#or are they a point for the mcs to compare their struggles too
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rainbowdoom32 · 1 year ago
Do you think in the omegaverse there’s a new, awful layer to “the talk” that teens get
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etheries1015 · 1 year ago
Hello! I love the way you write! Would I be able to request the reactions of some of the twst boys to MC telling them they snore (whether it's true or not)? I think Malleus, Riddle, and Azul would have fun reactions, but anyone you feel like writing would be great! Thank you!
Thank you for the compliment heuheu... much appreciated <3
When they snore
Featuring: Malleus, Riddle, Azul, Rook, Vil
General warnings: Gender neutral reader
The moment you told him he snores, he was concerned. Was he troubling you with his sleeping habits? Were you unhappy sleeping with the fae because of this, to the point where it was noticeable? The moment the words left your mouth, he began to word vomit.
"Is that an issue? Is my snoring preventing you from getting a night of good rest? I...Suppose I could sleep elsewhere if it will grant you a full night of sleep.." Que him going down a rabbit hole of solutions, you couldn't get a single word in. Eventually, it came time for classes to begin, to which you hadn't the chance to explain your statement to the panicked fae.
When night fell and it was time for bed, his tail swayed sadly as he stood in the doorway. "I suppose I shall sleep out here, my love," He said, as lightning of vibrant green flashed outside your window.
As he turned his back and began to sulk away, you quickly ran up behind him with a bear hug.
"Malleus, would you stop and listen to me for a second?" You laughed, "When I said you snore, I was going to tell you it was cute. Like an animal snoring lightly. You seem so at peace curled up in bed with your light snoring..."
The lightning went away as fast at it had came, and you felt his tail wrap around your waist as he turned to face you, arms pulling you close.
"Ah...ahem. I apologize for my unbecoming behavior before, then. I...was rather saddened at the thought I caused my beloved to lose well-needed sleep."
He's never been called cute before, but he's also never slept in the same bed with another person. So I suppose there's a first for everything <3
Snores like a cat. The first time you had slept in the same room, the first thing you noticed was his high-pitched yet soft snores that were short and far between.
The morning you woke up, the first thing you said was; "Did you know you snore?" Riddle blinks at you a couple times before hitting you with his annoyed face (you know the one.)
"Snoring is perfectly normal," He told you, "It's caused by the rattling and vibration of tissues-"
You got a lecture on the scientific reasoning behind snoring. When he finished defending the nature of his sleeping habits, you finally hit him with the "You snore like a little cat! It's cute!"
His face turns as red as his hair, as always when he becomes flustered.
"W-w-wha- a cat?! How dare you compare me to a cat! I..I am not a cat..."
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything.." You seemed pretty guilty about upsetting him, he muttered "I suppose I'll let it go..." and moved on.
All in all, as long as you aren't losing sleep because of him, he will forgive you for your previous teasing statements. However, from that day forward, you have noticed his ears take a rosy hue with shy glances your way before he heads to bed...
"Did you know you snore? Pretty loud, too. Is that like...a merman thing?"
His face turns red IMMEDIATELY. He was so embarrassed. The first time he allows someone to be near him in such a vulnerable state, and he blows it by being a snorer. A loud one, at that.
"Snoring is not common for merfolk! Being under the sea, most don't struggle with such a thing...but I would say being above water, the air that goes through my soft palate-"
Great. Another scientific review on snoring. Only Azul, on the other hand, cannot seem to keep eye contact with you.
"Please don't tell anyone. You must sign on it!"
You spent an hour comforting poor Azul, telling him it's nothing to be ashamed of, and giving him lots of hugs and cuddles. But he still continues to insist you sign a NDA to the information you had uncovered.
He was incredibly shy about having you sleep with him again, yet you managed to convince him. Azul is much more insecure than you may think about his image, however, you always seem to break his walls down.
Although, you did notice he began to wear nose strips at night, with books on sleeping habits and potions to help with snoring...old habits truly die hard.
Give him extra cuddles for the existential crisis you had instilled in your poor octo boyfriend <3
Oh boy. You had no choice but to tell him. He snores like your average forty-year-old dad. You genuinely lose sleep over it, even waking him up
"Rook, Rook. Honey. Please. I can't sleep. Your snoring is just too much, I'm sorry."
He actually finds it kind of amusing? For some reason? He asks you excitedly to tell him more about the things he does when he's sleeping.
He didn't really take you too seriously until he noticed the physical wear and tear. The bags under your eyes...
"Mon Cheri! Your eyes...have you not been sleeping well?"
"Rook. Your snoring. It's horrendous. Please."
He spends an hour doing EVERYTHING under the sun to help his snoring, for your sake! Moving around how his bed is set up, mouth exercises, the way he sleeps...He refuses to use strips, he doesn't like how they feel, and says it prevents his senses from being at their 100%.
He finds a way to help alleviate it, and you end up investing in some sleep time headphones. You make it work, because dealing with his sleeping habits is better than sleeping without him~
"Did you know you snore?"
He stares at you with his jaw open and his eyes wide. What...what do you mean he snores when he sleeps? Does he sleep with his mouth open? Does he look utterly ridiculous when he sleeps? All of these questions he bombards you with.
"Vil! Vil. I was kidding. I'm sorry. You sleep so quietly that I have to check if you're still alive sometimes. You're like a sleeping statue of perfection."
He was not amused. He almost had a heart attack and invested in the world's most expensive treatments.
Tackles you to the bed and ruffles up your hair, laughter ensuing at your silly little prank.
"Well, it's YOU who snores, potato. You're lucky I let you sleep here and not outside like a dog," He chuckles. He says this, yet you knew he loved you too much to go a single night without you by his side.
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hogwartslegacyreactions2 · 11 months ago
Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your writing, you do such an amazing job!! I was wondering, if you have the time and are taking requests, could you do how each character cuddles with MC? Can be platonic or romantic, and I was wondering if you could also add professors. Thank you so much, I hope it's not to much to ask!! Have a great day/night!!❤️
A/N: romantic cuddling for the friends, platonic cuddle/hugs for the professors :3
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: This boy is a snake. Full body wrapped around MC like a python. He won't let go easily, either. But he's warm and gives many kisses, so the entrapment is worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: Physical touch has rarely led to good things in his life so MC will need to be patient with him. Once their relationship is to the point that he feels safe with them, he cuddles with his hands constantly mapping their body. He will have every part of them committed to memory.
ANNE SALLOW: She likes laying on top of them with her face on their chest. She finds their heartbeat soothing. She also likes hearing it speed up when she's feeling cheeky.
IMELDA REYES: Physical touch isn't one of her love languages, so she doesn't go out of her way to cuddle them. She doesn't reject it, She finds MC's affection cute, but she'll be reading or messing with her wand while she lays there with MC attached.
NATSAI ONAI: She is the big spoon. She must protecc. She whispers all sorts of sweet nothing's while she's holding them and gives little neck kisses.
GARRETH WEASLEY: Cuddling him is dangerous because MC never knows what he'll do. This goof can't help but make MC laugh. He loves hearing it. He'll boop their nose, lick their face, even tickle them for a reaction.
LEANDER PREWETT: Long boi with long limbs. MC is tangled in him with little hope of getting away. He has quite the wingspan, so even if MC is on the other side of the bed, he can just casually reach over and yoink them to his side.
AMIT THAKKAR: Hope MC likes his voice, cause he's a talker. MC is his captive audience and he will go on and on and ON about just about anything. Mostly astronomical topics, but he goes off on tangents.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's the little spoon. Doesn't matter how tall MC is compared to him. They could be the longest mfer or just a little backpack, he loves them either way. He feels held.
POPPY SWEETING: Smol. Turns into a ball like a little hedgehog. Might get lost in the cushions or blankets, so hold tight. Also a bit of a squirmer, sometimes struggles to get comfortable. She'll settle down eventually.
ELEAZAR FIG: Dad. Hugs. Like, sit on the couch under his arm, dad hugs. Warm and comforting and loving. MC will likely fall asleep.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She's not too much of a hugger, but she won't deny one if MC asks. They'll be short but comforting.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's not much of a hugger but if MC really needs one, she'll oblige. Might be a bit awkward, but she means well.
AESOP SHARP: MC will have to be strategic. First, gain his trust. That's the hard part. Second, catch him in a good mood. Third, MC must ask ONLY when no one else is around. His affection is very private. Fourth, (optional step) liquid luck.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Favorite Uncle vibes. Playful bear hugs that crush ribs and pick MC up off their feet. Best hugs for when MC needs a laugh.
MIRABEL GARLICK: Very much a hugger. MC can hold her as long as they need to. Let all their worries and stress melt away in her genuine embrace.
MUDIWA ONAI: She gives the best Mom hugs MC could ever experience. She'll go so far as to hug MC in her lap and rock them like a child, even if MC is tall.
BAI HOWIN: If MC needs affection, she suggests they seek out mooncalves or puffskiens.
DINAH HECAT: She is more affectionate than she lets on. If MC is stressed and needs a hug, she offers one without prompting.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He's a ghost. Move along.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She's not an affectionate person. MC will get more warmth from a glacier.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: If MC knows what's good for them, they won't touch him. Ever.
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mandalhoerian · 2 months ago
I love your analysis on Rafayel, I thought there was something wrong with me not understanding his card! If it's not too much to ask, can you break down his final dialogue? I don't get his point. why is he suddenly bringing up love when this has been about art? Isn't he saying that the love he feels is also bringing him pain, isn't this a bad thing😅 Is it just me 😅 I feel crazy... You can ignore this if you want no hard feelings
the said analysis on intertidal zone for people who haven't seen it!
first of all, please don't be hard on yourself for not understanding, you're okay! this was me too. i got you!
"i once stubbornly believed only pain could bring me inspiration. I traveled far and wide in search of it. Pain that inspires me, I mean. Like a sea that's about to dry up. The art of creation is part of my life. You made me realize love and art are so alike. Even if they don't complete me but burn me instead, I still want them with every fiber of my being."
but before i can explain this fully, I want to go take a few steps back and go into what he previously revealed. I swear it makes sense to start from the beginning, trust me. spoiler alert, I've discovered something you guys. (@pasdenomadonner you can put this on reddit too if you'd like!!)
"actually i was here last time for an exhibit and i found myself in the same situation."
this could refer to either his fever, or his lack of inspiration, or both. the next line confirms that he was going through creative block, though -> "as far as i know, this is the longest time my mind's been like a blank sheet of paper."
and mc says, "you mean you can't draw?"
I totally missed this before & thought it was a tangent that came out of nowhere. But what Rafayel did is that, without words, showing her that he was in fact able to fix his inspiration issue the last time. This isn't a random reveal that the ocean and desert painting belonged to him all this time. It says that his trip to here fixed his creative block and the piece he made from the inspiration he got from Aridum made it to the memorial hall. He's saying, "No no, I could draw."
He's come here again for guaranteed inspiration hit. He's basically saying his trip here didn't work this time around and this isn't doing anything for him, despite the tragedy all around him.
Do you know what this means? STAY WITH ME NOW, STAY WITH ME.
because this ties DIRECTLY to him saying "i stubbornly believed only pain could give me inspiration" -- so, if only pain gives him inspiration, why can't he draw now? why is his mind blank? Is he not getting his inspiration from pain anymore? What will he do now, then? THAT'S what he's struggling with.
NOW we can dive into the rest of the final dialogue.
1. “The art of creation is part of my life.”
This line sets the stage. Rafayel isn’t just saying art is important to him, it’s essential. Not a hobby. Art isn’t just a thing he does, it’s who he is.
What he’s really saying here is: “Art is a core part of my identity. Without it, I’m not me.”
2. “You made me realize love and art are so alike.”
Here’s the pivot. It's so confusing at first glance because you expect him to elaborate in "What way?" But I believe Rafayel is setting the stage to make a direct comparison between art--this thing he just declared essential to his life--and love not just by commenting on their similarities but by implying that love (MC) is just as essential as art.
Think about what this means for someone like Rafayel:
Art has always been his way of processing the world, expressing himself, and finding meaning. It’s his lifeline.
By comparing love to art, he’s saying that MC has brought something into his life that feels equally vital, equally irreplaceable.
He’s realizing that MC, like art, isn’t just something that happens to him--it’s something he needs.
3. “Even if they don’t complete me but burn me instead...”
This is where it gets personal and raw. Rafayel doesn’t see art or love as things that “fix” him or make him whole. Instead, he sees them as forces that challenge him, consume him, and demand something from him.
“Burn me instead”: The idea of burning here isn’t necessarily negative, perhaps. It’s could be about intensity and being consuming. Both art and love push Rafayel to his limits, force him to confront himself, and sometimes hurt him in the process. But he’s okay with that. The burn isn’t a deterrent--it’s a part of what makes these things so meaningful to him.
In essence, he’s saying: Even if art and love aren’t easy, even if they don’t make me feel whole or safe, I still want them. I still need them.
4. “I still want them with every fiber of my being.”
This line drives the point home, circling back to how he said they were "alike". Rafayel isn’t just tolerating the burn--he’s choosing it. He wants art and love, not because they’re perfect or painless, but because they’re what give his life meaning. Remember his "Addictive Pain" anectode? I don't think he dislikes this kind of "pain" but MC isn't in a place to understand what he means yet is my takeaway.
YEAH?. YEAH. I'M DOING LAPS IN MY ROOM HE'S SO. HE'S SOOOOOO. AND I'M SO SLOW, I DIDN'T GET ALL OF UNTIL LATER, LIKE HOW THE LAST TIME HE WAS ABLE TO BE INSPIRED BY ARIDUM DURING CREATIVE BLOCK BUT NOT ANYMORE. "Why is he bringing up love all of a sudden. Weren't we just talking about art?" was such a raw connection he was trying to pull and it flew right over my head.
And understanding the burning thing quite literally I imagine, LIKE I WAS DOING, MC is like
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he's such a tortured artist
anyway. I hope I was able to help, anon. It's thanks to you I went in and discovered these new things. Why is it always Rafayel. I feel like local tumblrina discovering media literacy for the first time, I swear I'm good at consuming media it's him making things difficult (even though me personally I've made my peace with having a peanut for a brain that runs on brainrot)
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
i like to imagine whenever MC is too stressed with the brothers, they call Barbatos. He and MC spend a few hours togehter and boom MC is calm again, he has such a calming aura it's impossible not to
are the brothers jealous? of course but it's either let Barbatos spend time with MC or get murdered by MC so they can't really do anything about it
This is absolutely one of my favorite things about Barbatos. Because I like to imagine the same thing. There's just something about his demeanor that is so calm, especially compared to the chaos of the brothers.
I love the bros, truly I do, but those guys are always so boisterous. And I think it makes sense that MC would need to take a break from that sometimes. It probably also depends on how well your specific MC deals with that level of nonsense. I think an extroverted MC would probably do okay, but an introverted one might struggle more.
And I see Barbatos also just knowing when MC needs a break. He can tell when MC's stress levels have gotten too high and invites them over for tea. He knows all their favorite tea blends and their favorite pastries. He asks them about their troubles and listens quietly as they tell him everything.
MC is a demon therapist, but who is MC's therapist?? Barbatos, that's who.
There's just something about the way he seems to understand and know things without being told. He's observant to the point where he understands everyone around him, including MC.
When the brothers see how relaxed MC is when they get back, they really can't complain.
Ah, I love Barbatos so much.
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ace-and-the-rpg-horrors · 2 months ago
PJSK really is TAME compared to other gacha games, huh... like A3! isn't AS crazy as Enstars, but i think you'd all find it funny too
character who's an actual runaway prince
canon timeloop caused by a plushie and it's used to fix a gay break up
MC director finds a man unconscious outside the theatre and immediately employs him
MC held hostage by one of her new actors who turned out to be a spy that hates another actor who is ALSO a spy cause he thinks he murdered their other spy friend
one troupe consists of gang members and delinquents and exactly one normal guy
there's a magnifying glass that lets you see what people are really thinking and it's used exactly once and by the autistic-coded poet who was struggling with communication
the theatre is on the brink of bankruptcy at any given time and this does not make the sassy fourteen year old tailor any less strict about costume quality
at least two other characters have been kidnapped at some point i think and one of them got saved by the rest of his troupe (the delinquent ones) turning up in fursuits
despite all this happening, Miss Director is always like, "but we have a play to put on!!" and yes, even while she herself was kidnapped by one of her actors, she tried to get him to rehearse. woman of all time
and this is just what i remember from the main story <3
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astracora · 2 months ago
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A Mandated Holiday Break - Chapter 5
Characters: Sylus x gn!mc (poly lads)
Warnings: Loose spoilers for 'Mischief' anecdote and Sylus Myth.
Word Count: 1275
Written: 21st December 2024
Notes: Post-relationship Sylus/MC-centric but poly LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Masterlist AO3
You've passed out, midway through some movie about a man in green visiting some city in search of his father. Sometime during your movie marathon with Sylus, he'd noticed you'd stopped caring what you'd put on. He'd gotten too invested in Die Hard (a Christmas movie, you swore), and had been more than horrified that the inaccuracies didn't bother you.
At that point you'd stopped showing him movies you really loved, instead giggling with glee at making him watch some of the worst or silliest things you could find. To see his nose scrunch, and what you'd (incorrectly) called his snobby rich boy taste.
Of all the movies you could watch, he refused to understand why toilet humour had entertained you so.
It hadn't, he thinks, his inability to not roll his eyes, had been your goal.
Still, the laughter had been worth it. He would do anything to hear it forever, so perhaps he'd let you play terrible movies for the end of time.
As you murmured in your sleep, at which he'd lowered his head to try to make words out. (Something about a farmers market, and a duck?) He'd left your side, reluctant but knowing you needed to eat. Something other than cookies. You'd at least drank the water he made sure was at your side, if he left you alone he thinks you'd subsist off caffeine.
When he untangles himself from you, carefully, so carefully because while he'd love to bring you with him, the bags under your eyes demand more sleep than you've been getting. He checks you over once more, tugging the soft pink blanket over you. (It doesn't match the decor but you'd said pink suited him. He'd given you a look of disbelief... but he hadn't stopped using it since. Despite running a higher temperature than anyone you knew.)
He met the twins in the kitchen, stuffing sugar cookies into their mouths, as soon as they heard the door open. Two pairs of guilty, wide eyes shot to stare.
He's seen raccoons before, digging through food in the bins. He won't compare them, out loud, but the look is similar. "You better hope the doctor doesn't count those." Luke gulps, Kieran fidgets.
There was little the doctor was protective over, or possessive over. Sugar, and the kitten curled up on his sofa, were the two that mattered. He'd also been informed of their presence, waiting for him.
Sylus knows no matter what, even the N109 zone wouldn't keep the good doctor away from either of those things, especially in the same room.
With a smug, little self satisfied purr, he stuffs one of the fresh baked cookies into his mouth.
Food was always better shared, than alone, as he'd learned over the years.
"Is it dinner time?" Luke asks, swinging his legs as he jumps back up on the counter. Watching Sylus grab things from around the room, pulling his phone out to find a recipe he'd been sent by the prince.
'I want to make this.'
'I'm not letting you make it in my kitchen.'
'They'll like it.'
'They won't like the base being set on fire.'
In the end he'd promised to make it instead. If only to save everyone from the prince's electronic based curse.
He nods at the question, and as he watches the two out the corner of his eye, he realises he has no idea when they started living here.
He's aware of the time they've been working for him, he remembers the day he met them vividly. He's deeply familiar with how he felt watching them struggle against Ever's bonds.
The crystals gouged out of skin, the pain, the yearning. It had twisted parts of his chest, and torn at old memories he wished he could forget.
It was never easy to separate from the past, it stayed a part of you even if you desperately wished it wouldn't.
Still, he has no recollection for when they went from visiting for work, to staying, always present unless they wanted to explore together. Talking to him with candour... no, formality was never the twin's forte.
Something had changed, however, and he wasn't sure when.
He follows steps as he muses, though doesn't share his thinking out loud, after all, they seem content to just watch. Sticking leftover crumbs in their mouths, and chattering to each other.
Sylus doesn't really know when making meals for others became like this, he started because it made you happy, he continued because he liked doing it. A simple task, but it garnered praise, and joy. Food was not something he'd needed before, now, however, it was a gift to be shared.
It was simply just as easy to prepare for four (five, as he makes enough to save a plate for the prince), as it was for two.
Kieran hums the song that you were playing earlier, still out of tune, and he has to bite back his laugh, but finds himself joining in. He doesn't remember the words yet he's never discontent for his mind to remember you in every song he ever hears.
"Hey Hunter!"
You enter the room, rubbing at your eyes, and he finds himself smiling at you easily. It's more a quirk of the lips, and garnet eyes melting, but you smile back as though he's beaming.
Perhaps in his way, he is. He's still unpracticed with joy. With emotions.
Showing them is hard, so he speaks them and he places them into your hands (for your heart to keep) in actions.
He refuses to let you think he is not earnest. Never to lie, never to flatter. You will never doubt his affections, he promises.
As you yawn and pull yourself up onto the kitchen counter, and he wonders why he bothered to buy stools for the bar. None of you seem to use them, content to hover too close. Comment and talk and titter away.
When he'd asked, you'd shrugged. "I like to be tall." You'd teased, kissing his forehead at the height the counter allowed you.
His cheeks had flamed and he'd blinked. Surprised and confused. Until the feeling settled into a burning need. So hungry and desperate and clawing, he'd pulled you in by the back of your neck and bitten, kissed and licked his way up your throat.
Your laughter and sighs had stuck in his head for weeks after.
He found himself wishing you'd do it again, every single time you sat on the counter to watch him cook.
Instead of the twins singing, though you seem to find it entertaining to watch them relax, you reconnect your phone to the sound system he installed in the kitchen.
For you, ever since he visited your own place to see your speakers hooked up on the wall, humming away as you baked bread. Told him music made any task better, even the ones you hated.
Sylus has been so used to solitude his entire life. Before the abyss, after the abyss. He's spent longer alone, than he has with others. Even when he built Onychinus, ground up, clawing and scratching to his makeshift throne, nothing had touched that solitude.
His time in the clouds had been short in comparison. A blip.
A torn out moment as close to bliss as he could ever have thought to get.
This. Here. A low chuckle in his throat, songs in the air, and warmth in his joined heart... he could not bear to trade or lose.
Even when one of the twins, pointing at each other when whirled on, throws a slice of carrot at his head.
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thereareeyesinsidethetrees · 3 months ago
(hi we're back we had to do a final exam anyway post time)
thought process: what if bill is just a foil to stan and the same coin theory folks are taking it way too literally (joking)
conclusion: holy shit bill is a foil to stan
alright okay, so. to start off. what is a foil in literature? a foil is a character designed to compare to and contrast another character. in other words, x character may be very similar to y character but there are very important differences between them. the purpose of this is to enhance the story and give more information about the character that has the foil
so. now that we've got that basis. how is bill a foil to stan, and why is it not the other way around?
point one: main character syndrome
dipper is often considered the main character of gravity falls, but really the grand story revolves around stan. we say this with nothing but love towards ford. each character has a story and arc they go through, but the vast story of the entirety of gravity falls belongs to stan. you follow him. you don't see ford on the other side of the portal. you never see piedmont. you see stan's childhood, stan's life, stan's struggle to get his brother back and protect his family. it is objectively a story about stan
^ this is important to note. very very often, foils are intended to be compared and contrasted to the main character/s. since you are with the main character throughout the ride, this helps you learn more about the mc. who they are, their motivations, and why the difference between them and the foil matters
point two: comparison
let's make a quick list of what stan and bill have in common: they are both con-men. they both lie and cheat and steal. they both hurt people and don't apologize. they both want the portal open. they both are associated with the phrase 'buy gold'. they are both expecting the upcoming apocalypse. they both aren't concerned with ending weirdmaggedon. they both gun for what they want and don't stop until they get it. they both put on a metaphorical mask. they both value ford, prizing him above others. he's both of their goals, the one thing they want to reach
point three: contrasting
what is different about them?
bill destroyed his world. he killed his family
if stan is one thing, it's a family man. it's like he says himself: everything he does is for his family
bill treats ford as an object. a toy. a little gold trophy that he can throw around and crack and play with
it is true that stan didn't initially see ford as his own person with his own drive. it is evident that he has grown past this, and he continues to grow past this as the show comes to a close. ford may have been the prize, but he isn't a trophy. he's a hostage returned home
bill sees the pines as less than. nothing more than puppets to do his bidding
stan sees his family as his will, his reason for everything. why not give up? because they need him. he punched a bald eagle and a dinosaur for the niblings. he punched a demon thought to be unstoppable into shattered specks for the niblings and ford
bill is manipulative, bending people's minds and emotions and memories to do whatever he wants with them
stan, while still a con-man, is much more genuine
bill doesn't grow as a person. he deflects, deflects, deflects, and parties 'til the pain goes away
stan does grow. he goes from lying about everything to spilling his entire story to everyone he cares about. he goes from painfully wide grins to crying as he tells mabel, genuinely, why he's doing this. he goes from assuming and batting away any of ford's attempts to reconcile to having a heartfelt talk with him in the fearamid, realizing how they've hurt each other (that he has hurt ford too), and eventually sailing across the sea with him. he goes from reacting first with anger and aggression to reacting in more subtle, softer ways. the constant scowl on his face when he's not performing transforms into a hopeful smile by the final episode
all this to say: bill is what stan could have been if he wasn't a good person. if he didn't try. and as long as it might have taken to reach the point he did, he still got there through effort and determination. he still tried. he earned his happy end. that's more than bill can ever say
(and a little final message: ford worked hard too. bill may not be his foil, but that doesn't mean he didn't grow and earn his happy ending too. do not use this post to spew vitriol about him)
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nyctoaerah · 10 months ago
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╰┈➤𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒: Where Suguru Geto ends up becoming enamored with Gojo’s Non-sorcerer sister to the point of obsession.
╰┈➤𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Unedited, Rushed, Cringe, Brief Cannibalism, Self Harm, Taiyohime Slander, Satoru pissing the bed, Dumbass Mc.
╰┈➤𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere! Suguru Geto x Fem! Gojo’s Sister! Non-sorcerer! Reader
╰┈➤𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: yeah... This is becoming more like a crackfic now, but dw pookies, i’m gonna make it a lot more darker once it reaches chapter 13, just enjoy the fluffy moments and comedies cause i’m gonna take it all away soon<3. Just decided to post it all in one go because I’m too lazy to post them one by one. Reblogs and Hearts are greatly appreciated<3
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SUGURU'S JAW CLENCHED AS he felt a discomforting sensation as he tried to shift and readjust his position. The weight of [Name]’s knee pressing against his groin made him feel as if she was engaging in some sort of suggestive movement—It was as if she was humping him.
His gaze met hers, his face turning red with embarrassment. Each breath he took seemed to escape his lungs in small, visible puffs of air. The close proximity between them and the physical contact only intensified his embarrassment. 
He wanted to push her away but his fucking body won’t move 
Her attention seemed to have momentarily drifted away, resulting in her missing his earlier words about having a blistered skin in the same area.
“I’m really sorry! ‘m sorry, i didn’t meant to do that, i swear!” she sincerely apologized while tenderly touching the blistered skin on his forehead, touching it with her fingertips and as she did so, Suguru visibly shivered from the sensation. 
Despite the pain he experienced from the scalding hot tea accidentally spilling on both of them, the discomfort seemed insignificant to him in comparison to where her fucking knee was, it hurts a lot yet it's somehow thrilling. His primary concern revolved around ensuring she moved her knee away, fearing the potential consequences of his body’s response. 
In a desperate attempt to control his physical reaction, Suguru repeated the words “Don’t get hard” silently in his mind. However, unfortunately for him, his body reacted on its own as a surge of blood cascaded towards his nether regions, causing his face to flush a deeper shade of red resembling a ripe tomato. 
Suguru felt like as if he was a horny hormonal teenager boy.
“gods, ’m so sorry, ‘m sorry,”
Suguru lamented, pressing his head against the nearest wall in frustration and remorse.
“I’m sorry, i’m sorry”
“Huh?” [Name] blinked in utter confusion, her eyes locking onto him as she struggled to make sense of his apology.
“Why are you apologizing? I'm the one at fault here!” she exclaimed, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. Although she could feel something poking and prodding her kneecaps, she chose not to mention it, as she had a tendency to ignore physical discomfort. To her dismay, she noticed blisters forming on her skin, causing immense pain and a reddening effect as if the skin was melting. However, she was too preoccupied with other matters to pay attention or address it. Besides, she has a high pain tolerance and this was nothing new to her, given the hardships she had endured in her own clan, the Gojo clan, where far worse things had occurred compared to being scalded by boiling water. 
“I'm sorry,” Suguru repeated once more, genuinely remorseful for the situation unfolding before them. 
“No, I should be the one apologizing!” [Name] interjected, her voice filled with guilt. 
“No, I truly am sorry,” Suguru insisted, 
“I am the most wretched and depraved individual to ever exist,” he chastised himself , berating his own actions for allowing such a trivial event to arouse him.
“I am the most filthiest degenerate to ever exist”
He couldn't believe that something as simple as this incident had caused such a reaction within him. Moreover, he couldn't comprehend how he just fucking got hard for someone he barely knew. Yes, they had met once and he had been drawn to her positive energy, but that was the extent of their relationship; nothing more, nothing less. 
They are strangers.
The perplexed expression on [Name]'s face grew as she heard Suguru utter those words, her mind struggling to comprehend the reasoning behind his self-deprecating comments. She couldn't grasp why he would speak of himself in such a disparaging manner; after all, he had always shown himself to be a gentleman, far from any notions of degeneracy. 
"But you're not!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine confusion.
“Don't say such things about yourself!”
“I am,” he responded, his gaze dropping downward, causing [Name] to follow his line of sight, she promptly moved her knee away from its position, now resting against Suguru’s thigh and suguru coulrn’t help but feel relieved.  It was then that she noticed a noticeable bulge straining against Suguru’s pants in the groin area. 
The room suddenly became quiet, filled with tension and awkwardness as [Name] turned just as red as suguru.
“Wait... Are you two fucking?” they heard a dumbfounded voice that belongs to satoru say.
“EXCUSE ME?!” The booming voice of taiyohime exclaimed.
Satoru wrapped the bandages around Suguru with an evident display of anger, ensuring a tight fit that caused Suguru to wince in pain.
“You're making my blood circulation constrict!”
Frustrated, Suguru snapped accusingly. In response, Satoru flicked Suguru's forehead, dangerously close to the already blistered skin.
“I trusted you! How could you do this to me?!”
Fat crocodile tears began to form on satoru’s crystal eyes as he placed his hands on suguru’s shoulder and began to shake the shit outta the black haired man.
Surprised, Suguru gazed at Satoru, unable to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth. “What the hell are you even saying?”
“You were trying to steal my sister!”
Satoru continued to accuse Suguru of attempting to steal his sister away from him, lamenting the perceived betrayal. Completely taken aback, Suguru was flabbergasted, not understanding where these accusations were coming from.
“What? No, i’m not” Trying to defend himself, he vehemently denied Satoru's claims, but Satoru remained firm in his belief, asserting that Suguru was indeed trying to steal his sister.  
“Yes you are!”
Suguru's eyes widened with disbelief as he tried to reason with Satoru, who was still shaking him by the shoulders as if trying to shake some sense into him.
“I saw the way you looked at her, like she was a piece of juicy steak and you were a hungry wolf!” Satoru's voice trembled with intense emotions as he confronted Suguru, emphasizing his observation of the way Suguru looked at her. Satoru vividly described the intensity in Suguru's gaze, comparing it to that of a ravenous wolf fixated on a delectable piece of juicy steak. By using such strong imagery, Satoru made it evident that he firmly believed Suguru had sinister intentions of stealing his sister away from him.
“Dude, what are you talking about? Your sister literally just tripped and fell on top of me! It was a total accident, I swear!”
Suguru's eyebrows knitted in utter astonishment, clearly unable to comprehend the situation at hand, while he exerted the utmost effort to extricate himself from the firm grasp of Satoru. His mind clouded with perplexity.
Satoru's eyes flashed with a mixture of hurt and anger as he refused to be swayed.
“Oh, so now you're denying it? You were practically ogling her!”
“Satoru, I honestly think you have some serious misconceptions!” Suguru sighed heavily and felt his head spinning as Satoru persistently shook him.
“Stop being delusional!”
Suguru couldn't comprehend why on earth Satoru believed that he was trying to steal his own sister. While Suguru had encountered a few overprotective brothers before, none of them were as eccentric as Satoru.
“I assure you, I am not ogling on her,” Suguru groaned, desperately trying to reason with Satoru. 
“But you are!” Satoru continued to insist, refusing to let the matter go and stubbornly clinging into his beliefs
“I'm not even interested, besides—” Suguru attempted to convince Satoru, but was abruptly interrupted. 
“Are you implying that she's ugly and an eyesore?” Satoru's words hit Suguru like a ton of bricks, causing him to facepalm in frustration.  
“So you think that she’s ugly and not worth looking at, huh?” Satoru snapped and suguru raised his hand and smacked satoru.
Meanwhile, [Name] and taiyohime found themselves in the bathroom, attending to their injuries. taiyohime was carefully applying bandages to her wounds, while [Name] was also tending to her own injuries. However, her face remained flushed with embarrassment from the earlier encounter with suguru. Now she was uncertain about how to face him after what had happened. 
Meanwhile, taiyohime cast a suspicious glance at [Name], her eyes filled with doubt and mistrust. Her voice dripped with venom as she confronted [Name], her chest rising and falling heavily with each breath. 
“Did you both actually fucked?” taiyohime spat out the question, her accusatory tone causing [Name]'s jaw to drop in shock. The latter was about to defend herself and deny the accusation, but taiyohime's next words stopped her in her tracks. 
“Did he force himself on you? I know you would never willingly engage in such behavior. After all, you're a good girl,” taiyohime asserted, causing [Name]'s face to turn even redder with embarrassment. 
“Why is it so quick?”
“No! Stop making assumptions!” [Name] practically shouted in frustration, her voice filled with embarrassment and irritation.
“We didn't have... or anything like that! It was just an accident and... and..!” [Name] trailed off, throwing her head back in exasperation as she buried her face in her hands. Despite her explanation, taiyohime continued to regard her with suspicion.
“I'm a minor, seriously!” [Name] said, frustrated and exasperated, emphasizing her point. 
“So is Satoru and Geto,” Taiyohime responded, crossing her arms over her chest as she finished tending to her wounds. She added this detail to highlight that being a minor was not an excuse for the situations they were discussing. 
“And they're no virgins anymore,” Taiyohime said, letting out a sigh that reflected a mixture of annoyance and disappointment. [Name] looked at her with disbelief, not expecting the conversation to take this turn.
 “... why are you telling me this?” She eyed taiyohime suspiciously because she’s not interested in knowing someone’s sex life.
“Can we just drop the subject?” [Name] pleaded, feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to delve into the topic any further, because the memory of her father was still fresh in her mind and She hoped to redirect the conversation to something else. 
“Fine.” Taiyohime acquiesced, her black eyes narrowing slightly, indicating some level of annoyance. 
“But if geto really did, I wouldn't hesitate to throw hands,” Taiyohime grumbled, her frustration evident. She then reached into her pockets, searching for something. Eventually, she pulled out a cellphone and handed it to [Name]. 
“Take this, if Satoru ever tries to do something funny,” Taiyohime said seriously, her tone implying a sense of protectiveness towards [Name]. This made [Name] furrow her brows, confused about Taiyohime's insinuation. After all, Satoru was her brother and had always taken care of her, protecting her on multiple occasions. 
“And also, you're going to start attending Jujutsu High,” Taiyohime explained, causing [Name]'s eyes to widen in surprise. This revelation was unexpected, as [Name] had heard about Jujutsu High before due to Satoru attending there. However, it also filled her with excitement to finally experience a normal teenage life by going to school. 
“What? Really?” [Name] exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and anticipation in her voice. The notion of attending Jujutsu High made her feel a sense of belonging and normalcy. 
“Yep,” Taiyohime confirmed with a nod before continuing.    
“Since you haven't really had proper education before and never attended school, you weren’t accepted easily. But I already talked to some of the higher-ups, and they accepted you on two conditions because you’re a gojo.”
“One. You’ll attend summer school. And two, you’re going to train under a special grade since you’re a non-sorcerer.”
“What’s summer school...?”
[Name] blinked in puzzlement as she gazed up at taiyohime with big, questioning eyes, her head slightly tilted and her lips parted in curiosity. She absorbed every word from the older girl with keen interest, trying to understand. 
“What do you mean by that..?” [Name] inquired, her tone filled with confusion, causing taiyohime to sigh heavily and cross her arms over her chest, her breathing deep and steady. 
“Well...” taiyohime paused, avoiding direct eye contact as she struggled to explain. She seemed hesitant, perhaps reluctant to divulge certain information. 
“A summer school are classes taken during the summer that replace classes that were missed or failed,” She explained gently, making [Name] nod.
“I see, what about the special grade?”
“A special grade refers to sorcerers possessing immense strength that can cause immeasurable destruction,” Taiyohime elaborated, her hands stuffed in her pockets as she observed [Name]'s reaction, noticing how her lips formed an 'O' of surprise. 
 “Hmm, like Satoru,” [Name] mused, recalling the unparalleled strength of her renowned brother, for his status as a special grade was indisputable. Taiyohime acknowledged this with a subtle nod, prompting [Name] to speculate whether it would indeed be Satoru who would undertake her training. She wouldn’t protest though for she was holding her brother in the highest esteem.
“So..” [Name] began.
“I will be training with 'Toru?”
[Name] questioned, a sense of excitement evident in her voice as she thought about the prospect of training alongside Satoru. However, her enthusiasm waned when she saw the disapproving expression on taiyohime's face. 
“Possibly,” taiyohime responded with a hint of irritation in her tone, clearly frustrated by the idea of [Name] training with Satoru. She believed that [Name] needed a more physical approach to training, considering her strength, a fact taiyohime knew firsthand from secretly coaching her in the past.  
After all, what could Satoru even teach her? Teach her the nuances of blue and red? Explain the essence of colors? Taiyohime acknowledged Satoru's prowess in hand-to-hand combat, but it was his reliance on limitless that gave her pause.
Because what the hell was [Name] supposed to do when she couldn't even make contact with him when limitless was active? Moreover, Taiyohime reckoned that [Name]'s physical strength matched her own, and because she doesn't have cursed energy, the training would likely focus heavily on physical combat and handling cursed weapons.
Thus, Taiyohime found herself torn between options on who's the more suitable special grade.
On one hand, there was Satoru, skilled in physical combat and super strong too because of limitless and six eyes, and on the other, Suguru, adept at both physical fighting, cursed spirits and cursed weaponry.
However, both men had earned a spot marked with an 'x' in Taiyohime's mind, as she hesitated to entrust [Name]'s training to them. Originally, Taiyohime had considered suggesting Suguru as a trainer for [Name], but after the recent incident, that idea had been swiftly discarded.
Satoru was no viable choice either. This left her with only one option: Yuki Tsukumo.
Yuki, another Special Grade, was probably the only special grade taiyohime respects.
Maybe it's better if yuki was [Name]'s trainer, because there's no testosterone and they're both women. But, the problem is, how the fuck is she supposed to reach out to yuki when she's at abroad?
Taiyohime let out an exasperated groan, her bandaged hand pressed against her throbbing forehead. In the periphery of her vision, she observed [Name] fumbling with the cellphone she has given her, holding it upside down. With a resigned sigh, she muttered, “That's not how it's done,” her voice laced with the weariness of a tired parent returning home from a long day at work.
Curious, [Name] queried, “Then how?”
Her eyes followed Taiyohime's swift actions as she deftly took the phone from her grip and effortlessly flipped it.
“Oh.. so that's how it's done then..” [Name] murmured, her gaze shifting to Taiyohime, who appeared lost in thought.
“Why is it black?” [Name] inquired, remembering that phones aren't supposed to be like this, because she has seen satoru use some phones sometimes. Gently tapping the phone's screen, [Name] accidentally brushed a button with her other hand caused the device to suddenly flash open, startling [Name] into a yelp, followed by a grimace of discomfort.
“What the hell was that?” [Name] was not okay with having a cellphone now, because she almost got blinded by that, and ofcourse, since she shares the same genes as satoru, she likes to exaggerate.
“That's normal” Taiyohime sighed, a hint of weariness in her voice.
“Is it really?”  [Name] inquired, a puzzled expression causing furrows to appear on her brow.
“Yes,” Taiyohime affirmed, her shoulders drooping slightly in resignation.
“Well, that's weird”
Taiyohime sighed softly before composing herself and clearing her throat.
“Anyway, regarding your mentor,” she started, an obvious disdain on her voice.
“Would you... be amenable for geto to be your trainer instead of... satoru?” Taiyohime finally broached the topic after much inner debate. She had concluded that Suguru would be the ideal fit as [Name]'s trainer, especially considering that he has cursed spirit manipulation and that he could also show her how cursed spirits looks like. Unaware that [Name] was already acquainted with such creatures.
Though Taiyohime harbored disdain about Suguru mentoring [Name], she deemed it a better option than entrusting her to Satoru. While acknowledging Satoru's strength and love for his sibling, she doubted his ability to maintain a balanced approach, after all, satoru loved [Name] too much and Taiyohime was unwilling to gamble on such uncertainties.
“Just...” taiyohime began. “Just tell me if he ever tries to do something funny, okay?”
At the mention of Suguru, [Name]'s cheeks flushed crimson. How could she face him after their recent embarrassment? The lingering shame colored her cheeks. How the fuck is she supposed to face him? His dick probably hurts after that! And honestly? She can't blame him if he ever avoids her because not only did she fucking spilled scalding hot water on them, she also kneed him unintentionally!
“I.. [Name]...”
Taiyohime's voice trailed off as she hesitated, her eyes filled with uncertainty.
“I know that it's... I know you probably prefer Satoru, but...” She pondered whether to unveil the deep-rooted reason behind her discomfort whenever Satoru drew close to [Name].
Her gaze flickered away, avoiding the intensity of the conversation.
“Nevermind,” she murmured softly, sensing the weight of her unspoken words lingering in the air.
“Anyway... As you're likely to start tomorrow, I'll inform Geto about it, i just hope he agrees though...” Taiyohime's last words held a hint of reluctance, masking her true desire for the special grades not to agree on mentoring [Name] so that she could take on the task herself. Yet, the obstacle lay in Satoru, whose unwavering devotion to [Name] clouded Taiyohime's plans.
“And... Also”
“Nevermind, just... forget it,” she muttered, her jaw clenching slightly as she suppressed her inner turmoil, she took a deep breath before finally deciding on what to do next, give [Name] a cursed tool that she could use.
“And.. I'll also give you something..” Taiyohime revealed, causing [Name] to blink and shake off her flustered demeanor.
“Huh? What are you giving me?”
Taiyohime averted her gaze momentarily, raising her hand to conjure a black portal in the very air. From within the portal descended a weapon, leaving [Name] wide-eyed in astonishment as Taiyohime confidently seized the weapon.
It was an imposing sword, it was big, very big, it's on the level of taiyohime's collarbone, and tell you what, taiyohime is tall.
The sword was exceptionally crafted with an eerie and distinctive design: adorned with sharp, fang-like embellishments that lent it a menacing aura, as though the blade itself possessed a sinister vitality. The intricate details was dominated by dark hues with hints of crimson, and the blade itself seemed as if it's alive.
“What the hell is that?”
[Name] pointed at the sword, she was rather entranced by the weapon before her. The existence of such a peculiar sword left her both bewildered and intrigued.
There were teeth, and teeth, and [Name] thinks that it's interesting.
“Whoa, that's cool” [Name] exclaimed in awe, prompting a surprised blink from Taiyohime, followed by a smile.
“It is,” Taiyohime nodded in agreement, puffing her chest like a proud father and tightening her grip on the sword before offering it to [Name], realizing she needed to provide some context before handing over the remarkable weapon.
“So, this is my cursed tool,” Taiyohime began to elucidate. “A tool of specialized grade,” she continued, emphasizing its significance.
“It goes by the name amane no habakiri...” Taiyohime paused, knowing all too well the sword's sentience and its preference for being addressed by its true name to avoid unpleasant consequences, because the cursed tool in question was not the ordinary cursed tool. It feeds on blood, particularly the flesh of the cursed spirits and other stuff.
When it inflicted a slash, it also had a biting effect, creating a double threat. Furthermore, its bite had poisonous properties, adding to the danger it posed. Despite its preference for cursed spirits, it did not hesitate to consume humans as well. Taiyohime often found herself having to cut her own finger to satisfy the tool's hunger and prevent it from deteriorating. And as she knows how to do reversed cursed technique, Taiyohime viewed this gruesome ritual almost like a hobby. Because in the absence of cursed spirits for the tool to consume, she would willingly sacrifice a finger of her own to keep it satisfied.
But, is [Name] willing to do the same thing for habakiri too? That was her question.
“Do you want it?” inquired Taiyohime, observing as [Name] eagerly nodded in response. Curiously, [Name] asked,
“How does it function?” she asked.
Taiyohime proceeded to run her fingers along the sharp teeth of the sword, purposely nicking herself on the blade, causing the skin to split open like an egg and blood to flow out. The sword responded to taiyohime's blood, autonomously glowing to signify its readiness for use. 
Shocked, [Name] exclaimed,
“What the fuck?” [Name] sputtered in disbelief. Concerned, [Name] winced upon noticing the cut on taiyohime's finger and asked,
“Taiyohime nee-san, are you alright?”
Recuperating, taiyohime reassured,
“don’t worry ‘bout me, I'm okay.” Taiyohime said while placing her finger to her lips to taste her own blood. 
Explaining the sword's nature, Taiyohime revealed,
“It feeds on the cursed spirit's flesh, requiring sustenance to function properly. If not provided, it may seek out... alternate sources of nourishment.” she explained .
“And this is how you hide the sword,” She murmured.
“Conceal yourself,” she said, prompting the sword to retract its fangs and transform into a sheathed form, resembling a large regular sword.  
[Name] practically screamed, her jaw hitting the floor at the bizarre sight of the sword. Not only was it strange, but it could also be controlled? [Name] toyed with the idea of commanding the sword to take a nibble out of someone, but shook off the notion, still dumbfounded by what she was seeing.
“What the fuck?” She exclaimed, her eyebrows knitting together. Taiyohime was gifting her this thing? What if it decided to have her for dinner? [Name] shuddered at the thought and let out a squeak when Taiyohime thrust the sword into her hand, causing her to recoil at the icy touch.
“W-what?! Are you sure this won't mistake me for a snack?!” [Name] asked with uncertainty, to which Taiyohime just shrugged.
“As long as you keep it fed, you should be safe... Hopefully,” Taiyohime said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, earning an annoyed huff from [Name]. Her heart raced and she nervously took a deep breath, careful not to drop the sword for fear of becoming its next meal. She secretly wished Taiyohime would take it back. Sure, it seemed cool at first, but the idea of it chomping on humans? No, thank you. She wasn't in the mood to be a snack.
 “It might eat satoru though.” Taiyohime added.
[Name] sat onto the bed boredly. Fortunately for her, Satoru's dorm had two separate bedrooms, allowing her some privacy. She found herself in the spare room, grateful for the peace and quiet. The mysterious sword, Habakiri, lay on the table, its presence casting a sense of unease over her. Taiyohime had instructed her on how to wield the sword and avoid falling prey to its powers, and also teaching her how to command it or something.
With a hesitant hand, she reached out to touch the blade, flinching at the cold touch. To her relief, the sword remained still, offering no supernatural response. [Name] let out a frustrated sigh, uncertain of how to navigate her newfound responsibility of keeping the sword in check. 
Restless, she found herself unable to sleep, prompting her to retrieve the phone gifted to her by Taiyohime from under the bed. While Taiyohime had provided guidance on using Habakiri, it was Satoru who had imparted the basics of using a phone. The device intrigued her, and she scrolled through the contacts list, contemplating reaching out to Taiyohime for guidance.
Though, she was probably asleep by now, cause it's currently midnight.
Intrigued, [Name] suddenly noticed a familiar name among the contacts: Suguru Geto. Confusion washed over her as she tried to make sense of why she had Suguru's number. Taiyohime's list of contacts also included names such as Masamichi Yaga, Ieri Shoko,  Utahime Iori, and many more individuals she was not acquainted with.
Seeing that Suguru was online, [Name] found herself torn between the desire to send him a message and the lingering need to apologize for past events, but she ended up deciding to chat him.
With a sense of hesitance, she cautiously started composing a message addressed to him.  
You: Good evening, This is [Name]. I want to apologize for what has happened earlier.
You: Geto-san... I'm sorry for spilling hot water on you and for also.. you know. I know how protective satoru is, do he probably scolded you and assumed some things huh? Is your skin okay by now? I hope it is, I'm really sorry, I didn't meant to do that. I hope you're okay, i hope you have a goodnight.
[Name] chewed nervously on her lower lip while staring at the message she sent on her phone, finding it slightly goofy. Suddenly, her expression changed as she blinked in surprise at the notification from suguru.
Suguru Geto: Hm? It's in the middle of the night right now, why are you still awake? And no, it's fine. shoko already treated the burns, don't worry about me. I'm sorry too, for.. i don't know.
Suguru Geto:
But still, Are you okay, Gojo? You should be asleep by now.
[Name] blinked in surprise as she read Suguru's message, which mentioned that Shoko had treated him. As she recognized the name Shoko from her contact list, she couldn't help but wonder who this person was.
However, a sense of relief washed over her as she realized that Suguru was not angry with her. She was also relieved to know that he didn't harbor any beed towards her though. With shaky hands, she started typing her response to him, but before she could finish typing her message, suguru had already gave her yet another message.
Suguru Geto:
Is something bothering you? Do you need someone to talk to? If yes, then I'm willing to listen.
Suguru Geto:
If you can't sleep then you can talk to me till you fall asleep.
Letting out a soft hum, [Name] adjusted her position on the bed, before finally settling onto her stomach.   She gazed at the message on her phone, tilting her head slightly in curiosity. 
The offer of companionship from Suguru made [Name] ponder on his thoughtfulness.   She marveled at his considerate gesture, feeling grateful for his kindness. 
Deep in contemplation, [Name] started composing her response to Suguru's offer, typing out her message.
You: If it's not a bother then, i could use some company. Really need ‘to get sleepy
You: can’t really sleep, supposed that i drank too many coffee
[Name] let out a heavy sigh, her chest rising and falling with the weight of each breath, as she recollected that she had consumed about four cups of coffee throughout the day. She gently rested a hand on her neck, running her fingers over the taut muscles while waiting for Suguru's response.
Suguru Geto: ah, so that's why.
Suguru Geto: Well, drinking coffee does make you alert and all, so i suppose that it's normal, huh?
You: it is, i suppose. 
You: I mean...   Caffeine is a substance that acts as a stimulant by boosting activity within the brain and nervous system after all. And it contains chemicals like cortisol.
Suguru Geto: Haha, that's cute.
[Name] glanced at the message from suguru, pondering about the reason on why on earth he finds it cute. As she stared at her screen momentarily, the unexpected compliment lingered in the air, making her feel a sense of discomfort. After a brief pause, she composed yourself and resumed typing her response to suguru.  
You: i suppose it is.
Suguru Geto: Hm, say, do you like science?
You: Yeah, It's interesting and all. I love anatomy and astronomy, physiology, biology and many more. I hate physics though and chemistry.
You: Cause what the hell is the acceleration of motorcycle on top of the mountain gonna do if i got stabbed?
Suguru Geto: Haha, that's a shame, because i love physics. Satoru does too, he's really good at it.
Suguru Geto: And perhaps the motorcycle will come down the hill and run over the person that stabbed you?
[Name] scoffed in amusement at that quip.
Though, she knew that Satoru indeed excelled in physics. As she glanced at the screen, a smile played on her lips, indicating her genuine enjoyment of the conversation.
Satoru seemed to have a knack for mastery in various subjects, with the exception of cooking, ofcourse. Despite this, he proved to be an exceptional teacher though.
Essentially, he was like her primary educator and all, even teaching her physics, chemistry or something like the quadratic equations and calculus that she doesn't even know if it would help her if she got stabbed.
She heard a ding in her phone, indicating that suguru sent another message.
Suguru Geto: Speaking of Satoru... Don't i get a thank you for sacrificing my stomach for you? I think that we should thank Taiyohime senpai too, since she only left a little bit for me.. and none for you... She's so kind isn't she?
Suguru Geto: I think that you owe me a drink for that, you know? I got a stomach ache from all of it.
A laugh bubbles up on her throat as she remembered her petty argument with suguru earlier, and their debate being whether who shall give taiyohime the food and get saved by not eating satoru's cooking.
[Name] had a strong love for her brother, however, she couldn't deny the fact that his culinary abilities were lacking and just straight up horrible. She kept this opinion to herself though, hoping that he would not go into the kitchen again and straight up praying that he would abandon his cooking endeavors.
Despite her silent disapproval though, she had allowed satoru to prepare dessert earlier, and she regretted it deeply. The appearance of the dessert was deceivingly appetizing, but the taste was nothing short of repulsive. It was like a mixture of unsavory flavors, reminiscent of unwashed bitter gourd, oregano, and uncooked egg yolk. [Name] was relieved that she had not consumed any of it. On the other hand, suguru seemed to have a different reaction to satoru's creation, as he actually ate it and may have suffered from digestive issues as a result. 
Taiyohime on the other hand...
Well, she had it worse because she ate almost all of it.
“Why does their food look so much better than mine?” Taiyohime questioned, black eyes narrowing to slits, slender fingers tightening their grip on the utensils, the metallic clinks echoing in the tense air.
Satoru leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest in a display of casual arrogance as he manspreads.
With a flip of his hand and a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, Satoru retorted sassily,
“Because this dessert is made with love, obviously.” A self-satisfied smirk danced on his face, clearly proud of his response, thinking that he ate with that shitty ass response.
“And I don't love you.”
“What kind of shitty response is that you—”
Before Taiyohime could bark back her insult at satoru, both [Name] and Suguru chimed in simultaneously, offering her their own portions.
“You can have mine—”
The two of them stared at each other dumbfounded, a silent struggle passing between them as they vied to be the more generous host.
“Oh, sure, thanks, I'll be taking it then..?” Taiyohime trailed off, eyeing the two.
Suguru mustered a smile, though beneath it lurked a sense of unease—It was tight lipped, and forced.
“Please take mine. she can have mine, you don't have to, Gojo.” The black haired man insisted, a tinge of apprehension in his gaze when he remembered Satoru's mention of love-infused food.
Typically, this would indicate that Satoru was the one who prepared the dessert. Even though Satoru did not explicitly state that he was responsible for making it, Suguru had a strong hunch that Satoru was behind it. Watching [Name] reject the dish and offer it to Taiyohime too confirmed Suguru's suspicions that Satoru was the chef. The idea of consuming something prepared by Satoru sent chills down his spine, as he realized that if Taiyohime refused his cooking or ended up with accepting [Name]'s dish, he would likely have to consume whatever Satoru had cooked.
“Senpai, have mine instead, it's really tasty.”
Suguru pushed his plate of food to Taiyohime.
“Don't mind if i do then, thanks geto” Taiyohime grinned.
Satoru was taken aback, his blue eyes growing wider in offense.
“Are you really going to give that void eyes woman the food that was made with so much care and love from both me and [Name]?” Satoru said, feeling offended by the idea. However, Suguru gave him a serious look, his eyes narrowing as he placed a finger on his lips, signaling for Satoru to remain silent. Satoru's lips formed a pout as he shot a glare at Suguru, he crossed his arms on his chest and huffed angrily.
Meanwhile, Taiyohime picked up her chopsticks, eagerly preparing to indulge in the meal set before her, but she noticed that, [Name]'s expression soured slightly at her gesture, so she paused and questioned.
“You okay, [Name]-Chan—”
Taiyohime blinked when [Name] swiftly pushed Suguru's plate back to him and offered her own plate to her instead.
“Eh? [Name]-chan? What's wrong?”
Taiyohime inquired with curiosity and concern reflected in her eyes as she glanced at [Name], noting the slightly disgruntled expression on the latter's face—The same Expressiom she would wear on her countenance whenever she witnessed other children receiving things they desired, while she remained at home doing chores and other tasks. 
“Hime Nee-san,” [Name] drawled in particularly sweet voice, as if trying to convince taiyohime.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Have mine instead,”
Making eye contact with Suguru, [Name] mustered a small, forced smile to convey her feelings.
“You're our guest Geto-san, just enjoy the food ’n relax, kay?”
[Name] displayed a forced and strained smile, with her eyes twitching and her fists clenching slightly in evident frustration. Her expression turned sour as she recalled that it was Satoru who had prepared the particular dish before her. They do say appearances can be deceiving, and she suspected that the seemingly appetizing food before her was just a devil in disguise, and she's speaking from experiences. Satoru was skilled at many things, and can master everything, but cooking was not one of them, a fact that [Name] was well aware of. 
Consequently, [Name] was resolute in her decision to avoid consuming any of Satoru's culinary creations.   She then looked at suguru.
“Sorry Geto-San but you have to make a sacrifice on this” She mouthed, noticing the way Suguru's eyes widened slightly for a split second, meaning that he understood what she meant. He gave her a slight shake of his head and remained adamant, a tight-lipped smile aimed at her.
“No, no, it's fine, I don't mind, Senpai can have mine.” Suguru said, his eye twitching slightly.
“Hey, you guys, don't argue in front of the food” Taiyohime scolded but her words went ignored, much to her annoyance.
“Besides,” Suguru drawled, a charming smile on his lips, trying to convince [Name].
“Wouldn't it be ungentlemanly of me if i were to let a lady give her food up?” he entreated, his eyes conveying a wordless plea for her to acquiesce.
“Worry not, that wouldn't make you less gallant, Geto-san. ”
[Name] said with a calm smile as she closed her eyes contentedly, thinking that she was gonna win this argument.
“Ladies first, just as they say, ain't that right? That means that i must give her mine first.”
Suguru chuckled in response.
“But Ladies first is only applied when entering or exiting a room though,”  he stated, his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Well,  new rules can be added, can't they? Now ladies first applies to this one too.”
[Name]'s lips curled into a sardonic smile.
“I'm afraid it's not as simple as that,” Suguru responded with a small smile, leisurely tilting his head, his chin resting languidly on his entwined fingers. He couldn't help but notice the way she furrowed her brows in concentration, trying to come up with a witty response. 
Soon enough, the two of them were engaged in a  debate over who would have the honor of giving Taiyohime their food. 
Each time Suguru would slide his plate towards Taiyohime, [Name] would insist on pushing it back towards him while simultaneously offering her own dish to Taiyohime instead. However, Suguru would  pick up [Name]'s plate and slide it back in front of her. It seemed that they were both determined to avoid eating Satoru's questionable cooking by any means necessary. 
“—C’mon Gojo. Give u already. Satoru will cry if we kept on arguing, y’don’t want that, do you?” Suguru asked, eyeing satoru who immediately shot a glare at him.
[Name] wracked her brain for a suitable retort, a glimmer of an idea appeared. Yet, the solution demanded she swallow her pride whole, a bitter pill to swallow, which was a difficult task indeed. Mustering her courage, she took a deep breath and turned to face Suguru, blush dusting her cheeks.
“You know, Geto-san.. you really should just let me give Hime nee-san the food... Because you're a guest and uh..”
”I.. i spilled hot water on you and caused you to get an.. and..” [Name] said, the words stumbling awkwardly from her lips, a wave of humiliation crashing over her. Despite the overwhelming embarrassment, she resolved to prioritize not eating satoru's cooking over her own dignity.
“So..  it's only fair for me to let you enjoy the food instead and not.. bother you, i guess?”
Suguru's eyes grew wide, his throat tightening and his muscles tensing up.
It felt like someone had punched the air out of his lungs, leaving him gawking. And in that moment, his calm and composed demeanor crumbled, he suddenly became still and silent, the smile fading from his lips. His gaze bore into [Name], his face turning red.
His hands rose to brush aside some stray bangs that had fallen over his eyes as he forced a shaky grin, a faint blush on his cheeks as he decided to let go of his pride for a moment, risking his dignity just to not eat satoru's cooking.
[Name] was smiling like an idiot as she stared at her screen as she began typing her message.
You: Well, i suppose that we really do need to thank hime nee-san, she's such a hero after all.
Suguru Geto: Mhm, she is.
Suguru Geto: can't believe that she was fooled by the appearance though
You: Right? I feel bad for doing that to her though..  but hey.. can't blame a desperate girl, now, can you?
Suguru Geto: Mhm, perhaps. I hope that she's okay though.
Suguru Geto: by the way is ur brother still awake?
[Name] blinked in confusion, her wide eyes staring at Suguru's message on the screen. Her brows knit together slightly as she tried to make sense of the cryptic abbreviation “ur”.
Did suguru meant “urine”, “uracil” or something? The uncertainty in her mind left her feeling perplexed and slightly worried. She wondered if Suguru was asking about urine, pondering the bizarre question of whether her brother, Satoru, was having trouble urinating.
The thought made her uneasy, as she cared deeply for her sibling. Could Satoru be suffering from a urinary tract infection, despite having a healthy lifestyle? The idea of such a common ailment affecting someone as strong as Satoru seemed unlikely, but the concern lingered in [Name]'s mind.
Suddenly, a more alarming scenario crossed her thoughts—had Satoru's bladder burst, or had he regressed to a childhood habit of wetting the bed?
...If satoru's bladder exploded, that would mean that his urine would go all over his body and he would eventually die because his urine was inside of his body!
[Name] was horrified at her own interpretation.
Panic rising, [Name] sprung from her bed, practically throwing her phone and rushing towards Satoru's room, nearly stumbling in her urgency. She flung open the door, shivering as the cold metal brushed against her skin, and hurriedly sought out her brother. However, her panic escalated when she found Satoru's door locked, prompting her to frantically pound on it with her hands while calling out for him in a voice tinged with fear.
After a fleeting moment, [Name] detected a shuffle and low grumbles emanating from beyond the door. Satoru finally flung the door open, his visage cloaked in weariness and a hint of annoyance.
“Who the hell..”
“Ah, ‘s that you, [Name]?..” Satoru croaked, his voice raspy and rough.
“Nii-chan! Your bladder exploded!” she exclaimed, her gaze fixated on Satoru's pallid complexion.
“What? My bladder... exploded?” Satoru faltered, his features a canvas of disbelief and revulsion at his sister's alarming pronouncement.
“Yes! Geto-san himself confirmed it!” [Name] exclaimed, unaware that there had been a miscommunication causing this confusion. 
“Suguru confirmed it?!” Satoru's mind raced with the news. His thoughts were clouded, likely due to just waking up and being fed this ridiculous information by his sister. His brain felt like it was operating at only a fraction of its usual capacity.
“Yes, he did!” [Name] reiterated, maintaining their belief in the misinformation. 
Satoru was now beyond horrified. The idea that his bladder had exploded was almost too much to bear. His mind quickly spiraled into a panic, imagining the consequences of such a terrifying scenario. Just like his sister had imagined, he started to fear that his own body would be overwhelmed by his urine, leading to his death.  
“WHATTT?!! WILL MY PEE CIRCULATE OVER MY BODY NOW?!” Satoru despaired, while [Name] tacitly confirmed and nodded, as she teared up.
Satoru grasped [Name]'s shoulders tightly as fat crocodile tears welled up in his azure eyes and his lips quivered. 
“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?!” Satoru wailed.
The two of them then began to panic about satoru dying, and it went like that for 10 minutes before [Name] took a deep breath, and just decided to take satoru to either suguru or taiyohime for help.
[Name] took a deep breath to calm herself down.
[Name] then wrapped her arms around his back and behind his knees. With a gentle strength, she lifted him up, cradling him close to her chest with care and concern.
“...‘Toru.. ‘m not gonna let you die.”  [Name] proclaimed, satoru's face was pressed onto her chest, before Satoru lifted his head up and nestled his head on the nape of her neck instead.
“I got you,” [Name] said as she practically carried the man with ease, it was as if she never found him heavy just months ago.
Suguru stood alone on the balcony, the dark strands of his hair dancing in the breeze, a cigarette dangling between his lips as he gazed up at the night sky,  awaiting a response from [Name]. 
His eyes lingered on the moon for a moment, then he glanced down at his phone, disappointment creeping in as he realized that she still hadn't messaged him back.   Maybe she had dozed off?   Suguru couldn't blame her, since he had told her to keep talking to him until she fell asleep.
Though, Admittedly, he found her idiosyncrasies intriguing. She struck him as the type who was into science, it was weird and all, yet she had a certain charm about her.   She was different, in a good way. 
Comparing her to Satoru, who was already quite weird, just made her stand out even more.   Despite her weirdness, Suguru found her ability to engage in debates impressive and imagined she would be a fun person to be around.   Although her mood swings were a bit unpredictable, ranging from bashful to witty to chill, he couldn't help but be amused by her ever-changing demeanor. 
Leaning against the railing, Suguru held his cigarette between his index and middle fingers, taking a drag and releasing a puff of smoke, all the while contemplating the idiosyncratic girl. 
Out of nowhere, Suguru's ears picked up the unmistakable sound of someone knocking on his door. Curious and slightly puzzled, he cocked his head to listen intently to identify the visitor. It was late hour right now, so getting a visitor this time was weird.
With a weary sigh, Suguru raised his hand to massage the tense muscles on the nape of his neck, before carefully extinguishing his cigarette on the balcony railing. After a momentary stretch and a heartfelt yawn, he made his way to the door, unsure of what or who awaited on the other side.
As he swung the door open, his eyes widened in disbelief at the scene that greeted him.
[Name] had a determined look on her face as she held Satoru in a bridal embrace while satoru clings on her like there's no tomorrow. Both of them had tears streaming down their faces.
What the fuck.
Suguru gawked.
—Shoko heard satoru and [Name] crying on tge other room and was pissed.
—Satoru pissed the bed.
—Taiyohime had to go to a doctor.
—Taiyohime is mad at [Name] and Suguru.
—Suguru got a stomach ache from eating just a crumb of the food satoru prepared.
—The sword can also transform into a shikigami
—The sword was known to eat it's previous owners and Taiyohime was just one of the people who it didn't ate.
—Suguru didn't agree on training [Name], unfortunately.
—Taiyohime, may, or may have not fed the sword another certain gojo that harassed her.
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murfpersonalblog · 8 months ago
IWTV S2 Ep7 Musings - Martyrdom & Lestat's Character Development (TVC Spoilers)
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Even though IWTV is Louis' story & his arc as the MC, The Vampire Chronicles are ultimately about how all of these vampires affected & impacted Lestat. (Especially since by the end of the series he's not only the MC, protagonist, and (anti-)hero; but he's also the former host for the Sacred Core that created the vampiric race (after Akasha & Mekare); and the elected king of the Vampire Court, affectionately/officially called "(Brat) Prince Lestat" in the final trilogy.) So, even though we're seeing Louis' struggles play out, we're also seeing Lestat's; and one of the big moments is this Trial in 2x7.
Even though the most important thing that happens is ofc Claudia's death, an underrated moment is Madeleine's death.
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Lestat callously mocks Madeleine's choice to die with HER "coven"--her companion, Claudia--rather than keep living (ostensibly: keeps fighting, but I'll get to that in a bit), and join Santiago's coven. "The martyr skips her way to Hell."
I was initially booing & hissing at Lestat for being a heartless a-hole, still spiteful against Claudia and failing to fathom how anyone could risk their lives for her; when even HE sat there and let his own daughter/fledgling burn to ash right in front of him.
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But on the other hand, I actually love this moment for Les as he mocks Madeleine's choice; not only cuz it's ironic AF, considering Les LITERALLY skipped his way to Hell in Memnoch the Devil; but most importantly cuz this is all (hopefully) contributing to Lestat's character development later on. 🙏
Claudia's death affected Les deeply--nowhere near as deeply as it did Louis, ofc, but she was still his daughter/fledgling. AR never focused on Madeleine past IWTV, but hopefully the show makes Les realize later that THIS moment b/t Madz & Claudia is what TRUE love is--not ultimatums & conditions & ownership; trying to "crush what you cannot own"--but martyrdom & sacrifice & loyalty. Laying your life down for someone else. Eff would you love me if I was a worm--would you CATCH A BULLET FOR ME? Would you BURN for me? That's Claudeleine's love; but in the IWTV timeframe Lestat's just not at the point where he gets it--yet.
Loustat vs Claudeleine: What it Means to Love Someone
TVC also tracks the development/progression/evolution of Loustat's love; struggling to grow & thrive in the weeds of dark eternal damnation. They totally failed e/o in IWTV. Loustat's rekindled relationship was first demonstrated/tested in QotD, when Akasha spared Lou simply cuz Les loved him; rather than burning Lou up w/ the other weak AF vamps she'd slaughtered.
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But Akasha also used Louis as collateral if Les refused to serve her.
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Les had to risk his life to try making a move on Akasha & save Louis & the other vampires from Akasha's plans for world domination. But that was largely out of self-preservation; not selflessness; as Les was basically her captive, Stockholmed into being her lover.
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Les committed horrible atrocities as Akasha's consort, butchering innocents & unleashing hell on earth, slaughtering whole cities--just cuz he was too scared to die. Despite how much he hated himself for what he was doing, no matter what, Les wanted to "fight for life, even when there is no real justification. I wanted to live; I always had."
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So OF COURSE Lestat wouldn't understand/appreciate Madeleine's decision to lay down her life and die; not just for Claudia's sake, but also to die for her principles.
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Lestat thinks his "capacity for enduring" makes him brave, but compared to Madeleine, he's a hypocritical coward. Madeleine refused to join Santiago's coven, or participate in their shams & farces. She stood on her principles, AND she stood by her companion; even at the cost of them dying--at least they're together.
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Ofc, an argument can be made that by becoming Akasha's consort, Les WAS martyring/sacrificing himself for Louis' sake; because Les DID know what true love was, and loved Lou more than he loved himself. And I might agree with that--had AR not written TotBT.
TotBT & MtD: Lestat Skips His Way to Hell
In MtD, Lestat is recruited by the Devil/Satan/Lucifer (who calls himself Memnoch the Devil); and is taken Dante's Inferno style on a tour of Heaven and Hell, in the hopes that Les will hate God enough to join the eternal war against Heaven as the Devil's right-hand. SPOILER: Lestat rejects Memnoch (cuz Les wanted to be a priest--he still LOVES God, despite the "ocean" b/t him & Christ); and as punishment he is trapped in a coma for years, as he's psychologically/spiritually tortured in Hell until he finally breaks the spell & wakes up in Merrick, when Louis tries to kill himself (which AMC pushed up to 2x5).
Lestat had followed Memnoch after a depressive spell of deep self-loathing; feeling guilty for how he'd Turned David in TotBT (raping him into vampirism to be his new companion when Louis rejected him); and still haunted by the memory of Claudia in IWTV. Memnoch showed Les the Divine Plan, when God told his favorite (fallen) angel Memnoch/Lucifer that He would let Himself be crucified as Jesus in the flesh, for His love of humanity.
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But Memnoch is horrified, and thinks God's plan is not only a futile failure, but also cheating (cuz being an immortal, He can never really "die" or be sacrificed/martyred). Memnoch appeals to Lestat's own experiences having temporarily come down into flesh in TotBT, body-switching with Raglan James for the desperate love of being human--and then hypocritically wanting to be an immortal vampire again when Les realized being human actually sucks. 😅
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At the start of MtD, Les was VERY salty towards all the other vampires (especially Louis) for having refused to help him when he was stuck in Raglan's body in TotBT.
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Loustat's love, as genuine as it is, was marred & tainted with ultimatums & conditions & ownership. As much as Les hated being human again, Louis refused to turn Les into a vampire and put him back on the Devil's Road as one of the damned undead.
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Les DEEPLY resented Lou for not making him a vampire again. Les assumed that because of their relationship, Lou would HAVE TO do this favor for him; that as his companion/Maker, Lou OWED Les, and by refusing/rejecting him Lou'd BETRAYED/ABANDONED him.
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Lestat didn't understand that in Lou's eyes, refusing to Turn Les was Lou's greatest act OF LOVE, the best favor; keeping Les human so his soul wouldn't be damned anymore as an evil blood-drinking serial killer. Lou said "You have triumphed in this as only you could;" but Les (like Memnoch) only saw this as a massive failure. This was Lou's SACRIFICE for Les, putting their love/relationship on the line; as Louis ordered Les to never look for him or talk to him again--to go live as a redeemed human and leave the damned alone--or else. 💀
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For all the strides Loustat had made to repair their relationship, Lestat was still UNWORTHY of Louis' love in TotBT; and hadn't appreciated the sacrifices Louis made for him out of love--the kind of martyrdom it took to WILLINGLY sacrifice something precious for someone else's sake. Lestat thought the Maker/Fledgling bond was a stamp of ownership, cuz he'd been Turned by Magnus UNWILLINGLY; out of rape and violence & captivity/enslavement.
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Les became a vampire as an act of SURVIVAL; shaking his fists at God the whole time; a chip on his shoulder cuz he never asked to me born into darkness (like Claudia). Louis, however, was made out of LOVE, and WILLINGLY gave up his life to be with Les (yes, we know he was drunk AF & suicidal, but still--he nodded his head cuz he HAPPILY & LOVINGLY CHOSE Les).
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Loustat both see Lou's turning as their wedding, but for Les it's still a marriage CONTRACT--a transaction with terms & conditions. He is Louis husband, yes, but God Complex de Lioncourt declared "I AM YOUR MAKER!" Louis was still just a "Fledgling/Slave" under Coven Master ("Massa") Lestat's shingled roof, just like Claudia said.
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As much as he loves being a vampire, and as cavalier & devil-may-care as he approaches existence forsaken by God in the Savage Garden; Lestat is fully aware of what it means to be culpable & deserve punishment. Memnoch asked Lestat what he thought Hell should be like for sinners & Evil Doers both human & vampire alike, and at first Les hesitated, "I'm afraid to answer. Because I belong there."
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It's not until well after Louis' final rebirth in Merrick that Lestat finally earns back Louis' forgiveness in PLatRoA, and agrees to (re)marry Les & be his consort at Chateau de Lioncourt, Lestat's birthplace. And it's not until Blood Communion, AR's final TVC book, that Lestat risks his life for his loved ones (Gabrielle, Louis, & Marius) for THEIR sake, not his own; going up against Rhoshamandes in the ultimate showdown to save them.
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AR is VERY/overly explicit about the Christ-like martyrdom her messianic Prince Lestat undergoes in order to save Gab, Lou & Marius; his killing Rhosh ultimately saving all the vampires & ending the civil war. Les fought Rhosh "with speed and surprise;" going in blindly with the only thing that could get the jump on this SUPER Ancient vampire (Lestat's great-grandfather in the Blood) who would've otherwise overpowered Les as easily as he overpowered Marius. Les fully intended to die fighting Rhosh, but he fought him regardless, hoping to somehow get his loved ones back or join them in death.
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Lestat and Louis were reunited, dancing happily at the celebratory ball AMC was clearly inspired by Blood Communion in the Mardi Gras scene from 1x7. And they're obviously lifting from BC in 2x7, too, with the red velvet chair/throne Lestat sits on at the Trial, directly paralleling the numerous Trials & executions Prince Lestat presides over in BC, as he destroys Rhosh's fledglings & minions--and the love THEY showed their Coven Master Rhosh, being willing to die for THEIR principles and refusing to join LESTAT'S Vampire Court.
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So hopefully, if AMC gets as far as the Prince Lestat trilogy, Les will remember this moment at the Trial; and hopefully they'll continue using parallels so Les realizes what it means for Madeleine to have martyred herself for love.
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koos-kave · 2 years ago
The demon brothers with a main character (MC) with social anxiety
(bulleted headcanons on how each brother would react to an MC with social anxiety.) Gender neutral. MC is the reader. Slightly implied yandere (Belphie). Can be taken as platonic or romantic relationships.
•At first he assumed you were simply shaken up by suddenly being forced to adapt to life in a new realm.
•He knew humans were slow to adapt to new environments.
•The second one to notice there’s something… off about you.
•The way you froze up whenever anyone tried to talk to you.
•How you would always find a reason to quickly excuse yourself from any situation that required social interaction.
•He would go out of his way to help you with your schoolwork so you didn’t have to ask the instructors for help.
•He does everything he can to minimize the amount of interactions you have to have with others, but he’ll occasionally push you out of your comfort zone.
•He’ll be sure to reward you if you manage to successfully interact with one of your peers.
•He’s surprisingly soft with you, it’s probably because he thinks you’re extremely fragile. 
•He thought you were too enamored by his greatness to hold a proper conversation.
•The last to notice something is wrong with you. (Satan eventually points it out to him.)
•Mammon tries realllllyyy hard to look into this anxiety thing…
•Meaning he read half of an article and considered himself an expert on the matter.
•Will drag you to all kinds of parties to try and see if exposure can help ease your fear.
•He does all of the talking for you!
•He speaks up for you, advocating for you when you can’t find the courage to do so yourself.
•You’re his human, so it’s the least he can do…
•It’s not like he finds your shyness adorable!
•H-he doesn’t like you, not one bit!
•Knows almost immediately.
•He takes you under his wing.
•You share your little victories with each other.
•He thinks you’re just like one of his favorite anime characters.
•He feels like he can be brave when he’s near you, so expect him to hold your hand tightly when he’s advocating for you!
•You both support the other.
•He listens intently about all of your interests, they’ll soon become his own.
•He truly respects and admires you.
•Expect to become an anime fan of you aren’t already one…
•He understands your struggles, and willingly allows you to come to his sanctuary and unwind with Henry even if he’s not home. He trusts you that much.
•Oh, he’s going to enjoy this.
•”What’s wrong, MC, cat got your tongue?”
•He eventually realizes your problem is a bit more severe than he was expecting.
•…You weren’t just shy, you must have a serious case of social anxiety.
•He will be a shoulder to lean on, but be warned, he will push you out of your comfort zone much more often compared to Lucifer.
•He celebrates the small victories.
•He finds you adorable, perhaps even comparing you to a cat.
•He does his best to control his temper around you.
•He would never forgive himself if he scared you away…
•Tell him if someone is bullying you. He can make sure this person doesn’t bother you again.
•Like Lucifer, he will help you with your studies.
•He leaves little notes of encouragement in your room, they always make you smile after a particularly rough day.
‘You’re doing great, MC.
I truly believe you’ve been making progress.
Oh, today I saw a cute pair of cat socks and they reminded me of you.
Check under the bed.’
•That day you found a pair of fuzzy cat socks under your bed.
•”I know I take your breath away, but please talk to me…”
•”Ugh! You’re such a tease, you’re driving me crazy!”
•”I give you permission to speak to the most gorgeous demon in hell, me!”
•He is the second to last to realize something is wrong.
•First he thinks you’re intimidated by his beauty. (How could anybody not be~?)
•Next he assumes you’re barely talking to him just to be annoying.
•When realization hits, he feels absolutely ashamed of himself.
•He makes up for being so ignorant by doting over you.
•He… eventually realizes you don’t exactly like all of the extra attention…
•Like Mammon, he drags you to different clubs and parties to try and help expose you to social interaction.
•He introduces you to some friends of his that also struggle with anxiety. (Leviathan is one of them.)
•He’s the king of hyping you up, he compliments you constantly.
•”You ARE enough! Everyone will love you, and if they don’t… well, you have the most stunning demon in the Devildom by your side~!”
•He isn’t quick to catch on, only because he doesn’t really worry about what you act like. 
•He doesn’t let the fact you have social anxiety change his opinion about you.
•He’s not big on talking either, so you both find it easy to hang out together.
•He knows when you’re having a rough day. Expect a surprise hug if you’re having a rough day.
•He’ll take you out to eat if you’ve been making progress working on your anxiety, when you ask him why he sometimes takes you out to eat he smiles softly and shrugs.
•He never admits to knowing about your social anxiety, and he never brings up your social skills. 
•He’ll give you tickets to his sports match, knowing it’s a good chance for you to practice socializing.
•He’s always down for holding your hand or cuddling you if you ask.
•He doesn’t expect anything in return for subtly helping you, he just wants to see you happy.
•He will stand behind you like a bodyguard when he notices anyone picking on you. 
Belphegor (No attic in this case for convenience purposes):
•He teases you, borderline bullying you for being shy.
•When he realizes you actually have major social anxiety he doesn’t treat you any better, if anything the harassment becomes more frequent.
•You’re too scared to tell anybody about what Belphegor is doing to you. 
•One day a lower demon is bullying you for being unable to hold a proper conversation with him.
•He makes sure the lower demon knows that you’re his human, it’s his job to make your life hell. If anybody dares try to bully you they will face the consequences.
•Belphegor eventually decides to just walk you to school, escort you between classes, sit next to you at lunch, walk you back home, and even join all of the clubs you’re in- it’s easiest to make sure nobody is bothering you if he becomes your living shadow.
•Sometimes you swear you can see him smiling at you…
•He likes to nap beside you.
•He could never like a human.
•He’s just keeping you to himself so he has more time to harass you, right…?
Thank you so much for reading these headcanons!
I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors, I’m the kind of person that jots things down quickly. That does mean that I rarely bother to check for mistakes.
I would love to hear some requests 💕 Feel free to leave random Obey Me thoughts in my requests too, I’ll share my personal thoughts on them!
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kamimarroco · 2 months ago
more Bottom Ren fics pLEASE 😭😭 you’re the only one I trust for the task 🙏
HIII SWEETIE!! Sorry for the delay, I really struggled a lot with how I was going to do this, but I got this piece of work here
Officially my longest work, I did it all in the same day, there are probably mistakes, but I hope from the bottom of my heart that it is worth something ;)
Words: exactly 2200
CW: Handcuffing, anal, pegging, bottom Ren, noncon, unhealthy relationship, very toxic dynamics, MC is kind of an asshole, but they are too soft-hearted to be cruel for so long
“H-Hey, calm down...", Ren moved his naked body away from the middle of the bed to a point further away from you, his wrists struggling against the handcuffs, surely injuring himself in the process from the steel material. “W-Wait a second, do you have any idea what you're about to do?”
The panic rising in his voice made the smile on your face and excitement grow equally, or maybe even more, yourself placing your knees on the soft fabric of the bed, slowly approaching the beastkin.
“What's wrong, Renren? I thought this... was something you were already used to”, you made a point of pointing to the strap-on perfectly placed on your hips, a large phallus pointed directly at the man in front of you.
A beautiful sight to have, indeed. One that would certainly cause two people to cheer up depending on the context of the situation.
But for Ren, this is more than terrible, it's a nightmare.
And that's why the situation brings you such euphoria that you can't put it into words.
“Awe, don't be such a baby!”, you spoke in a playful tone, making the scene even more suspenseful as you slowly crawled towards him, giving him the false sense of hope that maybe he could escape you in time. Unfortunately for the beastkin, the handcuffs did indeed limit his power to do anything, and even if he managed the feat of getting out of bed, you had already locked the door in case anything happened.
He had nowhere to escape. He is a fox who fell into a perfectly orchestrated trap.
When you got close enough to put Ren within arm's reach, he futilely started kicking his legs, trying to push you away and hit you with one of his feet. “NO! Nonono, go away!”, he demanded, his voice becoming high-pitched as dread consumed him.
You didn't have the patience to deal with that kind of attitude at the moment, firmly grabbing both of Ren's feet and pushing his legs against his chest, automatically making him stop moving.
“Look, Ren", you said his name with a tone of voice that showed how thin your patience was running. “I'm trying to make things easy, I really am, but I can't do it if you keep trying to resist me”
You took a moment to look carefully at beatskin's face, his eyes big and bright, like he was about to burst into tears right here, a very different view compared to the one you had of him.
Days before, when you were the one wearing the stupid shock collar and when Ren was the one in charge and had control over you, you would be the one crying, begging him not to do something really bad to you, struggling and conforming to his desires just so he could go a little easier on you.
It's funny how things can change drastically in the blink of an eye, huh?
Ren looked at you with frightened eyes, scanning you, perhaps trying to find some sign of weakness that he could use against you and make you drop that completely crazy idea, but he didn't find anything.
“P-Please, how about we do something else? I-I'll do anything you want, anything!”
Oh, poor little Ren.
You clicked your tongue in disapproval, shaking your head slightly from left to right in denial, eyes closed and a too-happy smile plastered across your face. You even chuckled a little! Something Ren had never seen before and which would have been a wonderful moment if he hadn't found himself in the situation he was in.
What's so bad about this? Compared to what he's already done to you, he should thank you from the bottom of his heart.
“Oh, Ren…”, you brought his small body closer to yours, the dildo being pressed against his belly and cock, which for some very interesting reason was hard. “You say something, but your body clearly says something else. Tell me, are you secretly into this kind of thing?”
“N-No! No, I'm… not”, fucking liar, you can tell he's lying through his teeth.
“Oh? Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'd care about my opinion if the roles were reversed”, you moved your body away a little to point the tip of the phallus at his hole, releasing one of the hands that was holding one of his legs so you could guide yourself inside him. “You'll stop complaining in a second”
The object wasn't lubricated, and you hadn't even bothered to lubricate Ren to receive you. It's all dry and pure and raw, just like he always did with you.
You didn't give him space to say a word before brutally shoving the object inside his hole, receiving a high-pitched scream that sounded like an animal in pain and pushing his body lightly onto the bed.
“S-STOP, STOP IT! IT HURTS!”, he shouted a few more times with that same high-pitched tone of voice, which was genuinely starting to piss you off due to the agony it caused to your ears.
“Oh, shut up! It's not even that hard, stop being difficult!”, you ignored his screams of pain and pulled the dildo out, the movement not being as smooth due to the fact that you hadn't used lube. “You can take it. Stop acting like a… girl”
You had no other words to describe him nor did you bother to think, returning to the work of sticking the phallus once more inside his hole.
Ren was panicking, his breathing was shallow and fast and desperate, his body trying to escape the invasion of having an object forced inside him so roughly and suddenly, his hands unable to do anything about it, with some lines of blood already forming on the skin of his wrists from the steel.
All the beastkin could do was twitch his legs, and his legs he twitched every time the pain spread through his body, each nerve sending the sensation to another nerve until all he could feel was just that.
Your cheeks burned with lust and the power of being able to do something like this with Ren, your smile widening even further as you laughed maniacally at him, your chest burning with something akin to pride.
Proud to be doing this to him, proud to be able to respond in the same way he did to you.
Ren continued screaming, his body still trying to resist the abuse, tears forming in the corners of his eyes, which didn't dare open to look you face to face. He was scared, being violated, trapped by you, a fox in the palm of your hand.
“It hurts, doesn't it? It hurts when it's with you”, you punctuated with a rough, deep thrust, moving your hands to hold him at the hips to keep him in place. “It's kind of nice... to see you getting the same treatment you did to me, and probably to other people”
You didn't want to hear it, but a little voice in the back of your head told you that you were going too far with all of this. Sure, he's a little bastard, he forced you to kill a man, shocked you multiple times, raped you in the basement, and inflicted your skin over and over again-
Actually, when you think about it, he more than deserves this. This is more than justified for you and others, and you really don't want to kill the mood by suddenly changing your mind because of moral values.
You kept moving again and again for a while, getting the same animal reaction in pain as the other times, but slowly dying down little by little. Maybe because he had already used up all his energy, or maybe because he realized there was no point in continuing to fight.
The movement of Ren's legs also died, leaving only the rivers of tears that formed in his eyes, which finally opened to look at you and-
Fuck, you think he's beautiful like this, but you also feel a pang in your heart when you see him so worn out.
“I-I’m sorry…”, he speaks weakly as you continue to move, genuinely taking you by surprise.
You suddenly stop, your gaze remaining fixed on his, your mouth half open in surprise. “What?”
You seriously weren't thinking about stopping just because you saw him cry and apologize, right?
“What did you say?", you asked again, paying attention to his facial expressions, trying to discover any malicious intention behind the words.
“I-I said... I'm sorry", and he repeated it again, ears flat against his head, a wet trail formed on either side of his face by tears.
You're not gonna lie... You feel bad seeing this. You're not a monster, you're not someone who does these kinds of things just for pure sadistic pleasure. You are not like him.
Still, you can't just change your mind because he apologized! Anyone would do that in this situation, you can't be that soft-hearted-
“Ssshit, I'm sorry. I-I think I exaggerated a little"
well, shit.
Just as you were about to remove the dildo from inside Ren, you are unexpectedly stopped by him.
“N-No, I mean… You can go on, really, just... go easy on me”
You make a confused expression at his request, not knowing if you want to stop because of what you witnessed or continue because he is strangely cooperating now.
Ren senses your uncertainty and change of heart and decides to put his word in. “I-It's okay, it's just... the way you do it. It's too rough”
Too rough, he says.
“So, what should I do?”, you feel like a child asking an adult how to do the right thing. It's funny, considering you're a few years older than him.
For some odd reason, telling you how you should do it makes his cheeks burn with embarrassment, a completely different moment compared to what was happening minutes before.
“I would tell you to use lube, but I think you threw that idea out the window a long time ago”, you feel bad thinking that he most likely felt his insides tearing apart every time you moved. “Try to go... slowly, to make the movements smooth"
Slowly. Yeah, you can do that.
You breathe and concentrate on not going as rough as you did the previous times, making sure to hold onto his small body so he doesn't escape you. The difference is clear. You are gentle... and he doesn't let out a scream of pain when the phallus is inserted all the way inside him. Ren doesn't fight or cry or try to run away from the act this time.
He genuinely seems to embrace the feeling now, even though the pain may still be there.
“Is this better?", you ask right after doing so, not daring to move without first knowing the beastkin's word.
You can't help but feel stupid for now worrying about his opinion when you should be teaching him a lesson.
“Yeah, it's better”, he speaks softly, a little hoarse from all the shouting he did at the top of his lungs earlier. His tail touches your leg, the fur tickling your skin but not irritating you in the slightest. You welcome it. “Can you… kiss me now?”
“Kiss you?”, you are surprised by his request, but try to play it cool as you remember that you asked the beastkin about how you should do things the right way in the first place. “I mean, sure... If that's what you want”
You feel hesitant at first, a little nervous about kissing him. Why are you nervous? You've never felt this way before. Maybe the reason is because this moment feels more intimate, delicate, and you really don't want to spoil the mood.
You touch Ren's face, gently running your fingers over the soft skin, unconsciously wiping away the trail of tears that were still present, kind of feeling bad about how much he had cried. Feeling bad that you were the reason behind it.
He's so soft, so small, as if he could break at any moment, especially in your hands.
You bring your lips closer to his, first testing your skin against his, giving light nibbles to spice things up, always careful not to be too rough after what he's been through. You feel your heart flutter inside your chest as you feel him respond, but of course he does, in a way as sweet and calm as yours.
You feel encouraged to move your hands over Ren's body, touching each scar with care and affection, outlining the wounds with adoration. He trembles at the contact, his muscles initially tensing, then giving way to relaxing under your caresses. You gently ask for entry with your tongue and are answered by him opening his mouth, entering it with confidence and ardor.
He tastes good... Fuck, he tastes good.
You don't need any further instructions and just start moving in and out at a steady, calm pace, feeling the movement more fluid as he opens up to you in more ways than one.
This is good. It's easy. You can do it easily.
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bookbitchx · 9 months ago
Hello hello here's a lil rant about SJMs writing of Rhys and it driving me crazy :) (CC3 spoilers, ACOTAR spoilers, minor TOG spoilers)
I agree with your post that questions whether or not SJM was being purposeful when she created the dynamics of the IC and their allies. I personally think in order to determine if SJM is doing this purposefully its important to take all her books into account (especially with the crossover in CC3 😭 And because SJM's only finished series currently is TOG, most of my comparisons will involve that series)
I suspect that the IC's emotional journeys are still very far from over. Especially Rhys and Feyre since they have been arguing off page (which is understandable given it wasnt their POVs) and SJM purposefully included Ember Quinlan defending Nesta in the bonus chapter. Now each of these characters have VERY strong personalities, but Ember in particular comparing rhys to someone who abused her is EXTREMELY important for us as readers to note for future books. And i really hope that its because SJM is finally gonna let him be held accountable for being an ass towards his mate's sister and for meddling so much in their relationship.
Rhysand in particular out of all of the IC has probably the most potential for a good redemption arc. Hes traumatized by his families deaths and UTM in canon and it would be safe to assume his childhood in Windhaven wasn't exactly pleasant. So giving us the Archeron POVs to unpack these centuries old characters is bound to get messy due to their own lack of experience, (but it makes for good fan interaction, i see you sjm).
Rhys definitely has better intentions than the Highlords before him did, but he still has some iffy behavior that stems from needing to have control over his surroundings likely due to traumatic events where he felt powerless to save those he cares for. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he has (accidentally) hurt more people while trying to keep control. He withheld life saving info from his mate bc he didnt want her to worry, he threatened and chased Nesta from the city because she shared the info he was hiding, he stole the book from Tarquin despite the fact that he likely would have helped rhys anyway, he locked his IC in Velaris to protect them (when Amren could've solo'd anyone in UTM 🤫). All of which to me sounds like could be control issues.
Now for who I think is the closest character we have to really compare to Rhys, the MC of TOG also struggled with control issues throughout the series. And her own trauma also mirrors Rhys' to an extent, especially her family life and the fact she was also stuck without fresh air while she was in Endovier. She made bad choices throughout her story, ones that affected the people she loved directly. But when her arc concluded, she was able to make healthier decisions for herself and loved ones despite that.
If SJM truly loves rhys as much as she claims, I don't think she wouldn't give him an opportunity to heal like the one she gave to Aelin. Especially after she hinted in CC3 that things are NOT always all fine and dandy in Feysand's relationship, Feyre herself said she was furious with the IC in acosf, and the two of them have yet to discuss how Rhys' actions utm affected her.
Realistically, I don't the highest hopes for Rhys' character arc unfortunately, but a girl can dream of a better ACOTAR 😂 I wanna believe that it'll be a great series when it concludes but im hesitant in putting my faith into SJM tbh 😔 Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful rest of ur day/ night and im so excited to hear your thoughts!
I hope you're having a good day/night too!
You definitely make some good points.
I can kind of see similarities between Rhysand and Aelin, but at the same time, I don't.
Aelin, for all her faults and mistakes, had at least tried to do the right thing, no matter how misguided it was. She was selfish and reckless and ended up hurting people close to her, but she owned up to it. She was also young. She was, what like 19-20? Not an excuse, but a factor.
Rhysand, on the other hand... God, where do I even start?
It's weird because ACOTAR is so different from TOG in terms of writing, and I'm just talking about first person/third person POVs.
I honestly believe that SJM tried to make the series black and white. Tamlin Bad, Rhysand good. Eris bad, Mor good. Nesta bad, Feyre good... and accidentally ended up with a controversial mess.
I mean good for her. Publicity is publicity no matter if it's positive or negative (here we are talking about it), but yeah.
Rhysand was supposed to be this morally grey character, but she ended up making him a self praising, self-proclaimed king of feminism, most powerful High Lord with nothing to back it up.
○ He gives Feyre 'choices' only when the outcome is in his favor.
○ He claims he's all for women's freedom to choose whatever they want... yet he lets those Illyrian camps keep women as glorified slaves and praises the leaders for giving them 2 hours of training.
○ He's 'the most powerful High Lord' yet he can't control the HC, and the camp leaders barely respond to him.
○ He, Feyre, and the IC feel entitled to information that affects the whole of Prythian... for what I don't know.
○ I'm not even going to get into the acts he commits against his 'family' bc I would be here for a while.
○ He encouraged his mate to take her petty revenge on Tamlin, destroying his entire court in the process, innocent lives and homes, not to mention making Prythian more vulnerable to Hybern.
○ He got mad at Nesta for giving the mask to Bryce... isn't that what he did with the book? Except he stole it and destroyed Summer Court property while Nesta controls the mask.
You're right about his control issues, though, as was seen with Nesta every time she didn't listen to him. I can see how that would relate to the lack of control he felt UTM, but...
Did 50 years UTM getting SA affect him? Obviously. I don't disregard the trauma he went through, but I also don't turn a blind eye to the things he did UTM.
He assaulted his mate with no excuse. He could've easily left her in that cell instead of making her wear a napkin and get drunk against her will. Amarantha didn't even care when he paraded her around and only got mad when she saw them kissing.
The children of the Winter Court that were killed, I don't know why it was brushed off with no consequences because who else would have done it? Daematis are extremely rare, and somehow, there was another one powerful trapped under the mountain, but he doesn't know who? Another Daemati who was working for Amarantha and didn't call out Rhysand on the Claire Beddor lie?
God, this turned into a rant, I know, and I'm sorry, lol.
I personally don't see a redemption arc satisfying enough happening or at all really. I read somewhere that Rhysand was created after SJM's husband Josh... yk where I'm going with this.
Anyway, if you sat through this, thanks!
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deepdarkdelights · 30 days ago
What values do the coven members hold over their immortal lives? Do any of them continue to to have certain morals or a way of acting/doing something that they continue to do even after all this time.
Hm, that's a good question. I can't tell you Namjoon's (too much) because they do come up in his fic (once I finally write the damn thing 😭)
Yoongi definitely has a sense of justice, he doesn't like to feed off of humans he considers to be "innocent" (although he has when he was younger and struggled to control himself).
Jin still believes that relationships are transactional, nothing is ever given freely. He sees an opportunity to use those that crosses his path for whatever purpose he defines. (Even the MC he believes he loves is there to fill a purpose).
Hoseok believes that no one is owed anything, the world is a cruel place and he can't be held responsible for doing horrible things because there really is no point. He's a bit of a nihilist.
The three youngest are harder to pin down partially because they are still so young compared to everyone else and Jungkook is currently an actual monster.
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loveforsundown · 1 month ago
Love for Sundown: Hellbound - information post
LfS: Hellbound is a mini LfS game to be released in-between the LfS mainline series.
Set in a high fantasy world, you play as an adventurer tasked with retrieving an object of special interest to the demon lord.
Your reward? The opportunity to give your virginity to one of his sons, an act that, in this world, will gain you a powerful ally for life.
With the choice between three half-brother demons all too eager to get a taste of your virginity, pick your poison carefully.
Your Invitation to Hell
Killmith: The eldest of the three brothers (but overall in the middle bracket of age out of all his siblings), a Shapeshifting Devil. He's the gentlest of his half-brothers and not really combat-focused, but still a formidable foe should you keep him by your side. He grew up isolated from other species, exposed only to the world after being taken in by his father. As such, he prefers to take a kind approach to things he doesn't understand.
Killmith goes by He/Him and prefers to keep a cis male appearance, but shapeshifters do not have assigned genders and can change their sex at will. Tall with an athletic build, elongated ears, and a pretty face. Killmith's skin is an ocean blue covered in a thick smattering of freckles, his hair is shoulder-length and a dark burgundy, and his eyes an electric purple with small irises and black scleras.
Devin: The second oldest of the three, a Brimstone Demon. Devin is far more laid-back compared to his kind's usually brutal and aggressive members, but he can still be described as energetic and rowdy compared to his siblings. He grew up in extreme poverty and violence and has struggled to adjust to his noble father's way of life.
The tallest of the three, Devin has a firm body built for brutality with sharp-pointed teeth and leathery bat wings. His skin is a dark tan splattered by freckles, eyes a deep red, and his hair, shaved at the sides, is a bright flame of fluffy red on top. His ears pointed, his jawline scruffy with facial hair, and his face marred by a scar slashed across it, he embodies his attitude with a sharp grin.
Mace: The youngest of the three, a Shadow Demon. Mace is sardonic and casual, though more talkative than his quieter fellow Shadows. Every Shadow Demon's soul is tied to what's called a Fountain of Life and as long as this fountain is kept safe, the Shadow Demons are essentially immortal, able to revive from any fatal injury. This makes Mace a good companion for adventurers, but it caused him to grow up in an extremely abusive situation with his other parent. His father saved him and now he has a warm place to sleep, good food to eat, and good love to receive.
Tall but not as much as his brothers, Mace has a fit, masculine body and a pretty face with a constellation of freckles. His skin is tan and marred with smudged, shadowy fingerprints over his arm and neck. His hair feathers past his shoulders, messy and grabbable in a shade of black with grey tips. His eyes are an icy blue, his tongue split at the end, and his face and body decorated with silver piercings. Between his black-nailed fingers always sits a cigarette that smokes pink, a special blend made by and for Shadow Demons.
Other Important Characters
Demon Lord: The ruler of the neighboring domain. A man with a wild youth who fathered 27 children with 27 different partners. Now that he's settled down, he's taken in most of his children to be the father he failed to be in their childhoods. A good person, albeit eccentric. He shares the same full-body freckles three of his sons have.
Marigold: The Demon Lord's daughter. Always getting herself into trouble.
23 more siblings: Can you imagine?
Why MC's Virginity? (AKA Lore)
Long ago, the God-king of Sex, the progenitor of demons, fell in love with a human. Seeking to share this joy, he gave the demons a certain type of attitude around sex.
For demons, sex is a conversation. It is precious to them, but also casual. Romantic, platonic, professional, all types of relationships can be consummated with sexual acts of all sorts, an intimacy that brings them closer to each other.
Many humans, particularly the religious, did not appreciate this aspect of demon society, but there's one advantage humans have in it; for a human to give their virginity to a demon is to have a companion for life. It is the ultimate gift to a demon, a relationship that can never be broken. It is also rare, which is why when MC proposes this reward for their quest, three of the Demon Lord's sons jumped at the chance, having never done it before.
MC's motivation? As an adventurer, having a demon on your side is quite an advantage. These demons in particular are a gold mine as, interconnecting your life with one of them effectively connects you to the Demon Lord as well and what's more powerful then that?
What, there has to be more to it than that? Well... it certainly doesn't hurt to have a handsome demon as a possible life partner.
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kstaki · 11 months ago
FLT Niigata Report
Actually wanted to just say some stuff I notice and thought when watching. No spoiler for the basic story plot just some stuff that caught my eye & opinion.Plus what I roughly remember from the Act 2 their talk and concert.
Btw Himeno & Rita are wearing Heels and Platform compare to G-Rosso.
I feel like in this story Rita seems to stand out (express themselves) a lot I love every moment they appear. (They do have their screaming moment 🫣) maybe I am bias but I did watch everyone looking out at things.
Yanma was wearing glasses 🤓 at one point lol
There is definitely the sibling moments in the story between Gira & Racles 😊 (Can I just spoil Gira call Racles Onii-Chan?)
There are some really good pairing moments 🫣
Also the props were amazing and I like how they make use of the stage to hide their OhgerCalibur and Kumonoslayer.
First show there were mishaps 😂
Like Rita was supposed to take out their OhgerCalibur from their back but was struggling to do so. There is an extra who usually helps them take it out.
Then Racles in Suit apparently had his cape caught in his horn while fighting 😂
Probably still have somemore but these two are one I remember 😆
(I can’t remember everything so I would say basically what I remember could be wrong i apologize but it a long day…)
Act 2 for first show
They first performed Chikyuu Dance ( Zenryoku King) yes Racles is also inside
Then they announce their guest.
Shiokara introduced himself normally while Morfonia introduced herself in Rita manner.
King solve problem
I think they took a question from audience, then they let Morfonia choose and she wanted someone with glasses.
I think they ask Racles do something but I forgot what it was 😅
Then there is another question like what to do about children like and dislike.
They all were discussing but we could still hear them talk can’t remember what they say in the end. I only just remember the guys admitting they have stuff they don’t like then Yanma saying he doesn’t like tomato but tomato sauce he can?
King Swap (I think that what it was?)
They are supposed to pull out a paper and act similar to the character that is currently on stage.
Gira was up and he acted like Racles but also in a silly way (if i remember correctly is like the Yano side)
Yanma act like Gira but somehow he sort of added himself inside. Since there was a part he acted like ‘Gira’ had to do this part but he couldn’t do it. So he ask Yanma for help who show it to him.
Matsumoto-San (MC) then ask audience who they wanted to do it hot fav was of course Jeramie.
He drew himself out but change then end up with Kaguragi. It was apparently about his muscles
Apparently Jeramie said something before hand (I forgot what it was) before saying like melon and showing off his muscles left and right before repeating the movement again but this time with the word watermelon.
At first beginning Kaguragi look slightly embarrassed like he didn’t believe he did that but soon join in doing same movement last word after watermelon which was pumpkin?
Matsumoto-San asked if Kaguragi if Jeramie got him right which of course being Kaguragi say it perfect.
They still had time so Matsumoto-San ask who they (audience) wanted do next everyone scream Racles.
Racles end up picking Shiokara, who infamous line is Yanma-Kun!!!
Once he was done Matsumoto-San ask Shiokara who deny ever doing that sort of run that Racles did. That happen to be like the Naruto run 🤣
Afterward it was the character song
When everyone was taking their penlight. Rita had wander behind I thought they were going to take a sip or something.
Morfonia was all set to just cheer until Rita told her they had work.
Morfonia upsetting put down the light stick just as Rita turn around to show they had zip down their collar. They straight went into Rittan mode.
Both of them started to dance and not so sure if Rita was singing while dancing 😅 (I like to believe they are) I really like them both dancing to the song especially how previously Rita had ask Morfonia to learn the dance the day before Sapporo FLT 😂 so I guess if Morfonia is around and Rita is singing she has to wor-I mean dance.
After Rita was done they announced next one was Gira-Chi! In which Gira had announced himself as Gira-Chi. They run off stage (now that I think about it maybe they went to change their shoes? Because I think it was difficult to dance in platform?) they came back when the song already start with their collar zip up.
Gira had a microphone instead in his hand to sing and in middle of performance Racles went up to him. Like a proud big brother cheering beside him while he sing (I can’t remember if he put his arm around his shoulder or not but I think so)
Then it ended they say their thanks to the audience. (I don’t recall first one but the next two is epic)
Second show time
Act 2
During the Chikyuu Dance (Zenryoku King) apparently Himeno accidentally turn wrong side but quickly turns. However Racles notice because he was beside her he was apparently sort of teasing her about it by his facial expression.
Basically it was like this left to right Yanma, Himeno, Racles, Gira, Jeramie, Rita and Kaguragi.
Then they introduced the guest Shiokara the same, Morfonia this time did it in Rita-Mofu voice.
They did a bit of small talk apparently if I remember correctly Matsumoto-San was asking Himeno about Niigata especially like she had like a friend or acquaintance. Then somehow Himeno refer she know from Murakami Erica (So yeah they are still them (character) in this show😂)
This time it wqs Skapon Tanuki game
Basically it was where you are given 2 different scenario & you just say ‘Skapon Tanuki’ to it. The rest have to guess which one so the scenario they are acting out.
(I don’t remember the scenario sorry)
Himeno was up first so she did her Skapon Tanuki. While the rest were discussing.
Himeno interacted with the fans to do penlight wave.
When they decided on their answer apparently Racles did an A pose which was like hand against his side and he did almost like a small split. They were all comment and laughing at him. Then Rackes was saying that the can do A clap for him which was two finger like ✌🏽 victory pose and then one finger on the other hand. Then clap the victory pose onto to the other one.
They got Himeno correct
Next was Gira who did a bit of wave but later just played with the audience. Like he move either left or right we had to copy him so like he was testing us.
Once they decided, I think they said B. Once again Racles did a B pose. I think it was like his arm curve to his side and one leg curve against the other. I forgot how they did the B hand 😅 but Gira said it was wrong.
They all question him and somehow Gira was figuring out how to explain so he took out a snack hidden him. He open it and start eating which everyone was questioning him what was he doing. He said he needed the snacks to explains. Yet while he was explaining they were all saying it didn’t seem like it. I can’t remember if he admit he might does it wrong or not (The Kings & aides refuse to be wrong lol)
Afterward Kaguragi turns who after he did his Skapon-Tanuki. He immediately ask the audience if they know his colour 😆 then Kaguragi just did whatever he can with the audience with the penlight while the rest discuss.
They guess it correctly and yes Racles still did his body pose answer 😂
Afterward it was like Niigata sort of promoting their prefecture, it was voluntarily. Yanma went up first then follow by Rita. Apparently both of them did food & in their roll call sort of momentum. (I don’t recall what they said 😭 but it sound & felt like that)
Yet Yanma was so impressed with Rita that he went up to sort of give their approval which is like fist bump. (Considering they always don’t get along lol)
Then Matsumoto-San said they can do one more. Somehow the audience sabotaged Racles to do it who was taken back. He really couldn’t think what to say and even if he did. It was sort of short which confused the rest. Only Yanma & Rita had the guts to sort of well applauded him but by doing the A applauded like I mention earlier. (I THINK THEY WERE TEASING HIM)
Racles was like stop itttttt he was like embarrassed.
Next was character song.
Himeno performed first while I can’t say much it a normal performance but I always notice everyone always trying to figure out the penlight colour 😂 (they always help out each other)
Next was Jeramie who performed
There was one part while he was performing Racles was being…playful and was like swaying side to side behind him.
Apparently if I remember correctly Kaguragi was still figuring out the colour with Rita then once he got it. He went over to Racles and then they started doing swaying side to side even while Jeramie was performing 😂
After that was final word so Racles wanted to do a call & response. So he did two one was
Call: Tami wa
Response: Dogu
Call: Watashi ga
Response: Kuni da
Basically it is infamous line. People are tool and he is country.
Jeramie was next I think drawing of heart. He did it before asking us to be silent before say aishiteru and with a bang? (I honestly cannot remember but I remember he did a bang)
As afterward I think Kaguragi also did a bang but I complete forgot because of the next part…
Rita was like I promise everyone we will be together forever. Then pause…does anyone want to be shot by me?
Rita did the shooting pose and Bang!
(I nearly die…)
THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT YANMA AND HIMENO but if I am correct Yanma was just saying Skapon Tanuki to us and Himeno call response.
Morfonia did call and respond but approval from Rita.
So she did
Call: Gokkan
Response: Fudo
Also the reason Yanma doesn’t do call & response if Shiokara is around since he do it for him so it.
Call: Yanma-Kun
Response: Kakkoi!
(Yanma-Kun is cool)
Gira had one too but I don’t remember 😅
Third show Act 2
Morfonia intro herself normally
It was like what does a King do on their off day.
Rita and Morfonia was up first apparently they both disappeared into the backstage. They had reappear on stage with Moffun fan and a big Moffun. Apparently they went shopping for Moffun.
I read somewhere the fan said Moffun hardcore fan? Then behind was 同担拒否 i am not sure how to translate that 😅
Morfonia was showing off her big Moffun while Rita was saying they got a small one given to them by their fav idol Iko Marina. Then they started calling out for them.
(In episode 38 Rittan idol, the idol that appear who thought she was in Sentai production)
And yeah Ikoma Rina was in the room (I read she show off her Rita’s towel I was on second floor so didn’t see)
Yanma and Shiokara were saying they weren’t sure how to top that…
They sort of did like a fishing trip 😂 where they haven’t caught anything until finally they did.
Only to be disappointed the reason they caught nothing because hook was stuck on Yanma’s shoes?
Then they did like janga? Almost like it a comedy skit
Then they had time for one more Matsumoto-San was asking? I think or he already decide. Since yeah Racles name got call again. (apparently he can’t take a break)
So it Gira & Racles
Apparently they choose scenario where Racles was waiting for Gira while queuing for food.
Gira finally arrive and Racles wanted to pull him to where he was waiting. However someone stop him saying it not good to cut line.
Racles was very persistent since he say Gira wanted to eat while Gira was trying not make a scene. It ended when they realize the person stopping them is Douga 🤣
Then they did janga also which Yanma and Shiokara were protesting 😂
Next is
Is Himeno selfish?
To honest I think all these moment is just when she not ahem in character ahem.
Matsumoto-San was asking everyone scenario.
Apparently Rita & Kaguragj kept raising their hand and trying to get attention only to get scolded by Matsumoto-San.
I know Kaguragi Rita and Racles? Yanma a bit also got give their input that she is not selfish.
I don’t recall much but I remember one being the pizza.
Kaguragi was saying like she would order pizza and sharing it with the rest.
Himeno just responded she wouldn’t be able to finished it that why.
Basically even scenario Himeno was just denying being not selfish.
Of course the audience had to decide if she was being selfish or not with the clap. Himeno was trying to get us to show she is selfish but of course 😆 she couldn’t.
So it concluded she isn’t selfish.
Finally the last part…
Apparently everyone decide to do call & response.
Racles was the same as 2nd show. Then Jeramie wanted to try it out and (he was being a bit mean lol)
Call: Jeramie Suki Kai?
Response: Daisuke!
He kept doing it but in between he was like about to say Kaguragi name but stop. (Usually he like to ask if they like Kaguragi too sometimes)
So yeah this is where the Kings start to get petty since like Jeramie was getting TOOO much attention.
Kaguragi was next.
Call: Tofu min wa!
Response: Chikyuichi
Kaguragi then like smirks to Jeramie
Rita was next who wanted to do cal and response also.
Call: Zutto
Response: Issho
Rita also smirks at Jeramie
Himeno was next
Call: Watashi ga tsuyokutte ittara
Response: Utsukushi
Himeno turn to smirks at Jeramie who wasn’t sure what to say but was just smiling about it.
(I love when they just want to out do one another like in G-Rosso the penlight! Sadly I don’t think Racles has a colour 🥲)
Of course Yanma didn’t bother since Shiokara did his call and response again like 2nd show.
Morfonia was like since Rita did already call and response she like never mind. Rita say she can still do like before
Apparently Morfonia got too excited and say can it be Gokkan & Rita? Rita probably a bit puzzle say ok
Call: Gokkan to Rita
Response: Fudo
Morton is joke that Rita cannot move from their spot then Rita was like then they cannot leave Niigata 😂😅
I save the best for last of course
Gira say he really thought long and hard for it his call & response since his last one was that good.
Call: Red Panda
Response: Gira Hasty
IT WAS SO FUNNY AND GOOD HAHAHA I will just like to say Gira won this ‘unofficial’ contest hahaha 🤣
Oh yeah at the end of the show Gira will always do call & response with us. His infamous line.
Call: Sekai O
Response: Shihai Suru!
Wahhh I don’t know how the people who go watch show remember so well. I don’t remember much but like bit and pieces…so yeah. Well I doubt my next event I have to remember much I think 🤣
Anyway thanks for anyone who read until the end and sorry if it messy hahaha I tried…
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