#or alejandros so big
kaithefirst0127 · 11 months
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oh my god i love latinas i love latinas soooo much
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alphaclxwn · 4 months
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getting my nosé on guys
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Alenoah, where Noah cares about Alejandro, more than Alejandro's family did:
Noah: I will now torture you.
Alejandro: Kinky!~
Noah: I think you are brilliant and beautiful.
Alejandro: Wait!
Noah: You deserve to be cared for and loved, despite your mistakes.
Alejandro: No!
Noah: Your feelings and needs are valid, and deserve to be heard.
Alejandro: I need a safeword! 😳
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perpetualexistence · 6 months
Through a Funhouse Mirror
Alenoah Week 2024 Day 6: Amusement Park / Laser Tag
Noah and Alejandro are on an end of year class field trip to the local amusement park. Normally, Alejandro only hangs out with his girlfriend Heather in the popular clique. However, recently Alejandro has integrated himself into Noah's friend group. He's even taken charge as their leader.
He acts the gentleman, but by now Noah knows better. He doesn't have any concrete proof, but he can tell Alejandro despises most of the group. There has to be some reason he's sticking around, but he doesn't quite know what.
He would confront Alejandro, but the eel is always too preoccupied with schmoozing the rest of his friends, and people outside of his immediate friend group. Now is a good of a chance as any.
Alejandro's the one who convinces the group to split off. He insists that it's so everyone can do what they prefer, but Noah can tell it's because he wants to get away from the others. Noah volunteers himself to go with Alejandro since nobody is allowed to be by themselves, and Alejandro obliges. There are benefits to being the only other sane one in the group.
Noah looks for somewhere private to confront Alejandro, and lucks out with the house of mirrors. He tells Alejandro he wants to go in and Alejandro, ever the 'gentleman' agrees.
Noah waits until they're deeper into the maze before he starts being direct with Alejandro about his nature. Alejandro tries denying it. Noah provides rebuttal after rebuttal. The argument keeps getting more and more heated.
Noah's back is to one of the mirrors. He's trying to keep his ground, but he takes another step backward as Alejandro takes one forward. His back is pressed against one of the mirrors.
Without warning, the solid surface begins to shudder. He feels something like a liquid on his back. Nothing seems to be supporting his weight anymore, and he begins to fall backwards. In his desperate attempt to stop his descent, he grabs onto the closest thing in sight: Alejandro.
In his own shock at seeing the mirror ripple, Alejandro is unable to react in time to stop their fall. He passes through the mirror with Noah, and falls on top of the smaller boy.
Noah groans in pain at the fall and at being crushed.
Alejandro quickly stood up to recover from this temporary set back. He's the first to notice that the tacky mirrors from before now loom over the both of them like imposing walls. The floor is much, much too close.
They both hear a chuckle coming from behind him, and turn to see a man the size of an eight-story building looking down at both of them.
After a quick screaming session, they learn that this is a trickster spirit who calls himself Chris. He likes to mess around with mortals from time to time for his own amusement. And man, they just handed themselves on a silver platter.
He offers them a deal. He'll tell them how to return them to their normal size if they can find him again. He'll give them a riddle, then once they figure out where he's talking about, they have to race towards it at their new size to get to him.
Alejandro shows no fear as he does his best to assuage Chris and assure him they can absolutely finish this task for Chris. Noah, however, is pretty peeved about this situation. And oh, does he let Chris know it.
Alejandro tries to get him to stop talking, but one doesn't stop Noah from going off on someone once he's started. Noah has successfully angered Chris, though Alejandro's able to convince Chris NOT to kill them. Chris still wants some punishment though, so he magics their phones away so they can't call or text for help. And he's going to give them the hardest riddle he knows.
Alejandro covers Noah's mouth and agrees to the new terms. Chris gives them the riddle, and leaves in a puff of smoke. It takes everything in Alejandro not to strangle Noah as they get to solving the riddle.
Between their IQ, and Chris not being as smart as he thinks he is, they solve it pretty quickly. It’s the Ferris wheel. They can remember seeing it on the way in. It's in the middle of the park. Full of crowded people. Who can step on them without even trying.
They start making their way over, doing their best to be as stealthy and quick as possible. They'd rather not let anyone else know about this because who knows how any stranger would take it?
Fortunately, they do come across someone that isn't a complete stranger! It's hard to miss Owen in a crowd with how his voice carries. He's getting an absolutely obscene amount of cotton candy.
Noah immediately starts making his way towards his chubby buddy, only for Alejandro to stop him. Noah wants to know what Alejandro's doing, and Alejandro points out that Owen might not be the best person to help them out in their current predicament. He doesn't know how to keep secrets, and isn't aware of his own strength. That is a VERY dangerous combination with both of them being this small.
Noah turns on Alejandro in an instant. Owen's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's not a complete idiot. He can stop when you ask him to stop something. And not spreading gossip is a different type of secret than one that'd put their lives at risk.
There's no way of knowing if they'd find any of their other classmates who is more 'responsible' and who might, might be willing to help. Owen could be their one chance.
Also. It's Owen. Of course he's going to help them! Plus, the big guy can charge through a crowd if he's highly motivated. Noah's pretty sure saving the lives of two of his friends is high enough motivation. They'd get to that ferris wheel in an instant!
Noah's not going to have Alejandro ruin their best chance of getting back to normal because of some stupid one-sided rivalry with Owen!
"He may squeeze me within an inch of my life, but you know what I'll be? Alive!"
Alejandro still fights to keep Noah from going out to get Owen's attention. He doesn't want anyone to see him like this, especially not that oafish buffoon no matter what Noah says.
Noah tries to wriggle out of Alejandro's grasp, but he loses. Alejandro only lets go after Owen has passed them by. He sighs in relief when he can no longer see Owen, and finally lets Noah go.
Noah starts going off on another tirade against Alejandro when the wind starts to pick up. Nobody else seems to notice, but for them the wind is threatening to buffet them away.
Alejandro crouches down to cling to the boardwalk underneath him for something to hold on. Noah is blown away a couple of feet (relative to his new size) before he's stopped.
Because a stray bit of cotton candy has been blown his way and is now trapping him against the ground.
Alejandro rushes for Noah once the wind has died down. He might be annoyed at Noah for making this more difficult that it needs to be, but that doesn't mean he wishes Noah dead.
He tries digging some of the cotton candy around Noah's face free so Noah can breathe better. Which does work, but it also leads Alejandro to getting cotton candy on him. He's lucky he's strong enough to have pulled his own arms out rather than get stuck himself.
He knows any type of liquid should dissolve this, but how to get some? He looks around to spot a large cup of soda littered on the ground. He runs for it and sighs in relief as he notices that it has a bit remaining. It won't be the most elegant solution, but it will do.
He drags the soda to Noah and jumps onto the cup. Soda sprays out of the straw to douse Noah, freeing him. Noah is coughing and snorting out cotton candy and soda, but he's breathing.
Noah reluctantly thanks Alejandro for the whole, you know, saving his life thing. Alejandro was going to tease Noah about it to get some semblance of familiarity back when he hears an extremely loud bark coming from behind.
He turns to see a large dog behind him.
This is fine. Animals love Alejandro! He has a commanding presence that they admire. They fawn over him. He can tame this beast and convince it they're not chew toys.
Turns out his commanding presence doesn't work when he's smaller than the thing he's trying to command.
The dog reaches down and bites onto the back of Alejandro's shirt. He's shaken about, grasping for anything to free himself, when he hears a familiar voice in a strange tone.
"Here boy!" coos Noah in a cutesty tone Alejandro didn't think was possible. "Drop the disgusting eel and come to me! I've got treats!"
To Alejandro's shock, the dog immediately drops him. He falls to the ground in a heap. The dog eagerly bounds towards Noah and begins to sniff him. The dog licks Noah, mostly for the soda and cotton candy he's drenched in.
"¿Quién eres y qué has hecho con Noah?" Alejandro asks himself as he hears Noah giggle at being licked.
Noah digs into one of the many pockets in his khakis that Alejandro had assumed were just to show off his poor taste in fashion. He digs his hand out with a small plastic bag filled with dog treats.
"Come on boy, let's get you a treat that won't kill you in the long run."
He gets the dog to sit, then lay down. Then begins to climb on top of the dog.
"...You tell no one what just happened, and I'll let you get on Shadow. I don't know if I can get him to go fast, but I can at least get him going in the right direction."
Alejandro knows better to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he puts all thoughts about how cute that was away as he gets atop of the newly dubbed Shadow.
It turns out that Shadow has two speeds: none and all. They both have to cling onto the dog as he bolts through the crowd towards the ferris wheel. They can only hope everyone is so focused on the dog that no one notices the two small humans desperately clinging to its fur.
Shadow takes them a good distance towards the wheel. However, he is a dog. He notices a seagull within his line of sight and begins to chase after it in a different direction. The two of them let go before Shadow can steer them too far off course, and land behind one of the prize booths.
With them being in the back of the booths, they can see a path of relatively safety so long as none of the workers make their way back here. The ferris wheel isn't much farther off. So they begin walking. And talking.
"May I at least ask how you made a dog much larger than us eat out of the palm of your hand?"
"I trained my dog when he was a puppy. I figured it might be the same with another dog no matter the size difference."
"Still, I will admit. That was impressive."
"Huh, so you can give a genuine compliment. Didn't think you had it in you."
"I absolutely do give genuine compliments!"
"If you want to prove you're genuine, tell me the real reason you started befriending Team E-scope."
Alejandro sighs. Because at this point, he's tired, and he already has a piece of blackmail over Noah. If they don't survive this, he might as well get this off his chest.
Alejandro admits that the real reason he wants Noah and his friends at his side is because he needs them to get revenge on Heather for him. He's done his best to keep this out of the gossip circle, but she actually dumped him rather recently. He didn't quite listen to the reason why because she did the dumping instead of him. He can't just let that stand.
He knows 'Team E-scope' and Owen is because he knows they're the most chaotic group among them. He planned to trick them into pranking Heather for him so that he didn't have to get his own hands dirty, and no one would find out the reason he wanted revenge on the first place.
Noah can't help but laugh at Alejandro.
"You seriously went through all of that trouble so we could get back at your ex for you?"
"It's a very elaborate plan!"
"That's why I'm laughing! You did all of that for nothing!"
"Getting back at Heather is not nothing."
"No. That's not what I mean. We would have done it if you just asked."
"Eva hates Heather's guts, Owen's always down for a good prank, Izzy's Izzy, and I love to watch shitty people get their just desserts. You didn't even need to give us a reason. All you had to do was ask us to help you pull a prank on Heather. We'd do it because it'd be funny."
Alejandro has to re-evaluate a lot of assumptions and life decisions that he's made recently.
As they get close to the ferris wheel, they spot Chris walking into one of the carts. They immediately make a run for the cart before the attendant can close the door. They both land on the sticky, popcorn riddled floor at the same time.
Despite this, they each find themselves alone with Chris.
He spends the first few minutes laughing at them, confessing to having watched them the entire time. Then he says to each that he can tell them how to get back to normal, but there’s no guarantee it’ll work and they’re almost out of time. He can un shrink one of them right now, guaranteed. …But in return, they have to give up the other to Chris as an entertainment piece. The other will be fine! Mostly. They’ll be big again at least.
Once he gets the consent he can take the other away to do whatever. It’s an exclusive offer, so they better act fast.
Neither believes this is exclusive. They’re both pretty sure the other is being offered the same deal. It’s the classic prisoner’s dilemma. If they give each other up, they’ll probably both be subject to Chris’s whims for the rest of their lives.
Logically speaking, the right thing to do is to try to betray each other. But it requires a considerable amount of trust in the other. Noah would have to trust Alejandro not to be a selfish bastard. Alejandro would have to trust Noah not to be paranoid. 
...Noah doesn't think he can trust Alejandro. He has seen Alejandro put himself first time and again. He refused to get help that they clearly needed because of his stupid pride. He's been more honest with Noah, but now Alejandro is by himself, being offered a deal almost impossible to resist. If he's going to take Noah down, then Noah might as well take Alejandro with him.
And yet. Alejandro's first instinct had been to save Noah when he was trapped, despite proving that he'd be difficult to work with. There was something good there in that shriveled, dark heart. Taking Alejandro down would give him a sense of vindication, but he doubted that would last long with whatever punishment Chris had in store. At least with Alejandro free, someone would know what had happened to Noah.
Besides, there is a part of Noah that does want to believe that Alejandro has some standards. It's a small part. It's a stupid part.
But Noah would rather be a fool than be cruel senselessly.
So he denies Chris's deal.
…To his surprise, Alejandro thinks he can trust Noah. With how loyal Noah is to Owen, he doubts Noah would choose to subject someone else to Chris. Alejandro could easily take advantage of this. It won’t be his problem afterwards. People would ask questions about Noah, but he could lie his way around them. Alejandro could finally rid himself of an annoyance set on ruining his good name.
And yet. Noah's not just an annoyance. He can be useful when he wants to be. He saved Alejandro from his own overconfidence. Noah has potential to be more. Not just to Alejandro, but to others as well. He's a fool not to see it in himself, but Alejandro could guide him along the right way. With their minds combined, they could conquer any challenge. Including Chris'.
Besides, the world would be a worse place without Noah in it.
So he denies Chris's deal.
The two are suddenly besides each other in the cart staring up at a petulant Chris. He whines that he's disappointed in the both of them. Where's the drama in neither of them taking the deal?!
Unfortunately, he's bound by his own rules, so he does tell them that the only way to get back to their normal size is to go through the same mirror that shrunk them in the first place. (All of Chris's game was pretty much a distraction to trick them into giving themselves up to him or else be small forever, either way being entertaining for Chris.)
They have until sunset, which if he had to guess is about thirty minutes. With a huff, he vanishes.
The two just look at each other for a moment as they comprehend what just happened.
"...You didn't give me up." Noah spoke aloud.
"No. I didn't."
"I don't know," Alejandro admitted. Which was the truth. He knew he told himself it was to keep Noah around as a benefit, but there was a part of him that also just liked having Noah around. And he wasn't sure which was more true. "I can't believe you trusted me."
"I didn't."
"Why wouldn't you give me up when you thought I would?"
"I don't know," Noah confessed. His heart and his brain were too battle-torn to give a more truthful answer. His heart was winning when he spoke again, "I'm sorry. For doubting you."
"No. No, you were absolutely right to. I didn't refuse to betray you out of the goodness of my heart."
"But you did."
"...Sí. I did.
"So take the apology. You're not getting another one."
"Are you seriously arguing this right now? Why?!"
"Because you still chose to spare me anyways!" Alejandro snapped. "You know me better than anyone else. You know I'm not 'a good person deep down'! There was no reward in this for you! I would punish your loyalty for myself. And you'd still show me mercy! I can't-No entiendo-"
Alejandro pinched at the bridge of his nose as he desperately attempted to calm his thoughts before he spoke again. "...Thank you."
After a pause of his own, Noah replied. "You're welcome."
The sun got in their eyes as they both remembered Chris's new thirty minute deadline. The ferris wheel is currently stopped at the top. Even if they could scale down it quickly, it would take far longer than 30 minutes to get back to the house of mirrors by themselves.
Fortunately for them, they're crafty, and they're high enough to where they're at the height of seagulls flying about. They manage to get a seagull's attention by throwing popcorn out of the cart. When it comes to investigate, Alejandro remains pressed against the wall of the cart while Noah is in the middle, egging the bird closer.
The bird goes in to attack Noah, and Alejandro leaps onto the bird from behind. The bird attempts to fly away and shake Alejandro off. Alejandro holds it in place long enough for Noah to get on.
The two wrangle the bird into a dive bomb for the house of mirrors. All three of them are screaming as they crash land. The two quickly scamper inside before the bird is aware enough to get revenge on them.
They split off to cover more ground since neither one quite remembers where the mirror that shrank them is. Alejandro is the one who manages to find it first as he goes through it to become his regular size. He went in one mirror, though out another, and can only guess he's on the side of the maze that Noah went down.
He immediately speedwalks to find Noah. He can't run or he'd risk stepping on him. When he hears Noah shout his name, he immediately runs, grabs Noah, and races back towards where he believes the entrance to be.
Noah guides him back to the entrance, and he races towards the mirror once he recognizes where he is. He shoves Noah through the mirror, though his own hand meets a solid surface.
He runs back towards the other side, only to meet a regular sized Noah in the middle, panting. The two immediately hug and laugh in pure shock and disbelief that they're finally back to normal.
Chris is nowhere to be found or heard, though they do wish they'd be able to get some form of revenge on him.
For now, they're both content with leaving the park and never setting foot in it again.
They finally catch up with the rest of their friend group who ask where they've been the whole time.
Neither of them has a response prepared, so Izzy provides them with one: They were clearly making out the whole time.
The two try to beat back the allegations, but to no avail. It's still better than having to explain what ACTUALLY happened.
It does mean they'd have to be together more if they're going to lean into this lie.
Neither one minds it as much as they pretend to.
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Lost Boys Part 5
Summary: Preacher gets needy and Alejandro offers his help.
If you're new here this is my very self-indulgent Lost Boys AU with CoD characters fic. It's all very dark and broody and everyone is looking to bang the mc :)
Words: 1.7k
CW: Smut, dubcon
Preacher threw herself hard into work. She had to really because anytime she let her mind drift she could hear Rudy’s words in her ear, feel König's hard length at her stomach, fucking taste Johnny. Had it been that long since she had been laid that one good fuck had turned her into a mess? Well it was possible, her last 6 months on Coney Island anyone she flirted with seemed to back off before it went anywhere. Keegan had been sympathetic at least, well as sympathetic as she could ever expect from him. Here meaning he told her he'd get her off if she begged real pretty. She had told him to fuck off, although if she had stayed there much longer she suspected he might have gotten what he wanted. 
What she needed she thought was a non-threatening casual fuck buddy to get over it. Maybe. Best to hold off and see if she could fix this little problem herself first. Right now that meant focusing on work until she could sneak away on her break and relieve some tension in the nearest dinghy bathroom. 
So that is what she did. She taught kids how to catch the brass rings for a free ride ticket, she held back a laugh at a teenage boy's attempt to flirt with her after his friends had goaded him into it, she was all in all a model employee who bantered away with customers. And then Alex popped in to give her a 15 minute break and she mumbled a thank you and excused herself to the bathroom.
It wasn't the worst bathroom she had ever been in to be totally fair, but it was pretty dire. Three stalls, all empty because she imagined people would rather just eat at one of the restaurants further down the boardwalk to have access to a clean and decent bathroom. Suited her just fine, meant she could lock herself into the stall that seemed least like a biohazard and lean her head against the coolness of the door while a hand snaked under the waistband of her jeans to slide experimentally against her clit.
Already she was sighing in relief, knowing that this was going to get rid of that roiling tension that had been just under the surface the whole morning after Rudy had whispered those words to her. Probably wouldn't be the best orgasm in the world, but sometimes quick and dirty was what needed to be done and she closed her eyes, one forearm bracing above her head, and went to work. 
It was frustrating to have to pause when the door clicked open, but she'd just wait out whoever had the bad taste to come into this awful bathroom. The light rap on her stall door made her jump given that her head was pressing right against the thing.
“Oh chiquita I know, let me help.”
Jesus fucking Christ. That was Alejandro, that older surfer from the other day. She panicked, removing her hand even though he could probably here the scrape of her skin against the waistband and trying to get herself together.
“Sorry, what?” 
“Open up.”
OK, surely he wasn't offering to… what the hell else would ‘let me help’ mean in this context though? But then how had he even known she was in here touching herself? That did get her to open the door, intent on getting a damn answer.
“Were you following me?”
Alejandro took her in, from dishevelled appearance to fiery eyes to flushed skin. When Rudy had all but promised him she wouldn't be able to survive her whole shift without some form of relief he had been only too delighted to thank him properly for that and then lie in wait.
It wasn't a full Sirens song that had her like this, no if Rudy had went full throttle she would already be naked on the beach begging them to take her. Just a little taste of it, just enough to have her needy but still in her right mind. If he was going to have this woman insane and begging it would be because she was desperate for him all on her own, not because he had her in his control from a song.
“Ah you looked uncomfortable chiquita, just being a good citizen and checking in no?”
God his stupid lopsided grin was so charming. He was blocking the stall doorway, leaning an arm on one side and towering over her. Fuck she was horny.
“As you can see I am just fine, but thanks for the concern” she replied through gritted teeth, desperate to get back to what she was doing and just bloody finish. 
“Let me eat you out.”
Her cunt clenched almost fucking painfully around nothing.
“Oh my God.”
“Use your words properly, say yes.”
As if she could say anything else when her entire body was on fire from even the idea of it and he was in her space smelling of the ocean and looking at her without even attempting to hide how much he wanted her.
Alejandro did not waste time. He didn't even close the stall door, he just went straight to his knees and all but ripped her jeans and panties down so he could stuff his mouth onto her cunt like he was starved for it. 
“Fuck! Wait I- fuck it's too much” she hissed, one hand gripping for dear life on the top of the door and the other in his hair trying to pull him away so she could breathe. 
He looked up at her and she swore his eyes were fully black, just a trick of the light, must be. He looked almost pissed off that she was trying to get him to slow the fuck down.
“Take it. Take it and thank me” he said, syrupy and deep, before stuffing his tongue right into her, nose bumping her clit and making her choke on her attempts to not scream.
It was so intense, fuck he was so intense. His tongue was precise, singularly focused on what most made the air punch out of her lungs in almost pained gasps. Whenever she got used to him fucking her with his tongue and caught her breath he would move to lap at her clit, whenever she finally managed to breathe through that he would suck hard on it. It was a decadent sort of torture. 
She was rutting into his face embarrassingly quickly, desperate for release and being kept right on the edge. It was as if he was deliberately… oh for fake sake. She knew what he wanted from her and she wasn't happy about it, but she was going to fucking die if he didn't make her cum.
“Thank you” she all but spat at him.
Then and only then did he finally use the flat of his tongue to lick fully from her entrance to her clit before expertly swirling the tip where she needed it, sending her tumbling into an orgasm that had been ripped out of her with such intent it caused her knees to buckle. 
He was unnaturally quick and strong, grabbing her legs to settle them on his shoulders and bracing one hand at her back so he could taste her pleasure even when she was boneless, not willing to move away just yet. 
Fuck he was good, inhumanly good. Maybe he would work as a casual fuck buddy. Christ if this was just his tongue she could already imagine what he could do with his fingers, what he could do with his cock. When she finally got her legs about her again she groaned gently taking her own weight and pushing his head away from her. He went this time, leaning back on his feet and looking up at her in a pose that was just so incredibly debauched, especially since she could see his cock hard through his tight wetsuit leggings.
“That was… fuck me you are good at this. Thanks. Do you need me to…?"
“I will chiquita, but as much as I'd love to do it now so Alex can hear how you whine for me and report back to his masters, he's waiting on you to go back to work no?”
Preacher was not one to be embarrassed about sex, hell she quite enjoyed a bit of voyeurism. She really probably enjoyed a bit of everything. But following Alejandro’s eyeline to see Alex, her fucking boss, leaning casually against the main door watching the exchange, was making all the blood rush straight to her face. 
“Shit” she yelped, pulling her panties and jeans back on properly and trying to fix herself to not look like an absolute slut who had been getting head in a dirty bathroom during her break. 
“Fifteen minutes is up, back to it Preacher” he said, casually as if this was a normal situation.
Preacher tripped her way past a still kneeling Alejandro, looking back at him in a sort of questioning apology. He only grinned that fucking lopsided grin that made her want to get fucked right on this filthy floor.
“I- sorry, I need to go.”
“I know chiquita, Keller will keep me company no?”
Jesus fucking Christ. She slipped out past Alex, trying to ignore the stirrings of her arousal wanting to flare back to life when he bunched a hand in her hair as she passed to hold her there for a moment so he could shove his tongue down her throat with absolutely no warning, quick and sloppy, before letting her go and walking toward Alejandro. 
Fuck. She got out of that stupid bathroom and back to work, absolutely point blank refusing to even consider that the two of them might be… was everyone here? Was this some sort of poly sex cult boardwalk? Alex had warned her off of everyone but the 141 but had watched her getting her mind blown by one of the surfers and did nothing to stop it. He might be getting his own mind blown right now.
And that was frankly none of her business she decided, stubbornly stretching out her muscles and climbing back onto the carousel for the rest of her shift. 
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halfadoginatank · 10 months
Simon and his father take a trip to the Scottish highlands for the summer, he knows only one of them will leave.
Johnny is a boy obsessed with filming explosions from fireworks he's not supposed to have.
Los Vaqueros are a group of Mexican teens derailed from their field trip waiting for teachers that might not come back.
Huge lore and plot dump below.
Mild tw for Simons father
Simons father has always taken him on hunting trips, sometimes he hated them, some times he liked them. But he'd never taken him this far from manchester. There are weapons in the cabin they rent, his father is eerily sober, one of them is going to die out here. Simon can only hope that Tommy won't be next.
Johnny meets him when he strays too far from his father. Part of it on purpose, he would never be on equal footing, more so when his father had the rifle and not him. He's in the tree's, at first simon thinks its prey, but there's a camera lense staring right at his scope.
Los Vaqueros come later, the leader arguing with a girl with choppy hair, Valeria and Alejandro trade glares while Rodolfo tries to mediate. Their bus broke down, leaving them stuck in town desperately renting a cabin near but far from the one simon is in.
It's the most interesting thing thats happened to johnny, and in the makeshift bonfire Valeria corners him and Simon. Her gaze is snakelike and a ring clinks on the bottle she's holding
"You say that he's an asshole yes? Your padre. Mine was the same, en mi opinión? It is kill or be killed."
Valeria nods at Alejandro, she tells them of a faceless force where she's from. The person sponsoring the trip for them, 'good will'. The five of them band together, the rest of the Vaqueros utterly ignorant.
Simon will save his family, Alejandro will get them home, and johnny? He's going to make the best home video.
Yeah so thats the whole plot, originally it was just going to be ghoap but somehow the Vaqueros fell into place. It kind of made more sense to have Valeria give them the idea? She doesnt have a whole bunch of canon lore so I figured she'd have an in with the cartel via her father, who was awful. And when Valeria killed him the nameless helped her cover it up and she got her own little spot.
Alejandro broke off their relationship after that, it's why they're on bad terms. He formed the Vaqueros as a funny joke that he started to take seriously when kids around Las Almas genuinely needed help that wasnt someway connected to the cartel, adults had that with rudys mother, so Ale and his childhood friend Rudy decided to help people their age in a way that doesn't rely on adults too much.
Everyone here is about 16-18. Soap is 17, ghost is as well but a few months older. Rudy Alejandro and Valeria are 18. And the youngest cowboy is 16.
Im trying to fit Gaz and Alex in? Im thinking that they both live in Texas, Gazs parents had a falling out since mum was from Texas hes there. Their school is on the same trip in the same bus a sort of cross trip to help the shitty american public school get a better name, as well as the cartels big PR move with having a class from one of Las Almas' schools.
Johnny is a bit weird here, but his motivation is he's suffering from extreme middle kid issues. Loves his family but since he's almost invisible is able to just kinda run off as long as hes back home eventually. He has a camera he uses to film any of his mishaps with, its essentially just jackass. As well as a video diary. Dont be fooled, its also an excuse for me to write some of it in script like format.
Simon is almost exactly the same as he is in the 09 comics, obviously a bit different. But childhood is the same.
I wanted farah to be here so bad but her childhood is literally a warzone and theres no way I can get her and her brother in Scotland. Because im trying so hard to make this somewhat believable, like yes its is a summer mystery horror au. But god I just really need things to make a little sense otherwise I cant do it. Same with Price Nik and Laswell. Like I could group Laswell in with Alex and gaz, and maybe I could pair her with Valeria for funsies. However Nikolai is in russia so... oopsie, and price? Like... how do you turn price into a teenager, he'd be what 19 or 20? Theres no reason he'd be in school, I dont think he'd be held back.
Also you may wonder, why is graves not here? Uh.... because I dont care, he wouldn't have a place here. The antagonist is Simons father, and honestly man? I just dont care that much for his character.
Man theres... theres so much I have here dude, I want to throw roach in there, and I THINK I could squeeze him in as one of ghosts school mates but the point is the first act has Simon completely isolated.
Anyway thats it. Bye.
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nano30cm · 7 months
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im sure they all get along swimmingly
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svnnowah · 7 months
guys look what my bf @stinkypigon drew i love him so much 💥❗️
this means alenoah js canon guys!
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stupid little man!
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
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Fanart for @r4bidcherry 's "I Don't Wanna Be Famous" AU! I love alejandro's design so much 💞💞
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slashhinginghasher · 1 year
Rudy looks like he plays the guitar and will serenade you with the most devastatingly romantic Latin love songs after a date.
Alejandro can't sing for shit but is an excellent dancer. He loves to take you out but likes dancing with you at home in your pajamas late at night even more.
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What do you think of Vargas' forehead?
Look. I've seen some posts about mans 4head, and yes.
No denying that shit.
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Now, based on the golden ratio of faces, the proper height of one's forehead is the same as one's eyebrow to nose height. We can obviously see that Vargas' is BIG.
HOWEVER ☝️ what matters more is the fact that this man OWNS it.
Does he try to use bangs? No. Does he try to get some hair in the front like maybe a comma cut? NO.
INSTEAD, dude SWEPT IT ALL BACK, showing that 4head FOR ALL IT'S GLORY. He's clearly proud of it and that shit is ✨PENG✨.
I mean, other than his forehead, I do love his lush, thick, abundant, black hair. As far as I see he ain't havin' any bald spots and all that stuff. He's ✨GORGEOUS✨.
Also his BEARD GAME?? Now THAT is what I call ✨ FACIAL HAIR ✨
Final Verdict :
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alphaclxwn · 6 months
Because of you I know ship Noaheather, Alecan, and Trentney. I hope that you are proud of yourself for that. LOL
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they r on a triple date and trentney wants to go home <33
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misiahasahardname · 1 year
i invented a custom season of tdi in my brain and i've decided these three are in an alliance and. and they are friends.
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total drama losers: where the characters that never got their chance to shine compete to see who is the best loser!
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Ok guys, but do you remember this post?
Yeah, ok, I wanted to do something similar to this post but got lazy in the proces so yeah. Rip
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There was suppouse to be Owen
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Noah *screams*
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killa-trav · 2 years
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happy birthday my big brother i can’t 🥺🥺
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what if I made a COD MW2 (reboot) RVB crossover where Tex is the POV character but the readers don't know it's a crossover and I didn't say it was Tex until I later revealed it
this is in fact a reaction to a tik tok where somebody was like "uhhh stop making your female self inserts stronger than Ghost it's unrealistic"
what if I made it a canon character who is absolutely stronger than your silly little military man huh. what then. biiiiitch
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