it was six…” Obanai said as he walked up to Tengen and his wives.
“I guess you’ve earned some praise.” Obanai said. “I don’t know if that was a compliment or not, but thanks.” Tengen said. “What he said” Suma cried. “You took your sweet time getting here.” Makio commented. “Yeah, you showed up after all the fighting! How convenient!” Suma yelled at Obanai only to be scared off by Kaburamaru hissing at her. She jumped back and clung onto Tengen. “It’s good that you’ve managed to receive few injuries, I guess the demon child has some use, how long until you return to duty?” Obanai asked Tengen. “Actually, I plan on retiring, I’m sure the master will understand. Besides, you shouldn’t be so harsh about the kid, the only reason Rengoku is alive and I’m in one piece is thanks to them.” Tengen said.
As they talked, meanwhile, far away, Ubuyashiki received the news of upper six’s defeat. “You’re positive? They defeated them, two upper rank demons? You have my thanks, Tengen, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, y/n! One hundred years, it took one hundred years for something to finally change, and it actually happened. Amane…” Kagaya asked his wife. “Yes?” She spoke as she held him. “Don’t you see? This must be an omen. Fate is about to take a dramatic turn for us. The effects will be widespread. Everything will be shaken to its core. And eventually he will feel it as well. Muzan Kibutsuji… we will defeat you.” Kagaya said. “Our generation will put an end to you without fail, and then you, the sole blemish of my family, will be gone.” Kagaya stated happily.
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wandabear · 8 months
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Summary: Your duty is to watch her 'till Chton comes for her, even if you hate it, but do you really hate it? Especially when you start to get to know Wanda. The bond begins to torment you. But, oh Lord, you've never been so in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter fivechapter six
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ tw: angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending. ㅤ
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
Florence + The Machine - Mermaids
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤchapter one
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ㅤㅤ ㅤ Six thousand years ago, after the beginning, there was a malevolent and ancient demon that plagued the face of the earth for a long time.
Chthon, one of the most powerful deities among the demons as he was one of the firsts to exist, managed to maintain control until he was banished. Unwilling to give up power, created a castle on top of Wundagore Mountain, carving his dark magic into the walls with evil spells prophesying the existence of a sorceress. The most powerful being, the Scarlet Witch, who would end up freeing him from his eternal exile.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Chton was gone, but his followers remained over time, as did his sacred book: ‘The Darkhold’.
Demons roamed the earth, but not as everyone thought.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
The sound of gunshots echoed,  stinging and destructive; soldiers on one side and rebels on the other shooting and falling to the ground. The fire in the streets, terror had an exquisite scent for beings like her.
Civilians hid to avoid being caught in the firefights, trying to live as normal a life as possible in what they believed in was hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, the gunshots stopped, exposing the sound of those combat boots against the dusty ground.  That woman came out of that dark alley, there was no fear in those deep eyes. Her hair and clothes were immaculate, there were no traces of gunpowder on that leather jacket, nor dust on her perfect hair.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N walked towards that street but in matter of seconds she appeared on the terrace of a building. Seemed that they would soon fall apart, the dim lights just showed the power would go out soon.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, she hated those places and at the same time she loved them. Chaos always had an exquisite flavor.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N just smiled, her eyes changing color to a yellowish tone. Her pupils were vertical, like those of a cat or a snake.Those were her true eyes. She was a demon, of course, and not a very young one.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“What a turmoil, huh?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The US Air Force will launch the bombing soon…” someone said behind her, watching as the planes hovered over the city.   A sensual and deep female voice. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
A red-haired woman stood next to her, watching that beautiful city be devoured by fire and violence. It was scary, but for them, it was perfect. Chaos was something they needed, they fed on it. It was no coincidence that she and a demon like Abaddon were there.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Abaddon was a demon of a much higher rank, more dangerous, and much more loyal to Chton, for a reason she was his second.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Why have you summoned me here? Lots of work?” Y/N tilted her head, watching the redhead. She looked like a sharp-tongued woman. “I mean, this place looks really bad and it’s kinda my specialty, but I'm a little busy with a war between-.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Leviathan.” Abaddon said her name, making Y/N stop. That was her real name, not Y/N. Although Y/N was the one she chose to feel part of the… world.Names had power and Y/N knew that if Abaddon said it, she had power over her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “She’s here.” The voice and the way Abaddon said it made her blood run cold. Y/N frowned at her, that could only mean one thing and it was impossible. Millennia waiting for that moment, so much so that now it seems so distant and impossible.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who?” She played that game, naivety, and she was so good at it. A nearby explosion caused the ground to shake, but neither of them flinched. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who Chton has been waiting so long for.” Abaddon smiled proudly, finally happy to say those words.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The Scarlet Witch.” Y/N gasped, couldn't believe that was true. “But…” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Although that was good news for any demon from the depths of hell, Y/N didn't seem to think the same.
That meant the end of a world she became accustomed to, the end of comforts, the end of hedonism. Goodbye New York Pizza, goodbye to the sunsets in the Maldives, goodbye to good movies and good music.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Despite that, Y/N tried to fake her best mischievous smile. “Are you sure?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes… Thanks to you, we found the place where the Darkhold was buried, and now... You need to take care of it.”  Abaddon pointed towards one of the buildings in front of them, through the window you could see an adorable woman lying on an old sofa, with her two little ones. “That’s her.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“The woman?” Y/N asked curiously, tilting her head. Her hair was brown, had a charming smile and big eyes although you couldn't distinguish their color. A happy look despite the tragedy surrounding her family.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “No.” Abaddon rolled her eyes and pointed at the little girl, cuddling next to her mom. “The girl.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ But Y/N took a moment before speaking, her brow furrowed in confusion, she took a better look at the little girl.
Without a doubt, she had an undeniable resemblance to her mother.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“But she’s a kid.” Y/N mumbled, somewhat confused. “They’re children.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes, and?...” Abaddon raised an eyebrow, already more annoyed than she expected.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ After a few seconds, Y/N just wrinkled her nose and shook her head.  “Yeah, no, I don’t mess with the tiny ones.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Surprised by her rejection, the higher demon turned to see Y/N, who was still looking at the little girl curiously. How come something so powerful was so small and insignificant?
Abbadon could tell a hint of pity, perhaps sympathy, something that shouldn't have been there but Y/N had always been a pain in the ass. Y/N had spent more time with humans than she had in hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Your job is to do what Chton ordered you to do.” The redhead growled, showing those terrifying red eyes. Abaddon was superior to Y/N, just because Y/N had screwed up a few times.
The truth is, Y/N didn't want to be a 'demon', like it was a big deal.
She always repeated over and over again that she was only there because of a mistake, Y/N -or Leviathan-  didn't mean to fall, was a high-ranking angel, she just hung around the wrong people... wrong time! ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Therefore, she has always been a ‘bad’ demon. Cruel sometimes but morally decent. And the children, well, it was something she was never going to be able to understand. She would never attack children. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “But they’re kids-”   This time, she seemed more confident in her words. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Fed up with her rambling and babbling, Abaddon quickly cut her off. “We don't need you to kill her, just... make sure her destiny continues as it should be. Watch her, do not intervene.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“And I’m not a fucking guardian angel or something, I fell for something- ”  Y/N growled.
ㅤㅤ “Do as you're told.” Through her teeth, Abaddon grabbed the collar of Y/N’s shirt, showing  why she was superior now. She was much more aggressive and volatile.  “We're not playing… he’s not playing.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
After a few tense moments, Abaddon released her and took a few steps back. Annoyed, Y/N simply sighed and shook her head.
“Take it as a promotion for such good work on your… what do humans call it? Red Room.” Abaddon hissed with an evil smile before completely disappearing from that place.
Sighing, Y/N stared at that place, knowing that it wouldn't last long if Chton needed that girl to exploit her potential. Three hours later, she witnesses a missile destroying Wanda Maximoff's home, beginning the chaos and pain in the girl’s life.
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2014 HYDRA Research Base
“Hail Hydra!” One of the soldiers yelled, stepping aside, letting the woman in. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The cold, musty dark walls of the place seemed depressing to Y/N, her combat boots echoed down that hallway until she reached that horrible man's office.
She had known this man for fifteen years and there wasn't even a moment where she didn't want to rip his head off. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Hail Hydra.” Baron Von Strucker said quickly, but Y/N didn't return that greeting.
Y/N wasn't interested in having any kind of contact with Hydra, especially with the ‘leftovers’, but right now it was a necessary evil. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“We found two volunteers for the tests, as you said… I must say that the results have been extraordinary.” Strucker smiled brightly, more than the demon expected.
Y/N frowned, walking through the office until she reached the window, a beautiful view of the lake and the forests of Sokovia. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know.” The woman murmured somewhat thoughtfully. “How is she?”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ She didn’t expect Wanda and Pietro to seek refuge in Hydra, but the girl's resentment grew more and more. Something Chton and Abaddon believed was essential, Y/N had never taken the time to know or care about Wanda either. Despite knowing the girl for fifteen years, she had always been distant, fearing 'closeness' or as Abaddon would say: 'attachment'. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“How do you know it's a 'she'?”  Von Strucker asked, raising an eyebrow, quite confused. No one but him and some soldiers knew that they were twin brothers, a boy and a girl. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N's glare made him reconsider his words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know everything, don't forget who has helped you all these years. I am your superior, I am your god.” she said through clenched teeth. Suddenly, those human eyes changed to yellowish serpent eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But before Y/N could say anything, a screeching sound and the red lights indicated the alarms were activated, they were being attacked.
The Avengers crossed the walls that surrounded the castle, ready to take back Loki's scepter.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Growling in annoyance, Y/N walked towards the door. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Attack the city, split them up.” Y/N said to Strucker  before disappearing from that place. She needed to look for Wanda, needed to get her out of that place before the avengers found her but an empty room answered everything the demon needed to know.
Screaming in frustration, the demon disappeared from the scene. How could she have lost her?
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“How did you lose her?!” Abaddon shouted, violently approaching to Y/N.  Her face was as red as her hair, and her eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets soon. There were very few times that Y/N had seen Abaddon like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Both were in an office in one of the tallest buildings in New York, close to the Avengers Tower.
It was no surprise that a demon like Abaddon had a firm like ‘Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz’ in her hands. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N squeezed her fists preventing herself from exploding. She didn't like being reprimanded by Abaddon at all, much less in front of other demons.
Things in Sokovia had gotten out of control.
Wanda and Pietro escaped, first manipulated by Ultron and then by the fucking Avengers. As a result, Pietro died in Sokovia trying to save the world. That would have been great if it served its purpose, but it didn't.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “She lost her twin brother in that battle, her potential has not been unleashed yet.... but is there, I know is in there.” Y/N was quick to say, then clenched her jaw. Abaddon was about  to lose it until she heard the last thing.  “The Avengers took her, she's with S.H.I.E.L.D. now.”
Those words managed to appease the redhead's anger, who sat back down in her huge chair. Some of the demons around her whispered a few things, good or bad, but good enough for Y/N to stay alive.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Go with those 'Avengers' or whatever. Do what you must, don't let her out of your sight.” The fierce-eyed woman said, raising an eyebrow. “Chthon will destroy you if you don't, he needs the girl alive.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Clenching her jaw, Y/N just nodded.
She decided to turn on her heels and walk towards the door but the war spirit inside couldn't leave it just like that.
Why? She spent fifteen years making sure that stupid girl was suffering to fulfill her own destiny. Through suffering, Wanda Maximoff would transform into the Scarlet Witch, taking on the mantle that belonged to her.
Should she keep doing it now? Even more? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“If she's so powerful, why should I take care of her? I’m not a fucking angel anymore.” Y/N complained, looking at Abaddon one last time. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demons around them closed their eyes in suffering, they knew that later they would have to suffer and endure Abaddon's wrath because of Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Just do as I say, Leviathan!” Abaddon hissed through those white teeth and then glanced out of the corner of her eye at one of the demons. It was a woman with black hair and brown eyes like a puppy. She was wearing a white shirt buttoned all the way. Her black hair was tied in a tight ponytail. Looked like a secretary or something like that. “And take this useless spawn with you. I'm sick of her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N just shook her head and left the office, quickly followed by that girl.
“Stolas… what did you do now?!” Y/N asked, pressing the elevator button, noticing how the brunette next to her finally untied the collar of that perfectly ironed shirt. Y/N knew that if Abaddon kicked her out was because she was fed up with Stolas, a rather young and troublesome demon. Had some important hierarchical level, but not as high as Abaddon or herself. She this big problem called: being naive.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Stolas was going to speak but Y/N stopped her. “You know what? I don't wanna know.”
Once both entered the elevator, they remained silent until Stolas couldn't take it anymore and blurted out everything. “I fucked up in the Red Room, big time.”
“I told you I didn't want to know!” Y/N growled and then shook her head, thinking that maybe now with Stolas it would be a lot harder. After a few seconds, the elevator reached the ground floor but before they got out, the brunette turned to look at her.
“Lev?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
At that 'nickname', Y/N turned to look at her and noticed the concern in those brown eyes.
“You don't want to disappoint him again.”
And those words chilled Y/N’s blood, not just because of the way Stolas said it, with so much fear. But because they both knew that disappointing Chton was a direct ticket to nothing, to the abyss, to be thrown into a black hole never to come out again.  That was much worse than hell.
If that sounded bad, betraying or disappointing him was much worse. Frowning, she just shook her head. “I won’t.”
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“Thank you for this, Ma'am. You won't regret it.” Y/N said with a kind smile. She was wearing a dark combat suit, typical of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
After the fiasco in Sokovia, Y/N used her tricks to stay on S.H.I.E.L.D as an agent. She couldn't just walk in and take Wanda away like it was nothing, it would alert the Avengers and the demon didn't have time to unleash chaos like that.
She needed to be sneaky, and passing as an agent and keeping an eye on the Sokovian was the best idea in mind. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“After what I've been told about how you've performed in Sokovia, I know you'll do very well here.” Maria Hill smiled and shook her hand.
Maria was an excellent agent, but she could not overcome a demon’s manipulation. 
After half an hour talking about the job they would have at the Compound, that of course working with Avengers was much harder. The missions were much more complex, dangerous, many times with risk of losing their lives and it was a responsibility that they had to assume, if they wanted to be there.
She also explained to Y/N and Stolas that their superior, Natasha Romanoff, would look for them later to meet them.
After five more minutes, both left Hill's office walking through the hallways, greeting some agents who passed by them.
“So… What’s your name?” Stolas asked curiously. “Your human name, I mean.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“The same as always, I get confused if I change it too much.” Y/N wrinkled her nose and then held out her ID. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Stolas read slowly and then handed back the ID. “Cool name.”
“I've been using it for so long that I already forgot mine.”  Y/N shrugged as they left the elevator and walked towards the room they would both share.
“It’s Leviathan.” Stolas said quickly and in an overly naïve manner, causing Y/N to let out a confused giggle.
“... It was a joke.”
“Oh.” The brunette nodded slowly, surprised. Of course this was all new to her, she had some 'jobs' on Earth but not much to socialize with humans. After a few seconds she took out her ID and showed it to Y/N proudly. “I’ll be Julia Hale. I’m an agent.”
Y/N watched with curiosity as the girl smiled seeing the ID and then put it in her pocket. “Why are you so excited? We're supposed to hate them, you should hate this like you all demons do.”
“Well, I haven't been around here much...” Jules shrugged.  “We're supposed to use them, I'm more excited to experience new things and I like to hurt them sometimes over there, in hell. Working with Abaddon was… awful and boring. Mostly awful, so this is better.”
But Y/N just listened to everything carefully, noticing that she was telling the truth. In a way she thought that perhaps Abaddon sent Stolas to spy on her, but Stolas - or 'Jules' now - was telling the truth. Abaddon just wanted to get rid of her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Once they finally arrived at the training area, both walked through the gym, approaching a more private training area where only the Avengers and some agents close to the group trained.
In the distance, you could see how a brunette and a redhead battled in a ring to maintain control but the widow defeated the sokovian easily.
Y/N tilted her head, noticing that Wanda didn't seem bothered by hitting the mat again and again, but rather tired, staring blankly waiting for it to finish.
"That's our best weapon?" Jules frowned looking at Wanda.
“That one is interesting.”  Y/N referred to Natasha.
The woman was very skilled, fast, and of course even if Wanda tried hard, she would never make the widow fall without powers. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“The Black Widow. Dangerous. One of the best weapons in the Red Room for a long time…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Come on. Jab, Wanda!” Y/N muttered under her breath, trying to encourage her 'protege' but once again, Natasha ended up making Wanda fall. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon just shook herhead, how was it possible that that girl ended up being the Scarlet Witch? She could barely stand up. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“At least she’s pretty.” Jules mumbled, breaking Y/N out of her thoughts.
“You shouldn't think that.” Y/N frowned.
But the brunette just shrugged. “Come on… Like you never fucked humans.”
“I did, but I don't worship them, I just use them.”  As if she was seriously offended, Y/N just grunted and rolled her eyes.
“I just said she's pretty... it's not like you thought that too.” Jules rolled her eyes too. She didn't know why there was such a scandal in liking a ‘human’, without a doubt seeing them was better than some infernal beast in the depths of the darkness. “Anyway, that's all we can do, she’s Chton’s pet.”
Y/N didn't say anything, just stayed silent as they watched the blonde and brunette fight one more time.
Wanda just sat far away so she could drink some water, but although the demon thought it must be tiredness, the sokovian seemed down. You could tell in her aura, something wasn't right about her at all and it stirred something in Y/N, something she couldn't identify.
“Do you already know what will happen to her?”Jules asked curiously, watching Y/N who kept her gaze fixed on the sokovian.  “... that makes her... You know, change?”
“No one knows... I thought it would be Pietro's death, but apparently it's something more devastating.” Y/N sighed. “Just that it will be painful enough to break her whole world.”  
Although she didn't know it, those words would weigh heavily in the future. As if it were a revelation. Wanda got up again but this time she walked away from the gym.
“Who’s the golden retriever?” Y/N asked as she watched the brunette fall to the mat once again, the blonde seeming to be winning once again.
The blonde raised her ice-cold gaze and collided with Y/N's for a moment, like she knew something wasn't right, until returning to Kate it softened.
“Kate Bishop… and Yelena Belova, she is the widow’s sister.”
“Mh… interesting. Maybe we should start there, Kate looks like a weak point and desperate for a friend.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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That day passed slowly, first day at the Compound had been quite tiring. As if interviews with Maria Hill weren't stressful enough, briefings between Avengers were worse. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Do we really have to do this?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yes. We have to.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The sun finally hid behind the huge treetops that surrounded the place. 
Y/N and Jules were returning from a long training session, and although they had much higher stamina than a human being or a superhuman, it was quite boring doing things that you could easily overcome as a demon.
Once they reached the rooms, they bumped into a redhead who was waiting outside with crossed arms. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“You must be the newbies.” With a smug smile, Natasha greeted them both.  “Shame I wasn't at your training today, but someone told me you both are deadly.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N didn't say anything, she knew that if she drew too much attention it could complicate things. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I spoke with Maria and now you both will work with us-” 
ㅤㅤㅤ Before Y/N could say anything against it, Natasha continued speaking since she was her superior.  “You can dine with us if you want. Meet the team... there are just a few of us now.” ㅤㅤㅤ
Jules's eyes widened excited while Y/N remained the same, of course she didn't feel like socializing with those people but couldn't arouse suspicion either.
Y/N just nodded slowly, giving a fake kind smile.
ㅤㅤㅤ ‘I'm not hungry now, but  thank you. Maybe another time.’ It was something she would have said but ended up saying:  “Sure.”
“Great.” Natasha exclaimed, winking flirtatiously. The three walked together to the kitchen while chatting pleasantly, it was a more private area where the other agents wouldn't be snooping around. ㅤㅤㅤ
At the table were Kate Bishop and Yelena playing some video games, Steve was chatting with Bucky and Bruce, who was cooking. Wanda was on the couch far away, trying to read, and Vision was looking out the window with a thoughtful look.
“Hey.” Natasha caught everyone's attention.  “This is Y/N and Julia, they are new and tonight they are going to have dinner with us.”
Y/N felt everyone's gaze on her and could feel the heat on the back of her neck. She had never felt so exposed, and above all, she had never felt so uncomfortable in centuries. ㅤㅤㅤ
Everyone greeted them kindly, Steve was very kind to come over and shake their hands. Yelena just nodded her head saying 'hey' and Kate looked like an adorable puppy excited to meet the new agents, which made Y/N slowly walk away. Feeling deeply uncomfortable. ㅤㅤㅤ
Bruce was quick to say that dinner was ready, and everyone seemed happy about it, willing to help set the table, but something caught Y/N's attention.
Sighing, Wanda walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and instead of returning to her seat, she walked away. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Where is she going?” Y/N asked as she watched the sokovian disappear.
“Wanda doesn't like spending a lot of time outside her room. She's having hard times, the girl lost her twin brother recently.” Natasha wrinkled her nose as she helped carry the salad to the table. ㅤㅤㅤ
“In her Emo era, huh?” Jules joked but Y/N nudged her. “Ouch.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“You know, I think… I want to take a shower first, I'm not that hungry anyway but thank you.” Y/N said as she walked out, finding the perfect reason to leave and not have to socialize with them. That job was tedious enough without having to listen to Bruce Banner or Kate's jokes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
She decided to go up to their room, taking a nice hot shower and read a nice book until the clock struck midnight.
Jules was snoring on the next bed, really tired. Frowning, Y/N wondered if perhaps it was because that young demon didn't have any experience on Earth. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Her belly growled saying that despite being a demon, she had some basic needs like eating. Sighing, Y/N got up from her bed and left the room to attack the kitchen while everyone rested.
And it would have been a magnificent plan, the kitchen was empty which made her smile victoriously as she opened the fridge. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Taking some bread, chicken salad and some cold cuts, the demon made herself a huge sandwich to satisfy the hunger.
Of course, she accompanied it with some spicy fries that the package clarified were 'property of Yelena -AND ONLY Yelena Belova-’' ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Not caring in the least, Y/N was about to take a bite when a soft voice interrupted the moment. She knew how to recognize that Sokovian accent perfectly, even though Wanda tried hard to hide it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Yelena doesn't like people eating her chips.”  Wanda said from the other side of the kitchen, slowly approaching as if she were a grieving ghost. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I'll deal with her later.” Y/N shrugged. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Convinced with that answer, Wanda just ignored her and went to the kitchen so she could make herself some steaming tea. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“My name is Y/N.” She looked at Wanda but the brunette didn't even look at her.  “What's yours?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Of course the demon knew everything about Wanda, even the things that not even the Sokoviana knew. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why are you asking something you already know?”  Finally, she lifted that completely blank green gaze. Y/N could see the deep sadness behind them.
That made Y/N stay quiet and surprised. How was it possible? How did Wanda know that-? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Oh. How silly.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Of course she should know, she’s an avenger, right? EVERYONE knew who Wanda Maximoff was.
Shrugging, Y/N just sat down at the table so she could eat her sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
That was strange to the Sokovian, who perhaps was expecting a sarcastic response or something like that. Perhaps a curious mind asking about her powers or about Sokovia like everyone else, but Y/N just kept eating.
Taking the warm cup in her hands, Wanda was about to leave until she stopped in front of the table.
The silence was so pleasant that she couldn't help but end up sitting too. A bit surprised, Y/N decided to share some sandwiches.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Wanda.” The Sokovian finished by saying, taking a chicken salad sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon looked up, colliding with those beautiful, huge green eyes and all she could felt was terror. Not because of the fear of knowing who Wanda was or being recognized, but because there was something about them, something different, perhaps attractive. She really liked those eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Y/N.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I know, you said it before.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Finally they both smiled.
And maybe the demon let loose a little more. And perhaps the Sokovian smiled a little bit more, almost in an imperceptible way. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Silence reigned again and both decided to enjoy it, keep eating without needing a word other than the sound of the clock hands.  Although it seemed like a pleasant coincidence, it became routine.
Every night, Wanda and Y/N decided to have dinner together at midnight, avoiding the 'avengers' reunion. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The talks were usually short, they enjoyed the company without needing to go further. Or so they wanted to think. Wanda was not going to admit that Y/N slowly made her forget the pain and that normous invisible wall was beginning to fall, and Y/N was not going to admit that she liked Wanda's presence, but they were always together sharing that sacred moment. Y/N tried to ignore all those thoughts that reminded her that she should NOT maintain any ties with the witch and it wasn't easy at all.
Some nights Wanda would cook something for both of them, other nights Y/N would bring some Chinese food or pizza.
But one night Y/N just didn't show up. That Friday night, a storm was hitting the Compound so hard that the treetops were moving violently. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Wanda excused herself from dinner saying that she wasn't that hungry cause in one of their ‘small talks’ with Y/N, both agreed to make some pasta on friday night. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Does anyone know where Y/N is?” Wanda asked, trying not to look too worried. Of course Natasha noticed the concern in her voice, but she didn't say anything.
Nat was a very good spy and confirmed it when she found both girls having dinner together, but neither of them noticed it. The redhead was happy for both, especially for Wanda who was beginning to open up a little bit. Natasha respected Wanda's silence, although she made her pay for it in training.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Noticing that the hours were passing and Y/N didn't return from that mission, Wanda walked back and forth with her arms crossed as she watched the furious wind move the treetops through the window.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Why hasn't Y/N come back yet? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The only thing she knew – and thanks to Natasha – was that Y/N was on a mission in Norway. Things had not gone well at all, but they would soon return with the news and information they needed about the last remnants of Hydra.
But that storm was bringing out the worst in the Sokovian, who seemed to relive the worst thoughts over and over again.
Why was she so concerned about Y/N?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Well, maybe because together they managed to establish a small friendship or bond without saying much.
After half an hour and a lot of tragic thoughts, the door to the room opened, letting in this woman in a bit of a hurry carrying a package on her hands.
Y/N's hair was wet as was her clothes, but the package seemed intact. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I'm sorry., I'm sorry, I know!” The demon said, approaching Wanda and stopping right in front of her. The drops of water were falling down her face, she didn’t even stop to go up to her room or change clothes. She knew Wanda would be waiting for her, and knew she might be worried. “I really couldn't do anything, the mission got so bad in a blink.”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Lost in those eyes, Wanda's heart skipped a beat. Couldn't even say a single coherent word. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “We were trapped, the agents were waiting for us but we managed to overcome them-” Y/N said quickly, babbling as droplets fell from her hair.  And at that very moment, Y/N knew that something wasn't right with her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Frowning, the demon rethought all her actions that day. Why was she explaining herself to Wanda? Why was she so worried about being on time and not standing her up? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she knew that Wanda created a routine with her, because she knew that Wanda  lost her brother a short time ago, and that she fled any kind of ties with the Avengers but not with her. Not with Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she cared, because it mattered. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, Y/N remembered that she was still holding that package and decided not to let go. Without further ado, Wanda came to hug her tightly. Closing her eyes, the Sokovian let herself get lost in that warm sensation. Oh, she was so happy to see that Y/N was okay. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The fear she felt at the thought that she could lose Y/N, even though Wanda barely knew her, was overwhelming. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Completely shocked, Y/N didn't know what to do. No one had ever held her before, she had never before allowed anyone to touch her so intimately.  Much less hug her like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked quickly, breaking away to look at her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ “I- I'm fine.” Y/N stammered, feeling the heat in her ears. She was definitely blushing and no one, no one had ever managed that. “Some bruises… but we’re okay.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Is your girlfriend okay too?” Wanda lowered her head, somewhat embarrassed but perhaps also jealous. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Girlfriend?” Y/N frowned quite confused. “Oh… no! Jules is… my friend. Just my friend.” She stammered quickly, nodding. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Oh, great.” And as if her soul returned to her body, Wanda just smiled and nodded too.
Finally, the demon smiled slightly without needing to fake it.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “What’s that?” The Sokovian looked at that perfectly wrapped package.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Remembering it, Y/N opened her eyes wide and handed it to her. “I brought pasta from Sicily!”  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ That took Wanda by surprise, who just let out a small, confused giggle.
Noticing her mistake, Y/N blinked quickly and added babbling: “I mean, not really Sicily but the place called ‘Sicily’ in Little Italy. I know it’s not chicken paprikash but…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Taking a huge breath of air, Y/N seemed about to explode but Wanda simply stopped that bombshell with a small smile and a soft voice.  “Thank you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ And that's all they needed, to share a moment together. After Y/N took a quick shower, both finally sat down to taste that exquisite pasta together. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why don't you have dinner with them? I'm not saying it bothers me, I’m flattered. I like this.” Y/N said curiously as she devoured that delicious pasta. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It's different… with you.” Wanda whispered, watching her face in detail. Y/N was strangely unique; those lips, her nose, how adorable her slightly blushing cheeks were. Although those eyes... they made her feel different, weird but good at the same time. She knew they were hiding something. How strange. “You are the only one who doesn't torment me with loud thoughts.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, how curious that was. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Why couldn't she hear Y/N’s thoughts? That question was haunting the brunette for weeks but then she came to the simple answer: did it matter?
Y/N made her feel comfortable, who cares why she can’t? She had to learn to trust Y/N, it was exciting. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Everyone here does it, and I can't help it. It’s driving me crazy…” Wanda lowered her gaze for a moment, embarrassed.  “...like I don't have enough pain in my heart. I must deal with anxiety and other people's pain too.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Staying silent, Y/N completely understood Wanda's reasons for distancing herself from the others.
Even though she pretended not to care and even though she should NOT care, Y/N  was beginning to make a bond with Wanda and it was inevitable not to feel… empathy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ It was inevitable not to feel appreciation for those sad eyes, wasn’t that the reason for all this? To create the Scarlet Witch, to forge the most powerful being in existence through pain. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I won't tell you I'm sorry, everyone does it and it doesn't seem to help you at all.” Y/N barely said, she knew some things about torture and pain. Many, but she had never experienced it that way. “I know some stuff about pain… and if you need me, and want to talk about it... I'm here.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Pursing her lips, Y/N just tried hard to smile and shrugged, showing for the first time who she was.
And maybe that was what Wanda valued most, that she didn't need to make her feel better with empty words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The Sokovian nodded. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is your ravioli?” Y/N finally asked, taking a bite.  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s good.” Wanda smiled widely, taking another bite as well.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I’m glad.” Y/N smiled tenderly, wiping her lips with a napkin.  “The owner told me it was late but that she only made an exception because I was soaked.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You did that for me?” Those beautiful green eyes shone with some hope. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Of course not, I did it because I was hungry!” Y/N joked. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Stealing a giggle from the Sokovian, they kept enjoying for a while until the clock invited them to retire to their rooms before Natasha found out and kicked their asses.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah?” As she finished putting the dishes in the dryer, the demon looked up to see Wanda in front of her. She was playing with her rings, something she did when the girl was nervous and it looked adorable. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Thanks for coming back safely.” After saying that, Wanda walked away slowly, feeling her heart racing and her cheeks blushing like a teenager in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
And the demon's old heart gave signs of life, jumping when she heard that. Joy could be seen in those 'human' eyes. Oh, what was she doing? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Look, you’re a sea beast! … What’s that? A whale?” Jules asked excitedly as she looked at the screen, searching for information on some random pages about demonology.
Since she arrived on Earth, Stolas was fascinated with all the technological advancement and the knowledge that humans had of them. Some are totally wrong, according to her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “A snake! I'm not a whale, I'm a snake! Just- … Can you stop looking for us on the internet?”  Y/N growled as she changed into her pajamas so she could lie down on her bunk. “If someone see you, they'll say you're crazy and you'll ruin our plans.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “No, I wanna see-” The brunette tried to continue but Y/N took her phone from her hands in annoyance and then threw it away, pointing at Jules. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You're a gay owl with skinny long legs.”  Y/N hissed, arching an eyebrow. “You teach about astronomy and herbs when you are summoned! Happy? HERBS! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, a demon teaching about herbs!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Hey! that’s not me.” Jules stood up to grab her phone to look for the picture, it clearly looked like an owl exactly like Y/N described it. “I don't look like that. I know a lot about astronomy tho.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Rolling her eyes in disdain, Y/N laid down on her bunk so she could rest.
Every night, it took an hour to find sleep. Her body was never so tired as to fall asleep easily, and  thoughts came to her to haunt her one more time.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N sighed thinking about her once again, but Jules' voice saved one more time, something the demon didn't think could be possible.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is everything going? With Wanda…”   Jules glanced at Y/N, who seemed to focus her gaze on the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s okay.” Y/N shrugged. “Like a hurt beast, but nothing that indicates… you know.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ The brunette turned to see Y/N with a mischievous smile. “I know you both have dinner together at midnight. I can hear her heart pounding fast in the distance.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ How dare Stolas offend her like that? Watching her with a murderous look, Y/N growled: “I never said that you should follow me. And you shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I didn't do it!” Jules quickly defended herself, a bit scared. “I just… noticed it. Abaddon didn't say anything about you having to bond with her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I like to have things under control.” Sighing, Y/N kept staring at the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Or you like to spend time with her.” Of course Jules was more astute than she looked, despite being naive she was no fool. Jules was a high-ranking demon, with the brain and body of a woman who had never experienced anything more than torture her entire life.  “Time is something so simple for us, Y/N, we are eternal… We have seen empires rise, we have seen empires fall. We have seen great people and many other people so horrible that hell was not enough for them... all thanks to time. For us, it is nothing more than sand, but for her it is important, and you like her to enjoy it with you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N turned to look at Jules, who didn't seem to say it in a mean or judging way.
The brunette just blinked slowly, a little thoughtful, maybe even relaxing between those huge pillows.
She wasn't trying to attack her or use it as an advantage, Jules seemed rather curious.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “And I’m saying: mind your own business.” Y/N narrowed her eyes and grabbed one of the pillows, hitting Jules. “Sleep now, Stolas.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s ‘Jules’ here!” Rolling her eyes, Jules settled on her bed and Y/N did the same after turning off the lights. Silence reigned for a moment until the voice of the demon brought Y/N out of her thoughts again. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sighing, ready to get up and hit her to shut up, Y/N opened her eyes.  “What?!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “If you think the girl needs to clear her head or feel better or... if you want to share your time with her, I think it's the right thing to do… that’s why you’re so much better than Abaddon.” Jules said in a whisper as she rolled over and settled down to sleep. “And you don't hit me all day long, that's good.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And perhaps those words finally managed to steal a small smile from Y/N. The urge to hit Stolas or -Jules now- wasn't far, but she understood the demon's relief at being away from someone like Abaddon.
Although demons had an evil nature, they were not all exactly the same. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Many of them had previously been kind beings who ended up falling. Some with reasons, others not so much. Some were cruel, others were sadistic, and others simply existed. But Abaddon was different, if demons were chaos, Abaddon was cruelty and malice. She was a cruel general, addicted to blood, hungry for violence and that was why Chton had considered her over Y/N.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ There was no room for cruelty in Y/N, except for beings that were truly malicious. Y/N loved giving them what they deserved. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah…” Y/N sighed. “That's why I'm not where she is. In control.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And although the demon tried to sleep and clear her head, it was difficult not to think about that girl all night. The way Wanda looked at her, or the way she cared for her was so…disgustingly nice.
She had to do something to stop it, and she had to do it soon or everything would become even more complicated.
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Well, I hope you like this new story that is running through my head and is saving me from the daily stress in which I begin to die. But a beautiful song made me think about that story, so why not? In my defense, watching 'Good Omens' helped a little. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ I'm sorry for leaving you for so long, my life is getting a bit complex these days… The economy in my country is burning and I try to survive by working hard so writing was difficult for me. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ If you want me to tag you in the next chapters, just comment and I will. Thank you very much for reading me, honeybee! It means a lot! 🐝 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Do you want to help me? Wow, that's adorable and means a lot. You can buy me a coffee here!
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r0-boat · 12 hours
Whb Amy Headcannons(+Sitri)
Random sfw&NSFW headcannons
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Nothing pisses Amy off more than being treated less than his rank, He knows he's strong so he wants to be treated as such. You have ever are the only exception as much as he hates being babied You're the only one with the privilege In fact he craves it. It's like a wild tiger or lion purring and meowing as you run your fingers through his hair. He craves your touch and acts like a golden retriever when you're around. It pisses Sitri OFF because to him Amy is some vulgar animal that needs to be put down and here he was getting attention from the human he tends to be very possessive over.
Good Lord Levi would be proud from the amount of jealousy and envy seeping through him right now. And in turn Sitri gets more violent against him which probably disgusts you and babies him more. a constant cycle. Amy has caught on and is not helping citri turned his favorite teacup into dust from the way Amy smirked at him when you held him into your arms.
Scary dog privileges. He doesn't care if it's a king from another country or their subordinates. He will glare them down and growl like a beast only for you to turn around to see him smile pleasantly at you.
Sitri has deleted Amy's contact from your phone so many times that you've memorized it and has it written down somewhere.
As much as he cannot stand the idea Amy touching you he'd rather be in the same room trying to wedge his way in the middle then think about of what he and you might have done to each other.
Humans like gifts right? What do humans like??? He's never thought anything about love or romance and now that he likes you He's trying so hard to court you. Amy is not really good with words So the most he'll do is just give you gifts standing there awkwardly his face red and his eyes to the ground as he clutches of bouquet of crushed flowers in his hand. (He squeezed them too hard)
Absolutely melts for compliments when you say a compliment to him he starts brushing it off and degrading himself as if he doesn't deserve that compliment or he yells at you for being embarrassing. But he secretly loves it.
Is the kind of boyfriend that will let you do anything to him. Whether it be braiding his hair painting his nails or doodling on his hand. Piemon would be so jealous because Amy would never let him do that He truly does have a soft spot for you.
Amy is also prone to jealousy but his jealousy is not violent or intense hatred like Sitri's He just gets really needy and clingy hoping you would give him attention. Looking at you with puppy eyes. (Gehenna is just full of needy lap dog demons lol)
unlike Sitri, Amy is very gentle with you in bed out of a fear of somehow breaking you hurting your killing you. He will get better at this in overtime start treating your body more roughly if you want him too. When he had sex with Solomon He was not gentle and he tries to explain that you are not your ancestor. You are smaller softer and much different and he's afraid to hurt you.
Amy loves when you ride him, You're small human body squeezing around him as your hands scratch and hit him feels so good.
Yes it's no secret that he has a humiliation kink And he doesn't have enough courage to ask you to be mean to him like Sitri does.
Amy is Actually a little shy when it comes to sex. He looks at you as if this was the first time he's ever seen a naked body His eyes wide and full of hunger lust and wonder His large hands and fingers gently tracing over your naked body trying to memorize every little inch.
After he's first had to taste of you He could never go back constantly hard all the time thinking about you reducing him to a desperate mess reading into his blanket and pillows pretending he's inside you.
(Amy switch supremacy) from Tiny human over him treating him like shit hhhh please dominate him he'll be such a good boy for you too desperate animal fucking you full of his hot cum.
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stuffeddeer · 10 months
ddeeeEEER 😭 you have me clutching my chest dying from ur fluff good LORD
i'll be the first to ask for the rest of what you wrote post that shit NOW this is a threat/j
ouggggh ur dazai makes me want to squash him and blend him up and smash him into bits
butt anywho happy thanksgiving!!
uefiuhseufh THANK YOU 🩵ANON!!!! i wrote these literally seconds after "pt1" but didn't wanna clog ppls feeds w thousands of kissing hcs um oops
(not necessary to read, just more silly ideas)
15!Dazai who, whether it's you who leans in first or him, gets so overwhelmed. The rush of emotions and warmth he's never been shown causes him to panic, which makes him push you away! (Quite harshly at that..) He doesn't mean to but omg Dazai is just SO not used to affection and comfort that the warm fluttery feeling in his chest makes him sick to his stomach. Processing these feelings makes him feel flustered and sheepish and AHH!!!!! It's too much!!! He'd avoid you so horribly after he's so stupid, ducking into other hallways or using his hands to physically cover his face (very obvious to poor you!!) all so he didn't have to acknowledge the fact that you made him feel different. It'd probably take Chuuya yelling at him for his stupidity for him to realize he really really likes you! And that feeling is actually good!!!
PM!Dazai who's cocky and knows exactly what he wants; He's the demon prodigy for a reason. This Dazai is an asshole who kisses you without warning - no "I'm interested in you" or slow lean in or anything - just cuts you off with a long kiss that takes your breath away before he moves back. He'll tease you for being "so in love with him, as many are," before waving his hand dismissively and leaving. Dazai is a total jerk so when you ask if this means he likes you, he denies it: just saying that he knew you liked him and thought he'd be generous and give you your first and last kiss with him. Dazai flaunts a pretty smile and leans suspiciously close as he says this before immediately leaving under the guise of some meeting he's definitely lying about. He'd start doing things to draw your attention to his lips after this just to mess with you - putting on chapstick and the like. PM!Dazai would love to see you get frustrated and annoyed with his antics but not do anything, knowing it'd only make it worse. grrr biting scratching clawing i need him gone
ADA!Dazai who's anxious. He's so totally in love with you and is overwhelmed by it all! His eyes sting and his throat turns dry, a sign that he feels like crying, but he just stands there at the sight of you. You 'd be the one to initiate it first, an anxious look on your face as you pull back to a ghostly white Dazai standing frigid. The thought of oh fuck, did I overstep? leads to you apologize profusely. Once he finally gets his breath back (you feeling downright horrible with every moment he's silent), Dazai practically hangs off of you, pathetically gripping onto your arm with both of his and holding you close. You ask if this means he likes you back but he still can't speak, just burying his head into the crook of your neck. Give him time, he's still working through everything!!!! It's been a long time since he has actually liked someone, especially so deeply, so it's hard for him to come to terms with it :( He just wants to be near you but he can't find the words to express that just yet. Being vulnerable is so scary!
Beast!Dazai who gets horrifically drunk. How else could he manage all of the things he has to go through? Just knowing he could never confide in Oda like he once has leads him to throwing back drink after drink... Until he ends up on your doorstep. He'd wanted to keep you at arms length, to stop you from following him down the dark road he was paving, but with a few too many drinks in him he found he didn't care. You let him in right away, more than happy to pour him a glass of water and let him crash on your couch for the night. Before you could even turn towards your kitchen, he pulled you in for a passionate kiss, full of love and need and every feeling he has felt for you across lifetimes. The kiss would last a minute or so before Dazai would pull away, hugging you tightly and making you promise him that you'd never leave him, even if he makes horrible decisions and drives everyone else away — you are his, remember? In every life.
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hastyprovocateur · 8 months
An analysis of Mizu×Akemi
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Mizu gave up Akemi to Lord Daichi's men saying her path of revenge has no room for "love, friendship or weakness." She looked Ringo up and down at "weakness" after which he got offended and ended his apprenticeship for not helping Akemi. Mizu's eyes held guilt as Akemi cried out for her, hoping to be by Mizu's side and not go through with her marriage to the Shogun's son. Mizu was aware that if she fought Daichi's men, it meant more would be coming, which inadvertently meant more time having Akemi around, growing close to her... peering into her soul, breaking some walls... like she did at Madam Kaji's when she lay bare the fact that she's not the killer she pretends to be. Which was hammer meets nail as far as Mizu's singular purpose is concerned. It also means a lot that Mizu's appearance in itself wasn't scary to Akemi, or worthy of contempt despite being an aristocrat in an extremely xenophobic time. Racism should've been her second language but she doesn't exercise it. She only noted the distress evident in Mizu's behavior. Her rage- "Your face isn't even so scary... you're just... angry."
The thing about noticing is... you keep noticing more. Especially someone as observant and calculated as Akemi. Mizu was aware of this, hence why she tested Akemi's mettle in the brothel knowing she was the princess all along, trying to get under her skin instead of the other way around- "You thought I wouldn't recognize you?" casting back to the very intense first sight exchanged between the two on the bridge in ep 1. Mizu looked up with little interest, yet the stoic samurai's jaw dropped upon their prolonged eye contact and she tracked the palanquin long after Akemi had left her line of sight. It's implicit that love, friendship, and weakness represent Akemi, Taigen, and Ringo respectively. When Ringo questioned why Mizu let the princess go, she stated that Akemi's "better off" almost following up with "without me." She didn't deem her marriage to the Shogun as favourable, hell, she was unimpressed by the fact that Akemi was trying to save her doomed engagement with Taigen, telling her she's "begging to eat trash" despite being a "magical forest creature," who could have anything she wants. Mizu still considered it the lesser evil as opposed to spending time alone with her.
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This isn't the case with Taigen, whom she is decidedly more comfortable with even though he threatens her, and calls her slurs. In part, Mizu believes that she deserves the hatred. She's more familiar with it. With her past where she was the demon as opposed to the future where she could be loved. Imagining true love is cruel for Mizu so she rejects it and embraces her darkness. It protects her from people actually seeing her as a person. As a whole. She can loathe herself in peace. She can be a vessel of revenge. She even promised Taigen the duel he wanted to up and kill her in exchange for his honour. Believing she won't have much to live for after concluding her revenge. Akemi is not the same. She never wished to hurt Mizu, going only so far as to try and drug her, until Mizu made her believe she killed her fiancé. Akemi was soon able to see Mizu's honour when she fought alone against the Thousand Clawed to protect Kaji's girls. Akemi was bent on helping, braving the trained men to protect Ringo and then to save Mizu's life from the man who almost choked her to death.
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I will forever love the detail of her vulnerability in the face of death being mirrored by Mizu's own intimacy with Mikio in the flashback, letting her body serve love over rage for once. Engaging in sex was a huge step towards transparency on Mizu's part. Also, the fact that Akemi, in her little capacity, wielded her knife and pulled the clawed men away from unconscious Mizu, trying to keep their focus on her. Knowing she could very well die. She tells Ringo "I have been a captive my whole life. If I die, I'll die free." And then she goes upstairs saying "Mizu can't hold them off alone." Acting, most likely, out of a place of love. I was also warmed at the instances of Akemi trying to "drug" Mizu before she took on the bitter task of killing Kinuyo and then a few scenes later "slapping her awake" from a burning memory of betrayal. When her father's men came to fetch her, Akemi did not doubt that Mizu would fight for her after she did the same for her, hence her asking for her validation "I'm not going anywhere... right, Mizu?". And Mizu would've fought them for her, what's 3 more men after a whole army? But something prevented her.
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To ruin Akemi's strong faith in her then... as opposed to later? When more of her ugliness had spilled before the princess? When both their hearts were more open to be scrutinized by the other? Madam Kaji and Swordfather Eiji are both the motherly and fatherly advice Mizu sorely needs. That fighting is an art, not independent of loving. Mizu cannot evade love if she is to take on a bigger war. She cannot do it alone and the story's purpose keeps circling back to the same lesson. Fighting from a place of hatred can never be stronger than fighting from a place of love. Akemi, evidently, was hoping to seek refuge under Mizu's protection. She is loyal, as she was to Taigen even though he abandoned her in pursuit of his lost honor. But Mizu's betrayal broke her heart. At the end of the Bunraku play in ep 5, Akemi confessed that she met the Onryo but that it was "incapable of love." That she searched his eyes for "love or mercy or good," only finding darkness. Both Mizu and Akemi weighed the merit of love in each other, Mizu pushed Akemi away because she felt love and Akemi avoided Mizu because she felt her lack of love.
Taigen, Mizu's former bully, did learn to respect her as a fighter and comrade. Representing their growing camaraderie, how they fight alongside. Mizu told him about Akemi getting married off to the Shogun's son in her duty to him as a friend. Upon learning that she abandoned Akemi, Taigen is also reasonably pissed. Mizu is on the precipice of the rebirth of her katana. Swordfather is justified in being wary of her guilt and darkness, refusing to aid in her pursuit but only guiding her by way of asking her to seek peace, to unify herself. Which she does by adding Chiaki's broken blade (which Taigen took), Akemi's knife, Eiji's tongs and Ringo's bell into the forge. She is ready to make amends by going to save Akemi, to encourage her to leave with Taigen, to be honorable as Ringo wants, and to find peace as Eiji wishes. And ofc to fuck the shit out of Fowler.
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Akemi's repeated assertion of "we are not friends" (accompanied by the angy eyes) when Mizu comes back to save her is reflective of that heartbreak Akemi felt after relying on Mizu for her freedom before. Mizu tries to fix this by showing her a way to Taigen, trying to do right by her, asking "Do you still want your freedom or not." To give her what she wants even if she disapproves of Akemi's choice when she states "He's not a good guy, but he could be a great one." Seki too, gives Akemi a share of her dowry he saved to build a free life "With Taigen, or without." Akemi did end up rejecting the idyllic runaway Taigen was willing to embark on, it is hard to say Mizu would take it as an opportunity to make a move on Taigen after deeming him unsuitable for a partner. It would be against her nature to try to jump in as a lover just because Akemi's out of the picture. Not when she's so hot on the track of striking down Skeffington and Routley. It's pretty straightforward if you ask me.
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Mizu is focused on going up for a bigger war. To seek the truth. To turn London upside down to kill all the four white demons that sabotaged her life since conception. This is parallel to Akemi deciding to stay and take control of the Shogunate through her powers over her decidedly meek husband. To take control of her life against all the odds that seek to box her up. I do not doubt that she will move to include Kaji and her girls in her retinue, subdue her father's machinations and rebuild Edo, and wrest power from whoever threatens her. Love doesn't seem to be on her cards. Kaji told her to choose a path of freedom through a man, not to choose a man to love like she'd been doing all along- "Stop running to and from men and decide what you want for your fucking self." Could this mean that Akemi is to never chase men romantically? Either way, Akemi follows through pretty quickly. Takoyoshi is a means to an end. Her sexual prowess was her first tool to entry into the Shogunate. Nothing more than an instrument of control as opposed to her initiating any sort of genuine romantic bond.
I fail to see as of now where Mizu and Taigen's paths collide romantically further since the latter clearly showed his intention to abandon all pursuits of greatness and to settle down. Which is vastly opposed to what Mizu and Akemi are bent on doing. I see a lot of potential there. If anything, Mizu would quite possibly need Akemi's refuge if she were to return to Japan in the wake of the London chaos. They are foils of each other. On the opposite ends of the spectrum with the same stories. Poor-rich, blue-red, water-vermillion, darkened-fair, streetsmart-booksmart, warrior-prostitute, bastard-pureblood, masculine-feminine, caged internally- caged externally, widow-new bride. Both deal with same vindictive self-serving parents. Mizu lost her stand-in mother in ep 5, and Akemi lost Seki at the end of ep 9. Mizu the crashing waves and Akemi the rising flames. Both women. Both so alike yet so different. Mizu's name is pretty straightforward, meaning "water." However Akemi's can be written as "bright sea" or "vermillion beauty" While vermillion is Akemi's colour scheme, "sea" is likely her connection to Mizu.
I find the sex in the show to be representative at best. Borne out of duty or manipulation rather than true love. Just because Akemi and Taigen had sex was no testament to the endurance of the depth of their relationship, same as Mizu and Mikio's wasn't. Akemi's alliances with men have always been influenced by the need to go with or against her father and never her independent choice. Same as Mizu merely agreeing to her mother's insistence on marrying and settling down. I liked the juxtaposition of Mizu being submissive during sex and Akemi being dominant, both with Taigen and Takoyoshi as well as in the brothel. Here, I would extend that this isn't their true nature. Both in marriage or the brothel, sex is labour meant to cater to men. As Seki said a woman can only have fixed paths- "Proper wife or improper whore." I can't imagine Mizu or Akemi being happy as either.
Akemi for the most of S1 only wanted to be loved but was being forced to use her lovemaking skills to steer men into agreeing with her. Playing the improper whore. I imagine that in a safer intimate relationship, she would enjoy being on the bottom, to be protected and pleasured instead of always being the pleasurer. Mizu on the other hand, was shown to deliberately downplay her physical agencies during her marriage, to pretend to not know knife throwing or what she wants during sex, thus settling for whatever her husband had to give lest he feel inferior. I would imagine she'd prefer to be loved in all her proactive masculinity, to not be forced to submit. To not be forced to be the proper wife.
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Mizu has repeatedly been shown to dominate people unthinkingly, her safety lies in her being on top and knowing what she's getting into. We saw a glimpse of that in the brothel with Akemi under Mizu where she ordered the princess to "get down." The colours from their respective sex scenes blended into one, inky blue on Mizu's end, warm golden on Akemi's. Mizu immediately doses the princess on pursuing worthless men and then Akemi soon willingly submitting to Mizu's protection while thinking of her to be a man. They both tried doing the rightful wife thing, both tried to save their marriages with their husbands as best they could, to be the ideal women even after both men bailed on them. But now they are liberated. Akemi is free from her father and on the path to rule Edo, Mizu is on her own with Fowler, to pursue her revenge in London. Both are relentless in their pursuits. Akemi's "No one refuses me" and Mizu's "We're going to the 9th level" is one and the same. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Only time will tell. I rest my case.
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teriri-sayes · 5 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 289
Brief summary: Cale warns Emperor Alt to choose between him or the dragons. Cale gives Clopeh the guardian knight's sword.
Emperor Alt was walking on a tightrope, balancing between Cale and the dragons. Cale thought he was sly, but also foolish, so he warned the emperor.
Alt snitched on Cale to Exion about what Cale had done, but kept his agreement with Cale a secret. Unfortunately for him, the wind elementals in the palace snitched on him to Cale. 😂 Good luck outsmarting Cale... 😂😂😂
Cale told Alt about the world's imminent destruction, and adviced Alt to make a choice. Will he used as a pawn by the dragons, and die along with the world? Or will he side with Cale and live as a hero of Aipotu? It was advice, but it was more like a threat when it came out of Cale's mouth. 😂 And Cale scared Alt without even using his DA.
Cale messaged GoD to send people from the Central Plains to Aipotu while GoB had gone crazy from GoC's antics. In exchange, he'd offer GoB information about GoC. Or not. I'm actually confused on this part because the machine translation was confusing regardless of what machine translator I used.
Anyway, I'm excited to see Heavenly Demon soon. And Cale planned to bring the Tang Clan of Sichuan too, because you know, the Dragon Lord destroyed Sichuan, their home, so they'd obviously be furious at the Dragon Lord.
The last part of the chapter was Cale meeting Clopeh to give the sword. Of course, since Clopeh was involved, this was bound to be hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣
Narrator: Cale found himself face-to-face with a very unharmed, very bright, and very much in good spirits Clopeh. Clopeh: *gets down on one knee* Cale-nim. As your guardian knight, I will devote my everything to defend this position. Cale: (Ah. Although this is the result I wanted, but ah. Ah, why are you like this...) Cale: Annoying. Cale: (Wait, did I say that aloud? Oops, let's smile brightly at him then. But seeing him liking it is annoying me.) Cale: Here, take it. *gives wooden sword to Clopeh* Clopeh: *receives wooden sword* Cale: (Now, he only needs to sprinkle some of his blood on the sword and make it recognize him as its owner.) Clopeh: *sprinkles blood and mentally talks to the sword* Clopeh: !!! *gets angry* Clopeh: How dare you compare a dragon to Cale-nim? Sword: *shaking as if trying to escape from Clopeh* Clopeh: *smiles and says with a gentle voice* You can't escape. Raon: Human, human! Clopeh has gone crazy! Cale: (Well...) Raon: He's a little scary! Cale: (...Yeah, he's indeed a little scary.) Cale, Raon, and CH: *takes a step back from Clopeh*
I think we now know why the chapter title is "Cale-nim is better than a dragon." 🤣🤣🤣
Ending Remarks Clopeh's actions continue to amuse me. 🥰 Next chapter is... I don't know. Maybe we'll get a glimpse of Clopeh's conversation with the sword? Or we'll get a time skip to Cale meeting Exion? Or Cale will finally remember to tell DHB his new name?
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inhuman-obey-me · 8 months
Diavolo with 🕶 and MC please? I excited to see what you’d do with that?
"I saw a little thing I didn’t like you tried to hide." - Diavolo/MC
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There is a whistling through the rustle of the tree branches, high-pitched and ringing in your ears like alarm bells.
Just the wind, you try to tell yourself -- but the wind has never sounded so uncannily steady with its song. Nor, usually, do you expect to hear faint words hidden in its screaming -- Die. Die. Die. But that too, surely, is just a trick of your mind?
Well, this is the Devildom, after all. The strange and unexpected are to be expected.
You don't know how to tell your lover, crown prince of this very land, that his realm still unsettles you from time to time. He has always tried his very best to make you comfortable here. He himself is proof that terrors are not always so terrifying. His wings, gilded black and extended so wide that they could have blocked out any sun if one existed here, had terrified you the first time you'd seen them in full. But, so too does the expanse of them feel gentle and loving when he wraps those wings around you, a dark cocoon in which you share your secret passions.
You love him, and you love his realm. Scary though it may be, it's beautiful, too, and you try to focus on that. This world is not so dangerous as your human instincts would have you think.
Still -- did the trees you pass on your way home always look like these?
You realize it for certain when a whisper of the breeze against your face sends a chill shivering through your whole body.
Die. Die. Die!
This is not the way home. And you are not alone here.
"Who's there?" you call out, keeping your voice as steady as you can. You have been warned not to show fear -- demons can sense it, and they love the smell of it upon their prey. "Show yourself."
Die! Die! Die!
The whistling twists into a hideous laughter, and a wavering silhouette begins to coalesce before you, its form shimmering back and forth between handsome man and beautiful woman, though you know this creature is neither.
"Puny human, daring to command me?" Its words crackle like static, caught between channels of fury and delight. "Well, I am right here. But you are the one keeping secrets, lost little lamb."
To your surprise, you recognize this voice. It is one of your classmates at RAD, one that you had always found generally pleasant towards you. "Bealphares? What do you mean?"
"I never minded Lord Diavolo's plans for harmony between the realms. I didn't object to the exchange program, when so many others did. I didn't think humans were so bad. But then, today, I saw a little thing I didn't like you tried to hide," it trills, the end of its tirade whipping back into a shriek. "Did you think a pathetic little human like you has any right to our prince?"
In an instant, the air leaves your lungs as if pulled, your ribs crushing inwards at the sudden emptiness, and you drop to your knees. You try desperately to cast a spell to protect yourself, but your breath is too empty to form the words. Bealphares steps closer, cupping your face in its hands as it leans in close to hiss, "The prince of demons belongs with a demon."
"Stop there, Bealphares."
A great shadow falls over you both, as terrifying as the day you first saw it, and Diavolo's commanding presence swoops neatly down beside you. His golden eyes glow wild with a kind of anger you've rarely ever seen in him, and the air around him grows hot with raw magic.
"Lord Diavolo!" Bealphares releases you at once, scrambling to bow before its prince. You gratefully gasp in the crisp night air as the lesser demon anxiously spits out, "I-I can explain!"
"Very well. Explain." Your beloved's cold expression does not change, glaring down at your attacker. "Explain to me, Bealphares, spirit of air, why I've arrived to find one of our human exchange students on the verge of death at your hands. That's a grave offense, to try to attack one of my guests, here in the realm I rule."
Diavolo's voice rumbles like the deep shaking of a volcano, and his fangs glint dangerously in the moonlight as he speaks. Are they longer than usual? Sharper, too, you think -- though it's hard to tell, as the light distorts around the little embers that begin wisping out with each word.
"I will give you your chance to try to justify yourself. But keep this in mind -- I have the power to tell truth from lies. And if I do not find your answer to my satisfaction, Bealphares, I will carry out your punishment personally."
He takes a heavy step between you and the demon -- protective in one sense, threatening in another. His wings are outstretched so wide that you can hardly even see the other past them, with golden veins weaving glowing energy throughout. Though you cannot see, you hear the wind of the demon's voice faltering in the heat of the air as it whimpers, failing to form words.
"Now, go on then. Explain."
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simpinformonkies · 1 year
Can I request a Redson x Calm!S/O reader, who's his partner in crime and a powerful earthbender (cause they keep him grounded) please and thanks.
Sorry this made me laugh so hard when I first saw this ask, the joke broke my sense of humor im so sorry. Anyway, here ya go!~
-The first time he met you all those years ago, he thought you were just some weakling human that decided to piss him off, but you just raised a brow at his behavior and slammed your heel on the dirt, slamming a pillar of stone and dirt into his gut and sending the Demon Bull Prince flying off.
-Oh, he was furious at the audacity.
-But just as much, Red Son was interested; humans don't just control an element as well as you do. It was like the earth itself was your sandbox that you did whatever you wanted with; be that helping people, growing plants, or destroying his Bull Clones.
-After a while though, people just kept demanding things of you, and you just... kind of got tired of it. So what'd you do?
-Why, go to Red Son and ask for a partnership of course!
-Why? You have no idea; you just hated being demanded things of by people that don't even respect you.
-Red Son at least respected your power, even if he also hated you.
-Baby steps people, baby steps.
-So you commit crimes with Red Son, being like that silent soldier in the background that the heroes never notice until its too late and you're already attacking them. You always had Red Son's back, and stopped the worst of his injuries from happening.
-Especially from MK. Sweet kid, but a little much sometimes.
-Ya know that meme of 'the demon lord having a sweet tiny spouse, but the spouse being scarier'? Yeah, you're much scarier than Red Son is, because while he's always angry and yelling, you're sweet and kind that can flip on a dime if the right buttons are pressed.
-Anyway, you're Red Son's "rock" essentially, being there for him through thick and thin. This means you're very close to him and following him every day (or, alternatively, he's always following you, even around the council but acting like he's the one guiding you. His mother thinks its adorable.)
-After confessing to each other (in which Red Son acted like a total tsundere the entire time, let's be honest), you constantly do little stuff with your earthbending to show how much you love that. Whether that be making statue of a heart on 'fire', or doing little stuff to make him happy or his workload easier.
-Red Son often gives you gifts that mainly consist of gems (as a homage to your element of earth) and always does romantic things with you while attempting to act nonchalant or cool.
-Keyword being attempting.
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~~~ BONUS:
-Your 'scary' side came out when Azure and his goons attacked the Demon Bull Family, attempting to seal away the others. You send shards of earth flying at Peng, aiming for his wings (and hitting them in quick succession) before earthbending binds and pillars at Azure in hopes of defeating him.
-Unfortunately, you forgot Yellow Tusk exists, and he bound you with magic, and then you were sealed in the scroll of memory.
-(And if that happened to make Red Son so angry that his flames sparked a brilliant blue, then only he and the brotherhood would know such secrets.)
Hope you enjoyed this!~
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Jack-O-Lantern Carving Headcanons
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• Unless he’s in the specific mood to carve things up with a knife then he’s just going to go with a classic design
• If he’s in the mood he could make a swan but he’ll probably design Mammon hanging from a rope as a warning or specifically to scare Mammon
• He doesn’t mind the pumpkin guts, he just feeds them to Beelzebub who’s probably watching him and drooling
• Mammon is surprisingly bad at this and instead of accepting defeat he wants to make some crows or something cool like his brothers
• It’s not really clear what the pumpkin was meant to be but it’s mutilated either way
• If he tries again it’ll be a normal fun design but still a little unintentionally silly
• The pumpkin guts gross him out
• Master of fun crafting, if it means he can carve out the likeness of his idols then he’s going to be an expert at it.
• He doesn’t really care about the pumpkin guts, he gives them to Beelzebub to keep him away
• He makes beautiful designs of the Lord of Shadow and Henry, you, and of course Halloween Themed Ruri-Chan
• He tries to preserve his masterpieces
• Everyone is concerned by the freaky laughter and how much he enjoys stabbing the pumpkin. He doesn’t saw away at it, it repeatedly stabs it and it turns out perfectly
• he has fun with the guts and is smiling so brightly you can only imagine what he must be thinking
• He makes a few different pumpkins, each incorporating cats in some way and he’s very proud of them
• He wants to make super cute pumpkins with his face on it
• He’s unnervingly good with the little knives he uses to carve his likeness but as eerie as that display is, you forget when he screams in a high pitch when confronted with touching pumpkin guts. He gets someone else to do that
• Asmo pumpkins become a trend which annoys his brothers when they go out for candy and see their brother’s face everywhere
• He eats the guts much to everyone’s horror. Asmo acts like he’s going to puke.
• He’s decent with the knife though a little clumsy
• Similarly to when he attempts to draw, his carving is a little horrific which is great for Halloween but makes him upset when only Belphie can tell what it’s supposed to be
• The pumpkins never make it to display, he eats them
• Has a little too much fun stabbing the pumpkins.
• He cannot follow the “abstract” lines he made on the pumpkin but that was for the best. The carving is somehow even worse much to Lucifer’s dismay
• He’s really proud of it and is happy Beel can tell it’s supposed to be you, but I’d be offended if I were you and the brothers are offended for you
• He could just use magic if he wanted to, but what’s the fun in that?
• He saves the pumpkin seeds from the guts so he can use them in recipes which is the scariest news that Halloween night
• His Halloween pumpkins are amazing and depict demons, witches, and TSL characters.
• He makes a Lucifer pumpkin and Lucifer sighs and destroys it but Solomon keeps reversing this action much to his annoyance
• Simeon is adorably excited to carve pumpkins but before that, he watches Luke like a hawk and does most of the carving for him
• When it’s Simeon’s turn he puts a lot of thought and detail into what he does. He makes one traditional fun design, it’s smiling though, no scary things here. The other is incredibly detailed of him, Raphael, Luke, Solomon, and you. Luke has puppy ears and he’s not happy about it
• He doesn't mind the pumpkin guts and picks out a few seeds for snacks and for planting.
• Luke has to keep shooing away Simeon and Raphael because he deals with kitchen knives all the time. He does struggle with the carving a little bit because he chose a tough pumpkin
• He thinks the pumpkin guts are gross until he begins thinking of the potential recipes. He distracts Simeon by asking him to pick out the seeds, that way he can finally carve in peace
• His design is simple, cute, and happy. No anger or spooky demon stuff to be seen. Just a happy little pumpkin.
• Very good with weapons, no matter how detailed the outline he made he can do it easily. He can even make extra layers like a professional carver.
• He’s not a fan of the guts but you wouldn’t know, he shows no reaction and just throws them out much to Beelzebub and Luke’s dismay.
• His designs are incredible and unlike his fellow angels, he makes them as horrifying as possible to scare away any trouble-making demons and it works a little too well as he has to field complaint calls.
• She saves all the pumpkin guts for pranks and calls Mephistopheles a wimp for being grossed out by them. She decides pumpkin gut-related pranks will be directed at him.
• She’s great at crafty things like pumpkin carving thanks to all her pranks, so they turn out exactly as she wants them to
• She makes lots of different spooky faces and enchants the eyes to follow you as you pass. This scares a lot of people.
• He will absolutely not touch the pumpkin guts, you couldn’t pay him to. Thirteen starts making fun of him for it and will throw some at him to hear him scream.
• He isn’t used to doing a lot on his own, especially not on-hand crafts like pumpkin carving but he gives it his all and does decently
• He manages to carve out a chibi-Diavolo outline and he’s so proud he shows Diavolo immediately. Lucifer rolls his eyes many times during the ensuing conversation.
• He’s perfect as always, not much to explain there.
• It takes only seconds to completely hollow out the pumpkin and whatever he designs is up to Diavolo or you. If not given suggestions he’ll just carve a picture of you or Diavolo, maybe one of you and him together
• He uses the pumpkin leftovers for yummy pumpkin desserts and serves them to Diavolo as they enjoy his pumpkin display.
• He’s giddy to participate in such a hallowed human tradition even though it originated in the Devildom.
• He has no idea what he’s doing and is pretty clumsy with the knife so he uses magic to control the knife and remove the guts. He thinks the guts are unpleasant.
• He wants to make something scary enough to scare Barbatos. That wasn’t hard to do as he decided to make a rat and Barbatos was left conflicted between his hatred of rats and his duty to compliment his lord
• Diavolo makes lots of pumpkins he has a blast and even more fun seeing everyone else’s
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