#open to any fandom ive been in
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thegoldenavenger · 9 months ago
fluff v angst meme
💫 - Dizzy 😷 - high fever 💋 - Bloody lip 💀 - Head wound 😭 - Crying 🙏 - Possession 😵 - Barfy 🐻 - Animal attack 🐺 - Painful transformation 👅- Vampire attack 🫀- Regular Degular Gore ✨ - Glittery blood 🍭 - Candy gore 🍄 - Mushroom Infection 🌹 - Hanahaki disease 🌺 - One with nature 🌊 - Drowned ❄️ - Frostbititten 🎧 - Burst ear drums 👀 - Eye pain 🪢 - Tied Up 👻 - Asker's Choice
☾ - sleepy/sleeping ☺ - laughing ☆ - petting an animal ♘ - cuddling a stuffed toy ☀ - eating happily ♔ - in love ♕ - holding hands ▶ - sharing drinks ♧ - kiss on the forehead ♦ - kiss on the cheek ♣ - kiss on the neck ♢ - kiss on the hand ♡ - kiss on the lips ♥ - kiss on [asker's choice] ♜ - hugging ❦ - hugging from behind ❥ - hugging arm ✓ - hugging leg ☄ - cuddling together ❀ - with flowers ¿ - asker's choice!
please send a prompt with a character or ship!
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snivel1 · 7 months ago
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I'm onto something I think
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falmerbrook · 7 months ago
Since I like polls, here's another Morrowind one based on varying interpretations I've seen:
Are the "Incarnates" we see in the Cavern of the Incarnate failed incarnates (as Peakstar calls herself), in the sense that they were true incarnations of Nerevar and/or the Nerevarine that failed, or are they false incarnates, in the sense that they weren't incarnations of Nerevar/the Nerevarine but tried to be or believed themselves to be.
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seonghwacore · 10 months ago
be real honest. which member of your favorite group whose personality is actually similar to you? are they your bias or not?
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higher-noon · 1 year ago
So, let's consider
The main antagonist in 4 is gonna have a tk implant, right?
Spoilers for the phantom medal reveal under the cut (and like... all of ieytd3 ig)
The letter you pull put out of the safe makes it pretty explicit that Zor used to work for the agency (and while I have some suspicions surrounding Director Morales, I don't have much at all to base them on). This means they are definitely familiar with a lot of agency practices, interpersonal info, and supplies. They have to be to successfully plant each of those medals in a time, place, and puzzle that they know an exceptional agent would have the logic and resources to access.
Now consider all the Kinesium research Zor is funding throughout all of 3 and all of Dr. Prism's existing research from her time in the agency that we know she gave up to Zoraxis, which would likely include her development for the implant itself. The blueprints, materials, procedures for implanting and training each agent, etc.
Then introduce an inventor like the Fabricator, or a chemist like Daniel Sans, or any of the numerous medical professionals we could only assume work under the Zoraxis Conglomerate, who would be able to not only reproduce, but modify Prism's design.
We have a pretty solid formula for a telekinetic Zoraxis agent, physically unable to defect lest the implant in their brain short circuits a la mimic mask, designed and directed specifically to stop little old Phoenix.
And from the looks of Zor's letter, I'm not sure they want, or even (if I dare say it), expect us to die.
They want to recruit us. I wouldn't be surprised if another kidnapping was in our very near future.
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corcnaiism · 3 months ago
;-- getting m.arvel r.ivals blogs following me and now i wanna add my mains as muses
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deardiary1899 · 10 months ago
ok new ramble (about newsies ocs) today so sit tight inside roosevelt's carriage and enjoy the ride
FIRST, I very much adore the world of newsies and the cast, and I so often think how interesting the story would play out with different roles or new characters--
SECOND, Sue me, but I like x readers, i LOVE x readers, i WRITE x readers and i love ocs and self inserts and If whoever reading this has rummaged through the newsies x reader tag, they'd see that quite often, the reader or oc is a newsie, or, a girlsie for whatever reasons, and, while that's pretty fun, I think that we could all totally have some fun with other types of dynamics and professions!!
I believe that Miss Medda and her theatre deserved to have a bit more lore and connection with the story OUTSIDE of Miss Medda herself. Do the newsies frequent the theatre? Are they friends with any of the singers, dancers, whatnot? Have THEY performed there once? Who's to think that the newsies haven't collaborated with Miss Medda to use her creative resources for activism during the strike (that would be very cool)?
Oh, and nothing gets me giggling, kicking my feet and feeling all giddy than a theatre romance-- Your OC/Reader performing the hell out of the show when they see a certain newsie in the audience? Writing a poem/song based off them, or, hell, for platonic feelings sake, dedicating a play to their strike?
And, hey, what about journalism? What about being Katherine's best friend? If you'd still like your oc/reader to be a newsie, what about for intentions different than "because I had to"/"I felt different"/ or the like? Maybe your oc is a journalist undercover as a newsie to get the latest details? Or, working under Pulitzer to spy on the newsies during their strike (Could lead to many different kinds of conflict, imo)
Maybe some of my examples could be leaning dangerously on the edge of historical inaccuracy, but, truthfully, I honestly don't care much? Might be a bad thing to say, but, so long as it isn't ENTIRELY inaccurate, I, personally, am not too nitpicky about any details!
This is not to say "Stop making your ocs newsies!", but, if you're writing with the idea to diversify or bring something new to the table, deviating from the common stuff is pretty cool. But if you're not, that's cool too, so long as it's not hurting anyone or everyone's having fun :-)
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teabiscs · 1 year ago
so, hypothetically, if someone were to host a ship week. would december be an okay month?
i figure if kinktober is happening, november would be a good rest month, before things pick up again in december. maybe like the 10-16? or is that too much, since like hannukah is right before that and christmas is right after.
or like pushing it to january? or maybe do it like the second week of january? starting the 7th or 14th? i'd rather keep it away from valentines day, if possible.
idk, maybe march. deffs not april too close to mayblade, unless its like the first week.
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jakowskis · 10 months ago
u kno when ppl have those rlly silly long fandom-specific dnis in their carrds that are like 'dni if u think scrunglus is not glorpo. and if u think scrunglus is squeegee tbh u should die.' im getting close to that point with torchwood i cannot lie.
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dfnkt · 2 years ago
Gonna pin this because the tone of my complaining often sounds authoritative or something and it's not. All these things I complain about? Do them all at once, I don't care. I'm an adult so I use the tools available to me (blocking, muting, etc) instead of expecting everyone to cater to my neuroses. In general unless the post says otherwise I don't think any of this behavior should be banned from anywhere and even if I did it's not like I run any websites lol.
You wanna RP Bro Strider as a good, quirky, UWU soft boy? Go ahead! Want a tiny, annoying, blushing, stuttering, turbo twink as your John? Sure! I think your taste is trash and I also think that at that point, you should make an OC because if your character doesn't meaningfully resemble the canon character in *any* way then you're wasting everyone's time by rping what is functionally an OC under a canon tag.
But I also think that my complete disdain for "good guy" Bro Strider or pissy shitty tiny, submissive Johns should not dictate what anyone says or does or is allowed to say or do on any website. I just reserve the right to dunk on people's trash takes in (relative) private.
John Egbert enjoyer despite all the Dave content that's likely to be here. Dave is just more fun to ruin.
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confronting-reflections · 5 months ago
I'm considering writing a fic about a short character who ends up becoming really tall, either an AU where they were always that height or it could be one where an experiment/magic goes wrong type of thing, but idk what I'd have as the plot. It would be pretty boring if it's just their daily life but "oh they're tall btw"
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allylikethecat · 1 year ago
hey ally! i’m actually really glad that you dive into so many diff tropes that there aren’t many fics for in this fandom (omegaverse, mpreg, etc) are there any other tropes like such that you were thinking about writing?
Omg thank you so much 🥺 When I first started getting into the fanfic side of the fandom last year after being just a *fan* for years, I was 1) shocked to discover that there weren't really any fics exploring these tropes (Hockey RPF was the first fandom I ever published fanfic for and that place is the wild west lol) especially because Matty is Matty and 2) then got really nervous that people weren't just going to not be interested (which is totally fine and what I expected) but rather I was worried that people were going to be disgusted or angry that I was writing these types of fics.
INSTEAD I have been met with the most lovely, wonderful, supportive community ever (give or take a few anons lol) and I am so extremely grateful that y'all have not only given my fics a chance, but have been so supportive, and encouraging and welcoming. Last year was absolutely awful for me personally, and writing these little stories and interacting with people on the interwebs that didn't know how shit my life was, was so cathartic and I'm just SO GRATEFUL. Like I know I keep saying it, but I really am.
NOW to answer your question - hmmm those are two of the biggest tropes that I *personally* was surprised not to see and was like "Welp, time to write it myself!" especially after seeing so many jokes about Matty being in heat when he does his little whimper moans on TikTok. I know it's not in the same category as mpreg or the omegaverse, BUT I am super excited to write a Vampire AU - as a proud millennial who grew up on Twilight this is my MOMENT and I am READY (everyone needs some Vampire!Fictional!Matty in their lives and I'm honestly surprised there isn't more of it because VAMPIRES!!)
If there are any tropes YOU are looking for that you haven't seen much of and are interested in, please let me know! I don't want to commit to writing it, but also never say never, and am always looking for different things to explore (and it also helps knowing at least one person out there is interested in it lol)
Thank you so much for indulging me in this Talk Shop Tuesday situation - I want to try and make this a weekly thing because 1) i love chatting about fic and 2) Tuesday is like my fav fic day for obvious reasons lol
Thank you so much for reading and being so open minded and for the continued support! I hope you had a fabulous Tuesday and that the rest of your week is the very best!! Thank you again!
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months ago
if you are my fav tumblr account, who else should i follow? any suggestions? maybe your other followers can chime in too.
oh. that's very sweet. i've been told i have a lot of overlap with @foldingfittedsheets. she does art too, i just rec her in general. if you like me for my poignance, shes like that too, plus she can draw. @gallusrostromegalus is another storyteller, and they've been at it quite a while longer than me. absolutely massive archive of stories. top quality and top quantity. i'm in awe of the quantity - some days i feel like i'm scraping the bottom of my bucket and they just keeps going, and going, and going, and going. they are kind of unstoppable. @derinthescarletpescatarian did hfy and was frankly quite a bit better at it than i ever was. if you like my fiction. they have several books too that i've seen people go feral over. on my to-read-list after i finish my cormac mccarthy binge. god help me. or stop me. they also do life update stories that kind of fit into my niche.
there's @lizardho, who is my sister, and frankly has a similar storytelling and speaking style to me. we grew up just 14 months apart. she doesn't write as much as i do, she just got out of grad school and which consumed basically all of her mental and emotional energy for the last couple years (ive only really been writing for around... 4 years? and basically started as soon as school stopped kicking my ass) but when she does you'll go ah, yeah, family resemblance here. case in point.
@miseria-fortes-viros is more fandom focused than me, but if you read me specifically for my random emotional kicks to your stomach, she is fantastic at that and she occasionally dips into greek works, which is something i've always been interested in. if you liked my odysseus in space story then this and this are gonna burn through your brain like acetone on styrofoam. also she occasionally does life stories and theyre always top notch. you will love this.
those are all my you-will-find-works-like-mine recs. i'm opening it up to the audience if they have anyone they'd like to throw into the ring.
(i'm gonna close with someone whose work isn't actually terribly similar to mine, but i like @letters-from-the-gaps so much i'm gonna give them a rec too. their poem "Bone Saints" is probably my favorite work of theirs. i think about it at least once a week. you can go through their entire body of work in like, maybe a day or two? but it's good. feels like home to me. we both love our sunscorched deserts.)
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babieken · 6 months ago
this is gonna be messy
I definitely don't think I'm the only one who feels this way, but... idk maybe im just stubborn and refuse to simply move on.
but... does anyone else just not feel the same about kpop. like as a whole concept?
after the whole ta*il thing and the groupchat thing, seeing the scale of the pure misogyny in korean society, I simply cannot see any idol the same way. and I don't even think it's an extreme reaction. we literally had the bear vs man debate like 2 months ago. it may not be all men, but its almost ALWAYS men so u have to suspect them ALL until proven otherwise.
and the worst part is, the whole charm of kpop and idols was that they were meant to feel more real and be interactive with fans (parasocial relationship). they were meant to give us the illusion that we know them as real people and not fictional 2d characters. but turns out being real ppl also comes with being really shitty ppl sometimes too.
what's frustrating is that kpop was a very... low effort hobby (especially if u were like me, a casual content-consumer and not the type of stan that spends money on kpop or cares about streams and shit). the content is pretty consistent and all you really need is a semi stable internet connection. whereas tv shows and books take years to renew for a new season/new book. sports have seasons. etc. u get the point (hopefully). and i'd say the fandom experience in kpop is also better than like movies/books/tv shows bc 1) after a certain point all the content is fanmade and 2) there are way too many debates when the content is totally fictional.
so, yeah I'm mad that I physically and mentally cannot enjoy kpop anymore. I literally look at any of my ex-faves and I feel absolutely nothing. if anything i feel empty and sad. in the sense that I don't miss THEM; I miss the way they used to make me feel. I miss the joy. the serotonin I used to get just from seeing them smile or some shit. and it's gone.
HENCE, I definitely do think that I've changed and my perception of korean media and korean celebrities has changed so me feeling very different about Wonho since his release may not be entirely on him.
I just cannot get over how different he looks. I was literally looking at his older photos ( and i don't mean like OLD OLD. like... 2022 old.) next to his new ones and my brain simply cannot comprehend that its the same person. one of them is the wonho I fell in love with, and the one is a guy that vaguely resembles wonho in a very pale and plasticy way.
I was talking to my friend about this last night and the conclusion we came to for the reason he looks so unsettling to us is that he looks... too young. Like we've all seen the joking posts abt how he's gotten younger but like... it's not a joke. he literally looks 17 in a very artificial way. I mentioned this before but he looks like he has a permenant Snow app filter on.
and It's so sad bc he was always so big on body positivity and slef-acceptance, but to go around and change his appearance so drastically? and like... yeah korea's weird beauty standards bla bla but why would he as a 31 year old man want to look 17? I swear even the way he poses and holds himself is different. the vibes are not the same. you'll see it if u put old and new pics side by side.
Idk I'm hoping I get used to this or feel this less strongly once we see him do music and mvs and just do content. like maybe if I see him acts the same way he used to it won't feel so jarring, but as of rn... I barely reccognize him anymore and i hate that feeling.
I have a whole ass rant about kpop with a focus on wonho but power is out and my laptop is on lifesupport (charger) full time now and i refuse to type a whole essay on my phone but im EXPLODINGGGGG
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employee052 · 10 months ago
[Narrator Appreciation Hours]
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I've been meaning to figure out a way to gush and celebrate all the kinds of Narrator designs that are in the fandom and overall sphere of TSP, so here's my opening for yall to send some of your narrator designs to me for me to draw!
Reblog this post with your Narrator design, and ill do my best to draw them. I wanna give my love to all the lovely designs out there, and gush abt them bc this fandom is so darn creative that i WILL gush abt your design from the hilltops.
I'll do my best to get through all of them, so please be patient, and ill get started on this when i wake up in the morning.
(this has been hella fun, but god ive been drawing all day ksdjhf)
SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED, IF YOU SENT ONE RIGHT BEFORE THIS HAS BEEN UPDATED THEN ILL STILL TAKE THEM, BUT ANY OTHER SUBMISSIONS AFTER THIS ARENT GOING TO BE DRAWN (Im so sorry if you missed the timeframe to submit yours in btw, as much as id love to keep this open for as long as possible, my hands are starting to hurt from drawing all day and i miss drawing my guy aksjhd /lh)
tysm again for all of your submissions! please check the link to the finale for my final words on this whole thing kasjdhaksjhd
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bigfatbimbo · 7 months ago
I know you asked for something with Ford and i’ll request something for him once i brainstorm it up i promise T-T
BUT with the Sub masochist Bill, i can totally see where it’d go. I feel like Bill would be the type of person to never even think about touching himself, because the whole ‘trying to end the world thing’, and he was too busy with all of that and experimenting with pain in the human body it never even occurred to him that pleasure would be as awesome as it was till the [insert reader] showed him
Like literally after he figures it out he prolly wouldn’t even wanna stop. Man could go hours overstimulated and sex crazy because after a while of getting overstimmed it hurts insanely bad, but that’s lowkey more of a reason for him to keep going.
And whenever you’d tell him no to fucking or you’d be busy or something, it’d drive him literally nuts because ‘how dare you reject HIM.’ And he’d think it would just be casual questions of ‘Sooo you wanna have sex now, toots?’ but it’d get the point where he’d just be BEGGING you to touch him.
Speaking of touching himself, like i’d said before, he never really had till his first time with you, and whenever you’d reject his advances he just couldn’t help but touch himself while throwing a little hissy fit about the whole thing. You’d once walked in on him in one of these moments, on the bed, dick in hand while ruthlessly beating himself off. Sometimes he’d even slap himself and things of the sort and imagine it was you doing it and that usually through him over the edge.
ALSO FLUFF 🤩 So i don’t imagine him to be the most open about cuddling or anything but when he’s in the mood he’d get upset when you wouldn’t. Sometimes he just forgets you can’t read his mind. But honestly he seems clingy in the type of way that when he’s not horny out of his demonic mind, that he’d learn to just enjoy your general presence. Even when you guys aren’t having playful banter, he would bask in the silence knowing you’re there with him by his side. Don’t get me wrong, this man is a pest and would never admit any of this outloud, but he also feels as thought you know it so he doesn’t HAVE to tell you.
ONE MORE THING: Star gazing. now i really need you to here me out of this one.
So his dimension (or whatever it was) was destroyed, right? And even when he eventually came to earth, he must’ve been traveling in the stars for a while just tryna find a new home. So sometimes when he’s really feeling it, you guy’ll be on the roof to your place and he’d point out the general direction of where is dimension once was, or even go into detail about constellations he knows you don’t know about. Like i said this man is not a gooshy-ass person and can be a real dickhead to you more or less all the time, but i feel like there would definitely be those insanely rare moments where you could look at him and see a bit of human in that demonic entity (BYW ITS BEEN A WHILE SINCE IVE BEEN IN THIS FANDOM SO I MIGHTVE FORGOTTEN IMPORTANT LORE SO LEAVE ME ALONE 😭😭) Anywayss lemme think of some Ford shit to keep you sane pooks 😌🫡
-👻👽 Anon
I love asks like this because you guys literally do all my work for me. Much love Alien anon, much love. Also oh my god??? Everyone took my Bill fic and ran with it and I am LOVING IT, you people are so creative!
The fluff is actually really cute, by the way!! I don’t know how into cuddling Bill would be.. his human form is probably the most likely that situation would ever be. lol, imagine Bill experiencing the foreign need for human touch for the first time. i also like the point about him touching himself anyways-
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