#Edmond I love you Mwa
pen-inks · 1 month
I have some new adaptations on my belt
So here's my rating
2002 movie :1/10 loves the costumes hated the plot
2024 movie: I haven't seen it yet but I've read summaries I think it's definitely better than the 2002 one but there's some changes where I'm like💀💀💀 but at least there is andrea and the OST is so good. 5/10
Gankutsuou: 7/10 I liked it it was decently accurate and I fucking ugly cried when SPOILERS!!!! Franz died (it doesn't happen in the book) Also hate how they made andrea somehow worse like dude I want to root him on not despise him
Monte Cristo Hankushanku: pretty good the website was sketchy as fuck but the manga wasn't too bad I just wish it was slower pace but it's also prolly a BITCH drawing each frame. They clearly read it. I just feel some parts are confusing without context. Art is amazing but the entire thing is extremely rushed which is fine because tbh I wouldn't wanna draw all 29382919 pages either. 5/10
Monte Cristo Frank Wildhorn Musical: it was like they read like 500 pages and gave up. Love the music though. With all my heart. 5/10
The other musical: very poorly done musical but it's so bad it's good and it's decently accurate. 6/10
So my recommendation if you've already read TCOMC? Gankutsuou! If you want to grab your friends by the shoulders and go LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND MY HYPERFIXATIONS NOW!!!! then throw hankushanku at their skulls because it's like a quick summary
If you wanna jam out, frank wild horn and the 2024 OST OH MY GOD ITS SO LAKFIOAIRJAIDIS
and if you wanna see the 2002 movie, I uh. I don't even know. Why. Why would you want that.
Okay that's all lalala official Edmond Dantés post
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