#what better way to do that than give shadow and their favourite hedgehog kids
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fosermi · 9 months ago
The kids popped out of that damn fourth Chaos Emerald and the Corrupted weed/lean gem. 😞.
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milesconure · 2 years ago
I've been thinking recently about Sonic games, and honestly, I wish SEGA decided to make some games ONLY for secondary characters. Like... without Sonic... or him having a minor role. Hear me out. I know that Sonic is the main character everyone loves. He's great. He's the best boy. But the huge problem with sonic universe is that it has a lot of characters. Characters with such unique designs, abilities, powers and so on. Like, THEY'RE SO INTERESTING. But the problem is that they usually stay in the shadows when the potential to make something great is right there. Of course, they could make a game with multiple character gameplay, just like they used to, and we're going to get those in Sonic Frontiers update, but listen. What if SEGA gave other characters their own game? Something like they did with Shadow The Hedgehog. And yeah I know that it was a failure, but it HAD that potential. They just went the wrong way with Shadow's character and story. Also guns- But if they did it correctly, this game would be awesome! And I feel like, if they tried to make something like that for other characters, they could achieve something great. Those characters wouldn't have to stay in the dark anymore. There would be something interesting around them going on. They would finally be important for once. I've actually heard that there were plans for game for Silver? And they dropped it?? If this is true, then I'M SO DISAPPOINTED, BECAUSE I LOVE SILVER SO MUCH OKAY?? He's such a great character, but he was done so dirty in Sonic 06. I honestly think he really needs his own game where his story is improved. I'm not even sure if Sonic 06 is canon- And besides Silver, there's other character that could get his own game now. TAILS. It's such a perfect opportunity for him to have his own game. He literally said himself in Frontiers that he needs to "be alone for a while and do his own thing". Which means he's gonna take Tornado and have his own adventure probably. AND WHY WOULDN'T I WANT TO SEE THAT? Tails was always one of my favourite sonic characters. When I was a kid, he was actually my favourite. And he went a long way being Sonic's sidekick and it's time for him to be his own hero now. And what's better than giving him his own game and his own adventure, where he can achieve that?? And yeah, I know that Tails got something like this in Sonic Adventure 1. But then they ruined his character in next games (Forces *cough cough*) and they had to show in Frontiers that he still has a long way to go. And let's remember that Sonic Adventure 1 is still a game where Sonic has the most important role, since he's the one to turn Super and defeat Perfect Chaos. ALSO CAN WE PLEASE HAVE THE RETURN OF SUPER FORMS FOR OTHER CHARACTERS??? Classic games showed that Tails can go Super. Frontiers showed that Knuckles can go Super too. WHY WON'T YOU GIVE US THAT- Yes, I want to see this little 8 year old fox, who used to be bullied and made fun of, TO TURN GOD DAMN SUPER AND KICK SOME VILLAIN'S BUTT OKAY?? I just think it could be cool and I honestly wish SEGA is going to make something like this in the future TvT
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signetxego · 5 years ago
Introducing the resident nervous disaster of Heartslabyul...
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❝ Feel free to enjoy this ‘unbirthday party’... but, uhm, please make sure to follow the rules, okay❞
Personal Information
Name: アンナリース ブロン
Romanji: Annalise Blanc
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: September 1st
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 157cm
Eye colour: Dark pink
Hair colour: brown
Homeland: Undisclosed
Professional Information
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School year: 2nd
Class: 2A, Seat 03
Occupation: Student
Club: Studying movies club
Best Subject: Alchemy
Fun Facts
Dominant hand: Right
Favourite food: Hot chocolate and cookies
Least favourite food: Melty cheese
Dislikes: Loud and crowded places
Hobby: Studying magic
Talents: Overthinking!!!
Annalise is a quiet girl who hates talking to other people due to her extreme social phobia. She gets really nervous and skittish around other people, and hates loud noises or social gatherings. Unfortunately, she got placed in the dorm where tea parties are mandatory, and unless she wants her head chopped off she needs to kick it into gear! Whilst this constsnt exposure to the thing she hates more than anything else makes her come across as distant and uptight, and causes a lot of students to avoid her, Annalise is actually a very softhearted girl who admires the world outside her window with wide eyes full of curiosity. She loves to learn new things and spends most of her time reading in her room, and if anyone interrupts her she could go on and on talking about some obscure part of history for hours on end, with a voice so animated you could almost believe she was a different person! With her small stature and sensitive nature bringing her to tears very easily, Annalise often gets teased by those who know her for being like a little kid, pouting and whining when things dont go her way and not really wanting to find a solution by putting herself out there. Although she is trying to better herself and push herself out of her comfort zone, getting to grips with the big scary world one class at a time. 
Unique Magic
Annalise’s unique magic is called 「Vanish」
She enters a ‘shadow pocket’ where she cannot be seen, heard or touched by anyone or anything in the regular realm of existence. She can only stay in the shadow pocket for as long as she has mana to sustain it, which is usually around five minutes. Any longer, and she runs out of magic and gets forced out. Annalise cannot control what moves to and from the pocket—anything touching her will enter and leave with her, and she can’t send things to the pocket without going herself as well. If she leaves the pocket, something not touching her won’t leave with her.
Annalise cannot necessarily control her unique magic, that is, it often activates without her intending when she gets embarassed or nervous. If she gets called on in class unexpectedly, she will, much to her horror, ocassionally vanish on the spot for a few seconds!
Annalise can’t sleep without something to cuddle. Her mountain of stuffed animals are all named and all siting neat on her bed to surround her as she sleeps.
Annalise hates eating in public places, and the cafeteria is one of her least favourite places to be, ever. She has managed to get permission to eat lunch in the privacy of the mostro lounge before opening hours, although being in debt to Azul makes her slightly uneasy...
Annalise loves the hedgehogs kept at her dorm. She goes to visit them whenever she’s stressed or upset, and tells them all her worries and feelings to get them off her chest. She’s recently been learning to bake them special treats in the dorm kitchen, with... varying degrees of success.
Her worst subject is flying. She doesn’t trust herself to manage the broom and keep herself in the air, and is often yelled at by Vargas for only flying a metre or so above the ground. She does, however, love the feeling of flying and will hitch a ride on the back of whoever’s broom she can get onto, to feel the wind in her hair and admire the view from up high!
Annalise loves to sing! Whenever she’s sure nobody can hear her, she sings to herself, no matter what she’s doing, and often catches herself unconciously humming in class as she works.
Annalise likes small things, and as a result isn’t that scared of the first year students (unless you are Ace Trappola, who she is completly petrified of). She likes to give them advice when she can, and help them with work, taking on a sort of ‘older sister’ persona
School and Dorm uniforms
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thelaxman · 7 years ago
Sonic Forces Review: Stop Comparing it to Mania
So I recently played Sonic Forces on the PS4, and while I did enjoy it, there were some things about it I have to address, as well as some other things around it.
Spoilers contained, so press on if you either finished the story or don’t care about spoilers.
Alright, so the basic plot is this; Eggman is so fed up with Sonic beating him that he ‘gets serious’ and unleashed a brand new weapon on the world. Sonic is called to action during an attack and this new weapon, named Infinite, goes Brock Lesnar on Sonic and beats him. We’re next told (through text) that Eggman had easily taken over the world with Sonic out of the way, and for the past six months an underground resistance has formed to try and take the world back. So Sonic (who is actually alive, gasp), the Avatar (I’ll get into this later), and Classic Sonic (for whatever reason he’s here too) have to work together to defeat Eggman and bring the world back to peace.
The plot isn’t really groundbreaking, but this is Sonic the Hedgehog, I’m not expecting George RR Martin levels of writing. The plot is simple enough, the dialogue is nice and cheesy (and lacking in any PS2-era Shadow the Hedgehog angst). It’s a dumb little ride and I enjoyed it, even if it was a little short and I would have liked to see more cutscenes instead of text windows.
If you ask me, the characters are at their best written and performed in Forces. The voices match the characters perfectly (Vector is up for debate) and their lines are delightfully corny. Eggman has gone back to his roots of ‘legitimate threat who is quite menacing with only a little humour’ instead of the complete joke he’s been presented as for the last few games before. Sonic still has his 90s cool kid wit, and to be honest I’m fine with it. It’s how I know Sonic, and I’d rather have this instead of some bland edgelord. And speaking of bland edgelords, even Shadow is better performed this time, with Kirk Thornton giving him much more emotion and even a few sassy lines here and there in his DLC.
The game’s main villain is Infinite, a jackal who was head of a mercenary squad before turning full on edgelord with (surprisingly cool) virtual reality powers provided by the Phantom Ruby. He’s edgy to the point of parody, and you can tell that’s what the team was going for when creating him, and you can’t help but enjoy the copious amounts of teenage angst that ooze out of him like he was sweating a Simple Plan album.
But the star of the show, and the main selling point of the game, is the Avatar. Your OC. The newest member of the resistance. The Avatar only speaks in vocal grunts, but is actually a very important part of the plot, and the holds the key to defeating Infinite in the form of a Phantom Ruby shard which messes up his powers. I’ll get more into the OC below.
Some levels, when you beat them, will occasionally have an SOS signal coming from them. These are extra missions that require you to either take control of another player’s Avatar or to rescue a fellow resistance member. These aren’t mandatory of course, only for a bit of extra challenge and experience. Bonus levels also pop up depending on how well you do, and you can also beat them for extra accessories. Neato.
The gameplay is the standard fair it’s been for the past few instalments, with a lot of Boost2Win, but it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. Modern Sonic’s levels are quite varied, with different paths depending on how skilled and eagle-eyed you are. Boosting (which is provided by Wisps and defeating enemies in Forces) is a double-edged sword, where you’re penalised for using it in the wrong areas and not paying attention. You can tell when you’re allowed to boost since Wisp pods will be provided, but even then it’s still a blast to just rush through and plow down enemies like toilet roll.
As I mentioned earlier, Classic Sonic is back. I have no idea why they brought him back, but here he is. And to be honest, it’s as shoehorned as it sounds. The gameplay for Classic is pretty janky, with floaty jumps making some parts of platforming difficult to navigate. The speed boost doesn’t last nearly as long from what I’ve noticed, the drowning countdown has shortened to the point where an asthmatic could hold their breath longer than him, and to be honest he slows down from high speed very quickly. I mean I guess he still has the Mania jump dash (oh yeah, forgot to mention this Classic Sonic is the Sonic from Mania, because for some reason they had to tie the two games together).
After beating the first level, you have the opportunity of creating your own character, choosing between a dog, wolf, rabbit, bird, cat, bear, or hedgehog (guess which one is popular amongst kids and memers), with each species actually having its own unique perk, such as birds having a double jump and wolves able to attract nearby rings like a Sonic 3 thunder shield. As you beat levels you collect more clothing and accessories for your donut steel, and achieving S-ranks and completing side missions nets you even more stuff. There’s even an experience system for each species, which gets you even more accessories. The OC controls quite well, with responsive controls and opting for a grappling hook attack instead of a homing attack, and the lack of a jump attack is replaced by Wispons; weaponized Wisps that you can swap out on the fly before each level. There’s a wide variety of Wispons, including Burst that fires a flamethrower attack and allows a frequent jump when powered up, and a lightning one that uses an electric whip attack and lets you use the ring dash. Completing side quests unlocks Wispons with side-effects, including a shield and starting with rings. Changing Wispons is required for different paths and collectables. In some levels, Sonic and the Avatar will team up and you can control between the two simultaneously, combining their powers to create Captain Planet get through different challenges. Some parts include a Double Boost section, which after a quick button mash, lets you plow through enemies while cheesy butt rock cheers you on.
One thing many can agree on is that the only consistently good part about Sonic games is the soundtrack, and Forces is no exception. The theme song, Fist Bump, is a delightfully upbeat and corny butt rock tune that you can’t help but smile when you listen to. Especially if you’re a Hoobastank fan. Infinite’s theme song (named, well, Infinite), performed by Dangerkids, is Ow the Edge in all the best ways. The nu-metal inspired track includes lyrics talking about how cool and awesome Infinite is, and it’s so hilariously catchy that you’ll likely fall in love with it unironically.
Modern Sonic’s music ranges from techno and dubstep-inspired beats to full-on punk rock chords that many fans know the 3D games for. Tempo and tone change depending on which part of the stage you’re on, which I love.
Classic Sonic, which once again goes for a chiptune-feel, is also enjoyable... for the most part. Green Hill’s bleeping goes so high at some points that it’s almost uncomfortable to listen to, but the tunes are all catchy and memorable.
The Avatar’s music, my personal favourite, opts for more techno and D&B inspired tracks, which include lyrics that reflect your poor Coldsteel’s thoughts while rushing through that particular stage. I love these ones, they’re a welcome change and it’s not all the time you get lyrics during an action stage, making me remember the good times of City Escape.
I know I’ve mostly been singing this game’s praises so far, but of course it definitely has its flaws. But the game does try to make up for them.
The story, and the levels, feel far too short compared to previous titles. There are thirty stages, not including bonus levels, and a lot of them feel like they were beaten in a flash. When you know what you’re doing, you can beat most of them in circa 2 minutes each. Granted, the levels were designed by newcomers to the format, and for their (I assume) first go, they did quite well. Plenty of branching paths and secrets to look for, and the secret/bonus levels provide plenty of challenge.
The Avatar creation leaves a bit to be desired, being unable to combine some accessories or change the colour of others, opting for just having a different set colour for the same thing. But again, this is the first time we’ve had this on an official Sonic game, and for the first try, I’m satisfied. Adding side-effects for species and Wispons provides plenty of replay value to make up for the short story.
The villains of the game are made up of Eggman, Infinite, Chaos from Adventure, Zavok from Lost World, Metal Sonic and Shadow. The last four are actually virtual reality projections created by Infinite’s powers, which I thought was a nice twist in the story instead of just having them brainwashed or whatever, but my gripe is you don’t get to fight Chaos or Shadow. It’s a shame, considering how fun they were to fight in previous titles, but the bosses we do have provide fun challenge. The final boss (Eggman in a giant robot, because thank god Eggman is actually the last boss again instead of Infinite hijacking the finale as all-powerful allies of Eggers tend to do) is a three-stage fight compiled of tactics mirroring previous bosses. Though I see this as the previous bosses warming you up for the finale, and the final boss did provide plenty of challenge. And in good Sonic fashion, you’re rewarded for using your abilities carefully and in the right moments in the form of doing more damage and a faster completion time.
As short as the main story was, Sonic Forces provides plenty of replay value in the form of extra challenges and character types that challenge you to find all the collectables and get all the S-ranks, which you are rewarded for with more things to bling out your Sonichu with. I still haven’t completely beaten it yet, despite having beaten the story in a few hours. Plus the DLC will be free, and for a AAA title, its RRP is pretty reasonable. I’d definitely recommend it if you’re a fan of the 3D stuff.
Now if we could stop comparing this game to a 2D platformer starring the same character but plays and looks completely differently and was made by a completely different team, that would be lovely.
People aren’t comparing Mario Odyssey to Super Mario Maker, so stop doing it here please.
7 Chili Dogs out of 10
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aclockworkqueer · 8 years ago
Eyyyy I was tagged by @dogtracksjacks so ty for that, gaybag
1: Are you named after someone?
Yes! My first name, Hannah, is the name of my late grandmother. My middle name, Jean/Jeanette is my Nan’s name.
2: When was the last time you cried?  
 I’m a huge crybaby and cry at anything remotely threatening, but the last time I cried was...Saturday I think? Basically, I had a dream that my dog died and I woke up in tears bc I love my little old lady.
3: Do you like your handwriting?
Ehhh, not really, other people say they like it but I think it’s just messy. I find that it looks a lot better when I write with pen or when I’m using my tablet to write.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat?
This is a weird one :/  What counts as a lunch meat?? Does tuna count? If so, then probably tuna.
5: Do you have kids?
 Not atm. My mother seems to think that I’ll never want any kids but to be honest, I’m not sure. When Ninja Brian posts videos of Audrey I think that having kids would be a super good time and stuff but then I see other videos of kids being pieces of shit and I’m put off by the idea. But I wouldn’t rule it out, you know??
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
 Well, I try to be a nice person, I wouldn’t say I’m particularly difficult to get along with so I think I would.
7: Do you use sarcasm?
 Mate, at this point I can’t even tell if I’m being serious or being sarcastic anymore.
8: Do you still have your tonsils?
 Despite the fact that I’ve had tonsillitis like 3 times, I still have them. (btw tonsillitis medicine is so gross, it tastes like eating orange peels >~< )
9: Would you bungee jump?
 Eh why not? YOLO, I’ve already done cliff jumping which is basically bungee jumping without the bungee.
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal?
 I don’t really eat cereal that much anymore, but I do like Country Crisp which is basically just cereal clusters that taste super good and some dried up strawberries that rehydrate in the milk. Side note: Is it weird that I like cereal but not milk? I just kind of tip the milk off my spoon...
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
 If I can, usually. My Vans are normally pretty easy to kick off but with my converse it’s always a little harder so I have to untie them instead.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?
 Physically not really. I mean, I can have bursts of adrenaline where I suddenly become pretty strong for a little while but mostly I’m pretty squishy and bruise if someone so much as touches me with slight force.
 Mentally, again, not really. If someone raises their voice or w/e I get upset pretty easily and I can sometimes get upset if people say nice things to me too? I’m just a big ol’ crybaby
13: What is your favourite ice cream? Ever, ever?
Oh FUCK this is a hard one. It’s definitely something Ben & Jerry’s but it’s so hard to decide. I really love their chocolate flavours and like my sister I usually have Phish Food, but I’m really fond of Cookie Dough and Chocolate fudge brownie, so I usually just have a double or triple scoop so I can just have a bit of everything and not have to choose a favourite.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?
 Hmm, I don’t really know, probably something really obvious like the shape of their face of how tall they are compared to me or whatever, but I don’t really remember what I notice first. 
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
 Ok where do I start? I don’t really like my posture because I sort of slouch but my neck leans forward a bit and I look pretty weird (Or maybe it’s nothing and I’m an idiot), I don’t like the way my school uniform looks on me, the shirts are always too baggy and make me look bigger than I am and idk I just hate the way I look in school in general. I wish I didn’t have so many spots, despite the fact that I use spot cream twice a day and uugghhh idk I’m just not really happy with my appearance most of the time.
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
 Blue with pink and white tartan Pyjama bottoms
17: What are you listening to right now?
  I’m not sure if this really counts, but I’m watching brutalmoose’s video on Shadow the Hedgehog
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
 Hmm, maybe a shade of blue or green? Teal?? Turquoise maybe??? (are turquoise crayons a thing?)
19: Favorite smell?
  I like weird smells like burning wood, petrol and the smell of DIY stores? Freshly cut grass is another good one and I guess it’s kind of natural for people to like the smell of their own houses?
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
 My grandfather probs, when I was asking him to come and pick me up from drama class.
21: Favorite sport to watch?
 Ehh, I’m not really a sports person, but I do like watching videos of all different kinds of martial arts? I just like the way their bodies move and stuff
22: Hair color?
 Naturally my hair is a dark blonde/ almost brown? But right now I’ve dyed it white ^0^
23: Eye color?
 They started off bright blue but as the years have gone on they’ve kind of turned a sort of green?
24: Do you wear contacts?
25: Favorite food to eat?
 Fucking cheesecake lad. Love that shit
26: Scary movies or comedy?
  I’ve gotten more into scary movies lately but unfortunately most horror films these days are pretty shitty. I do like a good comedy though, but it’s got to be...y’know, actually funny and not something really half-assed.
27: Last movie you watched?
Errm, I’m not to sure... I think it might have been the Tempest in school?
28: What color of shirt are you wearing?
 Confession time, it’s a white shirt with the Union jack on it and a picture of England from Hetalia. I used to really love Hetalia but I’ve sort of lost interest over the years, any shirts I own from things that I’m not really interested in anymore turn into pyjamas basically.
29: Summer or winter?
Summer probs, it’s nice and warm and I don’t feel as bad for staying up all night.
  30: Hugs or kisses?
Don’t get enough of either to really form an opinion?
31: What book are you currently reading?
Does the Highway Code count? I’m learning to drive so that book is kind of a necessity
32: Who do you miss right now?
Nobody fam
33: What is on your mouse pad?
Don’t have one fam
34: What is the last TV program you watched?
 I’m super into Samurai Jack atm, I’m just rewatching all the episodes from my childhood to refresh my memory for when season 5 comes out. Hype!!!
35: What is the best sound?
  Yeah, I gotta agree with my sister on this one, ps1 start up sound is orgasmic. Basically anything from the ps1 sounds fresh af. I really like the theme song from the first Tomb Raider game, I love how lonely and mysterious it sounds and hearing it always takes me back to when I was a little kid watching my dad play Tomb Raider in the living room.
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles
 Beatles for sure. Despite them being way before my time, my parents had a copy of the Yellow Submarine movie on VHS which we would watch pretty much all the time (even though the imagery kinda gave me nightmares) so that sort of sparked my love for them and it’s probably why Sargent Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is my favourite album of theirs (plus some songs from Revolver).
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
 We went to Spain when I was about 6-ish (give or take), but we’re planning on organising some kind of road trip around the USA for the future so that’ll be fun.
38: Do you have a special talent?
 Err, I guess drawing is one?? Although I’m not amazing at it. I supposed singing and acting and whatever is kind of another one???? Idk man, what counts as a “special” talent??
Anybody can do this if they want but I guess I’ll tag @spongeson and @kritz-blitzwitz since I can’t think of anymore off the top of my head, do it if you want to, ignore it if you don’t, it doesn’t matter
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