#opossum boy
mimimouseeeee · 3 years
Burr: It must be hard not being able to laugh
Washington: I do have a sense of humor, you know.
Burr: I’ve never heard you laugh.
Washington: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.
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juniors0possum · 3 years
✨Lonely Opossum is searching for real friends✨
Hello, I’m Opossum and I know there are so many cool people here I would love to be friends with, but I’m not a social person and always feel like everybody hates me so maybe anyone wants to make the first step and start a little conversation with me?
I’m autistic so I probably do weird stuff nobody can understand, but I’m really trying my best here and would love to have closer contact to some of you.
Obviously I’m a big part in the LGBTQ family, I sometimes draw and I’m obsessed with making own character and stories I’d love to tell someone.
I’m also a gamer who’s really into post-apocalyptic settings, but also a lot other stuff! As favorites I can spontaneously name FarCry5, Fallout, WatchDogs2 or TheLastofUs-
As zookeeper I’m an animal obsessed. My favorites are Opossums, hyenas, raccoons, sea lions, pandas and more!
I also have music in my blood and listen to many bands every day. My favorite genre is alternative rock, but also alternative country and other music. For example I’m obsessed with FallOutBoy, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Panic! at the disco or AJR!
And I’m a real series junkie! I watched a looot netflix and also use streaming platforms daily to watch my needed dose of shows and movies. I prefer human actors, but I also know a lot about animes and cartoons.
I’m Marvel fan, but also accept DC and like some stuff from it too. Beside that I’m also really into Harry Potter🐍, Divergent or more!
My timezone sucks so I have weird times to be online, but I’ll be always there. I do get bad phases where I maybe need a while to answer, but usually i’m ultra fast with it-
So if anyone maybeee wants to be friends with me, my DMs are always open!
I can only say that I dislike small talk and "hey" conversation that end after 5 minutes
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aurorabutterflies · 2 years
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webkinzpossum · 3 years
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the chronic migraine experience is 0/10
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plushieanimals · 2 years
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Fish finally arrived!!! she’s a bit smaller than i expected but she’s adorable and I love her. Here she is with My Boy, my fao schwarz golden 💕💕
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mothmanscousin · 2 years
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mylafox · 3 years
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Commission for @/Fosbat Absolutely love this character! Such a warm leafy autumn bb!! Thank you so much for commissioning me!
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dirtboy · 3 years
I tap my awful little opossum hands on my keyboard with a vague intention of what I want to say
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crazywolf828 · 2 years
We got an opossum! He crunches! He munches! He runs around a lil and is adorable!
(definitely recommend turning the sound of for this one)
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mimimouseeeee · 3 years
Washington: There are many ways to resolve a conflict.
Eliza: Fire.
Burr: Gun.
Jefferson: Blackmail.
Washington: Why do I even bother.
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undead-dudebros · 3 years
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the lost boys with opossums for @pitiful-anonymous-vampire
-vampire opossum
-hell yeah
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webkinzpossum · 3 years
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angsty waterparks vibes bc i’m fucking yearning
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william-snekspeare · 3 years
sorry for the lack of art/posting in general, I’ve been working with an animal rehabber to rehabilitate an injured and orphaned opossum, which is a lot of work!
For those curious, he’s doing very well! He’s finished with his antibiotics and is gaining weight and eating like a champ. He should be strong and well enough for release once he hits is weight requirement. I wasn’t sure if he was going to make it when I found him, so I’m so glad he’s made such a turnaround.
I’m glad the world is going to have another good fluffy tick-eater ❤️
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cozycreaturescorner · 3 years
the best animal species are the ones that get their food from the trash i think
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I saw a post that said something about how we hear a lot of people saying "someone had it worse so stop feeling sad" but we don't hear them saying "someone has it better so stop feeling happy"- I didn't want to reblog the original post with my take just because I think that's a good message and this wouldn't be a productive addition- but you actually do get people saying both of those things. The latter is just what jealousy is and its usually said in a more roundabout way. Its whats all over adervtisements. It's actually very normal to compare your life to others to an extent, though this is a somewhat distorted view. For one, comparing *your* life to others is not the same as comparing *someone else's*. But if you never assess your life in comparison to what other people have- or only assess it in who has it worse or who has it better and not BOTH- you get a very detached view of yourself and the world. For example, a rich person might see only people who have it better than them and you can imagine what kinda behavior that leads to. But the same thing happens if you're really struggling and you only see people worse off than you- it's going to be hard to interact with people who can see that you have it bad. This is something I'm guilty of and now it's nearly impossible to socialize with anyone who isn't equally as sick, traumatized, and poor as me. Because I simply haven't considered how to interact with someone that has it better, or what that even looks like.
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