#or at least jam out to the ost god its so good
the-doodleer · 3 months
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KITTEN BURST!! ^w^/ w00t!!
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pen-inks · 1 month
I have some new adaptations on my belt
So here's my rating
2002 movie :1/10 loves the costumes hated the plot
2024 movie: I haven't seen it yet but I've read summaries I think it's definitely better than the 2002 one but there's some changes where I'm like💀💀💀 but at least there is andrea and the OST is so good. 5/10
Gankutsuou: 7/10 I liked it it was decently accurate and I fucking ugly cried when SPOILERS!!!! Franz died (it doesn't happen in the book) Also hate how they made andrea somehow worse like dude I want to root him on not despise him
Monte Cristo Hankushanku: pretty good the website was sketchy as fuck but the manga wasn't too bad I just wish it was slower pace but it's also prolly a BITCH drawing each frame. They clearly read it. I just feel some parts are confusing without context. Art is amazing but the entire thing is extremely rushed which is fine because tbh I wouldn't wanna draw all 29382919 pages either. 5/10
Monte Cristo Frank Wildhorn Musical: it was like they read like 500 pages and gave up. Love the music though. With all my heart. 5/10
The other musical: very poorly done musical but it's so bad it's good and it's decently accurate. 6/10
So my recommendation if you've already read TCOMC? Gankutsuou! If you want to grab your friends by the shoulders and go LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND MY HYPERFIXATIONS NOW!!!! then throw hankushanku at their skulls because it's like a quick summary
If you wanna jam out, frank wild horn and the 2024 OST OH MY GOD ITS SO LAKFIOAIRJAIDIS
and if you wanna see the 2002 movie, I uh. I don't even know. Why. Why would you want that.
Okay that's all lalala official Edmond Dantés post
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ornstein · 6 years
I’mgoing to assume it’s still about Dark Souls XD
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do youjust not get?*
Afterthinking for a while, I got to the conclusion that it is Anastasia/Lautrec. Butthen, I like Eygon/Irina, which is a smiliar dynamic. Weird.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs youonly BroTP?*
I don’t know… But if that counts, I likeOrnstein/Artorias as a BRoTP, as well as Solaire/Chosen Undead (at the sametime I don’t mind seeing them being shipped).
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone overa fandom opinion?
No, I’d only do that if the opinion was harmful and/ordisrespectful.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom?Are they a popular OTP?*
There’s actually a ship that I don’t like, which isAnastasia/Lautrec, but I don’t know if it is that popular.
I don’t mind what people ship, tho. I personally stayaway from incest.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing foryou?*
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy apairing you previously hated?*
Like I said, I don’t hate any DS ships. However, Iused to see the relationship between Smough and Ornstein as impossible becauseof the huge contrast in their personalities. But now, I can see it. It is athing that I like, Smoughstein. Yes, it works (counting that the relationshipis consensual, of course).
7. Is there anything you used to likebut can’t stand now?*
Errrrr… I don’t think so. More like the other wayaround.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Not really. I remember having got random rude anonsonce, but it had nothing to do with fandom.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
I don’t have a particular character that I dislike. Myreactions towards DS characters tend to go from “BABY!!!!” to“Ok I guess?”. Something like that. I do believe, tho, that there’recharacters that are overrated, such as Artorias and Lautrec (esp Artorias), butI still like them!! Like seeing Artorias being a huge nerd with the rest of theKnights of Gwyn. That is my jam.
Oh yeah, right… I dislike Petrus because he’s anass.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
More than disliking it, I think it’s high tier comedy.The fact that it’s the Chosen Undead who saves Princess Dusk and all the creditis given to Artorias instead.
11. Is there an unpopular character youlike that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is Marvelous Chester that likeable by people? Notsure, but I like him!
12. Is there an unpopular arc that youlike that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Oh my god, after thinking and thinking, I honestlydon’t know. An unpopular arc? Heck… I don’t know if this counts, but I likedAshes of Ariandel DLC and the mystery surrounding its lore. It made me think ofa possibility for foreseeing a Bloodborne connection to Dark Souls 3.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXXcharacter?
About Ornstein: he is a music nerd and plays stringinstruments very well, especially the harpsichord. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
It’s full of creative, thoughtful people. Dark Soulsgives room for a lot of talk, and the peeps involved in the fandom are veryopen to discourse.
15. Unpopular opinion about themanga/show game?
I believe that Bloodborne’s setting and lore issomewhat connected with Dark Souls. Bloodborne’s story takes place centureslater after the events of Dark Souls 3.  
16. If you could change anything in theshow game, what would you change?
Adding Ornstein as a summon for Kalameet. I stillmissed him in the DLC and a cameo would have been alright.
Also, a finished version of Lost Izalith would benice, since the area looks like it was left unfinished, with doors and rooms stillto be added.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I wouldhave made ABC happen…
A scene in which the Knights of Gwyn finally meet eachother again and they hug and weep together.
18. Does not shipping something‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
OF COURSE NOT. Everybody has the right to ship theirships even if they aren’t popular, it doesn’t mean you’re in denial of a shipthat’s more popular. I think that these concepts are what spreads hate amongstfandoms, because it still makes it sound that the more popular a ship is, themore real/canon it is? And it’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard.
19. What is the one thing you hate mostabout your fandom?
When people judge or criticize other people who draw orwrite a certain character a certain way.
Questions 20, 21 and 22 alreadyanswered!
23. Unpopular character you love?
I’m going to say Ciaran! I don’t think she is thatpopular.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend?Why or why not?
I’d recommend Dark Souls to my mom and she doesn’teven play videogames. So yeah, absolutely! First, the story isn’t straight awaytold to you in a lineal way, you have to stop and read item descriptions inorder to unfold a huge part of the mystery. Second, once you try to put thesense of the story together, it’s brilliant, because nothing is entirelyconfirmed, you have to put your brain to work and be like: “okay. We havethis fact and this fact. Now… how can we glue these pieces together and makesome sense into this mess? Like this? Yes…YES!! I can see it… I unraveledthe huge clusterfuck that is Dark Souls!! Oh wait, Dark Souls 3 is out now. Mylore discoveries from the first game are gone. This crap DOESN’T MAKE ANYSENSE, MIYAZAKI. WHAT DID YOU DO”.
No, but really, the story is amazing. I personallyenjoy it a lot, especially because fans have their own interpretations andtheories, so it is all good to read and share different perspectives! Also,another fact: the SOUNDTRACK. Look, I always say that the Bloodborne OST ispure therapy for me because of its aggressive choir of loud voices andwind/string instruments, but the Dark Souls OST is enchanting. Surely it is notas powerful as Bloodborne’s, but it still has its intentional effect, like immersingyou into the scenery/boss fight/whatever it is. And oh boy, it is an epic one!
Another thing: the WORLD is incredibly super wellconnected. The world map from Dark Souls 2 is a MESS. But DS1 does anincredibly good job at it. And it is very beautiful (and a bit depressive too).
Then, the game is HARD AS HECK, Perhaps not for peoplewho is already used to these games, but if you’re a first, it is possible thatthe game gets a bit too difficult for you. But believe me, IT IS SO WORTH IT.DEFEATING A BOSS AFTER THE 30TH ATTEMPT AND CELEBRATING IT, IT IS SUCH A GOODFEELING!
 25. How would you end XXX/Would youchange the ending of XXX?
Putting an Ornstein summon at Kiln so that he cansmooch the Chosen Undead in the mouth and beg them to stay before they burn toa crisp.
And also making the ending cutscenes a bit longer.
26. Most shippable character?
Ornstein. I’ve seen him being shipped with at least 5people.
27. Least shippable character?
Hawkeye Gough and Priscilla. I just… I can’t see them being shippedwith anyone. They are pure cinnamon rolls.
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My Reaction to “The Shape of Water”
Hoooo... my body is ready....
*scats along with the FOX theme*
“A Double Dare You Production.”  Del Toro created a slight breach of ettiquette by skipping the single dare and going right for the throat!
Oh this music is so pretty!
That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST like right now
“A Guillermo Del Toro film”  Wooooo!!
They made this movie with only a $19.5 million budget and holy crap it looks amazing
I would love to live in Eliza’s apartment, oh my gosh...
OK, there’s a timer... oh my Gooodd no way...
I mean, at least they address it in not a negative manner.  You do you.
“Time is but a flowing river to our past.”
I like how roomy and kinda cozy Eliza’s apartment is.
The dude [Giles] has two different sets of glasses...
Shirley Temple!
*Eliza starts tap-dancing in the hall*  Oh my gosh I love this movie already
Boy, there is only one “s” in “Mardi Gras.”  Do you not know French?
I love how much green there is in this movie.
These sets are great
This movie just used the term “What in the Sam Hill.”  That’s awesome.
Michael Shannon!
*in best Zod voice*  I WILL FIND HIM!
Did they use whale noises for the Asset?
All the old cars!  All of them!
Wait, is the Richard Jenkins character crushing on the cashier at the pie place?  Oh my gosh, that’s cute.
What’s so wrong with the key lime pie?  Personally, I don’t like pie myself but was there a reason it kinda looked off?
Ginger Rogers?
That horse suit looks horrifying
The colors in this movie are great.  I love when movies are color-coordinated.
It’s like del Toro’s been reading my movie wish list.
That’s an odd looking soap dispenser.
Why is Strickland peeing right in front of them?
“A man washes his hands before or after tending to his needs.  That tells you a lot about that man.  He does it both times?  Points to a weakness of character.”  That’s some insane troll logic
“Short people are mean.”  To quote my sister “Well we are closer to Satan”
Is that... Strickland...
Oh my God, there’s so much blood!
If everyone’s being so secretive about the Asset, why did they leave him in a tank out in the open for Eliza and Octavia to see?
“It’s not bad, isn’t it, for being shit.”  LITERALLY MY MENTALITY WHEN IT COMES TO DOING ART
“That’s the future now:  green.”  Soylent Green?
The prosthetics on @actordougjones look freaking awesome
Did the Asset just fold some of its fins back to look more human to Eliza?
*signs along with Eliza when she says she’s cleaning*
“All those scars on your neck...”  They look like gills...
Michael Shannon’s American accent is actually really good, I gotta say.
*The Asset signs “egg”*  Oh my gosh....  :D
Oh my gosh, all the yellow!
Everyone in Strickland’s family is super gravitated toward Strickland and it’s super uncomfortable
Noooooo....... NOOOOOOOOOOO.....
Oh thank God, the scene’s over
Aaahh, he [the Asset] just said hello!
They’re eating lunch together... this is unbelievably cute...
*uncontrollable smiling*
Oooohhh wipe transition!
Wait, is that Russian?
Yellow!  Yellow again!
Why are the Russians interested in the Asset?
So is Eliza always late to her job because she has to spend time with Rosie Palms?  Now that’s commitment.
Shoot, the egg!
Oh crap, it’s Strickland!
*flinches when the Asset gets electrocuted*
Wait, so the Americans want to use the Asset to win the Space Race against the Russians?
Why do I recognize the guy who plays General Hoyt?
Oh, Dmitri....
I really gotta applaud Sally Hawkins here.  She’s freaking fantastic in this movie.
“When he looks at me, he doesn’t know what I lack... or how I am incomplete.  He just sees me for what I am, as I am.  And he is happy to see me, every time.”  That bit of dialogue is amazing.
Oh crap, it’s not key lime pie.  Something’s up.
Oh, the cashier’s both a racist and a homophobe.  He no good to anybody.
Oh, that’s a nice Cadillac...
I like how they made all the cars look super shiny in this movie
*jams out to “Chica Chica Boom Chic”*
Are those pain pills?
“I [Strickland] keep thinking about you [Eliza].”  EEUUUGGGHHH NOO!!
God, what a despicable character [Strickland]
There’s a poster that says “Loose Lips Might Sink Ships” in the locker room
Strickland’s reading a book called “The Power of Positive Thinking”
Is Dmitri gonna help them out?  Yay!
Richard Jenkins freaking out over the Asset is totally me
Ahhhh, not the Cadillac!
The dude at the Cadillac dealership called Strickland a “man of the future” and his Cadillac- the sign of the future- was just destroyed.  I see what you did there, del Toro.
It’s probably just me, but I can tell it’s definitely Doug Jones in the fish suit.
He just has these really meticulous hand movements and the way he kinda tilts his head to look at things is also a give away
Aaawwww, she got him [the Asset] a card!!!!
What does “MP” stand for?
I like that all the drawings of the Asset are done in charcoal when all of Richard Jenkins’ other art pieces are done in color.
How come no one is commenting on how smelly Strickland’s hands at this point?  They sewed the dude’s fingers back on and they already establish that his hygiene isn’t stellar so shouldn’t he be suffering necrosis there already?
*The Asset finds Giles’ charcoal drawings of him*  That’s it.  You convinced me, movie.  I gotta do some art for this.
Is that Mr. Ed?
Yes.  Yes it is.
Crap crap craaaaaappp!!
Wait, the dude that plays Dmitri is also in Doctor Strange!
That movie’s gotta be “The Ten Commandments”
Oh this whistling music!
What?  He’s glow in the dark?
What is he [Strickland] eating?
Oh my God is this it?
“Why you [Eliza] smiling, hon?”  Cause she went and got it
*Eliza tells Zelda that the Asset has a junk*   AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Ooh, is that marble cake?
Let the man enjoy his cake!
Is that Gilligan’s Island?  Nope, nevermind.
*Strickland tries sniffing his fingers*  OHHHH, WHO CALLED THE NECROSIS?!?
That’s right, me about fifteen bullet points ago!
Noooo they’re flooding the bathroom to do it!
They’re gonna be flooding the theater below!
Oh snap, he [Giles] has hair!
They gonna do it underwater?!?
Close the door!  Thank you!
It’s raining....
Strickland’s secretary must be putting up with the mightiest of bullshits from him
This movie really likes to foreshadow Strickland dying at the end of this movie
Why did they sew his fingers back on in the first place?!?
“Life is but the shipwreck of our plans.”
Awwww, he [the Asset] smiled at her!
TELL HIM [the Asset] YOU [Eliza] LOVE HIM!
*jaw utterly drops during the dream dance sequence*
Please tell me somewhere in the production notes, they said “OK Doug, you gotta be able to dance in the fish suit.  Now go!”
My sister:  Definitely an improvement on *in best Guillermo del Toro voice*  “‘Happy birthday, Doug!  We’re gonna string you up by your balls!’“
*claps hands after every word*  THAT IS HOW YOU DREAM SEQUENCE!!
Uggghhhh, that was so good!
The sound design for this movie is really good too.  Like holy crap.
*imitates Michael Shannon saying “Shut up”*
*beat boxes to the windshield wipers*
Wait, did they [the Russian agents] just shoot Dmitri?!?
*Strickland comes to the rescue strangely*  Oh wow, OK.. oh my Goddd!
*Strickland sticks his finger through the bullet wound in Dmitri’s cheek*  AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!
OK, Michael Shannon needs to play villains like this.  Pronto.
Did he [Strickland] just leave his fingers on the floor of Zelda’s house?!?
*Giles and the Asset say goodbye*  Aaawww....
*You and me together*   Ohhhhhh my Goddd!!!
*Strickland shoots Eliza*  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Boy [the Asset], get back up!
Whoooo, go Giles!
*The Asset slits Strickland’s throat*  Whoooooooo!!!!
Oh, wait, this is the scene with the shot!
[The Asset kisses Eliza]  *softly* Damn....
Oh my gosh, that hug!
[slowly melts to the floor] *softly, with feeling*  That was such a good movie!
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leapingtitan · 7 years
Re:CREATORS Original Soundtrack — Review
Yeah, I’m doing this. I started this like 2 weeks ago but didn’t have that much time to listen through the whole thing. Regardless, I have heard every song that Sawano has made for this series and I plan to watch the anime sometime in summer.
Now, to make clear what exactly I will be sharing my opinions on, I have listened to both discs of the OST, the Rearrange CD and the gravityWall/shØut album for Re:CREATORS.
The way I’ll do this is, I will post the notes I took when I listened to each of the songs for the first time and give my overall rating (1-10) at the end. Also, if you haven’t heard the OST but want to experience it fresh, this post may be full of music spoilers (NOT spoilers from the anime, obviously) for you. Whatever works best for you, of course.
Let’s do this.
Disc 1
01. God of Ink
First song! Without a doubt, kicks off very strong and slowly becomes more and more epic. Glad to get a new solo mpi song. I’m afraid it’s been a while since I’ve heard one of those. 
Anyway, the instruments used are great, though it gets slightly but very subtly repetitive around the 2nd chorus. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the song but I expected it to be a little more… uplifting? 
I expect the instrumental at the end will give me a better grasp of the feel. But the lyrics are great! Probably my favorite element of the song.
Rating: 8.5/10
02. rE:CRe@T0RS
Classic Sawano. It’s not a Sawano score if one of the tracks isn’t named after the series it’s used in. Well, apart from that, once again very intense start. 
This initially gave me the vibe of a surprise battle that happens in the middle of the city. (Don’t tell me if I’m right about this by the way). 
Overall, nicely put together in terms of sections. The middle kind of dulled out on me but the beginning and end.. just right.
Rating: 9.5/10
03. Re:3$penS
Okay so. First of all.. that bass. I’m assuming with some of these songs, the way I would enjoy them more would be to see the scene in the anime. I’m looking forward to this one specifically, as it imposes a feeling of danger and mystery. 
Very nice! The drums and guitar stand out the most, but it’s honestly so good overall.
Rating: 9/10
04. 4GL4yu8RE:E
Now this is what I’m talking about. Fast-paced theme which would fit any action scene! I love it. The orchestra stands out the most but the percussion… give me. I love the overall upbeat sound of it.
Now, the second half gave me chills. That piano was amazing and the drop… man, I don’t know what to say. Amazing song.
Rating: 9.5/10
05. Hey39-udn
Well, nothing too impressive about the first half. The second part, however, is the definition of lit. I love the synth honestly.. like, very upbeat. 
This is the first song on this OST I’ve heard so far that hypes you this much. (Barricades is the last song that gave me this vibe).
Rating: 8/10
06. RE:3343
Before Listening
I’ve seen memes about this song and its name. And memes are good. Expectations are high, but let’s see if they sail high on the high winds. 
After Listening
Okay, well.. this was not what I expected lmao. It sounds like it’s on the Grenzlinie borderline of being either a “standard” track or an atmospheric/ambience track.
I like it, though! Gives off this weird feeling of hollowness but also.. hope? Not the best way to describe, it I know. But the subtle sounds in the background are very nice.
Rating: 9/10
Am I listening to Sawano or is this vocaloid?
I’m just joking. I love this song.
Though... this sounds like it’s supposed to be an ED rather than an actual theme but considering how different it is than gravityWall, I’m just gonna guess that I’m wrong about that one. 
I can only imagine what kind of character or scene this is used in. Honestly though, it made me laugh. It’s quite cheerful and upbeat and the lyrics are gold. I’m not kidding. Actually.. screw it. This one gets the perfect rating from me. GG Sawano.
Rating: 10/10
08. 2109-a8Ru件
Yo. YO. I’m going around giving perfect ratings as if it was free… well.. that’s what it feels like at least. 
BOI. I can jam to this. 
This is nice. This is very good. 
The Daily Life from the snk soundtrack is a great chill song but this outclasses it in every way. I love the percussion and the folk-ish sound at the beginning. Honestly like this is perfect in every way. One of the best tracks so far, no doubt!
Rating: 10/10
09. AL:Lu
Before Listening
Okay, this one…. Let’s see… how should I put this. I’ve seen thoughts about this song, mainly people saying it’s the best one. I have high expectations and I’m bracing myself for a slow, sad vocal song. 
If I’m wrong then you’re probably laughing while reading this. Here we go. 
After Listening 
…Okay. Well. I. Uhm. Uhhhhhhhhh. LMAO Okay so. AHAHAHAHAHAH. GODDAMN IS THIS HYPE. 
For the record, this is the first Eliana song I’ve heard. Apparently she was in Kabaneri as well? I don’t remember, but this is is new. AND IT’S AWESOME. GODDAMN SON! 
The lyrics are amazing, the song gets you hyped and… yeah Eliana is awesome. I am definitely going back to listen to this later. 
Note while writing this post
I’ve probably listened to this song like 40 times already and I have exactly zero regrets.
Rating: 10/10
10. 高度8b6n
Wow. This song is just pure hype. The badass guitar.. and that bass. Toshino Tanabe my boi, how did I not know who you were earlier so I could praise you. 
Honestly though, this one is great in terms of pacing, speed and intensity, so to say. I imagine the scene this is used in (if it’s already been used) is memorable. So far so good! I love it!
Rating: 9.5/10
11. 8sawOGRE6
This sounds like one of those tracks made for a purposely attractive female villain. 
Oh well. I like it, but it doesn’t stand out that much. Well, the middle does. I love the drums and the “hype” but apart from that, nothing too much. Still an amazing feel, though.
Rating: 8/10
12. Layers
Before Listening 
First a song that has “OGRE” in the title and then a song named “Layers”? What? Did Sawano browse Shrek memes for 5 hours before naming these songs? Well… I hope so because that would be dank. 
Anyway, I’ve also seen this one get a lot of praise and impatience when people were waiting for it. Let’s take a look and see what we get.
After Listening
Okay this was interesting! The lyrics definitely raise some questions though I already have an idea of what the concept of the series is. It’s good! 
I haven’t heard an Aimee Blackschleger song in a long time, the last time being Release My Soul MOD and DOA. 
Some parts are pure hype while others are just headbang material. I can’t quite say which one it leans to or.. if it’s the same or not, though lol. But I like it!
Also, it’s 4:20 minutes long. Dank af boi.
Rating: 420/69 9.5/10
13. re:pianohi1tars
This, my friends, is a piano masterpiece. It gives off so many emotions at once it’s hard to keep track of it. Like, the fast pacing and the “epicness” behind it is just mind-blowing. 
It’s a balanced track that doesn’t go in too many directions but it delivers the feeling it’s trying to convey JUST right. Nice one! 
Rating: 9/10
14. ∞GodMachine
Note Before Listening
This sounds like it’s going to be an all out grand and heavy orchestra. I’ve seen SOME talks about this one, so I’m bracing myself. 
After Listening
Well. I’m not TOO impressed by the second half, but the first one is great! I love the part before the transition to the second part.. if that makes sense. 
The percussion and synth is very pleasant to listen to, though it isn’t nearly as “hype” if you may… not counting the first half. Great song overall but not too many highlights for me… but still great dontgetmewrong. 
Rating: 8.5/10
15. ABYSSwaltz
The song title is cool. Everything else… not so cool. 
Seriously, Gemie’s German pronunciations shorten my lifespan with each millisecond. The song itself doesn’t sound TOO bad but it’s not really something I can enjoy that much or.. interpret, I guess. 
The lyrics kind of work, but.. well… yeah... not really much of a highlight.
Rating: 6.5/10
16. Pf:Creators
I laughed at the last 3 seconds. This is gold. Did I mention how much I love chill songs I can just jam to? I love it, honestly. 
Kind of repetitive at parts but I can kind of visualize the scene it’s used in. Good stuff indeed.
Rating: 9/10
17. 音:9RE:eita-zu
This one was long. Or, I guess you can say… zu long. It’s nice, though! 
I am especially fond of the last minute and a half, though the rest of the orchestra throughout the track doesn’t stand out to me as much. 
It’s enjoyable to listen to but not too many highlights. The instruments used are mind-blowing, however and have all of my yes.
Rating: 9/10
Yep. Eliana is definitely on her way to being my favorite female vocalist. Honestly... amazing and powerful voice which conveys a strong feeling. 
As for the song itself, I wouldn’t say it’s something I would listen to extensively. It’s upbeat and.. sounds like an ED song at the end of a cour or a really happy episode. Can’t quite put my finger on it. 
The lyrics are fine, though I guess it’s a tiny bit too upbeat for me. HERE I AM nailed that aspect though, to avoid contradicting myself.
Rating: 8.5/10
Disc 2
01. E:verydaytor1
This song has like… so many parts. I like the cheerful and uplifting tone of the last few minutes, but overall I feel like putting so many different tones in one track is a bit overkill, even for Sawano. 
Regardless, I really like the last 2 minutes but overall it’s a bit excessive and not enough highlights.
Rating: 7/10
02. Pf:CreatorsII
Before Listening
Oh, there’s a sequel to Pf:Creators. Okay. 
After Listening
Oh, it’s completely different than the first one. Lmao.
I love me some good piano. So relaxing and soothing… idk what else to say about it but it pulls your heartstrings. I imagine the scene this is used in at.
Rating: 9/10
03. E:verydaytor2
Before Listening
Uhh… okay. Sequel again? Is there some kind of pattern here that I am missing?
After Listening
Okay, I get it. I see the remaining tracks below and it seems like these are the atmospheric tracks with consecutive naming patterns… familiar and typicial of Sawano. It’s like Disc 2 of Snk S2 all over again lmao. 
Anyways I like how cheerful this is but it really didn’t stick out to me that much. It’s an average track so to say.
Rating: 7/10
04. Pf:CreatorsIII
Now this I can get behind! Creepy, kind of sad and kind of… foreshadowing something to happen. Hard to describe but it’s that good feeling of creepiness.
Rating: 9.5/10
05. SawElephant4
Before Listening
TFW Sawano breaks his own naming combo. YouSawBIGGELEPHA/N:T??? 
After Listening
Damn. Bury me under all of those creepy strings. I love it honesty. Near-flawless choice of instruments and composition and very interesting to listen to. 
Very fond of the entire song and not just certain sections. I can get behind this, honestly.
Rating: 9.5/10
06. Pf:CreatorsIV
Before Listening
Not a trilogy anymore... nevermind.
After Listening
Ah, here we go. The first song I’ve heard on this OST that almost made me cry. Seriously... the piano songs are always the sneaky ones. Damn ninjas cutting onions. Amazing piece.
Rating: 10/10
07. E:verydaytor3
…This song is just funny. Lmao. 
The percussion and perfectly placed sound effects are the catchiest thing I’ve heard in a long time. I want to watch the anime just to see where this is used in, to be honest.
Rating: 9.5/10
08. Pf:CreatorsV
What beautiful piano. It’s a really soothing and catching song that messes with your feelings. I love it.
It doesn’t have too many highlights for me to point out but it’s a nice song. Somewhat average but quite nice nonetheless.
Rating: 8/10
09. God-ground2SAY310
I feel like this is one of those songs where I need to listen to it multiple times to actually appreciate it enough. 
It has an interest instrument choice, but for an “atmospheric” track, I’d say it’s slightly weak. It’s not necessarily a bad song but I guess it conveys what it’s trying to convey.
Rating: 6.5/10
10. Pf:CreatorsVI
Creepy atmospheric piano track FTW.
To be completely honest, it’s average. But because of my personal enjoyment and love for creepy, slow, ominous music, I think I can dig it. A lot.
Rating: 9/10
11. E:verydaytor4
Have I mentioned how much I love upbeat folk jams? Because I do. 
This one gets it. I’m kind of curious about the second half as it sounds like it would play in the last few seconds of the series finale… not that I would know. 
Either way, this one gets the one and only perfect rating because of that first half. Amazing.
Rating: 10/10
12. DA-world2HEN90
Woah, this one was short. 
Anyway, nice soothing guitar! I love me some of that. I wish I could say more about this one to be honest but that’s really it. 
Nice guitarist you got there, Sawano.
Rating: 9/10
13. God of ink (Instrumental)
I love it. It’s a very good standalone song and works just as fine as it does without mpi’s vocals. 
Don’t get be wrong, I love both versions but with this one I can appreciate the guitar more!
Also, I’m a sucker for slides. lmao
Rating: 9/10
14. HERE I AM (Instrumental)
I’m.. not even gonna say anything.
This song just makes you happy. That’s it.
Both with and without the vocals, it’s catchy af just makes you smile and laugh. I love them both.
Rating: 10/10
15. Layers (Instrumental)
Oh... OH.
Holy fuck.
That guitar and those drums… sorry Aimee, this version is a lot better. 
I dare say this is the best song on the entire OST.. if not, I’m putting it in the same league as AL:Lu. A ridiculously good Sawano piece and one that I will definitely come back to. I didn’t expect it to be this good since I wasn’t TOO impressed with vocals for Layers (I mean I love it but it isn’t really a highlight for me) but… 
This is perfection and pure badass.
Rating: 10/10
16. BRAVE THE OCEAN (Instrumental)
Aaaaand yeah. This is ALSO better than the vocals, as much as I like Eliana after AL:Lu. 
Goddamn it. This is really nice to listen to, especially after the second half when the guitar kicks in. I thought the song was slightly too upbeat for my taste but this I can get behind. Quite chilling and nice to listen to!
Rating: 10/10
Rearrange CD
01. God of ink <MODv>
Okay. I prefer this more than the original version. Those drums are lovely and so is the extra piano. I’m glad they kept the original riff, but like.. the drums. 
Too good. Out of the three versions that this song has, I still like the instrumental of the original the most, though this one is the better vocal version in my opinion.
Rating: 10/10
02. Layers <MODv>
Okay the strings are kind of… not sure. I like the drums. If this one had an instrumental I guess I would appreciate it more but to be honest this is great! 
Putting it on equal terms with the original as they both have their own unique things about them. This one makes heavier use of instruments but the original is more upbeat and intense. When it all comes down to, I prefer the instrumental of the original here as well, obviously.
Rating: 9.5/10
Okay, this one works a lot better. I can actually listen to the lyrics a lot easier with a lighter use of techno-ish drums. I love them a lot, especially after the first chorus. 
Overall, this is definitely better than the original BRAVE THE OCEAN and conveys a much brighter feeling, at least from my perspective.
Rating: 10/10
Note: For the record, this is not really a “Blind” listen because I already heard all of these songs yesterday when they came out (I couldn’t contain myself). The same goes for gravityWall, which I’ve heard a while ago, but regardless, I will share my thoughts on all of them per procedure, and one of these holds the title of Best Song.
01. gravityWall
The first OP! I have to admit, I kind of skimmed through it when the TV-Size version came out with the anime. I don’t know why. 
But when the full version came out, I listened the fuck out of it. I love it, honestly. Gemie and Tielle make an amazing combination. I could complain about Tielle’s lyric-writing skills during the English parts, but it still works, I guess. Amazing song.
Rating: 9.5/10
02. gravityWall (Instrumental)
This song works better with vocals. It’s nice to listen to, but I don’t think it’s good enough to be its own song. Like I said, Gemie and Tielle make the best combo and it worked perfectly with the vocals. But without them... eh, not really.
Rating: 7.5/10
03. shØut
Here it is. The one and only. After having listened to every single song Sawano has made for Re:CREATORS, this one takes the cake for my number 1 favorite. Only HAIRS ahead of Layers (Instrumental). and the next song you will see below. I love it.
Funny thing. Originally my favorite was AL:Lu, but I really loved gravityWall. Then again, gravityWall is an OP so it obviously needs to have a different and better sound than the soundtrack pieces.
Well, with this song, it’s not a problem. Because shØut is AL:Lu made into an OP. Like.. WHAT?! Fucking perfect. It’s so satisfying to actually acknowledge this song’s existence yet alone listen to it. Sawano delievered. Perfect. Did I mention Gemie and Tielle do the combo again? Just... No words.
Rating: 10/10
04. shØut (Instrumental)
HAHA. Even without the Tiellie Combo™ (that’s what I’m calling it now, deal with it), this sound still kicks your ass either way. 
I just feel bad putting it and its vocal version to compete, but I can listen to both depending on what mood I am in. 
Although I said shØut was my favorite, in reality I love both of these equally. None is better. I put the vocal version on there but I don’t like one more than the other. Just kill me if I need to choose one. The chorus without vocals especially is too badass for it.
Rating: 10/10
05. oldToday
From what I have gathered, this is a standalone song that is neither part of the OST, nor is it used anywhere. 
It should be. It’s.. just so beautiful. I don’t dig the beginning too much the second half is just amazing. Bury me with it because it’s so beautiful... just.. perfection. If you want to cry of happiness, this is of you.
Rating: 10/10
Results (Average Rating)
Disc 1: 8.94
Disc 2: 8.31
Rearrange CD: 9.83
gravityWall/shØut: 9.40
Final Rating: 9.12
Overall, I would say this OST is simply amazing. To be perfectly honest, there are only a handful of songs I would actually go back and listen to, but the ones I would are just simply amazing. Sawano definitely showed some greatness here, but I wouldn’t say this is his highlight score of any kind. There’s definitely a lot of tracks, but in my opinion, Guilty Crown, Crisis and OST have an insanely large count of memorable songs.
Maybe that’s just my opinion. Maybe it’s because I haven’t actually seen the anime and got to experience the songs the way they are supposed to be experienced. Don’t worry. I plan to watch it in summer. My knowledge of it isn’t too positive from what I’ve heard, but I do plan to give it a try, regardless of that. The music is simply amazing
Should you give it a try? Oh, absolutely. It has a wide variety of tracks which all convey different feelings. I’m sure there’s at least 2 or 3 in there that will appeal to you in one way or another. Until next time!
Overall Favorite Track:  shØut
Final Rating (Again): 9,12
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lavendertownsghost · 8 years
The Adventure Zone Episode 55 live reactions because why not
I have no life and am bad at typing
everything is a clue
aww Magnus
god the idea of the creepy mannequin freaks me out
oh its prince dickhead sucks for him
shit she lost both her eyes dam
poor Taako
poor Magnus
jfc Merle
bounus sounds bad
of course it’s not optional
of course he takes an arm
remember to be happy as you fucking die
welp just tease them with escape
Magnus there is no winning this you should know
wait did the Directer betray him
i trusted her why would she leave him
aw poor head
fuck it’s gona be Merle who take the hit based off the summary
taako why don’t you realize you have Death on speed dial
this truesight really switched things up
life is a game and we are all players
oh shit it’s gone be leach life
at least they get to chose
dam Taako had a really low hit point ceiling
so Taako and Merle are around 30 and Magnus is at about 70
i still don’t know if i want to trust this red robe
fuck the wheel
at least the red robe isn’t a person
god Griffin being happy scares me
wait losing a fight usually ends in death
oh ok that’s no so bad? oh shit
you go Magnus
ok be happy
fuck are they gona erase their memories
instantly takes the penalty i love him
god dam six
aww his acrobatics that he never uses, such a shame
at least it’s not a minus
dam Magnush rushes in
Magnus rushes is times two
ok that’s not that bad, he hasn't tried to track him down anyway
shit this music is gona make me cry
dam Magnus 0.o
well at least Merle never wins a fight
dam that was fast Merle
no not my boy
shit he’s vain, he won’t want to age
i mean it’s hard to draw Taako ugly so
Taako you’re lovely on the inside, you don’t need beauty
normal isn’t bad
but to Taako that’s a lot
Taako isn’t a good person good point
instant spell slot god i love you Taako
please let one of them remember Kravitz
souffle time
he’s gona trust i know it
good boy Magnus
yay it’s a normal round
god i hate puppets
please let this be a boss rush
oh ok dragon time
oh it’s trying to find their past fights
wait if they have to fight crystal Kravitz they might be fucked
i mean they kicked his ass twice, so
at least they might remember that they should try and get a hold of him
oh no if they have to fight Slone ima cry
~commercial break~
sick jams i can’t wait to listen to this OST
aw no Magic Brian voice
well that’s creepy af
well that was fast
wait things just wont attack him then, he has the most health out of all of you
dam how low is Taako’s ac
wow that would have killed him
ok that was actually good planing on Merle and Magnus’ parts
oh nooo they have to fight Gundren
red robe you better have something up your sleeve that’s useful
if this is all the bell, that’s a really powerful relic
jfc Taako with the eldritch horror spells
of course there are tenticals why not
yeah Merle with the angel
so if Magnus doesn't have magic, how was he a red robe?
shit Merle’s divinity is messed up, is Pan dead
sometimes there’s math in DnD
aw they all get fucked
jfc Cam
Taako has like 10 health left again
oh ok it’s only one boss per round, they don’t need to actually kill them
woo go Cam!
god dam i really hope they remember Kravitz can help when they fight fake-him
4 notes · View notes
My Favorite Things” is a monthly segment where I share my personal and current favorites in seasonal products, health & beauty, food, decor, movies, TV, and more. Hope you enjoy these personal picks!
Noragai Aragoto
Synopsis: A minor god seeking to gain widespread worship teams up with a human girl he saved to gain fame, recognition and at least one shrine dedicated to him.
Finally Season Two! I was just as pleased with this season as much as the first one. We see the return of all of the lovable characters which make the show and the second season really delves into back stories while moving forward with the overall story arc. We learn Yato’s origin as a god and see how he is making small steps in order to become god that is loved by many. The relationship between him and Hiyori deepen as their friendship becomes stronger and Hiyori starts become more involved in the spirit world. Season Two was full of action and character development. It ends with a cliff hanger so I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Season Three.
  My Only Love Song
Synopsis: Song Soo-Jung  is a top star and she is very arrogant. She classifies people by how much money they have. Suddenly, she goes back in time to the Joseon era and meets On Dal. He will do anything to make money, but in fact he is generous to the weak and poor.
Yay! Netflix is making more Korean dramas and this show is one not to miss out on. My Only Love Song is a great fusion between historical fiction and time travel as Soo-Jung the MC gets thrown back in time to the Joseon era. It’s comedic, action-packed, and romance is very sweet. I was highly entertained by this show and I found myself binge-watching it as it runs 30 min (filmed more like a web drama). Soo-Jung is such a feisty lead and the actress who plays her does a fantastic job, she definitely makes the show. ‎Lee Jong-Hyun equally pulls off the tough guy (but a softie on the inside) On Dal. The chemistry between the two actors is what makes this show flow so well. The ending has some closure, but kind of has a cliff-hanger. Hopefully there will be a season two. *fingers crossed*
Mystic Whispers
Synopsis: Mo Xiaoyun lost her sense of hearing in her left ear after an accident one year ago and started hearing strange sounds. She has a hunch that she is hearing strange sounds from another world, but chooses to feign ignorance, hoping that she will be fine if she ignores it. She teams up with exorcist cum mortician, Zhang Ji’en, to help the ghosts move on peacefully.
Again, another web drama! I’m on this kick where I’m watching shorter shows cause I feel like I can’t commit to any long running TV shows at the moment. You can tell this is a web drama when you watch this show because of the filming style and it’s overall cheesiness, but I still very much enjoyed it. I felt like it was comedic version of every supernatural show I’ve ever watched. It has its eerie moments, but heartwarming ones as the ghosts find solace to move on. The witty banter between the duo, Xiaoyun and Ji’en adds to the entertainment factor.
Girls Trip
Synopsis: When four lifelong friends travel to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival, sisterhoods are rekindled, wild sides are rediscovered, and there’s enough dancing, drinking, brawling, and romancing to make the Big Easy blush.
This movie had me laughing out loud from beginning to end. It’s raunchy and loud, but the overall theme of sisterhood/friendship is what I loved the most about this movie. Regina. Queen Latifah, Tiffany, and Jada really shined in this movie and their on-screen chemistry is what helped the movie flow so well. The movie captured the essence of girlfriends while also discussing relevant and relatable things that people go through.  I recommend this movie for a girl’s night in film or when you’re looking for a feel-good film.
  Our Little Sister
Synopsis: This movie tells the story of three sisters in their 20s who live together in Kamakura, and are joined by their 14-year-old half-sister after their father dies.
I’ve been meaning to watching movie since I first heard about it and I’m so glad I did. The story of the these four sisters was touching, heartwarming, and deep. I love movies that explore family relationships and I liked how the movie was a coming of age story and the ties that band family together. The three sisters take their half-sister into their home on a whim and they have to learn to adjust to their new lifestyle while helping the youngest sister to grow on her own. Each sister’s personality is so different and it was interesting to see how they interacted with each other and put their differences aside to help one another.
  Stormy Weather
Synopsis: The relationship between an aspiring dancer and a popular songstress provides a retrospective of the great African American entertainers of the early 1900s.
In my never-ending list of classic movies to watch I decided to watch Stormy Weather which stars some of the most notable African-American entertainers of the early 1900s. While the plot is lacking and the film ends without a real resolution the cinematography, music, and lavish dance scenes make up for it. The musical numbers in this film are absolutely stunning from the intricate choreography to the beautiful costumes. It’s so entertaining!
Gucci by Jessi
This song is my jam right now! With lyrics like “Cause I’m self mad. Ain‘t no body ever made me.”, it’s an anthem about owning what you have and feeling fly. Jessi is one my favorite female rappers in Korea and I love this song so much. It’s got a great beat and it’s a song that would get you hype if it played in a club.
Can’t Stop Dancing by Captain & Tennille
Ah, good ‘ol Captain & Tennille! Their songs always have me groovin’ and this track will have you dancing in no time. With Cathryn’s signature vocals and Daryl’s funky jazzy piano melody it’s such an upbeat tune. This is one of my favorite songs from the duo.
Perfect Situation by Weezer
When I was in my alternative rock phase during middle school this song by Weezer was always on replay. It’s a bit sad when you listen to the lyrics. The way the song is sung you can feel the emotions and it’s mid-tempo melody is fast enough to make you tap you feet along.
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I acquired three albums to my K-pop collection during my trip to Chicago. From left to right: Wonder Girls: The Wonder Years, My Lovely Samsoon OST, and A Pink: Pink Blossom 4th Mini Album.
Assorted Face Masks
I got these assortment of Korean face masks on my recent trip to Chicago. Some of the brands such as Innisfree are familiar and others like Dermal are new to me. I look forward to try these all! 😀
My Weekend is All Booked T-Shirt
I found this shirt on a recent Target trip and it’s so cute! It combines two of favorite things Belle (my favorite Disney princess) and reading!
K-Pop/Anime Socks!
Also from my Chicago trip! They are adorable. Left to right: Sailor Moon, BTS, No Face from Spirited Away.
*This post is in no way sponsored
What are some of your favorite things in August? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. 🙂
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My Favorite Things: August Edition My Favorite Things” is a monthly segment where I share my personal and current favorites in seasonal products, health & beauty, food, decor, movies, TV, and more.
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