#sonic forces review
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pichlive · 1 year ago
So this is my thoughts on the Sonic Forces DLC– Long overdue due to some IRL business, but I'm ready to get this out so I can finally transition this blog onto the next game I wanna live blog. Be warned that spoilers are beyond the read more!
So… I have… a lot of mixed feelings on this DLC. As you might have been able to tell— I myself had so much trouble with this thing that I had to use mods just to get through it after Sonic's first trial! Which is sad to me– I had such high hopes for it, and I was having fun… until all the issues came trickling in. Which is a shame– because there's so many ways in which it's really great extra content… and then so many ways it kind of… falls flat in the end to me? Like they bent back to a lot of needless criticisms of the game to… in my opinion, kind of a version of the game I don't really like all that much. 
To get it out of the way right here right now: The dlc is just insanely unfairly hard. And to clarify: if this was even fair at all, I wouldn't mind. Personally, I would have preferred this difficulty be reserved… for hard. And you know. Not for people playing on easy, let alone the kids doing that? My issue isn't even just that it's hard– it's that the difficulty is made for a system that won't accommodate it. This is NOT a system made for like, the level of intensity or precision that these challenges want you to do. It feels like a desperate attempt to appear more 'hardcore' and… kind of strangely rushed? For a free DLC? Like some of it doesn't feel… all that playtested. 
Now, thankfully, much of the writing is still sosososoossoooooo solid to me. I did like that Sonic's friends took more precedence here– rescuing themselves and working to help Sonic, and god, Amy's VA just NAILED IT AND WENT OFF. But these character interactions without Sonic– as much as I love him– were a treat to see, and to see different dynamics was so refreshing. If this is a step into the water of possibly having more interactions like this… then I'm all for it. However, despite how much I liked all that… the writing near the end was… how do I put it. On one hand, I love Sonic and friends and Eggman and Sage all being involved in the final battle! On the other, as cool as Sonic going all out was, removing Sage vs The End feels more… generic? 
Other than all that– It did feel like there were way more issues here than in the original game, at least I swear there were– but I will be transparent and say I have this game on an external drive so I will account for if that caused any errors at all. Regarding how Sonic's friends played: Amy's is the best, and actually feels like she was playtested/the best balanced? Knuckles was just frustrating for me, and Tails was fun but also extremely OP in ways that I'm not sure were intended? But the cyber levels of what I've played are fantastic. Way more objectives with extremely fair level design and BANGER tracks in all of them!
I dunno, it feels like on some level they got scared of people reacting negatively to how experimental the game was, how 'easy' it was– so they tried to appeal to an audience of people who wouldn't really even like this game anyway. It feels like a really awkward hybrid of both that uh– the 'hardcore' video game people aren't… going to even look Sonic Frontiers's way, or at least they likely won't like how they balanced the game and are more likely to install their own mods. And the regular audience is obviously not going to like having to slog through the sudden 'difficulty' shift either! So… unfortunately– while the writing is easily a 4/5 to me… this DLC gets a 1/5. I could only recommend it either to people who really think they can handle the 'challenge' or are patient for it– or for the most dedicated of sonic players. Or at the very least– just get to Sonic and at least play the cyber levels. Those seem pretty solid. I guess the other cutscenes if it gets to you too much you can watch on youtube but even then, imo, I liked the original ending better– even if again I did like the character interactions here.   
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mashand · 1 year ago
Sonic fans when they tough forces was gonna be good.
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miloscat · 7 months ago
[Review] Sonic Forces (PS4)
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An underrated Sonic game...?
After Sonic Generations in 2011, Sonic Team experimented with a different format in Lost World. 2017's Forces is then a follow-up of sorts to Generations with the Classic and Modern versions of Sonic in the game bringing their respective gameplay styles. They are joined by a third gameplay style in Forces... and now I must convey to you a conspiracy theory, and the reason I'm playing this immediately after the Boom games (also I finished watching the show, it's very good).
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The timing of Boom as a high-profile spinoff and some 2016 promotional artwork depicting the three Sonics together may suggest that at some point in development Boom's Sonic was to appear alongside the other two. There is some evidence in the final product to support this: the third element in Forces is the custom character, who has swappable Wisp-powered weapons and... a grappling hook, which is not dissimilar to Boom's Enerbeam. Some lines in the script about Classic Sonic being from another dimension have led people to assume they were repurposed from referencing Boom's Sonic; I consider this a red herring due to the timeline of scripting and early drafts we have access to, but I could be wrong. More convincing is the final boss—the "Death Egg Robot"—having a suspiciously similar appearance to Lyric's mech suit, perhaps leftover assets being reused. Boom Sonic's scarf and sports-tape bedecked gloves and shoes are available as Avatar cosmetics, so it's not like Boom was totally memory-holed either way. There's never been any official statements about this, so we have to piece together what information we have, but it seems plausible enough to me. Now with that out of the way...
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On the surface Forces seems to be taking a "darker and grittier" angle on the Sonic universe (although I'd argue that many games in the series have been trying this to various degrees since Adventure). The characters talk about war sometimes and the "Eggman has taken over 99.99% of Mobius while Sonic has been tortured in space prison for six months" plot sounds absurdly melodramatic, but once the game gets going it's mostly pretty light on in its tone and themes, not much different to other Sonic games. A handful of Sonic's friends do stuff off-screen and chat to you over the radio; I wish they'd pulled out all the stops for character appearances given the stakes of the story, but oh well. No Blaze, again.
The new co-antagonist is Infinite, the try-hard-iest edgelord you've ever seen with the dumbest, most awesome metal theme song. His illusion powers make for one or two cool level concepts, but often they are just a simple plot device. These powers also enable the reuse of previous antagonists like Zavok (snore) and Shadow... also Chaos is there in one cutscene and then proceeds to do sweet bugger all for the rest of the game. Some missed opportunities here.
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Forces lifts the Classic Sonic crossover concept from Generations without much interrogation. He just shows up through a portal for no reason and since he’s one of those silent protagonists for no reason, he isn’t even able to tell anyone about the Phantom Ruby (the source of Infinite’s powers) also appearing in Mania, which none of the other characters remember for no reason (something something other dimension??). His sidescrolling Classic-style levels were my least favourite but I’m glad they were included for a change of pace. He’s also been given Mania’s drop-dash which is a great snappy movement upgrade.
Modern Sonic is your standard boosting 3D corridors / 2D sections / rail grinding gameplay with homing attacks and stomps. The really interesting new addition is of course the Avatar, whose gameplay is a little slower paced and includes swinging and the Wispon. You choose from various weapons between stages and some are much more useful in certain levels; I wish the game indicated a recommendation. But most of them have powerful attacks for smashing groups of badniks as well as fun movement tech. A fourth level style has Modern Sonic team up with the Avatar, combining their abilities.
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The story plays out across a world map, going back and forth sporadically over the eight or so different environments. Of course many of these are throwback biomes, but with fun twists like a desertified Green Hill or a casino/jungle, and they invariably look colourful and detailed. The 30 levels are quite short on average (and some are even reused wholesale between characters), but I don’t mind this. It makes revisiting them for collectibles and missions breezier, and I ended up 100%ing the game thanks to this. Free DLC added three new Shadow levels plus the ability to play as Shadow in parts of the main game, as well as the option for Super Sonic which made those repeat runs even more painless. I believe this is also the first big Sonic game to do away with the concept of extra lives entirely, which I must applaud wholeheartedly.
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I’ve gone too long now without really getting into the Avatar/Rookie/Buddy, which really is a genius feature. People have been making their own Sonic OCs for forever, so integrating that in the game is an easy win. I loved creating characters that aren’t otherwise in the game, like Blaze, Sticks, or Fang, characters from other Sonic media like Tekno, Bunnie, or Sally, and even other furry-type characters like Krystal or Bubsy. I then adored unlocking more and more costume parts and dressing them up! It’s a great incentive to engage with the mission structure. It’s too bad you’re locked to one type until you beat the story, so I picked Tekno as my primary for the bird’s double jump ability. Truly this concept is powerful, and I’d love to see it expanded in future games since the options for customisation can feel limited. This definitely needs another pass.
My final point is about what I think is one of Forces’ greatest strengths: the soundtrack. While still grinding out Avatar levels and mission unlocks, I sought out the game’s music to listen to at work. I used to think I disliked vocal tracks playing over gameplay but I was wrong! (Maybe I just don’t like Crush 40, but don’t tell the Sonic fans I said that.) Whenever the main theme Fist Bump kicked into the chorus during a double boost, I got hype every time, that song is sick as hell! The Classic Sonic Mega Drive-style tracks rock, Infinite’s theme is a banger, even the jingles are a joy... the game is just infused with track after track of cool techno-symphonic music in different tones. Truly I developed a deep respect for lead composer Tomoya Ohtani playing this game (even though I already thought he did a great job on Rush Adventure and Unleashed).
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Before playing Forces for myself, I just knew that fans thought of it as "one of the bad ones", that it was supposedly farmed out to a B-team and half-baked to mediocrity. Sure it's got flaws and weaknesses, the story is dumb, the bosses aren't great... but it's solid, stylish, and I thought it had such a fun energy and so much cool stuff; now it's my favourite 3D Sonic game! To be fair I haven't played that many of them, so I'm going to work on that. Either way I've learned by now that my feelings on Sonic often go directly against the grain of mainstream opinion, and I'm so totally fine with that if it means I can listen to Fist Bump on repeat over here in the corner. It's a brand new day...!
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lycanine9 · 5 months ago
started and finished sonic forces in one sitting uhhhh no thoughts
jk i have thoughts
but it was ok? i liked the fight w infinite with the snake i thought that was fun
but also idk it’s new to me this is my first taste of the boost games
all i can say is the game honestly felt very hollow
i don’t remember which youtube video said this in their review of forces but they said something along the lines of “right when you felt like you were having fun in the level, it was over”
a good couple of times i went “oh that was it?”
i still felt like i was controlling a baby controlling the controller half of the time 😭😭😭
ALSO disliked the whole friendship boost thing like i wanna do the final hit stop giving me this qte to high five in 2 seconds
uhhhh final review 4 customizable characters out of 10
infinite lowkey reminded me of someone pretending to be an anime antag but i’m teasing LOL i enjoy his deign very much and wish they did so much more w him, clearly he had his mind set differently than eggman and showed confidence in his own power but still would listen and stoop down by eggman a side? i felt like he should of done some mutiny
or just do his own thing against eggman but then that would lead to like sonic teaming up w eggman (Again….Again..Aga) idk! i wish he was COOLER.
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arcsin27 · 8 months ago
I’ve beaten generations mania and forces btw (this is part of my “brother having me play every Wii/switch mainline sonic game (plus black knight) in order since unleashed” arc)
Generations was pretty fire, very fun and I liked how it’s like a love letter to the series! A bit cheesy with it yes but it was also very cute
Mania was rather fun, kinda hard, my brother was actually able to play with me, the level design was super cool, it wasn’t as memorable or fun for me as unleashed or generations but still great!
Forces was bad. The internet was not exaggerating. The plot was all over the place and made no sense. It was so tonally inconsistent and did not commit to/deliver on its premise at all. It was not fun. The controls were clunky to the point it felt like my guys weren’t following my inputs. My brother once looked over mid-level and said my face had zero emotion whatsoever. Infinites theme played for maybe a minute in the background of a cutscene full of dialogue, it wasn’t even a boss theme. Can’t explain how disappointing not hearing more of that absolute fire song was. Infinite himself was fantastic tho, I love overly edgy and *emotionally scars you for fun* villains and Liam O’Brien go brr
I’m now onto frontiers. Only an hour in and I love it (even though it took me like five tries to beat asura). If I remember to I will review that one when I beat it
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the-sky-queen · 2 years ago
On Saturday I watched Spider-Man Far From Home, but I didn't have time to review it, so I'll do that now.
I really liked this one! I think I just enjoyed the villain more, but I also really like the base and the story. Exploring the aftermath of the blip is really interesting and I love it! It's a lot more complicated than we were expecting.
I also kinda adored the whole thing with May and Happy. That was so cute and made me laugh! A lot of moments in this one made me laugh, honestly. What I really want to talk about though is Mysterio.
I. Loved. Mysterio!!!
This is probably my favorite villain since Doc Ock or Electro! The coolest thing is that he doesn't actually have any powers, but you can hardly tell! He has such control over his illusions that you can't tell the difference until its too late! Y’know that scene where Mysterio traps Peter in a massive illusion that keeps changing until he tricks him into telling him which of his friends know? I love that scene so much. It's so cool!!!
(Honestly, I watched that scene and thought, 'THIS is what Infinite torturing Sonic in Forces should've been like!')
And that ending! Peter's in trouble! He is in serious trouble! I kinda want Happy to just scoop him and May up and take them to one of Tony’s old mansions so they can be safe. I just know Peter's gonna be so wanted now.
Overall, really great movie! I loved it! I should be watching No Way Home tomorrow and I am beyond excited. This is what I've been waiting for!!!
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lowder-the-koopa · 2 years ago
The Return of Lowder Reviews 2023-Early 2024 Batch
Here's an updated list of what I'm watching and reviewing throughout this year and during early 2024 (January to March)
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Somethings were moved around if you look at the much larger that I have pinned.
Power Rangers Wild Force (Status: Finished watching and writing review that will release later this week)
Kamen Rider Amazon
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022)
King Kong (1933)
Sonic X Season 1
Yo-Kai Watch Season 1 (Episode 1 to 26) and the movie
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Decade
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger
Kamen Rider Fourze
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demifiendrsa · 3 months ago
DISPATCH | Official Reveal Trailer - Extended Cut (HD)
 Dispatch will launch for unspecified console(s) and PC via Steam in 2025.
From the writers and  directors of Tales from the Borderlands and The Wolf Among Us, Dispatch is a superhero workplace comedy set in modern day Los Angeles.
You play as Robert Robertson, AKA Mecha Man, whose mech-suit is destroyed in a battle against his nemesis, forcing him to take a job at a superhero dispatch center: not as a hero, but a dispatcher. In charge of rehabilitating a group of ex-supervillains, you must manage your roster while navigating office relationships and rebuilding your suit for a shot at revenge.
Key Features
Shape Your Story – In Dispatch, every decision you make influences the unfolding narrative. From banter in the breakroom to life-or-death situations in the field, your choices affect your relationships with the heroes, their allegiances, and the path your own story takes.
Deploy Your Heroes – Use the strategy map to review ongoing emergencies and deploy the right (or wrong) heroes to deal with them. Balance the risks and rewards as you make tactical decisions, knowing that each choice can have lasting consequences for your team and the city.
Manage Your Roster – Managing heroes sometimes goes beyond their powers. Each hero comes with quirks, flaws, and baggage you’ll need to navigate to keep the team together. Upgrade their skills and unlock abilities to boost their effectiveness in the field.
Blending narrative, strategy, and humor, Dispatch explores what it means to be a hero, whether you’re wearing a cape or behind a desk.
Meet the Misfits
Featuring an all-star cast from every corner of entertainment, including:
Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad, Westworld, Black Mirror)
Laura Bailey (The Legend of Vox Machina, The Last of Us II, Marvel’s Spider-Man)
Erin Yvette (Hades II, The Wolf Among Us, Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon)
MoistCr1TiKaL (Charles White)
Jacksepticeye (Sonic Prime, River City Girls, River City Girls 2, Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Travis Willingham (The Legend of Vox Machina, Critical Role, LEGO Avengers)
Alanah Pearce (V/H/S Beyond, Cyberpunk 2077, Gears 5)
Lance Cantstopolis (Karate, Dancing, Actor)
Joel Haver (Filmmaker, Actor, YouTuber)
THOT SQUAD (Musician: Pound Cake, Hoes Depressed)
Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Overwatch, Resident Evil 6)
Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction, The Batman, Casino Royale)
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emblemxeno · 14 days ago
Hot Take Time!
I think the breakthrough revelation that the Sonic fanbase had about the series' reception during the 2010's, where full-force sincerity in its stories was mocked for being cringe and willingness to stand out in both a gameplay and artistic sense resulted in beloved games being panned retroactively, can be easily applied to FE Engage.
Engage is the most fucking sincere plot the series has had in over a decade. Yes, despite being the guy whose fav FE game is Fates, I think that game was still bogged down by the prospect of following up the blowout success of a game like Awakening and had too many instances of putting in a lot of ideas to see what worked rather than putting the full weight behind a select few core elements.
SoV had the baggage of being a remake while still needing a modern appeal, and ended up with a lot of contradictory aspects. And 3H doesn't know what it wants to be and never did from the ground up.
Engage is different. It wanted to be a grand celebration of 30 years of this great series. It wanted pizazz. It wanted spectacle. It wanted to say "we fucking love this series and we love the fans who supported us."
The characters are flashy and striking to make you remember them. The music is bombastic, with a wide variety of styles so anyone can find a favorite track. The presentation is beautiful, with great visuals and phenomenal sound design. New uber powerful mechanics balanced out by incredible map design, supberb flow, and responsive game feel.
But the sincerity shines brightest with its narrative. The core messages are well written!
Sometimes knowing when to retreat is better than foolhardy bravery. It's always worth considering someone's background and feelings before casting them away. There's never a single easy solution to your problems, and if you think there is, you'll end up repeating the same mistakes. You can find family with anyone, and are not bound solely by those who you're born to. To live authentically as yourself is beautiful and should be celebrated.
The game believes all of those things to a degree which really hasn't been seen since the series was on the brink of death.
But that sincerity was treated as unpalatable, cringe, and plain awful.
The fandom for a series that routinely and infamously has terrible armor designs now suddenly throws a fit because "flower girl has silly dress" or "these characters have face paint/tattoos."
The single laziest form of criticism for FE casts that has permeated the community since Awakening released, that being "the cast is one note tropes that have no personality or development outside of them", came back in full fucking force with Engage.
And it's pretty damn sad. In my opinion, sincerity shouldn't be mocked. Sometimes, you should take a minute and ask yourself "Is it bad, or is it just not my thing? Am I writing off an entire cast's writing because I don't like some character designs? Do I have personal preferences that aren't being met in this instance, and should I learn to grapple with saying that instead of just writing off the product as fundamentally terrible or, at best, half-assed?"
At some point, looking inward and considering community wide commonalities has to be recognized as a factor for why products are received the way they are, rather than just laying blame at the devs' feet for "not making a good product that people wanted." After all, word of mouth is the reason why FE even got this far, considering FE1 was effectively a sleeper hit because people who played it spread the word despite mixed reviews.
TL-DR, Engage isn't cringe, YOU ARE!!!
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guksvault · 3 months ago
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synopsis: fleeing the pressure and pretense of your elite life, you stumble into the seductive chaos of the House of Balloons. there, Jungkook waits— ready to make you question everything you thought you knew
w/c: 4.7k
warnings: another party! w Val!, chims <3, get to know Val a lil, jk is such a bad liar!, smut, titty lovin’ (ofc), unprotected sex (WRAP IT UPPP), jk likes to swap cum ok, sue me, lots of peach soju, merry-go-rounds, some more gossip girl, reader is feeling bold!, aftercare :), lots of rule breaking!
!minorsdni! | masterlist
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Jungkook has never found much joy in weekdays. He’s always hated how slow they feel, how the days blur together into an endless wait for the weekend.
Patience has never been his strong suit; it’s always been one of his biggest flaws. His mom used to scold him as a kid whenever he ran into the kitchen every five minutes, asking if dinner was ready yet.
Not much has changed. Now, Jimin’s dad scolds him every time he pulls his phone from his pocket, checking the time as he counts down the minutes until his shift ends.
In reality, Jungkook didn’t mind spending his evenings at Chim’s. He actually quite enjoyed it—the smell of grilling meat, the low hum of patrons’ conversations as he wiped down the table beside them, even the occasional tap on the back of his head from Jimin’s father when he got caught checking his phone. It reminded him of his mother.
With only an hour and a half left of his shift, the restaurant was quiet. A few scattered customers—mostly drunk old men leaving their office jobs, stopping by to grab their first real meal of the day, accompanied by a bottle or three of soju.
But every time they walked in, there was an off feeling that settled at the bottom of Jungkook’s stomach. The way they drank themselves sick and stumbled out, only to return home to wives and children who deserved more—it made something sour twist inside him.
He never wanted that to be him. Had made a promise to himself that he would never let his future children see him like that. He knew all too well how important a good father figure was, how much he’d longed for that himself when his own father left, choosing booze over the love Jungkook had always offered.
He hated his father. A coward. Blamed him for his mother’s death, for taking away his childhood and forcing him to grow up too quickly. Blamed him for everything, and maybe that was fair.
“Two pretty girls waiting for you to take their order, Jungkook,” Jimin’s father said, his voice calm as he tossed Jungkook’s apron over his head.
Jungkook blinked, shaking off the remnants of his father’s memory, pushing the resentment and bitterness back into the recesses of his mind. He made his way towards the back of the restaurant, where Valerie was waving at him, her giggles filling the air.
“Leaving a strongly worded review about the extremely inattentive staff tonight.” Valerie teased, her smile mischievous.
“Fuck off, Val, or I’ll have you banned for another three months.” Jungkook snarked, a small laugh escaping as he tied his apron behind his back and made his way toward the booth.
Valerie had just finished a three-month ban from Chim’s. Jimin’s father had told her that if she smashed another shot glass, she’d be out for the night. But that had been before the soju bottle incident—when she drunkenly smashed it on another party’s grill and knocked over his tip jar during her off-key, show-stopping performance of ‘Rock Your Body’. She’d been in timeout for three painful months after that.
It wasn’t until Jungkook stood at the end of the booth that he realised you were the one dining with Valerie tonight. He watched as you laughed, Valerie going on about Jimin’s father not appreciating how fabulous her performance had been.
“Be glad you weren’t here for it. Sonically, very rotten,” Jungkook said, his tone dry.
You looked up at Jungkook as Valerie swatted his arm, telling him to “fuck off.” The brown apron tied at his waist only emphasized how small it really was. His sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, revealing the ink etched into his skin, and his hair was pulled back into a small ponytail, shorter strands framing his face.
“Two bottles of peach soju and a seafood pancake,” Valerie beamed, “Taking her to her first street rager.”
Jungkook’s face scrunched slightly at the mention of the street party, was one of his items on his long list of ‘things I hate with an extreme passion.’
He had enjoyed them some time ago, always going with the boys and having a blast. That was until he’d accidentally hooked up with one of the hosts’ girlfriends, which had led to a brawl.
After retrieving the order, Jungkook slid into the booth. There was barely anyone left now, and he was feeling thirsty for some of that peach soju.
He watched as you and Valerie laughed and talked over the meal, though it seemed like you both had forgotten about it the moment the second bottle of soju was cracked open. Half the time, he had no idea what you guys were even talking about, convinced that girls spoke an entirely different language.
“Surprised you’re not spending your Wednesday night having dinner with the Mayor or some shit,” Jungkook spoke up, his fingers fidgeting with the lid of the half-empty soju bottle.
You snorted lightly. “That’s Tuesday nights.”
“You know the fucking Mayor?” Valerie choked out.
“I was being sarcastic, you fucking idiot,” Jungkook groaned.
You rolled your eyes and laughed as Valerie pinched Jungkook’s nipple and twisted it, threatening to staple his balls to his forehead if he called her an idiot again.
“Why don’t your parents marry you off to someone like him? A mayor is far sexier than a hotel manager,” Valerie chirped, her tone light and teasing.
You stiffened, the mention of your parents and marriage sending an uncomfortable pang through your chest. “Firstly, ew. They’re all like a hundred years old. Secondly, I’m not marrying a hotel manager. Not marrying anyone,” you added, forcing a laugh, but it came out half-hearted, the words tasting bitter in your mouth.
Jungkook hadn’t expected Valerie to know about your parents’ plans to marry you off into some loveless arrangement, but it only confirmed how close the two of you had grown.
As Valerie kept talking, Jungkook watched you closely, noticing the way your posture shifted uncomfortably. He saw the slight tension in your shoulders, the way your laughter sounded flat and strained. Your hand reached for the soju again, as if keeping your shot glass full could drown out the weight of the conversation.
“He’s cute though, the guy you showed me. At least they don’t want you marrying someone who looks like a melted mug,” Valerie rambled on, unaware of the discomfort that had crept in between her words.
“Or they could just let her marry someone she actually loves?” Jungkook almost hissed, irritation creeping into his voice. He thought Valerie had rocks for a brain—always talking but never saying anything worth listening to.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like her. In fact, he’d found her quite alluring when they’d first met. She was pretty, carried herself with the kind of confidence most people only dreamt of. But, holy shit, she was a yapper—far too dramatic for his taste.
Jungkook’s comment caught both you and Valerie off guard. He was sitting on the opposite side of the booth, next to Valerie, eyes locked with yours. You could feel the heat of his gaze before his lips curled into a smirk.
“Tell ‘em to go fuck themselves,” he said, downing his shot like it was nothing.
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips, a quiet sense of relief washing over you. Jungkook had helped put an end to the conversation, and in that moment, it felt like someone finally understood. Someone around you had finally agreed—your parents were batshit crazy.
Valerie watched the exchange between you two, her eyes narrowing as she saw the small smile you shared with Jungkook. She wasn’t used to seeing him defend anyone, let alone sound defensive on someone else’s behalf.
“Anyways, should we make our way?” Valerie shifts in her seat, sliding out of the booth with a quick fluid movement.
Valerie makes a quick stop to the bathroom before the walk to the party, and you follow Jungkook to the register, tapping your card against the reader to pay.
Jungkook watches as your fingers slide your card back into your wallet, noticing how your eyes avoid his—darting around the restaurant, anywhere but meeting his gaze.
“Take these. Don’t trust no fuckers drinks over there,” Jungkook mutters, sliding two unopened bottles of Soju across the counter toward you.
You glance down at the bottles and then back up at him, a smirk tugging at your lips. “All part of the fun, no?”
“Don’t fuck with me, D.D. Bunch of weirdo’s over there, take it.”
You take the bottles, offer a small thank you and give a small wave as Valerie returns and pretty much drags you out of the restaurant.
The street party wasn’t exactly what you’d imagined. Unlike the House of Balloons, where people came together, here everyone seemed to isolate themselves in their own little groups, clinging to familiar faces. The music blared from a cheap speaker, instead of the hands of a pretty little DJ spinning his own decks. No red lights casting a moody glow over the crowd, just a few dim streetlights flickering above.
You’d already witnessed three fights, two projectile vomits, and one missing Valerie—all within the span of an hour and a half.
Sitting on the curb, you sipped from the bottle of Soju Jungkook had given you, the other bottle tucked into the crook of your arm, your gaze wandering over the chaos around you.
You found yourself caught in a meaningless conversation with a group of strangers who had joined you on the curb, when one of the girls in their group dramatically declared she had to know where your shoes were from—or she would die.
“You came alone?” Minho, the guy sitting to your left, asked, his voice genuinely curious.
You shook your head softly, taking a sip from the soju bottle to mask your frustration. “Was with a friend, she saw someone and ran off for a bit.” Your voice slightly bitter at the mention of Valerie ditching you.
“Ah! That’s the guy I was telling you about! Woosung!”
You looked at Valerie with a hint of confusion, trying to rack your brain for any memory of this guy.
“You know, the guy I’ve been ‘seeeeing’? Gonna go say hi, don’t go far.” She said, practically bouncing as she ran off toward him.
Five minutes later, you got a text from her: Going to his place. Don’t wait for me!
“Ah, you can hang with us until she comes back, then?” Minho flirted, tapping his beer cup against your Soju bottle.
Honestly, you were ready to go home. Valerie ditching you at this crappy street party to hook up with some guy had killed any remaining party mood you had.
“You wanna come back to ours? We’re having drinks at a place a few streets down. Could be fun.” He smirked, his finger playing with the silver bracelet around your wrist.
“Stopping by Chim’s first for food. Shitty place, but decent food.” He added.
You pulled your arm back slightly irritated. “Chim’s isn’t shitty.” You took another swig of your Soju.
You replied with a shrug, debating if knocking his beer out of his hands for shit talking your friend's restaurant was rude or not.
“Come on, everything’s shitty around here,” he smirked, “but sure, come with us and maybe I’ll change my mind.”
Minho wasn’t taking no for an answer. He shoved his beer cup toward you, the foam sloshing slightly.
“Taste good, have some.”
“Not really a beer girl.”
He scoffed, the sound covered by a forced laugh, before nudging the cup against your hand again. “Just a little.”
At this point, you’d come to the conclusion that knocking his beer out of his hands wouldn’t be enough—he needed to wear it. You opened your hands, ready to take the cup from him, but then you felt a knee press into your back.
You snap your head to look behind you, ready to tell whatever drunk idiot couldn’t watch their fucking steps, but stopped short when you looked up. Standing there was a familiar tattooed, doe-eyed boy.
“There you are. Been looking for you.” Jungkook’s voice was low, and he pressed his lips together in a small tight smile.
Your previous look of disgust at Minho had been replaced with confusion, and you tilted your head slightly, narrowing your eyes to make sure you weren’t imagining things.
“C’mon” Jungkook took a few steps back, cocking his head toward the street, silently inviting you to follow.
It was a no-brainer. No need for goodbyes, no hesitations. You stood up, grabbed your bottle, and walked toward him.
"Told you not to drink anything but the Soju, your ears painted on or some shit, D.D?"
You hold up both bottles of Soju-one almost empty, the other still sealed. "Didn't drink anything else, thanks though, Dad."
"Don't call me that, I've fucked you and your tits. I'll have to really consider regretting it if I find out you have a daddy kink." Jungkook fake gagged out.
You swat at Jungkook's arm, making him stumble on his own feet.
"Where the fuck's Valerie?"
You shrug slightly, "Hopefully getting her own tits fucked, ran into some guy she knows."
"Valerie ain't got tits to fuck." Jungkook deadpanned.
You laugh-not at Valerie's lack of tits, but at how casually Jungkook drops lines like that.
You've noticed this about him before-his ability to speak his mind without hesitation. It's something you envy. You wish you could say exactly what was on your mind, whether with Minho or your parents.
You and Jungkook continued walking, engaging in small conversation here and there—He would point out little spots he and the boys would hang out, or point out a tree he had climbed as a kid and fell off. Nothing important, but it felt like Jungkook was opening up to you slightly.
You had both strolled into a shitty park, a few houses down from the House Of Balloons, you had demanded to go, told Jungkook that it felt illegal to not take advantage of the kid free space.
You were both sat on a slightly rusted Merry-Go-Round, sharing the bottle of Soju. It was quiet, the only sound being when the rare car would pass by, or drunk delinquents would pass by.
“Why were you even there? Thought you said you weren’t a fan.”
Jungkook’s eyes flickered toward yours as he leaned against one of the rusted metal poles. “I’m not. It’s a shit hole. Just passed by on my way home.” His nose twitched slightly, his gaze dropping to the bottle of Soju between you.
Liar. Liar. Liar.
He had actually walked all the way home, stood in front of his door for a solid 40 seconds, and then turned right back around, heading toward the street party. Told himself it was because he was bored, that he’d make you pay for the Soju—nothing more. Definitely not because he wanted to see if you were having a good time.
Is glad he did now, as soon as he got there and spotted you he saw you with a bunch of rando’s. Knew that as soon as he couldn’t see Valerie by your side, she had fucked you over.
“It’s fuckin’ cold. Home. Let’s go.” Jungkook stood up, jumping off the Merry-Go-Round with an exaggerated stretch. He watched you get to your feet, then couldn’t resist—pushed the metal bar as you stepped off. His laugh echoed through the empty park as you lost your balance and squealed when the thing spun beneath you.
You look up at Jungkook, "You fucking asshole!", You manage to jump off, lunging at Jungkook as he runs away.
He lets you chase him down the street to the House Of Balloons, calls you a 'slow fucker', tells you that you run like a little bitch.
Jungkook’s hand presses lightly against your lower back, guiding you through the house without a word.
“Just go to my room, you can call a ride or some shit. Everyone should be asleep, don’t wanna wake ‘em,” he whispered.
You stepped into his room, the familiar scent of chamomile washing over you—a soft reminder of the last time you were here, on your knees. After rummaging through his dresser, he tossed a black shirt toward you without meeting your eyes.
Catching it and tossing it aside with a casual shrug. “Don’t need it. Ride won’t take long.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes, his expression giving away exactly what you both knew—that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
He quietly slipped out of the room, heading downstairs to grab a couple of bottles of Soju. When he returned, he was half-surprised to find you standing by the desk, draping your clothes over the chair, already wearing his shirt.
He flops down onto his bed, discarding his own shirt and throwing it onto the floor. Grabbing his TV remote and opening the bottle of Soju with his teeth.
"Gossip girl?" He offers as he lets the lid drop from his teeth into his lap.
You move yourself beside Jungkook, lean your back against the headboard and hum softly in response. Both of your eyes are locked onto the screen, silently passing the bottle back and forth between each other.
Jungkook's mind, however, was a mess. This wasn't how he did things. Never had been. He had rules-strict ones: Fuck, cum and get the fuck out. Which he is now, shitting all over. He had invited you in, pretty much asked you to stay and is letting you watch Gossip Girl with him.
And then there was the other rule. The one he had never, ever broken before: never fuck the same girl twice. But with you, everything was starting to blur-he hadn't exactly fucked you twice, had he? He'd fucked you, and then, well... he'd fucked your tits. But now, everything about it felt... fuzzy. His thoughts were blurring together, his rules, his actions. The lines were getting hazy, and he couldn't quite tell where he ended and where you began.
He was watching you from the corner of his eye, how your neck bobbed slightly as you swallowed the Soju, how your legs were bare under his shirt, the way it rode up your thighs as you sat next to him.
"You gonna take the bottle or keep drooling all over your bed at my legs?"
"Fuck up, D.D." Jungkook took the bottle from your hands, his fingers brushing against yours slightly, sending a warmth that shoots from his fingers brushing tips, right to his cock.
He shifted slightly, downed the remainder of the Soju and placed the now empty bottle on his nightstand.
"Should I call a ride or you gonna fuck me?"
Jungkook's eyes shot to yours, hadn't expected that—Fuck, he also hadn't expected it to make his cock firm.
His eyes darted back and forth from your eyes to your lips, fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck it. His hand moved before he could stop it, reaching out to grip your jaw, pulling you toward him. And then, his lips crashed against yours, desperate and full of need. His thoughts spiraled, and all he could focus on was the heat of your mouth, the way you tasted.
Messy. Hot. Intoxicating. His hands grabbing the sides of your waist as you shifted to straddle his lap. You kissed your way down his neck, a trail of warm, soft kisses.
"Fuck, D.D." His hands roamed over you, squeezing your tits roughly, sliding down your sides before finding your ass, grabbing and pulling you closer. A low groan escaped his lips as your hips started to roll over him, the friction driving him wild. "Want you, fuck— need you."
Your hips continue to slowly roll over Jungkook's hardening cock, the fabric between you both causing friction. You pull your head away from Jungkook's neck, your palms running down his chest slowly.
"No one's stopping you," you murmur.
Jungkook's hand grabs your jaw again, pulling you in for another heated kiss. He pulls away after a moment, his eyes scanning his bedside drawer for a condom. He hisses out a frustrated ‘Fuck!’ when he realizes he's out.
"Shit, I canrun down to the convenience store? Or see if one of the boys has one?"
You look at him with a raised brow, your hands slowly trailing lower. "You clean?" you ask softly, your touch sending a shiver down his spine.
"Fuck D.D, yeah 'course I'm fuckin' clean." His own hand moving up under his shirt that covers your body, right to your chest, slips his hand under your bra and grabs a handful of your breast.
"You sure?"
"You callin' me a slut?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes, takes your nipple between his two fingers and rolls it slightly. "Haven't fucked someone raw in like a year, tested last week. Clean."
"Give me anything, and I'll get a hit out on you." Your hands hook underneath the hem of Jungkook's shirt that’s hanging loosely over your body, pulling it over your head and onto the floor.
Jungkook lets out a soft groan of approval, his hands immediately coming behind you to unclasp your bra and throwing it to join the shirts on the floor.
"Fuck." His mouth moves to your nipple, wasting no time to swirl his tongue around the hardened bud, grazing his teeth against it softly.
Your head rolls back, your hips beginning to roll over his again. When you look down and see Jungkook's round eyes looking up at you as he sucks on your nipple, you think you simply might pass away.
You lift your hips slightly and let Jungkook push his pants down and kick them off. You watch as Jungkook's hand pumps his cock a few times, his other hand resting against your hip slowly guides you down.
You press your core to the tip of Jungkook's cock, his hand still at the base of his cock moves slightly to rub it over your folds a few times.
He watches as your lower lip gets caught between your teeth, how your hand holds onto his wrist that's holding your waist. Watches you slowly begin to lower yourself down his cock. Each inch entering you earning a soft whine from your pretty lips.
"Fuck D, so fuckin' tight." Jungkook hisses through his teeth, his hands moving to your tits, squeezing them roughly as you sink down to the base of his cock.
Your eyes flicker up to Jungkook, your hips beginning to roll over his cock. He looks at you, his pouty lips resting ajar, his eyebrows pressing together each time your hips roll.
Jungkook's hands wrap around your waist, holding your back as he moves his legs to lay you down against the mattress, He settles onto his knees, grabbing your knees and spreading your legs apart.
He lets a drop of spit fall from his lips down to your clit, pressing his thumb against it and rubbing small delicate circles over your clit.
"Fuck. Like that, fuck-" Your hips angle upwards, grinding up onto his cock as his thumb presses against your clit.
"Yeah- Fuck yourself D.D. Just like that, so fuckin' hot."
Your hips roll in synchronicity with Jungkook's finger rolling over your clit. Jungkook's hips snap forward, needs to feel your walls contorting around his cock. He lets himself press himself fully into your cunt, slowly sliding out and slamming back into you.
His pace quickens, "Look at me D, watch me fuck this pussy." His own eyes lock onto your half lidded eyes, your lips parted for the endless moans that beg to escape.
His hips continue to fuck into you, only quickening when he feels your walls tighten even more and your finger comes to your clit to help your orgasm wash over you.
"Don't stop- gonna cum Kook, fuck."
Kook. Jungkook thinks he's gonna cum from hearing that alone. Only makes his hips fuck into you harder, his hand coming to squeeze your tit, "Gonna cum on these, yeah? Gonna be a good girl and let me cum on these?"
Its over. Jungkook's filthy mouth is enough for your fingers to quicken as they circle your clit. The feeling of Jungkook's hips slamming into you filling the room with lewd sounds, is all it takes for you to be creaming over his cock.
Your walls pulsate around his cock as your head falls against the mattress and your back arches as your orgasm takes over you, your moans growing desperate as Jungkook's hips don't falter in pace, the over stimulation making your legs shake slightly.
"Fuck, so fuckin' pretty. You're so fuckin pretty, you know that D.D? Could watch you cum forever."
Your hand comes to cover your face, only to be slapped away by Jungkook's, "Don't hide, need to see that pretty fuckin' face while I cum, hm?”
As your fingers wrap around Jungkook's hand that's holding your thigh open, your nails dig in slightly, gonna cum again if he keeps going.
"Cum for me, cum on my tits Kook, in my mouth. Wanna taste you."
Jungkook groans out, his hips stammer into you a few more times before sliding out of you and standing by the edge of the bed, "Up, knees. Gonna cum."
You're on your knees, hands pushing your tits together, Jungkook's hand comes to grab your hair and pull slightly to inch your head to look up at him, his other hand jerking the fuck out of his cock as his moans fill the room. He had wanted to fuck your tits again, but as he looks down at you, your eyes slightly glassy, hair messy and your lips resting ajar, he doesnt have it in him. Is cumming.
You feel Jungkook push your head slightly, opening your mouth as Jungkook presses his tip against your tongue, letting spurts of hot cum shoot onto your tongue, let’s his cock move to your lips, your chin, down to your tits. Wants you messy.
He leans down slightly and rests his forehead onto yours as he lets the high if his orgasm settle, "Fuck, D.D. Don't know what I'm gonna do 'bout you."
Jungkook is quick to grab the pack of wet wipes from his bedside table to clean you up. Doesn’t really want to, would be happy to leave you like this, thinks you look devine covered in his seed.
He sits beside you on the bed, taking the view of you holding your cum-covered tits, lets out a small grunt of appreciation, wants to reach into his drawer for his disposable camera and be able to see you like this whenever he pleases.
He brings his head closer to your chest, replaces one of your hands with his own and squeezes your breast softly, runs his finger over your nipple. When he hears the small whimper escape your mouth, he swears it's the most intoxicating sound he's ever heard.
He lowers his head, brings his tongue to your nipple and licks slowly before taking it into his mouth. He looks up at you, see’s you looking back down at him, doesn’t want to stop, knows he should. He releases your nipple with a small pop and drags his tongue up your breast, coating his own tongue in a layer of his own cum.
He brings his free hand to the back of your neck, brings his lips to yours and swirls his cum coated tongue with yours. Heavy breaths, soft grunts exchanged into eachothers mouths.
He sits back upright, brings the wipe to your chest and begins to slowly clean the mess painting your chest. It’s quiet, no need for conversation.
He stands up and heads towards the trash can beside his door, throwing the used wipes inside. As he grabs the shirt he had given you earlier, he tosses it your way, “Go, shower. Use the white towel, it’s softer.”
You head to the bathroom, letting the warm water wash away the sins off your body, you don’t take too long, its late, know Jungkook also needs a shower.
You return back into Jungkooks room, taking a seat back on the bed, Jungkook throws you a quick glance as he gets ready to shower, “Don’t fuckin’ go anywhere, alright?”
Jungkook returns a short while later, his hair still damp, pushed back, wearing nothing but a pair of white boxers.
"You can stay," he says, nonchalantly as he climbs into his bed.
"Can also leave," you reply with a dry tone.
"Yeah, could stay though," Jungkook smirks, eyes glancing toward you as he settles back into the bed. One leg tucked under the covers, the other bent at the knee, nudging against yours.
You meet his gaze, noticing how his eyes, usually so narrow and guarded, are rounded now.
"Only staying for Gossip Girl."
"Only offering for another orgasm."
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gofancyninjaworld · 6 days ago
I have a funny feeling
Remember Flashy Flash musing that his long-shot investigation might just turn something up about God that changes everything? Yeah, let's admire his pretty face for a second:
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Isn't he pretty? He was right, too.
This arc has plenty to explore about 'God' and his minions and ninjas and more, but I'm getting a funny feeling, a wee tingly bit of a hunch, that we're about to find something paradigm-shifting about cyborgs too.
What's tweaking my nerve endings so? Two lines of occurrences ( I won't yet dignify them with the term evidence).
The first is Void. Back when he first appeared, my first thought was that he was a cyborg.
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Those arms look decidedly mechanical
His second design still strongly suggests prosthetic arms rather than armoured ones.
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His ability to twist his neck and limbs independently through 180 degrees and still have them working could totally be a bonus of taking 'God's' hand, but they could just as easily be a result of extensive body modification. Not saying it's definitive, but I remember so well Garou learning about how tricky a greater-than-normal range of motion could be.
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Blast being wrong-footed (or is it wrong-armed?) by Void's unexpected flexibility.
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As Garou found out to his cost, cyborgs aren't limited to the normal human range of motion.
Strange but true, body modification is not unknown to ninjas. Witness Gale Wind telling Sonic that monsterisation delivers more than body mods ever could.
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Training, drugs, body modification? Eh, one monster cell and you'll leapfrog all that sweat and pain!
So far, so hmm.
What's the second line? Well, there's ONE's tendency to wake up and choose violence. Whenever a character decides they have something all figured out, he loves to come kick over their bucket of milk and force them to reconsider the way things work. He especially loves doing that to Genos... but that's beside the point.
Anyway, back when Saitama came back from the future and derailed the Ominous Future, Genos, on reviewing what his time-traveled core had to say, decided that it was his duty to let those who needed to know about what happened. We subsequently saw him do so at great length in chapter 173 at a secret meeting, which he left, declaring that whenever Blast returned, Saitama was to be contacted as that was all they would need to deal with God.
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This is above my paygrade, but I know the right man for the job.
Genos was initially disgusted that all the Hero Association seemed to take from it was to promote Saitama from B-Class to A-Class rather than make him the guest of honour right away. However, he's much happier now. We know that Saitama and Flashy Flash meeting up with Blast was a lucky accident but as far as he's concerned, the HA was listening after all, and Blast is now consulting and working with Saitama as it should be.
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Look at him: he's so proud of how things have turned out.
It's interesting to note that Genos has not offered to accompany Saitama to whatever contretemps the ninjas and their god-bothering ways are getting up to. He came to track down a mysterious mass murderer, and the power he seeks is to ensure that he kills the guy without fail. Along the way, eliminating monsters and bad guys is the right thing to do. He can leave the really gnarly stuff to the likes of the transcendentally-strong Saitama or those with freaky powers, like Blast. He completely accepts the paradigm that his strength as a cyborg derives from his parts. There's no way that parts will enable him to play jump rope with the laws of physics or ignore distance, effort, and other unrealistic things, so this is not a plane of power he can touch, and it's one he does not need to concern himself with, as long as Saitama exists. Off we see Genos go, happy to walk the dog and go buy groceries like a contented little NPC.
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Nothing to see here, just a happy little 'borg with his dog and shopping.
With me so far?
How does this all twist together?
Well, 'God' works with whatever He finds when he finds a worthy apostle, so if Void is a cyborg now, he was one then, back when he was Blast's partner -- sufficiently strong to have supported Blast in his God-bothering activities and apparently still so important that both Sicchi and Blast are determined to wrest him from God's hands at any cost.
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Yes, he's evil, but more importantly, he's useful. What operation? I guess we'll find out.
If Void has had any amount of body modification, even if it's a low percentage, it blows Genos's suppositions about how the world works out of the water. Maybe it'll just be left as dramatic irony, for us the audience to know and Genos to continue groping around in the dark about, like how Nichirin's grasped that living and non-living parts don't matter -- it's your chi that determines how strong you are. [Yes, we know that that's what Saitama told Genos at the beginning but the latter hasn't truly learned what he meant by that.] But I have a nasty suspicion that some aspect of this will come and kick Genos up the jacksie. Because choosing violence is what ONE loves to do to his characters whenever they start getting comfortable.
Just a hunch, no more. At least for now.
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partyhardyontitanic · 1 month ago
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been havin fun with the alt palettes by also adding some alternate outfits along with it. and also being gay, of course
explanations of the references are below the cut
first pic: nathan's first design was immediately compared to markiplier so i just made the little description his classic intro
second pic: since annie's shrek-like palette is donkey it was only natural to make nate the dragon. and then the palette name is the "dragon my balls" meme, but i thought it'd be more snappy as dragma
third pic: remember when i said it took me ages to figure out nathan's palette? one palette i went through was purple and oranges and honestly i'm still partial to that one. maybe nathan's design will drastically change to be purple some day
fourth pic: made nathan mother brain mostly so i could draw annie chomping on his head. i don't know anything about metroid except that mother brain turns into a trex like beast at some point
fifth pic: so i was wracking my brain for a wario land character to associate with nathan but in the end i couldn't get the image of a waluigi nathan out of my head. so that's not so much the mother of antonblast and moreso mom's weird brother. the uncle. so the description (and i feel so fucking clever for this) is a little nod to the fact that while waluigi is always connected to wario, hes not a part of wario land at all, so that's cheating. and its also a reference to the fact that waluigi is obsessed with everyone except for him being a cheater
sixth pic: i just really wanted to recreate this screencap with annie and nathan because i feel in my heart they'd do this
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seventh pic: personally, as someone who wasn't even born in the 90s but grew up on 90s gaming reviewers of a. certain modern reputation. when i think of annoying 90s platforming mascotts desperately trying to be sonic the hedgehog, i think of bubsy. so nathan got forced into that little horrific cosplay. also i just wanna say i fucking hate the pose and face he does on the title screen of his first game he looks like hes being held at gunpoint and silently blaming me for it
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thankskenpenders · 8 months ago
Finished reading the M&R, now I have a real question: I did some research, but I can't find anything about a settlement between KP and Sega/EA (just with Archie). All I find is that it was dismissed several times and is now like "frozen". Could you point towards the right direction to get more information about this settlement? Also, only if it is ok to ask a more personal question? What is your opinion on KP's attitude towards Shade and Chronicles, and the actions he has taken about them?
My wording was a little off there. I don't believe Ken ever had a direct settlement with Sega, but Sega made Archie deal with him on their behalf in the settlement. One of the big reasons that lawsuit was such a mess was that Sega forced Archie to handle the lawsuit themselves and cover all the expenses, threatening to revoke the Sonic license from them if they couldn't handle it. I've updated the wording of that sentence in the review to clear this up.
As for the Chronicles thing, Ken's right about the game being inspired by his Knuckles comics, but it's absurd that he thinks that means he can claim ownership of it.
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neoclassic-sonic · 4 months ago
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Metal Knuckles receiving a Funko Pop and Fang receiving a Jakks Pacific 2.5 Figure (as well as Trip being announced to get one too in the next wave) all in the past year strikes a very interesting development in terms of Sonic Merchandising!
For the longest time the characters available to be used in Classic Sonic merchandising have always been Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Dr. Eggman, Metal Sonic and Super Sonic. It's always been this way since 2009 when First 4 Figures first released a line of figurines done in the Classic Style. (Two years before Sonic Generations by the way!)
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And every company afterwards followed the same trend. (... Not always. Amy and Metal Sonic's inclusion is always dependent on if the company has enough ''character slots'' to fit them and Eggman's status as a non-animal villain puts him in a unique position where he's sometimes included sometimes not but yknow potato potato) Regardless, for the longest time no other character was /added/ to that 7 piece lineup.
That is... until the release of Sonic Mania Plus in 2018, bringing back two beloved characters Mighty and Ray into the Classic spotlight. And not as cameo characters either but as main protagonists in their own right.
Now a little background is needed, for the longest time a toy company called Jazwares held the license for making Sonic articluated figurines (there were a few others who had the license too but Jazwares was THE head bitch in the industry), they lost the license in 2013/2014 to Tomy who would go on to make Sonic Boom Figurines and then regular figurines in 2017~. Tomy would lose that license to Jakks Pacific in 2019~.
During Jazwares run, they released their line of Classic figurines but lost the license before they could release Knuckles
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(They have an eggman too btw just. not included in this pack)
And during Tomy's run, they released their own Classic line too in 2017 (bundled with a modern version of the characters figurine and a copy of a comic book from Archie Sonic themed around the character...
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... well. supposed to be. Archie lost the license to the comics in the middle of the series so Sonic and Knuckles had Archie books while Tails and Metal Sonic were delayed.
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The status of their releases (iirc) were actually really... doubtful... Keep in mind this was in the middle of Sega reviewing the Sonic licenses before Forces, after cutting Archie, Tomy was also on the chopping block. Thankfully the two released a year later in 2018, their initial comic books were replaced with english versions of Sonic Comics that were posted for Sonic's 25th anniversary. These were the only way you could get english versions of those comics I think?
Amy and Eggman were originally planned for this series as well, shown off in the 2017 catalogue that initially announced this line but Tomy lost the license soon after Tails and Metal Sonic release. The fact the two even released was kind of a hail mary, I think it was generally agreed back then that they were gonna be shelved and only got to release /because/ of those 25th Anni comics.
Jakks Pacific would get the toy license in 2019 but during their first year... they would only release /Modern/ Sonic figurines. And they didn't release waves of products as fast as they are nowadays. Back then each new announcement was like a dripping faucet. Hell, from what I remember, their very first line of products wasn't even articulated figures but stretchy figures?
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We got the pinball figures in 2019 though,
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Which at least told us that A) Jakks Pacific had the license for classic sonic products and B) Mighty! and Ray!!!! First ever merchandise!!! The lack of Amy though did set us in that weird limbo were people were wondering if Classic Amy would ever be acknowledged by Sega. Especially post Sonic Mania. Keep in mind 2017 was like that soft reset of the franchise and her not being in Mania at all, not being included in Tomy's classic merchline in 2017-2018, not being included in these pinball figurines, only ever being used in promotional stuff like the shorts and two posts on twitter... (at the time) like. Amy fans were really worried for her!!! It wasn't until Sonic's 30th IDW Comic where we finally get to see her again in any substantial form and that was all the way in 2021!
Anyway, we finally got the articulated figurines announced in 2020 but the first few lines... only had /modern/ sonic stuff.
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The first two waves of both the 2.5 inch and 4 inch line only featured modern characters. Thankfully classic series figurines would be announced for both lines around Fall, classic sonic for the 2.5 inch line in December and...
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Releasing NOVEMBER 2020, our very first Classic Sonic articulated figurine and its MIGHTY. I remember being so hyped for that. It was kinda awkward since these were the first two classic toys and mighty was bigger. Thankfully Sonic would get a 4 inch figure in the wave in February but Mighty would get a 2.5 inch figure the much later in October.
Starting then classic characters would gradually be introduced in the figurine line. For 2.5 inches:
Tails would get his on January 2022
Amy on February 2022
Knuckles and Eggman on June 2022
And Ray! on September 2022! alongside Metal Sonic
After that badniks (and mecha sonic (2023)) would be joining the series throughout the years. The 4 inch line would see a similar path but with different characters kinda? After Sonic in February we would see:
Mecha Sonic and Eggman in August 2021
Eggrobo in June 2022
Ray in September 2022
Tails in February 2024
Knuckles in March 2024
Amy in September 2024
(Yes, the classic figures really wouldnt get that much releases in the 4'' line ironically enough. It's kinda accepted that, proportions wise, Classic Characters work better as 2.5 inchers and Modern Characters work better as 4 inchers. Eggman, Mecha Sonic and the hardboiled heavies would release as 4 inchers though and they work better in proportion with the 2.5 inch sonic and friends)
What was that? Yes! The hardboiled heavies finally receive 4'' figurines! Heavy Gunner in December 2023 and Heavy King in the next wave March 2024! finally after 7 years after their debut game!
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The other heavies have yet to recieve figurines but it's only a matter of time really. Especially since Fang released as a 2.5'' last August and Trip will be getting hers before the end of the Fall.
Which brings us back to my original point, We're finally getting new characters in Classic Sonic merchandising! The Hardboiled heavies were long overdue, and I was hesitant to consider them as a pivotal moment,,, they're older characters and badniks for one thing. But Fang??? Metal Knuckles??? Trip? Something must have changed in Sega's product team and imo this bodes well for the future. I won't get my hopes up and expect Bean or Bark despite them appearing in Sonic Mania and yes while they've been really active as of late due to IDW Fang the Hunter miniseries, Fang's inclusion is definitely a Sonic Superstars thing. It's safer to assume that characters who get figurines are most likely going to be those who've made an appearance in games. Which brings us to Metal Knuckles. who's a Sonic R character, sure, but his design and recent release definitely points to Sonic Superstars... where he shares his minor role with Metal Amy, Tails and Trip.... look. I'm just saying. I'd much rather see the Metal series come to Jakks Pacific more than the badniks or Rocky or Flicky or whatever.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years ago
Be Aware
Back in December, I got an email from someone claiming to be Team Cherry, the developers of Hollow Knight. This "marketing liason" was offering me early access to the sequel/expansion, Silksong, to review.
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A friend with connections to the game press quickly pointed out that the real Team Cherry wasn't sending out early access review codes and that they were actually warning users about impersonators on their "Contact Us" form. The email I received was a scam from someone looking to infect me with malware and/or steal my identity. (I wrote a twitter thread about it here)
About a month later, as I was wrapping up work on my "Definitive way to Play Sonic Adventure 2" video, I received another email, this one claiming to be someone from Frontier Foundry asking to sponsor an upcoming video for the release of "Deliver Us Mars." I told them I already had a sponsor for the Sonic Adventure 2 video, and after I was done, I was planning on taking a holiday. They got weirdly pushy with me, saying I could "make a short video" and put the brand deal there. I was too busy finishing the video, so I ignored them and moved on.
Now another month later, I find myself finishing a quick little video and thinking about that Frontier Foundry offer again, but upon looking at it with fresh eyes, it also was a clear and obvious scam. Just like with the fake Team Cherry offer, the person isn't listed as an employee at Frontier Foundry, the email they sent the offer from seems to be a personal email address that doesn't match who they said they were, and the "Contract" they tried to force on me was a huge Google Drive zip file that was password protected to prevent me from seeing what was inside before I downloaded it. The fact that they were so pushy with me suddenly started making a lot more sense.
As icing on the cake, I tried to ask the person for proof of identity, and in the month+ since we last talked to each other, their email address has been forcibly closed by Gmail.
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If you're an up-and-coming content creator, please be careful and be aware of tactics like this. It's easy to get starstruck by the idea that you're special enough to get picked for a sponsorship deal or an exclusive beta, but always research WHO is sending you that email and NEVER be afraid to ask for proof of identity. Go over their heads and check with the employer they claim to be from if you need to.
Be smart, protect yourself, and stay safe out there.
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refinedpet · 2 months ago
I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get out of work and have nothing else to do so
Get ready for an insane girls rambling review of Sonic 3 (the movie) (from now on she's going to call it "Shadow Movie")
So I've seen Shadow Movie twice now, at varying levels of high and both times I had very different experiences with how I felt about it and was entertained
This is gonna contain some spoilers. I'm not gonna go into crazy detail, but if you already wanna watch the movie, back away
First some background.
1. I am EXTREMELY NORMAL about Shadow the Hedgehog. I just think she's the coolest thing in existence and I love her
B. I have not seen Sonic 1 or 2. Because Sonic 1 doesn't look interesting to me and Sonic 2 seems neat but I feel I'd wanna warch the original first (the third didn't have the same problem because I was only interested in Shadow)
& Knuckles: I watched this movie directly after work BOTH times so brain tired
When I first watched the movie my excitement peaked whenever Shadow was on screen and would immediately dip when the focus wasn't on her. I'd get so excited with how much they were able to sell how cool she is I'd squeal and make excited gestures.
I'm gonna get into her story in the second viewing but what's important is as someone who loves Shadow, that alone and how this movie portrayed her was able to keep my attention.
With the exception of Maria and Agent Stone, basically every human focused scene just bores me in some way or another. Or I just wish it was focused on someone else. There's not too much of that but even the Robotnic stuff I ultimately didn't find that engaging in the moment.
What I'm really impressed by is how much the entire movie ties together, and into Shadow's story
They do an excellent job mixing the 3 focuses together theming wise. Showing Sonic as a parallel to Shadow and their similarities and as a result letting Sonic have alot of moments that's directly resonate with Shadow's story.
And while ultimately I don't really enjoy most of the Robotinics time on screen. I do find it interesting how it's just heavily implied that much like Shadow, Gerald Robotnic being trapped away for 50 years is what ruined him and why he's the way he is. The few glimpses we see of him in the past are completely different and make sense for Maria's characterization.
The way he refers to Maria and Shadow as "Kids" plural, showing he sees Shadow as as much of a granddaughter as Maria. Whereas in present day he's so bitter and jaded he doesn't actually care about Shadow. It's fascinating to me how none of this is directly spelled out, but told really well.
I don't have anything more to say but Agent Stone is such a good character for Robotnic to be around. He's better than any attempts at giving Robotnic henchmen in the games.
Now, Shadow's story. It's a very close adaptation to the games so I won't go into it in full and assume you know generally what her backstory story is.
But now it's time for the real reason we're here
Resonating with Shadow the Hedgehog too much as a Trans woman
So Shadow the Hedgehog is a Trans girl. This is an objective fact in my reality and I don't want to hear any one else's take.
There's a few scenes in this movie that really got me to tear up.
The metaphor with Shadow seeing an old Monster movie about an alien destroying cities, she appears sad and then asks Maria for reassurance that she doesn't see her like that.
And wow. I wonder what other group is forced to only see themselves portrayed negatively in media, often casually and in a way that their loved ones will typically ignore and continue to engage with anyways.
I also love how in the beginning it's said that Shadow was the cause of the Base getting destoryed when in reality it was a Gun soilder. This is another thing they show and don't say.
Showing that Shadow didn't even cause the harm she's punished for.
And wow imagine being ostracized just because you're different than anyone else when in reality you're not the one losing the threat and acts of violence are against you.
There's alot more that makes Shadow trans, but those exist in the games. I really love her story in this and it makes me happy
Anyways final segment
Misc things I screamed about
Chao in Space!!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!
I'm so glad he pissed on the moon
The Sonic Heroes Tails Jump they do when landing in Tokyo makes me happy every time
Live and Learn
Anyways thank you Miss Shadow I love you so much
This movie is like a solid pretty good/10
If I didn't love Shadow as much as I do I probably wouldn't ever wanna watch it again but GODS SHADOW IS SO COOL
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