#or a damn nap
idliketobeatree · 3 months
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i'm living the dream, in the dream, i'm buried alive two bed grave, one bath, car in the drive mirrored covered windows block the light feeding back reflection distorts life cut connection — jesca hoop
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Guess whose body punked her and decided to take up at like 6:30 and then refused to go to sleep?
This chick.
Oh and NOW I am feeling exhausted and wanting to go to sleep but I have to stay awake now because I made plans to be at mom's in like 3 hours.
Realistically I could sleep till noon and then rush to shower, get ready and prolly get there in time but my hair prolly won't dry in time and I wanted to play around with it.
I'm to that experimental phase when o wash day I just throw a bunch of shit in my hair and struggle bus trying to make it actually do something I want it to do.
I've tried pomades, and sculpting putty, today I went out and got2be glued wax which is supposed to be a 'spiking wax' hoping I would get some actual volume in my crown.
Ya'll that shit is hot garbage. My hair took one look at it and laughed it into oblivion. I have some expensive ass Kenra texturing spray, this bullshit wax, MOUSSE in my hair and I can't get any lift.
My hair is so damn thick and heavy it's just...frustrating. I think I need to invest in a hair dryer but I don't want to start that damaging cycle on my hair by using hot tools.
And I'm SURE it's not the product's fault, it's me. I don't now how use them because I've always ignored my hair and let it do its own thing. Mainly because it's so thick volume-wise that it will not be tamed by mortal man. The texture is fine there's just A LOT OF IT. Every hairdresser I go to is like "Damn that's a lot of hair" and I always ask them to thin it out with thinning shears. I don't know if the chick who cut my hair used any even though I think we had that conversation. Do I just take the risk and purchase thinning shears and see if I can thin it out myself? How badly could I really fuck it up? It's just gonna...cut random bits right?
She says before she becomes an example laughable enough to be featured on a Brad Mondo reacts video on YT
Though I stand by that 'wax' being hot garbage. It legit wasn't even firm. It was like a cream.
I just checked in on my hair and it's not magically improved in the past ten minutes. I do have volume in the front because I did a deep part comb-over which is to be expected. But literally, no texture or lift in my crown at all.
I'm going to shower, pray my hair dries in two hours so I can try and maybe do something with a straightening iron.
EDIT: Circling back to this for a hot second to ramble further now that I've spent my shower thinking about my frustrating lack of ability to do basic shit like style my hair. I spent the first let's say 30 years of my life just coasting. I was always a bit of a tomboy. I rejected femininity in a lot of ways and was blessed with great skin, passable looks and hair that doesn't look bad even if I never did anything more than braid or put it up in a ponytail. I never DID the girly things teenage girls do like really play with makeup or do my nails or learn how to do shit with my hair.
I've always been blessed with a sort of 'take me as I am or not, I don't fucking care' confidence in my looks which is HILARIOUS since I'm a neurotic mess in near all other parts of my life. I don't even know if I would label it as confidence but more apathy. I just gave zero fucks what people thought of how I looked. I also have zero fashion sense which will surprise exactly no one. Jeans and solid colored t-shirts and sandals is my go to look. Drove my mother insane and she's legit given up on me when it comes to fashion.
So I reach my 30's, chopped my hair off and for the first time in my life and kinda went through a mini-transformative phase in my life. I stopped rejecting my femininity. Started with teaching myself to use makeup because I was annoyed my eye looks kept looking like shit.
I applied myself, invested in actual makeup, and went through a real beauty guru phase. Then I was like I am sick of not being able to paint my nails for shit. So I made the decision that I was going to buckle down and teach myself how to paint my nails/actually try and take care of my nails etc. Genetics kinda fucked me hard in that regard, I have super brittle nails prone to like thinning at the ends and then they just snap off. So I will never have that long nail fantasy life and I've made peace with that. Long nails are kinda a pain in the ass anyway. I did start taking hair skin nail supplements and it's helped a little with my nail breakage but point is, I'm taking action to try and improve something I am displeased with myself about.
This is perhaps one of my best and worst traits. If I find I lack the knowledge or skill to do something and it annoys me enough I will move heaven and earth to fix that gap in my knowledge base. I despise my own personal ignorance and constantly seek to improve upon it. I don't give two fucks about other people's ignorance unless it's like overt and toxic. Yes I will get annoyed watching people repeat their same mistakes knowing they just need to change their approach to the problem but it's their journey to figure that shit out and I have my own shit to concentrate on.
HOWEVER when it comes to me? Must be eradicated if at all possible. It's great at times but let me tell you it's a fucking burden I would not wish upon anyone else.
My long, bloviated point being my hair has become my new 'I will fucking conquer this conceived weakness/gap in my knowledge base and I will learn to tame you' mission.
And I will succeed at this because when I set my mind to something I plow forward with all the big damn Capricorn energy until I reach my goals.
-eyes the 100K fanfic she's written in 3 months- Yeah maybe that's why I went so hard these past three months now that I'm thinking about it.
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bakedbeanz · 4 months
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Guess what movie i jus watched for the first time like 2 days ago :] I love Bubba soo much
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knifefightandchill · 6 months
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"So maybe you have nine lives. But it doesn't matter now Mr. Kennedy!"
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mfdragon · 22 days
✨🍎 Egghead Family 🍑💎🐻
It took MONTHS but it’s DONE BABYYYYY ✨
I cannot begin to tell you the psychic damage this whole thing took to make, as Egghead was in its final chapters. It truly was some kind of mental torture but I hope this wholesome content eases everyone’s pain over the “incident” that occurred.
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frozen-seagrass · 3 days
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eepy time icemav
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motheroftheantichrist · 11 months
Okay, but the bathroom trap from Alison Gordon's perspective is insane. Imagine you and your daughter are being held at gunpoint by a kidnapper. Your husband can save you-- his wife and mother of his child-- himself, and his own daughter by giving a quick and painless death to a complete stranger. Instead he spends several hours playing twenty questions with some random twink while you desperately fight your way out of an unwinnable situation by the power of pure rage. This is why she fucking left you, Larry.
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bird-inacage · 6 months
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A Fortpeat Gifset | Waking Up a Sleepy Fort
The first clip of him is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. You can tell his brain is still rebooting 😂
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fosermi · 4 months
The kids popped out of that damn fourth Chaos Emerald and the Corrupted weed/lean gem. 😞.
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lets go live reaction of the pjo trailer:
just clicked on it and theres an epic version of riptide playing. i feel unreal.
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capinejghafa · 9 months
You know, I kind of find it interesting when the narrative of fanfics is always like Kaz is in a bad mood because Inej isn't there... rather than Kaz is bored because Inej isn't there. I guess two things can be true at the same time... but also, in the following years, Kaz built the following: an underground tunnel in Ketterdam, the Silver Six, expanded the Crow Club, expanded the Dregs territory (presumably). That's two years... of pure restless energy.
We are also told that he really only talks to Jesper and Wylan when there's a job he needs help with presumably because he's so busy. Kaz also finds time to correspond with a king of a whole other nation... and has been known to roleplay as a beggar (yes, I will keep bringing this up bc it's funny). Imagine, if you will, an 18-19 year old Kaz coming into all this wealth and so much time to just build because he can. Maybe because he's a little lonely, or bored, or both.
I don't think Kaz is angry, I think Kaz is restless.
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temeyes · 1 year
the captain and his baby captains 🥺 I LOVED THAT SO MUCH
ehE really glad you liked [it!] retired Price seems so far-fetched from reality, but we love to be Delulu <3
here's the aftermath after their pictorial hAHSHAHS
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ren-054 · 4 months
Every day I’ll be so loudly aromantic, like I don’t even give a shit
I don’t see anyone in my circles who can do the job for me so I gotta do it, that’s the rule
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spooky-pop · 10 days
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strawberrypiratenin · 3 months
I mean, it must be wild being a random regular shinigami in Seretei.
"What? A human teenager broke into Seretei and has been kicking seated officers' asses left and right and is actually winning??"
"Sir, did that boy just, I don't know, FLY to get to Sokyoku and faced off against all vice captains and captains??"
"Did you just say he's been shinigami for mere months, and he's managed to use bankai? I've been shinigami for like 100 years and haven't even come close!"
"I'm sorry. Did you hear what he said while battling against Captain Kuchiki? He became THAT strong and gained bankai for HER sake???"
Just saying, think about what kind of stories must have spread throughout soul society at that time?
I don't care if y'all say they're just friends. After all THAT, some elaborate star-crossed lovers, "prince" rescuing the "princess" sort of fairy tale, would definitely have spread throughout soul society.
Also, consider Fade to Black events...
"Oh, that whole mess was because of someone obsessing over Kuchuki Rukia. AGAIN."
"Yeah, that human shinigami boy came rushing to her rescue, was even willing to go against the officers just to get to her, and was at the forefront of the battle against this entity threatening the entire Seretei, YET AGAIN. Why am I not surprised?"
...If anything, though, after SS arc, regular shinigamis would have probably started questioning how powerful the captains are if one unhinged teenager on a mission managed to best most of them. Just sayingggg.
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sirartwork · 8 months
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half hour nap turned into a 2 hour nap
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