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once-more-with-anxiety · 13 hours ago
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cozylittleartblog · 10 months ago
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"content creator" is a corporate word.
we are artists.
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arminsumi · 4 months ago
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𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐨. The guy who walked into class once with blood stains on his sneakers. Got that hair up in spike buns. Wears nothing but heavy, oversized clothes that hide his physique. Heavy, dark makeup. Excessive bracelets and accessories. Earphones plugged in, music loud enough to make you wonder if he's trying to make himself go deaf. Is he listening to Green Day or My Chemical Romance? No okay, it was Mozart and Vivaldi. He's an off-beat freak always throwing surprises. Black nails with pink pinkies. Pale, slightly veiny hands that instantly spark your imagination. He wears an expression that's so brooding and unapproachable, but then then he opens his mouth and speaks so softly and so politely that you're taken aback.
Sitting down with him at parties leads to getting high and finding out that he has a lot on his mind. It's impossible to judge if he likes you or not; he's enigmatic. When he's got a crush on you, he just gives you shifty stares out his peripherals. Maybe he's not interested at all — oh never mind, now he's placing freaky open-mouthed kisses on your mouth. You know what he loves? Holding the side of your neck and slipping his pierced tongue into your mouth. At hazy parties, he sits on the stairs with you, caught up in an intense, highly charged make-out session.
He loves sleeping in your lap. He loves doodling on your arm, cute little mushrooms or creatures. He's always so calm that just being around him puts you in a zen state — "Hey, baby." he murmurs this so softly, his voice like ocean waves rolling under moonlight. His arm is quickly around your shoulders, and you're melting into him. It's just indescribable, this effect that Choso Kamo has on you — you could marry him. And honestly, it's funny, considering that he was once just the freaky spike bun hair guy who walked into class with blood stains on his sneakers.
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sanzundertale · 2 years ago
babygirl i will invent stages of grief you have never seen before
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beaulesbian · 5 months ago
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hello-eden · 7 months ago
Dead on Main time travel with a mom Danny twist.
Jason calls in a favor from someone on the justice league dark team for help with a case that got magical. the person sends him Danny. it goes well. they're both working very professionally. something happens and they end up back in time in their younger bodies.
Both of them are in the same city that they were working the case on. They are far away from home but Jason is 15 a few months before he finds out about his bio mom and Danny at this time is incubating Dan and Ellie's cores.
Neither of them quite realize the repercussions of what's Happening. The two of them team up to try and get back home. What the two of them don't realize is Danny's friends and family have no idea where he is though they are less worried than the bat family who fully believe Jason is kidnapped.
The two of them go on adventure trying to dodge any local heroes or villains. Eventually the two of them are able to get into contact with Clockwork and Clockwork tells them that they have altered this timeline too much for them to go back. 
The two of them angst about that until they have to get forced out of that because they run into a local hero. I want to say one of the Titans that work with Nightwing because then they recognize Jason but have no reason to know that he's missing.
the two of them then realize that because they're in their younger bodies everyone has no idea where they are. This is when Danny realizes that at that age he is incubating Dan and Ellie which makes him try to split off from Jason.
As Danny's trying to figure out a way to tell Jason what's going on Jason realizes that Danny is getting really sick or at least he thinks is really sick. He's getting tired more easily than before and keeps throwing up. Jason originally thought it was due to stress of the situation but it becomes more and more clear that it is not. They end up having a confrontation which leads to Danny telling him that they are basically pregnant. 
Jason tells Danny that they are not leaving them, especially not after everything that happened. The two of them decide together where to go. The two of them end up deciding the only places that they can go are Amity park or Gotham because of the ambient ectoplasm.
They can go to Amity Park except last time Danny was there it was a bad Fenton parents reveal which led to both Dan and Ellie dead with jazz wheelchair bound as well as Sam and Tucker in comas.
they could go to Gotham except Jason is probably presumed missing. Having Wayne and bat family connection is probably best for them except for Jason having a falling out in the last timeline as well as knowing that he is supposed to be dead in a few weeks. Jason knows that his death is a major turning point for his family as well as many other things in the timeline.
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yeyinde · 6 months ago
posted on twitter originally. but. streetfighterGhost.
he probs does it to escape his home life. but got noticed by a coach at local gym when he was just eighteen. would've went pro easily, but Tommy's debts with a loan shark piled up, leaving him no choice but to fight in an illegal ring. unfortunately, there's no escape when the boss thinks you're worth serious money. and the Ghost brings in a lot.
his only break comes from enlisting. a terrible decision because Tommy's debt soon come with a life sentence when he takes his anger out on the wrong man. to keep his brother out of jail, Simon agrees to fight again, getting roped into it full time. for keeps, this time.
another life of broken bones, bloody knuckles. staged fights. slowly chipping away at a debt that doesn't belong to him. mundane, really. but Simon would be a liar if he said he didn't get a sick thrill from fighting this dirty. no holds barred. anything goes. and he gives it his all.
goes and goes until he's sweaty, dazed. nose broken beyond repair. and leans over the rail to spit out blood, teeth. and happens to catch sight of the prettiest bird he's ever seen in the stands. his bird.
(well. you will be his once he's done with this fight, anyway.)
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bemp0 · 30 days ago
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Miscellaneous Arcane art
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philcollinsenjoyer · 2 years ago
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literally time for beddy bye as us butch guys say at the front
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sully-s · 1 year ago
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Space And Earth Chat
Bruce: Will you watch when the sun swallows the earth? Clark: Bruce, that's in five billion years Bruce: ... Clark: No Bruce: I would Clark: Morbid Bruce. Bruce: I understand why you wouldn't- Clark: I wouldn't becuase I won't let it happen. Bruce: It's physics Clark, you can't stop it. Clark: I can. Bruce: How? You're going to feed it more hydrogen? Clark: Sure, why not. I am a farmer's son.
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spocksjuul · 1 year ago
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My baby here on earth!!! Showed me what my heart was worth!!!!!
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ciancy-an · 7 months ago
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Try drawing that satisfying scene where Cale choked the hell out of that Adin bastard.
And I may or may not have some draft about an AU where Cale was forced to go to the Mogoru Empire as a hostage after the elf village fiascos and suffered badly under one sadist bastard imperial prince named Adin until that battle in the Caro Kingdom when Cale snapped and decided he would not bother to hide his strength any more when all his plan were in-place and the Roan Kingdom had grown strong enough. Hence the satisfaction Cale felt when he strangled the shit out of that bastard that had abused him both physically and mentally for the last year.
Still haven’t time to actually write it down though…
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peachdues · 7 months ago
Thinking about all the ways Tengen is so bold, so flamboyant, so flashy in every aspect of his being, but the way he loves is so quiet; gentle.
The moments we see him thinking of his wives — arguably, his most treasured memories — are quiet. Serene. The four of them out in nature, enjoying each other’s company. When he talks to Hinatsuru after discovering her being held captive and poisoned, he is so gentle with her. Arguably it’s because she’s, y’know, been poisoned, but all that flashiness, all that bravado drops for her, as it does for Suma and Makio, too.
And it’s so fitting to me that his love is the softest, most reserved part about him. These women are the only ones who know who and what he is to his core and love him for it; who share his values, his way of thinking. To be loved is to be known, and there is no need for theatrics when someone has seen the performance broken down into its parts, and loves each individual piece.
Yes, bold declarations of love are nice, but the soft, quiet moments of love are even nicer.
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a-most-beloved-fool · 2 months ago
I'm thinking about Gillian Taylor, lesbian (in my heart), standing on that stolen bird-of-prey on their way back to the 23rd century, and trying to figure out the correct way to (tactfully) ask if Kirk and Spock are gay.
Back in the 80s, she'd just assumed that they were gay. I mean, dressed like that? She'd also, however, assumed that they were on drugs, probably a hallucinogen of some kind, which - turned out to be not quite true. So, really, anything was fair game, now, and she no longer knew if they were gay. Maybe that's just how men in the 23rd century were with each other.
She tried to watch, to analyze their actions objectively, but with how busy they were making sure that the ship didn't explode, they weren't really interacting all that closely with one another, and she truly couldn't tell.
So instead she just stood there, next to Admiral Kirk, trying to find the right words to use, words which wouldn't be heard as an insult if she was wrong or if the 23rd century was no more enlightened about these sorts of things.
And then Dr. McCoy walked in and, casual as you please, said, "Jim, where the devil has your husband run off to?"
Husband. He said the word so easily, like it was - normal. Like it was safe and accepted, for a man, an admiral, even, to be gay. He didn't even glance at Gillian as he said it, never even seemed to consider that someone might react poorly. Maybe no-one ever did, in the 23rd century.
Everything sort of faded out of focus for Gillian, after that. She didn't hear another peep until McCoy, concerned, put his hand on her shoulder, and asked if she was alright.
She just smiled in response and told him that, yes, she was doing very well.
Because if Admiral Kirk could have a husband... that meant that she could have a wife.
Oh yes, she thought she'd be quite happy in the 23rd century.
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kittykatninja321 · 10 months ago
Actually there is something so choice about how the narrative around Jason’s death pre-ressurection spends so much time reassuring Bruce (and the audience) that Bruce has no culpability and that Jason was hopeless and even at times tries to convince us that actually Jason wasn’t even really his son so Bruce didn’t fail as a father, he did the best he could really. Bruce doesn’t owe him anything. This could be seen as an attempt to distort history in order cope with Jason’s death, but this narrative is never actually challenged, we’re meant to take it as truth. And then Jason comes back and drags Bruce by the ear and goes actually no bitch you do owe me something you owe me a death. Bruce doesn’t get to wash his hands of him. Jason forces the issue, he refuses to let Bruce walk away clean. Good, he shouldn’t <3
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hiding-under-the-willow · 7 months ago
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I caved and made the big grid, go wild 👍
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