#or even better. seborga headcanons
gangstalia · 1 month
i like the thought of seborga / romeo being so stupid yet so smart . like how he might have caught himself swung upside down from a tree and immediately started bawling like a child when he got hit once , always yapping about girls and sexy ppl or just yapping in general
but out of all his yapping, he was the only one who found Ladonia lurking 😭 seb is so good at things nobody would really expect him to, apart from flirting and stuff. (that man definitely has more exes than population) one of those things being swimming!
imagine molossia trying to act tough infront of the micronations, so he dives into the pool anc tries to act all grumpy, telling the others the water isnt even that cold and yap yap (the water is freezing.) but as hes yapping he sloooowly starts drifting towards the deep end, where his feet barely reach the floor, and as he realizes it, he panics.
hes flailing, yelling in many emotions, probably sobbing, he already lost his glasses and his hair is back down to that little wisp of un-gelled mess. . then SPLOOSH seborga is like an olympic swimmer just charging at bro 😭 the deep end is probably deep for seborga too, maybe even deeper, but he’s had to do this for his brothers too. he takes one accidental molossian punch to the face before grabbing onto his wrist and trying his best to pull the flailing micronation far far away from the 7-8 feet deep pool.
so he does, albeit struggling! then, y’know, after molossia complains about his glasses being lost (theyre probably super expensive or super cheap ones, imagine as you wish) seb just laughs and puts his towel down, getting ready to get soaked again. and get soaked he does! because he dives head first into the 7-8 foot pool area, fumbling with the glasses for a couple seconds before hooking them with a finger and pushing himself back up to the blazing Nevadan sun.
his head snaps towards the rest of the crew helping the poorly soaked micronation on a beach chair, and his smile hurts his cheeks! the rest of them kinda stare at him, like “are you crazy?” but he thrusts his arm into the air, sunglasses gripped tightly in his fist and starts swimming back closer to the gang. Going up to molossia to retrieve his glasses, he’s like “i didnt ask u to get these for me. But ty >:(” while snatching his pair.
then romeo proceeds to shake himself off onto the micronations, getting rough specks of water on everybody, much to their annoyance
how do i finish this
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temtamtom · 1 year
Any thoughts on Seborga?
Ohhh I love love love him. He's my little guy. My rotten soldier. My sweet cheese. My good-time boy.
I didn't care about him all that much until I visited the town of Seborga last year (I was in the area and wanted to drop by). I started thinking about him a lot more after that, and here we are now. I can't have modern Itabros or Itafam content without Sebby, it just wouldn't be the same 😔
This post might get a lil' lengthy as usual, so I'll put my headcanons and thoughts under "read more":
I feel like he's under-utilized in the brother/family dynamic, which is a shame. He's an interesting contrast to his brothers, who've been around for thousands of years and experienced so many hardships. He's very young and still a little naive to the reality of nationhood. His brothers kept him sheltered throughout his upbringing so he could have an easy, happy childhood. Lord knows it was messy for Romano and Feliciano. They didn't want that for Sebastiano.
Since Seborga is in the region of Liguria, I think he was given to Genova(/Liguria) first as a baby. Genova, who isn't very good at caring for others and knows it, immediately called up Feliciano. One thing led to another, and Seborga soon became part of their family. Sebby and Genova have a relationship but not as brothers. Maybe Sebby sees him more as a close family friend/"zio" type of person. Someone he can turn to for advice when he doesn't want his brothers to get involved in his problems.
The first few years of his life were very nerve-wracking. I have a headcanon that he aged scarily fast for a nation, on par with a human. They weren't sure if he would keep aging and eventually die off, and they didn't calm down until the late 70s/early 80s when his growing slowed to a halt. There was also a lot of debate about what sort of relationship they should have with Seborga. They were raising him from infancy, so were they his parents? Is one technically more of a "parent" than the other? What about just being brothers? Yeah, brothers sound better. Brothers but with more Nuance(TM).
Romano and Feli received an extensive education as children, so it felt obvious that Sebby should attend school as much as possible. Due to their living and working arrangements, Seborga went to school in Rome and consequently picked up a lot of Roman mannerisms. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Genova every time he saw the kid ("Look at what you've done to this Ligurian boy! He's Roman!")
Onto one of my favourite dynamics within the family- Romano and Sebby's dynamic. Grumpy boomer big brother and his baby brother who likes getting on his nerves at every opportunity but, goddamnit, that's his weird baby brother and he still loves him to pieces. I'm a big softie for some loving-big-bro-'mano content. That man will look out for his family I just know it. His doors are always open for Seborga and there will always be food on the table for him, no matter what. Even if Seborga likes to grind his gears.
Seborga grew up reading a lot of comics! He started with the more kid-friendly ones like Disney comics (Paperino, Topolino, etc.) and soon graduated to things like TEX (one of Romano's favourites) and Dylan Dog. As a child, he'd draw his own little comic strips and characters- a hobby that Feliciano actively encouraged.
One of his closest friends is Monaco. Seborga is very close to the French border, and while I was in the area, I got the chance to visit Monaco for a day. The drive was quite easy and relatively quick, so it's not hard to imagine that they would've struck up a friendship since they're quite close! One thing that I enjoy about this friendship is the Uptown Girl/Downtown Boy dynamic they'd have ❤️ I don't know, I just think they're lovely
I'll stop here, but. Yeah. I just think he's neat! A lovely fella
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heta-micronomics · 1 year
I've bounced the idea around since like 2020 of the micronations putting all their talents/specialties together to make a ragtag theatre troupe. Specifically, I think they'd put on an amazing amateur Six.
Catharine of Aragon: Seborga
Seborga as Catherine just makes sense to me. Aside from the easy Catholic/Vatican motifs, it also works since he was the "first" micronation of the group. He's the oldest and arguably the most rational. They have similar vibes.
Anne Boleyn: Aerica
I headcanon that he's fluent in Quebecois French, so I think he'd like to have a role that nods to it. Plus, his over-the-top personality and eccentricity remind me of Anne. He's bold and fun and creative, yet like her, he's a nervous kid looking for the right thing to do.
Jane Seymour: Hutt River/Molossia/Sealand
I really want to say Hutt River because it would work SO well if he used this as a way to say a final goodbye. He's done his best and stayed with Australia, his boss, etc, but now he's dying. He's leaving Wy behind. It also fits his general vibe, and he'd love a huge, dramatic number.
It would be a really interesting take on Molossia's relationship with America. His official notes say he's independent "for now," and he's made it clear that he loves (it at least respects) America. He wouldn't leave him even if he could. But at the same time, that's basically signing his own death certificate.
Sealand. Dear God, this works so well. Aside from the literal "heart of stone" references to both the fort and his human name, Sealand is loyal and determines to a fault. He's stayed with his bosses and friends, and despite all he says, he canonically does care about England—or, at least he doesn't hate him as fanon can suggest. He just wants to be with people, but that's the very thing that killed Jane. Also, blue motifs lmao.
Anna of Clives: Kugelmugel
My main rationale is that he's German (well, Austrian). Though it also works on a meta level, too. Design-wise, he reminds me a lot of Prussia. Having Kugel sing about just loving himself feels so sweet, both for himself and for his... brother? Cousin? Uncle?
Katherine Howard: Hutt River/Sealand
I really want to say Sealand. The song intentionally uses more "kiddy" language, and having someone physically younger would highlight that in a terrible poetic way. Plus, Sealand's tried over and over to get someone to love and care (or literally buy) for him. It's like his whole thing. The irony of seeing him finally give up as Katherine has such literary potential.
Hutt River would also be great. His personality fits very well, and again, him "giving up" can work on the micronation level as well since he was dissolved.
Catherine Parr: Wy
I can't think of anyone better. It feel like the obvious choice.
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 2 years
Can you give us some headcanons of the 2p axis moms?
(I think this is still about *this*, please correct me if I’m wrong and I’ll write what you actually wanted!)
2p N. + S. Italy:
• She passed when they were young, maybe a few years old and after 2p Seborga was also born, and none of them really knew her at all
• Worked as a nurse, even during the early stages of pregnancy, she wasn’t the biggest fan of it as it wasn’t what she imagined it to be like, but she didn’t mind as long as it paid for things like bills, rent, food, etc.
• She was well known for being extremely charitable, usually giving whenever she could afford to
• Changed her house around for every season, really loved to change things around all the time because she got bored after a while and couldn’t stand it
• The type of person that didn’t really like cats, but cats absolutely loved her and would always sit on her lap and rub against her, she didn’t hate them but she heavily preferred other animals like birds
2p Germany:
• Never really connected with Lutz when he was born, so she acted quite cold towards him compared to how she treated his brother
• Nowadays, they mostly ignore each other’s existence and it works a lot better that way, Lutz doesn’t get angry often but she’s one of the only people that manage to annoy him in a way that makes him lash out
• She dropped out of college when she found out she was pregnant the first time because she couldn’t handle the stress, she’s still bitter about it
• Had an aspiration of being an MMA fighter if college never worked out but it never happened, but she’ll start a fight if she’s bored enough so she can brag about winning (or start another fight if she loses and it’s ever brought up again)
• Common to find her lazing around most of the day, she doesn’t have much else to do and her boyfriend (Lutz and Gilen’s father) is just happy she’s not arguing with someone
2p Japan:
• She was a teen when she had Ryusei, around 17, so it was a struggle for her but she did try her best
• She worked as a software developer for most of her life, it was never her dream job but she liked it enough and couldn’t complain about it
• A lot of her diet consisted of pop/soda or a coffee and some random sweet snack that she found on sale, this very clearly rubbed off on Ryusei
• Absolutely loves bad horror movies, she actively seeks out things like Llamageddon, Killer Sofa, Rubber, ThanksKilling, etc. They are the peak of comedy to her
• Bumps her head against people if she likes them, she’s not very comfortable with physical affection so this is the most people usually get. However, Ryusei will always get dragged into hugs, he’s the exception
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foxydivaxx · 2 years
Some New Reality!Au Headcanons
Been a while I have written some of these
-The AOT cast and a couple of anime characters and other characters starred in the Hetalia series.
Italy/Romano: Eren
Germany/ HRE: Erwin replaced by Goku
Japan: Zoro
America: Edward Elric
Canada: Alphonse Elric
France: Sanji
England: Bakugou
Russia: Zeke
China: Yato
Belarus: Ymir (blonde Ymir) (Serves as Nyo! France)
Hungary: Annie (Nyo! England) replaced by Asuna
Austria: Sebastian
Belgium: Sasha
Luxembourg: Armin replaced by Kurapika
Netherlands: Porco replaced by Natsu
Czechia: Erza
Slovakia: Ichigo
Liechtenstein: Lucy Heartfilia ( Also Nyo!Luxembourg)
Poland: Naruto
Prussia: Jean
Ukraine: Shiemi Moriyama
Estonia: Urahara
Lithuania: Yukio
Denmark: Laxus
Finland: Meliodas
Iceland: Kaneki
Norway: Shizuo Heiwajima
Sweden: Reiner
Greece: Suzaku
Cyprus: Lelouch
Monaco: Historia
Turkey: Rin Okumura (suprisingly)
Egypt: Yami Yugi
Seychelles: Canary (Hunter x Hunter)
Hong Kong: Sousuke Sagara
Malaysia: Yuuki Kuran (also Nyo! Italy)
Phillipines: Light Yagami
Taiwan: Ahri (she also plays Nyo!Korea)
South Korea: Suzaku again
Macau: Aizen
Thailand: Ichigo
India: Haruhi Fujioka
Vietnam: Sakura Haruno (Nyo! Portugal and Spain)
Australia/ New Zealand: All Might
Cuba: Endevour
Seborga: Sasori
Ancient Rome: Grisha (xD)
Ancient Greece: Carla
Ancient Egypt: Yoruichi
Germania: Minato Namikaze
-The cast is huge and as a result, things get a little chaotic on set
- Eren happily took his role as he sees it as a challenge considering the fact that Italy is well.....a pretty cowardly pasta loving dude.
- Italy's high pitched voice was hard for Eren at first but eventually he nailed it and almost lost his voice in the process
-Eren uses his normal voice for Romano
-Eren also sang most of the Hetalia themes and everyone else sang their own versions of the songs including the character songs
- Majority of the cast changed their hairstyles to fit with their characters
-They all took language and accent classes to nail the accents of their respective characters. Hilarity ensued
- Rin and Sukazu in particular shocked everyone with their acting chops on the show and their characters became the darkhorses of the show
- Ymir scared everyone with her performance as Belarus xD
- Levi was the one that originally played Japan
- Eren and Levi broke up around the timing of Season 3 of Attack on Titan which aired around the same time as this show and maintained a certain level of animosity for each other for years after that. What caused the breakup is still a mystery and it is something neither party wants to talk about.
- Thanks to said breakup, Eren and Levi refused to shoot scenes together and they often used stand-ins whenever the two shot scenes together. They even refused to do fan events together until a recent Hetalia reunion forced them to do so. Needless to say, it was uncomfortable for Eren as Levi kept on shading him. Thankfully, the others called him out on it, leading to Levi leaving the show and getting replaced by Zoro who many believed to be a better fit for the role
- It was during this period that the relationship between Eren and Ahri deepened. Ironically some fans began to ship Italy and Taiwan due to that one scene where Italy takes Taiwan out on a date. That scene is both Eren and Ahri's favorite scene
- Speaking of the Royal Couple, the paparazzi caught Eren and Ahri kissing one day on set. That drove the media frenzy to an overdrive.
- Ironically, Eren and Ahri sort of dated in real life but had to seperate out of fear of the impact the constant media attention could cause to their relationship. They would get back together years later
- They always throw parties for their birthdays and big wrap parties after shooting for each season as well.
- The Asian kids are the main noisemakers on set
- Levi once played a deadly prank on Eren by firing a firework which hit and injured Eren and landed him in hospital for weeks. He has not apologised for that
- There have been jokes about France's ecchi tendencies amongst the cast, something Sanjii relishes with glee.
- Sanji and Bakogou actually get along in real life compared to their characters
- South Korea was initially edited out of the show due to some political controversy but was later restored back after fans demanded for his return. Suzaku was pleased with this
-The Nordics are as close as their characters and often go bungee jumping snowboarding together
- The Axis and Allies often engage in prank wars on set which often get out of hand
- Mikasa was offered the role of Taiwan initially but because she asked for way more money than she was supposed to be paid plus insisted on being the lead actress, the role was given to Ahri instead who made her acting debut through the show. Needless to say, Mikasa was not amused by this as the show made Ahri a big star especially as her character started getting more prominent on the show
- That incident started a one-sided rivalry of sorts between Ahri and Mikasa partially due to the show. The other reason is because of Eren
- It was during season 2 of Hetalia that Eren and the AOT cast regained their memories
- That alone caused a rift between the Hetalia cast and some of the AOT cast due to the manner by which Eren was treated. Those AOT cast members got replaced
- Jean, Reiner, Historia, Floch and Sasha are the only members of the AOT cast that still talk to Eren besides Zeke and Ymir and Eren's parents
- Eren's mental state began to decline during this period. The only thing that sort of kept him happy was Ahri who was unaware of what was going on because Eren did not tell her much. She would later find out in Lost And Found
- Season 4 of Attack on Titan was hellish for Eren given his actions in real life. The cast had to pretend like they were one happy family for the cameras when in reality that was never the case. Levi even lied and said that Eren cheated on him and even Mikasa when they dated whereas that was not true.
- Levi also told all sorts of ugly lies about Eren which caused a backlash on Eren for a while and almost led him to commit suicide
- Most of Eren's friends called Levi out on his actions and also dragged Mikasa down too for her own actions since she was part of the whole drama
- Eren has since semi-retired from the entertainment industry. He still performs to some extent and still records music but he has yet to release an album in years.
-There was a song Eren recorded about the Ackermans where he lambasted them for their actions called Toxic Love. He never released it but Zeke leaked it out anyways and fans were saddened that said song was not officially released as it would have been the perfect response to Levi's song, Blood Traitor
- Lelouch had a nasty breakup during this period as well from his girlfriend named Sally
- Eren was not the only Aogiri member that had a mental breakdown. Kaneki had one too after that tragic accident that Aogiri went through
- In short the entire group was not the same again after losing 3 members of the group like that.
- Every year, there is a special candlelight vigil remembrance event for the fallen members of the group
- Usagi Tsukino who plays Nyo!America on the show has not completely recovered from the loss of her boyfriend Mamoru Chiba and is another person being placed on suicide watch
- Eren no longer talks to Armin and Mikasa for obvious reasons
- The scenes where some certain countries get drunk? Yup, the actors in question got drunk in those scenes
- There were stories about a ghost haunting the set. No one knows who started those stories
- The main cast exchanged their roles and lines for a scene once during a fan event. Hilarity ensued.
Eren: Russia
Zeke: Italy
Sasuke: Germany
Goku: France
Edward: China
Yato: America
Bakugou was the only one playing his actual role (Based that off on the Hetalia 2010 Seiyuu event)
-Some scenes involving Italy become harsher to watch once stories about Levi’s attitude towards Eren make headlines
- Gilgamesh (Fate’s Gilgamesh) is a huge fan of the show and finds the characters funny. He finds Italy amusing due to his cowardly nature. He and Eren are friends in real life and he almost killed Levi when he heard what happened on that set. His favorite scene was a scene of that one time Italy lost his shit and went full-on psycho mode on Russia. Needless to say, that scene was both hilarious and at the same time scary
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95jezzica · 3 years
Romano Thoughts
Nation: Romano / Italy / South Italy.  Hima’s human name for him: Lovino Vargas.
Personality: Hard worker with a lot of insecurities. Very friendly and kind to women, but often insecure and/or angry around men. Some “tsundere” tendencies, but not nearly as bad as fandom sometimes make it out to be. Likes knights and romantic books. 
Relationships: . Mainly lived with Spain while growing up, and as a result also lived with Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg at times. Is closest with Spain out of the gang, but cares a lot about all of them. 
. Romano seems to miss his grandpa a lot, since it’s said Romano starts to cry tears of joy whenever Rome visits (in the same way Rome has visited Veneziano a few times). 
. Romano also cares a great deal about Veneziano (and said brother’s opinion about him), but they don’t get along very well/has a fairly tense relationship. As for why; While Romano isn’t innocent either, Veneziano’s has sometimes been a mean shit to Romano in the manga/anime, something easy to miss because of Vene’s “sunshine personality”. In recent chapters/strips they seem to get along a little better though.
In earlier strips Romano sometimes claimed to hate Germany, but his actions many times prove otherwise. Nowadays Romano also clearly felt comfortable enough to ask for a drive home. It should also be noted that Germany respects Romano, even being one of the few who refers to Romano as Italy. 
. Romano seems to be pretty good friends with Prussia, America and Japan.
. Oldest but shortest of the Italian Trio (Romano, Veneziano & Seborga). Which is kind of funny, since Seborga is the youngest and tallest of them. x)
Writing this suddenly made me realize I can’t remember any canon interaction between Romano and Seborga. Not really between Veneziano and Seborga either, actually.  . . . Huh. 
- Headcanons - 
. My human name for him: Romano Vargas, though I sometimes still use Lovino in AUs where Spain/Antonio would have been the one who named him. 
. 170cm / 5′5 tall. Curses the fact he’s still the shortest of the Italian Trio.
. Nation-wise he’s used to being called Romano, and usually also prefers it if he knows the other person/nation, but Romano’s opinion of you will skyrocket if you refer to him as Italy upon first meeting him since he likes when people remember he represents Italy as well.
. Japan, and ONLY Japan, has the special permission to call him by the name Mano-kun or Mano-san. Partly because Romano cares about Japan and doesn’t mind helping Japan avoid the R-letter sound in Romano, but also because Romano loves how “manly” it sounds. xD
. Gets along better with Seborga than Veneziano. 
. Thought he was straight for the longest time (probably because of internalized homo- / bi-phobia?), but eventually realized he was bi with a somewhat preference for women.
. Still holds a bit of a grudge towards Austria for just giving him away, but knows he probably had a better childhood with Spain than Austria anyway. (Though being given away sure as hell didn’t help Romano’s insecurities about being unwanted / not enough.)
.  Nations I personally like romantically with Romano: Germany & Canada [thanks @thealmightytema ]. x’D , or with Lithuania or nyo!America. Sometimes Prussia, but I mostly like them as great friends. 
... I think that’s all my thoughts about Romano at the moment? Might add stuff at a later point though. Who knows. See ye’! 
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flamaflavio · 4 years
Let's talk about Italian hair!
There's a lot of Italians with straight hair so I really don't understand why so many Americans believe that Romano and Veneziano with curly hair are supposed to be the most accurate version?? I will talk a bit about hair.
Small disclaimer: I'm not talking about anyone in particular, this is for those who believe that an Italian character to be accurate has to have curly dark hair.
Now, back to Hetalia:
I live in Campania (South Italy) and I can say that curly hair in my city is pretty common. Wavy hair even more, but not as much as straight hair. My friend @j-crna-zvijezda who is also from Campania told me that (approximately) half of the people they know have curly OR wavy hair and the other half straight hair. And it's the same for my friend @elelloletee who lives in Salento (the heel of the boot). On the other hand my friends from North Italy told me that almost all of their friends have straight hair. Obviously there people with wavy hair but curly hair isn't as common as in the South! My Genoese friend @hws-cernunnos told me that her classmates were so shocked when they had a classmate with curly hair that they kept asking her questions about her hair for months. I tried to search online and all Italian articles and blogs I found on this topic agreed that in Italy straight hair are more common than curly hair, especially in the North. This shows that saying that curly hair are more common is just a stereotype!
Is Romano with curly hair accurate? Yes! Is Romano with wavy hair accurate? Yes! Is Romano with straight hair accurate? Yes!
All three hairstyles are accurate for Romano. Yeah, ALL of them. So if you give Romano curly hair because you find it cute it's okay!! If you do it because you believe it's "more accurate" or because someone told you that most S.Italians have curly hair, I'm happy to see that you have good intentions, but you're just following a stereotype, not real life! The canon designs are already accurate, there's nothing wrong with them, so there's no need to try to fix them. It's okay to change them a little for your own headcanons but please remember that "all Italians have curly hair" is a stereotype!!
Let me explain why I love all the Italian characters designs:
Canon Romano has dark straight hair and he is accurate because here straight hair are AS COMMON as non-straight hair. "Would he be as accurate if he had curly or wavy hair?" Yes!! "Are light brown or blonde hair accurate for Romano?" Not really. Surprisingly the only "correct" stereotype I can think of is that MOST of us have dark hair. I wouldn't mind if Himaruya gave us a S.Italian character with light brown hair because there are light haired S.Italians (my best friend and her family are blonde, for example) but Romano is literally South Italy and the majority of us have either black or dark brown hair so it's better if you don't change his hair colour! (For those who are into 2Ptalia don't worry there's nothing wrong with blonde Flavio because it's just an AU lol.)
Canon Veneziano has straight light brown or blonde / almost reddish hair. Is he accurate? Yes he is! His design is really good! Light straight hair are more common in the North than in the South! "Would it still be accurate if he had darker hair?" Yes! Any hair colour can work for the personification of North Italy!! I personally prefer his canon hair colour because I've never seen an Italian character with this hair and it surprised me in a positive way. So if you want to follow 100% his canon design too I would recommend you to be careful to not make it "too red" because red hair isn't common, but to give him light brown (or blonde) hair with red highlights instead! The colour is called "Venetian blonde" and it's really pretty and can work for his hair. After all his name is Veneziano and looking at the most recent canon art I think this is what Himaruya wants to do with his hair :). "Would it still be accurate if he had curly hair?" Yes, but not completely. As I said there are N. Italians with curly hair but they aren't the majority. I believe straight or maybe wavy hair are better for the personification of North Italy. So it's okay if you give him curly hair if you like it!! Just please don't say you're doing it because "Italians have curly hair".
Canon Genoa (he's N. Italian) has straight hair on the top and cute curls at the bottom, the colour is unknown. I love his design! His hair is perfect! A lot of Italians have this weird "straight at the top, wavy at the bottom" type of hair (me as well!) which is why I'm so in love with him! And any hair colour except red can work for him just like Veneziano.
Canon Seborga has completely red straight hair. Like I said red hair isn't that accurate to represent the whole population but 1) we're tired of seeing Italians in foreign media always represented in the same way. Italian hair come in all colours so it's possible for us to have red or blonde hair!! And 2) Seborga is just a micronation with 300 people so even just 3 red hairs there makes 1% of the population. And 3) he isn't supposed to represent the whole country he just happens to be Italian. So don't worry about us being misrepresented by him, we're happy the way he is! Red haired people (especially women) have it bad in Italy so a good character representing red haired Italians is perfect! I've never seen anyone in the Italian fandom complain about his design so <3
(extra) most people don't know about Canon Littorio but she's an Italian war ship with blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm not sure if I should count her as an Italian character, but if she is I really like her! She's just a ship so just like Seborga she doesn't represent the whole Italian population she just happened to be Italian and there are some Italians with blonde hair and blue eyes, so why can't she have this colour palette?
So what I wanted to say is that you are free to change their designs a bit if you like it!! Just one thing: if you want to be accurate don't follow stereotypes, if you want to follow stereotypes because you like them (it isn't necessarily a bad thing!) don't claim you're being "more accurate than the original" because you're accidentally spreading misinformation. I've seen a lot of Americans really believing that Italians with natural straight hair or blonde Italians don't exist :/.
I don't want you to misunderstand this post so I'll explain it one last time: I'm not saying that changing designs is bad!! You can do it and I do it too sometimes!! All I'm saying is that if you change them to be more accurate, but you accidentally follow a stereotype, it's harmful.
"Romano should have curly hair because he's Italian" is misinformation ❌
"I headcanon Romano with curly hair because I can relate more/because he's cuter this way" is good! 👍
Talking about hair headcanons I headcanon that Romano used to have curly hair when he was a child but it got straight growing up :)
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Some ADHD headcanons I guess (coming from someone with ADHD btw)
He takes medication to help manage his ADHD however he does often forget.
More often than not, it's either a simple call or text from Canada asking if he's taken it yet or its his cool little alien roommate that shoves his meds catty into his face like "take the fucking capsule take the fucking capsule take the fuc" until he finally takes it.
America's stims are: rocking or swaying back and forth or side to side, waving his arms when excited or uncomfortable/frustrated, when incredibly anxious he uses a small beanbag he carries around to feel the beads inside as it helps him ground himself from getting overestimated.
One of his biggest, long lasting, hyperfixations is airplanes! He loves watching them take off and fly, taking them apart and studying them then putting it all back together by hand, making model planes to display, flying them himself— go ahead and ask him about airplanes, he'll get the biggest smile you've ever seen!
America didn't know, for the longest time, that what he has been experiencing is overstimulation. He simply thought he was being a brat about certain situations, what is lashing out and such. Although he understands now that doesn't mean there's any less panic, or at certain times aggression. He tries his best to push through it to get work done as he believes it'll somehow pass faster if he does so. He doesn't get it often thanks to learning how manage it better.
Hypersensitivity issues: tags in clothes, long sleeves that grasp too tightly(tight used loosely as to him tight is something like a bracelet) to his wrist, slimey or sticky things.
People who help him best: Canada, England(to his best abilities), Lithuania, Romano, and Japan.
North Italy
Vene does not take medication. He simply forgets too often and is too self conscious about telling people he takes medication, even to his own brother. He'd just like that to stay private is all. If he forgets so much to the point of the meds expiring with barely any use, he'd rather not take them all.
Instead, Vene had learned how to keep his own focus. He hangs up sticky note reminders or has a digital to-do list synced on his phone and laptop as he's always on them for work anyway. He's learned association words to go with dates and whatevers scheduled for those dates. It's not the greatest but at least he's not wasting anything that could very well go to someone else who needs it.
Vene's stims are: waving his arms or flapping his hands around, jiggling his leg up and down, humming— sometimes he'll put his hand just below his Adam's apple to feel the vibrations. He chews pencils and pens, jiggles pens and pencils between his fingers too. He'll also pass pens, pencils, straws—basically anything possible— between his fingers back and forth.
Cooking and painting/drawing are the two things he considers his biggest hyperfixations. Cooking he prefers to do on his own mostly as being crowded in one place while having so much to do makes his nerves go nuts. But he doesn't mind company when he's drawing or painting. He actually feels better with company at that point. He tends to get extremely quiet as he concentrates on his art so it gets pretty silent around by default. He likes it when people are around to fill in that space. When asked about cooking and art, he'll ramble and ramble nonstop about his favorite artists or chefs or what have you until he's tired.
Vene gets overstimulated a lot and this is due to his habit of just staying put and doing nothing about what's bothering him or not recognizing the annoyances at all. He gets very squirming, moving around a lot, when overstimulated. But still does nothing which leads to breakdowns that he still tries to ignore is happening. When asked, he'll just say he didn't get enough sleep and leave it at that. He simply doesn't want to broadcast this side of himself in case anyone thinks even lesser of him more than they may or may not do now.
Hypersensitivity issues: certains foods touching(rolls or toast CANNOT be on the same plate as his eggs or anything with sauceon it, absolutely no thank you, they'll get too soggy and v*mit inducing when even looking at it), his socks cannot have seams in them as they run the risk of touching his toes nor can the band be touching his ankles(so he normally wears knee high socks inside out as seamless seem to be hard to find). Most foods he can handle but honestly mashed potatoes give him a lot of anxiety. To him, the texture looks like it'll feel like sandpaper on his tongue. So he avoids it despite never even trying it in the first place.
People who help him best: Romano, Germany(he tries but he only understands the basic textbook definition, not Vene's personal experience; and that's really enough for Vene honestly), Seborga, Japan, and Hungary.
He fights Sweden, Finland and England about it but he does take medication. When at Sweden's, he tends to fall on bribing him to take it while Finland has already given up 30 minutes prior. At England's, he manages to get him to take it easily by threatening to take his games away(works every time).
Sealand doesn't really like the medicine as it makes him feel..... run down. He much rather prefers to feel very active all day than to feel like a zombie. But everyone has told him its for his own good so he at least attempts to listen. Key word: ATTEMPTS.
Sealand mostly rocks on his heels, sucks his teeth repeatedly for the sound, or fiddles with the joystick of the stim toy Finland bought him when he stims. He still moves around a lot regardless but he is a kid afterall.
Sealand mostly hyperfixates on his country status, that is true. However, he's also taken a liking to puzzles and legos. He's got about 14 puzzles finished and framed, a tiger puzzle is even hanging in the kitchen(Sweden's) for everyone to see! As for legos, Sealand just really likes to build little cities out of them and pretends their a part of his country. He never uses the people pieces, instead he just collects them and occasionally swaps their hair pieces out between the figures.
He doesn't exactly get overstimulated often. In fact its pretty rare. But when it does happen it's mostly when he's in the big cities surrounded by noisy cars and too many people. He clings as close as possible to whoever he's with, which is most often England. When he's alone, which is a lot as he kind of runs off on his own despite everyone telling him not to, he simply breaks down. Thankfully he has all his contacts in order and no phone lock so its easily accessible for anyone in case of emergency.
Hypersensitivity issues: None of his food can touch so he still uses dividing plates. The textures of broccoli and rice makes him incredibly uncomfortable. He won't eat beans unless he serves his own portion just to make sure it's not TOO goopy. And lastly he refuses to let anyone pick him up— he doesn't like anyone, not even those he considers family, to touch the sides of his stomach and much less under his arms. He says there's just something about it that makes him want to curl up and get away, its incredibly uncomfortable.
People who help him best: Sweden, Finland, England*, Latvia, and Seborga.
*England has better understanding with ADHD in children than he does with adults. As childrens' ADHD tend to be more presentable than adults', England can better recognize it and feels better in helping. ADHD was not a diagnosis prior to the 1900s so England did not know that what America had when he was child was ADHD, he simply believed he was a trouble maker. After taking care of Sealand and getting his diagnosis he later realized the similarities between them both and apologized to America for the harsh berating he gave him as a child. And when America later got his own diagnosis in the early 2000s, England further apologized and offered him as much help as possible while he adjusts with his new diagnosis. He had trouble with America but he at least tries which is all that counts in the end.
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pizzaapplecheese · 4 years
Headcanons because I am bored~~~
Edit: I should have typed this sooner but can you guys tell me your own headcanons?
Kugelmugel would paint random objects or places in the house because he feels as if it was 'too plain', it annoys Austria to no end
Belarus and Iceland likes to go ice skating together and by ice skating it is usually some passive aggressive competition on who is better
Ladonia glitches a lot when he gets scared
Sealand have a big fear of fire because of the time he was set on fire (he even have a scar of it)
Molossia trys to get Sealand to swear more
Poland sometimes gets random friends of his to wear dresses with him
Estonia Korea and Ladonia all loves to talk to eachother about computers
Wy likes keeping animals and would usually takes some to her house Australia loves and names the animals and Hutt River usually freaks out, but it always ends up with New Zealand taking the animals outside
Finland have slave laboring Santa's (a convo in discord XD)
Romano and Veneziano usually fight (even if it usually Romano complaining Italy sometimes stand up to himself) Seborga usually gets really stressed when this happens and he calls both Hutt River and Molossia and have a movie night in either of their places
Sealand loves brushing people's hair, he usually brushes Wy's but he would sometimes do that to France and Kugelmugel
Seychelles straightens her hair with a straightener that is why it is not poofy
Canada is having a bi panic thanks to Ukraine and Cuba
Hutt River loves gardening and have special outfits for it, he and Molossia talk about it a lot
Latvia sees Russia as his friend even with all that happen because he has gotten a bit of a stolkholm syndrome
When one of the nordics are asleep on the couch Denmark usually carries them to their rooms, sometimes Norway wanting to be lazy pretends to sleep so that he can go to his room without moving
Ladonia loves learning languages
Sweden is call Swemom by the nordics because of his mother like nature
Denmark have asperger syndrome (my friend has it)
Japan have a crush on Germany, Germany have a crush on Italy, and Italy have a crush on Japan
Poland is gender fluid
Lithuania spends his (forced) holidays drinking
Estonia once made a whole program on python that will send the script of the bee movie one letter at a time and sent it to Latvia who Sealand found crying from confusion sometime later
Seychelles and Sealand walk together and talk about how their lives are going sometimes, these 2 are very siblings
Egypt have terrible English so he usually doesn't talk to avoid embarrassment
Sealand being a WW2 boat (whether he was alive at the time or not) kinda have instincts and can tell whenever he or his close friends/family is in danger because he was built to protect and defend
Latvia have spare cardboard boxes in his house just incase belarus comes, it is the only thing stopping her from stealing all of his vodka
Russia and Iceland bites the ice cream instead of licking
Molossia, Latvia, and HongKong Hong out together a lot but 2/3 of them claims that they are not friends
Hutt River looks up to Genoa
Uganda wants to know y are u gae (yes aph uganda is canon)
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For the headcanons, since you did the German bros just before, how about you also do the Italian brothers? :D love ya
I love you more ~ Since I already did Romano, let me give you just Feli and Romeo (funnily enough, he really is Romeo Vargas ;) :D)
Affection = How affectionate are they? How do they show it?
Italy - Feliciano is the most affectionate of all of the brothers. He can’t keep his hand and lips to him, not even his eyes. He’s always close to him s/o, asking for kisses and pecks all the time. Asking, and giving (obviously). There is no such a things as “last goodbye kiss”.
Seborga - oh this giant puppy is almost as affectionate as Feliciano. He isn’t big on touches, he’s more of a petting guy. Always caressing the partner’s hair or hands or thighs... He’s got that puppy eyes look that just makes you want to cuddle and kiss him over and over again.
Built = How did their relationship begin? Who took the first step?
Italy - he says “I love you” so often, his partners don’t take him seriously. He really minds that (a lot) but he can’t help himself, he just have to remind everyone how important they are! In other words, it takes him a long time to actually begin a relationship.
Seborga - is the only one from the Italy brothers who does not confess ever. He hates
Care = Do they take care of each other - mentally and physically? Are they usually interested in how the other’s day was?
Italy - Feli is a very talkative boy. He spends hours talking about every color he saw that day and how pretty would bee with a tie be. But he likes to listen too. He can't stop himself from reacting to thing or two and add his own opinion, but he isn't a bad listener. To Feli, a good conversation means knowing everything important about his partner.
Seborga - is very hard to read. Sometimes he is quiet, because that's what he is used to. Back at home, it was always about Grandpa, or his older brothers and he was forgotten or ignored. He doesn't mind that, he got used to it. So talking or sharing his experiences is sometimes hard. There are days though, when he can't shut up and he forgets how important is for the others to talk to. Which sometimes leads to uncomfortable situations and sad face of his s/o. Poor boy just doesn't know his way with words. (One would think he knows better, but he isn't the best listener.)
Dates = How often do they go on dates? How do they look?
Italy - every day is a date day with Feliciano. Or at least he calls it a date. Whatever it is - a movie night, a dinner, hanging out with friends, a walk or just spending night at each other's place, Feliciano thinks it's a date as long as he gets to enjoy time with his favorite person.
Seborga - that boy does not know what a date is. He will invite you for an ice cream here, take you shopping there, goes with you to another city to visit your family, he plans a whole trip for you two and still he can't call it a date. And when he gets invited, he thinks it's just friendly hanging out.
Exceptions = What do they do, to make their partner happy (even if they don't enjoy it?)
Italy - Feliciano is always happy to do anything his s/o could possibly want. So he has no problem with that and doesn't have to make any exceptions.
Seborga - Romeo can be very stubborn. For example he doesn't like experimenting in kitchen. And we're not taking pineapple on pizza. He has to measure every ingredient correctly and properly. He is so against "cooking for fun", but if his s/o will ask him nicely to just try something new, he will.
Future = Do they think about it? How does it look?
Italy - Oh no. He never plans anything. We all know what happened - he won't let himself believe in happy ending again. Everyday with his partner is the happiest day for him, but he refuses to talk about future (which is followed by awkward silence because his partner does not feel loved. As if that was possible).
Seborga - is not a womanizer, but he enters a relationship with the thought that is just feeling good with given person and that they are just enjoying being together. He doesn't really think of a future and he thinks it's kind of stupid and definitely soon to think about it.
Gifts = How often do they give the other gifts? What are the gifts?
Italy - Feliciano is the type of partner who gives his s/o flowers or chocolate everyday. He is always surprised when he receives a gift, but he thinks giving them is amazing thing that makes them both happy. So why stopping?
Seborga - he likes getting, he likes giving. But he always asks what the other would like to get - just to make sure. And if they say "nothing", he gets them nothing. Romeo is a simple man. But he is always the one paying for ice cream and coffee!
Hiatus = Did they ever had to take a break from each other? Or is their relationship smooth?
Italy - Feliciano doesn't like the concept of "being on break". He takes that's as a "I wanted to break up with you, but I don't want to hurt you" thing. But relationships with him are usually very smooth and they last very long. He's just too good of a boyfriend!
Seborga - if you've seen Friends, Romeo is the "We were on a break!!" type of guy. But the energy is different, he's more like "but?? We were on a break???". But that happens just from time to time.
Item = What belongs to the other, but they always use it?
Italy - Feli isn't the one to borrow stuff, but he never gets the signals. So if he finds something that belongs to him, he just takes it back home. He is always confused when his s/o calls him, on the verge of tears, apologizing that they lost his hoodie/book/something he left behind. And Feliciano is usually holding the item in his hands...
Seborga - "I'm cold," says the partner. "Me too," says Romeo. That boy is oblivious and you can't tell me otherwise.
Jealousy = Are they jealous? Does it show?
Italy - He isn't jealous. He's making their partners very jealous since he can't stop flirting. He usually does apologize for his behavior, but he always adds something like "but they were really pretty!" "have you seen their hair! So pretty!". So his apology doesn't help the situation at all.
Seborga - is ridiculously jealous. He isn't worried about text messages received late at night, he isn't jealous when his s/o is talking on a phone and giggling.. but once they are somewhere and they meet somebody, oh boy. The moment his s/o is hugging someone, touching someone, having fun and inviting the person for a coffee or tea, Romeo can't stop frowning. He usually holds a grudge for half a day.
Kitchen = Who owns it?
Don't try to make be believe that they are bad at cooking. And that they don't like it. Every single one of them (though Lovino and Romeo aren't always feeling like doing so) is cooking his hands off for his s/o. They are the one to cook for world meetings, for parties, for festivals... They are the one to make their special someone breakfast to bed and midnight snack. And they never let anyone help them.
Likes and dislikes = What is the best and the worst thing about their partner?
Italy - Feli likes you for who you are. As cliché as it may sound, he isn't the one to judge you for your bad sides. If he likes you, he likes you for everything you are.
Seborga - is somewhere in the middle, compared to his brothers. He doesn't want anyone serious, but being too childish isn't good either. He won't date anyone who is very good and nice, but he won't date anyone who likes to argue and change their mood quickly.
Mistake = What did they do and how did the situation ended?
Italy - unfortunately for him, he makes a lot of mistakes. But he is easy to read so his partners usually know what is up, they aren't mad at him if he messes up. Usually all it takes to Feliciano to make up for his mistake is an apology and a date.
Seborga - is worried about little things. So even if he doesn't mess up, he is anxious he did and is apologizing nonstop. He buys a lots of little presents, he gives his partner attention, he's very needy and touchy... In other words, he doesn't have to apologize much, his partner knows he is sorry and he didn't mean it.
Nicknames = How do they call each other?
Italy - he's the king of petnames. He tries to use the ones his partner likes the most, but he isn't experimenting with them. Cute little names that are often used are his to go.
Seborga - Romeo likes to use animal pet names. Such as "kitty", "my pretty birdie" or "hey, you dangerous beast~". It's usually fun and games, but he gets used to using them and calls his partner like that all the time.
Out of character = What is something nobody would believe they do in a relationship?
Italy - he can get very very serious when the conversation is important. Either conversation or if they have to make an important decision. Usually he’s all fun and games, but he does take things seriously.
Seborga - tries to experience as much as he can with every of his partners. Kisses under water, dancing in spotlight, kissing under mistletoe and on midnight, recreating movie scenes...
PDA = Their opinion on PDA? How does it look?
Italy - we all know Feliciano. He does everything on public. Well, everything... He knows what belongs to their bedroom. But other than that, he’s okay with anything. His motto is “Nobody is forcing them to look”.
Seborga - he likes making his partner sit in his lap and kiss his back. He can do that for hours, just hugging his partner around their waist and tickling them on their neck. He wouldn’t make out with his partner in front of their friends, but he won’t stop holding their hand either.
Quirk = What is a silly activity they really enjoy?
Italy - He likes to play football with his partner and let them always win. And if his partner is against playing, he’s just rolling in the grass and collecting flowers (making crowns!).
Seborga - likes to go on picnics. Romeo loves to look at clouds and make up stories about what could possibly they look like and what the relationship between more clouds is. During winters, he likes to cuddle under a warm blanket and drink cocoa, listening to Christmas songs (from October to February).
Rough times = Do they argue? How often?
Italy - Feliciano is the one to cry during arguments. He never wants to make his partner sad or mad! He really doesn’t like confrontations. Thanks to his personality, arguments are very rare.
Seborga - Romeo does not argue. He is different than his brothers, if there is an argument to happen, Romeo does his best to stop it before it can mess things up. He is good with it, so his relationships are usually very smooth.
Sex = nothing too explicit, just a random headcanon
Italy - is terrible at dirty talking. He really likes it for some reason (Japan’s books and Germany’s DVDs) but he is not able to do it. He prefers being silent during sex, but he likes to hear his partner.
Seborga - likes to ride and be ridden. He just loves the angle, the position and how it feels on both sides. He doesn’t care if he’s on top or on the bottom, it’s his to go. And he is very loud.
Together time = How often does that happen? How are they usually spending it?
Italy - Feliciano will always make time for his partner. He is usually the one to leave his work in the middle of the process and go out, getting coffee, lunch, going on a walk...
Seborga - he’s using the free time giving tours to his partner, showing him nice things about his country or just generally about places he finds interesting. He just wants to amaze his s/o with his knowledge. He knows his work is important, but he does it only during the days his s/o is working, so they can be together as often as possible!
Unacceptable = What will they NEVER do in a relationship?
Italy - will never yell at his partner. Even if there is something he doesn’t like, he will try to carefully point out that he doesn’t like their attitude/the way they do something.
Seborga - Romeo will never watch movies about animals or rom-coms and movies where somebody will die. It’s not like he will cry, he just doesn’t like them, he really hates seeing everyone broken and he hates when his s/o starts crying because of that.
View worth millions = What is the part of their partners body they admire the most?
Italy - face. He doesn’t like or dislike people based on their faces, he always finds something that he stares at. He just can’t help it! Everyone is so pretty!
Seborga - Romeo doesn’t have a favourite part of anyone’s body. He is more of a soul type, he likes people who are fun to be around. That’s all that matters to him.
When separated =  Are they calling each other? Missing each other much? What happens when they see each other after a loner while?
Italy - Feliciano is master of annoyance. He will text his s/o every three minutes sharp, he will try to call them during every of his breaks, he will pout if his partner isn’t answering. When they finally see each other, they spend few minutes just hugging each other. And Feli is usually the one to talk about how he’s been during their time alone.
Seborga - Romeo is like a puppy. He doesn’t really care when they are separated (he likes having his alone time just like everyone else) but he is always so happy when they see each other again! He usually takes thier partner to their home and cuddle them until the late night, listening to how their trip was. And the other way around too.
Xtra = extra headcanon
Italy - can play more than 13 musical instruments. He has a time to spare and he likes to learn how to play more and more of them. He has rarely got the chance to show his skills, but he is always the one playing on family gatherings and birthday parties.
Seborga - is a actor. He especially likes Romeo and Juliet, which isn’t a pun to his name. He likes the play, he likes the words and the message. But mostly, he had dated every single Juliet he had played with. They are always the most prettier girls around. (The costumes are nice to wear too!)
Yours only = marriage headcanon
Italy - if he ever gets married, he will invite everyone he knows. Even his ex partners. Why? Because he wants everyone to see how happy he is! And tell them all, that he wants them to be happy too.
Seborga - doesn’t want to get married. He thinks marriage is not important. Yes, if he will find the perfect match for him, he will marry them and he will be happy all the time. He won’t stop talking about how amazing his special day was for a month, but he wouldn’t mind if he didn’t get married.
They all will help each other at each other’s weddings. Feliciano is the one in charge of the food, Lovino takes care of the decoration and Romeo is responsible for colours, dresses, band and place the wedding will be held at.
Zzz = sleep headcanon
Italy - we know a lot from anime about how Feli sleeps, but I like to believe he is sleep-talking. It happens randomly, and sometimes he is quiet for weeks. But then when the night is the most silent and the most dark, a quiet “cheese smells” or “i wanna pet you” or even “you look funny” escapes his mouth.
Seborga - Romeo snores so loudly, he wakes up the whole house, It can’t be pushed or cured, but he does that only when his mouth is open. So he is sucking on his thumb when he sleeps.
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I read in one of your posts that Feliciano was more of the manipulative type. Can you elaborate more on that? And maybe more Italy (any of them or all of them) hcs?
I’m not quite sure if I hot the nail on the head for you luv, but…
Some Theories:
Out of all three brothers, Feliciano is the strongest diplomat. He’s very adept at reading others’ intentions, and he has made an art of adjusting his personality to fit whatever needs he may need to meet. Feli will play any role necessary for his motives- usually protection for himself and his brothers. He’s the one who seems most approachable, and he uses this confidence to his advantage. Never a nefarious bone in his body, but the scars on his legs remind him that it’s good to have powerful people in your pocket, and to never show your hand too early.
Lovino is the passionate idealist, though these days there are so many battles that he doesn’t have one specific thing to fight for. He’s the most cynical of the siblings, all too familiar with how the Others have used the boys to their own ends. He never could full support Feli’s act of naivety, at least not until he had a chance to see the sanguine and docile expression fade in a meeting once, the charade falling away and the true power of Venezia echoing in the younger’s words; Lovino never doubted his brother’s political prowess again. As it stands, Lovino is the one who reads over every treaty, every contract. He helped Nonno with his work in Byzantium, and Toni’s privateering taught him the power of loopholes. All decisions come back to him, everything critically analyzed with that pessimism that has kept him alive for nearly two millenia.
Marcello, while technically on his own now, still is wholeheartedly invested with his big brothers. He’s centuries younger than both of them however, so there sometimes can be a strong disconnect. But that disconnect gave him the chance to get to know the people better, learn what the citizens fear, desire, dread, hope. Lovino and Feli will go to their meetings, play their roles of frustrated detachment and oblivious detachment respectively, and Marcello spends the day wandering the city where the meeting is being held. Donning another name, with reference to some popular blog or other, he gathers the true thoughts of the people being affected by the talks inside. He finds experts, locals, travelers, activists, elders. All he gathers makes its way back to the designated room, details he can share with his brothers, comparing notes, concerns, and hopes, all before they decide on their next course of action.
General Headcanons:
They literally do not stop talking when in a room together.
They usually have five conversations happening at the same time. Last night’s alternated between exorcising whatever a Momo is, how much work it would take to build a series of tunnels between each of their houses, which dog breeds are better, the redundancy of Enochian, and the exact shade of green in Arthur’s eyes.
Seriously, they are so loud and barely stop to breathe. You either sink or learn how to swim along.
Feli designed the cover art for Marcello’s first album.
Despite their age, Lovino and Marcello love playing Manhunt, and they are terrifyingly good at it. Marcello will climb, crawl, bend into any hiding spot, and Lovino is absolutely silent whilst on the hunt. 
Lovino and Feliciano mastered their own dialect back in 1602. They love to tease Marcello because he doesn’t know most of the words.
These three are an undisputed team, and everyone has learned that if you cause undo harm to one Vargas, you summon the wrath of the others. And one ferocious Spaniard. And one semi-retired Prussian.
Lovino taunts Ludwig just for the hell of it these days. Feli has tried dozens of times to get him to stop. But, even when Marcello helped him successfully establish what was seemingly the perfect blackmail, it did nothing.
Interestingly enough, Marcello and Freidrich adopted each other on site. They alternate between over-mothering each other to half-flaying on each other while reading and meme-swapping.
Lovino has thus declared he is the only sane one left for not forming a close bond with any of the Germanics. This was met with a pointed look as Gil lifted the corner of his shirt, revealing the tip of a matching tattoo, a slow smirk, and earning the taunting: “Remember the Camaro.” Lovino proceeded to reinstate his quest to find brain bleach.
They disappear a few times each year on fishing trips; they’d all live on the water if they could get away with it.
Their main house is in Rome. Lovino has his own place in Napoli, Feli in Venezia, and Marcello a small farm just outside Seborga city limits. They really hate being apart for too long though, so even when in their own homes, they still find ways to never really stop talking.
They are all scared of one day being seperated from each other once again. Each has a different recollection of the Hell they faced for reunification, but they’ll be damned if they ever put themselves into such a vulenerable position ever again.
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loving-lovi · 7 years
can I have some micronations headcanons?
Hnng I wanted to do Hutt River so bad but I don’t really know his character D:
Sealand, our favorite baby boy:
He gets along very easily with people. Like, her has so many friends he doesn’t even know the names of all of them. Just has a lot of love to give
Would get a pet cat if he could, but is still traumatized from the time he tried to give Arthur’s cat Snuffles a hug and it attacked him
A dog would better suit him but they scare him
Is infatuated by baking and wished he was old enough to use an oven. When he goes to the Nordics’ house he always begs someone to make hazelnut brownies with him. They’re his favorite
Once accidentally watched the Fifty Shades of Grey movie and cried for weeks
He is no longer allowed un-monitored television access
Honestly she draws better than most adults
Only draws flowers and baby animals
Loves plants, but has a black thumb
Is actually very sweet to other females
Absolutely adores babies
Low-key still plays with Barbies
It’s her guilty pleasure
Plethora of hair gel
Shamelessly has a stash of dirty magazines
Doesn’t even bother to hide them when the smaller micros come over. After all, Sealand knows not to touch them after accidentally watching Fifty Shades of Grey anyways
Best fashion sense. Can pull anything off
Looks like;;; really good in a fedora
Is convinced that Lovino’s ferret is the spawn of Satan
Sucker for small dogs
Like he’s probably got an army of fucking teacup Pomeranians
Very flirtatious with women and even some men
He absolutely loves Adam Sandler movies. Especially when they have Drew Barrymore in them as well.
Probably even owns a Wedding Singer shirt. He’s very invested in his movies
Is insecure about how small his eyes are, hence the sunglasses. He thinks they make him look cooler anyways
Somewhat cut-off from society because he doesn’t like to go out in public that often, and his wifi sucks ass
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Romano headcanons
• Fucking. Loves. Astronomy.
• Can name every single star in the night sky.
• May not admit it but he too enjoys a nice hug every now and then. Occasionally he'll to Veneziano's and just falls onto him claiming he's gonna crush him as revenge for something he'd apparently done. Veneziano's firm hugs kinda remind him of Rome's actually...
• Cried over the "death" of Bing Bong from Inside Out. Of course he was little drunk so no one is too sure if it was exactly genuine or not...
• Talks to animals as if they'd talk back to him. He WILL hold entire conversations with them.
• Can play not only the acoustic guitar but the electric as well. He only learned it to prove a point.
• The point? That he totally could learn it within a month. Didn't say he'd MASTER it though. Yeah, he's not the greatest player but he at least knows the basics.
• Smacks his food very loudly in the morning to annoy Veneziano because what are brothers for if to not annoy them constantly?
• Refuses to play modern video games because they're all way too flashy and complicated for his liking. He's willing to play Smash Brothers or Mario Kart though. Seborga get him liking them.
• Speaking of games, he has quite a few on his phone, most of which are very simplistic. Some include; flappy bird, farmville, angry birds, pacman, candy crush.
• He doesn't play many console games. Says they're a hassle.
• Chews on pens a lot to, once again, annoy Veneziano. Annoying Germany is a bonus.
• Is actually the better cook out of his brothers.
• Is also the one to make the biggest mess in the kitchen and never immediately cleans it :)
• Romano's biggest pet peeve are people who sleep with socks on. Like stop it. Don't put socks on when you don't have the intention of putting your shoes on!
• Enjoys a nice nap in the sun in a comfy hammock. Maybe even read a nice book in the hammock too.
• Has worn sweats to very professional and important meetings before.
• In a zoom call his go to greenscreened background is always himself wearing Gucci to remind everyone he's better than them.
• The amount of times this man has been caught eating dried spaghetti noodles at 3AM is absurd.
• Although he may not be very artistic, Romano IS naturally good at dealing in politics. When Veneziano is having trouble understanding, Romano is typically the one to step in and explain it in easier terms. He acts bitter about it but genuinely is willing sit up at night explaining these things. Especially if it helps lighten his work load a tad.
• Ask him a question and he will answer with a question of his own. Ask him to stop and he'll just be a cryptic shit.
• Constantly looses his sunglasses.
• But really it's just Seborga taking them.
• Romano still prefers typewriters over laptops. He has one in his home office but rarely gets to use it anymore.
• His fridge has magnetic letters that he spells dirty words out with daily. It actually pisses Veneziano off which is a big bonus!
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
Ok but like how would 2p grandpa rome interact with his great- grandchildren? Like Italy bro's kids? Headcanons on this please? Would it be any different from how he treats his grandsons?
- 2p Rome most likely wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near his great-grandchildren, an exception may be made by 2p Seborga because he doesn’t know how bad he can be and needs a babysitter
- He doesn’t like children, he thinks they’re annoying and whiney brats even if they’re on perfect behaviour or napping
- He would try to teach them how to swordfight or how to run an army, the child could be a literal toddler but he thinks it’s important information
- “I was raised by literal WOLVES and I know not to smack my lips, close your damn mouth while you’re eating. Gods be with me.”
- Has a habit of just picking children up by their leg when they annoy him or bother him in any kind of way, he just lets them hang upside down until they learn to be quiet or apologize
- If they’re hurt, he’ll slap a plaster/band-aid on them and tell them to get over it because it’s not that bad
- Makes Anzo (2p Germania) help take care of them if he has them, he doesn’t like to deal with them crying or bathing them or feeding them or really doing anything for them
- “Someone’s bullying you? Just stab them. Heart via the stomach, an upward thrust under the ribs. Or go for the jugular if you’re a coward.”
- Ignores them half the time, they could be trying to eat laundry detergent and he would have no idea because he’s bragging about how he’s better at taking care of them to Anzo because literally everything is a competition to him
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